The Democratic Watchman. _ ,~-.t-~ THIIP.II4. $2 per year when paid in ad— ranee, $2,50 when not paid hi adraneseAd, $3,00 when not paid before the expiration the ar. Oun Antern..—We have nuthoiized the following gentlemen, to reaeivo and ieeeipt for aubsarlption to the Ditrroctutvle Witreit vex : • IIirAEL J. (inittionLlt, JOHN 11. ItnirmnirDen, THINGS ABOUT TO R & COUNTY. --.00. 1. 1 . 11 planting begun in thin necli o ririggfrutr —lA.agtv mongrel paper in talked of ut Nidenlitterx —.A setter and eros ,, ing arc badly "needed nerosq the lower end or A Ileghuoy MEI O tug to the lateness of the Rea son, 1,44 Otli 1.1 and barley were sown in this county (he present spring Phan for EilE —Thu April - Term of Court during tlik Cho Nl•con (1 week, bill been nt-teAtled hl' Oman, aO7 qt of Mon beside the .111 r 0 -1Ia! rition'a 'theatre performs In Ty loa t,-night. ( Finlay ) Ile had wily houses dtiting his slay in ti ', plq c --The mongrels In tliei place are no Ilttle ext.rel.o , l over the report that a has been organized, by lila yollilg Men of illl4 botolißli --If the hoard walk near the liigh Orem bridge 14 ittit. eogn repaired the borough 11111) )1;1t 1. the 1,01431110 n of pay ing for it broken leg or neck —Mr Samuel Lose has , p4relfased part of tho John Foster estata near Itn bersburg • lad ip erecting thereon new farm buildings. -- —A new bridge in loOly needed on liir public load raning from It-- bernburg, near Ole ra:n9l,rira. of .loneptt Is rei r mi .r The titrapil.o from Julian to Ilea• ver nnllm k maul to he almikt impassible, yet fillhloll 14 collected Some repairs should be made o r toltm .toppe(l. --The Lutheran Cliu.ech nenr the . residence of Mielute! (hove, oti (G. Itonlsbnrg pike, wl , l be dedicated, on Myeelty-thw 244-h iunt— - _ _ - The w tTran h L:1.1 IL target' . Cticit lation, than all the other paper" in the County put together, and almost drml,lo that of any other paper published in 111 I( section of the mate. -----Tho contract for carrying the U R Mail from Lewistown to Belle fonte, and from Centre Mall to Spruce Creek, was awarded to M iiouy, of Lew istown. --We recently peened over the It, E V It It in the train heretofore tinder the control of Mr. Savage. We missed the pltaeent face and genial ninnitere ; but are informed that he nil . ' Noon he on again —Since the law compelling rail-road reinpanien to fence their rued", or „pa, fur cattle k illed by their earn, WiLS Olgitiedi e Lore not heard of a cow, horse, cheep or hog, getting seared even, by the cars along the route in thin county ----We had the plenmre of meeting in our office during the poet week Mr Ludwig Kurtz of the lirriehter, Mr ?red Kurtz of the Centre Hall Reporter, and eur goad humored, good looking friend Joe W. Furey of the Clanton. Deneocrdt. —The residence of Mr. Ilenry Feld ler of Haines township, in thin county, together with a greater. portion of his household goods, an well as those of Mr Michael Nlusser, who was an occupant of the same house wan destroyed by fire on Friday Evening last. —The attedtpt to repair the Presby terian Church in this borough, has end -4.4 In the determination to erect 'a new one, in consequence of the obi one tailing dowu, when the Workmen began tear „ ing out the rear wall to make the pro posed improvements. —the Snow Shoo itail Road Com pany, threittens to have the law compell ing rail road companies in this county to fence their roads, repealed. ft will have to show more bnlerprise titan it ever has done yet it it succeeds in carrying out its threats. --The Central Press, (mine out Imt week enlarged lo a thirty six column pa per. While the enlargement improves the appearance oonsyerably, it adds no thing to its worth in other respect.* it onty!givee a little more room to publish t he 11 4 stuff, the editors of that paper gather up to Blink with, --- 1 -41 the whining Cur wbometeroise , preptilitor ship over the Central Pregh will Clear the bad whisky out of be soliddled brain, is not too lazy t• walk to the WOO House, has sense entingh re maining to understand the real Cause of lbs detective wall which artriounds it, nod posseesee honesty though to speak the truth he may resort to his' quilt again. perbaps he may tell bis readers Ibis the watt which fell devil; to the rear of the Court limes was ottesstoned portable Photograph Care in New Mail to. His artiele.Would be_ as near the truth as the one on this subject in hie paper Week. 4 .COUPT PROCERDIN(IS.-InfnOTllVelllth VS. QM 14arina Fhseif , surcty pf tho•Pince Defe sOntohoed to ple3t ato. Commonwealth vs Lewis Elll et,Weeny Defendant pleatls guilty ; sentence 4e4 ferred. Cotrunonniealth vs: Thigh 1) Parker, fonientjon and bastardy, Jury tiial ; ♦er diet of not guilty, and County to pay costa. Communwcalth ye. Levi dones,cutting timber of another, hie own recognizance onteml into in the sum or $BOO,OO for his appearance at next court. Commonwealth "vs Lewis fornication and bastardy, Jury trials verdioA, gtdlty. ' Commonwealth vs. _Theo. F. Niiimmak• er fornication and bastardy-; hail given for defendants appearance at next court. t Commonwealth vs. Chriatiall Lowery, .owswy.,, Houser, William Houser, Lhilip Bottum and Willialn,lienner, disturbing a meet lug moil° practice vocal music a,ml 'milt and batlery,second count iguored. Jury trial on first, verdict. guilty, mot defendants sentenced to pay • a tine of fifty dollars and costs of prosecution. Commonwealth \s. P ItethUng, cause continued. . Gregg tvor 'Penn twp Commonwealth Vl4. .FOllll milting. timber of another Jury trial, ij,efantlant found not guilty, coons to he ottOky,oliptied,betitern Trim find Tu•tw*o: etirte - - Commonwealth vs. Thus. Miller, Franklin Miller and John NV Delige Indictment, first count, larceny; second count,receiving stolon gniuls July tri al. Franklin Miller anti 'John 'l% Ind igo found guilty on 11141 'tint awl not guilty On tho mooond, and they find Tluet !Miller not guilty. M Stoner et RI. vs. Hannah liotteyl e t Sectment. Jury trial, tcrdict fer plaiLo . Long St. MIO4IIIII v.. Chri.itnri. Iluhlrt Amvumni. Plaintiff suffers a noinnitt Wni Jainism' vs I; regyr Aslmitsit Jury , verdict fur plain till for $3,10,00. W k —lf on. S . S%oods, of Lewistown, and Justices Allivon and ilonterman on the llench 1n eject ment involying n.hirge amount of valua ble timberland, in which Wnb. ruder wood et al. and 1' Richards et al. are ilorninal plaintiffs, and defendants, nhieli has been pending since 1858, mane tip rot trial on Nlonday, lind nt the time of writing (Thuieday evening) iq still in progres.. It will probably consume the whole week, and 114 being holly conteide4l on both sides. The jurors not empanelled in the cause were-discharged on Tuesday' lust, and the Court bus only been 'Wend ed by thnse interested In gie Mit. Entrust:—Whilst we were attend ing-art exhibition gi r ess,hy the !foals burg Academy, now under the care and nu pertision of Prof. 11. W. ',molter, a' little itomitothing.ooourreal which of sufficient note to let conic before thp eyes of a truth and justice loving public It way th among the creditable per formere vies one, a young man once a soldier, title to the ensign under which ho enlisted,who unfortunately lost a limb in fighting for the defense of the princi ples then avowed an the basin of the war, and Whom ti,sl has not endowed with the'sitrue mental capabilities an others, but who is in every way worthy the re spect of those for whom ho fought and bled for lie hasn't au Inch of land in the world ) This young man appeared twice as a performer upon the stage, amid so tawich confusion and inattention as to prevent those who touhed to hear from appreciating what he said. Now the thing worthy of note, and what we wish ' i reprove sharply, is the contempt and disrespect with e, hiclt doom niece loyal !admit and gentlemen now regard this same young man whom they once lauded no ON honor to his country and eller whom they would shout loud end long hostas ' because lo wore the -blues" Moine of these very persons, whin we charge with open and wanton moult and disrespect shown .to Mr -, had friends in the army and they would think I it au awful disloyal not if HOMO one else would do to them the 141111lq thing they were seen to do. 14otne of them even mourn friends killed there, and yet they too are guilty - 0111 green breach of cour levy It is contemptible, mean, and de basing to see people in thin enlightened age so utterly. destitute of good canners arid the leading moral and religious prin eiples by whim!' any young lady or gen tleman ought to be governed and guided. The loyalty with which the persons im plicated in this case, are actuated is a farce and dein not,nor ever kns extended farther-than the mere exp remton of fideh ty in, order to give color to some of thdir heinous conduct. These rebukes are of fered is duo respect for the one WI! 14/1W basely wronged on that evening by those Wllio claimed to be hie friends at an ear lier day. • Business Notices :40,000 teeter white Pine flooring, dry fur sale •t the M Ilesburg Pinning Mill )4..eosoblA WATie.—A delightful toilet ur tkl e --s u p er ior Co Cologne and it belt the MIMI itkoorrenu'a (Amines Toxic.—ls used for ili tha satner• sea as the bitters, by those preferring reparation snore otimulaUng. The Tonle is composition of all the Mgr,- Monts of the Bitters, to which is added pare Rant • Crus Rum,.orange, Wale, et - , making a remedy of ran slue, and inert agreeable nod pleasant, Principal Oiled, 631 Arch St.. Philad's, Pa. Bold everywhere by druggiets and others, NoTloll.—Mcaubieriber boa .soured the *gooey for the sale of the piirsonal Life of (ten. Grant, illastrated—the only one sanotioned by him, that is enough to know it will be a valuable book at all time. To refer, to big early mud Military life, and his doing. la the Chi oago convention, all °opiate la eas Vol tz*. of over 600 pages, and eold at a fair prima. The Wag will lON leen, an opportunity to subscribe T for the hook. It will sot be put la the Book Stores for sale, flattou, Anoit, Residence earner-of."( ish )11, Tbotqp.s.Bt tinnialsnainciVitand rush iftti he All .I{lcbt.ifitpsir 1/Itr t f! , Mentzer/still Punt Islitneglituilm luo, caused thakiep-: tleman to incr:Mi his stock of them contra= ere* ; ed es to be able to sell thew by wholesale and retail—l'arties wishing a full supply. can order theta and he supplied at rates loner than • is appointed tole Agent for Centre co., ho can sell them at Wholesale prices. The boat dock of summer , made clothing in Bellefe.nte at Montgomery' s, No. 7. Brockarhoff All persona should got a good Hupplysas'the warm' seamen has now opened In earnest- Seising uisehluen of the singer manufacture befit constantly 'on li nd. '• • liecnnut.n'e FL' In or ilticatt.,--lt more than uduaj earneetnese that we call the attention of'imr Lanny reatterre and (tie idv to - popular remedy Zurneet are we ntro men tioning It ai the concurrent tcetlinony of our seioutilic physicians, both of Allopathy and Homeopathic practice, and of our able and excellent Druggi stn , that as a curative agent for diseases he the k Irineyr end urinating organs, there Is nothing to etluai• it. 4, I, known to in wh, have Made medlohassirtady that Minim, in name form, has for ages been aced ns a remedy for the above•tnontibned di retires 010 infiromi 11 , 1v7v. Lamer. -A wall-known, safe, and speedy agent for restoring gray hair to ita original color, for pleventing the lasso( the hair,for promoting its healthy growth swill incrcanin Its beauty, gradual but certain mite.for baldness,. and en essential toilet requisite for al I who prito that choicest gift of miture a bountiful supply 01 hair . the above is maid by al: who use Mrs S A Allan's Improved (new -style) (lair Keaton's' er Dressing, tin onebottle). Every Druggist sells it. Price Ono Dollar. 114 t I‘ K•1,1111PsT I.IYMP4III:IIAMCM COMPANY 1•4 AMICIII , A --la the Mutael Life Insurance CoMpany of New York',-and it affords us pleasure to state that our friend J. 8. Barn hart, has become the only authorized agent in thus county. Its capital is over twenty V) in lions of dollars, and tho Interest on Uninvested funds is Note than -Sulltelent to pay all the losses by death. Last year the surplus over such donna exceeded four hun dred thousand dollars. The prof ts of the company ari divided among the policy hol ders annually paying large dividends upon the insiney invested, which can be received by the policy holders., cash. There is no 'afar or better in venhuen t. Drop that-J-Young Men lu—into the ear of your neighbor—it may carry gladness in to his household : and rause him to ever hold you in grateful remembrance—we mean the fact that tise "Derley Sheaf" is the handsomest, moat econom ice Land altogeth er the beat Cooking Stove ever' invented I This great store will bum, slither wood or roal, and soon substantiate all that It claims to be. The manufacturers are Messrs Stu art, Peterson & Co., of Philadelphia, ono of the oldest and moat liberal stove firm, in the Union. Write for a desetiptive and beware of Frauds ' For sale by W. W Weteler, ilashurg, Pa. Loon AT 111111 —Something lens than five hundred persons called at the Boot and Phoe establishment of Peter McMahon, du ring the past week and left their orders for Boots and Shoes. The people are r• ming to understand that they do better at Mc- Mahone than any where else in Centre county, as he has rubbed out high prices and takes pride in giving to his oestomern an eyuicalent for their money. I would here state that Messrs Barret and Prince, two of his workmen, cannot be excelled on fine sewed work, rendering a neat fit, good work and general satisfaction All in need of anything In the line of Boots! and Shue■ will pave money by calling at Me- Mabon's north east corner of the Diamond• On-sav ER. '•A thing of beauty ie &joy forever." Aud noting be 10 beautiful as a picture o health. I leadache, Nervous Pains. Sour S'oulach, Distress alternating, Prostrailing Weaknes s Disinclination fur Dooley. hieattil Despun deney, etc., are the rule rather than the ex ception with the human family, and have stamped their effects op mon all- The most egectave,genDe sudden and agreeable remedy is the Illiefailon Hitters. They have vitt italirlf:rglhred and alleviated triter° rues the past five years than all other medicines totabined. They e rire soh" throughout the length and breadth of the land. 18,21 SPIIVTATON. Thoee.irreverent lads who called names after "portals "bald head" of old, deserved their tin bluely - end, because at that time no panacea had been discovered to restore thr human heir upon the bald spots. But now Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia Is known to' posses the rare merit of, In•Igaallow the roots and filling them so full of life, where tit,t entirely dead that they cannot help pet ting forth a new growth which rival, its beiirty the looks of youth 18-4 t —Burnside L Thomas have immune famous thr.ughottt the county for their highly distinguished warranted Boota end Shoos, and their thousand an 4 One 'articles of seerehaaduns.' They are supplying many things batter • sed absolver than any other store in the county. Their motto Is to tar. etch their eustomere with the beet articles at the lowest price. We can say with entire confidence, and *chart our readers, Mit they can always *lathe worth of their money'at this growing establishniont. One of the strongeoti proofs of the excellence of this estAlishruent, is that you can always de, pond on thb representations of Minkel& and Thomas. If don thwire t 0 hay, first class goods, you can eorditltpagy .asmentl up this firm, for the shutout ena.bestarticlesti liawrket. Ire hope tsar readers wUI p sad iszanstiso their Istysteek ; they will show It with plans, sad It upset for !pelf. Y~ •• ~(ryA1y~1M~1......i r •- , 4l4'leolt**lllllll4 L on theiteilai•AprflOih, 4t the residence ortle'lo4l-lither;l4 Ike ROY. 1). Cnst3eip, Mr. Seely )3. I;4y, of Chston, titubehdUo'.,ll. V., to NW et 1 Mayes, Potters + Wins thfil county. . The Bellefonte Market. The following are 14 quotations, up to 11 o'clock on Thursday evening, when our paper.went to press t . - White Wheat, per bushel 4.4',.,.., 12,60 nod Wheat,,pettushel—t--.....—.... $2 50 Rye, per bushel • 11l 60 Vora Shelled , per, brush.) i5,1t1..".4.i.t Si 10 Out., per, bushel 76 Barley, pee bushel 1 40 lluckwhpat, per bushel 190 Oloverlood, ion bushel,— ..... 8 Oh Potatoes, per bushel,., I 50 Rgire, , per doien ......... ..... ... .. 2 . 0 Lard, per pound.... Pork, per pound , II Zees ' -pet *ea. , ' .,............. 22 . Tallow, per pound ' , ' k 2 Butter, per ppund ' . Ad, 40 ltagn, per pound , 04 CI round Plaster, per ten 16 00 Nebo abbertioemeitts • . fltE ! 1 4 1.4 E! ! I NO i; IMSIPB A Ite 1. DE on I ligb Street Belletenter, la in ei blaze with the most DHILIJA T STOCN OP SPRINO AND uooDs ever opened it' Niel eatetbliahafent, Z I 1131 - ERMAN BRO'S, i t 'CO., '--a.amk•Fftm ' Have ;hit - febeiira rebtfl the Eastern Chien, the following: Pine Heavy Black Rapp, and Plait Drees Sidra ; the finest Black Alpaccam; Drown, Drab and Mottled Mohalra, Pekin, yotbs, Luntree, antDelaines of all colors and dirt cheep; Fine Organdy, Orientate, French and Linen Lawns, Percale', Chinese*, Scotch, French and Plain Chambray Oingharne, so. , Jte. We would invite the special attention of the L D 1 E ta, to theftet that on r ■topk of WHITE GOODS. HOSIERY, GLOYKS AND NOTIONS is surptused by none in town, embracing ev erything under those heads, as well as every new novelty that mane. its appearance in the market. Our HOOP SHIRTS kND CORSETS cannot be excelled in style, elegance, dura bility and etieapnesi. Our stock of les* y Pollee and domestic Dry Clouds is full and cheap. It comprises the best Heavy Cottoned's, Jeans, Tick logs, Denims, Drilla, Bleached and Unbleached Mac lino cod Calicoes, of all grades and of the very beat makes We have Clothes, Cassimers, Jaconet, Ready mode-Wlrthing. Woolen Live& god White Shirt*. Boots and Shoes, all of which for style, oieganee of finish and cheapness, cannot be surpassed In the county Isaac Hall 6r Co's., Yin, Cilf and Heavy I( ip Boots and Shoes for sale, all warranted to give satisfaction : and in case they foil to do so, they will be taken bulk and the money refunded. If any person doubts this .usesition, let him try IV yo be oonv laced Carpets, CfittothiCi4pat floor 011-Moth Wood land W Qldeens-Wars, always for sale cfreillp. We elerAys keep the beet OROCKRIES, ' Dried and Canoed Fro4epetjall kinds and of the Onast qualities anY daarketoan afford. Fish, Provision., ' Bolt, - Flour and Peed always fu4 male levai7 body is respectfully invited to coulOright along, make their purehases from us and mire their money. Remember, a Dotter raved in buYing Is better than a dollar worked for. We wish it dlstinotly understood that, we will not be UNDSRSOLD, sad will always be pleased to aliCAr OUR 4001)8, wbeilmorpre bar or sot. r • COVNTRX PRODUOS TAKEN AT THE RUMS? PRICAi itOR OVDEF: Beaumbor timplsm XO. 6 IUBUI AIt,OADB. QM b ` Sleiff • CEMI9NI‘. The miderelitiiii hate iioneteetly un hand the beet (vitality:et 74T1.111. CEMENT •Foit imsptvpltts; osiTielts.• , and pndoi wlter yroiirr. , 'hide la WARRA. TIP. IF PROPARIX •MIXED . ispd appll4,, teed notice given of, ally.doteet , Inside (410 (14. itftiir delivery. Orders recalled. eo , 4 Promptly filled by 11.981L1t7 VALENTINE, ISellofante, Pa. Or JDSEPII DAWSON, Logan Forneee. I?n U NION II011'1X; A. MATHEWS, Prop. , lievuettelly lames the vellie ,Acti PrellY, that be now, occupies the above named Hotel, where ho will ho glad to meet and greit hie former friends, and reeelro a ahrare of the nubile patronage. By strict personal attention to the &Antis of Ids heal nets, he hopes to be able to rondo tattlitao• tion to all who may fpvot him with their patronaga. , Ilia Bar and l i able *lll to thado a special ity. Ma Stable le good led will be attend ed by careful and attentive Ostlerh, While guests have the :sairattre of honest and n 1. 4 ,4164410 iu tbobc ranuaclio i t house. • . 13.19 3m SUNDAY WHOM, • Thia well known Agency, (established In 181 i.) for the sale of the book , - )f the A. F. N. Union and Tract Society,at their lowest catalogue price., bac Chia eemon been re pleniAlred far mere lergly and in gteater variety thgn any fanner period. Snperidliandenta, and others cotine . ct with Stinda.y Ramis will halt a very large and well assorted stock to select from, 13-19 Bt. OHO. taIVINGBTO3I. 50..-Tovms ! ;TOMS, ! Isaac Keeps has got already& new sop ply of Shears Antidust Cook and Parlor Startle. They hire' prayed themselves to be the beet stove out foohurning eitherhard or soft coal they salve tneir own ashes, make no dust v economlse fuel and are the best ba kers in the world, end have more conveni ent». than any other stoves now in ace. Peoplein want of stoves would do ;tell to call at his Ware Rooms near the Depot end, Joe hisateek beftpte purchasing elsewhere as by a neglect of this tney may be sorry as many he sheen already. 12-30-tr ISAAC IfAUPT FOUND HIM (JU'F., The people of PII ILIPSBU WI have timid oat that C. H. NMMI% nelle-the bent HATS ♦ CAPS th. best Sllllt 'I'S AND DRAWERS the best BOOTS *N•D S I 0 8, the bent FIIIt N SI I Li - (.1 0 . I) 8, and the beet 0 LUT II I N(3, of all kinda ►t lower figtues than they are .01.1 at any place to town C. 11. MOORI Poet Office building, 11-IS-Iy . , PHILIPSBURG, P• p LE ANT',S OAP kti6llll _ :NEW 000 DH AND VERY LOW PRIORS`! Every thing yon want, Dry Goods, Groceries, Bouts and tihdea, 'ata and Cape, Qaaaneware, • ,Buster and Egg., and in fact everything usually kept in a well stocked country Store, can be bought ske cAcoy it NUT CII,EAPEIt than anywhere sloe, of L. 11 McIiNTYRII, 13 15 Is Pleseant Gap, Pa. ESTABLISIIKD IN 1064, AND °coped by the United states. WI WI IN d• CO.'S, GREAT ONE DOLLAR :BALE Me Jest and most reliabk to lite United Stoles List of . $L OD " 12 Articles . 1 50 " " 25 •rticles..... 3 00 "50 articles ...... •• .• 500 " " 100 articles ... 10 00 And for all user 1011, at seine rate Circular. lent free. Aridress, & CO., 7 Tremont Row, ' 13-10-41 Boston, Mass. 'Lime. LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! Fresh burnt lime always on hand and for sale at the lowust toarket prise, at the SUNNY-SIDE LIME KILNS! oa the railroad near Bellefonte. We have no leer If eueceseful contradiction when we say that we have the BEST LIME IN TUN #TATK. It, le free from nuts and our kilos are s euestructed that all the ashes are cep • crated from the burnt• • fore It Wares the kiln. Dies PURE SNOW-WHITE LIME! I I mad makes as fine a finish as the time burnt from the 'malrble quarries In the 'asters part of the State. Our feellltlet for burning' and 0111114 Smears wo . ' Sueh that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than then*" quality of lime can be had at any other pkort. All orders promptly filled. Address-, LEONARD MACKALL A Co. 1240 - , Bellefonte, Pe. LIME. WOOD AND 00AL BURNT LI 4.11, A Willi. oa 14.4 d sod for sale at the lowest market rates, etilellefonte Lime Kilns, , on the turoplkVl Dilleiburg. The best Pittston load Blenefekla. antl~ cite sag; Moe i aowtossliptaaino of ploo r tering 4a04; polio; ,sail Am* shingles Sag este eheap for outet oar yard, MO ith4 math sad of IS 11 V tti ' .1,, 12-1 f SHORlTlsilbliff • 00. "InattglirMtStte m REATEIt AND MOWSR, MIE cumpapmemc ,end nyternetry et i u at mice emit evegy mechanical eye. The Dame isfolmAidiron and le •a . lip piece. • , Tie journals, shafting and gearing 'WM secured in the most substabli.l manomend Aika-adiaamah lbaix rdaSito pailtlawk THE tek h ,44,lWlE AUX M A L CUT OUT • efirigOTADl 4400,4- 'fah with the precision of ciook-work— thus glafiatheg4heAlitiieetiletha common to all harTaming machines heretofore )n. vented. A gee. qiistiqprfigem pincipfes the works protafte them from drrt, water, gra" rust. sal all other eaten'sl causes of de. etructfon. Euch , gonialog, in it airkg rum°, and pro tected ins, can always b a relied on to do Ilto wor reOired and lAA an ordinarilife t Übe. — Jrn;hy pr,geT NIB "cYblibirrtd in'our Minim Catalocalicirhlsh will l e6oA bn, id the bands of all our local and lraveling.agente. Wo Jrulld only lito sixes of the World's Unripe}, differidg•iofhlYweight,-capaoity and cost., , • , No. I (large 11 *) ,, 01it , .. 4feel apd 4 Mabee' in grass, and 6 eet in gram, finding a tdower °°" ll s 2oo sMi g igiqr NM reaper combined A 250, as 4 nowerlifd Miff-rake ataohment $275. I A I - No. 2 . beits in grelft L feet; and in grain a little les. than 5 feet; costs $176 and $225. .-aracouNlent„ot qtr. rej:in lb* cheap est '' nihulfhTnir AIM*" Itcoets but onraibirth 'dote than 'tough !ca rbine and will last four times as long K. BALL & CO., Canton, 0. ISAttO HAUPT, Bellefonte, agent for Centre! iflldrieil , ClMbutleld.,:Copptie's. Sub itgenterranted. We will have 2 Reap ere od exhibition in front of the Court Beane during Court week, one with self-rake and sidd&rtlyerys litany .b• life until bares*. „ - p EATERS, RAKES, SEPERA Tufts, AND DRILLS, . . FoS safe by I. P. ZIMMISB.MA tereetle, Bellefonte, re. - In rtew of H. limb that many farmers were diesppolated In gettiag reapers last season, it would he to their interest to order as Ohio )11 aaaaa tor earlp It undoubtedly is one of thhielidlsiii himithibuls Jal /the market, as war proven lut season, bj the great de mand for them, *lsiah was not more. Ann halteupplied. It le a rombladdAlqmer and 'Reaper, and can he had With Dropper and Platform, or both. ' HORSE RA Kg. Pratt's Paidniti Horse Übe', of which thousands bays been sold, and given •nl vetiai satisfaction, will slim be sold by J. Zunmerman, aft. • iIDRILLB. The Celnkraind Wilipughigy patent bane Sitfing WAWA:IIi wlll alep be sold by J. P. Zitiknonnini. • EIE YE IT A Fainorii - clitCybift tifieehts • ?bewail, known me regnint4eg Grata &operator, Bei ver's•Paum, wilt also be fur sale try J. P. Zimmerman. It will tbreeli and 'lose tloograla partially cies e, re,4,1 . Tr aigkft, by one operation. For particolsn, address J. P, ZIMMERMAN, Batista' la, Pa, I Z-153m HUBBARD MOWE It AND SELF RA lIVE4rMj4. This celebrated ereehise be now 061TOd to the far . ers of Centre county, it b a side delivery mmahline, ,will drop the grain in is nest sliest or swath, and will do it as well as ft can be deal by head. It runs rev) light. one man end one pair of horses con nut ow sore per hour.- Et wernnted in every partisular. It tiu taken the grit premium for six zneceseiwe yews at the Ohio State fair, (ao premium awarded hut year.) It took the grand Gold Nodal at the great Nis tiogal Odd trial held at Auburn, New York. in It. Metres warrant a AMU APO bar reeler will do well to examine it betortPur chasing any other mmehice. It will be ma exhibition at Belleteate in front of the Court House during the April Court. D. LEYDEN, Agent, I.l l ti-Nis • Ntlxo fibbrctistnintf, A (;ENTS WANTED roll. THE OFFICIAL HISTORY WV - 7KR WAR, lir Nuser, Cborsoter, Ooodoot and 'Ro- rolls. IiON. ALEICANDIia H.I3TEPUHNS, A 11.4 /n , ail Section and all l'artir. ,T,oo4iptiwft, Pirteee the oely com plete An pun I ILIIIIIIIIIII=O esniee of the W e t yet Tablished, and s Otero in terior light. said eipadcrw• u the great con flict only known to throes high olloers who watched the 09941• tide rearahit loft front ice, fountain springs, ad which were no &cosset • bin In Ur. Stephen,' from his position as second Allot ofAte Confederacy To s P.1611e thM. has 'beim satibital with apparently 'similar produotioss, we promise a change of fere, both agreeable and saluta ry. and en loissitesteal treat of the highest order. The' Great Amerlean War .has AT LAST Nand a historian worthy of itaimpor tanre, sip tt hys4q, it will receive that mai:eta, can and Importial treat ! went which and' juetioe so filigintly demand. hi'filims desire everywhere maqlfeated to Obtain Werk, Its Cada, character' Ind ready were, dembhted with alb increased commission, walla A the be4sts-- aert_ethka Ma:4lW isahhiSksi• siima In Yr/4ton,e4t., reports . 71 Aitbscrileirs three, days, , ne 4oeton,,Mass. Ib3 sub scribers in (oat daTa. ,C/na in Memphis, Tenn. 196 subwibers •Ip fire aye. /tend for Ctroplus and see our gall, and a fell deesription'of the work , YAW olleett of advance sheets, its. A resi ltiA , 10N AL oI`SIBIITIILINS4 (Wks AO PIPUVI/Ver•ntb Et, Phila4C4Pbiar Pl 6 l6:4s 1 - 11f'BA PI Rtfirrt =This it to give no -1 tie'. yh4 AVM 17 filhy of March A 1) '43. It wa:, ‘ , 1{,16 Balltrytoy Issued mifnet dui ...tale tit Pantile J. 'temper of Bdillesburg, in the acuity of 'Conks and Stapi4phel wket ti ttrionph Adjudged a Bankrupt op le p i hat the pejlifint t With 'Nob 1443130ddoliteni t of any proPerty kitonAing ter wed Ilaskrbpt to Mat of for his ulelled tbs piputtakof may prop erty Totlitddeb by lawy. that a afeethigoof the'ffidttoes *Fuld Illiskrupt Cu prove their debts, and Walldaiklie it more Assignakiiift a Caretotimak-, ruptoy, tota WSW tube office of jimpfralsllooste, openly et 4 1 mi*.NO lgAddi of ridistirra • DI% betas NJ* Boltii.ll4Elstir, on the 14th • of INlgyadi eolilthe 0 . • . • it. 01444144. /LOW HY, Ii $ 1004411, Phet„ 13 13,44 ..')1mp1ii1441441W0X141941.