The Democratic Watchma.n. RHYMES FOR NAUGHTY LITTLE IMPEACHMENT.BOYS, Little /ion Butler, The eminent sutler, Tried to mix an impeachment pie ; When thought It all made, And the eonntry betrayed, La It apiaeed up "aii in hit eye.' Ben Wade had a little hope— Now don't know where to And It ; Bo he'll tetlLalona, And stay at home, And the people, we think, won't mind It. Thad and Ben, Two foolish men, Both went impeitehment after" But both toll down, And broke their crown, And now comes in the laughter ding the song Impeachment, Congress wants to rule! Andy In the White noose, Brants to be their tool ; Stevens on the war•patb, Shouting blood and thunder; Boatwell playing heavy• man, trying "ajnnd from under ;" Butte?, Ptak and teillous, Spitting out his ilium-- Up comes Andy Johnson, • And knookt him out of time. • —Exaltangq. K Issing The tolowing incident is said to have recently caused some anilisement in the Louden fashionable circle: A My at destination, the Marchioness dfFinsbury, lately spent more than an hour In a music store in Regent street, buying all the pieces of music with a sentimental title that she could end. When she had finished her . purchases and was already on the threshold of the door, oho paused a moment with a hesi tating air. The clerk, t who assiduously waited on et) good a customer, stepped formird and asked her if she wished for ln”hing else. The marchioness made ao effort to collect her thoughts. and turned back, tiling her beautiful eyes on the fain of the clerk, who blushed to the QM "I had quite forgotten one thing," said one, in in a voice that seemed treariflous. "I don't know what is .the matter with me to day. I came to ask you If--" She Made a short pause ne if to sum mon up her courage. Meanwhile Me clerk, polling pp hurts's', collar, leaned gracefully on the counter and bent for ward. "1 camp back," continued the mar chioner4, "to link you if you would bo kind enough to gave m ,c a Las before part mg?' "My lady !" exclaimed the astonished clerk. I desire that you give me a kiss before porting," repeated the marchioness, with deliberate air, fixing her eyes on the clerk, who seemed turned into stone. Withotit betraying the least emotion she repeated the request for the third time, saying; "If you cannot glad it to me to day I will call some other time." The clerk, intoxicated with joy at the request thought that the beautiful mar •hioness hal taken a suddna rime) , to him, dui not wait Nor any further entrea ties. but, springing uver the eopnteri threw his arms around the.waist of his fair cuetomer, Old impresned the asked for kin upon her "peek To his nurprine the sole response wee a blow in the face Prom the parasol of the marchioness, who began to shriek wildly, and did not 'ease until three policemen melted into the shop and took " the wondering clerk in custody. The affair was explained the next day in Court, where the magie trate at once net the unfortunate culprit at liberty on learning that "A h a us lie• /we, Parimy" was the name of a fashion: able song, the existence of which AM then wan wholly unknown to him. thitt.s.-- A Colhposition by a 1 cry botali /day— 1 don't tato girls. tlirle is rery different from what buys is (Atria don't play booke,y. 1 played hookey once and got. whipped, Liirlti sometimeaget whip ped but not no much as boya,t:heir clothes Ain't en welloutted for it, that is theyesi son, I suppose. I never nee no girls play base ball, but they say they du in Bos on, 1 was neNer iu iloaton. Thero is plenty of girls in Boston and big organs. Lunt year when 1 was yliutig the teacher made tee set with the girls because I was naughty. I cried. Big buys like girls better than little boys. I went on sleigh-ride one night with ley sister Nitn ey and Tom Sykes. )Ve wire &vie& to Hartford, And e hey wo got up by regg'S tartan. Tom asked rue to lea in the bot tom of the sleigh for his whip, and while I was looking he tired off a torpedo. I isksil him if he Lad any more torpedoes and be said no, but he fired off another when) wasn't looking. Itiris don't like to hare men kiss them. They always say "don't," If they wasn't fouls they would turn )heir heads the other way, but they ner, o • do shpt. I saw 'foie ,kiss Nancy "maw, s a lt I VV1 . 211 , raid iOlll, 41) fuother. nuipt.phy "other put 111 . e to bid. When 0 girl takes out her handkerchief iu the Street to wipe- her -mere • the. ypung men \ 4 4,0/11 1 0.4i.r liTteAkb,7 ettpoliff r infront of otic r f rolt,qtrit. always twee. 41 411 V VOnte It' 0191 stet• her. geN9fikal settietime:, but not &leap', Thom/ Clint trio; l . t t fit.] married don't want when they get married they hare it'odsling cake, I likewediting Nag. but 1 de not see key fun in gutting married , 1. esperriilly to a girl. , • Josh Billings on Tomatoes .` , hIS now about Bor eleven yearn Since folks beine to hanker after the tomato. About that time some doktor ov pills;dis se'kted one of itiejieiiiiiinrVegelitiee and diskovere4 some doktor stuff In 'em. AS soon as the folks found 'out they wee Ileiolf„beitun to be very invest antis tomater. At that time they were in the habit or growing in ply places, where they want afraid, over behind stone walla among broken jup, ded Ws, and old injin rob ber boots, for people wouldn't lot them. grow in gardens tinny more then they would a Kaneda Ili/sell. They were sagattond weeds, and even a good hogg wouldn't eat one or the ber reys that grows on them auuy quicker than he would a bawl of red 'Looking yarn. But it was deoided that there. wus eUla pills id• them, and they were put tew nulls in pots and vases, and lived on the phat ov the hand, in hot houses, along side or tiger lily. and roses of sharon. It took Most folks about 18 months of perseverance and sea-sickness to get the Comatose to go quietly down, and from a vile weed, more smelly than a deceased klam, the tomateries aktually got to be hornoratcd more than a buk-wheat slap Jack, or oven a punikin pi. This shown what love and offekehun will do. I hasn't ansy doubt that If Professor Ratabane would say. professionally, that. Wasp nests was good to make a moustash grow blaek,half the men ic7the kountry would get a wasp and go into nests bizsiness. 1 don't believe a taunter will keeß a man anny more healthy - eloiver but I am just like every One else, I want ed to get sum better than I Win, and I went to skool to the tomato, and have got learned how to eat them, if they are filled with salt and pepper, and soaked well in good eider vinegar. But tomatoes hare worked themselves up into a necessary,and i sin not the man to injure reputashuin, for I beleavo * an innocent humbug has as much right to win (if it kin) as enny other man. I have seen folks pick them oph from the vines iu the, garden, and cat them right down alive. I would as aeon un dertake io eata handful of putty There is one thing Ido hope, that no body will undertake ien prose kaster ilo one of the luxury. until after I am ded., for kaster ile and bed bugs is 2 things that I solinnly aware 1 won't have, if I get to be ever so fashionable. —There dwelt in Maine o Food Methodist brother who wan blessed with a' wife of fretful disposition. Being at camp meeting,they on one occasion knelt together in the tea prayer-meeting The husband felt called upon to pray 'Adolf tie-slid in it devout manner He was followed by his wife, who, among other things, said : "Thou knoaest, Lord, that I am some, what fretful nnd•aromm at home." but hi. fore idle could announce to the Lord an other etaternent, the lovihand eiclata ed: YAtilert ! truth Lord, ever!, word of tt " It L.ouhl be reTraling the Herein of do me...die life to disclose ay to the manner and spirit in which the conversation was reptilned find ended at the home-circle aukee riding on a railroad wan digitised to astonish the other paseeicigern with tough stories. At last he mention ed that one of his nelghbore owned an imuionito dairy, end made a million pounds ut cheese yearly. The iiiiinkee perceiving that his Tonicity wee in dan ger of being questioned appealed to friend : True, inn t it, "Ii - 1 bprnk of Desoou Ilro wn •tY-e• ti," replied the friend, •"fhut 13, I kllO. DOl,OOll lII*OI4 11, though I don't know as I ever heard precisely bow many pounds of butter and cheese ho makes year; but I know he hum t welve save mills that till go by buttermilk." Mews --An ill bread sick. baker. A poor uouk---Oue ileut itteado dough anAinotruciP , o at toe game _ Wortb. t 4 tun burn- itejectrhuniuOuni: catiunB Motto for a hungry loan - Dtiion for A hone of rontentioo--The jaw bone , - -Rectified spirits -liplrita or _refoymett drunicar.l.4 Happen and rniner• D • lro3r thoi gather raaphi map Plagiarient—Preaching "Lent" iterttiona. RA'lllEn Goon.—About as nest is an; - od er thing in the line ofmuns havo seen recently is the follou%in idol" will he appreciated 1)3 tonpuo poor wight .. Atratirr• Ilictsx,flif.el'i reoldlng wife, Loads tittelpoor fellow but • iefitj We, Rotation* hots one sold itfsi, winery *kb% Quoth Haunt, 'Ugh! you brute i you'go tight!" "My love," said be. •"(.1, oily I•hsiogie of ini uiraititiere, 4 A gust it,' c d outAilo, ,tii.,ii st•i lifkit,tiO Fire ?' 'rhe 440 p t I.4:berhstionding toeiltnnits is lints fiptAyi,ettitt '4l By on' tlecidive Tom paned hid Andy ICrite'4 elimlent To lig Iha h rlQal ^Wby to. suet hMte, Om. T(.ln, to wed 1 .hall nut ebonite my IOW." .he •'414. But thra," .11.14 ' • _ - AioNitirii Bitters. H4G FLAND'S GERMAN BIT THRB, AND 11013FLAZZDT atradAN TONIC. The , great Itemelen retell D Iseailes of the LIVER, STOMACH, OR 'DIGERTIVE " ORGAN& • • .. HOOFLAND'B GERMAN BITTERS To oomposed of the mire jokes (or, as.they are madiainally termed, Extracts) of &iota ) Herbs, and Barks, making a preparation, highly oonoenttated, and tmlirely from akokblia admixture of any hind. HOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with the purest quality of Smito Ora, Rem, Orange, 'A., roaring Coe of the most pleasant and agreeable rensiediee ever offered to the public. Thyme preferring a Medicine free from Aleohollo admixture, will use• GOOFLAND'iI GERMAN BITTERS. Those who have no objection to the oom btasitioO of the Bitters, ss stated, will use MOORLAND'S ONSMAN TONIC They are both equally good, and so otain the rams medicinal •irtues,the choice be, tween the two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonic being the most palatable. The stomach, from a variety of canoes, se Indigestion, Dyrpepsia. Nervous Debility, etc., is very apt to have its functions derang ed. The Liver, sympathising as closely sa it dee, with the Stomach, then becomes af fected, t • result of which to that the pa tient, suffers from 'savant or more of the fol lowing Mimeses Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of th o.temseh,N4ll9,ll, Saari-burn, Disgust km Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Htnetationa, Sinklnitar Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Reid, Hurried or Difficult lireathing, Flat tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation; when In a Lying Posture, Dim neds of Vjsion, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Doll Pain in th Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Byes, Pain in the Side, Heck. Chest, Limbo, eta., Swift! Flambe,' of Heart, Hunting in the Fleets, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Apirits. The sufferer from these disease' should exercise the greatest 'motion fa tb• selection of a remedy for his ease, purehasing alkly that which he is assured from his investiga tions and Inquiries' possess true merit, Is skilfully compounded, is free from injurious logrediente, and has established for itself reputation for the runs of these di . Jo this connection we would submit those well-known remedies-- 1700FLAND'S GER4I4Ir BITTERS, AND HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC PREPALIMDJIT DI. C. U. JACIIIIOII. PNILAD•II..PIIIA, r♦ Twenty two yeare since they ware first In troduced intO this oeuntry from Germany, during which time May have undoubtedly preformed more men, and benefited suffer= lug humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public. Thesereinedles will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chromic or Nervous Debility, Chronic Diarrhcea. Dis ease of the Kidneys, and all Dureases arising from a Disordered Liver, dtomach,or fatee tmuc. DZBILLTY Resulting trout any Cowie whatever: proetrettoe of the eystece, lei:laced by Serer* labor, heiashlps. Isposure,-ilevessollo. There ie no medicine extant equal to these remedial in inch ...uses. A tone and •igor is imparted to the whole system, the appetite is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the litemeebittgesta promptly, the bloo d Is puri fied, the ootsplexion beettent__ffietind and healthy, the yellow tinge is eradicated from the eyes a blooM is given to the cheeks, and the week and sorrow Invalid bassoon a stroug end healthy being. PEMSONS AL VANCND IN LIFE, And feeling the hand of time weighing hoes:. ily upon them, with all its attendant Ills, will find In the use of this A lliurre or the Tonic, as elixir that will ina(fl new life into their veins, rectum in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build tip their shreniten forms, and give health and happiness to their remaining years. hOTI' II It le e well-establl.bed feet that fully one half o f the tenals portion of our PoPalation ere seldom la the enjoyment of good health; or, to Ilse theii own expressloe, "never feel well." They ire languid devoid of all energy extremely nerroue, and have no appetite. To this elan of person■ the hitter., or the Toet - e, I. mperlplly recommen.led. WEAK AND DELICATE CAILDREN Are made steno` by lb• 11810 of either of these remedies. They will cureuvery cue of ruarcwmu•, without NU. Thousands of certtfloatm have accumula ted la the banes of the propriater, but spa's will allow of the publication of but a few. Those, 1s will be observed, are men of note and of such standing that Ow, louse be ho llered. IMSTMIONALS. 60. W. 11 (Thief Jostle* of the Supreme Court of Pa., writes • Philbdelpb ht. ! Lamb 1k11167 '1 And •Iloolland's German Bitters' is a good took useful! it diseases of tise digestive organs, is. Pd. of great batten iu oases of de b it y end' "widst"of nervorr !Lotion in the system. Tours. truly. ' Oro. WVODWAKV.” Holt. J Amyx Tuotiroomr, Judgq of the Supra's', Court ylvas it Philadelphia, April 98 1868.; .1 eeatader 'Booflandrm ()armies* Bitters valuable medial.* ix vase -of attiaks.- of indigealioa or Dyrepoli/f era certify this fretsmay emporium, Yours,w reepeot J 4141/ "TtiostvsoN." BiNal tn. Jeripb f. Menshrd, D. D. Pas tor of thq Tepth Bart,tet Chatch.PbUadel phi" CA LY/lON Muullau.ra Raperdies we counter glyd Sps (Am thp, plipatyt. of V. .1401010 N it en the *640.0'4 had' bottle AN other. , are coaiderleke. Principal Alas and lianalaatory at. dui 614rinan Store, No, 531 UCH 8111141, PhiladelpillsiTs. iglmisb i Praprint•a t TFornWcil G. N. 3,tpx.sOzi 1 co. ' Ploaoad normal' Bitters,per hurtle, $1 $ half dittotie, . SID gauftend'd'eletrese Toile, put ap ha quirt busgtorpL erA. Wl' doom ibt 7 to s air4l6;lior (urger to it, De well the "IWO ir.eU 4v,01. ar d or get the geletibee. F ' or, "pie I F. PDruglat, Ballef6ete: Acid by dlruiptl..t.. generally. Mewl, 211-186 ' .2mlitranct. LIARIaIf:RR LOOK ITO YOUR INTRA 118T8 I • - lame in the FARMER'S ,MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO., Qf Danville, Pa• Inrtporated 'eapit4i and Assete, M.y 4xtrerte from Report for yedr ending Jan I, 1868, Whele amount- insured : Amt. of Premium notes la f0rce..34R4,940 00 Amount of louse dmilag year..., 8,218 39 ABBErc3 OF COMPANY, Cash balance in' favor of Co., Jan. 1, 1868 12,136 32 Amt• of Premium notes ifi fore. 484,946 93 A vkilable Capital Advantagesofferod by thin Company:- It Inturee no town or village property w6tever. It 'mores no stores or steam property It insures et • I'M low rate in noose citleine. It bas made but owe sseeesnpult on the Premium Hotel of its members during Its sane years operations t thlt being $1 60 to the $l,OOO 'Meal &marines. P, JOHNSON, • XI , M. Secretary. Pr ea Nen t. C. RAIBARIIABT, Agent, P. 0. Address, Bellefonte, Pa. 13.20 Ott iOLUMBIA 1119.111tANCIt =EU CHARTER P ERP ET UA I.:: Capital & Astieta, 6046627.51 This Company continues to insure buil dings, Merehandles, and other property, against lees and damage by lire on the mu tual plan, either fora cash premium or pre velum note. • SEVENTH ANNUALS REPORT. Whole amount Ins. V 2 , 4 7 8 , 4 14 1 ,80 Lem awit expired 722,771.44,161,1t4,13415,40 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Am't of premium notes $685,12 .27 Less amount expired 71,964,04 614,160,24 Salaam of premium, Jan...l '66 6,609,05 Oash roe t, less commissions in '66 51,006,06 Loans 9,400,00 Die from agents and other 8,664,56 L(INTRA Loam and expenses paid in '66, 74023,40 Louisa adjusted, nut due Jan I '67 20,296,88 Ba!suet' sapt'l and as'tadan 1'67 600,427,90 MUTUAL NEW YORK LTPR rNsti- RANCH COMPANY. CAPI lAL $25,319,119 55 Cep?' Teeipta during the year $10,113,047 at. The Interest received was more than In excess of the claims Ly death. Dlel• deride to polioy holders thie year amounted to more than four glee* se much mu any other Lib Company In the Wort... J. B. BARNHART, Ages; 13 21 3m Bellefonte, Pa. ,for *alt. A VALUABLE MILL PROP FATY FOR SALE. Situated in Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa. The subscriber desirous of gulling the business, offers for axle one Souris& mill with two run of burs, the mill is strong aid la good order both, with from twenty to thirty acres of land and► unn• t Portable r ams dwelling house, the property lylag 2 Iles west of Philipsburg, Centre county, and within • few rods of turn pike roe . the Tyrone and Clearfield rail road rannig through the land and within a few reds pf the mill. also a conablerable lot of timber on head. Hemlock and Pine, it is nub a very desirable location fors woolen futosy, and ens is much needed in this sec tion lit the country. for further partieti• lire inquire of the subscriber being on the property, or address Philipaburg, 'Centre oiruaty, Pa. CHARLES M.CADWALLADER. 12-44-4 m • Rime. LIMN, COAL AND LUMBNR The best. WOOD. DUAL BURNT LIMI can be had at the Bellefonte Lime Eitel en the Pike leading to hillaeberg, at the lowest prices. We are the only parties in Central Nee's. who burn In PATENT FLAKE IC I LK. vitae!! pr s ods4s FIRST WIIITR-WAND A Al) g,14 . 6TE1t INu LIMY., oUereU to the trade, The bait. Hbaruokin and Wilkesbarrle Anthracite coal, all Rise, piepared expressly for fatally use also. MYRA BROOK FOUNDRY VOA. at lowest prices. Also a lot of first and sec ond quality. BOARDS, BROAD RAILS PLAIN, 811INtILIIS • - and plastering lath for sale Cheap. ,Offica lad yard. near Beath end of Bald fEsole Valley It. R. Depot. BHORTL 111068, & Co., 13-20 I y Ballelonte Ps. LIMEI LIMEII'LLSIEI I I Steak beast always ea hand sad for sale m the, lowest market price, at t.iwo ti N LIAILZ,,K.ILN 8! Oil the niiiroad•aear ledildosta. We have es tear of esocecelak eontradiction whet we City that, )I•Vii Bari Mille Tilt:VT ?P. Li is Nib item ••••• mad our kllnn its Ito -0141044 titet Ad ugh* OI.A.1" armed from; the Want limo be foto It hmOeittliii MN. Ith I • PURR i;Now-wnite - . LIMN! !' A 441 ralksi me 'firs ib i l I II lb* Ural Iritrut klaa ,Rks uip,{l4le vaani.• is ' I - th• asotera. partpf the e{ate. Oke'fatiliAiaiVot IVA kenbft, 11 111fi CAIN k11414}84 . ,; CiLlp44ll 049 Ow ANIN aluor . 4; zu trct 14 ; 1:44 Bel4iitoaktt Ps. IN,NT. A two ear, Mute Mari, lull loci tea For hoalsw, I. rent. A}" l7 to U. 8. DUBM,BBI. Phillpibn*g, P3‘. ittarbineo. Milli SINGER SEWING MA CHINE. -L Among Sewing Machines, thono wade by tbe'Blnger hfanufaotartng tompany, rank With the bight*. Their .toutittfantaliilB machines have long been known an theibeat for manufacturing purponen. But within the put few yearn, they have given special attention to the production of a March, 18 $9:123,706 op • „ FAMILY MACHINK lertined to wilt !much fiyur in the II 0U II II 0 I, I) The untehhle which they now offer, in quiet, rutrolog,sliapte,fast, nolsaleon. Iu accessories for . $497,083 2t HEMMING, BRAIDING, BINDING, QUILTINU, "TUCKING, CORDING, F 1 LLINti, BRAIDING, OATH ESING, are Simple and easily understood. Ita delicate, though ehdoring and tireless mus cles of Iron and kkeel, do all the work aolaeleoaly, better, and few will deny, FADIER ULAN HAND CAN DO IT. urge thou, wishing to purchase a ma chine, to examine-all the other tranulhotur ed before buying; an it will for itself ove,rootne all the objections to the other machine' that can be brought against It: Machine, on hand, for sale and exhibition, together with a full and complete amort moot of. 411. K, TWIST, Q/t_ COTTON Thread, and all the meesseries fur the ma chines. by W. W. MON7OOI4ISRY, Agent. 1.11 slam Furnishing uld Tailoring 'Estab lishment, Pest Office, Bellefonte, Pa. M E WIIANT TAILORING, ICSTABLISEMICNT, YO I, 11/10CAILHOWY ' el. RON/ The undersigned takes pleasure in inform ing 'be citizens of Centre county and the public generally, that he to hist opening a - A 94,850,10 SI'LE.VDID AlVI) fell'll ,f,44,7OR7'AICYT E== SEM Caasinu,n. 194L850 li Whils' he is prepared to wake to ordeg, in the latest and moat fashionable styles, fur men or bop. Goods sold by the puree or by. the yard- Ile also keeps on band a full line of diatTS tiVODE, a every ody7e sad aeseription. 3400,000 Ilet t. rho &gout f,r tin, etdebrated SIJAHNE SEW IN ti MACHINE 12.1 b. W W. MONTGOMERY TIIRMENDOUS AMOUNT OF LtATHKR I The undersigned hag jut received the moat ostensive lot of Leather, from the New York, Baltimore and Wilmington mar kets, ever brought to thin place, Consisting •f Spanish to)1« Upper, American .blip, French Kip, Baltimore Calf, OIL FINISH AND Bitueu MOROCCO • 141 D GLOVE MON,. %Chang Leather, . biniugs anilShoe andiags, • of ether, disortption, nil of witieh will be Nord cheaper than can be beaght at any oth er establishment In rsotsial Pennsylvania. He has siva Lhn finest and lamest STOCK OF CLOTHING is Bellefonte, which are at such prices that the pstrohereer 01 . 4 salt will save 'FROM PIVE TO TlL'i DOLLARB, by glvtag bum 14 ..411;, &boo a maga lumen t ASSORTAIENT oft cARPETINUti, that ran be pu-rbased as city prines,tagetbar with !has ♦ Caps, B•ots k Shoals, Trunks, Valls*. and a grand ma•rtaent •t mil ut welch no. r .d fur IL' 0411 ONLI ! 211 y FOUND 1111 OUT The people ut PHILIPSHUIta hays fused Out that C: N. MOORE, *elle the bed HATS • CAPS, 881KTS AND DRAWERS; 800 TS etii I) 8410 Ea. the ball t - PFURh (.400108./ 1 awl the beet' CLOTHINO, bvf all kiadt at lower llamtas than tlry, are aold at any place la lowa. L. 41. MOO ILE,. , 13-15-Ip. PHILIPSBURG. P rnd /` Vesting.), Ecatter, DRY GOODS RAIIAM 4USSMAN Clothing. the hest tbe, beet Punt Dace s bovitillar. Iteapero Si IlittivA. T lilr WOItLIFii , REAPER — AND MOWER.' Ica ei,usprotnibeab4 - ityrinwiliy will, al once arrest every mechanical eye. ' The frame is of solid Iron and le of alibi gle piece. The Journals, shafting eslid ~Jag art al 'secured into midi pubetentlat Manner and dan never change their relative positteiw: THE HEARINGS ARE ALL CUT OPT OF SOLID IRON, and run with tho precision of clock•wofll= thus obviating the self•draatraetlou commit to all harvesting machines -heretofore in• vented. • neat east iron sass imolai, the merle mid protects them frotsl dlft, water, grus, rust sod all other Maimed tenses ot de struction. Such gearing, In snob , •Irannk, and pro tected thaw , can alwaya-,. ! ra il ed on to do the work required and list In ordinary life time. • Many other advantagpim possessed In this machine will be sirellsod to' our Arms Catalogue, which wil l tappn ba to the hinds of all our-looal and lesorilbleiviots. We build only two *isms of the World's Reaper. difering only Jo' waybi, osposilor and coat. Die. I (large lilac) Gets 41.41 , lad 4111eller in grass, and 6 feet in grain, and as Kammer costs $3O O , No a mower viat reaper eiemisleed 4250, as a mower and eilf-rake *Mehemet trfb. No. I cute is gems, 4 feet, and in rode a little les. them 6 feet ; costa WS a d $215. Int are BMiltdinit Of bliethigicst cheap est machine •is the market. Itesete but one•fourrh more than a rough ma chine and will last four times as long I 54. BAI.I, f 00., Canton, 0. ISAAC HAUPT, riellefonte, agent for Carats", and Clearfield, Cowed's.— sub agents wanted. We will have 2 Keep ers, eirethibitionia front of the Court House during Court week..ana witk side delivery, where they can be seen wadi harvest. 12-10. 1) EAPF:RS, RAKES, SEPERA JIA, ToRS, AND DRILLS, For gale by .1. P. ZIMMERMAN, Rosh's Areas, llslleroute, P• OHIO U,ARVESTER. lu view of the feet that many farmers were disappointed In getting reapers hurt season, it would be to their interest to order an Ohio Harvester early. It, undoubtedly is ono of the leading inee In the market, as was proven last season, by tho great de. resod for Ord', *bleb' was not more thee half supplied. It la s combined ?dower and. Reaper, and car/ be had with Dropper and Platform, or both. now. RAKE Pratt's Patent Horse Rakes, of ableb thousands lair. been eotd7 and given ens. venial iitistaeties, •ten b. .old by J. P. Zimmerman, agt. )41EILS. The Celebrated Willeughlry peten Gum Spring Orman Drill will aim Woad bg et. P. Zimmerman. 81PERATORS Farmers, leek to your Interests The well known 'elf regulaidrus Grata kleperator, Gei ser's Patent, will also be ter sale by J. P. Zimmerman It will thresh and lees she grain perfectly clean, ready for market, by (1110 operation, For particulars, oddness J. P, ZIMMERMAN, Ballston to, Ps,. 33m H UBBARD MOWER AND BRIJ RA KING REAM. This celebrated machine Is now offered to the far me tf Centre coesty, tt Is a side delivery maehine, will drew The grain in a neat sheaf or swath, and will do it as wall as it can be done by hand. It rues very light. one ma. and Ana pair of horses can cut one acre per hour. It is warrantee is every partieuler. It hole taken the Orrt grimmiant for six successive years at the Oh to State heir, Om prannions awarded last year.) It Wok the grand*Gold Medal at the great Ns, Ifteld trial hali at _II. ajEara, •li.jsr lock. 'B6 Farmers a first class bar venter will do well to examine is kepis pen dia/ilex any other mashie.. It will be on exhibition at Dellefelene is heat of the Court noun during doe April °part. D. LEYDEN. 13-13-Am Agent, T HE JURBY ' T MOWS! IT MAPS f IT HAKES! Farmers look to your interests --bus & KIRBY COMBINIL MOWSIt 4 , RULPEII with msl molt rake —v or) mach improved-- Thom who theady hare the Kirby liwaper, and want extras for tit. cogking harvest wino piano hand In tlaeir order, at ones SIIMITLTDAIie & 'CO , Agests. EEII3 Sbrbosio. mat College's, WILLIAMSPOItT commARrIAL TELIWRANIIC Dull obettered unit sedtborived jcv Air Lug- lalatana lio grant Diploma , ' to Dr gmailluatsa This laNitstiom, but, repootly Otarisd, Imil woleeesedral lii mama by • wur• Liberal pit- tottaga'tht.a that giblet btu. )..«o accords& nay .14 . fr Ceasiereial Collog•ia p.m osastegb, AD VANTAUMS illeouiy, *WA, 'egad dasi4etes tinpvrt , ne4 ,clf i*4 *ckfon. It u pixiciik maikatbis firm All pniffiti of , ainreling, Amer; Otips l ony drafty.? tsstiautioA: P.r Tertiis; Lt4t, r . '11:m ctraiti!latal Sioaptue Ajbe loony sibefilk al Nike* Rink; ,4 1111 ht Cho t (taco, or addripso J. F. DAVIS,' WII I i mat opert P. EEO Cali