The Democratic Watchman. Spootil Notices Con's Cowin liaLeam,—The great tivinlex remedy for coughs, cold, croup, whooping cough and consumption. Both sizes—ordi nary 4 oz. else mammoth family bottler— for sale by all druggists and dealers in mad icines.' No family should be over night with out it in the house. COlefl DYIINIPRIA eons will immediately relieve and permanently °ore the most ag graysted case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stotnech, Constipation, and all d Wm tifi of the stomach end bowels - . - " Physletenn, dergyfnan and all who me it, join in unboun ded praise of its great virtues. bold by Druggists everywhere. Price $l,OO. MANWO,II DOMINI ONLY 75 CENIII. Eugenie hair restorer the cheapest and best. MaEugenio Ural . ReStorer eclipses all know n disioreries for the • rap Atty with which it restores gray and faded hair to its oatural color—prelacy its rapid and healthy growth, prevents and stops it when ' falling off, and is a most luxuriant dressing i for he Hair, rendrilbg it sufr, silky and lust one, Mammoth Bottles only 7h roots. ~old b• moss all Druggists. .. , ..., I:1-5 ly. Use Ton Iltst.—Htenza . EheßioßliAL l.rnntctrolol, Are a Medical timparstlen in the form of a Losange, and are univers ally considered the moot pinsaan, effectual androaurn,nri Mill ody in use for Mal roe Coughs,Cad', ' Map, l'arn rat, Asthma, Itroochitio, Dipthrria, and all Alba .. f f nit. They RTC warranted to give q uicker and morn lasting benefit in the above o nctiono than any other ronedy a lso, t o contain no deleterious ingredient, and not to offend the weakest and most sensittive .t o onseb. Price 25,cen ts • box Blades' Von• .atattoniti Pills, Are au called., because of their peculiar di reef and effefenSeffeet upon the biver. - Btomboh, Blood and - Nervous .ystem• Mc: inactivity of the Liver, fur the fitomach in derangement, or. Dyepepsi• they will delight the patient with their wild and beneficial eßect,etpeelally 11 from' long ..ontinlied indigestion and eositivoness, they ,re left with periodioal returns of the sick headiebe. In ease of a esteem cold, pro .fiseiry Chills and Fryer, you can break it very noon. by using the Pills as per &ree king with each box. For sale by all Drug. Slots. JOHN H. „BLADES • Co., Pro. 1 , 1 400114, Elmira, N. V. 12-43 ly ITCH ITCH ! 1 [ICI! ''--SCHATeII !SCRATCII I SCAATCH - 4 1 '----11:11Tuin ID to IS hours Wheat• .in's Ointment cure,' the Itch. Wheaton's ()int went cures Salt Rheum. Wheetrin's Ointment curer Totter W heaton's ()int went cures Barbers' Itch. Wocaton's Oint ment euree Old Soros. Wheatou'a °int,- weat oures Kvery kindof Humor like. Magic. Price 50 cents • box :Iv mail, 00 Cents. Address WNPIIOI POTTRE.,' No. 1.70 Washington Street, Boston Marra. For rale by all- Druggists. 12-37-17. DeorNose, Blindness, and Catarrh, treat. ed with the utmost success, by Dr. J. Isaacs Dentist mad Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 805 Areh street, Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most. reliable +mitres in the country can be seen at his office The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patie he has no sit crets to his practice. Artificial eyes Meer ted without pain. No charges made for as amirtatinit. 12 , 111- ly _furniture. -. FURNITURE WARE ROOM Howard street, hellefonte, Wfl RE, BUHVA US, • SOFAS, LOUNGES. ((AT !TACKS, WHAT NOTS, KATENSWN TABLES, STA NUS, CHAIRS, STOOLS. kn.. ~f every description, quality ana price, for sale cheaper than at any other establishment of the kind in Control Pennsylvania. 'l-20 lIENPY P. HARRIS. W M. WITTFELD, MAnufacturer and Derler ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Ware-room§ No. 14, 66, and 6s, North See nnd Strimt. PRI_LADHLPHIA UM ilteas. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. AMlititlOAN THA COMPANY. Klniloa k Bros. Agents, I{losloe & Bros., agent*. Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa Having aceepted the agency of the Amer!. ran_Tea Company, for Centre county, we can sell all kinds of Tea from TO to 1,00 per tent, lower than other. dealare, and war rant It to give entire satisfaction. If it does not. return the Tea, and get your money bank. Read the prices. l ' Read the piggies. Oolong $l.OO per pound 0010ng..... $1.26 per pound. Young yson. ...... ........._51.26 per pound. Imperial 11.26 per pound. Japan_. $1.26 per pound. English Brooklast $1,25 per pound. .." The trace supplied. The trade supplied. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress KINSLOS A BROS. 'PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS 'A STA. TIONERS, and also stoats for the celebrated GROVER ik SAKES SEWING MA MINIS the best le the market. The cheapest Hooke' and Stittloner, In Dellaterite. GRORGH M. AYRK RAUL lISTATE AMIN?, UrriIIEVILIAL. LOUDON V•LLir, YlltaINIA Oseil Linaeford's Hotel .3-13 3m TMILKS KMPHEART, W&TU BARNES, 01311*OUT, IlieRON A Cn Wholoans A Retail dealero le HATS, OAPS, STRAW HOODS A FURS Na. 603, Market St. Phila. KAP ROOTS, of the beet kind, and of his own manufacture, warranted, and at the lowest prima for rale at 124 CALF SKIN BOOTS, of big Min moo orator*, warrontod to be tho boot to iltudto for Ws at, • 124 GRITLEMAA.--lein furnish you with ' shin of the Quaker City White Shirts awl eballiongio any. trade to proddoe Mout tiquat.' W. W. MONTGOMERY. ,Stobto attb itinTiont. ANOTHER NEW STORE. The many friends of J. S. Lone berger will be pleased to learn thit he ban:again returned ti Bellefonte t fur theptir pose of manufacturing TIN AND SKEET IRON ware on a larger eoale than ever,beingsslis tied that Bellefonte is the place for his busi ness, especially when the style of his work and cheapness offigtice is considered. in the Tinwete, lien keprohstmtly en bent! DUCKETB, CODDEIC DOILEIRB STOVIC PIPEI COLLARS DISH PANS, WA.BII BAISIN:,, Particular attention pa id to ROOFING AND SPOUTING and all mangor of jobbing ' wlll glvo Fare or casting of all kinds lff exchange elf old iron, copper, pewter and tags. Noar Logan Foundry, at the etand formerly occupied by A. Ryan. 13 21-ly LI Ell W j holCinde and rent' dealer in STAVES AND'rIN WARE Allegheny St ;pendent° Pa., would invite Asattention of the public to his elegant stock of goods, just received for the fall and Winter trade, embracing PARLOR AND. COOK &LOVES Tin sad sheet iron ware, japanned ware, sheet, iron ware, tamped ware, PSeamieen tin ware, Snameled, tinned and plain hollow ware,and everything to be found in a first class tin ware manufactory. Also toilet 'Hest; eoffee mills,coal hods, hammered pans, (Pound and oval) dripping pans, brass and copper kettles, spoons, kn it es and forks, and a full 'woodmen t o I home° turn ish inggoods. generally. Special attention is directedto the MORNING 01.GRYPARI,OR .STOVES, which we have ot all SIFP,9. Tbry are self-feeders and perpetual but nem. They are %magnified. for beauty, neatness, durability and osvjng of fuel. The WELINOTON AND LOYAL COOK. Oriental and Ornamental Cook staves with improvements of 1887, are unequalled by any cook stove le the market, for ;arse flues, heavy naatinga, shigh ovens and strong drafts, and aro the most durable io irrespeots, and ate warranted palest bak- All k inilm of Ytove•Trunminge constantly on hand, at low figures. yc ROOFING ANb SPOUTING promptly , attended to t and spental attention paid to Repair ng Stove...awl Jobbing gen erally. Call and pee our assortment betorp purchasing elsewhe.e, as we are prepared to offer greet inducements. 12-49 N. HIM 1111811. L I TOVE Sz. HOLLOW WARE 1. STORE. I. (; .1 I. & (; 1 N , PHILIPSBURG, CENTRE COUNTY, PA TIN, t'UPPEIt ,1 SHEET IRON WARE end whole4ale and retail dealers in STOVES, HEATERS,. HOLLOW-WARE take pleasure in announcing to the public. thatthey will keep constantly on hand, one of the largest assortments of good tin thipir line ever brought to thlm se;elfbn of the State. They now hive the celebrated IRON SLOSS COCifil the largest OICI cook stove.' is the market ; has all the advantages tbaS earile put on • stove) large soven;higisttsucley ikA ash pi and at The sine time a deep ash pit, also • large extended top, never fails in its opera tions—Four sizes with al•gituded lire boxes fur coal or woos! . Theyqtelpin, also the Continental, Lehigh, ?erg Daylight, Spear's Anti-Dust, Nia Charm, Herald. La., with every rariety of the best Pittsburg Mann- ..... factors. PARLOR k 111 ATEING STOVECH of ovary description, quality and price. TIC COPPER, BRIGHT-IRON WOOD EN, AND WILLOW WARE, Wholesale or Retail, manufactured neatly and with the sole-view to service, from the but material In the tnarltet. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS d• COMB, BRASS, AND IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on hand. WO MINING ROD!!; 8 U PERI° R POINTS put up on short notion OR.DER.S'FaII SPOUTING, ROOFING, And other work belonging to choir boviness will be promptly filled by experieuned and skillful workmen. BRAM, COPPER AN L) OLn MI TT A L Taken In exshango for goods, hittSpecial isidepoloosto ant offend to ants, who wish to porohase at whole sale. 12-45-17 READ AND PROFIT I MILE •8111.11t0 AIrEAV THY. eIIEAPHST STOVICB MORT KUBSTANTIAL TIN-WARY, MO to be had at ' WETZLER & TWIT:MIRE'S The proprietors, determined not to be out- knave opened up at MILBSBURG, PENIVA., "one of (he moat complete, and Cheapest, STOVE, TIN-WARE BSTABL 18111111 N TS Iu Central Pennsylviumls, They have on hand, and acting Apace for all of the latest Improved, Stoves kf every disciptioe. PARLOR STOVER, BED ROOM STOVES, COOK STOVES, HEATERS, • OF EVERY PATTERN. TIN-WARE, COPPER-WARE, SHEET IRON-WARE, BRASSWARE, ' (W EVERY DESCRIPTION. DOODIND AND APONTINIII, and all kinds of work done on the shortest notice, and,Onaranteed to give satisfaction. MeMARON -41 VB TEEM A CALL.4I6k 1324-Iy. MVERYTHINU TIN CUPS, a•c:, .1. 8. LONEBEIWER, M►uufacturers of \ planing .11M114 BtfH,DERfI LOOK HERE! The nubeeriber having iealied the MILMSBURG PLANINO Stius and added largely to ite faeilitie!‘ for 'turn ing out Malelass work, are now prepared to turn inn FLOORINa I.KANILs, DOORE, /MBA, BLINDS, 813 apttro, 131tACRETP, SCROLL WORK end Illau ii(metn red lumber 01 EVERY DESCRIPTION ISM I, 1,) WEST CASH I'RIC Y. S , All manner of work, snot so Scroll Saw rag, Nouldinv, Bracket.. An., made after any DIIAIREt) PATTERN, en the shiniest Onneibie notion %... MGM Connected with the mill, and In operation at all timer, in one of the latent improved K 11R rNo KILNS which louvre the lumber in perfectly healthy tate, assists in preserving it, and in fact adds' tp ita•laat,tag qualities, a bile oth or methods of drying deteriorates, and ren date it more liable TO DrcAY AND wAsTK - Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, It is dried perfocily and when work ed and put up, will not , bDRITTL AND `;TTRINK, thus giving building!' the appearance of havin g . been erected out of Green Material 1W kuorr that OW rll4 Hitil/4 give ufi scipe oradvsetegem over - other , . PLANINti lIILLN IN THIN iiNCTION mind we feel perfectly free 1u *eying, rliaLall WORK WILL BA OUARANTICHD, to ho • rl-UPHaIpH QUALITY Cr We will tarnish anything to our 800 from WllOl.l aotism, &ad nt slob Odeon, oe annnet but prove to be an Inducement to . TllOOll DIOURIP(0 TO BUILD An ordain/ frumptly filled sad. • fdr share of pablle p•t:oaais, toopoottolly 80- %8194. Wean & woLra, [Seesespor of 11. 14'4] 12-4A-ly !KILNS fillita.-TA inots $ *hoe. THE MACE TO 'GET HAMS! FEVERYTIIINO NEW WARRAIV'TED! z 514,AFVREY At CO'S k HETAII , 1100/ k HBO/. MTOI U Lone door above Iteyoold's Rauh.) Bove just opened the most complete an• Sortment of everything in the Boot end Shoe line ever brought to Bellefonte. Their en tire stock, which' is the largest ever opened In this place, was made to order from the beet material. It was purchased fur oath and will be sold muohlawer than any one tan afford whe buys on time. They are practical workmen, and everything sold will be guaranteed ay represented. Repairing and custom work promptly attended to. 13 211 ly eartrrTnits, T IIN BELLEVoNT I.: :SOOT AND ill OE . STORE GRAHAM SL 80N M lady r9.);p 41, and Dealero in OVNTR PrtEVCR VA1.10; AND 4,:onaRIRMI 114141T8 ',laving added largely to our former stook wo eau samro the community that we have now the bert eoleotion in Cen tral Pi onnylvania, of Ladle, Buttoned, - Front Lace, Side Lace, And Congress Boots, Manufactured front the beet Englieh luting GLOVEKLD,CONt7RESS 4 BALMORAL, of the leto , t Style MOROCCO BOOTS, with and without heels. And a full assort, want of MISBIO SNP CIIILDRENS SHQES. Also a largo lot 4, those cheap shoes, 'such as we rood about, and of which we are sel ling off CIIISAPER TriAN. Fl7ld ttIICAPhIST. We invite an examination of oar goods 12, 26-17. B OOT Al MON MANUFACTORY.- The undersigned respectfully inform the citisene of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has established a first class BOOT AND SHOE MAN UFAIITORY, next door to Pruners store, on the north west side of the diamond, when be will be pleased at all times to wait upon customers. Ile being an EXPRRIENCED WORKMAN, customers can rest watered that no pains UI be spared to render complete satiated doe. Gentlemen, misses and youth can be accommodated with the best Boots, -- Bhoos, I r *e., manufactured frt. in the beet stock, and In the latest itylea. Repairing of all kind' pi omptly attended to. 11-1 R PETER Mr:MAHON. glilothing, graitoring. STILL IN THE FIELD To my uld friends and customers, and to as many new ones, AM may desire to be rig ged out, IN WICLI, .FITTING, SUBSTANTIALY AND FASHIONABLY Made suits of clothes, from any kind of malarial they choose. I . would may that 1 am still In the field, and prepared to /1400M modate. I bar. a large,and salmi! ant as sortment of ;armenta will be made to order In the MOST . FASHIONABLE STYLE All I ask Is- to call and examine, my line stook. And as I have just bought nryloods during the'last panic, I defy competition as to prices durability and fashion, this aide of Cumberland Valley. Remember the place. W. W.d McCLELLAN No. 4 Brokerhorr How, Allegany etreet Bellefonte, Pa. I am also agent for the euperior and obeap WILCO% I GIBBS &RIVING MACIEINIC which should be seen by all' desiring ma chine. • li-111. tßanking. MILLIKEN, HOOVES & C 0.„,, CENTRE COUNTY BANKING VG., RECEIVE DEPOSITS SIC., And. 411.97, Intereat. DIOCOUNT NOV lid, BUY AND BRLI, GOVERNMENT SECHRITIES, HENRY I!ROCKICRHOFF, Prom Wept. 0 D. 811UGIERIt. 13-5-1 y Csabler I=l iteri, 81ippxr • " PiIIENO (100DS Aldo, SiMIeRICS, d VHSTINUS, lUM I BOLD AND COUPONS illattime Otitis, Otxeo. HARDWARE! HARDWARE! NO. to. 11110 K M.RIIOI O I O S ROW J.. 1? .o. 0 BOT. The ni.hscrihern would respectfully infurrn the community thnt they have opened a complete S'l OF HARDWARE. comprising all ; , arietieft of goods in that line which they WILL SELL AT 'I I f II LOWEST PRICES! Their stock comdste lT serta - of building hardware, table 1111 At pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason's, plaaterer's and lanclonith's t•ols, and mate daise nails, iron, horse .hoc.. and horse-:,hoe nailt, ro e faelile, • SIIOVKT.S, AXES, STOMP, etc., etc. Housekeeper's ,goods, daddlery, marine • trim refuge, etc., etc., with all aorta and sixes of GOAL OIL 'LAMPS, and the different wilt thereof, together with aeomplete raeortmenst of the best PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, They hope, BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and a constant earn for the • ACCOMMODATION OF CIATOM ERS to merit, and reeeive a EHIARE OF THE t'OBLIC PATRONAOE. nottnnnis AND (Annals will find it to their 'advantage to call end EXAMINE THEIR STOOK. & J. BARRIER, No. 5, Brokerhoff . P Be nellefoote, Pa., Feb. H, 18118-Iy. 12EIMEZ! 11 0LMES d ENSIN(ITON kIAAUF•CTURAtiaII oy 1411,1111410114 RE,FINED CAST STEEL AXES. Double lints, Pole, Bole and Peeling Axes, and Broad Hatchets of various patterns, manufactured from the hest refined cast steel. ALSO, Grub Hoes, Mattocksi, Rail Road and Mi ner's Picks. . With an advantageous location and supe rior facilities formanufactoring, we can sup ply Ahe trade with 'a Superior Axe, at ■e reasonable a price is can be had anywhere lin the country. We •ise nothing but the very best of material, and employ none but the best and most experienced workmen.- , Our A tea are 'all warranted. Orders solicited HOLMES ESSINGTON. 112-35 ly Ittileshirra. Centre C- . Pa. IEW CCUN 81101) CHARLES THEODORE DECHNER Would respeatfully inform op DT te LOOM sta the public generally, that he box opened a NEW GUN 81101' IN /tufts MICA DI 011 MOH et.11111.1.111 1 0111111"-, whore he will keep constantly on hand, and 11341111t0 order itle Oune, (Shot, - and Rifle and shot) Revoking Cylinder Hides (six Shooters) Target and hunting Rifles, 18 ingle Shotguns, Revolver and other Pistols, Metallic, Cartridges, and Amonition e flzed and loose; in feet every thinirgenerally kept Ina FIRST CLASS GUN SHOP REPAIRING will be done neatly and on abort notion. •'Orders by mail will reCeire prompt etten Lion."' tibtop In .13noll's Arcade, two doors west of main entrance, up stairs 12, 20 !7. iftivin & Wlloon. Tlll3 ANVIL. BTORK—nt nowieoelving a large and well assorted stook of Hardware stores, Imam, horse shoes, saddle ry, glass, paint sheet, 'bar, and hoof Iron— also keggy sad wagon stook of every den eription--eull and supply yourselves, at the lateen pb-ohl, rotes) IR,W IN WILSON. FINE TABLE CIUTLEiftT Including pia ted lurks. spoons.. etc.. etc., at 11-0 IRWIN .k WILSON'S. HA RI/WARE, of every .inwtription re Booed prices, now being opened every day at I I-16 IRWIN & WILSONS. --- - - WEIO,II SCALES, bect mole, from 46? op to 10001b,witb otztriatout wheels et 11 -8 IRWIN £ WILSON'S. L — LAMPS, every variety and kind at IRWIN k WILSON'S. H ORRE SHOES, best make at IRVIN Al WILSON'S OIL OIL and Renzine, M C , , IRWIN A WILSON'S. . A _ MMUNITION• -Cartridge., and other Li. ammunition •t IftlyrN 1 WII SON'S. N AILS, all ohm and kinds, at IRWIN & WILSON'S GLASS, all .ilea and qualifies, at IRWIN & WILSON'S CIARPENTER TOOLS, of •rery deserip- V) Oki at IRWIN di WILSON'S. -- • SADDLERY, to suit the trade, at IRWIN k WILSON'S. CARBIAGS and BUGGY bolts, all sizes used at IRWIN & WILSON'S. RAND BELLS and Dour Bells, all sites end kinds, at IRWIN 4k, WILSON'S. CARRIAGI*,. BOOOY, SULHEY --s and seat springs, all sises at I . RWIN A WILSON'S. . .IDAINTS A OILS of all kinds at IRWIN A WILSON'S, . _ NritlON HOBBS, spokes and feiloes, large end small,at A BAUM, Importer t Wholesale Dealer to WINES, BRANDIES et QIN6I • BOURBON 4 , EYE WIIISEIES, Ne:122 , 1 Collowhlll !Weer, • —4"" IRWIN A WILSON'S] 1124. rnrLADELp TA, P.!: SCRRWS and Hinges of every variety and kind at' IRWIN & WILSON'S. o i n . 11, omu every LAWN a WILSON'S DUMPS for Cisterno and Walla, with tub- Log of illlongtkut ,itt. • IRWIN d WILSON'S. riIitIMMINOII FOR COFFINB—a largo JL assortment, •t IRWIN t WILBONII. OIL CLOTH, Rags and Matti, at • 111. FIN WILSON'S. A mmai iupd Vices for sale at IRWIN A WILSON'S. HAD PIPE, all Rise p s at .j_j, IRWIN d i WILSON'S. -- --- fiOOKST CUTLICRY all makes had plass, at IR thN t WILSON'S. / IABT, ditHAR, bPRING sod 1310,8TICR 'teal at „IttIIVIN-'t W/LSONII, if oitsm tiILOR NAILED, different sixes at IRWIN A WILSON'fiI, Wo9pew wiout a'' at variety, at IRWIN .WILSONII Itettki. Sr lbateeno7 t. G A R . lll A N'S HOTFJJ. I) tN'L tiARMAN, Prop . r. ' )"-• / 1 . 1 This tong asysidished and well known Ilak. tel, situated on the soutbillt earner of the Diamond, 'opposite the Court lt[trust, having been purchased by the muiersigned, he alb nonoces to the former patrons of thtst beta" likhutent and to-the traveling publie Mote ally, that be has thoroughly refiuud, bie r . , house, end Is prepare. to 'rendes the mtbr aatiefaetory aeemitmedation to all who mitpi favor him with their patronage. No paimeir will be 'pared on his part to add to the sow-,,.- redience or oomfost to his gwents. All whir' stop with hint will Bind his llta TABUS abundantly suppliad with the.. most sumpieus fare the market will affor4,, done np in style, liy . the most experienced cooks. e His lien will always contain the choices of liquors. HIP Sr taLlau hi best In tmiwn, and bill oh wayabo attended by the most trustwortb snit • attententive bustlers. .# Giro him a call, one and all, and he Fein confident that all will be entiellea with than. aooommodation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is iittaeldid to this establishnient, whit iltra6gort from abroad wlirind greatly . ** ' their ad yea tags. , • F LEMINGTON HOTEL. IL ONPFIAR, Prop Ile respectfully informs the public genet ally, that be now occupies the aborts names . lintel, where he will be glad to meet an& greet his former friends, and receive a sham; of tho public patronage by strict personal attention to the details of his business he hopes to be able to render satisfaction to ell ' who may favowities with their patronanee- 1‘ Iris Dar and Table will be made a speciality. Iris Stable is good and will be attended bi t ' weft{ attentive ostlers. An eacellent cry la attached to this satabi shutout, whiek. strangeri w,ll find to their advantage, I=l Oise him a all one and all, ha teela eat , ' admit that all will be satisfied with theist accommodation • 13-221 y MOSTIANON HOUSE. Pli ILTPSBURG, PA, This long established and well knover . il itaViag bees paiekasied Ist tbe signed, be appoancasto.tie formes_ patrene• of the estab.lekment Aid to the 'pnbSagen orally, that he Intends refitting it tboroo b .. ly, and Is preparad to readier ohs most factory accommodations to all who mayl-. our him with their patmaage. All wiles*" ; with him will find his table abundantly amn.• plied with the best fare the market wet afford. His Bar will always contain On elicioest of liquors. His stabling is Ike best in town. Give him a call one and all, and be Nadi eouldent that all will be satialledwkb they accommodation. Stages run to and from the house. ' JOHN S. GRAY. 11-80 GEORGE I;',uh.4-8 BATING 001.181/ • OTEITHR SALOON. On II bib street, at Ibis weseend of the bridge, Bellefonte, Pa. This eseetitliiVetstabliek , meet to nem open, and good meets ems betted at all boon. }West beef, li* (wane 'lee cold,) Cbieben,Terkey, Tripe,Piekies, Oft tors, Aoups, Bggs, Pies, Calms, Otneke#ll, Nuts, Oranges Lemon', &01 i e. , oomprise the bill of fire. An *Nisei OYSTER SALOON! also on the first door, and the most dell. does ice memo is served to customers. As b•••rios he be hos bed of pother, teet syrups and lagerbeer call and see him.: 11-23 U NION HOUSE, s.swisirowN, r.... R. A. MATHNWS, Prop Respectfully informs the public Ken. orally, that he DONK occupies the above named Hotel, isbefe be will be glad I. meet and greet his former friends, and receive a share of the pnblie patronage. By striet personal attention to the details of his 49.4: nen, he hopes to be able to render reliefs° lion to all who may favor him with their patronage. life Bar and Table will be made a spume i ity. His Stable i• good and will be attend ed bye:ireful and attentive Ostlers, While guests here the assarance of haziest anti, fair dealings In their connection with the' hoists. 13 19 3m M ONTOUR HOUSE, LOCK HAVEN, IRA A. CHURCH, Proprietor This elegant betel. formerly known so the “Weehlegtoe House" oa Water strata is now ready (nr the reception of elaitota: and boarders. It has been sissmettly Nay !shed. and its table is always supplied yids , the best. Visitors to Lock Hamm this the plimeastest phone in tie city. A fns Buss envoy, , tbo guests of the have to and from the various trains. 11-30 EAGLE HOTEL, 227 NORTH THIRD STRBE'T. serwsßw 1111• CM •11,r PIIILA:DELtIPIA H. D. CUMMINGS Er 3 :: attic Merits. NIIIV MAR,BI4 VA.B.D 1 • e The soinseniteog limy. to in forma ;he 44440 if Cestni emenctio amt be .14U coaklause tAiek SlTlckfl.; 91 • 14‘14.1)1 of W. N. 'thy, Near the Depeklellefoate Pa., where can be found all *mum very larri wortwoot of - MONVMEINTB, TOMB & HEAD- t - - tOTONI&B, - - oil& !We be piatroci r .witik iev olu'l • labßfk DIBORtic 11 11 01,Trt r ifha ma Apia a egg Aortaat nab* 111$41 - moat moo wo&o.tiactorlas. lie • lo tiw\ ;mob pay partioular attention to fern ilo lolth l l4oo3floisie of u fk rwo' 144pr0 0 ,A oBll .4lPdfiie thins la .111/i 11iat AIM. . 406 • 0 1 1 1 0 9 1 0" uallidg upon 66615,agpl Co puolkaidag of any oity works 11-2 O Proprietor Prop re. Wm Y %%TV