The Democratic Witchmah, II 711 : 1 4 t118.--$2 per year when puid i. a limp Poo 'qt.. not paid in, advance, and %Vim not paid hetet e the expiration hir"t. 48 notneoo Cabo. , William J. lirealsh, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Bellefonte. Pa • H. H. ROT HI ROCK, D NOST.-01:11aa Arcade, Itotnn o. 4 9 second door. 11-25-11 m. 11. DURBIN GRAY, ATTOPINEY AT LAW, Bellefonte. Pa. efilee with A. O. F urst, Esq. 12-fi ~. J. D., SHtJGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Treasureer °Moe, Bellefonte, Pa. 4-1,6. , J. U. DOBIAS, M. D., ItNYINCIAN AND lIIIRGRON—office, flishop *set, Boillefonte, Ps. 13-I • A. O. FURST. ATTORNBY AT LAW, Bellefonte, IL, as«, Oa the Worth-west corner of thd Diamond. 7-16 BSAITUIL, arToaNtre AT LAW, Allegany street, ciotlhof tlie Diamond, Bellefonte, Ps.. HOOVEJIL ATTORNEY AT LAW,WeId% Pa., Oat* Above,Purnsides Store. 11-24. &RV'S ilic ALEXANDER. it.TT6RIRTS AT LAW, Bellefonte. Pa., Ogles In the parlors of the Conrad House. ' TAO. JOIIM P. MITCHELL, ATTORNEY •AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa. °Mei tub." Watchman" aloe 12-1 Dl. J. 1. LAILIMIL, PHYSICIAN AND 8 u RI/BON—Office with Dr Gee P. Harris, High street, Belle bole, Pis. 13.20.• A. B. BXBDIBIOX, IRNEY L COUNSELLOR AT LAW— Vim Nertb east eprner of the Diamond, SoDefeats, Pa. 18.20 MIAMIRY Y. MITITZER, Arnim CT LAW, District Attorney,. Mice, Belle nt.s, Pa. May be cossultad English ti-rams. - - - -- W. U. LAIIIIINER- 4.17012.518 Y AT. LAW, Bellefonte, Pa., 0110ewitb the District Attorney in the Court Heave. 9-12. ' T. P. wrgrffEris, 4-TTORHEIE AT .LAW,. jtellefoite, PL Office on High street in the room formerly occupied is at Post Ofilos. 11-7 AL PI NTONE. LICENSE') A CCTIONILB., Bellefonte P.. , Fourth ion below the Presbyterian oloureb, on Spin. street. 1;-4:1 DR. R. D. TIPPLE, HOII2OPATEIIC rIat3ICIAN A BUR. . ()BON. Moe tad door of Conrad Bogie. Bella/onto, P. Calla promptly attended to. 13 1. D. L. MEEK, DAIS! AND ORNAYENTALPAINISH, Ilollotootra Pt. Work of ►ll km& den* 03 short noise', and in suck a manner as 1 , guarantee satisfaidion. 13-1 P. GRAY MEEK'S JOB PRINTING OPPICS, Allegany it., BellerAta, Psi. B►ery Disimptuin of Plain sad Fancy printing, done la the neatest manner, and at prises below city rates. • A. KIBLER, M. D. PUROBON, Offers his pro random., -enviers, to the citizens of Belle fonte end vteind.y. °floe over Heal. ' mar's Confer ties:eery More, Bneh's Lade, MO Street, Bellefonte, P.. li-23 • G. M. HALL, M. b. rrurticiAlt k BUIItiEON, Havinglosr tnitsestly located stklilesbarg, °frets Ws • prefiseional serrire to th. ()Wiens 014/mat plows era Vitirl it s ". 11. II WLLIA KA. WALLACE. ATTORNEY AT I o AVV Will •irtt Belk fnate, Tooliaalonally when ineoally re tatide4 In eosseotiow sub ',West aeon *et. Ciesrfold Pr. 7-16. DR. N. P. BUitKH T. MICLISCTIc PHYSICIAN k HillGliON, Pront StreC, Phlllp,borir, Pa. PaOiculat *Mention paid to all kiwis of female 'dlaeasee. Of2 , ti hours from 6N. m to 4 fa., and from 2 to 9 p. m. 12-46. ".. J. D. WINGATE, DD N CIPTIBT, office on the Corner of spring ibed Bishop street", Bellefonte, Pt. At bow, wept perhaps the int two weeks eat; month. Teeth artrorted . without Pl 4- 7 16 WILSONt HUTCHISON. ArTOBUYb AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa, C•Beetione, and all other legal Liminess in Goatee and the, edjuLning Connilet, telolnpily attended w. Ogee in Blercia. aod'a Lae building, Allegheny area. 1 I -38 • 0111-1. H NITCIIIIML, PHYSICIAN 41 RO NON, Bellotoute, µLula to proteosienal walla as b4r:neferal. bo rupeatfullm *dere bia ser e-kw to hie frtendo and the public. Of Gee at the Bionhorbell nape.% : -I& •a. SEATTLE, . 0wv4444404-&--filiiit+PON. BefhOmits, Pm., Offer* hie pr.rfeweiqoat xerviene to the ,tlsene of Delie'epte nisei vielB4s7.: OS, aereeked i • , ir ,beitrff ate W TOIMA ogle& .c. rivirommass 4 vo. wAc•Ligua,s DiIIpATAIL DMAi4S/IS .1)1.T00406 1 0 *ND an meortawn4 le plow, dor rain 4.1. goal o nn o. o n Maul. Mi44l• raw& of dm . c oorn d s n ow, dip pupite the hirviekwilhoel hark. 11•1100.11 th Yew 12.-44 W. re liiridhOLDill ItANKILKR. 14111.. if M.x.•hwng. lead Note' Alieuntated. C.,llautlau wale am! pru• ^male promptly smpaleto. sinriai. florP• l 4 , p(flrri I V2 s eftioe;:sztiito , y , o4) ~r 4 ,unoloNimg*, v., wuks..4 1. all ealiii.aMtintifteal.4* flat with tare and fidelity. Having led, eight,* year. experimpe in the busineet, 4 I,flatteta bimAelf 'bet bv rahßh a pow, • ..t0%.01..b. MI /am 45trotro Stc Stciretito. J. P. PA( hru. u. 1. PACKER l) %IN ER S. I'AG'KEIt, having chased the F L E M 4 1 U TI) N M l I. L E, Ftatulsh . All, now prep*red to furnish dl o I le 1. 0 U R AN I) . F I; }: I) ! --ALSO-- PLASTER GROUND A IN THE STONE, T*'AT Tag . 811ORTZPT ?WTI( lell2, Their Facilities for Manufacturing every thing usually 'Manufactured in a FLOU It IN (I MILLI ARR UNIRIKALIM By any other Eptabiiehment in tliv coun try • • All (Aare will receive prompt , attention They have ale° in connection with their Milt THE STORE FORMERLY OWNED BY J. P. PACKER And are prepared to furnish Stone Coal, Baled Bey. FSeef r Potk, Salt, And a general aemortatent of Fi ore Con& 11AVI: CONSTANTLY ON NANO Flour, Corn, Oats, Chop; , Bran, Seed, &c. kr, d,., CASH PAID FUR GRAIN %NU COUNTRY PRODUCH !WY YOUR FLOUR, FlIFTht BALED HA Y PACKER & PACK NIL At Flemington MULL I! -2S- N E W STORE HARPER BROTHERS Have opened up an NeW STOCK of 1/00D8, !of every description,st their new store room on Spring street ; which were 'purchased at PANIC PRICES, and will be sold ae low if not lower, than can be found elgewhere in thl. section. Their stock comprises • Iclry art :Goodt, Notions, Millinery Goods, . floseries, . Fancy Goods, Clothing, • • Boots ,k Shoes, • flats 1 Caps, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols • Gentlemen and Parasols, - -Fissalshing Goads, Ladies Cloak. it Circulars In Silk and Cloth, ' rCarpeting, =ll Ei T A T I ON }CRY Fond everything else that in to b found In • well stocked country More COUNTRY PRODUCE, farm in exchange for goodx. andl the highent market price paid. CAST YOUR EYETHIS WA I defy any m• bent in Bellefonte to offer A BETTNR, A ; 11tOgR, AND CHEAPER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IMMi I A V C'NOW UNPACKED AND READY FUR bALI !Inv. thn beAt and cheapest article,. di LADIES' DRAFIS (700Iig. have the beet as .1 cheapest moles in the GROCERY LINE. have the oast and cheapest SELECTION OF CARPETS. have the largest amil beat seetorteset of READY :LADE CLOTH [Nu I have the largest snit oast aa well as the cheap eat stock of everything In my line In Bellefonte. ONLY COMX AND SEE, bough you do not Isiah to 1A.,. In all these oods I eaanot be equalled for good qualitg or Ider prime, and STA'RNBEh'a' ,v s the place, apposite the Brookerbefi House. SAY Notice the three sign• 12 T. A LWAYS Alf AAP' t. ALEXANDER Y. SON, CIiNTRIS COUNTY. YA Are noKolering to the public Kt lb; I= 000DN OF EVERY DIRCRIVTION The nubscribere tokem this method of rn ills to tfiniir friand*AA Just returner from the Masi and now olive ► fins amortMent of FOREIGN AND DOldlibTlO GOODD I I Which they are militia at nob tenon that &Tamagni will find it to their interert to buy of them. 'Moth Meek potleiste of , DRESS GOODS! EMI Brown and Bleached I I (AL lIMIUTI MOS, PL AN NELIi, CASSINI:IRKS, HA Tb, BONNIITS. 74f I LLIN ER'r OOODS, SH A itLB , A ND CLOAKS call and examine our The ball ft lot oevaterAtod. • AI M Arty Iftws WEAK. Bats Caps, Boots and 8600 M. rueened, Hardware, Queensware, all of whlah n of .as low o they oa , lie itireikia44 4114444 f MIRY.. All kiwi* al eetiotry rodeo* • balms la sachem*" fur good.. 490 DA. Remember the Weie. 7(9. R .11118111'S ARCADY. 16-13, A. AI•RX .4 7 , DER•a. FON. 1 13 IV Dry Onto Si Ottiterlefi. FIEF, I FIRE! ! FIRE HI ou reel Belletunte, 14 In n blo/ o with BRILLIANT STOCK OF APRINO AND Have Just received from the Hasteru the roltowing: flue Heavy Black Hopp, aoct"Plain Drees Silks': the finest Meek Alpeeete; Brown, Drab and Mottled Mohairs, and Detain's; of ell colors and dirt cheap, Fine Organdy, Chambray Gingham', no., Lo. We would Invite the apeoial attention of the iloous, olioviis AND NOTIONh Queensware ac surpassed by vane in town, embracing er• erything vender those heeds, as welt aaasery new novelty that mak." its appearance in the market. Our 0333 cannot be exuelled in etylr, elegence, dur& Nifty and eheapneP.. Our meek of keevy Cotton and domestic Dry Goods full and che.ap. Ic consprimee the beet He Gottonedee, Jeans, Tiekings, Denims, DREW It I PTION THAN,' ut all grader, an 1 et tin, ~ try bast mai". Jaeoget, Ready made Clot.lung, , Woolen Liven and Whim rigitts, Boot. and Shoes, all of whisk for style, elegance of built' and chespeae, cannot be sulleseruel in the county Isaac Hall ef , Co's., Finis Calf and Heavy Kip Boots and Shope for sale, all warranted to g oe eatlefaetlon end in mile they fail to do so, they will be taken back, and the money refunded If any poison doubts this Asuman, lee !him tryst and be amyl:iced Carpets, Cotton Carpet Chain. Floor 011-Cloth, • W 804.1 sad Willow-I1 art Queens-Warn. • alway , for ogle oheap. Driod and. Cloned If ruieop.ef oil kiutio and of tko gloom quiditiee any market Goa offend. Yie Every body is respeettully turned to oozes right along, wake their papillose' from us sad save their mousy kienesakber, r Dullair eared la buytnii in beget thaw a dollar worked for. We wish !►dfetlnetly understood that we wIU not be Lind *Ol always'be pleased to SHOW OU'lt GOODS whether you bus or not • CO6ITEIi PRODUCE TAKEN AT TES EMIR? PRICES IN EXCIIANGI PON NO. & BUSH'S AROMA the moPt HUMMMIt 000DS aver ppaned is that e4talilishmeat re ZIMIUKRMAN CO., Pekiu Cloths Alpaca Lustre,. Orietitale, French and Linen Lame. Percales, Chitatzek, ME! French and Plain LADIXS, it , the [apt that our stock 01 1100 P SKIRTS AND cOBSETS llleaebed mad, nblenehr,lMue iros nail Calleckv, We have Cloth., Caseiniot, tVe metwaye keeto the be,/ OROCERIRS, eau, Flour sad b'sed always for sate UNDERHOLD Brg Gosto & Grocerieoi 'NEIN* (100DS AND NNWLi• ORB ! HIGH KATES RUBBED OUT! (109D8 AT OLD MAHHIONICD PRIM I HOFF?. It k It ' Would respentfully Inform the world aria the rest of mankind, that they, hare just opened ant, and are daily receiving a large 'STO 5 dli : OP bOODS OP ALL KIND \ whleh they are offering et th,. very lowest mar ket prise. V' DRY 000D8! Consisting of the latest styles of 110I , RN0 AND PLAIN ALPACAC, • Figure' anp plate all Wool Deletes. 411BPIIKRD PLA BLACK BILKS, SUMMER BILKS, RIM POPLINS, WHITE 000DS, • Whits Counteremem, Itinen afid Cotterflheellegso; Cheeks, aingbana, Becitioks, Plumelo. an , Bbepherd Plaid halloos le, Black Cloth, Ca/Wormer, Volrotlae, Corduroy, Kentbsty Jeans, • Drills, Ladiee Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middle's: Clotho, Rope llaa Vs and PLAIDH OF VARIOUS COLCRA A full flue of Cloths, Cassinteru, Bad netts, and Vesting, all kinds tad prices, which will b. sold Asap. We have con stantly, on hand a large and well selected .took of all kinds of CROCKHRY, ROCICIIIRS, MACK BRET,. • SA LT, Ac Which we will dispose of at the very lowest cash priest. All kinds of coantry - PrOdoce taken in ex change for goods, and the Ai A. .1 market prices allowed FRII,NDA AWAKE TO Y'OUlt INTER- Eli For we feelsattsfled that we earl suit your as well as your reams. 13-36 H OWELL OILLILAND * CO. Take this method of Informing their friends, the public and mankind gen erally, that they have opened in ROOMS NO I A 7, RUM'S ARCADE, the most complete and eitanaive WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE to central Pennsylvania. They Save Dry Goods, Grocerieg, Boots and chose, Rats and Cape • Notion., Carpets, Flour Wall Paper ke, in the greatent variety, and for pale at the lowest rate.. 12-16 GRAIN, Of every deseription, prbdure of all kinds, and country. marke log generaly, f r all which the highest market pare will ho paid, taken by HOWELL OILLILAND d.OO MECHANICe, Do y , iu wish to purchase what your families need, from s Larrel of flour to a box of matches, go to 110W111 ,L. GILLILAND tr. CO. . LABORER, Every thing you wavt. every thing your wife wants, everything your children needs cao be had nt the lowest prices •t HOWELL, GILLILAND I CO'S. D OMESTIC Woollen Uool in addition to onr stook of Eastern manufae• tures which will he exchanged for wool AS cash price, as HOWELL, taLLILANJO it Co's. I J EATIIEO.. Of afl kinds to be had, sud the highest market prise paid for green bides, at HOWELL GILLILA N o'B k Co'N. LADIES, Do you waits a silk, alpaca, mohair. de• lain, merino, 'bailie, cello°, gingham, lawn or any other kind of them, no matter what kind of material, with triminge of every kind s go to ' HOWELL, iiILLILAND A CO's. GENTS, - Do yos want I Sao molt of clothes, or olothe, roodoror, oattlnobt, or any kind of wood sonars, nooluttes, ouspooden, gloores, handkorob lei &o.dge to. II °NULL, OILLILAIID £ (.101+. FAR". Do yon want visit, coffee, top or gm/ferias of why doscription, Whaesal• or Retain: oloatiag,dryikodt, or sikrOftig of thatk,A4i pjo# or Feeds, go to. HOWELL, MIL AND & CQ'S. OUSEKEEPER, ,Ta Mao to buy your sugar, pm, aiolookee loot oollasi ssa.opi•oo, oar. Cpoem, oil. oiotbio, breves. furtsabas.. okoto, wood sad willow mien. osituod Mu*. , sad emir WINN of thatqlo4 orripliun, ii N. MONIFBLL, OILLISJItiLr ai 00'8. EVERYBODY . , That Waste abythlog, io the dry gooda..groaery, Yost Coal oboe, Itt.t—atad eap, clothing, dear and feed, fruit or Jay other live of liteiteiliete Booth, at the I.OWFAT iihteoldi ran at ftOWRIA., OILLfI.Ayb & ('O'N erg 4Thoobo, Orocerieo. L ADIES' R E A -- D I ENTIRE.. NSW B,TOCKMAT INARAR di CO's 1 UM M otaimb iq uev, Alpacas, Lawns, ' Brllllantm, Mumlins, CAIIOOOB, Tickings, Flan°lti Opera Flan.le, Ladles Coating, Gents' Cloths. • Ladies Barques, Whits Pokey, Linea Table Cloths, Counterpanes, Crib Counterpanes, White an 4 Colored Tarlton, Insetting' and Edgings, White Lace Curtin Zephyr Ali Zephyr Y►tteroP Tidy Cotton. Shawls, Work Baskats, SUNDOWNB, Notions of every Kind, Whit* Go“ of every description, Perfumery, Ribbons— . Vol' et. Taffeta nod Bonnet, Cords and Braid, Veilo buttonm. Trimmings, Ladles and Mimi Skirts, lloo7' SKIRTS Thread hosiery, Deeds, • ~, LADIES AND MISSES (MOBS and to het IVZlllre Tema that can b. thought of, desired or used in the FANCY 000E0E1 OR NOTION LINE, which be ban ootoluded to.eell al Ilgurea as low If not lower than Philadelphia and New York retail prima Come and see as. If you don't wish to buy t will pay yuu to legik at our stook and learn the prioes. Again we cordially Invite you to call. NO. FOUR BUSH'S •ARCADN 0 W. FAIRRR d. CO Dia 1111 E PEOPLE'S CHOICE HAVE YOUR GREENBACKS' By purchasing what you need at SMITH'S MANZIOTH STORK PRILI MOUE° CENTRE COUNTY Pa , where the largest, choapest,bact selected and most fashionable assortment of dress goods in the country can be fount. Bilks, nt /ow puce•, Mohair., at low prices, Poplins, we into per., a, , Delains, al low ial,4s, Alimeas,at low plies, Linens, at low pric”, Muslin., natant.. price*, Calicoes, at late prow, }lanais, at low prices, *Clothe., at ler prices, Canllllll4M, at tote priest Notions, at low prices. CLOTHING AND OtNTBFURNIHIII NtI 1400DS, al very tow, priev. In thls lino we have everything to nom pletely fit out eithermen or boys, and our prince -ors an low that we DEFY COMPETITION, 11007'S, SHOATS, HA TS AND CA PS, a full oupply alwayn on band and cheaper than Can Iro found at any other avtahlteb oeot. LVATIIIIR elle RVEI(\ - DESCIPTION guaranteed Si represented, and at low rates ildir Farmere and otters, who at this men son of the year are •feiting our town, on bu sioess om pure ars kriv Itadco osltund mos um. If we not otter superior Ondocetnentr, do not buy. 12.49 SOMRTHING NEW IN MILL HNIM. - SEM' 4 iittmDb NOR FALL AND W INTIM 1 Mil The aadersign..i their mew rad 'pa rlous More root , ~ Anlhelea, have laid le an ENTIRE 14 if JUR 0b NEW GOODS, rgy,Allitifall mad whit*, trade, aad cordially Nina the purabssiagy paddle to rail and nes them. They hare • Mueller, , . Dabbles, Mike, No rlaoaar stag . liawi t 010016, • • 'Coulefinetb, Mottilatioliattimei flootr •11 4 tllNtursatwsadCap, Oroeorios, ilarOw'aro. Wood aa4 WWOa Ware, Qpitsonwore 1 / 4 wad is tact evoqolng..amu4ll►l6ept In, miaow *tor., al of which flirt, offer, at very loiirstwe. 1 • LKATARR . lard graea,gides aa4 oniqtrY Vinci WM' is . 16 re r ul f°ll!* nn co. 11-411 W, wits IE4AA(.: P. Cat AT, 4 tAN't t co., • •• intopotale dash's is • ocrpos Dtti-itibtOtTly,inlier AKI., $7 Nortli Amt.( tz pl 4 Vrg Coebo; erouties, NEW GOODBI. . A large assortment of non Spring an d summer gouda have Juq been unpacked at the More of. Mohair', Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa., ■na are now offered to the people at the moot teaton able prides. Rape, Delain', ' Ilia 'dock comprimeg DRY GOODS OF /WRAY VARIRTY, , • ouch se MUBLINB, CALICOES,DRI.AINsII.Ii;• Marla, Gingham', Chocks, Csiiiiissers,"o" Also GROCERIES, ALL KINDS, l'ltO VISIONS, SUPERIOR BAIRD num Boots and .Bhoes,llats and Caps, Queen, ware, and In het everything smelly kepi in his Hoe. 13 22-ly 1 . 8 . AWL. P LEASANT t4AP AHEAD I to apkine, NEW GOODfi AND VERY LOW pßiegs, Every thing you want, Dry 111 , m1R, Greeeriex, Roots ano Hbnes, Ilata and Caps, Queenswara, Butter and Egg, and in feet everything usually kept in a wen stocked coantiry Stara, tin lo bought es cheap tr NOT C)! APER than anywheh else, of 1. 11. MOINTYRY., 13161 v Plea Pant (hp, Pa BOGGY k KIRK. w HOLES ALE 13110 a ER✓;, DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. 109 Arols St., Between Front aodßomii WV. L. " 6 ". i PHILADELPHIA. WK. T...1C1/tk ) Order' frotu the country promptly attended 10-28 B URNS & SMUCKER F►no, Sewing fiilki. WII OLEAA LI G 11. OeE It PRODUCE COMMISSION DIRRODANTr No. 805 Market Street, Philadelphia. J. MORRIS Bt .- Ras—of B. S. Janney, Jr A, Co •8 Baumann, Jr.--of S. Smirker, Jr. 8 ro pep lb{ 1865 —U. Monks anb ,Stationery B I n 4.. No. 9 Containing •ir plates, Psalm• in metres. Family Record, 'lilt back and alders, !to. 11 Containing tan plates, Apocry piss, concordance psalms, family record, bounded as no 9. ‘l,2f , NO 11 F. sow arranged with Photo graphs, 94,10 corns with, photographs and clasp, 31.01 No. 12 Containing 20 plates and lame as Nu 11. Salt Nn 13 Containing same as No IL plain gilt edges, $6,04 mime with clasp and pit *IAO No 22 Containing mime as, no II I' sue, 11, at , aims fine tpie , ,ecu fulrgitift, anti (Asap. 57,5 u The subscriber has also Bibles of abet ter quality and higher prices. They are all Harding' Bible,. lIINDINU WARit.4 N T E • and are far superior to those gnttenup for the purpose of being hawked about the roue try end sold at extortionary prices, 1.2-iIL _ _ L IVINOSTON'S BOOK STORE. The underaigned at the Now Noon in the North end of the Brokerhoff row, .41 the Soutbsaest Cornet of the Diamond, still kiwi)* un taittil his usoutl assortment TILICOLOUICAL, CLASSICAL, SUNDAN SCHOOL, MISCHLLANKOUS, and all the vitrjous School Nooks now In use BIBLES, arranged for faaolly photograph. also other Blblea in great variekr. torpor In price from 30 $3O. Phut-rigs/pl.. Albumt, Ilot.try Albums, (si new in ientivad Plank Books and Stationary', Legal Illank• Metallie Mc% do , lc. Ile is also th. Agent fur Centre County for Ow introdur tlon and sale of Parker d Watson's MBA era, Itanb's Spellers. Clark's ftranimari Brook's Aritlinnittra, dlontietle. ileogrs Mortiodale's History of the Unite.' States. and 'Wright's Orthography 12.31.—tt ÜBO. MIN OSTOIN PNDAY SCHOOL'. Tbo , wail knorra Agenoy, terttabli•be.l tt. I$ I,) for the sale of the bookn the A. H. Union and Tiact floclety,at theft oatalegue prices, ham this Beason been re plenlahed far Lore largly and In ({realer variety than any fhrmer period. Soperin tendente, and others roan..' wtll Sunday Sehoele will have a ; ery large sod well assorted stook to select from, CI IV St. Olter LlYlNtiffroN• 11 lan ing 03111. _FI+II.LEYONTXPLA KING} MILL The hadorolghod mono' prapar• od to thaoulaoturis and furnloh, •pil l ' eallun et their Pleining till in Itellei , eit. °entre eminty Shuttere, [RI Bratkwt. Scroll 'awing of all deeeriptioaq, Dad brach eta or all ekes awe pattern' made to order. BUC KUM'S PATKNI I.QJIR9a DRYS.Y. We boarekoodnooted OA the MITI .Ituek ky's Patout Lumber 'Dryer," whio•hby gore hooted ftnaynt witbaul, prn”urn, will tkenAno lindhalr In kuni TWA) ro FULA DAY: , 1 / 1 01114 tented thin 'Patent by' eetuel expel ' inept we are sure that . It In the bent wrewww of eiiiimeargiffiesbernnw to lOC 1, Alt ow? matt Will be manwiraoterai Tifonotrouty tizAsilmn) Orden. for d r Oj is i ;ti v eced the be tilted ex ttteatatithle prises. Phttiging cordalve. order. P Plt h 'lrolliptue , .. and to the,ottiohnotioo , b qr 1, POicran•wdmik sit tuitsons requlrinX kb *Wilms er hudsros tergirteng a tall Nacre contracting eliewhers. V A LONTINK, BLANCHARD 100. lielletonte. Dr, 21 hit I y 1 .1. B. AWL EIMM /r ~r