The Democratic Watchman, BELLEFON l'E, PA FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 2. 1868 Infortglakotts atb I=l SD KURD lILANCIt W. M. MIMES, r. Y. BLANCHARD, B ELLEFONtE PLANING MILL BLANCHARD & COMPANY, (Succeomore to roientitie B(nnrhard di C 0.,) =I WHITE & YELLOW PINE ELOORING AND WEATHERBOA RDING'4, of Variour Styles i EIM VOOTV , !S, SASH, BLINDS, 1 ~... SiIIiTTEItS, AfOULDINw; 71,11- Work of (-very Descripticti liiinerfie lour u cu full guilt 110,1 clari ." The. L.liter be, on 1,1 4; .1 3 L o t ler 11111110 1111 i 111,0irr ',lite,. lilt . ) ate al; I: I N Ni; W A It .1 NI I; and ire far fl r 111. , •1` p !lit ]/I1 r p„Lt pl,.i...ttt I I,y nn II 11% ni II 1 . 2 :a It 1.1 I \ 16,1(0:. un it , r, with „or v•ta: - DRACEETS-OF ALI SIZES and J' ITTFICC,..; rondo t onlir Ilav 141 . 1 4 K LI:1 'S PATENT LI M 13E% I It 00 , ruanufActure our worn Ir ti 'fllollol (WU. Sr.A.O.N I.I;MBER FT om 4'w. FR krTOR 13111.1)1:1; \ Tf:'li!. t 1,1.1 :-.()1.1 4 1 I Ifo 1;::1.1.1:} \ Tr. ('l:\ l' 13 Iv uk_IUD TIME! =II W 'I!;•• ith 13E1 JE \I 1:1,111 repaired in t 1 1 . 'l7 1 - ILrran led MIMI JOHN 11. 11.1IIN at N , 4 1:11•h'I A ,11,1 e LW Yol7lt LIFE' Ihts luny be done for the benefit 41 those yOkl I”te 11114 st dea.1 . 40., to render their eolonhor ca 0 1 rtalde, Dhoti 141 31,11 Le ratted avray.or it teeny ten done for your own COM fort when re 4 merle. neo.t rongen nil. or Ii discharge, sou e obli:at HMS to creditors. THE umn,r) tifitTEi INtit ANCE COMPANY, OF NEW 10HE entabiodied to WA, having aneet amount ing to OVE It $3,000,0110, to vestal in beet secant:es, tillers special inducements to lie patrons For Looks, paper, or infortuatoth apply to .1011 N P. IVINGATH Agra! ly U o llefonte Pa. *initbing. - -_ N lea 111:/1CliNhilT11 81101' ! The people iff LtePefonta and s teit,.ty are very re.peettully Informed that the under signed has leased the lilackemith shop on INWARD STREET, BELLEFONTE, where he will he at all times prepared to di any knd of work in his line. Particular attention will Le paid to II OIL S 8 811011 I N 1,1 Iron% g Wagona, r Keptialn g farm lopknemert. All work- guaranteed 13 12 ly J. A. S. MALORY E DWARD V. MILLER. 111711 ISAAC P. OI i A I.FANT & CO., W holesale dealers in AUCTIUN IYRY-UOODS, NOIIO3II &0., AO., inb 'tzttioncr)) E HOOK ST() II - ,Y+llnl,l•;ti.ll.ii AND ItEC %IL Slit y 11'.`1/1A J.W i on p. Hoelin.ed Ore Ito,k; NL!MN etitahliiihilient ul 1C.00.4.0 011.1 1:01,U001 in Allegheny rites-I, near the Diamond, to Inch he hits just add"! a large 1000100 01 e. 0014. ouch as is generally Lela'lnn wel, tr.iluele I and [Loy Store. .trek . 4:Oll,NiSi of Tlvealligical, 31etli al, Lavt, 1 4 urtilay awl :4.110.1 kr., Peeks, Pattie ii.lha,011111)101 , 1.• Ei cry Krui,lo 11.1 priee it Cap, Legal. Rill. Leiter, It isli arch Siii• Paper, lino Paper Eilielopve 1.1 every iltiper.p: . an.i Price Ps Ira. 11110 , . inktallo.lS, Elo,ooe, I{oll. her leleth, him/I.lli, lit Mill ,1•11110.,11 "lii, 1, ZllO a fin als, Lead lit nulls, Cray ens, .Lc. -ALSO Daily nnillireekli Pi ' opeefi, A!agazinen, an. , sheet a large muiply iJ ',evil and 111,01C8/1 Uhanke, vidretimil) on hand Ala.. U. S. Internal .Revenue tilany,a at fare Ile Is aim. Wnidenalto Agent tor lebraied \Veiling Fin id C. tinily noel. II ,111 , ail will to rail and ex ALAIMO or, mt,,k Ur fore part 11. I• dig el - eyenurs, an 1 can ilell at iii..ineaa fulcra pfleeS, lar books got to order ,Len 13 34-Iy. B BLKS Nu. 9 Containing six Writes, P.talinit in nietrro Record, lilt bail. and .1.1e1., No. ll' t'unttitntnz ton platrow, Apn.Ty 11,1, 1 . ..11. p}.1111 4 , 1101111 V r1 , 1, , rd, 1101111.1 rd ni 11.. H 41 1 ,25 Nu IL ,owe arranged mat. Pliutu grupll4. • 4 1 0 0 • 6,.1,140 ry i d, phutog MOO and. u• {, $5,011 No:12 contni( rig 20 plates and nlllllO as Nu 11, - No 13 C.,ntaThuilf, same ns'Nu 11, plain gwrt a rgr.. $l.Ol. palm, write rlitriCnnol otnurnonr, rnum 11 1, 110 11 1' tine, $7,.0' I 4. \ I'AM'; • , 1 1 )1U: I_l / to. tio .1 “I the NI to, ~ in illy I 11, I:1 ,1.Nr11,%1T r..vr, • 111.• r ..r . kepi,. 1.11 1,01.1 hi , 11.111 ' ertlFllili lif.'il. , /(;/1 . ' SI rriP,,r7,-- 11 , 1 11. I I: I i•I.: In ;I r 1.41t1 I.s/ ti •fly. I , 11 tttounr-. I( .t u r \ ne, 111,1111 :..11 I. I.Jih ,1 ,t II,„ ~1 „ t. II 111 i. 1 , 1 I I IT at. “I P at-. 11... I kr \ olti , V ,11.•1••• •II 't t.. II:1 I V, 411(..•,, , 11.10 4.1 , ,1 LIN I ,t. o r NI ••I 4.t IncL 'NO LI .111.1.1 'I „. , I I.; I I: I \ I I ‘I =I 1:o.' •/. tit• I, 11,0 o'n ht• I =IIIEIIII 1 . k I , , 1 I .A NIL ITEMEIRMIE 11•11 A 1) l'l.A',lEr 11101 IL . 1... t‘ .trii. 1"•1. •. I I -11. \ I I 9t NI)1.1 (.) kJ, EIMIMI ./. / I Cfl.l ~ 1111.1 ) Bp.() \ I) I; III:4 : 111\i:1.1 =MI .t• d I, u tefllo,.; lack L.r•.1 1 1 e .Idd I. ar I ..I ILiI .1 it Dup. t. I ; 21/ I y l'.l I 1 J rerh burnt 11:1111 :rn.l fin 4414., Itt 11 1 ., •I 11)mi, 1.11. • , at. LI.IIE KILN the near Itelkl.Fetc leer • t ay, th,rn when ee nay that at.11 1\1 • the 1.1.1/t• IN Tile 5T.171. .1 fl.:1” 1./I'Ll aria .•in kiln. at. a 110 ruele.l thxUrl t the , sep xreted traits the bertit 111110 he- I,re it It 31C1 the kiln It ie ;'I III: BMM-11'11111, LIMI And mattes as I;u° a finish as the lime burnt !rural the warble quarri aui the eastern part t.l the Stun,. 'Our larthttee (or burning and ahipptniiktne are Knell IRat WE CAN IT C[ LAN: It than the Yt. gilahty of Imo earl he lord bt any other place All order+ , r Wed Addrese, .1 I: S. C. T ALIA 11 UF7I:, 12-20 liel!e:o 0 to, Pa. FOR SALM. Farm for sale bordering or (ho town of Hubler:burg, in 11 alker town ship. Centro County, within miles o; railroad and two miles from moil mine about ONE HUNDRED AND Fll.lll ACRES, cleated and in a good state ;A cult cation. The balmier, well timbered, lb. whole Iraq, is fire. rate Hine stone land will an apple and piNkeh ori hard, hereon of ter mires hearing burly, two dwelling houses thereon, a well of good water al--the door, large hank barn, Rath power house attae her Also on elegant water pricer for a gm:Anti] or factory anti ;Array ..1 iron ore thereon For further totortuation call at the premiaea. ANllo,\ltAltNiet. CONRAD PRYER, blvvcron 40111 MAY( I A , ; flit Till CELEBRATED IRON FILANIL: PIANOS Warerooma, No: 722 Arch lit , Philadelphia. lies teceived the prize Medal of the World', thank Exhibition, London, Flog. Th. hlgheat Prizes awardel wlitu and whore ever exhibited. [BETA BM/MED 1823) 13 34 tin bbr. rtir.-Alllcut • . A DEsitl,.% nr.i: 110 \IF. • 10111 SALE. The uniiii-t.igneil offers (.4 rn ir an Organ. fr,1111.• I. , are II hugo. kilt:ll( . 4 find I .I,!ellti r a lly, with four !tier at grout, t .roo I cult!, t snit is en , 1..41 anti hill fen, eNrept tho ga let toil It it h la pa ilyd. Al 4, ft farm ',tattle still tither nut littiltlingti. neaps .11rV, an I a 1,1114: iirchaiil ill all kOtulls ul Inuit with gotoi outer at the 111111 r. Thin properly as 0111110011 on OreSproto ' , re e k /11141 1 . 1111.1 , 11.1r(r turn pike new •tantly Ridge Station, aid in it gul l ed 'tan'' Cro a triverit, N-citing but totavahlable elr riiiit.Thincet COIIII/018 1110 to w 11. I`. A. P. 0. Aiiilreitr. Powelture Centro 1 Il• Pa , 13-:“1-3.11 NOTICE. Ll Lracers of Atitaintritral ion, on the total ( ' i,f %Va l 100..09 Is e Worth Ip , hat tag h e m granted to the untlersigned. hr rript o erts all per-tins knoo l uiz theinseivra 'to raid estate, t•t make lattnroliati toivirent and thton havlng t fumy against the .nine to present theui,duly authentica by law foi rettletnrnt .101 IN D WAIINER, • NANCY EtillEliTS, RI :34- -fit Adm 1/110/111orli; AS A N a lr 1 here 1111 medu ine en 11111 eh 111 'lit or 1N 111 (111.41 1 10111 :are n,.it.siinted with heir la. ti , ri {l.l 1:01.11.1.•0 1:14,,I I'lll., the, nl l lll,lll 1 1 11 1 11,10 and n,11,1 ni tlteir opt Fit 1..11 and ire r; l•gel.111'1 1 . 1,11 he takt.ll tr , •111 , 11r0i n+ rvell as adult r, try them. SLI:E1'1,1:S!; NIOHTS in.. nerv.,a• iir. t. 'mil 111 ll+ I: it, • rllne. u ;or, lore I 111101 i I . Xt/1111 wilo 1. t• Si .11 P S I,n• II I.LV .4. a. , Itol•ack% t. kl int gl lull mn At 4 +ll..g 4. 4 i• al/ r., 1 ,41,4.1 lv prvtluce 4 I. 1;Corill r4etio. I: 1 r I l' L L A I I. w .•I 1111, ty lit4i ktt itut.h , It I. 1 I t Jllll. 11 , 1.1 N 111/ 1, , ./.11 I, OMNI= i lb I . II 1 \I I lllll stew, by I (II I; u. 41 , 111.1 h. t.. Hi/ , 11 hP I i t • I r t,. Vi 1,1 1110,..1 I= (/ , I,‘ LiLi •, :unutv IMMI!11111111 lIIMI ME= I I 1.1 .1 ~II I 4 ,t I= I: 1I TAAT I 111 the meld I m rh.• 111. , 111111,; I`. ( 111 th.• •l etit'tteti tti r Ittiltt n, .11.iit1..11 ,1,.1 Nt ilr • I the Hit r, nml htteld 1d... I, ste , g le duy, tic Jitt;:ll tied sti 1 I, but the idr dittittody sitttiottni ul r trace tot evil, slid the seed, Itt dlittstto Pt, ere st Idd 111, I n 1t1tt.,4 litllllllll.lrt them u. cor ding it, the dire Iron, A.v,.10j01111) dig each the 111111. ell) tint/ diteger Wilt:terns .1.1 “I 011., .ot.; Nor A I:EN 1,R.1(.1 I alike tu..4t ..1 the loiter+ "1 the Femut day k's are ti"t tot, udud a' a ide.ostnt atwulauiuK ..110,1,y be, ehge, but are perteetly tiled. cull, old 'titling only .nifulent pure I,tti h. , 141 to ...Intel) the toed 'no I ex tractlYa tootle Inuit *loch they Itlre.llllllll4l. A F. , t oak, by I' I;reett, Drnegkt, Ijelle tunle, 13dJ ;.:111 A 113 nAToits NoricE. Lettere I.l.tillitottatration on the e, tato of Charles Smith, lute of the borough it 1'1).111-whom, dm cubed, hat leg been gran ell to the ruMorilter he retpttotti all personx knowing (beaches Indebted to card extuto ,to !nuke ituttittliate payment, and there hav ing eirt1:111 to ipreSelit them duly atithentlea tad for rettlement. =EI 1p I: 4 NUT ICI,. .41 Lett( rq of Te-lamenlary, en the •state of Pliche heeIII•, lia% I[lg lintot granted le the unfit r.ugineft, he refteepte all pOTTI,III3 1,111014111 g thetas. Is 'telt:Wt.! to eadd relate make imvaleet, and ttlf having elation pro.C.l)t them duly euthenteml t•fl Lv law, or NO' titinellt. 11,9111,1:T 1.1;E, 4,• 4:r••• WO. 0T11'1; ho undermigned havio , 4 been up noan , e,ll , v abe Court 01 Cornmeal Pleame of aaaratru u commute of the perron cud .etate of N If allibtrbit, a lomat le, hereby Ovainotra e that niljuirrona• indebted t, Raid Mato era C, uento,l t 'make onmediste !any oent, and al,oae h..vwg elaiom agent astute will pre -rat them 'o•T Melilrmnnt t 'P. r4111r1) T, 11=311 I'll Coma-min,. U ATEST NEIV Y 0111( NEWS I - - A BEA WTI FIER 'tio :8' A BEAUTIFIER oil ! those cones. ' those cones ',mitt'. Magazine for N T & ) ENRY R. COSTAR, of No. Crosby reet —is to be 'out, with', BEA UTI FIFIt !hot eclipses anything ever know in this line. the Ladies are wild with delight One Lady 'ays, 'I know it's right,' and pointed to a skin as fresh, soft, and delicate an a "II dd. Another Lady said, 'lf it cositilo,oo a bottle, I d hare it „ and another, 'Away with all hurtful C , .11 • stirs, and give me only 'CO:sT,A 1r. , " BITTER SWKET and ORA NOB lII,OSNOMS, tor Iteabitifying the Complexion " " Beware " of wart plena imitations. All Druggirt. to lIELLEIONTE flap bottle, $l.Oll. three bottlec E 1 t O p Or addre•l "COSTAR, - No IU Cronby St N .11,,,,,n 3 l'evon.. T. ,. 213 'foil y MY' I can't stand It; but he 'MI Pent rsglit oft and vol. a 1,,A • , (3t.STA ' I II RN h1)1,VIOT bind it cured tutu '• Thouratuds of Oozes POlll. \'l ltrogg,t , se OF.I.LEFIINTE Fell it. (Jr wtolrt, "Itt , r,tit..•No lo rrte.lty St 1 • t ~star'*' Itat. It.tolt, Ate, xtvriu that a# , tar r 1:141 1.‘te,1111,1/11 1, r, a Auuly /Iwo,‘ler. Iton1,11(4 ir- v.. 1.0,11 I, .1 In Nyv l ark' 2 000 ji• , (CS ikkl mann! It ltirr.l =I I,) •t..l by mull fpn rt. rill yr, .12 Oa b.r nuy tur,o sl.uu ni , e4 by hap., A.l.lre I, CO' \ 1. Ell= 11 11 Drugg,i , 1,1.1 ur ull :urge Citul ~ 4 .;ro 1.11101 '"N• F. / i., I r v oi. t`4 4roe otr• •tv A .. I= e $:$11 $ ss•lly MEM I \ i he, pr ,' ••, I ipl•or wltn It Are 111 1 , , , 110 I rerilltrt f -f a lite I I eLperienee , !I, 4,1 ih I=llllllll i, ii1,1%!1 h h ii. I [v d ;1,1 v J.; , r r. p•i iig th .1 , 11 Ise laie , 11114 11 .11 1 1, s. r. • 11111 sill ri.o• nil u: 1,, too ,:n (1111-1,1,4 r. DR I 188 I:ivinglon'ht II Jlis.ix L 1E ,T, .4d,., f,it.trogu, Cgortat'o lAoluinn THE PEOPI,I4 CREAM EXCII ED •(' 0 .11' A ll'S' l'it EPA 1:A110:\:4 Of [11.1f,, P lit EEN; Iti II)11 ( .41 "s-111'11'1(1N I MEI 4 • 'I ••4 4 rrr•.ui L 1.43 14.0.11Ut 1411 SLVERIt'S, New York Clt'y / / I. /- Ergat Noticess.- SHERIFF'S SALE. • Ily virtue of Sundry writs of Ventheioni Eyponias .ut of t he eOll/ of Common Pleas of Centre county, and to He dit•ecteil, nrli be exposed to public sole at the Court House in Bellefonte, oo Thursday the 15th day of Ilitober. 1868, the fol owing proberty, All the right title and interest of de I fendant in and, to all that.eeriain tract of Irma militia° in ;ton Townsuip Centre couniy, begining al a past, a tfornei of land belonging to Thomas Loughry thence west IMO per. by survey in the name of ./ Iliirron thence north 2:111 per by land of A It. Hall, lo a post thence 300 per mod by land attics Snow Stine land masociation to a post, thence rout]) per to p ace of beg mug, Con mining 406 acres more or Irms. Biung the same tract, conveyed to 1 NiShip ley by deed from Rai nabam Shipley, da t.Z•d August lot, 1863, thereon 'erected a frame [Muse, a hank barn and other out 'buildings, afoul seventy acres cleared and in a state or cultivation. Seized, taken in execution, and to be mold as ths property of Alexander N Shipley. Sole to continence at one o'clock of said day. I). Z. KLINE, 13 3E- A UDITORS NOTICE. Weaver, Davidson k Co., tr. (1. R. Wolf. In the court of cointnon plena of Centro county , No. 47 August form, 18101. The Auditor appointed by the Court to woke distribution of the fund in court, oriving on the above writ among the lien erril ItOrh legally rulitlyd thereto, will tore the pekTtlea interested 10e the purpose it hie . vt , mr ,i, on Tri”nrifty the loth *lcy or (fiddlier, A. D. !SAS. at Io_ o'clock., a. ,of wild day, at hie officc in llell4otife S. D. (1 It tY, .11ohror A COBS NO AL The uu r ivied an anti Itor oppoin tad by the Orfliso• of Centro county to Make dl.tributton of t.ha =catty An— nut hands of Win. F. lieynold s and (I Vf. Yll clllll, exrrulore of the fart W 11l WWII testa meta ot Drbnran, derert,,l, to and ninontt; tho, p rsons logally entitled th wit rid to the duties of his appointment at his office in t , ou TUt• Jay, the such of 0, totter, A U , Inks, it I A . , 101 k of p ul. of so id Jay, when ntlfllt re all pe rtioll Intere3tul una y attend t the) rte proper A (.1' Lt :tti it '...K• Auditor k uDit illy NO I('E r it In flio tnl rmmon Ple, of 1 ill .1411 t) ht Ulidt 41 .10 iii tor ~111r011i.4,1 Lt n,ud ~nut, I ill-1 rl 1111111 n the 11,10 ;, • lIIIIt , 11,111.1- ••I i) :•11,1,1, nil 119 C mini the sole ul Ih. p.opt It) o, ILII/.111,41i ,iti the lii- alT. ,, tottiii tit at hi. „111., , In 4,114.1.•1410, oil M. 4 1 ,1111, 11, 1.,1,1 2101, I•^4NC , L tit 0.4.0 p w, Ml w loch lute and p 1.,. I' Il I purl it n is-rl rely 01,1,1 It tt,r) ete I.l,riwr 1 It, 111.N1)1,1t - iiN, Wt 4 If Tl.\ kiii) !-troy t .111 :Ntrayed Ilia 111/11.1rider, 11.. r ,1.111/$l, !i•VI11•1111. • Is • 1 ••5•• 111 $1 5 111. II 111 . A 111 . ..1110i the alnl.,rl de Liu d 1•14 t• milker °to, I ill, I , ;1/1 II I ry •tit it tt OA I 010 I. (.1 INtnlll \ I In I II 4.. .4 .Ntot .0111 • 114 14 II II 1 - 4, 1,1 it 111 tr, I MEE N..t.g , n ttfrety t.. nil pe..1.1.• on It /11. (1.11( al. ..oar 1 ...11 11 .n. l t• .41 1 .11 /.1 1 . .1. I.ts ..t , i 0,. a , 1, , r 11,i I . 1. r • 1.1,r, int rp,.1.1z,g .11 it .pt 1,4 I ii..t • .nlll IMIMMI I ,k s•nt %In n hill , 1,41 4i0.• Lila! a I 1.., IV p•di le, I y ilti• r. I , a /dila at,d LW% and a,. or•dn,, t„ I4lr t• Irn o,•nditl 111 1 , 1 tilt II 0101/ 1,01.1 I ul,.n•n ,' u, It,. 011 / ..11.1 f 1 .1111 =lll =I ~10) t n0.1,1p tin I pr,,,t1.11 J ANIL.; II I, Il'ro N , r , I Li 1,1,1;!•:: : t11 , 1 1:, ‘1..1 .,,th I 1.111'111.} 1,1.11. 1.1111 1,11011/1) w liit hin hi ..n VI, ilhe..lay w ith i.nPiiitr•g nog pi I. II I. the 1.1, 1 , 11. e of 1111. P/11,11,1 111 111111 1..11 111 1.111 1,11 111 11.11 I 141111111,T) Bird higher 1:11141,11 14.1111116 i M.1.11e11111111,1 Aro Wet 1.11,1 Mllllllll 1.411g1/.1,4e•. It /Oh 11l,10111g 111,1 111 11 I lilt di. 10.11.1 , ,1 p'• (.•11r, , 1 (1.)111111 wrn k a jov. to IJILI •11 1.1/111 1 /1 41 111,1 11,1111.11e111111 'llle .1.,.11 i e rr tr•r (he . 1.1.11,0 4 will gilar.l.•.l rili rprr eii r err' ho pcli4.l.tto 3e.1.1' will 411 , 11vid. , 1 Into .1 20 •xe. ks rao I: utill mn•l• , n , e,ll b, h. bl be 1.4 4, Ott l' Iln,id xyx, xud :It thu close of the >tar. IRE . $25 00 per nirpion 2!) 00 M.. , 10rn Lan? %tin_ a/ 00 " " F.,r fwd., I ai ticularn (I.ltlrean, II WI II Prmciptl or REV '1" 1.:(1A l'run't of IL T I tl. FATE hlt FAL)..4.11t1 FOR RENT. I J 'rho subAriber ofier a wr rent his Leather Factory, ritual. J One 111110 east of 811/tlFy.ttltly„ littlitilig , county, Pa , 'The contaitn MU Limes, Bate, Cle 1,11, eight Leaches, thirty eight Lay airy., o ut and in, good Water, Leather Rolling,, dtu , by II rae Powcril plenty 'if ...In, for all per place, Bark Hoare. d'e., with most of the modern renvenieuxes. Also, Dwelling Miura, Garden, , the property Ic silos one Nilo of Black Log nottUntallt,enn excellent bark country Nor particulars, adiress. ICO. SW I N E. Shirley-Alum, lientingdon. Co., Pa. El a 6 4t - STItAy SIBEff.: Strayed away from the glibt•eri tper, iti Benner about the Ilth of August'. u white otutir with a few red ottani on him.% Ile we.. about 2 yearn venni old. A Ilheral toward will he paid for luforme.tion llw nill lead to It ie recovery. ELl.l;i 8E.41:/.011,, 13 37 --At. Bellefonte. sZl'tc'fi elolumn, COE'S fIYSPEn+Lk c TE, ,CON'S DYSPEPSIA COE'S DYSPEPQIA CURE COE'S DI SPEPSI.A. CURE. COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE. COOS DYSPEPSIA CURE ('(IRS IIYSPEP,SI4 COP.s' DYSPEPSIA ('pp DY,SPEP;•IA!UK Ilia world renowned remedy for thn on failing cure of D Bl' l'S IA , • hr, Aviror,.. nr A col tty Storwrrh, /him", ny /•,,,,,/ , Ltlx.ifotdr. U', tal of Mt' Sit/17/ (II h a nd 11.,1,1,1, Is urged upon the attention and 11101 of sufferers from this most hombleof xil eases, Dyiipennia shows its ravage. ;,, thmifiand different forme, such lleadache, Heartburn, iDepreseion, general cease of uneuniuese and feeling that yi n; are not well. Food distresses you, rises end sours en your nioinneli ; hn nth in tied c h in at timer; is flushed end hot ; don't feel as ir you could movc, or stir about, and worst of all, Indigesvoli or Constipation, MO nothing more or leas then Dyspepsia Ti.. ip th d. upon thousands stiffer end die this I•ny, and neither themselves m.r their know what ails them, except that they an Surely dying. Roeder, we repeat it, this is ell Ityou would have timid of our statement, if you would love yourselves and I hil run from at early grave, if you would hate m oath, and energy and strength, again we be,; you to try one bottle ol coi S DYSPEPSIA CUItE will see Mow loon it will thopel y•ur Lad feelings and gloomy ftrelcoltn ls soon it will chase away any s ps t ns of pepsin. 110 w 1111111 It will gist you 111111111 and vigor, and litre soon it sill taaSo 4 well 11191 r, or wotnan ul you For tour awn ,ka, for the sake of over)botly buttering, we Log, we entre t you to cry it. Fur Lti rr Lwnplornl ,t herange It in a Sovereign Iten,edy, while 1.. r Fever and Ague, and all those duet it t.t,t h ate go. iterated in a tuiasittarte itti.ias, it 111 V 32111111 W . 0%221111111 , 0 IV i l'l/112 h it its erondi idol medicinal matt in ty not stand alone °rip our statelio tit ee np,• pen.' a few Utirooollo . iltoti Rehm' 1.111 140311 Wilo,o 1,21111 , 0 Hrs.,, rely on I 2.1,1,g 10.11 11, gal/. DP Wl'l 1.10 , I. their err uII 6. 1..: I. 01 !11l 4/111,11 , 11, 31. , 1 lam wai t lLem 'hi nob and ( . 42111 I. 11 , ,L2 1/14 . 121..• lin 1.4 1111/Uli. • u. ,i...1r , ,ti rho,. II 1,.,!1 ...111 It ih,o tq v.,r, • r,. FIN= MILWRI RYE. 111 a, 71,1`••• Mr•Fr4 1; CI AHK it CO ,un bah ,infrrelt wnll with haven u•c I An Ks Itr•p. I urr, awl if p.r e /' r • t'l . ~it r•tart•irr IV( r. I . l . I hare 4 .11 firs, 3nn 311 r.t, 3112 that ni h ni r I:1: 1:1.1:-:'1 I rr., L I D 1 ~r , \lt ••1".. MENEM ~T p .r. 4 -it .‘ ro• 1.4 1,1•1 Ir , the 11. t. 1,)•1.1 I r , ,i1.14 I •1 , 1: , -1 I Ar t•-• I ri tit I. or. p.r..-11..1. I r =I 411(,1; cI).T. CI 1;11) IFr ,111 k I'A l't errl ilr PI t •,I H ll' 14.0.19'-'l'% . 1 / 4 •• I tet.l. g•at rtrl4l.rr 111 tt r, r-t1 it ti, t / it ,, 16 i., ti 'lr . ' .11 1. II 11,/' }' tL.u. I t, I h.i r L 1 . n 11. u, l t 111 r. ll> ii -e l'• i/%•14 J., 4 4 , 41 Y 14 le 44 , 1- 4.4 I lint 441 Loh. 11111 , 111, I 11,1 , rt • =I .ts,l kttpl “I t • r vt ~11.1 or.. 11111 , 1 11, • tit 10.1 ill* 11,1, \% !111, Ita I/ re Alia , 6+ IA ,/tllll elO.ll, 1 %. , •11 I .111 11,,11111 , i I. itl'erly L , II 1,11., I -,•woll1411.0 a, ot %ult. CIO • • r 1 ~Is 1;1 ti ,t. rota. , r; , ;; ei Ii .tse a itttle t h., )41 iv L I I , near IL L wh It II n., , ," ill it 0 11 Lir, a al l ow ni t u g pa s I otti tba 111.11 u 1 1.1 , ,k the first ' no .1 o Ite I cas. 1,1111 n , A" •g•renv•.l,.l—t 11 11 110. and Ilk 41 ,1 "r : l' ft him 1111 1 yr 1.1 11 , e 4..1 any In .1 ~•t 111. 111 II I t IX 111,1 I hi. now 14 11,4 • Lulu, 11 ,i 1 11, 11 lit 31) 11.13 10.1 •, •11+nlrrt •, I by all, I WI% 1.1 ii., .ILi 111 111 1.1,11 16111 fir IL 11 M e It wax it mirhl 1., till I I 101/L , but 1 11 111 11 , ,W 11011 r , .uruu•ed, II iok 1 11411,1 Iw•en not suer. ly I let L.ll, l,ut pt nullneully elnn•'l. 1 rent onmy re. ou mond Coe'. lI)•p„pnIt Cure to all v let tion of tlytriitryit linA At; I La? , Pastor of the I:ea, yr' t M Allegbany. HOME TES rimos Ditto , HAVY.K, CT., Juno I, 1467 :%ler..rn C. 0. CLAnK b. C. Users,- lining an noun, from the great ben• Slit (trtv,d, to tIIISISL 5u spreading the fame tit rou'r lrysprpsia Cure, I would silt,' in) case S onething oser a 3 OM' lllg., I oad 3 violent attack of Diarrit we, which lasted nigh weeks, during which time I mut toyed three physicians, hut without relief, until rrieil roe's Dyspepsia Cure. 'rho first de+e helped me ; I took it three times a day for a week. and was entirely oared , and I he here to day tl at it saved my. life. Being attacked in a sunder way this season, I took one dose, which put me all right. I would advise every family to keep it on band relitly lyr immediate line, in ease of Summer or Bowel ConnTiaints. 4 C. DONN, The above Mc' Dunn is iq our employ, and we've!' roach fo). tan above statement hying true CUE S DYSPEPSIA CURE Will Mao be found Invaluable in 111 COa f Dlarrhtea, llyncntory,, Colic, Bummer Conant!'lnto, (irlylng, and In fact every die ordered conditken of the atom/soh. Bold by Druggists in city or cottutry every where at $1 per bottle, or by al plicatitm C. 0. CLABIi.,4 co., 4-31- 8 1 o y le Proprietors, Now Haven, Cl. ==ll 1.1: 4 1 Lac H r()\• MEI= I. %. A r lIMIZEI R. A RNOLD k CO