a~1i~1„i~E?I~tT~ r 11,1eit &we - • osier • ethreeeiler itilleteit. The -Adler; Oardbritqletia, here thee" hirefie 404104 116.1 14'hilltit.Osedek:UtiLati• eireeeteeterieeleptheeseepeti eel to seine biFfreeleereeirillibeite Wilhite • •Isweelc wiatA Airdtelni 0011141i4krwrOp. Derr Ins Otte salt, iisklii.ll6. idea Sof belt treehlret abe toad Unites. a rekuee et week which ezhibit it 'set widow ow* revile heat. 11614 the filloehes lisoakial DA To la, eIF old tieloritabeerer I Not a olio oit eels* b u e o ettye, mem War In II Mail 0112 ibiellk Or peeps Italy et the • door.; The Isolentemeahtilmterchi Sean . 7"11110 the toilet old Nowt *leered were - WM bla olillifonalalLoMVasolasl gamin dir tin old mks barroorawastaad la Bold olglAtaninotar. liao~44a; And load Mreeibtheetripphilips meek I The white Areegh the elopilkesed :ttabrweys meek, Like stenteriamthwite thistrase trying to With Ph e mid iipmsys they Ihia would tell, Of the Joys or woes.thaltworehanee betel The many who amp In the home to dwell' Of thersid old men who last moved sway, tot an male awe thigh.. eirwltnot pay, As he nsehoood, and reekostod U, o'er and o'orr 'Zo pay Joe maned oslingle ;nom For • Adler o'er head, Im/A be Jelled ur bd , . • Pros al bongrriso 111.4,14 "rips ft& AY, What.' plUrallybees td lliy , To dost biro mere Omar amass sap give r With Its woes, dearth, sad Utypeitry worth, ' Ithen God bath thenthe who wide myth. An elegant house for rials4l4 And furnished already, a ihasatiful set • Of rbmwood and yule*, and plash, with the two Large Lento reception-Asia cushionod In bine ; A drawing room carpet, s loa with limn And bouquets amass bled between; Blob hangings of namable* able sad gram, The ducat and clearest satbroilkwy Ines ; And fawn-colorsd silk. Wawa with °magi rad bins, • Not.fadsd a famed, and equal to as The parlor more plainly but 'mealy we L furnished with golden and green broestelle ; An ariary and oenesmatalm Oi mast 'exotica apes the same A library with the beet anthem rapist*, The standard adMone, end abides Mil !Wits; Tbeworkrofold-masMcndo westr whirr Of the elegant drawing-roar Osseo, and which Were alerted abroad with much Islamic, and ears Originals mostly, with ;topple' moil rare; Ah, that a oradltor'a doe Should change nab a home treat old hands Into new Ab, pillfal too, that a fortune ones wads Should be soattorod , at one* by -.orlon In , trade. For Salo or to lot, • neat little plan, Jag twelve toot but, with a garden spans, Planted with roma and twangy kept, With - boat lttt s gravd - watts smoothly swept; With sweetbrior over. t►e doorway Waging,- And over lb. wieket the °lomat Is clinging; With windowi elm whent the nutlight fails Thropigh snowy !bids um snowy walls ; Through boughs with' manila fancy woof O'er she low-potted Gothic roof. • A widow site la • morning cap, With a mottling Infant upon her lap; 'Two years ago she was a wife, With gladdestimpes of tar ovular life; Whilst he.wbo then stood by her side, In the-Grin Wang* of mealy pride, Are one brief year was lowa, bad died. The little home that was /Pose OMNI ; In her heart's memories, must)re solV d-r To ply bey needle night and day, Would not sues* tho oast to pay I And the i llag of tha wily auctioneer Mot lost, ea the morning, even here. To be let at outlook house and lot, • Jolt oat of the city, a -quiet spot; With many improvements ter and near, Whom bilk and tads were. statute appear r , lint the rent Is highland 'as pat - of the way Pow • ale* or a merchant. who every day k Most slowly travel a mile or two, And lose an hoar to his business due ; fk, he Jost looks in, and pauses It by, As tie far off, and the mat too b igh. Poe sale, an stagiest onentry-esat, With Its garden. and °stammer qomplete ; therlver bank, Win in gothic stle, • With blantlibl viewlifor nay a mi le; And tastallsily liumbbed fw *may part, • With many an exquisite work of art; Its owner,poemesor of bibulous wealth, Would travel abroad for his failing health, Be ball tolled mid tolled for the prise of gold, lib Alps amlasise snle wealth untold Rom the Tropic illes,Ued the Indian seas, HM wealth le bores on every bream; Alas! Uwe easier far to gee, Than hPlith rostMed tot/6 o'er-lard brain He will go abroad, but to nod tooth, Or Crag out jean to a ;Roistered room ; Ah I pitiful too, that hit 000ntlees woalth Can't pumbasi kook the the gift of hmath ; He would give it all Gould it but restore The cheerful flow to hit hearniUdif Oftire, To let,. desolate, elleariou roam, Lout like n than *lamb, Hidden In asbeernuesaa gloom I A }ink msk, on Ida *flaw la laid; The tut months rept, le still unpaid, lle the mother. yaps searoody buy The brad for whislytie oklldrao As she mita by SIN half-antJaptisned lamp To stitch at eight la the noisome damp, tl ma he mu bet born to sack weary lot, cheerful pi was her fatharls eot; She was not Nom** snob bitter pain, Bat the wine-cop maddened the boa train ; 'Alai pitiful too, that • living tomb Should bold • heart in Ah ! pitiful too, that the wary breath Oaa bled the soul in • living Math. "There are many mansions pmparad above, And the only mat lan heart oT lens; And tolling on, none, e'er may forgot, In Hearse hi avers. how* 40 baled. GREAT OPRECE• OP HON. JEREMIAH . ) Sc BLACK. Of fswwgJeawfw, i n a t u rriud Eta e t fl g giroree; C , ..rodfaiso Cbmpinalloni." (Comilla/114M* /aft jrcek .) The learned ensue) el Khe other idde will not Ibal there wait wiz' it kiiitk misspells la 1864, for ibey bare reed NW. lastierle, and Judge Orion's opinion bribe prize even, and of *owns lbey know it to be a settled rule that war cannot be said lo este( where the civil °earls are open,— eanp tlii ibibia - parar ne cessity, for ibe). arg „:w.ll aware that it would not be trip) In the pgmt .of , fact., - 7 ~They will bard) ta.s tits grtlptiikv, SOY ISlnd.ollseeensity sould ten vslitlll# to iiiidiotoi tha,lttlir:Attd '.. A i ~, tijklont riot although the-arso uoluamraittealto 4 / 4 4044, 1 10 ra 1 4014 11 ilatim Nb littOitiilll- : toatameasity, for it, yat tt tiers vol r irar WW,,,whetteleei ',Melt the, Waited - Stehle Were a faktif*lt. lll bill ,00 1 , 0, " 4 mier lrel i l,9obkalkoill*TWOß amp:Awe the el 'Touted .ttek- aviekt,rle te early veicW's • •r .' -• Duras. We do eat Theo they 'tea. ssb 4e We 1,11, tee mildew else Is left: • 1. do ft!!' r•Iisll from, crecilleeszie• while Its likalutdassa held up to th trirg~ee:, lift they-eutio steed epee that De jkie to 'popeetieelteleleelp er, I Irate Doti le,jobatilthe. tithir )0441 1 1,4 1- 0. 1 •bees I,lte Seetriae th'iAliewleTlNWMlrt idairoWeleee thrietirkOttAlit • leouiehee+.eird is the, ileetalatetariteW brill,Petblittllietilledlaildheato / deWlett . etee.:alP. 114,140.14.7,0 1 0 1 014 1 4# the Coestituffisrlieset AWbiliwillsoet44 mwklis it heposee those vlurirWatt 4 1 44 1 :414, jorksdlatlea. *it ',fl oc r44510, 1 43i, , AS 1 00kkat 1"1 : 10 PA:. . - ._ .tr. 1,..9. , •i • . Of '-' ' ' r* ' ' .t.tiV,, ' . '-'. • rit, - ,f; 4 ; : 0 3, .. . • ... `,• -0 f..g ', 4 --, ' '-'3.%.* • • Of ` I . 4 . • to " . '...."' .0.1 - .. 1 - 4 .• ' ' • 31: .. :•.ii3143.1. ,-.1 ..... ' •. f r.",.• . . . . - ,•, . - It4 * ' 4 1 r.i.j 3 :I..:•''' . . .. . . ' * .... ' i ) t i . 1 ' 0 . 1 .• . % , ~..• , a 3' Nil • . e . .. • .-.., s ' ;., •,, , .1 1! . I II , . .. , 1 ' 11 . .1 1e • ' 1 - 4 111 iit'( - i 11 • , . . , 1 ,....., ~ 8. . . . . . ~...." _ . . . . , . . ..,.. . . •. . . . . .. • lIMBEI ME ' . a ~"_ • - ITCC" 11 • alppf, Tennessee, or South Carolina. it COl 6 OO l O ll le r•Poolod„ .• or its operation suspended in one Iltale Wades them lima. in &mother. The north MI °pea, the to - galdsation of 'Wety is intuit; the judge& are on the been, and their ,prpmoss fig not Impeded; tint theiralisrbdthilen ia Why? Because, esy out epponenti, war exists, and the silent, lap% teebniosi °par ades of that feat is le deprive allocution atiiints of Iber right to I fair trial. That Weis at jurists and defamed' *lto hold that the trial by is lost to eh, ken sthrintribireaistenoe of war; earrunct hum dearth°. tiporalsolly and ptirticatlP to it. inland& eonmenunemit. The right of trial by jury being gook,, nil' other rights are gone with It; Moisture a man may be omitted without an summation and kept in prison during the pleasure of his eaptersl hie papers may be smirched without a wag. nut ; his property may be oonliaested be hind his beak, and be has no earthly minim ,orredreu. Nay, in attempt et, get • just remedy Is construed asp new crime. Re dare not iron complain, for the right of free spubh is genii with the rest of his rights. If jon sanction that' doctrioe, what is to be the consequence I Ido not speak of what Is past and gone ; but in case of • future war what result. willltrilow—froor jeur- • • • • endorsing the Attorney 13 Vs view. 1 They are very obvious. At the instant when the war begins, our whole system of legal government will tumble into ruin, and if we are not all robbed, and kidnapped, and hanged, and drawn, and quartered, we will owe our immunity, not to this Constitu tion and law., but to the' mere mercy or policy of those persons who may then hap pen to control the organised physieal force of the count ry. _ This eertahgp puts us in a"mont preeirl- 1 one oondition Iwe must hare war • ut half the time, do what we cm Co a roi it. The President or Congress can w ant ly provoke a war whenever it *vita the pu apt of either to do so; and they oan keep i a hog as long as they please, wren a the actual conflict of arms is over. When peace woos them they can ignore her exis tence; and thus they can make the war a chronic condition of the country, and the slavery of the peopWperpigoot. Nay, we ire at the mercy 'of an protentate who may envyue the - ession of our lib , metiei which we bottet.of so much ; be can shatter our Constitution without striking a single blow or bringing a gun to bear upon ult. A simple declaration of hostilities is more terrible to ud then en army fhb ban ners. I." To me, this moms the wildest delusion at ever took possession of a human brain. 1 Ihr'tie ha one prinolpleatpolitlaal ethics ore universally acknowledged than an other, It it that war, "1 especially- civil itsp a tems be JuMiled only when it is under taken to vindicate and uphold the legal and constitutional right' of the ppople: not to trample them down. •Ile who carries on a system of isholesole siguglater toe any other purpose, must eland without exeunt' before God or man. Lisa flog.' of war, more than al any other time, yogic Ilitorty is in the bends of pnbl t ie odious. she is there in double (mit;•find, as 'they are citizens. and therefore bound to defend her, by the common obligation of all ollisens ; and newt no they are her epeeist gourdiane-- "Who edit Id against her madmen shuttle door Not bear the knife themnires." The opposing argument, when turned into plain English, means this, and this only ; that when the Constitution is attacked upon one side, its official guardian. nay assail it upon the other; when rebellion strikes It in the face, they may take advantage of the blindness produced by the blow, 'to sneak behind it and stab It In tits back. TUN INTIM OF T 6■ CI 11141.11.011011 The Convention when it fumed the Con stitution, and the-people wk th ey sdottted it, could have irsd' we ' likeehse: If they bad suppused and - ItwOoltropersto only while perfect pesos emitterlnd, that certainly would hero given us some other rule to go by In time of war ; they would not , have left us to wander about la • howl ing wilderness of anarchy, without s lamp to cur feet, or • guide Wear path Anoth er thing proves their actual latent atilimore strikingly'. They required that every man' in any kind of public emplbyluent, elate or national, civil or mtillary,' ehould swear, withtutt reserve or qnsillierolon, that he would support the Constitution. alurely our ancestors bad too moth regard for the ;nor el mod religious welfare of their posterity to 'items upon themlut oath like thai, if they hrtitada end lk.vpitot:fil it to be biotin half The.statis alas antler to support the Consillutleifehi'eti tte that of • witness to tall the 4kuti,in s , quirt, ofl4- title. What would yob ikli)s who should attempt I° 4rmiitePirS)Ort mitot the ground that halal teelltled ;when idyll war wee raging, dud lid 'lltirirjht that by swiertng to • lie he titlgbt 141nsts 11000 .public or private object eonlsetted with the .:,'l,O. ho, v *rest mom wHo mode Ude vottalry ghat It heroes who won her Alepeedesem and the eletesman who set id hitt Llttilltlitlims•-bml se spelt notion lo their Made. • i_lf*hhhigtoot delayed tha lofty prilott / beidaw~nby ibe Piis. /debt of 00144ft0 Who* We resigned •hb Doti iiteim—that he het 1110fttlegkilor : itf r of the Mill : titipitiool • sim„wd throu4ll alfilawdoim4, !heti liledetrmo Preildred aftdtttor= 414;_htfejlothd peldle fates to - :'' itebt*Wrdta iitiottwe Petuuylrools hi 11011 e l, lik€l4,bt*Algpllj#l,llilol . WAS ab 03141114 by Thin.:'MVO iqty la.ftew /adv.* 1111ftyland, ..ord.* : 3 :' , ' lti wept& lair Wadi a &metier ' ' or de adollei Itildo at that titat,r'lt l i.6l lops; izir a o l li re dal . 'riga 04tiftifttel *wormed od . . ... , • • llt tit la* Ms ifteereiteivis tald a l hZeldwiWelliellne how tbet 004 Me military and naval power then upon the fag. of the earth.- every tints upon the' adribern • frontier: nptti the Atlantic Wes , bord, and upon the Gulf 'nest was in Oily and hourly danger. The enemy bad gene.' • trsted the heart of Ohio, New Y,,ork, Penh:: sylvan% and Virginia, were all of them thrbatened Kota tie West as well as the East. Tiis Capi4l won taken, •ttd burned, and pillaged, and Orery member of the Fed. oral Administrations was • fugitive before the Invading army: Meanwhile party spirit was bresklag but Into • astual Cresson all over New Nagland. itodr of those Mates refused to furnish .a, MSS or a dollar eve toe their Gem defense. Their public authlf. titles were ! plottlng the dismemberment of the Onion, end indfilduals ,estoug them were burning blue lights upon the coast as • signal to the enemy's ships. But in all this storm of disaster, with foreign war In his front, and domestio treason on his flank, Madlkon gave out no sign• that he would aid old England 'and New England to break up this govenuisent of laws. On the mintrary, Ito and,All his supporters, though compassed round with darkness andrwith danger, stood faithfully between the Conntitution sod its, enemies. - - .!Teehhad it, and Bare It, or poi , Wfrireere of thec.) their ootemporaries Mation and ii4 l owl were hurled ; their obildrou aim them, and condo. , .'uliflentritirs until (buy, fled on the stage o 14, A rt Nees of sad paid their ••Lived out the Death A To time and .A 2 Eir=si and a t veneration wits already On its way to e grave before this monstrous doc trine was eonceived or thought of, that pub lic °Mears all over the country oirghtNek ; regard 'their °Adis WE war or a re bellion was commenced. a Our friends on the othemoideare quite conscious when they deny the binding obli gation of the Constitution they merit put some other system of law in its place. Their brief gives no notice that, while the Consti tution and the Acts of Congress and Magna %arta and the Cromon Law and ill - thet rules of natural Jilt - Ice shall remain under foot, they willrry American *Miens occur : ding to the law of nations. Dot the law of nations takes no notice of the imbibed. If that eystem did contain a special provision that a Oofernmest mighlehang one of Its own 'lntone without judge or jury, it 'bald still be competent for the American people to say, as they have said, that no such thing should, layer be done here. That is my an ,swer to the law of nations. But then they tell us Shot the law, of way must be treated as paramount. Here they become mysterious., Dq they mean that code of public law, which define the duties of two belligerent panne 10 . one 'another,- and regulates the intercourse of neutrals with both 1 'ryes, then it Is sim ply" a recurrence to the law of nations, which has nothing on earth to do with the subject. Do they moan that portion of our municipal clod* which defines our dudes to the Government In war a, well as hisses T Then they are speaking of the Constitution and laws, which delare in plain words that the Government - owes every citizen a fair legal trial, as much as the citizen owes obe dience to the Government. They are in search of 'ad argument under difficultise. When they Appeal to internationaljaw, It le -silent; and when they interrogate the law of the land, the answer is an unequivocal contradietion of their whole theory., The Attorney-General tells us that all persons whom lie and his associates choose to denounce for giving aid to the rebellion are to be treated an being JhemitAiesji part of the rebellion. They are pub*weionniett, end therefore they may be punished without being sound guilty by a competent court or jury. This convonient into would outlaw every edition. the moment he is charged with kr; lititi iv Ogre/11111. But political offenders are pree y the class of persons" who moat need the ' notion of a court and Jury; for the prosecutions against them are most like ly to i bd unfounded both In fieftstid law. Wham Innocent sr guilty, to amiss@ Is to convict them before thesignorant end bigg 'tenon who ;stonily sit in military courts. But this Court decided in the prise cases that all who live in the enemy's territory are ;dahlia enemies, without regard to therr personaisentiments or conduct; and the converse of the proposition is equally true —that all who reside inside of our own ter ritory are to be treated as enter tae protect lion of the law. It they ielp tin/ninny they Sr. eriminals, but theocannot In pun ished without legal convictien. MS maim or WU UOVIUJOOIT Too him heard muith (au you will boar moreitery won t ) atneeniug the natural and iabereal rights of the Government to defend itself withouf regard to law.. Thiele 'whelk? , fellserous, 'iln • dmiotisat the VI IOSSIS is unesstrioted is thiamin be may nee for the defense of his authority 'spinet. the !pit:tittles' of hhi own auldoots or oda- ard; sea that Is weasel, what Makes hint' 'liiieirlibt ' 10 in • Hilted iionayeby thy prince to* eiaillhvi himself to a legal de feasd'of blifgovensment. if he goes beyond that, and etwitadta,9ogroostens on the rights of the Pinitloji• Inotaki. the *tidal oompael, relation his subject st frmis all dolt obllgr. ththe„th h4t lolderi 14 0 111 ')W1 14 le. be ;ailed from his throne, or thew& to the h ,laelror drlwrit Into oath. l'li;prfnetple wee rillitrio: trait - I*mA in the °aura Charter I. aid Anted 11. and wilii — ei Wanes:mead 'ini thi higheitt e* .lalauthority lteroliest the Queen of inasad rommot ring •`.llithi . t mos, - ji kir treb le %Rd 'ere a moo- by her 41 _ ..tii, be' arrostittl under any odedeiterri.,ll4bal be tree, OWN 4040 1 1 4 X"f lul'ii • vre ;\„itiaiilin And.iihere lbw the NISI llet(and iii 4,,, ~..,iii. ..., i.. .134 - 4 lows. tilrbt rikiroti, o ,Ilog_an o iciiiecontr:l 41.11 .K4A12 - 04' ' . nfIC RN. - Oseervatiesettligi indolka.:- "Ifa.w•Pitilire. , ' ~„ ; , ~, so* fiddli .. .iliitbninli lOW f 1 iteteirolf tkoweleri is the -uprise lo It. Ifboly t hoteelvhe hold Oti aitkotity of Gerioni4 . gdat ficelikeads behave In V . . . • ht ' 3 - azoimea awn *MMus vprzoir.,, BbLLE ONTE, PA., FRIDAY„ MAY 18, 1866. , • to defendpeelf VritheSt violating its own laws, it emeriti Ike-needs of destruction in its own bosom; 'l* lea poor, weak, blind, staggerifig thing, end the sooner it tumbles over thu better. But it kits a moot ellinient legal mode of pvotacting itself against' all possible danger. It is clothed from bend to fool ins complete panoply of defensive ar: isms. What abs' the perils which may threatiit he existence f I am not. , able at ii e this moment to think of more than. th wbioh I am about to mention ; fore melon, domestic inrurreation, mutiny oft e army- and nevy, eorntptlen in the sigh ad- - ministratioo, mid -Lain, but not least,orimi nal vlolattons of its laws committed by in dividuals among.the kody of the people.— Raab we not a legal mode of defense against all these? Yea; military force ripes in vasion and sapp insurrection; you presefve discipline in the army and r.avy by means of ootirtr martial; yen preserve the pushy of the civil administration by im peaching dishonest magistrate*, end crimes are prevented and punithed by the regular Judicial authorities. You are not merely nom ;,. led to use these weapons against ..r anestilee because they and they only are Justified by the law, you ought to use them because they are re lininnt eßvillable to be *bus - hero, too.' MEI All any 0 Mare is another view of the subject which settles all controversy about it. No heroin bedig in this country can 'remise any kind of public authority which is not conferred by law; and under the United States it must be given by the express words of a written statute. Whatever is not so given is with-held, and the exercise of It is positively prohibited. Courts mar tial in the artily and navy .are authorised ; gbh are legarlastltuilons, their Jurisdict lion is limited, and their whole code of pro eedure is regulated by act of Congress.— Upon the Idyll seurts all the juriadlotion they have oreataave is bestowed by law, and If one of them goes beyond what is written. its notion is vitro sires and Void.— But a military comnaluion is not a court martial, and it i f not • civil court. It is nut governed by the law which is made for either, and it has no law of its own. With in the last five years we have seen, for the .gist time, self-eonstitatedtribunal• not only asaming power which the law did not - give them, but thrusting aside the regular courts to which ihe power wet exclusively given. What fa the nonseq 1 This terrible authority Is Wholly undefined, and its exer cise is without any legal control. Rudolf,- gated power is always unlimited. The field that lies outside of the Constitution sod laws has no boutllary. Thlerry, the French historian of England, says, that when the crown and sceptre was offered to Cromwell, he hesitated for several dayeand answered, "Do not make me Log; for then my hands will be tied up by the laws which define the duties of that °Moe ; but make me, protec tor of the commonwealth and I can do what please;l no statute restraining or limiting the royal prerogative will apply to me."- 1 Bo these commissions have no Iligal orl h, and no legal name by which they are known among the o itildrerc of men; no law applies to them ; end they exercise all power for the paradoxical reason that nortelytlonge to them rightfully. Ask the Attorney General wlist rules ap ply to willitaryalommissiolurin the exercise of their ammo& authority over civilians. Come, Mr, Attorney. "gird op thy loins now like a man ; I will demand of thee,and thou shalt declare unto me if thou bast un derstanding." How is a military_ commis sion organised, ,What shall be the number and rank of it. members? What offences come within' it, jurisdiction ? Whet is its code of procedure? How shin' witnesses be compelled to attend it 1 Is it perjury for a witness to s ervitor falsely ! What is the function of the Judge Advocate I Does he tell the members how they most find, or doeh he only persuade them to convict? is he the agent of the Government, to co* mad them what evidence they shall admit and what sentence they shall pronounce— or does he always carry his point, right or wrong, by the mere form of eloquence end ingenuity What is the notate' Of their punishments! May they noitfiseate proper ty and levy Thies as wet's* imprisonand kill? In addition to strangling their victim, may they altititleny him the last- oonsinations of religion, and refuse his family the melan choly privilege of giving him • decent grave? / • To nem of these questions can the At torney G I make a'reply,for there is no law on the subject. He will not attempt to "darken council by words 'without knowl edge," and therefore, like Job, be can only lay his band upon his mouth and keep si lence. The power exercised through , tlictiti eounniukins Is hot only unregulated by law, bat it is incepabl: of being so regula ted. What is that you calm, Attorniyl I will give Jam • definition, the correctness of which you will not Wimp' to gainsay. You assert the right of the Executive GOV , :11p116111Dt, without 'the Intervention of the ludloiary, to capture, imprison and kill any per-on to vibes thatdinvernment or its paid depead o ;popc,„ Otiose to laette•-an' *l tches. his, in Its very *some., is au: polle'en'd - lambus., It is never claim litl or tolerated seept _bg,thoin govriodints lad& denttbeireetntilde of allolati. It has bees !Wolfed by dm great -oppressors el mankind ever aloes the days of Fiutred..• It operates la - different ways the tools It Wieners eat saps the sal; it tattoo tio . .l,l4o4.lbtgarls on may 44slikeitx, it momuse . ,.frobw rotiots_or for°. • -• • -iwi• ••4 7 It eau soup • Asps Istrittese 4# Wyatt- Jetfoil, And wt tbi 41640. PP f4 , Y+ l 44lnuri apPoir . 1 , 0 2 ,1 0 : 0 1141 . 14 0 1 #4!= '''rti - 70 . 4 • .”01 . 4ot; „ .4040 Wto.loto , -,- —•-•• . CAMP. „ 'Vidor tilt 014. Probe' taceiwoh,f, vorittelaoh!oo of . woo .tttaw 1110' Vegail‘• ; gigiod kbg, ad ads vdoidde; fla w ' the Forty to slcoOttumotto . a,, tints 41od, firsittioilVig dui world, Au lospoidobilopOwill , orovitr4boloaos• in* 0 1 0114 1 4 1 .4 1 • 4 0000:41 1 tIt9t : outios *awl latito,lourk • it kto r 9f*,- . 74,4414r4 14 441t1itirg , , • 100 totWWW two dragoons oar Ili wl7 (0 , • the mice, of .Biberia. lb Turkey dm ier hal order of the Suiten or'any of Ida power ful. favorites will Amuse. man to he tied up' to a each and cad into the Bosphorus, Ne ro soopsed Patter and Paul of spreeding a “pestilentenistatition," which they yelled tha gospel. Its beard , theirdefense in per son, and sent them to the arms. Aflerwards, he tried the whole Christian churob in One body on a charge of sattinefire to the atty, and be convicted them, though he-knew not only-theft they were innowt, bat that be bilinself had eonunitted tl4lprime. The Judgment wen followed by Instant aiee4.• honk he let looms the Praetorian-guards upon men, V/001013, and ohildren.to drown, butch er, and burn them. Herod saw fit fur good political reasons, closely affditing the per manence of his reign in Judea, to punkah certain possible traitors in Bethlehem by Anticipation.. This required the death of all the children in that city under two years Of age. He issued biz "general ordh ;" and his provost nierebill carrled.it out with so much alacrity and zeal, thit in'one day the whole land was filled with mourning and lamentation. Macbeth understood the whole philosophy of the subject. lie was en unlimited_men.._ to punish for any offense at all wastes broad an that which the Attor ney General claims ffir himself and - his brother officers under the United Stoles.— But be wee more cautious how he, used it. lie hod a dangerims rival, from whom he apprehended; the most serious peril to the "life of his government.% l The necessity to get Alfa film was plain !enough, but he equkehol i gfford to shock he moral sense of the world by pleiding ifolitical necessity fora murder. U. must "Mask the business from tgecrimon eye." Itoongdinly he pent for two enterprising gen tlemen, whom be took into his service upon liberal Pay-"mode love to *Lair assistance:" and got them to deal with be acoused par ty. Ild sated as his own jildgo adiboate.— He made a most elegant at 4 stirritireviefort to persuade his agents l t Banquo was their oppressor, and bad "geld them so an der florigne" that he ought!lo die for that alone. When they agreed &art be was their enemy, then said tio ,"00 he is mine, and though I could 'With barefaced power sweep him from my sight And bill my wit/ Avouch It ; yet I awl mot, For,eirtale friendly who embeds his and min* Whose love I may lot drop , - Poi these and ..many weighty reseons" besides, he thought It best to commit the ex ecution of his .1. 10 to subordinate agen cy. The commission thus organised- in Banquo's.ease set upon him that very night at a convenient plitokbeside the road where it will Chown he would be traveling; and they did preelsely what the Attorney Gen eral says the, military officers may do in this country— they look and killed him, be saute thole- employer at the head of the government wanted it done, and paid them for doing it out, of the public treasury. =I But of all the persona that ever wielded this kind of power, the one who wont most directly to the purpose and object of it, was Lola Monte:. She reduced it to the elemen tary principle. In f 8413, when,she was: Minister and mistress to the• King of Bava ria, she dictated all the meuures of the government- The times were troublesome. All over Germany the spirit of rebellion was rising; everyintexe the people wanted to seb a first-class revolution, like• that whicb had just exploded in France. Many tenons in Bavaria dialikedUp be governed by a lady of the character which Lola Mon t arbor., and come of them were rash enough to say so Of coerce that was treuon, and she went about to Pranishit in the simplest of all ;Anatole ways. She bought Lervelf a pack of English bulb-dogs, trained to leaf' the flesh and mangle the limbs and lap the life-blood; and with these dogs at her heels, she mankind upend down the, streets of Mu nich with i most Inejestle tread, and with a sensa of oner which any Judge Advocate in America might envy. When she sew any pence whom see chose to denounce Bar, a• thwarting the government," or ~ taming disloyal Interne," her obkdient followers needed bet a sign to make them 'arias at the throat of their victim. It gives:me n: speakable pleasure to tell you the sequel. The people rose in their strength, emas he down the whole machinery of ,oppreasion, and drove all into uttermfast shame, king, *trump:ft, doge, and from that time to this; neither map; woman, Or beast has dared to worry,aktkilLthe people of-Bavaria. *All these are but so many different ways of using the sotto-64 power to punish.— il The va dity is-Merely the mesas which a tyrann eat government. takes to destroy those hom It Is bound to protect. Every- Where It is but, another construction on the principle linhartemOrseless nmehipe, by which despotism wveaks its vengeance on those mho offend it. In a civilised country it nearly always uses the military lone, bo ttoms* that is the sharpest and surest, al wall the best looking instrument that can be found tor,/n& a purpose. But in none of its forms can it ha Introduted into this country ; we have ma room few it ; the gronnd here is all pram:templed by legal and free instll.o*. ^. . • .we imaktrowe ' ilitan sor snow Pews.. the odious Who have ' , power lite d i ttli Um people Who mu Babb to beoobto its victims then can be no relation exempt that Outsider and'elive, The mai tar map bo'klud and the Wove may be eon tented in 1u Bondage ; but the man who eau take your ure, or 'lwasaki your arty, or despoil you °flour property at WM*. eretios, Other with his own bands er by please of hired twersear,'orte you and he Oen lines reo r. i.e '414 ,litst. All , yen . kvs, and all you ha* lasbeitskslier Wyss sad eilibirts, urs his . propertyt t • Ugai r let*auf isri It4d bleed. the Attetisy-IleusAlcted title tight.otlisides' tiscipiiT ste..4-Sll .00 1 4 eat be . mt. Wok Mithiseed,ll6,Pllstalti "aspoil Id* to uss. i It is imilltridelfwe may,mpe la the witlitt I ItutotilAt übtiuld tool the tutottealty ottlyebur veryliserwid. U. Amine is a theft time. The third for %toed le an appetite 110111klirov4/31; Whatl : tnitoit i Wat'e IPPT.Ahltrbi , Itettali4 Illobeepiarre rielideditlk twattt ildliiii , tit Werirlittt, bum", he 7sa• isr i elliO*i ell toZttli . _ . v _ . 1 4110 , i *Vettee' l o44 ll 111 P i" SO ' w t"P •4l4ll4ola " 1 4 1 9: r0t, 10 0Z,A billid = , k gfe. f t, ism treieei , iiitii *AO pew would Qom* ay 5. g _l l ` line beast, whatever was the frights! benevo lence of ids nature. If you decide that the Attorney-General holds in his own bawls or 'shares with others the power of life and death over Us all, I maid to bIIFVOry , entlliOnt in my interceurse with him; and I \PIM you, the Judges whom'l am now addressing; to do likewise. Trust not le the gentleness and kindness which has elwate merkedlis conduct heretofore. .Keep yolir distance be careful how you approach m ; for yen know fibt at what moment or by what sitriu fie you may 'rouse a 'sleeping How -Ile— Annhar the Istunetion- of •Soriptire .`fier not near to the span who bath power to kill; awl if Awl come unto him see that thou make no fault, lest he lake sway thy life presently fbethou gout among sitars@ and wolkeat upon the battlement. of the city." The right of the executive goverunient to Will and imprison citizens for political of- ' fuses has not been practically claimed In this country, except in MUM where commie , : stoned officers of the army were the instiu ments used : Why should it be confined to them r Why should not naval ;floors be permitted to share It f What is the rumen that common soldierw and lumen afe 'rein ded-from-altparticipation in the business 1 No law has bestowed the right upon alto officers more than upon other persona. If rTzen are to be hung up without that legal trial which the Constitution guerantere to them, why not employ oommissilne of cler gymen, merchants, manufaoturers, horse dealers, botcher., or drovers, to do it ? It will not be pretended that military men are better qualified to decide questions of feet or law than other olames of people; for it is known, on the contrary, that they are as a general rule, least of all grid to perform the duties that belong to a Judge* 7 The Attorney-I:lndira' thinks that a pro ceeding which takes away the lives of chi , aeon without a constitutional trial, it most merciful dispensation. His idea of human ity as well as law is embodied in the Nitwits of..military justice, with all its dark and bloody machinery. For that strange opin ion he gives this aurora reason: that the duty of the trommanderdwehief is to kill, and unless he has this bureau and theme commissions he must butcher" Indiscrimi nately, without mercy or justice. 'Admit thfit if the commander-in-chief or any other oftioetof the Government has the power of do king, to butcher the peopl i e at pleasure, be ought to bare somebody to ot'a him In selecting hie viollbee, as well as to do the rough work of strangling rind 'honing. Bat if my learned friend will onle , conde scend to cat his eye upon the Constitution, ho will i.e at onee that all the executive and military °asp are rilievied bzthe pro vision that the life of ► cl(l shall not be taken at all until utter legal conviction by a court and jury. 111 001101.0.1011 You cannot help but "see that military oommiselons if suffered to go on, Will be used for most pernicious purposes. I have oritioisad none of their pest-proceedings, nor made any siltation to their history is the last five years. - lint what eau 6e the meaning of this effort to Midianite them among us? Certeindly not to punish actual guilt. All the end of true )ustiee are at tained by the prompt, speedy,• impartial triat whlikate courti are bound to give. Is there any danger that erintl will be wink ed upon by the judges? Does any body' pretend that courts and Juries have less ability to decide upon facts and law thee the men who sit IC military tribunals? The counsel in this cattle will not 'adult you by even hinting such au opinion. Whit right eous or just purpose, then eon they serve None, whatever. But while they are utterly _powerless to • • von a shadow of used;-thy will be Mu nipolent it, trample upon innoienoe, to gag the truth. to silenee potrietilm, and mush ' the liberties of the country. They will . always be organized to convict, and the eon; viet.ion i will follow the attormation as surely as night follows the day. ThGovernment, i of ethirse, will scenes none he re such cam- Mission except those whom fpredelermin- es to ruin and deetroy. The aetraser tan choose the judges and will (tensility *elect those who are known to be themes' unprin cipled, and—the-most ready tondo whatever may please the power *blob gives them pay, promotion, and plunder. - -, The Willing value* out be foung.as easi ly as the super serviceable judge. , The treachorouispy and the base informer— those' loathsome wretches whit, de their ly ing by- the job—bill - itook snob a market with abundant perjury, , forth* authOrities that eipploy them will be be k nud to protect as well gs reward them. A corrupt and tyrannical Closernment, with lino* an an• gine at lie command, will about ihe - wrirld. l with the enormity of it/crimes. PlQzotria may be by the arts of it smillgagat pang- , 'hood, and urged on by the nuithums of a miring cried, it Will be ,worse them the Popish plot' or the IP tenth rovolutlon 7 -It will be i eonthinatier of both, with Pengler Tinville an the heath, end Tilts, Chapala the withem's box. Yon oats' some us iiant thin horribly ihie ' YOU alone See “Itimilie no from the ua r or tho, death ..- i o list fearful extent is the ''.6.;t67 of thlittlition in your hthas„ ' ' _' . • '" I ' ''' ' —The New York chrinkittAltyAlate• eats sap; "The wee it die eteektir The ehureli that shall now war, to lOW oolorod population of tie ooldolOi - will make OUTS of • area pewter Ai., alat'frieek t . Hs, aaTelleter ate WNW lair prin . , et leo, es en 4J 1," vondslus caw' l 4 1 .8 0" ears it, eta eproolo*ii tielerieri or end lieklag lie vet: books of the Not tor the aslvtaloia of .eettle—ant YONt o3ioultlett 4! Geire illakdOta—:blyt tlet ye- '4looporsimmoro.iusd . 1 . 490414‘.01 eon pleader witekibAl#l,lll4. God help eneit,..0614140.1 - irlilkure i 4 `t. , . . k " 4 " who oortwoot i - - tillbi4ollat oglluatdididlisidisVord glen' 11160;Iriiinillos bier the blood moilly:''thbo '•* yllometle *soy *bib 'Au) , Viola liliklkekseriti "Online vial %fir, rear 111411111111104 rf3es.9 llB idt:41.14 ""al 141 ' lim n* ftibu balmaire rgi aloft mu Jol l ity 4ida: 4 roklosmOvisan One of the but thing we have read slim Tic dolorabia corrospoadent sent 'us a de scription of • contraband wedding Is one of • similar character deserib&l by the local I ot the lgefulrfleyister sad A &craw% II ap pears that a negro couple had been living togelher for some years as mats and wife, kat •Vidattt de circumforenire ob de law." fry disagreed,lieeparated, and the ~_ jpi laid' her case before "de Bureau," wk ' he chirps were hoard, , and thunlio aid lis Dinah nemesi a / a wed tobtessondati, 1 Its order to do tare that the sinterun was properly atesoted, the maple ware plowed order a military guard, aid marehed or to %qui!, Btarr's ellioa. Arriving there,/ Ma omoxr of thll•gusrd remarked, "'ticks, hotel a Maids for you Mmarry." " All right," replied the patient, "Jost step in the book nom."" The couple and the ofßeer followed hits lo the room in the rear tr( the front Mlles, and after expliiaing the duties dad.obligations of married life, the squire requested them to Spin hands. Bride.—" I iota% range to do {t, I doesiet want to bab nu nto do wid dat nigger." Groom.—" I isn't 'tioslar 'bout marryle wid de gal. I tiegbetbabbed de Weneh.': This protest oyened the squires oyes irk. %two full moose to the baronet." He asked what was the meaning of it, when the rep resentative of thq Burson informeddbe Jas. doe that fhey were ordered by the Freed- men's Court to be married, and he oame up to is. the sentence executed. With this understanding Yuptioe Starr told the '•bapPz soople" to Seim hands, whiOh 114 did after much periusaion, and the following moue sashed: -- Juitiee..-..••thi - yoa take this man to be your wedded husband, to loge, cherish, obey," /to. Bride.—.. No I doesn't—not each I dOesn't—l wouldn't hib O four seresiot full ob slab trusb." . . Freedmen's Bursan,— ,, Yes we da..ellaire we take him—go on WO b:keeremony." . feeties.—" And do yit.telts 4ltis women to be your wedded wife, to tore, cherish," do. Broom.—" r lola ye dot I isn't 'flouter. I Isn't hankerinfarter de 'crow.' I kin lib widout de ole pl." Freedmen'i Bureau.—.“ Certainly we eke 'take her—eraourse we do—spits us to ; single Ovals Hum up Ile 'oasis," Justios.—" Then I prononoe you ell mug and wile, and day the Lord haveiterey on your -- --- THE T 601.8 OF OESPOTISI/ AFHANI OF),EGAL JUSTIOE. A bill Is now pending In Congress called “tbs•Kentuaky bill." It Is to esseturthe Wear ecnpus net of 1863, so as to ye tweak and 'mama the ;military tikere from meatkiora praernotion, for rata performed while they were wielding the almtmed pavers of milt tory tribunals and subordinates. - Great society sod baste are being man!. fasted In its passage, so as to shield the Kentucky • seoundrels against whom thou are some throe thonsand cases pending. An exchange rays ; • The military commission moundrels and their myruddoni, informers, astatine; marshals and the like, who during the war, invaded the dwellings of prima* aims ; who dragged lemmata men babes their Ir• responsible, tayonet-proteited tribunals; tried some on false tbstisany of subsidised . wituessak—pimp, thieves, robbers, burg lers,counterfeiters, assassins and other hi feral outlaws, oonvlated them on trumpted up chutes and consigned them MAIL, pen itentiaries, battles, end Vie sailowl—these eowardli culprits, no that they an no lon ger and shelter bed pfottioll'Oe feat re tribution of Matagmt. justice end elimani humanity, are tremblingly seeking security of person from the equally lawless Tailgate who are bolding built carnival at ton. Thaflt will pass, tortillas as it is In in. Motion', and unwarranted as It is-in consti tutional law, we have stn ressmable right to grieetion. The. pesos, the property, the eowasely-hottles of the culprit-teole, all mike appeals tote Shielded limn the right, eons retribution which is threatening them and which they gushingly fear 1 That this gang of unstrung misoreaste sea sow, kind of i'itirtad from the "Wks and sulfa" whlgh henceforth surely await them in °len siltie ty, we do not question ; that they desert, it, we bare not the charily to affirm. • MAD Talmo* Excassmiloy.—d wtilar desertblag do Lusatia Asyluseat Black weirs Island, says : fare Is a welkin *bow Joy du depdwd• at bat sadist lbw bite boadwul ibtld was on booty EtwoOlt 'Adak. was woldrad. Going down to do abort tfo sty day, as Whit wish of bolsi seam tbs Waved ddeots dot lay batted beosatb!Uas .bas, owidsody', ohs - WHIM then ,badtait ikon, a truest wfike , lod tido up sod wand doli: /to lagbid of doid Joy partudd4 bar kosout--ookliwo maw, rig Pat CTIPIe. • 44aytar bog bawl' tblda,goltbAlti l 4 o ll, 4 o# l 4l# l,4 o4taut - 1 1 • 0 11 ", Al* *lllo4 l o* 6 04f1p 9r riosi 0 0 ,iltiegkOt pltsw -*irk sw eu ay Intik Um buslatod awl sou mos sod wows bur tale„ In Lops 4° "‘”Vili l f 44l cr t44l . l l l oo7l 4 lokolgiii ataran intorita, viva* roin.lbei . ;:viiiNtribparair W. • tipaiiiiire . *eats ..A,V(.II, , WAI N _by limo ill/4*Na* *lila It= Is time bares t so& kill a ildts:**** 111 -'lsmi lt i sit drd Itior"l#l.6o4o,4o'ill#4*"' **Ma& IRE • MOW: 1[1" " • Bdi. • is. .!• ! lioneridd Wllll4ll hr'isevidi Shia. 11 WWI is .• .velations aad left so is imak similskir mash I ask vardebadiladtat . ME EMI Tisrearit AVM AO IN I ;, Total... 1•••••••••, . ••••• d 0 4 1. 40 1. 14011 - 4/01 llen la notblynoyanit'll ' l4lrM7plitio.,, Mbar as WV 6 9 1 1 1 0 1 Th Audit, WWII; Ka. Wolf win" Bat lam • outnefog sum! Didart I make warspentban;gatlionowned Deamenstp, and, mob .tatopperboada," mad, p strong for the ljnio• f Yon bolt I • Hatt the fools .» dead. 80110 ,_ 1 / 4 21 'ar*L-titallet fliai were kind.' Aid didn't get theevogeouvesltibilvi 100 t 9 • pregame "filltit , f Dimitaint -1/den, If I only 064 (iii siad !biro - what tidies ate Vein elevati.itoadfl Astatine* 414 sh I pln far boandint, and go Walmaang antliatriollem hadyloy4 , /plg on.loyaWf Ibsen nit I Oh Intl Glint pli , syhains la* fallen AI illpnatiat w tim boo mad lbw coupons eaLtbwwld.lfk f No* awe re.. my saikwhilt misitry I . takkatia-orart wit to keep• out of tit war kiaselltamdituilmo alien to p. bound's laticfetplard 'am I -yen goy they want tolyilno . 4 . Item ail ditlaitialeMitiwientfea TO noe I: VIM. sigalkeleleglos I , JAW • ' semstiliti 000\ilfleffiel drowatiod. And aoptyplettamtiarinad'ars eame.boadt. 43ad'a larva. I sold Mad put my manatrikSillids• Bmdi °mai ten to awning And I npoolderwl. to "tidsp." And I add Wulf to tho'oeldloral And I got thaw bounty Mosel a . b erg.. And I Iliad town quo*, and made a. edoe little haul,by kkat. - Aad I put my nab. in bonds. NO. 20; Bands art inne-old rosewood with gilt edge. Let melee. I have now one hun dred themenfiltilliza in government beads. Irow I lore gillitixerneeent / It Is flatbed the on. evireilleise on r These bails test , age me eigliiipie mat. hums! Ii geld. Inglit-per eel 'isiChe eau- bemired , lisidlusel dollars 1..1114140R theuleud. Mei 1 get In gold. worth akiely-In to fairies per teat. premitae..... Male wakes in grarabosks the snug little ma - of shaves theessed dal lare—reald.asaabers. - • ' Madabelevoiing *fit Is I dee't have ease lent or Willi Seel . • • This aa. Iw o , Oirvorsuiooki do world over SSW - it 4 aim hold boodo—poem} " pay nu*, 1 1 11..iszypilkoiror don't- Wier .-- am ,Udoitti eat NI one red Goat to—lot mo moo,. . f ; , . . To Foo OtA4lll - 101i1INIP1 To pay**Tomat ozposoio I : To rizrrig i s" so 1 " - To pad/ oi I T° TV , T.,,Mi1l . O4l : ...,":;, To isite, , * -1, • . . it, '.,, To: poi • ' :, : ; :,.. 4 4 t, ....., To Isk _ilWAl . llo_it 0.1441,"" I'l4o- orllll64o4,iionla or ovon laiuMite/. :".."..'-t: -, .` jor,' im." • :: ' ' 1: imiiii„ :1 La Illik . 11 - 4 . 1 g.", , lite lorisotbmiCifte Si.k lo '- - - 'Wm" errs, the War never world have bias nisi. Asa the salamis' bog jokooftkovroos. Yea Pet "'in - jibed tinekby bentboi. of 00111 W CidlielikliMla tbi piespaty—ltie wed eabobo:MObt.toßn. And h Wised tows bdYs,slly , beads. eoweke bonds, Atute bondsMue kind of bonds, Asa no sold.'iit Aber Wimp to get linatomy to. pay tentstba.. Andl us Minot beegbb tie bonds diplomat. And we me tile "volunteers . " assay to go to woo. AM while Oleg mok.sose we AM s rood Vim AM we. ioltteir,fbnee .bap to the wine of seldkeno..: Anderein. our bounty stew M bask. -', r And liatporMifl !Lo solpir . tombola Areal as 1 04,4 111 4 Ili' tr. work.i.olklM. takoll t.••1 1 4#014,1 1 , .lor P a *W i d e ! , 1 ' Isn'tifilse:';.: , rib. A-J-4' tilos' yips t.7iir, 5i)44:14 , woo bokaciii Ina inis,wopicluyik• taiirsift: . 'I/141616 4ii:i1011 to whosi*w wzoiiojA, .. k : i 444 - Www*, sett . : 1 ';',, . tAkillifto iiiii " And PP "' 'T ' . ka AT itellitiii‘. W.baa 4q', . '• . .4a A 1 , 01 ippoo 'ea pay die , T ' I;kiri whet a pail rpm iniiiiiiii - r ''•, • • Ms "iiii! ," t• ;oat iiiTqijoi: i didn't itypielir, Ot bliakAuke*Obit. how I . 4ltraCiltiliiiilio • And *het Igetriii ;moo 4 , 411 A. soy olgiditskli* wiliss4 fifilefliky set :as • biiriassi lie pie 1 .14 at tbaa mregaiiA #l,li irrels, We aro& No libel wcat/a 4 ausaiati heimiedstAi is Iwo. dab oikrligit brililm. no paki ou ,. if -: ad* mil, .16±e mum bigurb e i siiiii ,„... i ___ .. " 6,l *" . ables rit.oool4 . au .a ama yle 11.1444t a 1a t I # - -•,.: I . = 4101 k", • _•; Ilhill Irritr , , • 1rg,04 - *.4 910 0k. . : . Ailmi • les*, . ' ‘1' ,,,, .__"' •4 1 t 01 •„' - 114 mi zifr p's aiat4'ii4l*-11.100,agn, ; 1 40lieratips*er - Viiiiitli.tt'krt . . MA: ' 1 1 * kOltirkP i ll o 0 1 10 " . . 4 ""TY00,1404 1 z4 6 n* '44i4:. ii* AiOri 1 0 0 . 1: P s° 44` - 'hok II • mirik ',Rib* * 1 101 , r 1 0401 0 r` I OAA. ,f+ 4 !, ?Born 4411 0 .L' o rk. 1. ' 21 11 4=4„ ki , t ' • Tri. ,w. rint ,-, • :....!t rie ....' . , ,64 -, ,: t aser i , *X L * 44:44, is& tiroAop, . War wki :',1114041611 eir - ifs% 114 , : i• itiliii%iii*Uis,`;*nr4h,'" 60 kOri. : iisto4firr, MOM* ' .ogitopri.. - . . 1 " ........ . thdijkgeoevisaiimarbui , swilliiikliOWOo ix - Owici t iv': , - , rX, . ( - 1116 05 41 t10 ..1 11 ! ..; _ i _t idb ...".'ll MEI