The Democratic-Watchman BELLEFONTK,PA FRIpAY MORNING, FEB. 14,1186 C [for W•Tellii•Nl Common Schools. 2nd MONTH'S EXPORT: 4 1 is s source of pleasure to be able to report a higher percentage of attendance daring the 2d month Of the term, than misreported for the first month. . This bigheet Talent attendance for the int mouth, as reported, wee 11/.._111 tba 111ileeborg 2d grade; whiles the Crone- Read sellool, in Gregg,—Oak Grove, in Feriesou—Alivrireg, in Litton; and the Jaoksonville Primary, had each 86 per oentagew This m pith, it will be Been, the alien is better. Mush eredit It due the teachers and. pupils •f those schools showing a good itiendanee, since it shows that they. are lbteweated and in earnest, As an incentive to pupils, the Super intendent promises to make mention, in his I report, of the schools having the highest term attendance. Tate reports, vs reoei•ed, show an im provement in ctioation, especially in thou.. diterricts t• lied by the Co. Su perintendnxt though there is .till a great want here. Young ladies and young men are frequently found attend ing school, pursuing no other studies than merely Reading and Writit g—for getting that they ere thus wasting much of their time. aid not receiving the benefit they should. Tee elapeificatinn of the schools will probably appear in the next report. HMO ri j j g a J 08 011 10 0 SIO " " O 8 O BEN: ER. Pleasant riser Leatherman 'a Rebtil-1.• 29 69 Saved!. 31 69 Big , Bollow Wheatland ' 4l 85 69 9eh0.1,. 22 76 Wheatland " 41 77 Knott. Artnagaat's, Rock Forge, Bwartsei Schools are not reported. , tiELLEFONTE SCHOOLS Not repotted 11000}3 Pleaseve Hill Sehool.t an so i..c. 25 76 ilaaVg rigs - Salvo I, Central City ELI 71 86 Eagle Rolling 40 61 161114 School,: .5.3 76 E;44moLl R.ya '•j 11.dlary SctouLt 50 76 teHOPWS SCHOOL Not ttporiell BURNSIDE- Not ret,ortoil CURTIN Mirtob Creek School,: 68 68 knoll and hf ann'el Schools, arsnot re port* I. . LNDEPRNDRNT DISTRICT Farmers hi ill.; Farmers Mille 45 79 beboul ti REGO, School,;; Moy's tickeolt 49 61 Mountain B , 36 55 Penn Hall, Murray's, Deekeei, Beaver' D. Spring M Ills, Puke Hill and ('roes Road., not reported FKROUSON Tadpole 5.,• 77 111 ME Nil* 43 BO (W146:1414.. Berlejrille Mill• S., Pia• Grove Pr 4064 8-442 78,* 60 53 While nail ••e 31 64 Oak Grove" 25 63 Galesburg '•e 30 ;4 Krim:tr. Ise's Bwartsv ills •'s 37 77 Bebw,l,• Brunch. Kepler', Stuckey, and Center &boole, not reported. lIAINES Bank f3cb040.1 56 57 'Luau bur`• Mrsurrnarti *6l 66 Bank 8.410.1 62 54 Won'. School 51 62 Mountain S 22 88 Pine Creek 8• 54 3.4 Mountain 8., 23 61 Wbite Church and Aftronsburg Primary, not reported. HALFIiIDON Elder's S.:,*; 33 61 Eighth Stiu'e !twee. -• 36 73 Seboul,f Elbsenrt.nrii'•• 38 63 Centre Line Stersustown 37 7f , School,,* 27 78 Centre Line , 31 71 HARRIS. Oak 14•11 S.,* 60 82 End of Moon- Hoseerrllle" 54 74 tsloBehool• 34 71 Breach "o 24 63 'End of Moon. BUD let n.w n Sebooltt School,* 51 86 Centre Furn'e Boaloberg Bcboulf Soioth,r 36 83 IS •alsborg N Boaleburg &hoot* Booth • 39 83 Big Mellow Big Bellow S., h 2 114 • Behoul,if Walser 41iresa and Berk 11111 Sebnolis,not reported. HOWARD Rot reported . • HOWARD BOBOIJOIL Howard Grace Howard Boro. mar 8.,* bO Is4l Primary 8., 48 87 HUOTON. Julian 8.41 81 51 Black Oak Bobool t_ floboot not roportad. - LLBERTY. Eisheale's Bag 26 27 Rig Run 6.4 34 70 ISsessrills Oranieutr, Easileville Primary and Rituals's &Imola, not reportad. MAAIOIL Valois 8.,* 34 42 Uppe r Haden ukk Jionylll44l - hool! &had! 43 6L Low r Marko JaeloonvaleP Behoolit .49 67 &boot! 24 62 MILIII3BURG BOROUGH., tlesterrg Ilk Illikabhrg 41h Babool,* 35.89 Grade. 33 b 8 Mllesbarg, 8d Grade 40 83 Iltlerbarg 2d Grade, not reported MILES. iitobres /3.4 31 90 Bebersberg P.s6l 71 bras gart's Forster' 0.,t0 45 14 Sohooll 24 Usdisoebe r g WdlWsiNtoot 84 72 Grammar,t 87 69 Rebenhurg High; Oramly's, and Marll - Primary School, not reported. . " PATTON. Se'bra' Etch'Bl 50 74 Palnlay 8., 36 417 57 85 Pleasant 11111426 65 Stohy Point and Waddle's Sohools, nut reported. Texas Sctioi4 56 78 Pike School,* 44 61 Liberty ".t. 39 82 Millbeim Grammar. Wilhelm Primary. Reavely's awl Gentaers School', not repor ted. Loop School,* 50 47 Centre nail P Chetotte Ille School &boo!! 46 74 Potter Milli ("entre Hill" 46 63 P. School .. .,42 1 69 Potter'. Mjlls Pin! Stamp 0. School, 56 15 flatool.* Cold Spring Center Hall G. Scheol.t 36 67 &boo!! Fairview S., 16 65 Prospect Hill Centre Hell P. . Sa:KW 12 67 Sawal,lj 58 93 Prospect Hill School, t 7 ,88 Reek Grove, Whitky Hollow, Pine Grove end Plum Grove Sehu,ll, not reported. PIIILIPSDURII BORO Not reported Not reported BNOW SHOE trekey'a'S.,* 151 81 Noah a's no n Snow Shoe 8., 61 72 School,' 50 74 ' Otero School, not reported. SPRING. ValeutiasB4 , 3B 64 Mauer's. 16., 47 70 •49 61 Weaver'. 84 51 66 Boil ing4rlag Flaking Creek Sebool I* 41 51 School ;II 33 52 Boirg bp'ng 8 41 66 1 4 1•11ingCraek1 44 68 Ilirrisuavil la Oak ill rove,ll 38 08 School,* 40 72 Pleamant (hp, not roportea TAYLOR. Hend'n reboot 44 67 Mt. Vernon 8..32 75 Wild Wood School, not reported. UNIONVILLE BORO.. Not reported Plum tinny Rebool.a 48 73 Bob, Bell (hove. Maple throve mod Cher -7 Grave, not reported. * WALKER. Zion &boot.* 33.417 Snyder town Moblersburg P boboola,t 411 6 8(41001. 63 81 Franklin 8., SI 63 Soyderto w n Seboole 36 54 Pdrest. Ilublersbitrg High, Wolf's and Hecla Furnan'e Pabools not reported. WORTH. Reese's R.,* 17 68 Sunny Side Port Matilda School: tebool, 69 81 Plank Road Behoolt . 37 73 A a *". a 5 - 51 6 O a " " =be . 1 c r, ERE •Use Outline Maps d.l ily. t Use Outline Mipe three liana. a week lila,. on Outline Maps. ilterort of Gist month. OUR TERMS Tan DINOCRATIC W•TC1111•111 is published every Friday murningty P. Oasr Main, at la 00 oar annum, of wind strict!, in advance. $2 be when not paid In advance, aid $3 00 if not paid before the expiration of the year. Papers will not be sent out of the County unissa paid (Ur IN •Dlr•Nelt, SO all such subicriptions will Invariably be discontinued at the expiration at the time fur which they are paid. And no paper will be discontinued until aU arrearage is paid, exoept at the op tion of the publisher: ALL ADVERTISEMENTS for s' leas term than three months TWENTY CENTS per line for the that three insertions, and the rents a line for J each additional Inser Lion. Special notices one-half additional. All resolutions of Associations; coma:tunics. lions of limited or indi ideal interest, and notices of marriages and eaths exceeding fits Imes, t.e cram per line. Editorial no tices Meee rents per line. . pir- Aii advertising due after first inser• Urns. And where there is no contract made, and the number of insertions is not marked on the advertisements at the time they are banded in for publication, they will be coo. tinned in until orlered out. an CM ITIII A Liberal discount is made to persons advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows. 3 months 6 months. I year. One square [S LI $ 4 50 $ 4 00 $lO 00 Two squares - .11- 00 80 15 00 4aarter cold= 10 00 13 00 25 00 11111 column - - 18 00 25 00 '45 00 One column 30 00 45 00 00 00 DIE JOB PRINTING, of every kind, dons with neatness and dispatch Tea Werc■ cue Orrice has just been refitted with a Power Preys and new type. and everything in the Printing line can be executed in the most artistic manner and at the lowest rates. —TERMS CASIL 26 73 'All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Bellefonte. Pe. 46 80 29 83 ECM NCII3 Ittibertionnents. IBM ISAAC HAUPT ESQ • Our World kfacjiine has been greetly Improved for 1868. - It is now the most per fect machine oldie kind ever made Our self4rake t • grand thing and wit .ell like hot-cakes. How mauy machines will you probably want this year. We ask Immune thpy ars arcing fast? Flood yoa a lo; of pamphlet* to day. Yours Z. BALL & Co. 51 65 Whisk ewe be had by calling at Ms ogles near the depot; Balaton s Pa. Farmers who want to post tbemal►a on the most du rable and best working wobine ever toad*, should not tall to tall and get one. lIT OBT. streets of Bellefonte, between Monday evening and Wedneaday morn 11g, 4i oaf akin Pocket Book, eonfaining some money, and a note, drawn by now+ Bbat or, which was doe from Jets, for wbleb a reword will be padd on leaving M at this oMmo 121.6410.. EIII LOST. A aide of Wawa leather. either Is Bellefonte or on the wad lead Log to Jackson. vine, for whisk a liberal reward wilt be /Iv es ea jetenolag It to the owner or leer lag k at this °ghee. There was • p wo• or shack tips rot of the !Other ud rolled• inside it 7D-4•Dt • JOHN GARIIII.IOV. ' FARMERS AND mtrrumd . 44- 1311RANON., Sixth I Statement of the Penmen and Mechanics ?dental I.irelneantatte Com pany of Centre sad Clinton sounds, for the tear ending geoember 34th lee. Amnia *We behig prom notes and payable by member* Midi' daring the year , ' ending Deo. 24th • 1887 $ 11,838 89 Percentage paid on same Amount outatanding an 4 due from ag'ta Collected by wine moil on pre= huh notes Sham making the whole traneactiona of Co., during the year PENN POTTER. 1i173 55 6o 42 80 From which deduet compensation of directors °Moe rent.... Salary of Treauret do of Seeeetary Paid A. It. Barlow, for loci by fire do A. M. Bider for loss by fire do M. (1. (tray for loss by lire do J. Foitsgrove for lose by fire ' do J. D. Gray for loss by fire Attorney fee 5....... .... Contingent expenses Making the whole amount paid by the Co. daring the LIM UNION slo Co.:Dr. to D. Mcßride for loss by ere Amount df risks tak en during tho year 1,47,886 07 To which ajfd rieke taken in former re ports Making, the whole lupount._of risks amount - Number of Policies frond' during the DIE R. M. MAGEE, County Superintendent ye : No• or Policies here tofore reported and in force this day • 230 Whole Mo. of Poli- • Het in force th is day.... .......... 3 18 At an election held in the omee at Ha blershorg Doc. 24th 1867 the following per eon■ were chosen to serve as directors for the ensuing year Henry Mei' wen John Millar Henry Beck Michael Grove M. D. Hockey William Adams 11. Dopp J H B..rnbart .7 Dortibleser • Jobe (I►rbrkb Ilenry Brown Win H Poston The /tame day Directors met and organ( zed by elseting HENRY BECK, President. lIENBY McBWILN,Vioe President. ./tIIIV MILLER. Treuurer, HENRY BROWN, Semetary. Attest. HENRY BECK, HENRY BROWN, President. georetary IS 5-3 A DMINISTRATOR'S FUME. Letters of Administration on the estate ofJohn 0 ingrich, late of Harris twp. Centre county, deed, having been granted to the undersigned,notice is hereby given to all personal kaussing themselves indebted to said estate to meke immediate 'payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for !settlement BENJAMIN BTAM. Adminierator. A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters or administration on estate of Nelson Lucas, late of Snow Shoe twp„ having been granted to the undersigned. she re :testa all persons knowing themwees in• debted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims to pre sent them duly authenticate" by taw for set tlement. JANE LUCAS, W ILLIAMSroIa Duly chartered and authorized by the Leg IMEI Itlature to grant Diplomat to Its graduates welsomed at its outset by a more liberal pat- mange than that which hu been.aveorded any other Cemineceisl College in the °wintry Beauty, health, and business import ance of its location. lIIM It is readily accesable from all points of • Railroad. Bond, cheaper than at any other Ornamental Pentium!lp, Kamplos of On atoney l asedla the eallep Sisk, cell at the iniatilantouo. 309 13 EIBM 6,719 40 ..-11 19,236 60 89 92' 10 00 20 00 20 00 800 00 400 00 2.352 35 1,400 00 2,600 00 10 00 12 56 -a--- $ 7,724 77 Thus making 04 whole available assets ortrantae- Coos of the Co., daring the year... To etdich add preteri t= not taken pro viso to Dec.. 24th 1867 in force tbie day. Lear amount called In on asses meet $ 38,422 61 -4 11,618 810 Alen •mount in tress Ufy CEEB $ 38,509 73 Grand total of assat.ta of Co., to thin date--$ 50,021 412 Loam by fire during the year $ 8,123 8V 15E1 400,654 /19 - --="111 548,510 28 DIEM Admin Istrotrix EXIM _ . Commercial College. COMMI:RCIAL COLLEGE TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, This Institutlob, bat recetstly 'darted, wat ADyANTAOM9 einsdar institution f o r Torus, Speriauiem of Hwinua Yid oSoo, or address J. 1. DAVIS, ' if 11 liaamport Fs. MED laurnottseli Contr. T HE PURV I ST SPICES, ...., The purest.apices, The fese , istAilsees The purest Spiess, The purest Spices, The eheapeat - G reeeries - The ehiespeet Grocerie. The cheap et Groceries The cheapest Groceries The faseiest-Toys, The fanciest Toys, The fanciest Toys, The fanciest Toys, The plain to buy Boots and Shoes, The place to buy Boole and Shoe', The plain to boy Boots and Shoes. The place to buy 800 61 end Shoes. The plate to buy Hata and Caps The place to buy Hata and Cape, The place to buy Hata and Caps. The place to buy Hats and Capp The pod to buy thole., The place to buy Gloves, The place to buy Gloves, The pilot to buy Glover. Better and lower than elsewhere, Better and lower than elsewhere, Better and loWer than elsewhere, Better and lower than elsewhere, At Burnside's, At Burnaido'p, At Bunnide't, At Burnside& 3 .., Do you wont Buffalo Bobo* Do you want Buffalo - Robes ? Do you want Buffalo Robes ? Do you want Buffalo Robe. I Do you want Bleighbellat Do you want Sloighbolls? Do you was' filnighbello Do you want Slaiebolle Do you mat throw? Da you wy► Humps_ ? Do you visit Harness? Do you mat Kocusoo ? Di you wood Lauber? ' DO you out Loather? Do you Mast Loather ? .Do you mist Vostbor ? At eity prkes ? At *ley vier ? At efts prier? At city pries.? Go to Burnside', Go to Bats*loo, Go to Etuttiiidos. 410 to Ilismoittes, 13-1-1,7 arugo aib, age RINGS*,' ' Rings Iliar Rivas Rog/ Ritigs Tn re- Rings Rings More gray (tinge Ringo hair to Its ()rig- ItingB Ring. inal calm. Bradi• Rings Sitar este Dandruff and • Ring. Rings from the horror. Ridg. Rigs* 8 0 A L P, Ringo Rings and prevent Rings Rine •BALD• Rings Ringo nese, Ring? • Ring. Ring. R INGS. Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia le the Mtche of the age! (fray) liee,ded'People have their locks res tored by itlo•the dark. &serous, silken tree see i•f youth and are happy ! Young Pecple, yith light faded or red iralr, • bait) there unfashionable collin changed to a beautiful auburn, and rejoice People where heads are covered with Dandruff and humors, use it, and bare clean effete-and Blear and healthy realps Bald Headed Veterans bare their remnin lag lock• tightened, and the hare trots &'v- Bred with& Lague • t growth of Hair, and dance for ply! Wong Genjemen use It became) It Ii rich ly perfumed! Young Ladles•use it • because it keeps their Hair In place I Everybody must and waft ore it, because it is the eleaaest and best article in the mar bet! At iturtmaditie, At Barnsidee. At BurAsides'. At butnip ides', Call for Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, and foe your own pleasure and emnfort do nol. b. put off with anything else "said to be just as good." Beware of counterfeits I And Injuriou• imitations which flood the country. For Sale by Druggists general y. Pair/ $1 00 per Dom.,. E. M. TUBBS k CO. Proprietors, Petarbor°, N. 11. Germantown, Columbia Co., Y M 1161.1111 E M TUDOR A Co Gents—B. hair and whiskery were at least ono half grai whet 'was induced to try 'Ring s Vege table Ambrosia, and after using it airee weeks, my hair-and whiskers were restore to their natural color ; it oleo eradicates a , dandruff from the scalp, and I cousibler unerrnsrlied- its is hair Arming. keeping - hair soft and silky and does not color th. skin or stain clothing. It will du all yo, claim for tt. -W. TOMPE INS. Demo Barnes 4 Co., 21 Park Row, New Yorl Wh Icicle Agents. For sale by McG irk 'A Cleaver, Phi ipshurg ; F. P. Green, Belle forte. F. 8. Wilson, Bellettinte. and b Druggists generally. 12-16-1, GREEN'S DRUG STORE. Room No. 3, Brok.erhoirs Row The undersigned resueedullynrinonneetths he Liu removed hie •roll known DRUG CHEMICAL STORE. to the new room (No. Srun nro6rll,;l'. bored, which he has fitted up for that pus pomeand haring largely increased his ousel loom, prepared i.trr - furnish Me customer, with,pure DEUGH. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. PURR WINES & LIQUORf for medicinal nee, IDYIR ISTUPPA, with al most every article to bei . found In an es tablishment of this kind, each as -- Horse and Cattle Powder. Coal OR. Alcohol, Linseed Oil, Olass.Paints, Putty, Sponges. Mau the largest and best collection of immi PERFUMERY AND POILAT SOAPS over brought to this place. Tobacco and cigars of the most approved brands, con. 'tautly on band. He would coltAhe Mien lion of the public to his stAk of notions, consisting of flair Tooth. Nail, Flesh and Ptht Brushes Cutlery, Pipes, Drinking Cups. Chess and Baciltgorsteson boards, Chess Men Dominoes, lc. lc. • A leiw,-w-lergervartety of TOYS FORCHIL OREN. Particular attention given to preparing PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES. Having had more than twelve years ex perience in the business. he feel■ tionfklent he can render satielactiOn to all who favor bin, with their patronage. FRANK P UftEEN, Druggist, Feb. 9. 18611—t1. Roisto. No. 3 lirok. Row ACARI) TO THE LADIES. DR. DUPONCO'S OOLDEN PBRIODICALS PILLS FOR FEMALES. ' Corroding Irregularities, Honoring 06 strutting.. of the Mont Ali Turns from what ever cmaor, and always ofreessfol as Al pre r=rog It lenow over thirty years since the above celebrated Pills were discovered by Dr Pu °ono° of Paris, daring which tiler they visit extensively and sueoeasfully used in most of the public institutions—as well as in private practice—of both hemispheres with apparelled sueness io every case, and It is only at the urgent request of the thou sands of Ladies who have ustd them that he is Induoed to inak• the Pill. public for the alleviation of those suffering from any Irreg ularities woatever, aa well as to prevent an Increase of family where health will not pertnit it. Females peculiarly situated on those supposing themselves co, are caution ed against using these pills while in that con dition as the proprietor assumes no respon sibility after the above adtaquition although theii mildness would prevent say mischief to health otherwise the Pills are recom. mended. ONE BOX IS SUFFICIENT. Full and explicit.'" directions accompany each box.. Price $1 per box, mix boxes ss. Sold by one Druggist in every town, village, et! ant hamlet throughout the world. Bold in Ilefonte, Pe . ;W E. P. Orem (druggist) So 9 agent for Bellefonte, Ladles! By send• log Ain $1 to the Bellefonte Post Oleos ono hare the Pills sent (confidentially) by waif go nay pert of Lilo ceerstry, true of Postage. Bald also by Dr. Preisop, Look Haven, J, i Read, Huntlogd•vn ; whvietile by Johnson ' Holloway t Cowden, Philadelphia; Demo Barnes & en., New York; and.,loy S. p. jowls, (soleproprietor) New York. 11 14-Iy A VALUABLE MILL PROP BRTY YON , - SALE. - . filtnatod in Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa. The 'subscriber desirous of galling the tautness, • offers for sale boo fiouriag mill with tWe run of burs, the mill Is strong and hi good order both, with from I twenty to thirty &area of 'land and a corn. !bitable frame dwelling house, the property lying 1, mike west of Philipsburg, Cadre county, and within a her rods of turn pike road, the Tyrone and Clearfield • rail. road Tuning through the land and within a few rod, of the mill. Also &considerable lot of timber on hand., Ilemlook and Pine, it h also a very desirable location for a Woolen factory, and one Ismail 'needed In this W. thin of the country. For farther portico. lan Inquire of the subscriber being on the property, or. address Philipsbnig, Centre county, Pa. ' 1 ONASLES W. CADIVALADIR 12-44-6 s itAtitclaoalm. BALD EAGLE VALLEY'RAILIMsft . On and after Monday, herember 24.1867, the Trains on the D. E. V. R. ft, LEAVE EASTWARD. STATIONII. ruL. ACMOII. 711Ro . pt Tynme,` . .. , 10• N 400 Pr 12 10 r East Tyrone 1.8 •' 408 '' 12 25 intenteotion 24 " 4 14'" .12 33 Bald 111115 30 " 420 " 12 41' Hannah 47 " 437 " 106 Port Matilda . 58" 448 " 123 ' Martha 1 07 I' 457 " 130 11'2I"fuliga 611" 154 Unionville 116 38 " 550 " 214 Ennw Shoe In 10 49 " 541 " 240 Mlleehurg 16 53 " 545 " 247 6 Ilstdarorern 11 08 " Milesburg 11 20 Curtin ' 11 33 " Mt. Eagle - 11 41 , " &ward 11 50 " Nashville 12 05 P. IC Beet•h Creek 12 14 " Sill Hall 12 29 " Flemington 11 33 " Lurk Min 4112 40 " Look Hamlin 12 40 " LEAVE WESTWARD. .ref‘loWS. ACC011• Luck Haven 3 45 P N. •"• In 254 " Flemington 2 57-" Will Hall 3 01 " beech Creek 3 16 •' Nagleville 3 24 " +mod 3 40 " Vit. Eagle 3 50 " Curtin 3 57 •' Nildslturg 4 10 " ilettrrogra •4 27 " la 6 00 a N iileehurg 437 " 610 "Le 84d •tnuw Hhoe In 4 4.1 " 6'lB " 8 1.7 " "ninnville 457 " 630 " 912 lulhn 911 " 643 " 930 " dartha 523 •' " v 843 " 10 07 '• l'ort Matilda 5'32 " 654 10 21 '• •lennah 5'43 " 713 " 10 37 " it'd,' Eagle 500 " 729 " 11 02 nterrtetion 608 " 733 " 11 11 'taut Tyrone 612 " 738 " 11 20 " l'yrnne 620 " 745 " 11 40 " p lIII.A DELPInA AND BRIG R. It WINTER TIME TABLE Through and direct route between Phil .lelphia, Baltimore. Harrisburg, Williams. .ort., and the GREAT OIL REGION or PENN'A ELEGANT BLEEPING CARE On •II night Trains. On and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th 1867, the Trains on the Philadelphia and Eri. -Itsii-ltwzd will run as follows: WESTWARD. Hail Train leaves Philadelphia li 15 p. a .". " Look haven... 9 25 a. a " arr. cc Erie 9 00 p. Erie Express leaves Phila 12 00 noon " •• " Lock Ilaven... 10 15 p. " " arr. at .Erie ds 4 a . Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia 8 00 a. e Jack Haven... 745 p. " at Lack Haven 045 p. EAHTWARD. Mail :Train leaves grit, 10 25 a. in " " Luck Haven_ 10 15 p. al Aft. ar Philadelphia.. 8 55 a. ca Eftar Rapt's* I Evil, 4 25 p, ea " Lock Ilaveo 240 a. m arr. at Phila I OS p. lilmira Mall leaves Lock Haven 7 10 a. a ■t Philadelphia 6 10 p. to ani,l6zpreaa connect with •t 1 truffle on Warren A Franklin Railway. Passau germ leaving Philadalphla at 12,00 ro. arrive at Irventun at 6,40 am. and Oil City at 9,51 a. Leavi g Philadelphia at 11,15 p. rive et Oil City at 4,35 p. m All trains on Warren I Fria din lUD Iva, make close connections* Oil City with traina for Franklin and Petroleum Contra Baggage checked through. ALFRED L. TYLER. noel SOFA. EH., Pa NSYLVANiA CIINTRAL R R. On and after Monday. November !S, a 7, trains on the P. C. R. R., will run ar Italows GOIND WESTWARD lITATIONII. rIIIOA. NC MAIL. l'bildelrOis 11 05 p at 7 50 • ii traniobtarg 3 15 • r 1 lb r 6 Lewistuwa 5 30 " 4 10 " Iluntiogdou 7 05 " 6 55 " TrMilli ' 7 52 " 6 48 " Piltlibllrll AU. 3 00 rII 4111/1, I 30 •hi GOING BASTWARD FITATIONS. PBIL'A. Pittsburg 4 20 r r Triton■ 10 08 Huntingdon 10 55 " Lewistown 12 17 " Harris& arg 2 45 ♦ r Pbiladelphis •nst 7 00 " TYRONE E CLEARFIELD, R. R. On sad after Monday, November 25, the Paesenger train on the T. C. R R., will run ae follows 001N0 WEST. Philipsburg! 20 r 111 Osceola 1 40 Powelton 1 65 " Sandy Ridge 2 02 " Summit 2 10 - Garden - - 2 - 40'. Intersection 3 02 Baal Tyrone 8 07 Tyrone 3 16 " 0011911 BAST. Tyrone 9 29 14.T/rens 9 28 " Intersect's' 9 34 liardner 10 09 " Summit 10 30 Silly itilr. - 1 - 0 PoWelton 10 46 " Osceola 11 00 " Phi Snob's II 55ab Inv. SADDLERRY & 0 ARN ESS Laws to inform the • has reopened Ma BADLO Y, oil In need lan he hthlng In his line, os• In need of Ths iubscriber bogs public orenersll7 tbat h HARNESS 4. manufactory, when th accommodated with no the lowest terms. Humus, ~ Heavy gears, Bridle' Beg(111 Hone oovers, _ Rosetta, Trunk, Traveling bags or anything of the kind, should give lasi a salt Don't forget the puma, ted door above. Die& p street on Spring. Al—IS, , ••• JIIRRY TOL.AIf• XKW CONFECTION kat . The subscriber baring opened up as 'Satire seer stock of Cleufeetleattries is room NO. 3, BUSH'S BLOCK, Tory respectfully solicits * Awe of the Public patronage. Jai keeps ootudaatly oe kited a large assortamuit of CANDIES, FRUITS, NUTS, 80., sad in ponnestion with the ContootietwY has a spiendii OYSTEIL SALOON dttsd ty, terwhitrii sHipation will be Pad. JOHN H. =NOD. 12.18 • 3 00 3201. 4 ID ~ 4 10 ~ 4' 40 4 65 . 6 20 5 38 ~ 5 45 ?Rao' ► t 6 006 k 6 10 .. 6 20 .. -6 30 7 00 .. 7 13 . • 7 43 .. 8 00 8 14 .. 8 30 4 12113 4 30 • II 3 28 r a 4 23 " 5 55 9 25 1 25 AM