I . he Peoppi vs. the Bondholders • Leto IOM 111119 r I C. II 004h^11.(1111 , (111 , 1 iota 1../ ji ❑w2 , chtt From II a Gunbrqo [p ('ernl4) Ili. lour will ho found a loiter Irim•A., 15,1 , of tbk plaoe,who ar n) 111M 1 e if (111 illP rids• of the. people an d 4,iort lllVbyti.%,l.ler., Mr. 111 ~,H . 1, flown in our_ coni i tounity aff lawyer of onlinout ability, and a highly re.poted citizen. %S•lide hr has never been a mere politician, yet he has her , - tofrre given a consistent Rupp rt to the ii, l ,Atienn party • Now,ltewever, upon the new ianuen that divide - the.purtiev • relating to the flunneen and the titnirpa tinny of concern, lie with thousands of the hest Republicans in the land--the honest and intelligent puirtion of the party -can no longer Ruppert its de elructive and unlawful policies,. but is constrained by a sense of justice to the people, and by hits Own cony lel 10110 of T ight, to co-operate with the people's party in the endeavor to overthrow the coral yenta in power whit gre seeking to dram the very life-blood of the nation. EPITult kiOSUEN IJIf.)InCDAT . — ln your iFsur ibelr , th insinut I noliceihe UPC jinole of toy 1111111 C nA n urobattle cant!' date fur the (Are of State Senator from Ih t untp,rot.j, I, of c Orsc,lo the li e ci•rnnt 01 :Le Itt th udllit IC COOCCIIIIIitI, to be held oh the :Yoh of thn preffent innuill In order to avoid any misninder dettire to tiny to lou, anti Ihrt ugh your piper to t hot,. Who hunt. tountioneti my normc in dint con- till ion, that bolt y( tt hod they are 100 klllll to oI rCiortrioTO!eretA uTiTir IhAtoxt,o y, or bent fit Ine muerutllyJor -till•4ll l liiiilng 0r 111111 Pl,4llli l Tll l l 1111 hllll . or INI 44 Dill lo jir.ilfy me at pros t.l In pl'lllli , iuk tojeum. a q 011,10.4 of lice peo pie .\ to 16r uu•rua the %roc!) Ow 'yen irt ,t* nlnnnl I wicq of 1110 4 .14'4 r 4.111441 If h .r plqt f 4,111- A : Inil I nn rri q, 1111 , 1 Ilui• .• for 11, • •1.• , i- , .. , ) •• 1 411,p,ii ill illy 61 , 11. /, 1,111 11 1 1 , IIT:1/111 11 1 .1 41r1r 111 11/11 m I 1%11) ly,ttit .1 Iliad til.tik CLEM 'H. I , P •I Ifflti“l I LII 7 1 . i br% ' 1-,11 II I. • gre.! , ~,, • 14`,. 1 ,, - 4 r,. , i' ,, 1 tot 110ilifolit.t: I Ito ri.,l tie t, =SI lii fr/ , , %.6.411.• , • i „ kV, 1 Ifl .y 1.1 I.lj 4 . •, .V.' .A 11, II 1!IIIIII 114 n 111 It, Lnt,lv of thin f t,1,.1 1. 01 , 1. , I}.” 11,, ~r 2, 1,1 C 1 11 11. r II I h “1 , y I iii i , I, wilily ihe , .. 1 I.• v I the 1.1. .It 40.,1' I . 4 il.l` I l\r ivite CO L< fr io i 6, I Nut, .r.g - is r I.Lh it lhe b 11.41 . he 1.11,1 .14'y the Y 1,011110114 1,1111 Of $1.:10`1,00).04",31 yr! lit one it I lac 0f ! e 11111 tins tic ah.',,,1 I.y ihe i.ii II y in r , ,, ( 1 IOW/irt of Ne.trly the Ml'iulr td iLi. elllll II V, I 1111 g out bt, Rio' collie rd Ir• m 1 , ,r! toilmg po”r then of this C ,11011), w ,I .c lb ,. cnp ,I:01 •1 . the itch r. I•ohry,Lvo lit ell I 1,11+11,1 11,,p1 1 :.) mg any I,orit , ot ui ti,e 1.111.1 I have ulwayn in en a. ILerubl:cau, and hei r d to clerair that patty to r , i e "MU( nee ally 'cation cur‘lutrgLr cettlttittitty, tit powur a patty that can adopt and Carry uill a hl , llllClill policy no diPflNtroipi In 1110 itilere,ll4 or the tuber- ing poor 1111 . 11 of our knit awl calculated to involve the caluurry in bankruptcy tinil ruin. And when we lake into con- nideration tho foci that nearly cue thittf of ILIn soul, or newly 101000,000, ban been paid to the bentlimilder'e,as interest on the capital held by them, whilo they have been exempted from bearing the burrtleos of the Gov, rument; the iujue• lire, of such a pulley, and the ncoca4ity of hurling from power the men and the party who favor the mime, io made moat apparent. Why, Mr Edllor, just look at the re• sults of such a policy an this Republican party, to which I have belonged, has in augurated and propose to multiplies It takes about $150,000,000 in gold,or about $219,000,000 in grecubacks,to pay the interest on the bonds. This burden upon the industry, this drain upon the resources of the working people, the Re publican party 'proposes to- continuo without any change for Nevora 'genera tions, for they may in their platform "The nottional•deht, contracted an it has been fir the national salvation, should be extended over a lair period for re demption ' Why ? Because they have not the courage and panl:nctie to grap ple with the gurkticn as able obtatemcn should, and because they urn working in the interests of the b o ndholders, and . . , . C ."--- 1 ‘ ' T --"---- • , ,---,_____. e.,...74:1,_., : ~ 1 , titt i„ f ,, rt . t / tr ,; ) , it i lint , i - f , ( 1 1 , I ',, , '( --- • 1 - -- / / ?/ 2 V *7 - 4* //:,4 / . ) 1 , ~ -,/ // /-/ / i' ,/ / ":' //? / 4 ) (-) ' • r 7 . . , . • J ■ VOL. 13 , BELL 1101 for the interest■ of the producing chices. There aro about $2,500,000,000 in bonds, ail of !ditch are held by the cap italists of the country. The interval on them amounts tin say sirm,ooomoo a year. As this interest has to be paid yearly. we %re entitled to compound it in our calculation. By compoyndiug, this tutereat alone, in the abort apace of twenty-two yearn, will amount to the edormous rum of SII 000,000,000, or nearly three times the amount of the principal of the debt, and yet not a dol lar of thin debt will be paid Within forty four years thecompouuded interest will have have reached tho fearfully great aunt of - $3ll 000,000,000 in gold, a sum probably equal to three Lunen the °mount in gold value of all the property in the country Thus: the policy upon which the Republican party ask for our eullrages to secure the election of thant, we shall draw from the resource.; of the poorer clattnett. 11401.1 intcre.tt, all of which will be paid to the bondholders lo support. them in H11(.1.0 , 4 Mid It tury, about, fifteen llllle4 he lilll,lllit 411 the print...pal of the na 1111111 .1( 1 )1, and that..too, whtlo we pour tot n t f the nation shall n 14.) h .ve par.] the mart ut these sante bondholder, ti tit not .11(211 M y enable the bon,' holder, to ithttorh the wealth of lb/ ,•ouniry. 11111 re.hiee the pour nn•n 10 C61.11(11111 of rho.vry lac itun.e than that (.1 huv c mulry of !lir oi4 lowtni,/ VIV. , I Iv Dernrtr•rq,:• r• to pay oft of thrtri -,, nt the itl,lfYrr 4flllll C,tirt.iner ri.,l "O. of Ihe will hi! ,1•0 I th, c, 1 0144 or th, }lL\tti 11, . I n r., y 11 • II hit of I LIP . 1/ i/ •111, tit lilt! 1. ovl.lll 11 . 111, aliti I 11,v io , d c ,yed =I y ..t v. V, it; 01 . 1 lit tj•i VuII k t I I 'I hr t, 4.11,fi,i Itnlf /i• l iA ~.1. Ii :+ 1111.1 +, + nn f 0ri,11.4n III" t n 4!,1 IT Ifl I It ti ils t II y I any lu flu Q' i .Ive igi,t le t 41 .111 10 In r, .1,1 I II- It 1 . 1 r, e Il .f . tntt to whom ii Jt.ty I, I,ug pay log 1,4 ju .t prupGr. lull 0 1 !,ur.it.ll I A 1 4 111,16 I: (;o• ..11ily 17, 1`,,4 The Prospect. , -- The Work to be Done An the lt,tlical tutt . tot It) in Nl.line dm. by 11, 011,c, 1 retlirmi, 1111,1 the Imp, gnit.a made by the DothoL racy bl.OOlllO clearly :tpp.vtent, the ho“ating of iit ltolitnit 1,. , e1.4 'I lir:, nil, 1101 , Ilt.i hug w aot,,p,t.on of the re-olt too groat States of In, oneylvanta, Ohio and ludoina They (head the coming olectotta, breattae they feel and know that tine Detottcroey have the power to orindttlate all hope of dirant a election by a 1111111011 of their vote on the I:,h of id,!tob,r The crily ques , ion /9 will the Demo critic vote be out in uli its viretig.b It. ti is, Rail iii lie utterly routed coil forever nnhtbilnled The tune for argument is rapidly paticting away. The hour for active, energetic work haft conic. The remain irsg-tlitys ought to he devoted to organ' cation, to such a cloee•nnd perfect can von of every district as will unsure the polling of every Demount-fie vole. If that is done we can not be beaten Only by apathy and trielinal negligence can we be 'defeated. The victory lies within our grasp. If we do our whale . duly we shall certainly carry Penney' ranks' in October. That will settle the Prenidential con test.. Even one opponents admit that The libertiea :of this people, and all the best interests of the nation,: hang (rem tiling upon. the result Every man has direct personal and pecuniary interest in the present contest. This nation cannot stand four yearn uldre Q T. -Congressional derpotinni, such as we have had Giant declarer be will have no policy in opposition to the fa natic.: who coffin,' Congress. Ile is p le , :ged to let limn have their own way =MI k 4 , ,i. I . W ..1 C . ' I I 0: ui I J It I '') 11. ,11, II I V ot I I itvlt I,l•Jit') "STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL 'UNION." FONTE, PA., FRIDAY OCTOBER 2; 1868. in everything. be the mere tool of the most donFr4a Radicals. Such an administration of the Government must bring unnumbered and unendura ble ills upon the people. The Union will be kept divided. The Negro Governments in the Solethern Mates will he maintained by baydnets. A gigantic A ron/ will be kepi up for that pu-pose, at the cost of the toiling masses of the North. The Freedman's Bureau will becontirtued The South will become less productive each year The people will he conhnually rendered It:: capable of Taytn2 (hem proper share of lases. The burthens of every tarpoyer in the Norda Trill he theret, renJMntly mereneed %he leathealol,tiv ustrebukryl, will eau how to plunder do public treasury at will greater reel.le.rsness. The flood gales of fraud end corrup tion will be opened etill more widely. A vast horde of greedy nod hungry parik,ins will be well i i, :f the country ishOuld bankrupted In Ilse process. Official stealing will have been nano hurl by the verdict. of tin people The millet - Hum rot political thieves will have bi en u•ht t a 11 , and furailvantage will be taken of Even the I , reseht oppressive syflem of laxai ion tail nor tut hivii money enoug-i ',II tmfy Aho• MI 'llse n 111 nti.,Ue t.. 14 11114 144,11 111 . 104 4 for 13444111114 gait. ntiraqi, sill he tihulytiipnyji del thr rri-tterrtl 11, f10114141.ki.11r will get Ilia interel , t r, it VI 110, Lui (—mph le reptilillion vv.ll Cr, t,,ifily toti.w Ths re 1+ un 114,11; q 1 relief for the t p.)cr, u 1 Ir,rpi . I 111.11 1110 1/1/111/1.. will 4 . 4 1. 1.4 I 444 ,14 i4I nn3 liisa Icunomy o II I' a 111 111,1,1111,l Ail , ' II )1 di- lloy our Ilherlik,' but II ‘4,11 !Wilt,' el stain 10 lend ton, I= 'l' fie m tel , •rottel the %bk./ ,111t1.4'. 1111.1 we le key • they Hr.• ipt vpat 10 put vn Ila ltc 1e4 , 0 It the ballet box. The pi T it r Iv oft I the I.nriport 111. I/t r el, t i ail W. 11;;;—....C0ti 1 In. nu , l 1110 11 , 1 wily hope ,* . tl I ttt 'tt cobtoletit. of the re VI 11,0 I. I 1.. 111 4, 1 r ., it glOrl nr 1:1 , 1 o I tlhl:.ii I of . 1 1 41,'.•1. it1,004 , 1t1 , AN! , 1H =ET= Bill I , telly Coll he secured 11 preper, mdivelual eller! Let evertman Ju his ..Irlrv• Ilt ILr grt•lC wink, and all will he I.inc.htit Lntelligi•nccr Wh Ito Slaves Thiitiranda of working men in Maine, undtrtheprteetheof Lard limes, were C.. 1111.11141 lip V. le the mongrel ticket, or lit fell theil eilliailoos The more free working men of 'tile weal have no idea or the extent of intimidation pracliced 111.Pili o Lrvlluenby the mon 11,41 tor porrnouy turd eapilithel The ,*.l ern VI, oi hung ti)Pill I. a ,lave to the ninny). pow et Indtp+lly into 1.4 aid there icily 'paws would he In goes, or coot pellet! to labor alongside of their de spigetl st r 1 , 4 Yet this enroll spdent of rich mot pods% is the lit au ideal of the of poliell 04 o f 4/1 Imxtoey All their leg isletion 141111 eneigiem have been directed to It since the toutid.it ion of the govern ment They foster this social inequality The neoessit te4 of the while serf, gener 'tied by unequal laws which give "pro tection" to the employed, another anti polutrol ,indepetolt nee, tind wilhit sigh at the hareline. , s of his de4ttity, he de posits his vote as his —master" dictates The west and south, from tho More inde pendent condition of the workers, give a touch fairer in !teat io,i of the popular heeling cad 111.81108, 'The eastern white Taborers h.tve liken the places of the 'soothe' a slit ves, The mongrel politicians who von( r red lbo elective franchise on the Litter know rlxtratheir recuniary ne cessities w old compel them to vote according . to bureau and mongrel/ dicta tion We need a °Limit) in the gapers' legislation of tat country, that will not foster the supremacy of one Ones A t the expense of the other. 'leaven help tae poor that hive only "due rich to look atter their interests." This forced Togo/is paraded a% a men ; grel vicior2,. an well might indepen deuce be expo:dad in the army.—f'onnoe JarA umiak - INFAMOUS KNOW NOTHING RI BALDRY. A Radical Paper Speaks of the Irish men —"Hair on Their Teeth"—An insult to the Negro , a to compare them-- Outrageous Attack upon Catholicity —1 he Catholic Priest hood "Fat Sleek, Rosy-Gilled Liars Scoundrels"—The sentiments of a Grant Newspaper— Colfax's Doc trines on the Same Subject. ' [The Chteagol'oxt, oft rI remely Ilnd icnl riewmpoper of t he 9th If" , Inn?, et.n Lain! two remoelothle ethiorinl nrtirler One ,It set. 'hem ft pPr.olial itit,rrview wt,ll Genentl Grow rtilei.. Om.. mg ben bosom friend. and on vi•r) nu relatlenti with the e kir Pr:tilde:o The edit r nt tit le i. 1111 tir gumPnt In prove that ihe I alt led egool iv which the Rodicsis cloHn for ne roes does not invol‘e - Thin (km rine the viriter Illllelrnlln by reference to Iritihnie4 and Col which we give 1 e'ow Their appear once inn Grant no wsiriper ticeolbpn n by the fo.ntlinentm of Mr Culf,.x nn oho run/ nubjnot will 01,1101 greht nit rn- [F rum ten Ch wag() root I Veil I) II Fial.eny v Pi Ile 11,14 11 11 1 •1 , 1111111 • 'I nr , nlhn 1;10 b.. It ‘ , 4 hVI•11 lielotovh Dore 0 learn) n 1 . . , 11r I I I 1 1 1 4 unlura tl. o ..o,u • swirl I,lr 1,1111 11.1 t hr Iris mien lira yerr in Ow Cur.,/ Sr CI 4 16 /I f 70;tra , ,,i ef I.r ,, ,ei e teeppl3! 1,.1 1 4L , k r, It et. I) II trt ktieti 111 it br w n I) in And n , ) ho• w n: =1 Ili ha, hair 11/# I• , h duiw al liobc tH ceril.;‘,l rortily Ili 11/ VI/1 1 vi C 1 //II 6111 II rh,ry ,1111 11. 1 . r CI I , — lc.. 1 1..• I 1: !lit k 01 11i .1 1 0,11, 1. LL 100111 s ,1111z4.. I,ll' .1 t 1 i. 11 1 .1.1. 4.4 11 ti 1110 , 41111 , 1 11141 it, .J 1 11/ • N Afllei ,It 11. 0 . 4 W 4,11 r lII' 4 . t 4 I 11,111 lk 1 . 1/11 14,10 A H 1111111 r, Yik ?IlVill 1 , 1 041 lll I 11'1Ie b H. II 1.101 , 0111'1 111 in I I' Ilk' 0110, lin 1 . )111011 4, 1 4 10 X 1..1 1 , 11 l'r • 1,4•1 ni •ilc , 1.1.4 II C lIG 4111 1,111 4 , ~r 1 ,. . , 11•I 0. 1 1 7 II 11, 10110 , 1.1 111 WWI 4 ,1411 r 11l .1 WI 0110' I, 111.11 , 1 .1, 11.1 Ik I I 41. .1 , 4.0114 , 14. of it ri,it 64111,V.r, .1 , 17‘111d 10111Thl 10 1 rioll by 1611 4 bOOll,l l l •I 4 11j.1 -14 1 11111111,1, tI•C .111,t1,e It .d.,1011 1111 1 . ,t1 11 1" 11 .! 11) 1,?) 0.1 Lt•) - 110111 11. 1.11. T.. 1,. 41 , ttl h 1411 1141 1 1ty4.1.1 lIVKI • VN,JUIX Lr 1111 111 4 11 1 1.• •ir • r I.', uir yeir rho 11-4 sty t , ,el .111 (I '4 he .our 'mon+, our poor Lau-e. our reform nelloolw, oar 1 01)11;11,, m“ eleemo-yoory and relormolory 111 , 11(11 non.) of all sort.. S c or n panner, end the 101 11, 1 1 , OA, , 11 11. the skin of nA ir,•ll('itholnint the s IMP 111111 , 11.11 Irish Cl/ I holle In h'(n trill or In 111i11 1 , , er by ',eel and iinhileishit who h 11a 111 . 1,11 11 41 1.11.101111 1,111 11 1 1•1 111 igotirnoce, 111 word, It 11 'l l l 111 1 w 44 hem lle lion 001, (hilt 'fir, il..teriiir% r e d the ntericun tuned 1111 y then fear Itint with t hose ob•dticles of rues hor col or in flie wny, the wryer will 11C(111111 1111 1 111 111 it 111 which the I ri,ll hunt. 1101,1 80, Th I'l Appolil 111 1111. fl• 1111. ptipudt-e ilial we moo hove a lire ',it 1114 eiiiiiiiry -like - I‘.lii t wo" lie ruined by ilaiXe , l lace, 14 only 1114 ggtl I e iif e, Il+ Who want to perpeittate Hippo:cc under cover oi n populor . - \I1.:100 WILY 11,11 bio rlllllOl I•lther. The priet , lll, hlphOpre, monk., /111 , 1 niinv. op I.r hung utuin the Catholic 111,1 1111' Mitt tinlvt;ipy Republic Juvl ns Wllll,ll 19 despotivin, goes out, ICO The danger of nitscegenoion, white with tilaok,fhends n+ remote ns that Ted .ly Flaherty will t.itecerd in making hia way by tnarringe into the American (undies by whom he is abhorred We have been acquainted with Teddy a long me lle has dug numberless canals, made many railroads, (blight many a tight, voted the Democratic ticket, been in many a jail and pauper house, and he has all the while been priest-ridden. The fat. sleek. and/rosy gilled liars nod scoundrels (consciously such) v.ho have been about him, have kept him in ignorance, tbbbed him, after many 'priuklinge of holy water, what they call pas°pores to heaven ; but he In Ted dy O'Flaherty still I'6IITIN6NT QWKSTIONPI —Radicals talk ,of economy, but just inquire why the., don't practice what they preach? %Yip they still initial, after the tublio debt haseiocreased over $13,000,000 in ?tugust that they are reducing the debt? Will the laboring man , bolieve4tadicsl asser tions, or be guided by what he knows to be the fact, namely, that he is unable to live as well now as under Democratic rub ? Voters, if you wish to resucce,os neatly as is practicoble t the comforts and cheap living of the Democrat-10days, vo'e for Seymour and Dem ocrat NO. 39 From peorgia A Terrible Riot in Mituhe'l County— P4evonty..Bci. to one Hundred Killed and WouudPd. 21 —1 fearful A I'fiUMTA. GA.. Sept rim °centred at Camilla, the county SPIV Mitchell county, Oeorgia, lust Satur day.. The f”llowing particulars ha•e been telegraphed from the seen eof the riot • Pierce the Radical nominee for l'ongrers, and Murphy, an ex-Itureau ogent..lVl'll about two Itumfred negroec. nrmrd and equipped, storied on Friday for Camilla with three week's' piTituona and 1 oxr“ of new Rune and confer- mew+ , lilt it intension being 10 overawe citizens 01111 4111 the leading Demo cro of the loam arid vicmily. Before .11ir Ling It friendly negro extop,ed their plttria, and a negro enurter watt 4:cap:ltched Cr Cato lln to inform rhr ("hien!' what VI lAM gniiii: 011 /I l rputnti n n ,t tree /Ll`ll9 met the illlrb it Chinn tiliiiiit five inile• ruin, The town, th v prikl 111,, , 10n I,r di-- it co ing i , obob:Mg arm.Q orionirt fmm, rrmi The mob [mid no al• lo mnrcb_. ~ 1, Le tool avriihr .01 r 1 ,5 11 , 411 th.l yo , P-1'',111.7 the uegro...l In row+. r I hey y t• 11,1 not tr litinle6le. , l 11,1 (11 , A 14 Gunh , a 41,1 the 11119 tone banne , 4 thing and thr tuna nntni” Lool ly lour Imn. •I, T.a j tino.l on 1114 r T.ie 111 4 11 11,1' , /11.1 11 , 1111 ,red r ~ ; u (roll r/illllt l d J4lll, In 6, .4 , 1 , 1 r 1111, 7 01 V Wilt P Twiny' V - 11( T 1 1,11/111r-eri Jl'%. ti het TIPI • o i,ner, he 11114 ‘11•110,1, 111.0, Rl.lll ille 11111. 111.1 ' , I I r• 1111,1 t't f•ry (1111 r) I IP 1 , , F!,iil• fif , y 10,i I t Ilir • 7h.• V i 1 , .1 Iti.•i r hit 1. 'I 1. 1 . 01 1 , 110 II parne y I h 1,4 L NI, lln illy 414 , 1111.1,1, Ile 1,,1re I in I. ri ii vi trj v.. I C 1 i.l v.. 411111.1, I rig 611 111 •h t.,e w .11:Av.! 1 c. 1 .11,11 /i 11... n) Ii Ipevli xrt:r.1.4,11,1 r unt l RI h 110 'AI 11,, 111 arto,O,r,V. ii e ro. L , Thi II rii•re. Mid rno. we•nr r. l , it, I, suinutiling in Iltite weelt, 1.. , x,4 0 (1 hrno. 1! I t4l :terneuv. is The Feason Way Th . it 11 Prls•S niftiong po.liato uv,.r ilie Loci ilinl !Irmo! poi nre, for f;r,itit end Colftn Thin 1. 4 10 I, CX! , ITIVII, 'l' e 11, feeling ell 1 ::11 , 1 11,111 he 4 been, ever Pine.. the l•tym ‘,l ,f;. 'lle I ot ,hrotv or our torn, of and II Potrnnr, and any !it.!y in tliit c entry wLkh hilicr, that end, reel. Ives ale If tno,t ccrdial aympailly They have alwaya been 1ph,17,F.d to all parties and faction! tin der wh ut eve r name. ft, 111 :he 01 I Tory federal party,down to res, nt disunion Rep,ll,llran party that hoe op- IWO ed 01 p . l 4, greSP of Demo-rory They Ilhert'o , l the negroes lr. thc . WT4t Indies, ruined their c,Tiliza. lon on , l commerce 10. ft xi epitt og Moho to the overthrow of our go•rrnmeot When they found I;rt t n-. 11 gold would not conquer the spir it of freedom, machinations of discord I made the e lement of marline And how well they hove succeeded thus far is a mutter of history llow for they are de I tertnined to succeed in the future may I be learned by that great British apostle, the Duke of Richmond. When he was governor of Canada in 1836, he saii4 Nricalting of the government of the Uni ted States. "It is weak, inconsisttrat, and bad, and. cannot long exist. it will he rleetroyed It ought not, and will net be permitted to exist, for many and great are the evils that have originated from the exialeneo of that government. So long as it exists no Prince will be safe upon hie throne, and the so•ercigns . Europe are aware of it, and they have long been determined upon Its destruo lion, and have come to an noderstanding upon the subject, and have decided on the havens to aoceroplish St,end they will 'eventually succeed by subregion easier thee by conquest." After speaking of tbu o..tigratton told the mixing of all nations. and the making of them a he tergenotts, anriuwitY,' civil war will en• .111*, and Some popular individual will assume 11 e government and restore or dcr, sovereigns of Europe, the emigrants and imuy .4 the natives will R 11.11.1111 him, panto:l.ll,u)] the: extremes of snoieiv, owl government will receive the hie Of the Republics of France, and PMIIII , I . 111.11(110UP monsrohiul' gov ernment will be e•onbliihlted upon its ru- ittv. ,k few year. peace •in Enrolle will complete, the work. I have oon 88888 d with tnenjitof the Powereigne and princes of nti l rope, ' , art ieularly with Cieorge and Louie XVIII , and.they have unani mowly expre•osed theme opiLione rela tive to the government of the United Snore, and their delermination to sub= vent it.' Ilere we have British sympathy In a not shell. In (len Grant that npopular individual" who is to oaseume the go♦- e eminent," and Is he to be put into that position . by a powerful party of Union lovers? if thewovereigus of Europe are rendy to sustain him, why should not. Ll)eir echoes, the Times and Post, give their sympathy also? 1 would ask the lovers of our once free institutions if this doctrine of the Duke is not Radical enough for them, and how much further they are ready to go in that direction? Labor and Taxes While the National Labor Congress was llgnerialiog in New York, the Na- sional *Banks were said to be pouring money into Penneytennis in aid of the Radicals. The Congress of Laborers at Chicago affirmed the doctrine s! equal Isnotion ; the Congress of Radicals at Chicago isnot...ed in favor of moneyed monopoly. The “let ter on the finances," fruity the proceeding of the Labor Con aress at New York, has the following ausiumaimias "Tarn in the other aide of the eitue• lion a nd we behold non-producing car it,ol.l.--brinkers n 1 bandholdera in the ialresidencen of the land and e ling all lire eiriitenees of (v-n e fortunen—Qah day growing rI r and richer, whiThsoide by aide with ?burn the inolnurions working rilin obey the divine decree tend vat their bread to ihe sweat of their (e -rr• ant grow ring poorer and poorer %tin sow do not reap while capi • I 1-4 a n•unno.ly extract (roil) Inhnr the Ira Ps Of ils 101 l leaving only n pittance fur .ion.i.dence: not the faire theory ih if • u—ir d nhonld own libor - re nrae ic illy realizail in every cnnuolinvy. ' The prodiwing nldnrine, of the rolitory nee unin•qtly an•l the al• 1111411,AWA burden, t . the war .I. ht reel npnn 'hope wile f.aight the brit ides and made' I iv, eiertficry, 1 1 }9101 , 11.9 ih.• lan to and t i,„., r d,, )1.0 1 in 111. wort•har4 ro Iho moire rt or war, while the In 11. , , ,1 1..1 le.nrtlled e iot w .r, 1! ,,, all p.. 1.1 for 1.1 niN.11..1.1 .1 term. .lie r rely• r or Int, rf• , .l upon r, .tr ' , pri., and 111 , 1114. 1 ,fif urlocely for ro.,Lforltrivs of tfieir fel- 1111= pill) 10 0113 ueclSri I ,t 1 the• it rre%...a the rt•1;.;1,4 le, 10. , of Ito u11b:11; n , lll Ow eon 4 , 10 nt .;nowri•e IA the htx• t., fin tlif, 0.0 h• ME bipr 11.11111,), 11114 11 ‘ll ' ll uul Le ,1•1 to .1 t ‘cr 111., la 11 ur poi ,cat •ril Ito r.-; tht , r;tvin- 0 Th , i t+ rt, ill !tier or g ; d • ni t i a I ly not twe l I. 'r' . firii n 41esire or .1 • Th.• ,11,1 r ;!i 1!•.• II L . fi •. 1 ji• •'l • been :t , E.,, r I .1,1c53 CY pt.. 111111,1, Lr p., roll.:e par , , tart r II litt.4 n 1,11 It tley toe Itn.i.oll fy um! fiffint.lt9 tl •fivr— L ti ty FY,1111 . 11•CO Cif aWn rpfl.nly fr mr Fuel) .I,llTces I , x 'whey 14 to Cl l l Grin In ih few itrvil.—,7“ Nhioh ‘6o f ,r If the or. of llt Enoeihry 10 clear ful (At ally /I it upop I hol 11. Co •S INt Of Taxing tlin bonds,of 'die gp• L111;1111,1 61' paying iLe bonds In law.fal CM I. OE miring ihe ex mption from .XlOlOll from 1110111') iAI UWIIIIIIOII. 1111011 ring o m en to ]4,lu3it.j and it+ prodIICIS maikuia now eloped to kbem .7 the unlawful umui pations of Con- 51h. Of giving to the pvpl2 Lb* right of pielf-government fish 0( reheviiqc the people or the ultneeeex.ry es peume of ',landing armies and ' , too ifert•ti% Bureaus. 141Orhing hut the election or a Demo cultic rierlt!ent can bring about, these ►Ltug. The el,tction of Cfrnut will sig nify an approval by tale people of I hott turarllrowr , which produced ibtse and the election or Seymour C,30 alone renrrre them Da the people under stand this' Why sot assemble a Laltor Congrokin Phtladelphis at the same time that be Soldiers' and. Sailor& Tendon meelel—Baltrnorre Lrader. ----The Auditor General's Office up der Gen liartrauft, the present inoum• bent has cost the State nearly $20,000 mare than under his Democratic prede ategorn. The reason is, the money was squandered in favoring Radical politi cians, and appointing theta to office, where there wasp() necessity for no do: fog. Tlartranft is out for re-eleotion. Tit:we're your 'time to atop his squan dering will be on the lflth day of Octo ber ----A prominent Republican went to a great Greet rally the other night, and returned early to his tome, telling his wife sho woulda'twenteh him going out soon again '•to ineet three or (our men."