Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 28, 1868, Image 5

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    The Ochlocratic Watchman.
I! El
TERMS.--f 2 per year when paid In ad
vance, $2,50 when not paid in 'advance end
$3,00 when not paid before the expiration
the 4r
OUR AOUNTC.—We have authorised the
following gentlemen, to receive and receipt
tar oubsaription to the Dettocaocic Wawa
Dian, ORiNalltalt
Sugar Valley, Clinton Co., Pa,
' l ' AMa Otrit.—Our friend W. L. Allen,
lumbering oranddy Lich Run, a short
time since killed a rattrAenake with 17
ratio on it.
—Some of the etreeto of Bellefonte
need repairing very badly, they 'are
worse than any country road in the
--Tho police foroo of Bellefonte is
now m udi,rnore netiie than it used to be,
and as a oonsequenoe there is not half
the rowdyism on our streets there Was
Srkl ACCIDENT —A little non of Mr
finny Haraden, of Ilalf Moon, wan
ran over by a wag.m loaded with nand,
and had his leg and arm badly broken
and efushed,'on Saturday last.
---The wiastern portion of this
county was visited with 7L fine rain on
Weiln&lay and Thursday last. The
drought still continues in this section,
and the corn orop is already injured be
yond all Lope - of recovery. - •
—A Dutchman entertained the
crowds on the streets, on Monday last,
with the music of bagpipes, while a wo
man, who accompanied him, bogged pen
nies from the bystanders. Tho music
was of a very inferior kind, and it
looked as strange Ito see a Dutchman
with bagpipes as it would to see a
Scolchman eating switzer and drinking
lager beer.
--Some dirty dog, without the fear
of the Magistrate or the opinion o( a de
eived public before his eyes, seld uslast
week by forging the name of. It. M. Ma
gee, Esq., so a marriage notice. If we
ever get low nigh to advocate -negro
suffrage and amilgamation, ♦r to qupport
the rotten and oppressive doctrines of
radicalism, we'll hunt that, chap up and
make him a companion lie's bt for
nothing else unless it is to akin skunks
and make stump speeches for (Irant mad
Theatre has been performing to good
housei in this place during the past two
weeks They have been successful, and
their success is due to the fact they •play
well each his part " They place no
characters upon the stage that their per
former); are unable to fill, and they allow
none of the vulgarians or profanity that
so often disgrace the calling of the actor
Miss Sylvestir, especially, has won the
approbation of the theatre-going people
of Bellefonte. Her acting has through
out rendered entire satisfaction, and
added much to her already well deserved
popularity During the few nights that
they remain with us, our readers can
pass a few hours Pery pleasantly by
visiting them at Bush's Hall.
RAIL-BOND ROUTE —We have received
a letter from a friend, in Penne Valley,
suggesting a route for the Centre & Mif
R., which, if at all accessible,
would certainly be a great advantage to
the people of the lower end of Penns
Valley. 'the writer nays: 4•Start at
Milroy and pass through what is called
Heavies Valley to the State road, then
through the gap of thp Hint ridge of the
seven tiountaits, thspoe along Rouse
Run to 'Penns' Creelt, then en tholltbld
survey of the great Western and At s lan,
tio . ; oL along Nuns' Creek, and. by
Centre 14,11 to. Boalebnrg, &e. I know
that the lower end of the Volley :irante
the road, and if the proper efforts are
Medi, enough money oan be raised to
grade that part of the road-0111st the
distance will be more, than, by crossing
tile mountains in the neighborhood of
Boalsbprg "
--The knotty and defective fruit,
which falls from trees in large quanti
ties at this time of the year, is a baneful
poison, and hundreds of Children die
daily fromiating it. While a few apples
are actually ripe so early in the season,
there are bushel" eaten which are prema
turely ripened, by the attack of worms
or insects, and fall to the ground. Chil
dren should be most carefully guarded
from the serious consequences which
may result from (hail\ sating such frail.
It may be opiderahlenrouble to pt -
vent them Allem doing so, but it is cer
tainly easter than to nurse them through
a long illness and perhips to loose them
in the grad;' In such a climate as ours,
t+ith our cold nights and intensely hot
days, with our fogs and dews and damp
evenings and ramming, it requires the
greatest care to live Wall, and it is im
impossible for any human being to eat
the poisonous vegetables which are so
abundant, and which even Ind their
way In large quantities into our markets.
Watch the children well and at the same
time do not forget to guard your own
-7—Miller at hie Book Store on Alle
gheny atreet, 6 lB Belling Stationery and
Books, cheaper than ever.. Big is the
place to call.
—A..Deer, weighing over 200 lbs.,
was killed on Eddy Lick Run,a few days
since, icy a hunter krt4wn as "French
to the notice given by the Chairman of
the Cdkrimittee, a meeting of the Demon
racy ass held in the Court House, on
Tuesday Evening,Aug, 26. The meeting
was celled to order by John H. Orvis,
and on motion of Fred. Kurtz, lion.
Samuel T. Shugert was chosen to preside
with the following Vice Presidents end
Secretaries :
aftgg tap.
Penn tap
Vice Presidents—John Smith, Ezra
Spangler, John 11. Mitchel, J. G. Lari
leer, Dr James Dobbins, R. R. Jones,'
Jacob M. Kepler, Jacob Leathers.
, Secretaries—A. Boyd Henderson,
F..Fortney, D L. Keep.
On motion of C T. Alexander, our
friend, Wm. P. Furey, one of "ye edi
tors.' of the Clinton Democrat, was called
upon to addres; the meeting, which he
did in an effective and telling speech,
laying bare and exposing to the public
gaze the fallacy of ilia position taken
by the Radical party upon the question
of Reconstruction ; proving clearly that
all governments, derive theirjunt powers
from the consent of the governed, and
tlinrof IL consequence, the proposed re
°omit ruction of the Soul hern States upon
the Steven's-Sumner policy, was base
usurpation Throughout, his speech
was replete with strong and convincing
Aftersthevtlene of Mr. itirey'n speech,
the following resolution was offered by
C. T. Alexander, and wan unanimously
Resolved, That see hereby endorse the
platform of re•olutinns adopted by the
Democratic National Convention "nsiiem
bled in New York, and the nominess of
said Convention. the''Hoi Horatio Sey
mour for Premident, and lien. Frank P•
Blair for Vice President, and we here
by ratify the nomination of Charles E.
Boyle for Auditor General, and Gen
Wellington U. Entfor_Surveyor General,
and the whole County ticket recently
placed in nomination by the Democratic
County Convention, and we hereby
pledge our earnest support - to whoever
may be regularly placed in nomination
by the Democratic Judicial and Congres
sional Conferees '
After the reading of the resolutions,
Mr Orvis, being called for, responded in
his usual calm, cool, deliberate and con
vincing style. Like all his speeches, it
was unanswerable„and these who failed
to hear him missed a rich treat
On motion of Fred. Kurt: a vote of
thanks was returned to Mr. Furey for
Ms able effort, after which the meeting
ikdjourned .
vr.-The quarterly meeting of ibis Society
was held in the Court 1101/AU on Monday
evening last.
Samuel Gilliland,Superintendent of the
Fair Gronnds, reported the progress
made in their preparation for the pur
poses they are intended. Ile stated that
the Track would be completed by the
later part of next week, as would also
the fence around the grounds, that the
course of Buffalo Itun had been changed ;
that terracotta pipes have been laid con
veying fine spring water all over the
grounds ; tbat a building three hundred
feet in length had been contracted for
and would be completed by the middle
of September, and that a carriage road
around the trotting track was also being
made, all tending to make-these among
the most complete grounds in the State
lie Mated also that the estimated coat of
the improvements would be /I 8 follows :
For Trotting Trsck
Floral 11 all ......... ........... ..... 2,739 04
Convey ng Water ... . 262 f 2
Terra Cotta Pipe, to 296 42
Carriage Road 61 911
Tpe offices lie said tail' remain to be
comiracted for and built, b it the Society
home on hand. enough lumber for the
ctitriose and require more money.
On motion of 1). G.•itush, the 61h,7tit,
Bth and 9th days of October were fixed
upon as the days for the Annual Exhibi
On motion it was
Resoioedilli at it be recommended to
the County Committees of both Political
parties, that no meetings of a political
character be held during the continuance
of the Fair, and that the Msecutive Corn.
mlttee be requested to secure the Court.
House for the evenings of the days of
Mr. John It. Orris, ttfleie paying a de
served compliment to if. N. McAllister,
proposed t following :
'Wl:angst+, Bl)
ue the organization of
the Institut' n now known u the Agri.
cultural College of Pennsylvania, our
follow citizen, If. N. MoAllister,hae been
a Trustee of the same and bas with tib
pretzedvuted zeal, energy and assiduity,
given hie time, labor said means to pro
mote the success of the same. Therefore,
be it .1
Raohied, By the Agricultural society
of Centre County, that we commend the
honest, energetic, disinterested and self
sacrificing conduct of If. N. McAllister,
Esq , in his efforts as one of the Trustees
of the Agricultural College of,Psnasyl
vsnia, and further that we refiner!. him
not to resign his position as such Trus
tee, but that he continue still to dal
charge the duties of the same.
Which was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Bfr. Adam Hoy the fol
lowing gentlemen were appointed dele
glib electors' . of the Agricultural Col
lege of Pennsylvania for the ensuing
year :--Richard Conley, of Benner,
Samuel Vantriee, of Bellefonte, Samuel
Uillitand, of Harris.
The following gdntlemen were appoint
ed A:committee-to procure conveyances
for the purpose of taking electors froma
distantie to the College on Wednesday.'
John T. Johnson, Chairman, M. T. Milli
ken, John Irvin, Jr , J. D. Shugart, and,
Robert Valentine, of Bellefonte, Moses
Thompson, of Ilarris, William Irwin and
John filbert, of Benner.
Gentlemen who own or control car
rikges or other conveyances will report
their willingness to carry detegaten to
the College, to Mr. Johnson, the Chair
man, or any 9ther Member of the Com
mittee, on or before Monday next. The
carriages will be required by 7 o'elqck
A. M , on Tuesday of next week.
After some further business had been
transacted the Society adjourned. -
Business Notices.
—W would again call the attention
of our reader!' to tho advertieenient in
another colux}, of the Bellefonte Acad
emy. -
MAGNOLIA. Werke —A delightful toilet
article—euperlor to Cologne HA et half the
—To get good bread, cakee, pies, ran
dies or Ice cream, the place to go is to Ma
IDowell's New Bakery on Bishop street. Be
' tam every thing you wish, fresh and clean
and good.
Wnll • a In MI Beer ■AttILT SKIVING MI.-
comma 7—An opinion worth something, ta
ken from the Scientryie American, this best
and highest authority on Mechanioal im
piovements and inventiops. It says:
..We ere haVing'a great many inquirlee ?or
Sewing- Machines from various part, of the
country, and as we cannot conveniently re
ply to them all by mail, we have thought it
proper to state our opinion- in regard to
them in this public manlier. We have used
Wilson's patent, manufactured by the
Wheeler & Wilson Manniactnring Company
andewe can lay in regard to it, that if is with
oat a rive/. It le simple, not easily put out
of order, and, in point of effectiveness and
ne other machine stands a head of it.
We state this much In regard to the excel
lent machine on our own responsioility."
Thee* machines are for sale at Harper
Brothers Store on Spring street, ^Bellefonte,
and by the traveling agent, Thos. Patton.
13 32 2t •
RI•L ERTAT.I.-41111ling associated my•
self with W. P. Laidley it. W. H. Ilogeman
Attorneys at law of Charleston West - Va.
in the norther* end ewle reel Mate and
the sale of real estate on commission we
offer t, these who ropy wish to purchase,
large number of splendid Farms with Houses
out IfouservPcs, all in good repair. Also
rich coal and timber Lands and town pro
perty. These land■ are situated on the
great Kanawha River ■od its tributaries
The Kanawha valley is celebrated (or its
tine climate and in beauty and fertility is
not surpassed by any in the stale.
13-23 3m • E. 61111271.
Time's 11r:t footprints are wrinkle. and
gray hair and although nothing has been
discovered to eraditate the former the latter
may be easily obliterated by the use of
Ringo' Vegetable Ambrosia. We know.thet
It will restore gray hair to its original color
and remove fkom the scalp all itching irrita.
tion,whether'caused by dandruff or humors,
at the lame time imparting to the hair that
glossy and beautiful look eo much desired
13 30 4t
A Eirt,eliniti Ero•al—Messre. Stuart Pe
terson • Co., one of the ulttest stove multi
facturing firms In Philadslphia, are introdu
cing to the notice of the trade, the hand
somest, best arranged, and altogether the
most excellent Cookinr btove (burns either
wood tir seal) ever invented. The "Barley
Sheaf" is the title of the new candidate,
and It is epok•n of as being a grand triumph
in stove misaufacdusing. Tho demand for
it is already very great., an,: bids fair to in
crease to unlimited extent as its merits be.
come gore lolly known. The trade in ou r
section will And it, to their interests to pay
special attention to the claims of the Barley
/Pima' Beware of imitations. For sale by
W W Wetsier, Mtlesburg, Pa.
$1,186 00
1,001 00
" tip ring is cheery
Whiter is dreary,
Green lea•ee hang, but the hrueruf:atuit fly ,
When he id shaken,
' Lone and forsaken,
What can an old wan do but die?"
• Whyl, take Plantation Bitters, to be sure,
and with them a new lease of life. The old
are made young again, the middle aged rtl ,
Joke, and the young become doubt brilliant'
by Using this splendid tonic. Dyspepsia,
Heartburn, Liver Complaint, Headache.
Pains in the side, "Crick in the beck" and
all symptens of Stomachic Derangement,
yield at once to the health giving influence
of Plantation Bitters. They add strength
to the system and buoyancy to the mind.
13 34-2 t.
—Much has been 'shng of the "Maid
with the Golden flair." No song, however,
has yet been able to make that color e"popu-
Jar ono for any obrisiderable length of time
-Light red, faded or sandy hair equally un
der the ban of public opinion. We are hap
py to announce to our readers who desire to
change those colors, that three applications
of Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia will give
them beautiful auburq poaching all
that soft, lustrous appearance ao desirable
in this chief adornme r of female beauty.
114-4 t.
Letters of Administration, on the
'date of Wm. Ebberte, late of Worth tp.,
having been granted to the undersigned, he
requests all perilous knowing themselves In•
4/ebted to lipid estate, to make immediate
payment and thoee baring olalme against
the same to. present them,duly authentica
by law lot eittlement.
13 34-30 JAMES BATTEN.
The Bellefonte Merket.
The tollowlng are the quotation, up to e
o'clock on Thursday evening, when our
paper went to press:
Whit. Wheat, per bushel • ' 12 I 0
Red Wheat, per bushel .....,....... *9 00
Rye, per . bushel , , $1 26
Corn Blilled, per buehel Old , $1 lb
Oats, per bushel 55
Barley, per bushel 1 10
Buckwheat, per bushel 1 00
Oloverseed, per bushel. 7 00
Potatoes, per bdshel 0 1 75
Eggs, per dozen 25
Lard, per pound.... 20
Pork,'per pound 0
Ham, per pound 26
Tallow, per pound 10
Butter, per pound 35
Rage, per pound , 04
Ground Plaster, per ton 16 00
Net» abbettioemento.
flare, with a ♦few to meet the increased de
mend for their celebrated MU/TOTED
BPFCTACLES, appointed
Itellefooke, Penn•
As their sole Agent for this place. They
have taken care to give all needffil Instruc
tions, and have confidence in the ability of
their agent to meet the requirements of all
customers'. An opportunity will be thus of
forded, to procure, at all thaes -Fpeeitecies
Unefinnllad by any for their Strewythersieg
and Preorrnrty
Too much caanot be'said aa:tol their SU
stilt/KITT over the ordinary glaases
worn. There is
No (Jlimmenng,• IVavertstg of the Sight,
_ .
other unpleasant maation,hut en the con
trary, from the peculiar coustrucpoo of the
Lenses, they are
causing a feeling of relief to the wearer, and
producing II clear and (flounce egion, se in
the natural healthy sight. They are the
only spectacles that -
Preserree as torn as A.eist eAe SiyAi
And are the CHEAPEST because the BEST
!always la•tiog Naar AAAAA without change
being necessary.
Mr. (lei:wire Wl'atton, dealer in Watches,
Closhe r inerairy, ta.,. L thtlt-ONLY Again
appointed in this place.
13 34-Iy.
Book, Stationery & News Emporium.
His purchased the Book, Stationary and
News establishment of Kinslois and Brother
on Allegheny ergot, near the Diamond, to
which he has Just added a large invoice of
goods, such' u Is generally kept in a well
conducted Book and Stationary Store. His
stock consists of Theological, Mediutl, law,
Miscellaneous, Sun Hay School and School
Books, Time Books, Pass Books,and Diaries.
Every grade and price of Cap, Legal. Bill.
Letter, Bath and Nola Paper, fine French
Paper, Envelopes of every desoriptioz and
Price Pens. Inks, Inkstands, Erasers, Rub
ber bands. transparent and omninon Slates,
Slate Pencils, Lead Pencils, Crayons, •c.
Daily and Weekly Papers, Magazines, and
Sheet bluff°. a large supply of Legal aad
Justices Blanks, constantly on band Also
U 8, Internal Revenue Stamps at face.
il• it also Wholes"lo Agent for Lochman's
Celebrated Writing Fluid
Country merchants would do well to call
and examine my stock before purcbasing
elsewhere, es / I can sell at manufacturers
JA!" Books got to order , when desired
t 3 34 ly
To got yQpr
repaired In the
boot of I tylo—warrautad,
at N 6. 4 BUIIIIOII Arcade.
Valuable Farm for lON bordering on
the town of gabhomburg, in Walker town-
ship, Cisotre County, within five miles of
railroad and two miles from coal mine,
ACRES, Weaved and in agood state of matt.
ration, The balance well 'limbered, the
whole tract is first rate lime stonn land with
en Apple and peach orchard, t. hereon of ten
acres bearing yearly, two dwelling holms
thereon, a well of good water at the door, a
large) bank barn, with power bons* attached
Also an elegant water power for a gristmill
or factory and plenty of Iron ore thereon.
For further information nail at thepreniseo.
18.13.4 m. ANTHONY CAREER,.
Netu abbertfamentri
) ,All persons are hereby cautioned
against purchasing a judtment against the
subscriber, in favor or Wm. John P.
Runkle:* John Stofker ? ail I have never re
ceivad-value Tor the lame rind wW multi*
its validity by lair
13 34-3tV
Silk*, Anode, Deese Goode, tirGo Gooodr,
Dry ()code, Cations, Faticy Goode.
Bate., S(iter Plated Ware,
W Cuilcry, ing Michinea ac
To be sold at ONE DOLLAR EACH,
out regard to value, and net to he paid for
until you know What you are to receive. '
TOCK VALUED AT $200,000,
SALESROOM, 90 ilanover-d., Boston.
The Most popular, reliable prompt and bust
nese-like concern of the kind. The beet of
Boat= references furnished on application.
By patronizing this sale you have a chance
to exchange your goods witb alarge variety
'to select from.
T r 0 AGRIIITIL—We believe our Terme
to Agents are scperior to those offered by
any other house. Take particular notice of
thIV : Our Agents are not requi ed to p-y
one dollar for their presents, all other
Certificates, giving a complete description
of attieles that will be sold for one dollar
each, will be sold at the following rates ;
Tan Ulf $1 ; THIRTY (with present) for $3 ;
Sixty (With present) $8; OHM. HUNDRID
(tvith present)slo: tiame rate for Isrgerclubm
Look ot this Chatter to get • Silk Dress,
Bening Machine,..Gold Watchor some oth
er good article of equal value, with but very
little trouble and no the Agent._
FOR • CLUB Ur 'THIRTY, we will give the
person sending it the choice of the following
articles: Print Dress Pat t ern, Worsted
Breakfast Shawl, White Linen Tablecloth,
Embossed Table Spread, Sat of Steel-bladed
knives and Forks, Set of Silver-plated forks,
Elegant Engraved Silver plated, Gold lined
IraTeti TioTil and Bo*, Fancy Dress Fit
tern, Pair Ladies' Extra quality Cloth Boots,
Elegant Beaded Silk Parasol, One Hundred-
Picture kiorocco Photograph Albutn,Elegant
Ivory-handled' Spaugled Stlk,Fen, One dos
en large sisen Linen Towels, Ladies' Mo
rocco Shopping Bag, Alhambra Quilt, Fancy
Balmoral Skirt, Ladies solid Gold California
Diamond Ring, gent's Plain or Engraved
Gold Ring, (16 carets floc) Ladies'_ Solid
Black Walnut Writing Deek, Ladies' Fancy
Black Walnut Workbox, or a Cottage Clock.
FOR • CLUB or Six TY, one of the follow
ing articles : Fancy Cashmere Dress Pat
tern, Three yards double with Water Proof
Cloaking, Tidbit Shawl, Four yards Wool
Frocking, Set of Lace Cattalos, Ladies'
double Wool Shawl, Silvellilited Card Bas
ket, Splendid Engraved Silver plated Ice
Behar, Ensnared Silver plate I Tea Po ,
One llundred.pictore Turkey Morruccoo
Potorraph Album, Lancaster Quilt, Fancy
plaid Wool Shawl, Twenty-fire yds. Sheet
ing, Alp era Drum Pattern, Engraved Sil
ver-plated sin. bottle Revolving Castor,'
Pair Gent's Calf Boots, Harris Cloth Pants
and Vest Patens, Spendid Italmoral Skirt,
Bet of Ivory handle Knives with Silver-pla
ted Forks, Pair of all-wool Blankets. Rose
woeil.frame Brass Alarm Clock, Splendid
beaded and lined Silk Pareol, Ladles' 'plan
did Morocco Traveling Bag, Thirty yards
Print, or a le/amities Quilt.
Foft 4,C1.12111 or Ora 'titanium, Splendid
Engraved Silver plated Tea Set, three pieces
(Sugar Bowl, Tea Pot end Creamer.) Silver
plated Cake Basket, Fancy plaid Wool Long
Shawl, Forty live 'yds Sheeting, Splendid
Alpaca& Drees Pattern, Silver Bunting Case
Witch. splendid Family Bible with elegant
Steel Engravings and Family hocierd and
Photograph page, Poplin Dress Pattern,
Engraved Silve.s•plated Imo Maher, Splen•
did Heaver Cloak Pattern, Sharpe'. Revel.
tier, Farley Cbaehintere Coat, Pante and Yell
pattorn 'Mrs quality, Splendid Acoordeon
Music Boa, one pair flentuDamaak Table
Covers with one Dozen Jironer Napkins to
This is no humbug Lottery GiftEnterprfse
or fix le 0 r eh:an Jewelry, but a fear, tuner.
!sale of unredeemed gooiels. Our goods are
NCR AND Nov SECOND tuna), and we guaran•
tee more for tha money invested Than cap
be bougLt at any wholemakatore in the
Ages!' will please take notice of this. Do
not send names. but number your clubs from
one upwords. Make your letters short, and
plain as possible.
He sure and mend money amounting to
$5.02 or more by 11.140ISTKRID LIMES
(which can be sent from any of$00,) P. 0.
Money Order, or Express ; for when sent to
this way you run nu risk of loosing it what
ever. Small amounts may be lent by mall
but be sure and put them in the odlee yens-
We easmot be reirponeibte for utoney toe,
unless some precautlons are Gaon io /rendre its
Fiend your addreis In full, Town, County
and State. All certificates are good until
No. 30 Hanover-et. Boston.
Send for circular. 1.111 Aug. lit
For the Standard and Official Lives
01 Seymour and Blair. A book for every
library and a work of extraosdinaty Inter
est and rare historical velue No patriot
can do'srithout It or have a Jaet understand
ing alba issues before the country, without
reading Endorsed by the leading Dern-
oolitic and Con tires of the Union.
The claims of the Leinocratic candidates to
the suffrages of the people are so forcibly
,portrayed and clearly shown in this volume,
that no friend of constitutional liberty
should (nil to 'read it. Agents in all parts
of the country are finding this great stan
dard work the best opportunity to make
money ever offered, as its large else, low
price and great popularity bare made a pos
itive deinafid wbteh canvassers only can
supply. Bend for circulars, and see our lib—
eral terms and a full description of the
greatest subscription book of the times.
3 33-31. 411 Broome Street, N. Y
The undersigned at the Now Room,
in the North end of the Broherhot row, on
he Southwest Coroer of the Maenad, still
reps on head his until assortment of
and all the various School Bookinovrin use.
BIBLES, arrangeefor family photographs
elm other Bibles in great varketY, vol7inft
in price (tom 30 cents to 0311: Photograph
Albums, Rotary Albums, (a now investioo,)
Blank Books and Stationary, Legal Blanks !
Metall° Slates, iv.. As. He is kilo 01 4
Agent for Centre County for the Introdue.
Lion and sale of Politer a Watson'a
m ltsollt
era, Raublo Speller., Clark'. 01116111
Brook's Arithmetioa, Nobtleth's Gnome
phies, Martladales History of the Hpitad
Stetes. and Wright's Orthography.
12-3b-tt, GEO. LIVINGSTON. -
Intents ezeitementreignsid ib •
In the marble front on
Where la kept constantly a full supply alike
at pricer lower then cop be found eine
where outride of Philadelphia
fie 'dock consists of Om beet 4
Old Rye;
Momosodistin - -
I Irish whisky
liollsid Wn
Cognise and
other Brindle*
Jamaica k
New England
Berry, df.
Cordials A
- glad/ of
all of which he le 'wiling co low es to listen-
... A rest
I - - The tient - ism - of MU - instibitro-n—
-will opened on WEDNESDAY, September
2nd, in the north wing of the Academy
building, the room is being thoroughly
paired and furnished, and will be ready for
U6O by the opening of the term.
The Board of Trustees take pleasure In
announcing that they hays engaged as Prin
cipal, the Rev. James P. Hughes, formerly
of the Edgebill School, Princeton, New
Jersey. Mr. Hughes, is • graduate of
Princeton College and Seminary, and haa
had fifteen years successful egperience m
an instructor. He has devoted himself to
teaching as the liminess of b la life.
The Trustees invite the patronage of the
public in the full eonfidenoe that this wheel
now offal. unusual Mventages for thorough
and judici .us Instruction. The Principal
with his family will reside in the Academy,
and it is the intention to provide BO 3011I
coodytions for boarding pupils, as they may
be required.
The estimate p it-upon the abilities of the
Principal, both as a teacher and a dipcip
linarlan, by those wall qualified to Judge,
may be seen from the following testimonials
selected from a number of like Import in an
Edgebill catotogue.
From Rev. P. D. OURLIIT, D. D., Pastor
of the New York Avenue Church, Washing
ton, D. 0.
January, 19th IMO
I am well acquainted witbthelter. James
P. Ileghee, of the fldgehill soSSOI, - 11M1
Jersey, and hare had two sons under hie
oare. It Is with unusual confidence that I
recommend him to parents as a thorough
and efficient teacher, exerting a happy In
fluence on his pupils, and Judicious in the
administration of di;olpline.
P. D. °M MT. '-
From PBO/1/11OR (now President) CAT
TILL, of LOUtaill College,
Jay, 1859.
I have known Mr. Hughes' intimately far
a number - of yeah. He was one of the As-
Blatant Instructors during • part of the time
I wan at Rolgebill, and having than had am
ple opporttroltres of observing his charaster
sod qualificatlons, I am the more willing
to express my high opinion of his thorough
and effective teaching. and his unusually
happy indocile', over his pupils. In this
latter respect` Mr. Higbee has, in my opin
ion, no superior, and but few equals.
W. C. CArrit.i.
From Rev. Alex. L. McGixt. IX D.
Profaner in the Theological Berninat7.
Pnixerios June, SOth 1860.
I have great o3ngdenos in the Rev. Jaotr
P. Hughes as a good teacher, both to his
aptness to give instructions, and his tact, is
the administration of discipline. I have
had two sons ander his onto, and fro= Om
moot careful observation, I am free to re
commend the school u one of safe awl
thorough instruction
Atom. T. MoGn.s.
Front ROT. C.• Ru■ lIIIDOM, D. D.,
Prefeseor in the Theological iSeuilnery
PNIIOITOn June 20th 1860
I have for several prize been sennainted
wish the Rev. P. Hughes, Prizeipial
of the Rdphill school, Princeton N. J. I
believe him to be a falhful and competent
teacher, sincerely devoted to the instruotkin
and welfare of his pupils.
Crinntus gonna.
For toms and farther particulars appli
cation may be made toltiter to the Principal,
or to
13-31.-4 t President of the eat of Trmetio.
Warranted to remove all desire for
Tubsooo. This great remedy is on smallest
appetiser. h part:Sas Ike blood, invigorates
the system,•posseeses great nourishing and
strengthening - power, mashies the stomaoh
to digeit the heartiest food, makes sleep re.
reshlnt, and establish's robust health.—
Hawkers cad CAsseirs for Sicry , Tiorre amid.
Price, 11113 Cents, post free: ' A treatise eh
the injurious effects of Tobacco, with lists of
*g mpy
Wotan° testimonials, ale., eat tree.—
Agitate . i anted. AdOwur DT. T. it. AB-
B OTT J City ) N. J. 11 St 12w chili
The bound boy belonging to Pat- ,
rlok Par Ml. of Watts Run, 'Boggs township,
by nom* ofismei Swope, ran away from his
premises on Thursday n A i .l iht, Aug. ;13. Ile
is about 13 yours old. ' persons an here
by notified mot to harbor him, for they will
be dealt with atmording to law. Any infor
mation leading to his recovery trill be thank
fully received. . P. PAD DM
13 33-31.•
All parsons are heroby rotallod net
to with a sot* strait by last* bial
aaposat °an toJoba IL Wavier, tpr wll2
riot pay It Gales' aompariod by Law.,
13 32 3t Dr. GEO. Y. UAL &
All persons are hereby notilled not
to Mt a netbitlee• by's*, tb•lbihnoaet of
ALSO to John A. Hooter, for I will not pay
It tablets compelled by law, as I have remt..
endue value.
11412 at
Port Win*,