Ml= The Democratic Watchman. TISRMS.--$3 per year when paid in ad. hence $2;50 when not paid In advance, and j sB,oo when not paid betore the expiration WO', year. V UOilleoii tatio William J, Realist", ATTORNEY AT LAW—Bellefonte. l'a H• H. BOTFIROCK, WINTIST,—Office in Bush's Arcade, Room No. 4, second door. 12-25-6 m. S. DURBIN GRAY, . 41123.1..A1,..1.4 IV, Baden tr, P. Office to ith J. D. SIPUGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tramlines office Bertlefontil, Pa. 7-18. J. H. DOBINS, H. D., PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON—office Bishop ,treet, Bellefonte, Pa. 13-1 A. 0. IPUIROT, ATTORYBY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa., Mee, on She, North-west oorper of the Dlemood. 7-16 "PAINTER dr. HEAVER, ATTORNSTB, AT LAW, Allegany street northof the Dlansond, Bellefonte, Pa 7-11 S. NORMAN 111. HOOVER. tTTORNEY AT - LAW, Bellefonte, Pa Office above Burnsldes Store. 11-24. OAV IS dr ALEXANDER.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bellefonte Pa. Office an the parlora of the Conrad Home 7-16. -JOHN r. JIITCIIELL, ATTOILS I.:Y AT LAW, Dellefonle, Pa. Offlceln the" Watchman" °ghee. 12-1 HARRY Y. SUTLER. ATTORN KY AT LAW, District Attorney?. Officio, Bellefonte, Ps. May be consulted in English or (lemma. , W. 11. LARIMEU ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pc, Oflicerrith the Dlrtrlot Attorney in the Court 'louse. 9-42 T. P. lIITEPHENIS, ATTORN E'i AT LAW, Bellefonte, P•. Office on II 4 r street in the room formerly e os otnopied a. Pt Mee 11-7 11 fi NTONE. LICHNSE'I f ONE% Italle(onte Pa. Fourth COJI below the Presbyterian church, on street. - 12-43 DR. D: D. TIPPLE, 11034 EOPATII I C ruYsterix h ETfR OEON. oEllee 2nd Loot of Conrad If 4uee, Call promptly attend 1 ed 13 D. L_ DEEK, PLAIN AND OILNAWNNTALPAINIER , Mellefunte, Pa. Work of all ktaida done on abort notice, and ,in manner al to guarani** eatisf►otaon. 13-1 P. GRAIt MEEK'S JOB r RINTING OFFICE, Allegany tt., Bellefonte, Pa. Rotary Dimeription of Plain and Fancy printing, done in the neateat wanner, and at pricer' below city EMU A. MIBLEK, M. D. PfIYSICIAS R SUROBON; Offers his pro lemons.. ermines to the "eittsens of Belle fonte and Tick:ay. Oates over lierkl user's Confeetloneey Store. Bush's Ar cads, Ifigh*.treet, Bellefonte, P.. 11-23 G. M. HALL, M. D. AIYSIcIAN /. BURGEON, Haying per maneatly located at Mr!sebum, offers hie professional 'tame to the cameos of that place and vicinity, I I 22 _ - WLIJ4 11 A. WALLACE, ATTOUNEY AT LAW Will visit Belle hate, professionally when specially re rained - in conneetioa with zesiienf. coon eel, Clearfield Pa. 7-111 DR. N. I'. BURKWIRT, lICLECTIC PITYFICIAN d MIKOKON, Front Sem:, Philipsburg Pa. Particular attent)on Paid to all I:lnds of female diseases. Office hours froth Aa. m. to 12 m., and from 2 to ti p. in. J. 11. WINGATE, D D S DIINTIY)T, office on the corner. of Spring and fltehop struts, Bellefonte, Pa. At borne, earept perhaps the first two weeks of each month. Teeth extracted without pain 7-11 r - - - - - .Wlll_44ON & BUTCHINON, ATTURNtIAti AT LAW, Badletonto, Pa., Coleetions,jind all other legal business in Centre RA the adjoining Counties, promptly attended to. Office I n Blanch ard's Limn building, Allegheny street .11-3 H DU. J. B. lit PHYRICIAN A SURGEON, Bellefonte, Pa., Will ached to professional calls as heretofore, be respectfelly offers Ras ser vices .t 6 hie friends and the public. Of glee at the Brockerhoff House. 1- . 16 DR.- 4111i—ATTIE, .L. SURGEON. Bellefonte, Offers his profeesional eervwe• to the eitiaerii of Bellefonte uul vicinity. Office seeond duor below tbe WATUIWAI MECO. 10-12 C. T. PIRYBANIAtiIEiI IVAOLESA LE ANI IiNTA L , DEALERS TOBACCO AND CIOA lia—A leo an assortment of pipes, cigar' rase" he , con• 'faintly on hand. room of the Canna nouns, opposite the DrockeThool helm', Bellefonte Pa. 12-45 • w. I. It CO. - DANK of lisebente and !Cuter diseoutated. Uolleetiene amide and pro. seeds prum . ptly remitted. Interert aid an Speuisl 49441itti. Ezetisnse the Isatpenati ttertently on band for rail, Deposit* received. WILLIAM' BiltOWN. _ Liciparszu Allo2loliNgit, Bellefonte ekki attend te 4I 411611/1 entrusted to bias with,marr 104 fillaiicy. Having had eighteen yeah +orris/tee m Lela buslnees, tae -nature Ibitusell dust beNar geuer• al satistsat4asi. • - , WIINAIID•A UO't 10111111.11., Pomo Valll' wiles tibrell-4104Wi•liftAlioutro JrDd Kettrprihimild 'tol W hale rd'lbir but. atm t !anyone Inflow Co4tic,it, aid Mir Immo it •ary realwo.l4'v 'Woo tr•VipsolCi..r blip r•-•I short of The Hiltio psinmage, ed 0n471, WI; Oak, Co., Pa -13-641■: • ißrg Gooto $4 - Oroterfro. CAST YOUR EYETJILS-WAY ? I duly any merchant in Bellefonte to offer A DETTER,A LARGER, AND CHEAPER ASSORTMENT OF GO IS ' EVERY DESCRIPTION ... TAN AN 1 HAVE NOW - UNPACKED AND READY FOR SALE. I hare the beet and ebespeet article,' in - LADIES' DRESS GOODS Ttntryttnarete4e•- • GROCERY TANK lbw/a the best and cheapest SELECTION OF CARPETS I have the Isegest end beat assorttnet of READY :4ADII CLOTHING. T have the largest and best as well ea the cheap eat 'took of eterything In piy line In Bellefonte. ONLY COME AND BEN, hough you do not wish to bty. Is all the. Dods I cannot be squalled for good quality or low primps, and STERNBERG' S is the place, opposite the Brookerholf Hence. , Notice th • three signs. 12-15 ALWAYS AHEAD!! A. ALEXANDER & .80N, MILVIBIM, CENTRB COUNTY. PA Are now offering to the public at the =I GOODS OF EVERY DISORIPTION The subscribers takes this method of en uouneing to their friends that they have just returned from the East sod new offers 4ne Asaortment of FOREIGhI AND DOMATIO GOODS !! Which they lire sellipg at inch terms that purchasers will find it to their interest to buy of them. Their stock consists of DitEsB GOODS! Drown antl-Bleached SHSETINOS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS CASSIMERES, HATS, BONNETS, MILLINKRI GOODS, SHAWLS, AND CLOAKS. Call and examine our 'toes. The ,half la not _ MEN AND - NOTE - WCM, - - Hats Cape, Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Hardware ? Queeneware, de., de., all of which will bet iiispaaseLa .4! ),sty_as they can be purchased outside of Phil's. All kinda of country produce taken in eachange for goods. 1043. a A. ALEXANDER A SON. T o - ALL YELO V ERS SPLENDID CnEAPtIOODS AND 0 Ye Advocates of Economy I I I D I PRUNER Iles just opened • new store in Doctor Dobbins nrs store room, on Bishop street. Having expit lance to the business he flat ters himself that his stock will please all It will conhi.t ul DRY (;cons Cloaks, Shawls. that, he Carpets. 0 it clullie Groceries of the beet Qualities,, Roots. • Shuts, Gaiters, Slippers Munn *omens. Misses ■nd rbiraren's Wear Now is your time for bargains, the pri ces to conform to the times. All the leading styles of soil every setteldi necessary for one's comfort Men, Women, NllBBllB and Children's wear Call and examine the P lock before buying. any other p fare. /l-1U N lnv. sTER E. HARPER KR OTHERS (lure opened up an ENTIRE NNW STOCK of GOODS °revery desoription,at their new sto • room on Spring street; which wer purchased at PANIC !'RILES, and will be 'sold La low if not lower then ran be found eleewhere. in thi 'Wks. Their ato,k compthes ins Dry Goo4;i:, —. Notions, , Millinery Goode, , liogeries, Fancy Goods, clothing, Boole Al Bboes, Hats & Caps, Carpet-Sege, Umbrellas, -Parasol", 0, , Gentlemen and Ladle, Prunishing Goods, Ladle" ClceXs I Oh-eller" - In Silk and Cloth, OsiPinging, Grooettee •Q.Oilarinars Le STATIOr Nair 4 sad everything else du It to b fond In ► well 'tacked aountry store. CIOTINIXT Pii - 01013er taken In exams'', for goOdy sad I dle Mean paerigot rico paid. 11-21-tli Br)) GoottoZ. 4 ; QProceicieo. HIGHLY IMPORTANT' FROM THE CAPITAL • CONTRACTION OF THE CURRENCY SPECIE PAYMENT TO BE RESUMED The above will no doubt, bonne to pass as atom as practicable, but be that as it may. it is *stubborn fact that, ZIMNIERMAN BROS. & CO have this day made a reduotien of 15 to 25 per cent., in the prices of Ladles Dress Goode, such as French Merinos, all wool, Poplins, Empress Clothe, all wool, Delains c. Rhawlr, lireakfast ~awls, woolen cape and sontage. 'They also sell muslin! ' os iesins, maxims's, hts..i • _ BOOTS I SHOES AT PANIC PRIM Their stook of Groceries is large, compris ing strictly pure Imperial, Young Kim Japan and Black Teas, SUGARS OF EVERY GRADE the tkeet syrups and baking molasses, can ned and dried, foreign and domestic fruits lc. Our alm Is to please customers by sell ing nothing but the HEST GOODS AT THE LOW EST PRICES Don't foil to call before purchasing else where. Showing goods Do trouble. ZIMMERMAN BROS, A. CO DM r. rAcrail, ■ C. Pill ran DACKER • PACKER, having ebased the F LEMINGTON M 1 LLB, FLISI NOTON, PA. Are now prepared to 'furnish ell kinds of FLOUR AND FEED! —A LSO PIiAREIVN ROUND it IN 111 E STONE Pir AT TIIR 1.11101“1:111' R oTicz "CM, Their Facilities for Manufacturing eery thing usually Manufactured,irr a FL 011 It 1 N (1 . M rL L 1'Al..E.P By any other Establishment in theeoun try All orderA will revolve prompt all,titpm They bnvo oleo m N.111).11011 with their Mil THE STORE FORMERLY OWNED MY J * 1' PACKER, And are prepared to furnish Baled Hay, . Beef, Pork, Balt., And a general n•sortment of Store fio;als HAY". CiT7TANTLT ON HAND Plow, flora, Oats, Chop, Bran, Seed. e , he., he , CASH PAIDWR GRAIN AND COUNTRY PRODUCE !WY YOUR FLOUR, PEE!) f RALF!) HAY OF . PACK ER & PACKER At Flemington Mille 3t3ootto anb *stationer)) 13 I BL ES. No. U Containing ail plates, Pealnse in metres. Faintly Iteaord,llllt back and sides, ' $3,75 No. SI Containing ten platen, Apocry pha, cone ordanta psalms, family re,ord, bounded as no U. $4,25 No 11 P. Some arranged with Photo graphs, $4,56 souse with photographs awl clasp, $2,00 . _ Nu 12 Contairing 2u plates apd same its No 11. SD,SO NI) 1.1 C..ntainteig sstne as N. 11, plain gilt edge.., $B,Oll rune with vial, and gilt. $14,50 N. Containnig earner ax no I I P. flne, $7,30 risme fine morocco full guilt wnct elasp $7,56 The subscriber has also Bibles of n het ter gdality and higher prices. They are al Ilardinge BINDING WARRANTED,' and are far superior to those guttgetttp fur the purpose of being haeiltoil about the coon, try and sold at exebrtionary prices, 12-45 tf (IEO. LIVINOSTON LIVINGSTON'S BOOK FITORE. The undersigned nt the New Room, in the North end of the 14°4.4'0 row, on the Southwest Corner of the Linwood, still heaps on hand big 1111111111 assortment of THEOLLOICAL, CLASSICAL, SUNDAY SCHOOL, 114,ISCELLANNOUS, and all the various School Hooke now In use. BIBLES, grranged for family photographs also other Bibles in great variety. varying in price (roue JO cents to $3O. I'ho4ograph Albums, Rotary Albums, (a new Invention,) Plank Bookii and Stationary, Legal Blanks, Metallic "Slates, , he Ile as also the Agent for Centre County for the introdue. flop and eale of Parker A Watson's Read. ern, Raub's Spellers, Clark's firaminara, Brook's Arithmetics, Moptieth's lleogra. hiartindale's 11 story of the United States. and Wright's OrthogrePh./. 12-35-t1 ti 80. LIVINUSTON. Marble tibtorts. _ - - J. 'MARBLE ,Y ARID I The subscriber bogs leaie to In form the citizens of contr., rd adjoining countlee that he Mill continues the EXTENSIVE MARBLE YARD! of W. It. Felty, Near the Depot, Bellefonte Pe, where own he found at all 11111011 a very large assortment or 3ddrinhlENTH, "TOMB '& tsTriNE.I, and whore he wiU be prepared, with every (soffit!, to manufacture td order, EVERY DESCRIPTION OP Winiir is- !mush ., „ a y ) „ of cry shertsp• 1 11 0 0 900 *ld moat accomdating term', fitil,tl?"l pay particulai atutot&intoo farldntsig ths public with everything in the manufactory of Marble;, therefore, 'Sloan amilkisit imp thing IA 'Ma line tan by Moderainmaited by calling upon Itio,equal to purchasing +ling city works. 11-29 -•-• Wm. Egl.Thr Erg Oucitio & Ororerteo. NEW (FOODS AVID NEW PRI CBS"' • 111011 RATES itlll3Bgll OUT I GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRIM LIOFFhIt & Would respectfully Inform the world and the rest of mankind, that they hove just opened out, and are daily receiving a large STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL KIND which. they are offering at the very lowept mar ket pitted. • DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest Myles of fIOURND AND PLAIN ALPACAII, Figured anp plain-ell Wool De!nip° PLAIDS, BLACK BILKS, MUMMER SILKS; I RIM POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpane', Linen and Cotton Sheeting/4, Cheeks, Innghates, Bedtieki, Flannels. an., Shepherd Plaid Baltporth, Black Cloth, Cineimeres, Kentucky Jeans, Drilla, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middlesex Clothe, RepeDa'nt's and - - PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLCRS A full ill].) (if Clothe, Cassimeres, netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, which will he sold cheap. We have con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of all kinds of C3ieeKEHY. ItQCEit TES, • MA CICKREL. SALT, A, Stone Coal, Which we will dixpose of at the very . . _ _Janet cash _pricee. All kind' of,conntry produce taken In ez• change fur goods, and the A. 4.,.€ snarled price* allowed FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER Far we feelsatiaflal that we ean suit your T•ITIII all Welt u your PUNSIIII. 15-30 H OWELL GILLILAND & CO. Take this n.ethod uf.informing their friends, the public and mankind gen erally, that they have opened in ROOMS NO I AL 2, BUSH'S ARCADE, the most complete and extensive WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORE In central Penneylvenin. They have Dry Goods, Grin tries, • Itootii and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Not ions, Carpets, Flour Wall Paper de, in the gree.test variety, and for sale at the lowest rates. 2-16 HAL V./1 Of every descriptitra, produte of all kinds, and country marke leg generally, f r all which the highest market prim, will he paid, taken by HOWELL lIILLILAED cl•CO. MECIIANICri, Do you twirl to purchase OM your families need, from a barrel of now to a box of matches, go to 110 WEI L, OILLILAND dk CO. LA BORER, Every thing you want. every thing your wife wants, everything your children needs cad be had at the !Await prices at HOWELL, (MUTANT) & CO'B. IDONIZATIC Woollen Ohods in addition to our stook of Eastern manufac tures which will be oich►nged fur wool at cash price, at HOW ELL, (lILLILAND h Co's. LEATHER. Of all kinds to be had, and the highest market pries paid for green hides, at HOWELL DILLTLAND'B k Co'c LADIES, Do you want a silk, alpaca, mohair. de , lain, merino. b bailie, 'Dailey, gingham, lawn or any other kind ul dread, nu matter what kind of material, with Diming' of every kind, go to HOWELL, CO'b. GENTS, ,D' you rant a Ilse Suit of clothes, of - clothe, c.asairner, eattinett, or any kind of lder's) to have a atilt made of, or do you need oulleid, 860144104, suspenders, gloves, bandkereb ter de., go to. HOWELL, OILULAND I COT VARMES, " yow want sugar, soda., tint or grooeries of nay doutriptien, at Wholesale or Retail; clothing, dry goods, or anj thing of that kind ; salt, plaster, or seeds, go to. HOWBLL, GILLILAND di 00'8. 110USEKEEPER, The 'place to thy ylur saw, your molasses, your ooff•y, tem, apices, ear. pets, mil cloths, brooms, brushef,. buckets, wood and willow ware, oantiod fruit, Jellies, and scary thing of' that do sculpting, Is at 11.0WZI.L, (.4144.A.ND I CO'B. EVERYBODY, That wants anythins, in the dry goods, boot end abet, hat wed map, elotbleg, and' feed, fruitier any 411aer Una of KommUip gem* thaiipwirt dF urn, shohld tall at H0W114.1., GLIZILLLND a 00'8. Bei Groceries. LAD I OES' READI ENTIRE NEW BTOOK AT C=l Morambiques, Baps, Alpaca', Delabs, Lawns, 'Brilliant", Muallan, Calicoes,' Opera Flame's, • LadielkakagArse • .. Gentlerlotbs. Ladies Samples, White Pokey, Linen Table Clotho, Counterpanes, Crib Counterpanes White and Colored Tarlton, Notion' of (miry Kind, White Gentle of every deerriptinn, ••- Velvetluo, - Corduroy, Cord§ and Braid, yelp, /1 GA lery, Beads, ' and in fact zirEILY_ MHO that co be thought of, desired or used in the FANCY GOODS Olt NOTION LINE, walah lee-baa cone laded_ Loall at ligutwa 101 ji !lot lower than Phila4eiphla , &ad New York retail prices. • Coroe and see 11111 if you don't wuth to buy it will to look at vuri, stock •od loam the prices. Again we cordially inylte you to call. ME EEO TEE PEOPLE'S CHOICE SMITH'S MAMMOTH STORK !'IIILIPSBURO CSNTRE COUNTY Pa , where the largest, chespeat,liest aelactad and most fashionable wiertmont of dress goods in the country can be found. Billie, at hay price., Mohair., au n ts prises, Poplins, at low price., Delaine, at /lin prices, A [paces, at low priers, Linens, at loir .. prier., Musline, at hum prices, Calicoes, at hue Ilsnels, at late prices, Clothe', at prices, Camimers, tit Lou, prices Notion., al for price.. CLOTHING AND (HINTS FURNISHING GOODS, a t eery low prieea ' lin DID line we have everything to COW pletely fit out eithehnen or boys, end our pirStv, are so low that we DEFY COMPRTITION, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, a full supply always on hand and ehesper than can Ile found at any other establish ment. LEATIIER oF EVERY DifSCIPTION guaranteed as represented, and at rats* plrTarmeris and others, who atthis sew eon of the year are • isiting our town, on bu sinessor pleasure are ins itedtu pail and see us. If we not offer superior induessuente, do not buy. 12.49 - - QOMI4I7IIIING NEW IN MILL- I,' • NEW 000 D FOR FALL AND WINTER The undefligned et their new and spa cious store room Milhelm, hate laid in an ENTITLE B'l ocK OP NEW GOODS, for the fall and winter trade, and cordial'', waits the purehasing public, to call abd see teem. They jiave Calicos. Deletes, . fillks, Mo. dopes, o log- - hams, Zieck Cass' era, Cloth, Clothing, Notions, Boots and Shoe., Hats and Caps, Groceries, Hardware, Wood and Willow Were, Queenewswa and In fact everything usually kept In a country store, .ii of which Mg offer at very lovrates. LUTHER OF ALL ItINOB ON RAND and green hides and country produce taken lo exchange for goods. SMITH 4 00. 13-48 ly. • EDWARD W. MILLER. win ist,A(.) co.. . Wholniale don** is A U 071401 Dlf-000303. NO7IOIIII £o., 116'. 4 117 North' mist t ' -- 12 NI tf FARIER 4, CO'S! , Ticking., Flansle, Inserting' and Edgioge, • Whlte Lace Collins, Zephyr • Zophyr Pitterne, Tidy Cotton, Rhawls, Work Duke/tit, SUNDOWNS, • Porfutnery, . Ribbons-- A eket, Taffeta and Bonnet but tons. Trimmings, -- badies and Dlissss Skirts, lf Op P SKIRTS,..„ Tbreaal, Fans, Sowing Silks LAMBS AND MISSES SHOES NO. FOUR RUSH'S ARCADE O. W. FAIRER A. CO SAVE Yo GREENBACKS Ity purchasing what you need at GROCERY NE P'ROVIBYON Mohair', LATEST AND MOOT IMPORTANT NEWS TO THE PEOPLE OF =2 Glio.oE RIES NEW YORK PRlcE,y. The most complete assortment la BELLICFONTB COUNTRY PRODUCE RECEIVED kr THE lIIGHEIF itfArtEET PRICES CALL AND EXAMINE orue srarA SECRLER & MOORE Grocefo and Prevision Merchants AtL fl gNI" BTRENT Two doors ►Lore the First National Bask -BELLI4YONTS, VA 13 16 ly N EW WHOLESALE AND RE TA IL (i ROCER. Y. The undersigned,having opened e NAVY NROCERY d PROVISION STORK in the room formerly occupied by D. I Pruner on High street, will "Leap on hind for sale and at the lowest cult prices evou thing in his line, sub as Coffee, Sugar, Tea Syrup, Chow, of All kind. and in fact ervetyshhig usually found ic well selected OROCHRY Ai PROVISION bTORE Goods will be give in exchange for all Norte of country produce Ile reepeciftkny 'lllicit' a share of the pat ronage of the people of Bellefonte and vloin/ 12-4/ tt B°°°B & KIRK WIIOLEBALE DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. •109 Arab ER., Between Brost and/380AI WK. L.. 1001111, WM: 7.• 111 k J Orders frosts the itosultry,pret4tly attended 10-28 BURNS & SAU;SIKER WHOLBSA LE GROCERS. PRODUCE inSINICt SION MERCHANTS wp No. 606 Market Street, 'Philadelphia. J. Moms Boaes—of B. 8. Janney, Jr tir. Co. Jr.—of 8. Smucker, Jr. 6 Co- Hp 16 , 1866.—tf. 1868 BPR/N4), UP H N I " 1868. ER,YE & LANDELL, FOURTH A,ND ARCM STICKETS, NEW SPRING SILKS, NEW Sri LE SHAWLS, NOVELTIES IN DRESS_ OOODS, STEEL AND PEARL PMKINS. .11,1 L. always kiwi) tbe 1148 T BLACK SILKS. N.11.. -.Net Os& 'Buyers will And It to their interest to %tall, ea lieritalet Ire° Ate:lieu, ire daily teettived ApD Spices, be Him' Shoulders, bides N. C CIII32BIIMAN GROi3ERB, 1713 It