Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 13, 1866, Image 3

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    Sprsintatic Watchman
TEAMS-112 per Tear when paid in advance
82,50 *basset paid_ in wham, and VAN when
net d • irtttie *ration et the year.
Nar e s46:7—We would consider it a great favor if
• 'y -would return but half the numbers.
♦. X.—The abolition party had slits* thousand
eta aulority In eonnsotkrat at Ow °tabor
matorial 'Station hr 1864, now they Wu
but 609. .
invisettese.—SAmir. The 'circulation of Lb.
WATCEUN ie dotthia.thsit of eitber"of the
istherpapers published is the county.
Turn Dinocnat.—Yen had bitter Wrest the
chairman of the State hoatral 'Committee.
If you will give me your hams, we will .
Write foryou.
J. A.—We Dare malls inquires ,but u yet have
been unable to learn. As'aoon as we hear
from the Preeilket•of the Agricultural So
' eiety to whom we have written, we can no
doubt Elva you the Swiped information.
Iternoemensr.—Mr. Xdward Brown is
making an improvement on Bishop street,
in the way of • neW store room next to
Baum's liquor stord.
CzarAtu.—lf Mr. Cook, the street COM
misitioner, continues a little while longer at
the 'Fork be has been at during the past few
days, our streets will be as cleat of filth, as
the country will be of abolitionism in a few
DAIIIIO ROBISSAL—We understand that
the room of Dr White of Pine Grove, wits
entered by two burglars one night last week,
whetobbed him of over seventy dollers,and
threatened they would - kill him if he made
any noise about it.
• _ o _ ~. •
Tits Rt•aott.—Ws have see l li three aboli
tionints in this section, who seemed to re ,
joke more than the usual amount over the
passage of the negro equality bill. The
reason they are so mtioh tickled about it,
is said to arise from the (ma r that neither
one of them can get • white woman for a
wife, anil•this bill gives them the right, and
-protects them In it, of miming as black a
wench .as . they can find, 'provided there is
amp debased enough to have them,
heard it wbispered,whetber correctly or not,
we will not attempt to say,thkt a fair lass,
a descendant of a "loyal" family, residing
not a thousand miles from this place, some
time in the Sumner of 14 wan induced by
her love for the down trodden, to emigrate
South and become the teacher and proteci or
of a lot ,of little "coffees." How matters
went down there report sayeth not, but it
does say that this blooming damsel returned
home week before lent, and on Wednesday
of last week presented her father, with a
bright mulatto grand con. The old men it is
said swears considerably about the matter
and says if he did talk amalgamation, he
liseLmo idea that any of his family would
ever practice it.,
Is. DUHASIIK Vit.s.—For •kicking up a
row," at the Cimmings House, on Saturday
last, fighting. and otherwise disturbing the
peace, a pugnacious individual of this town,
named Charles Sturgis, was ow Monday ar
rested and taken before Chief Burgess Bea
ver, who after - hearing the ease, fined the
gentleman dais, rwoll - mann ;Rod hirer
to jail fur (seemly Jaya. We hope the sever
itrof this punishment may have i salutary
effect on some more of our "gay and festive"
.young sports, and lead to a better observ
ance of the law in future. Payingtwenty
dollars fine and going to jail for twenty
days is rather mere than an equivalent for
getting on a "bender" and "sporting"
around "loose" on the streets. We hope
some of Our 'last" young bucks will, at
least, consider it so; and if they have no
regard for - their own morale or the morale
of the community, let their pecuniary and
personal interest plead for the maintenance
of law and order.
0 _
Fstorsesos ALIMICD„ARNINTILONG.—An fitti
Friend..F.rom the Pennsylvania Educator
and Teacher we 06) the following notice of
the gentleman wheel, name heads this arti
cle. *Years age - Professor Armstrong
taught the - Academy in ,this plane, and no,,
superior scholar or better teat:der, either'
before or since, has ever presided curer that
classic ground." lie was a . metn of great
erudition, a superb classical scholar, and
an orator 'of graceful and impressive elo
quence. ' YUNG' all these he was a' true
Christain gentian:gh, an honorable, upright
man, and a good friend and neighbor.
ttaivereatly beloved,his departure from this
attmosunity was greatly regretted, and vied
wishes and prayers-followed Mm to his new
home. jle went from this * place to Colum
bia, in Lit:toaster county, and while in that
place 'won the highest respect and esteem
of it. citizens.
Latterly, we observe that Mi._ Armstrong
has become counloted, as Principal, with
the Williamsport, (Lycoming county) high
School. That Lis splendid abilities will
greatly Add in advancing that institution to
the highest degree of perfection. there cat'
be no doubt, and the people of Willis sioit,
11l diver'l44# the hour that, b ught.
prefs/atm Armitronito its halls of lea null*
.„, ouiiof his old pupils we are gratified that
4. are thim: enabled to add ouetesti
mony to the many ',Mottoes of the moral.
worth Iliad eationsucm, omit we copy, with
Ideatsara, the following .truthful notice of
°Or old blond and teacher. We are enrol
top. community will read it with much in.
tweet& • •
Ten )141.4tissronT Boil"lrian ScnooL.--
Prof. 'Aramitrong, who Is principal of our boys'
high ieldol, is a madam of General John
Annstiopg, who, setaled i AL Ihultlefereibis
Revolution of ,76--dledolied, If in the
intiiaa Wars, /Pa. SI 0 . 14"t"
expedition Of whioh he the coainstind in the
deetidation of Klktanhtd, at that time an Indian
town.. A large silver spedal, with appropriate
devices is still In oxistmee, presentad,to Oat
Amalysiaig „bp the. Wham of Philadelphia, for
his inspottaisi oarless - au this occasion.
esommillek if o s P eq i n wzi tops in the bahi
ties of'lllishdyithte and ahtown , and waif
the alafidaufefftiedd o fAvocets' Washisnitalb,
es iusaphypi, nlkinnt . 'looWe now hi the pos.
matol of tandasts, -
'Prat. vltiltftg,tolg TArll t t l iP
to tte nieinnilittdicritte 0, aa-
D b.Lisisua its I.u.losicat Gays , the
much celcbmtOd Dr. Jelin Mason having
then been President of the Institution •
fie imnuidiately from the College Balls do.
,voted himself to the business of Teaching, and
has continued in Ehe Pr&fession till the present
time. - -•
He has filled in this aepaitinont, with much
acceptance spine ofdhe most important positions,
having been Principal of several distinguished
Aeademies.annongethers, that of the capital of
our state, for fifteen! years. Hering a few years
-pf impairer health be witWew from academie
teaching,.and gave his attefiTion to thp 'married,-
ion of youth in Illocution, in which bnuteh of
education he has a high reputation as a MC
amoral inetruoter: Prof. A. was In the proseau
tional tharAciatiry Rhea he came, last tall to
Williamsport, and was chosen by the Board of
Directors to take the charge of the Boy's High
Bchobl. •
The itched , limp then scarcely iporethin an
ordinary public iehool. 'None of the higher
brinche; were taught, and it hardly deserved to
„bk.:wiled a high school.
'lt his since been organized, classified, and
classes started in the higher branches of an so -
eidenridal education. All this by been ac
complished by the- energy and perseverance of
Prof. Armstroug. •
Prof. ti.•. Oits . spent the most of his life in
teaching the Win and Greek ohmice and the
higher branches of education. 'Perhaps there
Is no man in the state Id his.profewsine, who has
More varied!, thorough and extensive impala
tanoewith literary and 'scientific knowledge.
As an instructor, too, there are but few his
equals, Long experience, and Lamont& schol
arship have wide Bret elmis teacht.
equalled by few, surpessed by none.
His manners, highly cultivated, *fable and,
kind., in disposition, a gentleman hi every sense
of the word, have made him a mach beloved
teacher, whom pupils love- respect, and vene
If thorough 'scholarship, large, intellectual
attainments and long experience in teaching
can give a just claim to consideration, it is
due to Prof. Armstrong.
It might be added, that Prof. A .thongh
somewhat advanced in life, has now better
health, and in fonaeciuence more vigor and en
energy, than at any former period of hie life.
We congratulate the citizens of Williamsport,
and the Director. of their common schoolson
the acquisition of Prof. A. to tile Department
which he how so creditably and nsefttily fills.
dance with the call published in our recent
issues, a number of the soldiers assembled
in the Chun Howie on Monday evening
last, and organized their 'meeting by the
election of Gen. J. A Beaver President, Col.
W. 11. Blair and Capt. Q. Dale 'were chosen
Vice Presidents, avid Thad. P. Stephens
Secretary. At the request of •the Chair,
Capt. Hutchinson stated the object of the
movement as contemplated by the signers of
the call for the meeting. . .
After some diacussion and consultation, it
was resolved to perfect the organisation for
the purpose of "Keserving the records of
the soldiers of Qintre county ; paying a
proper reepeot to the memory of the fallen,
extending sid and assistance in securing
imitable employment for wounded and' In
valid soldiers; and generally to use all le
gftliliteft means to further the true interests
of soldiers."
On motion the following committee were
appoint° I to draft k constitution and *ere
authorized to add to their number at pleas
ure, ttnd to consult ,with the soldiers gen
erally as to the best means to be adopted to
oat ry out the object of the sesoolatiou.
Copt. A. 13. Mitchinson, 49th, Chairman;
Col. W. 11. Blair, 49th; Lieut. Jno, aunsallun
Slst ; Sere. W. 11. Musser, 45th; MO. P. B.
Wilson, 2nd Cavalry; Cal. J. F. Weaver, 148th;
Maj. Roland C. Cheenernan 45th; Capt. C. 11.
Hale. 12th U. B.; Capt. leaao Lytle, 148th;
Dr. Thos. F. Duncan, U. S. Vote ; Capt. Rickel.
Dinsmore sth Pa. Reserves.
The committee will meet at the office of
A. B. Hutchinson oh Monday evening next.
Soldiers are in• Wed to oefrespond with the
7;l:airman. and to make such suggestions
SS may occur to them in relation to the plan
of organization. Communications should
be addressed to A. B. Ilutchirrnh, Belle
fonte, Pa.
Col. Blair, Don, • Beaver, and others ad
dressed the meeting in explanation of the
objects of the organization ; urging espe
cially its independence of all other organi
zations, political or otherwise, and our duty
to organize it effeeieoily, aid permanently
to establish it. On motion the Convention
resolved to ieassemble at 7i P. M. Tuesday
evening May Ist being Tuesday of the red--
owl week af_tim_Apr it Innnrt Thoo
present were urged to give Il possible pub
hi ily ti, the announcipeut, of next meeting
and to "urge the attendance of all Cent re
county soldiers —On 11110119 n adjourned.
J. A. Deaver,
TA . P. Stephens,
• Secretary
Business Notices
Nitut Mat.mhuir Get).—The advertisement
of Miss Mcßride will be found in another col
umn. This young lady has had the advantage
of a month's experience among the beet artiste,
in Philatlelphia, from which city abating Just re
turno with a line assortment of the latest styles
and fashions. Call and see her.
GOOD News!—Now is the time to relieve
yourself or troublesome 'growling teeth, and
laugh them out by stepping to the office of Dr
J D Wingate, and inhaling the famous laugh
ing gas or nitrous oxide. The Dr has at a con.
siderable expense supplied himself with an ap
aratue to generate nitrous oxide.
worthy of note that when Jefferson-Davte, a few
days ago was asked by ono whom he knew to
be hie real friend, whether he Mid not anxiously
await sad hope for the day that would witness
his trial Sp'd delivery from bondage, ho
(Davis) expressed more anxiety and hope that
ho might be paroled long enough to go and ex
amine the features, of the groat side del!rery
self : raking 0.-mbinoid Reaper and Mower, (Hub
bards) at J. 11, Myers agriculturtfl implement
store, Bishop street, Bellefonte, Pa.
• 3. A SUPERIOR itrimunr.--LWIS can conscien
iously recommeud to those suffering from a
distressing cough, Dr. Strickland's Mellifluous
Cough Balsam. It gives Toiler almost inetan
taneous, and is withal •rttirdissgreeabig to the
taste. There is no doubt !but the Mellifluous
Cough Salaam la one of the beet preparations in
use, and is all that its proprietor claims „for it
We Save tried it during the past week, and
found relief from a most .distressing cough. It
is prepared by Dr. Strickland, N 0.5 East Fourth
street Cincinnati, Ohio, and for sale by drug
gists. may2s
te4. DYSPEPSIIL—What everybedy says meet
tree. We have heard Dr. Striekland's„Tost
lecepokon of so frequently by those wise have .
been benetittod by it, that at last we are Goan
pelted to make,it knownto the pnbto that we
really. believe it etfe is a core In every •ease;
therefore, wo say to those, who are sufittring
with Dyspepsia or Nervous Debility, to go to
their druggist and
,got a bottle of ,Dr. Whit
land's Tonto. miy2S.
The Bellefonte Market.
Corr Octa l Maly by iloffei 4L. lisr, .Win St.
The following are the quotation' up to 4
o'cloak oa Thursday craning; when our paper
want to press:
Se W hite - Wbast,lor i =ol__ . • 12 02
a ipa', per $2 0$
lty's, psi boatel 66
Corn,lhere, per bultild • ' 60
Oats, per bushel..., , 35
Barley, per 'bluhel, 00
Bnokwheal, per bushel ' . • ' ' "-"'.. PA
Coovermscd, per bushel s4 Op . @ 4 MI
Potatoes, par bombe! 1 2d
• 20
11 211 11 , pet 6911011
lord, oerleaud..r
pound .. 1$
Bacon, pe • 161
Pork, picfpotind •
Tallow, per poand.... ....... -.. ......... ...... ..12
Butter, per ponied ~ .
Bugs, per p0und.....2a-e' 0
around Muter . , per teq 16 64
a— . ,
Mainstays° or• OwfOlierrott—Two thin
shoes make one nold.; two colds ono attack of
.bronobitii ; two atfeevot.ihr:seehitisit, web
Mtn. All of Um above diselishs can be AVOIDID
by the timely., bee of Sellers' Imperial Cough
Syrup—a surenkd apeedy remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Tonneaus; Iloaiseness, Whooping-Cough
Bold everywhere. , • Jane 23, 1335-Iy.
Boot's Pestaehine preue es the-illis ofthe Hair,
changer it from gray to its original edidr in
three werlks--prerents the hair_ kbm falling—'
is the best article ter dressing the hair ever
f undrin market--will surely remove dandruff ,
1 autumn diereses' of the scalg—to delightful
perffinted, eases baldness, ant will not stain
1 1 ,
e skin. We jell the story qufckly, and MILK
true,vrire we say it, is a perfect BaStOrer 'O4
Dressing combine* Nq egher preparation for
the hair contains Pestaehib Nut Oil. Sold by
all Drsiggista. OR1)IN FIRTNNEIt & CO.,
Sole Proprietors, Bpringil7ll, Mass. 11-10-1 y
Original and Genuine Ambrosia is preparest
by J.`At.r.cs Reeves, and is die best hair
dressing and preservetive now in use: It
dope the hair falling out, 'cameo it to grbw
thick and long, and prevents• it, (rap turning
prematurely grey. It eradicates fidaudruff.
blz.noes, beautifies, sad. renders the hair soft,
gi , and curly, Buy it, try it, and be' con- .
win be put of with a spurious arti
cle. Ask for Reeved' Anibrosla, and tape no
other. For sale by-druggists and dealers in
fancy goods everywhere. Price 75 cents per
bottle—s 6 perilosen. Address REEVES' AM
BROSIA DEPOT, 62 Pulten Street. New York
City. 0ct.13'65--43ta
MOORS or Yourst.—A gentleman who suffer
ed for yearnfroun Nervous Debility, Premature
Decay, and all the effects of youthful indisore
tom, will, for the sake of suffering humanity send
free, to all who nood it, the recipe and dirmtions
for making the simple remedy by which ho was
cured. Stafferern-wishing topcoat by the sliver
doer's ixperience, cm do so by addressing
JOHN D. OGDEN, Nu. 13 Chambers St., New
York, 11-1
Lies! Lae! Lire !—Ditoes ! Darien! Daces!
American Life Drops will cure Diptheria,
Coughs, 'Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Ague in the F 114.8,
Headache, Toothache, Bruises, Sprains. , Chil
blains, Croup, Colds, Fever and Ague end Chol
a.' in a single day. Sold by all Druggists,
with frill directions for use. ORRIN SKIN-
N R it. CO— proprietors, Springfield, Maas.,
Deuces Barnes it. CO., Now lurk.
Farts van. sur Tnr r..—Every young lady and
gentleman in the United States can hear some
thing ve4 o nitich to their advantage by return
mull (fie° of charge.) by addressing the under
signed. Those having learn of being hum
luiggeol will oblige by not noticing% this card.
II others will please address •thoir obedient
servant, THOS. F. CITA P31411'1, 831 Bruathrny,
Now York. 11-I
TIII3 MA510,1 .1 lIIIII.IV CABINrT 01.0 A s.—
Forty. different styles adapted to sacred and
secular music. for $BO to WO each. Fut.
er first premiums autarded them. Illustrated
Catalogues free. .Address, MASON & HAM
LIN. Buirrox,pr MASON DROTHERS, raw
—Wheaton's Ointment will cure the Itch In 48
hours. Also cures *all rh•ton, ulcers, chilblains,
mill all eruptions of the akin. Price 50 Mite:
Fur sale by nil Druggists. By sending 80 cents
to Weeks b Potter, Solo Agents, 170 Washing
ton' street, Boston, Mar., it will be forwarded
by mail, free of pust4e, to any mut of the Uni
ted States. Ca 27,'65-6m.
11,11.1'14E19 on ? TOtT I 9 WIZ Ql!f:130
Ti on.- A II norvons sufferers afflicted withlsporma
torrlices., seminal emissums, loos of power
polenee Lo. gemmed by self aliuse, saki-ELY-execs
sem and impure emmeetionsi, eon have the menne
of eell intro [hest, by addressing, with
stamp. JOIIN IL WILLIAM:, I'. U. Ito
2efdt. Phildelphia, Pt.
remedies tor these complaints have been
brought before the, public, and used with va
rying success, as they generally contain some
curative qualities. But itufmtunately for to
afflicted, they are of little efficiency. For often
they only modify diROMOS, and do little towards
perfecting a radical cure. Rut the Great Inter
nal Remedy, .ImMilson's It. Compound, effectual
ly hani'bee the diereses from the system. It mu
boy mnmi a doubt the surest and most :speedy
remedy fur Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, he.
_lmisAgamemml h_e_pft I rmmtmge_a
flit or of pert mu of Aury rusk, and the demand
is steadily increasing. It is a priceless remmly
to those miLlm/ toil. Sold by Drmigglats ever -
wherc. ,, Juno 2J, 1865.- ly.
To Cossuurr:vhs.—The advertiser. having
been re•tored to health in a few weeks by a
very simple remedy, after having suffewd for
several years with a severe lung affection. and
that dread direare, Consumptton—is analows to
make knewn to hi- , fallen sufferersthe means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of
the prescription used (free of charge), with the
directions fur preparing and using the slime,
iNliich they will thud a sure cure for Consutrip-
Mt, As t hum, Bronchitis, Coughs, Wile, and all
Throat and Lung affections. The only object
of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is
to benefit We afflicted, and spread information
which ho conecives to be invaluable, and he
hopes every mai:furor will try his remedy, as it
will cost them nothing, and may prove a bless
ing. Partiesicshing the proscription, free, by
return in .7 ill please , add roes Rev. ED WA RD
A.-WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New
York. ' 11-1
treated with the utinwit stieveis by Dr. J.
ISAACS, Oculist` attkAurist, Curinerly of Ley
den, Holland, No. 519 Pilo street., Philadelphia.
Testimonials from thet reliable lemmas in
the, oily and country ma ma r be seen atlas office.
Tee medical faculty are invited to accompany
their patients, as he hue no secrets in his prac
tice. dItTIFICIAL RYES inserted without
pain. No cLarge made fur examination. '
The undersigned begs leave tq announce to
the cittscus of Bellefonte and the surrounding
chr:try that he has opened a 'new OItOCERY
room 'titularly occupied lAy Mrank Green,
as7llVg Aare, on Allegany orlitiln street, next.
door to the hardware store of Mr. Ilexetrerser.
always keep on hand, eheeke, lem
raisins. sugars, (rare and reined,)
coffees, (Rio & Laguyrn),Toollllotell
essence of coffee, Rummell's, .
ditto; English broakfabt
coffee, lute eoffeo in
. papers.
eyrdps, Lowering s, and prima standard baking
molest's+ of all grades ; spices, cinnamon,
cloves, sib/OMJ. nutmeg., muatard saltpetre,
gruujl. alum salt, Ashtoo's table salt, baking
soda Debates mileratus, washing soda, corn
stanch, rice, soap, different qualities of Kure
- polish,
• ing,halters,bed dards,
clothes lines, clothei S*,p ' •
shoe brushos, scrub hearths* •
clothes tyusites, watlitisuglv and
butterersolitireiginger sing he. A.lett
seems and tobacco of the best tuandsland a
large osurtmild.of teas of the qualities.
• Also everything belonging tea
FIBS 4 F CLASS 011 1 .00./1/tlf STOnig
Country prud,ace wantaiii4eAsorgielsange.
Herring, .had and Mao oral alwaytella hand
in season, Also a-latge-utd varied eimertment
of glom end quoensware, whieh will bo. Soli
The °inserts of Bellefonte suid vicinity es;
reqnsetfullY Invited to cal and examine my
Took. StEWAgT."
Bellefonte, Ps., Feb. 0, 186d8:ly.
ILTABDAVARE, of every description it to-
Milejmoid,priaos. now'ming °pone:away day
at - 11,16 IRWIN In WILSONEL
IMLLassidAtosißells;siLe . Ire an
kindest WILBOSI3.
0111811IFF'S SALBS.
/3 N By virtue df sundry wt ib of Vas%Wag
Expenous and Levari .I'c(cias ) losuod out of the
court of oecumon plear of Centre county, and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale at
the court house in the borough of Bellefonte on
Monday the 23d day - of April,
,41. D.'18116, the
following describes' 'property tit wit:
A certain Mot of bald situated in the town
ship of' Howard, boundid,and described as for
lows, to wit: on the s wab by lands of Joseph
White, on the .went hy lands of W.V..' Psalter,
Themes Hughes and. William. Brown, on the
north by lands orDayldlihank and Jacob Ba
and on the east by lands of James.llordon
and Nelson dikey, containing two hundred
Horeb more or leis, thereon erected a log-Atoms:l,
and log hens ancintber out building..
Seised taken in'execetion aid to be sold as
the property of Simnel Leathern.
ALSO, All the right title and interest of David
Ilabler and Michael nobler, in and to a certain•
tract of land situated in Haines. township Cen
tre county, bounded nod described as follows,
beginning et a logwood, thence along lands of
John Haldeman, south 78 degrees,esipt 72
I kr,.
pprehos to a a one, thence south 16 degrees,TiOst
8 peroliesttu spruce, thence 'along lands of
Adam Weaver, orth 77 degree., east 94.perchea
to a poet, limbo 'along lands of the same and
Michael Mots, rth 24 degrees west 1354 per
elves to • • t mice along lands of, Michael
Iliaa„sooth 88} degrees west 100 and, .. to_
stones thence along the said other tract South 6'
degrees west 130 perches to the place grin
ning, containing 126 sores ani c t,44 perch and
ALSO, One other treat, begioningnt a‘ dog
wood thence along the before recited tract north
6 degrees east, 130 perches to a stone, thence
south 884 degrees - west . to a stone, thence
Tug lands of Adam Harper, south 67 degrees
west 16 perches to a stone, thence klope lands of
the same, south 84 degrees west.lls,perchos, to
a stone, thence south 81 &greed west 11 per
ches to a stone, thence south 10 degrees west
135 perches to a stone, thence south 3 degrees
east 33 1 1.1 mhos to a stone, thence south 51 de
grees wNt 44 perches to to atone, thence south ,
8116 degrees west 85 Pethes to • black oak,
thence along land of the said Adsm Harper and
others south h 6 degrees east 125 porches to a
stone, thence along land of :robp ilostenhan,
north 53 degrees 128 porches to t u be place of
beeeninal containing 91 arias Acid 4
more or lose, with Improvements he. ,
Seined tekon in execution nod to ho sold as
the properly of alichnel A David Hader.
ALSO, All ,flie right title and intervit of
George Hotelman, im and to a &num lot of
ground containing eltiout ono este, situfted near
elebtostn in eight of Philipsburg, Ranh town
ship, coultsesionetty. bounded on the north by
land of J. Heine's, Widow, on the went by lewd
of J. Piles; on toe /with by main road, and on
the cant by alabtown, thereon erect"' a small
bonne with the iinproveutenta and appurtenan
Seized taken in execution anil to be sold tis
the uniperty of tteorge Goldman.
A LSO, A certain tract of land sitnatod in
Furgeson township, Centre county, bounded
and descrtb.ot as follows, on the north by hinds
l a t e of Joseph. en the we.t by l le of
Ross, on the south by pools of Shorb
Steward and eoutpany. and on ho east by Lands
of Michael hider and John Kidder containing
mac hundred and tiny acres more or lies, there
on erected a house and burn and other outbuil-,
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the ptoperty of John Ellenberger.
A L.S'O, A certain tract or piece of land situ
ated la Boggs dentro county, bound
ed and deatriatal as Amon', on the nortdi
Imds of V} mum. Rosa, au the wit by lauds of
ain qdonn, Slmon IferpM7 and street, on the
west by lands of estate late H. IL MaKiaskey's,
Wharton Morrie and Mrs. E. W. Iddings, end
on the south by lends of James T. Hale. con
taining forty three acres more or less, with un
prorements and dpportentinees.
Seised taken in exec'etion and to beffliold as
thu property of A. C. Iddingx.
A /.NO, A two story plank frame house or
building situated in Boggs township. in saki
county of Centre. contenting in front ZS feet,
and in depth 20 font, afid the lot or piece of
ground and curtflage, appurtenant to emit butl
Seired in execution "awl to be sold as
the - propertyrof A. C. lddings.
Palo to el/1111110U.! at 1 o'clook, It3l. said day;
Sheriff's Office, RICH NLEV,
Bellefontu, April 1,, 'Off-3t.
Notice is hereby given that the kollow
ingenatued persons have filled their petition:
wilt toe, and will wake upplicallon at the April
court for licence to sell lomor.
Col. Reuben Keller, Store, Centrd Hill.
Martin Dolan, 'I aver'', Boggs Twp, •
J. B Eta t, il bulls ottle„ Belletintu.
A. Baum, do du
Laze, OA Moyer do Boggs twp.
S. At tuott,, tavern Rush twp.
.1. M. Kepler., do Philipsburg.
U. B. loaner, du do
I', ter Webber, du do •
John S. ti r,9 , do' do
Robert Loyed, du do
M. Di viner, de do
Witham !fettle do,
.. do
Samuel Touts, du Putter tap.
It 11. Porte,. . du do
John-Spangler, do do
U. W. twit..., - du do ~ .
M. L. I.ittell, do do '' a„
Elias Miller. sic ! Miles twp, t
Margaret Wolf, do liar.. Lite.
T. 13... Wutoell, do Pena twp.
Joseph bliaffer, do Walker twp.
T. hi. Hall, do Idilesburg bor.
D. It. Boileau, do an.
John G. Uncle, du Snowshoe twp.
Mart in Murphy, du do -
John Essington, . dudo
Joseph Bowes, do Burnside tap.
Isaac Walker, . du do
James Furey, do Libarty twp.
Sarah Corwin, du ' - - Spring twp.
Jobb PWrsons, du Ruston tlep.
11.8. Mussina, do. ~.. Raines twp.
Jacob Condodo do
Chrintintfa If abler ilp do -
M. It. Outs°, do flregg twp.
John Morrison, du Worth tap.
Wiu lf Burchfield, do Ferguson twp.
3 B' utts, do Bellefonte.
J C Stone, -J 4 do do/
W A Miami.. ' do
Daniel (Jarman do do
Bdwai'd Brown do r-
Joeepli A-Clark do Burnside twp
Joint C Henderson do Huston twp.
j Whereas, the Honorable Samuel Linn,
president judge of the Court of common pleas
in the 25th jintleiel district, consisting of the
eouities of Centre, Clearfield and Clinton, and
thelflonorables John S. Prondfoot and Samuel
Strohecker, ems., associate judgesin Centre co.,
baying issued their precept, Au me directed, for
belitit% a court of dyer and terminer and get,
end jail delivery at Bellefonte, for the county St
Centre, and to ' commence OR the fourth Monday
of April 1.9116, being the 235 day of the moult'
and to continue tWi-ij weeks.
Sotire is thereon] hereby * given to the Cor
filler, Justices oi the Peace, and Constables of
the said county of Cliutre,lizat they be then and
there in their proPlir persons at 2 o clot& jn the
afternoon of sold day, with their records '
sitions, examinations, and other rethembrgteelis
to do those pings nhioh to their offices apper
tuin to be dolt's, and those who are bound In re'
cognizance to prosecute against the persons that
arirsr,tinin the jail of Centre county, be
then lied thertim prosecute against there as shall
be just. -
Given under my, band at Bellefonte the lth
day of April A. D. owl thousand eight hun
dred and sixty-six and the ninetieth year
ot , the iniijintience of thes-United Stated:,
ISAlsloate. Pa. Sheri.. •
Caution to the POI 11102, Moles
The undersigned, having been robbed of Owe
Ileedred Dolton; as Tuesday, the 27th gltimo,
feels it to Ito his duty ta caution the public
against the vagabond who committed the rob,
The th el, is a fallen" who Ihri been lying
around Pleateot Gap and . Bellefonte for some
Inalltbor lutreed , HUGH W. BIDDLB. Ha is
about 11 TA feet .even inches high, with dark hair
end moustielni, or bad when he, jeft r a fee
somewhat nod; and dieflrei and eecestri Atieru
of Ate rigs Made. No reward is ram* for his
apprehension, but the autbaritior sse,sasihm ai ll
to bo on the look-out 'tot
, " • • " JOHN R. TAU
6, "66-It. Pleauat.44
, The fallowing accounts bare been
examined and passed by me iamb! filed of
record in title oMee tin the Inspection of heirs,
legation, meditate and all others In. any 'lnky
interested and . * 11l be presented to the Orphan%
Court OtCipa..oolinty to be held as Datlafbale;
for- alloiOff 11 and eonennulon. ea Wednesday,
the - 26M of April A. D. 1860
1. The account of Mark Halfpenny ind
Heiner, evocators adze lent d 1 testa
ment or Robert M. Foster, late of Hisr town
ship' deceased.
t. Th. ammunt of John E. Themes, exeentor
of km of Robert Boson, late of Centre count/
L Tba aceount,oftiainsiid apt Milani Brim",
.exeentora of the Ilut mitt anditestainent of lie.
Bown, late of Barrie township teenaged.'
4. The aswount of John Gardner, adsahtistre.
tor of so., of Daniel retterboff, late ofEaltugen
township deceased.
b. Tbo account of Gobert K. Nelson and Ellen
7. Nelson, administrators of 4c., of James A
Nelson. Tate of Phillpeburg; Centre o(4*w:eased.
6. The account of B. ' Sista, adnilalstratbr
roar@ sirrumniverrlervirdcuPrra .*.
ship deceased. •
7. The account of David M. Burket,
of ,
of Joseph Moragong, late of cen
tre county derteitsed. ;4 4 ..
& The account of Jacob If. Wile, administra
tor of-ke.. of Jacob Rllloway, Wei of Raise*
township dpoees.
9: Slid kkeount of Elias Winkleblech, admin
istrator of Le. -of John Winklebleoh, bite ,of
Haines township deceased.
10. The account of Lewis Gallagher, admin
istrator of ky of Patrick tiallagher,. late of
Walker township deceased- • •
11. The account of James G. Evens, guardian
of the person and estate of lira Derrell, minor
child of John Borroll, late f Gregg township
12. The account of kfidhael Greve, exeoutor•
of the last will and testament of Ruth Tate,
late of Bonner township deceased.
13. The:account of Philip and George Spent.
berger, executors of Lo., of GeorgeSheneberger,
Ileto of llama township d .
14. The final account of Williaui Irwin. guar
dian oaWillam nod Sarah Irwin, minor children
Jared ii•win, deceased.
15. The supplementary and final account of
E. and D. Mcßride, Administrator of ke.,
John Mcßride, late of Benner township de
•• • .
16- The account of JOllll Baird and T. B. Ru
port, executors of the last will and testament u
W illiam /laird Sr., late of Spring township do
11. The final account of Jame 'Gordon, ad
ministrator 0f4.0.,kf Marlin Banish, lac of
Walker township deceased.
18. The account of James Gordon, adminis
trator of ,Pc., of Robert Gordon, late of Walker
township theorised.
19. The account of Mattßeel B. Norman. ad
ministrator doconsed, . per George B. Wearer
and Daniel Doorman, administrators) of do., of
Ituth Ann Johnston, late of Contra county do
'l'no account of John Smith, adinToistra
tor of .Pc., of John Stroh, lam of Salim township
21. The account of John lleirubach. executor
of dc., of Catharine itishul, late of Potter town
ship tleeeased..
22. The account of John Will, administrator
of de., of Daniel taing, late of Haines township
29. The account of John Milligan an Eliza.
beth Meyer, administrators of &c., of Joseph
Meyer, late of Morris. township deceased.
'4 The account of John Draft and Henry
grew', administrators fif kc., Of Conrad Steamy,
lite of Ferguson township dammed.
25. The account of John S. Proudfoot,
;strafor of ,tc., of Michael Rider, late of Boggs
torrnshipgased. •
26. Th al acemant of. John W. Steuart,
whuinixtru of d-e., of John If. Shirk, late of
Houston township deceased.
27. The account of William IL McWilliams,
guardian of Nano). EL and William I. McWil
nallitl, minor children of llenry McWilliams,
late of Ferguson township deceased,
2s. The supplomeutary and final Recount of
Leonard Merryman, administrator of 1.c., of
John Vanpool, late of Taylor township deceas
21). The account of Conrad U. Strubk, guar
of Jeremiah Swartz, minor son of George
Smuts, l a te of Spring township deceased.
30. The account of John Kish.' esti.. 'Amin
iftrator of Au., of Wendell Royer, late OT Miles
township deceased.
31. Tjao account of Evan M. Blanchard, and
Rebecca Pugh, administrators of &c., of Dr.
Elgin Pugh, late of Centre county deceased.
32. Tho viscount James Glenn and J. H.
Slitcheßrezbeutors of the last will and testa
ment of ..lstohneton, lute of Ilarrie town
-33. Tho account of James Glenn and J. U.
Mitchell, administrators of the estate of Ellen
Johnson, late of Harris towtuthip deceased.
34. The account of Jacob Leathers and Phil
ip Barnhart, administritorer of &a., of Joseph
Leathers, ',aloof Howard township deceased.
35. The account of John Roseman, admin
istrator of fe., of Peter Zeigler, late of Gregg
township deceased.
36. 'The account of George Peters, adminis
trator of be. of Jacob Peters, late of Potter
township deceased.
March 30.-It. Register.
lty virttilkvt mu order ef the'd
court of Centre county, will be exposed to pub
lio solo at the court house in the liotrough of
Belloftmte, on - .
the,follewing real estate, all that farm or tract
of land tituated in Benner township, Centre
County, adjoining lands of Abraham Valentine's
heir., Henry Brokerhnff, IL VandOri, Flutings
heirs, and others containing •
more or loss, basing thereon created a large two
story house and other buildings, ono hundred
acres of the land almond and in a good state of
cultivation, ,the residue well timbered, and well
suppited with a never taill4r.lipsing of water,
and a good orchard.
This tract 'of land is within three milts of
Bellefonte, convenient to one of the best mar
kets In the centre' of the State, -end generall,y
believed that - there Is large deposits tof trim oar
on tho land.
-Terms of' sate, one half of the paretic:le mon
ey to be paid on the confirmation of tho . "salit,
the residue in one year thereafter with interest
to be secured by; bond and mortgage.
Administrator, De blinds non eke
of Owen Heiferson, deemied.
March-15 ts.
Room No. 3, DrokerhofrA Row-
The undersighad relopeotfully announces the;
he has rompld his well known
to the new roorrillikk. 3) tinder Bnolterhors ho
tel, which he has fitted up for that purpose;
and having largely increased hie stock is now
prepared to furnish his customers with cure
for medicinal nee, DYEtoTUFFS, with almost
every article im.found in an establishtnentvf
this kind, such as Horse and Cattle Powder,
Coal Oil, AlooludiLittsced Oil, Glipit,
Plattla• Putty,Sponges. Also the
largest and hest collection of
• er brought to this place. Tobacco and cigars
• most approved brands,. canstaatly on
ban.. a would call the attention of the pub
lic VI his stook of notions, consisting of Hair,
Tooth, Nail, Flesh and Paint Brushes;
Cutlery, Prinking Cups,
Chess and Backgammon boards,
Chess Men, Iteminoes, dc. Ac. '
Also, i lurid - variety of •
Particular attention gived to preparing PHY
Having had more than twelve years egperi,
en& in the business. he feels oontldentlhe can
render Wilda:lion to all who'lltroiellb with
their Ratronaa_„_
lrE Druggfit
Fbb r ,l4,/ „. Room, Na 3 Brob. Bow.
swim -OP MistMuliow
open XiMbeadai ARTE440866,
April 16 Pelicipat.
ElClLitillt CO CM*
*,04)111 sniwnEs
. 'end '
Medloal tlioaaroi7;lbr LIM ours of ,
Disoos okrielog from on Lapsui State at the
Blood, .• '
The question Piremount to all others is, How
can health be restorpd if lost . And how pre
served in a plant Mats
Thepossessor ° untold wealth, without
health, th • miserable man; but the poorest peas
ant, with toll or his daily portion. Peissised
withlrawup arm and
PURE 11170 Pk NT fiLOOD,
• • • . tarogs¢ e►el7 vein, is blessed; indeed.
No ope opt enjoy perfect henith Whilst QM
circulation is Impeded end the blood thick with
To remora these hi not only the Sin) of
iadeey'a Improved Blood Searcher
and •
but when unovated to keep it ea. That it ix •
complete 'llllohloB in outing of Blood dieeueeel
numerous bartilloates fully attest.
We racoommend it with oontidence.
Sole Propriefo;o:Vorotr of Wood and Second
*reel. Pitorbwrg. •
This Worm Nedicsns
In this or spy other country
Every year thousands of children -die from
this horrible evil. This alarming morality
lodOly calla for increased wathfulness, ettAti for
Greater care in the selection of the
Ilete se the Proof
LICIMO SYktioN, KY., Dec. 17, 1945
llfr. R. R.—Your Venn ifuge pos.
seises more virtue than any I ever used. I will
state a ease where .1 gave one vial. My broth
er's ohild was ',inlet/ and ...airy to 4 mess
skeleton. In thirty-six hours tiler I gave the
the Vormifuge , the enormous quantity of sp.
agard of si.o hundred norms sears passed. The
child that was Oren up.ior lost, is now as well
as any In the neighborhood.
Sole Proprietors,
ARE, rEvetuAlitii."
Have you Dsprossion of spirts sod loss ~of ap
petite ?
Are rola Xervous and Irriable ?
Are you of Costive Habit?
Move you Pain in ' lhe Side and Headache
Have you Sallow Complexion ?
if so, rest assured there is ear'il derangement
of the Liver which owns few inn...diste atten
tion.. Performing an it does amen Imp:mesa
functions in the body, it is higly noc?ssary that
it should be preserved in a •tete of ported
health. To insure speedy action and Immedi
Sellers' Celebrated Liver rills
which have stood unrivaled for thirty Tears
Far the cure of
Liver Complaisita and Costiveness
and all BiWoos Diseases! we recommend them
to the public,. Prontiotore. •
Bold, Nein and Sugar Coated, by all Druggists
No Medicine for the cure of Rheumatism bee
ever attained to each a high degree of favor and
universalityl as JOHNSON'S Rheumatic Com
pered. Altheugh but one year before the publio
this medicine has justly gained an unbounded
popularity. When the originator first intro
duced it he was convinced of Its efilosoy. but,
be little theme - t it was destined to preys such
an inestimable blessing to the afflicted ; but
true merit can not be suppressed. .The attesta
tions of bundtedi who have been cured by it
musVprove the truth of the assertion that it is
c 808 , 60.;
IntlemiiiiOry• and Aeut,e Rheumitiem;
and kindred Weems& e recommend It with
°outdone.' as the Gre((t In,ternal Remodi for
nee wed, Mid pod llip cm, el the }here eons
" •
R. B. SZLLitiRS CO..' , . .
tin .Jun•
P 117130114, PA
• )A
To IreAdvecook*; orlooafri* ! I
• It .
Dd 1. 11t1/P/Elt
gig suit boat t - is• 4 4.4;4 ib t
in the lately ocuirted by PiSett Stymy
?tom Mario g esperfebea•lo tke Ibuithlbs be
Oath:o himself Ow his stock will phew all.
4, will Goads dr •
DRY pooDs. • •
86sirls, •
Bilks, &c
Oil °lathe
Grog oo i** if tkis book Glital/lieei
Boa '
81&p re,
Now is your time for bargaim6 the }ries, to
conform to the Omer. All the leading style' of
Aliases and
Children's Weer.
and eyery aitiete-neeessary ter one's emfort
Cell and a:amide toe• steel before buying
any other plane. Mareb IS 'eft-ly.
N EW FtritzfrrultAlvkaz
b aye just readyqd. a large , and s pl endid assort
ment of hooseliold and kitchen furniture, which
they offer to the public at Ohms which cannot
fail to give eatiefaction. There stook consists of
Plain, Fancy and Marble top chantber snits,
. "
dressing cased,
wash 0444,
, sl
Centre Table% a
W het-note,
Ward Rbbee.
, Bed Btesds,
of all kinds, sizes and sorts, quality-and prices
Cradles.' •
afirror,_.llm., to.
and every thing that should be kept - in en et
tablishment of this branch of trade.
We offer them cheap for
and all we salt is for
you to come add see the goods
and prioes o and be convinced ( which
you certainly will be) that the p(ade for bar.
gains is at our Ware /towns.
a IVO us a call befOre purchasing elsewhere.
Waro Rooms on High street near the Dial
aloud—directly opposite A. Sussman's btore.
11.11 ly. B. GALBRAITH a CO.
Requiree immediate attention end ehouht 64
eftecka. {fa/towed to continlid,
Irritation of the 1 ungs, a Permanent Threat
Affootion, or an Iniurable Lung DiMAU
Having a direct Influence to the mite, give
immediate relief. •
For Broschitis, Asthma, Catarrh. Consumptive
and Throw Diseases.
toucan* aus assn wrtsi AIM ALYS cloos incense:
will find Troches useful in clearing the voice
when taken before Singing or ',peaking, and
relieving the throat after an anusesl exertion
of the vocal organs. The Proems are recom
mended and prescribed by Physicians, and have
bad testimonials horn eminenent men throught
out the country. Being an article of true merit
and having proved their efficacy by a test of
many years, sash year finds them In hew leeal
• jp_yarione parts af the_wovid,
T r uck" are usivanallY PAMOuticed better than
other articles.
`Obtain only "Brown'. Bronokial Treas.," and
do not take say or the Worth:my heitatteme
that may be offered.
Hold everywhere in the United States ? and la
Foreign Countries 4 at 30 ants pat box.
March 2 '66 3m. e. lg. P.
Being desirous of closing op business,
the subscriber offers at.prlyste side, his house
and lot shunted at Pleasant tap, Centro ceuety•
The house is a good dwelling liouse, with •
Urge store-room attached. There Is al so a large
ware house, good stable, and other outbuildings
erected upon the lot. Thorp is • thrifty t young
orchard, excellent garden, and good runnhig
water upon the property, and -tbe situetion
second to none in the County fora store. Re
will also dispose of his entire stook of merchan
. ise on very reasonable twins. For flartherpar-
Coulon, apply on the premises to • •
March 23 r L. B.
The timber and wood leave of the Cl:'
ton coal and iron companies lands, situated oti
mod nem &mph creek, Clinton county, will he•
'Offellftllot eel* to the highest binder, proposal
will be received and explinations g.‘" , " the
oleo of the company No 6, merchants exchange
P seq.,
Howard; Coolie county, Pa.
1866 PHILADELPHIA, 1866.
March 23 1886-7 t
Wlt L L PA.PIC R 15
_Corner Fourth a Market Streets, t7 1 11116•1Phis•
N. B. Always in Storb, • Inrge Sleek of
Marsh 16'663m. Ll:4 EN SHADES.
PLOGGII. Thir excellent plough. which
took the firet premium at iturtlew York Mate
Fair in 18811. is nuequaled In the world. for
lightness hf draft or quality of work. It is
guaranteed to save (row 10 to 40 per cent of
draft to the teeing and the erne to teldwig.
For sale by I. HAUPT.
TRWIN.AND WILSON nre constan4l3 , morn,-
•ing nup goods in their line. 11-14
steel it IRWIN & WILSON'S.
HORSE SHOJI NAILS. 1111 Ni-wet $4.40s st
AV COD EN WARE r:vrajiVavtcs
IRISH ANY'S, enz'a.asal Cooper's tinlation,
Sahara chocolate and cocoa and scotch, hoc
king for sale at the grocery u Goorgo D. Pifer.
OUCIIIMBER Pie)(lee, by the doien.:
cud ilijors. for sale cll. nee* Kr9o,o'.
FREK6II,, &Rd' AMERICAN 41 , 11;rit4111)
tomato catsup, Dawhilituo *ad J-114 Calet•
t d k_nge tlt Pifer's grocery, ' '
chemical olisiptailue,dand militury
tog soap for solo Itt Pilsen ..groaory. Ili.
OUBbil and SINOIGE : 1 , 01S ;
- pianos at *WIN d lILSOWB. t
DISTOLS-:=Natious), Sharpe% A meriona u. 41
other wikegM IRWIN at WIL6I.I)NtS. 1"
A zumnifuos—r.torsdire.,-.•44.14i,0+v.,
ti utonittpit ,porpg ,t,wr sun. p
11511tAROMITERS tad Thersomneutts att.