The Democratic Watchman, IkEL LEP ONTE, PA. FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1868 Moro about Godly New England. Vitawhitewseb is feat: befog, effaced from that whitea sepulchre, that unclean ireeweli sad without, wpito-ora •atsd, solemn-toned, sanctimonious Sew Essiiiiid. • One of the motet reform • part, who iesesse-meat-lta....haael-nad -.WWI sin of "slavery," who is known by the name( Abraham Knowleton,, of Wilbre ham, Mass , bits been . arrested for mur dering his unmarried daughter's child, which be le charged *tit begetting.— The terrible crime, whioh the wrel4 has been committing for three years, was known to hie neighbors, and the tone of Orteir moraie miy he arrived at when it it to stated That not the •first at tempt wee made to put a atop to the in cest of this vile creature, which culmi nated in the murder og hie own eh:l-be gotten child ADotNer pegs of New England morali ty is found in tote report of an officer employed to enforce a law which regu lates the employment of children in fac• tories. This witness says : -"I found ono thousand children employed in fac tories, generally of low condition, Ignor-• ant•ln many eases of their own ages, deprived in greet part or altogether of the school privileges which the law re quires." To illustrate the devilish de ception, the heartless inhumanity of the puritanical section which sends its hyp ocritical cant all over tbe country, tax% the confession of one of her factory overseers New England should blot out every line she has written concern jog "commerce in human chattels by the South." When this master WII4 asked if it was not his custom to do something for the physical, intellectual or moral welfare 6f his working people, hear his reply: never do. As for myself, I re gard my working people, as I regard my machinery, solely as they can do my work for what I choose to pay I keep them. and get all out of them I can.— What they do, or how they fare, outside of my walls, I know not. They must lookont for themselves, as I do for' my self. When my machinery in useless, I ?eject it and get new. and these people are • part oCemy niabhinery: In another part of the t aste of benev olent, humanity-loving NtiSsachusettil one of Ores" factory overseers replied to a similar nuestion I use my. mill hands as I -do my horse as long se he is in good condi tion end renders good service, I treot Was well; when otherwise, I get tid of him; what becomes of hint afterward to no affair of mine. - This lame agent reports that he has had over one hun dred children in his employment, most of whom 'serer attended school Now we ask, did th 6 great world ever witness so startling an eabibition of moral rot tenness! Not only does New England refuse to elevate and reform the ignor ant children employed in her workshops, not only does she show no desire to do se, but she absolutely ignores the law 'which makes the neglect a penalty She preaches, she prays. she exhorts. alle moralizes, she I..sues humanizing edicts, she puts bettatikui precepts ore her statutel — booka; but the miserable. rsatastaAtesried creel urs praclically tram ples 'upon them all, grinds her pauper labor with a sordid inhumanity sicken tog to look upon. and clocks the world with pictures of immorality unparalleled to sky spot in the so called Christian world - fics-/look Stagnation The complaint is universal that there is no butinees doing: no part of the country is free from it, from the great trading ettiiitto the small country towns alike we h•er that there is nothing do ing Not only is the trade between the sections of the country in a state of stag nation, but in all localities the prostra tion is felt Money is in demand every where and great the system of thesnation al Banks alone dote not keep the haan eial needs of business supplied, hut rather hinder' the free circulation of capital " Out of this slough men know not bow 10 come, for they cannot see when thepolitical disorder will be cured ; they cannot learn when the South, the great producing portion of the count ry, Will be restored to harmony, labor and prosperity ' We have the political vie' of our 11.edical opponents in full control—a financial lock In North and West, end parklised labor at the ,South and whilst these evils are abusing the people the governors of the lend ere spending their days and energies in the daily increas ing excitement of party contests.. From whence must we look for help+ The budi• oescol government, which be ••everybo dy's business." seems to be nobody's busiassa, i ' and yet, until something la dons to settle the management of public snare, we cannot hope for a prosperous condition of the producing election of the country. The administration of jaiVederal and State governments whiorlihould result to the benefit of the community and the individual,and whichshould produce com fort, not yield oppression, must be pm. in the hands of the men who will closely. study and carfully pursue the public good ; at least they should be those who if they cannot tiring as blessings, will put no abuse upott us. Give um back the time when we rooked to our repro. sentedives in government as the friends of the people, honest sad laborious, not the creatures of the poligpal and specu lative rings of men who live and riot ip the public treasure, and who look ulion and treat with eontempt the common good of the illlll.llloll. •The public is a goose sad simuld be welt plucked," is the prow) of our present rulers, arid they certainly ob it moat faithfully. 're AMlorke eonlidence, we must raise the tone of the 9Opie,and put in cheep of public affairs worthy and honest representatives, who. AffnildlOor lei' the society for its benefit, will. ro duce harmony throe/flout the land This s done, we shall bare full productloe,yusy manutsutneer and an active: trisret -the capitalists will place -his wealth with the sound Unities. man, and the bum of work will -81) ohs" land, gladdening alike the rich mid the poor --Rs Deprecialed Lauds at the South. The Pittsburg Adrocaii, the organ of werkinglOeu, says that lands in the SoOther's kStatris have depreciated in value to tkitrextent of six hundred kind thirty fax million dollars since 1800." If to this be oddesi the different* be tween tho' vale* t oth}eaoy Ass aid' now the depreolithlho will be found to be $BBO 800,0010. -thicstise of this Ito one can fa 1I to traoinro the disaketrous cal meielsral Web the 11*(1101 politi clone fa Congress hare determined to force upon the' pollpic_of that section The land owners have - , - by those meas ures, been deprived of all civil and po- Ikeai rights, and theirlands and other property are midi - euljoet - 115 trrotton and control by negroell and Northern adventurers, - Wtio have no permanent Interest in the economical or successful adminiattatiolk tithe State goverment Ail a consequence, they mire thrown their lands Into market, designing to leave a 'igloo where they were allowed hardly the rights of the brute, but there are not purchasers adequate to the de mand The same Congressional meas ured which arat driving them out, are keeping Northern men of tbe it hettor sort Il'a7 I s, Few Northers men—no matter to what party they belong—ears to put-- shame laud in the South with 'ln view to locate themeelvest there, so long es ea groekt and unscrupulous Northern politi chins monopolize the Slate offices, con notion!. leglalitures, jury boxes, elee ,lion hoards. school boards, Arc.., Assess and collect tfie taxes , occupy magiste rial positions, and conduct the whole ramification °retell government Hence Southern lands - hang to the- market and fall lower and lower, without purchas ers Northers' farmers, who would like' to emi grits, are thus -kept- away nod the f WO of the "Seiney South" which should ..blossoin as the rose." and would do en under an enlightened political policy is, rapidly falling Into a desert. If negro slavery was a curse, negro supremacy is a worn., curse, for never before wore the Southern States reduced 'to PO deplorable a condition, politically, civilly, socially, commercially, finan cially. and industrially Yet the reme dyis easy of application and will cost nothing. Remove the obstruction of the -reconstruction" policy, and in one year Southern lands will rile in •nloe hundreds of millions of .101Inr and int will ilovi IfiT6llle lUrerntnenr ttea4nry theikundred thouaand dollar• fromt rYgion whit* now costs hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to govern by means of the fture:kin and the bayo net I ofro , t ("mon Judgp Woodward Molt of the Democratic journal.; of this State. bale already declared their "preteresoes kr.-actme mute, oiler_ el,The distinguished eons of Per nnylvsnitt or elnewhere, for the Presidency We have refrained from doing so for 'various 'rea lities, ond prominent among these are that we hare (ailed-to see in any of then; that hairiness sod affirmativeness CO 1:1CC,.. CUPP:all' to .access We want a candi date upon whom all can moue The people are demanding o man of principle We want nu neutral or negative roan. Our Call.ll I it. moat be StiliAClOUSir mf geeren Ili. voice must ring out high and clews- for liberty and right Ilia doses fount equal hie words Ile must lead as fast end as far a 4 tire boldest will dare t. follow We want a condi mete whose eye will flash earnesteas of soul The Deasactraey intend to enter this campaign terribly in carnmt, and make an agur,rsire war. We 'stint no more rilley candidate,. Vegas ive qUAIIII.O/1 are at a dierount Where can wt find such a leader Who will he the eieladard bearer in the coining fight We believe the able anti , accomplished Jurist, whose name head. ibis article, will meet the full measure of u r wants We distinctly remember when his name wee announced as a candidate for Con gress for the Lucerne dtstnctc bow it struck terror into the hearts, of our poli tical opponents Forney, in hit, despair cried out that the "quiet on the Potomac tent to be broken " lite prediction has been fulfilled! Juntige Woodward had no sooner taken his seat in Congress than hr commenced 1., measure lone'en with his pultrieol opponents It did not take him a whole teeth t.) get acquainted with the rules lie has prtvell himself man f r the create." Deno!) , lrani& has no truer man. and the country no alder defender of Constitutional Democ racy than Judge Woodward lie has already rkised high aloft our standaid, and the people are advanced to its de fence limo bold utterance+ have elec trified the tnasse+ They have touched, 101 with fire, t lie great heart of the people. They haver inspired confidence and cour age, qualities necessary to make victory certain Let Judge Woodward be nomi nated, and the Demociaey of the whole country will rally to his support as one man, and plaee him in the high position his abilities have so well fitted hinit,to adorn. &rile Irk liareete AQose•rtoa Assw.sato.:—The Chicago Post the liveliest organ of the itiseVeals in Chicago, on Mronday night, kontained a hundred frantic appeals to the 'radi ces of that city to turn out and vote against the Democratic ticket In one of them it asked: •'Shall lbs wires tell Grow, to-morrow night that a majority of the citizens of Chicago are against biro. and prefer Pendleton for President •" That question has been answered The city of Chicago, which for years has been Republican, has elected the entire Detnooratio city ticket! The wires from Chicago give Cirant the same informa -1 don that he received from Connecticut ! The tide of victory is with old Demo erany,•and the Omit to Chicago yester- I day is but the precursor of s grand vio tbry io lieveintwir Wuo is Iwoostersratert—Some of the Withal papers' molder it very Itioonsts tent 10 Mr Pendleton beeline', while be orguially opposed the passage of 11w le gal tender not, which made it, legal to pay debts that were ooniraoted in gold withdepreolated paper,Yke now insists that, after the policy has bees establish ad, debts aentrseted lit legal, tenders ought La be paid Pa it legal tenders.— 1 4, lila they w 0, V", inspasiment—they who favored reigati-aidits with .111-.. (`al tenders, till boil tab' about and Mast that legobtanders -are not good enough even to,pay lerl, tender debts. 1--ffitsressee IMII The Dintocratio Party There cannot certainly be a bane. many instances in the land, who does not NI roll There are many instances on record of of tile party—its o/d time honored pat. 'brave men having been scared to death dill"Hatt achievements. begonia* ita,Voo, ' hat.d.r"igh.'k battles, "i lia wit , nearly at Lite us erest trifle. Men who it mime into power aponita olin ildrin- have been up Id their armpits, in blood, Sao merits and strength. aneyearlither— bare'dered ths'greidest perils, and re -1801 ; aid with btief intelevelkhostikted to •eled ha tl In power-nett' 1861, gitrisg:ton• and ue torture of bumattity, are Of ten avid stellekell ar4 shake like the 1111- streagtb, character tad eitalitpte esery Pen, si department of the Goverkapltot-teoni- tteeieinttba mullions tick, lick. Wending the, respect and admiration of I tick, tick, of the worm- in wainstiot. nations abroad, and justly inspiring the I Generttl Mead, has b in a terrible pride of the people at home During all this time no nation was more prosperous than this—no Govern- SttAL ; tic has had the nig r sze ..1 oals and the cork screws over the i rible hob -1 mere -ires—berslemeastmet , .goblin! 1 9 he iteirrti downjlen 4ll . W e 1 lighter than under any other Government ' wouldn't have his .-feelinx" Ni ire in the world ; labor was be/ter requited world What is it Shekespeare says? and politicaL and religions, liberty more . "Guilt Snakes solitude of um all," ' universally itijoyell Thee . was 'boleti f t; d between the States. and happiness and Isabel it s • Shouldn't wonder if •It a prosperity among the people. When dint iffect. BM the bad men sought to destroy the Union, °Fee ti Is hum, their first blow was n 1 the 'Democratic 4.1 smell the blood of en Englishman. party: for they only hoped to accom "Dead or nine I srill'have somo," plish this through the defeat and destreo- that frightened the children to sleep, In tint - of that great power. That was eight years ago, By dividing its coon-old timer was nothing at all, to the • - "Kt( Klux Klan," sets, they secured rts defeat, and what have we to-day? .1 hrcilten . Union, ten that has scared mighty Generals and the of the States under military-Aespckism: great party of the -moral ideas': and all political and religious liberty a by-word : the inte lli gence" into fits If nan whis the burdens of government more crush ing than those of any other on earth, 1 „, ky has anylhino , 0 do With the Meade bor Is remunerated with depreciated lever, we Sagee.t tery.'ongres4 to repeal promises to pay. and the necessaries of the tn-c. anti let our picas Generals and life are at famine prices ; cruse has in- Ereed ,, L ,•,, ci,,,i,„„„ have cum, "goof creased a hundred fold, and vice 'eclat li- s , ' ed in' purple iodine ! linen ." the food we old rye' ntl little more reasonable !trio! eat—the el idles we wear—the very coffins Hero is what frightened Meade Which enee,mpa+s the last remains of the 11 1,0 OD. it 1,0 0I) ! 11 1,0 01l ' dead—all. ail, are taxed to the utmost point of endurance .tud what hare wo gained 7 .Nmiting —itinuttel:t worse than nothing' Ilemocratq is it not time that the memory of the glorious part awakened the people to an ambition for a glorion , future' What the country wa,,the Dew neratic party made it ; erlyiLit fa, ha, been seeompliebed by the POPIIII4B of that party. Ile it ant, than, time that the people began to reflect upon the ne ses4ity of that grand old party to power, and with it,remtoring the coun try to both nitienil a-n•I inflivitittai pent), Tiot lie titnee indicate that retteon i, r. ihroni and Trar.tien, fireintiiee nrol haired Rt.. 1,1 4 f..- log train the belri4 auJ nnt,dn of ill. people, "Fite day of regenernittm is cer tainly drawing nigh, math.: bold htind- Writing 14 seen plainly on the wall.which as certainly pretlietm the overthrovr of the corrupt teen who have brought ruin upon the people, so they have iltsgrace upon the nation —Ex The Pcrjury of Radical Senators and Cssiiresoune.n.„. Every, Sen.itor do•-I Member . of Con gress is required, on entering upon the discharge of his °theta! (Niles, to take nn °nth or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States The thtrd section of article nix of the Consti tution requires this A law of Congress, nyproved June . 1. 17149 - , prescribes the following is the form of oath I A 11 , do solemnly swear or apirm,(av the rase may Gel that / will support the Conentutlun of the Untied States." Non the riolatiou of this oath is her ury It to noth tog else. That Con gress has commilled perjury, we hove the Written testimony of Thaddeus Ste tons, the leader of the ktapnblioan party to Congress In a Icier written by him to Col Samuel Schoch. under lime of Lati,!aster, Auitast to cor recting a 111 vmpprehension as to the ex istence of a law prohibiting ••the remov al of District Commanders without the consent of the Senate, - and reciting the history of its paleage, be says •-Some of the members of the Senile seem ed to dente their power under the C o rwin, lion, which they had just eel/whaled, and wholly outside of which all agreed that, we were acting, else oar whole work of &con s rsectu;n was usurpattwrs-n- • Working as a legislative body—as the law to kin department of thi Go•ern• merit—under the FlolelbUity Viet oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, they ••repuilisted" the Conatittitir, not ed "wholly outside" of it. Tested by the Constitution •tbeir "Whole wore of reconstruction was usurpation " This is the volunteerei , testimony of the lead et of the Radio/dB ID Congress. What is such action but perjury—willfu)sind In defensible perjury : The Prejident is (threatened with a disgraceful expulsion from office, inasmuch as he has been re luctant to give his consent to this repud iation of the VonstitutlOn tint the recon struction acts. which are acts of -usur pation." Which to to be honored and justified, the'Redicals in Congress who have been guilty of this perjury and usurpation, of the President who has undertaken to maintain the Constitution I—Ohioedates- The New Yoh Evening Post hits its Radical brethren in Congress acme hard blows, in relation to the Impeach ment question. It say►, "do the Repub licans in Congress believe that the coun try will see with patience the most necessary legislation on the currency and the taxes put off, in order that they may prosec4te their quarrel with the President.? Let them not so deceive themselves. The use of a politician, in a free wintry, is to serve the pseple,aad advancer, measures whioh shell make them more •comfot table and happy. There are men now in Congress Who de sire an honorable future; would they not do well to see In what way they sae do something for the people I" --In view of the impossibility of oon•ioting President Johnson of tnigh orimei and misdemeanors," , it is urn priiposed by ths„Vaiw York Tribescp other ItadlOabli that be +rioted in elate of the eel Mc, but tf • anguish ntepensity. This winhedbotit the end of the •tgrest" impesaltetent farm. They will fisid the rrsalibus, guilty of one or two of the charged, so that they may say to their deluded fOI- It were "he is guilty," bat will sot a tempt, to remove his, Thin, the twilit limn party has sp,le spaded haadrata or tikouss44l. o l.4 o Pfial.!! rum attempt to mak. &mats . eating for Itself and Set Into the totem Its bri ars will be as eosepiemlue a kern bees its malloe end recklessness —d'itdmite What it was that-Frightened Satrap Meade A QUART OR 81,001)! t h t K. UE HAIL COME f' WE ARE HERE tt t ttif . rittV4Ell Titittci: TH6 CAT flATti mEwED! Tin: cm:mm.oN warnaa II N VlSr4 11'104 - 1 • I. N When the 1/Ilek rue is gilding under nhadows ul darkness awl Oa d e ath watch- tick.; at Cie lone boor of midnight, then we. the pale nders. ors abroad f f 1116"44peak in whiFper's and we hear ou lkerlire.tin its you steep in the turnout nerve-• of your )4i..1 hovering o•er your hed , r, we gather your sleeping thoughts while our:J - 1 j t t f f ate at youz throats Rail/aw' of the liberties of the pro rile for whom we died and yet lire, he gone ere tt4,e too lair. t Seer oly filackg, cursed of God take warning and fly hash the saeredtietTent•ttifis 'llteeol 'gip When again his TiIICX Li hear 4 yottr doom IC Rented. - (liven under our bind in the Des or Tilt tiAelealt §llltPtent 00 the Mystic IJ of the Bloody :lloon It J. N Q, Grand Cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan For the Tenth Dtention To be executed by the Grand Whtle Death and the Itattltug Skeleton , How Long can we Stant! it In the month of March, the United States •Treneury pail out the following eume ••-ftem—rivil and Mi.celleneotie. $3.760 000 Item—interest on Public Debt, $6,162,000 Item—War, $13,960, OM. Item—Navy, $2,365,000. It em— Interior'Pensions and Indians, $5,508.-, 000 Or and total, $82,010,000. or say $31.4,000.1.0 per year There were no incidentals here t his was the regular monthly pull on the Treasury Now • glance at our resources " If we con tinue the fiscal year to July let, as we have thus far brought it along,fininetally we shall show receipts from Internal Ite•enue $180,000,000, We then have Custom Receipts, say $150,000,000 Call soles of public lands, $10,000,000 for the year, and miscellaneous receipts from war material yet on hand, $5,000,- 00, making total resources for the year $845,400,010, wigh which to pay $384,- 090,000, leaving a deficit of come $40,- 00.1,000, How long can we stand this It is folly, worse than folly, to allow Congress to keep its iron beel'upon the poor South That the people are hardly able to earn their bread, through the in embus of negro pauperism.- which has been fastened upon the shoulders of the Whites down there, and grinding taxation In the North has fastened an incubus here, which is strangling general indus try. The tremendous strain upon the North the past there years has contrac ted the "resource." trim some $550,- 000,000 to $350,000,000, and even this sum is double the load the nation le able .4.6-46brry. . England one only carry $376,- 000,000 of expenses, and she has ire sources equal to the , combined labor of 400,000,000 of men , those resonenes Arn, the immense machinery she works with all our machinery. do not foot up like resources at sreflio,ooo,ooo of men. now laacwiti it take our statesmen to arrive at, , s true comprehension of the actual tikbility of this nation? Our bur- slow .isliceaking us Antra. an& Cuugress Cannot be made to understand iL—Day- B ook. —The Pittsburg Republic is neither a Dereooratio or Republican paper, It is .what might be termed a, "go between the two parties." In its Issue of Wednes day it eontaine the following startling clitoral: There are thousands of people in the land who believe John Wilkes Booth I was hired by now prominent Radleals to ,lay Abraham Linosln, and that they then treacherously gave hint up to dse• trustian by their minions in the hope of covering their tracks. The 010 o With which the other prisoners—were guarded from outside intereouree ; the unfairness of their trial, and the hems .wk which they were ,put out of the world, all eye color to the suspicion, whilst the plokuow maturing to complete the work which the assassin left nnaniab sti-.1.,e. the destruet ion. of Andrew John son—seems to All the measure of proof against them. Abrahatd Litwinfell s Victim not then be performed his most « arbitrary and testae sets spine wesessisa, bat st a time whea he we* Malice the ,uPtitia of IttrOwldiatakii 6,oll'4t e iskoh, and 4 1 1P•Juli _tamales I. II ispoli tanifeblflt am - thrtnitmatiii: ' • drtleJohlwon is falling_hendath Iles la Owe for following in the last feed slope osida oy Abraham Lincoln. A Voice from the West Among the viotorieshave crowned the efforts of the Dem tiler. 1 ing,t he present year,the late one qt cago is one of the mosasidgmilimaat. The Democratic ticketforaltdge spd tile& war. eleolad.on Toisdity,4l a *majority of tivelhoadred,whieh lea gain il- ever four thoasnad viten In a eft!" year. • Tim* Radials and twelve Demo Aral* chtsittute the City Douai'''. This proportion is the result of the holding- over systein in force'in Chicago, ao far as this branch of the alumni* goiero went of that place in concerned. If the Council had been an open fight, as the offices of Judge and Recorder well; the Democrats would have carried a large frisjarlty trf ttre-rtmesnbree-eriseakt branch es. This will not be questioned when the preponderance of the vote is taken into oo•sideration. The solid men of Chicago, the trite chant s, manufacturer', eapttsllits. ad workingmen, are tired of Radical rulers in city affairs, as well an in the Stale and nation. 'Keeton le in the hands of the Democrats. 8o are New York aril Baltimore. Philadelphia gave a Demo cratic majority last fall, and will make the work of redemption Complete et the next election. To this array of tildes and commercial centres must now be aft ded Chicago. • hie is no mere coincidence in polio history Like causes are producing like results in all putts of the county. The decline of business caused by the sectional and deepotic action of theft:x(l - party,hurta the people on the bordere of the lakes as well as those on the see coast Merchnoty are-standing idle in their stores in Philadelphia atilt Boston, and the same fact is equally apparent in Chicago In the meantime property,incomes and bitei ne vs are taxed tothe uttermost verge of endurance. and yet tho party in power are et ill drying on the political oar with reckless Unconcern as to the' real inter city of the country. But a (dinner ham commenced. From the seacoast it is extending inland, and the prudent patriotic men of the West, are reeponding to their brethren of the East, by hurting from power those who have misused it in such an unprecedented and unpardonable manner,. When the recent victory at Chicago is thus viewed in connection. with other events of a like character, its full import and mean ing cat, he _gathered and garnered- for future use —Age The Perils of the Times 'Co people of modern times have lost eo miach in so short az-veriod se the boaesf 04 sons of liberty. in. Ulnae Stelea. and none have received with more else isloueeknesn, the aggressions and wow pal ions of power than those who profits's ed to pity all other people who hail lord .their,llbertlea.: The Amarttrert people,-Iti years none,. were wont io commiserate the woes of the oppressed of Ireland, of Poland, and of Mexico, and to express contempt, for the Mallat4 or such nations an were ruled by the rod of royalty , and yet we are to-day, the MOitt abject of nil the people of the world, who have pan seamed and lost the priceless boon of Lib erty! With all our boseeful self.ap. 'trending egotism, the American repub licans have proved most truly that they are truly Yankees nok,only in name but in principle and practice- -croon-hearing, burden-lifting, unreetsting, learning, pu sillanimous' Th ts unresist ng. oppre esion , accepting spirit of the American people lb that from which we have most to fear for the future. 01/ 0 pert/ 0 1 - .1 f,0,0 enlema the nittore Omit arise and cast off, in the innje•ty or their power, the chains forging upon their persona. eln• very, degradation, ■nd damnation are theirs forever. Men of the North' Scions of noble sires! Brave men and true' Now is the hour of peril! Stand by your wronged country, ILA your fathers stood by it in its infancy ! Lift it up front its fallen estate! Re store its heautyeand glory and peat' Stand by your liberties, ass Christian should stand by the cross of his God ! Uphold the bulwarks of the people against the assaults of palaver ! Restore the grand fabric to its grand fouudatfon of Constitutional law' The hopes of maligns of men are cen tered upon you Vail not in ihe hour of our national peril! Remember that "reektence to lyraitle Is obedienoe to God !•'. Orgaroce everywhere ! Organise in the towns, counties, and States! Organize the mighty boete of the wronged and liberty•robhed—organise for peace, but, to Organise for peace, first organize for war Valley Sentinel. -We ask the careful reading of ev ery qualified voter of either party of the following questioos; Why to the burden of taxation so op preesive, and employment ecaroe 7 Why are there le-day hundreds of thousands of white men and women In the North living In dread of starvtion within the preeent_yeer Why. arc thirty millions of white men taxed for the special benefit of • class who pay no taxes on the great bulk of their property? Why should there be over two thou sand millions of dollars exempt from taxation . If negroes ire fit for freedom, why h•s • great poorhouse system for their sup port to be kept up at the expense of Northern industry' If the war was prosecuted for the pre• servation of the Union, why afe top States kept oat cif it Let the answer as your owe heart and Intelligence suggest, be given next Oeto- Der and November —Mongrel organs oppose • t ballot in deciding the Impeachment case, becaube that would heutralize the whip ping-in measure.. Every Radical Rena to, who has manifested tbe least degree of fairness or settee of justioe has been assailed and threatened so. violently by Radical bullies, that an open ballotwill not show their own Convictions but Merely a rellbetion of the malignance of the knavish whippersda. --Grant a said to be is- serious trouble' That Ben Bntllr abonid get into the Navy- -Bureau, which position has been-aasigne4 him in lieu of the Treasu ry Depamosat. No Reduction, of the A rmy ^ The Radicals le Congress nesse to re dace the army. When the army appro priation bill Vile under eobsideration, law days ago, in the Sehato, Mr. Dari o , pemoorat, offered an amendment reduc ing the army to twenty thousand, but it was rejected. Senator Ititokalew.Dee m • orat, rfftWproposed that it be reduced to thirty thousand. This too w 4 voted down. So we are to'be burdened in fu ture, as we have been fur Ores years past, past, with an immense standing Ann) , in time of peace, to tarry oat the tyranni cal and revolutionary behests °Lan in famous Congress "The country groans and suffers under the weight of taxes imposed upon its • ' ref u ses relief la reducing the needless - expenses of e n army in time of peace. The people must toil, sweet nod suffer to pay for an army to enforce osmium of tyranny ~, the South. "enacted outside ofthe Con stitntion," and to parade around We a h. 'neon for their gratification of "Carnot Stanton" end alter revolutionists To day Wit - Ahington resohnds with the tread of an armed aoldlefy, quartered there in the int create of those who are seeking through a depoasithe Free[. dent, who Mandela the way of their re volutionary schemes Soldiers stand guard armed thesWer4llfiee, and soldi ers accompany the children of Grant, proposed milttar7 Molitor, to «chord and elitewhers. Soldiers evorywhero to overawe the people and carry out—by (We measures of irrann'y and o purpi lion The expenses are not paid by tazei l upon accumulated property hid upon oonsumptihn. an that the laboring aid business classes am-paying ell hill It CO.M3 nothing to the dfiee-holder.itl Shylocks in -whole 'mere eta all Ibis I Wt . chinevy er 4eprwitni, 111 run. Accoi ding to he lost, District Attorney Mann, 01 chat city, lately declared, 'cuoducc cog ta libel cane againet a publisher. trait •The rnswripaperthire growing too strong , their power is becoming greater then the law, and they most be put dove 1 combination of newspapers could a, tie the gas pipes out of the streets II they Wanted to " h This declaration Is an in voluntary trißute to the value andrower of newspapers, whilat,ar the same (line, it strikingly exhibits Hie bigotry nut intolerant's of us utterer. Primauseouli newspapers are powerful they should Ina be put down. Curtail, father,thecrubcl ity and lendeney to do evil, and encour age them to wield' their influence only for good, fot.triith and Nei ice, an I ciety will soon testily to thieir m redurced criminal bats, derierttid penitoti caries and leek's and threadbare 'lts triot. attorneys rtµ them down,auil ego ranee, the servant of crime, will lloursh and plunge the country into ,lark He , raise them...up and- inienigsoecataliatid• maid of civilization and Ctiristianiiy w prigh ten and elevate to the remotest re gions of the laud. (i %NO PANTOR —Ole Bull gave •t concert ire Washington it few eerrid,pi since for the benefit of the Lincoln Mon ument It was a decided failure, and did not pay expenses The 11ev Ityrqn Sunderland, wittier church 01%N hre. Joined since he became," n candidate fur Prettident, tendered bit itervices 10 oiler the concert With prier Be prop that the Almigioy would forever deprlve the Democratic patty of power, mutton ing tt by name We wonder ve,hai lit an pastor I.,banks of the ethoacy of lite pray ers thrice the electron• to Con nevi tent and elsewhere Perlitips he may eon.. 1 0 the concluhinn f Ifni he and the hi mighty differ morn, whot it. the 4,111.41 e of t he Democratic part) The Lord up pears to be liglitiorirre - t lie side of the Democracy, and the chances of the lire Byron Sunderland'a prayer being swered seen, to be very slim ludei - !Anti,' ter I, tell ;go, err --Poor men wonld you not like to hi free again' Roust you not like to beau you were in the halcyon days of the Fur mer Republic, when taxes' were light. moony plenty end good ii quality, rhea everything was peace and prosperity • Tbink a moment and !mower ! We would and we would like for all our fellow I. borers to be in the same condition lir are now at the Forks of the Road The finger boardpoinis in the direction to lake ••Democracy" is the easy road t , , our past state, while —Radice/ism" t• the rough' sued to still further trouble and oppression' %%bleb will you the Ponder before you start The move t. for your salvation or final opprrrnion and degradation Exchange ---The llevoltaton says. -There are 0,000 people in New York, and 200,00il in the United ,totes out of employ/nes , A millions mouths short of food in a oountry.whloh weep groaning with nhund antis to 186fi1" Yet the Asnruinent through the Rump, finds module to keep up a Bureau for the support of &hoc.. Radical lie sou voters nt the Aonth• and money to pay an army of hilly thouesetd men to keep the iiloulhern If,hitms iu A stale of, lagu. Cau iho la:payers tell where' the money comes from lee those purposes? —The mythical "Golden Circle fer merly had to stand spouses. !or All grimes committed in lA° South. and & majority of those perpetrated to the North The Ku-Klux Klan to lOW blamed wit everything—not only be outrages resulting from personal hatuth to but alt ta horrid crimes otoutuaieS by black leaguers and negro out- —A Deinoorstio voter of liartiord,. Connecticut, who was inoapaoitatel by rb o taz y, tl.: book, to the ,h mi hie wUe's eilria at the polls save three cheers to th e . woman, and made a °purse of $2OO for her. ----An nen)P.Or'tiloyir ' nton gra fe.b a e taken up quarters in Waehington:ree 4 Y add willing 'to "Wade in" under the prospective dynuty. -- - —The New York Tribune is afraid Repudiator Mann, MN - tstk for two Intake about the Tudors on the, impeaeh• meat °al% sod his effort- • stress!' o f %melees gib. lbw ttr;;tliterilL