The Democratic Watchman. BULLEFONTE, PA FRIDAY 9IORNINO, JUNE 19. 1868 A Beautiful Voir few men teijn to bare formed a coceepitlon of the original ,dignity of nal tyre, or the exalted design of their area- Regarding themselves only as otedures of time, endowed only with wawa passion and intellectual faoul ties, the projectsotims and expectations ere circumscribed by the narrow outlines %/human life. They forget that insbil till slid decay are written, as with a firn +sum, upon all earthly objects—that this world, with all its pagoactry, pomp and glower, is crumbling into dust—that this tire is scarely deserving of a single 41weirbt, excepting it, forme the intro iliitotion to, another, and that he alone' et* a prudent or rational part, who houses hie plans with, direct' reference la that future end endless state of being. We has so blinded tirif and erstanding 'sod debased the affections, that Men twofer fail to invest some temporal good with " - fanciful perfection', and idly im agine that the attainment of it would satisfy the desire. and fill (lie weed (lee of the immortal spirit! How little do they know themselves I Tho soul is sulot . oltheAartio, and theystil strive in dla to chain it to the dust. Though ilsbetrength is impaired, and its purity tarnished, sad its "glory chained," it still not colways be a prisoner here. Send at forth, if you will, to -mange through all the material and like the /loco dismissed irsim the ark, it will -re turn Colima finding a single place- to reel—for it bas no resting place hut in bosom of Ood —rr - Nett) atiberttsement, D IdOLIITION OP PARTNERSHIP. N•otice is hereby given that the R,arturrahiP 'ittmerm Francis lEoClaie, Altman N. V. • Mine, Even M. Valentine, fiklmund Iliac .rd and Ryan M. Blanchard wider the eats. ..t Valentine Blanchard ,t• 70, wu diesel, • o the 11th day of June, 41168, se far as ... •, the said Francis McClain. All deb t+ d to the said par ner: are to be pad, and those due from the came discLarged at the Planting Mill of the Mid Company at Bellefonte, where the bu . weeps will be continued by the said Abram 11, Valentine, Evan M. Valentine, Edmund Bianctuud and Elnan,/M. Blanchard, under the tlrro of Valentine and Blanchard. FRANCIM MeCLAIN, A. S. VALENTINE, E. M. VALENTINE, liD7ll U D BLANCHARD, EVAN M. BLANCHARD. K. B.—The niedersi.cned thankful fur past rayon, &obelt a continuance of the public rotronage. A. S. VALENTINE. B M. VALUNTINIL EDMUND BLANCHARD EVAN M. BLANCHARD 1. S 4 St • pnILADE„LpinA FIRR INK:RANCH COMPANS N., 4 ctinsrNur sTitimt appiwation• will b. roweiveni by Lbw un d.rjtgne.l for th• tarot° COMPAN\ This As oon of tL• beet UUCP DIMURANCE COMPANIES IN gT TY. .1 S. ItA ItN HA ItT Bellefonte, Pa 13.2 %11., K INSLOR A. &MOTHER, lrhult, disalers rn Wilmiecile,dealors m tirlsolvale dealorti fn STATIONERY 4 ENYVPOPES, STATIONERY I ZNYEI•OVES• STATIONERY it ENYRIAWKS. 141.A11K BOOKS, INK, 4.• 411.ANK BOOKS, INK, -BLANK BOOKS. INK, de KINS LO E L /3R0T1114.1t, Ave neltihg the nb, n it the lowest Phil edelphia ratea. teal and fled out rnr yoerselven. ; AIT.VNTED ! A first rlar• eoleetunn in r whole •7ate realibll dry wool& .tore in Bellefonte *for a meek both englieh and german. •Meet yule well recommended Appjy 14e. 4 Brockerbotl flow, or ■t this 0rnee.2631. ErrT RA Y. Came to like retl•ionee of th u &mit, in Irenner-townebip, a Bay Mart, week thin. Tile owner us requested to eome ( *Twin!, pr.i,e Puritt.T, chars a., and iolte Tier away, other,' iee will be Mopes la-20 ite • :U.. ru MA 44ng . Man' a. 41hid.. 10 Ilhpny at Ind Conjugal tly. 71a buena& adr bona , . uhont 417.1..t0nr, oh apt lifforo ant Abusing Inei• dent to Yorth and Marl* Manhood, sent in emilled layoff onvalopia fry' of °harp. Ad drei. 1110WABM' kfIROM`IATION, fox P., iblOdnipleit, Pa. • 18-26-17 GRAM' CRADLES The sub.oribui"iiit.,lla+ the pub 4i" Mitt be etlli oainnals•a Io MMuuraetinv, 11t41,1 CR titI,XS 4. RA K ObiC'd C.lll be bu.l *inner in llelletuutit, ku• a 11140 inti in tionbnri. ti pOrk littired th, Of4e., - - , 44,c6,4,w1:ithant urlo7l. Ilttii , on i 413 , 10 to• Ilfl it *kV Iti , Or Oki, to untr.n enmpelled 411 3t trti piety 'puttied h by *Re % the amettot ner: fur I trill not pay Is* . 'Net yort Column. MEE =I UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. , Now building • railroad from Omaha, &ero►s the lt , eky Mountain,'; to make, with iticoonections an unbroken line between the At lends and Peel& ()amine, hive Pleb published, • A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP. It comprises full informalion in relation to the. Formation of the Union and Pacific Rail road Co., progress of the work—Topography Character of the country, and distan,ed along the line. Agricultural resources, - timber, minerals. Sc., farming and grazing lands; silver and gold ; Limber ; oosil ; Iron ; mineral springs. How the Union Pacific Railroad is 'built. branch and connecting T016'11 7 -'O. Idaho, Oregon and Poget's sound; The branch to Montane; The Denver and Central Pacific. Resources for construction. • The meseis suflicientio build the read. Anticipated business and profits the Co.„ .The way business—sequel earnigur- The Union Petite Railroad Company's First mortgage bonds—Their security and vales; Prinoipal as well as interest payable g Id ; are the bonds securer N hat are thew worth ay an invektmont ? This pamphlet will he sent free by ad dressing the company. No: 20 Nassau street New York. A limited amount of the first o engage bonds; Principel and six per rent interest parable in gold, are nicred at par, Fwll partieulars to the pamphlet, _ _ COSTAR'S PREPARATIONS EVIeVYTODY—tries them' EVRRYTIODY—uses them! MATIgHVB , DY—believes to tketn! EVERYBODY— recommends them, Are you troubled by Rats, Mire Roach en. Ante? "Costars" Etterminetors. '•Only Infallible remedy known free from POkONI" Not dengeroue to the hu man family RAM come out of , tbeir boles to die. Improved to keep to any Are you annoyed with;•7 Can't sleep nrghla ••t'eetar'e" Bed Dud ssterminator. A liquid "Dsalrnya and p to Bed Bugs." Newer nail, Fur Muthn Furs, Wt . tudens,Carpets Ae "Costar's" Inem t Powder. • Destroys im•tsutly Fleas and all Insects on Mani., Vinswers, Animals dc. A pure thing. Thousands tau taaVy jvziar'n." Corn Sulvent. For Corns Bunion, warts, r,,/ rry it Don't ituffer with Pain' A Wonderful power of Heeling Every Mindy !Mould keep it In the house 'Costar's" Buckthorn Salve. It. effects are immediate. For Cuts, Burns,littlises, Wounds, Sore Breasts, Piles. Blears, Old Sores Deli, Seroluls. and Cutaneous Nrupttans, Chapped Hands. Kips, tie., Biter of Animals, In sects, A Uni I Umber Pill"( luirtar castled) 90 years ailuainietered 311 a Physician's Practice. "Costar's" Bishop Pills. Otilitraerdinary efficacy for Co Oven's. Indigestion. Nervous IA sick • timid-, Dyspepsia. I)y•entery ISt nerd Ifelullty, Liver Complaints. Chills Fe yen, a co.. Not griping Genets, mild and soothing. . P6nl Cungli will kill ion. I , onl nog la It. Costar's" Cough Nemody. Ihe children cry for it—l s n SouthNg Syrup, IFor Coughs, Coas, noarminefs, , Core Thtoit, Creep, Whisoping Cough, Asthma, Bronchial Affection. Singers, Speakers and all troubled with Throat Complaints, will Sod this a beneficial Pectoral Remedy. lloautiki the Complexion, giving to the akin a tratoparant freahneds. l'en'ar'd" pitter-Nweet 171110 V Ic and - Otalige 111.ssotn... 'Rends, • the . akin clear, imudth and colt. Itemovaa FreCk PlinPina, ke. Ladles, try' bolt'', and see Ite wonderful quality. ! , firvratis!'. *fall Worthies* !Collation 74-None dennide ,without "COSICAZ'r Signature. .ltd/ - 25, and view kept by all drugglatti MD'S I sits* sent hy wail on receipt of prig, MHO Vitirrt Re!. the., $1 Mi. pro , - SL pt.) g foi eight jl Pitt. by Hz preen kor Flab. by • . Igaiafonte, .1.1; ail Viliull4la Dr.igglot.. la Pblladolphla, Pa_ 4 • And in all larga Cltiva. L 4 O I.; -aos' JOHN '41144C1M - . r 1 ' ii Address , ILENRY It CObTAK. V 42 Brosolwat, _N. Y TOM 3tirnoitm•Sc ffboinao. BURNSIDK 4:. " THOMAS. Offer tO the Puhilo ono "or th• largest and best selected Woke of merchan dise; in Centre county. Call, examine and seat for yourself. rI I 1111: Larmt. tkrtd Hest Stock of .warra nd Poor , and Shoot.. eretranted to 'kr, eathritetton. at reduced price.., only t. be Stood at I.; itNsrou h T 110 M AS'r, SPIXHS of all varieties, gruund to order and warranted to be strictly pure. R s tho only place you can find unadultera tod spices. Try them for your own factual. You can only find them at 11 U HIV sl OH t THOMAS', V •,u., oollae in IBA, V eh Irak, spa 10., rakee, hoe., Imp, fork., obaini, ar., at BURNSIDE a TBOMAS.. HORSE COLLARS, tf you don't want your horae's thouldera galled and mute nor., gut good bor.. collar., at DUKNSIDKa THOMAS'. H ARN gBB, rollarv, earl whip, earner, whip, in great variebesvovern wen t gears, saddles. bridles, ina Unpile , theckliam, Dirt_gwro. tug hanssesa, bun , harness; harries, Me sad dlery line, at _ . _ BURNSIDE • THOMAS FiSIIINO TACKLES, TA hooka, thea„sea hair baxkoi,t, sr. Itig you out to entail ttout. nt BURNSIDE o TRUMAN'. '111`41.: OIt.OOKILI tuortiu'eotles, old rov. Jess, hest quality Rid roffee, hest casing ItLek teas. green teas, levering syrup golden syrup. Drips fine article ha king molasses, rice and everything an the grocery line at the lowest rash peens in the market ItURNSIDII: J.. THOMAS., is the p ore IT Di known to all in Bellefonte ►nd !Imola the county if your want ► good ►rtiere go to BURNSIDE & I RATHER of •11.11,riptinti-, french Of _A Ago, Ape') 'at/ Polo loather, tn,,ro •co'n etaeop skins, Immo Everything in the leather hoe warrentad to ph e hatiefartion nt BURNSIDE & THOMAS' SIIOE-MA RIMS TOOLS And finding., in all their reriettre, et BURNSIDE i THOMAS' SADDLERS BUCK bES, book., tot, spots, rings. Everything n ruddier want. for the nisnutarture of harness. to be-found sit BURNHIDE A TfIGMAS B ASK ST, in all their varietie, A 1111,1rrn ea ri.ges, willow ware, guns, pislnts, powder, shot, caps. eartgolges, se., at ISLIIINH.Dr, 4 TiIOMASI TOYaol 111,11%,11.,1: N FIN PAirERN... I .1 0 1 . 19 t , riuced priern. at - lIIIRNhIDE a TII . 1r" 110 fI7IONS of till ic iutD, - titol iclo 1.11 ILandkerch lota, tortibm, pocket Look• in all tl)cir variety and . very cheap, at BURNSIDE t THOMAS' /FUR -KEY PRUINS, ranionv, pOlOilt ap ples, oranges, lemons, nII ►lnd, of foreign fruits, Llama, ei bact . BtlftBlDE a TIIONIA4' CA Pt NW) PP 'l' 11 C., peachier,' tetnatuee, pine epplee, awl peas in greet Vari. ety, t 81.3RSIDE A Tit OM B ABITS SOAP, Km. Harm sod Keen', olive soap, Dobbins' soap, Jam Oaklay's soap, old etintilo, pure, Palm soap, Eidarlises soap, and a great variety of oth er soaps, al - w&aa:asAiaLgi= Tau higheat market price paid tor iklf kind• of country produce, at BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. . W itaoan'e celebrated . elicoolate. Baker% chocolate, t 4 ai ith'e chnonint• China Ginger, Englieh Ficklee. American Ph-leenl le, BURNSIbk: A THONA`• ur n IT I !SU, II erristg, mat korai, ♦t It A TH.V4A9' OBE r ItiI.ADIMPIUA-,4741) KRIM R. It I= Iltrotifch mid direti rout., bet woo. Phil udelphia, I:6ltithort, Ilerrirburg, WI port, and the GREAT OIL ItEiiION rn PENN'A ELEGANT SLEEPING (RRS On all night Train:. On and after MONDAI, NOV. 2.4 h 1867, the Treine on the Philadelphia and Rd@ Rail Rend will run ee‘followp• WHSTWA RD. - Mall Train leaves Philadelphia It p. ni •• " Look Haven.. 025 •" " arr. at Frio I/ 00 p. to Kr .• 14xprene leavos Phlla 12 00 noon " Lock Haven. 10 15 p: •• arr. at Erie - 11 45 a, F..lw•ra Mail Imo, Philadelph.a - 8 00 a. in • " Look Haven_ 7 '• " smut hook Raven 7 4b p. Mail Train leases Urie 10 25 a. m " " Leek Ilaven... 10 15 pim " arr. at Philadelphia.. /1 - 97 re. m Erie Uprose leaves Etle 4 25 p. " Lark Maven 240 a. m " arr. at l'hila. .. 100 p. Hlsutra Mail loaves Look haven 7 10 a. In tiatterp, Qtonfectionarito. N EW 'AMMY k. CONFECTIONARY r TI e subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Bellefonte and cinity, that hie new end exteneive, lIA K 10.1.1" CONFXCTIONA RV. ToYel - e,iitifT) — iiirta — rVerfie is prepared to turnishedavery day, Fresh Bread, Cake or all klndr„ Pies Lc., de., Candies, tnneem, Nutt., Penile. and anything ati,d . et erything belonginf to the businenti. Haying has years of experience in the business. lie flatters himself that he oan ggarantini , satisfaction to all who may fever him with their patronage. II- 4 2 -ly J. H. SANDS. 51n itting. N KIT BLACKSMITH SHOP' The people of Bellefonte and vicinity acs very respeetfully informed that 41e under signed Liam leaned the 111ftekernith shop on HOWARD STREW'. BELLEFONTE where he will he ut all timed prepared to du any kind of work in hi. line. Particular attention will lie paid to II 01t.9 I< 1 , . II OY.I N ti boot-g Wagon,_ or Iluggiaa, Repilring fatrn Implruient, All work guaranteed 1.112 ly J. A M.Al,oltYft 55abblerp. _--- SADDLERRY 14 iIARNKSS. The milseeriter begs leave to inform the public generally that he has reopened his lIAUNKSS manufaciory, whore thuso in need can he accommodated with anything in his line, on the /1111,11. terms Those In need of • • 1 .ary gears, Bridles rieddt. osettr, Trunk, Tra‘dir.g hkg• or linything of the kind, should give him call Don't forget the place, 2nd door above Hiehr p street on r•pring. I ill. JERKY TOLAN. failrellanrous. Blitris MIEN Tri WANTED To eolicit orders for kiliam DIOTIONARY OP THE BIBLE. The only edition publirhed in America, con deneed by Dr Smith's own hand. In one large Octavo iulunie, illustrated with over 12., etc.' aryl wood enfravings Agent.. and subeeribera tee that you get the 7110111115 by Dr. ntith The .Vprtegfirtri Republic , . says , tins edi tion published by 'Oruro. Burr d Co , to the genuine thing The Ctengregarionttliel sap, whom or wlah• e. to get, n the eheapeq form, the beet Ole tionery of the Ilible should bey Otte • Agente are meet idg with unparalleled success. We employ no (intern! Alretedind offer extra inclueetuetite to Canr sssss a. Agent,. will POO the a. varieloge of dealing directly with the Publishere. For dederip the i ireulars with full part titulars and terms address the publiehert. .1. B. Milt I CO., Hartford Coon. t:t 22 5t -WALL PAPICH, WALL PA NH The milbseriter takes pleasure ,iu Imitate Ing him patrons and the public generally, that he has just misdeed a W AMOR TJI WNT of the LATENT STYLKS OF WALL PAPER, whieh be is selling et pity retail prices. lie has the LAROEITF STMK OP WALL, PAPER: In 114 eonety, •nd is selling et sash !Ivies es defy competition. 13-18 2m. .101 th BRACKBILL STOVE M ! tt TO VllB I I Isaac Haupt has got alsaadya new sup My of Shears Antidust Cook sad Parlor over. They have proved thennielves to be the beet eftive out for buteletatther hard or soft coal they salve their own ashes, make 09 duel, economise fuel and are the best be kers in the world, and have more conveni ences than any other-stoves now in use. People In want of closes would do well to cell at b,, Ware loom week the Depot and, see Die stock before pun basing elsewhere as by a neglect of this tuey mey bb . sorry as many he s been already. •, 1.1-84-411. • HAUPT IAUTION. 4,) All persona •re hereby notified not to credit or trust any-pennon on my 'rectum without my verbal er written tint*. wren(' after this as .1 wilt on; be arevantAble 1,.r any reeb debt or aohtrset 13 !2 St 301114 P.trlhA, Drug's ant Mgt RINGS, Ringo R:A OR Rinh , Rlnog Ring. To re- Ring. Ringn atore gray Ring. Rung. hair to ito nrlg- Igor inal color. Brad'. Rings Itingi oat& Dandruf f and Rtngn Ringo Iron' the humors /tidy', Mom PICALP, Rings Bing , and prevent Binge /tinge BALD- Ring. Rings • nem, • kiting"; -1 Hi!gig Ring' , H Vogotahle Arnbrosin In Lim Miracle of the age! 411.97 headed People have their locks ma laria by it to the dark, hi.trotts, .ilken f rem of youth and are happy 1 Young People, with light faded or-red Hair, have theye unfashionable eedors changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice ! People whoa* head. Are covered with Dandruff and Humors, use it, and have clean coats and clear and healthy grains!' Bat& lkatied Vete rale, have tueir remain ing locks tightened; and the bare spots cov ered with a luxuriant growth of Hair, and dance for joy' Young nentemen use it because it la HO ly pertnteed Yrs LlO4ll/1 use it baguettes it. keeps their lla in place' very i budy mart and u.ll use it, because It is the and h.../ article in the mar ket! Coll for 'King's Vegetable Ambrosio, mid for your own pleasure and comfort do not be put off with Anything else "said to be Just as good." Beware of eountorfeiti And injurious imitations shich flood the eoblittry. For Sale by Druggists general.). Pet( $l.OO per Bormet. 13. M. Tiiiiiih rt Proprietors, Peterbooro, N. 1! tlermuntzwn, Colutubin C..., Y Messits. E M T. ens 4 Os. Geo, -My hair And whisks. , were s# !cud one half gray w h e n !was is I o ...I in try "Ring's Vege table Ambro after using it three weeks, my hair and wii , tters were restored to their natural solar : it also eradicates all dandruff from the scalp, •nd 1 oonaider it unequalled 1.01 a hair dressing, kebping the hair soft Arol silty and does not solar the ekin or stain el _lt will do all you claim for it W. TBMPKINH. Demos Barnes Cu., .21 Park Row, New York Wh decals Agents. For sale by MeGirk Cleaver, Pbi.ipshurg ; F. P. Green, Bello_ fonte. P. S. Wilson,' Bellefonte. and by Druggists generally. 12-46-1 y (1 REEN•S .1)liti11 STORE. Roptu No. 3, tirokerhotra Row -- Tito uwlereigne , l tor pectfull y announces (hat he hArottiovell his well-known DRUG CHEMIt'AI. STORE. the new room , (No. 3) under Bro Certain. hotel, which he iy fitted up for that pur poseatid having largely increased his @tuck iiinew prepared to furnish' his sestortiers with pure Dnuos, citEmicALs. - PATENT MEDICINES. . „ . PURR E'S A LIQUORS for mediclnallnoe, DYE bTI.IPYS, with al most evdry article to be found in an e•- , tabiehment' of t il ts kind, ouch a• - Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal • Oil, Alcohol, [Aniseed Oil. Olass,Paints. Pull). Sponges. Alen th o largest and beet collection of PERFONER AND TOILET SoAps ever brought to this place. Toba:ro and cigars of the must approtrul brands, con stanth on band. lie would call the atten Lion of the public to his .tuck notion-, consisting of Hair. Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Bribe., Cutlery, Pipes, Drinking Cupe, Chase and Backgammon boards, Cher• Men 'Dominoes, dr. &C. 'Also, a large variety of TOYS YORCIIILDREN. Particular attention given to preparing Plll 8101AMS' PILOCKIPTIONS and FAMILY KECIPE Haring bad more than tarok o year+ ez perience la the busk:teem, he feelq , oulideat /..•an render saddler-11 AL th all wit° fat or hhc with their patr..nage YRANK P OREEN, nb 9, 1866-t1 11.00 M. No. 1 Hrnk. Rote MARRIAOHOUIDE. Another edition Just published, ho mg the ligth of the Pocket Atrulapius, Or every one his own Doctor, including a trea tise on diseases of females, irregularities with a hundred engravings. expinning thossoisesami Of both sexes. Jl7 William Young. M. D. li‘ery one way conduct any raise of ioi cret disease, self abuse or those distressing diseased incidental to youth, manhood or old age, without resorting to the quaekauf the present day. Let no man contemplating marriage be anothei hour wlthogt reading this vrorglerful book, as discloses impor tant /egrets, which should 1 known to them particularly Let the weak and bashful youth who Has ruined his constitution by the debasing habit of self-sbnse read thee book. It will be sent to all parts of .thl United States and Canada/ for Ai cents. Send for Pocket Asculaphis Da. WM, YOUNU, No. 4101 Sprite• 8t Phaila 12 26 ly 55anb J . & K. LEATEIMS, MOUNT MAoLE, PENVI'A having Isamu! : . ....NV years the BEST SANb BANK IN PENN'A, Are prepared to rUN,OIBII,IIII'. nm QUALITY OF BAND, either for eogiue, glees:or handling purpo . The bawl, *micas tarnish for waking giste, , ,,, TIIfC PURP.ST WIUITK BAND, t.. 0 froth every laupurity. Mawr quality 0 THEIR SAND Will 61 ■hlppoa o• the este flier • . M !q r It A ci I. I. I 70 - Ali yRAI I, ito,4b T6NVI.I IN tnx si.AT4 borT Elt M S it t: A.BO N D :3 5.1 y QUA TERMS. TER DEMOCRATIC WATCIIII•N le published every Friday morning by P. GEE Y Hiatt, it 0.110 perarmum, if p 0,4 orricayfil athein ec $0 when not paid in advance, and $4 00 if not paid before the expiration of the y ou .. Papers will not be vent out of the County 91110,11 paid for Ilt 1131TANCI, and all 1111011 eubroriptions will Invariably be discontinued at the expiration of the time fur whirl' Choy are paid. And no paper will bedlioentlnu e p until all arrimrage is paid, except at the op. lion of the publisher: ALL ADVERTISE/11 - ANTS air a len term than three months TW lINTY Clint; per line for the first three insertions, a id five cents a line for each additional icier tion. Speoial notices one-half additional. All resolutions of Associations; communist. Lions of limited or indi idual interastomi i notices of marriages, and eatha exceeding the lines, ten cents per line,e Kditerial•nn. tioeefifteen cents per line. All advertising due after first inept. lion, 'And when there me no contraorniede, and the number of Insertions is not marked en the advertisements at the time they are handed in for publication, they will be run tinged in until origami out. A Liberal discount la Wide.. to partner advertising by the quarter, half year, of year, as (Morse: 3 mouths. G months. 1 year. One square. [89.1 $ 4 50 $ 0 00 Sig go Twu squares - 600 900 IS 00 .4uarter column - 10 00 13 00 25 00 Hell column - - 18 00 26 00 45 00 One column - - 30 00 45 00 80 on JOB FRINTING, of every kind, d,, e ,, with neatness and dispatch. ?wit Wife!". MAN OMMICL boo put been retitled with I Power Prsee and new type, and everything in the Printing line can bin •=sealed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rata. —TRRMR CARL ..afrAll lettere sauutd b. addressed to P. OKAY MRBk. Bellefnnte P eiltineo Sc itAquors 1 HE WONDER OF THE AIII frftreery body astonished at the purenevasd ebeapnesii of the ankles sold at the whe e. ale WI N 41-VI) LIQUOR 7' olt It I=IIEIMMEIE JACOB B. ETTELIK The proprietor of this establishment take pleasure yri.tinforming the public that he keep coustantly on band & supply-of rhoire foreign and domestic liquors. such as Old Nagar, Old Rye. gonnonsala. and /risk IFAtekey Cognac, Illackberrii, Cherry, (limy..., ani ron . mon andih -- Ifrferia, CAerry, and rAsl rh Scotch, and Holland Gin ; New England Jammed Rum, Cardaals I'epper mint, Annistra and Role ALL Cs4SES WARRANTED TO CON TAIN THE A 4110ErNT RARER!). The attention fl practicing physicians to railed t.. hs■ stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for media's! purposes. Bottles pin and Deusijonsronstantly on hand he has the thYLI NECTAR ll' EISKEY IP Ain. All liquors were bought wtoseliquoro were low, and he sells thew accordingly All .iquors are warranted 0. satis (motion. Confident that be can ple.trt custotnorn !lc relipectroll) ottlicits a /hare of put..lir patrpnage. • Liquor, will be multi by the quart, barre or tierce Ile has a large lot of BOTTLED ,t :at tiLa:L auto* ini hand WINES & LIQUORS I Ve that would preserve your health, am your money and Ilya happy and reo• tented, should purehaao your liquor at the wholePalt. It /411. I.V/) L/yl/0/2 p TOUR, on the corner of AlJulien)* and Biohnp in ilin beqernent of the '•Our Mom, ABRAHAM BAUM a Co Nutwithmtanding the enbrtuous taxa s im poseli upon all article. iu Lie line_of bow nae,b• still C43LILIUCII Cu cell tho purest are elan at Lb. ery !nweat flguren. eription of, PORKIUIN JI DOMESTIC LIQUORS, wholesale and retell, at the lowest rub prices, which are warranted to be the beet qualitiesaecording to their respeet a prises Pis stock sonsists in part of OLD RYE, 11,10NONUAIIR1.A, IYEITAT, CORN, NECTAR, and others whigkled, at. Iron 371 cent. to $2 per gallon. Vim, ALL KINDSOF lIRANDISS , from 75 (AP., to SR,OO Per gallon. Donned ()ins pore, from 75 1fr ete., to $2,50 per gallon PORT, xADLRtC,I It Miler, BLACK SMART and other urge- the bort artloles—`at aa reisonablaftatika tea .-on hr had in•the eity p 011AMPAONS, AND OARAWAY Ha 4 41311.8, PURI. iAIIIAOA AND NV% ZNOLAND RINI CORDIALS OF ALL KINDh, all o wbleh will be warranted to be as rep minted, sad cold at prietosexceedioglilow. All the liquor,. offeredfot mitt at this in tabllshment hair en purehaied at the United Stater Juatom Houma, and room quaintly moat be pan and good. =EMI i_mtP!° l Curly reques - tisd tnKfv• Lis liquors • trial-lilt PURR POTWT 6 WINE JUIUM IN TOWN CEMENT Th. übd•raitio...l w4u Mw.n egobteo l l l .l "MIMI the heo i1a.113 , WATER' CH Mr7gt INK toogi,vorit B viramaB:44. sad under waiter work,. This &ripe Is WAtIt.AFT6 TV .14t014:itt.T NM" arid applied, ind gives of any deelleet Inside of 11l day* after delivery. °Here reepiv,e.i and prurnpOy RonititT VALUNTLRN. ,Ilenerento, Pa. Or .10:411-Pli DAIVOS. Logan Furnace, Pa. .„ 13-iu dro ONE