the Democratic Watchnian. BELLEFONTE, PA. ' FiIiMAYMORNINCI, IMO 11, Mee OUR TERMS Tre D . NIoCRATIC WAIOEIWAN le published army Friday morning by P. Glair Vieux, at le Oil per annum, if peed atriegly is adrauce. $1 $0 when not paid in advance, and $3 00 if no►paid before the expiration of the year. Papers will not be sent out of the County unless yak far to *pussies, -Mid all mai sabsoriptions • will Invariably be discontinued at the isxpiratiott of the time fur which they anriiiiii..Z.llaidaa-pspft WA* alsool!tipsi anti) all arrearage 11 paid, except at the op tion of the publisher. ALL - ADVSATISSAIENTS for a lase term than thews months TWItNTYiIiTI3 per Una for the Ant three insertions, did ire rents a tins for each additional inse?- lien- Special notions ons.half additional. All resoltillone of Associations; COIIIMOhiCII - of limited or indi • ideal interest, and notions of marriages and lathe exceeding figra : linsta,lata, cents per line• ilditoripl_ no : tiles f(jteen cowls per line. - 2 1/I^All advertising due alter lint inser tion. And where there is no contract made, end the number's( insett4ons is not marked an, ib advertisements al the time they are beaded la for publication, they will, be con tinned in until ordered out. A Lfbeial disecrunt is wade to persona advertising by the quarter, half year, or jeer, as follows: months. 6 months. I year. Owl square- [l3 L] $ 450 $ 6 00 $lO 00 Two squarer . 600 900 15 00 91Inarter column - 10 00 19 00 25 00 Balreolunin =- 18 00 25 00 45 00 One autumn - - 30 90 45 00 80 00 JOB-PRINTING, of every kiwi, done with neatness and dispatch. 111 WATCII aux Orrrca has just been refitted with • Power Press and new type, and everything in the Printing : Jinn can be executed in the roost artistic manner \end at the lowest rates. —TRAUB CASA. As- An letters should M addressed to • P. 'GRAY WIRY., Bellefonte, Po.. dig uoro ►I OE WONDER OF THE AGE ilroOry body,astoniihact l at the pineneetan4 cheapness or the artieise told at the whole sale WIN R tl.:• * D LIQUOR STORE OtlllllllOP 01 4 t10.11T, lIIILLITOPITI PA JACOB B. RIME The proprietor of ibis establishment take pleasure In informing, the public that be keep ibilitiNtlrou band . supply of eleeie• foreign end domestic ligners, such as \ ,Old Nectar, Old Rye, Mon noftgaia, and friah Wh isky ; Cognac, Blackberry, Cherry, Gertger, awl common Il ‘ a ndies , Pert, Madeela , Cherry, and /,18/ en Wines; Scotch, and Holland Hen e flew Newland Rum,• Jamaua Rum, cordials l'ener mint, .ttnniteca and Rose ALL CASK'S --W*RIM-Nrgi).7o-CON TAJAY TilS ALOUZIT LARKED. The attention of prsoticiog phySeiaris celled to hie stock of PURE LIQUORS-, suitable for ['Medical purpoeite. Bottles Jags and Denikions conetantly on Mend- ba has the ONLY PURE NECTAR W IIISICE) in Town Ali liquors were I,onght linenll9l2ol . l wen low, and be malls them aerrordingly. All :ignore are warranted to give sail', imams. Conlident that he ran please reiterant. lie respectfully solicits inhale of public patronage. Liquor, will be sold by the quart, bane' or tierce. If. has a large lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS of toe Guest grade' on hand ping WINKS & LIQUORS I Ye that would preserve your health, save your money and live happy and - con tented, ahoeld purchase your liquor at the wbolecalv WINE ANP LIQI''OR STORE on the corner of Allegheny and litsimp. in the basement of the "Oyu House." AliaAtAM BAUM & . co Notwithistandine the enormous tones nn. po l led upon all articles in hie lie. of buil. asts,he still tuatinues to sell the purest arti cles', at the very lowest tiguret. }Crory ins cription of, FORERUN DOMMTIc LIQUORS, wholeitale and retail, at the lowoit cash prices. which 1170 warranted to ha the beet qualities according to thine reepeallf, Prices. liie etbok congers In palS. of OLD RYE, MONONGAHELA, MINH, WHEAT, CORN, INEOYAMI end others whiskies, at Cron. sent* So $t pergallon. Also, ALL KINDS OE DRANDIBB. from t o $B,OO par gallon. 51011 sad p„,, from 75 cto., to $7,50 per gallop MILT, M \ 11) ER I I, CIIIYARY , BLACK tilltAßY and otlnit wines—the best artlelel—nt as reasonable rates as eon Us had In the city. . CHAMPAGNE, ULACKIIIHERY, OINGER, AND CARAWAY MMANDIES, rum. JAMACA AND NEW ENGLAND BUM COZDIMAII , OW ALL KINDS, all o whieh wAI be warranted to he se rep reeifated. aniLeoldi at prilettortraWiedingly low. MI the ligeore 11101MIAMIT oak et , Elte tabliebinent have en purchased at the United Statile , Ouit.iii• Row!. aml eonss iitteettLatest - he pitman ,good. ' , pbydicijuut and others are rasped folly Mg 111), tea tyrl,e kji till ucori , Ali 114711141 Ue has the oink: , • PUKE POlit; 1211,1i*JUfCE '2'91412 8-12 A u ; "Iptpti. r . 4t yee t aler la! WlNge, 46041110, Li Kite .4 1111.81“ ea, No. 121444elliMilil 'l4 4444 . f 12-1. Ournsitir& frbontito, 1311RNsIDE it THOMAS. Qifer to the P►bllo one of the I►rgm.l avid beet helmeted Stooks or rotrain dist!. in Calf(' county, Call, examine and see for yourself Largoit and Itert.l4teck of warra ed Boots and Shoes, warranted to rive satirfaction, •t reamed pricer, only found at BURNSIDN d THOMAS'. SPICER of all varieties, ground to order ■nd warranted to be strietly pure. ft is the Only place you can find unadultera ted spices. Try them for your owe calls faenroiro—lbia-anwnrirthed-anne we- • • BURNBIDfi & TROIKAS'. H ANDSAWS. knives, spoons, sadism ills, shovels, spades, takes, how, lamps, forks, chains, ao., at BURNSIDE a THOMAS'. H ORSE COLLARS, if you don't wept your horp's shoulders galled and made fora, get good bona collars, at . BORNSIDR a TllO/lA:'. AItNESS, collars, cart whips, carriage whip., in great varieties, govern ment gears, sadtlies, bridles, martingale , cheek lines, tart gears. tug harness, buggy harness, Eames, ac. Krerything le the sad: 41,4 line, at BLIIINBIDA • THOMAS FISHING TAcKLICE4, rods lines. hooka, tea, sea hair basket, be. Rig you out to catch trout. at BURNSIDE • TUOMAS'. FINE DEOCERIE,M, mocha code., old gor. jive, best quality Rio qpfreo, beet °lung black teas, green Vas, it/Tenets syrup, gulden syrup, Drips tine article be king inTaeses , mirm* end misr - jrtabi t Fa Thi grocery hoe et the lowest cask, prices 'in the 'Dirket IttlltliSlDlC A THOMAS', Is the p,oce. IT IS known to all in Bellefonte and through the - county if you want • good article go to u,,,tus a TwomAs --t L EATHER of all inscriptions, french calf akin, span ish sole leather, more zoo's sheep skins, linings Foreryttting in ttie leather line warranted to give satisfaction. at s DURNSIDE A THOMAS'. SII6R-11dA KICKS TOOLS and Gn.linv, in all their varietted, at 13011.1 , 181D1C a TIIOIWAS% SA DD BUCK LES, books, luta, spoti, rings. f'• .rything s saddler wants for tho Inanular • , e of harness. to be found ISt - ItIiTITIZ 1 TIICIWAY. -2 B ARK KTS in all their varietlea, etiildrene earritges, willow ware, guns, pistols, powder. 'hot, ram cartridges, sr.. at BURNSIDE it TIIOMAS', TOIs of ell kio.le, et IttIfcSSIDIS TH,IMAS N ENV PATT/MNS of it at fc (Weed prices, int BURNSIDE 4 THOM kE MEI NU, lONS of al kinds; Stu gloves Ilandkerehitifa totniki, pocket hooks In en their variety and very BURNSIDE a THOMAh. 1 ,, It kEY PRANS I, raigenp, pearibes pieP, oranges, lemonii, •II liiodi o foreign from., !isms, bacon , BIIRBIDIC TnomAmi. CA \ Et) FP'. ITS, peagheit, tomatoes, pine appien, slid peal In great 'fini al), t ISURSIDS a THOMAS'. I) A WI'S 80AP, Wm. Hagan end Koons, 1..) • alit• 111.111.. Dobbins' aorip, Joss. Oak - Ivy's 1/011V., Castile, puts. Palm snap, F:lderlintelo auap, and a giest variety of oth er •••ape. AL BURNSIDE k THOMAS' T . 1.. highest market pries pald for ell kinds el rountey produce, et BU RNSIDB a THOM AB'. 4,116.41.ti0r., Whitioalp's uelel,rated oppeoh.te, Beker'i chooolate, Bto Itb's chocolate, ,• Claina,li Inger. Ensilah Pickles, AineriNin Pick:et. at.' I MANSON a 711011114 W rt 'Tv; rtmit, Herring, low: 4 en:1, tr.. ak THOMAS'. Ey' ..fausicat'lnottiiinento R D R '9, •- • ‘iv is HiOE:E: HILLEFONTE •A 40H/1C HAVEN PA: 1:171. Laker tni gmerson 141,110nbat Organs Milodeona, 1 Bmitb Organ■ Always on hand Any Instruments wade in the United' States ono be fur nished on short ne tics. Circulars andprice , lists 1101114 &N OD Sp. !Aleutian. RYI4IDER'B . 1411.114 C STOBB, _ SELLSFONTS ,A-NO LOOK _ILASiN 12-14 mUHICAL • INsritumENTs B. M. GREENE baa opened his music store, one door west of W. Lewis' Book Store where he keeps constantly on hand STEIN ! WAY ASONS' and GARBLE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS. MA SON A HAMLIN' SCAEINET ORGANS and CARHAEtT, NEEDHAM A CO'S MELODEONS ; Guitars, Violins, Files, noes ; finical. and Violin Strings. MUSIC. BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower. Golden Censor, Golden Trio, ke,,ic. SHEET MUSIC—lie I. constantly receiv ing from Pelladelphja all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishirig can l ati order, an are sent them by mail, at P.Oil:Giber , priees.- . -- - i pa-pi os and Organ Warranted for Eve years. Those wishing to bay any of the above artielmi are invited to call 'end examine mine before Aprehiming elsewhere. My prices are the same as in New York and Philadel phia. Circulate of Instruments sent prompt ly upon application with arty additional information desired. B. M. G ItIEE:N, Hill .street, Huntingdon, Pu. One door nest ut Lewis's book store 6'.4,.'6.5 -tf anb Col[pro 4r) AV I r.LIA NI SPOR'r CO M2ll IIAL C 01, LEG 1 TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE lw •bartered and nutborizeil by the Leg an)ature to grant Vipiotnas to Its graduates nix fnuditatio”. b, reeently Ptarted, leap welootnea at its outset by a wore liberal pat ronage than that which ha. been eccorled any otherCeiumerrial College in the country A D V A NTAG ES lieauty, and Itusimuks import once of RR location Ale readily accessibble from ail pothole 0/ Railroad. Boarding, cheakr than at any other similar Institution For Teiina, Specimens of Ilusinaira and Ornamental Penmanship, Samples of the name, 'lndia the Cel/ege Bank. call at the Aims, or &dams J. F. DAVIS, 12-31 Williamsport Pa N ir T ANY VALLSY INSTITUTE A school for young-ladies and gen tiamen.—This TOM illMittliio/7 of kerning will open its Ono session; et Jackson•ific Centre demay, on the 23rd of April, r i f r tit the Fri ttf Prof . D. M. ult. ety facility wlll be afforded tcyc ecqntrieg a knowledge of the English, Moth% Soientiticoied 01easical Dranibes. A normal class will be opened for the ben, of thosalirepiminig to teaels, I I Special attention will also be'sireiti to the subject of mi"both yodel end inetrumin, rrprd. For tattier pattleulara, ptease ad BsErcAs*. 4‘4 1 '.401. 3-15.3i* . P. 0., Ciritre Co., Pa. Ng* York Column, Piaaoc, Plano', j COSTAR'S PREPARATIQNS EVEYYBODV—tries them ! BVISRYBODY- 7 -ures tbDtu EVERVIIGDY--believes in tbetn ' EVERYBODY— recommend■ them' - )trtrYou tfiiiibTel by 14, Witt toacr knts 7 "Costar's" Exterminator". "Only infallible remedy known free From Poison" Not dengcroue to the hu- Man family Rats come oat of their holes to die. Improved to keep in any climate. . , Are you annoyed with bud•nuga ? aleep ;lights ' 'Coaled" Bed-Bud Exterminator. A liquid "Destroy,. and preventa lied- Bugs " Norer,faila For Moths in tura, 1V oolene,Cerpets de 'Costar's" Infect Powder — ThilitriTfilinsliiiiTlTTailF in - TWIT - El seas on Plants, Flowers, Animals Cc. A pure thing "Chouttande can testa.; tte.,..tar'e" CUM Solvent. Corns Bunion, Warle; 4f.n. Try it oyffer with Pain' A Wondertal powlr of Healing Ewer Ism tly nhuuld keep it in the 601.1.... Min=ffl are imtnediatit ft,r ()Alto, Burns, WoundA, Sure Jireastg, Ulcer*, Old Soren, It h, Scrofula, mar Cutaneous Eruption*, Chapped Bantle, Sips, ke., Bite, Acomaln, dc. A Univermif Dinner Pill" (lunar coated) 30 : Tempt adrutaistereci is N Phytieistn . # Practwe. Custar:N" Bisbop Pais. Of enyaorilinary eilleucy for Co tiVenella intligeetion, Nervouti and Sick Head ache. Dyspepsia, Dypentery iltneral Debility, Liver Complaints, Chills Fe revs, t eti,. Nut griping. tientle, and soothing, That Cofigh will kill you. won't oeg lest it. "Costar's" Cough Remedy. The children cry fur it-1 c• 1 Noothing Syrup, For Combs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthwa, Flrupchial Affection. Singer.. Speakers and all troubled with Throat Complaints, will find this a kteneflctal Pectoral Remedy. • ileantifics the Comp/salon; 'giving to the skin it transparent freshness, Costar's" Bilt s er•Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Render the akin dear, amoOth'iiti:l silt. Removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, dc. Lai lies, try a bottle, sad nen its wonderful quslity. pr . ! ! Bowline!! ut sll Worthless lutttatiou Ault - Nouti tionuitto without "COATA2I3" Signature. W - Pc. and 50c. sites kept by ell druggiete Air:sl SUMS Nara by snail un receipt of price AB - $2 pays for any_ three $1 sizes by Ex ss pay, fur eigbl. $1 riser by lixpremi. Address ignitY . ItiOONTAR, , •-" tro4dtiiy,"lt. Y, 111Is..Vor Bale by P. P. ORNEN, lalefopße, Pa. 041 1 y(hoipsalo Dru&glate in .11a3111+506Atr And ID all large Chia,. ItallAteabo. pIiILADELPIIIA AND, BRILL It WINTER TIME TABLE Through and diremt 'route becneen Phil adelphia, Baltimore, llarrisbargi WUUama port, aad the GREET OIL REOION or PENN'A ELEGANT BLEEPING CARS On all night Trains On and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th 1862, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Erie nail naiad will run as follows: WEISTWAILD. Nail Train leaves Philadelphia 11 16 p. " '• " Loek Haven... 926 a. m " err. at Erie - 9 00 p.. " " " Look Havei... 10 15 p. arr. at Erie 9 40 a. re Klink, Mall I Philadelphia 8 00 a. " " " Look Haven... 745 p. arr, at Lock Raven 746 p. In EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Brie 10 25 a. m " " Look Haven:- 10 15 gm • " arr. at Philidelph/a.. 865 a. m Ht.!. &peels I Erie......... 4 26 p. re " Lock Haven 2 41, w. in " " arr. at Phi1a...... 100 p. m Maar' Mail I Look Haven T 10 a. m J . & R. LEATHERS, MOUNT BAGtE, PE,NZVA, haring leased for twenty years the BEST SAND 1:ANION PENN'A e... on , prepared to ruftrosit THE HEW g,iI:ALITY OW SAND, silkier for ,iigine, gills, or building !myn a/U. h They have a eplendid washing-machine and ran famish for making irtiut, THE PUREST WHITE '8 A N 13, tug from every impurity. Either quality o Will be . shipped on the tare from MOUNT E A U L E ANY RAIL-HOAD TOWN IN TILT; STATE ,Oa - TRttets REAB () NA 13 R—fi t io 13.5.1 y Maker!, Confectionaries. N EW BAKERY ttvr aeONF . E I C 4 , ti Tlo.\ At;i i . Inform the citizens of Bellefonte and vi cinity, that hie new and extensive, BAKERY et- CONFECTIONARY, are now nompletely finished. and that he la prepared to furntshedevery day, Fresh Bread, Cakes of all kinds. Pies tVe e, Clarlifef, bykoP, Nuts, Fruits, and anything and everything belonging to the busmen'. Having halt years of superisnots in the business. Ile flatters himself that he can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage, 11-12-Iy\ J. 11. sANDs. SELLERS 41. YOLW ELL, CONFECTIONERS . AND FRUITERS, ISt" MI NO/1111 TIIIRI) Smits?, PHILADELPHIA 9:14r 0n DE ItB prqmpily attended go.-Sk 13 8.3 m. iianking. IVIILLIKEN, HOOVER,( CO, CENTRE COUNTY BANKING eo., ItErEIVE DEPOSITS &C And Allow Interest I , IscoUNT NOTES BUY AND snr, GOVERN M F:NT :p,:cb:itlytEs, C 101.1./ 11NLI COUPONS 111011 a 111140.'h 1:11.1401f1P, I'lo3o44>ra. J P. 8R VOIRT. 13 5 . 1 7 . Cash ler .. „ ,55abbterp. SADIA,KitnY dr, IIAitNES§ The subeerlber !nitrate Mont the public generally that be ham reopened hie MARYES3 v k SAOI,kR r manufactory, where those to need mu M accommodated with anything to hie Alan, on the lowest berme. Thome in need if' 1:40y gears. . Bridles Horse einem Roast**, , ~ ; Tramilt,'Vtavelliag or anything of the Wad. shook' NI re WE a call bole' rani* tli• a4la, 2.4 dvor okiturt. Illehluatteit. en Bri ng. JRIIHY TOLAN. C l 13 /3 atm g)ani. THEIR SANE) - -TO OMB =MS =M Ili* ant( :Mgr _Butt" • MRS. Ring. • Rine , To re ILinpr • Mega stnre gray Rings Jllage hair to theoffg- May. - Ring. Mal color. Eradl- Wow. tate DandrutT and /Imp,' Binge& from the bunion, /fitly. Ri,gas BS7 A LP , Ridge and meant Rings Mar BALD- Ring. Rings nec, , 'Mils • Ring. Rings R Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia la the Miracle of the age! (ray headed People hare their locks roe. tored by it to the dark, luotroos, Jake. Orrr_ ore of youth and are.happy Young People,' w fth 'tight larded or red ar, hare dived unfast tenable et.4or e a b im p r e,d to. beautiful suborn, and'rejoiel. Peoplo whose heads ara 'towered with Dandruff and Humor's, nee itj and bare clean chats and eltaeand healttey 'sealpe! Dad- liended Veteran. have their rest:tabl ing feeke tiglhietied,Mil the iamb spots nor_ eyedwith a !sandlot growth of Hair, and danhe for joy! Young Gentetnen nee it because it is rich ly perfumed ! _ Young Ladles use it breeders it keep. their Hair its pima! Rvarybody meet and nal an It, becituj o 4is 'kik ita• artier - ern the mar ket! Call foriting's Vegetable Ambrosia, and fnr - yerur min pleasure aniti-eorefort do not be put off with anything else "maid to be moat ail good." Beware of counterfeits ! And injuriou. imitations which flood the country. For Sale by Drugsrhys general .y• Pair■ $l.OO per Born.e. B. M. TUIIOB A CO., Proprietors, Petertioro, N. 11. Germantown, Columbia Co , N. Y. . li. M. Timis A Co. Gent..---My hair and whiskers were at limit one half pay when peas induced to try "Ring's Vege table Ambrosia, and after using it three seeks, my hair and whiskers were restored to their natural color ; it also eradicator all dandruff from the scalp, end I consider it, unequalled as a hair &tiring, keeping the hair soft and silky and does not color the skin or stain clothing. It will do all You claim for it. W. TOMPKINS. Demo, Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row, New York Wholesale Aglints. For sale by NleGirk Cleaver, Phi.ipsburg ; F. P! Green, Belle fonts. F. B. Wilson, Bellefonte. and by Druggists generally. 12-48-17 G REDRUG STORE. No. 3, llrokerhoff's Row,— ftiltNoo. The undersigned respectfully announces that ha has removed his well known DRUG A CHEMICAL STORE to the new room (No. 3) under Brukerbors hotel, which he hes fitted up for that pur. poseand haying largely increased hl. ' stock 4 mow prepared to furnish his suitionlers with pure DRUGS, CH 61 ICA LS, • PATRIfT - MEDICINIIB. - PURR WINER A LIQUORS or la edicirtii use, DYE STUFFS, with al most *Tory - article to be found in ■n es tablishment of this kind, such as Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcohol, Linseed 011, Olass,Paiuts, Peaty, Sponges. Also the largest and best collection or PERFUAIEUr AND roILAIT .SOAPS ever brought to this place. Tobacco and cigars of the moot approval Iranda, eon stantly on hand. He would call the atten tion of the public to his stock of notions, consisting of Hair. Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Pr hl Brushee, Cutlery, Pipes, Drunkmg Cup., Chem. and Backgammon boards, Chess _Yen _ Also, a large variety of roTh iont,wiLDER.V. Particular attention given to preparing PR YRICIA?iiS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES. Having had more than twelve years ex perience in the business, he feels coniSdent he Len render , atigisettun to all who favor him with their patronage. FRANK J'. Druggist, Feb. V. 1866-tl. Room. Nu. 6 Brok. Row MARRIAGE GUIDE. " Another edition just published, be ing the 311th of the Pocket eßcelspins. Or every one tile own Doctor, including a Cm ' toe on diseases of - females, irregularities c with sstiondred engravings,•esplaning those diseases df both ems. By William Young, M. b. Every one may conduct any case of se cret disease, self above or Glom. dietressing dummied incidental to you th,,Nyissh nod or ehl age, without resorting to the queirksof the present day. Let no Dien contemplating marriage be anopii, hour without reading this wunderfol 4 book, as • discloses stupor. Sant secrets, which should I known to them particularly. Let the weak and bashful youth who bee ruined tile ronetitotion by the debasing habit of aeltabusellread thee book, It will be sent to all parts of 011 United States and Cumulus for So cools. Bend for Pocket Asculaptus, 12 2d ly De. WIC YOUSNI, No WI Spruce St Ph■de Illatocellaneou si. VALUABLE KRAL EST AZEIIN'r PRI VATE 8A I,h - -The Hu Lowrilrer af ters at private Yana nluata in 11 ,1 *- ard Tow nattip, eisatie Cuutity, cuntain mg IC 111 II y-p;tx A• 44.4 N 6 • "(good valley land. a terse {Veit Finfehed ihme, G !(are Wagon :Vied and (Iq,,a Uriio, pool nem, With 101 the pecemeiety l uatimild,lngs ter the 16 100 eenvenitaan of 1 teialate.l farm, r thrifty young • 011.1:11A1t1) OF (1101Cli FRU IT • pod •priman oer Woo. 'Amr th• huu•• • ti MIST MILL, 40 by 00 ;4,t W M 1,1., 20 by 60 on the above trout., nosuownly, known IN "Iloward *ills." The itri.t will brim three hen Of atones with & Owl rutwiry isurtool. The paw thin f. in rood runnlnn order and • stock 01 lo•• In 1110 cristu, 0 good two story 1w510., won a gn.,d .table stud the 4 ' 110 . 0,1 v) outbitd.lings 7110 wilder 'bower Of dire u•dlii to 0014 10 1,0 ti le 1,0 0 1 in the ralleY, sand within rixt,l,,or enveuty rod. of Oa Loek l(aven owl Ty ma. 11,11 Road, 'Galena one Mite AMY* and1•01oW the ital. O.—A trout of lend within ono half htib 01 the wills ...earthling, 18 ACItEIo, AND 802dii PIiRCHIKS, will timbered av4l good tillable land. A tio i -47 ACHES timber land militate in 119ggfirveTmornrhip: 411 the above peolMitlY lbw, and an thilimputable title giriedm,U e'Llolaruhl • 17 SIMI JAu M.: I.KA'11181(8. El El