The Damo6ratie Watchman, ,BELLEFONTE. l'A fNIOAY MORNING, OCT. 2. 1868 "The Eriipire is Peace"—"Let us have Peace." In a recent hiller Senator Diviv alln ded to the Mil Oil lon of port tea tiotil nee- . tions in this country. and. qonneeling Ibis with the peculiar and clothing means which -lire being ii-ed to elect Grant, argued with grett foree [hat such an election would in ike ihic orlon candidate at the head of his army "Coezae Inoperator " Mr I)ivia gave it as hie 8011.1111) opinion that, • when (len eral Grant iv Hopi eleelail and tniiiiituon tad President th n will the revolution of Our Government be complete and perm* neat and • long, rheum' night of despot Lem viill brood over the °cowry " The New York Trihune maitre en ex ceedingly_ Ilhored attempt to ridicule s this uggeeflon Similar alarm. have been sounded PO often. lit timen o f n o m) penance safety, that the Tril•uPte drew. it only necessary to lough lit thin one to induce the people to it its the Shepherd hny'e cry of wolf With no diemantled Slater, nn di•frenelt iv,. I and oppressed millions of hrit•e white• • its hordes of ignorant and de-prrate Afro cane eutdlettly enitiwed with pnwer r ito Hump enoreen• to mircenvitie disContentn, feed the (dimes of emirs and disturb the equilibrium of mir ii,vioembit usurpations 01 power, it u prllll/I , ll l l* i I) i t the publio eoa'd afford to- Itidnlvii lie wonted cooflerL)e in th • fixedo..., of out luntilultoOx Rut fear. which in few years ago appeared more •monary ,than those of Mr l• I. hove hero no I Grill. reelaed and chanc , m rm.rt. tlifficult than (hone which he forerliad,w•, have been New methrolo of l efil mfoinz "rmi•jde of the C toe, it ty 1..11 for ortrepreneof e.I popnlation4, hove been invented Tl.' inntrument wlt , ch life held otfl the Her.' tot PAlegntrd• for lb« right. of :4.ate. of prirrprry nod of pennon, ao well a. O. the ',erre! detArintrolo of the Fe.lergl Govern:nen'. It I. been found I .1 (onion. lrol void while It•olor .'a ore in power They hove .Itoreitor.le.l clone an I prof It, I e•e1y.11.... n',“•11 tt made e,crr.l It h lt,. It f too I p ile to make 111 , 111 'milt, ,tor fit nod the oovier be ,hop wt I 1.4 to It, 11°,1 to to .he Lint Pref.t.len , of the °tits' Stweo t‘ by tiny it not. he ti..o I to totlp mike Lim irnpernior over tilt Th new el...rnerit nolltnry fore. Itt. peen introdure.l into the polt.le.l eon teal+ of Ito. c,oniry It to terogn)zo,l by Or.oCa ..opp otruit• ma meet tn. tune of ',pelt eft Itre..l in Of Conalitutien na their party int,re4t twig dieloilp Why , 11. w it nit hr ti.e.t to chnuer the ConBllllol bn ie 11(0 fwd to ctrl tin ti al(111 , i, el I' in no wonder, Ile n. that the veto i of b., m.o. In go. ~•4 'he 7,,bri., all. tort. to irit 'the foreil tt l•iig.iif NI r Di,. ,ev shout , prie tii he very heavy iir le•,l - I ,t The r a. I,, , tig •harli li i i f te n 41a tr. dot , turtie., the Caw rf iii 1, i i rig ;mil 01.. 1 gliiim of it t oot ili ri , i i' iiii.ll , ll ion 'tri". 1 to r e litik ii t• fe-i in „ mirth lia ...If. beriitlie iiatilonie be IMO". II la linpoi,iible to ruiroey the roil° ton fit bar rilintry and to l o u g h ~ ticer.lii al tiro Ara lir SO lilifi l ytil In:I 1111111 'try de -poll-11l , Sro . a-I rnlige .1,41 I li . e Piot/nit' should In 'hit runner 11011 Worl OM )1 eejr •Oireil Of meaning 1110.111 lie Ito m wnr - T lir r.... iii, .s titlettl to arli.Cli party rit i:tleN were cart wi I and the sit. Innneltivii 1.1 civil air kept alive for party porpo.e• at Rowe, err, I oil the op poriurtite which lIRN never eii-tent In the i ii i.tii i i iif Any ii•i oliiiii abetter in Grereo. in {tome i r In linllmol hint there wins al I. r• venue pnpolitr and •lin CC-atilt general to take sil•gtitage of it The M. 114.1011 Who 6 rr• Lome in the detipiitieni of tire l'aizatia hear. In every I em.ieni till rwriienlar. a tofu-o,llg analtitry to that *hteli the Itatitedo are pupal trig a. an opportunity and a temp LW 1 oil for Ilront's *whit ion It Itla.lera not that they do mit ro intend it It iv by the r pa.i•uotri nail not by their reit s .. n Ili a t people fill.tliire Illienllielrea In the eager pursuit rdiheie own limo, and in their hot etanneration agsinst their f e ll e y e e ,,,,,,pa. Owls.° It/11110dn are reel.- Iga•ly itvirg WrOtr..7ll.l4llllpPrOlll.l to then selves They faC the ember.; of civil war and fustier enri tonal prep] lire• to custom a party deeporidm and a •Intlrc live Keetional polite), They are aeries lowing the 11.11.11. to Violet)t anti revolve Howley changes tri the ge•ernerient, and to changes at theCato*litutton effected to thitoMexican style. Already the hryo nittirof the Itatitsal candidate g l eam i n one half of tCH Ainton to execute the senteneiro of hilt courts martial, and to enfot'eti (be viten rremutgateel thrtna l h hio legislative conventicleo. The ranee for rummers. have bloomed awl failed upon the grave of the last moldier Aldo in hauls, lipid still wt, Itti'ar all over 'the South the tread of-Qtrant s large armies, as they g• shout. capturing electoral •011.4 wherewith toiranke him President (Tr/ tversal h ubnueniaa to and "Tragic( this riyie of elerttosterring to what he Lad bin party "matt when they nay . .Let us have peace " lie is all the more dangerous because he appenra in the powerful sevrant of the dominlnt party. It is as 'brachia ef their nnesone that he must enquire the power to become their master They pi iolo a partnership of violence and usur pation vita% him to make him President, in the lope that, thmugh him, the den istitisin of the Radical party may become tied, and Neeure In that position he will hold a terrible mil dangerous hal *ace el power between them land their opponews If he should then 'threat-Co to carry out the Radical idea o f govern ment. their intended sietims preferrieg the despotism of one man to that of a cruel and corrupt faction, would be is condition to accept the relief which be could offer and which would be aomap table, becauee his accession to unlimited power would Involve the Radical and roathern man in the samefetepreeisely. Tbepower could be easily allied with the resentment of a desperate people and than become. the stepping etoike to an imperial throne. Let our Radical friends read a little history and then liugh at this if they onn.l Whenever ft republic has fallen, it bas been effected by some Such coma- aunt... Ito we. n p mit , t ,ot„i of ilovrev and he rh,..en of t mild ii.imp e r,, I It me tit fluor role Cr , inweli .1.1 Cr lib I 11.011y:111 dim to I loing N,t limy ipt.t.oli mtto Complete (: , ,Ittrol of !be Eiteett 1.,11 they were iftwomitlimmly kirk rd rtit their w.-ais by Litt tr eter•tutt It Ih.,n lily lout heron full, rot fairly . and le;rilly noting Pnrlitttnyto of Kitaltimi itp.trl.l of it htwlrry and it•orttervg f4Clion, it would love tee!) •11.14tited in it+ riebts even by W. op the it.t.rtimts. uhf Cromwell wowl,t floor; h , .vr pre.ttom.l /161 lie 4 11 , 1 on ,lierramfully upon Ilie c,ithiv.thee , ol limn puny it II IS revolt ngnin.ol his own Nettoo. , in Ihot p ., g , of t., ry the it uhells 4 jh is wentorY .eanNwtineaa the opera imo• of the N .1111.1.1 VllllOl rllol'llll the fortnnea of !wt umrpalions they nn' ei eying Toeyotre erecting a government ol lures . to hold power in .pier or the while" in r,ll ri ong !him they Are preparing the minds of dill 111..irity rn rej .tee when thin new ele ment tovna to plague the in•enlor. The Napol'entis were ele•toetl as the f4vorilem of It o -publican France, and both of them lom , trite tlprror. by the ,00,titftltre of the ilt•,11•fiell Nlimareh ' a t& nut," pay the It ollenlv, • thvnt ra aeonimon pl kr,. mai, 111.1111,11 I wan , In he Emperor. Ile Is ;lei' Ger y Crom well nor a Napoleon 7 1/111 II IS 11'114. tilt the 11.wrinarlea were not Cromwell!, nor was Ciounwril ('re'ar Cron,' Wel I was nett 'known nor 11Yil'f10111 bnumn,al l i m , ske 0 1.41 year., nil tGr was 1113.1rr of I . :"glow I when ha .1 I eil The F.rtit Napoleon, h +poor t'nr•rcnn cadre, IP•CrITIIe l . 'lll.oror 1,1 11N-4114.3.. . 'Ltd_ (311/rit,_ line hw hot n, pt VI ry (-mootf•I tell 101 v •pra try V he I nr l ¢hlog. lo o l Of htinwrett. ewes In whlell Ile 11.11 11i.”.11 a loafer, 0,4 Tel Pre, 11,1 of Ihr Frenc h I t% he gleel 'red that he w,nlrd Its +4°•tlll is 11.17 f stip.trln arum 1 1 , hr ii lu d r ,ty Ern perm- of FS WI • N ,, h.elv tite ri.- I , lll o t , I 4 1 ICI the motol. I I Pill Ihr I.olel nowt: iin,!'y rf 1 , 1 the ht% It Llteol 111i111 ,, s Ilhe n .cry !ins, wt I 1N... II:, vO.ll-1 I hint 4 to•.i 1,1•1.;t1I• Tr ,itme Irn rhonl , I 11,11 , 4 powrr 110 I i.liiwm) r n ' 1 "Th in C. hat Ills with tine laorek fl :1,, Imo 110 etii hr yrl•ni and lo ti.- rhiner*. Ile 1 , 111 the It r,n.Gr wee nu 11,mr. '1,1;4 in.' "11,r the I/i ihrl4,l, lie Itw Ih it l' wdr fn. 111111 In ft Pre.; olrot Th. y •11,1 1,1 w tat it ot.t for ..lent, Inn oly twin, bull It Vt'lS INS , or long ttrrwell to I over Thu moo mmt him yet, and writ thry 111. iptirt+•f 5t•01 , 14n..0 ltoiv,k 111111 free rotislill 1,11. , own p r.7;11 Pre4l , lent. 11, IS C , lfillt.l Ilrtl hi II know 14-I,tht I. 111, VIVI., of g• lit 11,./orth sr t , Il i of IlvopI••n 11... II 'l', or Ti e only know 11. :I l• ',Pill I s'Sslsou of ••rolfrtiher and ri.irt rf7:11." on 111111 when he 4, ~o to Inc ho d,.ey it I stop em 11, way 1.1 Clinto the 01 hh- 11 el. e , ril he 1- the very will in .•c1 ether ernmwell 111 lilt 1 1 ,091 p. 0r ,he C,enerril I a 'hew Itestiirn• 100. A• 111,11 0 11 1 . 1011 wh.trl. part 1,14 per4,ital u.l.r .1r 1...1.1 lillo 10 p l .l‘ Ihr people have rent In led 10 qe,motir and 'let Qs 1 . 11.1 . peace --LowsnrCe o,.mrter , Let it be fiemembervd„ That the Rutlea] Ike i n to Itirrnoent or nor nalionnl Ii nue., hoer ifsern from the mold,. ?hiring die IHet 3-enr4 more film' p•evristgen Iron dyed willono of dollnrn awl :aren't re been the debt oaf far , hinir Len tt he remenitierod, Mitt the In.l blur yearn nf Democrni to role nn ly cool ihe.people two bundled and tiff) , mill 1.410 Let rern•rnhpepd thu 0 ,,„ „ p . n . %eft ref I•le 114.11C1.1 Lerodature, during !he 111110 yearn whoeh they ',nee run , leafed the Slate of h.. been nearly Inn mtlltone fire hundred thenn•nd dellare Le , it he remembered that the ripen pea of the Detrincrwtie Leci• RUM' for t he AMP period of time, only cost a little over one m illion of dollars Let it he remembered, that In lF Ig, I)emactane Legielature pa ssed a 111,11, settler apsri remain revenues tp conch tote 'a Sinking Fowl, woh which to gradwally pay of the State debt, and added a Au net provision that tlita land h e u s e d for nn ocher purpose, aid that the Radicals during the nine yearn they have been in pow'Sr, have collected twenty five millions of Vara, and have only redeemed four tuillNne of the debt, il'un squandering or meshing twenty one mlllinns, Which the law farhade them to 1;6ok, for any other purpose, than the reduction of the Stale debt.—Urn:4i of I.4crty --Dick Yates. the lenaior of Illinois. in a recent speech, called the working men of this country -mt....rabic scabs" and loony sone of--who paid no tale... Routh Carolina IlanlniOntl'a con temptible epithet of ''mud sills ' is out done by thin Radical blackguard What ever a Radical Senator, in drunken de lirium', may blurt out in contempt of the working men of this land. the political ecowomist knows. dint they produce the wealth of the country, and, at the vase time, bear by far the largest share of the public buriliens. They may make a poor (tiger° in income returns, but they psy the lairs ea all they consume; on the ten, ( - be coffee, the sugar they con sume, on the clothes they buy, on the shoes they wear, en the hooka their chil dren use in the Bidwell. The poor man, with au= or eight children, contributes far more to the support of the govern• bent is the indirect taxes which be pays, than the rich man who has invest ed his wealth in the five-twenties. Yet some of the rich are blockheads enough to believe with tids man Yates, that the laboring classes have no great interest ia this financial question, when it is in deed oast of life and death to them and theirs The poor man who labors f• his bread, and eoltributes to the general prosperity, is of far more use to society than the rich man 'who has lald We mon ey away in 6welwenties, the interest of 1-which the poor man of the land must psy of semi-annually in gold.—dforitiny Patriot. . 'T he Way it is Done rho Ilan J V Allen of Illinois, mode s speech in lifilianspolis, lust week, in which he es;.lslne.l Willi TIIN BON Di WEAR ,NXNAIPTRII in y that 'hone borilla alionla• he ,'temp( from tax it ten T In there nny ren.mi which own fin gitten Tor their ex ernin inn I remember well that a rea non was given when then* -lulls were iimpling in two United State+• It win¢ned it 9 a reason, that to subject 1114.. e Illond% to In 'Alton for enmity. nl rniitkieipil purou4e., w“111,1 dccrt•dee their value to the holder. But the SOTTO' rtolgon Would apply to every other I. pe cots of tiropprly Your N 1101) is not an valuable to you aalt would be if it were exempted from taxation ; . your (Oral is not no valuable as it would be if exempt trim I.lx•it ion, anti as of all property bit in taxed. Titer. is ne rr• on, thin, whatever why these men who ore so for tunate a•: to bold bondn,. upon which they draw a high rate of interest, paid mi atiolutlly, , l be exempied from their due share of the buribens of the no•ernment Let tl4 look at the moil c 0 effeot of the exemption of these totois You aro compelled to build a court-houQe and n . jail, and maintain po bee regulations, and ply thotie who pr - 'eel you in the einnloymeat (if your li•eg tel property—your j Ago, jurors and ..theers of the law, fall~ upon you, and lou, :, while he recreate for hot pro perly anal bin prrioin the E!iirie protection. that you receive —You have n court- Itsioe to build. A t at in levied, and collected, nod in•esied in building the couri -bowie Your properly - is subj. cied This tn - r, but his Tinrperty is rrdemsed from It. I=l Lot itx look nle further at :lie pruo:te 11 effect of :him exemption .1 man d.•vire9 to retire from huomrve, pul EiMMUliMadagLi and lake - his ease. Ile sells his farni or wore house. maid inve d is the proceeds In ftivernment bonds Ile retires from business Ile no longer continues to earn his living in the sweat „r his face, *ce*rdiii7, in Bis tee ll,mittiand Ile does .to even Io hr trou'de I w!th ate lonee tit boa'sr keeping, on I takes hi. tun,ly oti I rwir , s. to L fir•l I,elt I of h, fading house, and lives Sr t.t. Every six 111011111 N lie 'ilk, 10 the honk and deaws his intere , t upon Ili. hundred thousand clothes in bends I fi l e t ix-enlleetor don't know hire, he cannot reach his property Some 1 , 104- illll 111 . 1Prillon he says to hts wife Vint he has hired a pair or 110TP1 1 .111.1111 earriaze, and propo•es 10 take it ride They etnrl 1111 1111111 g one of your nvennco, 0111 Ili, wire rein irks --Tloy have Improved ibis road very ro--h miner"! wits here boa.. They 11 .6 cut 4 ofwn ilia high nisei,. anti graded the low places, and bud, aqueducts rieropti the streams, end hone groveled flip road flllll m Ids it hruulfnl drive Inde e d, 11 , .w dud They do The husband replies —"Why !hey kyle.' it tax upon the properly in the au tatty of the road Neighbor over there had lo pity a dollar on the huslr,l of the valuation of hie house d lot neixtibrr B hod to tiny the sa ol Nonni on the valuation of his farm.ilie widow WOILLYII Who has that heart o I 1 1 11 . -.01. nn' ~ ver there lia4i pay a iddiir lon the hundred of the bottom of het I pr ,, he - ty, and the one armed soldier had to pay a dollar on the hundred ofil ie •aluniion of his hide place 'which he bought out ot the earnings of his service money to the army.— They collected this !as, hired halide, and made this 1.11 , r(11O111 Truly it is II beautiful drove ' • Well, husband, you live in 111,11 11410 net, how much bad you to pay , you, too, bad to pay something '" • No. not cent , my property 111 to Our moot n , bends, [applause.] and Congtess bah S/1,1 the the State and county or ittuttic.pal autlioriiisui shall not touch such property " They ride on, and presekti), they come to a fine school tiou-e It has architectural style and beauty, and the interior lo couvenierily arranged with desks for the use of the children Bard by is a well of living water Around the house is a beautiful iron or wooden fence. The wife asks • • Bow del they build that school houre. "" 'They built it by a lax levied upon property tti ibis school dis trio —Neighbor A's property, and neighbor 0 a property, and the widow woman's property, and the one armed soldier's properly, was all taxed a dot' liar on the hundred, and in that way motley enoug i tt wan rai•ed to build the 'mese well my dear, you live in tide echuol district ; didn't you pay some thing , bow muck did you pay towards —Not a dollar, my money is all in government bonds and they can't tax it for any such purpose as [bat." ,Again the wife says : ..11sinhand, we have fire children I understand they have lured *competent teacher here,-and we had bed tiemer send the obildreh here to school There I. ht:Py. andlilancy,and. Tommy, and Billy, and Hiram Ulysea Laughter. J They must all go to echool Iles wibler. Wall my deer," says lbe *Pe, "all bough these people may not he able to tax you for building retitls and nehool bowies I reckon if you tend fiv• children to ecbool this winter, it will colt you something-" l•No my dear,you don't seem to understand pt all The school teacher is paid out ofnthe school fund. My property is not taxable for any such purpose, therefore I get the benefit of the school without paying the