II Attligoaffrsittairrimau "DAM bnttTloNs.—A "loyal" or gan says ; "Artig/.9,xiit. of the Constitution, as ratified by more than two-thtrda of the Suites; ileclares Witt neither slavery nor tBvo/itittary eat4ude, except as-a pun iMhment for crime, whereof the party phalli' have been duly convicted, crin'ex ist.4 within the United States,' and, furthermore, 'Congress• shall have pow er to enforce this article by appropriatb legislation.' What, then, is to become of the apprenticeship code of South Carolina which sc darkly imitates slav 'ery?" Article xur. ddas not say "dark imi tations" of slavery shall not exist, rior grant to Congress power to.m4ddki with them." What is to become of the invol untary servitude Imposed by poverty on the poor whites of the Northern States? The article Bay's it cannot exist.; bat it dues exist.' The article is as much of a. humbug as the declaration that all.men are created equal. There will be "dark imitations" of slavery in the• South as long as the "nigger" • exists there, for the bitntile reason that he was not crea ted equal to the whites, who rule him. Natural, laws cannot be abolished by coptitutional amendments. Tilton is Inn right. The only way to abolish stniVitude is through miscegenation. The radicals ivaj as well cease fuddling with negro suffrage and set up a military government in the South to enforce Til ton'B doctrine. —A. letter from Macon. Ga., gives a very cheering account as follows The rapidity with which the trade and form— er prosperity of Georgia is reviving is perfectly astonishing. A constant stream of imports is passing into every city and town. The railroads destroyed by the Federal armies, with the exception of the Central, have long since been re paired, and they are now taxed to their utmost to meet, the demands made upon them. They never carried as much freight'and as many passengers before the war as they ffirq doing now. The Central road, ?or a distance of 128 miles, was totally destroyed by General Sher man, with the exception It about 49 miles. It is being rapidly repaired, and will be in running order throughout the whole length by the middle ofFobruary, or Ist of March. The Macon and Bruns wick and the Atlantic and Gulf compa nies are pushing towards their lines as fast as they can get motley with which to operate. BUSINESS CARDS .1. D. Nil UGERT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Treaeureev palm 11611 e onm, Pa. 1 ;, 7-16 A. B. ViIITCIIISOPit ATTORN HY AT LAW, Military Claim Agent Oalen a itlt W. P. Wilson. 10-18 ly WALISTER & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Allogany greet, north of the Diamond, Bellefonte, Pa. • 7-10. W. W. WHITE, DENTIST, Offen his professional services to the citizens dfl'inegro‘e anti vicinity, 9-3, INSET'S STONE. LI(ENED AUCTIONEER, Bellefonte, Pa., upend to all sales macula(' to him with fidelity alid care. 10-40 ly. HARRY Y. STJTZER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, District Attorneys Office, Bellefonte, Pa. May be consulted in Englieh or Gorman. , E. S. DOR WORTH, PHYSICIAN AND SUIttiVON, Howard, Pa. Offers his profossional service to the rens of Howard and viOlnity. , 0-40. W. H. LARIMER, ATTOANEY AT LAW, Bellefonte, Pe., Mlle° with the District_ Attorney iu the• Court house• 9-22. CHARLES BODY: BARBER, Next door to the poet ellleo, sha ving, ehampooning an heir cutting done in the beet manner, 111-1-4 y J. D. w ImiATE, DENTIST, office in the Masonic Hall, Belle fonte, Pa. At home, except perhaps the Hest two weeks of each month. 7-16: ORVIS do .414E.IA.NDER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Bthlefonte, Pa., Office First door below the Frenklin Honse, in Rey nolds's new building, On the Diamond. 7-111. WILLIAM A. LACE, ATTORI4EY visit prnfeasrUnally when apaelallg retained in -.tunnoction with reektatit counsel, Clearfield Pa. 7-18. ANDREW WHITE, LICENSED AUCTIONER, Meeberg, Pa., Will attend to all sales entrhsted to hm with flUelity and care. Charges less than other nuctionsere. 9-40 ORVICL#I CORSE, ATTOitNRYWAT L/W, Will practice in the several courts of Centre and Clinton coun ties. All busineseantrusted to their care win be promptly attended to. Lock Haven, Pa. JACOB lIIRSIHILF:U. TORACCOitIST, keeps constantly on band a full supply of Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, &. &c., whieb will be sold lower than can bo per e chased elsewhere, thfa aide bf Richmond. DB. J. B. wrripsELL, PHYSICIAN & .SUBOEOI4, Bellefonte, Pa., Will attend to professional calls ao heretofore, he respectfully offers his services to his . friends and thepublio. Mee at his residence on Allegany street. 7-10. DANIEL DERIt. • DIANUFACTURBR,OF STAMPS, LETTERS, AC., A full supply kept conetantly on hand. Stamps for marking liage, robes, An., made to order. Shop near TEe old school house, back of the court house. • 8-1 DR. BEATTIE, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, Bellefonte. Pa., Offers his professional services to the oitisens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office at bill real dance co? Bishop street, nest door to the ifoystono bakery. - snob 81 15-Iy. A. 0. HIRST, AT'l'OB)11:17 AS LAt, Bellefonte, Pa., Will pr,u tico in tki_sermi court. of Centre and Cliuton Couutlee. All legal businede en trontoit to hiseare 1e4,11 toctive prompt atten tion. Otito, on Ile North-wbel smiler of the Diamond. 7-16 -- -- - , Vir..r. RE ' IfOLOS dit'CO. IS VSKISRA, Mlle of. Exchange and Notes die rouuted, .Collection made and proceeds promilted. nterest paid on spec mt. f t ti lo r sr.s. ExbhsoAerra the Eastern alt led oenstantif-on band for sale. Vepoiits re : t eiscd. ... r . 1.4 i-ili mrm. ritymm # , • AO*" ' IRON BUILDISAYS, No az Fifth street, Pirrsoup.on, Pones. TUITION PEE NEVER CHANGED. FORTY DOLLARS PAYS POlit TUN PULL GRADUATING CGURSE Tllllll NNT.IIIIIIID, TN Book Seeping, Business Penmanship, Commercial Calettlationo, Lectures Vpon Law, Jithies, Detecting Counterfeit Money, Lo. Other *Colleges have either advanced their tnition fee to IN, or charge $lO to $l5 extra for Penmanship. Their Books and Stationery, also, coaling from $l2 to s2o—ours coot but $5. Durs original plan of buoiness oduoation, as taught in this city for about tyrentl-tive years, from his own system ,of Book Kepping, which are sanctioned by the American F itutos and Chamber of Commerce, and other o etont authorities of New York, as the moot p t systems in use, with W. 11. Duro Bret premiarn business and Ornamental Pcmnap.hip taught in 'DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. It will s be found by proper inquiry that this is the only College of the kind in the Union oonducted by au experienced Merchant, and whore Penman is a trained accountant. Aff-Merchants, Steamers snd Bankers can always obtain thoroughly educated accountants ,un application to our oilles. Air-Those desiring our elegant now Circular, pp. 75 oontahu.ng an outline of our Course of Study and practice, with Sapies of our Pen man's Buidnesd and OrnamentarWriting, must coulee° twonty-flre cents to P. HUFF h SON, ilttrboirgh, Po. "4f We will mail any person enclosing us $2, a copy of either our Mercantile or Steam boatßook Keeping poet-paid. Nov. 2-i '65 Om. NEW SKIRTFOR 1866.—Tee great loran tion of the Ago in 1100 P SK J. W. BRADLEI"S New Patent DUPI,,EX ELLIPTIC!(or double) SIVING SKIRT. This invention consists of Duplex. (or two) . Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs, ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge making the toughest, most flexible elastic and durable spring over need. They seldom bend or break, like the single springs, and consequent, ly preserve their perfect and be %Wind shape mere than twice oa long we any single skirt that ever has ovcan be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort mid pleasure to any lady wearing the Duplex elliptic skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded assemblies, operas, carriages, rail road cars ' church pew.'. at In t node and house dress, as the skirt cuu be lidded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and eonvehiently au a silk or muslin dross, A lady haring enjoyed the pleasure, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex ellip tic steel spring skirt for a single day will never afterwards "willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to all othera. The hoops are covered with .2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twice as long as the single yarn covering "which is used swell ingle steel hoop skirts. The three bottom rods on every skirt are Also double steel, and twice or double covered to prevent the covering lrOm wearing oil the rode when dragging down stairs, stone steps, etc., etc. vrbich they are conitautly subject to when in use. All are made of the new and elegant corded tapes, and ans the best quality in every part, giving to the wearer the moat graceful and per fect ehapo possible, and are unquestionably the ligheet, moot desirable, c9mfortable and eco nomical skirt ever made• WEST BRADLEY & CARY, PROPRIE TORS of tho invention, and SOLE MAKUPAC TUNERS, 97 CHAMBERS, and 79 & 8 READE STREELS, New-York. FOR SATE In all Ora-class Stores in this City, and throughout the United States and Canada, Havana de cubit, Mexico, South Amer ica, and the West- Indies, pir-Ipprire for the Duplex Elliptic (o double) S privy Skirt. D. IQ A. Deo 15-3 m. TA R. TALBOTT'S PILLS, Anti Dyspeptic.— .1.1 Composed of highly concentrated lixtrarts from ROOTS AND HERBS, of tbe greatest medicinal value, prepared from the origtbal Prescription of the celebrated Dr. Talbott, and used by him with remarkable euc ease for twenty yeari. Am-infallible remedy in all Diecases of the Liver, or any derange went of the Digestive Organs, they cure Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, &Wula, Jaundice, Bilious near, Liver Complaint. The well known Dr. Mott says of these Pills "I have used the formula from which your nay arc made, in my practice for over 12 years; have the tined effect upon the Liver and Diges tive Organs of any medicine In the world, and aro the must perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulate the vital activ ities of the body, remove the obstructions of Its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease.'— They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate Magish or dim crderod organs into their natural action, and impart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they env the every day complaints of everybody, but also formidable Itind dangerous diseases, and being pnroly veget able are free from any risk or harm. No parson who has once used these Pills will eve4e with out them:, They create pure blood and remove all impu rities from the system, hence arc a positive cure fur prT - Fevers ' Headache, Piles, Mocurial Dis eases, and Ilereditary Humors.-rsz Dose.—For Adults, ono Pill in the morning; for children trader S yenta, half a sen j r mail,rie $ p l osf e p r ai l j, " to . a l a r y s'i p e ar s t up ot ie the , f 7. States or Canadas on receipt of price. Hone goltume without the fee simile of V. Mott Tal bott, 11. D. • Y. MOTT TALBOTT & Co., No, 62 Nolan - Street, Now York June 2, 1865. - 10—ly H AUPT &Co., Rave removed their Fouedry—from -thesdil Stand at Bellefonte to the Mileeburg Foundry and Machine shops, where they contin ue to manufacture the Watts improved plow ) cen tre Lever side Hill end shears for all the plow. ever made in this county. They also lave an attractive variety of IRONRAILING, CEMETERY ENCOSURES STEAM ENGINES AND MILLOEARLNGE, To this department of the businees fhity give particular attention, and have a large stock of Patterns on band for steam, Sour and Saw Mills, BTATIONERY•BTEAM ENGINES of any desirable capacity, from tan to "twenty Horse Power built in the beat of Style. They also manufacture one and two Horse Tread pow em—and four horse swoop Powers and Thresh ing machines to suit either. Corn crashers and other articles to numerous to mention. Orders received and castings delivered, with a varlets of the above named articles kept at the old flayes's property near the depot at Bellefonte j i Pa., where they have Machine, law and Patent makers, the beet in the count , that can be oonsulted at any time coneerni g any work th at may he wanted in their line ' business. Clive them a cal you that want your work done up to order.• Nay 6th 1444.—tt„ A. HAUPT, A Co. MOORE, ORYDER, kOa _ NIGH SITAIWP, PAILLRIVIIII, PA, Next door to she Centro/ Press pint* office. liare*recei red the largest end Ansel sseastizmutt of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ever offered for sole in Bellefonte. 'WI end see Them. Also a wiry fled and °Motes talked= of the most FASIIIONABLR STATIONERY, and many notions that will please the teats or the Whey, adl of whlth will be sold at Philadel *lli% prices. PHOTOGR may benbtalned in the Went city /Via, as our facilities an DOW much Improved. Apr. 84863.4 GROCER` :PA, ;fa: N EW AND SPLENDID STOCK Of tie beat BOOTS, SHOES AND OTHER GOODS. - , .In ellitlßS doom, Warrizited—coma and tee for yonnall—arM sot charge for looking at thorn. GROCERIES, & QI3SENSWATIE OF NEW STYLES. SHOE BINDINGS, HATS • .AND CAPS, LADIES FURS, NEW STYLES, VICTORINEB. PPS, FURS CAPES, NUBIAS AND NOTIONS, &0., &a. WARRANTED to be pet what we lepreoo”. them.., We have the 'eery beet which '- warrant, and" londr grafts- in all their Varietioa. COME AND SEE BURNSIDE'S GOODS. North Wed Corner of the Diamond! LEATHtIi OF ALL A. DESCRIPTIONS A large stoat of oboe finding saddlery, sad dles, bridles, halters, cart gears, harness, col lars, M=48,111265, whips, trunks., traveling bags, and every article made and kept' by saddlers, Water-Proof Boots double soled warranted POWDER, SWOT AND QAPOI. A Inue aasertmenttf Buffalo Robes, Horse Blkokets, Slegh Bells, Fox Traps, As. The highest market prises paid for Rides Skin, and all kinds of furs, „CASH. PAI D' Air lltdoe stud Skips at Butasidies The good time has oomo boys, when you can have all pm desire to eit at a vary low rate. • BURNSIDES. has just received w largo and well selecteaotock of goods which he Intehtie to sell at a very rea sonable rites—Yo low as not to be excelled by any" other establishment of the' kind in the country. You *ill find it greatly to your ad vantage to buy your Groceries at Burnside'. Buy dried Peaches, Apples, Cherries, Prunes, Currants and Tamarinds from Burnsidos. Ifyott want Prime Chem+, Salt, Rico; Cavendish Ciiiigrees, Fine out, Natural Leaf, or Smoking Tobacco of superior quality, go to Burnsides, Ladies will find it to their advantage to buy Morocco Boots, French calf and Kip shoes Slip pore and Gaiters with and without heels, of all chef) and colors, from. liurnsides. Buy Sweet Sicily */Oranges, Fresh Lornons,Figs, Dates, ltubdrte,"parattis and Nuts from Burt sidss. If you want Gum Dram Moss, Jujube and Fig Paste, Jelly Cakes, Cocoa, Lozengers, French and English Secrets, Sugar Plums, or any other kinds of Confectionaries, go to Durnsides. Buy ,flair Brushes, Portmonies, Purees, Pocket and Dressing Combs, (luip Hair and English flat head and Mourning Pins, Gloves, Hosiery Pocket Knives, Trout Si.., Fish Hooks and Tack's, • Stationery, Gents Linen and Silk Hankerch lets, Linen, .and Marsailles Col lars, and ninny other.Fsmey Articles and of 'turnable!. 11 ))on want Fancy Boapa, Candle., Corn an.l . Pears' Starch, Shot, Powder, Cullen Emeence, Brown, and English Mustard, Red and Black Peppers, Ginger, Mace, Nutmegs and a general vatiety.of Spines, go to Burrisides„ If tuu have Butter, Egga, Potatoes, Wheat, Beans or other Country Produce, it can be ex changed for goods at cash prices at the cheap cash variety Store Iltirusides. At Durnside's we study to pleas and give sat isfaction. -- ),'lease accept our thanks Tor past fa vors nno Ousels under obligations for many new ones. Jan 8-1884 NEW GOODS, At the store of George D. Pifer, near the poet office, consisting of prune TEAS, SUGARS, • COPPilik . fOLASSES, • ALL KINDS OF SPICES. blacken", Scotch, and Holland Herring._ ALL KINDS OF 011611811. Prime fish, CANNgD PEACH.E:S. Corn, Tomatoes, dried Peaches, Apples, Cur rants he. ho. Also all kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW WARE Corn brooms, Split Brooms, Brushes, Notions itc. rte. Give me a call, and you will be satis fied with both the goods and !wines. All'kinds of Copotry produce taken In cx ()hang( fur goods. GEORGE D. PIFER. Bollel into November 3rd. 1865. 10- 3J TO T i HE PUBLIC! MRS. SIMONS, MAIM ST., LOCK HAVE:/, Has the largest and cheapest .dock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FISU, C%darwarc, Queensvrore, Liquors, Winos, Salt, . Candies, Segare, Tobacco, °Ter offered in this market. The attention of Rotel and Store-keepers is called to the large stock of the following goods en hand, which are offered at wholesaleNrices .. 200 barrels of Fish, 200 BARRELS, OF LIQUORS AND WINES 50 lames of chewing Tobacco, 100 000 Sugars, and a large lot of Salt. Also, Flour and Feed always on band at July 11, '64—tf. SIMONS, Main St. NEW BAKERY! MATT SIAS SCHMAJCS, Would respectfully inform the peep!: of Belle fonte and vicinity, that he has opened a new and COMPLETE BAKERY, in the old Temperance Hotel, on BISHOP street where ho will keep constantly ou bend all kinds of BREAD, RUSKS, POUND-CAKES, • SUCIAIt AAR) UINCIER CAKES, CRACKERS,, CANDIES &C., &C., &C., which ha will sell at a reasonable and satisfac tory price Families will find it &their advantage to get their baking done at this eetnbliehment, as they an alwaysget pnre,wholesoniebread and cakes 'net when theynocd them. Sept. 12, 1882-tf. B URNS& SMUCKER. • WHOLESALE GHOOERS AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 605 Market. Street, 011adelphia. J. Molests BURN'S—late of D. S. Janney, Jr &Co S. SmooKin, Jr.—late of S. Smucker, Jr. Co nap 15, 1865.-Iy. BOGGS a .1/.111.K WffOLESALE GROCERS; • AND DBALBRI3 IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, No. 109 koh dtrbsta Redireen Front and Second t. twat:Nl WY. r. Kljgx. Orden from tßeeortntry promptly attended to: STA72B/J- O.AERIAGES &O. ed.E.ltLilaß MAITIINAOTOXV Mr. S. A. Me(leaden would respectfully in form the citizens of Centre County, that he has opened a new cordage Manufactorp o in the rear of Campine' Livery Stable, where he is prepar ed le Aanufactor eilintips • Sulkies, Phaeton; • , - - Sprin geighs W , doeagon • • • Sl • • at Woes to ink the times. 'Repairing done on Chun sotto,. Apr, 8-1864. OB PArturnui of all kind neatly executed at the Watchman °Ace. MEDICINAL LINDSEY'S [BLOOD SEARCHER. LINDBEY'B•IMPROV'D BLOODSEARCIIn IS LARGE BOTTLES, li particularly recommended for use during tAe Spring anieffuminer, when the blood la thick and circulation retarded by unhealthy secretions. This perfectly este though powerful Purifier, (henna and renews every, portion of the system. It is thennly goe r vino and original Blood-Searcher, which rot.' ;ears has performed the most wonderful, yet permanent cures, in eonfirmed cases of scrofula, old sores, tatter, tumors, boils, and all kinds of scrofulous eruptions. • .It is also a reliable remedy for salt rheum, ring-korm, meant head, aud 'kindred disesses. 'As a genctal tonic its effects are most benig nant, and cannot fail to benefit where used ea cording to directions. We make no claim to having discovered a "Pitnacea" or slinivoreal Remedy" for all the ailments to which flesh is heir bat we do °faint whatvotantleee facto have fairly and fully eetab. Haled, that in the BLOOD SEARCILER, the iBiiett4 will (Ind "iitandard medicine,'• one upon which they, chn rely as a sure specific for all dilemmas for which it is recommended. I hive this day, October 7th, 1884, dieposed of my entire .nterest for J. M. Lindsey's improv ed BLOOD SEARCHER, to R. E. Sellers it Cm together with the right to nob my name in it" preparation. Tbp only genuine oracle will here after be prepared by them exciueivoly. J. M: LINDSEY Prepared by R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURG, PA SELLERS' - tMPERIAL COUCH-SYRUP rron TpE CtJAIS Or COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, INFLUENZA, TICKLINU tiENSATION OF THE TIIFLOAT, Whoopiug Cough, Croup, ac., .to —• . NSTABLisiito IN 1835, It le an old And well tried remedy, and bee etood the test of thirty years. Read the following: - One Trial Will Conrinee Baltimore, Fa'rBo d Co., Ohio. Junuml3! 29, 1859 Hr. R. E. 'Fellers-4)w SO: I am entirely out of your ' , lmperial Cough Syrup." Wdl you send me, my nix Boren ? Ido not want to be out of it, as it is the only medicine that will come so near raising thedead. It will cure the typist nouglritninediately. ' I have recommended It to permitt and given thelsi one.botlio.on trial, and in every eastrthey hove given clear testi mony that it gave immediate relief. I hasp used it in my own family, and lind.it a sure cure fur coughs and colds in all eases. Ono trial, will eons ince any Orson that it is a sure cure for the worst of coughs and colds. I am yours must renleetfully. L. SISINONS. The above is strong_ testimony, and offered without solicitation, iu behalf of the best cough mcdiciuo of the day. The Great Curative! trITTSBUIC, Apra 19, 1858 if. E. .S'rii,rs • I bare been troubled with cough for the Imt ten years, by moon of which I hate frequently been unable to sleep snore than half the night. I tried manyremedicabut all in vain. I hoard of your Cough Syrup, and resolved to'try it, and now state that the um of a few bottles has cured me entirely. I cheerful ly recommend it as a safe, speedy, and pleasant cure for coughs and colds. Yours respectfully, waf. WOODS. This is strong testimony ) and given volunta rily. Prepared. R. E. SELLERS St CO., PPITSIIURG, PA JOHNSON'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND AND BLOOD PURIFIER .1 THIS GREAT INTERNAL REA! EDY. it; the best medicine ever offered 'to the publP For the effectual cure of rheumatism, gout, neu ralgia,-dyspepsia, and as a blood purifier, it has no equal ; fur all diseases .stising from an im pure otato of tho blood, nucle us. scrofula or king's evil, scald head, tettbr, ring-worm, fe male complaint, and all brook-outs on the face and body. The vast number of rub-on medi cines which formerly have boon used for those diseases wore merely temporary in their effects, -and of doubtful virtue, but the RIIEUMATIC COMPOIIND reaches t h e source of all trouble, and actuall banishes the disease from the system by Its Im mediate action on the blood. We advise one and all to give it a trial, and brmetiattsfied of rnt , wonderful power. Prepared and sold by :4 R. E. SELLERS & CO., PITTS/KM% PA SECCERSH LIVER -PILLS., THE ORIGINAL, ONLY TRUE It GBNUNE For twenty-live years a staple remedy for Liver Complaint, Coetiveness, Sick Headache, 4 Billions Monde's Bead,lnni judge for yonrstlf: Sitvga Canin, Ouio Co., Fa. Mr. R. Seller.,—Dear Sir: 'think it a dut • I owe to you and the potato generally, to stat that I have been alilicted with Liver Complaint for a longione, and so badly, that as abrade lbnaed and Woke, vrisish left me in a very low state. Having beard ofyour ,celehrsiod Liver Pills being for sale by A. E. Sharp, Wert Libor ty, sad recommended to UM by my physirbm Dr. L Smith, I concluded to give them a fair Isiah I purchased ono Box and found them jut what they are reconuaansed- r the best Liv er Pills ever wed, sad, after taking four boxes, I aid the disease has entirely left me, and an: sow perfectly wallas Haspectfully yours D. H. COLEMAN. - PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. , The above articles for sale by 7. PAIIIIIEN, - Druggist, frellaroate, Pa. June WIFE'S & LQUORS. HALT I LISTEN! STOP ANDRID! Ye that trould pteserve you , health, save your money and lire happy and contented, should purchase your liquor at the wholeesele WINE ;IND - LIQUOR 8 0,04. g, 01114111110 P - 4'. directly opposite the old Temperance Hotel. ABRAHAX MUM & CD Notwithstanding the enormous taxes impo sed upon all articles In has line of business, be still continues to sell the puree articles at the .very lowest figures. Sissy diecription of, • FON/frGN k DOM - and tIQU - ORS, wholesale and retell, at the lowest . oath ri‘es, which tire warranted to be the best 'qualified me cordingth their respectfre prices. life stock consists in part of OLD RYE, MONONCIATIRI.4 • WIIRAT, 001114, NXCTAR, apd others' whiskies, at rron47l mate to $2,00 per gape e Also, - ALL KIND - 84)1* VRANDIES. from 75 om., to sB,efl%r gallon. _Holland Gill!' pare, from 76 eta., to $2,50 per gallon. PORT, MAD ERIE, CHERRY, BLACKBERRY and other vernes—tbe beet articles—at as res tenable rates ee con be hafl In the city. CHAMPAGNE, BpACKBERRY, GINGER; 'AND CARAWAY BRANDIES, DETRE JAMACA AND NEW ENGLAND RUM, CpIWIAL43 OF ALL RINI)8, all IS which be warranted be be ea represen ted, and sold at prices oxceedingly low. AU the liquors offered tor male at this establls- Imola have been pnrehased at the United Ewes Custom House, and consequently ioubt pure and good. PhYtaelahe and ethers aro respectfully requested to give his liquors a trial. - 11611, Ile Lae the only article of PURE PORT WINE JUICE IN TOWN. May, 28, 1882. tf. TuE•WONDER OF TUE A 013! • Every body astonished at the pure ness and cheapness of the articles sold at the wholesale WINE. AND LIQUOR STORE. OR BISHOP BITER; BELLBPOSTS PA.; JACOB B. =TELE. The proprietor of this establishment takes pleasure ininfornang the public that ho keeps constantly on hand a supply of choice foreign and domestic liquors, such al Old geetar, Old Rye, Nonnongala, and Irish Whiskey; Cognac, Blackberry, Cher ry, (Anger, and common Bcantlies Port, Modena, Cherry, and Lis- Scotch, and 'Tolland =En Cin ; New &grand Rum, Jamaica., Rum, Cordial, Peppermint, Anniared and Rose. ALL CASAS WARRANTED TO CONTAIN THE AIIOUN T XARKED. Tho attention of praotioing physicitane is oal ell to his stock of PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medical purposes. Bottles jugs and Demijons constantly on hand. He hes the ONI YPURE NECTAR WIIISKEY in Town. All _liquors were bought when liqgors wore low, and ho sells theta accordingly. All lignors are warranted to give satisfac tion. Confident that he can please customers he respectfally solicits tishare of public patronage Liquors will be sold by the quart, barrel er tiprce, lie bee a large lot of BOTI'LEIJI,IQUQRS of the finest grades on hand. Apr 1-.1865. SIMON A. FELDMAN. ineoumn WilOaliAl e X DVALER Ia BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Wlig.A7', RYA' AND ITOURBON IVR/SYK NO. 508 Nokry NINTH /OHNE; (NO* Sprinif(iorden,) PHILADELPHIA, PENN 'A • Rept. 161. MISCELLANEOUS pIIILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD This great liigo travoriani the Northern and northwest counties of Pennsylvania. to the city of Erie on Lake'Eri4 It hag been kneed and is operated by the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANI. TINE Or I`A3MENOICR TRAINN AT LOCK MAVEN LEAVE EASTWARD, Erie Mail Train Erin Express Train 12.25 A. M Elmira Mail Train 7.00 A. 51 LEAVE WESTWARD. Erie Mail Train ......... Erie Express Triiin Elmira, Mail Train errir4t6 Passenger ears run through on the Erie Mail and Express Trains without change both ways between Philadelphia and Erie. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave Now Y0rk..... Arriveat Erie Leave Frio Arrive at New York. No Change of Cars between Erie & N. York Et.simar SLEaI'ING Cans on all Night trains For information respecting Passenger bud nese, apply at Cur, Mill and Market Streets Philadelphia. And for Freight business, of the Company'a• Agents: B. B. Kingston. Jr., Cur. 13th and Market streets, Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent N. C. R. It., Baltimore. 11. H. HOTIBTON,,,,QpreI Freight Ag't, 11. W. GWINRER, °eel Ticket Ag't, A. L. TYLER, 'Clen'l Bupt.Williamsport, LADIES F 6 AN y FURS!! ' AT lIN FARRIS Al )Id Established IR MANUFAC. TORY, . 718 ARCH St., ,bove Seventh,' IILADELPHIA. have now in store ,y own Imports, and Manufric -I,'One of the lar. and mpstbeauti _ .... selection of FANCY FURS, For Ladies and Children's wear, in the city Also a fine assortment of Gent's Fur Olores and Collars. lam enabled to dispose of my goods-at very reasonable prihs, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Contrevonnty and vi cinity. Remember the name, aernber and street- JOHN FAREIRA, 718 Arch St., above 7th', south side, Philadelphia. "tilL. I have no partiget, nor connection with any other store In Philadelphia. 0et.13,118-4m.. jumpDAEKS, DIRMONE,A 00. BUOUABOR To A. B. DAVIS & CO. so;&arseturers of PATITXT STANDARD SC A MS, imitable for. WEIGH LOCKS, TRACKS AND DEPOTS, , COAL, HAS AND LIVE STOCK. Also ell the whine deeoriptlome or DORMANT & PORTABLE .PLATBORM SCALES, AND PATENT BEAtial Northwest Corner if 15th Street rid ' PNNN'A AVENUE, PRILADXLPHIA Cot. 13,r, .64$ HOTELS & SALOONS C UMMINOS lIODBE, FELLEPONTE, • —D. D. OUMMINOB, Prop'r. • This eleowit new Betel, attested on Mabel 'street, s fow doors not th of the Catholic, cluing' is at lest complete in all ,its arrangements, and is now open for tqe reception andtentertainment of guests. It has beas,furniabed pr. the ear, latest style, with handsome and. , comfortabl furniture, and Is 'altogether the best gotten up and wilt be the best conducted hotel in Belle fonts. 'T.IIIIPIAB.p4 will always be found, groaning ender the weight of the oter thataar , ket giforele, attended by neat tellg r t and at tentive waiters. ' • THE BAR will always be supplied with the e'holeeet and but of liquors— , not a elekening mixture of drugs—but Manors in their purest and best state. THE STABLE is latge, Warm, commodions and in clean, and obliging and attentive hostler: are always in waiting. A Hack rewraps passengers free ofcebitrge, fa and from the cars, after the arrival and doper ture of the trains. Mar 27-1809. O ARMAN;B HOTEL, lINLLEFONTE, ' DAN% GARM.AN, Prey'r This long established and well known Hotel situated on tie eouthoet corner of the Diamond opposite the Court House, having been parches bd by the undersigned, he announces to the for mar patrons of this establishment and to the tnargling public generally, that he Intends rent tingit thoroughly, and is propartsc to reader the most satisfactory accommodation" , to all who may laver him with their potoonage. No pains will bo stared on his part to add to the conveni ence of eorfiflut lo his guests. All who atop with hlin will flied his ILs TAMA abundantly supplied with the most sninptous fare the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cokes. 11,ta mill adwayi-oontam-ther choicest of liquors. Ills t3TA DUNG le beet in town, and will always he nttonried by the most trustworth and atten tenth a hotter& (lire him n call, one and all, and he reek con fident that all will be satisfied with their accom modation. AN EXCELLENT TVERY is attached to this establishment, which strati gem ftom.ahtoad will find greatly to their. ad vantage. Tan. 9th, 1963 CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, J. B. BUTTS, Proprietor. This well known establishment has been en= tiroly refitted and refurnished throughout, sand is now second to none in central Pennsylvania lb the comforts and convenience it affords to tnivelors. People from the country during their 1114011T13 at Beilefonto during Weeks of Court will find the Conraellonse an agreeable and pleas ant resting place. Accoponodating servants are-always In atten dance lead} , to supply the wants and contribute to the oomfurt and satisfaction of the guests. THI Teeud is supplied with all the substan tial provisions, luxuries and delicacies which a productive country can furnish, or industry, vig ilance and exaction can procure. Tux BAR, will always contain a general as sortment of the 1 , 4117 best liquors that the mar ket affords tulaphstl-t.asit the-most-capricious tastes. Tun STADIA will be attended by attentive and obliging buglers, well qualified to discharge the duties pertaining*, this important depart ment of a public establishment. From the attention and time, the proprietor has devoted to this branch of business be hopes lu roccievo a liberal portion of the patronage heretofore bestowed upon him. May .1-18a2 HOUSE SALOON, • This now and splendid Eating Estab lishment is now open fur the critertuininout of the public, whore Fresh Orden", Fried Orators, Stewed Oysters, Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtle Soup, Chicken Soup Ham and Eggs. Pig's Feet anti Tripe. Sao dines, Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, Stewed Chickens, etc., etc., can be bud at all times. • ' D It INKS. Cognac Brnnity, Ohl Ry o Whiskey, 'Bourbon 'Whiskey, W bent WhiniLey.4rish Whiskey, liol land cOn.,--Ourrant Wino. Straw berry Wine. Chatnrinigne. tlooseberry Wino. Shen ry Wine, Port Wino, etc., etc., Gin Cocktails, Brandy Smasher, Bhorry Cob blers, Whiskey puncbea, 'and all fancy drinks. Maeeni A Collin's XXX Philadelphia Ate & Porter, Cider. Panay Lemonades, Sarsaparilla, Mineral Water,: etc., etc., etc_ IIOT MEALS to be had at all bourn of the day or night. A magnificent BILLIARD BOOM. with line marble-faced Tables, is connected with the es tablishment. M 6.34 A. M 5.27 P. M 7.50• P. M We invite our friends to give us • call, and hink we can' insure them the utmost entiatae. ion. R. D. CUMMINGS, March 27,'63-Iy. Proprietor. 8.06 P.M 3.37 A. M 1.5.5 •P M 1.15 P. M UNION HOUSE, MILROY, D. C. KELLER; Proprietor The subscriber would respectfully inform the publiiilhat ho has recently refitted the above named Hotel. and is now prepared to accommo date his friends and patrons in a comfortable scanner, and ho will _ewe no pains in making , it an agreenbleboune for all sojourners. Ills table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets otcountry and cities, and his llar tilled with liquors of choice brands. His Char ges are as reasonable as these of any other Ho lel in the place, and he feels satisfied they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Ex eating to receive a share of public, patronage, Ad fully Itteuding to de serve It, he throws open his housetto the public and invitee atrial. ;XX ObIIANON HOUSE, A. FAlYlNR,ll.,..Proprietor. . . Imo proprietor et ftil well - known hotel re spectfully announces to the public, that he le prepared to accomodate all who may give him a call. This hotel being pleamaatly situated and provided-with every convenience, it offers to the public all the oomforts and convenience of a f'IRST CLASS HOTEL. His Table. will always be supplied. with the beet the market offers, end his Bar with the ehoicest',,Liquors. Travellers, teamsters And i i t boarders aceemmodated in the most leasant and agreeable manner. Carlad^and entice heatless will alwaywhe on hand. His tabling is the most extimeive and complete in Hits emo tion. • Now.:-14. !ilb 4m. I_llll3/ERBBIIRU HOTEL, nuniainettnna, H. MORRISON, PrepAtione Thin well known Hotel la now kept by the Proprietor, where be will be happy to wait, upon the-traveling publlo generally, FALk.ux nous!, LOCK HAVEN, B. W. BIG On Proprietor. Omnibus running to and from the Depot Aug. 23-'63. UNITBDITATSB HOTEL, inua.Misroar, V. 0. at. C. DOBBLEIt, Propisters. Omnibus numing to and from the depot. Aug. *B-'6B. BOOKS, STA ONARY, ko BOOK STOKE. Bisuiroirim, PA GEORGIC LIVINGIBTpii - , Prop. The propHetor having removed to No old stand on the South Bast corner of the diamond still continues to keep of hand a large saeort• meat of Theological, Classical, Day &hot', Mistrottanimul, and W the various school book now in use; slim, a large usortment of Mud books and §tAtionsry.Photograptia and Photo. graph Aims also Daily and Weekly maws poaiadloal In Ike United States. New •oldies olio at pedants prices._ Nay 1116611-tf. ifIXDIOINAL HELM b•OLW FLUID EXTRACT' BUCRU For Non-Retention or ineontinence Al Mime Irritation, Indasantation scg.illearatioie of the Bladder or litdrosts, DieeelUss of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in floe 'Bladder, Wesley grave) or Brick Dust Deposit, and'ali Diseases' of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. Z E L 1111111 6 1 1. 1 11 8 -FLIIID. EXTRA - 6T - Dire tuft wlAictirmssse rAO3I CUBES OR INDISCRETION. The Constitution ones effected with Organic' Weakness, inquires the ski of modish m to strengthen and invigoratesthe system, which Bxtraet Swam [brimful' , doer. If no treatment be submitted to, Cotarnmption or Insanity ensues. )4 ELMSOLD'S, FLUID EXTRACT RUCIIII Tn affections peculiar to females. Is unequaled by any other preparation, as in Chlorosis or Re tention, Irregularities, painfalness or suppres sion •of customary evaeutions, Ulcerated •or Schirrus state of the Uterus, Leiscor , hass,.and all complaints Incident to the 1/02, whether aria ing from habits of dissipation. Imprudent)les, or in tho Decline or Change in Life. its. • HELM BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT Buciru H IMPItubVISD - ROSE WAFill. Will radically exterminate from the system dis eases of Urinary,Oigans arising hem Habits of biesipation ot expense, Utile or wo superse dingin dirt, and no exposure; completely superse ding thore•unpieasunt nod dangerous remedier, C pairs and Mercury in curing all these unpleas. ant and dangerous diseases. U 8 HELMBOLD'e F . L11.113 EXRRACT 1117 CHIS In all. oases of the llrigary Orgasm; whether O. biting in male or female, from whatever canoe oligleating, and no matter of bow long steadiest. Ills pleasant in taste 'and odor, Lusteedlate td in its notion, and more strengthening than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron. Those Buffering from Broken-down or Delicate Constitutions, procure the remedy is once. The reader must be aware that however alight may be the ottatk of the above diseases, it Id cortalo to effort the bodily bealth,rnental pow. en, and happiness, and that of his posterity. Our flesh and blood are supported from these solaces. PHYSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE, We make no secret ofthe ingredient!. BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Is com posed of Buchu, Cubebs and Juniper Berries, se loam.' with great core. and prepared In *scud by H. T. lIELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist, of sixteen years' experience In the city of Phila delphia, and which is now prescribed by the moat eminent physicians, has been admitted to use in the United fi}tates Army, and is also in \ Lay general nee iu State Hospitals and public Sactitvy Institutions throughout the laud. BUCHU. (From Dirpomary of I. !loiter( SlMoo.) DIOSALA CRENATA. RUCHE LEAVES Propertles.—Thoir odor is strong, diffo sive, and lunnierrhat aromatic; their tastes bit. turiati, and analogous to mint. Medical Properties and Uss.— iluchu leaves are gently stimulant, with a pecu liar tendency to the Uriunry Organs, producing diuresia, and like other similar medicine!, exci ting diaphoresis, when circumstances favor thlit modo of action. They are given ip complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the 131mitici, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disease of the. Prostrate, and Ratan lion or Incontinence of Urine, from a lose of tone in the parts concerned in its evactiatiog. The remedy has also been recommended in Dyspep sia, Chronic lihoumatism, Cutanitgue and Dropsy. Edna,bi's Extrnet llurAo is need by persons from the iiices of 141 to 26, end from 85 to 25, el in the denies or (Mange of life; after Confine ment or Labor , Pnins; Bed-wetting In oldldren., yes-Dr. Keyser 1. a Physiclam of over thirty yens' experienee, ands graduate, of the JeWanton Medical College end of the Tlai• verity of Medians and Surgery of PhiWel phis. Mn. 11. T. IlutanunD Dear Sir.—ln regard to the question asked me ask my opinion about Maeda, I would say that-mare need and sold the article in various forms for the past thirty yea not think there is any form or p tie , of have not used or known tof be d, in the Thous dimmer+ where such medicate agen Id be indicated. You are aware, as well as myself, that it hue been extensively einplojed itt the va- Aeon diseases of the bladder and kidggys,, and - the reputation it Las acquired in my Judgement is warranted by the facts. biro seen and used, as before stated, every' form of Borko—the powdered leer", the simple decoction, tincture, fluid extracts,—and I am not cognizant of any preparation of that plant at all equal to yours. Twelve years' experience ought, I think, to sive me the right tq judge of its merits, and whereat prejudice or partiality, I give yours precedence over all others. do not value a thing according to its bulk, if I did, other Pocbue would out-do yours, but I hold Ur the doctrine that bulk and quantity do not make up valueo-if they did, a copper: sent would be worth more than a gold dollifr. valor, yoar Dacha for tte drool on patients. I havoc:tired with IC and hare Hen oared with 'tonere diseases of the bladder and kidneys than /have ever seen cured with any other Bache, or enjotber proprietary compound of whatever name. • Respectfully, your., ie., GEO. H. KEYSER, Y. D., 140 WOOD STRUT, ATTODIMOD, Ps. dogeo 11, 1805: " ARLIOR RELMBOLD'III PLOW EXIIIMIT BIM, per. Direct Idlers to HELRIBOWO.O,. DRUG AND CILRMICAL WARR/AAR, fro. kat Broadway, Now York, SEtAUOLDB MEDICAL , DEPOT. No. 194 South rO/101 Btrs ltts Bolo" .0114,t;tit. PiU.de2pila. Sold by Drugsista everywllikirb. BE WARM OF COUNTEXPirra. AST FOR ffi4X,Boilti ,TAKE 7.4 OTUEfI Ostl3 El