*tiAttrativitilatfkmai P. GRAY MIRK, Rnmoa AND Pnormnytm JCIIIX P MITCHELL. Al4/401.1•TR Bmrox lIMLLRFONTE, PA 1 FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT.I3, 1887. TERN. .—.82 per year when plead ae advance 2.a41 whto net paid in advance, and SA,OO when not paid before the expiration or the year. FOR SUPREME JUDLIK, lI,N UEOIIGI SIIAI{S IV 00 I), of Philadelphia maw= S. T. SIIUGERT of Bellefonte, l' J. T. WINTIitE, of Perry Co FOR ASSEMBLY, P GRAN MEEK, of Bellefonte FOR TREASURER, 1. C. GEARY, of Walktr Tvip FUR COUNTI c.PNI.III.4BIONER, W. KELLER, or Putter Twp FOR JURY CO pIISSIONER, 1011 N :SHANNON', of Potter Twp FOR AUDITOR, S. ETLINGER, of Ilainer Twp A Common-Sense View There is a sensible and matter of fact view which may be taken of the bums to the Rump Congress and the peo ple of the South in which any man ought to detect the fallacy of the doctrines tang lit by the opposition to the Ltentoe. niey—whatover name it may choose to cell itself by—and the coi redness of the pritievides which distinguish the party or the ConAitittion Sine do month of loner r I. oar", doom here arkiag vnx Gorhl, to, the got, roe istro4, of tor l'oited Molex - Ito mealiately before that tone, the Govern meal had in the field a half a million 01 titan. who were disbanded when the ar mies of the South laid duwn 6 .their arms and submitted toe fate against which Ibry had nobly struggled in vain. At the arty tone when the War well 110 a draft nos pending for five hundred thousand wore men. If their existed in the Saint Om elements of a power which it woo require the half million of disciplined moldier, already in the field and a Ina million of conme,ipts in ;addition to overthvow,then there in ust 11L1W be.:•ollleWlicre nri the South,a power most formidable, vashich' could very .seri ously opposa the United States govern intent, if ti maw fit to do So. We will olule the propo•ition in another harm It fs w4ll known, of course, by tam)* one, that th i e Southern armies surrendered iti the Slirinß oTTA6S - Co The' iiieT - 6r the North That the South as regarded as no mean fee by those who led the Northern armies is evinced by the fact that we had five hundred thoemand wet in the field and a draft pending fur five hundred thousand more, It is not to be supposed for a moment that such able generals and het item on (1 ltliNT and Smut Max hail mar-rated the etrength of the antagonist against whom they had con tended for five years, and the cunolusion Irresi-stable that the South at that very time had tweeter enough:to call out on LW part ISO art.) of a Minion of Mali. it 1 , polYablY manifest that the Sottegisur retiderid the very moment they were convinced that they noun] nut maintain the government of the "Confederate States of America," and that they did pot hold out to the "bitter end." Eve ry one Who will take the pains to exam ine for himself will discover that the loaders of the South desired to met up an indcpeodent government, and that as soon as they discovered that this was im practicable, they greatly preferred the old government formed by the constitu tion and laws of the United States, to any other on earth, and .so surrendered to the armies, am they believed, of the United Stating government. If General GRANT, anal Uaneral Sugu- MAN and tile maiq other celebrated Wan who commanded our armies were not mistaken,where I hen 124 the power against which they deemed it neceaaary to em piny a million of soldiers'? If the South is rebellious and adverse to the govern went of the lltiiim, why aro they not heard nom when the moot shameful out rages ore heaped upon them by those who profess to adininieter the law,. 01 the gm erament. there is such a pow or, mutely there is no evidence of their hostility to the Union in the fact that they wake no dentortmtmtion when their very slaveiCare turned loose to out vote them, and the meanest nutmeg pedlar from the nutmeg country undertakom to represent them in the national conven tions. It is a fact perfectly plain to every oil servant man that the Union is not re stored. Ten of the States which formerly oectiloied the moot piorniocut portions in the Union whigt our fathers made, are altogether without representation. It in a fundamental law of our existence, that repretentation and direct taxation shall be apportioned on the same basis, yin hero are ma States with a direct tax im posed upon them and no representation at AIL /ay ODD of ClommoD sense must eonaludek that the Union is as far from being restored now as it was Ave years ago, and that there must be some for midable olostaele in the way. This ob stacle cannot be the late "rebels" of the South, for they have not existed as a power since their surrender to (MANI' and SHERMAN. it oannot, be the Demo -erotic party of the North, for they have been completely out of power, except in State, evil since the surrender of the S4Mthern armies in 18115. There is but one other party remaining which by any possibility could have been guilty of the mime which we charge them with, and no thinking man ran oonolude oth q : wise thae-thetttbe Meagre! party, being the only one possessed of any power, has prevented this iesteration of the Union fbr more than two years. If the' people Who have sacrificed so muoh for the Union desire that all theireacrifices shall avail nothing, they had better continue to support the party which has declared open war en the Constitution—which forms the only bond of union. If they desire that the'stiverticaent yhichmade ,its in Lintel past, the happiest people on earth shall be remand, birthed] sapient the only party which ever did or ever can properly and faithfully administer the laws. "The Soldier's Friend The poor soldier, Who wax induced to go into the army by the most shameful ini.reproientations and bare-faced lies and Caine out a cripple far - lit, receives for his support is paltry sum per month which would'not keep him a week from starvation. The Revenue is assessed and collected by a whole army of high paid officials, one half of whom are not any more useful then a fifth Wheel to a wagon. Every man knows that (Ili:cabled soldiers are seen daily about our streets starving and in rags, while able bodied men arc filling rich positions at the ex- Jona° of the government, which does not 'need their services! VA the whole,pow er-of the country is in the hands of the party which a short time ago professed such love for the sohber. Why is not something done to relieve these men from nettal suffering who were disabled in the country's service? Why is the necessary legislation not had when the party winch loves the soldier so dearly has such overwhelming majorities in our TAisletive bodies? We are in favor of cutting off the rich sinecures which are depleting the government treasury and applying the money to relieve the disa bled men who are actually suffering The poor pittance which ti mini who is totally unable to work receives is barely enough to enable him to starve slowly We woulil be in favor of providing amp- I. for such, and saving the necessary money for doing so by curtailing the use less expenses of the government Sure ly neith:r soldiers nor their friends ran any linger be imposed upon by the site eloll, pi etensioireof tho•-e who any so mud' and de se little for them Prom inent Democrats have several tunes iu tn,ducrd bills both into our national and State legislattne4,having for their object the soldim'a good, and each time the lobs It.ne biro tabled or toted dian. The Mongrel party liar been to the sol dier in oat, .1 friend, in pram, a Me soldims allow themselves to lie Made MIN paws of any longer Democratic Victories Ertl y where where elections are held, the people have the leant chance to mama:sr theAselves on the great issues of the day, there is indicated a vast chalice in flavor of the Democracy. Af ter the Radicals had arrayed thenoelves squaiely against the constitution of the country the first state heald- from—gai lant little CIO:N}.CTICLT—fired the first gun of the campaign s loch , is to end with the complete rout and utter over throw of the I; marina] and reaolutionaty power which has wrought so much evil. Then followed KENTL with a mag nificent Demomatic majmity,after which CadirtittNiA sends over the glorious greeting from the Pacific, and %heels in- Ay. the...l)eautjc_ column which is marching on to complete victory. Next conies the news that the hardy pioneers of the new territory of MoNTAN L have elected a Democratic delegate to Con and that the whole ten itory is strongly in favor of the party which is battling for the constitution Besides these aleallute viotories,we have also cur down the Radical majority wherever elections have been hold, and even in the most fanatical portions of New Eng land the tide is beginning to run the . gth or way. We could not ask for a prophet more eneouraging, and these tokens which come to us 'from arar, that our brethren love and are battling manfully and successfully for the Union. ought to Inctio us to renewed exertion in the con test in which we are now engaged an Pennsylvagia. Says the Philadelphia Age et; this subject ''lf Pennsylvania gives her verdict against the Radicals and their revolutionary plans in October, the Union will be saved, and white men rescued from the degrading thralldom of negro s pt emacy. Montana unites with Connecta ut, Kentucky ad California in beckonin us the way wAiruld go. Let the Demo acy heed the invitation, and place this State in the Union line at the coining election. —Pennsylvania can point backtwith pride to a long hie of illustrious Juatiees of her Supreme Court, of whom but few have ever 'stained the judicial ermine .4 allowing - 0)011ms' else to influent,. lair action than the constitution and the Law. The nausea of many of our justices are destined to live all long as the language they employed, mid it in the history or such men which makes up the greatness of a State in the estimation of future generations. Judge SllARswoop already has a fume which extends as far as constitutional law in known, and his election could not but add lipttre to the judicial history of our State., Even the most radical and malignant of his opponents do not dare to impeach his ability and integrity. All admit that no man in the State could be fou id bettor qualified for the position for which he is a candidate. Judge Wit Auxin; whatever his ability may be, in pledged to a platform which requires him to judge his judicial action by the changing standard of political opinion , and if lie is elected, and bonetttly carries out the principle of his eleetion,the hith erto ermine of our Court of Appeals will be drabblod iu the meanest filth of every political slough• Men of honesty, of in tegrity, who lore the honor of our great State,and desire to maintain it,whatover their politics may be, cannot bac prefer SttnnewoJD to WILLIAMS. —A Connecticut man was nomina ted by the Mongrels of this State for the Supreme Court, because no man of legal ability could be found who was a native of Pennsylvania and would soli his prin ciploor and his rewatation as a legalsman for the nomination. No native Penn sylvanian could be Lund who could bring It . spit t tlown to the Williamsport platform, and so on imported nutmeg man was put upon it. We do not be lieve that, thetuin of Pennsylvania will support —The election' Or SIIEURFLT and McLantos in our Senatorial district is a certainty if oor people work as they should do. We have a majority in the district whd are opposed to the ticket of Mr. PArrzadtni,' and we have only to get them to the polls to carry the election. —Thfiriends of Judge ' WILLIAMS mill Pennsylvanians "poor, ignorant,stu pid Dutch.'' Will the mon of Jarman blood, who have done so much for the honor and greatness of our State,support those who thus revile them, and their ,nester'. Duty of Democrats, The coining election will be, in many respects, a much more important one thin that of laat fall. Then a governor was to bo elected for three years, now a Supremo Judge is to be elected for IV teen; then the work of deatroying the government had net been carried so far by the Mongrels as now, and the ruin to be averted was not so close upon us. semocrats have as much to work fur now as they ever had before, and if wo are not direlect in our duty wo will carry the election overwhelmingly. Many men think that their whole po litical duty is done when they go to the polls nod vote , and no one could blun der into a greater mistake. It is the du ty, of every man to use every legitimate Influence he can command to secure the success of his principles. Inn campaign like we are now engaged in, this is es pecially true. The issue between the two parties involves the very life of the republic, and every man who loves his country or values liberty is booed, not only to vote but to spend his money and his time, in the cause which he believes to be right, This fall, no stone should be left unturnedmo influence which could be brought to bear upon any one should be neglected. Let active 01111 efficient Dem ocrats everywl ere, who know the impor tance of bIICCCM now, work unceasingly to achieve it.. They cannot otlici , .vi,e Jo their whole duty. President Johnson No man ever had a bet'er opportunity to male himself famous for all time Mu ANDREW JOHNSON has now. Hy simply keeping faithfully his oath .of office, in spite of all the threats of revolutionists and traitors,he becomes one of the great est men in history• The issue is square ly made now, sod he can Inge nothing by a firm constitutional yout , e, while he will gain e‘er)thinf If' lie desires hen• °gable Comm,' opportunity like the tires ent is likely ever to pre ent itself to him again for achieving its The Lust men of the country will stasis by him, the gov ernment will he saved from the very verge of destruction, and generations will do honor to slit. name or the Ho., who stood between our free institutions an d those who would tram pie them Under foot. We publish to day the correliondence of General GRANT with the President and the proclamation of the latter which was issued a AIM I Unit: afterwards. Thew docum, my speak Itir theniselve., and we need only to direct the attention of our leaders t01.111.2n without fui ther comment. From VIM we know of dottu- NON's character we believe that he means what lie says, and hence we hope for good things from him in the future TIIE PEoPLE ARE DECEIVED. -No new arthiiiittiaTiiiiro Ft& country now and not very seriously doubt the propriety of any longer keeping in power the party which for six years has bad uncontrolled possession of all the ma chinery of the government. Thete in not an honest and conscientious Repub lican in the land who does not frequent ly acknowledge to himself that there must be something very wrote with the party which he has so often a , sisted into power. If the Mongrel leaders pre sented the issue as fairly to their follow ers as we do to all the world, we could carry Pennsylvania this fall by an over whelming majmiity The hideous fea tures of ion, anarchy, civil war end despotism 'are covered by a gossa mer veil which pleases the fancy and ap peals to-the passions of the people, toil, they do not care to neck for the'real principles which they are supporting. Let the veil be torn aside by those as and honest as Tuna. STENINB, and the Democracy will triumph most gloriously, for those features, when once seen will prove as hideous us those of the veiled prophet of Mokanna and terrify the peo ple into the support of the right. THE CANDIDATE:J.—On Friday 'act the Republican Senatorial conference met at Lewistown. They had before them as candidates for the nomination for the Senate in this district five men. The contest was a bitter one, and it was the thirty-sixth ballot that Messrs. SAMUEL MCVITTY and JOHN K. Rom:NI HON were nominated. Lou. HALL, WIL SON, and every other able and efficient man was thrown aside to give place to the candidates of Jour+ J. PArrucltsoN,a notoriously earrupt and dishonest wire puller. We shall have mere to say -in regard to the Senatorial nominations in the future, as we have not spare this week to do justice to the subject. —We can, without any breath of confidence, assure the Demesney every where that our efficient chairman lion. WILLIAM A. WALLACH, has so planned the campaign that our success in Penn sylvania is beyond all doubt, if our peo ple do their duty OA well as he has done and is now doing his. We have the ad vantage of the Mongrels in every imag inable way, and have only to charge vig orously upon their dismayed ranks—dis mayed by the news from other portions of the Army of the Union—and we will gloriously redeem our State from the foul grasp in which it has for years been held. —We are sorry to announce the death of Governor llEtst, the newly elected Democratic governor of Ken tucky. fie was burred just one week af ter his inauguration. There will be an other electiOn next August, and in the meantime the Lieutenant Governor will exercise the functions of governor. The Mountarn Delivered Milt laust--the greatest humbug of mod ern history"—as he was styled by a note over discreet radical, General U. S. Grant baadefined his poltimal status and been safely delivered of an opinion. We con gratulate the General and the country upon the suceeesful parturition, and beg for both father and child the sympathy of a discrim inating public. In another column we print in full thecor respondence between the president and Grant relative to the removal of Sheridan, which results in the delivering or the Gen eral's opinion, adverse to the removal of the New Orleans eatr•p, and culminated in the most pithy, pointed sod sensibly reply of President Johnson We rejoice that the animater's, of bullying the Executive has been reached, and that even now, late as it Is, the President has exhibited sufficient manhood-pluck, to lake the bull by the horns and be Commander-In-Chair, Grant and the Rump to• the contrary, notwith standing While we confess our gratifica tion at the pacopt manner In 4/hich tbe abler-magistrate hu me; and decided the issue thus p tad, we are none the Ides plumed that it has been the means of do- finitely locating and defining the political whereabouts of Orant. Not that individ ually, we have ever had a dank( upon this question, or oared to the extent of a starv ed flg, what his opinions were; but, for the satisfaction of a few "manufactures of public sentiment," who hove been •liaying pipe" for his nomination to the Presidency, by the National Democratic Consintion, next year. We incline to the opinion that the 17th of Miguet letter, has sallied that quesiisn, as well as Orant beyond even an attempt at resurrection. The conclave of New York politiciane,f backed by the The Worlds newspapers, who for weeks have been p ... . trolly and insidiously endeavor ing to thsoit the wishes of-them the Democracy, by foisting a hitherto poi- Mesa nonentity upon them, have had, as The Democrat predicted a month ago, their labor for their paint. Just what General Grant expected to accompish by his singu lar defence of Sheridan. it le impossible to clearly determine. It may be possible that he really desires to be a candidate for Pres• blentie honors, and fearful of offending lit-. tie Phtl. taker this method of conciliating. him and his friends. On the other hand, it may be simply a fear of results—a dread of the power of the revolutionary mob, mis named Congress, which makes the hero of the IV ildernees "urge, earnestly urge," &ct the rescinding his order removing the nian at New Orleans In addition to these sonic what plausible conjeatures, as to hie ac don In the premises, we do not forget that the lion Member from the :Id ['hoots dis trict, Mr liliisliburne, who has been health seeking in Europe, has returned home in the very nick of tone. This indi•olutiEs boast for sonic yearn has been that he made it rani, and,,s,a be comes home, so says the dispatch, brill full of impeschment, it must necessarily be,, expected that his protege 6lgoat, will otNy orderr Having exhitii- Ifil him throughout the West in much the same manner that Cumming or Du Chaffin would an immense lion or gorilla, it is not unlikely that his appearante tam. week in Washington, had something to do with the earnest plea of the Commander in Chief, in favor of Sheridan lie the cause whet General Grant is politically die posed of, and out of Ito ring The radicals burn managed to creak, sufficient prejudice a;.,ainst hint to prevent his he ing 1110 sire of their convention, while, we (hint , that his endorsement of Sheridan, and the empty twaddle containedin ills' 1/1111e:ell paragraph. will effectually cure Democrats of any "hankering" after Item "iloneral Sheridan hiss performed ltvr. 41.1111 u filitlifudy /soil intelligently It,, remosel will only btrvegarded as an cnort to defeat the his, 'of Congress It Will be interpret, dby Alto unreconstrio toil element in the South—tha.e who dm .11 they could to break up this goi em inent by arms, and now wish to be this only ele oent consulted as to the method of restoring rder—as a triumph It will embolden them to renewed oppositiAn to the 0111 of the loyal us belie, mg that they lane the Est:ciao° with them," The test of 11 e above Intl plated loon. for even The World, and We are genitfied Bee 11. promptly remelt:tie lit Itia situ equn itself fur the issue. The President is evidently of IA °platers that forbearance with him has ceased to be cerdinel virtore If he will only net com mensurate with the manner lb 14111C11 he tall., his aelouniorrat sou, lime far, only a reproach, rosy end in blaze of glory. if, as it is rumored, Garet refused 10 caeca to the inr lure to tiering Sheridan and Sickles, let him order the bellicoes indtvidual under errost, and place isi the hoed of the army a General, Inlinlenna Allalf - IlenignalpollllCl.lll Of course, Congress upon reassembling will impeach him, and for ibis let the President be prepard. Let hum see to it that the na tional forts and armories aro us charge .ef the right officers, nod thee do, as be slioUld .Inag-aume.luma-doria, geolace— She—pump m revolutionary mob conspiring against the pence 111111 dignity Or the country , arrest every radical smother fur treasonable pre Imes and .1,1111 them. until [hey can trio to the case-mates of Fort LaFayette be, issue a proclamation of general acme. o the South, incur them to send their sena tors and representatives to Cougrees , dis solve the military departments, declare the War ended and the Cason retuored Should Otis programme not proved acceptable to the Jacobins. let them,-if they dare, appeal to the bayonet and cannon the incline to the opinion, that under the circumstances, then existing, they could epeedly he accent minted —Chu ion /Mum-To( Judge Williams as seen by Mrs, Jane 0 Swisshelm In one of her letters lodic Chamberaburg Erpot dory, (Radical), Mrs Sivistihelin gore the following as her estimate of the Radical ojindidato for the Supreme Court It may be premieed that Mrs t' is a thorough go ing Radical, a shrewd observer, and proba bly as god njudge of mental abilities and stamina as any one of her sex in public life "It appears to be an acknowledged fact that the Pittsburg bar is to-day as little burdened with brutme na at auy pea iod since it was a bur—and no better evidence of its appreCial lull of I-roper/Ode nordtorriiy could be offered than to selection of Judge IVillianis fur the /immune Bench. In 'dl and I. when Le wan a law atudeutj in the office of Judge Lowrie, I had some business in settling my runlet's estate. Judge Low rie was my attorney Outing to the office one day, I tonna him explaning to Mr and another student a point uflaw and he linked me to sit down and watt I sat down and had the heceht of the explan ation ; heard the quest toy opounded by M W r dni bas and the °au. anti the going over and simplifying the Ca by the teach er I sat in blank nmasement, wondering if that little mac ever, ever, nest., would get enough law into into head to make any kind of bring by letting it out in:quantities to nail cuntomein, but Inc in sober, indult mon+, patient, and plodding, after all n. bin done of comprehensi , did lean. o good deal at law, and I th nk that in any ease which wile well cclabh•hed by pre., deal, and which had been carefully and lucidly t Waned and Amplified, he could undereland it, •m! would decide according to the heed of lint knowledge and belief when lie comes to a field of inreat:gatton, the maim. 1131,0 compassion on the poor, fat, short, bully man What a tune ho would bare wading, lloundertng—end what a mud ire he would be likely to make of it ! A Ran of active brains would not be likely to run quite as touch to that euhatanee most valuable in whales, and if the llopubllcan parts of penuaylvania have no bettermaterial out of which to manufacture a Suprtme Judge than lion. W. W or 11. W. come. thing 'Williams of l'ittohorg, they hod baler rote for the Democratic candidate, 'cheerer he may 6e, on the ground that they cannot he u orated. An Independent Judiciary After the Democratic party had nomina ted the Hoe Judge Sharewood for election to the vacancy on the Bench of the Su, preme Court of tin State, the Rodioal Ho publican Convention, at Williamsport, nom inated as his oppottent for the place, Judge Henry W Williams. ThetTonventlon then adopted a series of resolutions in which they declared that .•Ihe judicary of the sud must he bro.leg into conformity with the will of a majority of the people " That jesuitical assertion menus much more than It latently expresses! The intention that is really entertained, but not cletirly stmt.' honestly conveyed by the guarded htlrgaitge of the resolution, is, that the judiciary of the land mutt be brought, In its interpret•- ties and execution of the lime, including the Nis l i i i t rl Constitution and all tbo State Count bp Mai . .. °ollly with ale Win or a po meal party, sad that party, of course, the Radical Republioau party Thte purpoito to butlordunkte the court. of the country to the will of politicians, with a view to aid them in a scheme of rerolu- op 'biota .•repudirlee Constitution" sod awe entirely ••outside" of- them, la the most daring .ud the moat Alarming Avowal of (remit that was ever uttered in title 6110- ilea of the republic( If the people can stif fer that without Wawa protest and active resistance, then indeed to civil libert and govetampot in these Stems aa good as, one The indeliendecoe of tka judiciary ofa Ipol- Waal inficence—especially of the • olute domination crony political party— the last guarantee of civil rights and el/ rule that is now left to the people, and if they wailingly give that up, or passively suffer it to be taken away from them, they will have no m.oit of defence against despot ism remaining (Ahem and their children, save only armed rebellion. W. warn them, therefore, to pause and reflect on this des- perste, this awful danger Ihst threatens them. o resolve manfully to it before it is too Isle to do so peacefully and by the regular expression of their will'at the ballot-box. If they let that chance slip, all will be lost —I undayikretay. —Before the United Slates Commis stoner at rtiehmond, Virginia, a day or two einee, a person charged with evading the revenue laws, plead wept of jurisdiction on the groun that the reVenue laws of Con gress provided the seine number of inspec tors for each State as each State had repre sentatives In Congress, and as Virginia has no Representative°, and not even an Inde pendent State government, there can be no legal inspectors, within her limits The Commissioner was nonplused, and took time to consider. —The editor of lc Chicago Republseets doscribing a flock of mulattoes h• recently saw at a Mongrel Convention, gays: Their features are Mimic, their eyes elo quent, their formsfaultleas How did they smell? We do not wonder at the reports we often have of wives and daughter. of Abolitionists running off with Degrees.— Their imaginations ore so wrought up by these charming descriptions of negroes, that it is no marvel that they should be tempted to see in tta rose by another name will smell as sweat. Nan abbertisemento GOODS AT AUCTION Tho large and carefully selected stuck of Store (Mode, formerly owned by Daniel Leath ers' will be exposed at Public Outcry Jn Me chanicsville Centre county, on I=l3 and each succeeding Saturday until the abut . i The snick consists in part 111 Lajl Y GOODS, I= CLOTIIINO = and in !net ttlerything utntally found tn a Noun MEM Now I. the tune to get good J.) , 1. NEFF, JOHN 11 LEATHERS. An. r echo: S TATE PAIR. The Pen... State Fele wdl be held rit l'llleherigh, upon the grounds of the Inn City Park, Sewer.. 27th, 24th, Mil, and 27th 1287, For tho Exh Ration of Home, Catile,:sheep, Swine,if e., Agrieultorni Impitinento, Machinery, Invention., Farm Proiluetx, Fruit., Flowert, Household Ittio Ar =I Sortie of th•Pretwoule in the abstract, ore oe fol love • CATTI.F:-1 - 011 EIUN IMPORTED —IQ pre to MT. from $5O tors2ii ell other grades of Cattle nt, from $3O to $lO. 42, from $lO to $3 , boa It I ord , not less than 15 head, $5O, god best $25 . 1.0 II) yl/1(0 of oxen, premium to be paid Agrtrultural Elortely of the county sending them, $lOO-2nd beat $5O. 11111114 Es— Rent totrotted 0 prom tutus from $5O to s2o—thorough breds, 10, from $3O to slo—Speed 1 or *ion, 1 of $75, 4 of $5O. MATCHED HORSES.-1 of *5O, 1 of $3O, best draught, gelding, and single horses 12, from $2O to $lO. STALLIONS and MARES, 15 from $25 to $3O. , best mule team of four $3O 2nd ben $l5. ' SHEEP AND WOOL —For different breeds 123 prom ium•froni *5 O , to $3. SWINE 15— from $25 to *5. POULTRY—best collection $l5, and no premium less than $2. For Agricultural Implements, Steam En. gines, Scales, A., but tew premiums are offered. The Judges bower°, may make complimentary notice, of the particular merits of each machine exhibi ed. For Loather and its manufacture—dour and boloan meal, grain and smile, egetablcs, fruit., grapes, cider, flowers and designs, needle work, embroidery's Ac., bread, rakes, preserves, jellies, aryl air tight fruits and vegetables/mer cantile dliplay-s, Ac . liberal premiums are of fered ranging $lO to $l. STEAM PLOW.—The Ileydriek Steam Plow will be exhibited and operated during the Fair. EXCURSION TICKETS will be issued by nearly all the Railroads, and all good/le:6l6U ed and unsold w ill be returned freight free. For Particular. or premium lists address A. 11. IsONOA KKR, i3ocretary, Pittsburgh, Pa. Shigle mita lesion Tickets, 25 cantle A. BOYD. HAMILTON, 12-35-2 t. Pceeideoi IN,BANKRUPTCY. 1 The undersigned hereby gives notice that he will be in WILLIA-MSPORT, 2,1 Tuesday each month. LOOK HAVEN, 2.1 Wednesday each month., BELLEFONTE, 2il Thumlay eath month. COUDERSPORT, 3d Tuesday's in Feb., May, September , and December. —to hold Courts of Bankruptcy, being preci ously notified that there will be buainess re quiring his attendance at such times and places. At other time, he will attend for each purposes at his office in Tina, Pa. tlentleineu 01 the Bar prosecuting involuntary bankrupt ceases will please prepare their petitions and schedules in duplicate, in conformity with the Bankrupt Act, General (Orders and forms, and Special role, of the 1 1 .'estern Dmtrizt of Penney Imams, in Bankruptcy, and subui it them to me for en animation ; and if found correct in form and sufficient in Substance, w ill he certified and filet, and un ordei of reference will be maned. Fifty dellare required by the Act must at the same time be deposjted with me, and twenty five dollars for Clerk and Marshal fee, should be paid et the same tone. anon answering maim letters I will say— l —That Itioe's Manuel is the beat work I hate seen on the subject, and contain, the Act. General orders, forms, etc. 2—The Special Rules con be obtained of C. If Johnston ,t Co. Pittaburg. :I —Tbo bort lbbloke I halo seen aro sold by IV 8 Ilnvon, l'ittrburg 4- -Letters confortnipg ufipocisl 8010 111 will Le promptly onettered. 1{..8/0411., Atoyo t t,.. lima • spiry IS /..777.7'78ff1i Tiugu, Aug. 2K, 1867 61 R OOK Al/ENTS WANTED. .up To 8011,1. Orders for 4 NUVr Mt. Wed =9 (covI•I.KTK IN 0116 V 01.1.116 Thinnii . llol4,llll el/A..ll66'th° results of the most reeve t study, research, and inveaftfation, of about sixty-five of the most eminent and ad vanced Biblical SeimlVe now living. Clergy men of all denominations approve it, and regard lien the beet work of its kind in the tinklieh language, and one whieh 'Ought to be le the hands of every lliblo reader in the land In Clrwie ling this Work, Agegts will find A pleasant ani profitable employment :The neat en.s objections which are usually encountered selling ordinary work w 111 not ex isit with is. But, on the contrary, encouragement and friendly aid will attend the Agent, soaking hi. labors agreeable, useful, and lucrative. Ladies, retired Clergymen, Behool Teachers, Farmer., Student., and all other. who pones. energy, are wanted to ameba in Canvassing every Town and County in the country, to whom the most liberal inducement, will be of fered. • For ',Athenian, apply to, or addren PARMELEE BROTHERS, 722 Barnum Btr•at, Philadelphia, Penn 12-34-6 t. • LIVINUSTON'S BOOK STORE. The undersigned al the New Roos, in the North end of the Brokerhoff row, on the Southwest Corner of the Usautond, still keeps on bend his until assortment of THEOLOGICAL, CLASSICAL, SUNDAY SCHOOL, MISCELLANEOUS, sod •Il the ,various School Books now in UN. BIBLES, irranged for family photographs; also other Bibles in great variety, varying in price from 30 cents to g3O. Photograph Album., Rotary Albums, (a new Invention,) Plank Books and Rtatignary, Legal 'Blank', Metallic Slates, to., Ate- lie to alto OP Agent for Centre Collet, for tbesintroditetionhand sale of Parker iVitaon's Reader., Raub's Spellers, Clark's Grammar., Brook's Arithmetic., Montleth'. Geographiee, Ma ft indat Illstory of the United St 'tee, sod Wright'. Orthography. 12.33=1f. ( IRO. LIVINGSTON. ATIMPERANCE CONVENTION Eiji; be held In 'Bellefonte under the sag/Wei 01 the Penneylranh Stele Temperance Union, sn Thursday the 19th inst., at 2 o'clock p. m. to organise • Centre County Temperance Union: The frlenda of the came are respectfully incited to attend. a. D. CIIIINOWITH, I S 35 St Str. SM. Towp. Md.* Nelo r Sabbnikiemento CENTRE CQII L NTIt AGRICULTU RA SOODITY: List of Premiums to be awarded at the Exhi bition near illiesborg, on the Ist, 2d, 3d, eta of October, 180. The Grounds will be open at 9 o'clock A. M. of Tuesday the Ist day et October, for the entry and reception of article.. intended for Exhibi tion. No articles or or animals will be entered for Premiums alter II o'clock M. Of Wednatflay the 2d of October, as at that time. the books of entry will close. Cattle.—lst Class. REUBEN B. VALENTINE, of Spring town ship, Chairman of Committee. Best boll ever three years old Second best ...... ... But bull betneon 2 and 8 yeantstld .4 00 Buond beat ' 'Poo But bull calf 2 00 But cow over Ire* years old .... .. ~. 500 Second beet .. ..... ........... ..... 2 00 But caw between 2 and 3 year. 01d..... 300 &mond best 2 00 Heel I;iel'e ' r between land 3 yea. 01d... 300 Beet bleier onlf. 2d C lass Best Durham bull.. Seeolllll beet Beet Devonshire bull Second best.— . 'Best Alderney bull Second Drat 9d Class Best yoke of work oxen Second best Best pair let steers.. . Best single fel steer Horses—let Miss. JOIIN L. NrCOY,nr tap. gge Chairmen or Committee• r Heat stallion henry draft Second best But stallion light draft..5...3 5 00 Second best 3 00 Beat filly colt between 2 and 3 years old 500 Second best. 2 00 i.l yearling horse colt. .. 200 t ' , calling filly . 2fl Clas4 Beet tenreorkieke.t ....... •••,•••• •• • • $ 5 " 1 (10 float pair heavy draft ham/ 5 00 Best draft horse. 2 00. Best draft mare. . . 2 00 3d Clasp Best pair Carriege borne. S and bent . . •• • Best single carriage hone Second Bent noddle borne. ..... Second bent.. ...... Best la den caddie horn Second bent Dent Indy'. 1. 0 . Y • ..... •• Emend best 4th Class. Best three year ol•1 man.. Second beet . •• •• Best three year old gobbet:— Second best—. .. • Bert team of e , ‘ Series Best team of four horses.... Bert team of two borers. . Trotting horSes and Mares WM. 11 LONIItVI 1....1 Bellefonte. Chem in. of Committee. Horses competing in thi• ohms Anil be omit. jectto appear upon the track at ouch times as the Committee shall deolgoato. To Ike best trotting home or mare, •' ler a trial agetnot time.or in competition with other homes $2O 00 'For aecond lotot,two or more contending Ili I To the beet pacing or racking horse or mare, middle or borne. ... To the bait walktng home, or mare, or otallton, paddle or batmen To the belt trotting team apnea. time or another team _Jacks_ and Idulaa- - P. 11. GALLAGIIICA., of Snow Shoo, Chair man of Committee. Best. jack Second be5t........... Best team six mules Best team four mules Best pair mules... At. Beat single mule Best mule c01t....... Sheep end Swine El , JOH POSTER, of Hanle twp , Choir man of ec, rtottee. Best pen o e heap nut lens than five $5 00 Second bee t 00 Best buck . ..... . .. .. 3 00 lE3=l Beet boar over One )ear old Second beet .... •. ..... •• Beet boar under one year .. Second best fleet suw over one year uld.. Second beet Best pow under one year old Second best Grain GEORGN BUCHANAN, of Gregg twp,, Chairman of Committee. Best bushel of white wheat .... . Best tusbel of red wheat Best bushel of corn in ear, white.. Best bushel of corn in ear, yellow.. Best bushel of aye... Best bushel of oats... Beet burhol of barley Agricultural Implements. Prof. JOAN Piing, of Agricultural College, Chairman of Committee. Beet dis p la y of Agr'l Implement, Beet plow Beet subsoil plow ...... Beet harrow Boat ealtivslor Bast grain end seed drill Beet corn planter Beet mower Beet reaper and mower combine. d, fleet horse power Beet thresher Beet fanning .......... Beet corn and cob crusher (If P)..... do ileatfem wagon. Beet spade Ilcstelio% el .. Best bay folk.— Bestboe.. Beet manure fork Plowing .101lN ItlSllltln of Gregg imp., Chain wen of Committee. peel ploughing Second beet Third beet The Ploughing Match for all those who will be ready, will stoat on Friday, the ltb, t cooly at 9 o'clock. Prom lams will be awarded at 1 o'clock ; and the afternoon will be occupied by au auction of all such artieliie u oontribetorm may please to dispose of. Poultry. JOSEPH BAKER, of Harris twp., Chairman of Committee. Beet coop of chickens not less then eight.. $1 Ott Second beet .. 2 00 Best pair of cbickene ' .. 2 00 Second beet 1 00 Beet pair of turkey.. . ...... 200 Best pair of image 0 00 Beet pair of ducks... .9 00 Dairy and Honey JAMES A. BRAVER, of Bellefonte, Chair man of Committee. Best cheese not less than ten p00nd5..... $3 0 0 Second best 2 00 Bust five woods bo.,2tei in psiets 8 00 Second hist 2 00 Boat ten'pounds butler in roll 2 00 Second best 2 00 But box honey not less thee 6 pounds... 000 Second best 2 00 1323 JOHN D. WINGATE, of Ilerbote, Chair. tan of Cow:antler. Eat and largert variety of apples.. Best twelve varieties of apples (not ea then elßMeb) Bert twelve varietie of penis (not than nix each)...... ... Bertyarlety of peaches— Bert peek dried apple..:. . Bert peek dried peaches.. Bert gallon dried plum.. Best gallon dried eherrier Vegetables WILLIAM 11. BLAIR, of Bellefonte, Chairmen of Committee. For the best, choicest and largest assort moat of table vegetables $ll 00 Beat twelve loads of cabbage ....... ... 100 Largest pumpkin 7 ' 60 Best mix meet potatoes 50 Best six sagas boils 50 Best sir:coml. be But str. parsnips , - 50 Mot six stalks of calory ... ...... -___ 60 Best At beads of mentions, 50 BesTstrartilialakle twilit. 60 Bast oh beets '"'" 60 Best six onions -' 60 Best six heads broccoli , 51 Best six tomatoes ~ ...... ...- ....... .. ‘ . 60 But ale squashes " 60 'Three largest sweet pamphlet 60 Three largest Mild passpklam......... 60 Beet twelve ears yellow Ma 00114 60 Bast twelve AIMS white mod NOV 60 1.411) abberttormento. FlOllOll Prof. linliftY J. CLASH, Agricultural Chalmnan of Committee. Per the greatest snit eturiemt collection ' of ditliment binds of ..... $.l 00 Creation variety of daklltu 2 00 Second greatest w 1 00 realest variety of 2 00 Second greaten 1 00 ll remelt variety dliierbeees 2 00 Beet collection of Berman asters.— ...... 1 00 Best and greatest variety of pansies...... 2 00 Best collection of greenhouse plants own ed by one person... 4, ....... ...... 2 00 Best floral ornament 1 00 Best bend boquet 1 00 The most beautiful arranged basket of flowers 1 00 Bacon, Hama, Flour and Meal. •5 00 2 00 BOLAN-It CURTIN,of °giro twp., Chairman of Commlitce. 11,,t Imo voted by catti itor Second beet . Best bacon oared by exhibitor, (not less than 101664 2 00 Second best Best barrel of floor ...... ........ ..... 3 00 Bost twenty-Ore potindir boeltwbeat meal 2 00 Best twenty-five pounds corn .. 200 Maitursotured Articles, Cloths, &o.—lst $5 00 11 2 00 5 00 . 200 . 5 00 2 00 IBM ROBERT 11. DUNCAN, of Oregg township , Chairman of Committee. For the beat Comintern, not lain than 10 yards diploma Beat shirting Clennel, but leas than 10 yards Best p d flannel, not lens than ten yards,. Best pair blankets Best satinet, not leas than 10 yards.... Best Ken betty Jean, not less than 10 yards . ..... Beet coverlet. ..... Beat carpet, not Imes than LO yards.... liea nig carpet " " Second best " " Best ample woolen yarn, not leer than 10 lbs ........ ...... I 00 Beat parr cotton hose 50 Best pour woolet sucks . . 50 Pest pair woolen he, . . . 50 pest tweed eloth,not les than ID yds... 2 00 $5 on 2 00 5 00 2 00 05 00 Q!~ IV ILLIASI 11. lIUMIiS, of Ile llefonto, Chair mna of Como,Oleo. Bon .li.play of home furnishing oinol, J,pluma be•t cooking stole ........ $2 00 Sllloo,ld beet Bret parlor ..... ....„..... 200 Second bent ............ I 00 11.4 sperinion iron railing . . .di ma IE LIU Hest ilpecituen Second brst . Ilest drought chain Bent chopping axe .. I Oil $5 in 2 no I iti I 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 1 00 Itest broad use I 0 lint mimeos., hone shoes. . . 1 0 Second best , .•. 5 Class No. 3—Leather and its Manatee $8 90 2 00 .1 00 2 00 0 09 4 00 2 00 A. SUSSMA N, of Bellefonte, chairman of Comm ittee. For beat wagon harness, for (arose.. .. diploma Beet double set carriage harness........do Best single harness ...... do Best saddle end rigging for general purposes. fleet man caddie. . 52 00 I 00 Beat We saddle. ......... ..... I 00 For the hoot half dozen calf skins. ... diploma Beet pule Bole leather . Ito tt Co rides upper leather.. . ...... diploma Hest two sides harness leather diploma Second beet ...... $1 Oil ELM For the bast noir of boots . I 00 Second b01t.... ... . ... .... 50 Best specimen shoes I 00 Second best 50 Best 'mikes' slipper ..... . ...... ......._ 1 00 Second best 50 Class No. 4—Cabinet Ware. • IMO CEO JOHN A. HUNTER, of Half Moon, Chair man of Committee. For the best aocretary ...... ..... diploma Second best . $1 00 Best dressing bureau diploma Second beet $1 00 Iloet bedstead 2 00 $5 00 3 00 0 00 4 OD 2 00 2 00 100 IZWell For best net of 2 00 66CUE111 beet, .... 1 I 00 Sleet eettee..T .srvii. Beeoed beer . . 50 Bost rook ins' chair tiecond . Clop No. s—Tailoring WILLIAM F. REYNOLDS. of Bellef..nte, Chairmen of Committee. For best dress cost.. .... diploma &wood best RI AO Best overcoat— • .. Second beet Beat pair pantaloone Beet vest Household Manufactures—Class No. I. ADAM trOY,of Dellrifoute,Chalrmito of Com mittee. For the lima dlk quilt Bat white quilt .. BCO S.I 00 1 00 2 00 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 Best lsary quail Bert counterpane IrnlLil fleet. hooea-m.de shirt Second best .. Beet linen thread, 12 outs... ...... ...... 1 00 For boot ornamental wood lework... 2 011 Second beat.. Heat ottoman cover Second beat ..... Diplosoa do Best table cover... Second beet Bost ortilleial flowers Best variety of worsted work ... 1 00 Best Amoy work with needle, for choir_ 1 011 ===== Boat lamp atimul mat Bost ornamental shell work Best specimen of was flowers . Claes No. 2 JOHN I. THOMPSON, Huston twp., Choir men of Comm tune For tho beet home made bread SI ell Bost pound rake 100 114onge cake I 00 met,. , 1 00 Hest matt . I 00 Hest tomato pre.... I On SI 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 Hest epeeitnen of pickier! ...... ......... ..... I 00 Bert rpeciteen of npplo butter............ I 00 Beat (mace and peach butter I 00 Best bonte.lbado ocop ..... ............. ..... 1 00 Silverplated, Stone, Glees &Queonsware. J. MILES BEEN, of MaasLung, Ch o n th ee of Committee Best ea hthltlonof Silver wore . ....... diploma Beet fable cutlery.. . . Ao Best Britenth were . du Bost glees wsro. du Best jewelry do Beat atone and earthenware ......... do $5 00 'I 00 2 - 00 Miscellaneous Articles—Class No.l JOHN lItWIN Jr., of Bellefonte, Chairman of Cote et Mae. For the beet carriage diploma Second beet .......... $4 00 Beat buggy ' diploma &mond beet $2 DO Beet 'trolling moat.... ... 2 00 Best butter churn ' 1 00 Bast 'mow light cooler w0rk........._._2 00 Best boa hive ....... . 2MI Bast specimen of warble w0rk...... .. 2 00 Boot lot of boon's, not lass than 600 ft. 2 00 Bost spotitueo of cherry 00 Clots No. 2. THAD. P. STEVENS. of Bellefonte. Chair man of Committee. For the best specimen of pliologrephs--411ploses Osmond best $1 00 Beat specimen efoleatistry ..... 2 00 Samoa best ' }OO Best epeelmith mineral coal 00 Best speohneb boa on 1 00 Beat specimen painting to 311 2 00 Best specimen in earring ......... .....-... 200 pAr-The Society Invites the exhibition of any and everything that may be useful or eon venient in the pveetlee of A Stiou Sure or Horti culture, or the product of either ; of all artistes or Implements of convenience or um In domestic or social life; of .II the products of art or eh 111 ; end for aileeoh articles of merit, although not enumerated in the foregoing Ibt, Freedom. or Diplomas will be awarded. For Invention. and Improvements in Machinery and Staple msmts, hawing valuable propertim, end not ht .ciluded under any of the foregoing heads, dis cretionary Premiums may be awarded. In ad dition to the foregoing lit, there will also be Predilums awarded,at Swum:o4°u of the Man agers, for a great variety of articles of merit not enumerated. Any pence to whom a Premium of not less then 0.6 00 has been awarded, may elect to receive the Diploma of the Society. Eflubitors Fee will In all cams be $l, eireoPi as to ladies In the Ilourehold department. Where firms are exhibitors all the members of tho Arm • must become members of the satiety. $5 00 3 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 8. T. BILMOSET, WILLIAM HAMILTON, Seey. Presidesa J. T. HOOVER, Trwsnsrer. .TANTkD. 60,000 people to buy their Books, Stationary and Nuts, at Kinaolo t Brother's, Bollotlmte, Pa. B URNBID* WATER . PROOF BOOTS MYR ARtIVRD. 'rein abberttomentti N OTICE TO TEACIIL , RI 2 A DIREcTons The Neswoiwettrins fur the torrent ,e_r will he held se follow. • (le ruin LIMN CAt U o'clock A. M.) Bellefonte, I at Bellefonte. donelety,Ang 3 Spring, Penn, at Milheim, t .ordny, Sept. 21.1 Haines, at Aaronsburg, ondoy, 23d Gregg, at Penn Hail, 1 seselsy, Nip Potter, •1 Centre Hell, We'reselay, ei 2211, Harris, at Boalsburg, Thursday, 0 WM Ferguson,atcPine Oruro, Frotay, Miles, at N. rrsday AF" day, Ort. 3.1 4th Walkar,at Huhlersl.urg, Monday, do ith Marion,at Jacksonville, Wednesday, do nit, Howard, j . 1 J —°"'", • .. " 0 .3` , do 101 b. Liberty, at fingleville, Friday, do 11 lb. Barge, at killerl.urg, Saturday, do 12th Union, .t Valor tile, Monday, Oct. 1411, Itenner,at sets 8 11, Tuet.laY, do 12th Nio n . 0 1 w•ddlen S • W'tifeelay, do 1811 1 , ilustonoa Jolt,n Fut. ihureilay, do I liF. Taylor,} Pent Matilda, Friday, do I title Worth, Halftnoon,at Florinstown,Sat'day, do 1011, $2 oo 100 (To commence at I o'clock P. M.) 4 0 Ruch, at Philipaliurg, Monday, Oct. 2I 6 0 . 07 : 0 1 : 7 ' Ac 8 Wend y,ill. 2 I I EXAMINATIONS will be held it Ileboraburg, tut Saturday, Oet.. , 26th Centre Ilan, on Au Nor. 20. Heber/Mug. on do do 9th for the accomunntiailon of such as were pre, eel ed by spnesehor some unavoidable eh...node:t ree from attending at the proper time,-1 ut all such most come fully prepared, according to ne found upon pegs 12U. According to the requirements of the new law, (Journal, page 271,) nu person abiall remit e certificate as teacher, who bee not a fair linorri et/go of Orthography, Bead ;nu. Writing. Motto I end Written Arithrutto t.iogruphy, English tl runnier, hi S. 11 tetory, and Theory of Teach. ing• Neither shall any such it rtifieste Legit en to any person who is in the habit of using in ...waling drinks sea bet Crape. . ^ 00 2 PO 2 00 I 00 I= It is desirable that there hen lull meeting ot the,lllard of !tweeters on the day of Exatnina Tlie ailopthm of a uniform sent, of tett ! ho, as enjoined by law, should be &Wendt t :l,l l e P l . . i , h r7m d d u ir . it a o . too th a e ssi S s u trie " o n . te 7S dent ' theE" may e b b:. alsntypi hooka,as found to exist in collie loyal pies last winter no school can pros, or. t It Is therefore hoped that Directors will at tend to Ibis tulimrtunt ditty. Clinic will be for ei4c,t to hang in every school room, slating the series to be sced, ns advded by lbe 11.0),1 Last winter, 6n sev erareascs, persons west found teaching, without ,ei tificat the Dire, tors hat ing pi en them the oriviego of waiting until the Superintendent shoold visit theirschool to be •xaminea. Directory urn hereby remind mi that to employ asleacher, Wallet any ementn - stances, even fora single day, witheut a iritlld ccrti rate, is illegal, and if the lagers strictly corned ?Ili, the penally would he loss of appro priation - The attention of Dilffictore is Salted to !sages 72, 74, ID, and 132 of (ho school low, and also to the wording of the affidavit to be made he the President = M itutott 9 th, 1661. Ut Cu. Buipt AVILMAMSVOUT ARC 1.1 f,,? . h E G .TELEGILAPII IC INSTITU Dui? chartered end nejltorteell by the Legotl.l taro to grant Diplomas to its gratluatat Thim' Instituti.n, bat retentjy plArted, weloornea at Ile outset by • wore liciendiotton age then that winch hen been accorded nn,y et). C•eitieni•l College in the country Beauty, health, and !ma'am. importance. 0 add)/ Ili ressibldrji nll points of ',hoarding, cheaper thew ul any eollaq Nina ibtr in For Terms, Specimens of Rumness and Omni Lucille] Pentean+hap, damp!es of the money mused in lie College llnnk, rnll nt tlse office, ur ad 1 00 1 00 J F. DAVIS, 12-31-1 y Will lautspe9 J'a • 141STUAY. 1J Came to the sepulture of the Cilibreriber t ,t , in Walker township, on or about the 031111116 of May last, a brindle heifer, with white bask nod bellpsupposed to be about years 144. mark visible The owner le requested so .oine forward Trot e property, Nay charger and I be beraway, otherwise she will be disposed of as the law directs. 12-34-31 • JACKSON CLEVRISTINK. NAT ANTED. Every person to know that :bey eau bey nil k lads of Books, sr., at Brother., cheaper than they can rend and gar the same from I.blladelphrn and New York. W A N w alteherr, Parent* and Scholar* to know that are exehal.gong new end 1 book• for old, to a certain number, at Rinaloe d Drop WANT►+ll. BM NM. men to know that we are the sodomised agents of the Pittsburg R,•t agd Commercial, the only two LATBST dads papers teethed in Bellefonte. Papers sent from our office to almost any part ol the county in athenee of the regular mail. KINBLOB t PRO, Bellefonte, Pa Resat 'Notice% E XECUTORS NOTICE Letters testnmentsry On the estate ~r Tam. Richards, tote of Centro county, Jte'd, having been grunted to the maims them they re quest all perm'na knowing themselves issishtsa to mid estate to make immediate payment, tml those having claims to present Mom duly no. thenthited for settlement. 0, RICHARDS, SAM 'L RUMMER, 12-32-Gt. :Eseeutors ADMINISTRATOR% NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that letter. of administration have peen granted to the under •igaed on the estate ofJohn Kooken, deceased, lam of Fergu•on - township. All penon• know ing themselves indebted to cold e•tale are re quested to make immediate payment, end those having cleans to present them duly authentica ted for settlement. 12 32 be EXECUTORS NOTICE. 7 Letters testamentary on the mists of of Mottles R. Foster, late of the Borough of Phllleaburg, ha•ing bmn granted to the under- Ammd they regnant •Il pone. knowing them - .Imin indebted to said mtate to make Immediate payment and those baying claim. egalnst tpe• •I gam to present them duly euthentleated. 11614 R iIiTTA PO BTIM, =MI FOB SALE. An Excellent Stook of Dry Goode and tirocerlie , and Bus Ihem Stand situated in the beet liminess location in Bellefonte is nowbffer• ed at priest* sate. The proprietor desiring to eihigrste, Is anxious to sell his stork add geed will, and will Mier very great advantages to the enterprieing purchases,: The bueiness GitolilliVrg and well cash tithed, and the *PP. , - lenity offered gives to paellas wishing to engage In merchandising is superior, the boomers sod ,populatien or the place zrehag rapidly on die increase. For particular* apply to WILSON L HUTCHISON Attorneys Bellefonte Pa.. Btiazirthits• WARRANTS„ RAVE COME. • ITRZEZEM uj 1 . 14 h/Ctliion Railroad. PETER KOOKEN, DAVID KREPS. , Administrators JNO. D. MoGIRK, EDWARD PERKS, E.r4exicrrir