-- • =Z=M 4011,11/,..ital{Y. .- - Assocum um*. ; ' ~BDd.I•KPON,TTio 'A „„ FRIDAY MORNING, MAY u, Is 6 ',la. -4/ per Tea when Wit in advents 2441. - when not 'nit In advance, and 83,00 when dittlhad Wine the explisnon of the year. _-LI - ca6zer - = • iFOII GOVERNOR, NON,. HitSTIER CLYMER, Or CIOVJITT .Prblio Patronage. Jona W. FORNSY and .those of his kind pietend to find great consolation in the ,idea 404 President JOliNsoN Noes not bestow his paispinge' en Democrats. • The " dead dunk" draws from this the conclusion that sec have lost the stake for which we played. How 'small an idea-b mask have of the ques4one which • gee life mid death to this great Republic. The Astaditionistaswho oppose the Prete dent, ars informal by just two tootites. Those of the &masa wheel would wreck the government to maintain the political' aseendenay ; those of FORNEY's reduce the whole thing to dollars and cents, and measure sfutomi or &dm by the distri bution of Wahl patronage. , Now the finial/nit neDemoorat lias Over, asked President Jonntkat Ibr: an ',o ffi ce, and - would Pot thank, him fey the iffer of one. While the ,Piesident holds 'his present - views in reltlird' to rostoratim and the representation of the South fn Congress we are Nona to austaitahint ht that pol icy, and nef lurthoti,, We have not - budge* on inch 'fnolti the - ground we . hare always held ; but it would .be a' , grange affair if we would repudiate our own doctrines • because theytlied been adOpted by ono who was elected by the opposition. In our opinion the restore tion of the Union is the Inst great citbject to be accomplished, and we Micro 'that all true Union men will _fight on our side regardless of minor questions until our muldry is •imit• As it 'was before the war, end than we-ean afford to fight out koor-old battles without endangering. our *cry existeuce. It we were in a greet building, where a Vast weight was Suss aMed by ooluums, and eletetof those columns were torn up,and the structure tottering above our heads, we surely would not stop to.discuss little difficul ties and arrange all differences before we had soourod ourselves from the immedi ately impending danger. It is Just so with the Union. -It is reeling to and fro, and ha last ties are strained to the titss most tension. Let us, then, seek first to admire the house over our heads and then discuss Its internsl arrangements. President Jimmies's position wakes hint the natural guardian of the Iluimt, and we must support him in proservinf it. It is thus far that we are supporting him. We do not sac on), of big patron age and would not accept it. But if Mr. FoRNZI: can argue anything front the fact that we, who do not ask offices, do not have - them thrust upon us, it is cer tainly significant that bitt friends, who lick the very, dust at the feet of the Presi dent, cannot get the offices they Ls, for. A PREDICTION THAT WILL DE VEIFI- ED. —TIIAD. STEVENS has t old the, tkuth for once. In a recout atieisdi 'on the Re construction amendment, arguing in fa vor of its speedy adoption, he Nye. " Before another Congress shall hare aseetn• bled here, end before tale ran be carried into fell effect, there will 6. no friend* of the noinn pernr (di waion ha nasal—eh.) fen w rkie .1,1. the Heise to carry it eat." • God grant that this prediction of the old sinnbrmay be verified. We have no. doubt but it will. If the American peo ple are to govern themselves---if this goverusnent wee made for white men and ie to be controlled by them—if the labor ing dames are not to be etpdared, and de graded to a level with the negro—if we are toshave a Republic, and Pennsylva stains are to remain Pennsylvanians -thou the halls df Cengre4s must be clear ed of that weather-cock of niggerdosn, and Argil' of monarch,—tho disunion party- That qTriVISM prediction may come true, in theprayor of every patriot. SAME ONEN. —The hundreds of thountlids of,lionegig, toiling foreigners, .who are scattered throughout our entire couniq, and especially those who de writ-king the great wines and developing the reOiurdes of out proud old C01;3111011- W 94114) 9 , 111410 t forget that the wen wfw tire now asking their votes Ihr GEARY, ore the saute individuals, that., a few . years since, entwed into oath-bound or ganisations to deprive them of the priv ilegeof voting. Neither will they for get Unit theta came know-nothing dit -onlosietat whoothea attempted to dth fnueeltiew &in, are doing their beet now to ttegru the •pririlege they -would have dolled to them, Can any . white's's/I rarepert a party that would • thug deprive tin teed of rightAit would ~tionflef uopter ad inferior and degraded van?' Tax Dnromorso&—ln the Seashore filming ',Were 'she negro boresu — birin in , operiatarn, if, it negro wisPes to rider'4ol Ad tan herarita a with+ mime Marais ',Atha, arid tie flaw is Onrged to Are **tete °sphinges^ of the Cirneenr. Ie Ole f aahntrir: aid &ail dibre tea, 19bior 'fall hits 'roan have to pity their Ida litre, and taxes besides to pay tho fore of • tkeselierveu "wt. • ' duets, ; Vo l . th e y rifirAlikeliiitit of-stork we stippose will be mi t , be f kilnia : Ar OW OW*. 10,4 01 . PSP , ToLgfr to lting keep M ae 1 „ tp pai d Awe foram; rail reeds,ji ..00010.40•414 4er Public conveying: , AM gUltili. lined do to prove it is to rote for (Wu, Ite le the candidate of , Sili - MTV . 46 03 0 1 a 4 kAkeer *liar , . sr sAlltistlixOlf 011 l ..itktsoimas Tot xeclui !i s en LuAgzw ' gni 1 441010 1 1 0 . fecikaaent anaraheal the entinhonniaw-lif-anAug eln4entl odill/111* 41440NitatlabgxitakPliall thdrwtartandibishiipattletataiadd 14011•010, odamenisieoulmiammitt.4 ' altrowilibOapokiliwaniiandao424 # . M NI 0 1 1111 110 0 104111 tit . iiiiit' illieikehigilia ilk* .7400Lp! . 6 : 01.600) darbethellilif MIMI t.,;,, , "0r': . . thiethnie 6 40 Inaba °' Nl' 4 A Wo.d mni Houma, hibmini mm=l* that toil 'till dusk of eve," yourself 'and fiord tax-gatherer aArp calls for .we linDe: your ear. Set ash your shovel, rest in your horse aqditeen. Kaye you over calculated the =admit you are paying YearlY, to plate yourself upon au (veil ty with'' the note? Have you ever thought Of 4uoh out of every dais work you do, goes to bring you down to 'aTeTrit wifkit If nolo*/ is theO- you niteuld. You know as well as we the enormous' taxes you are compelled .to pay—how prices of everything you ,purebasii is more than double what it "was in the Rood old Jays *hen Democratic gold was paid you fbr a days workhow stamps are stuck on every paper Chet yen get or give, and even upon the box of matches that you ode to light your pipe or kindle your fire. Before abolitionism obtained power, you pal 4 a few id& of State, county,- school s road and pour tan, Now you pay, these double ; with . ; relief, bounty, ape -Adel, revenue, Blimp it'd a legion other taxes added. I.ltiou way yard of, muslin you buy, you pay from twenty to thirty huts taxes. Upon every pound orcoffee your family uses you pay from 15 to 25 cents taxes. Upon every yard of calico you purchase for your wife or children, you aryl' taxed from tea to fifteen cents. I Upon every pound of sugar you need you must pay in taxes Trim fire to twelve cents. And no, matter how small or trifling the article, you want is, it says. "taxes" if you touch it. Everything from a row of pins to a suit clothes, that % you eat, wear, or use, is taxed, and tax ed again and eiain. psi, vihat are these taxes all for ? Itkring the war you were told by the howling throughout the I - iountry— that you were paying them to "restore the Union" -'' that the war vies for that purpose—and that to keep it up, it Watt neeetsark to levy exhorbitant tax es. The war has,heen . ever, for more than a. year, peace has been deol4ed and what dfl you hoar now? 'Si ply that toe must, continue to pry taxes in order that a department may be kept up. to protect,, feed, clothe, and school a rate that is too lazy to work to feed thomselves, and to ignorant to be bens fitted by schools kept up by you or 'by any one else. Or in other words, you moat labor '4ll your hinds are sore and your Woes are weary, to earn • living for younielf and family, and out of these earnings give two-thirds to keep great lazy buck niggenPin the Saud, who loaf in the sun-shine.and'are fed by the "Freedmen's Bureau." To-day, in the State of Georgia, alone, there is being fed at public expense, forty fire Mouthful negroes, and in the whole South die number exceeds four hundred mobility thoieel I And it is not only for a day, that this expardltara of money you pay is taxes, is made for the benefit of negrbes, but it has been going op for moGlhe, and it will gontiuue for months and years, if Iffiolition. ism continua in power. 'You can sum up thentuzonut ; millions of dollars a month And hundred'of millions a year, and it. is you and your brother laborers through out the North that is to fbot the bills. You, may say that " property is taxed al so, and must bear its proportion of this Outrageous expense." Trite. But whose property is it? The little borne that you have toiled to secure ; and the acres of our hard-fisted sunburned formes. That is the property I The property which belongs to labor, not that owned by capital. The 'gentleman of means' as the world calls the nahob of your neigh. borhood, who conntk his thousands upon thousands, rides about at his ease, lives luxuriously, end swears' things are just right, pays none of these burdens. He has converted his wealth into govern.' went bonds. They aro exempt from taxation. You had nothing loftafter , pitying for your little home, or doling out your rent, and taxes as they became duo, to invest in bonds , consequently what little you have_ is subject to the most unbearable taxation,—to alike up for the exemption that is granted to your wealthy neighbor. It is not only. your taxes you are paying but his also. It is not only your proportion of the coal of feeding and clothing and schooling the negroes of the South, that you pay, but And to the wheel rolls on, bearing you deeper into the slough of debt and taxes, and the man of wealth and government bonds, higher in the seals of ease and affluence. And why should it be so? Can you tell us? What great sin hive you cout mitted, that dooms you to a life of sla very and deprives your wife and little ones of many of.thecomforta and neoesaarirs of life ? Why should you toil and sweat, and sweat and toil, to had negroes and enrich nabob? Do you know? Today perhaps, as with blistered hands yen' wipe great drops dr inrutfrom your intro burned brow —the wousecluenoe of labbi l you areO gg alpellaCAO portorm-Letene able bodied ens, who your earnings fosi, loafiu t he milßirica of Congais,and *id , iwYrameisth astritaraeom,nragh ;die irt,edi that fkll &Ikea lips tlf rinse Who are rivitinftbu'olutithellist alresdt blika you:' Moo it suit you? If so, toil sitat on LAM _till Shallows stick 41/o)T7bPrftbrflti giklibP.YOUr 'trice, asp your. obAdroo Bum school, fug want of woos to hpy that fit cloth *or books to send than•those! Make Ave ofjoorsolf, and gonhaml, blind, idiot/11,40 pc/laical in your support. fit Abolition dissudookno. Tote for awl who lava brought Au astacy to thia. eloodkopidenlinga nalCilie • araittnab; 4/1/All'OtimiefP4Yorsiabt Kam ,licaor a ki. sterpso.your tibial/MA •out sq.i.e*itmtecinozwresmstre • Nifonnalst t&castt. , -Quite nuoger party here, is following drawly lit the fraitstops of its leaders in New Mnglantl ;1 theyare but:a year or so . in advatrae.— What, , they teach 'there One litir r lii , taught here the next, and What-thy Ale there one year.is done inira the Vat 'Aid who will say, that'll& ta t mousAhialellish dead,* of amalgam/6i Lien,, wow praotieed -in Massachusetts, will not .be practiced here': by abolition km in • lean than twelve teenthe? Hive pears since tri have called a Pennsylva elan an abolitionist, would hare been ' the greatest insult that could be offered him; now thousands of thou' "glory in thii hame:i Two -years More to have charged Pennsylvania abolitionists tith being in favor of negro suffrage, you would have been denounee“s a JIM.; now scarcely, a politician or newspaper belonging' to that party but is opbnly advoeating it. Thus, step by trap,. hafi thebite Men of our osim State. belong ing the abolition party, followed the , wen i h worshiping-negro-hugging elan of Masintchusetts, down into the filthy pool if ifille willows in—negro-equality.— They have listened and believed whltt Massachusetts told ttput, until•ttey now believe they-are no Ater than negroes, and we have not', thil least dolifft but - Wlii follow MaAsselneetts still- fuwhoe— into amalgamation. Let white men read the following a%ti then decide, whether they will further degrade them selves by clinging to a party that idvo rates and pratices such horrible doctrine: Pulling intr 'ls dance hall, we found quite a company present °ltripping the light fantastic toe to the music Si. piano forte with violin accompaniment. This hall is about sixty foot Jeep, and is Mod op with considerable hum The walls are hung with pictures, real and fancy, and to giro 11 pa triotic east to the whole', the mutat of alLthe Presidents tied the names of the principal bat tles In oh oh the klassacbusell• colored regi meats have served, aro printed In gold, and to relieve the sameness-of the dingy walls, But Masao* hem prevented by them participating in the "social dance" is not only novel, but die jam Mg Young. goal-looking whits girl., and negroes black as lamp-black, mingle and,com mingle In the dance, and embrace each other with seeming tenderness of spirit. Tbo tall athletic specimen of the genuine African, with gra., gest° and entbusiseui whirls the young white woman in the menu dance, and at the signal to promenade for drinks, assorts bar to the bar and treat her to • tombler of guars beer and some peanuts.. This scone is revolting in tie' extreme to one scoNtorned to renpertable society, bat it In practiced hero In thin mined oompany, nearly every alght In the ear kV =M 11 arty knows 0.01,111M0. All • • level, have I t and we he here a_ perfect Mort ition of the theory of negro equality at the , rise of a white woman'. teepart. and virtue. " Marching On." Thb eolamits of freedom march steadily on.— Rem. Yes, and in its wake is the graves of hundreds of thousands of me hest men —the bleaching Lobes of our brothers—a soil reddened with the blood tif our own kindred—solitary chimneys that• mark the spots 'of desolated -and destroyed homes—outraged women—beggared chil dren—a people robbed of their liberty— plundered of their wealth—enslaved with debt and impoverished with taxation.— A eountty shorn of its strength—de spoiled of its glory—pilfered of its great ness—its fields laid waste—its cities sacked—its towns deetroyed—it prosper ity blighted—aides disgraced—its Con stitution dishonored and its freedom made a mockery. mays liberty a liej— A race of beings torn from happy and conteutod'bomes and east upon the high ways and by-trays. of life to die. Yes. "the columns of freedom march steadi ly on," and close upon itd heels, irasp log with odd, elammY hands. as if to stay its onward progress, conies the corpses of the hundreds of th ds it has murdered and trampled down ; and all around and about it, withilba' °welled locks, tattered garments and pleading looks, is the forms of outraged women, bogging with tearful eyes to be spared the horrors they have been subjected to ; yet it continuos on, tramp, troll'', traua p —crushing liberty, life and justice— leaving noth4iin its trail but blighted hopes, sordwin hearts and the black ness of despair. But it has about reached its end. A little while longer, and with the "soul ofJohn Brown,'' the colmun e dr abolition freedom will halt 'mid the smoke ind flames of the infernal regions, at the feet of its father, the Devil. Who Its flpeaking of the fiend Paoosr who murdered tho Dearing family in Philadelphia, the disunion organ down twin eaye: •'Re Impossibly a Frenchman, who boa been a vile wrotsh his Dre-time. Dot that he Is e Democrat them can be no sort of doubt.•' The contemptible liar, who penned the last sentence in the above par agraph, knew at — the time that he was writing down a falsehood as black'ea his own heart, and as 'Amiens as the principles he attempts to advocate. He knew thtft PROBST was the representa theta the artny,of a Massaohusotte"loy tiliet"—that he was one of the mereenaly horde brought from the pauper bonsai Of buena by that Btate-the beacon light ofabolitiotiism—to fill its quotaXual fight ite battles; a true topTentative•of the I,dotriotiena of How.rouglaliil abolitionism, ,a a feithfpl4olo4 f the party of Phitios, Sumner mud ,ilitorons, who teach that to murder a white man, is-no bet rm but to Walt a , nigger is a crime that cannotbe forgiven. No MUM or IT. --Who Impart mate that Congress is abouLto adieurrr far • few days, to have the halls eleansod and aired, in iftitorlf possible to prevent 'anything like ebolers hourbreakitig out. among the members.' If the anent ari -1 /doe from greasy Diggers Is any proven httivef'dr if there is any+ troth in thp id( "afeollortierdk,'"lthriniN4 Admits that hbika up the 'preient r grestriiethr haye ua lifers wkatever. 1 Thni.W.Peittdd7 ask . •" ' ...440 4 °;:Pi11k•?4? I;itif,W !Ott% qil4er .~.MEIH-0.° 1 41 1 4: till9Or MeiMmps k 44l3 Z t adt 7 6Ti P t *Ph , follj. if t lllll4l '4. mrs. m R' .t 4 thtigb 1. 1 Asannin VITO.-41141110,, 3woregiostoilOioditifign4 l o) Pvpill+6110WW11611•10' ?L i ef ik Miteleari 460 r. 141^ fi r, ~,,.. Ati filMewit 41101 A.: lowing frets ti live • 0.04 Attaiwel/We, a Bob Y long ). bold and b elt innermost th 14 ease. ,Ast an - Iftml‘louehlng appeal fro m lghtnln people who have been vantitlished Urfa' field, to the magoanimitrof their violets, it Inapt Nil to awaken a thrill of wympedlfy in-every biliiicblieballWei-di•lbt. woad whmh- bee* , the palister washed leap's and ruined • * We nein appeal to 'whateseribimiagon nimit,y and of patriotism may be in the vie- Ibudo'ns , Mirth to thw polliiy of Phi 'Went Johnson, and let wisdom take the 'place of emotion, generoeity of proscription, and high smiled liberality orbigoted fanat icism. Remember the peat, glorious history of the South; which for more than a century' before the Union and slope the Uinta , has Illustrated the highest virtuoso( hamanity.. 'The Booth has given to the nation the parr ies. Washington, the matchless diary , the immortal Jefferphn, the acchunplished *on, the bighsouled Clay, and the chiral roue Calhoun. Remember that in heroism the eons of the South hive made the history of the nation shine with 'edentates as Mar ion and Sumpter and Hrsetteand Jackson— fhe'glorious hero of the Hermitage, and the eharepion of lite Union in the tiny. of nut lifisaiion. If the Union protected and de veloped the South, nobly did tire South pay the Union by the fame of her sons and the *blues of her women . If the South fought kgainst you of . the North for four years, she fought for you against illb French and Indians, the British and ilexteaps, in all for more than a century. Will not a hun dred years of toil and glory in a common cause morel ien °Verboten.). four years of re bell ionottvendmit ling we were in tebellPon? But we afore not in rebellion. We attempted -to secede, but did not rebel. It was a great social schism, but six millions of people boon not, he rebels, traitors all. It bon y_struggibiljor what we believal to be right. Yea' did - the same. TinTiiiie bon mt an well as we.. The valor of our men, the blood of our slain and the graves of our dead, all •proeleirmour honesty—our earnest honesty-in the "'fearful struggle. We fought like men ; we were foetunn worthy of your steel We gave you a fight which illustrated the sublimity of Lumen endu rance Of all the elements of manhood, of all the Ortuoi which Impart dignity to man, of till the charrieristics ,of the Christian noldior the 6004 never idiotic upon a nobler specimen than Robert B. Lee. A purer pa triot never lived than Stonewall Jackie's , or Leonitine Palk, and their names will be oh td by our children and maggkiliskes's children, to the latest gerierationN.ffe refer to these men, not to stir up strife, but ap peal to n people, a great people, who eon afford to be magnanimous to those who have molted the most herculean efforts which the' world has ever seen We gave youmuch a' fight as no ether. people could have given you—a fight. grand iu its dimenrions and sublime in its terrible mega tide—and your name is a terror to nations. Suppme you -unite our Lee with your Grunt, our John eon with your Sinirtnatt, our Forrest with your al' aeon, would you not be invincible! ,t4uppoilii you say, they are we countrymen, errint !hey may have been, but we will not spurn them, for none but our countrymen could have fought skoh battles as Manassas, Shiloh and the Wildernesa. Better welcome ' 1110[0'41 perfect confidence to a common des tiny. Such language as this would bring back the life's biked to the eackeried South ern heart„ and 'fill tt nation with joy. Why attempt to gain us to you by bayonet., when you could unite used much more firm ly lv interest and noble betting? Mar fight wss such toyer' might be proud to acknowledge was never fought except by Americans ; our surrender so honorable and thorough, has challenged a parallel in his tory, and has gnined the admiration of the world. Look at Lee and Johnson, and For rest aad Ih:sure/card. What an example Lace they net; what monument' have they erected fur IeeMSOIVONI—MULIII.IIOIIIIN whose morel splendor enameled by the cloud. of, fauaticieni, shines on both hemisphere.; and ellen continue to grow br t il l ateiduritog the lapse of egos. We fitught the greatest battles of the world, a thoroughly arerpt the results -44rar, fly our countless deed, by our desolate homes, by our chival rous neon and Ity our noble woolen we en. treat you, let tif heiN prim.. The South is tired of war Sot a roan le 11 desires a re• nevol of the light. We fought in the Inal man nod to the last ditch Do not be afraid of us ; we are iltaitirlined tp evil, and ill powerful for good We have statesmen as pure no ever graced a Renate; warriors es brave as ever drew a sword; women as pure as ever adorned society, and citizens a. vie -10000 us over illitalralea ontl txntion , an Orr otTer oil to a restored num. Suppone we e mid mike obeli tit offer to Iler Majesty Vicioria. or to the E tiperor Napoleon, with what eager grasp they would noise oar bandit, and with what a cordial welcome they wound receive us. But we ore not monarchist.. The alitet,pe of Witelouglen forbid it. and 'the Donee of Jaeksin would turn in their coffin. Nn; we have been born, and nursed, nod °rattled in the land of liberty—and in it lie loop. to live and die 11e nro not. going .to Mexico nor to Bruin; but here, by the thlio of the Fnaher of Wsitere, we shall II•ef and die, bottling for the restoration of nit, own notice Smith. 13 A PLAIN CONVXPRION —WO find the fol lowing In n Repoli:loan journel nfeenneer Morrill %%educes! yraterelay a bill to rlepeal the city chilli°. of Washingran pad Uoorgelown. isateuele,l no tale hie peers of nr~ro •Nifectr. The radios& lene e ;Jeered.- ..I the suffrage scheme, it is mid, at the soiled lieu of the [nowhere of the House hoto me nfroid to so beftorr 4Ae peoph eat fell oport enc.% an Here stands eonfe•sell what we have re peatedly eharged.Lritot the Disunionlets would resort to tricks end subterfuges to secure uegro portage, when fearful of the verdict or wrath of the, people The people con rely upon it. however, that whether it he made paramount or subordinate, negro suffrage will continuo to commend the thoughts by day and dreams by night of the whole circle of Nonni.] leaders is their only hope for the future. Withodl it their power Is gone—theic shaggy manes, their olawe and their terrible roar will all pars away. fence, when they find, asthey hare found, that the people are opposed to it, they are attempting to "snake" iI upon them. Let thy, people beware.—PatriN Union. A CONVESINNT Fent —Lawyers and nit ; er prof:melon:l men hove their forage and formAtook t why shigild not polittailipeek ere liege theirs oleo? As the Dietftiliniele will doubting, be gouggthat at a loos to ex plain why they are aped lo :be rectors tan of the Union, ge prugose the, following suggested by an exchange: Traita•---tressal—tralgors--.—odions --10ya1.,--ttreaeonahlte—tralior—die loyal--.-traitorg—loyol—traliotous• loyal--tonspirators-,,--4141-fraitors —lawlhog hikitor--4nyslty--4ressop DoeitegmAgamon-- Meg. linnige r —A,ndy Algimeettr—COP- PkEREADS? "'TM' blaalui o►n readily be tilled aploy airy Dyne The has bast-duo, of aAe tkamerous Abalitio‘Diaan lon orators duringdbe past tr. zee's, • L—Tit Slootland 'a men has been sen tenced to*ten days' Imprisoiment fit trying to man admitience to s Matsu& Lodge,. not being a member of the order. , It le not MIA/ yearned/me had; Stevens watittar te 10101116 n • imp ill 1101'711nd/is 1%*;; tieing ,Ik otiebklifievele oraei g , livrikaa bitter against these ma ! ba -aipktint o tbsit , .. II" V WO OPPregii4 "litlclave let *kept to h Vit' Tint 1 0 .‘ er• aaix peembein of t the Order laatesi' his rap. porteetnoad it *time& *lad Akia.• ban to pogyfpilq, themselves, mith hie ponddot. 1 11 ' 1 7 70fro ado. 'Thej light abenoe - Twine weather lii. tw'•- ash' to tallow IMSI Gaii_ty and 4 .tht• 1110diars of thU NOW. War.. RiIAD If I SIMI II I mum • t w .e. - • , • Y7A , Li a * o • • • . , o 4 h. A I ' • It it is bit e l e. • ' litkpi D. Roberls,A ihis•ooniity,.was the Colonel dommsnding g died in the city of Mexico. After his death, Cleary was pro moted to the Detonate,. Thelfayette count MINIS attiitiltiatS• thin Regi , moot, and known as Co. H. Thar dhow =ttionmet•e• th e riollikr &nal:at zi - a bravery tq flit the 'lmpgrlant en , geOgoinis front Vora- Cftit'let The illy; or Mexico, lee/tiding the bloody assaults upon 111•40110bfAlliTheitIC • itlif serviee kMtil the end of ha war, and were honorably dfsgharged. Thegarvierers, upon their return home, were twooliooh with well earned and highly distingraishotkithaers by their fellow-citizens. ' Here, at, the County . ' Beat, (hey were bonpred by a splendid re. caption, participated In hethe Masan' o t ? gbh county generally, its Ily the is. dies, who greeted their return with all that delicate attention and refined taste to their ion. At Connellsville, also, they were the reolplents of a baud/tome ovation, the heartfelt tribute of the citizens and In dia, of that place and vicinity. The recap. tion,al Connelsville took place on Beturdty, July ILth, lirlB. The reception speech wag Made by Dr. James C.' Cummings, and the response by blergeent Peter A. Jo hAs. After the delivery of the 'Towhee, and partaking en elegant dinner prepared for the occa sion, the returned soldiets met together and unanimously adopted, a preamble and se ries of resolutions, which show up the char acter of John W..Geery in suet a light aa walla reader his election as Governor an ,everinstlng disgrace to the State of Penn- sylvonia. These recolutions, it will he seen. I were unanimously adopted by true and tried soldiers, by men 'who knew Geary well, alttl by men who did not hesitate to lirooluitn their estimate of his elteracter; and dint too not in tender, dainty sentences, but in well expressed and forcible language. The tea -1 timony 6f theesproceedings,-gatta uldetum -1 ril force from the foot, that it en. tat tet red nt such it time and tinier snob eirruntsten see as to exempt it entirely from any inipn intion of politienl inference 'pie proceed ! lugs were published in the pspet's of this comity. by request of the s.ildtet... en the 147th of luly 1818. and here Ite) !tie ,t gain we say, read. rend. seed. The following Preamble nod flesolutiene were offered by the returned volunteers, of Company If 2•1 Pimusylrania Regireent,nad tenenimously adopted by the injecting : MIRAMAR The-discharge and arrival hgette of the remaining membern of the Fayette Yotun: tears has again placed them in the position ho cuisens of the Commonwealth of Penneybrmin. and enable them to speak and assert their rights, they now embolic, this oeraelon, the Ant oppor tunity since their return, to express their deep and ADIDINII IFDIONATION of the conduct of John W. (leery, since he ma. elected to the command of the 24 Penna. Regiment, ,at the City of Meal./ The said John W. Geary pro cured his election by a mere plurality of votes, by PAJARROOIk-and D6BllPTlON=wtille he we. promising to give oompany 11. theprivllette of eleeting their own officers, according to the laws of the State of-PenesYlt ante, be, the said (leery, bargained with other. for vote. prowl.- lag and enng appointments its,msid compass 11. to men from other companies who might ad sheerer his peculiar porposee. The law of Con gress of the 13th of May, 1864, calling for Vol ammo. for the war with Mexico, has this pro vision . "And be it further enacted. that the eald Volunteers au offring their services !Mall be accepted by the President, in companies, bat talions, equadroneund regiments, who. officers shall be appointed In the manner preeeribed by law in 'the several State* and territories to which such eompauffir, battaliona squadron td regiments shall respectively behing." The said Ueary, while he availed Mussel( of th le law to get himself into • high office, refused the /IMO right lko company 11. which legally and properly belonged there. Therefore, Rceofrod, That no, the remaining members of the layette county Volunteers, view the Son duet of the said John W. Geary toward• rompa ny 11 as an OUTRA OE top.tt their Ju t rights , as secured to them by the laws of Pennsylvania as well as tho laws of Congress. The whole courkk mid coo dricrdf the sold Geary being IN CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF A GENTLEMAN OR MAN OF lIONQE..-it sou treating us a. • set of men who tliduot know their rights, and who Quaid not ermine'. ate them-it was CORRUPT and MERCENARY lu •II its hearings, charnotorietie el • LOW AND GROVELING CREATURE; hunting and sleeking „popularity for courage and patri diem THAT HE NEVER EARNED, by bargaining with nipple tools and mercenaries, Inert whom at teat was a notorious black leg. IrEmo/red, That the arrest and trial of tie Srrgt. trug A. Couninos, Ly n Court Martial, for ing to nmert his rights and those of the uspany, was A DARE AND COWARDLY EXERCISE OF USURPED AUTHORITY ON TEE PART OF THE SA ID JOHN W. OVARY —sites be, the said (leery. bad SURREPTI TIOUSLY Ain VILLAINOUSLY . SUPPRES• RED the order of the Adjutant Gen. of this State, timed bl dirertiun of Gur. Shook.) di ,recting him to All all to. antic. in the 24 Regi• merit of Penne. Volunteers by eleotion—tak big advantoge of his STOLEN authority to rov er tip his WOItSE than 11 LSE otply'Es, no d to 'Mom fie hand earned fame of a brave anti gallant oßeer. Qo motion et !Niter . A Johns, it was Itriolerd. That all the ham tvn wish Colonel Geary, IS THAT HIS DISGRACE MAY FOL LOW lIIM THUG/0111 ALL fllN L%NEB ANI , AVENUES OF LIFE, AND 'llll AT lIE MAY NEVER DIE Olt OET MAL—Grimm of Liberty. —lt now being-Ledo a gin:anion whether Oeu n agary's miliinry record should commence at-lb* Hume whets a friendly dim' eholteNtftlin front i halls Hint came Cann Cimpultepee ota the rune when n linnene ruffian spat in his Mee and scared him Into the John Brown party or la the lime when he retreated bolero a rumor' that Stonewall Jackson was Omni. ; ,11 when he grievonnly mewl tinliorn in Virginia wilt, Ids I. H. ; Or at die that, when bet donated to Ph ilndelphin the captured ordnance Apittoon of limpet's Ferry; or when he swot e I err bly , rmtwo peaceable °likens for openiting diereepeoettllr of the colored c iti zens ." and thruntettes It) ktok sheet out of bin brother in-inw a lionse--after they had do rmended the emirs upd were passing nut ; or, nuterior in.ryll Ili Sr. nt the time when, nn "tin Bumble man, ' he and Ine Hooker had their jolly good alines in l'Allfornin. Where Ann that retioyd ho starled--or shall there be n fresh start frosts each point 1-- I'atrini and Union A FOIWILILI FACT.--(V. True Ann:neon never uttered R truer rentiment' or mono in t/treating fuel, moll is eoploinetl in the fol lowing: "Busloops would'greetly revive if Congreso would a:Uteri ti, A nd lot the oo nh. try settle down.in., onnwont - .incitement and the unbolted slots of public saltine is doing more donate to the oommerolol ,and induotilat interests of the country titan in gettetafturstiog up of the banks. The Mar plot. at Was . llugton aro blocking - 1U Wheels of industry owl infuning In the ntirld'of the country a blighting witiatt aft , feels all Interest' North and Boulk. —The 4613'4°015t are terribltannotinl at the. coerce poured by &MAW Cookfi:' Nhg• du. they put ouch men Into Roilliott t Them la.7iihnion, Cowan,'Doolittle. D 4 r., Bewittl; 'NA it hoot of 'cithdfl. to aid , eat of the Cabinet and Cellreati r 'wSd anal} the same. Ntnyithetending theft saw at these men. they,poW are support in A mug for Governor , wt teas gooi a purr' ago deilated hinumit 4--AiDem t without pie: ar affia." Thar Demotdate dO noktraatirsiooltul,_ , he I , • 14 ' ,111- t r ir kalae,) AA A WfAthOW t haail a h ratalf pa the dotli with, r ifagi tit!OA to' priogyA.—Er. bertilsem Pilo." , _ fRYNUMIKI6III,.: to - ,-141416 13Y .:•. 1:10 Pt , ?LW. Ttn. CY)W i s ars or say °air khd, go to ". STERTIRROS 1),6 YOU WANT TO 'BUY • 4 - ir cLorittuir,,,, MEI MB& ORBOYEk the pis. to go I. STR#INBICR(IB DO YOU WANT TO BUY DRY GOODS, =!!!! Gmeerie., Boots and Shoos, Cats awl Cape, or anything/Ise. You will Ontl It Cheaper pd In larger quantities. than any where el. et May 18'664f., STERNBER4B. NEW BOOT Xs SHOP, STORE MAP Me tFFICEV The chile,. of t,bls nottloo of the State aro reapeetfully inforsZed, that the proprietor , . have opened ( in the room next door to Irwin ,f• Wit. too'. hardware Moro on Allegany street,) a store teethe exclusive sale of BOOTS & SEWER of their own end the best mactsfacturers 41 the eastern rte. They are both experienced workmen, SIR the publio can rely upon the fast that none Fut TUE BEST QUALITY OF WOBICI, will he offered fart sale. They will keep FOR LADIES Fine Km Slippers. I Galleon, I inlinn and English Lasting, • Bie Lace Gaiterty, Lasting, Congress and„.Ba Lasting, • Glove Kid Bdilon Boots, French Morocco Dalmorals, Tampico Goat Shoes, Lace, Boots with and without bode, F Pablo (Irwin Shoes. Misses and Chi Marlon's Gaiters and Laced Boots of all descriptions. tt• FOR GENTLEMEN.. • French f!..1( Stitched Boots and Onittre, Oxford 111 es , Onlmoroht, Boys . - [Aced Boots, Boys' Col( Boots, .to. Their tuanulboturing and ...planing depart ment, will receive that, eipeolal attention, and atone but the beet and wog experieneed work men will be entplozed. They ors DRTHRMINED TO PLRAER. and will aparo neither trouble won expaaas 10 make their. the great Shoe Store of this aottioo May 7 46-17. GRAHAM 3 McAFFREY. BOOT k SHO) MA.NOKOTORY The undersigned respectfully inform the cit izen. of Bellefonte and elelulty, that thry have eetatdished a Ilr-t 0 iNIA ROOT AND 81108 MANUFACTORY, next door to Pruners; Mom on the north west side of the diamond, where they will be pleased m oil times to wait upon easterners. Beth being EXPERIENCED WORKMEN, customers epo rest assured that no palm will be spared to remise eimplete satisfaction. Glen- Ileum., ladles, misses std youth can he serum. mudatsal with the best, ROMS. I= = Slipper.,, •o. manufactured from the beat Meek, end in the and latest style.. Repairing of ell kind. promptly attended to. May 7'66-Iy. POWRRS d MoMAIION. T HE WEEKLY AGE FOE THE CAMPAIGN: The publiaken of The Weekly' Ale, pre mated their issue on Saturdny,May dth.1066, In an enlarged and improved form. It to in dll respects a Bret class, family Journal, particu larly adopted to the politia:an, the fanner, the merchant, the mechanic, the family circle and the general reader. . In order to place this journal within the reach of all, It will he Ihrnished until the Amt. Rata, day after the Ouberuatorkl election, at the ex tremely low prize of IT-FIVE CBNTR fora single copy. One copy, one year, $11 . 00; Five copies,./60 00; Tea eoplea, $l7 AO ; Twee t, copies 01 00. In all roue, where the paper, are sent to one address, the following deduction will bp wade: Ten rapine one year, $l , l 80; Twenty copies, $3O 00. One ropy will he furnished gran. fur getting ep a club of tea; to oneeddrkes, for one year. 'WELSILI A ROBB., 430 CUXISTMIT EITRIMT, Philadelphia. Legal Noticed. , ADIIISISTRATOII.2' SALE OF REAL M TATS.--Thera will he sold at public sale no Friday the huh day of June, on the premi er., by (ho administrators orithe elate of lobo rrrJr.724,17.V1:V:11.:::,:t7r""' p, Coo tie renlitg, beginning bt Commit tree, thence by ir Orgy uorlia2o6 devote. west. 121 rehehybence by same 2 2 degrem west 22 gork es to aped, talent% Worth '67 degree. 'emit 125 perches to a birch, thence math 26 degrees east along other lend nr mid decedent 106 par ches to a chestnut, thence along Lod of Jaelb they north 716 dogmas wet to playa of begin- Ding, cointaleag -121011 TY TIIEKE ACRES end TrE511264112:61 PERCItES ,nr there about.. TERMS.—One half tbepnrehnuse none, hi band on eonarmation of eels, and thratlanhoe is one year thereafter with intoned, to be eeenred by bond end toortgagn on thb prenitede. ' gale to bomenenoh at 1.2 o'clock ef paid del,. JONAS 11111, JAMES MeMIN. 4,1,..A.t0nw0n. May 18 416-60 ADMIRISTRATOIII4I.NOTtCR. Lotter oradmfotstrittof of thi Wake of Mn. Ilerak4Sbeshrere deomanet.latiColD feet'. Centre eurerta. L traylea, trep. usatellt 40 the understood, al l pomp' ktmw , c4. limn' 1 velem indebted to salt] effete, iifi l ifdreny moth I 4.4 to stake botraetitate. peantrett6 And time tiering alfilm, i ;gang the route to present them dell strthenttreted for mittleinetat. b I it. D. aumantra* . i l ay is .6G-et, .etvaionleve., ... AAlfttliSTß iiiiiii IP 6 %Tar- ; 77. 7 ' Letter of adtoluletantles Or thweethte of So4the %Athol*. into of POlPiantinfil titeesa , hie a been grantok t4,tbA: flatted; ell. ketone fpik1444,1111 NM lok. hooks aol 40. ,ttelannendlillje% 0 ett ti af rt t .Olir *4 , an MIL ' , /PHI 40 8 4 1 14 i -, , M0if64,140,' .00PAICIUMI*IttOrtelE: - • ' • , . soisi , nliessrlbefrii Issv*.thill aq, 1ff5t 8, 40 40 .0 1 .4V0 4 . 73: 0 .. 5terA! Isubsua sdrgen•ra. a " . 444 ea II 'of Be is ate 9h3" '6j 1.4 Broamettassar ft ) MIN . 4 614 .0. 14.410 ,8 4: .• . , $444 , 9111A...i ,t7V 1 ..? It - . f.oty.d - 4-rt3l I nxscu None .. the betting of Belleroote, on the seoOed Mon day of Juo A. .D.,48116 i C::n:: ..3:f:e:'.f:;:1::::~ .ac/Li. PPIL IVAEllpl; s 433 119 John D R t .y 441 33 82 US 120 Samna 22 SI ' 11 • • 4114011 g ilife, ""M . 3111 433 163 Alesinder+l l 4 .- p i , a 41H .... Gamy 11401, - • 4711 4.... Hem, Wheell/0 • .r . 11.00 488 -40111 Amami Na11...-.,.....,.....,..0 23 433 111 dharlis Holl, 61136 119 t.... David Diflrio • 18 60 441 . 3,.. 3411116 an .....,..,. ..... -. 19 98 j 7.99 416 ...... ,Inslmk Troll .- --11.:-....... lOS 41/1. •........:eme alma..W 'l9Oll 416 -- Ala Banon... 433 ..,.. 811 Canby..., 10 V. 433 ' 111 John ling& ...... 1 ... :.....„. 19 , 81 416 GPO Holly W1Lart0n....,.............. 11/1,11 216 166 Jert. Parker-.- ........ ..,.... 11 11 8240 W 81108. TOWNSHIP, 433, 163 Kearney Wharton 33 96 41111--•161 -- ThannkrOrerrree - -•••-` -r•-.,-113-913 gITO Lake Misosto.. ........,.....„ 00 14 . i ,444 D. Csrakaaiden . 38 43 , 411 044 D. Carskaddon... • 18 83 ,287 080 D. Oarakmldon ...... ....,.:... 16 II 4312 014 D. Caraki4don.......--... 38 63 1112 041 D. Cominddon 20 53 287 180 Lb Carskaddon - 10 15 483 • 161 blenfirWharton-..., ..... .... 17 00 433 133 1111114ai Parker 17 47 139 153 Reheerm Wain 17 47 433 163 Benjamin H. Ta11man........ IT 47 438 163 Blis Wharton • -11 47 433 . 163 A. S. Valentine 17 47 433 138 M.T. Milliken 17 47 200 N. J,, Id Rebel! - 98 67 134 034 James 1.111111,03.1 04 26 133 203 Robert Watery 17 47 363 ..... James T Ilnie..A t... 16 40 Oa .... Jame., Mthlanna 17 47 US ' .-. /Immo,' Linn 17 47 433 263 Pbooto, Wain 17 47 433 163 148111111,1 W. Fisher 17 47 433 1137 Samuel M. Fill 17 47 415 ..... Sahib M. Talltnan.it... ...... 17 47 11; .... Richard Wain 13 64 1:io . Jos Harrison, 04 BO 4 , q , iiii Job Italy 06 45 131 163 J C Fisher /7 47 133 163 111ril Wilson ' 37 47 163 ..- Richard Jones 07 84 433 153 Kearney Wharton 17 44 434.... Samuel Dobsoti 16 66 433 153 Margaret Spear ...... ..., .. 13 47 $OO 144 JohrePim • -1.• 4,„ 07 74 100 -... D Carakaddon.. 02 42 RUSH TOWNSHIP. 433 163 David Beverage 12 61 43.3 163 klartha. hiellosmel 13 61 03 . 163 James Gleatworth 13 61 or Spring, =I 433 163 George Latimer 13 61 433 163 Edward Moystono. ....... ..... 13 61 329 010 Andmw Arm min ...... ...- 10 23 433 103 Sharp Del 19 46 200 000 Wm 61ePter n 06 30 485 168 Wm 0 Latim r 27 82 434 ..._ Charles Lucas 13 38 434 ... • Thomas Grant ..... - .......... 23 38 313 106 John Witmer Jr.-- ......... 61 26 313 100 - John Landon • 17 41 433 153 Chrbt/an Voir ' 78 71 247 010 Jacob Stokes 39 51 426 164 Christian Ildlrjr 6B 1 5 167 007 George Slough 13 38 433 133 Aadiew &Webb " 60 24 483 153 Darid Rob 69;24 219 120 Alezatideoott 17 41 433. 133 lidliehael Same's.— ....... - 34 62 433 153 Christian Schenck 89 24 433 133 John Donna 34 62 433 16.1 John Allison 64 00 075 ..... William Wilson 17 37 289 Jamas Allison 42 92 164 153 .James Allison ... 27 22 453 133 Casper Shallsor., 34 62 433 153 Robert Spear-. 2„...... 17 27 433 153 Christian Lonhore 17 27 433 163 Jolla Funk 34 112 438 153 Casper Laurence _l7 27 433 153 Samuel Chestnut —l7 27 1406.... William !ratan 08 16 ' 433 15 3 John Loud'. ...... .............. 17 27 433 159 Thomas limns. .......... ...... 17 37 433 163 Christiap Rohrer. ....... ..... 34 61 433 163 Fiebastian Graff 34 01 100 133 Robert King-- ......... ..... 13 82 433 163 Paul Dash.— .............. .-- rr i 7 433 163 Paul Hisolt 17 7 423 143 Paul Snob .... .. ........ ....... IT 27 433 , 163 Jobs Ibirelpis4 ' 17 27 433 101, Joha Keq 17 27 433 163 Joh* ateifsw 1127 483 163 JohaEstehSt... ....... .......... 17 27 400 -... Jobs, Blank 17 27 912 Joseph %ale 17 27 433 163 Robert 1terbi......... .......... 60 63 433. 153 John Mauer 00 64 433 133 Rithard Peters-, 80 64 216 030 thigh Hamilton ~ 30 40 4,13 163 Jamb Sloagh ............ 11 17 050 .. • Robert King......- .... ... ...... 07 43 433' 14 John Hambright 34 63 433 158 Andrew Graff 34 63 076 .... Joseph Harrison 10 48 103 ..,_ Joba Umrlson 20 82 MI 080 Robert Raney ......... ........ 08 03 406 147 Jacob Rash 33 37 422 044 John Weidman.....__.. 33 73 402 116 Jacob WeitillMlll, 6./ 31 433 163 Edward Bryan' 17 30 104 ...... /oomph Bauman 08 31 070' ..... Thomas Grant 05 70 030 .. Christian Bober 02 35 251 : 00 6 . Philip Khorasan 40 00 448 075 o Ebermasa......... ...... .• 12 00 433 133 TM, Ilamilton 94 70 433 153 Elven°, 011111 ......... ..... . 17 35 108 150 Robert:Koine . (0 63 040 010 Rlibard Artherton... 06 40 483 163 Richard Malone - - , . 17 36 433 153 Issas Britches 16...95 ... 433 353 John Gundager, 60 433 153 Mange Alongb:, • ... ...... .... 34 70 433 163 Michael tiondsger. .. '. ... ...... 34 70 177 684 Hardman Philips /90 38 17 218 156 Thomas Ilamiltun -- 48 70 216 156 Thomas Grant.„. 06 69 4311`.'s 133 Peter Miller.... . . ...... ...0.1 - - 13 27 433 109. i • loorgis 80urnag1ea.....,2 1 ... 34 41 433 1.18 John Bryan 34 61 438 . 193' William Classli 34 81 3 33 104 Samuel Jones. 33 61 393 163 hiniolph KelkorrA . 31 42 270 ... Whgh DoEnire 'BO 95 310 1 66 . Bamtalll6lrowerf ' IT 271 202 044 IFlohisr4 King 1•• 35 26 421 031 John Myer 4$ 49 ' 821 058 Joseph Pim . oh 00 1 1 348. 139 Henry Pim ••• OE 00 001 if I 3 George /4m ...... C............,. 08 90 1100100 TOW ERIIIP. 473 ISS Datid Lents SS 78 433. 163 William Gray 33 18 433 120 Ihirmpirot Butler 08 88 305' 112 ''',lohn Cochran 08 22 458 • 088 Willibui Russell • '95 44 01 *...• Thomas Russell.... 's 09 94 409 ... , D. CazolseAdon 32 60 430 032 LI Cer,,i,,,4,1.4 " 84 Os 201 120 George Aston • '`• • 9143 16 1 9, ..... J. 110w1and.a...14.0.,‘. 11 117 421 019 .Ipha- 800tt.., ~. ........ mr .,.,141, fa '354 013 • Infli l iyhttli...,..;.. .. : 29'116 196 ' a... - ' Ilibeker '' Ibleittl/..itir." 'Ol4llO .- QURTIN wow. 'll 120. penre15Wpq,,,..„,.,,,..,„..., 03.,20 1 003''11 CaPOWire , . 43 44 0 027 Deavolasdals.o4o.7.7.3/...9s 06461 129 lAlenanderßoll ........1,67, 448 130 Charles 11it1i,„,...,.. ~ . . .... .. et bbt • obir . 413116fuldwas-.1: .:. ........ .. 1 16, sot 061 - Low) Lestgallrelli 4.....11W. - .: - 14 So , • gi7:;17 . 4" 4 " . 44h: 44' Margie 11piii" "' T T Ili ' 160 ... Doblal ki Dnalo . ...1.1 A .101 If 3. a we6.1"...,....,,. t ..., 1 '4ll 141." lioo'd • " ', 3 19 - i! s 404. •0114, JebrP3llllMlLTAllitle... " It ti ° '''M ' Ji't neakima.:.„,,t......,,01, r; 8 Jo Paokens ... . ... OS • l'Ii• Cr 'IJ • 1, 3 : T 7 .._._ .................4..,_,,„,„ 44. 414,1 ' /16 411• 1111 , ,a ,J M 1 _ ...... ..... ..i• • AWL 4 00 ...... ..... . so Ist to - 71 200 ..... Mumma U . ° 111 HO 040 Auesoad te 0 Ewing/ . 09 18 108 ..... 08 20 los! „... cvpookii.t •ir: iiiil P....."• _ p yue t rap„ 02 74 005 - 1, - Zailles ..... - 11.kIrriderON -I* . #ivtlillifi, • 411 ' ' 643 ,IfiOstilits.o,4....k . 0..„ $1 86 081 ,:..4: '.BD Py1e5..;.,....0$ lit 239 A. Joslaklllorq ' "V. 31 20 '. 7 131 1 11,1346 "0111181111 P. 257 ....L, 0011044011obbiose . .. 11 99 ,309 i .;',.:, RAN.* 11ib1iaii....:...:,.... 11 AO 150 Noolund Robison ' • 07 30 118 • 18$ Jillnolleooreettijo.....;.,... 21 10 8 , SOO Jab* .141flieton 21 79 400...,.. l'ohn..llllson • '2O 80 080 ~ 43.4' Ainslie Neatb . • • 04 30 050 , ..... Inorolii Sobsioror...i. .... .. op GP 401 Primu.o Forbes 05 56 r • 11111.11/11 TOWNSHIP. 420 .... 11.180 Teland..„ ..... ..,,,,. 04 90 415 -....... Simnel Norton - Or 10 . . .420 '-... ' Daniel Wlllisais 116 10 462 —•. • Wllir4BBC_Brady 04 80 224 -... ; Rfahard Patio? 04 80 031 . .... :amulet' Parker - ' 04' 80 410..... „Umtata Brady " 09 82 401 4....• lobed AM •1018 . 237 ..... Thou Gnat 09 52 . ... . . . 134 • ...., Robert Brady TO 13 110 .... Wm P Rraay 06 33 237 ..... Thom& Errant. 03 71 090 ..... Alexander Ranter aO6 43 300 .. , ..o Jeremiah Jackson 03 51 126 6 '...... Wilibini Stedman ~....... 01 45 130 ...- Robert Tr rd 01 49 409 fOll3 James Orathera 01 80 440. ..... Jame. 1144...nt 03 11 300 ..... thellilli 5mith.....„......... 03 37 . 300 .... Aaron Levy 03 61 SOO ...- Winiam Parker....... ......... 04 76 194 / ..... Moors Wharton 71 IMMIM OM WALKER TOWNSHIP. funnel Harrickmaa-. David Hood • Obn ..... . Whorl Pardon -.- Hobart Robinson Oar lanajanlin ...- 11 Py UNION TOWNSHIP. 100 . 050 ..... Darla Bones. 87 78 .... bane Feely 06 15 ..... Adam Kooes Q 4 02 ..... Mors Koraker 23 82 262 191111 est a1rd....,. " ' 26 52 263 Ilenjkmln Beard 26 .52 •Willlene 8r00ke...8 32 28 082 Thomas Tornekle 3•• • • 04 66 ~ W P Flober 02 44 ' 018 017. ~... LadwlCEaroaker 44 28 ..... James Leos , 06 15 ..... Jame/ Long 06 16 ..... Jamas Long 0$ 16 ..... John Doewoody 13 46 ..... lesomel Phipps 06 13 ..... Joint Bum* dy 24 60 ..... Job. Priebe 24 60 Jane 11hials. ' 15 FIifiGUSON TOWNSHIP. 056 Robert MoCarthey OREOG TOWNSHIP. .. Janes logurittore. HAINES TOWNS HIP 060 Adam Balender of n 044 Albright Brrinelbrd... ,4113 04 ..... Jame* Reitz ..... .......: 04 85 . Mary Limbo • 04 30 NO Thomas 3M? 04 35 HARRIS TOWNSHIP.• 313 300 400 400 40Q 40 0 S Samuel Wilson.. 400 ..... John Michell.- 100 ..... John_Reynoldn... 400 8 Hotly 400 TIMMS' Sankey. 100 .... John Steel 400 • ..... Robert Semple.-- 10 00 . 400 Adam Connolly,.. 400 ..... David Wilson...* 400 Jose 1. Work ..... Joseph v.. 400 -... David Wagk lo ii 400 ..... Nathan Sinqmon 10 10 400. -... William Wilson-- . ..... ... 06 II 400 .... Allan 51441..... 10 10 =St! =M EMI 400 ..... Jams. Resd.-......... ...... - 20 40 400 ...... Absalom Andre....... 20 40 400 ..l.) JamesHama— ............ „-- 00 30 300 ...... ,eilllfill'llam 06 84 300 ,000 Meaner Mat*lWO-- 08 10 100 400 Weber Wilson 02 46 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. 221 John' Pries .... ............,. 31 03 363 J On Wlteolend 31 03 263 JAk a Bel (Ingtoo 31 83 020 'Jame. Boehm 01 83 000 Robert Widines 11 29 000 Robert Xubneo 33 06 NH Robert Rubbed 13 36 OM OWO Kobnee...- 26 66 000 MMus Mabee, • 10 316- , MERION TOWNSHIP. 000 Robert Young 09 66 000 .1 M Meßtuney...... 14 40 000 W A ?I'm.. 13 04 POTTER TOWNSHIP. 254 034 Jaws Forbes OS 05 300 1100 Jahn Brows OE 85 200 000 Edward Ilaro 04 T 5 200 000 William Elgus 114 76 400 .01111 WilillusHarrison 'O4 75 , 410 000 Andre* 1:181 08 80 400 000 Joesplb Cowell 0413 100 100 Thomism Omit 011 80 400 000 John McClellan 03 /10 400 000 Joneph Blair OS 80 400 000 Thomas (Jordon • 03 SD 400 000 J C Rawl . • 03 80 400 000 fi-Joiooba 03 80 1 0 0 0011 Thomas Ballo ' • 03 60 - 000 - John Murrill ' OE 80 Ono Op Robert McKim. . I 400 ~ David Meßlos 08 80 TA 1. TOWNSHIP. 100 , 000 Jacob ....... 08 00 080 000 Daniel Bee ......... 03 12 089 000 Jacob Beek - OS 12 434 000 Joke lamb 12 Oil 434 000 Jolla fibenjek ...... ..-•••••.. -0 8 62 434 000 Ilanry i rSTpa 08 60 484-: Wit 08 88 434 eke Joilk ..... 0 6 01 484 000 Roil William, 08 62 434. 000 HaoBB9lltaa 08 62 250 \ 000 Saeub ' *spool 16 el 209 900 Outsilao Vaapuol 40 397 094 !llama Davenies ...... PIO IWO , Seem. llikurkleoLie..4p.m...-/ 01 0 0 100 000 David NAletpo,i.” —l4 86 250 ' 000 Oleineal73sebwab SO 67 000 000 Denial Thick 2' 06 2P NW OD Joel) Beek • 02 80 WOR2II . icaNtvitc. 260 000 P7l 1/ Wray 29 00 ',reamers 0114. J. DITISIDGERT, Seitifees,..b.ra Tetouan, • - sanah- israsiat-elastions-Nas al hot bosoms tlislitt fief APSII:INTh.. OO otIA" I - 14=rtiti nook canal oaths' aunty ovum UMW York, err p wa &riot INA t 'ohowmil4 4 4 nolosa anpialarai Nista as alf trist=rtt=r4irdrat. 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