`The Democratic Watchman. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TERS, AND - HOOFLAND'S ,GERMAN TONIC. - - The Treat Remedies for all Disimisis of the LIVER, STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE ORGANS. - • HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Ts eomposed of the pure julocc (or, as they are medicinally termed, Extracts) of Rotas, llerbs, and Barks, ranking a preparation, highly conceutzated, and entirelyfrrf from - alcoholic admixture q f any kind. Brisbin on Curtin end "One of the File" on Brlibln.--A Radical Pickle. 4.4 Jaryirk Brisbln, well known to the people of this county, (which is all the , worse for him,) a young man whom Cameron thought it worth his while to, buy, when he was going to the highipt t udder rt an exceedingly low pride, has lately publialted a letter on Ex-Governor' Curtin's chances for the Vico Presiden tial nomination, in which he thus speaks of our distinguished townsman. We pub -liglrtrivrtirdeirtlial,eavr-veediaiw-xastit-41ma. 14 little truth,vihich always conies to light when, there is a split in the Mongrel ca mp.—Evn, WATCHMAN. "Ile came frequently to Washington, • and after remaining some days at Wil lard's Hotel with boon companions, I am told, would return to Pennsylvania to weep in public,tell thb mothers and fath ers how he,had visited the hoepitals,min istered to the sick and wounded, and de pict to them the suffering of their poor boys who he had not seen at all. I was in the army of the Potomac for three years, and although he said at hothe he was often thero,yet I never heard of hint and never saw him. but once in the army when be coigne under the pretence of pre menting,moine flags .to the Pennsylvania Reserve regiments, but in reality to Be mire an indorsement.from General Meade which lie got and returned home to use it to get himself re-nominated for Gover nor. . . Do you say that such a 'man can have no ualuenop or friends? Nay, there you are mistaken. for so line is his speech, so magnificent his presence, so winning hie manners, flint this fellow is a very Ratan to beguileocen, and those whom he had deceived once wi,ll even trust him again. Of the tett thousand officers within the gift sad control of the l'resident, if it would help hint, Curtin would not host ta.e to promise nine thousand nine hun• Bred and ninety-nine to those who would serve him; for, like the Evil One of old, be is continually giving away that which he bath not to give. Wits such a spectre MI him in the Vice President's chair I would not consider the life or our comrade Grant safe for single day:. I do net presume that there is any probability of Mr Curtin being nominn ted at Chicago for Vice Prenideni ; nev ertheless this bad roan should not be al lowed to impose himself on our soldiers' organizations in Pennsylvania, and 1 reemninend - that you acquaint Logan of the Army of the Republic; Edmunds of the brogue; Mitchell of the Legion, General Crittenden and such others as you nifty see proper, of the matter eel forth- in t his ttowarit_nitaitlen.„ eintr.req neat them to send 'lnspectors into PennsylVii pia to inquire into the manner and pro cess of nelectingrarlegatea to the Nation al Convention, for otherwise I shall feel it my duty ti enter a protestilnd denizind a committee le investigate the case of the Pennsylvania delegates before they be allowed to sit down or vote in the Con vention at Chicago on the 113th day of May next, and I should exceedingly re gret the delay , such proceeding %until occasion in the business of the body. Kentucky has elected vaunt of her del egates, and will he on band with a full delegation of inio hundred. Very respectfully, yuur most obedient servant J.t516 Member Nat. Ex. tCeM This much James ham to say lot Cur tin, stow for what is said for lb Ishii' by on old comrade of his, which we give be low, first stating that it is altogether like ly that llnshin pretended tube IL nephew of limy. Paoker, for he kissed the nolMs of the governor's shoes for no appoint ment ;.but that, if related to him at all, the relitionship is very die* ' it and doubtful --Ens. WATCHMAN. Major James S. Brisbin. To the Editor of the Pittsburgh Commer• mat : Thionglispeechem and newspaper ar ticles, I have read during the war, and toper, of one General Brigid'', add as I never heard of his performing any note worthy military act, and I had every fa cility of heariniCit if be bad, curiosity has prompted me to usk of you, who Is obis newspaper hero! 'lithe the same er ratic genius aho Arrote poetry by the yard about the skies, and seam,and rocks, sonic 1!11 or eleven years ego, for sundry periodicals? Is he the nephew of Ea governor Win. F Decker, and is he the same who stumped 'lndiana and — part of Wen.moreland county for his uncle, ex tolling the beauties of Dettiooruoy„ and soundly berating the ''trigger party" for thinking of electing such an nine as David lftlinot to be (love' nor a —this good old Democratic Keystone State!" It this be Ile man, Heaven help those who are in fluenced by Inn vapor ings, for It was be lieved by all who knew him then, that he Was of unsound mind, and RIK late performances would scent to strengthen that belief I kneW Itrisbiti well, and a inure ghat loa -patch fellow I never toot How he ever managed to maintain a position in in the army is heyonikt lie comprehension of ninny true soldiers, and can only be gue sse d fit by the Ist* that cunning grey bruited senators select for their tools all manner of intellects—the weak and shal low as well us the strong and comprelien -BiVe. has just MilirCtleled a letter to the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, rel ative to tbo Notion of the Republican Slate ronvention of Pennsylvania, in which Slate he was always a rampant Democrat when Itw,resitied here, I beg leave to copy It sentence with a slight change toeing/es, 1 know this man Itri.bin well; we Died' together 1111 in the same county and town, end un toy honor is-et soldier, n• 1 telt thee across tholbayouel,' (countalring that" Brisbin uneven handled and knows nut the use of,) he is nut a It person to - recelt 41 the confidence of sol- Miertrof proved salon. Ile is a vapoonr, slanderer, and alien he praises he de files the object or hit pi rise I will L. 7101 .Y lit a •cownird, but L have to w er 14 t 4 trttlyi minatrage. t'onilltedell.fiettd hie nos he Isainworthy respectful eft t 0%1: Fll 14 oaftaitb'o lElittero. lea isombination of all the ingredients of the Bitten, with the pureit quality of Sment Crux Rum, Orange, &., making one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Thome preferring a Medicine free from Alcoholic admixture, will use• HOGFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEILS. Those wiso.have no objiition to the Uta ideation of the Bitters, u stated, will use FICIOELAND'S GERMAN TONIC. They ar:both equally good, aria contain the same mealeinal virtues, the choice be tween the two leiog a ,mere ;natter of taste, the Tonle being the'nuosepalatable. The stomach, 'from l variety of causes, as Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Nervoui etc., le very apt to have its functions derang ed. The Liver, sympathizing as closely as it does with the Stomach, then becomes raf. faded, he result of which is that the pa tient suffers from several or more of the fol lowing diseases : Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Tiles Fukien. of Blood to . the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust- for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach Sour Eructations,• Sinking or Fluttering a the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Flut tering at the Heart, Choking or Suffineatitig Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dim ness of Vision, Dots or Web. before the Sight, Dull Paiu in lb Head, Defielency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back. Chest, Lltritor, etc., Sudden Flushes of Heart, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits. The sufferer from these disc/teem should exorcise the greatest caution in the selection of a remedy for hie case, purchasing only that-which be is assured from his investi ; Bone and *inquiries posse's, true merit, le skilfully compounded, is free from injurious ingredients, and has established for itself a reputation fur the cure of these dimple's. In this connection we would inbuilt ilose well-known remedies-- 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND 1100FI.AND'S 013RMAN TONIC. litil•Altiff Dr Plit P. N. JACAHuJI, I.IIIL•DIMPHIA, 1.• Twenty-two years since they were first in troduced into this 'C ountry from ()errantly; during which time they have undoubtedly ,reformed more curet, wett-benetned-asuffer rif lin &edify ,fo a tram ertent; Thaw vtuy other remedies known to the public. These remedies will effectually cure Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Chronic Diarrhcea. ease of the Kidneys, and alt Die arising from a Disordered Liver, Stoonach,or Late■ DEBILITY Resulting from any Cause whatever prostration of the 'Latent, Indueed by Severe labor. hardships Exposure, Feversoic There WOO medicine extant equal to these remedies in snob canes. A tone and vigor in Imparted to the whole system, the appetite in strengthened, food in enjoyed, the stomach digests promptly, the blood ie purl lied, the complexion becomes sound and healthy, the yellow tinge in eradicated from the eyes & bloom is given to the obeeks,and the week and ■ervous invalid become, a strong and healthy being. PEUSO.NS ACED IN LIFE, And feeling the hand of time weighing Ilea, ily upon them, with all its attendant ills, will find in the use of this 'hirers or the Tonic, an elixir that will instil new life into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build op their shranken forms, anti give health and happmens to their remaining years. NOTI 'E It lea well-established feet that fully one 's/11f of the female portion of our population are seldom in the enjoyment of good health; or, to use their own expreeeion, "serer feel well." Thry are languid devoid of all energy extremely nervous, and have to appetite. To this class of person' the Bitter., or the 7,,mr, In especially recommended \V ICA ti t AND DELICATN CAILDREN Are made !Bong le the use of either of these remedies. They will cure every ease of Niarneoo., without fail. Thousands of certificates hitre &commas teil in the bends of the proprietor, bet space will allow of the publidation of but 111, few. Those, it will be observed, are men of note and of such standing that they must ho he. heved. THSTINIONALS HON. GLO. W. WOODW•RP, Chief Justice of the Supreme Could of P. writes: "I_ and •Ileofland's Unman linters* Is a good tunic, useful in d 4 (the digestive organ, and of gnat netts in nuns of de bility, unit want of nervous satilin in the system. You rs. truly. Utco, W. WOODWARD." iIOPI. JAIIILI\ TMOldrll,lll, Judge of the Suprema Court oiPermeyhaitla • Philadelphia, April 28 1868. efliaeider Herman Bitters a tolerable medicine lu UMW of agpake of Indigestion or llypepala. I can elfrtify this from myaxpeirlance of It. Yoare,with reepoot Tatatraoir" Yr-in Rey, *Linepit 11. Kennard, p D. Pas ter of the Tenth Deptlel4hurch,Phll►del Oda CAUTION Moder-Pe tiennatriteisedies are counter feited. bee that the signature of C. M. JACKSON ie On the wrapper otanch All °there • are counterfeit. Principal uffire and Manufactory at the iierinen Medici/lo Sion, No. MI ARCH 6treet, Philadelphia, pa. M EVANS, Proprletnt, • Formerly 0. M. JACKSON &Co. P s , ICES lloofieud's German Bitters, per bottle, $1 00 *. half, dozen, . 500 floolland's German Took, put up in quart bottles $t bi/ per bottle, ur a half doses f..r 7 50 IMat - Du nut turget .1u carmine well the pltittu_ou buy, in prder gall the genuine. Vu( litil l Y -1 . - Al ItlB2lN, rioraggidip Pa. ' And by druggist's generally. March. 28-1868-1 y Jnourante. , C OLUMBIA'IgPVRANCE CO COLUMBIA, LASCAATIR ootnier, CHARTER PE 11„P ET 1J A,kl,' • Capital & Aeeete, 600,527,91. his Company continues to inane Buil. dings, Merchandise, and other property against ion and damage by tire on the mu teal plan, either fora cash premium or pre minus safe. SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount ins. $3,178,126,80 Loss ain't expired 722,771.44 11,755,665,19 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Am't of premium notes $685,12 .27 Less amount expired 71,964,04 614,160,24 "Ir prominm t• Cash rso t, less oominissions in 'B6 57,006,06 tonne 9,466,60 Due from arks and other 8,664,56 CONTRA Losses and expenses paid in '66, 74,026,40 Losses adjusted, not due Jan 1 '67 20,296,88 Balance eapt'l and seta Jan 1'67 000,427,90 Vair M RS. S. E. REEVES, liATIt MANUFACTURER (}ROVE 8,7 RENT, (OPPOSTE roil o►rlelo LOCK HAVEN, PEW/1 A tine assortment of Switches Curls, Fria. etts. Bands, Ac., on hand and made to order. Repairing neatly done. Heir Jewelry in all the newest designs ' elegantly made. La. ies can depend upon bar ing all orders care. fulTyrand promptly 111lent.by sending I tab, pie of hair with 4km:dials as to price, &o. 1 .5. ni *lnitting N EW BLACk(SMITII SHOP The people of Bellefonte and ♦leinity are very. respeotfully informed that the under signed has leased the Blacksmith shop on .A.ILD STREET, BELLEFONTE where be will he at all times prepared to do any kind of ~work in his line. Particular attention wilt ho paid to - - HORSE SHOEING, Ironing Wagons, e• BuggieN, Repairing farm Implements, ,te. All work guaranteed 13 12 ly J. A. S. tdALORY _for gale ' ' _ A VALUABLE MILL PROP ERTY FOR RALR. Situated in Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa. The subscriber deiirous of gutting the bususess, offer" for sale one Bottritig mill with two run of burs, the mill is laming and in good order both, with from twenty to thirty acres of land and a com fortable frame dwelling house, the property lying 2 miles 'seat of Philipsburg, Centro county, and within a few rods of turn pike road, the Tyrone anti Clearfield rail road tuning through the land and within a few rods of the mill. Also a considerable lot of timber mimed, Hemlock and Pine, It is also a very desirable location for a woolen factory, and one is numb needed in this sec tion of the country. For further partigu tare inquire of the subscriber being on the property, or addreeir Philipsburg, Centre oounty, Pa. CHARLEM Id CADWALLADER. 12-44-Am fiIItEASURER'S SALE OR UNSEATED LANDS yon TA XEA, roe 1887, •ND Pll2l'looB —Notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of en Act of Assert.. bly passed the .7th day of Jane. A. D. 1815, entitled "An Act to amend an Act dire:ding the mode of selling unmated lanai, In Cen ire county," and the several supplements thereto, there will be ewposed to public pale or outcry, the following tracts of unseated lands in said county for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the court Bottle in the borough of Bellefonte, on the second Tugs day of June, A. D. 1888. BENNER TOIVIISIip A CILIA. PIM. WARR XXXXX NAlitit. 120 ..,... John .111 hale. 180 100 • Jomoo Bertram 11 80 120 do do ....... ....... A 3i BURIISIDKS TOWNSHIP I of • 303 1/2 Wolter 5tew0rt......... 7 41 Hof 420 &I Pool Cox 3'6/ of 123 ... 144 433 216 168 433 120 433 120 433 153 533 153 415 406 388 1/6 433 151 307 415 ' 383 415 415 .... 416 433 .. 433 143 415 60 .. Jahn Vaughn 9 46 Henry Mango 21 42 Joseph Wallies, 22 08 Jeremiah Parker. ..... 562 John Dorse y .. .. 08 Basal totN. 22 08 Joseph Morris_ 16 32 Alexander ..... 22 08 lieorge ... 22 98 Jobe Wheekir.. 11 .16 John T Hoover. 38 201 James Hall 29 62 Chu Hall 66 24 David Lee i 5...... ...... ..... 20 2b John Shyn ........... ......, 21 10 Jeremiah Waln 19 08 Joseph Wain_ ....... 21 lb Jesse Maln. ....... :.. 21 15 Jobe . 21 15 1611 Canby .22 08 John ......... 221 08 Molly Morten. ..... -...... 21 67 11 011 { o r 216 166 Jeremiah Parker 6 61 100 ..... !teary Harris.. ......... ... 24 00 300' ..... lranele, Clueraey 766 100 ..... ' Michael Obrioa.. 11 46 120. Hear, Wheeler,. 13 10 433 163 . }half sada P.. folorgari.—. *2 08 BOGUS TOW . NII7IIP. 433 163 Darld Lewis., 31. 64 433 163 Win 64 433 143 Thom 34 34 433 lq4 Jonathan Harvey .i 66 be 20r -. Pit I: anis 'd 1.10 43.3 t2O. Margaret Hot $ 316 112 John Conhion ...... .6 08 458 BO Win 16 um441' o te . 4816 3 Thos.'s ..... .64 400 ..... David cntlfFm l l 94 ,—,•• L I MP of_ 430 32" D -ac fiCarscadon 'l2 20 4438 141 lltatiokAtofo. ... .. 5 52 195 00 hope 20135 5 12 201 ' 120 Uootio Aptoo ' ' " 0 . 00 A r's 2e100.1....-••:—”, 42f 110 ;As 800tt II 00 )164 - t 414 40 Win* MI 100 John bieClurs 04 190 Pocket. Z Lora/ 10 00 AOOlllll PIE. iriIIrANTIZI WAUII AMER SO 46 7101811 Marls 190 143 Ann Desk b 60 CV/U/6 TOWNBH/P. .of 21.10 120, Da'9ld Consostfon—, or 113 3 of 200 27 do io 1 51 131 137 Martha Uodfloy 34 56 100 Peter Smith 10 70 ins 142 Mary Line 11 36 898 106 1 Joseph Kello 31 71 I Paul Custon 4 28 194 85 JDO 0 llylem■n. 51 20 433 120 itlesaoder .11411 11 56 04 ,do do • 3.___2o Ass pelf 207 80 Cahb Limns I 208 - 80 Issiao•Lontatreth 415 ..... Chas Allen 415 ... Joseph Taylor ... ...... . 1 448 99' Andra, Epp1e.......,... 332 80 Robert Irwin 439 138 N. L. Atwood 804 04 Job W. Packer 800 19 N. L. Atwood 150 32 Job W Packer...........' 158 93 do 415 Peter Hahn 415 ..,.. Eusan 415 ..... Joseph Thomas 416 ..... Jacob Wain 416 • Nathaniel Lary.......... 415 ..... Thos Humphrie -416 ..... Robert Gray 416 William Gray 4191 AVER Yardley 376 Samuel 8aird....... .... 300 Mathew Leech 388 e 120 Joseph ..... 337 Sidney Coats 415 Win Gilbert. 428087 16380 j Caleb 1 hit. ... . .......... 207 •80 Issas Lpriirstreth.... 433 163 A bijah Davis ...... ..... 433 • 183 Joseph Higbee 63 Jeremiah Jackson 147 Jesse Hall 415 Father Eddy ....... . 415 Casper Wistor 420 48 Philip Myers 415 Simon Myers 420 48 Valentine Myerr........ 450 48 Michael Myer....... ..... 433 .150 Gaml Scott 2071 Bober Aimsley 415 Richard AMIN 36 Henry Donnell 416 JobaJEcCauley. 50 J L C rocker...:.. 494 Mary Tallman 116 163 Ftshburn Wharton ,150 JW Al.O Packer 433 163 _Thomas FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. 12 211 Robert BiTartney GREGG TOWNSHIP. 281 James Laaremere 130 John Mercer 130 Robert Aoki(' 130 Datid Johnson 372 31 Win llopburn.. ..... 382 129 John Cowdar 407 127 Andrew Casson Alarnard_ 694,860,10 644.850 10 Jlenry Antis! Jam . as TOWN' Jsoob einderion Thom Gray lIUSTON TOWNSHIP. Andrew Kuhns Adam Kuhns 1 - 113 John Price, 163 John W benign d ....... 163 John Rolington 10 Jll6lBll Baxter Kuhns' HOWARD TOWNSHIP 493 433 433 396 140 Isaac Green...— Samuel Contest John W Godfrey... J W Godfrey ... Joseph Green Jose 8ran5........ Roland Natio Paul Custon Joseph Taylor Joseph Kelso ... Wm Packer Jacob Packer....... John Wady. ..... C B Welch W C Welch... ... . A 1.) Ilarris do do ... do do ......... Alexander Bunter John 8uyer5...... ... Sarni Young.. Benjamin Young.. Thomas Iliunilton Jacob Weidner Samuel Pancoaat... J S Furst Win Ramsey Joseph Greyeburg., do do 120 120 120 120 120 hlresn, Hale •P Curtin HARRIS TOWNSHIP, Satn'l Willson John Miteh•ll ...... John Reyn01d5...... ... SHenry ........ Thomas Sankey John Steel Robert Seam Adam Conley ...... ... David W ill.on ..... .. .Joseph Work David Work Nathili Sibll ppm Winllion ....... ,Alien Steel Ndward James Steel 25 J C Fisher 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 884 of 400 400 of 400 "Poise Willson ...,.. 191 4q 92 Kemp.), Whorl= ....... 3 90 400 John Bell . • 15 30 400 Thomas Johnson 15 30 400 Wm 1/Min lb 30 400 Robert Patterson 1.5 30 400 William 65 Polar WliillOU Eiollol McCormick 440 Danl. Love • 7 rfo 400 Don't Smith 7 •5 400 flotnael Young ...... ...... 7 65 400 ' Job. Irwin 16 30 400 Wm Brown 15 30 40u Jambe Heed lb 30 400 Alm°linn And'', l6 60 filAlciES TOWNELIIIP 89 ?dictm' Orals 415 141 Simon 'Gratz ...... ....... 282 436 John Simpson tat 359- jirnry 6 60 110 Hepburn N&rrle '1 60 422 BC . J 4413 Macke,: ..... ........ ' 3 80. low. . 00. PinlAzola Xeeitug I. 1 322 . Peter Cramer ` 422 220' ' 150 Irco MsokeY 2'12 2N 1082 • I*.orr 5000•10,0 ........ 0 24- lab. 1333 IfY4 1 74 ~, in ''eo' iihry ' itirr ' It° 102 . SO Ma llstilam ...a ...... ... 2OD :NW „ V 110¢12,111/inilar,d., 131 348 ' "22 'thidry Bio I fo l tii 2xl , Ix,, GO .ipt.dttfthiloders.,..... 7 .40 t frr ft.... •?•.- ' ? 302 ' I) A skit tititorll --- 0 1- 1 - James' Row 55ak, AORNE 'PM WAR% AAAAA FrAMIIII, Utile. 400 Mary Jenks 80 400 Thomas Darr 330 LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. Sarah Cuitoo "19 60 ..... Job W Packer...,........,0il 80 Robertlrwin 26 38 120 Stephen Stephenson._ 13 20 120 John Danwoody 13 20 120 Ebenezer Benham 19'70 Noll Pletcher 0 50 40 Peter Leltzel ......... 26 38 •• • Cbrisiko 28 53 103 .. Robert Irwin v..,. 12 74 II John Potter ra 84 40 Jeremiah J0ck501........ 13 38 'John Jackson ...... ..... . 4 00 •Man 2 Mr- 14 6 M 13 00 Wo Han 9 10 ..... James McGhee 0 50 ..... John ......... 2 21 ..... Simon Lingle.. 4 n 7 Hugh Shaw 2 73 Christian Neetlerode..... 4 23 9 49 5 86 32 Wm &sett ' 37 68 164 Margaret 38 69 "WILES TOWNSHIP. ..... Henry Toland 3 93 ..... nasal Fortan 4 24 ..... Deng Williams 424 ..... Win Brady 3 93 Wm - Berner 4 09 ..... Richard Parker . 3 93 ..... Jeremiah Parker 3 93 ..... Nal Singford 5 04. -Stroehecker L Itssynolds' 1 99 ..... Thomas Grant 3 73 ..... Hannah Brady 7 66 lichen Gnu. 8 05 Thomas Grant 7 45 ..... Robert "Brady 8 04 ..... Wm P Brody 4 11 Thome, 8ract...... '2 18 ..... Alex Hunter .. . ...... 4 37 ...,. Jeremiah Jackson 2'Bl ..... Wm Stedman - 2.31 Relied Toggard 1 16 ..... Thomas Smith 1 87 ..... -Aaron Levy 2 90 ..... John Ramie 750 Peter Housed t 393 . 03 Jitney Orotkiens 1 49 Dan'l iiingford 7 67 Streheeker A Reynold.. 3 04 123 Simon Gratz 6 00 X'7 do do 6 00 01 do do ......... 00 42 do do 2 26 144 'do do 677 MARION TOWNSHIP. 150 400 898 406 406 406 EEI3 406 439 429 198 413 250 3 30 12 24 148 1 43 14$ 7 98 g 30 8 87 9 92 EID 400 410 106 254 LID 2 18 3.00 22 75 5 30 90.45 30 72 90 20 30 87 20 75 433 183 David Beverage 18 56 433 ` 163 Martha MeConnel ..... 18 56 433 163 James Wentworth IS 56 453 181 George Latimer ......... (8 56 433 163 Edward Moisten., 13 56 127 10 Andrew Artastrung.,.... 14 10 433 163 Sharp Delaney 28 016 20C Wm McPherson ..c ...., 8 60 126 163 Wia 37 16 434 ..... Thoinal. (Inuit ...... 11 56 313 106 John Witmer . 65 88 343 105 John Lewd0n....... .... 11l 45 433 153 Christian Mir 88 62 347 10 Jacob Sliko .... 42 48 426 164 Chilstian MOT ..... 73 24 667 07 Georgg 510ugh............14 55 433 153 Andrew Schueck 74 48 433 153 David Hair 74 48 210 120 Ale; Scott.. Ile 39 433 10 Michael 5chn00k.........25 483 153 Ohriatmn Sebneek .. 74 48 43.1 153 Jain lisnd 37 96 433 153 Jobs' Allmon ..............•88 88 75 ..... Wm Willson 18 56 269 .... James Allison 164 142 do do 433 153 Casper fieheapner 37 .9I 423 153 Robert spear 18 58 433 153 Christian Leonine 18 68 433 183 Juba Funk.-- 37 22 433 153 Casper Lawrence 18 56 433 153 Samuel Oheetnnt 18 68 433 163 Olsen Jordon , 18 58 433 153 George Slough... 18 56 spg Wm Willson 8 61 346 30 Barthalimew Wistor..... - 14 88 4 25 Richard 0rig...... 13 58 433 153 Thomas 18 SS 433 163 Casper W Morris 18 63 433 153 base W Morris 97 23 435 153 Zaeius Cu11ing............ 74 44 433 163 Wm Beach 18 63 450 N ailmate: Matlock 18 15 200 Jae 30 10 433 153 John Rnrg .... 26 SO 26 153 Wm McCoy • 387 433 163 henry Hesrs 411 433 159 Christian Stoner '" 37 22 433 151 John Stoner ' 38 31 433 163 Chriarlan 11ya....,. 37 433 163 Ileu If M0rgan...........18 06 433 163 Hubert Reed 18 58 483 163 Joseph llopkins, 13 68 433 163 John !Lipkin' 18 433 163 John Lowticm' .18 69 433 153 Thomas Orient ...... 18 63 433 153 Benjamin Ruh 18 08 100 )51 llebert ......... 15 14 433 163 Robert Irwin' 63 10 5 16 6 10 433 155 Julia Musser— ..—..... 116 10 433 141 11.1ohma Peter/ ....... ..... As 10 433 163 John Wlilivki . IS 54 216 'BO Rogh namllooa ...... ..... 39 68 -434 163 44606 Slow it ..,........, ill /7 483 lee. miller 19 55 '433 163 Daniel Turn.--.:....... 19 b 7 60 a0bet,9, 1 4.10 0 . • i • • T 17 423 )63 Duel, Hamb;liht... ...... 8.7 '2l 438 161 Aithi* WWI' '' /11'21 433 162 11 li t0r560.0,1 17 27 75 Josep tlarrltim..... ..... I 120 103 ` 'Vole Watilsor , -1 6 Si 216 80 Rebut 80hm............ 1 8 Pi 466 147 J 4001) 14.0441.0. ..... ••••••••• 1 4 os 422 44 John 1441400) I 6 215 402 116 Jacob We1d.i11iiii........./ Is 14 433 i' 1.152. -11ilinia4-piraii..........•. 13 21 164 Joseph 8auni5a.......... 8 Ail 433 1.52 A t45hrt1ir.....•.1 ., ••• 3 7 94 270 iii..,.,.,.., 43 41 433 ' 153 g.iai Itoh. . '... .', 37 21 483 • 'Sri 4 , 111146068,....:::: .C.II 40 2 - 16 •• . 44. I 0 0 ,1 UV. ttav•t• jt:t 1 2 40 10 i•th Kroh i n 05..., 0, 00 1 433' 'l,lB ' 1151161111' 44....1t ... 111 •:, . 4 313 • 101 1 Imes Urlialimpii. , - - ,4•••!149. . . 43$ ~ , A,63 ,1, 1 1, 2 k II tAd m fr•••,,,,, 71 , 438• ' 553 • liiiiiie l fte ..V.',:'...., , Sr I 4381 , .Tta ; Jiiitaidii g•r..lZ+.: air, 11 4 1 -- 84 Illarazikn-Phßisur, ,-.,, f , r4 . 1 14 , 11. j 216 166 Timms. , 110161illo ' N ' r 216 156 Thomas Want 422 MB 2 80 *di', ' ' .. Robert Yount. .. Alexander Soott. ... Wm Thorne! POTTER .TOWNEHIP .. Andrew Duff • 300 .. John ...... 3 00 .. Joseph Blair TOO .. Thomas Manion ...... 8 00 . John C 3 00 (.1 Jacob ......... 3 00 .. Thomas rails 3 00 ... John Norm 3 00 Robert McKim& 1 00 Jobs Brown-- 2 25 .. Jams Moore 78 .. Soup Co w g 3 73 William. Harrison 3 75 .. Mores McClelland 3 7b .. Junes Fort., - 4 50 PENN TOW.NBUIP Wm Conk 1' LlBll TOWNSBIP 6 70 35 26 8 04 45 81 28 11) *ale. 'ACTEIZI rss MAIITIANTI• PAMIB 54233 433 153 Peter Miller 18'67 433 153 George 177 1 12 433 163 John Bryon ........ 37 22 1 133153 Wm Guest - 333 163 Sem'l Josses - A 396 168 Rudolph Keller 37 22 411 168 811011141 Shows re • 1418 228 -58 Joseph Pia 68 tat 139 Beery Pim $4O 150 Georg* Pi m.... • John Miller... ......... 163 Diehard L0wden.........18t8s 163 Duel irlimparrolda 33.68 163 David Miler 37 22 133 Dem Pinkerton 77 23 153 John 0 voditigham.. ..... 34 44 163 Wm Gray 13 68 John Mniwer.... 153 Wm 158 Sun'! Stomata.. 163 kani Huh 163 Pant liflaels 163 Pail thieh ...... 163 John Boralawd.. 163 John KelleY 163 John Bush 163 John - Such John Black Joseph We 115..... David Old. .. 100 Nardmaa Philips SNOW SHOJI TOWNSHIP Wm ... 17 31 David ...... 16 05 Alexander Martin 16 06 Lewis Lewie . 10 70 163 Kearny Whart0n......... 13 17 163 Thomas Greaves... 23 17 120 Luke Moser_ 10 70 Diev id Carscadon do do do do 8 03 Moore Whiirtcr 117 38 Wm Parker 17 88 Rebecca Walr 17 38 B R Tallman 17 38 SlisabetA Wbertoa 17 88 A 8 Valentine 17 38 T M Million 17 38 N J ...... 02 J salmi 3 42 Robert Waters 17 88 B It M0rgan......,. 17 38 James 16 80 James MoManas 17 78 Samuel Linn - 17 78 Sarah W h or ton .. 163 Phabe Wale 163 Sani'l W Fisher 163 Sam'l Id Fox Sarah M Talmaa 16 58 163 Jaunt C Fleher'... ..... 16 85 163 Bind Willson 17 38 168 burp Delaney • 17 88 153 Wm McPherson.— ..... 17 38 153 Edward Moylton IT 38 163 Wm' Lewis ...... 17 38 153 Francis West 17 39 153 Jasper 6167100 )7 314 1113 136niamle . We5t.......... 17 39 153 Wm Bingham AT 38 153 James Hawthorn 17 39 153 Illalr McClanahan 17 89 955 Ihttrahf 153 Paul Co: 17 33 163 Wm Lewis ..... - 17 gp 433 433 • 133 Thomas Cetbert. ...... 17 ay 153 Robert Morris 11 as 153 Petix !turnt 17 33 153 Thom 8.. Shippen..... ...... 17 39 163 Themes Hawthorn 17 38 153 George Meade 17 3g 153 George Ourepbell ...... 17 39 153 Frameis West. 17 as 153 Wm 11 Wert ........ ..... 17 39 1 36 153 John West 168 ll H Cunningham... 71 John M Nesbit...—. Itiehard June 5.... ... 158 Reentry Wharton Saos'l Dobson_ .... 08 Ilenry 158 hf &mutt Spear 'Joseph Our on ....... Job Kiley 144 Jahn Plm David. Carsoadon 80 Mary M IVhartoo..... SPRING TOWN£III , , That Th0rnburg..........4 60 'Thomas Johnecio 11 25 • Johp tong 138 Kok Johnson. J J Lingle Kuril ?orbs TAYLOR TOWltifirP. John Lamb 11 85 John Sberriok 6 .62 Henry 8 62 Polly Moßwen 8 52 Joule& Williams.. . 6 89 Hugh Hamilton .. 8 52 Jacob ..... 39 50 ChrMan VaMpool 47 10 94 Richard Downing 1110 92 Miehael Weidner 7 90 do do 7 90 3 95 George Markly 15 80 David Rahlaton ? 11 96 Clement Beckwith 42 39 A 34 ........ 12 60 do do UNION TeWNSHIP. David Kuhns Immo Seel y Aiam Kuhns .. 40 Mary Kornaoher.. Usorive Hoover John Hendephall.., Robert nail— -7..7: 380 170 150 150 Ira /limber ....... 81 29 82 Thomism; Moro. Wei 8 12 Ludwig Ceminher 97 44 Janina lamg LSO Juba Munwoody IL 44 /oho Irwin 4 43 Malinger 488 Agra Breoka... ...... 30 de do 69 32 Wm Mediae 2' AA John Cooper... • Wol Kongo.— . 45, , •do • ...... do do ...... Jambs' Long WALKER TOII,FNRIIIP • Bawl Bindoknoan,.... Auld JUDO 120 R Rubinson 4U 309 93 i e of /CPO, 4 ...... IS Jeremiah 'Parker MI 300 Itleherd . 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