Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 18, 1866, Image 3

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TERA IB -oPet e rix w ALA / 6 11
120 wbei IA MW hi &Prue% AM OAS wimpg
a P t f 64 4 66 "1 16 61Pk.agb61 of 6M17
mi.._ . • f,.„ 010elkilli : IS" 40 Ai
416 trite' firl,Otro*.:
i1t5......Th0u tilimilsotaltod .14 SW kw
Ma bott v ili.Kelly ohm. -• •
C. 11. , --** Audi allsol•de your alter Inosodl
'''' IN*. Vb. Mil *1041•4 to 10.
• • , , "1 t. 4r, ~ .
11.143.—T00r pair iris aikdimpouUnsoi. NO
..., Maim Ps***Nilol ll l.tier• on Yriiiky
thit 44b Ism*,
J •
J. S. -Thit is Ina .-
nzonain4kk baklllo,.. ,the ° kiwis
were of tha meagre /alai 4 . 410. •
"raotinia.—The Stak kit t 6 ballad**
. too, it, 'al. tt; is, isms nt Beitenked
Dail. The iettots oo doold ha
held neaf this plaoe. •
Bottenta.--Oas t dries woald be to have itothfoi
to thiwith it t It Is a p - olltkid schema and s
kw destimirsimaa wsptdo we that weans
of aoeoseplisitlog put? pupimes.
. .
Almost Ifons.,—.Planling corn to Ilsts uo
.lon for the iseipon. Is almost finished. .
Gnus—The clover and the Dlstmlaelsts
Who belirsteOeary wiU bi elected.
nu Itmitourantaw.—Perions whO
wish their papers changed frotriontfpost d
ike to another, should always Mate at whet
office it was formerly received as well Sithe
Alms to which they waft it sent. Thiswill
save much time and trouble.
• .
I.IIOPOIIA WI —We notior that the Town
rounoil Invite proposal, for building a
sewer from Bishop street to Ibe creek; for
filling the new street book or the railroad
depot; and for furnishing stones to IloAd
smite Bishop . This looks as though
something were to be.done.
WAIIITI CUAIIIOIIIO.--Judglng from the
meaner some of the members of the Base
Ball Club Is this plans, billow attheir com
rades who do Dot seem to do their duty, wo
should think ft wool& bo more appropriate
to designate the organisation as the tutu
bowlers, in plastosof-4hotliaste'Delbeluit.
Com. Fes.—We underatsbd that some
of the students at tale Agricultural Holler,
In order to have Mime fuel, bet the moun
tains on Are, east If Oak Hall, during the
past week. The ' l boys did boVenow t per
haps, but will'likldy And out., llett the pen.
ally for welt an offense ►e both Ins and fm•
Tan . Aos.—ln soother dolumn of t o-day's
palms. baud the _propeotua.Of the
campaign Weekly Aye. To Those of our
,readers who citislre OS, sound, reliable sad
able Philadelphie paper, we would say sub
sersbe fo;litr- It is deserving primmest's,
and we hope to ire It receive .no small
Atorwtw Inefr.—This •osellott
.of the
county iota yisittid' by another tremendous
host on Monday night last. It was whet
might very ',ropier', bo termed black
hold," for air Tuyiday morning, everything
it had touched 'untamed a dark and withered
appearance., I/ it did not kill the fruit,
there is no use tt talking about frost killing
ti at this swots of the ye—
Lie Bus Loon Rottwo,—We would eery
respeothilly call the attention of, the Bleb
Conslable of Bellefonte, to the fact that
quite a number of hogs aro - still left running
at large about the streets, Bevan' ;ardentt
have been brokeh into daring the past week
and mush damage has been dons by them.
If be will look about hint, and MO loose
reige from running about theatreets,be will
conferring a helmet upon those who
elected him.
APIOTMIR PLAOR.- Now, that the borough
authorities have seep proper to bridge the r
gutter across the lower end of Allegany
minted, we would very respietrolly All their
atteallan to the fait lilt the crossing
twain 'the lets of Mr. Milligan aid Dr.
sOuld be made at least pliable,
with little work and at small °spatula It
it almost as dangerous and troublesome to
pedestrian!, as that gutter" was to drivers
. ,
of vehicles.
A BAD Aaerlox ,Olt MUTT
Tilling hoops ham got to •be quite a rage I.
lowa ; most of the for sox wear ihsm—es•
rectally that portion that pretend to be
fashionable. A lid, la Bending' would
mot wasitder herself droned valeta she wore
a sett big enough and lilting ituongb to obeli ,
ber ankles almost. to her.garters. We seen
ate of the fair creatures one day bat week.
that took particular pains to let folks know
that eke wore tlfiras 'hoops and that sho
.^lmaw Pier tos ”. them; the trouble
with her, and, perhaps, it did Sot trouble
her mach eithte. war,' OM: ber glocidup
were only shoat half wasisedondlnso bad a
tremendous big hole in - iilbjirißikladlbt ,
11Q 6 eu Noe to lagy.) IP . danu . ." l lll4la ,
•darsto sad kallt+llirty,stoeltlngs amend the
beauty of the sight no little: a
BIBABOr tbo. Twatlea In other glues, the
young men of env , town have °ermined •
4lied Bag 11,alc with ! tine above name, end
Om, Wowing is she malt 4 the y nttlep
~y layetl: en Tneedat siternoen Sail- The
dditb bac ityaisliata II itiMdld lot. inglsis
ted ft op In., geed. etyle, mad, we. have se
deptltV the* WM betitaillNektitattityart t h il
Pimo thit'eaton 'ia..9;0,„ 440.111)
r be itiayad th (Friday) alatapoo !..._
' ' it.'" , 4 fir 1 - I 0
W. - T. Plataphata, ir 41 3
4.11. 4 3 1 999..X.MLrit.P 4.11
- 'tila eTh okiltiliata it .111 11.1adaaa,s all 1
James Haiti 4..1 , , - t •IL 11851614.1 b 4lt 1
...9t.liaatatala b 11,41 .o.4lpatMi s b.Jt, di
• G. V: TocUM b Y 1 11.51.111aaa hi. I
Jas. llllllblati, I f 5 5 Praallhdlaa, f 1 1
O. Coburn. q t 6 li • • &Ml 6 *, 9 11 I
...111P. Thomas, rf II 1 at.B.'Hindanavis 4.
. , . ..,, . r.- •*.- f
59 * gil l
- thapirt.pCbah. g. moil j' illetierc 'Par.-% '
llaaspet oil- Aeraiteletao.—P. T. Has.
nom, lee 'OW"bowman, la Um antoblogre
pliy 'wbfolr'fii "thaiKattif,
,", ? ,,,,kwer l dy was"- baketenne tblag
Re was sad WU Igralneelear, of the art of
•money-maklng. lib mmt- Wake ,eonalry•
more completely vaideesia setellsce•
bueineme tram*, Kestl sa SANS*:
ly, and sobial k
sot. ingjulloolaw..***N. WA. p44,s
hes than Masan --Seesyset.tat
(ionise Odbaltiamtkeewee4lodielie fiord"
for lb* mOO% that I iscrarlaWl lo klatdit•d
If I do. fa penarlone pr!so Iplo
Toms h.,
ff*.P.l° bl 4 lolVNlNtilit
nos olkosp.o Inuit Baran* liisolleed,
say "igt of 44giooraft* doddiebelene.
O tr r , e ; P T . b "..; . fitk• 41 0
. o4verstsos • •
year opormocoor. suivostiokik •
loorwiskilboo: ,Too vW gad it loAillk
WlS4eVie .therus• moot
11140 04-'.. Alt .immfturlithotand .7• 1 0
*HUN ftily•smw,t• "
klotel Aim Wee, ' ihe
irrepreselb,l • * tow n D im
Ritter, whose; iliCttuattleart public,
is as " 441:140imeholiNtords,"
visit elm t „Tuesday. Me" with
his extensive i and Chile,.
hapst as a ' , a - Animas," his punt;; et mot to
be Mud opens Ilia green earth, lnd M I
private eitisen or public lutlathereet he hes
few inperiors anywhere. Cast open the
World in a dependent "telt V ant tall} pa
of life, he oboes- that profession, willl.
teemed but united to hls taste, and has fol
lows/tit:ever eimeeattiii pittiehtinnideand
tetrinimition to mak" it respectable ;ad
useful, that monk( bring mimes in any
- Millet 'Alit ter-ifeyk tifflinbelena'neeted
with a Malmo' ltist in *tied by alarms
portico of our peopiewthere Is none button
ePe4 hire for hie energy, admire him for
ibitiry, and honor blur for hie"
Monti "Gorge sad geletlemenly nee/Dies.
Then Me (ea men in the lista *he }ale
riettlitid et more liberal aerating, from the,
public, Mal few men from whom tie public
has reeelvitd more liberal' donation. .to Its
benevolent and obaritild; Institutions, that
from Den Sloe. But two years sines, at
his residence in the town of Girard. Erie
county, this Elate, al, his, own eipense he
erected a: megnitioentinouunitit in remem
beano, of the dabbers who fell hi. Mali
from that comity, coaling hint thousand" of
dollamt, at , more than the whole trleyal"
population of this connty .put;togetlier he.
given or will give for • purpose of this kind.
Nor is this toe only instance of bl" liberali
ty. Ills frequent eontributiome to the wady,
and liberal bequestrto the dharitable
tuttoo. of the country, has dwindled the
princely:fortune he has made down n a il
Dan is new said to 'be duly in " saleywrir
In the polatuti..tritia, 'Mr. Bice Is hitt*n
almost es well as in the-ring of the ansphi
'heat?, having for yams', WC con aaaaa live,
taken no—inconsideranle part in political
matters, always following the beacon light
of prinripik In preference to being guided
by peounWy interests. And, but two years
sinus, in a district gIVIng Genie three thou
sand majority against the party that nomi
nated him, he came within a few hundred
voles of being elected to the State Senate.
Had he been home at the time to have taken
the slump in defense of himself and princi
ples, alters Is di) doubt but Ids eleollon
would have beta secured, Ma, only litill-
Ttotrthlilkitilatow that at home,. where
"Dan 1319.,4ba olotwo," is best knotki he
Is most respected. Of .tats he has been
traveling through the Bout,b, and slime his
return, at the request of Secretary Seirard,
has furbished much valuable - Information
to regard to the condition of those Mates.
But as ow article is growing lengthy, we
easselmply say to those who-wed it to coma
and -tee Dan"—that he d patron
age, and [list the ethibition with which he
is now tweeting, is said, by those whojkive.
witneseed....h. to be the largest and moat
complete ever shown through this Steil= of
the country. Again ifs nay, come tend see
Tsui PASlllOlll.—The opening of spring,
set's an exchange brine" with it the, usual
changes in oostalons and"tyle. Bitting
where one can loot:down sp an an audience
in one of oar fasilonahle churches, a per
son is struck With the sea of pretty hate
with Just i rag of lace pinned to the side
anti a sprigpf.artilielals ott top. -
dee is niers "truck with the Uniformity in
'the icppearalatehartiwutirkthe ladies
'in ,
it la tone up In oily I MIS nets, wftit
a few curls the ills* of a augur, "tearing
out on one side, while Maid, appears a soil
of hair that fit every ease Ii of the same
shape, and In sows cases approaches in col
or that of the front hair of the lady .
These coils Of hair It. ilso to be seen in t h e
show windows of emir Ilmitionable dry goads
stores, anderesembladried snakes ; we ask
of our enterprising merchants why they do
sot keep a greater variety of shapes As
it is one would think that our feminine pop_
illation were all sister+, (as they are in theme
follies of fashion.)
The celebrated lilting
,hoops" aboutt
which Ike-Round Table, and other eastern
papers have said so mush, have also mixed
themsellres into favor-with •• the sex" of our
'burgh. We weighed a• Indy with them In
the other . day : we saw her bet anon, tiled
that was enough to convineenn that the,
Round Table In right to its dentmeiations.
We trust titleholder' will be let alone.
fussy-Crinelty•jig style of wearing the
hale is 'colitis much in vogue. It makes
hi devote, kink as thatigh just risen from',
two weeks ',limber on ' , lnuit heap, with
no' convenience for combing the bar on vi.
sing.. As thestyle appears to bow mania,
fEbse who followed it may be turned mani
acs, and certainly they Feaniabla those un_
fortunate people.
'rigour Ftsuzzia.-1!47 . 0apq !own in ibe
state, has in its immediate vicinity betted
troatatreesantban Bellefonte.. /either bene
fit of these who loKoatelting the aslifekled
beennesi" we dye the following Motel from
ea smobeters. Thal will be valuable, to
young beginners esfeeially.
Pint, as to the habits of thetrout. They
seek in warm sesamos, *lsar, cool, noising
water. In' winter, they retreat to the deep
er water, Muth lip brigand deep holes. The
trout may he said to ditillkedvilisatiou, and
wheethe fo'rest hbdltrdeh are cleared from
his old batiste, be takes are to leave also.
There Cr. - malty *reams In this region
which-twenty yams ago yield e 4 trout abun
dantly,. that Ire Ow Most Malaria& • , idol-
Rode ' l
therefore it# „ lb!. JAW
lheiesse, trieept lilli p osto.
Mal means: Whoa t • ip les ' and
the streams are wasenetkly .bet sac, the
trout run up Into the brooMt, andWt
be taken by chi eatimiemmd suglai. 7- tt
trout is very shy, and he who would eateb
Lisa must keerwlthost the ranpOthleheylf
as mash as possible. Noise does not fright
tbonhim. They usually lie under the edges
tilako or lop, or ander banks, .Ig. ill
"when eitelneion an be obtained..
in 'in search ot toed, as at sunset or at
the early mends', sr at times on cloudy
nth. tbq ay; all about thostnaut. but will
rottenest be 'found In quick taber or is the
deepest water. • • •• •
us B.. ll;nis Dd in th ibe bue nwraig i Ul i t h _g,
!Lowy days are preferred to height day
=let Vtertn ih rt i Al i efiVi e r
rims ow,the surface o th e Willifr sopa&
aeolosikyoooothar. Awl An. tap. Bate
had ain the brighest dap, lit,
Is latiC , .•, „. 11 14 . :eel
i t ti tt ggl
1 1 1AI • qii. - , t • s . , ,ith glii 2 l l a
ad d , 4. ' ' , , ~, 404; ,
liti lan 4. INNI , 4' fi k "
~,theat a. MO a '' i l w Ai'illiirilitihkii;
thtratto.aothlug • ,• -' augla worm
da.Attup-miorm I be dm* Ulm artlll
, .......4. .... Op Wiasob aro; ,
• p i . t
406 rutly to
f ~ i ugh ‘ l l l O • .......! Units at,
• LIOIIIII4IIAIMMUNI^Pft clitrrilat i. ihe
Ilea of paltliii4M to whom, Itoosso vas
granted to sell Roam* the LOW wires of
-• . - ... -_,r
Potter allaaillisaglar, U , .
•Lat :
to Ikeda, 11. ift
Mauls% • •
Aram 71,11)ek*, sn.. rind.
Pam Halt, ; . Oda,.
Newierillk ramp '
Pint Oka;-..1 Clark.
boaloisay,-Narieral war. ••
Taylor Thrisally,- ; John Cophabavor.
Pore Afalik*-401.11
Zjablorritry,-.700. Shaffer. - • -
Pkinat og/4-push Clorinake•
a*,ni Rovez. , T4, Our lown vs! 14000
s dumbly bud. by 41410:,s IMO barribuy;
If. did , no, bbi Ifl ',gm
*rib lad , bibir pliabb with dust.
Ilusliive Notioil.
Cuougai; Drinurestrr, Comma, Comm, axo
711•1111 AND dim sn qulekly eland by 911/1R?
Tau Poxes ro low want s good see
et lionises, a idea uddfi, Waidendler Irani 4 or
my thing In the saddlery line, go to Taws,
you will Ind him plagued to furnhh anydblog
in his Has, at thoworyloweseratoc--
.Ytts.''—Elome hairs have "fits"—""its" of
Pilkyosu, erisorowniess, 0.10.1 and' dionra,t
other oth kinds of "Me" ; bid we meter Heti an}
rop that lied u period "ate as thoki Who pt
their clothing of McClellan. if. It. erory body
that ealh epos Oho, and does 11 to inai style
becoming and post. Be has t opleudid assort
leinarof pods, ealnuid them. ,
. •
DuoWasn.—The body of.s soon *as found
gloating below town In blot erseii on Monday
Last. Who he was or how he rune there no
one could tell. The only thing otZ i portasee
that was unattained was that he in Ids
pocket • bttle bottle, and Jo that bottle was a
pleas of paper twos( which was written. oll'you
would boy ebe. good., or got oleo carpet•—go
to Sternberg. •
lincthicrao.—We neglected last week to call
the attention of our -readers_to the sdirertisr,
meat of Mews. Graham and McAdrey, who
have opened a boot & shoo atom, In the room
next door to Irwin d hardtiard store.
Time gentlemen are both experienced hands to
the bottoms they have opened up, and the pub.
lie can rest sword that Iteither pains nor im
post.* will be spared to please and prok their
customers. It is not ovannipplog the mark in
the lout, whoa we say that they hers now ea
Mod the bad stook of boots and shoes ever
brought to this plan. 01141 them a call.
Yon wra•Lintsc.—Me would earnestly invite
the auentien of oar lady Mende to the wirer
thement In today's WAMPUM of the "Rin=d
of America." This ix no vulgar powder or
pasts, irt , eh beauties, I.lra comyleslon only to
destroy but Is a sciontLfis preparation brought
to rarlbetionnftor long asap pullet twosga
llon by Mown. Gregoire, • diatheguDhod e -
I .
irt, and Is end that will make the hands o face
es smooth as Ivry, and will thoroughly n•
met* And permanently eradicate all • Mniches,
spooks, freckles, is., imparting the b..sWW
transparent glow of blooming, youth. P. P.
Oros, druggist, of this place has booms sole
agent for Bellefonte and vicinity, and rill .Gll.-
11411 it wholesale or retail to =lithe pirehaser.
J. A SITP7III/01 Battertir.—We ofin :Woolen
lowly woommeed to thew saffining from •
distressing Wash, Dr. Bbieklanfre Mellifluous
-c. oat& Balsas. It ewe relief almost buten.'
tangoes, and Is withal not disagreeable to the
taste. There is no doubt but the Mellifluous
Cough Balsa= is oneGof the beet preparations in
we, spa is all that Rs proprietor Mahn, for it
We Have tried it dining the past week, and
found relief Dom If Woo , distrunint oolV• It
Is prepared by Dr. EltriekinAd, No. Brat °arab
street Olooksaati, Ohio, ail , for ,ale by drug
gists. eray2ll
4. I) —What everybody says must
be true. We have Miami Dr. Bateklana's Tem
.* spoken el so Dineen* by theme who have
been benefited by It, that at bud we are rose
polled to make it known to thepiddle that we
really Maley* It alliv is a care in every ease;
therefore, we may to those who are rufferlea
with Dy7da or Nervous Dbbility, to go to
their d and art a batik* Dr. Strick
land's Ten ck. seay26.
CHIe—DIINZLB.--On the Bd, In.R, at
It. H. Pommes", Bellefonte, by the R.v. J. P.
SIVAManly Lowthwe B. Coo; to Mi.. Codierie•
A. lhookltt both of Howard township, Centre Co.
The Bellefonte Market.
gorreeted Weal, ey Hofer & relletlifais St.
The following are the quotations op-11.-4
o'clock on Thursday evening, when our paper
went to yaws t
White Wheat, per bushel
tied neat, per bushel
Corn per belidull....
Oats, pee
Barley, per iniai•Op•••••.••••••••••
Bookwhe. per b e e he l '•••••••••''
Cloverseed, per bu5he1...... _.... '
Potatoes, per bushel
Bay, per dos.
Lard, per pound.—
Bauer+, Pee P euad
Poet, per pea.
Tallow, per pound
Batter, per pound
Rags, per pound— .......
aretuid•Pkidow, per ton,
..... .
LP1.0.41, soma. aip
Loon MID ad gentle
men, If yak wind° marry, *Ureu the under
signed, wbo w fll mad par, without niimay and
without pales, valuable lufornudlow that will
enable you to am* happily : and epeedlly, fore
'pectin; Una, wealth, or brut". ...Thin infor
mation named rev nothing, sad gym; v&h to
many I will olleerfully udet you. All Utters
"Wetly °confidential. le desired Information
anal by Warn nail and no toward asked.
Addrom, WWI B. /411.1111,1% qrs.ap•isktMose
Co,, Maw To*. 11.18-11- U.
. Asalkon or Qposprispos—Two this
Ass dolts oas odd ; 'two *olds, oa» attsok of
Woaelltlo; two Awaits at broastddslt,. ass
Allst the Owe dada's eaa boavososa
thady. vs* ot Soilsn', Imperial Cough
speedy nosed, for Coma;
Norsoaoss, Wboovlair-Covab
Sold ovorywhars. PUlal 33,
itstwril4 h lsow 1-itaita I Um/ 1 Itikt
,the ,
abased d Arm Ito °HOW odd la
Ilaso w
thi rdialpts zka i da tusk Ida ddliaa-,.
St.lbsbost kakis Ni driss Alltr our
*ad surely.dimovs dolstrolt
sad me all dismiss Odd sodp—lif
ly porromsd. muss beldam, sad will=
tbs skis. ..Wo tbs dory qulslft, sad WM
lout WPM tor .7 MS a patiost Sostaros sod
estabbwol. No other proptudlos for
MO INV *WOK Pastaohlo Nut 011 Bold by
mama& • 00., 1
8010 =16=14.1144. 11-10-ly
Bitiodaas . ass 12818aaa-..
WWI Ate dada dadoss DE.
Mr ty mbis 44i t 14.444. isomm Z
A . «miry 'Arlo% re *kW Sift
1 1 ` 01 amity aro •mus• M ••••••d
, as be kss Co soodisia: Id=
011111/10110 , lassrild.
244•44 v suds for stsadaslllas.
114641 y.
1 • t *on I—Daton I Dave I Doolit
Dap Drops we sun It=
---- " - Titonattio Stakt, Itlinat.
,Ilt :Ago la lbw PIO%
fitini4se. Okil,
awl Apo awl OWL
ail linot ithgrat
v likteltakatiNwiNi i . litf '
, NKR i 00, PraPPWOrs,
Demsiglittettil. 004 Ilbstil. , 4
, thisoacos .0 ilriMi '
ott,throyesoc u t a tit
Diositi *whin se
tlittowlllitian labi' .00$
iktik, tcaltimi INNI. N. tale* assalou
No ;rift*, Vac: stliteklie Imo
Wei Alamo tir Ike oh*.
frialt tr i ii i n,tt. i5 = "14 1412 .
Tom, 1 •,-. . " , f . .. 41-4
. --,.,.... Art ~..tIqI•DPO WY SRA ,
, : . Wltstattlialli
000 ON •
•: ‘1 ""' .7 H ' t _l4 . '. " v 8 :...- . 11ria, '
wa d Ikhr iM ial eyi4* - - 451 & .4. ' 1. .
,12m111=374r i rdiglit i. ft
1144 INliondirnerw, 1111rtakiw IClrir.
.jItWwWW.IOI4I , aim .itAILL:••
nimdia -114- alga hits blow
Ilwriglit lob» awl pat. et, aid rid with ww.
ping gams' Olt ir ,.. ...m . pow
eusitiv• A miy UN. ' fix dos
sillet arior aMma
gig .- . 71,1111 talle ems Alq-I
It i 4 l 4lw l !', Joidas+ei 11$16~, onotatiii
b, Yoe the dlweisi fro" Oa syslaii. it 1.,e,
boryowd I doubt Um root and nowt :JIRO,
ismodr for Eboolialgia,. Cleat, as.
ores area. '7.4 has , . . , •
Amor of pylon o 0 .ray niak, sod ,••
•'. •
Is NWNIAIy haeopdag. Him it priesiwo Tooltdy
So 4.4
,101tai•d. Bad by D
. rwrilita evert
wham . . • jam 114.1116i-ty,
Fo Coxsulr,s:Tu.—TM adretakerr, haring
basil restored to Math - is a few weeks 4 a
ix* . sitsYle ready, after hawing muted for
several pram with.• aordis o pt_sdreeCon, and
that dried Wawa* Ossunnal is anxious to
make ittwfwo to hi • fellow.n rers the means of
To all übp drib* it, he . wlif bred a dopy o
aft presetiOtiou used (bee of charge), with the
&mono:A for peopuin and using the case,
_whialitheywill And • sun Mau for -ammo
tkoi, Asthma, Brouehltis, Coughs, Coidhaud4
Thibat and Lung alfeetloas. The wsaly oh
of the advertises Ils ending the Palsariplioa
tq basal the Muted, and spreid kUlorikatioe
wkfeli be ameba to be invaluable, aad h.
hops* Gray sufferer will by Els betiodj..aa It
will sort them nothing, and'imay prove a blow.
leg. Partial wishing the preeetiption.
Mara mail,.•llf 14.116 add Now. EDWARD
A. WILSON, Wi IlabetwepgrAinal Colnit7iNffn
York. 110
Tan MASON. HAWLIN CABINS? 01181411111 e,
Forty different etylei adapted to lamed and
esenlar mem* for *id to $6O each. FM
TY,ONZ 001iD or Blieffilla AIIDAI.O,or ra
d iirat'premikune awardiet them. Illnatrated
Onirdoffeee by* Ad 0..., MASON a NAM
Yoas. 10-41Aly.
web) abbertiormento.
There hoe long been felt, on the piit of our
lady patrons, a desire to procure on article tif
toilet which will superoode the Noricum pow
ders end rotes, wbloh, for want or better, Noy
are forted to use. to the &jury of their
Now, however, we have the gnat pleasure of
piecing berm: them an article which w#know s
FROM PERSONAL ificenntszics,
to bejust what it m represented, An elegant
And one that I. perfectly baal,* only to im
prove and beautify this Alm
It hoe greedy received thesodenunneat of come
of the most basotithl ow! Aletingulabed
See this, from Chi talented and much reapeeted
lady Miss Jeap Mawr.
.1 PAlLAtisi.exiA, Fob. !, 1866
Mown. 71117.201 S Cosoonts Co.,
Goctimmo:—lt affords me mueb gloom* to
add my tastbsoulal to the Wog UM which you
hove go doubt received from lad* who halm
Übe myself, osperienced the dellghtgel effect
produced upon wn.kla by the application of
your oelebisted lsua I. os Minato*.
Was my owitesperisuce I asokreomumwed
to every lady as the most Duthie, speedy, mid
ojimmad Bcoecillow of Li. Cbsmksioit / mow owed
sad I Mask you for plitebog la my hands lido
ologant 00/181410 which, becsofter, will slmiye
be oonsidend hy me au a pointy* mcoemisg N mg
MM.. Yours truly,
lass 110/17.
fn ENAMEL OF Ammo •
will make the akin perreetly raft and manoth In
•limm. attar it la ipplied,or the amount paid
for It •
for ladled to UM Wore they pasha.. 1
Yams of allures, At the Drug Store of
P. P. alt/lIIN,
dole A u fu BELLBWONTE sad vl
Pascs.—One bottle, $1 00. SI: bottles,
Au Elegant
Avowed to nary Lady visiting this sauna
most, ILO 11 '6671115.
To my old Meads mud !*.toms*, sad to u
teeny now ones, ne nay desk* to be wined out,
'OW ItArettiONABLY -
made was of alga's, Mat • any k ind mano
rial My oboe's. I mid say Mt I sms stilt In
the Mold, and praysted, to accommodate. I
have a larip, end oxedlent ascortemt er
fli?frszignasa 000nA
tl. 30
--- .... 82 30
From which orinents will be Made to order
164 004164 40
1 76
All I ask is io eall and examine mg dne Stook
And as I bar► Jut bought mg geode daring the
last panic, I defy oompotitka as to pines thus
bility mod fashion, thin aids of Cumberland
Valley. Remember the pine*.
.Vo. 4 Btekerbert Row, y street Belle
hate, Ps.
Iso also egret ter the eupotier sad sheep
WILCOX, A 01888 siwmo MACHINE
*h i% should bones by destrlsio*ehlwee.
. Noy 11 111-Iy,
.....„..- 20 00
S•l4) \ DLERY & SARE.
TIN tubstriber bop leave to inform the pub
Ile poe»llytbe! be bee »opened his
ir4RNSBB i t 8.4171,2R7;
aueauf c a m ea, whore thaw to masa sea be SO
DOM' with anything' le hi. Bee, on the
lowest be Those In seed of.
Ilerwesa .
• wr. 14117 VW*.
Bons aerate.
Roma., . •
Trunk, Tamale kiwi,
or anYOdod or tho'llnk should itvo kith a *all.
Doout forgot Ow 'ea* Ind door Above ,Iliokop
Wok. on Miaow. -,
May 7'N-1;. ' JERE. TOLAN.
NEWtOOK,I,Mt b u y ',or
1111:1177 Wmki
Eima tebo•l - ‘«aka,
. Mks, • ;
• ~ ,
r h ooos ;1 wed:.
at ib: ;Kr Invoi
' MOORE & HARM , • •
New and NlAPosillve Posk,pfarN 011111 010 10 4
or 0 4 ifri 64,0 4 31 .04.,./*/• 4,2
Dow liklealbt Owe. •
rtho rpfaCht Uiek
nu . 1 40 a‘4111417*,..air
Mteel 31bOit
• 'T o'Hi=•Pir
• .940.44 D 41 0 IPA! •:i
1 - f !ti t g_toaa y,„"
.14 cm4l/41*,1
sop= w4fip...)+ fl , to
1.4 " 1114 '
. ,
CARILTAAP Aft pp t tqcsit
tanklb. uy, •
01 1 6 . 1 ;
*Midis* ,
-1 / 4 110<rtli 1
; ,19,tr ,v 1.4.1.
1:4 I. r:' , .4?
01010.41110111004.4 P,
teat. , fo j:r;
IT' Mei 40 . WNW
• sti. &Mhos
M e = • 6 7f tib bire" a;Vit=
Mart &gist awl okowertoop ' ,
kart um Wag ok oily A
Pollkulouto, Call fad OZ111111a;
aufsblasf dim& sa ZOO wiubs ofaftamfd
MO Ale is w isfanfirsof pm/4W
{snood of
a.2,',160= ro
illniag impel Il is srpitat
irlifia you osay ism moo oftur
harli pooketed Ida rum%
dish a• '..14
) 0 1. 1 " Montgossery TOW'
J D Ed de T,llO
D I Pnlaler
Doreen Kww 4°.-,--!
I will here aleatiou wets of the leedlia ma
ebbe' which I stir, aomtkoseing with
' mown
whisk oho dye Lad s e irtlf that wide • ordinarily,
sierd Midler favorable reateutanom feel b.
FtiMalan bet _pleat lathes Is LA's ; It
es'oeltielf thillrie, leering tits grain out
he way of the maglathe for the nut round,
lb. deem costrola ye is , of the Irondthe with
hi. foot or hood. It aspsasersoittely with es
reel, amino necomory suloportio thereto, dlie
bolting the weights:id draught of the nimbi*
the rem and real Wag emthised Is MRS metes
teesmachinery, *etas It *Mph, and lees Us le
to gatoutorf Order. this th e simplest and light
est drought machine in ass ; it has the only
airlitrase thetw ill make a *de denims and do
good work In all kinds or conditions; of grain ;
and it hat so aide thought or Weight upon the
bones' seeks. As a Mower Iline le aerie to
sompete with it ; lt has a ste el darn bar, sad w
Vying steeltrght ter , wide to adapts itself
to sdres u sarthre of th e gritted I
rine two d wheels, which work Jointly
and Independent of melt olio?, which enables
tug to sat eight and left, thereby seeming the
power of the wia, emehtho• and obvielinsthc
usually of plowing the etririe and err
on one wheel. There are severe mai inseo&
broil to tin paha that have two carriage
wheels but they are not Menden dasele drirro
wheel seaohiner, and they will not woes bat hell
the time of a double drim wheel machine ; the
bar lan oully-beteldorllor trsniguLtatlon. The
driver can throw the bar over stumps, W.enee,
ie., with a lever at hi. alt. without .topple
his tests; it mu ho rot to est say , •
ImilsibtScf *obi., either in reaping or mowing;
It has ellptie wring mat. They wilt he per
Monied a trial and If they do not perforth es
represented, It .hall be considered so oak They
are well road. of good material. Mom It a
ban oil the mowing sdrintageo of Um womb
nunditno end warrantint to plosion awry,
or noon&
has no equal. It Is Wisp* orally uwaspd, rH
liable, dalablo, rompers sadolotaly to wort by,
not se *Pity ow the sossaus thrtaldm suwithia
It is pogwaasatly,ktudas two wheels for haul
lag and tlaWdog,' alidoas rasa asa IMMO or
shift It about la • War door soosoosslly than •
*isms thwablat atroldaa It I. adapted So
wry ao iseeborse oil's-ham treed pow
ers, bess bawls sad to sore power
than a sonnies threphlag maelds• sad shaker
It actually nuts HOW sad enable you to
thresh sad 0141411 year step la ouslialf the tbael
It weal thresh sad *lira an Wads of grata thor
oughly ohio hy one operation, ready fro Woo.:
kit, no isatter how Glre It a trlsL It
Is warrowsd to glossed ' aid I am Mi
nas to be resposalbls If It does sot eons up to
to all that I. Wafted for It /or the truth of
the Acne eisteaosts, I would mho all parsons
to the sadweigusd, who have Firsthand sad
and this far sow than
David Kollar,
Dsai.ii Dud,
Noah klaamr,
Maas Gill,
David Baird,
John Bally;.
Coora,l Strobl*,
John Hutt,
Mussel Curl,
Henry PAW,
T. E
SWISS 1311Wlif 0 MAMMA.
There eon be no greeter widows of lii superi
ority over all alms, than the simple feet that
all of the e 4 e, wiliest ateszeeption, ell If
the millimtmcwithout an eseeptkm, and al of
the mesiett-mmiten and "um suthere, without au
ezeeptkm, *Centre eounty, 111111111411111 i la pref
erence to any otirr ; this is • but Met emmot
M disputed: There are alto lendreds aptitude
families and termer. In every township In this
aunty who sea and will Mai* to IM entivala
manila ; in a wind it In the only inatihine that
will sew all kinds of goods, from the heaviest to
the @nest, and all kinds of thread. This I will
mamma it to do, er no sae. GU -Binger ham
been lately improved so as to make It almost
soffelsend simple In the extfanse, hnd the
Ltdsand. It will With, quilt, bees, fell,
, task ana,, gather sad sew en site haled
et the tame time ; any alibi eau emulate' it, sad
It it le warranted not to ges oet of order. I
sin fall and ample's peadiert butilibiSbas
on the meet the to every purthiser. Cal sad
me them.
Thais ten:l.'l'4'4Mo' are No manually and
In Me 'nasty, that they need no explanation,
farther than to say that I Map thus for sale.
The remainder of ley Moak ausilats of
MEM! MINT 1111. AT 011OPPIM,
Wolfe Potosi Comp!Am-1U but Pawslog
1111111 la on, IMO folk podia. Boornktor sod
Maw, Con Sheik" Omni, Plowo..oativi.
tors, Monroe* PooPul Harrow, Nona Ws, Too
0104■11 lfoormA Wookloo , goolslooo old Wring
on, Has llorstArs. Clair Ul/141/orklo le€Ott
Moo, sad oromythlag that - porta* to
or award. oul4sldisay. et , T hoo• &MN; ;Q . =
1 .
8I D 8
are requestedlio Sin NO • ea:
, 4131411 k 114p18il POW,R.
TM. palm 4. boa implopt tie
Zvi It use& ii
ii 0 Us
syylkeip4tht sb z rdms
sty. +—
.rumsidasty ie. main ins
wsky ll = haathr the apeody reek 4,1 say
illul0 1 491: 11 01 1 * *MY OM.
- ea irbi.
sifita io a r sia who i t oitirple.
raw . VkArialn4l
IWO * , Y 4 *111.44
, UV) I'
‘'l k
I tr
me mom:. Ist 06 1010011 0 4 -
AO Inopflogiiligrot..
•'ATt - I.`
LT 010Maerani . ';' ',
.1.4 - A olmem II II il liositOrpthni dumb ta
tb•iiiiti &Maim 1. .^,C417 • . ,
WILLIIII7IIIII2 DMOWeit... r ._.... - ...
1. - i 'l. ' • 'l4.whiNfra.., :iboakers.
las I,llWww; . ,:. i 15.4. 4 14. ..11M
Pram* Siker illir.-4;.' il•
i trabi atlla!sb - • do .... 11....
I - or - e..........i5....:"••
itsvom /031.9., d0.......11.......16,64
Wad Massa
JAW Booolddll d0„.;.... - 141.......•ta
°yam &YeiAltry do. 14 1.04
J*l lonia ; 440.4-.4.,-u—,..uum
0 811111111101 • d0....»....11-....16,414/
Dot . do i 1d.....: 1,11
Soo D Mho --. d0......'
If 111:Wasdir . thy --,48,......111,.
. - -
, It ~,I
a w pistioa
/ P Gym
Wa Mull!
vrip . sww w k.. • do ..... ...TS 10,01
lloons •
II Norkbotiost
Jooob IllrohNo do 14 1,00
Worl•obove • Bro. - do IS 10,00
• OslbraNk • Co do 14 1,44
W Mien , do 1,00
911ovOldpide.... 13 DM
3 =Co ' do 14 ?MP
T do 11 13,110
Wlltoyooldo*Co &Mk n .... 14,1111
a 11 Woiroor 13U31 10,011
raturelause isOIkeIIGH.
Itarelooole. OMNI. Date.
nate; A MOM ,de 14 7,114
G'll Odom do .... ....14 TM
Waguir A Ores ' do 12..—..16,60
J 1411•111 Osno• db 11 ..... ?PO
0 1 Wormy "do U , •
ii, MAIM= do 'll 16,06
L 0 lroulfs do 11 16,00
JVI Kepler do IS 10,00
Lull Snub • do 111,... 1,00
A Wootiosery 44 111 10,00
Adams I Jolussou do IS U
WlO Sotto AOo do LI 11,60
0 11lacooli
. do 11......10,11
James Gaylow
James Ted
Mows &Moor
Ostoo A 171111 ans do 14...... 7,00
'Toffolon A Colo do 14 TM
P Elnoeringer .11130 do 11,....14,00
r. Tkille , do ...... ... 1 4..---7,00
do 14 t,OO
= A a groor do 14. 7,00
. . . . ..... .. .
Balsa Weber do 12 12.52
Robert Cook do 12 12,1N1
Joseph 1?orlIng do 13 - 10;00
Laois Elroyrers i Co do 14 7,00
/slow HobsSy do 14 P,04
Crisco* Might A Co do 11.....11,440
Daniel Loam' do " IS 10,09
W S Gordon
______ MI
- -
- -Morobooto. -Claw. DoIC4
N T J . Mon& do 12 12,14
Wm Cook do 13 'lO,OO
0 0 gym*. . I do ill 10,00
DLon do,. 14 7,60
ome[ Logan IT ' do 14 7,00
3 ll= ._. do 13 16,44
J-11- a. is • 16,66
nom& Waiver do, 12 12,14
C Ellmoo do ' 14 7,00
Look & Smith do 10 20,00
3 II arms 11111 7,00
Moreboakta. Clan. DoWa.
.410 13 10 , 00
MOWER, • ,
McCoy 4. Linn
BUllipsrmis iiiwprearp.
usso,eignea _ 10 is ' 0111
3~o¢ a Desk do 14 'l',oll
MN 8 D Heflin
W F Hoped&
H Bra...heir
0 Dale
Morotaftla. duo. DoWo.
Jaws Domlap , d 0..., 14 '4OO
Georg* II Swart' 1 - do II ....-15,00
A Sample it Co do IS 10,00
II di Notholglo &Co do It 10,02
Thaw Bolling, do 14 ' T
Shot* Sionnort & Co 9 25,00
Elltorb Blowart ft Co till ....,.19,00
. Iforoboato. OW& DST&
J a riamir„,;•_, do. 12 12,54
II IlDoioso 49 Co- d0...—....12 12,00
A Plohor d0....'.—..14 12,00
var. 11 .11,.."
Potter twp.,
sPens imp.,
H H Dimmer
. ..
Muth t wp.,
GI Jae& i fte
3 I hie&
0 IP 111 Reeser
Opus Wawa.
W P Del*
Bel liaawlasi•
Jacob Myers
J Morris
Mora Thosipeoa do_ .... 12,60
Ilidebaato. Chao Doll's.
lloory Adams do ' 7,40
M O boy * Bro. . do 12-....10,00
I V GrAy, do IS 10,00
Barlow • 31oKlidury do 111......111,00
Love el Bon do ,1116....10,00
Loire et Bon XOl 14 7,00
Gems Oates do. 14...... 7,00
Thomas Way do ' 14 7,40
Yorelatala. 01. n. DOPs.
.l'ohis Brlolclay do ' II 10,00
Daniel Kama •
SkFDLlgpt gni
Uskbook. Cleve. Doll's.
Dollinkiekor Sheffer do 1$ 1,400
Hooves k Palter do 14 7,00
Iwo Alok . r~ HUI 14 T,OO
Idssokaals. Olos& Doll's.
GAO .6 nit&
W J I/ootarouia 10,00
Oaks/ A toyer WIT "1
John W Shull
T Nowtoo Wolf
M[8060104 b Kremer A.,
Lookoaboolk groom* 10,00
Spaniel freak noo
Dus! Walker do ... :.....04...1.. T.OO
Jibed. Wolf _
__ do
__. = l4 0,00
ioia'7l - Itothralk 7,00
Jaeob Roy -
A Alexander & Soo 0.,- 11......14,0
A Bosom So i1......14,00
Jot& A. - - di.k X 14,64
Job Momloth d0........14..:... 7,04
DSVIIII Arib 11111b.......14 7,0
10%04 A , do 14
D A ililld '—'
a W NW* • Nal *".144.
timbal* , 'CI... Doll%
W. Wolf H........ 13 ,1
0 f Ilsolaskoz t d0.........01al
It Id* 410 IP ••••0411*
41 S TbeispidAtit Oro • • 4144.4•41.1.
ANKH &WHO§ •• ' % dot,' .443,41.40,404
Strome • lola - ' illo.Q.uallil ' 'lll,llO
D 8111&&• . ' .. I i I'.' • 14 .IffH
4 1 11111116"4141 .
Pillar q.. la.,
. • ir• - " aderi.:44,ll
167 , 85 W 01 1, TVA
3 MONO ),. /,. , 1...1.110,
ssoir piTcritigurr.
, , ararsia_ •i took Dori.
Iti z i lanow . • :i 4‘.74.1,441k.4.4-112
L •• , , •• , , ~. ri. NIP
0Atar0..0....• • ~..•
ldia , , 440...........1 — 0:..0 u No'
14 ,17 .. - IL.. -.14.
1 -.•••••,••••14.m.
Inillbohmet* In • ft •
6 " 6 ""lntati"+4 24 ' 04",
ni niki10:t04•1144444,11/
WI)" A PIOAX A µWfir
7:‘ 11l • •
J .r7 .
13 10,1
14 teo
Mal •
Ilsrobsots. Clams. non',.
ao i5......10,00
d0.........11 1006
do r U ? II
do 13 19,90
as 14 9,00
do IS 10,00
do 14 7,00
MIL 12 19,20
do 13 10,0
3. Groben fa. OWL Don's.
' do 1.1..—..111,1*
do IL 10,00
cum. Danl.
• to•
aq' ardalki
ii,tr 6.
, •
f • \
fount XL 81Irrit,
lau reoperd at the old rod °Clash 4 MM.
111.114811 Rb,
so ribs atarillead
Van iggodx '
to lade ik ha !writ" dhe atiosties .1 W public
It. HIM goo 4 gouda!
He Alla aseay geode I •
n's *Ms goOds cheap I,
life sells goods 1 . 0 please ! !
lie keeps every Myr p.. miry veal ' Call ..d
I- Mei Well pm WU be rue to; hey.
, HL Mock comprises
Prints, Saythee,
Gingham. kW.
Ellanols, ' iloitsUloo,
Caw, Ulna
Lawns, Push,
.11.olsams, Tula,
F. rens, Tea,
Pau, Merinos,
Flour, Rapes
Clotho, Chinn,
Balt, , Bruno",
Orgy, Maw,
TIAN& Patna,
Gaiters, CarPg,
Cu.,. Loath's.,
Cu Cloth, Pubis"
Mao ; Corm.,
15.., Croakers,
alone, Stoeltlay.
Lark Mast
Orals, 'tetanal,
Ohm, --thorksto,
Hoop skirts, Wiens! AS* Window
doh% wan paper, questrin" shaawans
looking-glasant eadoriap, ban dyes, sodiewan,
Is. II abort ime keeps mrytbiag.
weatoberwe awed but aak, end it aka be giros to
Vasa. He je dobinaisod not be; vielainolt—
All blade of muse taken at deo WNW wart
WA prime This betas • new *At, Wpaopl
ars osnwetly 'ballad ter nail, is sad this
tbsameelvoo bleat tie aliespout Awn to buy
at WWIIIIII is Milooborg. 11-19.17.
I=64laad dada" * Nabroliatiaa. Imaik
41oado, Notion, l Nab, Gknrea, ?rho.
111 181. *Ay:
Na. 129 11A101292 6ir. di 411 00112111101 Sr.
"F!!!___ PIIIIADELHES rn .
=MEM &
r re .1 HILPHLk, 1556.
Carom Pow* A *all* Iltreels, Philadelphia.
N. E. Always hrldiars, • haws (Nast et
Lash lI '6l la. LININ A OIL SHAND
07 svny ratiscarrnow
quality aol pries .. to bad st•
Qll/113111W41111, OP VII 171181 ,
tett style sal et the lost treaty, to As
bads& 21:1113111M1111r.
BOOTS AND 580118 ,
owing, ir lt A ft_flad Ott IP
A. sad at owl At mi
-Li manly mall quantity, allay very • am.
at , • DURNOWNW.
DDann PI CUTS, APPLIIII, - PliM1111;
sad fedi doll kinds, constantly ma haul
and km sods It .11IIRIt8M18,
XIIANCIT SOAPS, oviDrce, aid t irg
Idiss► idiot payday &a, se !..111111115
11211011113 'OF ALL UNDO. sod qvillay kss
year ~mite tint gliworkin s 4
• 3171,11817)1111.
J a CKlLAl im = „ Te a rk w at i lt r gel . milit
B pvirot . muss ? . ma" " wad*
41.10 1 1, 1 00 7 "k"4l3gMars..l
Timm, clump. =r iie saws..B
. niipt4o , 04,
' 1101132MINTT
;2",•••... • I. )
• ,
Is i ttam s " .l
_ *rat
.11 • : ,
T . t ' eil.
r. !ttlfe w!!4,~.
Tat 4 1 :471W5ceNirri c oi IN
.• .1 • .
tint ' r
. :r h• t . • •••• J 1 • I •
• 1;•,1A.......4114,141131 . 46aii !•' .
• -• • f'4:11..N • • 01 •
••• ,,, :•f •
" 4 04.. 11 ° 4 ( AY
, , lloa•
pp.( -• •J • 7.,,v
Blu.gicaft", * *iii)ii,. /lax' is
LOC k .' HAMi. ..IFED/Olgißir. $8
60,,„"itcs. '
ntaticectivE AND REliflu
:A *1 71 , 3 P / ..F ;i4. r•
lax sums
106i4osil*t eshintof
A •' • and Bulb Idtiosises
• MIL awl
kErt.s4o Iplik 6
so • I. Imo animal MA DI&
TIM? Traddirt.
I ,! 't,
trolasd &-
Mob mm(
996 or h.
E 3
.4 bap "saw
loot %