The Demociatic Watchman, Spools! NotNes. 'ADDRIISII TO THIS lIIIRTOOM AND DISaILITa raD whose suffering shave been protracted rom bidden causes, and whose eases re quire prompt treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have .of area from involuntary discharges, wile:of fset does it Produce upon • your general health ? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired.? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or year idney,q; frequently get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky. or Balky py, or is it or on settling? 'tii•Alees a thick seam rise to tbetop? Or is a sediment et the bottom after it has stood &whiter Do you have spells of shortbreatbing or dyepep sic d,'" Are your bowaireonstips led r. Do yob have spells of fainting or rushes of blood to the head Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon thig subject Do you feel dull, listless, molidng tired of company, alit . ° Do you wish to be lot alone, to get away from everybody? Does auy little thing Mike you start or l jump Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the Imam of your eye as bril liant Thabloom on your (Meek as bright ? Do tuu pursue your besieges with the same energy Are your spirits dull and Bag gy, given to tits of melancholy ? if so du not lay it to your liver or dyspepela.• Rave you restless nights? Your back weak. your knees weak, and have but little ap petite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia. or liver complaint? Now, reader , selfabum, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable ofproducing a weak• floss of the generative organs The organs of generation, when in perfect 'health, make the Mall. Did you ever think that those hold, defiant, energetic. persevering, nieeessful litinine.H men arc alw ye those whose generally° organs are' in perfect health' You never hear siteh men rom plain of being melancholy, of nervousness, ot palpitation of the heart They a e never afraid they cannot succeed in bust !less: they don't beelitne nail and dm courage , ' : they aro alwaya polite and pleas ant in the company of ladles, and look you mild them right in the lave—none of your downcastlook cast any other meanness about them. I do nut mean those' who keep the organ. inflamed by running to excess. Diana will not only ruin their nonstitutilmo, hut AI/ those they del business with or lor: How ninny men from badly cured' di -ease., Irmo' tho effects of self abuse and ox imeses, have brought shout that state it nenskness in those organs that Mae renujed the general system su much no to Wilmot al wont every other diseases—idiocy, lunacy, paralysm spinal affections, suicide, and al. must every other loon ut diremie which hu manity Is heir to, soul Illy real ranee of the trouble scarevly ever suspected, and have doctored for all but the right one. Direarez of these organs require the use of a dluret ELM BOLD'S FE,II4,II:XTHACT BUCIItJ a thn Diurealz . , and is a cert iii are for -Commies of the Bladder. Kidney.. titres el, Dropsy, Organic Weakn. so, Female Complaints, General—Debility, and all iii +Anises at the Urinary Organs, whether exis ting In Miele or Female, from whatever eau.° originating and no matter of how long .tending. Is no treatment. is submitted to, enneitmptien or Ifistratly may ensue Our limb and `blood are saiinorted Irian these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Post. City, depend. upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Extract Bud:lu. established 'upward al la years, pre pared by 11. T 11 k:I S ?dI3OLD, Druggist. ill. Broadway New Jerk, and UM south 10th Amyl Philadelphia, Pit Price—sl 25 per bottle, bottles for 16.50 delivered to any address Bold by all Druggist. every where. 12-II ly MAMMOTH BOTTLNI ONLY 7.5 CNITP,— Kugenie hair restorer the cheapest and best. The Eugenie Flair Restorer ecliptic II known discoveries for the rsp'dity wit which irresturee gray and faded hair to its natural color—promotes its rap,d and healthy growth. prevents and stops it when falling off, and is a moat Mumma drenhing for the Moir, rendering it soft, silky and 'estrous. Mammoth Bottles only Tr'eents. Sold by meet all Druggiete• Ulfit THE BEIBT.—BLAIIEIe ICUPIMNIAI. LUBRIC•TORII, Are a Medical ; reparation in the furm of a Locunge, and are univers al ly considered the most pleuron, rj/ertao/ and rimer...teat remedy in use fur /fuer.," ors., Conyli,s, Cade, Croup, Catarrh. Anthem, Itrordiat iv, Diptheria, and all Pulmonary Complaints. They ore unirsonted to give quicker and more lasting benefit In the above nenctions than any other remedy ; also, to contain no deleterious ingredient, and nut to offend tLe weakest and most peneative stomach. Price 2b cents a box Madan' Con-. atitutional Pine, Are so called, because of (.1 " their peculiar direct and effte cot e net upon the Liver. btomarb, Blood an Nervous mystem• For inactivity of the iver, for the Stomach in derangement., iq. Dyspepsia they will delight the patient with their wild and beneficial affect, especially if from iang • ountinued indigestion end,comitivoness, they are left with periodical returns' of the sick headache. In case of • r Id, pro. dueiny Chine avid Feuer, you can break it very aeon by using the Pills ea per direc tions with each box. For sale by all Drug! gists. PIED U. BLADED it Co., Pro pr stun, Elmira, N. 'Y. 12-43 ly ITCH! ITCH !! ITCH I t-13CRATCH I flcaarca! ticii•rcn ! 1-1 u Irom 10 to 41t hours Wheat on's Ointment cures the Itch. Wheaton' Ointment cures - Balt Rheum. Wheaton's Ointment cures Totter. Wheaton's ,Oiut ment cures Barbers' Itch. Wheaton's 010 ment cures Old Bores. Wheaton's Writ merit cures Every kindof Humor like Eagle. Price tto cents a box ;by mail. 00 vents. Address WEEKS se POTTER, No. 170 Washington Street, Boston Nam For sale by all Druggists. 12-37-Iy. Dc - , Blindness, and Catarrh, treat ed with the almost success, by Dr. J. Isaacs Oculist end Aerial, (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) lle. 806 April street, Philadel phia. Testimonials from the most reliabie suurcesln the country paw be seen at his office. The medical faoulty are invited to accompany their patients as-he has no se crets in his prwctioe. Anineial eyes inser ted without psis. No charges made for et +mina ion. 1246- ly To Conic:mercyEs.—The Rev. Edward A Wilson will send (free of charge) to s:l who desire it, the prescription with the dim- UOUI for making and using the sinsple reco• edy by which he was eared of a bug affec tion and that droad disease Consmoption. His only object is tobanelit the afflicted and be dopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please ad ds's...ASV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 111 &oath Second Street, Williamsburg, New York. —ly. 12-20 I ton.—lnformattom rearoateett prOttee • 'umlaut growth of hob upon • bald beetd or beardless 'woods° • weir, for the honors! of Plniplee,Blott hes, Erup tions, 040.. 'on the ekln v leating the fame soft,ehall, land iteantlfel, lei be Otaline4 withont,elnorge by addressing TIN% Jr.. ONIANMAN,' Cam tr, 623 Broadway, Now York. 12-20-Iy. don's GM* 141.41.116:-The beat popular remedy for coughs, cold, croup, whooping cough and aonsumptios. Both sizes--ordl nary 4 oc. also mammoth family bottles— for sale by 11 druggists and dealers In med icines. No family should be over night with. out it In the house. BRILONg . or YOUTIL—A gentlemen who sneered Mgt Nervous Debility, premature deoayt agg ail the effects of youthful' indis cretion, *Oiler thp Hike of suffering huniall: Ity. send free to OM B° peed It. the receipt and directions for making the kelpie re= medy'by which he WM aired. soiftWers wish ng to prtQt by the adverdisers experisoce, can doss by addressing, imperfect con ndbtroe, JOHN B. ODDER, 42 Ce-der Pt. N. 12, 20-Iy. Men DYPIPISPIIIA cons will Immediately relieve and permanently cure the most ag• gravated case of Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Sour Stomach, Constipation, and all d limas ea of the stomach and beguile. Physicians, clergymen and all who use it, Join In unboun ded praise tif Vs great virtues. Bold by Druggists everywhere. Price $l,OO. *tubes tmb enzb3are. STOVE & HOLLOW WARE F CA , O A'L- & GANOE, PAILLPSBURO, CENTRE COUNTY, PA ' ' MUM fao t u rarer of TIN: COPPER & tiIIEET IRON WARE and whole-sate •and retail dealers in STOVES, HEATERS. Hifi:LOW- %VA RE take pleasure in announcing to the public tlfatthey . w ill keep constantly on haq, one ow the largest aiwortments of good tin their line ever brought to this section of the Stab,. They now have therlielebrstod IRON SIDES COOK STOVE, the largest oven-emit-reeve In the market ; has oil the advantagest that can be put on a .hive ; large coven. high under the ash nit a•nl at the nine time a (Jeep ash pit. also a large extended top. never fails in On Opera tons—Four Plzen with I x tended fire iI.,XCP 64 coal or wood They have also the Continental. Lehigh, Farmer, Daylight, bpeer's Anti Oast, Niagara, Charm, florid& he., with ,every variety of the hest Pittsburg Menu- Tartu re., PARLOR it lIEATETNO STOVES • of every description, quality and price. TIN, COPPER, sllisET lIioN wOoD. EN, AND WILLOW WARE, Wholesale or Retail, v mantifitotured neatly and with the Pole view to service, from the heat nutterhitin the market. PLOWS. PLOW POINTS COPPEK, BRASS, AND IRON KETTLES, Of every description constantly on hand. LW II 1 N }IOUS, SUPERIOR POINTS put ur oil phort notwe Oil 9F:11.5 SPOUTING. ROOFING. Alta other work belonging to their boldness will h promptly tilled by experienced and ak 'Wel workmen. 1111A4S, COPPER AND OLD METTAL Tilton in exchange hir goadn. iler Special inducements are offered to Morobentfi, who wild) to porohere at *hole male. 12-45-Iy HII.I.If3IRFI. 11• NV bolesale a nd retai dealer in STOVES AND TIN . WARE Allegheny fit . Ileklefonte l'a., would Invite the attention of the public td hie elegeat stork of goods, Just reveived for the fall and winter trade, embracing PARLOR. AND COOK STOVES Ttnaind rheet Iron ware, Japanned ware, abort. into ware, tamped ware, Seamless tin ware, Enameled, tinned and plain hollow - ware,and everything to be found in a first rinse tin ware ina-ufactory Al.o t 'let emit, coffee initte,voal hods, hammered pans, (round and oval) dripping pan., benign and copper kettles, spoons, knitea and fork., ands full assortment of house turn ish inggoods generally. Special attention is dire:kedto the 13-5 ly MORNINO ULOHYPARLOIt STOVE: 4 , winch ocher., of sllsiseg. They illlnintte, are selTfeeders and perpetual hutment. They are unequaled for beauty. potatoes., dur.bility and saving of fuel The WEI.INOTON AND ROYAL COOK. Oriental and Ornamental Cook stoves with improvements o I 1987, are unequalled by any cook stove in the market, for 'eras, fluaa,. heavy rawings, high totems and strong drafts, and are the most durable in all rewrote, and are wurrarited perfect bak All k Wide of Stove Trimmings constantly gpthandaat low Ilguree. ROOFING AND SPOUTING promptly attended to, and ' , period latent:bier paid to Repair og Stoves, and Jobbing gen erally. Callum., see oar aesortment before purokasing elsewhe,e, u we are prepared to offer great induoemente. 12-49' N. Hll, 11111411. QTOV SS ! teTO ilSti l I i r e. kJ I■ c ilaupt has got alresdya new sup ply of Sheens Antidust Cook aid Parlor Stoves. They 'have proved themselves to be the t stove out fur burning either hard ors coal they salve th eir own &shwa, make n at , economise fuel and are the beet ba ke s in tne world, ■pd have more conveni en than any other stoves now to use. opla in want of stoves would Jo well to call t his Ware Rooms near the Depot add see his stock before purchasing elsewhere, as by a neglect of this toey may be sorry as many ho s been already. 12-30-tt. ISAAC .11AUPT. tiattm, Olonfectiolaries. N EW BAKERY i CON FECT I 0 • A RY I TI e eubeeriber would respectfully Inform the citizens of Bellefonte mid vi otnity, that hie new and extensive, BAKERY ft CONFECTIONARY, are now completely 'finished, abd that he Is prepared to fumbihedevery day. Freab Bread, Cakes of all kinds, Flee ie., tie., Candies, apiose, - 4 Note, gralte, anii anything and ever:thin' belonging to the beldam. Having had years of experience in' the haziness, •He flatters Maiself that he eau guarantee satisfaction to all who - lay favor bin With their patrons/pt. 11-42-17 J. H. BAND& • ICE 1 JOB I ICE! I - ,_The Bellefonte Ice lloure belonging to Valentine, Blanchard & Co. has .been en larged to double rise, and the loe procured for It is of the clearest quality. •Persone wishing Ise durlpg the - coming reason ihould not fail to give it a trial. During the Ice reason it will be all parts of town. fining- OWL 131J1LD . ERS LOOK HERE I The enbeerlber hiving leveed the MILBI3IIIIRO PLANING and added largely to its faellities for turn ing out grit clue wort, are now.prepared to fitrulsh • FLOORING. FRAMES, DOORS, • SABII, BLINDS, BUILDING, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK and manufactured lumber of E VER Y DESCRIPTION IMO LOWEST CASH PRICES All manner of work. snob as Scroll Saw ing, Mouldings, Brackets. do., made after any DESIRED PATTER-N, on the nhortest poesible notice, COideeted with di' mill, ►anti 3petatt6t at all times, fa age 6f tha•Yatesi improved COKE DRYING KILNS, which leaves the lumber in a perfectly healthy tau, assists in preserving it, and in loot adds to its lasting qualities, while oth or methods of drying deteriorates, and rezi deis It more liable TO DECAY AND WABTN Lumber dried in a Coke kiln will not shrink, it is dried perfectly and when work ed und'put up, will not SHRIVIL AND SHRINK, thus giving buildings the appearance of having been erected out of Green Material. TRY (18 We know that our facilities give we supe rior advantages over Qtlier PLANING MILLS IN ICIIIN BNCTION and w• feel perfectly free in saying, dh►t all WORK WILL MC GUARANTIRED to In of A HOPRILIOR QUA I,ITY We will furnish anything in oar line from a doer panel, to a WHOLE HOUSII, and at ouch prioes, ska cannot but prove to be an induoment I. TIIOBII DIORRING TO BUILD All orders promptly MIMI aad • Mir saga of panne patronage, teepootfally so- MOORII. • WOLFE. [Seeeseeor `of H. Levi.] 12-46-17 - 11 IifILIISBURG, PA Snouralre. ARE YOU INSURED I IF NOT 'DELAY NO LONGER, Idlsfortumo'nfay Mut you to morrow, attend to the matter at none. FIRE, LIFE AND AOCIDNNT, lIU,TCRINSOt &' CLARK, Genetal Inset:me Aggnte, Allegheny street, Befflitolite, Represent the following company's : Aline Fire; Capital and Asset/ 54.273,269 it Mali!, N. U. do -do 1,117:,416 74 lAtitnem Fire, do do 9(10,u0(i ou Original Travellers • , fo. Com. II do Amer'n [ r ife• do Co Sfat9 Life du ALSO. Real Estate Agents, Lands Dwellings and lute bought sold A valuable Glass manufactory, at Covina• tof Tkiga county, Pa., is nuereaatul opera tion ex years. A valuable lease of live years on an Au thracite coal bed, with allthe necessary machinery for working, in active operation =neat fillakahlnny, Penna., known as the RDOKY MOUNTAI? COAL BED, SIIITTTBRB , close to canal and S. C It. It. A one half interest in SEVENTY ACRES of land with the Baltimore ur 20 IeEZT II UN OP A•NTBRACITE COA L opened upon it, located at Kingston, Pa., on the Wyoming coal Field. - Fat SALE. A Frame house with two acres of land e”ellen location, Food fruit, level land, wa ter. stable de., ih Bellefonte borough," A double PLUME HOUSE WIT!! TWO MO'S and Rend elol.le in Bellerunte,,well !nested andnearly now. _ 12-44 3m tiOLUNIIIIA INSIU CO 1,,./ COLUMBIA, LANcASTI:II4IOOrtY, CHARTER PERPETUAL!! Capiial k Anne's, 600,627,1'1 This Company eoptinues to insure Buil dings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire on the mu Wrl plan,pithe; fur a ooh premium or pre mium note. SEVENTH ANNUAL' REPORT. Whole amou■t ins. $2,478,4213.83 Less a-r't expired 722;771.34 11,75.5,8115,49 CAPITAL AND INCOME. A as% of premium new) $885,123.27 Less amount expired 71,96104 613,16043 Balance of premium, Jan 1 '66 6,609.16 CIaI roc t, loss commissions in 't6 67,016,16 DEMI Due from agents and ether Lollies and expenses paid in '66, 73,025,81 Losses adjusted, not due Jan I 1 117 21,296,88 Balance capt'l and site Jan 1'67 600,427,01 • 1194„0.50 10 AMOS 8. GREEN, Penal. OHOROB YOUNG. Beoretaryr MICHAEL B SHUMAN, Treat!. DIRECTORS. R T RYMON JON PENDRICH 8 P EBBRLEIN AMOS 8. GREEN WM PATTON JOHN W. BTBACY N M.4)%ONALD, JOHN-B. BACHMAN; II 0 MINICII HIRAM WILSON, OEO YOUNG, Jr. ROBERT CRANE. 11, ISAAC HAUL" T, Agent. HOMN ititiffßANCE CO, OF NEW HAVEN, CONN CABII CAPITAL - Insures against Loss or Damage by Fire and Inland Transportation on terms adapted to the hazard and consistent with sound and reliable underwrit4ng. ASSBIS,JANUARY 1, 113117. United States and State Bon 111453,200 00 National Bank Stock 368,485 00 iteal Estate awned by the C 0... 75,000 00 Loans on Idortg.,lPock A Cool ' 64,444 16 Cash on handle Ag'ts hands, and due for Premiums 364,818 06 Bills Receivable and tire and InlandB alvegee 58.739 79 Interest and !torts Accrued.. 44.541 32 All other Property belonging to the Company 30,908 27 $1,440,116 60 Looses unpaid and in the procees of adjustment 68.599 86 Statement of Premiums received and Losses paid during'each year since the or ganizatioa of the Company • Premiums Iteretord. Loss,•. Pula 1860 8 . 37 887 30 $ 211,786 20 1861 81.230 00 40.100 63 1862 168,289 49 92 130 89 1863 458973 55 160,434 30 1864 470,473 78 278,488 04 1865 773,815 68 451.294 96 1866 1,475,405 43 1,128,304 29 D. R. SATTRIILKIC, President DANIJIL THROWIRIDOZ, ( Vine Presls. Salient L. TA.L,CoTT, ) Goonatt, Secretary. Policies written for any time from Dye days to five years on Buildings, bferchan lice, ere., and perpetually on Dwellings, Court Houses.CburehenabdSchoblituunes,by HUTCHINSON k CLARK, AgenL 12-12-3 m Bellefonte Pa LIME I 1,1104:1 1411E1 ! ! Fresh burnt lime always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price, at the BUNNY—SIDK LIME KILNS! on the railr d near Bellefonte We have nu 1 of soccesaful contradiction wbe we say that we have the VEST LIME III" TIIE ITATE. Yr. Is free from cure and our kilns are AP constructed that all the ashes are sep arated from the burnt lime be. fore it leaves the kiln. It i■ I PURE ENOW-WHITE LIME! I - And makes as One • Ankh as the lime burnt from the marble quarrLa in the eastern part of the State. Our facilities fur burning and shipping Iline are much that WE CAN FURNISH IT CHEAPER than the vane quality of lime can be had at any other plisse. All orders promptly filled. Address, LEONARD MACKALL ♦ Co• 12-20 Bellefonte, Pa. Li" . WOOD AND COAL BURNT 1,1%1R, Alware on head and for sale at the lowest market rates, it lb. Bellefonte Lime Kilns, oa the turaplko Nuking, to Ml'sebum. The but Pittatost and Shamokin' anthra cite small also a now eoesliement of phis. lariat lath, palling and sawed shingle" for sale cheap for iamb at MU yard, near the loath- and of B K V H. 11-16 SIIORTLIDOB * CO. do 796,12035 do - 1,516,461. 61 do 10,1047109 13 FOR. HALE I= 80354,56 894,850,10 CONTRA •1,000.0% $1,371,516 74 ',Lime. litsartitnaa euno, - HARDWARE I 11FAipWARE NO. 6, BROKtRIIOFF'B ROW I J. k 3. HARRIS-TNE Melt 0 110 Y The subverillirs would respectfully Inform the community th•e they have opened • complete , STOCK 01P ifAnDWARE. comprising all \tai intiaa_itt—goodirric that litirittoh they WILL SEW AT THE ' , OWEST PRICES! Their stook annotate of all sorts of building hardware„ table and pocket cutlery, carpenters', mason'', plasterer's and blackautith'a tmtla, and mate . ' dais, nails, iron, hone- _ 'hoes, and horse-abaft ro• • tankle, • FOREri, CHAINS, 14110VELS, AXES, .11tIND STONES, etc., etc. Housekeeper's goods, saddlery, carriage trim mings, .to., etc., with all nods and sizes of 43 0 A al - Ix M - PH, and the different parts thereof, together with a complete - siortmene of tne beet VARNISHES, tie. They hope, BY STRICT ATTRNTIOh TO B.USINESS ends aongant care forihe ACCOMMODATION OF CUSTOMERS hritreritr-and recolvo a ARAM.: OP TIIH PUBLIO PATRONAGE, U114)11104 MID oTettita will find it to their advantage to call and EXAMINE THEIR, STOCK. .J. & J. HARRIS, N.. L. Rrokerhoff's Row. nollotooto. Pa.. Feb. 10, 18116-Iy. N EWOUN SHOP!, GIIARLES TIIHODORE DECIINRR Would respectfully Inform sportsmen and the public generally, that he has opened a NEW GUN SIMI' IN BUSWS AHC7AIIII 051111011 ST heI.I.IIPONTEMA., where he will keep constanttron hand, and make to order Double Gune, (Shot, and Rifle Ed ehot,) Revolving Cylinder Rifles (six Shooters) Target and hunting Rifles, Single' Shot guns, Revolver And other Pistols, Metallic Cartridges, . and Amunition, fixed and loose; in fact eve y thing generally kept in a 0 FIRST CLASS GUN SHOP REPAIRING will be done neatly ana on abort notice. "Orden' by mail will receive prompt mitten tine." Shop in BMWS Anode. two doors wait of dodo entraneo, up ►faire 12. 20 ly =1 I= H OLMES & ESSENGTON lIANUr•CTURIRS OY lIIIPICRIOX REFINI 4 .II) CAST STEEL AXES. Double Bltts, Pole, Bole and Peelthg Ales, and Broad Hatchets of sarioui patterne, maaufaetured from the beet refine .1 oast steel. A LSO, Grub HoeS, Matthelta, Rail "Road !hand Mi ner's Packs. With en advantageous loitisilon and supe rior facilities for manufastoring, we oan sup ply the trade with a Superior Are, et u reasonable a price as eau be had anywhere in the country. We Ise nothing lout the very Wirt of material, and einp!oy none but the boat and moat uperieneed workmen -- Our Axes are all warranted. Orders solicited. HOLMIEB t INFISINOTON. 112-35 Iy. Milesburg, Centre . Pa. tottiloon. T HE ANVIL STORE—Ie now reoeiving• large and well assorted 'toe! of Hardware atonal, nails, born &bees, saddle ry, glass, paint sheet, bar, and hoop iron— also buggy and wagon alma of every des erlption—eall and supply youreulveg, at the luwert pownble rotes. IRWIN k WILSON. FINE TABLE CUTLERY tnelnding pia ted forks, spoons, ete., etc., at IRWIN k WILSONT H ARDWARE, of every oeeeription at duced prices, now being opened every day at 11-16 IRWIN & WILSONS. - - I,lrUlll SCALES, beet make, from 41b up to I oOUfb,with or without wheels at 11-N IRWIN A W I LSON S ' J AMES, every variety and kind at IRWIN I WILBO2IIi. 111 ORSN SHOES, beet make at — 7 - IRVIN d WILSON'S COAL OIL and Ilenztne, at IRWIN I WILSON'S. _ A MIN UN ITlON—Cartridgep, and other am.nunition et IRWIN I Wl' KM'S. AILS, all sues and kinds, at IRWIN & WILSON'S G LAKB, all vitas and qualilles, at IRWIN h WILSON'S• fIARPENTEE TOOLS, of every deavrlp- Vi two at IRWIN a, WILSON'S. SADDLERY, to suit the trade, at IRWIN d• WILSON'S. and BOMA( bolt., all nisei V used at IRWIN & WILSON'S. R . . . bin BMS and Door Bella, all s i sss U and kin4a, at IRWIN & WILSON'S n ARRIALIE,. BUOLIV, SWAM' and V • sett apriage, all MOS at IRWIN & WILSON'S. p A I NIA &.'OILB of ail kinds at IRWIN k WILSON'S. AOON HUBBS, dflokeg and (elides, VV' large and ernalLat. IRWIN A WILSON'S. Q CREWS and ilin gem of every variety and la kind at IRWIN At WILSON't3. • r\O`Olt LOCKS of all kinds, to suit every Ll body, at IRWIN WILSON'S. YUAH'Iti tot 014am' and Walla, wltts tub log 'ut all laigtbs , at IRWIN At WILSON'S TRIMMINOS FOR corms—a assortment, at IRWIN a WILSON'S. O IL CLOTH, Rugs and Mats, at IRWIN A WILSON'S A NVILS sad Vkoro for solo IRWIN k WILSON'S LEAD PIPE, ill ahem, at' 'awn, a WII,BONII. POCKET CUTLERY, all , makes and prices, at IRWIN A WILSON'S. i ',AST, SHEAR, o'MB° aid BLISTRI, lJ steel at IRWIN 4 wrtsors. HOUR IMO& NAP" differant shies at InWIN & WILSON'S. WOODIM WApl • mat variety iht, AWIN a wu.sehes Nails & *dooms CU!4MT e S jiduSE. W. D. MAR% Prop'• This etegant,new hotel, situated Cif Bisb op'streigea taw doors north of the CathOlio ehurah--Balleforilke, has peed leased by the proprietor, and le now open for the "receptiOn and. entertainment of guests. It has helot . . furnished In the very latest, some an. .nmforcehtrifirMs tam add is alto .er the beat gotten uf, and will be 'tbe heft conducted hotel 14 Bellefonte, THE TABLE will always be I..und groan log under the wo.ght, of the best previsions the market affLoos, attended by neatintel• ligent and attentive waiters. THE BAR will always he supplied with thechoinast and best of liquors—not a sick ening mixture of drugs—hut li.more in their pores! and best state. THE fiTABLE is large, warm, eomroodi out- and in obeenrend obliging and attentive hoetlete are al leapt in Waiting. A flack con eye passengers free of chore } to and from the cant, after the errivek stor dopier tare of the %rains. , GARMAN'S HOTEL DAN'L DARMAN, Prop'r This long estiblished and well known no t& situated on the. soutbest corner or the . Diamond; apposite the tiourt ileums, having been purchased by the undersigned, he an nounces to the formelr patrons of this estab lishment Ind to the travelling public gener ally, that be has thoroukhly refitted his house, and is prepare- to render the most satisfactory azoourmodation to all wholnay favorliim with that' patronage. No pains Isar ho spared on his part to add to the con venience or comfait to his guests. An who stop with him will Bind his ilia TABLa abundantly supplied with the most sumptous fare the maiket will afford, dune up in style, by the -Most experienced cooks. His BAH will always contain the choicest of liquors. ---.' ' - HIN erantdma by beet In tewn,and will al waymbis attended by the west trustworth and attententive hostler,. (livo bun • call, one and all, and be feels confident that all rill be satisfied with their accommodation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this establishment, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage. 8-22 CIUMINGS . HOUSESALOON This new and splendid Entine Establish mantis now open for the entertainment of the publ:o, where Fresh Oysters,Fried Oyaers,Stewed Oysters, Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtle Soup, Chiek•n Soup, Liam and Eggs, Pig's feet and Tripe, Ss:- dines Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, Blamed Chickens, etc., etc,. can be had at all times. • Cognac Brandy, - . • Old Rye Whiskey, Bourbon Whiskey, Wheat Whiskey) Irish Whiskey', Hol land Oin, Currant Wine, Straw. berry Wine, Chsunpaigne, Glinstekiefry Wine, Sherry Wine, Port Wine, etc., Oin Cocktails, Brandy Smashes, Sherry Cobblers, Whiskey punchs* sad all fancy driaks. Masaibtd lin's XXX Philadelphia Ale ik Potter. Cider, Fancy Lemonades, Sarsaparilla Mineral Water. etc., etc., ste. HOT MEALS to be had at all been of the day or night. _ . We invite our friends to give us a cal, and think we eau Insure them the utmost satisfaction. W. D. RIKARD, May 1, '66—tf. Proprietor. MOSHANON HOUSE. PHILIPSBURG, PA, This long established and well known Hotel, having been porch/toed by tho under signed, he announeee to the former patron of the estabilabasaut and to the pubic goo orally, that he intends refitting it thorough ly, and Is prepared to render the most settle rect,vry accommodations to all who may fa vor him with their patronage. All who atop • ith him will find bin table abundantly sup plied with the beet fare the market will Ilia Bar will Always oentain the choicest of liquors. Him stabling Is the beet in town. Give him ■ tall one and all, and be Reels confidant that all will be astictiedwith their ■eoommodation. Gage, run to and from the boom. - JOHN 8. &MAY. I I -30 ' Proprietor. G EORGE PECK'S EATING HOUSE A OYSTER SALOON. On High street, at the westtnd of the bridge, Bellefonte, Pa. 'Pals excellsat establhh moot if now open, and good meals 0111111 be bad at all hours. Roast Beef, Ham, (warm or 4 ,0 ( 1 0 : Chicken, Turkey, Tripe,Plekles, Oys ters, tioupe, Eggs, Pies, Cake 3, Croakers, Nuts, Oranges Lemons, As., Ac., comprise the bill of fare. An elegant ' OYSTER BALOONI Is also on the first door, mid the most deli rious ice cream is served to customers. de beverages be he lugs best of coffee, tea, syrups and lager beer maraud see him. M ONTOUR HOUSE, LOCK HAVRN, K. W. HOLY EN, Proprietor Thin elegant hotel, formerly known so the •'Washington House," on Water street, in now ready for the reception of visitors and boarders. It hen been elegantly fors !shed, and its table is always supplied With the best. Visitors to Look Haven' will End this the pleissanteet place in the eity. A fns Bois Minveys thoguests of the house t• sod from the 'carious trains. 1146 EAGLE HOtEL L 227 NORTH THIRD ST - RHRT, 11111TWINN BAWL AND YINN, R. D. CUMMLIVM 0. D. ratraut, 12-22 .. Prop'ra : tocellantiims. MILES KRPHRART, t/ • writ ' • BARNES, OSTBRAOUT, / 110 X * Oa • Wholetais k Beta dai4ore HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS •rOl4lll 503, Marl* St. Phila. GAMIN BID/111. no Naha make. peas y PIM 'tur groan AWN.f an Mods, at 1123 ' SUMO=