Q The Democratic Watchman. Spooial Notices, Gums TO MA NIIIAOII.-11iing Men's °nolo to Ilappt Marriage! d Conjugal Felicity. Thu butiinho vlewti oflendvolont phy„t, utnA, on Ilia Error! and A 11b0r. 10el dent to Youth and Early Manhood, sent in sealed letter envelopes free of charge. Ail drop. HOWARD ASSOCIATIN, Box P., Philadelphia, l'a. 13-25-ly 11: . 4 Conan TIALsAm,-The great pnpnlnr reteolv for eoughx, cold, clomp, who4ing ' , A ge and efooxemptioa. Both sizee eery oz al4o mammoth family bottles - r „, e,,1 0 hy II iirugutsts end dealers in med ivine4 No family Should be over night with• ou. it in the leuune. • -- Cutt'S DY,Irr.PSIA crux will Immediately relieve and permanently tare the meet ag gnwn tel care nt Dynimpal•, Flutulenny, Sear Stomach, Con•tipat Mn, and all distal; es 01 the eteinaeh and bowels. ,l'hyeicians, clergymen and all who yea itjein in lif its great virtues. - geld by Druggierm everywlere. PFICO $l,OO. MA*Writ( B9TTLItn ONLY 75 Carves Eugenie hair rertorer the rheniiert end best The Eugenio !lair Restorer eellpras all known dimoveries for tl.e rep`dity with which it riitoree gray end faded heir to its ruder il color—promotes its rapid and h ea lthy growth. prevents and slope it, when (ullniti old and Ina most luxuriant dreseing for the /lair, rendering it ear, milky and luatrou•, Mammoth Bottles only 75 cents. bald be 111011: all Druggists, 11.111 Tar I.lnnT - Ilt.A DRS' EUPHORIA I 1,1,811 Crate, Ara a 1415 , 111,1 I reparaton, In the 'gain of a Lnzunge, and are univerii ally eLn Sid ntt 11 - lira nitrite pirtromn, efertryrri &nil rm.. Portia( remedy in tire for 110/1 re/ Wee, O,AIOII. (411(111. ClOllll. rniarrh. lehrnte lb opt !wilt, Ihrtherlo, and all l'idnlowir, nay are tram owed to gyve pairker and mote lasting benefit in the above io' t i lions than any tither rein edy ; ale", to (MOO In no 1 t c e ti • • to offend tj.in weakest and Intot •en.olive ((outwit. Prom 25 rents a box Blades' Con alltutional Pills, Are no called, heimune of thitir reCtlliar do , rc.1.11 1 1 1 .',(7M , 1it effeet upon the Liver. gtomarh, Mood and Nertou• systenr For Into ity of the Liver, -rot the Stomach in derangement, Pr Dyspepsia they will dt light the pat tent 'Fhb their mild and benefimal effeet,eBpecially it from aonj continued ilidigt stion on•I eto-iiiteness, thel Are Lett with period oal returns of the yid. bra ho he In Pane of n Fen ere mold, pro dafloq Chills noel I',r, v. , u ran break it ver y by wing the Pills' us per Llll , l will, rah hos I. or role by all Drlg go.b. .1"I1N II RI, \ I,Es co , Pro proctor., N Y. , 12-IA ly DriTVISq, ll'lndne.r, and treat aal with tle. utmost •tiel r 4, by Dr. J Oe.lit-t and A (formerly of Leyden, Holland 1 No. "D!, Arch street, phin i 'lr,trinonialn from the riot rchithlt lour. ns in the vomit ry ran be reen h afro Ti na ineiti. , nl tilenhy are inched err 40epltev tbr,.c• !, cr , t , in h r . practo c tfl,r led 10/1011.11l pI In N,, lint gel "rude G,r et amine i“n 12 1,l ly j f umiturc. FURNl'lllitl: \I ABE lU)U\I Howard ntrilel, ikl!of , ritc, I'4 WHERE. B ICE AI X, SOFAS, tole, HAT II 4 CA'S, Wil 4 7' surt•. E vTF, :ASH , ,V TA It I. KS, ST AA' /).‘' einiss, STOOLS. a, of emery dracription, quality an price, f.,1 Isle cAeesper thou at any ~tlitx ostaldinhinent of the kind In Central N 20 HAKIM, wig WHTFELD, it tnrifartur,r and Dealer in IN 1):4 OF FIALNJI.CRI •re rooms Nu. 4; I, ?;03, and ?. , and ',tree! P rA DEl,l'lll.l ME crampaign IA Al l'A DIN k, TRANSP..RENCITIi AND BANN CILS l'A INTEL) 'I") oltDElt. 111 Plato or Muir—noted color. for all par tiew by JOHN G. KIJItTZ, who having receded f.ow the poldloation of the C. , ntrof Prue in Bellefonte, will bere.tt ter de,.ita GIP ttme to the painting of Ban ners. Traneparonctes and all descripliona of 11 ill /MI Plturr ni:ns. 1.1 35 4i. pi-U.:MOP:N . IIAL CAMPAIUN. C A P S, l' A P S 1868 Manufactured by PHILIP HILL, Nu. 201 U HIM ST., PHILADELPHIA N. 11. P-esident nit Campakun Torches 21, 2g, 311, A:I, A, $l9 110 per handrail' `.l4r...Send for Englit v log and Ps ire hit. 1131 t t3akerp . , Wonfectionarico N'AT AK !CRY & CONFECTIONARY ' DTI e subtioriber would reepeetfully inform the citizens of Bellefonte and vi cinity, that hie now and extenvivo, BAKERY & coNFEcTioNKRI-,- are now completely finished, and that he Is prepared to furninlwde•ery day, Fresh Broad, Cakes of all kinds Candies, npicee, Nuts, Fruits, and anything and everything belonging to the bush:lens Having hair years of experience in the business. Ile flatters himself that he can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. 11-42-ly J. 11. SANDS. N OTICH. Board of School Directors of Boring township, will hold a meeting on the ltd of October, fur tho purpose of making artang mentehir employing teachers fur the ease in g year. Salary to be $4O per month, four months to be taught. By wider of the 13-38 2t BOARD. Rh. BOOTS, of the best kind, and of bin own manufacture, warranted, and at tho • owe,t prices for ralo at 2-11 MoMAIION'S. ,stobto hub Ein:Atare.. ANOTIIEIt NEW STORE. tl The maniflriende of J. S. Lone berger lON be p'eased to learn that he hae:ngain returned to Bellefonte,for thepur pose of manufacturing TIN AND 6IIEET IRON ware nn a larger scale than ever,being fled that Bellefonte is the place 1 . 4,r his busi mess, especially when the style of his work and chear,noss of price is considered. In the Tinware linckepeonotantly hani BUCKETS, COFFER BOILERS STOVE PIPE COLLARS DISH PANS, WASTE RAISINS, Particular attention paitt to r ' ROOFING AND grOUTING and all mannor of jobbing 1k will gi•e Ware or casting of all kiwis in exchange for eld iron, replier, palter and rags. Neer Lo g an Foundry, at the eland formerly orou r ned by A.. 14 yan 13 21 1 y t E & 11(11,1,01V WARE srolt / 13-5 ly FLEfI A r k UAN 0 1 PIIILIPSBUR(7, CENTRE COUNTY, PA Manufacturer,' of T!V, COPPER' SHEET /BON Ir 4 RI, and Whole rale Knot retail dealers in V I 1.. 'ER S W• W ' Luke pleasure in tinnottneing to the ',ebb, teall hey wOl keep roust:ll - lay on hand, 1/1111. II( the largest assurtments of gaud tin th e i r line over brought to this section of atol StAte. They now have the e-clebreted IRON SIDES COOK tiTOVM, the largest oven rook stove in the minket , has all the advantages that eon be put on a ,tore , large rot rn, high under the alt pis ut the eine time a deep as!? pit, also a large extended top, never faits ui if.. opera trans Fur sy es wilt. extend.' fire 110. e, eon!for or %Mill' They !sate also tlii Cunt mental, I.s high, Yarrner, Da) light, Spear's Anti Duel, Niagara, Charm, lleruld. hr , with every variety of the beet Pittsburg Maim- facture, PARLOR A IMATEINU STOVEr of ca cry docript ion, quality and price. IT, COPPER, •• , 111, KT IRON WOOD- S • EN, AND iVII.LOW WA It I:, Wholesale or ltcLul , manaraetured nentl3 and- with the aide view totery ler, froth the I e-t material m the urverltet. PLOW:,, PLOW POINTS corrEn ititA:o, AND IRON hET I,ES, 01 es er) de'enptl n u.•n•tantly un hand. lIODS,SI PERNIt =l=l cutlet:Rs ?rut .441',41 4 „ti‘e;.10,wPi.ve; And otlirr work I,4.l..nginiz 1,. !lieu bri•inemp will he pr,ouptly Mind by expertenr e.l •rna •k 0110 vr,rk torn rt11 . 1'11; .4 NO OH) II TT A TAken in rulinn;:o 41 - 1.11 uudip etnirnl4 . aro Oflered to Nlerellanl4, Who vri.ll t.. loin•he•r nt whsle 17 45 Iy ItKAI) AN!) M I I, I: 8 11 C It G .► 11 E A,D T 111: CIIIIAPEST STOVEr 441, MOST SUE,T N 1 . 1 11, 7/N WARE, to he had at NVETzLER TW I RE'S The promdturs. determined not to be nut done by anyone in their lino of buame•x have °poled up Ilt M one of o'o [unlit complete, and Cheapest, -,`rovE, T NIVA RE Ehl A MA:4IM ENT:, In Central Pennmylvan ia, 'They have on hand, and acting agi.lll.l lot all of t he iate,t tUlproVed, :11 , i11,1 every discription. PARLOR STOV BM) ROOM STOVES, COOK •A OV ES, EATF.RS, 0E EVERY PATTERN TIN WARN:. COPPER WARE. I,IIEET IRON-WARE. litt‘ss-w A ICE oF EVERY DISERIPI'IIIN ROOVIN(1 AND SPOUTINO, and ell kirl4 of work , iO/10 on the mhorteNt notice, snit t/unranteed to give matisim lion ,Ver - OIVIS THEM A CALL. - IKI 13 5 ly I+l4rble aZtorko. N EW M A KWh; YAM) ltie subs. I 11 , 0 r Legs leave to in form the citizens of Centre r t adjoinind couutien that he shit eon LILILIe. the EXTENSIVE MARBLE YARD! of W. R. Felty, Near the Depot, Bellefonte Pa., where can be fount', at all limes a If 04 large assortment of AIONUMENTS, TOMB & READ STONES, and where be will he prepared, with every facility, to manufacture to order, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF WORK, in the high est style of art, on the shortest notice rod most aecpu terms. lie proposed to pay particular a . ttontlon furnishing toe public with everything In the manufacture of Marble; therefore, those desiring any thing in his line can be accommodated by calling upon hitn,equal to purchasing of art, city., works. 11-14/ e " Wm. FELTY J . MILES KiquEART, , WITII BARNES, OSTER4OIIT, HERON Ji Co Wholesale ck Retail dealers In RATS, CAPS, STRAW OOODS st FURS eNe. 51111, Market St. Phila. Pies is., Lop., CALF AKIN BOOTS, of his own mon ufature, warranted to be the limit in marks for sale at 12-1 MeMAIIOX: EVERYTHINO TIN CUIT, tic., J. 8. I.ONEBERGEIt, ftlili. B otywlit§,tboic If ERE! The suhnenter hating leaned ,the lIIIESSURU PLANINO MILLS, and added largely to its facilities for turn ing out first class wort are now prepared to furnish .FLOORI:40, FRAMES, DOORE, * BASH, BLINDS, BUILDING, lIR ACR &TB, SCROLL WORK . una manufactured lumber of EYEItY DESCItIPTION It Lb. LOWEST CASH PRICES All menner of p ork. snob aq Scroll Saw inz, Moulding', Brackets, ke., made after any DESIRED PATTERN nn the ehorteet poesible notice ennnerleil whh the mill. •nd in nperatinn at all times, it one of the latest improved COKE D(l'/NU KILNS rebid] learns the lumber in a peened) ht , llthy tale, neei t. 111 iore4er , nrig it, and in tact adds to its Inciting qualttles, a bile nth ar methods id drying deter to rater, and ren duty it inure liable TO DECAY AND WASTE Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not ehrmk it is dried perfectly and when work ed and put up, will not • ES IIItIVIL AND SHRINK, thus giving hoil,lince the oppearenee of having Loco erected out of Greco Material tWe keel" diatom. I Leilthel give eye or AtiVall2L4gl.l over other PLANING MILLS IN THIS SECTION and wo fool perfectly' free in raping, that all WORK WILL BE OUARANTEED, to b• of A SUPERIOR QUA LITI We trill furnien anything in our line from • (toot pruol, to • wilous tioupt, and at such prioea, a• gannet but prove to be an inducement to TGOSE DESIRING TO BUILD All ordorg promptly titled and a (air share or public patronage, respectfully so licited. MOORIC k WOLFIC, [Successor of B. Levi.] 12-45-1 y MILbSBURO, PA 1309t0 ,boes THE PLACK To GET SHOES I f EVERT THING NEW & WARRANTED P. Nlc A SPE EY & COS viiint.rsAi.t. • ItETA I 1100 T k 811011.9TplIF. [One dour above ROT hold's Bank.] SHUTTERS, Have jnet opened the meet complele as mirtment r.t ilretythlllg, ut the.lh.ot and fitior Itne ever brought Itellelonte Their en tire stock, whit h IA the htrge•t over opened in this place, arts made to order from 'the beat material., -It wan purchaped for ea.h and will be pold lower than any our eau atlord who. buy, en m a n Th e y at , practical vrotkmen and ever, thing sold will he guaranteed rcpteartited. itepaiiing and eur,t.lui null( pruutptly attended to 14-20 ty T HE BELLF.FONTI: -44-HP AIN D Fl - 4+)}4 t4TORE qRA II M .`z SON M.inia , torero of, and Deolet , in Iluvinet ntitloti 'art f ul), to our rormer rtoel, II I' tutu enure the entnenunit) hut WO unit nnw the 141+1 rrh,tion in Con trol P nnoyl, nuts, of [Adieu Buttunu•d, Front I.nre. Side Lore An I Congre, Ntanufactured from the Iti..tt ht (;LOVE 1: I I), coN(; it ESS & 11.11,3101 M I of the Inge t •I vie M H lOTO BOOTS, with and without herl. And u full :0,,t,r1 MISSES A Sl s 4 21111.D1iENti Also a large Inc heap -1,. s, sup I as Sr - 1 , •11 , 1 , Ii we are ael. • ell EA PER TII Ty!: ir. W. jay lie 40 CI a 111111,11, 1 ,11 wit ,04. ti 26-ly B OOT A tillOK MA \j'TOla The tirulentlvned replirelfully in f.rul th. ,Itnenp ul 1t..110..hte1k0.1 1, ante, that kin her n tir,t taunt AND :,11.11.: 1("I 01:Y nex door to Pro ners ht ,re, Math Knit sole 01 the diamond where hr w 1,1 plea4ed at all (Unto Lo nau IWO) , J.,t.)1..1er• lle being an EM'ERIENULD customers can rest assured that no rains will lie spared In, render Volnidele titan. (4.lLlelllen, MI., and y•cal, "an he accommodated 01(11 ; r ho bur, Bouts, MEM Slippere, reanti I'hr-hired fr,ti . e Flo . Is. ni,,l the lale.t ritylee_ It !airing .1 all kin.l - ittten,lttl 1 ,, 11 18 PET. It M. MA 110 N. tailoring Olotbing STILL IN TILE FIELD To toy iii! friends not ~,04”,111.T., and I. an loamy nein One?, al may tle,re to it rig getiont, IN WELL FITTIND, Sq,sTANTIALY AND PASIIIONABLY made auita of rhythm from any kind of material they rho M. I would Ray lb it I am still in the fie d, and prepared to ar:oui modate. I imvv a large,and oaeell ent as sortment of 1;001”- , Also, CLOTHS. VESTINO`4, Freuit'which garment,. will be made to onlor MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE All I RA la to call and 03'011111e my fine stuck. And flo I have just bought my 14,001 e during the hot pool 0, I ob.'' , o..nuprlou a ,P to prices durability and luebion, thin aide of Cumberland Valley. Remember the place IV M I, ELI, N No. 4 Itiroiterhotre Row, ABugeny ,tree( Bellefonte, I am also agent for the superior and ahem- WILCOX AD OIBM., SEWINO MACHINI which ahould La •eon by all desiring Ina chine. I -11 l M T►.LIE►.:N, 11001 Elt 4 CO CENTRE COUNTY BANKING Co RECEI V E DEPOSITS &C And Allow Intortoq DISCOUNT NOTES BUY AND SELL GOVERNMENT sE(•ERITIEs lIENRY BROCKEIVIOFF, Presidont. H. SII I t/Elltr. 13-b-1y Cashier =1 MIMEO (Jr norm, ISM Ban king. GOLD AND COUPONS it)arlibla - ,c 01'115, aIC)3 I I Anmy AllE 11A16) MU:! NO. 5, BROKM,RIIOFF'S RO1V! J. A. J. HA Itltlti—rnm PI.CR 0 Bur The sill - , .rihers'would iesp , etrully infitun the ity that they have opened a omplete STOCK oF HARDWARE comprising all rut i lies of goods in that line oh' it they %TILL &ELI Af Till. LOWEST PRICES! I !nor stock voindsts of all sorts of building hard. lire. Bible and pin ket cutlery, carpenters', nni•oti'e. plasterer's and blachenntiCe Is, end tuate rnik, nails, 11 , 11. 111 ' 44.- 410 V., and bore ~bus • nails, ro e tail, le, FORKS, ritAiss. hiiovEi.s, 'AXES, It IND STONES, etc, etc. Irougeheepter' ends, sadeCry, carriage trim things, etc., etc., with all *lll ts and sizes of , COAI, OIL LAMPS, and the different pnrts thereof, together with a complete sort went of tee beet PAINTS, OILS, VA ItNISII ES, .1-c. They hope, BY STRICT A TTI.NTION TO BUSINESS and a constant care for the CCOMMO /).1 TWA' UP CUS 7 O.IIERS to 111Ptit and mini, a s' WABE OF THE PUBLIC PA:IBC/NAGE 111:11,'1F.119 will find a In Ihrlr nilanniagn in call and I.X AMINE TilElß S'dOCE, Si k .1 Il .% KRIS, . N. 5. Broherinill — ti Li !Nillefiinte, , deb. it;, 'so ly. W. 1.1 10.1 Mrll " K. gnsimror4 1 ES a- F.S.jINUTON, MANI'MACTUIIrII 9 lo► SUPP.RIOM It EFIN El) CAST STEEL AXES M MMIM••••••• IU Halelielx of rnnuu■ tinhorns mmiu i.,tinred tr,,u) hie bent relined east steel ALSO, Omll Hoe., Mattoeltn, lin Rota and MI rivr's PI( k. NVitli nn ndynntnge"or Inertion anal rope Fir innoutni toring, we can nu!, ply 'thelra Jo aOh a Slip it, it at a• I en...nit hli n price as ea I/ Ire h ,, 1 nny w here ul f v to.ontf) We. •o•e nothing but. the "1 nn.lerinl. anti einp . ..y mine but the hers and ttool, pert. 11.1.11 warm loon -- Our \vi • are :ill wurrnoied Onlerp p..ll.•lted HOLMES h 1;S:NIMITON. I Il! I v M ile-I , llnr, 0..1.11 re ( Ps 31 1.1 N 'l' . tl , th .ler,re.r.ri.n't have untuttantly La, 1,:m.1 the lte,t quality of W Ilt cEM ENT FoR RESERVOIRS (I :,TERNS an,l onAer p (er bnrka Tho art,. le WAIt It N 1 E DilP PROPERLY :111X ED ..nd • oplted, end not!. a inn n of •ny defect nr , ole 01 lu date after .leLvery. Jr ! er• rrl ed lord promptly filled by ROBERT V A LENT i N E, 11.11.1..nie. Or JO-1•1111011: - ON. I",•l9iirlm Purnitee. P. *Min(bon eFIIIE ANVIL sTI)It 14 n 4.1 revet, tax J kr,:n end well aevortea nloeli ut le, L edn Ire Nttr., nnile, hor, •hoe 4, saddle paint lair, and hoop iron ot buggy law! wagon "tot utv ery spoon all sad "apply y00r,117,4, at the lowe i r I, li. r 1 111 1 IN b W I LSON. 1 I, I 111.1 , , CU f LEHI' %nduding pia to, , 1,4"5, . etr , ct I '‘ IRWIY A. WILSON'S I I ItltlV A RI:, 01 every oe-o ription at r.. pro e+ now hem g 'epervl e‘ery tiny at 11 Ito IRWIN Wf:lli II N(' 11. ES, be,t make, from 4n, . 1 , t o lotallti,vrltli ~ r '1 Ithout wheel. at 11 ri 111 W INA WILSON'S. f A M I's, every variety and kind at 1A I RW IN t WILSON'S 11 It.- I. II OLS, (10A I. 011. and Benzine, nt I !LW IN A WILSON'S i t MIILNITION rail ridge... and other alemitaition t.. 1 KW IN A Wl' N AI LS, ..I:'slzeJ and kiti.N . at. IItWIN WILSON S I. kI , S, all .111, and 1 1 11111111e4. nt IRWIN A WILSON'S 11t LN'l Tool,S, ery deserip lion at IItWIN A WILSON'S CI A I/11 LER) , 1.. emit the trade, at /71 I ItW I [LSO 'S lilt lAG and BOGGY ladt4, all mire, I wird at IRWIN AW I ',SON'S I I AND HELL , au.l Daar Ilell4, ull !met , and l,as,/ , at //MIN A WILSON'S k SULK la and seal Triagr, 141 el7eh at 110% IN A. WILSON'S I) 1\ l' , AOl LS all 1.1n,1•4 u t IRWIN S W I LSON'S ,11 1 : ON fellorn, IRWIN A NV I ',SON'S r It I.:WS and of et ery variety and I:1 kind at LIM IN it. 111,SON'ri I ) ( 101 t LoCks ol al; kitple,lo fruit every ho4ll. , L • IRNV IN & WILSON'S 1)1;MI'S ior e .4 iern4 mid Wells, with tub- I tag of all lengthy , at iILWIN & WILSON'S RIMMINt;S FOR COFFINS. a large amiorlinent, at IRWIN k WILSON'S. - OIL CLOTH. hags anddeta ,at tw WILSON'S. A NVILS and riees for male at IRIV IN WILSON'S. IRAD PIPE, all sizes, at A IRWIN .t WILSON'S IyrERT CUTLERY', all makes and iiric•os, at IRWIN it WILSON'S. - - LAST, SHEAR, .NPRI NO and BLISTER dttol at IRWIN • WILSON'S. _ . H ORSE 131101 i NAILS. different B isaa at IRWIN A. WILSON'S. WOODRN WARR a great variety. at IRWIN it. WILSON'S vottio S. , ,Saiootto GARMAN:S i10n4,14 DAN'L tiA MAN, Pit rop*. • This long estahll toil and well known igro tel. sltuuteil on the southent corner of the Diamond. opposite the Court Nouse, having been purchased by the undersigned, he an nounces to the former patrons of this estab lishment and to the traseltng public gener ally, that ho hoe thoroughly refitted his house, and is prepare. , to render the Moat satisfactory accommodation to all who may Inver him With their patronage.. No pains will lie spared on his part to add to the oosi• sentence or comfort to his guests. All who stop with him will final Ms Ills T inv. alaunaiontly supplied with the 1111 , $t snmptoutt fore the market will afford, done up 111 stye, by the most experteneed coolt;t. Iliv Ben will alwuvs rentein the rhoiees ..4 liquors. HIS STABLING IP beet in Own, and will al weyrhe attended by the meet truetwdli4 h and attententive hniitters. . _ Give him a call, nno and all, and he feels confident that aIl will bo satiefied with their accommoolatio F f AN . 4 1 p,LENT LIVERY in attached tat, line establishment, which 41trangers front:Odom' will find greatly to their advantageti, 8-23 FL EMINGTON IWTSi. c:E . I.IIAMT, prop lle reppeelfully Infertile the public goner oly, that he now oeupieti the above named Hotel, whore ho will be glad to Meet andi greet his former friend, and receive a share of the public pationage by strict personal .ittoottott to Ito details of his buRiIIOPS he hopra to hr to rrnrler e- trefartinn - to nl4. who may favor bun with their patronage Ills Ilar and fable w ill he made a speciality. II is hirable is good and will he actentled by careful rittenti,e iistler. An eareltlent liv ery is attached to this ertuhl S'hnient, which etriingfrs will find to their adynntage. g A xen Urea him a roll ono and all. he leek mkt 'ldea, that all will be rati,fieil with their III!Il rIXCIIANiI E 110T1:1„ I BUNTINGDON, e•tal.hA went, hal , int; been lensed by 1 NOR RI ; , ()N , Liner pr.,prietor. of the .11tari• .n ho. been • talruly REMODLLED AND R.EFURNI:4IIEI) end eupplit,l with nil the niiiilern unprot tool euatenitinees neecerary to a first flotel 'the timing roost has been removed to the first floor and is now spariour and airy, and the chainbei. , are all well ventilaled, nod the Proprietor will endeavor to make his guests 1o: fleetly at horny Pae,enger3 1.. r Bedford ~ i iringe will find tlns the roost deior.Lldd , stopping place in Huntingdon. Add ree 13--29 ly M (P-11.1 NON HOUSE. r:-.1:1 it(, PA This long e•teldirlied and well know Hotel, has tng been purchn.ed by the unties signed, he linnoun , -a to 010 foram . ' patrons of the eoslistshaient And tid the pinion. gen erally,lhat he intends refilling it thorough mad prepsred to render the most satis factory aeconiumdritimis to all whomay fa nor him with their pat,risge All who stop o Atli him will find his table Abundantly sup plied with the hest tare the market will slloril Ili, Bar will always contain the ehoieest .11 liatiors. lire stabling IP the best in town. Give turn it call one and ull, and he feel, confident that all will he anti,liedwith their are..inin..dation Stages ruin to and from the h 11.1/ = G KoRGE rEcK,s EATINO lIOUSE .173r.TrElt SALOON. On High strcet,at Ilush's A reillit Restaurant Ilclletunte, l'a This excellent establish ment t• now open. and ga.,41, meals , aci 'mead at all hours. Itoa,t Beef, II an, (wank Of cold,) Chicken. Turkey, Tripe,i'n hies, Oys ters, Soups, E4ga, Pies, rruskers, Nuts, Oranges Lemons, Ite Se comprise the bill of tare An elegant 11 YSTE IL SA LOON! Is also 4in the first floor, arid the most deli rious lee cream 11 PerVed to CUMLOIIIOIII. A o lie Imo lire( of eoflee, tot runs arid lager beer call and see h au. I I •23 mr roun LOCK HAVEN, llt k A •1 . 1 I II Kell , i'roprletor Thie elegant hotel, fortnerly known as the ••Washingtun Ilause." on Water street, ready ter the Tee elan.° of visitors and boarders It line been elegantly fare 1,11,1. and its nails, n. always supplied with the heat I'vnters to lon It Haven will and the' the pleasantest pl..° in the city A Cr.. BUR, conveys the pleats of the house to and from the venous trains. 11-36 4 1 Ali LE iOTEL, 1 .1 227 NORTH THIRD ST REST. IGT , AICK.N RACK AND VIM PIIR.ADELIIPTA It. D. CUMMINGS 8333 .13001 i AUENTS WAN rim FOR The lu dert sellin4 book extant. MEN OF Mt TIMES, or Leading Patriot of the Dny. An ele gant plendhi I y lllnoi rY lod watt IN beautiful Steel Eagrayiliga and s portroit of the author, Mrs. MIA MU RI BEECH KR STOW Agents say if is (the heat, and ..11n Ole parke.t of 40 , Mr!, ever .loi. N..w is the time to tt,. it Every hotly wants it Agents are tilk in • 200 orders par week We pay extra large Colllll2lips ion II and grant ex clusive territory Bend fur circulars, giving lull particulars Address Ilartiurd Publishing Cu , Hartford, Connecticut 11 37-4 w A BAU Al , ..cx „ Ithporter A Wholesale Dealer In WINES, BRANDIES k GINS BOURBON é RYE WHISKIES, No. 1224 Cent:MAl' Street. 1 2-7. PHILADELPHIA, ft G ENTLEW.N.-1 can furnish you with all alsee of the Quaker City IVhlte Shifts and challenge any trade to produce them equal. W• W. MONTUOMIittY. 13 22 ly J MORRISON, Kr,elmmo" 11/ktill. Iluotingdon JOHN S. •RAY Pr pneor l'rop'rt.