Thg. Denidtrat;,:. Watchman, TERM , —s2 per Ical. nhrn i.ud in ail ' , rve $2,50 when not fink! mud VIITIC6. all $3,00 Wheq not paid belVolu 1110 n;(1,11101011 of the yowl 131101050 =II .it; Furst. ATTOltlyili:i AT 1,1W.--11v1V-Tit , .. 13 2s Wi J. Kim& ATTORNEY' AT (AW—liellet , nte. Pn • 11. 11. liothrock. PENTIST —Millet. in 4/t.h's A rf•ndr. 14u•m N... 4. seeond 12 N. Durbin Gray. ATV - MN EY AT LAN', Britannic. Pa Office with A. 0 hiro. E.l 1•2-A J. 11., Shugert, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Treiteurer's office Bellefonte. Po 7- le J. 11. Dobins. 11. H., 211YSICIAN A b NO SURiI EON — o fTke litahop .treat. 11.111n6m , e. 13 I & Beaver, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Allegany Arcot north,of the Diamond, Dedleliinte. 1-IA Norman :It, Hoover, 4,TVORN EV AT 1, P 01Twe above llornsbles :ntore. I I 21. Orlin di , Alexander ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ueffel..nle Office in the parlors vf toe Conrad liutote 7 I. John I'. ►litehell. ATTOR.N El AT LAW. Itellelont, . l'a Office in the' %%Richman" o6tc•e. 12 I Phili Pi1S:41(1 AN tre eounl.r. Pg. Cetiesol In i.lere.en anti Encrl.4l 11-2.1-2 ••• Dr. J. I .nri m~•r, PYII SICIA N A ND St 1111E0N-- (Mee 2nd fluor olUu nr4d ll7 i n•e, Bellefonte. PN • 1120 • A- B. ilenderoton, 1:1" S CHI •I• ‘w - off; e ^rth ea-t celnt r t,f the 1)1 11 ., •ri I ll•7rry V TTOt r f, IW, 1./1.11, lopot„ rn e. Ottn r, 11. P.k May be t ~n:L/it •11 In In ti .n 4 ; W. 11. I.nrlner ArrO(tNI.I . A I L \ \l, hellef,nte, Pat Mb. evvith the t Att, tie) 111 tht . 111,1/, 22 T. P. Stephen• 4TTOIt NE V AT 1. IW. 1t..nvr.0.10, Pu ..n If yli •f reel m the F'•. II 7 II II Slone•. Lici• N, •1 .iii Ili) \ 1,.4. I'3 oar II Or la 1,.w iise churoh. ,pn •tret.t 12 43 DR. R. D. Tipple, 10,.....2r1.1 11 , 1.111 11..!ii .Lte, 1.4 pr, p , l) t•••,l.i 1.1 MN Pl. AI `: .I\l 1,1c.N ir.%l \I. I. \IE ic Lt. I 11. •.t._ I' I o:1 k w I. II 111 on Nolo 1 . . 1011 iu.l/ , 11 1 11 r a h. wia.r.into I P Gray .qr<•k•% JOTI PIIIN I IN, 01 Flt IJI,:arIV I r.i.t !An Pl,llll I ; 1 Deli 111,1111 r, art lit tint. brli,ti iris tdtr. A. 11{10er; U. I), k\ ,t pr funte find t. irift 1. lilh.•e •••• 4, r 11. rkl• me, fiery tt , rl, i;t6N6 - A r 111,44 •Itrtt, licliel , We, PA. II G. M. Ilan., M. I) PIIY , I N S. SI 1t , 01.0N, II ink per 11,,,,)1 i) .ltrd at > de•lmra, offer , It n profe.•b.nal .ert eln the citizen, irt that plate and vu intty 11 22 ILA 31 A . t I. Al' E, ATI WO: EV AT 1..1W 1k vtelt Ilene ' 4,,n.111) vl ben ppe ritly re lamed m , tiom with lent lent noun eel, I leartield I'm 7- ItS DR. S. I'. It K ILA ItT, ECI.L( - 1 PII) CI A N S1 . 1(1 140 N. , tre, ,Pu limit rg, It Yattu ular att.1,!1..n 1,11 to IC d •1.1 . * 1)1111.• (nun a in t. 12 m. and frgrm 2 to, p a 12 4 J. 1). WINGATE, D D )1 DEN T p•T, i, Oar in the elan, if Spring an.' steer N, Jtello ate. Pit At i•u•ept pl (11.111 N the first t week,. of each mu/nth Teeth extrai tout withut pain 7 Ift WILSON Alr. II UTCHISON. erpuit \El's AT LAW, 13ellefonte, Pa., Coleet oats. and ill other legal business in Centre and the, adjoinlng Counties, promptly attended to (thee to !thatch art's Law building, A Ilegherty street. I I :18 - - - 1)11. J. u. frcij PIIISICIAN h. ti LBO EON, Bellefonte, , Wtil attenh to Jiroiessional eons Itti heretofore, he respectfully offers his scr im-en to his mends suit the public. Of. I I rock erhoir I).iuse : 7 16. ll]= PHYSICIAN h 51111(1 EON. Berlefonte, Pii.., Offers hie professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office second door below the W ATCH W• PI •®ce. 10-12 C. T. FRYBA KG Eli dlt Co. WJIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN TvisAcco, AND CIGARS— AIan an asnortment of pipes, cigar eases he., (inn ocently on hand. Middle room of the Conrad House, opposite the Brockerhool house, Bellefonte Pa. 12 -4.) W. F. REYNOUN dl: C) . BANKERS, Sills of Exchange and Notes &wonted. Collections wade aiod pro seed. promptly mottled. Interest paid ea special deposits. Exchange In the Eastern - cities constantly on band for sale. Depaaitm received. 7-16 WILIbIAIN BROWN. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Bellefonte Pa , will attend to all Rates entrusts* to him with care and fidelity. Having had eighteen years experience in the bunnies, he flatters bunion' that he can give gener sl satisfaction.. Dtp Goob)i k Grocrvicc, P. 1 . 41 It II 1 l'Ael% OkOKER.O 1 haviNg .1111. , 11 F L E 'AI I N 4 TON MI I, I. F, Are now ... frrepareil to liireleiti all I roil' if FLIIU9t ANI/ FEE I)! —A LSO - PLASTER (IROUND t IN TIM ST(IN I 7:4r icr TUE SIrMITE , T 4oTIA Their Facilities for Nioniillitotiiring et cry thing usually Manutaciiiicil ni it F1,0,111Z 1 NG )11.1,1;1! A n 0 . 1 110• T ARVI lINIFQrAT.P . I) - - - By any other E•itubl 'Alumni. in the coup ry All orders will revolve prompt' iitteptein They have also in veneeet non with their Mill TILE STORE I. °HAMMY OVV,N 14Y J. P l' .ll'Klilt, And are prepared to lure ieh , Stone Coal, Ruled Hay, Peet. Pnrk, S'alt., ' And a gr-terat a.aurtinent of Sion, Gon.r.t. CONSIAN HA ON HAND Flour. .Thrn, Oats, Chop, Bran, Seed, , kr, , CASH PAID FUR rK,IINAN AND COUNT AY PROITriI nrr FLOIA IN VEEP*II.IIEII Y TIF PACI:EIt. k P PEER At Fir..upgtot, M II 12 -2., 'y N 1.; ,y sToit E II ARPE It BIM r HERS END ENTIRE NEW SNICK of GOOD:, .if every ileoeriiitii , n at their new stiirz :goring etreut• which were joUrLll4,eti it PAYte 1 1 .11‘ ; rind will Ire as lioW rV alit hirer, rhos ion he 1•1111.1151. 0 W hill, 111 lL ir t Their Pritai Lerepriree ur l Dry Nldlinrry 4ioodr, Fun , y t. ,t Shora. 11.1 t• A 4 lorrei I mhrella., fl V1111..1111 . 11 114 i,II 11 le FIN 0'4111.K Circular' In Silk awl" kali, I ri •I ith g =9 • I ling! Ili a VIVA rol'Nl ItY PRollt -", I ken In Cu ham: , on. rho higlirrt 111. LI ket U ne I IAsT YOUlt EYETIIIS \\'.lY .I. f ) all) 11 4, 11ITN? In t,. At, T Iti;l.lL, AND (411.11'Elt ASSIIR I %I )1,. =39 ME lIA\ t: \(~W I'NP \CIiFD Icr u)11.1)1t SALE I have tiro hest and INupt .t airtig IC+ have Lilo LePt a.ti ehe3pe.t °flit Ire in Ihi 1.}(1)1 . 1.R1 LINE I have the 6,41 m l ebeni. ,, t bisLECIIIO: 1/1‘ 12 I have the largest and he.t It6AUI• — .ADE t LUI IIINU I base the lurgert unn I.e4t Mr writ k• th , cheap ert slut k e, er) t 1111/g 111 list nellnlonte ONLY COll E AN LI SEE, holugh you do not wlsh y In all these oolin I ,annot be n 404.1104 I,r 4, I yualit) or low pro•en, and STEILVIIER(fS to the pl ere, ititiwette the Itrovlierhoff House, ,Ver Notice the three /mote 12 15 ALWAYS AII,EADII A ALEXANDIJt & EON, MILLUNIM, CENTItH COUNTY. PA Are now offering to the publin at the 4, =I UOODS OF EVERY DISURIPTION, The eubeenbera tattoo this , tsethod of i n flouncing to their friend■ that they have pet returned trout the h:aet and new titian a tine assortment of FOREIIIM AND 'DOMESTIC tIOODM!! Which they are selling et such terms at purchasers will find It to their interest o buy of them. Their stock consist" of DRESS 000 D S Brown and Bleached • SIIEETINGS, SIIIRTINOS, FLANNELS, CASSIMEItES, BATS, BONNETS, • MILLINEKY GOODS, SHAWLS, AND CLOAKS. Gall and examine our 'tuna. The hall is not enumerated. MEN AND BOYS WEAR, Hata Caps, Boots and Hhoes. Groceries, ' hardware, Queenswwre, &c., &c., allatt which will be disposed of as low as they can be purchased outside of Phil's. All kinds of country produce taken In enchains for goods. 10-4 A. ALKX A NDRII ♦ BON. MEE= (1,,.,nt Ware dt OEMS 1)1',F( \ I 1)11.:.' 1)R tiquers. lIE WONDER OF THE AGE Evevry body ostonoilled at the inirenefoland hooption4 of the orto4e4 hold et the whole oale IV I A 1: A VI) LI t)rOR STMRF ON UMW! . nu. OPLI.EFfINTI.: PA., JACOB B. MIELE Thq prop' vie 4,1 this (4444111414,414meriL ink, pleasure 111 ruing the puliltr that ~,,,rt m ul IV un 1.{0.1111. a supply of ohovot lorolvo owl domost It I lit Uelts. Mach as //id Jf I tar, Ohl II illannongala, and 1 rillt ; Cognac, illarkherry, n, I; I tutu I cumrnn n - Il a, - ; /'or(, demi, Chrrry, and 1,1.0 en ll'inex; 044 11, and Ilalland 4'ln Neil. England Rum, j anwi ne I,' ',no, C'urthals l'rprer nun!. ...I?tai Teta and Roar ALL OAS K.S' IV A R RANTED TO ('ON 7',1 /A 711 E A .110 CST MA RA" E 4. The lilt enti..ti 01 practleing rhyeiklaos I. vaned to 11. s ritoek of PURE LIQUORS, intahle for medical purpomen. Tlattles jugs .Lnd Dem i j on4 conmtantly on hand ho inn thl V/A "P('HENEC J l IVIHSKEY in Town. All{mire were bought whenliquore wen low, and ho Neill thorn nevordingly, All 'plot, are warranted to give estiN. iac action Confider) , that he ran please customer' , Ile reepea•ilally ,lolleite a share of publn patronage. will he sold by the quart, barre a tierce. ' Ole has a large lot of 4lrr LI1) I.I,QUIHIS .1 the Gne»e !CTN./CF ,n ha Mi. I 1 AT EST 1: It (/M NV .151 i I\ ro J I 1111) STEVENS It V.PUIPATES Tlll. CIIICAtio PLATFORM M=l IVIIOLE:;ALE LIQUoIt STORH in the initr'ilo front on 111'IIOY&CICELT ISELLEFONTH Where kept constantly a full supply of the I. I 14 ti 0 It S at ikrli•r. lotwyr Oben yen lie round elle re ..ut 'do Ihe et.ek n( the beet li urbon Alanotuzabeht, di Irish whiaki ll.~llaud I:in C"gniar and ether Mil Jamaira tt sew I:wglend Rum ENZTED Mwirria, S herr), I o Rill, I A hind?. of P) rope all cif wri1.1)11 . 43 ttellinv no low as to, a•teln it catigr, TEE)IF.NI)OI . S A 1()I . ST ()I i.F. TIIER The underhigned ha• dud. received the t.ll , rilrlre hot a Le.oLer, Irene the \,w Italiitii,re and %Vilma—ton mar k e s, tree be ,, U,411L to this place, Curitletlng :-p/trti.h - L pt AlliCrlelln M.p. reti. h h .p, 114111in,,r. IM= KII) GLOVE SKIN 'IV hang Leather, Lining,. and ?Aide finding!. every diaeription, all of which wall ho .•dJ 'leaner than ran he bought at any oth eptablishissesit in Centrist' Pennayhansa Ile has ale. the finest end lir, est ST(fl OF CLOTHING it, BPlMorita, whirh are at xueli pro et that [he pureliarner of a atm will tale FROM‘FIVE TO IN DOLLARS, by giving hint a van , alto a magnificient A.SBOIITMENT OF' CAR PLTINGS, lust can be pu-sbased at city prieen,togetber tat Hat, A Caps, Bowe k Shoe., Trunks, Valises and a grand areurtinerd',uf DRY. GOODS, all of ',Web aro offered for CABII ONLY! 13 22 Iy ABItAIIAttSUSSNIAIi illiourancr. pill LAD ).: LPIII.I 141t1. INtillitANCE COMPANY, NO 14:: CHESTNUT STREET Applications will be received by the ue dersigned for tho obov.• V II MPANI IM=:1=IMI:1:1 EIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN TAE STATIC J. 1 4 . BARNUAET, 13-26- 401 Bellefonte, Pa 7 - Nth) P.bbertiammts. IX AM INAT I ON QF TEACHERS • 11.1ine9, nt Anronsburg, rritlay,'Sep.tomber nt ll o't lock ut Itebersharg, Thursday, October lot at 0 o'clock a liregg, at Penn Hail, Friday, October 2nd' .at 9 o'clock a m. 1 , 01.0 r. at Centre Hall, Saturday, October - 3d, at 9 o'clock a in. Harr* ■t Boalaburg, Monday, October sth nt U o'clock a tn. Forguvon. nl rine Grove, Tuesday, October fit It at 11 o'clock a tn. Ilulfawan, at Storaistown, Wednesday, Oc tober 7111 - al U o'clock a tn. ration, nt Waddle's 8 11,1'11011day, October 81h at U "'clock a an. Benner, at Artnaiiint'n S If, Friday, Octo bar 00. at 9 o'clotk n m. 1'..n0, nt Milheim, Monday, October 12th at 9 o'clock n Walker, at Ilt:lderiburg, Wednesday, Octo her t 45 h nt U dclui k LI m . Minion at Jiteksony ilia, , Pliur , day, Octobor I 'Alt at 9 o'cldck a cu. I,lhorty, at Englville, Friday October 16th at 9 o'clock a m. !toward, at llowardvillo, Saturday, Oetbtor ;791 at 9 o'clock a m. Milemburg do IloggP, nt Milesburg, Monday, Orlober 19tb at 9 o'elcrk a in. Union, at Unionville, Tnevilny, October 2Dth •t V o'clock. Ilurnson, at Julian Furnace, Wednesday, Ortober 41st at 9 o'clork n ToylJr & Worth, nt Port Malilan, Thursday, October 22vi at 17 o'clock a in. '4pring A ltellefonte, at Valentine's S. 11 Friday, Oet, 2.1.1 at 9 o'clook a. w. No special examination, for the students will he held at the close of the Normal In stitute. Applicants should, a• far ■s pear - iirable, attend the examination in the dis trict w here they expect to tens h. It. is destrahlo that tboa La a. full mooting sf the Board of Directors on the day of Cl amination The important duty of selecting teachers should bo attended to at this tune Directors shouhl make an effort to have a full ri gs ., of arpheants The secretary -hi.uld lie present at the hour of opening am) to give all neodlul information and OZO 0 C .11 ji app min s are present. All Professional Certificates eirept those issued or renewed tines the first Monday of lune, ISfifii, ceased to valid after the first londay June, S6B. Sprriftl 1, ',nitwit P.,n+ will bo 1104 at Itebertburg, on Saturby, October 21th Anthem', on Saturdq, ot totter 3lnt. for the accoluttu.datton of au. h as were prevehle,l l y en kner or othk , t uhaVOldlible ,treual.tan,es Iroin.attendthg at the proper 11111., 61.11 10. rat 11 111.1111111111 e 1111,4 1 . 011115 lull lY I repared, 1., the requirement, 01 he law, u. bound on paze I.l'J OEM ,cluing ißacljinco. T HE sINGER SEWING MA CHINE. Among Sewit g Nlng , bines, 'hope made by the Swgt r Mor,lit, tor.tig l'utepany, rusk auh tie '1 hair namuluetut tug in/111111st + ha% o bag be. a known an the heel I,r wane ht. Ili 1'11,4 1.1111,1, Rut VW 1111111 the pu,t iew )4 al-, t la) lids° gßen npetiul isitentiun tu tile pr.lia Hun ul P , r t %V inc FAMILY M %CHI NP de•t&ncd to win much fax or In the 11 0 11 E II 0 I. II A BA I'M Ay, ut TheOia , 111110 IT b e n thr y now Olgr, it quiet hglit runntng lint. Itn acr,,,rit, for 1:It IDIN(i, BIND! No Qt'11:11 rhIN(7, I ti, RR.% IN i; LIU:\ 11, are pimple and easily undo rot,md. It.. deli ate, though rndunuv uud IlftleNn utnr t len of 1,.1 and : , to el, do all the work bett, Wand hew will deny, FASTER TIIAN \NDl'l:s; DO IT They urge tic 'et 11 t 6 purrhn, nnn im e, t( exlitque all 11 e other mould.. nu rd it Ire buy lug , a. II well lon 11,01 overcome all the ol•je. tea, Co the otter ttiAl 11111,1 that an he brought aga Mot it. Muelituee on h.luJ, her rule awl exhibltion, together a ith a lull upd 4,Empleto to.ort urea[ or TO.'I,T, LINEN OR COTTON Thread, and :01 the neeepForleg for the ma W. W MONTIiONIERY , Aye,st Gent, Furnishing and Ta.l , rinl Eitab liehtn, llinel,dlic, Pa \I NT T.M.OltiNli, Itl.l II MEN r, Yll7, ISIS (II •k V.llOll , n uovr The unolerligtn4l takes pleasure ill Inform 'lie citizen! , ..1 Centre county and the public general,y, that he Ti juot, upon tug • S PI, R, AND !UCH ASSOET.V KN7 UI YOREIGPI AND DOMLNTIC 122111321 Which be le prepared tll mike to order in the I .tent and 1f)11.4i. ( . 11.11{011031e • tylen, fyr men or bile Uundn NOW by the piers cir by the yori,l. &Lau keep+ on hand a lull fine of t r The undersigned At their new And spa ‘•ious store room M i lhmin,hm laid in an e or by nand a lull ENTIRE tilK OF NEW Gomm, for the fall Anil winter trade, and cordially (.100D4, invite the purchasing public to call and see ttiern. They beet, 51uslins, of every styie and description.. UJNTS FURNISHING GOODS, lie alien agent for the celebrated SLNGEIt SEWINt, 31,LCIIINE MEI M. THONPION, JR. u'rA III.AN J. t. T 110111.3011 TOIO3.II'ON, MeFARLA ND CO., BANKERS. fOreive muney on Depo,it Lend money upon Collateral Security, Buy and Soil lloverninent Becuritiee PAY INTEREST on time deposits Collect NneeN, Check., de., In all parte of the ' Un sled States. Discount Notes de., Ac ' 1:1 ly It Al. MAGEE, t ,s'opt .. Veating , W. W. MONTGOMEIiI Agricultural College, P. 0., Ccutre county, Pennsylvania arr 4300110, et9CCI-105. L A DJE 8' E A 11) ENTIIL&;.•NEW STOCI&ZAI rAVEltre_CO'S ! hfo7nobiques, Delafnly A I p aca s, .•I.wllll, Muslims, Calicoes, Tikkinga, Plane's, Jpera`FLoele, Lidice Coating, (1. ate' Clotbei Ladles Sarques, White Pokey, . Linen Table Cloths, Counterpanes, Crib Counterpa'nee White and Colored Tarlton, Ingertings and Edgingg, While Lace Curling, Zephyr a Zephyr Patterns Tidy Cation. Shawls, Work Baskets, NUNDO W N N, Notions or every Rind, White Goods of eVery description, Perfuincry, It hone— Velvet. Taffeta and Bonnet COTIIA /1,111 Ilraid, Rut ton Trimtuings, Ladies and ?diem Skirts, HOOP SKIRT'S, Thread, llc4iery, 1..AD1F:. 4 A'l) IkIISES SIIOES an in fact r Knr nitro that can be thought of, tlemrrd or used In the FANCY HOODS Olt NOTION LINE, whit h he ban concluded to roll at figgrem as Inw if not borer than Philadelphia anti New lota retail rivet Come and nee tin If you don't wish to buy it will pny ou to look at '',Vrotoek and learn the prices Again we elm/zany invite you to cull No FOUR BUMPS A RCA DE W FAIRER di CO DM THE 11:01'1,E'S ('1101(1: SAVE Nlll'it GREENII.ICKS' By pur , honng whit you nevi at SMITH'S STORE cE N niE cot til , Pa , lahere the larget , t, t / 1.16 /11141 1111 /1t 1.,111.4,11,1.• a-n , rttnent of tires. good-, ni the I,ottlej Can by, found hilt , . eel hoe e., /11.,Lairs, “110trpt Ire*, r4r 1 1 , • , beim me, .tt /we prtrre. A lioxf ne, nl 10•11 , for,, Lliienn. of /ow 111 r.• 01, Aluehus, of tom" priers, Catilterx. 11, bon ',lt ileigialo, tit hna prtt. a, ut /ow pro es, easel/erg, at low prurf • Notii.l., nt bior pr n ea CLOTHING AND GENTS FURNISHING UOO DS, at cry lon, pru cif In (Ilk line we halo everything. to cool pletely lit out eitherinen or buys„aucl , our laflleS no so low that we DISI BOOTS, :WOKS, NAM AND r APS, a full supply always on ,tuind and rheaner than can he found at any other establish' went. (1, EVERY DESCIPTION guaranteed an reveluilted, and at low rare/ 7 , fit- Farmers and others, who at this Ilea -1.011(the year are visiting our town, on bu mess or pleasure are invitsdto cell and see tie If we not oiler superior traducement*, do not buy. 12 49 LMiHril LNG NEW IN MILL 11E1 N. NEW !:0011S FOR FALL AND WINTER! Calicos, Benicia, Iftlka, &fo nt:toes, Ging hams; Cheeks, Chasimers, Cloth, Clothme, Notions, Boots and Ehool, Hats and Caps, brocenes, Ilardwore, Wood and Willow Ware, Queeniware, and in fact everything urually kept in a gunrry more, all of which they offer at vary luwratee. LEATHER OF ALL KINDS ON HAND and green hides and country produce taken in exchange for goods. SMITH k CO. 1.2-48 ly. _ QUEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP. For doing a faintly washing in the best ribd eheopert,manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world! Ilas all the strength of of old rosin soap with the wild and lather ing qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Enid by the Alden Chemical Works, 48 orth Front Street, Philadelphia 13-38-ly On) .Goo/35, Groceries GREAT' 'EXCITEMENT 1 I GLORIOUS NEWS! Mohait , Reps,ol I'RICES REDUCN II II () W E L L, (lILLI I, A N 1).4- CO of I3u•h'r Arcade, in BOOTOR I and 2, have Juni returned from the rill w i th ~f the kirgert rind beet neiroltintids el (loud' lee r Ught to Cl title CO. Ile% ing the Large,t pPsorllnent of h, y floodp an 4 Grotejlta they RIO :41o•lu /11111 the Market. . We ask an esamination of our Ladle Dress Goode. CALICO FROM 8 to 15 eta Per Yard Napkins bi unlins that will aptriniih the . purchaser, Carpete at t,lti twat ed prices - The Isrgest assortment of Cassomere is Mat ket, !MI HEADY . VALE 1,1,01111 NU warranted to gave perfect sat tvl action Our Shoes fur Ladle/I:mare euril be excelled Our (1 rocery depArlment it,toot4rB ncry 00.1 It Seoul tweet uud Ittry pi SYRUP, AUGAII, TVA ,r (OFFi:E. Canned ' , ruin., Jollies. Itoine.r. i i and Foreign Pruitt., Cheep.. Anil P..ot ri•s nt .it undo, and every whet artit lo In longing to the tirocery WHOLE SALE AT PHILADELPHIA EEO FA It itdos, Alf CII A /CS AAD LA hewing Silks LOOK to your itverert One ,1,11. r Pio rd IF rolkti rur (lolls, in your p... k. t 1 tsvn r.ll ,hod bra ut n hal anti well wog Low Prit G JI.LI AND & CU, a-e selling Dry (i.. 14 end No vain, ,pared in ~Lowing th. Cr If not n 4 repre•cnted nu )):11 pa) )uti lot dour DON'T I oltiiN:T THE PLACE llo.lCn Arcade, Ittoano'No I awl 2 12 16 N EW GoODS A Intge as , ,rtment of new Flaing swl 111/1111. IW. d. Live just I,r(u Ul ht.' it .lie olute 01 Allegheny St reel Ile Befon le. 'Pat, And life Dow 0111,11 pu.plu at Ibi. I/4o t able Fit I, k r‘anprnoes DRY tiooDs uF EvLEY VAMETY, MUt,LINS, Llt OIiz , ,I)ELA INS, SILKS Niel moan, Gingham", Chet he, Car" imer',Ac t; RI ES, ALL KINDS, NM VI: 4 IONS, 1)1111.1) lEL IT ISonta and Slinea,lllo le and Cava, Queen , and in liwt e%erytlsi g uruully krpt hoe. I. 12Ay r EASANT GAP AHEAD' NEW GOODS AND VERY LOW PEI( E 5 Every thin g you want, Boots and Shots, Hato .nd Cap P, Queenswere, MI in (set everything usually herr. in • well stocked enuotry Store, con be bought as hop it NO r II EA l'Flt than anywhere else, of MEI B oGGs & KIRK WHODEBALE GIROQERB, ♦ND DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. 10V Arch 81., between Ftwit and Seco& I. e l oo k o s, I [IBA 4 Orders trout the country promptly attended 10-28 B URNS & SAIUCKkR. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 605 Market Street: Philadelphia. J. MORRIS BURNS—Of B. S. Janney, Jr ♦ Do. 'S SAIUCKSR, 3r.—bf S. Smucker, Jr. A Co• iep IS, 1865.-a-tf. T OBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted to remove all desire for Tobacco. This great remtdy is an excellent appetiser. It purifies the blood, invigorates the system, po great nourishing and strengthening power, enables the stomach to digest the I•eartieet food, makes sleep re reshing, and establishes robust health. Smokers nod Chewer* far Maly Yours Ctsrsd. Price, Fitt, Cents, post free. A treatise on the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of reterences, testimonials, 10., sent tree.— Agents wasted. Address Dr. T. It. AB BOTT Jersey City, N. J. 13 32 12w oat• i:E=J RATES 11011 e.e, 13 XIVI, 13311 J II A;% I Dr► rbruda, 1/roCerieS, Butter •nd Eggi L. IS McENTYSN, Plearant (lap. I's