The Democratic Watchman. BELLEFONTE, l'A FRIDAY' MORNING, JUNE 26. 1866 Democratic) Grape Shot r To cancel the public debt at the preo eel rate, it would require the profits of the labor of 6,000,000 'lien constely for 2,000 years ! ' To pay the debtwun upon the people of this nation to promote' the code of the pima Republican party, in. itspresent form, it would take:the present enormous taxation for,* tliimpand years ! To •pay the interest only on the robber debt, an furnish the Jacobin party with its in ,,crnitsing etealings, it will take • longer time than any Republic has ever yet ex isted to keep even ! But-to psi the public debtont'he Dem ocratic plan, It 'Will be sooner done, and the people, fruitead of being borne doirn with taxation, will have plenty of money is Circulation! To pay the Publie debt as Pendleton urges, theleople will be relieved of a crushing, damnable taxation, and the bondholder will receive for hie bonds the mane looney he paid for them! pay the national debt as the Democ racy propose (in greenbacks), there will Demo bonds locked up in vaults drawing interest from the people's wealth,but the principal of the bonds will be in circula• tion. They will have the benefit of their own money! ' Keep these facts before the people.— Council Bluff. Democrat. I gentlemen were on a rail road train recently on which Gen. Grant was a passenger, and one who knew the General pointed bun out to the rest.— An incredulous Radical in the company declared that a.joke of that kind could not be played upon him. Ile was assur ed, however, that it was no joke,' when be offered r.. !let that the person pointed out was not , irant, declaring that no Forty in this mintry had ever nomina ted such a looi , • man for the Presiden cy, The bir wax taken nod the incredu lone Radical lost Ulysses isms there, but tho monkey was not on his back. —.tt a late dinner in North t:aroli na there rat down to table three es-Go• morn, an ex-Justice of the Supreme Court, two ex-Members of Congress, and some other into of honorable distinction to their State, and the only perscin in the room who co . old ♦oie or kold office wsn the negro who waited on the table. Such is reconstruction. —Fire your guns % said a poor labor ing man in 'Detroit, while the Radicals were 'stifling Grant's nomination, you ant fool me any longer I voted your i'ckets until it takes three dollars to buy %%hat I used to get for seventy-five gents and now think its abot..t time l'or a change ' that picture on' said h countyman in our heitripg the other day in *picture store to the proprietor who was turning over come engravings. That, sir, said the dealer, 'is Joshua tentmanding the ens to stand , kill lht. tell! Well, which is Jamb, ind which iv his son" —Why dunt you get married I said young lady the. other day to a, bachelor friend I have been trying for the last ten years to find some one who would silly enough to have me, was the re ply. I guess you havent been up our way.-she said similingly. ---.ln exchange nays that a hen has the capacity of lying MI hundred eggs, and no more. Usually thoy ley a few the first year ; from three hundred and twenty to three hundred and seventy m the next three years; and the rest from the fifth to the ninth year, inclusive The true eneunutny, !hen is not to keep hens after the fourth year. --Josh Billings objects to Shanghai eons, "It coats ns much to hoard olliP ne ir doeu a stage horse, and you might AN well undertake to fatten a fanning by running oats through it expenee of President John +ions defence comes out of private pock ets, but the Rump bill is saddled upon the Government, — , —Ben. Butler wes to have been ep pointed *Water to Alta Vela uhder Wades administration, and take bin pay -in 'nano ! —Troubles still continue in Hoyt' and Si. Domingo, anti iIU never cease while acme's rule. --It is said that Illyeser, the Silent, intend. to swing around the circle on • . . —The Avalanche says there are tweedy thousand negroes in. Memphis, Tandems*, who lire by begging and ideal- .—lt is said that Ulysses, the Silent, intends to swing around the ci role on a /dumping tour- 21Tete abbertbsenunt, IMMMIII ESTRAY. 'Cute to the reiddenee of the sub eoribei to Benner township, • Bay blare, very tblo. The owner Is requested to came forward, prove property, pay charges, and take ber away, otherwise she will be dispol eil OT es the law directs. 13-25 31 . DA NIXL GROVIL 14ete 9ork Column... AT AMIABLE INFORMATION. L iii•T YOUR OWN NUMBERS in the ROTA I. Sl' ANUfill - LOTTERY Them rot responsible institution of I ho in the world, Selecting numbers in this Lottery_ is a new idea—and one well adap ted to the wants of the people. It affords a safer means of speculative investment than most other business risks. Fur full infor. mitten, address LLOYD, SICkiItIRS d CO., 75 Nassau Street, New York. Room 19. T HE PR. 'VATS MIS DICAL GUIDE— IIy Dr. N. Severing, Now York, late of tills Boole de Aildicine. Parie, and the Colleje of Aradlecaries, London. A ne* publication of vital importance, plainly showing the way to a certain, cafe, and per manent - Suff , from these disertees of youthful Indiscretion, which recretly im bitter life, causing Want of Energy, Lou of Memory, Nervousnese, Melancholy, palpita tion of dis Heart, Strange Dreams, Dreamt'. Dizziness, Weakness and Paine in the Back, with a generaholisguat for the ordinary du ties of life. This Book ,e( over 60 pages, cent scolded, to any address free of charge upon the receiFt of one etatuti . . SEVBRI US, Station D, New York City -- ch $1 000 ftEWßAiclthD.of:ruanohyienciloomw,,hdiit lea le cure. All unfortunate sulfercrA,from whatever cause, who may apply for it, will have a Circular sent to them free, contain ing a description of these wonderful medi• eines, and - the disease for which they are peculiarly adapted, by. Dr. D. R. ItICII• ARDS, 228 Varick street, New York. TIRE UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO -Now .1)4441d4 -railroad trout Omaha, aeroae the Rooky Mountains, m make, with its connections an unbroken line between the At lactic and Paoille Omens, hays Juel publiabed. • ' A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP It oemprisee full information in relation to the. Formation of the Union and Pacific Iteit road - Co., progress of the work—Topography Character Of the country, and distances along the line. Agricultural resources, timber, mineral'. farming and gracing lands; silver and gold ; timber , coal ; Iron ; mineral springs. Dow the Union Pacific Railroad iv built. branch and connecting roads—The Idaho. Oregon and Puget'a sound; The branch to Montana ;.That Denver and Central Pacific. Resources fur construction. The mee's build the rued Anticipated business and profits of the Co , •. The way business -actual earnings. The Union Pacific Railroad Company's First mortgage bonds—Their security and value, Principal as well as interest payable g ; are the bifinde secure ? What. are they worth as an investment? This pamphlet will be—sent free by ad dressing the company. No. 20 Nassau street New York. A limited amount of the fret nortgage bonds, Principal end six per cent interest payable in gold, are orfdred - at par, Full particulars in the pamphlet. COSTAR'S PREPARATIONS' KVEYY BODY—tries them EVERYBODY—uses tbem ! EVERVED,DY —believes in them' EVERYBODY—recommends tilem Are you troubled by Rate, Mies beach es, Ante? "Costar's" Ex tarminators. "Only tnfallible remedy known free from Poison" Not dangerone to the hu man family Rate come out of their hides to die. Improved to keep in any climate Are you an yeti with bed-04'gs' Can't Bleep nigh t; Costar's" Red liud haterminator. A liquid "I),stroys and prevents lied Bugs." Never fails. For Mot:is if Fors, Wooiens,Carpets An ro.ter's" Insect Powder. Destroys instantly Fleas and all Imeeta on Plants, fluirerrz, AnAmite it-c A sure thing. Thousand* can testify 'Costar's" Corn 6oll•ent. For Corns Bunion, Warts, &e. Try it Don't suffer with Pato ' A Wonderful power of.llealtotr. Every faintly should keep it In the house. "Costar's" DuekthormAtalve. Its effects are immediate. Yor Cuts, Burps, lit uises, Wounds, Sore Breuta i Piles, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itch, Scrofula, and Cgtaneou■ }eruptions, Chapped Hands, K I ps, dc., Boer of Animals, In. sect*, clic. A Universal Dinner Pill"( Inger coated) 30 yearn administered is a Plysicisn's Practice. "Costar's" Bishop Pills. Of ex trisord in•ry efficacy for t'o• Lib edema Indigestion, Netvous and Sioji Head— ache, Dyspepsia, Dysentery General Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills Fe- Yore, a co. Not griping Gentle, mIIJ and soothing. That Cough will kill you. l'ou't uog loci. IL 'Costar's" Cough Remedy. The children ory for it—its s Soothing Syrup, For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Affection. Singers, Speakers and all.troubled with Throat 'Complaints, will And this a bdriefloial 'Pectoral Remedy. Beautifies the Complexion, giving to the skin • transparent freshness. "Costar's" 13 itter-wrest and Orange Blossoms. Renders the skin oiear, smooth end Ad. Ladle', try a bottle, aad sea It, sanderful quality. t`ll Beware !! ut all Worthless Imitation pet-None Uenuine without "COSTAR'S" • Signature. and 500.11ses kept by all druggists jarSl sizes seat by mail as receipt of price 4 061,-$3 pays for any three R 1 sizes by Ex press ;Ell - $5 pays for eigbt $1 silos by Karma Address , HENRY R COSTAR, 842 4.lroadway, :',. . Y tii-For Bab by F. Y. °REIM allafoete, Pa. • 11...Hy1d by ill ...Wliolosal• Druggbai lu Phlbadilphls, Pu And lo all large Citler, 13untssibelic Etomao., BURNSIDE k THOMAS . . 'Oder to the Public, one of the largest and best selected stocks of Inerchen disc. in Ventre county. Call, examine apd see for yourself. fr LIE Largest and Best Stock of watts ed Beet.; owl Shoes, warninted to give satisfaction, at rothiced Prim.. only tr be found at BURNSIDE A THOMAS'. SPICKS of all varieties, ground to girder and warranted to be strictly pure. It is tho place you can find unadultefa tad spires. Try them fur your owa oath.- laotion You-ron only and them at BURNSIDE & THOMAS'. LI ANDSAWS, knives, spoons eons m Ills, shovels, spades, rakes:Aloes, lamps, forks, chains, an., Al BURNSIDE • THOMAS'. H ORSE COLLARS, if you dotal ,want your horse's shoulders (Naiad and made more, gut good horee collars. at BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. H AILN collara, cart whips, carriage whips, in great varieties, govern• meat gears, saddles. bridle!. =Arkin/ale check lines, cart gears. tug harness, buggy harness, Lewes, Ac. Everything In the sad dlery line, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. FISH .TACKLES, roils lam. books, Ines, pea hair holiest, A. Rig you out to cotch trout at BURNSIDE • THOMAS'. j` goy. to,Lod YttEs, itlochu coffee, old goy. jars, beet quality Rio coffee, beet olong black tea green teae, lovering syrup, golden syrup. Drips ens •rtiele ba king molaseee, rife sad everything in the griieery lino at tall lowect each prieee in the market IIIIitSSIDR • THOMAS', is the - IT IS known—to all in Bellefonte and through the county it you want a good article go to It ft RNSIDP, L KA THEIS. of all diseriptions, french calf skin, span ish sole leather, morn :co's ehopp Akins, linings. Everything in the leather line warranted to give satisfaction at BURNSIDE • TIIO,IIIAS'. SIIOK-MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in all their rarietiec at BURNSIDIt A Tit OM AS. SA DDLERS IiUCK LES, hooks, bite, spots, ring'. Everything a meddler wante for the manufacture of harness, to be found et BURNSIDE THOMAS'. B ASKETS in all their varieties, ehent earrisgeo, willow-ware, guns, ptetole, powder, but, cape. eartridgee, A r , at BURNSIDS A THOMAS'. Tote; null k odx, nt BUR \ •-11fE TIItIMAS NY'"PATTERNS o( oil et re doled prieex, at I BURNSIDE i TIIOMAS' NOTIONS of all kinde, Stolrinie4 gloves, nandkerehiefs, combs, pocketbooks, in all their variety and very cheap, at 111.11{N8IDE L TIIOMAI' lir/EX kIY PKUINS, ravens, peach., ap ples, oranges, Jeuson., all kinds of romp' hints, 11ams, lotc , o Le., BURSIDR ♦ TIIOMAI-'. CAN'NXD peache", tomatoes, pine apples. and pose in great yen ety, t A. THOMAS'. B ABITS SOAP, Wm. Hagan and Keen., olive asap, Dobbin.' soap, Jesse Oakley'. soups; old raatile, pure, Palm coop, lilderling'i soap, met a great variety of eth er soap., at BURNSIDE a TIIOSId A EV T IIK highest market _price paid for all kindbi of country produce, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS', eelektited runf•rllop• Whitman'? celebrated chocolate, Baker's chocolate, Smith's chocolate. China Ginger, English Pickles, American Melees, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS WIRTH FISH, Ilerring,_taa,korul, at BOItNSIDN • THOMAS UM 13-13-Bu pHILATELPIIIA AND ERIN A. IC WI NTKII . TIME TABLE Through and direct ratite between Phil adelphia, Baltimore, Ilnrrieburg, port, and the OBKAT OIL BEOION or PIiNN'A. IMEOANT' BLEEPIN9 CARS On nil night Trains. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th 1867, the Trains on this Philadelphia and Erie Rail Road will run as follows: Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 11 15 p. m " " hock Haven... 9 80 a. m •• " arr. et Hne 8 60 p. m Brie Express leaves Phil& 12 00 noon •• • •• " Lock Haven... 10 11 p. m " " arr. at Eris 10 05 a. m Rlmira Mail leaven Ithllndelphta 8 00 a. m 44 " Lock Raven... 7 45 p. m '• " arr. at Lock Haven 7 45 p. m EASTWARD. /dell Train leaves Erie 11 00 a. in " " Look Haven... 8 455 p. " arr. at Philadelphia.. 7 I 0 a. rp Erie Erprese leaves Nile 7 40 p. m • " Lork Haven 630 a. in lE9 " " arr. at Phila t 00 p. m Mail and El:press connect with Oil'Croek and Allegheny River Rail RAO. Baggage Checked throuAh. ALFRED L. TYLER, lleneral Superintendent. Bakerp, epnfertionarito. IST" AdAK PIN 4 CONFUTION A RY ! TI e subscriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of Bellefonte and vi cinity, that hla new and eltensire, BAKERY Q CONFECTIONARY, are now completely finished, and that he la prepared to furnishedevery day, Fresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds Candies, twice', Nuts, Frills, and anything and everything belonging to . the business." Having banyear. of eaferience in the business. lie Hattori himself that be can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. 11-42-ly J. 11. BANDS. N Y.W BOCK SM ITII SHOP The people ul Bellefonte and •min ity are very reepei tfu Ily informed that the under signed has leased the Blacksmith shop on 1104VAILD STREET, BELLEFONTE, where he will be at all times prepared to do ■ny kind of work in hip line. Particular attention will Inn paid to 11 OItS N. Sllol{ I N 17, Ironing IVagone, or Buggies, Repairing farm Implemonte, cte All work guaranteed. 13 12 ly .1. A. S. 211 A LORY. 55abblergi. SADDhERRY & lIARNESei. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public generally that he has reopened4hia HA R.V . 838 4- SAIU, ERT, I manufactory, where those in eed can be accommodated with anythin in his line, on tie lowest terms. Those in dof liar .t .avy gear., Bridles floret) cover, kopeks, Trunk, Trailing bags or anything .if the kind, should give him a call Don't forget the place, 2nd door lbw's, litithcp street on Spring. .1 la, JERRY TOLAN. liftiscellaneoug BOiih AGENTS WAIVED To solicit orders for Dr. William Smith's DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. 'rho only editom published oi America, con densed -by Dr Sin ith's own hand. In une large Octavo volume, illustrated witta.over 125 steel and wood engravings. Agents and subscriber.; see that you get the yr.?... 11 n rditon I&N Dr The Springfield It,publteon NUM, th is ed I lion published by Messrs, Burr 4. Cu., is the genuine thing. The ronyrryotionein.l says, whoever wish es to gel, in the cheapest form, the best Die lianas, of the lithle should buy (AM. Agents ■re meeting with unparalleled success. We employ no Usiiernf Agfuto,and offer extra yidueements to Can sssss rr: Agents will see t h e aorantage of dealing directly with the Publishers. For deecrip the circulars with full particulars and terms address the publishers. J. 11. BURR h CU., Hartford Conn. 11 22 lit 4, W ALL PAPER, WALL PA, ER!. The subscriber take; pleasure in leform ing hie patruna and the public generally, that he has just received a -• NA" Hr A FigOß TR 6NT of the LATEST STYLES OF WALL PAPER, 2=M=l2==Z has the LARGEST STOCK OF WALL PAPER, in the eounty, and IN sunh figure/. as defy eumpetttion. la-1 . 6 2m• JOHN BRACKBILL. EIE STOITES ! LITOVES!! !saes Ilaupt has got ulro.s.lya new sup ply of dhears ;tackiest Cook and Parlor Stoves. They have proved themselves to be the hest stove out for burning either bard or cult void 'they solve their own ashen, make no dust, economize find and ire the beet ,Ins kere in Ow world, and have more emevent inoes than any other cloven now in use. People In want of stores would do well to nail at his Ware Rooms near the Depot and, see his cloak bellitO pur. Wilting elsewhere mu' by a negleot of this tuey may lorry many hr a been already. ISAAC 111A,UPT itailzitoats. WKSTIVAItD Pies An., 11-c., *mitliing 13rugo anb age ' RINGS. kings Rings BinhlN R g Ringo To te- Rings Rings_ store gray Rings ' Rings 'hair to its orig- 'MTN Rings ins! color. firodi- - Itrugs cute rianekruft and Rows Rings from the humors Ridgy Rigu 8; 0 A I. P , kings Beige and prevent Rills Rings BALD- Rings Rings nesq, Ring( Rings Rings R N Hinges Vegetable Ambrosio is the Miracle of the age! tiny headed People have their locks res tored by it to the dark, it,etroos, ,tlk.rt Ire,- ee• of youth and are happy ! Young People, with tight jaded or red Hair, have these unfashionable ♦rulors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice I People whose *cads are covered with Dandroir and //umor•, use it, and have clean eolith and clear and healthy scalps! Raid-Headed i - eteran• have tiseir runain log locks tightened, and the bare Spots cov ered witha luxuriant growth of flair, pod dance for joy! Young Genternen use it because it is rich ly perfumed I • Young Ladies une it because it keeps their Hair in piglet; I— . Everybody moat and trill use it, because it is the ,•len.rrer and best article In the mar ket! Call for Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, ■nd for your own plesaure and comfort do nothe put off with anything else "Paid to ba-just its good." Benue of counterfeits I And injurious imitations which flood the country. For Sale by Druggists general,y. Perrot $l.OO per Borrt.s. E. M. TUBBS CO., Proprietors, Psierbero, N. 11. - . Oermant.wn, Columbia Co., N. Y Messes. h' M. 'li sue A Co. Gents—My hair and whispers were at least one half gray when peas indu oil to try "Ring's Vege table Ambrosi,,, and after using it three - weeks, my hair and whiskers Mete restored to their natural color ; it also eradicates all dandruff from the scalp, and I consider it unequalled as • heir dressing, keeping the hair soft and silky and does not color the skin or stain clothing. It will do all you claim for It. W. TOMPKINS. Dames Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, New York WhAeitalle Agents. For sale by MeGirk & Clearer, Philipsburg ; F. P. Green, Belle fonte. F. S. Wilson, Bellefonte, and by Druggists generally. 12-46-4 GItEEN'S DRUG STORE. Room No. 3, Brokerhoff's Row.— The übdersigned reepectfully announce. that he bee removed Melte!! known DRUG .k CIIEMICAL STORE. to the now room (No. 31 under Brokerhars hotel, which he has - fitted . up for that pur poseand having largely increased his stock tanow prepared to furnish his customer, with pore DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. ' PURR WINES LIQUORS for medicinal use, DY X I.TUFFS, with al moat every article to be found in an es tablishment of this kind, such OA Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcehol, Liomeeli Oil, Oless,Paints, Putty, Sponges. Also the largest and best collection of PERFUMERY AND TOILET SOAPS ewer brought to this place. Tobacco and cigars of the most appro‘ed brand., con stantly on hand. lie would call the atten tion of the public to his stock of notions, commuting of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Flesh and P list Brushes, Cutlery, `Pipes, Drinking Cups. Chess and Backgammon boards, Chair Hen Dominoes, Ac. Also, a large variety of TOYS FORCIIILDREN. Particular attention given to preparing PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES. Having had more than twelts years ex penance in the business, he feel■ confident he can rOnder satislactlon to all who raver him,with their patronage. FRANK P. GREEN, Druggist, Feb. 9, 1866-tI. Room. No. 3 Brok. Row MARRIAGE GUIDE. Another edition just published, be ing the 38th of the Pocket /Eculapicia, Or every one his owe Doctor, including a trea tise on diseases of females, irregularities withz.l7ldred engravings, explaining those dise of both team Di William Young, M. D. Every one may conduct any case of se cret disease, self abuse or those .distressing diseased incidental to youth, manhood or old age, without resorting to the quacksof the present day. Let no Minn contemplating marriage be another hour without reading this wonderful book, an i• discloses impor tant secrets, which should 1 known to theta particularly. Let the weak and lashful youth who has ruined his constitution by the debasing habit of self-abuse read thes book.. It will be soot to all parts of (hi United States and Canada, for 60 cents. Send for Pocket fltsculapius. Da. WM, YOUNG, 12 26 ly No. 414 Spruce St Pbada sl.anb. _ & LEATHEItS, el MOUNT haring teased f 4 iaenty years 4he BEST SAND BANK IN PENN'A, are prepared to rummu THY. MCAT QUALITY OY SAND, either fur engine, glaar, ur building purpo- Ser. They hare a splendid washing-machine and can furnish Aix /making glass, THE PURKBT WHITE SAND, • i...• from every impurity. Hither quality o THEIR SAND will be i ippedo'p the cam (roe M 0 ti N / 2 lig A -fl L K =OS ANY RAIL-ROAD TOWN IN Val HTATH garTEh IN ItTiABONA IS L UZI OUR TERMS , Tae DEMOCRATIC WATOHM•N is pUblillbed every Friday morning by P. GRAT MEEK, at $2 00 per annum, if paid oiriedy is admire, $2 60 when not paid in aavanco, anti $3 0 if not paid before the expiration of tho ye Papers will not be sent. Mit of dm Count') unless paid for IN inyanMl• and all Ru c h suincriptions will invariably be discontinued at the eipiration of the time fur which they are paid. And no paper will bediscontio o " until all arrearage iss Tali!, except at the op. lion of_ the publisher. ALL ADVERTISEMENTS for a lei. !Ara than three months TWENTY CENTS per line for the first three insertions, an d Gee cents a line fur each additional Inver lion. Special' notices one-half additional. All resolutions of Asse;latloos; entnn inn i e . Lions of limited or lndi (dual intermit, a n d notices of marriages and oaths exceeding Gee lines, ten cent* per line. Editorial tieerififleen cents per line. • 00"-All advertising due after first laser thin. And whore there is no contract made, and the number of Insertions le not marked on the advertisements at the time they are banded in for publication, they will be cos tinned In until orlorid out. A Liberal discount Is made to person, advertielh by the quarter, half year year, as follows : 3 months. 6 months. I ye w. One twuare. [8 L] ft 4 50 11 6 00 $lO 0 0 Two squares - 6 00" 900 15 00 :limiter column - tO 00 IS 00 25 00 Half column - - 18 00 25 00 4S 0 0 One column - - BO 00 45 00 80 00 4 104 PRINTING, of ifvery d em with neatness and dispatch. Tat WAris. WAN OVUM* 1111U1)nat been refitted with Power Press and new type, and everythin g In the Printing line can be ezeoutipl in the most artistic manner and at the lewest rued. —TIMMS CABII. Allr All letters should be addresoed to ha P. GRAY MEEK, Rallernntn Pn alines & itiquoro i ILK WONISIIt OF TILE AGE r3Kreary body antonished at the purenessaad cheapness of the articles sold at the whole eaby . WINE AND L(QUOR STOIII ON BISHOP NTRArT, BILLNYONTR PA JACOB B. ETTBir.ff The proprietor of this enablishmeni lakr pleasure in informing the Public that lw keep constantly on hand a supply of chow. foreign and domestic liquors, such as Old Nectar, Old Rye, Ilonnongala, and Irish Whiskey; Cognac, Blackberry, Cherry, (linger, and common Il •anJies ; tort, Charry, and &id en Wines; Scotch, and Holland Gin r New England Rum, Jamenea Rum, Cordiale Ptiper mint. Anniseed and Rose ALL CASKS WARRANTED TO CON TAIN THE AMOUNT MARKED The attention of practicing physicians is called to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Ylottles J ug. and Demtjons constantly on hand-be bas th, ONLY PURE NRCT4Ii WHISER} In Town MI layoffs were bought when liquors were low, and be sells them accordingly. All aquore are warranted to gi,e seas faction. Con(Went ,that he ran pleaoo roxtomer. Ile rispectrnll) rolieits ik 5 halt of puhli patronage. Liquore will be cold by the quart, bane or tierce. B• has a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS of the finest grades on hand pditE WINES & PIIIORS I Ye that would prelnwre your healts save your money and tire happy and can tented, should purchase your liquor •t, the wholesale. WINE AND LIQUOR STOO on the corner' of Allegheny end ihphop in the hutment of the "Our !boo ABRAHAM. BAUM, A Cu Notwithstanding the enormous taxes m posed upon all articles in his line of ban nessbe still ci.ntinues to cell the purest .r elei at the veryloweat figures. Every in tription of. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUOR..., wholesaler and retail, at the )(moat ca.i , prices, which are warranted to be the beet qualities according to their respective price.. Ilia stook consists in part of OLD RTZ, MONcINUMILLA, IRISH, IVIIZAT, cOnx, NECrAIt, and others whiskies, at (roe 374 aanU to $ per, 'gallon. Also, ALL KINDI3OF BRANDIES from 76 eta., to $B,OO per galldo. Holism , / (line pore, from 75 etc., to $2,50 per gangs pORT,KADIII6,OII6IOIT, BLACKIIgaIiT and other wines--the beet & alnico—et 6P reasonable rates so eon be hod In the city CHAMPAGNE, BLACKBERRY, GINGER AND CARAWAY BRANDIES, PURE JAMACA AND NEW ENGLAND RUM OORDLALE Op ALL KINDS, all o which will be wasyseited to be as IV resented, and sold at prines aspesdingll low AU the liquors offeredfor * • at this lablishment 'hays en pierobaseid at the United States Custom Houle, and coo. quaintly mast be pure and good. PEP Physicians mad others ass respeini fullsrloquested to give his liquors atrial - Mk He 6as the only arMale o{ I r l r "lA7 7i7TURTN T. • OM CI.MENT The andenlgued will have constantly 'O. hand the beatoinallly WATHR ORMENT IrOlt RiiBICKVOIR., CISTERNS and under water wozlex This article la WAIIII.ANTUD IF PROPEttLY MUM, and applied, and notice given of any defeet Waldo of 10 dap. after delivery. Orders recelvad and prong:My Ailed by NOSSA I T FALSNTINE, Pu• Or JOSEPH DAWSON , Login Furnace, Fa. 13 IQ flip EOM