- The Democratic Watchman 123=3 TINIMS.--42 per year whea paid in *ad. ki1400114 0 When not paid ItCadvanee, awl irt , ten not paid before the expiratiot 0E44 zw• ilusineoss Qtatbo. H. ROTHROCK, ORNTIBT.-011Soo is Bush's Arcade, Room Km. 4, mooed boon 12-26-43 m. DIMUSIN GRAY, dam:mm.lw AT •LAW. BdMheb. 'Ps. 0000 *ft A. 0. Paid, ssq. 124 ;f r. 114 , 111*VOLIIT, aroma ita , tAlf, Tresinme. elk* Bellefonte, Pe. 7-16. .1. .11101112111, 11. D.. PININIOTAN AND SUMMON-44(1% Wasp *twit, 138IWeet% Ps. 13.1 - -As -IN 1,11/10174 AT'TORICOT AT LAW, 11411stosta, att.,Werth-arid etorwir of As T-16 IP& 1,1111 t 11111AIMIlt, e. AT LAW, Au i.. 7 strest, 110 44 rOW rillasond,Hama", Ps. • T-1111. 1101111111A111. ■. 1010411101111. trroawar AT LAW, BelLitosts, Ps. 9010114100ve Buissadas Store. 1144. 4111041,11*311110 1 MANDSIL /LIWOILWANti AT LAW, B.U.fass whits of the Conrykd 71 11 Ito tus. ;amp r. arrvetaLL, ATTORNEY At LAW EARAmostA, PA. Clike. wilt' Orris A Almada'. 14-1 KAMM It Y. STITIMIC ATTORNEY AT LAT, District Attorsoys. °Ownsßeroute, Ts. May coirsisibsa ibeisis err Glerosia, 9-7 W. W. •,sous A'TTORWICT AT LAW, Belisfests, Pe.. Claernith the Diet:lot Attorney is the Court Horne. 9-22. T. P. STXPIIIILIM = miff' AT LAW, B Pa. allabels, ea RIO street lathe non fasamarly isadapissi , sa tha Past OMa. 11-7 IL U. WOMB. EsICENSE` %I . CTIONER., Bellefonte Ps.. Tomtit Weer the Presbyterian &arab, on • sneer. 12-43. DR. R. D. TIPPLE, . 11011120PATHIC ruitsicuN ANeva , elm. °Soo 2ftt Holm. -Bollifosto, Pa. Ca promptly. stotadod to. 131. MEEK, PTAIN AND ORMAN - UT AL PAINT 101, Illeingenta, - Pi. Work of ald kinds tie as abort nodes, sad in ouch it manner as to guarantee ostiotootioo. If- P. GRAY XF.ltK'll JOB PRIIITIZIO OFFICE, Allegany rt., idellellsate, Pa. Ivory Diwiption of Plain said Pansy printing, done in the neatest maser, and at prison bolo' city rates. A. MISLED, D. D, PHYSICIAN • SUROBON,Offers his pro fession• _,ervices to the citizens of Belle fonte and vicinity. Office over Graham MeArmy's Shoeßlare, Allegany Btreet. 11-23 G. D. HALL. W. D. eIIYBICIAN BUROILON, Having per manently located at Mileiburg, offers h.s professional service to the citizens of that place and vicinity. 11. 22 WILLIAM A. WALLACE, oITT'ORNIEY AT LAW Will visit Belle fosse, professionally when specially re tamed in eonnection with resi lent rosin sel, Clearfield Pc 7 -16. JOSEPH L. NEFF I.ICRNISED AUCT.k9NRER.—Has more experience in selling store-goody, farms and farming utensils then any other auc tioneer in the supoty. Address Roland, Centre county Pa. 13 3 3m. DR. N. P. BURKHART, HOUICTIt PHYSICIAN .8 SURCIgON, Front &me:, Philipaburg, Pa Particular,, attention pant to all kind. of female dl . Office boor. from Ba. m. to 12 m., and from 2 to U p. in. 12-45. J. D. WINGATE, D D X DICNTIST, ol6ce on the corner of Spring and Bishop streets, Bellefonte, Pa. At borne, except perhaps the first two weeks of each month. Teeth extracted without pain. 7-16 WILSON i/z HUTCHISON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pa., Coleetione, and all °O'er legal business in Centre and the adiotning Counties, Rromptly attended to Office In Blanch ard'a. Law building, Allegheny street. DR. J. B. ITCHELL, PHYSICIAN k SUROBON, Bellefonte, Pa., Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, •fe respectfully offers hie ser vices to ble Mends and the public. 01. flee at the Brookerboff House. 7-16. DR. BEATTIE, N • SUMMON. Bellefonte, ogr or p profeeal,nel servipes tp the eitizeni of Bellefonte and vicinty. 011Seno eecond door below the WArcewAl HMCO 10-12 T.-EXICBARGER dt WBOLKBALK ACID RBTAIL , DNALERS IN TOBACCO AND CLOARB—Mmo an imporiammt of Mites, cigar ,ra.tee 40., nun email un hsnd. Middle room of the Colima Howie, opposite the Bruckerhoul Immo, Bellefonte Pa. 12-45 or. R. neviroa.ws &co. BANNERS, rails or Exchange and Notes discounted. Collection: made and pro @sada promptly remitted. Interest paid 311 xpeciel deposito. Exchange in the Masters' citje- constuntly on hand for sale. Deposits received. 1-16 , - - - - - WILLIAIII BROWN.. r,I OINKED. A uotunizsii, ikiterog up, re., - * lll attend to all Wes entrusted. to bier with rare and fidelity . Use hilt 4ed, • *Kum /mini wivirJose4 44,41•• Oviiitomi fr Ito Uttar*. bite oolitb4 _km iim. EAT* z, el entationon. Porn upekdali 4519, requested to give a few diva tio01*; ff. tear thee otionssonstata WV /la. osi t tbat peloa will not intonate intik_ other., 'Tisanes to tbe pnblio for p•ctonage obeedy hostoove.l. , 12 .10 -, lam -Stistro erroterteo: NE W STORE tT YIJILtPSIJitItU, CENTRE COUNTY. Pa. More good' ash be had Amite(' mote) it the b►eaD dote of RITZMAN & KELLER it PhiliPiburt, Centre Oennty, Penney,- vanisan at enytti ether, opitabliphinent in the State. They keep nonetantly on hand choke 'took of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, 'BOOTS A SUM, RATS d OAPS, READY MADE Nation, 400eisswarro, liardwarN Willow and Woods Ware. , ADA iss-fiset • (sample* essortment of all the artlelse sywalp (owed a first alasteometry eµtre. - • - - GOOD& - - - none It Marinas, •It w,,.4Plaifig; CoiniziS Baps., Alpsoom o Black fleas, A., As. 1 HOSIBRY- , Wool and tlotton Skirts and Drawono Pimp Cbtrts, ililk, Cotton and Lla ma Handkorohloili, Hoop Battrto, boot 'oaken, SLOTHS - AND CASSTISICRES—Preneb Broari-.IoW, Satinets, Nis%ten's, Lo., tot winter wear SHAWLB—.-A SWI lino,oll wool. .HOOTS AND ORM we wW.kaop all times a fall wort moat of cantos •ado goods. PRODUOR TA KIN? EN EXCHANOR FOR GOODS, AND THE bigliest martibt rites PAID IN CASH /OR GRAIN OF ALL kinds. Flearted hod, kepi oonAnntly on kind, 11-28 IRITZMAN & iCIILLSR. 'CAST YOUR E y ETats WAY ? Iday eoy noweliaseio Sollofooto to offer A BETTER, A LARGER, AND CHEAPER ASSORTMENT OF GOODS AMY DUCRLPTION THAN I RAPE NOW ' - UNPACKED AND READY POE SALE. I have the best amid cheapest articles hi LADIES' DRICBB GOODS I have dm best and ebespast artiefir in the GROUPS LIKE hay' the but sad cheapest 811LBCTION OF CARPXTII I have the largest and beet sesortmet of READY MADE CLOTHING I have the largest-and best &elven is the cheap est stook of everything in my line In Bellefonte. ONLY COMB AND SRN, hough you do not wish to bt.y. In all these Gods I osnoot be equalled for good quality or low prioes, and STERNIIERG' S is the plum, eppeelte the Breekerhoir House. filer. Nobles the three algae. 12-lb I ALWAYS AHEAD!! A. ALEXANDER & SON, MILLIIKIM, CENTRE COUNTY. PA An now of 'ring to tb. public at the LOWrIIT CAIIII PRICK/, GOODS OF EVERY DISCRIPTION The subscribers takes this method or i n uonneing to their friends_ that they have Just returned from the Mast and new offers a fine usortment of FORBIOM AND DOMBBTIC I/DODS " Which they• are sellinK at such terms that purchasers will !Ind it to their interest to buy of than. Th. it stock consists of DR'ESB G 001)8 1 Drown •and Bleached 811EETINOS, SHIRT INOB, FLANNELS, CAS-II WHAM, HATS, BONNETS, MILLINERY 000D8, SHAWLS, Aril) CLOAKS. Call and examine oar stock. The halt is not enumerated. MEN AND BOYS WEAK, Hats Cap& Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Act., ko., all of which will be disposed of as low as they ca•-•be purchased outaide of Phil's. All kinds of oountry produce taken in a:el:tango for goods. 10-43. A. ALEXANDER A NON. TO ALL Yt; LOVERS SPLENDID CNEAP 000D8 AND To Ye Advocates of Economy I I I :0:- -- D. 1. P U N'E R j 1 just opened a new dorsi in . Doctor bobbing new, store men, callishop street. Haring experience in thibusiness he tat ters himself that his stock will please all. It will oeusl.t. of DRY GOODS. Oloak•, IThawir Bilks, &e. nsrporto. Oil clothe °wort's of tb. boot Qualms Quettiotinfo, Boots. Shoos, G aws. Womeius Mosso and Ctildren'd Wear Now le your Nue for bargains, the pri m to conform to the Wawa AU the loading oty.ler of and ovary article noceesary for pribl, *adore opt ' Women, Mimeos and • Children's wear. Gall 50411211.1041111 tin doek imiturn. buying M 7 gfLer•place. 17-10 NIT (500110 Sr enteritis. - . HI(IRLY IMPORT/I,NT PROM THE CAPIT4ti CONTRACTION OF THE C.I7RRINCY SPECTS PAYMENT TO 118 RESUMED The above will no doubt, come to pus is *ono as practioable, but be that as It may. it le a stubborn rant (bat, ZIMMERMAN BROS. & CO. hav's this day made a roductils of 16 to 2b per eget., in the primes of 'lsadiml l e r rem Goods, such as French Merino', a 001, Poplins, Empress Cloths, all wool, Daisies Flo. Rhin's, Breakfast .hawls, wools aw_aud 'outage. They also sell tonsils" 6k7(ocs, flannels Itentuoky jeans, saulmers, alothins. MOTS A BKO2O AT PANIC PRICES, Their stook of Groceries 6 tarp, compris Ing strictly pure Imperial, Young Hymn Japan and Black Teas, SUGARS OF EVERY 014151{, the fined syrups and baking moottietee mi ned and dried. &nudge and doneatio Duna do. Our slot to topless. cwitosion by sell ing nothing bet the ' BEf4I GOODA AT THE LOWEST PRIM Dot fall to ea before pureboolog else where. flboorlss good, uo trouble. ZIMMERMAN EROB, • CO. EE J. P. PACKiII, - I. P. PACKAIS F ACKER 4c, PACKER, Ewing chased-the FLEMINGTON MILLS, FLIMINCITON, PA. An now prepared to furnliti ill kind, of FLOUR AND FEED! —ALSO— PLASTRIt GROUND A IN THIL STONE, pr-AY scrriorllß Their Facilities for Raaufacturing every thing nasally Rianufaetared is • FLOURING MILL! ARIL 171111QUALIID By any other Establishment in theooun try AU orders will receive prompt attention, They hare alb in sonneotlei with their Mill THE STORE FORMERLY OWNED RY J. P PACKEIt, And are prepared to furnish Stone Coal, Baled Hay, Beef, Pork, Sett, And a general assortment of Store floods! HAW. CONSTANTLY ON HAND Flour, Corn, Oats, Chop. Bran, Seed, ke., La., ke., CASH PAID FOR GRAIN AND , COUNTRY PRODUCE. BOY MUM FLOUR, FEED& BALED HAY OF • PACKER At PAGRIM. 13-23-17. At Plemlnottott Mllls NEW STORE lIARPER BROTHERS aye opened up an ENTIRE NEW STOCK of GOODS of every description,at their new store, room on Spring street ; which wer e purchased at PANIC PRICES, and will be sold as low if not lower 'than can he found elsewhere in this inetion. Their stock comprises in Dry Ouody, Motion', Millinery Goode, lloseries, Fancy Goods, Clothing. Boots & Shoes, lista I Caps, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, Parasols, Gentlemen and Ladle . Fin nisbing Goode, Ladies Cloaks & Circulars In Silk and Cloth, Carpeting. Groceries . Qu4ensware ac STATIO2;IIHt4, (found e•erything else that Is to b ifoand in a well stocked country store COUNTRY ntonuat, taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market price paid. 11-21- LADIES' FANCY FURS ' A? JOHN FAREIRA'S Old Raubßabat! Fur Manufactory, NO Ifs ARCH St. above 7th, PII/LADILL PH lA, Olive now in Store of my own Importa tion and Manufacture,. one of the largest and most beautiful selections of F giNCY FURS, for Lidice and Children's Wear in the City. Alec, a line assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars. lam enabled 'to dispose of my goods at very vessonable prices, and I would thereto's) solicit • call from my friends of Centre county and vicinity. Remember the Name, Numbersne Street! JGI3N PARNIRA, Ito A ROll St. ab. 7th, south o u t., rIIIL ADILIMIA. )12-1 . hove no Partner, nor connection with any other Store in PIIIILADICLPIIA, 12-39 4m. - - - - - - - - - prlTSßUitli ALP.. , . HHpper.. Meng Sanufactured by grinicse., McKAY e. CO, PliaNIX THAW SaiWZRY, PITTS Constantly ,on hand and for sale by the basset sulk half issatteld -by J. B. Bide, wholesale, wine snd liquor Bishop street, Bellefonte Pa . 12-40 31* Which we 'kill dispose of at the very lowest cask prices. • All kinds of oottatry produce taken in ex change for goods, and the At Aost marker prices allowed For we feelsatistled that we can atilt your as well as your pottage,. IJ-30 HOWELL GILLILAND & 00. , Take this method of informing their friends, the publie end mankind gen. stilly, that they . ,have opened in ROOMS NO 1 A 2, BURPS ARCADR, thorned. complete and extensive wHoLtgALE AND RETAIL STORE In central Pennsylvania. They ]ave Dry Goode, Groceries, Boots and 'Those, 'flats and Cape, Notions, Carpets, Flour Wall Paper de, in the greatest variety, and for sale at the lowest rater. :2-14 • GRAIN, Of every description, prlllitl4 . o of all kinds, and country marks ing genersly, f r all which the highest market price will he paid, taken by MECHANICS, Do you wish to purchase what your familiea need, from a Larrel of flour to a bow of matches, go to HOWNI L, GILLILAND A CO. LABORER, Every thing you want. every thing your wife wants, everything your children need. ran be had at the lowest itrices at HOWELL, GILLILAND 6 CO'fi. D OMESTIC Woollen Goods in addition to our stook of Easters manufse tures wbleh will be exchanged for ,wool at cash price, M HOWELL, OILLILAtiIIi Co's. I BATH MR. I.J Of all kinds to be bad. and the highest market pries paid fur green hides, at HOW NU OILLILAND'S & Co's. guru. * . LADIES, Do you waat a silk, alpaca, mohair. de lain, merino, 'Mania, cilico, gingham, lawn dr any other kiad of dress, no matter what king of material, with trimings of every kind, go to HOWELL, OILL/LAND A CO'h. BURG gig 'O6lO & Groctrins. EMI VE W GOODS AND NVW PRI .. 1 11 0163 ! i BMW - RATES RUBBED OUT I 11001111 AtOLD FASIIIONIIf PRIM J ILOFFER t BRO'S Weald respectfully inform the world end the test of mankind, that they have Just opened eon, and are daily receiving slugs STOCK OF 000D8 OF ALL KIND . •hleh they are offering at the very lowest rear ket pries. ' DRY GOODS! Conething of the ►.test styles •f monis MIDPLAIS arraoae, Figured anp plain all Wool Dolmans. SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK SIMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE .000 M, Whit. Countotpanoo, Llama and Cotton Shootings. Cheeks, Gingham*, \ Bealelts, - Plumsls. be., Shepherd Plaid Salmon'.le, Black Cloth, Csoonsores, Vs!yolks, Corduroy, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, Ladle' Cloaking, Plain Colors Kiddlade* Cloths, Appellant's sad PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLCRS A full line of Cloths, Cushman'', Bal.l. netts, and Vesting, all kinds and prices, which will b. sold cheap. We have con stantly on hind a large and well selected stout of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROOKRIES, MACICOICL, BALT, Le FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR INTER EST HOWELL GILLILAND &CO GENTS, Do you want • flue suit of clothes, or clothe, eanalmer,aattinett, or any kind of material to have a suit made of, or do you need oollan, neckties, suspanders, gloves, handkerchief to., go to. 110W.IELL, GILLILAND I CO'S. FARMES, Do you went sugar, sults*, tea er groceries of any description, at Wholesale or Retail ; cidthing, dry goods, os 1 111 7 th i ng of- that kind remit, plaster, se • seeds, go to. ROWDLL, GILLILAND & CdB. HOrSEKEEPER, Tbc plane to buy your sugar, your molasses, your coffee, tea, spices, car pets, oil ninths, brooms, brushes, mats, buiika4s, Wood sod willow ware, canoed fruit, Jellies, and every _gang of that de scription. 'Let HOWELL, GILLILAND A GOl3. EVERYBODY, .. That wants anything, in thLdt7, goods. grocery, boot sad shoe, hat and cap, clothing, flour and feed, halt or any other line of mercantile geode, at the LOWIIIIT fig ures, should call at HOWfiIt,iLIILLILAND & CO'S. Goobo, dgroterfro. FUR'S! FURBI PIJI18! ENTIRE , NEyICTOCZ AT A RIR Z COll t ' NOTIONS &e.,• 7 -oedy complete .took to lawn.— Hosiery, Gloves, Hoodlitscolilors, aottorts, Lepbyr, Yanupi Gonearadwn sod • " odors Wool, Hol lers, Ribboas • Vslists, Doll Babies, Po pes sad siot.b or pettaras. Corsets, Work Baskets, Book likie Gloves aid tak. LADIES, AND GEM AND HINGES 17NDIR CLOTHING. It me be amertsd ',lama diaper of asn tridletion that the like of display and "thtY G umahem to be found in Centre musty, aad It is us•- •less to attempt proper a deeeription. W. hare also on hand and just received • large stook or the bon LAMBS' Q uENTLEMEN't , BALL PRE GOODS, such u dtu, and bonnet Silks, Alpaseas, Merino and Rep. Galloon, Muslim, liatinele. _osissuatesse, visstinte, lis dies slime and Children's hoop skirts. FUR TRININO AND SWANA DOWN, Umbrellas, - Edging end Insert , log, lanes, Pane, wood and willow ware, blank ets of all kinds Shawls, Boolge, LADIES it HISSES as CUILD'N Trunks, - Carpet bags, Paper Collars Cato, and in fact every conoelvable article la the line of ladies and gentlemen's fora Ishirrg. good,. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERS, also a large stock u( READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOSING OUT Come and see us If you don't wish to buy it will pay you to look at our stook and learn the primps. Again we cordially invite you to call. NO FOUR BUtill'B ARCADE. O. W. FAIRER A CO. 12-I8 T HE PEOPLF'S CITOICM SAVE YOUR IatEMNISACKH! Ily purchasing what you need tt SMITH'S MAMMOTH• STORK PRILTPBBURo CENTRE COUNTS Pa., where the largest, cheapest,best selected and most fashionable assortment of dress goods in the country nen be found. Bilks, at Isle prices, hf obairA, nt Imo priers, Poplins, of lour priers, pelilinK, OS lots pelf re, A Ipacas,./t loin Eric. Linens. ..1 foie prof 0, MUN/iLig, /emir pri.. Calicoes, o f tow prices, k 'culls, ill low prover, Clothes, at /ow Caenitnerr, .11 low prices low p tree. CLOTHING AND MINTS FURNISH I Ni; (MODS, u i .n I y L,r pro,. c• In tbie line we bare everything to .r4ou pletety tit out eithermen ortioy•, and our price, ire MO low that we I)EF COMPETITION, 1100' TA, SIWES, //A TS ,IN !'A PS, a full supply always no hand and cheaper than eon bo foand ■t any ether establish went. LEATNER VY EVKHY I)ESCIPTION, guarauteed rovelented, and at low rater AV - Farmers lind others, w 1.0.90 this sea eon of the year are •isitiag Our limn, on bu sine's or pleasure are tor,itsdto call and see us. If we not offer superior indreement., du not buy. 12.411 CI • ONWriiiNG NEW IN , plum. NEW ti 00IDR YOM FA,LI AND WINTER The•undereigned at their new suid spa eious store roes. rt .14t1hem , buy* laid in an ENTIRE OF NEW HOODS, for the fall and winter trade, and cordially invite the purchasing pulite to call and see teem. They have hlualine, Calico., ifra !loose, Dleg haau, Cheek*, ' Caasimers, Cloth, Clothlad, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Hat. and Cape, .firocerier, Ilaadware, Wood and Willow Ware, Queeneware, and In fact everything aerially kept In a •Ountcy eke', all of which they offer at very lowrater. LEATHSI OF ALL KINDS ON HAND and green hide* 11414 i country produce taken in exchange for geed*. SMITH .4 CO. 12-418 Iy. EDWARD W. MILLICR. • ►ITS IBAA.UP. ORAILFAIIT & OCIZ Wholesale dealers In ' . A UOTIUM DRY-ODDS, NOTION/ 411., to., Nu. 57 North 3d street 12 28 tf AtiFtitetlets. X W Wi .r ( Ai IgR 4 V6'Y'cRYN. J) RR The anderegned,having oPeued NEW GROCERY t PROVISION - FITORE z ip/ RBI In the iroggijannirly oeetiphil by D. Pruner on High asset, will keep on band for missed at the lowest iamb p6oes every ttakm In hls ltni, such es Coffee, Mow, Tee, afruP. , Cbeeeto, of all Malin, Hama, Ailhouldaia, **din fact everything usually found la v' well selected GROOM 4 PROVISION STORR Greeds will be e yo in exchange foe all eon. of sx . ribtry produes. He reopectfully eonoite s 'here of the pm, renege of the people of Bellefonte and Mein• 11-42 tt R. C. CHUSEMAN. BOGGS & KIRK. WHOLESALE OROSEES, DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. 109 Arish Between-Prost sad Social was. s.. noose, I rlirtAnnrimi. 11/1111 Orders from the osaatq promptly ottoooo4 10-98 BURNS & SMUCKER WHOLESALE OROCERB, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT No. 605 Market Street; PhNodelphlo. J. MORRIS tlOlllllll-Or B. S. Janney, Jr t Co. fiIITICIZR, Jr.-of B. Elsnookor, Jr. • Co sop lb, 11165,—tr. elotbin THE LATEST OUT. MONEY HAYED 18 MONEY MADE. " Will If you wiab to purchase CLOTHING • "MTH t CAPt. or furuiabiag goods' go f! . C fl. R :Sew and cheap flotbing Store, where will be found constantly on band a large and well selected assortment of' Pine Blank Casimer wits and drabs, brown, igbt and in (art 'ALL KINDS OF CLOTIJINO aditrited to An 9011801:111 of the_tpir . ,_also Shirts, Drawer', Collars and a large and seleetrd assortment of One HATS ,k N U CA P 14, of the sery latest city' styles and in tart every thing that ran be called for in line, will be furnished ►t the •ery lows' tat, prises. as "bey have been purchased the lowest possible 15guree and will be sold in the saute way by C. 11. M 0010:, in thr Pont OlTtre building, Philiiistinrg, P. W Datlx 'weekly paper, Magazines, also a large assortment of the latest ind bent novels, Joke book% .t e. constantly on hand at C. If 31001{11'S, Poet Oftico building, Phil apsburg, Ps. 12-14 IN THE FIELD T.. my uld I Wend• and eustomery, and t. as many new IlrleP, 01 may desire to be rig ged out, IN WELL SUBSTANTIAL 1 kNI) FASHIONABLY made suite 01 eludes. from any kind material they elioote. I would say that I am still in the Bahl, and prepared to 'neon modate. ' I have a larips,and excel' net sortment ui FIIHNIIiIIINU UOODS Also, CLOTHS. I' AtitiliA EKES, A YES r I Nitc, Yrow which gartntnotti will be macb t,. ora, MOST FASHIONABLE RTY All I ask is to call ;sad examine my fins stork And as I have Just bought my good, during the last p.m en, I defy einupolithin a. to prices durability and fasbiiin, this did. of Cumberland Valloy. Remember the pins , • W. MaCIAILLAN, No. 4 Brokerb..ll", Rue, Allegany strw Bellefonte, Pa 1 am also agent for the Neperiur and cheap WILCOX k GIBBS RIMING MACHIN h whirls should hr sites by all desiring me shine. I -IV Arc if.triT 'l'm LORING. HATABLII3IIMXNT, so 7, BROCKKHONY x UOM The undersigned takes plesesure in intorno nig 'be citizens Centre oounty and On public genelliliy. tbat be is•just onening • SPLENDID AND ASSOE KS! I= Cl= Csaincoarro In Which bo iPs kliVallf , l I ts (11/Iko 10 Oriel ths lawet end m.•+t Ittiehtenable fo, luau Or Loy. by the 0 0 " the yard. ilo %Imo heap. on Maud line of GENTB PURNIBIII.pIi 1.1001.* of flfllfy ityie rn4 deerdption. lie it alto agent for t.lse celebrated BINGER MACIIINK W. W. MONT4IOIIII4RY 12.18 GUNTLEhtbN.-1 can foretell you with all 'Ate,' the Quaker Oity WhiN Shiete and challenge any trade to, produce equal. W• W. MONTtIUMERY• Spicelq, 4e CM DM OEM Ilila Veiling.