Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 10, 1868, Image 5

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    The Democratic Watchmah';
9t 0d9.—.42 pai spar i►hbn paid la itd.
ranee $2,50 when not paid In adv'ance, and
83,00 when not paid befdte the expiration
of the yeat.
BUILDING.— i ne Meosre.,
Cronetnillor are erecting a now M. E.
Church at. Port Matilda, whlolt will be
opened about the first of Juno next.
ANKLE BILOKY.N.—We hear it reported
that 1)r. Purdue, of Ilalfmoon, bad his
ankle broken sometime during the first
of this week. Our informidion is not ex
actly positive, and we hope the report
may, not be correct.
0 __.i...
Ac( tir.ST.—A young man engaged in
painting the Bellefonte and Snow Shoe
Bail-Road depot In this place, fell front
the cove of the.Luiltling to the ground,
One day lost week, arid was seriously in
jured. Under the care of Dr. Geo s L.
Potter, he is in a fair way to recover.
(ion Fon taIt4IPRINIL—The weather
thus far thin winter bus been very lice
for the lumbering opperations, which
aro extennively carried on in the north
ern part of this`county. Whoever hag
not m 4. .o, ought to visit the earnielin
the % ddernemn during %inter operations
PILE,II TATION —Thw congregation of
the St John's Episcopal elit}rcli of dtra
place, oti Now Year's morning presented
their paidor, Rev. .1. tipl.ftvivrty, with a
pocket-book containing One 1111111)11111 and
twenty-Jiro dollar., and, n fine dressing
gown Mr. Laverty, ha. endeared him
self to till classes a the community, 1111-
ring t e.itlenee here, and till will he
pleased to learn of this Lentimonial of the
regal.' m it holt he in jutitly held by his
awn flant.rg•-- --
I)vsi,l•norn Sector—We notieti every
day litany boys engaged in slottng doVin
the hill. ‘vhielt are nn numeroo. in and
about this town, This k a rough,
though plea.nnt and healtlitul sport, and
we are glad to sec the heyc enJnylng
thenkelve., but we denim) to warn theh i
agaukt sladitig down the Intl in frnut of
the neu jail, which require. (hem to
At I y street at t - grim rpertri:
livery time thin in done, 1111•11• 1.1 n meri
t:tug rick of lire 1.1.n.1 Virob, for to come in
contact W11)1 it passing team or sled
might destroy ell lier or both Parente
should see to it that children are not
permitted to slitin in this dangerous
Pon of John P Delman, of riirtin town
ship, Ono county, wag brolly hart some
tine since, by the falling of n horse
which he was riding He woo thrown
iriolontly forward, hit, head first striking
Inn hard gravel road with great three
lie has I then np inoenoible, and for a
long tuae has life was deviotareil of We
are happy to learn that hew in a fair
way to 1 . 0( . 01, Or, 114•11114 now Übli• to ga
Pali,lll the 111111.1 i. Ile Wlll4 nlll'llllo4l da
ring by Dr E. It Dorwiirth,
of Howard, araiisteil by Dr Win. r Roth
rock, or Beech Creek, to earn and
4;111 he et greatly indebted rot hi. re
had the pleasure recently to pass over
this trill) splendid road It extends
front Crestline, Ohio, to Indianapolis,
Ind., and is the shortest route front the
ES/It to St. Louis, find all the great West
and Sonth-west, South of Chmago. Its
_ t ears are of the very hest, and have µII
the late improvement , ' calcolatell to make
passengers comfortable and are kept
perfectly neat and clean 14 pass e o
through tt moot delightful country, and
the ratio are so smoothly and perfectly
lot l `tut thet to no unpleasant jolting
of the cart throughout it• whole length,
of 207 miles. We advise all who make
a trip Westward or to the South Welt to
try this route, if 1114 are going an} -
where South of the latitude of Crestline,
Ohio 11 Indianapolis connections are
made to any part of the West..
Tux New BANK. —The bank which
wen! into °poi 'Limn in thin place on the
6th inst. , we are infoirtned, has for Its
president Mr. Henry Brockerhoff, and
not John P. Harris, as we stated last
week. We clip the following notice
from the MateUirard heartily commending
all it say in regard to the officers of the
new banking establishment, who aro
both too well known in tiii#l county to
need any endereement from us:
The great increase of business in
Bellefonte and vicinity has created the
necessity for mere banking capital, and
we are happy to learn that thili has been
supplied by the men of wealth there. • A
now banking firm was organised on Mon
day last, under the title of Milliken
Honer & Co , with a pithl up cash capi
,9f seventy fire thousand dollars Mr.
Henri DittiteraidAf, one of the oldest and
most successful ee'relnatiff, wan elected
President, and lilr. J Dunlop filiugert
th e Cashier, The bank thus started un
der the most favorable Mispielous. ' We
hero thstdirmowlodge of the firm which
enables us positively to say that those
whileocupore its officers are mane(' most
exteneive expnctenee ps fmanclers,as well
antgentlemen of firmly .ostablished repu
tations for Ramona' probity.
Tuc Sabbath • wool ,ftf : On; Gllrffist
Reformed Church at,!'
having (pre a festive:time on New Years
eve. Just previous 4o the ringing of the
o'clock.P. M.,.the whole town
seemed to be astir, and the young folks
were eagerly and gaily pressing their
way to the church, which was handsome
ly decorated with spruce, &0., rd a
beautiful pyratilid wan' etetted just in
lirMat of the ptilpiCiiiserii;.eira,lll)appro
printe mottoes for each claim; and heavi
ly laden with valuable presents for the
sholamand teachers, (Agars and othhr
persons connected with 'the Sabbath
School. Long before the hour had arri
ved for the opening of the exercises, the
church was crowded to overflowing, so
much no that, even the aisles were dense
ly packed. A String. Band which was
present by inviudjon, is eounection with
a class of Vocalists, and Orgran Melode
on, opened the exercises, with a song
entitled a "Happy New Year to nit,"
which woo so well executed rot° charm
that vast audience into perfect silence,
and make each ono feel as though it
were indeed a happy New Year ;but hav
ing hail some acquaintance with •S. Q.
Meyer,who conducted the niniic,we were
not altogether taken by surprise, owl his
reputation tui,an instructor and perform
er of music is sufficient to know that the
music was all,that an appreciative audi
ence could wish or desire. An address
was . delivered by our young and talented
friend D. M. Wolf, who, on this creasion,
acquitted himself with credit, both to
himself and his profession ; he was fol
lowed by the Rev. P. 11. Reiter, l'asior
loci of the (tonna!' Reformed Congrega
tion, in an address of about twenty join
utes length, appropriate to the occasion.
But now came thy "tug of war - as the
time had arrived for the distribution of
tile gifts,
...when, under the threction of
C 11. llultluus, the superintendsni, that
beautiful I s yrutind •was ordered to be
stripped of its valuable pi esehts'and dis
tributed to the persons entitled to the
same, Wllll4l ' ll as a very interesting scene
both to spectator's and rempients. Among
the many happy and grateful recipients
of presents, was one Abram Swart, set
ton, who recelvert
other valuable ibingv, ILK IL fit testimonbil
of the esteem in a luchlie is heed in the
community, and none seemed to be more
grateful thanhe, and we could not help
but el kindly tiward the' donors for
LlBmullinabering requiting tiva
servire of a good and worthy citiyen.
11'he ILlXl2lcise4 were concluded by ri
brief address of Rev Wil+on, o the
Presbytei is church; who held the midi
encp'spell bound by hi+ remarkm, %%Inch
here full of eloquence and feeling, bring
ing the audience hack jo the stern reali
ilea of the past and future,-thus closed
the festivities of New Yearsmight, and
1/14 vitilt Otte rettlrtled to 1114 or her home,
we helve nn 111111 lit, but that each one
thought it wily good' to be there.
AlN,gether, we think we were richly re
worded for our •attendance, and hope to
wit trees elm tar FestiNnk.
A Si 1.% kit Ti A-SET I'ILEIO. T 1,1). —Our
popular Itovonito Alowsmor of the Pith
district, Maj It II Forcer, war pr”vrn
ted liy his nubordinate4 with a handsome
.filter tea-set on l'liriatmax (lay 110
haul not the plenqure of Freeing the mot,
lout are informed that it way very hand.
voine It was purchased from and en:
graved by Mr Patton, of Our place
Business Notices
5t1C,000 Feet of white Pine flooring, dry
for eala at the %iceberg Planing Mill.
—See advertisement I d Tombs IC' Co'■
great Pale in this paw, Mr good bargains.
)lao+oala WATER.—A dolightittl toilet
artlele—auperior to Cologne and at half the
A noon 'lnten.--Mosste Nixon if Lyon
have just put up in the depot in this vim.° a,
Business directory for our town which can
not but pi . ..ore beneficial to oar merchants
whose cards are an tastefully arranged upon
it, lee well as a convenient reference for the
public. It is the, intention of these gentle.
men to litirobe sp fey Philipiberg• In this
county, and if our bueineksqrlends in that
place Were their eyes open to their own in
terest they will have no , trouble in securing
enough of names to insure the buoceas of the
work. Messrs nail Lyon, do their
work well and cheaply Their directory, in
this place' wiVie is is a Orst clam advertise
relent pr the men who pationize them, .he
also an ornament to the depot In which Il le
PUII,LDILPRIAL B4ova. It will not be
1 1 unreasonable intelligence to Inform our
readers that we have just had the pleasure
of examining a most beautiful,encooommal.
and convenient stove—one in fact, that, to
our knowledge, has no equal in this country
Pennsylvania:Th .. l's long been celebrated for
her vast deposits of coal, both hard and
bituminous, and to her chief city,we believe,
is due the honor of having been the first s°
esta9sh a reputation for Stove Coal as a
fuel." lI is to her winter phlicuiPher, Also,
Benjamin Frenklin Abet the world is inbebt
ed for several improvements In the
manufacture of stoves, although the belt of
these in Franklin's day were crude and in
sufficient compared with those manufactured
by Franklin's saccessor_ in thil tiranoh
philosophy, Hr. Jams, fipear , of Philadel='
phis, who kale inventor and dienufacdurer
of the admirable stove of which we are
abciut to speak. One pf the chief exoelleo
cies of the letter consite in its Ingenious
mode of poidas the fire and dumping , the
grate rrithelif senitlng. any dust, ej dirt in
the 'room , b Ing entirely different In {hie
epoet front any otherstove manufactured.
Tie startle moreover, Is very heantiful In apy
potato - an - and perfectly air-tight. By an
"air-tight" we mean that Ore can be kept
up in it for, entire days without ttwaddition
of any fresh fuel. The stove is for this
reason lin eiliedrdltiary economizer, as
well at a daaided ofpatr.ent to any apart
meat, and the most Aunty anitconven
heating stove that we have over examined.
We aro plearCd to learn that this atidtirs
tile stove hair hooey made. soeessible to our
citizens. Isaac Haupt. is the authorized
agent for their sale in this town,* and we
would recommend all our madam who think
of pose - hating stoves to trail upon him and
examine , the Spear t article before making
their selections. We would state in conclu
lion, that it is equally well adapted to burn
hard coal, bituminous coal, sr wood, which
we believe cannot be weld of any other
Eastern stove-
Do Solo when . he visited th 9 shores of
America, sought long and arduously for the
"Spring of perpetual' Youth," that those
who bathed therein might never grow old
in appearance. People of our day hare in
part discovered a substitute for this unfound
spring in Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia, a few
applications of whiehllVea to white or gray
hair that darisotreng and glossy appearance
peculiar to youthful beauty. If any of our
readers doubt this, let them try a bottle
and be convinced of the truth of our 61118(1T
No Lose can by more fatal to beauty, es
pecially in the female sex, their the loss of
the (fair; glossy, luxuriant halt is one of
the most powerful of all personal charms
When baldness Or even s iistletenry
of hair exists, we oaturaly look for a
a dry and wrinkled skin, a faded eompler
ion ; when not actually seen. we see them
In Imagination. Why, then, not cultivate
A our hair 1 Encourage it and strengthen
it ; or if your hair is gray or white, the na
tural color can be restored by a few appli
Cations of Mre. 8 A. Allon's Improved (ari,
sy/r) Hair Deetorer or., Dressing, (War
tonic.) Price One Dollar. ICTrry Drug
gist, sells at. 1.4 t
MR.I. PA RTIIIGTroI billet:MD.—The White
Mountains of New Hampshire ary evidently
• great inedittrion--very high, heavy fropt4;
triit %leis, 4 dinners. nut the
practical rye of a rertain renowned Drake
eaw those srutietl ed-farea rocks, and there
upon adorned and variegated the bridle path
to the Tip-top House with his familiar S.
T.—l/MU—X. Plantation Bittern. This
piieed the ire of the Mrs. Partinglone rein
paaLtirs Itlerfiegi!lif tini tif the -Gime' he- State,
who got 'heir wise beide together, olottswed
Dr Drake, and make it a penal °Renee to
ply the artistic brush on their beloved hills,
Verily, The fine ar , s are at a discount in
New Hampshire. Query. —Did Drake pay
them for tine splendid advertisement t I-2t
Wo! 1 , -1/Antrim —On the 24th ult , by
lier. J A. Ilackenberg, Mr. John' 11 Wolf
of Bellefonte and Mots Mallnda Daniels of
Ituraknora—linen —On the Stith ult.
by Re• Ill'es C Pardo*, Mr. Theodore C
Rumbarger and Maui Clara Y. Bush o f Coo
tre Co.
The Bellefonte Market
Tho following are the quotation' up to M 1
o'clock on Thureday evening, when our
paper woot to press.
White Wheat, per bushel ..... ,$2 25
Bed Wheat, per bushel . ...... .. $2 15
Rye, per hu4hel .... $1 25
Cur,, libelled, per bushel old $1 20
Oats, per bushel ` 4 ".•../ 55
Barley, per bushel .. I 00
Buckwheat, per bushel ' 1 90
Clorerseed, per bushel-- ..... a 75
Potatoes, per bushel— ..... ...... I OA
Kggs, per dozen
Lard, per pound ...
Pork, per p0und....... ....
Ilatn, per pound
'kallove, per p0und........
Butter, per pound
Hags, per pound
Ground Plaster, per ten
/Planing Mill.
The undersigned arsons, prepar
ed to manufacture and furnish, on appli
cation •t their Plaining Mill in Bellefo‘Mi
Centre county
tte Ake ho
Scroll sawing of all descriptions, and brack
ets of all sises and patterns made to order.
We have connected with the Mill "Buck
ley's Paten I, Lumber Dryer," which by super
heated maim without venture, will season
lumber in from
flaying tested this Patent by actual experl
inept we ore sure that it is the beet process
of seasoning lumber now in use.
All onr stork will tor - Manufactured from
Orders for drying lumbar delivered at
tbd mill will be filled at reasonable prigs..
Pledging ourselves to 411 all orders
wath, promptness and to the satisfaction
01 our patrons we salt ail persons requiring
work in outline of bimlneas to give as a call
Wets contracting elsewhere.
Bellefonte, Dalt 'Bs ly
- - - - -
persons are hereby_oautiortes
sfininst. ,pnrohasing or meddling in 'Loy man
tier, with th* following property: One sett
harness, two two-horse wagoni,ono pair bob
sleds s owe fanning mill, one set hay ladder,
the undivided half of oats innheaf, ow MOW
Of bay, a lut of oloversood In skein, one drill,
one reaper, four hogs, ,slx shoats, a lot of
Con, fifteen wares rye io ground, thirty sores
mono or eau of wheat in ground, • lot of
beef and pork. As I have this day Deo. 21,
purekased the same at Shall sale, and
leave them with Anthony Caner, until I INN
proper to sensor* them.
13-1-1 It• W. B. OARBKADDON,
&apt 'Noting.
By virtue 9f an order of the Or
phone' Ootirt of Centre County, trill be dis
poled of at publio sale, at the residenae of
Jno. Boozer, deo'd., late of Pptter
township, on
SATpRDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1868,
at 2 o'clock, p. wt. The folhiwing
. tune atc - sutua - mime from
Oetitreinall, and containing about
more or less. From ninety to a hundred
area of the land is cleared and under agood
stato of cultivation; the balance is timber
ed with chertnut i oak and walnut. Upon
the premises is erected a-
barn and other ildffi g n. A stream of
running water passes near tlio house. A
thrifty orchard of
it upon the Property, and altogether, it is
one of the most desirable pmpertits now - in
the market.
TIMMS or BALL, one half the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale,
the midge in one year thereafter,-with
Wrest, to be eeoured by bond and mortgage
upon the preniaes.
JOHN It. KELLER, Executor.
13-1-3 t
Came to the residence Of the subser i
ber, in Spring township, noir the boiling
Springs ' on or about, December I, 1867, a
red bull, with white spot on right eye, and
white belly, no marks—ouppiiiied to be about
one year old. The caner is requeiei to
come forward prove property, pay charge.,
and take him sway, otherwise he will be
disposed of as the law d keels
.1.1/ Came to a residence of the sub•
scriber in Hogg township, on or about the
tuitldhe of biovenabotlask, a red and white
bottler supposed to be about two and a hall
yearn old. Ilan no particular markt. The
owner in regneined to come forward, prove
property, pay charges and take he: away,
talon-wino she will be disposed of as the law
d i recta.
, 014ORGE WAI.K Et:,
G oons FOUth).
On the lint, of Nittany Mountain
bark of tho residence of Solomon .Koch, near
tho old road, was found, on Monday. N he
3ilth ult , the following goodsoshich ran be
had by tho owner proving property, and
paying for this notice. 3 ainbrotypes,' 3
dougaretypee ; I blue edged dish; 3 parts of
an almanac, 1 glass soap hi% 2 china
Jars, fancy, 1 switch whip; 2 surgical
Instruments • 1 pocket book containing rerti
Beate. of "Pooples Indeprodetit Arwocia•
lion," signed by J. W. Overboltzer, of Pat
terrm_Juniata couhty, Pa.; 1 Daugeretype,
?optioned to be Mrs. Dale, 1 black esilitnera
dress; 1 black alpacca dread; I figured de.
lizin• dress; 2 black cloth coats, ladma; I
black figured culten dress . 1 buggy apron
ofl cloth , 2 pair hose; balmoral skirt, I
double shawl, olack,and grey.
Justice of the Peace.
Crarrait LLALL, Jan. 4, 1888. 13.1.3 t
les--sou 01411 receiver., the sum
of one dollar, 141lS, Merino, and Alpitchs,
Dresses, Shawls, Balmoral', Linen Goods;
Embossed Table Corers, IVadshes, Jewelry,
Silver Plated Ware, Hewing Machines, tie.
Send clubs of ten or more, with ten cents for
each descriptive cheek, and the getter up of
tha club will receive a present worth $3 to
$3OO, according to number sent. Agents
wanted •eerywh•re. rimelars Sent free,
I'ARKIR. ♦ Co., 54, A MI Federal street,
Boston. 13141°
I, J. P. Oephart,nlerk of the Or
phan's Court of •aid county of Centre, do
hereby certify, that at 'in Orphan's Court
held at Bellefonte the 26th day of Noveinher
a. d .4867, beftme the Honorable the Judges
of said Court. On motion ruler was granted
upon the heirs and representatives of Henry
Oephart,deressed, to novae into the Court on
the fourth Monday of Janunry next, and ac
cept, or refuse to accept, at the valuation and
Appraisemont or t show neon° why the
real estate of acid deceased should not be
sotd. In testaneny whereof, I have here
unto set hand and affixed the seal of
&mid do at Bellefonte the 2,,5th ay of No
camber a. d., 1867. -J. P. (1 EPII A KT,
12 . 48 Gt.
I 7 00
Binsloe Bros'. Agents,
11 lentos k Bros., agents.
Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa
Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa
Having aecepted the agency of the Ameri
can Tea Company, for Centre county, we
can sell al I k Inds of -Tea from 76 to 1,00
per cent, lower than other dealers, and war,
rant It to give entire satisfaction. If It
does not. return lie Tea, and get your
Read the prices.
Read the prices
0010ng..., $1 nO per pound.
Oolong $1 25 per pound•
I Young Hyman ............$1.22 per pound.
Imperial $1.26 per pound.
Japan... SI 25 per pound.
English Breakfast $1,26 per pound.
The trade supplied.
The trade supplied.
- Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ad
sod also agents for the celebrated
the best In the market: The cheapest
Book. and Stationery in. Bellefonte:
of Centre tronsty. The anima meeting of
the ;amphora, and election of twelve directors
to °undue' the adain of lbe Company for
the ensuing year, will be bald at the house
iitzump and Keller, Centre 11•11,on Mon
day. the 16th day of Jwa. next, between the
hood of 10 A.M. and 2 P.M., of Bald day.
The:Annual Eitatemeet will he presented and
other import's( busimurtraneseted. Mem
bers generally are requested to attend,
_l3llO. BUCHANAN; Preet.
• • 8. 0. 811ANNON,13se'y.
Centre gall, DiDa.27. 1867. 12 1-2 t
LICENSED , AUOTlONsRR,r.eldeseeoear
Siding istteisdi So all Wes entrus
ted. to Mai with owe. Terms ressoaeble.
Mr, Lek's& is said to be the beet auctioo
ea to the Omsk?, we wield advise those
hOlog Islas to give him a Gall. Address
Sprlag Mil* Centre Soy Pa. 13 t 31',
tet , Vain. ,
By virtue of sundry writsi of lever' Pe
cks an 4 Venditiimi giponas issued out
.of the Court •of Common I%u, of Cen ,
tre county, hnd to me directed, will
be ti lebxposed to publio sale, it the Court
lion e, in Belste. on Monday, the 27th
(lay "of Januar,g,.A. D. 1888, tie following
POur certain tracts of,t►nd Nitwits in the
Townsblp of Rush,) and County of
°entre, State of Pennsylvania, as follows,
to wit:
Ono .thereof surveyed in, the warrantee
imbue of Joan Price, containing four hugdred
and thitly-thnse acres, and one hundred and
ei*ty.tilree peroinSe.more or lase.
Another thereof sitveyed In the name of
John Wheeland, cionsaining four hundred
anti thirty-three stereo, and oniritund red and
sixty three perches more or less. -
A n othef thereof eurveyed in the.warran
tee name of John Ruilington, c(vitaining ,
Four hundred and thirty three titres, and
one hundred and sizty.thren perches, mote
or less.
Ana ther thereat Purveyed in the wannn
tee name of lames Baxter, uoutaining throe
hundred 'and sixty.eix acres, and ten porches
more or loss.
, leo, all the sight,Jitle and interest of
the astid W iliias Underwood, and Edward
Turner, in and to ten traet4 of land situate
in Rush township„Connti and Btate afore.
said as follows to wit:
Gue thereof surveyed in the warrantee
name of David Beverage, containing four
hundred and thirty 'three acres and one hun•
dred and thirty-three perches m re or less.
Another thereof surveyed lathe warrantee
name of Martha MeCotipell,containing four
hundred and thirty-three acres, rod one hun
dred and silty—three perches more or lass.
Another thereof surveyed in the warran
tee name of James CI lentworth, containing
lour hundred and thirty three acres, and one
hundred and thirty-three perches more or
less. ,
Another . thereof surveyed in the warren
to+ name of Peorge Lititner,eontaining four
hundred and thirty three acres, and one
hundred and sixty three perehea meteor lese,
Another thereof eerveyed in the warrantee
name of Edward Moyetou, 3ontaining fuck
hundred and thirty three &twee, and one
hundred and silty-three perches more or
Another thereof surveyed fn the warran
tee name of Sharp Delaney, containing four
hundred and tbirty-tbree sores, and one
hundred and sixty perches more or less.
Another thereof surveyed teethe warran
tee name of X ridrew Armstrong, containing
three hundred idd twenty nine acres and
ten perches more or less.
Another thereof surveyed in the warms
tee name of Wiliiam hie Phersoa, containing
two hundred acres more nr less
Another thereof surveyed fn the isrrentee
name of Witham G. Latimer. containing
two hundred and thirty )1 1 / 1 1 acre. and one
hundred and silty eight perches more or
Also, all the right title and interest of
W illiam Underwood, and Edward Turner, in
and to ckrtain mesimase tenements and tracts
of .land situate lying and being In Rush
township. Centre county, Pa., bounded and
described as follows, to wit r
Uue thereof surveyed on a warrant in the
name of John Hand, adjolotning surveys in
the warrantee names of Joseph Hopkins,
John Stoner and Christian Shank, contain
ing four hundred and .hirty three acres or
Another tteroof surveyed on a warrant
in the-neaps of.- Christ-km. 84.111, siontaialail.
four hundred and thirty three acres Er there
nbouis, and adjoining ,the tract above men
Antither - the-eof surveyed in the warren
tee name of Michael Shank, adjoining the
tract last above mentioned, containing' four
hundred and thirty three acres oc, there
Another thereof yed one warrant in
the 'name of Alexander Scott, adjoining the
tract but shore mentioned. containing two
hundred and nineteen acres or thereabouts.
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant in
the iranSkof Daved Hare, adjoining the last
two tra.q above Mentioned containing four
hundred and thirty-three acres or there
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant, in
the name of Andrew Shank, adjoining the
tract last above mentioned and, containing
four hundred anti thirty three acres or
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant In
the name of Jack Stake, adjoining the tract
last mentioned containing two hundred and
forty seven acres or thereabouts.
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant In
the name, of Christian Hare, Jr., adjoining
the tract last above mentioned, containing
four hundred and twenty-six acres or there-'
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant In
he name of Ueorge Slough, edjeining the
tract last above mentioned, containing one
hundred and sixty-seven acres sr there
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant In
the name of Christian Hasa; adjoining the
last two tracts shove mentioned, containing
four hundred and ninety two acres or there
Another thereof inirveyed on • warrant in
the slalom of John - Witwer, adjoining the
tract last above mentioned, containing three
hundred and eighty-three adree us Sherri
■buwMs -
Another thereof surveyed on a warrant In
he pane of John L'oaden, adjoining land.
last above mentioned, containing four bun.
dred anti tnirty•seven acres or thereabouts.
Another theredi surveyed on a warrant In
the name of John Brackblll, adjoining the
track last above mentioned, containing four
hundred and fifty six gores Or thereabouts,
on which are erected, a Store house, dwell
ing house and other cat buildings.
At d the other thereof surveyed on a war
rant in the name of James Ramsey, and also
known to the - Clara Campbell - or hempll
North tract, adjoining the treat last above
mentioned containing four hundred and
thirty three wares or thereabouts, on which
are erected a Steam Saw Mill, tenant houses,
stable and other out-buililiage, these last
fourteen tracts are commonly knoweas toe
Mill property.
Also, all the right, title and interest of the
said William Underwood and gdward Tur
ner, in and to a certain tract of landlituate
In Union township, County and State afore
said, and known as the Brook's tract, con
taining two hundred and fifty-three acres,
more or less, bounded on the North by 4nds
of Alexander Shipley and Thomas Lauahry,
east by !anis of Andrew Thompson, south
by lands of Henry Oates, Wein by /ands •of
Aaron R. Hall.
Also, all the right, title and interest; of
the said William Underwood aid Edward
Turner, in anti to a oertaintraoj of land sit
uate in Union towns*, on " Dix Ruti,'r
containing one hundred ,end thlry acres
more or loss, bounded on the north by lands
of Joba,C. Pe4ers, nut by lande Of Linn it
MaCoy, south by Tbointe Paowon t went by
land; of Invert Edina and Elohnsd Cendoer,
seised taken (ii execution, and to be eolOao
the property of William Underwood and
Edward Turner.
Also, the undivided one six* of all that
eertain treat or pared of daadviinans in the
Township et Beta*, b the County of Oen
tre„ and State et Pennsylvania, bounded and
oaerlbod as farrows: Beslandna ate white.
al Isiotitts
oak, thence south 37 degrees, west 164 perish
es to a white oak, thence south 4 4 . demon
east 439 perches to isPoet, thence south 64
degrees, east 72 perches to. a pine, themes
north SI degrees, west 498 I- 4 3 petehee to the
place of beginning, containing 338 acres
and 113 perches and allowinee, together w ith
the hereditaments sod apporionsimpow. • - -
Seised mass in execution end to be sold
atl the pro perty_luf _William ILLemetuil stud_
Anna alLongwell.•
Also, all iblertiliViitle qad intesseof de
fendant in and to a certain lot or phi** of
ground with the appurtenerso, situate In
Sagleville, Liberty township, County of
Centre, bounded and described as bellows
to wit: •
On the north and Rut by land, of W.
F. Courier, on the Solidi by nubile road,
and on the Wart by lot Wm. Snyder, con
taining otd-foOrth of an sere more or leas,
thereon erected it two story dwelling bonne t
,stable and other oat
. ,
Seised, taken in etecuttpn, and to be sold
as the property of Jaws'. Benxi.
Mao, all the rightiftithr and Interest In.
mind to 1 64 following reel east. of Wm. P.
Wilson, situate In Potter township, County
of Centre, bouriled and described as follows,
to wit :
One tract of landoi the Best by lands of
the heirs of Wm. Wilson lied others, on um
South by lands of James Beal - sad othors,
West by lands uf - Osalei .Purstatorth by
lands of James and Thomas tin ly, contain
ing one hundred acres more or less, thereon
erected a house, barn and other out-build
ing, nearly alt cleared and cultivated, now
occupied by John Jamison.
In and to a oertain Ist of ground sitaitad
in Spring township, now the Borough of
Bellefonte, Centre county, bounded and de
scribed as follows, to on the South by
public road leading from Bellefonte to Jack
sonville, on the West by lot of Patrick DOO
- on the North by hinds of Jinni Armor,
and on the Bast by lands of Wm. P. Wilson
thereon erected a house:
Beisediakeu to ezeoution and to ►e sold
u the property of Thomas fladigen
Another tract of laud bounded on
North by lands of John Hoffer and others,
Hest bi lands of• the heirs of Win. Wilton, .
on the South Sty lands of James Dad. West
by lands of Daniel Dent, containing one
hundred acres more or lees, thereon erected
• house and barn, end other out buildings,
principally cleared, now occupied by Daniel
Ono other tract of land bounded on the
North by lands of John Hoffer, But by
lands of Wm. and John Keller, south by
land of Win. Briabin, Weeny - Linde of the
heirs of Win. Wilson, containing one hun
dred acres more or Ism, thereon emoted
house, barn sod other out-buildings, sue
occupied by W en. Storer.
Seized, taken in ixecution and to be cold
as the property of Wm.?. Wilson.
Sberire °Mee, Bellefonte, Jim 1, tlillB.,
The following Neonatal, bare been
examined and passed by 'me, and regain
tiled of record la Aids office for the imposi
tion of betra,legatees,cre ditors and all others
in any way interested, and will be presented
to the Orphan's Met, of Oenu CoPoti', to
be held at Bellefonte, for allowance rid con
hrtnation, on t9ednesday, the 29th of Jaz -
nary, A„J),,.10,68.
1. The account of Robert Glenn, Guar
dian of Cyrus 11, John (J., Nancy .1 and
Anna MoDonold. minor ohddnen .of Jane
McDoonld, late of Ferguson twp, deceased.
2 .7 We need9nt Jeeek Boy,e}._Quartl
an o f Charles E. and Rebeoca Wryer, ininor
children of Juba W. Royer, law orPotter
twp, deceased.
3. The account of Jacob Sankey. ono of
the execu n tors of John Sankey, late of Penn
twp., tied:swot
4. The account of 11. A. MoGonigle,-Ad
ministrator of ,*o. of Reuben Haldeman, late
h'ergeenn twp., deceased.
5. The account of Daniel Hoeterman.
Administrator of &c. ofgPeter Hostartuan,
late of Gilliam, twp., dooeseed.
8. The account of George Boat, dempa•-
ed, Guardian of William B. and Sarah W•
Briabiu, (minor children of ham Brisbin
deoppasedO as flied by John 1., Voila and
Thomas Dale, Executors of said d.cedent.
7. The account of Gtorge Boal, deceased,
Guardian of Henrietta A. and Arabella C.
Thomas, (minor children of Thomas W.
Thomas, deceased,) as tiled by John S. Poe
ter and Ttioreas Dale, Executors of said
S.! The account, of Reebel MIAMI awl
Noah Musser, Administrators Ac., of An. o . ;
Andrew Muss.,, late of Spring towitahip,
V. The final stomata of John liarehborger
and DasU darshberger, Administrators Jac.
of 40. of John Ilarthbegee, late of Gregg
Inn.. dedeased.
10. Tho acoount of George Grossman,
administrator of Ao. of Cathodal* Ildshel,
lite 01 l'otter twp., deceased.
11. The aceoint of B. F. Shafer, admin.
istcator of •o. of John A. Storm, lets of
Milne ',Fe, deceased.
J. P. 0111PliART,
virtue of an order issued out of
the Orphan's Court of Centre county, there
will be exposed to sale at nubile out-ory at
the Court - House, in Bellefonte, on Tuesday,
the 28th day of January, 1868, at one
o'clock. P. M., the following described noel
estate, the property of Samuel Lipton, late
of the borough *of Milo/ham deceased,
to wit:
A lot or tract of land situate In the bor
ough of Mileaburg, containing sigty.eix het
front on Turnpike street, and running bask
two hundred feet to an alloy, and known as
lot No. 24, in the general plan of said lior
ougb, having thereon crested a brink
lug house, and other outbuildings.
A lot or tritest of laud adjoining the above
containing sixty-d= MC (Mit on Turnpike
Whet, and Honing back two hundred ?set
to an alloy, and known as lot No. 10, in the
moral plan of said borough, having thereon
erected a large frame dwelling holm,
stable and other outbuildings.
All the right, title and intermit of the mild
Samuel Lipton, doomed, to and to a lot or
tract of land situate in Bow toweehi p,
said County, bounded and described as „fol.
low., via : •
On the,weSt and north by a publio road,
on the east by lands of William Boggs, and -
on tha aoutb by Bald Eagle Creek, contain
log six noses more or less.
TERMS' OF BALE.—Ons third of the
plrebase money to be paid on the oonfinsta
tiOn etibe date, onsi.third_ber•of In one
year thereafter, and . one elifirtbereof al
death of tlievidow of the said deoessed,Usi , :
latter two pa m et erlos intereit payable
annually, b lmi eiwored by bond and mart.
gage on the premises. ,
„ Trims% to 4.11
Utters of Administration on the
Waite of John Gingtioh, late of Harris tap.,
Coital amity, dito'd, having boss greeted
teethe A:Cadent/n*omila* is W 47 then td
filA parses, knowiag themselves Indebted to
Mad estate to maks innodiato paramat aad
those baying daps to mama tkam daily
aatbentiosard for iiittissaaat.