Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 17, 1866, Image 2

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Assocass BDITOIL
TIMER. —*l p.r 7.. e when paid le adTanee
2,18 Maas not pal/ In advanen, and 53,011 when
not paid befbre the expiration bf the year.
J. P. GEPIIART, of Penn.
JAHEB H. LIPTON, of Milesburg
DANIEL Z. KLINE, of Howard
WILLIAM ALLLSON jr., of Howard
WILLIAM FUREY. of Bellefonte
JOHN KINNANE, of spring
Ds. J. & MITCREIL of Bellof Hite
A Ormsd Meeting of the Democratic and
other Unian.low mg eat/em of Centre county
will be hold at the COURT ROUSH, in the
Borough of Bellefonte, TUBS', AY EVENING,
A CRUST 23, I SOU, when and where all per
sine who are in fart of 0 restoration of the
Federal Onion. the Analisation of taxation,
and the supremacy of the white u no in Amer
tea. and who are opposed tl...riegro suffrage,
*quality, and the corruption apt eatraraganoe
mf Olt present Fanatical Congress, are Invited
to attend.
Hoes. RICHARD V 1V.% en' W A WIL
LACE. wilt be present ettbout lul. to a.ktreh
the nteettne.led
EWS har• Leen invited end are expected to
lie prevent.
By order Or
Chairman of Dem. C.
We run up to our mast head to-day,
the ticket placed in notnivation, by the
county convention on Tuesday last,—
That it will give general satisfaction, to
the. Democracy and the people of the
county every body believes. Since we
have taken part in politics, we have
never known romuivention to pare off 'as
harmoniously as did the one that placed
in nomination the ticket we present to
day, nor have we ever seen unlucky can
didates for the different positions, more
determined to do all in their power to
'secure an overwhelming majority, fee
their sueoessfnl competitors. To say
that the ticket is the beet that could be
formed, would be casting a slur' upon
the many good men whose names were
used in the convention, but were not
choosen as candidates, but when we
say that on the whole, a better or a
stronger ticket could not have been
made, we arc not saying a word to much
Every man upon it is capable, hottest,
straight forward .and deserving—faithful
democrats and honest, honorable citi
zens. They cannot fail to fill the different
positions for which--they have been cho
sen, with, credit to themselves, their
°gentry, and the party that supports
We do not intend, as hip, heretofore
been customary, to enter into the spe
cial laudation of each candidate. What
can be said of one can be said of all, and
the peculiar fitness of each one for the
pqaition to which he has been chosen,
in admitted, by every one, even by the .
bitterest enemies our party has. Not
only as candidate+, are they qualified to
fill the various offices for which they
have been selected, but as citizens, they
are without a stain ution their elirac
ten, or a blot oboe-their patient rec•
erde as Democrats,
To them, we point with pride as the
standard bearers of our grand old party,
in the asai,gri which 1114 now opened.
They aretho representatives of a party
whose aim is to advance the interest of
the white man, whose care is to protect
the right' of the white man, and whose
great object is to preserve this a govern-
Mont of white men Around them will
rally every voter in the county who be
lieves he was born superior to the ignor
ant and degraded African. Around
them will rally every voter who favors
low tares, economy in public expendi
tutu, honest officials, and competent
men to fill public places.
And now that the Democracy have a
ticket in the field—a ticket that is in
every' respect worthy their confidence,
and support—let them go to work
They must not rely uptin the popularity
of individual candidates, nor be satisfied
with half an effort, because our oppo
nents are weak, or the certainty of sue
sees beyond a doubt. We have more to
do in this county than simply elect our
oonnty tioket, we have to aid in the
oleofuse of an honest. Governor, and a
Congressman who will do something for
white men, whose interests are at stake,
sad whose titne will not all be spent in
legislating for sigma, -contractors, and
public plunder. If the Democracy of
this county but do their duty we honest:
Irbelieve they can roll up a majority of
twelve hundred for Simms Cbriega,
the White man's candidate, and for the
whole ticket from 'Congressman down.
Shall it be done! Or shall we be con
tent with the meager majority of five or
six Psodred? It is for you, Demme*
to say. Never wee there such an oppor
tunity for 'Siting a death-blow to aboli
tionism in this eeepiem of the State.—
Never were the prospeots as bright for an
crwarwiseliehig Victory. Shen we have
it tO rgioioe ovirr ? Work and work only
"1110 &Imre it ?
Tao ILut mmo (Luxe SoLonna Cow
etne.—The negro equality candidate for
Governor, GRAM, mho Gaya the Demo.
°ratio Eloldiere who bald their cionven
,6 doe at Harrisburg the Ist hist., ware all
• "ovoids, skulkers, shysters and hospi
tal batmen," is the identical chap,
wki hid in a ditch at Ortepultepee, and
left the Maim now Gen. Wm. BIINDLA
te emit' and bit regiment:"
Geary Comes out In favor of Negro Suf
trope. .
After months of equivocation, and
dogging about, the abolition candidate
for Governor, Joust W. GEARY, bps
been forced to come nut on the negro
suffrage queation. At — a political mee
ting, held on the Ilth in:4., at the Loch
iel Iron Works, near Harrisburg, in a
storming speech of about den:minutes
length, in which he attempted to define
his position he mid,
When the question of negro puffing. come up.
at it will probably in threw I n four leers. I
sitati. In RIAD, TO mum IT. LCD I Will. ser
Al 110 T TO OTNT THAT 1111011 T or To .
,For bin honesty In thus candidly ae
knowledging that he is in favor of uegro
voting, we are obliged to hint. Although
in thy minds of those who were booked
on the issues of the day,'therw never wait
a,dontrakto GiART^E position on the
negro suffrage question, yet many honest
men who have all along acted wp the
ibolition party, never dreamed that
that party really intended, to force
upon them a candidate for Governor,
who favored any such perticiou4 doc
trine. But this acknowledgment of Gen
GEARY'S will dispel all illusions that
men may have upon that subject o ft
leaves no opportunity for dishotom., poli
-1 ticians, to decieve the Inas cc, by trying
to hide the aims and objects of the abo
lition party. It puts the Isime,s of the
`6ampaikti..etinly before the people, so
that none eak ho deceived, and leaves
the people to choose between MESTER
CLYNIY.R, an opponent of negro suffrage,
and Join \V Gy.aur. a sujiporter of it.
It is now no longer a question 'thriller
the abolition party would enfranchise
the it 'gross of the country. Their plat
forte deelares in favor of' it ,th speak .
err advocate it , their papers attempt to
show the people tag benefit the,country
Would derive from it, and their candi
date, saes 'lie is not prepared to deny
thC right 'f' a ,stin g to the colored man
What think you of this doctrine, white
men Are you ready to say by your
votes. that this government made by the
white men of the Revolution. shall he
administered by men elected by the
votes of Negroes? Are you willing that
the laws winch are to govern you, .11aII
be made Sy ncgroes and wen elected by
'tire votes of negroe.? Are you willing
to say that your country• is not a white
mans' country, but a country of mulatoes,
mongrels and men not capable ofself gov
ernment'? Are you Willing to say that
you have not the capacity to govern
yourselves, and that you must call al
The negroes of the country- to govern
you? If you vote for Citealty you admit
these thing'.
There is no dodging, shirking or get-.
ring around the question now. The man
who votes for, talks for, or works for
GEARY'S election, votes, tal,ks and works
for negro suffrage. The man who votes,
talks or works for the election of any
candidate on the abolition ticket, from
Congressman to Coroner, votes, talks
and works for men, who would compel
them to deposit their ballots beside a
negro, sit in the jury box beside a negro,
hold office with negroes, eat
groes, sleep with negroes, marry with
negroes. and become the companions
and associates of negroes, in ever) way
that laws recognizing the equality the
i'ama,could invent, or fasten upon o
Are while men to no 7714111111cr better
than negroes, is the question to be deci
ded at the polls on the 201 Tuesday. of
October next The man who volts for
GEARY lOW Maar,. not Ile who vote
votes for says they are.
C romittee
They Have Proved Themselves Disunion
The honest people of the country arc
beginning to wake up to the wrongs
which have been inflicted upon the South,
and it is high time \\e see no more
coital° indication of our sueeess than in
this resolution which is everywhere tak
en place. When the stirs and stripes
fell from Fort Sumpter. smote down by
a hostile band, the people of the North
for a time ran frantic. They did not
know at that time that the South hail
been goaded into desperation and then
coaxed into hostile uneasurea by the very
men who pretended such supreme love
for the Union. This knowledge crime
to the people by accident, and in their
frenzied excitement they paid little at
untion to it The man who telegraph
ea to the Confederates that Anderson
was to be reinforced and they had better
&I at once was sent by the Administra
tion on an important foreign niissson,
and in the din of arnis it was all hushed
for the time. But one after the other,
developments have been made, until the
atrocious wickedness of the Abolition
ists is perfectly plain to anyone who will
take the pains to examine the records
They drove the South into war, preached
to them the right of secession, gave them
to understand that they would not be
interfered with if they severed the Union,
and then, after the fall of Fort Sumpter
had severed the last ,tie, they urged
op the most gigantic anddestruntive war
he world ever Haw.
The people loved the Union, and the
fought for it. Millions of nice entered
the army under the solemn assurance of
Congress that the war was not to inter
fere with any of the rights or institutions
of Stater, and that as soon an the Union
coulee restored the war ought to cease.
Now we always believed that "war was
disunion," but thousands of our corm
trymcn believed otherwise, and the war
wont on. By overwhelming numbers,
the South was conquered ; like brave
men, they accepted the result of the
strife, and avowed their willingness to
restore the Union. Then become appar
ent the hellish wickedness of the aboli
tionists. They refused to allow the
Union to be restored, and their course
has tended to render restoration impos
sible. Surely it is too plain foi any one
to doubt longer that they hatuebe Union
More than the people of the South ever
did. They declare that
,the restoration
of the Union is death to their party,
hence it is impossible, in the very nature
of things for thencto restore the Union.
The people are aroused, they are looking
for therimelves. We fear not for the re
"Krurrucwr Oni Kurrumnr."—The
mails from Kentucky bring the glorious
tidings that the gallant Democracy of
that Elate, have carried it by over forty
tlioutranul Ingjorily. Row are you aboli
tionism ?"'Did Ye `bear anything
drop?" Pennsylvania will pour just
such anotlyw broadside into the black
waft cpd - its political maw, on the 2d
Tuesday of October.
A Bit for Irish Votes
Driven almost to desperation by daily
desertions from his ranks, and seeing
nothing in the future, but the most dis
estrous defeat, the negro suffrage candi
date fur governor, J:vo. °RAUL is
forgetting his former hatred of Ireland
and Irishmen, and in his frenzy i., tusk
tug a desperate effort to semare some sup
port from the friends of that oppres , ed
people. In.his speech at York, us re
ported by Pottst:v's !Wm, he viys
g. 'Tie sweet to be remembered."
a line which may apply to the case of
many, very many. persons , butwe have
an idea dint LINCOI.‘I4 spies, informers,
provolit marshals, public plunders, grave
robbers, and hie whole hord of cowards
who hung round him, assisting to im
press the people and rob their of their
rights, will when the Deium.iraey gets to
meeting out justice to them, feel more
'Ai the 'morn and determined foe of tyranny I tile singing,
4.0 t 0 - •
oppre•slon. to all ws l'rotean shapes end
ge Wes. I Pymjnithised w Poland In her etruir
-0,,, f or . Itungery in her ef
forts to h• free---aad the stuns sympathise and
principles lead me ale , to cherish the Plorelo wind
heartreit hope that the day may not he very re
mote when Ireland. too, shall schnot alter
lien] redemption."
GEARY may bare I'M-gotten, but Iriph
en have nut, the 41fautotht oath he took
to ostracise dont and theirs—when join
ing Know-nothings, his memory may
he short, in relersime to the fact, that
the party he represents, feted the
representatives of Rieccia m grand style
in the city of New York nt the very
time heir government was committing
the mosihruta) outrages upon the pearl!.
of Poland, and he limy not be aware
that his party frienils in Congress. voted
clown Mr. ANCONA'e "resolution, era
Wing the Fenian , to organize, iu this
country for the purpose of liberating
These things 'he nay have forgotten
but no power o t yarlh can Kevent his
knowing. that •to day, even id the mo
ment he Wit , uttering his hypoctitical
Yympathiel, lilt the °pint used of Europe
—that in Ins own countr) —in astute con
trolled by In, own patty. and under laws
enacted by his own political adunrers-k
that leGh chow( inai a, are 'WI ing or pris
on, I horyini with the in IMO (e l of lu I wh-
th, Govel Mkt of, the with
prc.cnbod by SUAISL:t., STEVENS, GEARY
SZ. Co. nod that in the. .i 1111! SIIIIX M In
`final—v.4m, of Chard// r
?est for Ta.l1•II1i11 MPH 'I N 1 . 1111.11110
I/Nihon( ffikißg Ihr rilohcod trlt oath
If he In the — sworn and drn•nuuled
foe of oppresston and tyrany why 1,
e mlent-as to thew acts of tyrany and
ppresaion? Not a word of sympath3
ha, he for the per , ectctl Catholic. , 0
Mrt,ouri, who.,e right, are
hertelith a blacker tlevoti.oll than Eng
land wield+ over Ireland, n Itu+sia over
Poland. Let hint provelli+ prole++ion+
by denouncing the oppresior+
new In America, before he whines ant
lucre about the outrages committed up
on th e m by other governmentii. Ins hyp
oentical pietensions are int.ily
through The veil that hide- , hts tea
character is to thin
What Changed Curtin
- The fanatics and disunionist. are ma
king no little fuss oger the fart that
governor Crony has swiing round and is
now warmly applauding STE% and
other abolition traitors, rilirriv .mine
two months name when in this place
it as a warm friend of l're.ident Jou
SON. At thht iime Jie expected an ap
poilituient 11 , 4 Minister Putnipotentiary,
(0 Italy, and because lot dui imoget
that position, he now turns on the l'res•
ident, and like the whole pack tddisap
pointed office seekers, ease+ his diaap
pointment by vilifying him. So great
was his anxiety fitr the appointment,
that he requested btlfilogratie friend
of our+ to a.l us to nay nothing through
the W ' ,tTettesu, in regard to tile posit ion
as a friend of the Preeident, for /rue the
radical papers would raiso a howl Omni
it, tiod the fanatics in the Senate refuse
to confirm his appointment if muds Ile
it , -,erteil J onah', I ly that it "teas only S rt.
and that class of men Who were
keeping our country di. tiled ttnil ut
trouble Port Mr fart. mid 11, slam/
prepOrld to poi,. them So the a wheals
can thank JoitsioN fat having Ciatria
on their side. Ilad he 'got the
he wanted, he'Would be what trIT'V now
style, a 'Topper-John-4w' . polittettn.
Such are the ioinciple+ of tor Ct [um
Hob/ To ICKEP !him -- : The
nueating million, of the State,
of the North,
.OLIII thook „abolition
toggeriAni, for the exhorbitant I . ;rice,
and taxes they are o eionlielleil to pay.
Had they not wanted a ' cliance ul
LAM, or voted for the "God-nnil-mindi
ty roa4-beef and three ibillar-a-ilayliar
ty, they would now be puyilla old prices
and be redieving gold and other foi
their Work, in place of ragged, greasy.
greenbacks. Then they labored to keep
thenioelveo, now they toll to keep nig,-
gerA fir- t and their 11111104 i., afterward-
It may be an agreefbie.atate of affair+ to
come of theta, but we are Hatiofied that
obey don't all nee it in that light II
they want to continue paying the taxes
that are now wrung from them, and the
enormous priced which every neemeomy
of life commando. let them vote Ibribmv
W. Gitivir, the candidate of the party
that compel , ' them to keep the miggers
and pay bond holders taxes
WHAT GrARY MINKs or Tilt Sot.-
Mims --(IIKARY says that thik"incti who
met at Harrisburg a few elhys ago Is
soldiers, to hold a soldiers,State conven- -
tion were cowards, skulkers, shysters,
and hospital bummers." Such is the
opinion the abolition candidate fbr gov
ernor, has of the soldiers, who believes
they arc better than a negro. It ill be
comes a man whose cowardice chased
him into a ditch, who has skulked every
battle he possibly could, and who was
always found in the rear . of his com
mand, except in ease of retreat when he
would be far in advance, to talk of"cow
ards," "skulks," &c. GEARY dare nut
come into_this section and tell the men,
who went from here as delegates, or
those that sent them, that they are
''cowards" and "skulkets." He would
be left in a worse fix than he was when
the min spit in his face in Kansas, and
be soared worse than when the
ditch at Chepultepec •
elsewhere to-day an account of the New
Orleans riot, which will enable our read
rd to judge for themselves who are re
sponsible for the bloody work. It shuts
the mouths of abolitiea fanatics, and
places the blame at the doors of the
guilty parties.
—tot the laboring
,men remember
that GLARY—the negro suffrage—migro
equality—negro bureau-Laiildidate for
Governor, is also the candidate of the
Ned-holders, whose taxes they have to
pay, and whose taxes OwARY thinks they
ought to pay.
we know not who, has written
hove no one will fail terread the 14pleeli
of Hon.-111MM 01.X316R, anti, the 'pm
ceeditittr of the State Satiate, on-the sol
diers amendment, whiali will he found
011 the outnide of the W today.
• [Per dal W.vreum
Mit Me EK .—1 W.l+ accidentally ! present
si )(tor Dentocr sold county c tnvent I on 3 es
tertlay, and was gril l o oleterre the
hartnomot, an I sell abnegating optrli that
'eetned to prevail amongst the deli% ties
all appeared determined t. 21 , 1 Cr I floe unli
vet. d projo,lloo , , 10 !sego their p tooth
ve4, and In+ere, slch men Per candidates
mould ,be most •tt•cepiahle to the it ty.
and Who wool I %est suMterve the or eres,
oi the county tad of thole country ! Clef
th.. adjournment. I 1114...perkono
that thy , okirki ion had beeh manumit,
•utecensfull In tang Ho—all approved and
commended !he notnikilailons
ww p tr , mal irly phiwwidi with the en
oiing 411.1 cheering rein trlec of Nlr Or• is
lie diet. Ile va , etl 111/11 he would intl..,
an the atitb•uay of thel'inetunallt Eriqutrer.
a report of the Ii rte tletneter itic goo from
brave OI I littattleky it it a tont or•pop-gun
report, but the tout! [battier of a fourty-four
fountior! 11l 01011 then Itatell. that the
Doitoetarti b tit enrrted the State by over
(miry Iltott.eLthl nt tprity ' and Ito retiltelt
eti three rheer, forthe gallent .lenirernr4 01
glotloll4 oI l Reps Itchy The convent ton re
eloott led with three re trtng cheery. etrl tltt•n
tdjortreed With n re,lnte drt crmiu mon to
follow her exoople'
Drops from the Sea of Newepaperdom
Item. of utteromt that nevrvitpent luring
strung altogether op s ontiottong Wing.
We have strung together, thin week,
some fact, winch we hope no one who
pick' up the NVATc tot will fail to read.
Monte of them may, perhaps. put folks to
thinking lime is one ealettlated for
Lie payer+ L., reflect on UOVerll/110/1L
littinlholtler+ time nothing about it for
they are r coop( 1 . 111111 (AIM ion Tile lit
totling. sweAting Plum Au In, will
lead it with interest W 1 clip it front
the nankin' Sp , dolor
(VII Sr THF Lire ~ nnf't;.rsner.'.
non .Ir
cuact 1.11 tat rongrem+ which
M 31141 11 , 11j011,111 . 11 lii, It legal) 111111 e
ax-1113e, 4.1110 mit 1011 i lin I i utill In ki•Vil
tilellitiry greet; tore•er It• 111.1..1,1
mwqton mid C011111114.•11 trill in•e it I ront
It dutn• oothiag tots ant ptmluclug
rtnornlion of the Union, wla Inn Ithonld tune
been the primary object of inn I kborn It
Inke done ill a entibl b. prefettl It return Io
he old c lit fun of C niouaml ll 4rmolif.
oolong die Stolen
It Ilan tttl.leti to the Not ionnl Debi the
renewing 111,11. • Preo.ltnettrn Iturenu, $7.1
t)41,0111/ Sununul Bank Interenl. $30 , )
t yl),
110 I , lort.seci Re,. SH ,1 9 11 .0 ,11, E./-'
omit ton Kure.] $ - 1,0011,0•111 Nli 4 44 4 •ippi
1 "zoo Job. $.10.01111 IMO :Nrorthere
Itotlrood ouh.oly, Still,ooo,oo, inere
of pay noonint lu $..! MOAN, to each otent
her of tbg Hump. Let us be I ',niacin I I wo
Le Rump 6u• lei gut II s bold 1111 , 1itiliiiiirnet1
I will lie lie prop!, (111111 If 1111. 111,111110 H
ember, Ihereof ever gel hick
SOM peollie may think (Ilk a party
ieture, hut the majority will come to the
coneluoim that if it is it inists like thun
Jer The thousands (ir,.ur honest labor
tag Men, who have htloil early and late,
to keep soul and body together, will not
br iiartieulatly pleased with the view,
when they learn that they are the ones
who are to foot these bills. .\nd tt is
wit only the-oi lint other bills which they
Liltto foot Alstlitatin officials have a
peculiar forte On in ikon; loins when the
the people are to pay them. They care
1111 t. MI it the taxes are for they have
placed their wealth in government bonds
and exionlitett them front taxation
They 11,1v1. no mon. byiniiiitfiy for the
tax tilde,' ',oldie than the wolf hat for
lu• lamb They have gormandized upon
the money or the people, until bloated
nod! wealth, tli . ey have COlllO to look up•
ou the Voillit ry :old all it gontain4 114 be
longing to them especially, and they
have the impudence to nay so, by de
[minding or the masses that they may he
power Even the Nene York
114,9141,a paper that wax never known to
Itlu,lt at &shone -ty.iscouipelled to speak
out attailot the outrageou• extravagance
and vlialucless !profligacy orate represdn
tatives ,tt' attolatomsni. It nays
Iltetery m ty be e,arelier.l m rein for
ielrellel to the Cr,e option, extrevaganae,
t,bbery nii , l elltgacy of title Congre. It
is c vast jolt or tiggregit tun of job. It to
controlled by jolibers, kept m session by
jobbers. and v•ety 1110 itellre that it passes
I. more or .• job Tuw I,o.kittrwl
New 1 orb 1 fenny I coon I, Once 1101orboi.
broughout the military, are perfectly pore
and 'footless. comptired . to this emigre,.
'rue Common Count:11111 •11 01 11110 coy, boa
So their repot attn. Its been, are ,mgt.'s of
light and venue. compared In these eon
grettniont ritey reek whit] rohlit-ry, , they
semn never Burl rue I with -dwindles In)
other 11111011 In tlie word suit be
tuptvd by them. and even the U1111.1. , i States
will be tortseti 111,0 repetition:in if these Olen
CollllllLie 11011 011 longer m power The eonu
try is groaning under a gloat natiotml debt •
defolciiitint and deficiencies air bnitg dot
covered In Mucci °eery deptrtment of the
government , ilie currency is being debased
by countles+ cgApterfens, origninting In the
' Treasury Department ijetill ; mtl6unu two
linden from the Treasitry every day by Con
greo•lotial job+, and yet adding insult amt
outrage to all their previous nipirtes, tuns
Congress Ili, the impatlende In Increase as
salary almost on the verge of a general elec
And for wlrlt to the increased pay de
manded! hive the Consrentrueo
done to deserve it ? They littve,ltept the
Union divided. Obey here cheated the
errantry out of the legit ttttt ate fruits of the
recent war. They have made the lazes
upon pour men heavier. They Lave altered
the tetra no as to benefit the wealthy MUM
faoturers at the eapen.e uf the Interring
oltrouht, They hate oe.ehoely egaiwea the
Preen.lpt. They b ire refused to pass the
BankrupN bill to relieve osyLatlvhants
Tory h tee crippled our commerce by ex
eluding from our merchant marine all ace.
*els iransferred in foreign owners during ihe
war They have disiriteted our 111.11013.1
They have legislated only for ofliao-bolders
Thry have deleitied the plan in sever our
soldiers by equalizing tantrums. They have
passed the Vreedumit's Bureau bill, giving
7,000,000 of our Lard-earned dollars to rad
ical overseers of the negroes. They hove
Aut through the disgraseful Montana job.
Eliot, was vetoed by the President. They
have gi5e1c.430,000.000 to these political
niaohines. the nadionalanice. They bays
dsbbied with the Mississippi cud Yazoo
levee jobs They here endeavored to (Met
upon us oar set of Tdeamry worms is the
Civil Rightsoil, and another in the hill es
tablishes* a lEursau of Education. 'They
have started • Nadine:theme, with a big
job In its belly. They have tests! every &r
-ibald ibat we eat, drink, wear. see, feel or
ti •
hear They have et mattered with nod
tinkered the sonstito t as to utmost de
stroy the charter of , liberties, and hove
violated itC entire., provisions whenever
they found that it obstructed their illegal
pritjecte. This la what time Gengreeemee
have done : nod for this three thousand dot
inirtst'hYa7r finer .
e fire li
i gsuel contact ian.ll4 t bttm.
must i h pee h p e l y e
more grievously to pay It. Was there ever
so open Ti, attempt to put a premium upon
el-mm..llly and bestow n reword ypon vine '
Td the candidate of the Wee who are
thus robbing the people is JOHN W,
GEARY. The compariaon between hint
and the candidate of the Democracy—
nom Ilinnunß CLYMER, is thee drawn
by the (Wilton Democrat.
Id canti,kl ties . for Governor wer.lPtie an
immense advsniageAymer, of the firm
old Pennsylvania P‘ of Germans. in
whose veins rata the hi I of the Altiltlen
here . ..the Clymere, and the litester's of
Rorke, to In Statesman of rare and acknewl- ..
edged ability, integrity and •sperienee—
acre...hie to all, eb.epultas to turtle, a nn
bld and trite hearted man Oetiry i.
n strutting. Tall.. plitupottn upstart• who
commenced manhood in than sink of
'lion, the Allegheny . Portage Itotlrorttlwhere
he held office loony years We believe lie
has never hail to her tiocup it ion than a hold
er of petty ii'lhcee, until he was promoted in
the military, not for 'trill exploit on
lir e field, for ho never perfornted any, hot
because of his ablect sent meet., regarding
the negro Ile li re 110 experience na ottoman
men, no marked ahi lily for anything, and
tom, is no town in the finite that does not
contain many voters at lea.t as fit an he for
Li 'vertu.. Witatev.rof personal integrity
ho may pos•o.a, he hen no est ail ltahrd
reptitt at toti regarding ii. 110 woo
Governor of KatlflaS n ahlll.l a n d
a loci' of Sri Ito would yo greater de
gree) In Pennsylvania were be elected Gov
s —We
Between these two men, the voters,
of Pennsylvania in witshoo.e The one
the friend of the limiest laboring tax
paying white — the telveoatai of
white mpretnaey, low -bixes, equal taxa
tion, roniceimmay in the administration
dot, I,lllllie o(fi.:o•, th . e other the bosom
companion of public plunders, treasury
robbers, white wen oppressors, and con
stitution roolators, the advocate of 111)-
gm equnllq•, negro suffrage, nigger bu
reaus, disunion, and the unjust and un
holy of taxation that abolition
officials huhu inaugurated to oppress the
poor, awl exempt the riely. Can any
whin. 111011 ile,liAte for a nnoaen•, which
one should receive his support?
IlmtE is a solid shot from our good
friend ldivis, of the nogleAtown nm"-
coat, that may serve to show a little
[wire plainly wheVe %AV and thil Abo
lition party stand on the ni.gro suffrage
and itegro equality doctrines.
GLARY ‘1 . 1 . 110V1.0 N,oito SI . 11.1"IIII
We 11/V/0 011 . .1 Ihol Pearydeal i red Ihnl
he was in It or of kne
riotous nod pororion have Nun declared
trutteert II ell the world, by ryilling for
Ironer!) re upon tire plat rotor woich rut
&rest, and approver. the or 9011ty tit l'on
green nor) o touttunere the Prenniern and
Sew ordieiee rt The pl ittorin upon wrileti
hi, wen!worm tred nay •• not /Fr ' for
Jwfly eirrrove et, Non or the
gorevereaterrl fr on, I', ra og. ,$-t•
Ito It oiler OI 111,0 ItflOe-
Ill.lll3lllves. has re ptuktcdly put forth the
4..1111..111er the :loath should mit he rep
relented 11111,r4 the negro Nos allowed to
vole, and 11111 d 111 CollgrOli
Sir, till , . doctrine of a white inan'ii govern
omit I/ Lila mart ll/i/Llll sue and atrocious of all
%Vette in the ron,ent 11111 which
ted Geary, Toone ti ‘lt M trelhill declared
that Meer) , It el .t,tireti hits that he ((leery
repented Ili, glititantint it, it Dl,llllllll MVP, -
lug in Allegheny City Tills beyotel roil
I Overtly palm Geary 1111 the negro suffrage
policy I. it Inrottgli your wool'
IVe want nn hem ter t eitlence ill the negro
•etlir go policy of the 11Mcrinton lienryttee
than tits , Gnunl in the •• Union I'l dons et
liereendt notion' tit the Itedil of file genie
eolnetn in the stone !number of the Trehunr.
in the .hope of enteleisnenn to the
ittieftt. recently pa•ted by t•, an d
h• he tichni upon by ihe eliffetent 811 iteo.
the or roi
All per.onii horn or nlttiraliteil in the
mato, and nnblo it. Aii,ltiq.jitri4.lsetion
thigeoi, etre eft,. ll• Of the 011 lett St Itles emit of
the Stop tr.'', le tot they rratolo, m to S
itt tt tete ;itotil
mot, (At .4, re( ow' l(Atr it•A to I, .h , .11 •thet,tqr the
rte•te intosettos. ore • a tzetia got the tetteol
By this notendtninit nogror% .re derl trod
to hr • al of th• ro u ted Stoles ore!
(he Stale a hen as they 'wale " Now what to
citizen ? Ile to levelly defined to he 0
pervon. 10311 I, or naturdlivael. mho hug Chr
lorovelryr of ercrrosonor Mr eleroter f-ottechoor. or
ihr opookoicoloootot to hoch roethlr him ho rely o f,
ruler," Any 0110 W1)1111,10 Welmter'v die
noway can roadtly valet fy himself of the
correetpev+ 0 1 11410 .10611111011
If 1110 01111001010111 could he panted by
three fourtlm of 1111. State, every negro at
l'entmylvannt and in the flatted 13 meg
could 'Mr.-Mel would 100 011g1110 10 0113 en,
01 1 00 jo. l pol, and enter the jiiry 1)03 7'lllB
11111 forth an the platform of the tiettry
-110•, while the editor of the rr obeine IN try.
mg lo deceive lift rendery by the poor,
falee 010130.0111 that Geary hod
1400111 16011101 A in flier of negro auffrage.
11 IS II poor 111,,01.11. sttluet loge. and Inv
neonl3 110 41114011 1 0/try 0114
negl.l +Mirage know it to ben env
mum. up the xO,ll 10411 e 1)y 1111 le o
quitMlev to
deell ~ the people will tett summed The
1.1101 1 1 1 1110 ploattnent 111111 the African otior
le too strong
But to change the subject a little we
cub , knet our *cling with the soliloquy or
one of the lice and rat eating rhinainen,
of California, whom abolitionism seeks to
place on a love) with the intelligent and
enlightened Ainerican We get it from
the Union Democrat, and it runs as fol
Mc l.i KEC `41,1 . NE It Adoi Chin I
11X1 , 1 , 1 lobby/ —The Unpin 00111.ierli any,
I mooneyed C..lestiol, with a chop-stiek
hand, sit e'lting Ike rice of his own dear
settee Wel room ceasing ot length has
holly to till, lie eonooined wlh himself 1113
illt. Clelt Rights Ball So more o tree lice.
no 01,1, rat ; in. Ml`llo an. min, nod
inosn't Hutt- Me vote., me swear. end
.10 what 1 will. for mall is 1110 law of the
Civil Rollos Bill No more bunt., bole
nor hole liken I.IIICP, Ito- non be solace
it hunting for lice: for tieh iema C.IIIgX,S
says John Chinaman is good ten a niggee or
our white man. Ms likes to be Judge°. me
likee white wile, tutu l'hinoition be happy
the rest of his life Me woolen big office
whenever me vote; me w mice plug hit and
long shanghai coat..i din Chinaman %Winne,
stay what they will. for Pllllll Is the law of
the Civil Rights Bill. John twisted hie
pig tail and looked at his clothes. wide opon
his mouth and grew red at the nose. Ile
felt *lt mintotopt for the piolt and the drill,
8111, C011g4,11'1"tol passed 1 11(teowil Rights
Bill But after reflection, John broke out
anew, as if he'd resolved what counts to
pursue Ste no likee nigger the Chlanamen
sod ; he no Mehean man, with his molly
head Ile kick him. me lick him, me hit
an.: me spankee, for John Chinamin is
goal as a Yankee thrkee no good. he
smell um too strong ; he no like Chinamen;
say tall is ton long Me no likee Irishmen;
he fight ink 'to much ; nit likes Dutch.
Me no likes any who no thee plan to give
vote owl oath to Chinaman. Me likee
Charles Simmer; ins liken Thad. Stevens.
for they are content to take Chinatnan's
leavinge. Bo now me a Moncton entitled to
vote, wear a plug hat and long nbanghsi
coat; pay em no !wee and do plat I will.for
sunk Is the law of the Civil Right! ."
—The cannon trout witiolt was Act the
Bret abet In the Rebellion, at the steamer
Star of the West on Its entrance of the har
bor of Chyripston. on January 9th, 1861
.se reached Washington, guarded by feisty
regular soldiers.
—Our prayers and God', meroy are
like two buckets in a well—while the one
*seen& the other deatiends.
History of the Late New Orleans Riot.--
Exposure of the Hadioal Plot--Diepato h
to the President from *Mate Autho
- ritlas.
SaW 0 . August 7.—.. The following
illopatob reganhog the riots at New Orleans
has beett forwatdol to the President, signed
by Albert Touche., Lieutenant Mee..
of LouiliTtnO . A 8 llerruu, Alt orney ..1.1 en
erol of Lonisiotim. and J. T. Munroe, Nloyur
H of New Orleans
Exerlltnej Premien( -44.1,4 e Johnson
Sin: lour Eseelleney is already in the
possession of the awn lame as reg,scis the
conspiracy. which, by reviving the reiZ
thin of 1864 y purposed to subvert the civil
government of Leuoitatia.
An adjourned meeting of twenty-nine
members (one hundred studl fitly being the
whole number, sod may sit aysnuorom)
primeeded in dispose the President of the
Convention--who considered tile Convention
itself extinct, and Intinell relieved of tic
toooiutte tit the utfiee--and to elect It. K
Howell as Preeideut, pro ten. They adjourn meet again, and a proclamation wan
issued by the President, pro Idol. convening
the Convention to meet 011 the 110th of
July lasi, and du eating his Escelleney the
ilovernor of the Staterto untie write of eleh-
Goo to till the vaannmca
•tfo tar the whole Sillier woe looked upon
ad o lionnless experiment, although Int,
aliterumily Attended, thepeople 'being oun•
Mien( that the 00Verlier NOW , ' 001 0011.1 e.
!COWL to ikol tee tele pruelonmtiou. and that
is cites the Con•e1111011 would commit any
am or imerferenue lie would at otter have It
dissolved. Utiluriutsately, however. after
the Mpse of nearly is mouth, the Governor
ixnuud write of election to WI up hitymne
vat:roubles Ilk Om, body Tois document, to
which the Secretary tit State refused to give
his attestation undel t seal of the State,
R. 19 hvsucd under the anenttitiuu of the pri
rale Secretary or the Liovenior The peo
ple of the State became chinned, when nu
doubt could be entertained tin to am feet
that their Chief hl %nitrate had given wil
l wd el et .00010 itubtert the go,.
on /Intent, the prearhvn don of kihteh woo on
peg:tally entrusted to hit keeping.
On Friday, the 27th ofJuly,a large meet- •
mg Woo held 111 the hall 01 the Goose of
Represenbeives, professionally for the it
rocaoy or universal nuffiage, but iti real:
to organism for the meeting ut the
tion Oil the Monday following The object of
the meeting woo to cosine the poseur tint
predjudices or the colored popular tad au as
to Make !heel the Vieille! of a not by urging
them headlong into a outillict with the State
au I municipal moliortitaire.,
Ott the other hand, ten were determined
to prmeut riot and bloodshed by pursuing
each a comae as wooer' battle the tiefitrwon of thew agitators. Out remedy
Jim' the only remedy, must Ito by r, cowse
to 11113 usual process of law, and even then
to promed ut such a manner as to lateen
upon theta responsb limed of till millsnion
whatever The cane coda mainlined to the
Ureud jury by he Ju orney-Oetteral, /wit.
to the eleatilline, the Lienienatti-Ouvernor
and the Mayor culled en lienoral llatrd to
excellent whether, tl lb warrant tonged upon
• regular. Indictment were placed in the
hands of the Sheriff. for the orrest of the
thernheri of the Convention, the mtlitary
wiiulil wielder. The answer woe th tt the
Stierilf t mtoell would kte art esto4, not that
the ronventmo, rimming peaceably, catild
not be Interfered with by the olheers or the
It iv proper hire lo mate that the Mayor
it ul addr,ve. a unit to General (laird, in
quiring 0 heti er lie would he mterlered will,
by tharallittat in cave he proceeded to •Ity
perse the I'l2, vition an inrlitilaWrillini.Oni•
binge Tlie annwer 'to this covntlittnicatton
way, that the fleet log of Ma COnVel,lloll
being peaceable, it could not be supi,rersed
by the Mayb7, and that the milt try autum
n leil would prevent ate , . waterterenps of the
ltil aullittritiev
This arrangement wan SlltiSfilo , oey 10 bulb
p art ten lii the Of ifno Joy t he .lAJorney-
General and Ilse Lteutenant-Governor tele.
graphed 10 the Pron flew to uncertain whelp
er the process tot court for the Or,. Of ibi,
ntembery of the Convention could he th war
led by the iiiiblary .
Tile /1114Wer wa4 expecitnl to 4.1111 n the I,
IN the morning of Pie Binh, the Lientnn-
Intl Governor c .11ed “1 , 011 GOMM! Ibliird to
C.ninnopic,&te in 111111 the PreOldenes die
patch, and glen elnini . ed fro& the General
if he would tun have Come troops in the et
tunny of the hall to preserve peace ond t good
. .
General ltair.batinweretl ILaI Ills Sall.
mppillmi WU had "Well made by menthes at
the Contenitot, 'l'l,e Kllggen. wlt4 !hell
111 e, I but to have Ina, large it pollee on tile
spot might be Culidlruted as 111001111 u over-
Mtge II.: tOellthers, 11114 961L1 inetamitell ftel
civil, nutoei Dios dol nit' heed invelferi g
with the Conf mitt°. tintil Instructions were
received from the l're.itlent, as above
agt eel 011, II w.ts proper teot.uve troops to
co operate with a email 11011,e Lace to lir .
eel ye peace 1131,1 prevent ail 1/0.1,111,10 W
-10111100 IU bring about a col ta11.,, Thu.
suggestion met the approval of the lietteral
who lil/111114Slaloil that 1111 would give 11111111011.
ate orders to have the troops in readiness
0-tore the end ci this Interview, it was
again agreed upon between Ileneral Baird
and the LIKIIIOIII.III-UOVerIIOr,III/11 abatevee
.ut arrest might be placed iu the
hands of the sheriff, would. be submitted to
hint before any attempt to have it executed.
and dna upon the einloraement of the lien
erat's olueet tune the matter would be refer
red to the President. •
The Mayor, being infottmed of
a small puller force 10
the vtctuity of the halt and the troops that
were to act in conyumion witip the pullet,
were eagerly expected at 1111011, littoral:titan
having leached the Lieutenant Uovarion
that tp the Thud dtsirict tits, was a cum
eiemonneut of otlerveseonee, arid that large
noniloos of negroes were coming toward
Lturel 'timed Tram above and haute Ile
immediately , seni,o4 ifftPtttch t o the (idler al
eotiveying tlns Ittlelligence and urging that
ale troops be aunt without delay About
hour afterwards the not broke out,-eat
the dispers wit 111 the COIIVOIIIIIOII, 1/1111
1102 C5llllllO 111 tae rollers, including several
mainline of that holy.
Is not our purpose to argue the 11110 4 -
11011 u 1 Intl as 10 1110 ILI:Dual munitietammetit
ot the cullouou, and for pienthely too mode
11l VCIIICII it originated Ww.vtill howe‘et
remark that the uullnmn wan in every 111-
VISIICV brought about by 11119 0V010..1 111111.1
411410111111 g the Cotiveutiou. Sullen t I to say
111111 1110 CIVII 11111110111104 100 k all the pie
01111.10111 1000.11310 to 10 event tho outbreak,
11151 (lily appllo4-1 during the three days
previous to have tint military in presure
11Vd111 . at the plane where the COll,Olllll.
WWI 100 111061, that the our bemires, tiiter
and Municipal, had 001110 to All 11111,010.11 -
Illg 10 1101. 111 00110011 Wllll the tial nary fur
111,11 purpose. Iliat the citinenn 110 more !hall
the 1101100, 0011 1 0111p10101.1 10 provetii the COll
- 10 hold their meeting peaceably,
nail edjourit owl disperse unmolested, and
eiat the warrant for their arrest would have
;en subintited to the military as agreed
Although the Presulout'e dispatch to the
Lieuicusm Ornoral, and the aubsequeht one
to the Attorney-General, were imperative
that the military must sustain and not
thwart the Cop./mien,' and the military
nut berme. had been for three days previous
to lie riot in constant communication with
the Atturuey-General, ilia Lieutenant (Joe'
spor, and the llifitybr, With the view or pre
Waling the impending riot. The hirer{
wets uusuctiesslul, sod could nut counter
act the effects of the itioeudiary commie
and appeals of those, who, for sinister pur
poses, had bed in view this very result is
order to reap a political barrel. Thai the
civil slit homes have done their duty la this
maitre' is patent; that store pouts here
been done by them was impossible, as they
were not allowed to remove the cause of
the riot by taking the proper means to pre
veto the meeting or the Convention. Awl
we doubt not for a moment that the military
commander himself will be the first to cur-
rubto ale these fame, and t all oalum-
. .
mous Imputations against t h e oottluot of
our people under these trying oircluistan-
As regards the prooltunation of martial
law, the least that eau be said; Is that it
war inopportune, for the rioting had 'teased
oomplatety, 'tbe pollee being master of the
situation. The motored population, as a
body, 'did not participate to this disgraceful
seen., but freedmdh in the 'kinky of the
riot, were standing , . as lookers on without
being molested. The colored mob, in uni
son with • few tinder, who were lending
them In the affair, were no doubt well or
ganized. That thcpwera well armed la as-
donbteiily' true. since forty-Iwo policemen
end syveral citizens wire either killed or
wounded by idea. Aillibugh the oolitic'
wits over in lies then .two hour,. Twenty
seven rioters were MOLT and a considerable
*weber %minded
.4. clan, when all is ow% when those of
clishooblehre hillier diaper ed or in prison.
end treallullily and order was re•toreil.
mirtell law Was proelaimed nod the pris
on. where the rioters were confined emetic , '
by orders [remit bead-quarters. The meas
ures undoubtedly wore not intended for te•
vt•ing the hopes of the outlines; hut were
thvy out eniculated to Mamie them with
hole hopes
The very next morning the organ of the
agitators woe issued containing. as
the moot left tiostory articles: and no with
the succeeding issues ii.! the military
en Monday, takes of eland to en operate
wish the civil wotitoril tev in•teAd of pro
claiming mart ill low. the most beneficial
affects would have been the rout;
We remain your obedient sort but.,
!dent -Out of Louisa.
• A B Henna. fory-den
J. F.- Mousog.
Meyer or Neel Orleans
Ilrem abberttormento
Q 111.11.1 FP SALES.
J Ily virtue of sundry writs of Venditoet'
Er) ..... ott end Lervari Virome, 111161101 nu} of the
Court of Common Plea. of Centre County. and
to me directed. win be expoved to public solo
at the Court lloiamt In the borough of Bellefonte
oriNlowlay the 2711 day o f A ligtivt, A. 1). 18011.
the following property to wit • One ettuire of
lot, In Central rill, bounded on the South by
Buffalo street, on the east by broadway, on i lie
north by Chp•lta/tonooso street. send on the wed
Orme street, eight lots, fur thereof fronting on
buffalo voteet, and numbered In the general
°lnn of said town a. lots Nos. 00, 1111 103 end
nest four thereof fronting OP cbickalalutioso
street snit numbered In the gen rat plan of said
town as lota NW.. 90. 101, 1113 and 106 reaper
lively, mud olstereven bite in maid Central city
fronting en fluffabt street, trod no.olte'red tit the
general plan of soul town, as Inn No'r. 75. 77.
78,141. 84, 85 and 87 respectively.
ALSO, All the right title and interest of de
fondant. in nail to n certain trust of land situa
ted in Sprang, townshin, oontainingtwo hundred
and eles on acres and allowan ce. be the same
mire or lege, and being 'tart of n larier trait of
land which the C.lmmonvvettlh of 'POWnsylvanin,
by patent shoed the 711.1. day of Febuitry. A I)
Ist', grunted to Williant - NleCture Ills hers and
.11,SO, All the right title and interestelf de
readout. to and to n, eorttin tract of land •ititun
tel in II s m og. townrhir bounded by NA.; or
Witham Wow on the north, by lands of John
Mown and Simon IlatliM net the east. by lands
..1 Elir•tlictlt !athlete and loon. Morris slid oth
vox on the south, att.l by Istele.Ante of a
Kinney on the writ. eontntritng twenty three
nu nos r thereabouts.
. . •
Felted, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property lIT A C. !tidings
ALSO, A certain tract of bind Ablated in
the tolenship of Howard. bounded and describ
ed in. f0110w.% to wit, on the smith by lands of
Ji.epli White, on the *est by land. of IV V
Packer Thomas !Mabee and William Brown,
on the north by lands if Doi.] :Munk awl Ja•
cob Baker. and on the east by. lands of Jamas
Gordon end Nelson 'okay. containing two hue
anal area more or less, thereon erected a log
holm. log barn and other outbuildings.
Seined, taken in execution Anil to be sold as
the property of Samuel Leathers.
- AsfalS, A certain lot of ground situated in
Pro ton toen•hip, Centro county. 1401111410 and
ileserilied as Pillows. on the writ by lands of
William Movers. on the east and north by lands
of Semler Waddle. and on the south by hull
Mnoo road, contatning about one fourth of en
acre more or Imo, thereon erected a two story
hon., shop and other out budding..
Seized, taken in execution and to be .141 as
the property o f James McCartney.
A 1.50, All that costae tuesintre tenement er
Pew t of land, situated in this townships of Siam,
anti Snow shortoturreyal in the warrantee name
of Samuel W. Fisher, containing 41:1 mores morn
or •
ALSO, AZotlier tract surveyed in the wns
rantes name of Sarah M. Fisher, contaiunig
4.13 more or Ilse •
A LSO,' Otto other mutt surrey/A in Ilto
rnntoa Immo of ittufh4 Ft•ltor, t out.uottn,f
133 nen, more or loot.
ALSO,. One other onet •toveye•l in the war
rantee wince Of Phot, Wahn, rontennok 143
nere. were ar
A /. S'f), One other Irni t Inn in the irnr
milieu bun., of nninuel M Fon, venal...lig 4I I
. .
ALSO Ono other (reel of land polite's' in
the warrantee name of Jonot hen Welk. eontein
log 161 morn or less, all eituatud io the
townehip of Bane and Snow shoe
Sol zeil, v taken m ezeoutton and to he gold lUS
the property of Samuel A Cook.
A LSO, A piece of land a n Patton township.
bounded and (le/wilted as follows, on the oast by
lands of Moses 1 . 111.11101011, 1111 the north by land
ul P. 11, WF4111113 and John M Bush. int the
wool. by 1111116 of Willtain Thompson and John
•Dillep, on the Routh by Wilt taut Mewl .tmta in
intr.:twenty four acres mow leo.,thereon
oretteil or two story frame hitoso and Ins horn
Sorted. token. In execution and to ho sold sts
the property of SJlnuel Stevenson.
A TIO. All that certain two story house or
building situntiol In the township of Boggs, In
the county of Centre, containing . In front teen'
ty-otgbt foot owl ore inches and the lot or piece
of ground anti,' our :tinge app riettant to said
lintliltng, bounded grata north by (cart of Jerre
Fryand & Tres frulny, on the south by lands
of Men liinney and A. C. Itiolings, ton the cart
by land of John tilenn, and on the went by land
of Lino a McCoy, containing fourteen acres
and shity perches more or le,. in the oceupan
cy of Wm. Knee. andlo be sold as the property
'lr said Wan Itose.'owner, or reputed owner
A LSO, All that certain two story plonk
frame house or building, situated in Hogg+
township, an tire county of Centro, containing
in front twenty eight feet 011.1 in dep.a twenty
foe, and the lot or Oboe of gr o und sod con,
loge. Appurtenant, bounded by !Intl of A C.
failings at all, now in tint occupancy of A C.
!tidings' and to he sold as the property of said
A C. Iddings, 01111 r, or reputed owner, end
ALSO, All tho right titie end inhered of
iloorge C limn, in end to the following tracts
Of lend •itnttril in lire" township Centro
•munty.•Penutylvanos bounded and desenlionl
nn follows. the first thereof beginning Ott 'tone
(old corner sprore stump ), theni e along the
nsxt doh abed tract, late of Peter Willson and
(guide. !leery formerly henry Retailer North
715 degrees, east 117 perches to a st floe stump.
thence along lands of Jacob Bran. south 59 de
green, west 1094 perches to a stone, (hence
along linds granted to Stephen Ktnely be 'Nib
limn (lure, north 361 degrees, went 48 perches
t • stones. thence clung seine north 594 de g rees,
west 17 perches to atones. thence along same
south 364 degrees, cast 24 perches to stones,
theme along landv of the liners of Jit••••b• Kale.
dychmed, s•nitli 404 degrees, west 184 °robe+
t•• stones, then o along lands of the heirs ••I
J••hn Harter, Ilerensed, tmrt)i 204 degrees, west
47 perches to a dead pine. thence toltang lands of
the heirs of Dodd Dancne. •, north 704
degrees. enet 234 torches to stones, thence along
lands ISO. neat doseribesl tract south 21 de.
greed, east IBi perches -to the Vacs of begin
ning, eoutalning 13 acre. and 115 penile, neat
measure, thereon erected a house, harp, and
other out ha ild gs
The other thereof beginning at a stone, (old
corner spruce sBump.) thence along the above
described tract, north 70 degree., west 40 per
ellen to atones, (pew corner) thehee along lands
of I'eter Within, north 22 degrees, west IS per
ch. to a 4one/thence along Inn•ls of John Cool
tern, south 713 degrees, west 411 perches to stones
near public road, thence along the all.. der.,
bed tract south 22 degrees, ea ' e lB perches to
the place of beginning. containing 14 acres 01
land, neat measure, thereon erected a dwelling
house and barn and other out buiblings.
Belled, taken In ...ion and to be sold as
the property of George ('. Henn.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock I'. N. of said
day. •
Stinnireg Orrtcn, It, CONLEY.
Bellefomer, Angst. 8, 1866. Sherefitc.•
By • iris, or s writ of f'scri t'ocine, M
inted out of the Court of COMM. P.M. of Cen
tre county, and,to me directed. will be exposed
to public sale at the Court House in the borough
of Bellefonte, on Saturday the 26th day of Au
gust A. D. 1066. at 10 o'clock a. m. of maid day,
the following property to wit: a certain tract
or had situated to BOILDOr township Centre
• costar, bounded and described as follows, be
ginning at money, thence by land. of 11 Bees.%
south 40 degrees. past 11101 persbee to minim,
thence by other laude of George A. Fa irlamb,
south 86 degrees 60 percher to Cost, thence
south 68 degrees, west 60 percher to pine, thence
south 48 degrees, wee. 243 percher, to stone.,
Thence walla 12 degrees, west 'OB perches to
miner, thence south 18 degrees, east 46 perches
to B. 0., theme. north 74 degree., west 21 per
ches to W. 0., Gunge north 10 degrees, east 20
issrehee to stones, thence by dna, of Harvey
Mann, month 87 degrees, west 08 percher to pine
thence by land of John-Wagger, north 56 de
gram, .4)04 perebas lu seenar t6llOOO by land
of sahhfolliti Wagner, north 8 delves', wed 62
'probes to stones, thence by lands of Joseph
&PIM at an north 41 degrees, nut 106 perches
to the place of beginning, containing 80. are.
more or less, thereon erected a email bum* and
Robed, Wren In 'Read:ion and to be sold am
tbe property of George I. Dablamb.
Be sev►'e On ion, It. CONLEY,
Net° abberlittemrnto
The following amulets hare peen ex
unload and panned by me, and remain Sled of
recopi in this Office for the Inspection of heirs -
legatees, creditors end all others Many way In
terested, and w II be presented to the Orphans'
Court of Centro county, to be held at Bellefonte
for allowance god confirmation. on Wednesday,
the 29th dhy of Almost, A. D. 18.6.
I The account of John Neldeigh, guardian of
Margaret and ',vim Niedeigh, minor children
of John Nealeigh. late of Ferguson towneluP•
2 The final account of Jahn limeriek admin
isirntor of estate of Paul limerick, late of U regg
to•rnahip, oleceamd.
3 The ace mot of John B. Bush. saministra,
for of ffie . of Alexander Richaeds,iFfe of the
horoolli of ttnlnnrhln, deeenteed.
.1 The oneonnt of John Pletcher and Michael
Pletehue. esecntors of the heat will and testa
ment. of Jacob Molter, Mtn of Liboßy town•hip
5 The account of Adam Rankin. admlnistra
for or of Michael Miller. late of Ferguson
township. dm ca4ed.
fi The account of Data Welch. miministra.
tor or dr.. of William C. Welch, late of the bor
ough of liellelnnte, deoeseed. •
7 The aceoont. of A. B. Wolf' s eflatiel•tretor
of 4, of 11. 'tl Luxes. late of Centre county,
. .
8 The Popplementary . secount i 4 Philip Von
win and Al. tin Vanaila. exenutil. or do.. or
hoary Vallarl, late .11 Haines Townehip, de-
. ,
0 Ti to a 1 must of John J Mincer. executer
of dr , of Margaret Meese, late of Spring town
1D • The account of James Littler and DD..
beth Ze gler. execntorseof the last will and tee.
mutant of John Zeigler, late of Marlon town
ship, deceased
II The account of IleOrge }Corm., noting administmtor of As, of David IVhiteleather,
/ate of Oregg township. deceased.
12 The account of Mluitacl Drove, gunrAinn
of Diana. Sophia and Anne Marin Rock -
ev, minor children of Jacob Hoskey i Into of
Walker township, deceased.
13 The Recount of lieorge Ktmterhortler ad -
rtimistrator of ,of John Swlnehart, late of
Dergnson township, doceased.
11 The ount of Joseph aramly, adminis
trator of d er of Catharine Dear, late of Miles
township, doceatied.
1., The account of Whine 1, Heater, ad•
mtnistrator of dr, , of WIMMen Vlstle of
Boggs township, deceased
19 The account of Henry Meyer and Daniel
Dees, exeetitors of the last will and testament
of Chilli' Meyer. late of Harris township, deu'il.
:7' The account of John A. hunter, adminis
trator of f kr.. of Francis Stephenson, late of
Potion township, dereeted.
14 ono acco unt of Michael Wetland, gua“lian
,3nll ticorge Meigaret and Catharine Mein
ottnor children of John ileinselman
late of Horns township. deceased
19 Tho nwlmnt it Michael. Harper. stilminis
irotor of J ,of Johnuthan Wolf Into id Haines
township. deceased •
211 The flea) acepant of George and Henry
Spyker, executors of the last will and testament
of Mendel Spyker, late of Haines township, de
-1 ceased.
21 The amount of Philip Shenelierger,
uomiatrntor of be., of A candor Johnatira, late
of Horne township. dereaited.
22 The neoliont of Simnel ()Milan& guardian
- .
~1 the person and estate of Margaret Johnston,
rumor child of Alexander and Ellen Johnstoss,
late 4 llama township. deceased
43 The account of Samuel Gilliland, guar
than of the person and estate of James John
eron. one of the minor children of Alexander
and fillets Johnotoe. late of jlarrle township.
• .
21 ahe sentount of John R Keller. oral Uentel
T W Hand Allminlandurolgor gro., of John Kel
ler late o f Harris townehip, deceased.
25 The account of .1 4 tines hl4 Dien, adminis
trator of Rr . of William Mel/wit, late of Worth
township. deceased
26 The ne-hint of Jnnnthnn Kraemer and
John 11. Mien. administrators 11r Rc , of Jon,
than /Creamer late of Hpring townehip, dier'd
22 the account of Klizalieth Longer and Ph Hip
S .eneberger, executors of the last will and tee
lament of Janne Lunge late of Harris township
29 The Recount of Samuel non. adnuoletra
tor or . of Uriah Ward, late of Ferguson
township, Ileccarod
29 Tho necoont o, John II Thomas executor
of . of %ache. I'. Thomas late of Benner
tootrOup, de, rased -
:In The account of fleorge Y4oeuto, ad
nint.trator of he., of Wtllitun tlahagan, late of
thn lionot‘hod Bellefonte. doreased
21 The account of T Hall, administrator
of John Elotprf, lotto ./1 Iloggx torroship,
Thel2 h nertiont or T M. Ball awl Mary
Bromol. a d men ietrii,erir, of if,. of John B Bon
ord. Into of Boggs Mireahip, Jeremy].
33 The meouut of Peter Bolt, guardian of
poured Long. one of the ohildren and heirs of
Mary_ l i on, late rinowrhoe townsh ip dee.:44.
44 The m Am i
eonnt or deerge totircufo.ed•
rut istrator of AU :L eif Jueob Fon late of Barrie
lownithip. deceas e d.
Auirust 3-4 t J. P. 411CP11 ART,
'rho sulmerihur offer. for .ale a valua
ble property equated In Potter township. three
quarters of a mile from the teem of Centre Hall;
conemting of flit acres of ex./Sent land. with a.
monfortable dwelling house. etable and other
buildings erceted thereon For further nurtieu-
I•r. apply either personally or by letter to the
iintuoirilier on the premien.
Aug 3.31 E. V. SWEENY.
A N'T it Cl.,
11 IVant to exchange plows .1 sheers, for
20.4n5, of old iron at their shops, either at
Belled . ..tie or Mileshurg, at the rate of $.lO per
ton. June 15
Begat Nottreo
Letters of administration on the estate
ordorentiah Mayes. der•ased, late of Benner
township. haring been granted to the under
signed all per.. ?narked to said mtlite aro
hereby regnant.' to make immediate payment
and those having claims againit the en; e t
present them, duly authentivateil.ror Bafflement
Aug 10-6 t. Admirlietrwor.
X .1 The co•partnership heretofore exist ng
under the firm of Orisretn. Bright & Cu, has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent'.
The business Of the Into Ilan will be settled
anal eoutinued as heretofore at the old plait by
the Hower I Iron Company
August 10-31.
'f a 0f ICE
1.111 .rolific notice a hereby given tbai tiro
articles of nr °elation of the .Ifagle Cemetery
Arsocustion. - have been presented to the court
of...mum pleas of Centre Mainly, and that ap
plication ban been made for confirmation there
of, by sift court ot. Ps next term.
Augutt 10-3 t
Letters of • nimmiration un the es
tate of john A Stover, deceased, late of Miles
tawnship, hnving been granter! to tho under
signed, all persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and ell
having claims against the same to present them.
Only authentirated, fee settlement. . ..}
July 27, 1866-ot. Aanainiarogor.
Letters of Administrating on the ee
tam of C. J. Barker. demaneil,lat6"of
Boreugh, basing been greeted to the on.
dersigued, all perm. Indebted to said estate
are required to make Immediate payment, and
all having claims against the same to present
them, July authenticated, for settlement
July 20. 1860-6 L
Letters of administratlgst un the es•
tote of, Samuel Bear, deceased. late of Potter
inwnship. Centra county, Pa., hiving bee,
granted to the undersigned, all perilous knowing
themselves indebted to said eatete are hereby
notified to make Immediate pigment, and those
haring claims against the same to present them,
duly authenticated, fur settlement,
July 410, 1868-It.
The subscriber offers fur sale a valua
ble farm containing EfOIITY.SIX acre.; forty
acres of which are cleared and in a high state of
cultivation. The remaining forty-six acres are
well curetted with white pine arid oak timber
A good frame house, hith and other out buil
ding. are greeted OD the premise.; and a anted
spring-house and spring of MOO O.C.llant water.
A fine young orchard of thrifty apple and chore
Ty trees, is also groping on the farm.
Tim subscriber is &bolo rrijorlow wort and
will roll or a rooropoblo Aggro. For Portlier to
ronoatlon and terms, an ply pononally or lay
letter to DAVID P. CONFER,
Boweb Crook, 011otrai Co.,
May 25, '66 - d im. Peon's.
the WATINIVAN Office.
B AROWATERB mid Thermometers et