The Democratic Watchman. Specilel lotioep Cop's Cotton BAr.sam,-The great popular rettedy for coughs, cold, croup, wboopieg cough and consumptiod. lloth ekes—ordi nary 4 oz. also mammoth family bet flee— for- sale by sll druggists and dealers In med icines. No family should be overnight with out it In the house. . ' ' BroIORII or YOUTII.—A gentleman who suflered from Nervous Debility, premature decayt and all the effeiks of youthful ind willf or the sake of suffering hutnan • dy, send free to all wh need it. tit o receipt and directions for malting the simple re. m edy by gbich he was..uured. Su ff erers w lab eg to profit by the adverdisers experience, rnn dose by etWessliik, inperfoot con fidence, JOUR D. (XIDEX, 12 4,2 Os -der St N. Y , 20-Iy. relieve sad permanently cure thii most ag. graveled case Of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Constipation, and all e . of the stomach and tamale. Physicians, ,clergymen and all who use it, join in unboun ded praise of Re great virtues.. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Price SI,OO. MAUMO,II BOTTLES . ONLY 75 CENTII,-- Eugenie hair restorer the cheapest and hest. The Begcoio Hair Restorer eclipses .41 k n own disco:orlon for tho rnp'dity with which d restores gray and faded hair la its natural color—pretautes its rapid and h ea lthy growth, provenie and stops it when fulling off, [llll , l is 11 moat luxuriant Arming far the flair, rendering it soft, silky and lustrous,, Mammoth liotkies only 75 cents. Soil he itte,k.all Druggists. I'AP , vii BICAT.--11C,Allefe I'IIOIIIAG 14111111 erlirtn, Are a Medical preparation in ihr of a Loamge, and are an io er ,_ allr enngillrred the moat plemmn, rfjrclunl nib emit erttent remedy in 1114 q for Moir,- 0,0w1ea,('0141., Croup, Cwarrh, Mo. Atit•, //opt/germ, and all Pii/inotiary Ttley aro warranted, La gave .porker and 1111111) lasting beneat in the above srections than any other reino4y to °awn no deleterious ingredient, end nut to offend the weakest and most sensetive demach. Price 25 ciente a box Blades' Con dautional Pills, Ara to called, because of their peculiar direct and cicieni effect upon the ..Liver - Sthumeti, Mood and Nervous her in ac tivity ot the Liver, fur the Stomach in derangement, or Dyapeitsin they will delight the patient with their in ild And henelirtal enact, especially if from long rontinecd indigestion onil chaitiveneas, they are tett with periodical returns of the skek headache lu cane el u server° c old, pro. a wl Fn.r, you roe break it very soon by using the Nita 00 per &tree ons with each box For sale by aft Drug- Soar. JoIIN 11. BLADES & Co., Pro ..prietoro, Elmira, N. V. 12.-43 ly ITC ItATeti Senkrptil Scsarcit !' ' —ln from 10 to 48 hours Wheat ,mi's Ointment cured the Itch. Wheaton'a tint moot puree Salt Ithentn, Wheaton's Cfratteiht eaTeT -- Tatter. Wheaton's- °int :isrettt- ewes- Barbara! iteh-. Nheattrel °lnt meet Cure* Old Flores Wheaton's Oulu wont curet 1.1„} efiy kindof humor like Magic. Price 50 cents a hos ,hy mail, (to onto. Address WE Kliti d l'O'f thlll, N. 110 R ashington Street, Ruston Blase. Fur Pale by all Druggists. l --J'-1y• Dad rfitflft. 1111116 mm and Catarrh, treat ea with the utinont succeed, by Dr J Isaacs Inoiculint aria Aurint, l formerly ~1 Leyden, 1101 land.) No. BUS Arch street, Philadel lam. Testimonials from the moat 'reliable d"urccs in the country can be seen at his Alice. The merit, al faculty are invited to iv:company their patientn_ate he halt Di. me meld in his practice A 0111 gal eye% inser ted without pain. No charged made for ex ruination. , 12-4aa-ly To C , O !IN I PTI KS. --The Eev Edward A Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the direc tins for making and using the tiltnple rein edy by which he was cured ut a lung affec tion and that dread disease Consumption. Ifin only object PI toberiefit the afflicted tintl he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, aa it will cost them nothing and man prove a blessing. Please ad dress REV EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg, New York. 12-20 aroma vrio•.— Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless (tamale° a receipe for the removal of Pimples,Elotches, Erin. hunk, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addressing THOS. F CHAPMAN Citxmisr, 823 Broadway, New York. 12-20-Iy. „furniture. E. H. AfeCLINTIC, LEWISTOWN, PA , /las now on hand a large assortment of elegant and well made Furniture. AS LC W I A SA)111.1i10ES. Walnut Parlor Sults ; Walnut and other Chamber Sults ; Eileaelon and other Tables ; Dining Cane and other Chairs ; Together- with angenersi assortment of .A 59 14 l'lmitture, Mattress...l Sprin t , Beds,ko Metalic and Collins constantly on hand Lb`Ware-I oon)s in Went Market 'Street ewistown l2-45-81a F URNIT CUE WARE ROOM. Howard street, Bellefonte, Pa. WE'RE& .BUREAUS, SOFAS, L 0 UNG HAT RACKS, WHAT NOTS, EXTENSION TA IL ES, STAND'S, CHAIRS, STOOLS. A o ., of every deseription, quint, arfa priors, for eels deeper than at any other eetabluihment of the kind In Central PeoasYlvaula. 8-20 HENRY P. HARRIS. WITTFELD,. Manufacturer and Dealer iu ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE, Ware•rooms No. 04, 66, and 68, North Ace? and Street, PHILADELPIIIA ED N Elir 'COFFIN SHOP The people of Centre Hall and ~vlelnlty, are very respeotfully Informed that the nn• .erslgned has opened a shop at Centre Hall, when ba *IU be prepared at all dram to accommodate all those who may favor him with a mill. 1 4-18-31. JACOB RIPKA. C r IBOB4E S. AYRR REAL UTATE ACIENT, UPPIAVU.LIII, LOODOII VLLLDT, Tigej:Edo 1 43 3i 01los at libiefori's go* 55tobeo anb Ein.-Avare. STOVE & „HOLLOW WARE 41. TORE. F liE GA L. & GANOE, PHILIPSBURG', CENTRE COltliTY, PA !danufaoturera of TIN, COPPEIjit SIIEEr IRON WARE and whojateale and ret4ll dealers in. STOVES, ISATgitS, 11OLLOW-WAR.E take pleasure in kaput:toeing to the pabilto thatthey will keep constantly on 'bend, one of the largest assortments of good tin their line ever brought to this section , of the State. They nowtave the celebrated, IRON SIDES 'COOK STOVE, the largest oven cook stove M the market ; hacall cite tfdvantages that can be put, on a stove ; ?Ergo seven, high under the ash pit and at the erne time a deep ash pit, also a large , never fails In its opera- foi cola' or wood' They have also the Continental, Lehigh; Farmer, Daylight, Spear's Anti-bust, Niagara, Charm, Herald.. &a., with every variety of the hest Piltp t iurrs Manu facture, PARLOR A, lIHATRINO STOVES , of ovary description, quality and price. TIN, COPPER, 'SIIERT-IRON WOOD. EN, AND WILLOW WARE, Wholesale or Retail, manotactured - neatly and with the sole view to eery tee, (rum the beet nuiterfal to the market,. PLOWS, PLOW POINTS ,f• COPPEtt, IMAM AND IRON . KETTLES, • or every dencription constantly on hand. 1.10 !ITN 'NO RODS, SUPERIOR POINTS put up on short notice 11-5 ly ORDERS F'Olt SPOUTING, ler)(11'INf;, And other work belonging to their bnainess will ho promptly Oiled - by experieneed and al:4llrd workmen. 11,11AAW,CUPPEk AND ()Lb .1/EaVA /. Taken in oxehange for good+. ' VI - Special Inducements are offered to Merchants, who wish to purchase at whote • 12-45-1 y /0 ItEAD AND pitobyr Al I 8 U A II I.: A 11 TILL CIIEAPEST STOVES MOST SUBSTANTIAL TIN.WARE to Lo had at WETZLER & TWID,IIItE't; Tho proprietoro, dotermined not to ho out don, by anyone Jn Oink lino of hu•inea blue opened up at _ PEN'N'A ”nn of the rnemt, complete, end l'ileattent, szovE,TIN-WAICE EAT,k)thISIINIENTS In Central Pennaylvanta. 'They have on hand, end acting' agent., bar all of the latest llstrnvert; erne-en of every PARLOR HTOVEF. BED ROOM STOVES, COOK STOVIM BEATF.RS OF EVETIY PATTRUN TIN-WARE, COPPIN2 WARE, S H EET 1110 N-W A RE, 'MARS-WARE, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION ROOFING AND SPOUTING, and all hinds of %fork done on / the nhortest notie, find Guaranteed to give nut olfaction k; THEM A CA r.r,.-ertm ^l3-S-ly T, lIIIi.IBI 11 11 • Whoirsule end rrtni dealer in s T OVES AND TIN WARE Allegheny St , Bellefonte Pa., would inv da the attention of (he public to bit elegant stock of goods, just received for the fall and winter tratle, embracing PARLOR AND COOK STOVES Tin and sheet iron ware, japanned, ware, sheet iron ware, tamped ware, Seamliiis tin ware, Enameled, tinned and plain hollow ware,and everything to be found in a first class tin ware manufactory. Also toilet Peat, roffeemlllis,enal hods, hammered pans, (round and oral), dripprog plans, brass and copper kettles, spoons, knifes and forks, arid a full assortment of house (tarnish inggoods. generally. Special attention in dirsetedtu the MORNING OLORYPART,OR STOVES, which we have of all rises. Thsy are self-feeders and crevrestu al bui ners. They are unequaled for beauty, neatness, durability and saving of fuel. The. WELINOTON AND ROYAL COOK. Oriental and Ornamental Cook etoves with improvements of 1867, are unequalled by any cook stove in the market, for tarp flues, heavy castings, high ovens and strong draftsonid are the most durable in all respects, and are warranted perfect bait- AII kinds of Stove Trimmings constantly on band, at low figures. ROOFING AND SPOUTING promptly attended to, and special ittention paid to Rapelr.rig Storm!, and Jobbing gen erally, Call and see our assortment- before purctrining elaewheae, tut we ire prepared to offer great inducements. 12-49 t --.N. RIM 1816411. AMERICAN TFIA C O MPANY. AMICRICAN'TEA CMPANY. Kinslue k Bros. Agent., Kinsloe A Bros.. agents. Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa Allegheny street, Bellefonte, PR Having accepted the agencyeef the Atueri• can Tea Company, for Centre county, we can ffe4l•ll kinds of Tea from ?b to 1,60 per rent, lower than other dealer., and war rant it to give entire satisfaction. If it dune nut. returtrThe Tea, and get your money \ back. Read the prices. • 'Rawl the prices. Ouloni ..... per pound: Oulon $1.26 per pound. Young diyaon „ 0.25 per pallid. Imperial 6 per pound. Japan... 61.26 per pound. • nglish Breakfast—, ...... 41,26 per pound. file trade supplted. The trade supplied. • Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad dress KINSLOIC BROS- PRINTERS, BOOKBULLBRS A BTA TIONBRB, and also spots for the celebrated (MOVER di BAKER SEWING MACHINE the beet In the market. The obesput 20:k: and Statham Is Bellefonte. 12-43 BUILDERS LOOK HERE 1 _____ \ and added largely to its facilities for turn iug out Mit class wort, are now prepared to furnish FLOORING, BLINDS, and manufactured lumber of =in All manner of work. such an Scroll Saw ing, Mou lirucket4, dtc., made after • any Connected with the mill, and in operation at all timee„te one of the I . attiet improved which leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy tate, Imitate In "preserving it, and in fact adds to Its lasting qualities, while oth or methods of drying deteriorates, art ran. dein it more liable Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, it is dried perfectly and when work ed and put up, will not 4.1 ni I n¢. the appearance of °rooted out of Green Material. tige know tb►tour f.otlitios give us sups ur sdrantages over other PLANINO MILLS IN THIS SECTION and we feel Ltprfectly free to asytog, tbat al Eno. A SUP • l3ltlu6 QUALITY We will furnish &Dyads& in upr Itn4 front ii.tuurpuiel,tus 04 at such prices, as cannot but prove to be an Inducement to All orders psosaptly filled and a, fair share of "public patronage, respectfully so- Ileited. MOORE r WOLZE, feitmessor at H. 44114 12-46-1 y xnaintaG, PA. Waning AUL The subeoriber having loaned the MIL6BITRII PLANING MILLS, DOORS, BASH, BUILDING, 13 It A C kt TS, scHoLL'WORK EVER Y DESCICIPTIOA of tho .OWEBT CA8)1 PRICES DESIRED PATT Elt N , 14- the stierteet peetrible notice, COKE 11111'11 , 1t; KILNS, TO DECAY AND WASTE RH HIV IL AND SIIR4NR, WORK WILL BR OUARANTRRD, to be of WHOLE IiOUBV, THOSE DESIRING TO BUILD 13ooto Sz. *bor.. THE.B.ELLEFONTE 1300'" AND ,SHOE STOR E GRAIrAM & SAN Manfaeturers )f, and Dealers in OTRTR TRKNCH CATAT,ASD CONORSMS BOOTS Having added largely to our former stock we (um assure the community, tliet we have now the beet selection in Cen ,, Intl Penneylvania, of Ladies Buttoned, Front Lace, Side Tare, And (Rawness Boots, Manufactured from the heat English lasting - JrkeinLMClAl4 - ;4t.,./1414.0 of the late't style • MOROCCO BOOTS, with and without heels. And a full assort ment of MISSES AND 'CIIILDRENS SHOES. Also a largo lot of those cheap shoes, each AR we road about, and of . which we aro sel ling off SMITTERS, CIIHAP lilt THAN THE CH HAPMST. /011-We invite en examinsti(in of onr•goode .12-, 28-Iy. 1300 T .1 SHOE MitilraPPCTORY.— The itinlar,igned roppectfully inforin the citizen, "f Bellefonte and vicinity, shot he bite establiiiheti a fire. Cl/On ROOT AND t31,10E MANUFACTORY, next door to Trusters store, up the north 'remit side or the tlininontl, where he will be pleased et all times to wait upon' euatomere. ffs being no I.;X:'EIZIENCED WORKMAN, cuatoiners ran rant samired that no [mina will be I.parn , l it) render rompleta aniirfac tlon. fitihtlellloll, tadlea, Waxen and yenth can be oreonmoolado) with the heat Molar, Shorn, , manufactured, fn. In the bee, stooh, and in the Intent Her:airing of all kinds pt outptly attended to. -IS YETi•lt 31cMA HON. N ii:w tio (yr SIIOIO ESTAI3L ISIIMENT. Having rensovell to the room on A ling. any street formerly iierupied by Triple's tin ier shop, subscriber very politely invitee his old friends and the public generally, to give him a call, feeling confident that ho can fit - any in nooTti, stios,s OR GAITERS Haring bay 'race of experience as fore man, in tide of the best manufacturing mast,- liniments in-' tbii- *etintry, he feels safe to giving a guaranis* for all work dons_ ItHPAIR ENG OF ALL KINDS done on the shortest notice . , and on the most reasnhable terms J 2-2 . - JOHN POWERS KIFDOOTS, of the best kind, end of hie own manufacture, warranted, and at the lowest prices for rale at, - 12-t CALF SKIN LJOOTS, or his own man. Mature, .wurrnnted to be the beet in malice for mile at 17-1 IdeMA 4114001m5, Ea(Wing. STILL IN TILE FIELD. • To my old friends and customer", and to as many nee mice, .1' may desire to 1,0 rig glhl out, IN WNLI. FITTING. SUBSTANTIALV AND FASHIONABLY made suits of clothe S, from any kind of materia they c noose. • f ..wee4tl say that, I am dill in th e field, and prepared to aceotru modate. I bast. a ,lsrgtet,entl e=rell rot as sertment of NG GOODS. Alm), CLOTHS, .‘SSI:11 Elt ES, & VF:ST I NOS, From which garments grill be made to order in the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE All I ask is to call and exonino my fine stock. And as I have Jll4l bought my goods during the hat prror. 1 drily competition ae to prices durability end fashion, thin aide of Cumberland Valley Remember the playa W V Nit CLELLAN No. 4 Brokerhollrs Row, Allegany street Bellefonte, Ps._ ern also 'went fur the superlOr and cheap WILCOX .t. HIDES SEWINU MACHINE which should he seen by all desiring ma chine. 11-1 U m ERCIINNT TAILORING, NSTA 131,1811 M ENT, nn 7, AR OCK Y 1101 V r It OW The undersigned wises pleasure in inform. trig 'he citizens of Centre i•opnty and the public generally, dint he ie Just opening • SPLKNniD AND ft!ell As Son TM rNT I= cloths. IMl=l Which he as prepared to make to order In the latest and most lashlonnble styles, for min or boys. Goods sold by, the ptece or by the yard. Re also Acer o s hand a Int line of ONNTEI trITRNIAIIINO 000DS, of every 'Vie, old deseriptiott4 Ile is alvo agent ftw the eelebr SINGItIt AIACIIIN4 12 18. VV, W. MONTOOMMRY. GENTLION.U.N.-1 urn tumid' you with all Olio* tto Qualm!? City Wbito SWIG sod oballougo auj trailio to produce equal. W. W. MONTGOMERY. - • J. MILES KBPIUMART, Into ZONES,. OPTSRAMIT, inntox A. Ou Wholesale I Retail dealers to RATS, GAOL tfITRAW 4100D8 I BURS Ific OH, Mark*, At, nit& El= G , item b I ippen, Veeting illattrinau Rxeo. ARDWA RP: I ITARIVARF NO. 6, BROKKII.IIOFF'S' ROW.! J. At .1. HARRIS-I.nm rt,OE 0 sor. The subscribers vrculA rimpectfully %form the community that they have opened a complete .4iTOOK OF HARDWARE. . comprising all „varieties of goods in that line ellich they WILL SELL At 'IRE LOWEST PRICES! Their stock consists o: ,Il sorts of building hardware; table it lid pocket cutlery, earpenterle, inamon'e, plasteroeo ind lilaelloquitles Lou,.s and mate hum, ntwes, and horee-Aloo • mile, r" taoklio, 1 , 081578, CHAINS, HIIOVELS, AXES, " . "•—wittlftelPetsl4-14+4,- Housekeefmeb goods, -saddlery, earring(' • trim wilily, etc., etc., with all sorts-and sizes of COAL ()IL LAMP'S, , and the different parts thereof, togethee with !template rseortment of the hest PILS, VARNISTIES, They hiype, BY STRICT ATTENTION TO BUSINESS and it ennstant earn for tin ACCOMMOD A TTON CE CUSTOMERS to merit and roOeivo SHARE OE TUE PUBLIC PATRONAGE. BuiLmlll4 - ANU TiTTIVIItg will.ftiol it to their zulvautage to tall alld EXAMINE TfIE-II( NTOCK J & .1. IL% ItTUS, No. 5, Brukerhoird 14, !iellefonte. Pn . Feb. 16, 1886-Iy. I:=1 H OLM ES ,f- IC'SINOTON, , m•PeurfuT mita or gurrnio:, REFINED ,AST STEEL AXES. mum. Bills, Polo, Bole and rocking axes, and llroad Hatchets of various tinhorns, tnanufactured from tho bot. relined cast stool. ALSO,\ Grub Mee, itraltocki, Rail Road and Mi ner's Picks. • With an advantageous location and awe zior facilities for manufactorlng, wp ran sup ply the trade with o Suprrior Are, at an reagonable n price as can be had anywhere in tbe country. We nee nothing but the very bent of material, and employ none but the best end most-experienced workmen.-- Our Axes are all warranted. "Orders nolieited 1101.311441 d F.VINCITON 113 36 4y. Mlleeburg l Ceutre C. . Mt, F: 1V IVGUN SHOP! CIIA RLF,S T FODOR E URCIINE7R Would respectfully intern' sportsmen and the public generally, drat he has opened a MON OLIN 81101'.1.11 80/111 . 14 ARCADE ON /WM 117.SEL1.IFOYTC1'A., where be will keep minstantly on hand, and make to order Double (lons, (Shot, and Italie and ehot,) .Itiatolv Rig Cylinder kiting (Elx.4:ibootert+) Target - and hanting. Rifles, lihigle• Shot eine, Revolver and. other Pistols, Metallic Cartridges, and Atannition, thed andin feet every thing generally Itept in a FIRST CLASS G 1.1 N SHOP REP A I RING will be toe neatly and on short notice "Orderi by mail will recoils prompt alien- Shop In Bush's MOO, two doors Wept of login entrance, up stairs 12, 211 ly. iirtuin & Miloon 11111 E INVLL STORE—is now receiving a large and well assorted stock of hardware stoves, twang, hum shoes,rathhe ry, glass, paint sheet, Dar, and hoop Iron— aim, buggy Intl wagon stock of every des cription—, all and supply you red Y es, at the lowett 11", I T IItWIN h WILSON. I,IIN E TABLE Ll UT LERY including pla r ted lufkx, rpuuns, etc., etc., at IRWIN ,t, WILSON'S lIE F1,,,,,,vA11,, it every oem ription at re dived pewee, now being opened eNery day at II lb IRWIN di WILSONS. - - WSin LES, beet tuake.,from 4th up to I litiiilbov ith or without wheels at 11-n IRWIN A WILSON'S. A M ei wry variety and kind at IRWIN A WILSON'S. ORSE SIMES, best rankest IRVIN A WILSON'S COAL OIL snit Benzine, at • IRWIN I WILSON'S. A MMI N ITION--CartrAgem, and other ammunition Fit IRWIN W S9N'S. • N A I LS, all sizes and kirds, at • IRWIN A WILSON'S G 1 A 85, all i•tzen Find et IRWIN A WILSON'S• LVARPENTER TOOLS, of emery dosenp -1,/ tom at IRWIN & WILSON'S. SADDLERY, to snit the trade. at IRWIN if; WILSO CIARRIAGE and LIDOOY In.ltr, all amen nae.l Are- IRWIN AVILSON . S. HAND BELLS and Donr Bella, all aisee and kinds, at IRWIN A. WILSON'S. IARRIAOE, BUOGY. SULKSY ■nd lJ e•eat erringd, all sues at lItWIN d ,Wil ! SpN's P A INTS A OILS of allk Inds ut IRWIN WILSON'S yirAt (1N 11111111 S, epokes 11111 i folloos barge mild u wall,at IRWIN & WILSON'S. SCHIA'S and Ripple of every variety and kind al IRWIN t WILSON%S. 11 - 1 - 00 It LOCKS ~1 all kinde,to suit every hodv. at IRWIN WILSON'S. PUMPS Ci.ternn and Wells, with tub ing of nil lengths ,at IRWIN a WILSON'S FrOtIMMINOS FOR eOFFINt3--ii !arta aesorituent, at IRWIN & wrLso.N.s. OIL CLOTH, Rugs owl Mat,e, st IRW IN a WILSON'S ANVILS aryl Vices for sale at If WIN & WILSON'S. - - Lk:All PIPE, all slues, at • 4 WILSON'S. TiOOKET CUTL ERY, all wakes a nd IRWI]IZk wiLBold's. i lAST, BRIAR, rPRIPIO and BUSTER ,/ steel at IRWIN & WILSON'S. HORS& MOB NAILS, different atm at IftWPI ♦ WILSON'S. W/A47OODIW WARP :. great variety, at ;14% , - Ilotcts ,st . 55atoono i , HOTEL DAN% CiARMAN, Prop'r This long establisbPd sad w$ /ows , it'd tel, situated On . the southest corner of t a Diamond, oppesitirthe °putt Witter, linwhir been purchased by.the undersigmed ho an nounces to the former patrons of this estab iishment, and to the traveling publio .gener- Ily, that he has thoroughly refitted his °use, and Is prepare , ' to render the mod satisfaotinty accommodation to all 'rho mar . favor him wlth,Citffir patronage. No pains , will be spayed on his part to add to the coo venlence ot edmfori. hi Ids gnat's. All wh \' atop, with him will Ilnd his I Ms Tatiitiraiitludaatly supplied with tim I most sumptous farm tbk market will afford, dine op in style, by the meet experienced 1 cooks. MI BAR Will alifilmtuntain the 4 . 110iC ea Liquurn. • F5l A 111.1N14 i ~ !ist in Lawn and will al vr ay etirtTeliliereTuTSVEreinlOrritre" .- uttettionlivo bustlers. I Give bins a calf, one and all, orwb ha fools confident that all rill bs satisfied with their 1 accommodation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this eatablishnient„ which. stranger. (runs abroad will rind ,groatly to their advantage. 8-22 • . MOSHANON podsE. p l um , BURG, vs, This _Wag entahlitaltal mod. well UAW !total, having been purchased by the tinder signed, he announces to' the former patrons of the establishment and to the plibiks gen erally, that he Intends refitting It thorough ly, and is prepared to render the most midis* factory accommodations tb all who may fit. "lir him with their patteliuge. All who stop with him will flea - his table abundant' sup- - plied with the but fare the market will sailor& Iffs Bur 11111 always contain the choicest of 14ryuors. His stabling is the best in town. =I Oise him R call ore and all, end he feels confident that all will he patisfiellerith their accommodation. Stage 4 run Or and from ,the house. ',TOIIN P.OR AY. . /1 - .3 0 . Pr oprietor G.HORGN VEC , EATING HOUSE d, YIEORR SALOOk. On lligh street, at the west end of the bridge, Dellefonte, Pa. This excellent establiih &lent it now open, and good anealk eau belted at all hours. RAMA Reef, illaa,(warm sit abld,):Chieken, 'Turkey, Tripe,Pialtles, Oys ters, Soule, Eggs; - I.loKesAllakes, Crackers, 140, 0 , Oranges Lemons, tic , comprise _bill etfare., _lCA_alegant „ YSTliii $A LOON! Is time .n the first floor, and the moat deli cious tee creaM .served to 000tmacti. As beverages be ho bait beet of coffee, tea, syrups and lager beer call and see him. - 11-23 -. M ONTOUR. HOUSE, LOCK HAVEN, IRA A. CHUILCII, Proprittor 'this elegant hotel, formerly known as the "Wastungton House," on Water street, Is now ready for Mc reception of visitors and boarders. it has been elegantly turn Mid. and Its table is always supplied with the best. Visitors So Look Haven will fad this the plesSaatest place in, the city. A free Huss eon veye the guests of the house to and from the verities trains. 11-36 EA(;LE HOTEL, 227 NORTH TIIIRIDATREET, BETIVitIII RAC". ♦NA Vlll6, PH IL ADELHPIA. R. U. GUMMING k C. O...KELLER, 12--22 Prop're earn Iptanters. IMPORTANT! FARMERS LOOK To YOUR INTEREST! SAVE hIONEY WHEN YOU CAN I CORN I CORN ! "CORN ! CORN I The G reatest Improvements of the Doy! • ' FLI:4AL & 43ANON'ti: tireet labor saving• an 1 most perfect and GM .CORN PLANTER, an entire new medalist jsist patented. With this plantar, Mopes-sou can do as snueh work es two on the old plan. Bares Cons and plenti much wore accurately. . inr'Cart be regulated aecording to yon de:stria - Vet Agents are employed to distribute and cell the Machine. l'uttiessono, l'a., keb.l3, 18611.13-84 f ianht~EltCC. - - LI,I•1170 NTH PTA NING MILL. the undersigned &P/110./ praiser .' to inunefestutU said Itirniati, appli cation at their Plaining In Bollghatta, :2eatro efienty Shutters, czm srsoittats, Scroll etwlng of oil deetellptionta and brack et* of all aloes' and patterns tootle to order. .11ucKL9ra P 'MCAT 141111111111 t DRYER We bawl aoti ear, 4,4 with the NUJ 'Meek.. ley'• Poke& lotetbor Dryer," which by sum. booted Ilaamwtthoetysesnry wgl,oason lumber le tram TWO TO FOUR bAill liavlns. tested Jab Plitintll actual 9xperi meat Ws are Alpe that'it, ie the beat •ptlx+ms of seasosing lumbar 116 W in woe. All out work wli ba.knanafaetarad 111 OROUOHtY'SBASOWED LUMBAR: 'Order, for drying turobor °livered at the mill will be tilled atreasonable prices. t Pledging oarselves to 411 ail orders with, pAnniptnest ,104 te the satisfaction of our patrons we t i ll person* tnquirtilg work in 'ottilide of eis to glee as * l °lll "refers oceittinetig Idellebbre. • VALENTINA B•44.ITOHHAZD 4QO, bettrifontop Ass Al 141 Call mod 800 Fluorin*, Sub, MEM AfoOdrage, at eke