it~~~hivaq Q .viik YEA! S. • Tan Danabatmo Watnitnatela published av ail' FM*/ wat!litlety P. bintv Manx, at $1 per aanua, (hoard stria* in edam.. sae when - not paid b adage, and $3 00 If not paid beam Um oxpleadiina of Sterna% Nuts will not be sent oat of the Comity ustompald for IN AD. YAW/104 .11 aDabiarlptious will IDYDZiar bontsionUaned at tie expiration elle time for wide h thew are paid. And,:no paper trill be dbriouthmed until all immune is paid, exempt at the' ption of the pablislior. ALL ADYBILTIBBIBBNISioi it loss Jen; 'Marx three mouths TWBNTY &NTS per Burr for Wee On tame .insertion., and the routs a linelbr emit additional lasertion. Spoobd no• " Woos oiro•half additioaaL All resoluliona of As soolntions; 001110kaldiaolls of limited or Mtn vidtud interest, and notices of marriages and doetbq weeding Ave noon ten cafe per line. 141111othiluetiedipteas ewe par Ihre. J/WrAU oderetirdn doe after lint iasertion. And wharf them to we 'eoutraet made, and the outshone(' inlettienaill Pal takriMd an ti r alatlittl litho time limy are handed in for publieatkori, lbw will he ountieued to until or oietorLati... ' 4111it41 disgosuit is tosAY to por9ooll adver tising by th: quarter, half year, or year, as fal len,: Smooth. Onmotbs. ryasr. One swam ($ Hui] •4 , 00 $ 0 011 SW, 00 TWosquilrei - - 00 900 15 DO Tbropequaros - 800 12 00 20 00 =oolawo 14 00 16 04, 25 00 olosoa - - • 18 00 35 00 45 00 Ow eulatrit • • - 30 00 4f. 00 80 00 JOB PitlinfiggioaFarary kind, done with neatness 01 aIItitiO., I 7IIIIIItWATCHNVI Or rice h - ! 11 k1111: . _l'lVith a Power Press and Dar WlL hopaier line sari film soot artistic manner \ and al tlbisitaili...-111R118 GAM .73/"An :ltit‘ . ; sbeit4 hae addressed to IP, tiA.AY WEEK. , , • . , . . Bellatante, Pa: IMOslo4tartto. J. D. sHVGEgT, ATtORNEY AT LAW, Trusurer's Ake. Belle toad., Pa. T-16 IPAL • ER }SEAVER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Allegany street, north of the Diamond, Bellefonte, Pa. 7-16. W. W. WHITE. DENTlAT,bbiiNfir proflnahmal monk. in the *lanai of Plasslons and vicinity. 9-3. JOHN P. MITCHELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, •lltilMonte, Pa. Odice with Orris t Alexander. J.. 19,16, 17• MARTIN STONE. LICENED AUCTIONEER, Bellefonte, P. Will attend to an ..k. entrusted to him with lidelltrand ewe. 10-40 ly. lirAiltßY Y. NTITZER. ATTORNEY AT LAW; District Attorney' , Office, Bellefonte, Ps. Ray be consulted In English or throes. W. H. LARINEU. ATTOiIIiXT AT LAW, DaWont., Pa., 01lee yrkb the DLittlot AUurney illl. tille COllll - Honor 9-22. THADDEUS P. STEPHESI6 ATTOANZY AT LAW, Bellefemte, Offire 'ow High Mulct In the lucre formerly occupied Ca the Post Ofko. 11-7-ty. MIMS et ALLEXAMDEIt. ATTOUNWIDI AT LAW, DeDennis, Pa.. Office First door Wowlin Moan, in Day tioldils saw haling, of the Diamond. 7-16. w_____ A. WALLACE. Arroassr At LAW, Will TUB Bellefonte, prohedocel when "Waft retained in eenneetka with noldant counsel, Clearfield Ps. 7-16. S. VW WINGATE. D.D.S. DlStlit, litaimaiii Bolt 8./ 16 - Omni% Pa. At' him.. aspt !a bai. the irst two woolu of ow.,h roolh. Teeth extra, 100 l without polo. 7-18. "Piing &CORSE. ATTORNItii AT LAW, Will proetilit in the - several outlets 'of Contra and Clinton court tier. AU bushes. entiosted hi their ears will ha prompt/7 sUande.l to. Look Ilsven, Ps. JACOB lIIRIOILEB. TOBACCONIST, keeps combust!) , ma bond a fall supply of Tobacco,Clisus, OSA A. At., *bleb will be sold loser t h an can be per • abased elsewhere, this side of Biel won DR. J. B. DITCRELE., •PilYB/0141111 MITIOBBS. Bellefonte, Ps., 11P111 anima ast peoleadenal sells .1 heret,,fore, M minsiettully Wien his merkee t., his Mends Mid the paid's , . 0 Nee st his smidenee nu Allegany Amon: 7-16. DAIRED DEUR. It AN U FACTOSSIt OY STAM PS, LSTTE RS, *O., A full supply Ingot constantly on hand. Stamps for marking bar, robot., An., made to order: Shop near the obi school beam, back of the court house. 8-1 sae.- smAirriE, • rwienciat a BURGillig, • Beletbate, Pa., "Wave his profited...sal amines the delimit of Bellefonte ud vicinity. (Blies at his mai den. on Bisbee street,. eenond doer above • the Cummings boogie. mob 31 13-17. .t. o. rip =tr. . . ATTVANKY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pm, Wul praelsenk the several Courts of Centre and Ottntee'leantles. All legel business en ,trutad to histnonFselll well • prompt atten tion. Office, on the North-west rerneLpf the _ 7-Id. • W. BETI N dt. CO. SAIiKiRS, Dills of Exohanne and Notre dis counted. Collullour made and proceeds promptly remittal. Interest paid on apes -61 deposits. iLuitang. In the Suter° oil ing constantly Son hand for sale. Deposita re ceived. 7-1 y . , • Altistrlllantouo Must, :2,y I, '• OAL INSTERMISNTS. B. M. l:' lksw_ opium' his music store, . Lewis' Book Store, where rkee , im ii or hand STEINWAY k SON.' s'l • 71.Pinsur Manufeetining Co o ' 's MASON a NAM IN'S C „ORGANS and OABHART, filMiDw ILE _ Oft ME L ODEONS; Suitors, Vie. Mtgm ?bd.!, cintiar and Violin Strinp. SIE. EfIONS--Golden Cheju, Golden Shove - W*l Nato?, Hidden Trio, ke.,,k6. .5 ) jilT4/11 1 1-1 1 i tis fenstantly ruweish3 iditnal otkieli t m tnler wh s i od by bulb, st yeblisher's prieei. i sae Organs Warranted for See yinfigt,' • sod'' 0 4 any of the ebuse set ellesere,lsettert ke hen and 11i1111 before puseluniwir elsanshsins. My WM are tintsame + we he Now York Gad Ph le. otaliftworatil isas wpily wow' 211 4. = el , ti , say adlit ic al i c turou de ,: , Bill sinseb Huntingdon, Pa. AWAY filf-tf ' Om ioarwest et 1....1.0 book store , . 1111" r.— &WARD NEM RAILROAD, ttavetees the Netttwee i ai - tteithweMtputothe ReimDuda to the •IPA b 'tasted by the 4/grAjtAtLIWAD COMPANY. IPIM/40 _IMJAPP!rn nom AT LOOM xxxxx t ~ 4144•VilLiatires.b. • 114011612Fr.5te!"..--. !" aii ,fc~ HARDWAVE I HARDWAfEI ; ND. 5, #6lii , 4, [(ARIUS—ram cubit TO 1 . VV. The valmoribne would vespeetrally lanes the lawman* that they have . orsivd, a oomph(' •-• BIOME Or.IIARDWAILS. emapehteg sllvaviatha at geode fa that line which they wiLL.asx.t. aI,T .TaIiI.3OWEBT PRICES! Their stook conslata ot '4 . aorta or hurdle' tailgate, table and pookat ootlery, earpratio', mason's, plasterer's and blaakalaitlea too* and materials, nails, iron, Horaeabou, • and ►orssa►oe Dalin rope tackle, FORKB,CBAIBB, eriovEr:s,Axlmq RIND STONES, ab., eta. Iloilleheoper's Roods, saddiorTe earflap IMm etinp, ete., *to., with oU aorta and Mau of COAL' OIL. LAMP 8; d the difertrat parts thereof, together with ■ complete amortment of the NOW • IZEGO2 OILS, They hope,- ... BY STRICT t T'PENTION TO BUSINESS and • eonntanl care for Um Acenx.vonATlON OF OUSTOIfEIa 12!!==111!I A SHARE OF THY PUBLIC PATKONAOE LIVIIWBUS AND °TIMIS will find it to them advintago to call and EX&MINS THEIR STOCK. J. & J. HARRIS, No 3, Orolgerboff's Now llellefunte. I. Feb. 16, 1866-17. BA' KS. TYINM ORE •CcO SUCCKSIOn A. Lt. DAVIS h CO. mansifs.eturers of O ['trigs? STANDAID, SCALIK+ mu stable "for WEIO II DOCK., It R. TRACKS.AND DEPOTS, COAL. II kV AND LIVE STOCK Al. all the •Ari 011• description. of DORMANT & PORTABLE PLATFORM IMEIREE AND 'PATENT • BEAMSI Northrop Corner of 15th Street atf,l PENN'A AVENGE. PIIILADEEPIIIA. Oet. 11, '65 STovks krrov ES Isaac Haut, h Co. have for sale yet a few of Spear's anti-dust rook stores. They hare prored themselves to be the bold Aura out (or burningsoft coal. They NAV e their own ashes, make oo duet In the kitchen, econo mize fuel, are the best ittaker in tut world, and have more conveniences than any other stores n use. People wonting stores would do wetl to rail atul see their stook before purrhasing eleewbera we, by neglecting to db this, many have been sorry already. Jan. 1216 HAUPT A CO, P ITTSUURO PLOW4QEKEI DEPOT. -We have made arrangements for a large supply of the best ptov—all eleee—ans, two, and three hone—right and left head— rest mold-boards and steel nudd-boards. Also, hillside pluwe, 'fur all of wht we ran furnish the points and )ondoidri n foundry. I. • PTACo, Fa, 2:1,'66-6m OLMSTEADS, all'ittLVlNG LANDS/DB PLOUGH. Thle excellent plough, which took the And premium at .the New 'Fork State' Fair In 1865. is unequaled to the world, for lightnem of draft or valley of work. It It guaranteed to Bare from 10 to 40 per cenL of draft to the team 11nd the same In holding. For sale hi I. lIAUPT. itinin & Mllow. _ - FARMERS LOOK HERE! An entirely new thins, ohae,p, simple, and to the polyp).— Th• 'marina by knife and fork combined. weighs only I I pounds, and yet it la a perfect bone hay fork, and a Paint band hay knife— doing more work with far lase labor t han an y 04 her fork used, Price of fork 9,00 prioe of * .............. For sole at the Anvil store of FO. 16—'66 IRWIN & WILSON. - HARDWARE, of every description at re. &seed prices, now being opened every day at " 11-15 IRWIN .1 WILSONS. Wliloll SCALP?, but make, from 45 'op TY In 1000111, with or without wheel. at 48-41 IRWIN h. WILSON'S. LIME TABLE. CUTLERY Including plated 1: rural', riaotte, eta., etc., at II-p IRWIN IYILSONS. J AMPB, every Twisty sod kind at IRWIN WILSON'S. H ORSESHOES, best weke•t IRVIN a WILSON'S COAL OIL aad Bessios; at idtwlN 4 WILSON'S. CX, K r burner O a t V E pa i r ß lo w r rook, 71 13 g . * n JOB PAINTING of ell Mod oeutly executed et the Wifelnman °See. - N imit all visas and kinds, at • IRWIN & WILSON'S G LAPR, all rize• and qualities, at IRWIN 3 WILSON'S • eIARPRNTYR TOOLE!, of every dereript lJ at • IRWIN WILSON'S • -- - SADDLERY, to mutt ate trade, at IRWIN it. WILDO '8 ARRIMIN BUGGY Who, all olos I s , IRMO/ dt WILSONS. HANdirt 14 did Door Bolls, apylaire and kindo, at IRWIN di WILISOyB. CARRIAUE, SULKEY and seat whip, al I slaw at IBM DIA WILSON'. p AIM e OILS of .11 kinds at IRWIN k WILSON'S WAGON LLUBBS, spokes and felines, int it.d RolfGra4 nfPNAli.l# SCR/filef aw.A. Rine. .olAthatt . p . kln • IRW nOOR LOONS of al/ klndo, to sole m u . LI .t IRWIN A WILMA'S. pAnUMPS iA tt Thd ; 4 4ii tr Gii 0( 144 ;IA IR A 101 V-CUT and MU Saws, bat make, at , IBWIM t WILSONS 70A X • toitresllo4 7 r,lt • -4 Or/MOM R.lgs,yld Mats, id •• IRWINek wthtopra. ILBif hod Viper for We sr r I KWt l,4lk WILISO?P8. am v., r