Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 16, 1866, Image 2

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    ,fflis' 7 lr e tmftatsittionnt
P. GMAT VIM, lima ant Paoriturros.
Assocuta Boma
FRIDAY monsisq, HOY. WYSS.
itAlp. —42 p. plai.*; , wpaut la advance
Tideeihna sot paid is advano*. sad "moo when
et paid Woto the ezpiratiou lathe yaw.
He's a lAtiro SIM
Whether or not the white 111.239 ea of
our rmitntry will ever get through doing.
Cor the nekici. what he is either incapa
ble of doinp, ur to limy to du. kir him
self, is a question 'the futnry alone eau '
answer. History furnishes no example
of a people willingly enslaving them- '
sely_,es 'Our have done. to carry ont a
i;bilanehfiThr:lna the histori
an of the future may still have to record
ert ater follies—we may say ermies--corn.
ntitted by men who drum to he intelli
gent and who think they are flier DON
QUIXOTc in-his madness turned loose a
.rflte of oativicts, and for hi • philanthro-'
receivad front them avoniplete drub
bing The people of thi• contry---the,
laboring masses. -htiv'e turned loose four
naillione of negroes. and fbr their philan
thropy. have been impoverished bey and
calculation enslaved alnioq beyond
the hope of redemption Dos Qt
mad as he was, way sati•tied with the
,drubbing, and left the vol/1 lets. without
attempting further . to make them the,
ornaments of 'aui:lety he eunteniplate4
having them , but our people caster
than 'the crazy Spaniard- seem not to
be swindled with the result of their folly,
or to lean, wisdom front that nio-t ex
pel aye teachers— experieuce, but
go on. just as though the ex penment of
negro "freedom'' had been the most per
fect success. and as if every movement
.of puritan abelitionim, was dictated by
. prudence, reason, justice and right.
To secure the so-called' freedom' . the
negroes of the Southern States now en
joy, the white men of the country, paid.
or mot tgaged their property and • labor
to pay, billions upon billions of dollars—
filled a million of graves with hire men
country with cripples. widows and
orphans—the land with mourning and
desolation, and destroyed a government
that boasted of being the best the sun
ever shone upon After the.e sacrifices
one would have thought that they would
be willing to stop—to turn their atten
tion4o their own interests —and let Sam
ho prove that he was fitted for the new
order of things, fur the new-position in
life. which their philinthropy and love
had opened up for him But no . "free
dom" was not a great enough boon to he
conferee' upon him lie must be kept,
must le furnished with food. be provid
ed with clothing be sheltiied, fed. paw-
pered.and pestri. —hecau.e it war mid
he had been Opprew.ed And
"freedom' . food and clothing WWI not
enough for him Agencies to protect
him have been established ,"fich,oole to
educate him have been built up , laws
obliterating all barrier, to hk progress
have helm passed ; statutes doing away
with all distinctions of race or color have
been enacted, and yankee ingenuity has
been exhausted to make him in all re-
spear-color, condition, character anti. 1
kind peer of the white man. and a
competitor for the honors and etnolu
merits of the world.
And yet - Oh all these-with all that
the white race hap done for him-what
is he but the same indolent. thriftle.s,
ambitioidess being that he was. before
our people neglected their own interests,
'to better his condition? Has he proven
in any way that he is capable of appre
ciating the position of a freeman? Has
he shrill in any acts that nature has
endowed him with spirit ot( inteligence
enough to be "free!" Or has he at
tempted the accomplishment of a single
peewee* that would lead them who have
mede so many willing saenfices for him,
to believe that they have not foolishly
thrown away their money, wickedly
"louses:Wed their time ,and senselessly
and idiotiCally, empoverished themselves
to accomplish that which God never de
signed should be 9
We ask you laboring men--you who
work from "dawn of day till dusk of eve"
—for it in you, who "pny the piper--
what good all you have done for the ne-
J re ban accomplish ? You made up the
army and gave him "freedom - '—an ob
sneei,The had not ambition enough him
self, to attempt to gain , you created a
freedman bureau to help him, and he
proved to lazy to try to help himself;
you established schools to educate him,
and beau shown you by bin indolencts#
and ignorance that he has no desire or
capacity to be educated ; your represen
tatives passed laws, giving him the same
opportunities in life you, enjoy, and tie
has appreciated them by becoming more
worthless and helpless tban ever. Look
about^the oottatrr and tell na if what we
have Imp saying is not the plain limits
nislied truth? If after all you have
done for him, the negro is not a negro
otill ?
And after you milker for a moment,
tell rue, ye toiling masses, who vote to
support free negroimm, when you intend
to atop doing for the negro, and do for
youmelvea. Have you no sympathy for
your own rune? No pride for your own
blood? No feeling for your cotintry or
no respect for yourselves? If not, in
the name of all that is just, turn your
selveS into eltrvinLe for negroes, wait
and attend upon them to your nearta
content, but let the thousands of white
men, who feel like working for them
selves end Heir families do no, without
having their earning taken ,for taxes to
keep your proteges. Ir'ydn think you
have 'not yet done enough for them, do
what you . wish to do yourselves, but
don's fprdelarty's Nike make lava
2 1 4 co
mpelling Stiern tp um* you. you. DON Qum.-
ors., tpo tko drubbling for bin madnesii
you q);to
. )is will* to bear alone. the
rem* Joy SOW. , . ~. .
'rn# '4o 4 'whilia44-41. kboutiax
M e l !it. Pm i ,c(!cmi4Prabl4t i ts'
what ; the,y gaigs at
elections. ' tins
see whuia . gaiusiitiltia 14psital l
shusetforligli ma luci wags .tts'ashiltt,
that Asut.gaisuainaitsastaing alsera--the
election AufSau übbutscia an Stat. Leh.,
islature. Lk this gain they can boast of
courage and cousialeacy hp yuottlog the
"Due aold aka of septemisiat do yeti
* ottikst *akin Beata propesb;
. A Word to Demoirits.
Democrats we have a word of advise.
for you. Ile political Campaigns fist
the season are over, but, goult woe, if
you would succeed in t*eld, bAnis ,
oetunieneily. Now is this time *parr
feet your d organiaatiotis-4 is the *De' o
do the work for next fall. l'assiorithd
prejudice is allayed—political: bias and
partisan bigotry-is set aside, and mons
reason can be appealed to on behalf of
right. It is the timefiir
,ifun to wort , —
Tr e TIME FORYot Worltf. THE 'C
rt.ruasi , and in place of abandUning
your orkanbations as bee generaiTy been
your eugtom itamediately after the Poe
fion'—fill them up--perfect then-=make
'your arrangements to hold weekly
monthly meetings—raise your funds to
secure sound reading for those.who are
trilling to read and learn. Those long
nights are a splendid time to circulate
and read documents—farmers and labor
tog men. hare lime now to read a good
speech dr peruse a sound nen.luiper.
%lieu in the .ututner or during the ottii•
uary political campaigns they could not
no opportunity toglance OVer
and our political opponents will read and
reflect now. over truths. that they would
_cast *eornfully aside in the he .t of a po
ditieal camas.. Let them be furnished,
with the rigl)t kind of rending. You.
Democrats of the country hate time now
too attend to thease'things'--in factAU
ring tile winter is the only time you have.
Your noel is done for the season, the
evenings are long, and what better op
'turnout) could be afforded, to create a
healthy 141(1 , 111 feeling .over the emir.;
It is . a inistal t en tdea e to hate the real
work of a political canvass. to be done a
few weeks preceeding the election The
prejudice that ley, bold of melts Minds.
the partisan feeltngs that control their
better judgement, during the excitement
of the campaign is generally so strong
that it Cannot by tit ereome, and nothing
can be accomplished save the rallying of
our terser, and the gathering up of the
few stragglers that may fall from their
ranks Nom to the time to recruit our
three,, US wake Recombines to our num
ber,. to show that we are interested in
the sauce for which we battle, and to
-rem that Vt 13 are determined to win.
.1 if we begin the work now the gran
de.t. vietory,that over perched noon the
banner. .uf any political organization.
will be owe to rejoice over lit . the nest
Need More Protection ?
The psalni-singing-eisl l tish-eattng:
puritan, manufacturer: of New Eng
land. receitisl before the war. four dol
lars per yard for cloth that cost them
three dellats and tilVcents, to manufac
ture Now the same c,noils cost gtAlgui
four dollar , . and they, sell it at eight
dollars"per yard, acd not saiTSfied with
this immense profit, they clamor for
more moteetion. They should have it
Don t you think brother toiler' You
and I can wear patched pants and raged
coats, because we are too poor to pay the
big prices demanded for their goods.—
We can go rough, ragged and cold ,
what. a the diffence ? Who cares? Abo
lition congressmen won't pass laws to
protect our laborbut they'll ship nig
gers north to compete with us, and
bring down the price of wages; they'll
Ake - run pay the taxes to keep the ones
that are too lazy to keep themselves,
they pang heavy tariff laws, to raise the
price of goods We use and compel us to
pay the taxes for these sainted puritans
of New England. who have stolen them
sell es rich, and bought government
bonds with their money in order to es
cape taxation And we seem perfec•ly
satisfied with it Hadn't we better give
Eastern manufacturers more protection?
Hadn't we better pay them a little high
er prices for their goods? It will only
make them a little richer and us a little
poorer—something that we have been
doing for about six years now, COIDC,
let us be liberal! Let us make higher
tariffs no that we have the fun of paying
them ! New England treats it, and we
are an obliging people, generally doing
whatever New England wants I
INTELIGENT,—The people of Terns a
fe• , weeks since voted in favor of ma
king certain amendments to their State
Constitution. Shortly afterwards the
question of ratifying the aboliton amend
ments to the United States Constitution,
came up before the Legislature of that
State, and were voted down almost
unanimously The Pittsburg Dispatch,
the leading organ of abolitionism in this
State, asserts that the people of Texas
are in favor of the proposed amendments
to the United States Constitution, and
cites their vote on amending their State
Constitution as proof and pitches into
the Legislature of Texas in true puritan
style for refusing to ratify the amend•
ments, in as it claims, accordance with
the wishes of t people. Nov. if the
poor fool who edits the Dispatch, was as
wise as he imagines hfunielf to be, he
would know that the people of Texas, or
any 'oat% State, are not granted the
privilege of voting on amendments to the
United States Constitution, and would
not alum ignorance by stating that
the voters of Texas cast their ballots
directly in favor of the amendments.
This however is but k sample of aboli
tion inteligence—a specimen of the kind
of staff that is (trammed into the heads
of the readers of radical papers.
A Contnerstrr Move,—We under
stand that there is a movement on foot
among the worshipers of coffee in this
State, to out-do the mother of fanati
cism—Massachusetts—by electing "Pro
fassor"DAY, the nigger Demosthenes (?)
to the United States Senate. It is said
to be a candid fact, No his chapati' now
for this position areteteer than either
l/MT a. If be wouldn't represent the peo
ple, be would at Mast represent the Ab
olition party of' PenneAvauia, and hie
elocution would be the first consistent act
we could credit them with..
A Lairsvr Owaven.--We have road
TOW the !stater° years about a thou
sod notice's' of the desth of the - Demo
ertirpirty. * As yet, we believe, it Lae
gottobon buried, and we have an idea
tint when those who hive ben so fatal
amid iit notifying the pet& of its de
mise, 00E100 Iliad Ito its funeral rime,
they walled it about the liveliest porta
ever thAy attempted to handle. „„.
-4Hids tabs a a. foughte—Olimens Re
For white An and white mess rights.
A frivldAil Protute
There has beeniof late some fearful rev
elationa-of the_ moral _Je_gegerscyl of_ the
"iower,onlars" in England,. bin • viol gee
• appalling 4in tbstpresented so us
tbaltal• of *lugs in Liverpool it is
yird IF possible to ooticeive. Au inquiry
iita *slop slingback Intim wed by the lows
cowmen Saki ibis sense cy excessive mar
ts by in .that town, an the report of
the commissioners draws s picture at
which humanity must shudder The follow
ing 'strain, front a London paper will* give
some idea of the .•Slough of Despoittl" lot .
which thet celebrated emporium hue been
For lour years has an epidemic of typhus
raged with increasing virulence among the
working population of Liverpool Let choi•
eta 01111011 coke bold df 'basements of &leo
humanity, and it can scarcely be expected
to leave them until It has sucked the life
blood Iraqi thousands Children go to
school drunk—ragged schools of ermine
Women for lobe 01 drink. tell every stick'
they wear saving just the lost shred of 1.-
en, and then—heaven help the wretches—.
they sell altir hoir:
This is the evidence cot the Res Father
Nugent, who speaks of one woman, the
mother of seven Children. who sold her
hair to a barber :or a quoit or , lieer,
N^ -
men have been —had up" tor drunkenness
cone hundred and fourteen tunes anti more.
In une court the women were discovered, 'all
drunk'oneSundoy -alternoon The children
Glob their peure together on 1 4 ,ourdsy
night to hq•o a ••spree," and get gloriously
inebrinted like their tieuiolo The master
col the Hibernian school stip ^You might
ac well attempt to empty the Mersey. wt th
it bucket as to apply Chrietion instruction
while tins good 01 intemperance is over
whelming us Chios Into coins over the
people There seems to be nuttier laW,or
tide, or deoeney among theft eCliddrendie
wh telt are niter born," says Father Nugent
Heats's° uhputd, for the landlord teats Hi
be pressing, seat
- his tenants should "pull
the house down"' ••I'have four liones to
Henderson street," says AO agent, and there
18 not a piece et timber lett in them They
the occupants,) will tithe awry the cop•
boards, the 41,110 oases, awl the ye,)
slates otT the roof, and we enhia,t ratch
We just quote one more horror A trade
man and hie wife ruined tLeniselves by
drink The woman fell ill, and lay in in
describable filth on her nick bed lornionthit
On a Sallll-day rat died, and remained 1111-
tOnebtd till Thursday The husband that
day obtained ten ehillings to secure the
neeeneary al tendanee, but losiend ut does
mg the money to no prop per porpoise, went
and got drank with II lie went borne in
this slate and slept with the corps! On
ruley sane persons seta a &tree to lake
away the body, but when the - men saw no
person to go with the tuneral, they took her
till and threw her down in the room again,
where she lay till the pollee hod her buried
on the hollowing Hatt...lay •' As a sequel
we are laid, ••an Old Woman, who lived nu'
dYlrDealb, was SO touch shocked that she
tiled that night." Such is the aCCOUTII. which
Liverpool gives of itself
And all at this under that on+toeratte
rule of which the ••ttpper classes' al En.
soete , y are wont to boost so loudly
and of whose eteelleuetes they are ny a prolle
to taunt ao preeenling s marked rouffitst in
the neee of democratic government —Ex
Duty r of the Demoarec)
The elections being over, the democracy
have now time, as to their duty, to re
view their action tor the last nix yearn,
take an accurate reckoning of their post
ii find out • how far they have drifted
the true course, and clear the ship for
fresh contests in the future l'olillsitlprin
etylen arataternsil hiatlinarkto .They never
change. l.t rat merely the'pelicies supposed
to be bused upon• them that are thicionimg-
The adversaries of democracy hare always
been the representativee of the European
ideas 01 kingly government, and, tact end of
boldly atoning their principles, have cot
ertly concealed them under come poltcy, in
keep their character tram the public view
They have been profuse in the min of high
mounding words, have glibly talked of lib
erty and equal rights, and effected to hold
tutored the conalitutintual barriers erected
by the people to prevent 0.11, encromelimente
ot tyranny So constimate has been their
by pocracy, and Ito audacious their lying.
that hundreds of thousands of the welt
meaning but thought leg hove been -led en
tray, and suPPiffied men and measures dint
would vit once have been repudiated had
their true character been suspected.
It rs the duty of the democracy not only
itiymiLitapt the true path, but to be sure
that tee emu/ upon it ourselves In INMOO.
racy to day, an exhibited t brought its critters
nod Journals, the democracy of Jefferson
and Madmen and the founders of the repub
lic ?'lto we still bold to the same cardinal
ru lea of fiat icy, the name great prioc•tptee
which actuated nor forefathers' It we do,
we are still right, and on a road that must
lead to victory. If we do not Bats stand—
it we have eta rendered to the madness of
the hour any democratic idea essential to
political progress and the liberties of
ewes and coniniunit iee—we must go beak
scour original los tit nand star d there n de
fiance of all epithets and all out-ci lee
This democratic reviewal may bring 10
view VOllle unpleasant trutlin,monie ancrificen
of principle to expediency'. tnny show us
that we, m common with other smnerr,
••have done what we ought not "to have
done, and left undone the thinge that ought
to have been done " 11 to not the duty of
the democracy to ••accept the renitlis of the
war" or any oilier IPPISLiiIIt, except they lend
to the connervatton of the popular Illicit ten
and the welfare of the ewes There is
tune enough ill the future to overhaul the
democatto craft which has weathered
so ninny Atornix, tear nut the rotten planks
which weaken us, that our struggle with
tyranny may be tilumplinnt and decbire
It the arm of the democracy hex been feeble.
it is bet:muse it baa been bound wall. hay ,
issue's and tied down to indefensible pullet.;
We fear that, like the wall around it,there
line been incorporated too much shoddy and
gilt gingerbread to make the old fellow ap
pear “reepeetable,' fti these degenerate
days The garments have been inappro
priate, democracy lion Oellpled n no. post
I ion, and therefore been out of lIA element
Hard knocks, it is to be hoped,botre taught
I on a lelllloll —Jurksoman Ponturch,[ Lich.)
United States Securities
The late rapid decline to United States
eemeritiest in England hoe excited consider
able surprise When we read the incendi
ary speeches of Radical leader.. howe•er,
their open threats of civil war and fixed de
termination to regard the southern States
nerenneattered proricnee, end not en a por
tion of a restored Union, we can scarcely
wonder at this decline. Until the difficulty
at pretient existing between the President
and the Congress is settled, confidence can
not be expected to revive. Capitalism will
not care to Invest their mono in country
no torn by political differlinefi and unsettled
by political Meas. -We learn that
Inveslment►_,in United States securities
have almost ceased not only in London, but
also in Frankfort, the quoted...3e being al
most entirely nominal At the same time
all other securities maintain their prices,
Austrian inoluded, which are teemed more
worthy of confidence than theca of the
American Republic The consequence of
the decline of American misrules to Eu
rope will in due course of time, be • cor
responding-depression is she Staten coop
led with a depreciation In the currency.
and consequent rise In the price of gold
Aug all this is the result of the blustering
vapariWg of the Radical party, theit eon
stently„xiterated threats of war with Oren!
Brillion, and their evident determination
to prevent toy reconciliation of the adverse
parties, in an Suunc—ffannion (C. W.)
very fenny things in Baltimore on Tuesday
last. We saw a vote rejected becauve the
voter had INK i
pont ad to suit, the
/eyed ideas. election judge. It op
poredvoittri l ut 0 , barber , and
had pole r Ito and yreirs.
as a ntatlee of hutte,l red, where
and bine I At one prettiest fwe sa t.e
vole ofp .ratko. UNII9II eOliller rejected
byname, kprlng bad a brptber killed ..In
the ConfeOrats anny, be could not swear
that he t , bad sympathy for thew/Ads."
le &stonier lostanee, a Union man wee al
most drives float the polls because be hap
pened to be the owner of a horse 11110.0 came
Was olitooestall Jackson !" Blab, far the
WWI spitomplible clirty we saw was Judge
Mesdit—Bmeday Mercury.
- The Flinthie in India
An appillingoatinaty has lately befallen
at poetic% of *lllllk India Famine has
been MaWit fiiiaMtratraitew la the Bengal
Presidency. and in Ibe Medea' 'PyeOdeon,
the distress frost the Fame cense is dmietib
ed as only less terrible than dint to
Residents on the spot —trustworthy Wines
sei—in endeavoring to gtvolhortic Idea of
the extent of the calamity, depies Nene, of
the most hamming character. When the
famine wan at its height, the starving poor,
we are told, crowded Into the streets of Cal-
MM.., and n was astisnased hat no fewer
I 'then 20.000 to 25,000 starving people were
wandering' boat the capital. 4, Mulliek's
lihat, where thh Bombay morehaute raised
I a fund and distributed food,Wiere was at
one time 7,00' famishing applicants crowd
ed up. They were described as_ pinked to
order upon an open space waiting for the
bution. ..00 one aide nearly .4,000
Ilindotismich with a leaf platter beforebini,
were i•erittered on the, wet, ground hastily
crtaking of the .airy,dole they received
On the other side r r e llttlikeands of famish
ing Musseltnens ranged in like 'lineup ,
watching with silent ind .1 "Urn"'
the meal of their P.adoo bretiolien, and
counting w i t h I,,ter longings the minutes
the , . ,urn should come. Under tee
shelter Jf the libel crowded the women,girla
end children Outside the gales were hun
dreds and hundreds who had lost their
clinliee till the next distribution But over
all o w horrible dead itileneel• No - chattering
or ceeverse,harilly s mend. excepting when
tit intervide conic Wretch threw up Into arms
with an ejaculation to Beltran, wrung from
hini•by the tinappensithle fangs of hunger "
More than this,otiimals wrote home desert! ,
stony ol meeting dead bodies In every [limn
tag's ride—bodies lying in tLe road, with
pie village doge eating them at leisure A
enteritis jourtial staled that in Ilulasore,
havnag n population 0t.,12,1100, the deaths to
one day amounted to WU; end on the Gdy
erniment demanding of its officials a report
against the libel, elle Colledint of the Dis
trict rtplied that on the Otis of August lie
hod 2-lio deaths in the city, ow the ilih,
and for Ilse week ending ihe nth 12115 day,
Ilia bodies nometinteereittaltong unburied
for three days The province of Orissa nut
' fared the moat severely, one paper deciar
ing that 400,000 souls Linea perished to
maritime llrivsa alone Indeed, a telegram
from Indus announces that its if the poplin
lion or Orison Inter perished in the famine
--that is. lolly two millions and a half of
5110A1,1,1 run Amor!, or Tax --People
who pay high rent, iu our amen rarely
know how touch they contribute towards
the I ixes caressed upon the properly ('Cu
tautly without ihought t ibey blame the land
lord for inking the whole amount,and somet
imes consider btm a sharper. If tenants
only felt that they themselves are respons,
ble for high taxation, which in case of mis
management might have been prevented by
the election of good men to office,i hey would
probalily he more senothle of Omit dunes In
ointimpal n Oates New lork,eome land
lord* urn now making Ike prqeue slate of
thirty tenant, in good government visible by
priminig on then receipt• for rent how touch
of at gore fur toses.ntiot how inset. the taxes
now exceed those of ten yeas ego Ttti
mrt of infornintion is calculated to bring
home a sense of hit own respOnlibility
municipal ablates 10 envy IIMIC:--E,411/0/11
For the 11*,te! tee tn.
Maryland Refuses to Bow the Knee to the
Baal of Radical Disunionism.
While we pen More in sorrow than in an
gilrflie fact that; ten of the States alike
held their election , .on Tuesday the fah mot
have as heretofore, gone for the Radical
Disunion nuriy,rgrn suffrage and we
are rejoiced to see that, Maryland, not with
aniniting the moth:untie efforts of Forney
and the snaked, eye, hellish conduct, and
frauds of the Police Commissioner. and.
their Radical emmiiisnries bar gone, tri.
umplumily gone, for the Constitution, the
ruitri?and the supremacy orate white race
we remember the course pursued by
the dical Disunionists, for weeks before
the election—their effort!, no set at defiance
the rooktitulton and laws of the State—
their refusal to register good and true
Union men simply because they wood by
the President—the imprisoning or the Sher
iff of Balt (more .oml the newly appointed
Commissioners without the shadow or law
or justice, the victory,in Maryland is truly
glorious and ought to fill the heart of every
American patriot with exceediftlEßY"d joy
The threats, the intrigues, the wicked .
frauds, of the Disunionist. were all of no
avail The staunch and tried Union men
of the Si ate, with a lived determination—
with purpose sit rem', and faitti,,strong and
unwavering, in the (hod of their fathers
rnarcheihip In 1146 Pollg" , elioulder lo shool
dee no) deposited 'bete ballots in favor of
the interest', of the white man,_ and the
riglttxt dignity.and e,inally of 01l the Stoles
in the Union The fact that the liadicnle
did imprisoti the new conitnissioner., and
hod full control of the elections. Tookee the
victory mil the more unpin taut nod cheering
Ilsoll the disunionist 91/11nliil s ed to the' law,
had they comp,lmil with (he wishes and Is
gal action of Gov Swann, and then been
defeated. they might , hose commanded the
&why of even their political enemies,
but as it in, nothing but n godly conscience
—deep and bitter tiontliation,and the scorn,
and contempt everyr' abiding anti
Union loving itizen, we/ a sham
ItndICILIIKM in Maryland has run its course.
The It story or its black and damning user
patrons will now be writen. Law, order.
troth, justice, and right will once more
reign supreme Religion, peace and broth
erly love will take the place of envy,
malice, haired and a wicked and Godless
otheirm. The enemies of the Constitution
and the Union. the
,gialigoore of Washing
ton, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe and Jack
son, will there have ample time afforded
them for contrition and repentance The
true Unionist") of Mifrilandare of that high
order of' men who never alighted initamp
ling upon a fallen ur nnetaken foe, and
therefore we know of what we affirm when
we say that a few brief months will devel
ops is the world, the contrast between a
Statmoontrolled in her legish.tme and Ex
ecutive departments by (Joel fearing and
Consi tutstit loving Statesmeu, and those
controllaby Radical disuunusts, and New
England Delete of the bloomer' Malawi and
Stevens school. We think we oan see the
bead of Providence in the Maryland elec
tion. The sober second thought of the peo
ple is always right But in the States of
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illi
nois Se., h.e , the people excited over what
they term the wrongs or the war, anti gpad
ed on to frenzied desperation by the corrupt
and heartless politicians of the Radical di.-
, unionism, hare not had lime for the Bober
second thought lo do its work. Perhaps as
in the once of one of old, on account of the
multitude of 'belt. iniquities, Providence has
i,blinded the eyes and hardened the hearts of
Elm Radicals in the Northern States, for a
1 lesion longer that they may not see, the
things which do make to their peace, and
the welfeve and prosperity of this great' Da
tion. 'To this view of the case we submit ;
and met, that we think 'we can see why
the good work of reform, and true restora
tion has commenced in Maryland. Three
'howl for Maryland! Three cheers for the
Constitution and the Union of all the States!
Dampersls, Conservatives, yarmers i Me
obirreci,-Leboring BM of Penney!Tanta, let
as hope that a better era is about to dawn
open our distracted country. Let us hopi
that the great •ictory over radioolism in
triesyland will Sot orgy result in restoring
that ifi,taterto her former prosperity end
greatneii, bat that It may lead the people
of all the States to redeetion—to their orig.
buil love of the Constitution of our fathers
and ■o a nec essary result—to 9;esake the
fallacies or Radicalism—the iii.eonseitnt ion
al theorietnof Congre• . and to spurn with
contempt -every- ewers being made to favor
of reotioflltam, and lowardettia
tint of lower in this grent, gisternlient.
To thinWitoCiet us work asts hops ahnjsys
reateintainethat, ,
“Trulti crunhed to earth will ri.o again
The Eternal yo.r. of tka an/ htr.,
While error raniutshed, w ittiers in pain
And dies amidst her worsh ippers:,
[Po: thoir trcuxn.
The Time' to Asoettein Who is Right
If in the history of the
, worl ignorance
of passing occurrence. could lie considered
a crime. it is new. Nth the facilities we
possetet the crime is unpardonable *rents
preprint with'interest to the lovert of free
governmettt, crowd non one anothei:.;Agrey
lions of,and,the danger in,one are tiditretilia
ed.and scarcely seen in the shade* of anoth
er looming tip ; the form or each is almoit
lost in the intermixture of NIL into the block
portentons aloud which nverhnngs, nod
threatens to Overwhelm our idolized civil .
and political liberty. The greatiircli-ene
my of human happiness is not. idle. bin
children with diabolic ingenuity, under his
prompting+ are conjuring up the storm;
they' are spreading their sophisms before
the people, to the people recoiling, dory
say -try this, and ,that, it minuet do harm,
the government mug be improved; ' in the
language of their father “Eat of line apple,
ye shall not surely die ," they carry on the
work boldly, confident that their father will
again possess the people as he did when
they accernplislied the first part of theta
•bur The Mt.., of the people of all pine
ties are genuinely - patriotic. they look
nbitye thecolitsions of parties seeking only
alint • wilf most (red to the good of line !thole
people , whether these people will blindly
follow the teachings of the lenders of the
reign-in-hell school, or he dereiviol by the
sophisms of those who are stilling to sacri
fice their country to their ambition, we very
much doubt To these people we address
theme i enoirks Civil war mom threatens
us ; a T or by the side of which the 101 - e
strife he but Before it conies,
before the excitement attendant upon War
deprives you of a mind capable of judging
of the right inform yoursellieli of the justice
of each cause say again ymi are crim
mid if you are not aware of the importance
of what is transpiring all around pm Ben
Under demanding the impeachment of ties
Went Johnson • mid pledged if elected to
rongres., To",foree through the Bill; the
Radical Pro•• eve y where calling for
the ailvanee guard of Radicalism. Wendel.'
denollo4 log Gen ; , ,therturin RI a
'neon, charging that Gen Grnnt has
“told out to traitors" and alrking that Ilut
ler ho gut in his place, the Baltimore Po
lice 11 . 011111114 0 ,01,er s Rebellion these ale
nll signs of Plonly Inform yourselves on
every points deterinincytheiheryour
your influence and your body, vfdl be exer
led In behalf of the (lover:mein of your
flees or on the part or a legislative des
pntirtm; and !hen Pennsylvanians, when ,
your country calls youJor ready
New Publication
DEMOREETTR, Poi au AMERICA --Publnilied
by W Jenninge Deniormet,,l73 litondirny
N Single copier 16 eie , per annum
We have examined the (irk No of this
dementia Periodical and pronounce it the
hest one for children that we have ever ern..
Itsfirticlea are well. written and suited to
the capacity of children,• which cannot lie
sett' of many others The Poetry to all
gOod its Illuoiratintio are very fine, and
its many other features, with the \tunic,
Toys, Purview, etc , is all that could be de
aired , is got up in good taste, on good pa
per, printed in the very keel manner, and
taliogethe7.unelic must attractive nu well
as inniructive Journals that ham yet appear
ed Do not fail in secure a specimen Nn
Pertuttoxs Mef,Artec .1 Montldy Mair
tine devoted 10 lucent ore,forla ion nntl el
J Peternon, BUG Chextnni St Nal
nJelphli :7.2,00 per notion,
e are in receipt of tilt, popular Lady's
Magazine for December It Is a splendid
number The title page alone is worth the
price of the number For many years
terion'n 2ilogazinB," in contequence of it,'
merit and chenpnean, has had a larger clr
notation than any oilier monthly in the Uni
ted States la 1867 it promises to be great.
ly Improved, the reading wafter will be In-
Crraard, anti ariell ehlitela WILL CONTate A
OANTLY CoLonicw, with from four to nix
urea--making "Peterson's" the cheapest
the world The 'crisis will remain too do
tars a year to single subncribern To clubs
it iv cheaper still.viz: lire copiev for $Bll6,
eight copteo for $l2 00, or fourteen copies
for $20.00. To every person getting up a
club (at these rates,) the Publisher will
send an extra copy gratis. Speeleitilly seat
(if written for) to those wishing to get up
Nett) abbertisemento.
ART /00,10, • Tif
of the preen( elf ntur3
Subaoript Jon+ pouring it from et pry quarter of
the United State, and the Pomades'
Made, or the Money Refunded to Each Sulo•eri.
bet, ea guaranteed.
MOT OP•111 ,
Value, $llOO,OOO
The remaining Premiums consist or over
TIMER nownitnn
Conatttuting • superb coll.tion of
Shares only $5 each
For $5 one Share or Certificate,brith one of
the following beautiful Steel Regraviege •
“The Little Wanderer, by TIIO/dAS FARE,.
'V at heriqg Apples," bI I W.RO2/1B THOMPSON
"Westward Rol" by BRAILL.
For $lO two Shares with the superb Steel nee
For $l5 three shares. with the One Engraving,
Iron $2O four shams or Certbicatetb With the
splendid Chrome negroabeam exclusive tame)
oAn American Alamo°, by 3. GROPSEY.
While for $5O ten &harm or Cartifleates, are Is-
sued with
of either "Irving and bia Friend," hierey'm
Dram a,. or the nAmerinan Autumn..
That MI a.bseribern moire their eholeo of ono
of Ow
4T 11111 111111• ?TINT 1111111101111114 •
THUS SSC " T rIV7N7I I- 1 7: 1 , 1 ,770'"; BELK
The. Subscription Books, on being elued will
be pissed In the heads of the following gentle
men , who kindly ununt to net u the Chicago
meinbers of the 13oeuotttee:
lirtbs ilbbertioements.
Wet, F Coollitoge, P V a . Bonk.
Amos T. Hall. T/141110 B &Alt E... ,
f ii tirlt i ti g l s t . M .
s ' a g - , U
tt CiDlll. I t , OE4O of Valle
YU.* naowers, Joe' ird National Bank
AVINS6th, 1. -.lto,t,'"";'
, Y Moen, Mann d• Scott. Elevator. .
J. A. Slhs, Prerident Beepipd 2iis Jena/ pack•
These gentlemen, together with such other*
from different parts of the reentry as they may
select to fairly represent the Shareholders, will
have the
Thy plot of the Award adopted in the following:
Two hundred and the thousand numbers, rep.
minting thetirtilleslei will be 'Oland
in one wheel, and threenundred nod 1.112 tickets
inscribed wit names of tbe Premiums (to wit,
the Opera douse, three hundred Paintings, and
the Bust of Lincoln), will be placed in another.
From these wheels n number and • 'premium
will be drawn rimultanwously—the namber
41G - it -" - •-"---
Z CllOllll, /1.115{.1A1 . 1011
enterprise, and must not he contuund
ad with Dollar Oat Concerts which have been
advertised to take place at the Opera (louse,
with. ut tha Milburn) or consent,uf the proprie
All orders for certificate 6r stares, and all
special colutuunlrations, should ho addressOd to
U. 11 CEO 111, .1, Nary A.A..
and threLtrd
No. 625 Broadway.
9¢lleserintive Calaßryon, giving full par
tattlers. sent tree.
The Ann rieatiArlitthe Union Ettintablithed
nal !mamma that in order to extend the isle
at he lollowing well known and highly popular
IN:pm - lure iit;the Ihlgrim.. fir Amery u, 274:16.
Loading of the Fathers, - 27rith
Fuletail .Nluelering hie Iteeruitis -
Sliskspeare 40d fill Frierof, - - -274. th
Ciater i e Saturday N ght, - 23420
Village Blacksmith, -'-f - 27142
Mandela Desttny, (Fortuna /Toning) - 21x2.s
The M at Nik potting in I77tk - Vt•tlit
Mount Vernon in the °hien time, kkr
Washtngton ut :10 years ogn. - 211x3 I
The CMCIIIIO ol Master Mae Dunolkl troika
the M n, rt i; len, o e ,
The Madonna, -
They hare ituenteti ea plient to elfin) 'heel to
thou trteugt...o thy 4tublic eeLuuu iliollar—and
tiny cent. each, the pr n heretolore hill tog
been two dollar. , ewe h. und for the purpein of
rttinulating the getting up of t lute., they heir
determined to mutant premiums to the getters
top of the Oohs, and in addition thereto to dig
tribute nunatert the subarr)bero the rum of tASII•
I)011 i.e moue) mid paintings as noon an the MOO
chef! l ur e re n el , ed 100,01)0 eugrut liege. 1 r it
u our intention to advertt.e trey enteusit ety,
and as the engrai ti •• ore well Mown through•
inn like whidu , but a no doubt that
with the law pr f leAry, for them, and with
the 'the.le ail! he put forth by uur
hire., the ',umber wdl be ranched in a
.port time A) •oon , tt I u teed the sub)
rthers, through their eh.), Aglent, wlll he In,
lilis.l by a eiroilur loner 11111111111 C the
11131. ' llll4 VII 111. i OPI .11.n - 0141,11
1,1 ❑ IZ
tingle E Crlll me fl nt..11
Fur#l?ar di Pet:oll2 Ent; awl 2 t•• th. ties
•• •• au •• n i ilver Leter.
•AM •• Ilia •• n Hunting Later.
The doh perkagee will he very reenrely peek
ed anti forwarded by Ratite..
Any per.on may get up eltdivand forward
the amount either by Expriwa, eitltt draft, Poet
-order or in a reglatetwil letter, end In all
eases the Engraving. will be immediately meet
and for each etignit rug i eioetre,•/ , cr i,fir o k
and rereiiit will be latrine - ad hi the package.
e. 0 1) Onnens.—Pereon, *letting to rend
for Engravingx and pay the Ex prone, when
they ate Teethed, will be required 1., rend with
(heir r.r.le, to iteriirding to tie amount.
itnd th to will he credited on hill
To bo
Flee of 1 000 o
Ten of :.01.1 . 4,0114
kitty of 1(10 11 , ,
Pao hundred elegant Oil painting., richly
teamed Lan/l.earea at $lOO .1.41 . 10,090
Two handfed Old.)(1111I 17i1 rp.mO Ogx richly
teamed Interior View. at $.311 .111,000
The Anrnu•ee ARTI , III' Naito would sold
ihrit the,. preiniutue arc to ho considered only
in the light of a free gill to their patrons, e 4 the
Engrst utg• are furnished them brim,. their mar
het "dues, and as the rest of engravings, slier
the Osten nor procured, is very trilling, they
can en•lly slrord to make the distribution, large
as it ix
We inlet that our numerous friends through
out tiust country and et...tiles will Ilqr their at
mom. exertions, so that if possible, the distribu
tion may be me 110 soon, and it ran be dune if
they ore at nil mt.,. Ludic, have oltee made
excellent Club Agents for us, end we solicit
their toed efforts, which will not go unrewarded
lot one or more energette permits in every town
mil ‘illinge In•thv country commence as emirs as
they •ee this, end got up as large n flub astute-
Otte By no doing they will be the means of
introducing elegant engruvings into
end than aid in cultivating a taste for the beau
tiful and relined Adj.. Order. to
See. Aniertesin Art tote Union
II -IS 3m 26 Pine St., New York
10 By urtue of sundry writs of Vsadtturs
5q..,.. as and r.r. 'mooed out •f the
Court 01 I °notion Pleas ot 'mare totonty and
b. me dune intl. will he exposed t o puhlio s a le
at the Poort Bonne in the Idtrongli of Bellefonte
on Nlothitiy the 2.4t11 day of November, A D
DOM All the right title and MUMMYOM
seph R0b, , ,,,,, a end to a certain trivets of laud
.nested it Taylor townslop, Centre county Pa.
One thereof In the warrantee Warne of Iteullen
Haines, uontatning NUT hundred and thirty
three acres and I a 1 pendia.
Another there'd' tr, the warnintee name of .1
Wullaee. enntaintrig 133 scree/ and 153 per
nil 'lir other thereof in tbe warrantee name
"r .1 Miller el .taitimlng 413 acre. and Itt
titoxed taken in exceution and to be suld as
the property of Joseph Rolonson.
ALSO all the right title and• interests of
Daii4 A Buhl in end to a certointreet of land
named eat Penn Township, Censor °nobly,
bounded and diseribed as follows, on the North
by lambi of Willeitn Eisenhuth. on the west by
lands of Coorge Syr toeford, un the cart by on
inprorcil land, atil on the south by lends of
Albert tiwineford °Misfiling 8215 acres mere n
leas, thereon tweeted a log dwelling house, raw
mill and other outbuildings
ALSO. All the the right title end interest of
David A Ruhl In and to one other lot of ground
situated near Millbenu, iu Penn township. Cen
nitoiji adjoining lands of Michael Oephart
and others, containing one fourth of an acre,
thereon erected a bona. end other outbuildings
now Joseph Contner.
Seised taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of David A Rohl.
ALSO, A certain tract of land situated in
Union towaeb ip, Centro county, hound anti de
scribed as foliose., to wit, on the laude
of gamin flail, on the east by land of itiONSO.
dew Shipley, on the north by lands of
A Thomas and un the West by unseated lands.
oontelning three hundred and ninety germ
mere ea less thereon erected a large frame house
known es the Rattle Snake tavern stand.
Seized taken In execution and tube sold as
the property of Jame.
• ALSO, A °ornate tree/ of land situated us the
town.hip of Spring and county of Cgntre,
bounded and deeetibed at follows, to wit Be
ginning at exist, thane. by land of g. d Valen
tine north g degree. west 1022 pastime to a
post, thence north.ls9 degree., east Oil perches
to a poet, therm nort 114 degree. wed lett
webea to a stone hop, thence by land of
!leery Vandyke !loath 59 degrees west 110
perches to'etone by white oak', thence by land
of Henry ilrockerhoff south 231 degree. cast
2071 parches to a post, thence month 314 de
gree. rag 624 perches to • post thence+ by land
of Thomas Resting. helm, thence north 8 . 114..4
pee. seat 671 parches to the place of beginning
eontaining 151 i acres and 169 perebell, thereon
erected a house and barn and *Oaf' oat build.
Seised 4,lten emitothin and bk 501 d ,.,.,
the propeayior - John Podia I, addffitilaid.of hb,
of Owto firenoleackagodB • ' ^.
aberilro Soo,. GONlttilf.v
11 .‘•
•81ofoute. Roe, 8, 1641 Sheri"
SAWIID pi ' bond
• nod dor 6616 be BOMB if LIMJI
A neeff - trimplutb-4..? la*
bY '"'"%W.111.1. WILSON.-
acurata,.•if n ierior nicilessi a
errs *e Jost reeelviid, ►id wfd los toild'iirit.
et thee e►n beiieuight eitiebere, eA Bw►sj'l..
faLASSWARE West patterns, mid ehtsp
Vf et . STEWART'S.
Neb, abberitormento
Relive 888 • 0
Tbe to Ing nags have been ea- ,
a and - by elfarnbin Bird of I
s ln
i t fJr sipeat lon of heirv,
I , 0141 end al tin h n any we) hi
t, sad will p the Orphan'o i
eau r Ciltre logo calk to' at Bellefonte,
for ow oaS Illkli 0011 nn Wednexley.
the 2Rth or November. A. . Pan.
Ist The account of Lydia Rey whninistri
tno of estate of Din h 1 'lieyAnte 01 Ferguson
township, deceased.
211 The Remount of Daniel Runkle adminis
trator of &e of William Runkle, Into ot
burgg bough, damaged.
sa Th. account of 3 V Knell and Anotth
Curtin administrator. of Le, of Samuel It Wrtt •
kins, late of Curtin townebip, deeeased.
4th The final adminietration account of Rol,
set Osospbell sod New ikaigh ii :mow of
John Kudgh, late of Taylor township, deo:II.
bth The Anal 0000001 of "David, Kauffman
Guardian of Julian Shower fhtte Julian Swart.)
miner child of George RwaTtir late of Apring
township, detasued.
6th The sicount of J D Phrsone •119ainhokkit
;, ° ,L2E,Afr; Jireekatir." " " •
7th The ►ooouot, of ()come Drumgart and
David Wolf executors, of the lost vr ill and tens
mot, of John Wohlfhrt, Tote of Ifllem tywhPhlP,
deceased. • -
Bth The keeonet of 11. U. Hiunie, degearted
athoioigrolor of ho, of John Sellers late of
lenhorg borough, rleeensell. (as dled by W W
Hole ellemietrator of said 11 11 Klooie, dosed )
9th The account of F. W llnk thninistrator
of ke, or II II Euttue, Into Aliloburg borough
Itltb The Account of Joseph Zerby, executor'
f the lo,t aJI and teetatuent of Hannah Zerhy,
de of Gregg townAhnp, dreennett-
I lth The ammunt of John lideCalmont admin.
eitraloi of &o, of Reherea IleKona Into
. 01 Ida,.
ion township, di ma.eil.
T2th The account of John k Hunter exec.
to of ,to, of Elisabeth Pyle's, late 01 Ferguson
township, deceased.
l3th The arromit of Cloorgo Tit ingtdon nx•
eeutor of the loot win and testament of flenry
Vandyke, Into of the borough of Beliefunt.i
11th The fieetiont of William Mareholl (now filled by htx admlolotrator Jooeph
V Idareholl adminixtriii•d • I A••, of Adam
tiberet, late of npring °wol
15t The aver/Init of lie,cf• II AVearer and
Derripl Poore... arlininvitrePir4 of tee. of Mi
theirPeornien, late ,t Beerier toweirbrii.
• .1 P 11E1'IIART,
Ort 26.1606 41 krgio.r.
.1 - 11 • 11.1' -Ity iirti. of an iiriler of the or
emir( n 1 Pentrerounty, there will he el
pe,o.l le public tele al the Court Iluurn, la the
heroigh of Bellefonte. on
2, 'I
MONO %Y . , the 26th RAY of NOVEMBER, '66
the tollotring real .stale, All that farm or tract
- or inpr Ninnted Br' Bennatr tovOmbly - , - Centre
uell>, Adjoining land, of Abraham Valentines
bow, Henry Brokerhoff,ll.l".p.tolyke, Hastlngs
heir• and otherm, containing
more or lee., hat log thereon everted a large two
;dory house and other outhuildlnge t One bun
dretkalerea of the land cleared and toe good slate
of toltilvat um, tho residue well bothered and
well sapphed wittrn never failing oprthg of era
ter, and a good orchard.
'nip tote( of landin Prahni three of
De 110.4, ennretuent to one of the kept Mar
ket, in the rent re of the Rtute, and if in goner.
ally belle Ned that there are large .lepe.ns of
1,11 ore teri the lam]
Tv rt. at •—One half of the purehatie
money to he paid on I olifirmittion of the sale,
and the riondue irrione year thereafter, with in•
tercet ? to he reared by toned and mortgage
J OLIN PA Clll/,
Administrator, lie Logo. non, do , of 0 Well lief-
Iron dereurell Oct 26 le.
- --
.I.ll_ it IL—Just publisleil, a new edition of Dr.
rulvarweWn Celebrated Essay on the ',rient
row,. (without toolinlne) of bperthatorrhaia, or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Los
ses, Impotency, Manta' and J'hytilea I Incapaci
ty, Impedinente to Marriage, etc., also, Con
numptiiiitaltpilepsy, and Pita, Mimed by aelf
indulgence or sexual extravagance.
„I:4lrDrire, in a sealed et. elope, only It vent..
The celebrated author, in thin admirable ea.
eayselearly denionetrates, from a thirty yearn'
euecoesful practice, that the alarming ounce
nimiices of eektotbnee may ho radically cured
without the dangoronAme of internal medicine
or the application of the knife—pointing out •
mode ol cure at once einiple, certain, and elle,
teal, by mean. of which ninny eufreror, no mat
ter what hie condition may be, may care him
eelf cheaply, privately, and radical/a.
tt"This Lector° should be in t he bend. of
every youth and every man in the land.
bent, under sexton • plain envelope, so any
on receipt of Fix 'cute, or
two poet Maim. Atom Dr. Colverwell's "Mar
riage thaide,” price 2h ream. Address tile
127 flowery, 1.1.,w York, Pont Oaks b,, 4,3R6.
I I. t34-ly.
TI e subscriber would respectfully inform the
clime,. of Bellefonte and vicinity, tti►t his
now and extensive,
are now completely 'inhaled. and that be is
prepared to furnished every day,
Frevh Bread,
Candies, Spices
and any thing and iiyin?tthing belonging to 16
having had 3 ears of experience in the bust -
nese. Ile flatters himself that he can guarantee
satiafaction to all who miry favor hen with
their patronage.
11-42-1 y
eA LB.- -The undersigned offers fur
sale hie it desirable property in the borough
of Delfefente. A lot of ground oontain fog three
Worths of an sere more or less, un which id
rreeted a good two story dwelling, u good sta
ble and other outbuild ngs. Also eseellent
fruit of all kinde,itensiating of appl., peseheiN
plum., pgarsCirries, grapes, quinces, mutant s 7
goose borne and rasp-berries.
The props s situated near the Bellefonte
Academy, and is certainly one of the must deaf
rable bumor in the town. Fur further patios
lam inquire of
Aog 10-tf.
The beautiful restdenre situate in the
borough of Bellefpnte, none the Bald Eagle
Valley ratlroadklepot. This se one of the moat
desirable resoleilet. in Bellefonte There is be
sides a number of ornamental trees unsurpipined
by any in beauty, nn abundaneo of trait tr..
and t Inns, consisting of passe, plums. peaches,
apples, grows, ac There pi at the door a well
of excellent water,, which in the Item of water
loo alone is worth' from fifteen to twenty duller"
per year. Fur terms of sale apply to the sub
scriber. C. T. ALEXANDER
~,v V ept. 3, 11456-tf.
It C. WO ILL offers fur este three lots
situutod neer the Friends Burying ground
Tering reasonable.
If out mid before tbe November mat, will
lot sold at public outcry on Wednesday the 28th
day of November, 1806. For further rmf,rma•,
lion apply to
B• C. McUILL, Benninger, Pa.
or J. IL RANEIN, Bellefonte, Pa.
ALSO, A lot on wbieb Is erected .100 story
frame boom and a stable.
M.N. A. NOLAN, is now prepared to tor.
Melt the
by which atm guarantees an person alter tak
ng a law easy lessons, to be able to do their
Own coiling. Inetruations,given and Charts
ant lobed at her residence on ITowai street,
Bellefonte. Nov y 116-5 m
Letters of admin titration on the .s
-tate of Jobb Wolf Sr., late or Penn Twp. sleoki
having been granted W the undersigned, fit
request all persons knowing themselves indoil led
to said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having °lslam to orment them duly •
thentleate4 by Ism for settlement.
Settlement 'will plaids by Jos. P Smith.
Nov 2d 6t-1666
Oamit to the reldenow of the sobeadeer
to allefiff torrnoblii,ebont the lifteentb of Jon*
eose—all "bite szeeptelftwo,teir werfirt
lcd,*farted witb meet is the rlfgeS ear.' Th.
no, 18, m u o itad to cope for Ward mew prop.
erlly, pat freerges and take them away, ocher
who they wlditedeposed of as the law directs.
rtflllrA ' VI31 4 01131,•—;11 now . IwAlwillg I
.L lop and well anortanidd at Hardware
slam, Snits, lame aboap;anddiaty, =raise
Away bit, WIC hoop • iron -10 .°
'mon Koala of wry deaarlptlon—al al%
suptly 'Yourselvek, St the lowa's
i rodilbte tubas.
MINN 11,11.L9i0[d. •
trite 24.41000.,,
-k3 - 87-vtrtne efts Atka err% of--14erti
tini drepoeor Faseed4ollf the Celle re6llo -
mon Pielll , of Centre and to me directed,
w nrrh`btporeAl p We pt the leentt
Mum, m the homily* „pt Oman
rounty, on Tuesday the firh, dey yf Ic...saw
A. U. 1.806 at 1 o'rjaek p• m, otalindthe
following dew, ibed l enlwfw. to NT
All than certain messages, tenements or
tracts or !And sitnated in the totrasbir of Bojo
tod Snow Shoe,
One thereof surveyed in the warrantee Rome
of Samuel W. FlolterNontaislos 433 sores more
or lees,
Ale, any other tract surveyed lathe warren.
tee name of Sarah ik, Fulmer, eantsbnnts 435
acres more or 10111,
440 ono other tract surveyed in thewarran
tee name of James C. Posher containing CU
acre, more ur leas,
Also one other treat surveyed In the warran
tee noun or Phebe Wahn containing 433 urn
more or lest.
I.. Atwipe4thr . tra: . t surveyed the WILIITSII ,
h° l ** more or Jon. . - ••••••••••
Also one other tract summit to
th., name of ,ronathan wens containing 111
armee moro or Ica. All Wasted in the 'town
shipi or Bong. •rui Snow Shoe.
Salmi, taken In execution and to be mold
ea the property Of Samuel A. COUlt.
Shona - a Oiler, Uenefoote,' it. COFILNY,
Orratocr 15th, 18136-31.11 pee. Sherif:
In the mailer of the In the Colist of Com
'mai,. of Simian Da- of Centre bounty to
ley for entering of Fel- 'Robert Williams Mart
ha-action 1111 r oMort- gee,
Foga to Robert Wil.
The petition of Mart . Daley being pre/tented
to the Il a n the Judge' of said Court.
on matins
forth that , the 27th,,day of April A. D. 185 g,
he executed a mortgage on a tt.etof land situ
ated in Boggs tuwonhip, containing 37 acres
109 perches to secure the payment of three
hundred dollars to the maid Robert Willianig
and which mortgage Is duly ree.rded in the
Recorders office in mortgage book R. page 192
and that payment, has bees made of a. l the
money, principal and intereet due s pod t be
come due on cold mortgagk he. Therefore you
Kohert William. are hereby required to aiipear
In the lion. Court on the 4th Monday of No
'ember nett, to Renner said petition, and chow
mum, why, .tlnfactlon nbould not beentered
on an&d mortgage, and ale, take notice that
the ileponiting of witneeren will he taken before
Jose. Blingervit ,at him "Aire in the borough of
Bellefonte on Raturday the loth, diva( Norem,
her 0011, between 1110 hours of 10 °dock a. in.
and 2 o'eleek p m , ci same day.
Per Carla.
Cortdled from the record thin 16th, day of
Betobei A 11. 1860,
. .
It cnNtr.y, - JAA.H LIPTON,
Shrri J Orr ProllAonntary.
Whereas, the lion Samuel Linn, 'trent
dent Judge of the eourt of common pleas In the
2:dh judirtni district, consisting 'Athol counties,
of Centre, Clet.illtid and CI trawl , upd the non -
°rattles Jotin Proodfoot and Simnel Strohec
ker, estie , associate judges in Centre.- &nay,
hoeing Issued their precept, to me ditetoted, for
holding a court of oryer and terminal. and getter
)4 I ery et Bellefonte, for theetuntilly of
Centre, and to moment:toe 00 the fourth 1140-td y
of Novom IP% heini - the 26th day of the month
end to continue Iwo weeks.
Notice s therefore hereby given to the Coro
ner„luatieee of the Pewee, and Constables of the
said county of Centre, that they be then and
there In their proper persons el 2 o'olock In the
afternoon of ',aid day, with theli reeerds, inqui
sition., examination., and other nentiennhnencsni,
to do those things which to their °Meow tipper
in to be done, and those who are hound In re-
dugn !sane, to proseoute against th e queens that
are or 'hell he in the Jail 'of Centre county, be
then and there th prosecute against them as
shall be just. •
tin en under my hand at Bellnfpnte the Is
day of Noo. A. D., one thoneartd eight hun
dred sod sixty six end the ninetieth year of
tho independence of the Unbind States.
Sheriff's OSA, B. CONLEY,
Bellefonte, Pa. Sherif
MAN. Pennitylvani I, eentre county, es.
I, J. P. Oepliert cleat of.the Orphans' court of
mud county ..1 Centre, do hereby certify, that at
an orphans' court hold at Bellefonte, the 27th
day of Augur!, A. D. 1866, before the Honora
ble the .7udgee of said Court. Oa motion a
rule mu, granted upon the heirs edict represen•
Wires of hi lama POPIMILII, demand, to some
into the Court on Ihe fourth Monday of NW/M
-bar sent. am( ecoept, or refuse to accept, or show
cause why the real estate of aatd deceased shonkt
not be sold. In testimony whereof, I hall
hereunto Pet my hand end afiled soy peal of
said Court at Bellefonte, the 44th day of Wollner,
.1. D. 1866.
Pennayl rani*, Centre county, se. 1, J.
P. Geplihrt clerk of Orphans' Court of said
county of Centre. do hereby certify, that at an
mid one court held at Bollefone, the 27th day of
itugust, A. D 18611, before the Honorable the
Judges of said Gotta. On motion • rule was
granted upon the heirs and representatives of
Samuel Lipton, deceased, to come Into the court
on the fourth Monday 'of November sent, and
accept, or refine to secant, or show OMw why
the reel estate of raid deceased should sot be
sold. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto
net toy hand and affixed the weal of said court at
Bellefonte. the 21lit day If Auguet A. D. 18116
It. CONLrly J. P. a EPTIART,
,Vhstqjf. Sept 21-8 t•
Nutd, 'rust,
Penneyll ante, Centre county, es. f, J.
I'. liephert clerk of the °spina.' Moon of said
rnunty of Centre, do hereby certify, that et an
orphans' court held at R. Ilefonle, the 27th day
of August, A. D. 1866, before the Honorable the
Judges al said Court. On motion a rule was
granted upon the heirs and representatives of
lt , bert Ross, deceased, to come intd the court on
the fourth Monday of November next, and ac
cept, or refuse to accept, or chow cense why the
real estate of said deceased should not be sold.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hind and nth zed tho Neel of said court at Belle
fonte, their lit, day of August, A. L. 18611.
Sheri/. Sept 21-dl. C. 4 P.
Penneylventa, Centre county, Se. {, T.
I'. Llophart, clerk of the orphans' courtef- said
county of Cent do janceby certify, thpt at an
ory,hine no old allnellefonte, the 274.6 day
ofAe D. 1856, befo7 the flonortibleJhe
Jud of said court. On motion n }tile Nra6
gran d upon the heirs and representatives dr
Joon Peters, deceseed, to come into the court
on I fourth Monday of November neat. and
scoop or refute to accept, or show excite why
tho roof estate of said docensed should not be
sold fn testimony wherof, I have hereunto
tot toy hand and the seal of Bald overt
et Bellefonte, the 77t dayof August, A. D.
Shen, Sept 21-61. C. O.
A UDITOT. ib.matte r NOTlCE'BS
of of
and throb Mitchell late of Ferguson township
linecit,ed. The undersign an maditnr appointed
by the Orphan's Court el Centre county to ae.
rennin advancements to the heirs of the above
valued decedents and to make distribution of
the money's remaining in the bands 01.1". M.
Mitehen to and amongst those legally entitled
thereto, will attend to the duties of his said**pai
pointment at his ogles ie Bedlefonte on Bear
day the 171 day of November '66, at 10 o'clock
-a. tn. of said day, when, and *ere all persons
interested arc requested Co attend—and prevent
their claims or be forever thereafter debarred
from •nyportion of said fund.
Oat. 19th 4. ADAM ROT, Arditor,
betters of admlnletratiOn on the sa.
tate of Rietisyd Dimmers, fleet. late of lie
buiougb of Bellefonte, having been graut46.4e
the undersigned, he mown+ all persona know
ing themselves Indebted to mild estate fb mike
immediate payment, and these having claims
to present there duly authenticated by law
for settlement. ADAM NOT•
Oat. 19th 1868, St.
Letters Testamentary, on tballistate of
George A Ilison deed, lam of Gregg township,
baring been granted to the sabseribms, they
hereby nutif?eil Orson' knowing themselves
indebted to mid estate to make immediate pay
moot, and those hsving'elahns to present them
duly authenticated for settlessiement.
pot. 19lb, 1906-6 L DAVID ALLISON.
The bpi TPlapq sz4 ahany44l An
thracite aosa, rood and'acial borntllnke, plaster
ing loth, shingle*, peling, la.nber sawed to or
der, for ail* fewest 1•.1 4 6 MAO% 1.64••• wee
and yard . fliiitarjhe smith an 4.4 :ha RaJd !see
Valley '
Oot. 411ORTLZDORA ti? !
SUMP. at
A'NOtligloon}, artilip, *to, • let au,
SlALorl6o4.4 4 ”) , antlinure n 7. l,o l6 oo . o,
T.„.„ loquIr• ending %lb% V
-06, a sim Potr'•,' C•btra C•atr•
se•uoti Pa,. • Noy 1.48
Sept F. 0. r.