tmorrAttt ic;,!tt,chittan TBRBfB—s2 per veer iptl4l in adranre $2,80 when not paid in adrance, and $.1,00 whet net paid before the expiration of the )ear. • - - Aaaane.—Wala% e authorized the follonlitg -.gentlemen to reelere and receipt for subeerip lions to the DRWOCRATIO WATCHSIAN. Ism) J. Grenoble, Gregg Township John R. Reirsnyder, Penn ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS A. Z —llorace thee* le unworthy the menet of any white man. 11. W. S.—Your paper au forerattled promptly according to directions. Thar.—The first "fife of Henry the Eighth was Catharine oritragon, daughter of Fer dinand and leabellai H. A. 11,—Ite cannot publith your lines. We never' Insert anything of the kind unless we have the full name oftlic author. rowane —To' par in moiled regularl3 ever• week, if you du not peter, e it, it is the fault of the matt. , or the P. M . at your place. P011.111CIA; —To Pee the autograph of Mr. Wel . lore, you had Metter apply to G. M. Yocum, Esq., Chairman of the Republican County . Committee, as he was in offi s / correspon dence with our distinguished chairman. THNIGS ABOUT TOWN. AND COUNTY 11 ( vrign.—About 100 good tenement dummies, to accomodate, families trli .. fiesire seliting in Bellefonte. Do our capitalists understand. --Iloush's theatrical troop, ft in repor ted, will visit our town next week. It to cold to be an excellent company, and our citizens may expect a rich treat. ----Rew J N. Ilaughenbergerot ill preach to the Lutheran 3:German Reformed church, tu thus place on Sunday the lith inst. The ~,pillierau Conference will met at the name place on the 14th of Marcia IV St.ermato —Bellefonte has forty mat. marriageable Wien, between the age of thirty and misty years—a fact not very complimentary to our sixty seven old batch elore, who sew on their own shirt buttons and sleep alone these cold nights atm, tr ---Nfe would call the attention of our readers to the article published on the outeide of to days WATCIIIII%, taken front the Wheeliujoirlburnreo It gives a glowing aecountlW the wealth of the west ern part orVirginin, in which quite a num ber of our citizens are now investing money. MEETING Oh Till COUNTY COWATION.- At %meeting of the county convention, held In the Court Rouse on Tuesday evening last, lion. A. T Bhttgert was appointed Repro eentatlee delegate to (ho State convention, Col 'W W. Love, W li Lorimer, esq , and Wm. Furey era , senatorial conferees, and Jno. If. Orris, esq., and I' Cray Meek, del, egates to Memo convention is Tow. —Quite a number of our Lock limn (Hemp have been in town attend ing court; tiering the past week. Among the number, lion. Theodore Wright, our late candidate for Congresti, C. Mayor,esq , L A Atwood, esq , S. 0 Wright, egg , and Benj. Morrison, eaq , all goinViemocrats, whole mulled fellow', and 'subscriber. to the WATCHMAN. A LATHER - W 111111efe111111 that a movement in on fool, to erect at this place during the coming season, an exten sive glass manufactury We cannot see why the enterprise would not pay aft the Lime and sand—chief ingredients—are both shipped from this county to l'ittaburg, and manufactured there, when it might }Mit as well, and at almost half the cost,ho man rntfaclured here - . 0 Hvvew AT —OO Friday morning lost, a valuable span of horses belonging to Mr. Joseph Thomas of this place, that had been 4 ' left hitched In front of the Brookerholf lions., took fright at the snow sliding from the roof of third building and ran ■way Al the foot of high street is a large hoard pile in front of Bush's building, against which one of them, a highly prised family beast—ron, with such violence as to kill it immediately The other wan cob' sidernbly atuili4ol bill not hurt. II 4).14:9 Orr tits SHINGLE —We are pleas ed to know that our young friend, R. 11 Gantt, Eng , late a student in• the liw office of A 0. Fitret, etni , and who passed a very flattering exiinfination, in open robrt, in April last—the first public examination of law students in this place—has concluded , to hang out his shingle, and become a per liniment resident of Bellefonte. fie is a young man of more than ordinary ability,a (close student and is in every way fully com petent to take his place as a member of one ♦Y the bent bars in the Stale lie has a promising future before him, anir Ira wish himaad his elicits.—and may he have many of them--all the success imaginable • A Siam" AT PILNNIALVAXIA FURANCE We underotood that an extensive strike among the employee" of Pennsylvania Fur nace, in the upper end of the county occur red on Saturday last. It was occasioned so rumor says, by the employers attempting to exact, certain conditions of the hands odoupying houses owned by the company— binding them up,to give pseseesion on one weeks notice, add pay at the rate of live dollars per week, for all the time they oc cupied them when not employed, and mak ing it obligilary upon all employees, to purchase all their goods at the companies stoqp,sn - diat its prices. Not feeling whi ling to compljt with these conditions, the hands concluded to show their power, and consequently, nnit work, closed up the furnace, shut nil the Vables, and would al low nothing to be done, either in the chop pingo, coatings, mines, or furnace. Thtu affairs stood on Monday last, and may tie in the sama condition to day, for aught we know. To say that our sympathy 'ls mitts , * -poor, half paid men who are thus thrown out of employment, because they ask but the poor privilege ot purchasing the little necesearies of life, their scanty wages will secure, where they eau get them the cheap est, and want only the same time that other renters are allowed to give over the house. they occupy, would be but poorly express ing our feelings for them. But how much have they themselves assisted to bring this eta's of affairs about' How often have they gone to elections and voted directly against their own interests, to please the men, who have grown rich,op the tariffs they have voted them, and who now repay them for their kindness, by entering more stringent conditions than ever ? We Lave ,seen wagon loads of ittil_hnletLutte polls and votetWihiciti justWhEeir :tees said, and we Latta thought what a kery It was le talk of independence, under such circumstances. And If from controlling the ballots, Iron misters and monufactur ate, generally ha** come to control the very life of their employees, whose fault is it their own ? If they allow their employers to - govern their opinions, they need not be surprised at them for attempt ing to dictate terpm land compel] them to pay such prirep . , fCli the food they eat and the clothes they wear, as they see proper to make. It la buy:Mural for a manufac turer ?o think that a man who will vole as he is ordered, will eubmit to any other dic tation that hie employminey see At to im pose. And if a dominering spirit on the 'part of managers and owners of iron works ha; grown to such an extent as to attempt to make perfect slaves of their employees, the bird listed, poorly paid workingmen nbout them, must blame themselves for ,dstering such a spirit, by pursueing course calculated to lead their employers to believe that they have no more indepen detice about them thin to eubmit to any imposition, no Matter bow glaring or out rageous. Since the above waa In type we learn that the strike is not connived alone toePenn sylvattla Furnace, but. :includee all the works iu this election of the country, be— longing to that .company ,` some sia or seven forges and furnicee in all We,bspe for the good of all concerned that the differ ences, between the panties may be speedily adjusted • Tonsau O) e.—Col. Jas. Galt:Tana of this county, who.. since the beginning of the war, has attended to all tho duties, as chief assistant of the Pennsylvanis State !went:) , at WaShingion, has had, his official head, lopped off, by Maj. (len Goy John Wenchy Geary, beeaulto he did not feel like gulping down all of the infamous doolrines of Nlongieltsm. In refering to the remove] the AVnisonal Inifllverirer soya : "For several 'years Colonel Jordan hot been the agent, with Colonel 1104 land as his anis. tent. Tine latter line been. connected with the agency since its origin, early in the war, hay ink been appointed by it ti•ernor Curtin For nffilts prior to the late election Colonel Jor dan was in Plilladelph in euperintentling the relivers in behalf of the Itatliral., as Chairman of the State Central Committee of the party, while Colonel Itllcland was in Wuhington faith fully hearing his duty anti conductlngthe business of the agency Since the inaugura- Lon Governor Geary, Colonel Jordan has been appointeg Secretary of the Commonwealth, anti Colonel Gilleland dismissed from office. The disiniasal could not linen been made for want of capacity, or (iota any uhieonduct in office, or neglect of duty. The true rause is the feet that be is conservative in his news, and that he has had the temerity to emu.o an opin ion ethere to the policy of the radical party. Comment Is unnecessary. It is evident that Colonel Jordan wee rewarded for his political cervices, while Colonel Gilleland was ilinmisaed !inciteee he did mat harmon he in political mob• went with Governor (leery and his party Such In the true spitkpf cad icsilism." TOM COMO AND MIFFLIN It It.—From -She interest that now seems to be manifest the completion of the Centre and Mifflin It. It , we have no doubt, but work will be commenced on it early in the spring The snow oboe Company seems particularly desirous to have it completed, as do most of the citizens throughout this whole sec tion It will cat tainly be an important matter to the people of the upper end of I'ennsvalley, and IQ the citizen °film north ern part or our county .It will shorten the diOnuce to the eastern cit ies, and bring the coal, lumber and grain markets, almost one hundredisiles nearer by rail road. This fact elope should make our people take a deep interest in the movement, and pre are glad to see that they are. Already meet ings are being held, and such steps taken as will be calculated, le insure its speedy completion Let the good work go on Let every 01/0 du what hnenn to assist in push ing it along, and by this time next year,the road will he completed The following are the proceedings of the meeting held in this place on Thursday evening last Purenent to notice o meeting of n num ber of the citizens of Centre county, favor able to the construction of the Mifflin and Centro County Railroad, was held in the Court !louse in the Borough of Bellefonte, on the evening of January 111 el 1807 (In motion Meets Thompson, of Harris township, 11,18 chosen President, and John T Johnston, of Bellefonte, Secretary of the meeting The object of the meeting was staled by Edward Blanchard, csq , to be to take the initiatory steps towards the completion of the road from its present terminus to Belle fonte. On motion Gen Beaver, a committee,con. listing of Moses Thompson, Daniel Rhoads and M T Alilliken, was appointed to con fer with the present managers 'of the road, and alert Min what course was best to pur• sue, anti what was necessary to be done in order to insure the completion of the work at en early day. On motion• -Edward Blanchard,esq , and Gen. Janice A. Beaver were appointed a committee to examine the charter of the road, and ascertain what legislation,if any, was needed. On [notion the Secretary was directed t, give notice by handbills that an adjourn ed meeting would be held In the Court !louse in Bellefonte, on Thursday evening the Tilt, day of February, at which time the above named committee will report. On motion it was directed that Fol. John A. Wright, Samuel A Nlcelay, and the President and Manngersaf the Bellefonte and Snowshoe Railroad Company, be lIIVIL ted Wetland the meeting next week. On mot ion adjourned JNO. T yOII N ST O N, Secretary .T1.111,11.01:11.31141ITING --lii persuance of a published call fur an Old fashioned tem perance meetim, i s Ism and respectable audience met in the Court house on Wed nesday evening the 30th ult. On motion Col. Andrew Oregg was called to the chair and Jas. Alexander esq., of Milesburg and ex-Shertff Magee of Clinton County were elected Vice Presidenti—John I. Rankin and Norman M. Hoover were chosen Secre taries. Toe meeting being organised the Bdllefonte Bram Band,recently reorganised dlimuurned one of their fine pieces of Music, cheering every one present, and causing all to be thankful that we eau again boast of a well organized Band of skillful musici ans, iu our midst W W. Brown Bag , (lied elated the object of tie inenkisig, in a few short and pertinent remarks and closed by moving that Bev. J. Harvey of Lewisburg addreet the meet ing. Mr. Harkey responded to the call and for one hour and twenty minutes held the attention of the audience by his very able and efficient address. Mr Harvey based his arguments upon the doctrines of the Bible and showed conclusively that every professor of religion should be an active Worker in the cause of temperance. Ile closed by calling upon all good citizens to aim; heartily in the temperance reforma tion, W. W. Brown eeq , then moved, that as 11. N. McAllister esq., web one of the old est temperance men in the county—one of Its ablest champions—who bad always been faithful, maintaining his integrity under all circumstances that he be Called upon to address the meeting Mr. McAllister then took the floor and for about twenty mignte# spoke in his own eloquent and earnest style in favor of total abstinence from all intuai eating liquors, assuring his audience that it was the only safe way for old and young, male and female Ilis remarks were well received and will not soon be forgotten. After the close of Mr. McAllister( re marks the Rev. Dr. Krevelen, was called upon to address the meeting. As lyres getting late and as Jas. Rankin had previously moved to emit the speakers to fifteen (Autos each,;Dr. Krpyslen took the floor, and in a ferreloquent and well timed arguments satisfied his homey& that in him the cause of temperance has 'an able maims' and intelligent advocate. We ware sorry that the previous motion interfered with the Dr's. time and remarks. Oa mo tion of Gen. Wm. H. Blair Bee. J.O. Leff• erty.wes called 'upon to address the meet tog. Mr. Lafferty made a ffew remarks on the subject of temperance, led then he sta ted es It wet getting late, be won't/ mop an sejournknent, In Order that all might re pair to Bush's new building to partake of • magnificent supper prepared by the La dies Connected with the Bellefonte Lodge of Good Template. W. W. Brown then arose, and repeated )Ir. Lafferty to withdraw his motion; hoping that the meeting would not adjourn, without first organizing t Wash ingtonian FlOpiely.and g Icing all ancyporta nity to sign the pledge. Mr. Brown spoke about ten minutes In his usual eloquent an 4 impressive manner, after which some forty persons signed the pledge, and after • mo tion of thinks to the Band the meet ing adjourned. We are satisfied that the meeting will have a telling effect upon the community. May the good cause triumph. dorm I. R•PICIN, N. M. Hooven, Seerdariez Business Notices To Butt.nens,r-To person. Intending to build during the cum Inguason we would say before pur chasing or contracting for your lock., nail., d•e. call at Moser, Irwie,t Wilson. Hardware More. You ran purchase from them cheaper than you can at retail in Philadelphia, and they have the most extensive stock from which to make an a.- eorlment in Central Pennsylvania. IV/!MIS To err roar —lf you want ■ good patr of Boots, heavy:os light,stitched or pegged, round toed, square toed or any other style, cell on Peter MeMahon,on the mouth nide of the Diamond, Mr. MoMahon'e work LI put up under his own supervision by workmen of acknowl edged ability, and ho warrants all as repre sented. PRAIR-rrorrnr.-190 examined some new buggies that were gentling in the Diamond last 'mk t tnd we are compelled to Nay, In order to do juntlee to Mr. Myers, the manufacturer, that we have never seen, or known anything to be produced in central Penneylvanie to equal them In point of finish and proportion or gructure. Lone out there ; what are you kicking my dug foe? I'm kicking him become he'e full of flea., and I don't want to get them on my good clothe.! Flea; the devil r why that dog elme with me. Yes, darn you, I know it , and that'. what he geld them You won't get fleas , but you cool get the beet of Jewelry at the lowest rate. if you call at our friend Patton', IN9IIIANCE.- To persona intending to insure their hers, we would heartily "Commend the World Mutual lab Insurance Company of New York, for the following reasons Its mutual pre miums are lower than a majority of Life Insur , ante companies in the lin let States; its non participating premiums aro . l . coner than those charged by any other company en the world ; Its dividends increase annually; its losses are paid promptly, and thirty day's grace is allowed in the payment of all premiums. Among its di rectors is numbered some of the most responsi ble businesi men of New York d. F. Frucsulf, of Hollidaysburg, ts the general agent for Pent'. syleanis, to whom all letters should be ad-t d MARRIED CPORKIY—QIIIOI.I,—On the 26th ult.,at the pars nese, In• Mill Hall, by the Rev. W. U. N. Agnew, Mr. henry C. Croskey, of Philadel phia, to Miss Jennie M.• Quigley, of Beech Creek, Clinton county. We wish you every happiness, Jennie, which your brightest dreams have ever pictured. We once knew you at a merry Miss In the youthful circles of which you formed an important patio and there they will Mt is yeti di ll. But, we of far you our warmest congrot allow, and wel come you to the bonds of Hymen, wit?Mi we trust may prove to you chain. of gold May you never bear a euoss in life but that of your new name, and may it wore to you a Ley to all earthly happiness, and accompany you to more elevated joy• in heaven. Our best wish for you is that your husband may be worthy of his bride. 10:171:11 A earl —On the lath nit , Mr. Joseph Aekey, of Snow Shoe twp .grd 63 yeah, 6 months.. I day. lie wee one of our *Went citizens, much re spouted end generally belt,. ed. 11. 11. I= On the death of K. B Woodring, of Port Ma Okla (lod looked among hie cherub Land And one was wanting there To well along the holy'land, Tho Lyme of praise and prayer. One little soul which long had Leen Half way %we...rat:sod sky. esilempled in a world of sin, Its watched with laving et It auto, promising a flower To bloom upon this earth, And dud did give it angel power,' And bright celestial birth. The woald was •I I too bleak and cold To yield it quiet real, (It'd brought it to hill allepherd fold And laid it on hie braweL There, mother, in thy Sayloner arum, Forever undefiled, Amid the cherub band, Is thy beloved 01114 The Bellefonte Market Cur, erfrel Irealy by 11. ff• Q bro., Moth. .Sr The following ate pbe quotatiohs up to o'clock on Thursday evening, when our paper went to press • White Wheat, per bushel fled Wheat, per bushel... Rye, per bushel. COM Shelled, per bushel . Oats, per bushel. Barley, per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel.. Clot emelt per bushel.. Potatoes, per bushel .... Eggs, per dozen Lard, per pound .. Rico°, per pound Pork, per p0und....,...... Tallow, per p0und...... .. Butter, per pound Rage, per pound Oround Plaster, per ton New York Morketi Itcparied weekly for the WATCHII,I, by Fen ton, Ftessperaltt . Tracy, Produce eornmissun Merchant*, 38, bb'hatchall St , N. Y. The fol lowing are the quotatioa• for Are week endong January 23, 1888. FLOUR—N. Y. State Superfine ... 9.15 @ 5,85 Mtch. Ind. 111. and lowa, Extra..lo 60 "j 4 olt Ohio E. 11. Shipping 12 00 13.15 Obio Extra Trade srapda 12/30 15 00 St. Louts Extra Fatally 15.00 17.00 RYE FLOUR 6.75 800 CORN MEAL 2.10 220 WllEAT—Mihraukie Club..perbu. 2.15 220 Amber State White, Canada. " 2.00 3.00 White Michigan " 3.15 340 Red Western " 2.50 300 RYE " 122 139 CORN—Mixed Western " .81 .84 Yellow and White Western " 130 1:18 OATS—Western " .69 .70 New York and New Jersey. ".681 .79 BARLEY " 1.90 1.143 16 .16 MC M== per be. 2.85 2.75 9.60 862 per lb. .15 .50 .14 .20 Timothy ... DUT ER.. CHEESE =arm CUT MEATS—Shoulders llama,,, Middle; " .1341 411 per Jos. .65 11 , 4 E 008......... . DRIED FRUlT—Apples...rperlb..l:4 127222! Plume " .28 .32 Cherries " .45 .50 Pemba (peeled)." .18 .30 " (uprooted ) " .16 .10 Raspberries .50 .50 Blaokberties f " .60 .65 WOOL " .60 55 POTATOES ..... per bbl. 3.75 5 0 COAL ' LIME AND LUMBER. The twat Pittston and Shamokin An thracite twit wood and coal burnt Ilum, plaster log lath, akingles, sling, luPtow .41f011 to or der, forwale at the lowest market rates. Olhee and yard pear the Kalb end of the Bald Eagle Valhi, RD frond Depot. Oat. 111"06-0. 611OBTLIDOE It CO. Philadelphia 'Markets Reported weekly for the WATCHMAR by Koos., SCHWARZ • CO., Commission Merchants and wholesale, Fish, Cheese and Provision Deal ers, 141 North Delaware Avenue, and 137 North Water St Philadelphia. The following ar the quotations for the weak ending Wednesday Evening, January 23, 1867. PLona.-Bnperllne per bb1.... ....... 9,154 9,85 Fancy Famil y do 10,00€117,00 North Wag Extra do . .... 12,00413,50 Penn's. Ohio Eo PALO i noki 12,50014,50 Rye VIOU, per bbl 8,004 7,25 Coax Maab.—Bran'wins per bbl 0.004 5,60 Pennsylvania de_ _ 3,004 4,20 Wnerr.—White per bu..... ..- 0,004 3,25 Red d 0... ..... 3,004 3,19 Rya do. 1,350 1,38 MffEffiff!=fli Old OATS = Old Clorer + du 7y064 8,00 Timothy d 0... .. ...... . 3,25® 3,50 Flax do 2,90® 3,00 Burrito—Roll per, lb ,87® ,42 Naw LARD do ,I3® ,133 TALLOW do. A® ,114 CM= M6ATp-913.1d0r, do ,11( ,Ii; Middles Items Mess Pork do „Rl® 22 Flan.—Shore Mackerel per bbl... 21,00(02,0r No I Bay d 0,.... 20,00(c5,21,00 No 2 Share s to .?P'00,004,10 . ,00 No tay ~ o . 00,02(418,00 Ndr 3 Large a... 00,00(015,00 No I Mesa Shod d 0.... 00,00020,011 No I Salmon , d 0... 00,00311,00 Nq I Herring •d 0..... 6,000 6,00 No I Labrador d 0.... 0,000 8,50 .!! :..CIAL NOTICES DR/MUMS', 111.13DRVI. AIM ClI/Illtii,—Trest ed with the utmost incense, by Dr. J• Dane, Oculist and Aurist, (toemerely of 4:eyden, Hol land.) No. 519 Pine !direct, Philadelphia. Tee thnoninle from the inoat.reliable sce. in the City and Country can be seen a t hie, hie, offlre. The Medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrete in hiCprac tow. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No chargii made for examination.-11-40-11-40. 11As 'a Vaosraaia Sllll.lOl llua Ilavaw ra.—llae proved ibielf to be the most perfect preparation for the hair ever offered the tffiblie. It ton vegetable compound, and contains no in jurious properties whatever. IL will restore they ]lair to its original color. It will keep the hair from falling out It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young, should fail to me it It is recommen ded knit need by the first medical authority. yteffrilddt . for nail's Vegetable Sicilian hair Renewer, and lake an other. R. P HALL A. CO., Nashua. N. II , Pr...riet..r•. For sale by all druggists 12-2-3 m A (Inbar Dint OVAIII.—OneRf the greaten and most useful docoveries Ie medical science was made by the celebrated Dr Dumas, of Paris, Chief Physician to the Imperial 'nth ary of France, in 18111. Thohe who hare been afflicted with the painful disease known as the Piles, and effectually cured by the use of Dr J Dumas' French Pile Salve, cannot speak too highly of the benefits conferred upon them by the use of this certain remedy. It ban never been known to fail in effecting a perina. nest cure in a single case. In this respect it surpasses all other medicines of the kind. It will do just what it is recommended for; if not the money will be refunded. One or two hoses I. euffiXent to effect a cure in four or six doge, it the directions on the hoses are followed.— Price one and two dollars per boX, according to Fite. Sent by Mail or Express to any part ~f the linked Siete. or Catoda. Sold by 'Drag• gists generally. A likeral discount made to the trade. Address D S DUNIIANI & CO., Wit. lianueport, Pa , sole Proprietor. and Manufac turers for the llrlited States and Canada II Igly Ant lOU Avekirven WITH A CoIIOIIIIIOAIVIE . HEIM A COLO T—Are you tliNpulted to cunsamp• hen ? Arc the liter of your children in jeop ardy from sudden and repeated attacks of Croup ? 11. parasol. a box of swinge rat PHOTIAI. t.I 11111 , ATOHT The l'e.ple'• stud effectual testegly 1,,.- rough, add., Croup, Cntvn h, Asthma, Ilesschitt,, Dipthdis, and all Ihdrottory thecae.... The Lubricator is a mediesfrinpruration in Uyi,form of a Lozenge, which of all modes is the most pleasant and convenient. They contain no deleterious in gredient,aud are warranted to Le always safe even for the weakest and most sensitive stona• ad, In Croup they gre e immediate relief. For Coughs and Colds they are invaluable. „Fut Catarrh, Asthma nod Bronchitis they halo no equal in the market, (tide certificates accompa ny each box.) Dept/lona, they dreaded and desolating thsea.e, they control wonderfully and almost immediately. No Public Speaker. Singer or Teacher should be without, as they remove hoarseness and strengthen and clear the %Woe. &fit-Always use them in lime, and If the symptom. are severe use very freely. J II BLADES A Co.. Proprietors, Elmira, N. Y. For sale by druggists everywhere, rind by F Green and F, tr. y lt'dson, in Ihillefunte, tt A7l, $50 6 ,00 naneu 11, %I In be paid in greenhaokr 1.. any person who h. used Dr Datum' Pair Sall'a according to direction, and has nut been eurod Achireeir It SDU II k & Cu, Will lantrport, l's. I I-111-ly AV1.111 . 4. Stlto i 1 .11,11.1.1 —ls a centrated extract of the 11101C0 root, no combined oc with other substances of still greater alterative pow er as to afford an effectual antidoti for diseases Sarsaparilla to reputed to cure. Such a remedy is surely wanted by those who suffer from stn.- moue complaints, and that one which will ar complloh their cure must prove Sc this has pro ed, of luimenso nest ice to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely. this compound will do it, has been proven by experiment on Many of the worst cases to be found an the following complaints Scrofula, scrofulous swellings and sorer, skin diseases, pimples, Pustules, Blotches, eruptions. St Anthony's fire, race or erysipelas, letter br salt rheum, scald head, ringworm, de. Sypialso o r Venerrni 0w... is expelled from the aytem by the prolonged use of this Saruipis Tuna, and the patient is left in comparattse health. Fr safe 11,4eltioes are cooped by scrofula in the blood, and are often aeon cured by hue Extract of Sarsaparilla Do nor reject this invaluable irmillcine,beeause your have been imposed upon by something pre tending to be Sarsaparilla, while it was not.— What you havtusleil Ayer's—then, and not till then, wlll you know the tirtue,,of 'Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the Deanna it curse, we refer you to Ayer's American Altuanac,which the agent below named will fumistrgratis to all who call for it. $2 8., $2 7 $1 10 Ayer'. Cathartic Pill., for the on of Cos tiveness, Jaandice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion by.- eatery, foul stomach, headache, pile. Rheuma tism, heartburn arising from disordered stom ach, pain or morbid 'noel ion of the bowel., Oat ulency,loss of appetite, liver complaint, dropsy, worms, gout, neuralgia, and as a dinner pill, are unequalled!. They aro sugar coaled, no that the moat intest ine can take them with pleasure, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purpo ses of a family physic. Prepared by Dn. J. C. AYER d Co , Lowell, Mims , and sold by all Druggist. and dealers in medicine et orywhere, Dec 15, '6O-21n. 00 00 ITCH' ITCH! ITI.H SCRATCH' SCRATCH! SCRATCH! Wheaton's Ointment will cure the Itch in 48 boors. Also cures Sole Rheum G!- e, Glenda:he, and aller.uptoon• of the Prlre 50 rents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 00 cents to Weeks & Potter, Sole Agents llo,„Washington street, Boston, it will be for warded by mail, 'lrk* of postage, to any part of the United State. 11-23 ly Neixl AD bertioetnento 3 !Op VERY DESCRIPTION of fine and course ILI work, for Ladies, Gents or children at GRAHAM'S if McAFFILEI"S. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, are the only kind engaged at Onan•ir's 1 Mcirrnarn ciwzsT PRICES, fur elerthiag in the bout I and shoe,line at GRAHAM'S A McAFFREY'S, GAITERS, Itaidan and English baling, for tale at GRAIIA.IOI4I7 MeAram° 'et EMI STRAY SIIREP.' Caine to the residence of the subscriber in Ferguson towns ,ip, about the middle of August last, three head of sheep, marked with Mr on Vie rump. The owner is requested to come forilard prove prime property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be sold an the law directs. 12-3-3 t JACOB L. ROUP. T HE UNDERSIO g. NED Wants to exchange for gialitor money, one nearly new two and one bore°, wagon, also two log sleds, all in good order; gad a lot of Spears anti-dust gee burners and cook stores, will be on exhibition at his ware rooms at the bridge near the depot. Any one, In want of any of the above articles will do well to call end see his stock bpfore pitrehasing elsewhere. 11-9 be fore ISAAC HAUPT, WWII KliKatton boot' at AtiHAM'S A McAFFREY'S Bo? esolio, erocerfro &c N EW FIRM! NEW GOODS! AND NEW PRICES" 111011 RATES RUBBED OUT ! GOODS AT OLD FASHIONED PRIC3B HOFFER & KELLER„.. (Formerly Geier Dru'a,) Would respectfully inforrn'the world and th . reef of mankind, that they h.,veJust opened out and are daily receiving a large . STOOK OF GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are offering at the very lowest mar ket prier• Ki , ? (l 6 0,003 1,15 ,59( 69 DRY GOODS! Consisting of the latest styles el' FIGURED AND FLAIR ALPACAM, 11101,1IRD ADD PLAIN ALL WOOL LoG LAID{ SIIKPIIERD PLAIDS, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, 8,0064 8,5! tB4 00 While Counterpane., Linen and Colton Sheeting., Cheeks, Gingham, Bedtieks, Flannel., !• 12(0 ,I 3 15® ,16 Shepherd Plaid Balinorals, Black Cloth. Clisanneres, Velvetine, Corduroy Keeturkey Jeans, Drills, Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, Middles. Clpths, Repellents, and PLAIDS OP VARIOUS COLORS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR A full One of Cloths, Cessieneres, &dinettes and Vesting, all kinds and prices, lick will be sold cheep. We have constantly a hand • large and well selected stork of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERI MACKEREL, SALT, At Winch we will di.poee of at the very lowest rash prices. All kinds of country produce taken in exchange for goods; end the ArgAttt mar& el p oor. allowed. FRIENDS AWAKE TO YOUR LNTEREST For we feel satietalitlint we ran suit your TOOT.. al well no your MISVP. Sept A, 43.5-ly HURRAH! HURRAH! If yon want to buy good goods, cheap goods fashionable goods, One good., every kind of goods, go to =I On High street, Tlellefonte, Pa. who has tint returned from New York, with a handsfome snorted assortmept of merchandise, now 0010 and offer for sate cheaper than any body else in the Union. -The floods hare been bought cheep for gash, and will be sold cheap for cash or its equivalent. Cloth, Cassimer. tbstinett,K.Jenes Chambrays,Cottonsdes, 31 srsail les Vestings, Actin and other Vas tangs, Under Shirts, and A/raisers, Black and Fancy hilkd nt old price•, all olt,, Flannel, a ll wool and domeAl to Sack and Shlrting Flannel, Illeachod, Unbleached and Colored Flannels, French end domestic Cinema* Tick digs and Cheeks, Bleached and Un- bleached Sheeting•, Plllow Case and Shirting Illualin,Cainbrica and Drilla Hosedes and tilot er, Su. yenders and Ilankereblolo, dollars and Bosoms,ParasOls Umbrellas—Silk, Gingham; nod Muslin.— Balmoral Skirt., Laihos'sand Mumma Balmo ral Farts of various sizes and prices. Skeleton Hoop Skirls, Ladies's and Misses Skeleton Hoop Skirts of every description. —Spring and Summer Caput; both Cloth and Stlk, unaurpaseed in atylq, quality, and pricer, north of M.OO and lltson'e Line. Shawls, an endless variety, both single and double. Carpets, a full assortment of all kinds of Carpets, such as Brussels, 3 Ply Ingrains, Rag weld Straw Carpets. Oil Cloth, all width II( Floor and Table Oilcloth and Oil Shades.— SALT, FlBll, GROCERIES, BOLA LEATH- ER, SPANISII KIP, FRENCH CALF SKINS, COUNTRY CALF SKIN'S. MORROCO LININGS. Ate. Shoemakers' Thread and Shoemakeie Tuole, of all kmds to be bOtl et ' ABRAHAM SUSSMAN'S. CHEAPER than at any other eatablohment fn Central Penneylvanta. Doe 19-1862, DO YOU WANT TO BUY CLOTHING, Summer, Fall, MRS Olt Borg, the place to go ig DO YOU wANI"ro BUY MIMI lEEE Three-Ply, 14. t. • r Rag, or any other kind, go to DO YOU WANT TO BUY MEM= MEM Boots and Shoes, or anythingelse. Yen will find t Cheaper and in larger quantities, than any where the at May 18 'BB-tr. STERNDERuS. ALWAYS AIIEAVI A. ALEXANDER & SON, MILLIIEIBI, CENTRIC CO, Pit Are now offering to the public .t the LOWEST CASH PRICES The eubseribern takes this method of ann,_nn eing to their friends that they have Just re turned frog the East and now offers a fine as etirtment dT FO*EIOS AND DOMESTIC OOODS !- Which they are selling 10..11E41 terms that pur ehtwers will find It to their interest to buy of them. Their stock consist, of DRESS 000DS, BROWN AND BLEACHED SIIEBTINGS, DIIpTINGS, AND FLANNELS, CASSIIANDES, HATS, BONNETS, NIILINERY GOODS, SHAWLS AND CLOAKS Call and examine uur Monk. The half la nut r2=EZO MEN AND BOY'S NEA R. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. groceries, I, Hardware, - • • Queeneware, Ake. de, all of which will be disposed of ILB low as Illy caw he purchase!' out side of Philadelphia. All kinds of q produce talked la az ohaago for goodn: nipy. 17 1865-47. A. ALEXANDER • SON. NOW IS THE TIME. RAVR YOUR MONRY'BY 11 MARINO YOUR PURCHAERS \ - Al 0 8 TEW AR TS AND .0 OMPAN V'S NEW DRY 0001) STORt. Every!bum you Deed DRESS GOODS 18111:0111 Will be gold tORAPCR, than at any nth". cc ETIEI2 REMEMBER TIIR PLACE. Comer of Allegan♦ and Blehop Streete, Bellefonte, Nor 30, 'f 6 /1111 E LARGEST AND *KAT STOCK of 1. warranted bootn and *►ea ever brought to Centre county, at BURNSIDE'S WAItRANTRI) to giro lattafaction. T4m*t mu I may, will give 'feu Alpe boots and oboes far theta. You can only rad thorn at BURNSIDIVIS EMS/ URNSI DE'S ie the only place where you 17 can get • pure, unadulterated article of epieee. I hare them ground to my order and will warrunl them etrictly pure, us represented. BURNSIDE .4.1111 ring, 9111 E largest stook of buckskin gloves in the 1 county at Burnside's. Burnside being a practical tanner, is • good Judge of the article Don't sell you sheepskin fur buckskin af LHEIMIO HARN MSS. collars, halters, ea rt whips, ear nage whips, government gears, saddles, bridle., martingales, and hing in the saddlery line, •t i BURNSIDE'S LEATIIEIt of all rloacriptione, warranted to pre natiofaetion. French calf, kid morocco., sheepskin., and et erything ht the leather line, at BURNSIDE'S STERTIF,RGS FIEA D SHOT POWDER," Hick's relebra -1.1 ted double water proof cape, uttbcorro e caps, And all other kinds at BURNHADE'S SIIpEMAKERS' TOOLS—Lasts, hammers sins, and eveijthing in oboe findings at WILLOW BASKETS, corn baskets, ladies' baskets, breolnajactsbes tabs, and every thing in that Itne at BURNSIDE'S GUhifi.—llard in's celebrated doable ban rides, double barrel shot guns and eingle barrel shot gun. at DURNSIDR'S Ilat.4nll Cap 12=1 HATS A CAPS of every style, quality and quantity, selling very cheat:rat BURNSIDE'S STEPEEN P. WIIIfMAN'S celebrated and Boa conrectione—the only place they can be had it at BURNSIDE'S I F ,„ " Ld7. ° Llre d ,frb d lg n :t d or good. BUFFALO ROBES, boas blankets and sleigh bells al BURNSIDE'S A LARGE stock of Pistols •.d oil kiuda of A' pistol esstridges at BURNSIDN'S MBE bert tobareo, cigars, annff and pipe. at 1 low pricer, at BURNSIDE'S TRATNER OIL for greaelog gear., boot. .14 oboes, Re, at BURNSIDE'S nROCRRIES of every deneriptiun, quality Ur and price at is URNSIDR'S NON-saPtosrve W.,D . article rol Coal Oil •t BURNBIDINII 6 00DS sold .t the lowest prices .t BURNSIDE'S TOYS of nil kind. and de.tript.lont at BURNSIDEI. N EW PATTERNS for oil cloth at BURNSIDWS COAL OIL LAMPS, coal oil, Ike . at BURNSIDE'S BUT extra Sins tw at 111381i8IDE'8 N OTIONS of all kinds at BURNSIDE'S FOX TRAlNO,leink Ospo at BURNSIDE'S erp Gooto, Sci NOTIONS, BOOTS and 8 HOTS QUERNSWARE, UMMTI tabllsurnent In town turnoibc'o lIIIRNSIDNII BURNSIDE'S BURNSIDE'S larp Snobs; gromito ISE IN- EIV STORE. I , 11,111Prit#,/ BROTHERS 1 i llave opined up . I !ENTIRE Nh;W STOCK of GOODS' j,.. oa , •Very d e neript i•on,at their new *torn' Iroom oh Spring Word ; which were: purebaeal at • I PANIC PIIIMY, nd wdl be sold es low if not lower.) than can be found elsewhere in this) section. Their - .lock eomprises in, Dry 1 ood•, Flom, illinery Goods, Hoseries, Fai,ey Goods, Clothing, Boot. & Shoe., Hat. k Cam Carpet-Bags, I - Umbrellas, Parasol., Gentlemen and Lad ie.l Furnishing Good, Ladle. Cloak. k. Circular,' In Bilk and Cloth, 16'7°411 . Groceries Queensware kr and everything else that Is to h•I found Ina well stocked country store • ' COUNTRY PRODUCE: taken in eiehano for good., and the highest tvirket One. paid. 1.1-21-1)i TO ALL YE LOVERS SPLENDID CHEAP 000 D To 111 . Ad vocn tem of Economy I'l - -sr P U Y, R4' Ilan just opened a new store In Doctor Dob— bins new store room, on Bishop street. Has ing experience In the business he flatters himself that his stork will please all. It will son.ixt or DRY GOODS. Cloaks, Shawl. Varpela Q..liti dl clef he Groceries of the best, Boot.. hbowt, (niter. Slipper. Women.. Mi PPPP and =I Now is your time for bargains, Vise pricer ta conform to the Jima. All the leading Style. Cr and every article necessary for Ong'. comfort Men, Women ==l Children's wear. Call and examine the stock before buying any other place. March 16 '6B-Iy. N E W STORE AT PHILIPSIBURO, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. More goods can be had furless money at the cheep store of RITZMAN k KELLER at Philipsburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania, than at any ether establishment in the State. They keep. constantly on hand a choice stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS k SHOES HATS A CAPS, READ)" MADE CLOT/!/XO, Nottund, Queenpvrire, Hardware, Willow and CEIM22, Aad m fact a complete assortment of all the ar tides ...wally found In a Brat clue country store. I= French Met-laps, all woo Plaids. Coburgs Reps., Alpaccao, lilar li Silks, & , kr. lOSIERT—WooI and Cullum Shirts and pp ere, Fine Shirts, Silk, Cotton and Liam Vistikerrhiefs, Hoop Skirts, but makes. CLOTHS AND CASSIMBRES-,Preneh Broad clothe, Satinets, Melton's, he., for winter wear i IIAWLS—A full Hr, all wool BOOTS AND MOBS. We will keep at .11 thous Nil amaortmaot o atom made good,. PRODUCE TARRN IN EXCIIANGE FOR GOODS, AND THE I=l2ll PAID IN CABII PI ALL K Floor Ma Feed, kept . band, Aug. 24 1866-tf. RITZMAN d KELLER. EDWARD W. 'MILLER WITII =1;=! ARMAR YOUNG, BROTHER ik CO., importers and dealers In Embroideries, Laces, White Goods Hosiery, Mitt., Gloves, Trim mings, do., No. 429 MARKET Sr? t 419 COMMERCE Br. D. TOOT°, PIIILADELIIIA. " It. C. DOORS, ,COT Insurance NORTH AMERICAN TRANSIT. ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Principa I 011ica, 133 South Fourth street.. Philadelphia. TUE ONLY ACCIDENT INSURANCE CON PANIC OF PENNSYLVANIA Chartered March 3, 1860. Capital, 6500,000 imazsa ALI. ACCIDENTS. Amnon! Pobrie* Issued for any num from $l,- 000 to 110,000 at • premium of only one -half per root., seourlhg the full amount insured in to.. of data, and • roMpemption sorb weak equel to the whole premilmirpaid. Short time tickets melte bed at the 'Pr inel pal Oillce, or at the vartous Railroad Sta ions. No klemear. ICXAIIIIiOIIIIONote Ito vll.n. Compensation is given each week to ease of LOSSES PAID PROMPTLY LEWIS L. 11013P7', President, HENRY C. BROWN, Secretary JAMES M. CONRAD, Treasarar. DIRECTORS. Lewis L. !fount, late Gen Tkt•Agt. P. R R. Co. J. E. Kingsley, Proprietor Continental Renal. 11. G. Lnisenring, 237 and 239 Dock street. Sam'i C. Palmer, Cackler Com National Bank. James 31. Conrad, firm of Conrad Virisitop. 629 Market Week. Rooeh Lew'', late Oen Rapt Pa. R R Co. .Audrew Mekattey, 2011161. ml corner Third &ad Walnut stmts. George C. FrancWog Cultural Agra Penn', Railroad Company. • Th os . K. Peterson, 3030 Market street. W. W, Karts, lima of Marts t Howard, 22 8. Third street. Policies issued sod information furnished by JAMES HI RANKIN, Agent, Armory Room, No 3, Bellefonte, P.. Nor 23, '66-3m arum; Sr flitcblitte. A LECTURE. TO YOUNG MEN Jlllli Pubt;.t.d, in n Erniva Eor , lopr. Prate 6 cr. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Spermatortines, or seminal weakness. Involuntary Emismioe., sexual debil ity, &sal impedimenta-to manias* gweerelly , nervousness, consumption, epilepsy and Pits; meth awl-physical incapacity, resulting from ..-- self-abuse, 1,13,y ROBERT J. CULVER NV ELL, M. D., Author of the "Omen Boolt,"ac. The world-renowned author, In this ble lecture, clearly proves from his own experi ence that the metal consequences of seltaboas may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation., boogies, itutruments, ring. or cordite/a, Relating out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every suffertr, no matter wriad his con dition may be, may rpm himself cheaply, pri vately, and radically. This Lecture will mare • boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under pew!, to any address, in a plain pealed ent elope, on the receipt of nix cents, or two postage Wimps Also Dr. Cul...mein. ..51farriage Boole," price 75 cent.* Address lb. publodierr, Jan 147 ellit S. J, C KLPNA,4I4B , 127 Bowery, New York. Peat Adlre Ida 45H1 CIREEN'S DRUG . STORE. Room No. 3, Brokerhors Row. The under/100 refpertfolli flint holkee removed his well known r DRHO k C1111:311Ckt STORE. to the new room (No. 3) under Brokerhors ho tel, which be Jet fitted up for that purport; •nd haring largely inereased bit stock is now prepared to furnish shis regimers with pare CII EM ICA 1.5 1 . PATENT MEDICINES. PI!RIR WINES & LIQLORFI, for utediripal use, DYIC FreFFil. with almost every article to be found to an estabhstiment of this kind, such as Horse and Cattle Powder, Coal Oil, Alcohol, Linseed Oil, (Hass, Paint!, Putty, Sponges. Also the largest end beet conertlon of PEREL'MERT .4ND TOILET. SOAPS et er bnrught In tb is Owe. Tobacco and rigors of the moat approved brands, constantly on hand. lie would call the attention of ther lie to tin stork of notions, eonsisting of air,' Tooth, Nall, Fleck and Paint Brusher, Cutlery, Pipesl Drinktng Cups, 1 , Chess and iteelegammon boards, Chess Men, Dominoes, to. Lc. Also, a large variety of TOYS FOR CBI DE Partinniair altentton given In preparing PHY SICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES. flitting had more than twely year. expen once in the huoinme, he feel. confident he ran render matisfaettori twat) who favor him with their patronage FRANK P. GREEN, Druggi.t, Feb. 9, 1866-17. Room, No. 3 Brok. Row A MERICAN LIFE DROPS I For the speed) care of DIPHTHERIA, • Coughs, colds, hosreenem ' lore throat bronchit is, Rheumatism and all kindred eompleinte For live yearn has th le article been before the people, aninhe verdict returned from every quarter, by the consumers of the half million bottle. that have been mold ertfhld — that time, is t bat "IT ALWAYS CURES Read the followincwhich lo only a specimen or the many letters we are daily rsoei•ing • Bosrov, Masa barn. Sonors• de q O . -- 8 1 , 11 . — Notwithstan. ding my general pnjudice against proprietary (or potent) medicines, I was indirep4to buy two bottle s of the American Life Dropfs, through the high nmeommendation of them by a friend, alwaye curing Diphtheria', coughaeolda eon throat, bronchitis, Ac. My seal' 'lnterne years of age, was taken suddenly 11l with diphtheria and could scarcely epoch or swallow, his breath ing was so bad. We were meek alarmed, bet decided to try the Life Drops, before calling a physician. Dy using the Drops rovording to direction, he was soon relieved and the disease entirely broken up. I let a friend mgaring with Rheumatism have one of the bottles. lie says the Life Drops gave Immediate relief, and are the but midioine he ever used. A family near hire, suffering from Colds and Arlearated Sore Throat, used some of hi., and were se nd In a short time. Since then I let my brother, a physician, have part of mine, and with which pct cured • bed case Dipht heria. Us is Coo s twee& to acknoviledge that they are valuable. Truly .D yours, , A. B. ELDER, • The Life rope are earefully prepared by ORRIN SKINNER. k CO., Sale Proprietors, Spiogleld, Mn.., And sold by all Druggists. Dames Barnes sk Co., New York,FeUer.Fisich k Fuller, Chicago, general Agents. to IS-10 intorelanies B ELLEFONTE PLAINING MILL The undersigned are now prepared to,manu facture and furnish, orrappliestioa at their Plaining Mill in Bellefonte, Centro eounty. Shutter., Flooring, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, ' Brackets, rto , .Ito Jte. il rac Scroll sawing of all description., alai ket. of all slam and pattern. made to order ; BUCKLEY'S PiTEDIT LUMBER YEE. We have connected mitt' the Mill "Buckley's Patent Lumber Dryer," which by super-heated steam without premises, will season lumber In from , TWO TO FOUR DAYS, K. tug tested this Patent by actual experiment we are sure that It V the but promos of emot ing lumber now in use. AI o ur work wit: be manufMared front TilaROUOlll SEASONED LUMBER. 'Orders for drying ilkmber delivered at the mill will be filled at remnable prices. Pledging ourselves to fill all orders wile . promptness, and to the satisfoetion of our ;W -rote we ask oil persons requiring work In our line of business to give es a tali before *attrac ting elsewhere. VALENTINE, BLANcHARD &CO Bellefonte, Dee II •66 ly. NRW BAKERY A, coNFlcerioNAi& TI • euheeriber would retpeetfully Inform the citizens of Bellefonte and ♦elnlty, that hle new and extenoice, r BAKERY 4. CONFECTIONARY, ere now completely Sobbed, and thot be I. proposed to turniahod miry day, Fresh Breed, Cakes of all k kle, Candles, Spire., Nett, Fruit., and anything and tvarrhing belonging to t►a IC= 'laving had yeah of expezienoe la the bail ee.. He natters himself that he eon guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. 11-4J.4 J. 11.. BANDS. BEAUTTPUL RESIDENCE FOR SALE—The undersigned olfers for sole his very desirable property Ls the borough of Bellefonte. A lot of ground containing three fourths of as acre more or less, on which is erected a good two story &wailing • pod sta ble and ether outbuildings. Also sentient fruit of all kinds, eoneistleg of apples, peach.' plums, peers, cherries, grapes,