Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 02, 1868, Image 4

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    The Democratic• Watchman,
I'I•;N N :\
P. GRAY MEEK. Editor
TERNS—t 2 Tier env w'i pu let e.l
'ranee. 2.50 when not in wiennee,
$3,00 when not [..11 I herwe !Ito °NI; mitten
of the veer.
National Democratic Nominations
Pon ritEs)Dixr.
OF NEW 101 ii:
Foil \lc]: pitcsiDENT
GEN. Flt AN K I'. 11I,A IR,
011081/1 'IV CA -9,
1. C E knmerly 11.1 J. C Ammrrmtm.
2 Cline. M Leoup. ,1I Wm I' Witlimgt
3 Chan. Bm•kwfalt, , 5 It
4 lloorge It Berra, 16 Wm I' Svlicll
6 II It C.,gg..hull IT Clraa4 L Poinhing
6 11,u1,4m IN A C
114 IS Nl..ntigliiin 19 Wm A I.l.llhrnith
8 Dn• L Wen.lerj , I m John It I' Lel,tri
11.rmtrd ;di Jiamti.t:nrkij
10 IVl , l , ani Shirk !.:2 James II Ilonk ino
11 Ati Buquitimol 1:3 ' , Award S (1..1.1en
12 Jvhu lllrudig [2l I' IVile.on
. .
Democratic State Ticket
FOIL Al'OlTolt
of k.yoJto C.uoty
01 Co
District and County Ticket
FOR Jrlifil . „
C. A MAY EN, (,r Ilasen
L. A. MACK EY, or Lock' I hir.en
For 4mrrady --P GRAY MEEK.
t A -- II 'T ZIA{
YOI C,4timPa•lororr 111 \U.
—.IIIIIN 1111-'ll[l.
w \II r 1• 1 I.
Pnr A tofill,,
Fir r t ~ ,
It is but a short time until the Wee
tion. You have but a few days to he
Assessed in and unless you attend to
it at once, you may be deprived of
SESSED. Mte(e sure Olt, Have"the
Assessor give you a certiflate of As
sessment. Don t he put off) Attend
to it at once. See that your neigh
bors name is upon the list also, and
when lection day corn's be ready 'o
deposit your bOlct in favor of will.°
supremacy and equal taxahon
Democrat% Remember that
to-tat Orro ; Sill lis rility . : - 14 the
InMt chance S ou hot e to he Ate/
Armstrong and the Bounty
1 - ,0110 X :Wel , 10
reli ,It 'l.l- (1, ,1, I( 1 111 C •'+- ts'
a man t.f wttatrb. and Its Ir lends
claim I him al! the ‘,•110 s in the
eatadezne I louv t 10,010 , 1, 110,1 1111,,•1
11,11 110 1-, or lather hour pv111111,1,,
.111,1 l/11 111 f ,31110110. the l',(1111%/111g,
10 U..' actmil I,llt,uu t'l show
S,lllO. 11,11 V 11111110 g the ' War :ie was
called upon to contribute übruething
frern ht (11,1111(11110.e to a 1,4 milty Ajoid
for the city of IVilliainsport
y. eieerdingly lou ;dam! twdentl:,
patriotic, a' lie pretended to be.
couldn't see it in that What !
help to pay the !mum) to ',ono poor
man. or poor neighbor who couldn't
mdse. money enough to put in a sub
•titute and had to go himself! lie
sas'ltt the titan to' do 411,111 au urirea
.totiable thinc, when he knew that he
wa4, bini-elf, exempt by fOll,Olll (I . IIIS
wralz hwl, 1114 reply . where the sub
•eription paper was handed to him,
is still to hare been in the manner of
a whirling chtbdsoniet tiing 'lke this
don't know why I should be called
upon to contribute to these tenant) ,
fund, when none of our family' are
subject to rite draft. There is/ father,
he is too old, and, of my brothers-in
law, one is also overforty flue and the
other is lame, ari I hate o xjtiiitil
feetiou. So you see we are all exempt
and you must go somewhere dee for
money " 4
Soldiers ! You who are expected
to vote (or this poor. "weak-backed"
creature for Congress, whose patriot
ism only consisted in staying at home
to ?bout "loyalty," and who never
voluntarily contributed ono l single
dime for your bounties (althougti
abundantly able to give his hundreds,)
beeauye he was too infernal mean,
stingy and selfish'to do no, will you do
it ? • We do riot believe yob will!
Don't Trade
An effort will be made by the radi
cals to trade off part of their
ticket to secure the election of the
ballance. Accept on such proposal.
You make nothing by it and risk the
defeat bf some of our canolidates,att
of whom will be TRIIJ MPHANTLY
ELECTED, if each ni an but does
his duty. Go to work fo r the whale
ticket—for every man on it e mom top to
bottom. and spurn all offers to trade
any one of theta off.
Who Leg , s!alion • Exem!s
from Taxation !
Tho Itroppliodo trirl v 4rY It
xellipt, 14.1 r , l il., •l;1 Eli inv.,10., of fir
owl -, 011 , 4 11111 1•11, mon
'11)111) fruak tacattou —lle Nohow!!
The inf.:111111- of 11111 liontl holder.
hen not in exces , of $ I 11'1 , 11
I•xempt, Irom I`y the I/1111141
1114 N 51.111 1111111 n "111PY11111':. H4' 1 . .11-
111111,, 111,`1.11:11110:17 1111,1 . uilmriti , 4 men,'
when not in exee., it th;,l
whiat, the Noto;nto/
'nun meant when 11 , IN rote the alive
extract in regard to ineoinc-), if' to
not, alonir, witli it, by the lailiiie
to include bona-101,1er , , would 1',1. 4 ).
'y to poetry the i le 1 t hat, tlittoopar
ticular rla , a t rper , ,on ivt . no SM . ])
I.Xelliptitl?, JIM AM' CO611,1'1)(41 10 par
uport the L S mire amount 1)1' their in
eninti4, be thu-to tr.nount, lari4e or
rho Act. .of Contre,i, taxing' in
comet, !dared all cla•-tsei upon an
e q uality so fir HY 1110 eXOIIIIIIII/H of
$ WOO ,lint that—at it , auntie, In all
xl.v, but hour about, "the It'epubli
van ptiirt, fir it. Lezi-- 1 .11 exeinn
tour,'‘'real cmate" an)! - farmer+, m e .,
clianiem an,l I,ll,oriniz men" flow tax
ntion for county. town-hip arid 1111111/,
Cll . llll 1111r11 , 1.1.47 net., A Iv, vt,
rniptofm. I.IIL. by the low-Litton of the
llepulilicar . ) party, th , re issxemption
for the bond holifur for soil] purpo
mr, The man who 111 , 1
love fed ih G ot ernment lion)1-4 i-t Pn
['rely extiopt fitim the) payment, of
uft lane" Tie tiny+t no mate tax ,
he r,v nn eniintil 11x, HI p iv., no
,el i n.d tax , he irivq no poor t'i
rata. no road tax , and, herein eon
o.t the emit irron , z 7trvi ootraqn RI
(41111p11111) or, when, %re •pe.ll; or ',me.
(pull wrotil an l nnftcr
hat "11 , Prl , ur , ltrtn ivtr.v by it,
ha.trnipcll , 1 thi.
rind i ii .l,l-try the linl hl :1 , 1
rrwin um]. r, art 3 which ‘vill I.(s'
r-t vrvnt ,Intl or the I),•rilwrit
irtf, t) :all whew , . after
the r rople give the adolioistration or
tho ao‘e-ritneti! into Its hauls, nsl i
011 v MOH whin they go,
to the ballot box thi• bans
a fact thsit nen r r ly one-fifth of !
eve 1 1 th of ow country I. Irl
, red in lbot,sl `t,tt4 , 4 bowl, awl
". t f,-the ii enon :10 , 1 , aretv alfor
d. I!. I I tr , ilth, by the St ite an I
bull a ',lionise. on I , r t ire law-, It
t ot Wnt „IT ,sot: IN I
iv%v Tvllia - tioN. Now, how ,
thinv, work 9 Som.,.
101 l elrr breaks into the 1, 41 1 : e of a
bul I holder awl ste,nls his bowl 4 I/I
0 , ,,tr-e, the fit Owl 7 to do t, to et!,
the 1,, 31 "jivers of the law, to vet
theil Ow l ; lTurt to recover the
1, 1, rt pronet ty, awl to at ro•t the of
I•tt.ler A , 1 , 1 the arr'-t. there tli.t
, I'll for the hod, t here
mil,: otrt 3'l - 1 In i..!” 1 . and jti:
11,1 . 11, - allexpensive n s. • yotte.
w„ito I. it alt it th • I,lll+''
We niu , t t at executive liffi•or , or the
!Iw oho male nrrrst., we •yist
i,odzos who wo oiti,t pay
men before whim erintind and
other eaqvg lre tried, and we most, nt
the , ante time, , upport el who
violate the law Ihwes the bond-hold
er pay his Oiare C..rtainly jot fur
every dollar he has inve-ted in gov
erionrot bonds 1 . 1 exempt, by the law
of Concre.s, from elate, county, and
munleipal taxation. Who, then,
pays the.. expt•rnes? \Ve will- tell
von. The money with which they
are paid is derived from taxation,
imposed oy state laws, Now property
other than government h,ods, and we
have yet to learn that the real eqate of,
Centre county --the land of the far
trier--the town-lot land house of the
mechanic -and the humble cottage of
the laboring poor'man, does not cad,
contribute, it,s share, according to the
valuation that 4s placed upon it ?
Every man who has over .a eertain
amount of personal propelrty,,
Than gorernment bonds such as house
hold furniture, or money at interest,
on individual notes, bonds or mortiga
ges, musepay his share, but the hold .
er of government bonds is a favored,
privileged, being, who enjoys the
protection of local v,overnmcnt for life,
liberty and property at the expense of
those who are not bond holders. Ile
has the facilities afforded by tire corn
mon isehoorsystems for the education
of his children,- yet he pays nailing
for the support of schools ; and, if
we thought it. nedessary, in order fur
ther to show up these outrageous dis
eriminations in favor of . one class of
persons at the expense of all others,
,we could continuo to enumerate many
more benefits which the bond hcdder
enjoys in co;nmon with his fellow
man, but for which tie corresponding
exactions are required of him ; but it
is enough.
The "republican party by its Leg
islation" has been guilty of many
great wrongs—of many flagrant out
rages—of tr_any:oblushing, unmiti
gated and stupendous villianies, for
•ill r.f wh:(11 it is nolv being ( ailed 10
ieconnt, lott„for none (la's it deiervc
tehtikynid eondenination any Inor ,,
'hat) for the , o unju , ,t and iniquitous
inequalities of taxation hy • which
"farmer', .tneehatties and laboring
'nen" are made to betty , the burtheng
or Ihe pure," wood and nristneratie
bond ho'dor. Tax payer, think or
t 44 when I'o , l rrnto the ?trilby to vote!
•Poor Men Pay no Taxes."
" four Wren ply no taxes "—This
is One of tho as.ertions of radical
-peckers, when they believe they
haul. hearers - ignorant enough to
eido down their assertions as gospel
truth, without either thought or in
quiry. Let. 11 , 1 see how much of fitet4
and how itrich of fancy there is in
this a,,erti'on. Vestirday we met a
laboring man who served three
vear in the arms. lie now lives in a
rented houNe, wet ks in a rented shop
'ands worth about, two thousand dol
has. everything taken int) considera
tion. We a,ked him what hi; taxo
were and he handed us the following
• 111<1.1.1truSTIS, PA , Dag 13117
Taxes for 18111
To •mount of Borough tax. ....
" Ftreet .........
" Water
• Poor
' Count)
' Stale
' ',peuul Mate
"Ti , e poor man pays no taxes
Oh, no! Fifty dollars and eighteer
pocket, is it? The hirelings of ato
bonded aristAeracy" in iy
say en, but the }card-woriLing, honest
lax pa) er'will not agree with him. Is
dollars nothing t 3 a poor man's
tamely ill a sear /cod fifty dollars is
not .t:1 Ii p.ty-. There is not au ar
I of clothing that covers his bthly,
not a bite of food that hi, fatuity
uses, fir,' ti patch upon his Donis, air
a puff of smoke from his pipe but
is .taxed, in addition to the 1.k,50
direct ins is that are. taken from him:
But hoiv Is It will, the bondholder,
who is the tpell,tl p t of the individ
ou.ils Nho assert that "po.,r men Only
nn t t , 9 * . iimir ;Inch (nes he pay ?
Let it, see )Ir. (' presi
d , tit the "National Bank of Belle
A.te hu,ulreel and thirty
thon , onel dollars 4f go'oernme nt
botoli Si XrY k; times as much as
010 111 , rhallkwil ,, - , ' tit eopie,l
above, is worth Yet noon all this
motley lite nays NI )T ONE ('ENT in
bane of borough, street water,
"ehool, poor, bounty., state or county
t.lx. II is hundredond Wet?' thousand
thdherg, 7,l hands,, i. , , exempt from
taxesf.r al! of the-0 purposes, while
the I eittrned soldier, who is now
working at his; trade, is compelled to
pay rift,/ dollars and eighteen rents on
the hr.,, thou,sanel 'dollars worth of
lottpeliold goods and stock and Wok
that he p()"i'f'S.
Where is the justice in ?
We know that, throttehout the
country the rate of' taxation is not as
high as in this borough, hut tha.t.,
does not alter the principle that radi
calism is acting upon, in ils mode of
levying the taxes. It does not ex.
erupt the poor man from taxes—for
it is front the poor that ALL tare; are
ranted, w'iether they he high or low.
The Democratic doctrine of "equal
taxation — will n.ake Mr. Humes and
other bend-holders pay their propor •
lion of the taxes, and relieve the fa
boring men of the country of the
amount they are, under a radical ad
ministration, compelled to pay for
Whenever you hear one of these
speakers, who are hired . and paid by
bondholders fur supporting
and 00.FAx,and their doctrine °rex
enopting the rich gad making the
poor pay all the taxes, assert that
"poor men pay no tuxes,“ ask him
how it comes that a man wor,th $2,-
000 has to pay $5O IS, and the bond
holder, wotth $130,000, pays nothing
Place n) Reliance in Them
The great game of the Radical
leaders is BLUFF. They bhw, and
brag and offer to bet, and cry loud,
that theii success is certain, for the
ptirioseoTkeeping up their courage..
They know that the tide, is running
against them ; they kno w that the
honest and oppressed laboring men of
the country are leaving them by tun
dreds ; they know that unless they
can perpetrate soma GIGANTIC
FRAUD upon the people, that they
will not stand a shadow of a chance .
at the coming dection, and in the
hope that they" ban cheat the peopl
out of their , choice, they are lying
about their , chances—lying about
their candidate--lying about their
record—lying about their opponents
—lying about their intentions—lying
about everything that enters into a
campaign. BELIEVE TH N.1)1 NOP
cowardly ! Beware or them
What they Moan by the Equalization
Has any ono heard any Radical
speaker inside of the county or nut of
It who bay not asserted that the
"optall . :;ation of tevration" meant, the
taxing of ,'farm lands, horses, cows,
mil every othe'rspeeiC.r . ol• prop 'rty,
to the full extent of what it was
worth. Piek up the organ of that
party 'published here in this, place,
and ace that it sur just what their
opeakers assert, that the "equaliza
tion of tax,ation" will add twenty,
thirty or fifty per cent. to the taxes of
the farmer, the mechanic and the
day laborer. -
This is what they mean by the
"equalization or taxation." Their
papers hay it, their speakersikiay
their political pamphlets say it, and
their petty politicians throughout the
county are riding about ding-donging
it into the cars•of every voter. Now
dodging or denying now, that their
tnetlipd of "equalizing the taxes,"
would be just what they say, for they
have every one asserted that the
"equalization of taxation" !pans,
nothing more 'or nothing le than
adding 5 per cent to the titres nik the
actual tattle qf horses, cost's,
and all kinds of property; in order,
that it may "equal" the iNront: tax
on bonds. Then a farmer who owns
a farm of one hundred acres, the ac
tual value of which wa , slno per acre,
~$ 3
:1 18;
15 00
. 17 MO
4 78
..a Iby
. . .
zing the to ro(" pay FI V I , ', 1 lIN
DRED DOLL 11(,-; ; the mm who
owns a horse irlrths2o,t, would, (re
cording to thrir (twin''r pity a ta x on
that hor..e of TEN DOLL itS and so
on down to the cow worth fifty dollars
and the ehielt•ett'worth, twenty fine
cents THIS remember N II Vl'
THEY SAY TuE .. EQ(l,ll,ln-
To show that they are (14 ftror of
this system of taxation, we need only
quote theAth Re,o'ution of their own
platform. It read t-:
,4 flop in rd.
TA XA TV'S SII(11 LI) BP ryi i/ro
and ritur•rt n 4 ritinrity rye
Here it is in language iis plain and
a' explicit as Itinguagocan There
I. no disputing that tho radical paitv
are in favor of the e lu,lhr lotion of
taxation," --for their platform dis
tinnily rays ho, and the manner in
which they will citualizi the tax —4
their speaker-4 have told lime :Lail
again Do the farmer+ rnd lakinani4,
want such equalization of taxlit ion as
radii-aloof) promises A l e n] t h ry
wont to ion/TEN WALLAHS on seen
hurry, t.:42 .50 nn ererli lire. 1I V
1)01,LA RS ern ever., ACRE of land and
on Elir.itrriiiNii rise 9
This is what radical r , say thi.
"equalization of tasaCiori" mrnnv and
their party platform pledges them to
this doctrine.
(in the other hand, the "equairit
lion or taxation — that the Demoeraey
advneate, is such am wi'l make the
bond holder, who iv now exempt from
an taxes exempt an im - ome tax, pay
'his prow)] non of road, vehool, poor.
bounty, state, county and other taxes
—thus reducing the taxes of the 1 , 17.
Vier, the meehanir, the miner owl the
flay Inhorer, to the amount let ied upon
the bondx of the howl holder --whieli
on an averare Amounts tia EN•
for every voter in the Northern
Tax payers of thecountry, which
way do you want, this equalization of
taxation? The way the radiettli pro
pose, or the way the Demecracy pro
pose? A vote for II A ItTRA N rr,
Alimwenwso and the rest
of their ticket on tik lath hist , is a
vote, to tlx your farms, your horses,
your cows, sliCep, hogs, household
furniture rind e?•erything, you have -
for the party whose candidates these
men are say that the "equ i alizition or
taxation" means this, and their party
platform pledges them to equalize
the taxes. voto— for ENT , and
lion.E and MACKFX and the balance
of the Democratic ticket, is a vote i n
favor of malting 1/re howl holder pay
las equal share of all the taxes.
A Game that won't Work !
The advocates of' negro suffrage and
a bonded arristocracy, in this county,
in their vain endeavors to reduce the
Pomocratie majority, are just now wil
ling to go to any extrtimes in mean
floss or resort to any device nu matte?
how dishonest. 'their spdakers--soine
of whom are prominent members of
the Presbyterian Church, in this
place have no more respect for truth,
than a cow.a9natrumpet has for fe
male virtue. We have been informed
by a gentleman whots we know would
not misrepresent art ono t hat Ma.
EDWIN ThArrcHARD, , in a speech at night last week, as
sorted that, the radical party would
of Taxation
gaitilifty votes in Philipsburg and
Rush township, that it would gain
forty votes in Harris township, that
it, would gain thirty votes in Miles
township, and that, in every I own.lii)
in the county the Democratic vote
would be decreased. Now Mu.,
INANcitAnn knew whcri' he was ma
king these assertions, that be was
stating what was false ; he knew that
there was not a townshij) named by
him but contains Inert who have here
tofore voted with the' party to which
Ile belongs, who will this fall vote tor
SEvuoun and BLAIR ; he knew that
the only increase the radical vote of
this county will have, will be ten nays
that that party has t. h pped Irmo Ihtion
countyinto the towel' end of \ Ides town ,
ship, ostensibly to lumber, but for no
other Fiirpose than. to vote against
L. A. MActirv„; Its, knows too, that
his own party poll of Harris township,
gives his party but fifty two of a rca
jority. when they have, hei•ctofitre bad
from sixty- to ouc hondred,,and ten
ThcSe Picts be was aware of, yet for
the purpose of chee ./ i
ing up the des
pondimt followers after the nigger,
the bondholder and I; tNT and Col, -
FA X he states what he kti,,ws to hr
This kind of deception may work
well enough with chi reh niciolwr
whu -uititure _their morality with
the amount or aii•torratio air, the%
can put on, and who think tine clothe,
and kid glove, will cover a va,t quail
tity of by poeraey, and lying, but' it
wont go down with the tna,,e*.\
Jt again litANcu AHD Slick up poll
hair, bruit up your brow] cloth,
smooth your heaver, clean yolr
and go in' You will have to try an
other tack th'n that
We hope that our 1)owner:111e
friend, in the town,hipv mulled will
, we tv that, the poll
1 , 4 not p..rinitted to rrrEAT THE %I
AT THE 1 . 01,1,ti ni old r t r of ike
atoll litANcit uiti's r p
Democrat , and to vcoik '
The President Judgeship
IVe liavt• reteoved iiothe one ,
what purport, to he a cone -it - owlet', e
b, tween certain gentlemen hi Clear
field courtly and r'it or,:t! I! 11 - Nic”. I 1 - r,
:1-1.,114, he an 'telt
pendent candelate Itir Ihc•ident
diebze hi' tin; .1 ti In eII Diiitrirt, with
he, reply volutiteei trig to run The,
I, ae we tixteteted, althotteli we had a
ti%tht to ledieve• that thcie vnj. thcie
honor, more tiothfolite and Iwo,
"If re , ti,•et about the ttrin, %rhorn the
I)eithierate of Clearfield. venture pre
•ented at the .Tudi , eal f'erifererice to ,
tic Ir Valid 1110! /
of (lot' cool e. If .1 ihirrett
h trnule.l !Wing a volunteer can lid 0,-
1 . .1. tin • riot um cern t to hex
It. wll%. If th, re
w:l4 nnv honor eiLnnt Line, di 1 I .•
nnnm•r tlitoheli the I 'I, .1
fie Id 1:epu1,1'.71171, a, a Initeltdate for
that T en it ton, "ail je, I
;;tut of the Juditial
Arid that lie did tweed being a vol
unteer ca'ndidate !Hoek tin whet Heel
than a hat the leader~ of th‘p
patty ft/m . l , llrd- lot; bclore the ineet
iug or that i•otil'erenec•, in their re
(,reated a, , ortion4 that ''they would
make tin th , inination,“ teecnu,e .Judge
linititErr Mlllll , l tun for theta utile,'
he received the I)eniocratie notiona,
ti )11
In his refu•ine In abide by the de
cis,ion of a coot; roneo, the_
of which he had pleilgiol him•olf to
abide by, Judge BARRE - 1-r has , ho we
that lie scruples not to t
rb fillet, and we risk the honest votor:
of this district, if a roan who violate,
his most solemn pledges is fit to net a ,
President Judge of our Courts? Would
he scruple to violate nil n•rth of ()fibs ,
Would he hesitate to compromise the
dignity of the position to accomplish
some per.onal aim or solfi•lr onjoet
But thiq volunteer candidate for the
office of President Judge a not to ,
known to the people of this county-
especially to those living along the
deserted route of the Atlantic and
(treat Western Bail-way. Ile is
known as the individUal mho - , seine
four years since, with a flourish of
trumpets and any amount of biags
ducia, subscribed ono . nolliqu_and,,a
half of dollars to build the Atlantic
ar,d Great Western Rail .vay through
this County. Upon the strength of
velich subscription, engineers were
employed,who surveyed the route and
who, for their work, to this day, havo
not received one cent and whose board
bills with farmers and hotel keepers,
along the route, yet remain unpaid.
WLen Judge BAttagrr pays up these
board bills, which were made on'the
strength of hix subscription to the
road, tEo voters in this county who
have been stuck in various amounts,
ranging from ten to twenty-Jour hun
dred dollars by them; will have a litle
better opinion of him than they have
as matters now stand.
What , Bay you voters of the 25th
...•=1 , 41 , ,1111,
Judicitl limo n 4 ill
violiite „pledt!(;':4, tnd who will at
tempt, Jo ,inako impol it hy
4111)..erilring to a Gm I flit :11111,t1t;If that
ha never o‘tri.cti.d and knnw ,
ord pey, the tiro t(r Ic r. , „..1.3 or
courts and sec that !wiled
not I_,vt WONI 411,111 and roan?
• >,
Wa'puldi,lied a CAI; '1.111(.0 tile
repni t a eonve . Natinn between 'i:
(;,,, , r n o r tin, of t hi, place Ind a or the Inyal League or
delphia. nt the league rim in that
eitv, in Ivhieh Governor,Curtia
"/f/ er PI e asked 10 motto', tit it Iron
mr/ a 1 . 0 II 11, ISW ASO I Ihe
uttribilles nl ,r prrirt•l I/eta/1711:H, It
4 111114 ttlrtl /11 , 11 . 0144//1
"rn , 1,1 Mid n SUlet I 771r1 . . , 1111 . 11, 414,04
"Iltlllir IIIIRATI4) 61'13141( . 1i, ttl tS)
•13 , ef,—" ‘V , into boon 10,4 lug
o r the 11:e4 of ono of die city
and find n lit Inure o f
(;. v Soynomr . 4 poloilarllo (hung
the wai, 4% it 11 a (et tato ela , , or nom
inh,) are now roviliog hilo, and
ing etas. inamicr ut cf•it!uct loom hull
as thy I/enrol:11w candolatv Gar the
forma whro ilvt4Futinin
hoc, nr,4l %%1,,11
thy. guns 111 141401 v Wf-rwt #lltrripr:-
tit Ow dour, d.
/rug i1 . V . ,1,111 mty In lII,' hi,llii of
c‘oiywl,.oo, tin (' 11 Ila
1:,1 Id :1 %I -It to Illl' of 1110 Pclll/-
tat (UM', 11 151.11 'Arc 1,, 1 , 11
011 V, 11131 lilt' fr.n •,,1 . 111 1 0111 p, rIA
to :•ervt:siliroughout %,,,tr
prevvilte,l ninny lrntu t.. u.
pe•l tilt: It 1%.1.• t
'hi , f ar, uuuut, dm. - nit d t.
r...1,1N amp. ill I ' l
th,•111 I:
.1111 11 1:1,11 for a lie
ril a 1 11v 1 + 4 , 70? V,
PI SN, 11 .NIA II I , 4 1 , •
3...tir • r . h 1, )•••
, 1,1•: rill- in I r , r, I r, 'lt.
n,ll Ito ' , lir, 411 rwe • tile V. hit,. •
t I r l hit° r r
P. 111 I ,•11,` 1141 1 .11 o'll 1, ro•
I 1 , 1 1 I 1.•1 11,1, t . , 1•t•r.1 ' I'it
1111,1,1 I .0 •er ht. IL • Iry
41.,, r Ihl/1, ..r ,,,,, ' I
i1ra,141.1 pal' un aaa F,, the
01.1 .11' //'' I 1 01,':
111111 , 1, 111 re.;.tivr feorivi
TI(1111 , 1!..! to
I,2ll l olll'—' 01 .
\t.%s' V.lll . I, I/I
11/ 1 , 1.1 ii 11.111 ' IP( 11.:r
liar St.yttui it,
Ole ir,.mn
t. .III• I'll•
'I , / .1 .• ur i• , 101. r
In• fr •i.,L I f
LI. rei
11. it 1
11141 111 11/1 , (1.0 y '
Elie •uric (lay tits
'And 1-11. (1 Vt., I tim,n- Ifl
111 , I: I.OIIA at o.n. rt-t
I lat I'III v How
on I'm .1 chi
IIIL! 111 111, V. 1111.1120, %VIII! lliii It 1111,
Sol or, roa or. Nr w Yon,, PerinJ, , ‘ 1/111
r that lar r ty r \.'w
n 11.4. I 11,1 Vlw rk
to, r,ty rooge., 1., t r••ha rman
nee, .110 VT, het
root I 11, 11,,1 i 01111111 5..11 i• r
ohs, h, f 11 4 ,111 vn,- )41.5. 0, he h•,• r. d
(In 11011113 future '. , "D 1
wr'l in erne more 11111.rofYrr Ito and t rnial
menu, r, make known to Imomygrcerol
11;TIC..1•111 .11 NI larY act 1 , 41 to horny.
mg, I orwnr I t ,yrr
and 11./1.11. t1M.,1 of
polaherly wen ' Ag ❑
1111 I thank y..t ,
Here is the tvid,nee G ,v
Crturtv's oa ri lite-, that Holt
"WA ( had 'Wirt, err t 4
men' in our State, to protect it from
the iov,olor, to lore t/r 101,1 er H . lll / 1"
one Sham,' upon the, villifter of the
protector 0r Penn rivania I Shaine
upon the citizen ()four Coto t ootivrcAlth
who would open his lips or ty•e his
pen to traduce the gallant SErmotrit,
who, in the time of our need, was
ready to stand by us ! 'Shame upon
thu man who would now show his Ap ,
predation of Gov SEvnoutt's
promptness ia sending um aid, by
heaping upon hint the abuse that
radicalism is now doing.
It waxtloveructr 5ZY.5101.11C.4 prowilt ,
ness, in sending his troops to our aid,
that saved Pennsylvania front being
entirely overrun by the forces of Gen.
Lee. Can Pennsylvania refuse now
to give hint her support? Can our
State now fail to stand by hint ? Let
us be as prompt in recognizing and
repaying his efforts in our b,phall; ae
he was in placing-iii./ men between
the invaders ant out ,property and
rights. , I
--A vote for MAYOR., is,a vote
fur a gentleman of the :highest legal
attainments a gentlimier Dgrrinst
whose private character not even a
Fuspicion can bo aroused, and whose
integrity, ahiiity and uniform courte
sy, is acknowledged by all,