A The Democratic Watohmani RI?LI,!•.b'ONTE I PA.. r. GRA)! MEEK, Eurrou AND rill/PHI KIK It FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT- 25, km Equal Taxation. evrty Fpoaies prop oily it. cording to) its teal %Olio, 1111,111/ 4111 AL•rrrnun.at Bollthl, xnil nlhur publi Peen of the //en.- crow 1'1 , W. , it. • Tito nituve resolution expresses in clear and u•ree tangling° he 'Democratic idea of the principle which should an• dei lie 'Pet ry system of taxation. The Pro! u'ait ion t 1 Ho fair, so.jiiet, and eyutt Ode, be to COMIIIME itself to the com• mon PCIIPH of ev. ry s ono whit feadlJ It ' 64,0111 e xplamition or advociicy Iron' lie friend• Bill ac,t•s of unscrupulous, de.igning and interested politicians bane been, end sun are, attempting to de ceive 'mil mi•lend the ignorant : an to iU BCtol r or pose• IV° intend to ex pose the designs of thee° miserable Filial! be exempted from all taxation but exempt from taxation by or under Slate authority The right of the general gov ernment to tax there bonds like other property, in as clearly and fully implied an is the right of the State government 'Iola: them taken away. Whoever bought one of these bonds, did it with an full knowledge that the goveimment reserved the right to ter them for its own purposes, as he did With the knowl. edge that the kitties were prohibited from laying any taxer upon them. Why then should not the general government tax these bonds ? They cannot be made to tay any mete, or county, or road, or se-heel ; er poor,or betenty-taxes, -for such is the contract Why then should not the United States exercise the power clearly and plainly reserved by itself in the contract, to lox these bonds in order to raise its own retenues . . Because theme bonds a e. exempUrrom cociribuirflir anything to support our state and local vvernments co much the more neoennity that they should contribute largely to euii - port tea general go*iiiiiint Thin would be so manifestly fair and equita-' tile, that the Radical politicians dare not openly 1111.1 honestly meet the issuer; before the people tieing the especial Oanipious of the bond Loider,they dare not fairly submit his claim to exemption lir in taxation to the Amegitan people They attempt, by milk;flge ned hypoc racy, to 'youd the issue between ihe bondholder and tax-p 'yet, between the omit the It inoeratic parties upon 'lbis i.pLject Lei us examine bOUIC oldie *hallow devices to who.n:lhwy retinft. their attempts to tntelead'ttietr , ignorant 11101 e capes all inxnuwi, whether lot I f,d to trees Wriochen, no thol the tax prt)ern may fully %miler mt , tud their awn future, con doom, it thry entrant theme dcnnigoguen with power wily longer The oily proper 'ld legit imnte ol , jeet of the goverumern II to lurifiela all !wt. ton. rokili rrolec , ion for their Lira , 111, t rim, limpet I s v nod chgractri No govern nifoi cut be 111 , 1illinined veitbout more or l. •n erpentte All interentm protected by ibe, g.•..routent cuutribuie ly n 11l proportionably to 118Fupport In ihlB w.y. ilitt„indivi.ltial who is poor f Utile Trtrt-te-wit n•.1‘..4 to con rihnie hut lisle go•ertiment under whroli be 11•,, while ihe Inrpe eir miltsl awl mil tiothire will be i.iiitope'ilehl ro prtyZ„giut of JAR. µleo' wealth lo proportion 3n the poor min dor. out of latv Riosll krr I rl , ll nor Ihe po,r,.lionl(l 4, 4 1 11114 ruler ihr Iltdiefil pnrly went in I..‘t r, ii Lt - 4 n, d,• * unjuvi 1t•MC,1,r.1.1,1 i 1..1.. vyti °,.l (hr pow' null 1 , 1 fat ,11 . of the rtrh In I Ile myu Her 01 Phu reve top, 111,e gov l tprbutii. Undt r ILI pt,:,.) Ihnk , parly, the grenl Uniounl of liort,ie,l iII govvr%meni mcrtirti trig of the gettetttl got , erhris..ls s tt, nnn anutna .10 tittri: A 01 1 ,15114 1,14 , 10, 11 - 1dr:;;; ' WO Rru~•i ii ,built, comity or ounl imrpune4 A.. ibl•. h ~lml I N.evii et. 19°411 v lit 1.1 I riUi c por 'lt w...i C, 1“.• at I onr lu r, 'MI I , loli I+ A grid lilllr to. 'trim. It, I ,t nu 0110111.0 and Inlp.r 111.111 Avit/11-i fJt3r,I,II•:UIII lUD lll‘)Cr.ille P.ltl 1111,1 •i IN IN INpecllly Intneel hy Mt1.1(011 1111 . .1' 1,1,01 n IPtIP The 11...ey I htm It pt} u.g a r pc. 111 'hate il • iovr.lid In boubvel, Or Irrn , k, or in Jury 0r ,1 o,,ry bu,t D.', I. ft (.11 our people engage I.oivluoider., with uut I,ttlor or cu 0, re C,l, 11,11 Ihr g4.,‘•1 fititent 111, lipOli )11.11)00.1, BIZ prr (till to yob!, rqu•tl i tio•ri• 11,1111 ;•rr ern( rrn yrrrnsnrl. • Tier inor, %1,11 all •• ly ).. r LlllO.l C:l,l* OVrr pot,' or pre per mil. On ILC vuloe or (Too f Lin Lim 11 by !hot/ should !lit h t it 4 r hr iurt•d and iI t f , rru , r t xt unple.l juatien our lair ,11,11.1ig crate tht. iniquitous dilertintuat ton on 11.1.11 some tm pen , ire necex.tly compelle it Whet rzeu-o do ale Itt iic.le give why thin 11.jue*re4 io the poorer cluenee ehull he perpoiuetted ! t to 411eged Oita (ho government 801 emu ly pi out.eed b.,wdliuldere the* hie bonds should hot be taxed-01u* hunt pruLline to cuntaiilld nt i be law by which Were euihonzrd iu be 14sued -- that Ise bondholder purcliaBvd his bonds cu Ibe faith of (Ital. p omitle—that. flow Lo Int these /Loads would be a breach of faith, a violat.on of contract, anti iodic extent of the !RI, a rrpudiatiots by the government of int own engagements ! If this were all OW as alleged, the •nswur would be short and simple . any ;militia( party which,undsr any pretext wauld pledge the f iith of the government, perpetually to eztnipl one fifth if the wealth of the nation (and that the Most productive portion of tt)from all taxation. thus throw ing an unjust burden spin the remainder, is unfit to be intruiled with the adagmaira- Nan of the affairs of ilia government, and should be kicked out of power on the f ir " opportunity given to the people of doing so under (lie forms of low. But in the pre text true in fact ? if it us, the people !nay have no remedy left them but to . remit condtgnirnnishment open the handl of their unfaithful representatives who an krubvly abused the 'power entrusted to them. The plighted faith of the ger erulnent must be unbroken, the contract, wtnitever It is, must be perforbied, not no mach beeline . ° it ie due to the bond holder, but beonuee the honor --ot our eounvy must be maintained unsullied Whet wee the contract By the act of . February 25tb, 18G2, .which authorized the issue of the flee twenty bolds, Negress provided : "All 01 "ke...t404,,is and _other securities of tke (Jolted States held by individuile, cor porations,. or associations, within the States, s hall be (witty' from taxa lion by or under .s"tate amthority." Now this is the coufracf—uot that (bees bowls '47)- • VOL. 13 BELL Avoiding . the goeolton of taxing the vamerninent bondm, Cho abolitioutmim al lege that the eta:Outten quotid ut thy head of 111,0 mitt le comtottit ILo (lento nano rirt ' y t t Iht• pulley aMMI to opt.' iy, redl,a.nd tannal at tie actual doe, mod then oopc,Fing upon it a Unt red States - tax high :14 the rich town Fr I)" upon 1114 'Merril.., lir wit tilt° per cent Jr its moat 114 Iha Nal open Ih, ir diroulitiion, one twenty urth 01 WIC prr rrnl 1,11,11/1. erl6lll tit LIMP lIIIIIY ou 111.5 , 1 , 11411 pr r n111111(11 tattier! that ittidtii- thin pulu•) t iiirlDer would he eritonelled to pay live or six :11 omen I dull tax o r at resew, while the little home, or the single cow of the day laburur or too pour widow woman would be toned beyond thet• bil,ty to pry' It VIII true , Is it n. tact that. under [tic rad.cul policy the (slider, the mechanic, the day laborer, a nd the widow, d., not pay their full and just proport of 1111. 10109. and that by I 'goof:my taration we would relieve the! wealthy capitalist and bond holder of I some of ther present burdens, and throw an addotional load of laXe9 upon the poor (dosses? The very idea Is an oh surdity. (tut let UN analyse the taxes paid by each of these clii..sea OW , nee which pays th 3 greater proportion, and which would he benefafted by an uali zation of the loxes All branches of our complex system of governments, federal, %tate nod local, must be supported by taxation All s4ijeots of taxation armor be assessed r i gnally to support eaoh of these govern 'vents, for the conetitution .gives the general government exclusive control over some of these eubjectr of taxation, which compels the state and municipal governments to keep their hands off -- Goods imported into this country, the product of our foreign cbmmerce, cannot be taxed by or under state authority In oilier instances the geneurl govern ment lays so heavy a tax upon Ofiin articles that they can bear no more, which compeller the elates to search for other qubjeate of taiation front which to raise the revenues necessary to carry on their own and the local municipal gov ernments within their borders. When however all these various taxes are ig gregailtf; they should fall as equally up on all the wealth of the country as it is poesible to make them. ' , tow whs. amount of taxes are assessed and oolleo led front the real and persOnal properly of our citizens? During the last four years, on an average, there has been lev red iu Centre County Len mills, of county and relief taxes, and during the same yearn the local hazel; on the several Townships and Boroughs in the county hate averaged as follows: for school and building purposes nine mills, for road purposes six mills and for the support of the poor five mills. In some dietriots, of course, these local taxes are much higher than we have given, while in others they are lower. We have made the average "STATE R/GUTI3 AND FEDERAL UNION." FONTE, PA., FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1868. NO. 38 paid in all the districts of the county for eur—years takeh from the reCords.— These various taxes are levied upon the assessed value of all real and personal property in the couniy :. Now how stands the account between the farmer and the bond bolder? The farmer sad mechan ic pays every year upon all their proper ty whether reek:lr personal to support our governmente, ae fol,vrs: County and relief taxer,— , School and building barer, Road Pour" BM on the dollar or three per rent. upon the assessed value of all their property.— For the same purr ogee the bond holder pays nothing, even though he might own a million of dollars of government bonds. Why ! Ilecautte, an ribolition Congress provided that these, bonds should not be taxed" "t . Ty or tin er a r ant orgy. When the bond holder pays to the gen eral government thirty mills, or three rents on the dollar upon his bonds, he will be taxed no higher than the farmer or the laboring man now is...to support the locll governments. Because the b , nd holder is raempt by contract from bearing any portion of our local burdens, he ;Lucid be made to heat. as much more of the burdens impose I by the general r overnthent The unftittne-s of the rad io tl policy ix shown by n single illuxira nun For the present year. in the lion ougb of aullefonte, there is levied a tax Ite , aly mill., or two pet rent for sChool and hittbling purposes' The lint liellefvule, as eliewu theirdast quarterly statement sworn to 'by P !Inns in. Cashier; owns on, lion gyred and thirty thauJard dullars,(s 130,- 0001 ot government bood”! Upon these bunch, ails bank draw; as interest, au- n nal v, e,r per rent in gold, amounting to •eveli I I. tog' t hundred dollars Ci7,!• o /0) m 4tattr t Worth now clever, thous and tiro hundred and dung Iwo dollars ($112:32) to greenback!, or nearly nine per rent ' Now the school and buildiag tax which this bank ought to pay upon I his amount of money AL interest is Jost rat/tit/ au hundred dollars, ($2,13(111.) hut bey pay nu iax upuu these bowls for this purpose, and the cuu4equenee is that the other Inn p iyacaDt Both:route xi tie r rtt 7111,4 V. IJ t bit ULM, over anti above what wuald otherwise be their lIIIE own fair in-opal-thin ut 10e60 WOU'd le 4404 LIZINO 1111: TA CIOI 10 thie inrtance etlect the bondholder and the other tax payers' which party would make by the operation? Theße bonds are not only exempted from all taxation for state and local pur poses under the CONTRA(' r made by an ADOLITION CONORRSLI,' but they pay nothing to support the UNIIIRRAL govern ment, although no CONTRACT stan,le in the way. Tilts however is dented by the radicals. They assert That the bondholder paysan income lax—five per cent upon that portion of Ll 4 income in excess of one thousand dollars a year ! So dare every one else in addition to paying Tellers. MILL% on the dollsr upon all hie properly for local purpona This Is nn tax mph the mist's, nor a speoial tax upon the Ifivid holder Again it is said that the NVIONAL BANK, which Hold, over TII HEE 111:NDIIII) MILLIONS Or tAit.teins, ($300,000,000,) of government bonds, pay monthly a tax of ONE. TWENTY - rounru or oar: reit MINT.. upon their air ciliation, and the same tax upon their discounts ! Rut this IN no tax upon the hoods owned by them, but upon the nesflficss or BANKING, for it in charged againat ALL BANKFI, whether NATIONAL. STATE or PRIVATIC,wron though the latter two classes of banhs'do not own a single bond! Who then supports the general guve&- rnent ? During the fl+osl year ending June 30, 186$, the government collected $163,500,000, as tubes on imports ! One hundred find sixty three millions of dollars in Ginn! ! Pilo paid it? The importing merchants ADVANCID it to the government, and then charged it as an ADDITIONAL Mall upon the articles im ported, and it was ultimately paid by the consumer! On every pound of tea there is a OIL of TWKSTV FM! (INDUS IN 001.1), on coffee rive CENTS a pound zit GOLD, on sugar, roue casts a pound IN GOLD. livery yard of corm, muslin, Ilu uen, flannel, or cloth imported there ma tat levied which MOST Di PAID IN GOLD What becomes of this gold, for lb• tax payers•ae2'er see it again? It is used EXOLUNIVKLY TO PAY 7111/1 INTNRINT *WOW YON tION on. The NRCENIATINA of life are flexed is now) that the bondholder may have ocit.n for his interest I When the bondholder pnye SS heavy a tax upon his bonds towards the support of the gener al government, es the farmer dues upon his land to support the local govern merits, thttae tuxes PAIAULE IN not.n up on'the necessaries of life may be greatly reduced if not entirely taken off. Then and not till then may the pour man ex peat to hay his tea, coffee, sugar, Inotom sea, mnslin, calico, flannel, cloth,adtiall other neceasamett of life at the old dem °erotic prices of 1860. Laboring men of Centre4ltinly, are you willing to pay double prices for these articles which are necessary for the support of your wives Rod children, in order that the First National Bank at Bellefonte which pays NO TASEu upon its &tootle, may draw seven thousand eight hundred dollars a 10 mills 9 01 . 6 " 5 .10 mills year in, atout as interest! If you ore, support the abolition party and its poll cy. I f you are tired of this. repudiate• t a part , an, Its po icy towards the bond holders, and suppoit the democratic party rid tie policy o 4 EQUAL TA:.(ATIO, A lea'rutd gentleman, who addresmi the Ruthenia at their in chin place, a low t vetilttgo time, is said to ha To expreebed the novel idea thin! the resent in no time to propose, or d 19CUS14 plans for the pripriebt of the National debt. The entire sullect was ti,isposed of in that summary way—a way that any have been exceedingly mit is'actory to his own rentis of cave nni COlll II cy under difficulties, but which certainly cahoot . -be qotto po, agreeable to 'the great M/1.1.1 of tax paying pe , .ple, tinfert mink ly fur his theory, are -not no happily constituted by nature O n to fie able to lough, with emotions of pleasure, when scourged b ilie onerous 011K/11011, of radical rxci.es, or even to rtutultie a contented demeanor whila oppressive buribetin ire being heaped upon The foot that we ore oppressed vital National debt of $l Jaat,ooo,Uuo need not to have been repeated to male it known—and the tact that this d.bi iniisi he loud is also fully realized and well understood--but the notion that the present ti no 11100 to prepoFFC or (been,. plans for 114 Wiping] I to Certainly ti non el ty in 1,, hilts 111111011 n,o•t hive eat, il Ft gr nouns of tlortmon to settle upon the files ofevery sensible man who Imhof it • Sufficient unto the Joy is the evil hereof,' may. under some eircLinNimices, ho very good doe: riue, but when dungen., that ihreaten destruction, a-e seen to be apprb iching, the eterci.e of a little timely precautiGu'will sometimes nave a great deal of after trouble. ••• So, now, the Demoetatin party —Ma card ing the prepoatereus idea of our learned friend—regarding it as a mani fest absurdity—takes time by the fore lock, and does propose and dummies a pl in fur the payment of this debt, al ready enormous in its proportion., and till growing, under radical Into-rule, at the rate of over 'TEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A MONTI!! Think of it, tax payers! The public debt still it.creasing e,t this fearful rate' Is it not a matter that ditnands your earnest attention ? Your serious con sideration 1 Whether, by continuing the Itad . icals in power, your burthens of taxation are to be increased, in order to keep pace with this growing indebted nets, or, whether, by a change, the swelling tide is to bo stayed, and the plan of the Dtmocratio parly for its gradual payment and final extinguish ment, put into successful execution. This plan is given in the 3rd plank of the Demooratio National Platform ! Read it I Here it is : 8 Payment of the public debt of the United States as rapidly as practicable all moneys drawn from the people by taxation, except eo mutth •s is reclutetite fur the necessities of the governMent, economically administered, being /100- eisiji applied to snob payment, and - ieber - e - Tbi - olligitione of tbe piernmerit do not expresalfetate upon their face, or the law tinder which they were issued does not Provide that they shall be paid in coin, they ought in right and injus tice, be said in the lawful tattrey tie Unitedatea. Auxiliary to !his plan—so--juet and equitable-La change will , blring about other reforms in the adminialliktictfi of the government that will be of inoaloula ble benefit The bond barons, now ex-, empt , from all state, county s'nd muni cipal liaise, will be compelled to bear a just share of these taxes I Unknown millions of weir will no longer be recklessly i and Witkedly - squandered and stolen through snob agencies of oppres• sion and fraud as the Freedmen's Be- ati lIIMIIM The National Debt t • e aits ,?py !eau! lore 'than' fifty millions s year will'be attred by reduoittg the standing artily—now only of• nee to tyranie to their eflort to devil-0y the liberties of the people of ten H , RICP of this— Utdon to lie proper . pence•fooling! Reform will he the wolot.wo.d and the rule of nation in every department of the government, intriend of the Yeeklers and ramoally vi ornvaganoe nnw ah.orha FIVE nuNtairm DII LLIONB OF DOLLARS n. year, end permits the debt to in EMI! C.,tse to the rescue, fellow citizens! Turn out these unfaithful' public tier yenta, and put better men in their pia ere! D - 1 Out, and give encce•e to Dem oaratio principles l The Detneoratie plan Tor the paynitni of the public debt will accomplish the ptirpo.e, and in an complishing that, the weight of the np. pression that now pellet ewes this labor end totitrotty of the of awry will he ta ken or, cod' the danger shot thlreeten ouch tlitetul eettspetpt, , eeem, the Liatltettls wilt:Nat la the ettottog elete bons, Aiwa, the mint of ill !lir!) , Worn, end a Aright day will dawn upon na Eleo! a D••looCrit' 10 MA with ii,Seyoloor and Blair, and you are eared ! Reconstruction Expenses In Mu nrcic Lha 4 ppi ech, published ut our 1.4.. t nun,`,er, 'het e wits nil I nail rrtant Gut import nnl oininminn in I he enn tnerltion of appropil.4lllillo made Wy Cr,o gt emq 111 the I to po4o of TO* error %ex now o,,rtve , hy giving below thelniirt It 'point ion of .raty 11461 This Recooav an non ut t oIVIE4/141 14 appear" II ,Plll ?N. w, 1 . 4 r nn opior..prnillUn ul $1 I/75,00I) haled upon 0r.1110.1100 Irina the W a De peeinient,,hn. the 1111110111111 wen cut down on \lu Ut ch ALICW . II molion to $1 (n),()•• , ) • d‘ ,l / 4 I root/u , 1071 :o Carry In/to 'fit? the Vrtfli on?) prOV.dariq lur lA, Ito,, rV Haul goVerll , llllll o/ Ihr Gala[ fa. lilt Itl:PLI Vier. UV 1 1114 51 KATZ ANI. 1101 , 1. or lit PIIVN/ NI %TUVE 1.1? 1441 TKI , Sf %NIA OF AMERICA, INA,.INEIIII4 1..111111.1 11, Ti. it tor 111.. I.Larlinme of o4r. tying in, OIL 11 the above MCI!. lien; flr iii.proplllll.'4l out of Dotty money ROI 011ierIKIPI• nt.prort uthed, the ruin of out minion of dOilar`l " r ille Prr , i.lent'. Veto, } .filly 1” 181;7 ,„ 3 57,/ 4(1 rA 'Chug /I pp p 49) Moro Swindling Unearthed - - I I. to impossible tf.r lie Necrotic porn nln IU pbtee 1.. fol.. the poidie fill the lusts 11110 figures diet rue eomprised the ellutllluUM Loll, of corrupiton, and trend, and tualndm mite rat Inn IV the tie publican party, The total . in huge be yond the powers tat human computation It cattails wile a period of eight lease. It covers the expenditure aud wattle within that heel FpliCe of time of more motley than was expended from the four dation of the reputtliJ do•u to the year 18G0 including the expenses of the re• olutionary war, the war el 1812, and the Mexican war It inclu,lee the frightful extravagance of it Cougrese more wattle ul of the people'n toon• y than any other in all hittory It embraces corruption in every branch of the while service.-- It includes frauds of greater naagnitude and more frequent nerpet rat lIM limn the history of city other eielltzed.colititry dot tug ILU equal period can show. It in made up of a thousand swindlea that have never been brought to the light for every fifty sw unties that knavery did out sob reed in keeping from the public 'knowl edge. It 11 ti huge, hard, monstrous, anti immovable FAO?, lbal 611V1418 like a black 1 / 1 0111.11,A111 to condemn the poltticsl imbecility and knavery wake which it grew. Another of the hitherto bidden frays has recently been partially unearthed at Washington. The unearthing process hitegoue far enough to elbow that • •The report to ' , Congress oonoerning alleged frauds in the payment. of negro bounties wan intended as • piece el whit swathing , to oover tt the iniquity of parties against whom the most unerbosvoctal amigo°. was easily attainable.", Hew not to ai• taro the unetri•ooal evidence that would enable the people to behold anoth,er huge swindle upon the public', treasury, seems to have •been- xha pant. held 6111,4 i y. in view by, the congressional whitcwashers. This is bloque new exposure in thous ands that are yet ar come, tiniest' the Radical wiiitXwaeliers can prevent the people from gaining p ion of thitlr govcroment throUfh a change of public servants. There is no gieund if doubt that a change in the administration will dlsoloce-de the people of this country bey have been the worst °healed and the most awfully swindled people by their rulers that ever lived in the world. --rtiolines County. (Ohio.) Farmer. --The people are said to be etarriag in the region of the Red river of thi North, owing 10 the destruction of etege. --A terrible storm , passed over (led Illinois, doing much dktuaga. Lady's Tribute to Gov. Seymour. The kriuilutien. Mro. Cady'ti Sianlou's pmn•r. 100011 , 11 e. i. extract from a let n•r to a lolly its regard to the:, Presiden -1141 otantow 100 : . In pi 10110 cowiersation (inv. Bey ninny I. itiatimesivo and Interesting, and irpoerible, more remarkable fog his ,iermee al manlier and if rnoeful courte the drawing-room than fpr hie 111/ItclilePe eloquence and magnetic power a puha speaker. Although most cap t ism rig in private life, he to In no Ben,. matt of forma or faahlan In his pros- I`IIRP !he plainest portion. are placed at ease and feel rut once they are with it kind and good man, domucYnlia in all tnotiuote, principle., anti purpoiec— pie and unust en tat ions, ltlrtclly 1111m p-ia,e, he uses neither mmHg nor epiri 'ow. liquors, nor tobacco ; of the most relined ounce and elevated morals, it is raid of him, by those who have known him (tom hie earliest youth, that he wee never under the ititlbence Of strttog drink.; never known to tell en untrbth or utter a profane oath—lo indulge in sti vulgar story, a coarecauecdote or aro ob sornr j.s , : nor did he ever violate the propritikles of the Sabbath, Mr sit at a gambler's table, br crone the threshold of more fashionable vice P6rit j y of life is with him to marked obaraoteristio.— E,lucaloil in the Episcopal church, he Ilea ever remained faithful to its oom- Quinton, adorning its doctrines by e blameless life and multiplied deeds of charity Yet free from sectarianism, be llaa contributed liberally to the erection 411 . 1 maiii!cuoneo of every, other church nd place of publ , o worebip in the city of Utica end its vicinity. An active iru.tee of Hamilton College, he bee been wide by it an 1,1 4 U., as well an by a ‘lsitioilisi University in another State. The children of the orphan asy WTI have been guests at his house, (which is a house of prayer ) and it woe noticeable that, when the news of his nomination Fir President ranched Utica, these ail dr•t ~ o ntsneousl turns. out 'n • oeNMIOII. and nienifesied their joy in mmy pleoomil er tys peculior to the in nocency of childhood " What they are to Vote for The andioel ler dere era etruggling to ninke their dimciplee believe that the .h e eeeteet now 18 a "continuation of the war" ugnaust the rebellion. But here IA What the Fupporter4 of redieel tem are really expected to •eta for 'l'.x•s for ibe payment of ititerent on the netional tletit till the next century. TA let f.,r the payment of the national . hi in c mi Teo,. for ,he eupport of astantling ar ,y to subjugate elates Taxes for this Fut pport of the Freed meo a Ilor.au to feed Southern negroes Tax.. for the enrichment of the loyal utemnere of a rump Cengretie 'tor' feeding an hritif Monad comp' lomat, for !he support of a legion of lee g ,ther, I'4xes Jro the protection of Eastern 111,1111113 et ' Ta'CP4 try p•,y ti eexpeoscs of impeech In honest officials TOLCS to pay the boon] find I.ll,•asure littv..l4' of 'obi roligreseionri Tol IVY for the lutereet on Eastern bank MEM 71iros in pay Lilo cost of military Ittttut kJ p•ly fur the suittortutOon of pr. mfleP "1 , .a..4 in pky for ihe sup}ression of 11, If e1 , 1i.111 ut rpereh for Ihr coat of suppreabieg the right of ,ittirav 'NV'', 10 rny for Colt introur ee.mions of l'ongrnois Tixes to carry out yainfi'm prjeot r oreitnaing u emigre...Blone' army in the North TAXI . ' to enforce Sunaner'n bill for reetilifing mutirsee in the North Taxes to arm Southern negroes - Taxes (or every ncheine of partisan creel and dexpatinm which fx fadioal riingre•s mny nen fit In invent and en force "onside the coast ttution.—ils. "Don't be too Sure ob Dab" One of ThatLl•ol Stercnv' colored ft tend' who went to Lancaster to attend Thad's Norm!, on hie return wee ac costed by another oolored brolMr fotlo.e "Visll, Mr. 6unpeou, l'ee of de opinion det wo'e gory ne to 'lent Gaunt f or shore " "By Golly, M. Brown, don't be too chore of dei—for Iloilo yo't now k'looles [eighty unearth). When I went tp tan miter to lend de funeral of our friend Mr Stevens. I !lover heard tell midis hoot Grunt de hole time I woe guns. Dere way plenty of fellers a bollerin'„an ebonite' fur do Rebel :leeway', but I 'elnre,for Godolat I. didn't bear ohs man holler for Grant. I tell you lie a fee, Mr Brown, a fae. IVby,bbes l started for Lancaster I torght de people np der was all Radicals—dot dry' would be ber ry glad to see tie colored folks, knee yo know Mr. St was our friend—but sure as I tell you, day waaw'b glad loses us no how. Day wouldn't lot us wash oar hams en facies at de hotels—dey wouldn't get us tintfin to sot—dry wouldn't walk in de fun - ral procession wad us up tier. no bow. 1 wart unstan' it, 1 don't 11.11 you, Mr. Brown, demi bare Radicals Is sly fellers. Bey don't mean what day say. Dey say diry•luk us colored pussone, but they don't ; tat day don't. Don't be too sbure Groton, gwine to be leoted ; for I tell you now, it didn't look dat way much up In Las ' caster. Don't bet •ttelrtn on G_Cant, leas you'ee got more money an you know what to do wid "Why, Mr. Simpson, you 'girl's° me." "Can't. help dat. Foca is face, Good bye."' Look I Mark I Roadl The fearful increase of the publiedebi 359,072 dollars per day-16,236 &Mare per hour—over 270 dollars pet: misfits. end of 90 dollens every time the *rook tloke 4 second. is well calculated to alarm a people, already crushed to the very earth with taxation to pay the in serest. 040 of the beet printing p drily en' by'eteam, end running uninterrupt• edly day and night, could not print in pne dollar bills enough greenbaolu to keep up with this terrible and useleu increase of the,bvtheu of the people