U Watchman. The Denlocedi, TER5113.---$2 per year when vale°, $2,60 when not paid In advitiee Rfig s3,oo`when net paid before the expirainp, the ' ►r OUft Anal/Tn.—We bare authorized the following gentlemen, to recolie and receipt for subsoription to the DEMOCRATIC WATIfm J.JarARL naltionlit • Joint 11. RRI,NNYPRR, WALTKR DIRPFP:NBACnr Sugar Valley, Clipton‘Vo, l'a THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY —Sheriff Kline has but four boiir ,• • dere tinders hie care at the present time lfter the IM of August, Railroad compiling in this county, will have the pleasure of paying for the cattle they kill. —Some of our furtnet 3 sja ditfCrent, vectiontof the county have commenced haying The grass crop wee never know to be heavier. ._—Centre county will send it delegn tont of !Wyly lo the New York Convert Linn—all Pendleton men with one or twt ev_TEllllllollli Arrangements are %tread complti tett to build a roil-rond from burg -to Witt county, r.tv Storriattale in t'learfielti county. Ith thick as dens on II dogs back, are to be found in sections of this county. 3ult about this place, they have not made their appearance --.Quite a number of our citizens are in Philadelphia, attending the Laying of the Corner Stone of the great Masonic Temple --People who should, know, tell as that the applurop will be larger in this section, the present season, than for Elail —The Blacksmith Shop, of Cyrus Lome, Esq.., of (leen township, with all the tools, woo tleotroyeil Ay Iwi oil no•dfuy morning last —The rain storms on Sntttrilny and Sunday last, flattened the grain &11d grass in some portions of the county to such an exterft-that the cost of harvest ing will be doubled. --a-The Steel wOrkm, hing factory and shoe shops that ware toile erected in this place, have turned to "castles in the Ili other worrin are not lo he orpt ted—at least for the present --We underetand tlint. there it no organization or the Grand Ariny of the Republic, in thin county Centre'county soldiers haring tno much renpecl for themselven to joie such a hen roont rob bing—rstlical . 1)oot-black brigade —A man by name of Fleming wan thrown from his borne, in the lower part of town on Thursday night of last week' and was so badly injured that• his l i fe wen despaired of. We understand, that be in now improving. —Thie only howl we've heard for Grant and Colfax, in thin town, was Fly a chap so beastly tight t bat hn had to catch the curb stone tnkeep from rolling out of the gutter. Rah, for Grant an' t:ol-fax.! Rah, for —Col Jame* F Weaver, of burg, Capt. James I'. Smith of Mi llheim and Lieut. 8. 8. Wolf, of Miles town ship, have been choocu delegates to the Soldiers Convention to meet on the 4th of July, in N I -A man by name of Fryer, (driver of the Brockerholf liouec Ilus,) was al , - ronted on Monday evening last, charged with robbing the mail between NA place and Milroy, an account of which we SHIVA the WATCHMAN 0. the time of the occurrence. BITTIM BY A SsAlrY.-0a Monday last un %lion 411ie Tib daughter of Sam uel 'Tibbetts, Ktiq , of Marion township, was gathering straw-berries, nhe was bitten xon the band by a large rattlesnake. Ilr. Iteatie, of thisAllsee IMAM (Met sent for, who applied propper antidotes, and at last accounts the patient was doing very well --At a meeting of the Democratic County Committee, of thin county held on Friday last, it was unanimounly &solood, That In voting for the nousina ties of Hun. Dionne U. Pennurrow on the Democratic Candidate for President, the delegates from thie district, will be carrying out the wishes of ll•ast majority of the Dem ocracy of the county. BE NATVILALIZXD.—There ure doubt less many men of foreign birth in our county, who have been long enough in the country to be naturalized; an oppor tunity for this purpose, will be presonted et the August court. We trust our friends throughout the country, who naturalization, will urge upon them the duty of attending to it at once, and not postpone it until a later day. ---W0 understand that there is a pa per in circulation among the lawyers of this placskrequesting Judge Linn not to resign, and to retain his seat upon the bench untirthe expiration of his term. This is as might be expected. it Is gen erally understood that should Judgo Lion resign, he will resume the practice of law, and for fear he might pick up some of their tiny cent retainers, and two dollar fees, the attorneys of this place are exceedingly anxious for him to irmainnn.hi, present pyettiim. lilinili A FnitinißANti Atiltts.--,1411in. tbnte has a black population 'of' fl'oln three to four hundred,, It has abolition ists, humanitarians, philanthropists, anal the whole class of natural horn fools, who inks after the negro as naturally as ,a hungry bog does after slop, Lost. fall vviien the public' Schools wore opening, nothing- would do but the school board ac B f the erhugh must tit up a room, hire teacher aril] give the young ethiordmin a ehanee with the white children It was done. After considerable expense it room was prepared ! a teacher found, andmn opportunity offered for negrodom to distinguish itself. Aa hung 101 the t ! king was a novelly it worked—the room was. filled daily with miniature mongrels, varying in shade from a dirty yellow to pitch burnt lditek. But the novelty WON` off, and with it went the aspirations of the "oppressed race'' after literary hon ors. They couldn't NM` Ole helltliieS of n school altogether. Droneing aver their a. h c's,'and ab's, eb's, ih's wll4ll'l ms much to the taste of yodel; dal Icydoin as. licking crusted imp?: OW of molasses hogsheads, rolled front the cellars of Mir merchants. Day after day the school dwindled—down, down, clown went the numbers in attendance until there was not, one left, and the teacher without , seholars, without a single little "entree" into whose wooly pate to instill the tic jessons of wisdom and w mill, nos com pelled to close the door, and w lite down the negro free school .cc among the "things that were." Thirty dollars per month tar the leacher, it couple of hundred dollars fur fitting up the house and fuel, was u hat thin experiment of educating the Degrees of this place cOtli. It was much less than the Freedinann Bureau: hut then it was not as affectual. It ilitrnt turn out bind( Senators, Repre,ientatiies and Congress men in it few weeks, and consequently we must write it down R 9 a failure The school hit'S Cupped and little niggerdom is enjoying itself licking molasses bar rels,,,bulleTlng mud dams In the- gutters and roasting in the rays of it .Ivor snrenti cellar doors and store boxes. When our abolitionists attetwit an ether etperi- Meat of the kind, Vie would advice them to eall".te their itesitatiee the Preedmana Bureau. Bellefonte need ,, a branch of it —lt has more negroes than many of the noutliCrut ten as in which its agents are holding forth, mid the advantages , iule bureau" °Hess, in free soup pots, clothing and candies, furnished at the expense of the whleg lunacies, would be an inducement , for our darkies to take up with, in comparison to which a free school 'min muffin " _ id in ad— Gregg twp. Peon twp Business Notices Aie,oon lent of nbite Pine flooring, dry for ea le it the Mileyburg Planing Mill 1100MAND'a tlaaaav TONIC.— IN II emir bination of the ingredients of lloofiands'a Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz Runt, orange, antes, d` ., making one of the most agreeable and pleasant prep■ratione extant. The scientific Stimulant. Principal Office, 1131 Arch St., l'hilad'a, Pk. Sold by all Drug. gists. „ KTS7ARI, P4TRIW.,.. 1 Co - I one of the leading 'tore naanufactning firms of Philadelphia. Their wiirerhav% a wide !prowl selewitty, and give great sat i•tart ion wherever used. The firm are now putting into Mirket a stove wonder, called the "Barley Sheaf," (burns either wood or coal) which threatens to eclipse everything els. in its way, en numerous and excellent are its merits. As is always the case with really good inventions, the Barley Sheens already being imitated. a f. cI, ',Bleb the trade and all interested should be advised of. No other stove pose ism; the peonitetir featstreir of the "Barley fiheaf. For sale by W. W. Welder -llas Nature an antidote for acquired din 1 The Plantation Dill re, prepared by Dr. Drake, of New York - ;\have, no doubt benefited and cured more persan. of Dys. pepsin, Nervousness,. Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite,J•link Mg Weakness, Genral De bility, and Mental Despondency, then any other article In existence. They are corn. posed at the purest root. and herbs, carefully prepared, to ha taken as a tonio and gentle stimulant. They are adapted to 'any age or condition of life, and are extensively .popu. lar with mothers and persons of sedentary hab its. 20 it. If our friends will use preparation. for restoring grey hair they should use the best in market. Our attention has lately been milled to an article which has an eaten• sive gale and very high reputation. known an King's 3)3getable Ambrosia, and we are inclines to think that it puessdeas more desirable and leas olijoetioaalih, quali ties than any other In the market. It re- Juror grey and faded hair to Its original motor in a most remarkable manner, and by ILA invigorating and soothing properties ro mover all dandruff and anmora from the qtred foi tell to like it. 2.11-it iti•L associated my self with W. P. Laidley rf W. 11. Hagman Attorneys at law of Charleston. West Va. la the purchase and sale of real estate a nd the mile of real estate on commission we offer to these *he may wish to `purebue, a large number of splendid Farms with House. out Houses (Pc., "'all in, good repair. Also rich coal and timber Lands end town pro perty. These lands are situated on the great ] Kanawha River and its trlhutat%les The Kanawha valley Is celebrated Mr its fine climate and in beauty' and fertility is not surpassed by any in the slat e. 13-13 del • Id. Units.s.. 1111.odema Warna.—A cidllghthil toilet artlola—nperlor to Cologne and at half the mho+. DIED John/ma—Of !leaflet foyer May 290,1848, Alfrl4o,l3ldeat daughter of Lydia and Marlon Tannin, aged 8 yearn, 2 months and 22 dap. , The Bellefonte Market Thlytellowing are the quotations up to 0 o'clock on Thursday evening, when our paper went to press - White Wheat, per banal 12 00 tted Wheat, per bushel $2 50 Rye, per bushel 11 60 Corn Equaled, per bushel old $1 16 Oats, per bushel Oh Barley, per bushel I 25 Buckwheat, per,bushol I 40 Clererseed, per bushel. 5 014 PotatOre, per buylptl I 50 Bgp, perAoren 20 Lard, per p011ed..., 10 Pork, per pound 0 Bryn, per pound 'N.- p 20 Tallow, per pound _ 15 Iluttor, per pound Rags, per pound Ground Plaster, per ton New atibertisemeito. N BANKRUPTCY. In the Diettict Court of the United States, For the Weatoen District of Penrinyl vania, Wharton Morris in Rankin,lit under the Art of Congress or swell 2,1, ing applied for 'a Discharge (row all his debt.„ and other claims provable under said Art, Ily order of the Court, Notice is hereby given, to all persons who have proved their deka, and other persona interested, to ap pear on the 9th day of July 1008, at 10 o'clock, A. 111. before F. E. lima.' /Logi" ter of the Brockettoff netts° in Bellefont Pa, to show cause, jf any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And further Notice is hn'tehy given, that the Second and Third Meetings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27, th and 20th Scot ions of said Act, will had before the said Register, at, the eame time antdplace. S. C. McCANDLEBS, r'n It ('fork of soot (Suit SHERIFF EAU:. virtue of wwrrit. of Vekl.rioni E.r poono ireued out of the Court of Cornition Kea, of Centre County, and to me directed, will be exposed to pupil.) . sale at the Court Howe.). in Bwilefente k en tiatortlay the ilith day of July, 11184, the following property vis. All the right title and interest of R. K. Wolf in and to it cer ale lot or piece of ground situated in the township of Boggs and the town of Central City, bounded ea follows, on the north, mouth and west by lota of the hairs of James T. Hale, deceased and on the east by public road leading from Mileabarg to Bald 8.,g1e ridges, containing half an acre more or less thereon erected e two story frame dwell ing house• Soixed 'taken la axseution hurl to 15. - . sold an the property of G. ft. Wolf. Sale to roma:lance at one o'clock of said day. D. Z. KMNE Sheriff's Office 13.18 , 8 t t 3 AerT CENTIRE COIINTY, AURICULTIMAL SOCIETY. At • meet of the executive Growths* of the Centre Sounty Agricultu. sal Clovissty, held on the Oh of June the fol lowing resolution wee passed. "Resofccd, that tw e nty fire per cent of the aubaeripti.in made toward, paying for, and fitting up the grounds of the Society be col !acted, and that Samuel Gilliland Esq appointed Huperitendant snit Collector" In accordance with the above, auheelthere to the fund will be called on, between this, date, and the first of july, by. SAMUEL //ILL/LAND, timperinpnulat:t 12 26.2 t DENNWV 'NAN lA, CENTRP. COUNTY, se I, .1. P. Gepbart, clerk of the orphan'e court of itaid county of artntre, do hereby certify, that at an orphan's court bald at; Iletlefonte the 27th day of Ap-11, A. D , ISIIB, before the Honorable, the judges of said court on rneton a rule was atint.d upon the halre And nfteeretativ►► of John liege, Seersted, to Dome into court on the fourth Monday of August next, and accept or Wits, to accept at the valuation and srppointe, or to chow cause why the real estate of said deceased should not be sold. In _tentltnony whereof. I hare 'hereunto eat my hand and affixed the seal of maid court at Bellefonte the 27th day of April A. D., 1868. I). Z. KLINE. SAerrir 13.:11 3t AUDITOR'S NOTICE. , Ti, undeveloped an Auditor ap points.). by the orphan's court of centre county to audit settle adjust and report distil button of the funds in thehrinde of D.Z. Kline Trustee to eoliths Real Igetate of of Frederick Markle, deceased; - ' will attend to the duties of his appointment on Tuesday the 2lst day of July, 1868 when and where pll persons Interested may attend E. M. BLANCHARD. .4 wilt°, BEM A 11DITOICE NOTICE. The undersigned an Aoditor appoint ed by the orphan's court of centre county to make deetribution of the money arriripg from the sale of the Real Estate of Smoot Lipteuelecussed, in tKe hand of D. E. Kline Trustee, will attend to the'duties of his ap• pointtnent, o Friday the 24th day or July, 1868, when, and where all pertuns interested may attend , M. M. BLANCHARD, A *sail t ur AG ENT'EI WANTED ! ~or the vale ot Dr Von Eyries great work, entitled White PI upremae'y and Negro yubordinatlon, one of the malt rideable works ever offered to the publics. Addrego J. W. Harker A Bra, Bellefonte, Pa, AUTION. V.. I de hereby warn any person or person, from baring any thing to do wttb a note drawn In favor sof J. W. Brayman with wy name signed to it bearing data Nat he note lam determined not to pay unless compelled by law, 13 23 30 , JACOB 1100081 t, AUTION. 1./ Whereas my wife Niis.l. itss left my hed and board , elthout cause, I hereby give notice t ill person' not to credit or trust her on my aceount, as I will uot pry or be liable for her debts so con— tracted, Bellefonte. June 8, '66 JOHN PACINA GI 60606 8. AYRE I.EAL XSTATH AU &NT, VMPUVILIA, LOVDoII TALLai, Oiler lanieford'a Itetel 3 la 3in 14eto Saittlestbstm VALUABLE ROTEL A, STOI'E PROP ERTY FOR SALE, The writletaiznini desiring to remove W Virginia, will sell, AT ABOUT 01,14 HAW , ' Ire, VALUE, all that certain large and commodious brick hotel known as TILE KEYSTONE HOTEL, situated in the line of the PennsyVania Itailroad`a , the inflows of Rpruce ( , reek, Tfuntin don county, twelie mdse west of kluntingdon and only about twenty Ind s , oast of the Ciiy of A!toona. It is 4 monies high, 8l beet long and 40 wide, with all the convenience of a modern first class ilo•cl. There is an excellent store clout!, I ion.int bowies and over I, acres of land attached which Moen rents for sstdi A largo stable 1110 feet long and earring. :tad wagon shed 811 feet long are connreted with thin property also fine Orchard end Ice bowie, Thor in one of the inkst uvraetive Sum. tner Itagurti in the Stete, being in a health. ful 'Aid fertile region, with teenory pawl and romantic—the credit' abounding with trout and other kind!! of flab, and the woods with game of different,- kindc i i Timis --FINTEF:: Tilous,r,Nr) Poi,- •LA , 4 '.till. 16 00 fetniediate itotetession will he gi, on and if the phtelin!er deeiren the fu to tern of the !Intel it will. be sold with the prolyty cheap. For further itiformation . inquire of the un dui-signed who regidem on the property, or Seott, Mown At Bailey, Attorney,' at Lan, Huntingdon. Pao ROW , . ItT F. II Atill.krf, Trustee Srrure Crerk, Co, VI June tett, "04 4t.' TO FA rflrf t,' En uwier•iged ha.e ptFehaßod thik of to Pel l Dry.kes, PATENT IIA Y FORK AND KNIFE, in the of Contra, Snyder, Union and Mifflin. Ilia fork %eight] t Nita 7 to i? pounds. it, easily operated. 14 simple in construction, and is warranted to do the work quick end well.. Farmers wall do well hresninine it be ore purchasing any other The Fork can be had of arty of the following 'agents: Irwin et Wilson, BeN.C.:inn., el. H. Stover, Boalahurg ; Joseph Shirk, Boilers Bank , 0. M. Whipple, Pine ilrove 12 21 WM 0 RAIIAM. FOR HALE. Valuable Farm lorsalo bordering on the town of Ilublereburg, in Welker town. ship. Centre County, within flee miles or railroad and two miles from et. a mine, about ONE lI . UNDItED AND FIFTY ACRES, cleared cad inn good Maned cult) •ation. The balance well timbered, the whole tract la first rate lime stone land with an apple and peach orchard, r hereon of ten acres bearing yearly. two dwelling houses thereon, a welrof good water at the door, a large bank barn, wilb powerhouse latad:l6,) Mao hp elegant water poWer e Wirt milt or factory and plenty of Iron ore therevo Fur further information call at the prettifies. 13-13.3 m ~ ANTHONY CARNBR. AUDITOR'S NOTICIi• In the Orphan's Court of contr., county, April term' 1868 Io the metier of the Estate of John Walker, deeitaled. The undersigned Auditor A - ppointed by the Court to make distritnetion of the moneys arising out of the eat to aforsaid, to and amongst those legally entitled thereto, w ill meet the parties interested, for the purpose of his ap pointment, on Friday the 26th day of June, A D. 1868, at 10 O'Clock A. kf• of said day at his office in Bellefonte. H. I'. STITZgIt -13-22--6t Auditor. DISOLUTION OF PAR-TNERMIIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership between Francis McClain, Abram S. Valentine, Evan E. Valentine, Edmund Blanchard end Evan M. Blanchard under the name .of Valentine Blithard of" Co, was dissolved on the 111 h dartif June, 1858, so for as relates to the said Francis McClain. AlLsiebte due to the said par nee ship are to be'peid. and those due from the seine discL waged at the Platning Mall or the said Company at Bellefonte, where the ha minces will be continued by the said Abram 8, Valentine, Evan M. Valentine, Edmund Mansfield and Even M Blanchard, under the Arm of Valentine and Blanchard. FRANCIS McCLAIN, A. S. VALENTINE, E. M. VALENTINE, hDM BED BLANCHARD, Iir.VAN E. BLANCHARD. N. B.—.Theunderai,med thank ful for past favors. tiol sit • eonttnuanee of the public patronage. A. R. VALICNTINR, K. M VALRNTINIR, ILDMUND BLANCHARD. HVAN M. BLANCHARD. 13-24 3t p IIII.ADHLPIII4 J/IRR INHIJRANCE COMPANY, NO 4:iP. CHINTNUT STIMET Applicatioeti will be reeeiveti by the on dernigned for the shove COMPANY This in one or the Lest EIRE INSURANCIS couPANIRs IN Vile STATE. 12.26-2 t 18 26 3m K INSLOH & BROTHER, 1 Wbolee►le dealers IQ Wholesale dealees le STATIONERY h ENVE PO PIN, STATIONARY inivEr,oPlCB. STAT/ONNEY ENVELOPES, BLANK BOOKS, INK, le. BLANK BOOKS, INK, Ig. BLANK BOOKS. INK, Jia. KINSLON & BR9THhIt, A/spelling 14S above stAbolosrest nits &dolphin rat's. Clire us s trial and end out for yourseivill. WANTED! A Arst olaaA salosasso in ► W hole "ial• sad retaikl dry goods store in Bellefonte who o..asTplisik both sailfish sod 'moan. Must goase well rroomatendeA. Apply at No. 6 Atookerhollf Row, Or at this officis.2s:lt O r novErCrEgi shcJLLER & M OOItJ ',B Any pereqn who his not yet called should Jo to without further delay. , • It jot on egtabliehed ratc that wear!) selling liroAnrien- at tower prices than ran be bought at any other place In We keep a full stock of every viricty of Goods us our flue. Old Hyena, Yeaag -llyson Imperial, Oolong, Japan, - Rio, Lagyyra, Routed and ground A good assortment' of! Brown 13ngar, C Sugar Yel:ow, i B Sugar White, A Sugar pare White' Oranulated pure do Crushed, pure white ' Light Drips, I Uoney Drips,l Amber Syrup, New Orleans hlolasses4 Factory Cheese Pine Apple ' , Cheese, 13npeElago Chce4e, And every other artiele that belongs to the J. S. BAItNHART Bellefonte, V ALLROANY L. MILLEBONTX, PA PIIYEI/CIAN AND DURO NON—Ziop, Can. Gre COW:ICY, PK. .C% , un•gl to g ensign tqd ha . 0-13-2mr, NeW citibertisseincnts. ( CHEAPER THAN EVER AT lir New Grocery anJ Provision Store CENT4R COUNTY '',, ~ ~ 4- v CANNZD FRI.IIIB. of ill kinds. EZEM JELLISS of all kinds OYST'filth CL n U) -(ere, Spiced opiters COPTEI ..; Pickle*, CaLot, Chow Chow, it'liellitt Bums. smi ARS DODIES'Tkt: F11.41T Apples, l'eaeth es, pared lied un pared CRERRIRF, FORKpiN FRUITS SYRUP& Raisins Valentin, Raisins Layer, Current English. Prunes Turkish, ^- PAISTRIKS, Prepared%Ciroenut, Corn Mirth, Corn Chita, CIIEKSK ilukens Rama, English Gillatin, Italian Mosoaroni OROCISHY, 'MAN OIVR US. A CALL k NOORS • 11, I! r s , aLb ST AN t) 13 Id Iy HMV N. 71111114, K. It Legal .'Tattier.. IN ItANOtUPTCY. ''Thlf us to give notice that oe the :1111h 'any of May, A. 11. 1508, a. warrsOt ht Bankruptcy wee issued against the eshibs of Nathan McCloskey, of Snow tih'ost, oounty of Centre and State of Pennsy)vaaja, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own pets hat the parbbfit 6riltßyAlßSta and duliverg/bf property ' bad*lng to such Bankrupt to him, or for late use, anti the tranefbr of any property by him aro 'forbidden by* law; that s meeting pf the creditors of the said Bankrupt, .40 ;trove their debts and choose one or more assigneee of hie estate; will be treld at a -spurt of Bankruptcy to be holden at the Brookur nor fence, in Bellefonte, before, F. R. smith, Register, on the 11th flay of July, A. Sot, as 10 a'elocki THOMAO'..-1. ROW 1.1a 4 U. S. .11m.hetl. • D. CAALECRUN. Depsus 8: .140,1,,i 1. 2t at IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of the united Rude' For the Wooteru pirArlot pf van. new, & ninkruPt tiptior the Act of Congress of klarch2d, 186 T, law: ing applied for a discharge from all Hie debts, and other claimaprovable under 'raid Act, By order Cf the Court. Notice here by given, to all persons who save proirril their debts, end other persons Interested to appear on the 9th day of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock' a, in., before F. E. Btolth, Req. Register at the Brockerhoff Meuse in Belle fonte Pa. to show cause if any they hate Irby, a disoharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt, and further Notice is hereby given, that the second and third enacting,' of creditors of the said bankrupt required by the t 7 and 2 , 1 'Muttons of said act, will bo heard before toe same Register, at the same time and place. _ 8.9 J AIQLEBB . ea Court EEIBM IN BANKRUPTCY 1 ' I o the District Court or the United States, for the Western District of Pettey' •ania. William b. Manse a Bankrupt an d e r the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all hla de lo ts, and other claims provable tinder said A t, By orders of Ceult , Notice is hereby g ven, to all persons who have Proved their debts, and other persons interested, to eta pear on the 9th 'day of July 1868, at I 0 o'clock, A. M. before F. E. Smith Rey, Register at ibe Brosloetiwir ILOILO ln Belle fonte, Pennsylvania to show wise. If any they have, why a Discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And farther Notice is hereby given, that the second and third meetings of Creditors of. the raid Bank rapt,required,by the 27th and 28th'fiections of said Act, will be bad before the said Begtatet at the some time ani place. S. C. McCANZLRHS, Clerk of said Court McALIISTBR ,e BEAVER. .13.23 3t Seib:liters. , FARMERS TAKE NOTICE . Relies made urangeramits, with extensive manUfacturia of agrioniturat.int lements, wp am now enabled to (umiak t& PsrmirsorMlaie, Huntingdon, Guam axwl Redford counties, all the different etyleJ Mowers snit Reapers, Threshing Machines Ray Rakes and Forks, (drain Drills Cern Shallots, Cultivators, Cider Press'', Strait nd Fodder Cutters, Wind Mills, Marrows, P . s of all kinds and Fertilisers ke„,ke. Agri tural implements repaired with din patch in'av i r k i ik nanent manner at the Foun dry and ne Shop Qt Mc LANAII N,STONE. 1 LSWtT,' • Holl:daysbarg, Pa 13-22-dt EXECUTOR'S NOTE& t r otter' testamentary on ibe,astate of Daniel albarger, deceased, late or totter township. brairing been granted to the niidat signed be requests all persona lodebtell tb said estate to makeimmediate payment, and those baring claims againit the same, to prcamet them duly authenticated for nettle meat. 34 ICH um (lacvrt. L.,t-vrid' 1:1 22 as IN BAtIBRUPTCY. - This is to give notice that on the lath day of June A. D., 1114„a. egynkrit Bantrrapboy woe issued gigolos& Um ostato o f Gideon B. Wolfe, of Boggs menship, in the county of Centre, and State of Pennsylva nia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt' on his own petition, that the req meet of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such Bankrupt to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by hits' aro forbidden by law ; that a spooling of the oreditors 'of the said Bankruptcy to prove their debts, and to choose one or more a,- signteg of his estate will be held at a exert of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Brook erhoff house in Bellefonte, before F. E. Smith, register, on the lath day of July, A D. 1808. at 10 o'clock a. in. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. B. Marshal by DAVID CAMERON, pept. U. B. Mantled 13 20-41. TO TIIE 11F.1118 AND LEGAL REFRia tentative' of Frederick Malone, de ceased : Take notice that, by virtue of Writ of Partition leaned out of the Orphan'. Court of °entre