El .:fmontaficltfairinan TERMS—CY Per Psi API la 014.111“ v 2,50 eb.n not, Oil In avatar, sitillYllheamit act pia Wore the exit . $11440.141 ON!. NSW"3 TO °Clift • g , g , 7 .-110 sonnet motet 'oat question, '•Oh no—we new inenthan Itint.m We saw suvsnl things in rhfladsipkte week Wore last that we - wouldn't ears about ;statical:rig its this mossitatlast. Bow aro jos, , foaata?" R. p. R, Will write soon. We ere selmarysow that we have naively thus w Pus randy Hope you are attioYinli 0 ,14,61 P flops shill get Lack tU."Dizie" again together One of these data. GEM Lorita.—tiot exactly, WP attempted • thing of that kind once, nad_oaate out at the m ot and of the horn. Doan go at • thins •rideways Brirtis tlght ep M It, Nat he% sod halt the difficulty will nodal' A AA. .8. A. 11.-In the. book-keeplaB badman, are you. We are glad-to know LUCA pals so well. airs our regards to the • types, and don't b. "too atlafounded laity to write." By the way, we had • kqer M== All well and flourishing. I A. :H.-I:fed Bandlnee" real muse Is Eduard • C, Adsow. We bellow* he has again re amed the publication of "Ned Biathee:t Ifl==l '(though some of his . books lab not ) In oozy *Teepee, of the most: desirable oharnotor,) Arid a poet of considerable nallita. Bo reckless fellow, sod, though probably 113 tuoch "sinned against ap sinning, 4 a good waxy things could be said of War that would not be flattering. 8.3:, Mosesnox. 2 —Air is a mixture of •itro gon and oxygen gasses, with • small por tion of ceiboniF dcid as and of the vapour *trashiness gal= In Al ad' . ordir sarsPea, =lmola= ; iroer otalphdroodo eifingo, rat rdir 41 .4 "1"1 - POI, in , dry igsatigar, =gelatin mid ; phareoun acid and ammonia in tonalities t hero large quantities of coal am bitiledl end trate.' of nitric, acid during =vire thunder storms. :pew it hog constagnata are nitrogen mud oxygen, which according to lirmidOl- Mots"ttther"ttr ietstlW bulks of about 79 and 21, or $0 and 2U. . _ . THINGS'ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY Cook's ,More, iv Mileatmarg. WWI rubbed $1;00 in money rucl goods on Monday night last I=l A Usrn.welghing nearly four hundred rounds was shot on the Cummings property at Port Matilda last week. I= EaeoA.—We made a. mistake Let week saying'4,kst Mr. T. R. Itaynolde wee erecting e uniriiirick building on Spring We ehouiCkave said frame instead MEI MEI I=l Tut Ourrsa.—The guttir,at the Inter !motion of Allegany and Bishop streets still rejoices its ite , tridth and depth. We eaw a two horse team trying to get through it the other day, sod it had to drive side ways to order to make the ascent on the Allegany fureet side of it. That's a great gutter, it is, and our borough fathers are great bor ough fathers, they are. I=l Mlle. AOOlll BAYARD haring . tak . ealp her residence in Keokuk, lowa, will expose to public sale a ,tot of household and kitchen furniture, at her former residence, In this pl ice, on next Saturday week. Those de• sirens of purchasing cheaply had better attend. The sale will be under the ohoroe of J If. Myers, esq. UOVERICIIEST HAIRNieI FOR SALT AT BURN- F IDL . F.—Thumu Burnside ba . ving been made the agent for the sale of government harness in this borough, requests us to ody 'Lithe has just received a heavy lot, uesil • repaired and oiled and ready fur use, it prices so low as to enable the poorest to buy. Go to Burnside's and get a bargain. llts advertisement will appear nett week. =1 W. HAT., Galen, .01141., forema%of the 'Nlunata,,Spy aisle has been getting marled laßly to e, &His *We. We knew Hayes well when he tfaiad to run the rade lie in Jer sey Shore, and knew, )iin to by not a bad sort of a fellow. Welber, he may have a good time of it during his married life, an?' finally reach that Heaven to which all printers aspire, but to which, We fear, very few of them ever get. Here ie to you, 'llayea,—we took a "snifter" to your ado-, cesa last night,-and may your trintrimoa tal barque glide placidly down the stream of time. I=l Somerutta Nair.r-i-liessrs. Bromley &Ce. or New York, have jueiieeued one of their new Political Carioatueea, entitled "Here dom at the South," which should be stack upon the wall of every house in the lima. It is a telling picture, and is one of the se verest hits the aliolitioniets have ever re ceived. They have oleo manufacturedi • "White Mau's Badge," which should be on the breast of averbeliever in the supremacy of the while race. Either the badge or that earLestare e•a be bed for twenty Sr. cents, by fiddreeeing Brantley & Co., imx 4266, New w...~a Bit°ll ;Tail.--0n Saturday night last a primner confined in, the jail in this place, by the name or William Campbell, made file escape by descending the heater through the floors into the cellar, from whence be emerged into the bed "yard, and scaled the jell wall by means of a Idle of wood which happened to he star at band. The titan Lad been imprisoned for horse stealing,and the sheriff Often fifty I L,IiIIIIII for his resat' , lure. The sheriff lima to be eeneured4or this man't escape, as our old county jail has bottoms too altitspidated to held a pris oner of ingenuity or boldness, B&etitle one, unless be is ironed. We need • new jail, end then prisoneri *Snot essaye. In the present instal's* 'tint •olan deserve* to get' away for the, tretantnig he. ehOWed, and fr the lessen he has - taught oar authorities n regard -to the manner In wibioh prisoner's might hare eaosped kereafter ; It is not likely that any More will get away srawling . down hue 'heater. Twit WAIVE Woare.--By referriUg' to 'oar adverticiag colanutilt Will be seen that our borough fathers have pealed an ordi nano.. This shows that they are still alive 'and kicking, and able to talk, if pot able to up that getter at the crossing of Allegany and Bishop streets: But the or dinance—they have imaged an ordinance. Not an ordinance up gaiters, or any thing so trifling aa that, but " an ordinance to prevent' the waste. of water in the bor ough of Bellefonte." .The, worthy fathers onetime that the scarcity of water in the lbarmtet_ . 4 alfrilintable. to tha fact.that by - demote are often .oarelekely left running ken they should be closed I 0, most wise @mutilation I , Unwilling to lay the bindle of the scarcity upon their pet water-works, with which thej have already had more trouble than the blamed. things ire worth, they pile it all on to the eitisene, whom they•oharrt with a perpetual mania for run ning water, anti-especially thee° citizens who have hydrants in their bank yards. The fathers, therefore, in the plenitude of their vriedom, have laid a line of fire dollars upon each and every person whoshall here after allow a hydrant to run longer then necessary to draw's bnoltet of *Mei; and stela inducement 14 idlers to turzo. toftle tales" they offer hall the money toithe por tions so informing. (We would remark, parenthetioilly, that there are two cows In • town that hare habit of opening the hydrants to get a drink, and always neglect to shut them. We suggest that if caught at it again they be fined also.) • • With the spring we've got, capable water works would supply this town with an amount of water sufficient to keep all the hydrants In the place in a steady' flow for 24 hours a day the year round. The peo ple of this place pay an 'inordinate water ; and they have a right to as much as they can use, without being compelled to Save every drop that trickles from the by- t - : -- Ttre - lact brthe irater.worki always been bobbed, and there is no use in trying to smooth the matter over. I=l TIM "Itql7A.t. MONTS tskAColl."—lt: will be seen by the following letter, that an • bearitet the -above-nettet-is- • tilatedee in this state. tram the feet that Meshes B. Graham, a respectable colored barber, of this place, is secretary of the association in Bellefonte, we would infer that it Is either a colored organisation ex clusively, or one in which °literati, persons are considered et' a par with their white companions. We incline to this latter opine ion. The object of the association or "League" is sufficiently.indioated by the naree...by which it is tang& and front the fact that we had never heard of its exis tence prior to the darling of the letter which we publish below, we are left to judge that it is secret in its nature, and cal culated to operate on the "know-nothing" principle. "The letter which follows, and which is 411111reesed to Itframe B. Graham, the "respectable colored barber" aforesaid, was found in the Street, and handed to le for publication some time since. We forget it, however, until in lately overhauling the contents okour vest pockets, we found the preCioas document among other papers which 113 had stowed away for sniff keep ing. We eve It entire, only remarking that —Mesh" shout& be more careful of doou meute that be do'ea.uot desire to have meet the public eye : OFFICIO OF STATE EQUALIII'IIII7N, 717 Lombard Phila., July 2 ;4 . 865. Y. S. Gra'sam, See. of E. R. L., Bills ee l Sin : The report of your League le heart me, and es you have appointed two Repre sentativee to the State League,. your Repro. 'natation fee will be fifteen cfstllars.(Sls 00) according to article let, Couttitutlp, of State League. The annual meetingtof the State League will be held at Harrisburg, on the 9th of Augast, sad I beg to expfees tho'hdpe that by that time you will have identified your selves by the plment of the fee, and, that your Representatives will be present. Yours for Equal Rights, J. C. WHITE, JR., See. Slate League. I=l nonneitr.—We understand that on Mon day night last the bed room of Mr. J. Miles Kephart, of thie place, was entered by some portion or persoile unknown, and bis pooket book, containing about $76, abstracted from bie pantaloons while he was fast asleep. The pantaloons wore found jitet,4 outside the chamber door, in the morns g, very nicely rolled up, with the gee taßita on to such an extent as to make :he room absolutely euffecating. The circumstances of this affair are such as to remind one of the case of Mr. George Jaokson, of Reynolds . ' bank, whose room iu Mr. Kephart's hones US Mold intrinolt the same reisper, nearly two yeare ago. From the facenat Mr. William KephaFt ip now the teller of the First National Bank, the idea occurs to, us that it might have been him the burglar was after, r under the supposition that be might have f consider able amount of Money about &is person. A good detective °Meer I. moon needed in this community, and Would be very likely 4,0 find out the whereabouts of this adroit of Jolla Sheppard, -11 by is it that the publio hoe never let been enlightened as to the induce of the Fourth of July Fundt , --Pren. We will remark, for the information of the Press editors, that 3fr• Furst published his statement in the WATCIIIIIAN, and also a call fora meeting of the subsoribers to . that fund to determine what should be done with the balance ($427,181 Me in his hands. If the small portion of the "public" that get their informatiou from the columns of the Press haver no. been advised Se to these foals, it is because the Itetidlaber of paper would not pilut them without being paid for it. - • 00911 . THII Paixrsas F.lll PLiY. NN Its've eilece 'of tlttvlde which we wish to fiz firmly and hileitigy_ Upon am P 4 iblio mind, arid tbal is—give the . printers fall' play. Do not forget that It, °maw sonsething to ' , puff" as well se bw advertise, and never. sponge upon a printorhs goy way whatever. It Is printer's Ink tli*t tanker nine-tenths of your fortunes ; it Ickes' money tobuilnk, type, paper ; add rer, — afletralt UNs, feW are the thanks that the printer gets. dittt the printer fair play. and give up all expecta tions of gratuitous puffing, Mo. The great American Stateetlikn, Daniel Webster, was tlgjit when be remarked of the press, "Small is the sum required to patronise a newspa per t amply rewardod its patron, oars I not how hi n mble and unpretending ,the p led* whils - tie takes. It le nein() xmpos lible to 611 a sheet with printed matter without putting Into It something that is worth the subscription price."— Jpr. e A 30111111141 Fwentext.—AS the following item frem an exchange suits this locality, wie copy it Witliont y comment : "A new fashion has just been insugursted among the ladies, and..it is one of the few late introductions in dress that ik• to be ad mired—lthe fashion of> reasonably short skirt'. The pithy trailing skirts that away With the vocation of street, , sWeepers and scavengers, have been laid aside, and neat, clean, short ones have taken their place. The ladies Who have taken the ad vance in this revolubinu of fashion among us, are entitled to admiration and mein for, their good sense and taste. • A HICIVT Court/.—There are at present living in' Meehanlnert., in liovr,ard town ship, in this County, a niartied couple whoop united ' weight *Mclnnis to over six hun dred pounds—Mr. John Leathers and his wire. The former weighs 262 pounds and the latter 402 pounds. This Immense mass of humanity livea together in the utmost harmony, and enjoys e x cellent health. Mrs. Leathers Weighed only 90 pounds when she was married and has acquired, all her sur plus flesh stone that happy t mi. The couple are a ' surlosity and are worth going to ace. I=l A DCTY.—Let every Dctii;:drat support his local paper. Let him throw all the printing and advertising he can to its office. Hnoonrage and strengthen it. Remember e eeeee has much to contend with. Money, power and an immense "annual patronage. . every true Democrat who loVes hie pried= plea rally to the suppoit of the Democratic press. A gubernatorial Contest of the .• ••• • • . •• . 4o the people ef-Penn- Sylvania will soon be upon us. The press have a hard battle to fight. Prepare them for it. If Democrats will stick to and aid their local presses, all will' be *ell.—Ez Twoan CUM Or RILILS Ca ft eb.—Ry Dr. &rickla ' Pile Reminlyi Mr. than uffanes vine, Wisconsin, writes for -the benefit of all who suffer With the Piles, that he has been trotb led fbr eight years with an aggravated cue of nee, Mid his brotrialuaa-disehazged from the army Os incrable, (he being'quite paralysed with the Piles.) Roth these distressing eases were cured with one bottle of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. The recommendation of these gentle men, beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland ought to convince those suffer ing, that the molt aggraiated chronic cues o Piles are eared by Dr. Strickland's Pile remedy it is mold by Druggists everywhere. Wets oil Borte Eres.—Dr. fltrickland's Eye Lotion is warranted to be the best remedy in the world for weak and sore eyes. Price 26 cents. Sold by Druggists. ,20—ly The Bellefonte Market+..' Corrected Weekly by Hofer it- Keller, Hain St The following are the quotations up to 4 o'clock.on Thursday evening, when our paper went to preset White Wheat, pt bushel tied Wheat, per bushel... Rye, per bushel Shelled Corn, par bushel. Oats, per bu5he1..... ....... Barley, per bushel Buckwheat, per Inishel. Cloverseed, per VOW.. Potatoes, per bushel Eggs, per dozen Lard, per pound.... Bacon, per p0und...... . stork, per pound Tette 4V per pound ...... . Butte ,per pound Rags ,roun p er Platter, in . d ...... .. ....... G = IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE NATIONAL TELEGRAPPI INSTITUTE F. W. JaNKIX•I, J. C. Sutra, A. Ilf.; } Principals. Aux. Cowx&t, First College Building, Car. Penn & St. Clair Sta. Second " " Odd Fellow's Building; Bth St. Third " " No*. 28 and 28 St. Clair St am rut& FOR TEM WENS ENDING Nov. 18,1886, C A Crawford, Hopkinton, Delaware Co, lowa J A flammeraley, Ft Smith, Sebastian Co, Ark. J Strawbridge Sharon, Mercer Co, Pa., CO Moore, Sll Ton, 4,1 4. SJ MoPherra Alexandria, Hunt. Co, Pa. C H Ruhl, Ai egheny City, Pa. W N Coffin, Belmont, Bal. Co, Ohlr.t. , " ° " • B W Elliott, 0 41 .1 W D Poling, Hilda, Allen Co, Ohio. W. L.Harr, Ginger Hill, Wash Co, Ohio. t.Adirrgo,.., Middle Ferry, Brooke Co, W Va. P almer, Cbambereburg, Frank Co, Pl 4 W Hoffer, Chattittersburg, i• di P Hansen, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. D. Lutz, Circleville, Pickaway Co, Ohio. .1 C Bagers..Cooperstowb, Vennzgo Co, Pa.. J L Boomer, Richumd,.Wayne Co, Ind. C Willis, Glenville, Hartford Co, Md. C Anderson, Steubenville, Jeff. Co, Ohio. R Morrow, Arch Springs, Blair Co, Pa. 6 A Taylor,Rafe Harbor, Lancaster Co, Pa. 'l' Morgan, Allegheny Co, Pa. A k Porter, Malts, Morgan Co, Ohio. J A Stavely, Natrona, Allegheny Co, Pa. KYI Hull, Summitville, Col. Co, Ohio. Tiiirk, Mason City, Cerro Gordo Co, lowa, M Collins, Randolph, Portage Co, Ohio. J R Putt, Canton, Stark Co, Ohio. 0 A •Dobyne, Hollidaysburg, Blair Co, Pa. For terms and information concerning tub College, addTeu fixreff & Cottzt, Pitt.bwrgh, Pa. StFACIAL NOVICB.g. WHISKERS! WHISKERS! Do you went Whiskers or Moustaches} Our Grecian Compound will force thew g'NM on he smoothest fees or chin, or UM` crtr build heads, in six weeks. Price $l,OO. Sent by moll Milywhere, closely sealed, on roooipt of price. Address, WARNER 4t CO., Box 08, Brooklyt if. Y. lib ly THE BRIDAL OHAMBHH, as essay of Weraing and histnetlon for young men—pub limbed by the Howard Annotation, mind Rat free of charge in sealed eavelore.. dares, Dr. J. ROLLIN HOUGHTOM Howard'rAnion, nitritelptie, ly Tint lONathi & nasal Ottet Orgam, torty ditto:out orPro adortoid ddi to sa una sod s stskalprausio, for LP tot 600 916. THIRTY-11TO GOLD or SILVER Immo, or oihor era mealtime &warded them. Blue trato4 Oatoloroia Leo. Ad4reas, ItABON jIAMLIN, Booros, or MASON BLOTHERS, lbw You. 'lO-33-17. fMlP;Dasmusse, Buatnteen AA' C treated with the atowit etteedee ty Dr. J. r81.A.478, Oenliat ant strtfist, formerly et Ley dear Trolland, No. 510 Tine street, Philadelphia. Testimonials from the 'that" reliable sonnies in the city and country may )se seets•at Mir opus. The unedieel faculty are Write& to aosomphay their patteota, as he has no manta in his prat. tine. ARTIPIOIAL, RIPS Inserted „ssitheitt pate. No et.arge mad, lbr examination: July n. Ty. ITC) I ITCH 1 ITCHI SCRATCH' GeRATCII I SCIIATCH Wheaton'* OhiGnontW will twin the LW* is 48 Nara Also etas* Salt rhown, bird all eruption.* the et* Mos 50 coati. To; Salo-by 'a Doggista Gy minding 80 east' to. Weeks k Pottar.„Bole Ajanta 170 Wsshington street, Boston, Masa, it *ill be fbriostetod by snail, free of to any pate the !faile d litatea not 67, '66-6m. ARITEMBTIC or CONIMHPTkON.—Two thln.shoes make one *old; two *olds, one attack of bronchitis; two shanks of brouchitish, one oottln. MI of thillaboie Illtete6S c6a be a.VOIRXD by the timely vie 'at eller( Imperial Cough Byinp—st sure and speedy remedy for ,Coughe, Colds, Influenza. Hoarseness, Whooping-Cough ' fluid ererXwhere. June 23, 1806-Iy. H APPINESd OR MISERY THAT 111 TIM ciostrioac All nervous sufferers/Mb:dad with sperms torches'', Nominal emissions, loss of power, im potenon &a. caused by Self abuse, sexual eases- Sod and Impure connections, can hare the means of self tutu furnished them, by add:easing, with stamp. krOI.IN D. WILLIAMS, P. 0. box 2853:" apr 14 ly Phildelphia, Pa. A CARD Clergyman, while residing in South America as a miuionary, discovered . giro and simple remedy fcr the Cure of Nereus Weakness, Marty Decay, Dis tils's of the Urinary and Sea inal Civello's, and the whole train of disorders brolfght on by 'hatietur - and vicious habits. Great numbers /eve been already cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by-a desire to benefit the 'afftioted and unfortunate, / will send the recipe for preparing and wing this medicine, in a sealed envelope, to any one who needs it, Free 'of Marge. Please bolos° n poet-paid envelope, addieued to yourself. Address Jansen T. letwAs, Sta tion D, Bible Douse, New York City. yyli-don REEVES' AMBROSIA FOR THE BAIR rrhe Original and Osman/ Ambrosia is pre .' pared by J. ALLEO Misr es, and Es the best hair dressing and preservative no* in use. It stops tho heir felllbg out, caulls It to grow thick and longNiod prevents It from tits - king prehlaturely gray. 11 Cracliclites dandruff, cleanses, hostilities, and renders the hair soR, glossy, and curly. Boy it, try it, and be con vinced. Don't be put olf with a spurious arti ste. Ask for Reeves' Ambrosia, and take no other. For sale by druggists and dealers in fancy goods everywhere. Price 75 cents per bottle-46 per dozen. Ad drool; REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT, 62 Pal- Wit aced. N V. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGLA.—Ri.- perode remedies for these complaints hart, been brought before the patine, gild used with varying incense, as they generally nentalft some curative qualities. Rut unfortunately for the afflicted, they. are of little etAcitney. For often they only . modify diseases, and do little towards perfecting a radical cure. Rut the Great Inter ne] ll'encal,TolinsoTeii K7Compound, offeetnal ly baniehee the discuss° from the system. It is beyond a doubt the surest and most :speedy remedj , for Rheumetlem, Neuralgia, Gout, in. ever used. It has gained the patronage an. favor of persona, of erety rank, and the demand ir steadily increasing. It le a prireless remedy to those afflicted. Sold by Drtiggistei every- Where. June 23, 1865.-fy. HALL'S - VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR 11 RENEWER has proved Itself to be the moat perfect preparation for the hair ever offer ed to the ;madly , a vegetable compound, and conitkis.o injlorious properties whatever. IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. • It will keep the heir from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and ;Oakes the hair sort, lustrous and silken. It Is a splendid hair dressing. No person, old or young, should fail to use IL IT IS REcommENtitt) ANt) USED BY ,THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHORITY.' - Aak for ltall'a Vegetable Sicilian /lair Renewer, and take no other. • R. P. bal & CO. Nassau, N. R., Proprietors. Fat gale by all druggists. angls '65-em. -- i NEW ADVEItTISEMENTS. psuAlletritie AND This great line traverses the Northern and northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. TIER OW PASSENGER TRAINS AT LOPE HAVEN: .......... 15 2 10 ..75©$1 LEAVE wurrArszb Erie Mail Train Erie Etprees Train.., Elmira Exwess Train • Elmira Mail Train LEAVE WESTWARD, Erie Mail Train Erie Express Train Elmira Express Train Elmira Mall Train, 18 00 Passenger care run through on the Mrie Mail and Etpross 'trains without change both way■ between Philadelphia and Erie.. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New Xprk.... Arrive at EriV Leave Erie Arrive at New York No Change of Cars between Erie IS N. York. ELMO ATIT SLICEPING CARB MI All Niglaa.lll.lll4. For information rempeeting Paseenger busi ness, apply at Co;, 30th and Market Streets, Philadelphia. And fur Freight businosie, l of the Company's Agents: ".• S. 11. Kingston, jt., Cot. Igtfi and Market streets, Philadelphia, J. W. HeyuElds, Erie. Wm. Brown, Agent, N. C. R. It., Baltimore. H. B. HOUSTON, Gen'l Freight Ag't, 11. W. OWINNER, Gang Ticket Ag't, Phil's. A. L. TYLER, Gong Supt, 11411hunsport. Oct. 13, 1365. DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS, Anti Dyspeptib.— Composed of highly concentrated Extracts frog ROOTS AND OREM; ofthe greatest medicinal value, prepared fro•• the original prescription of the celebrated Dr. Talbott, and used by him with remarkable sue mow for twenty years. 4n Etfailible . renkedy irf all Diseases of the Liver, or any derange- Ment of the Digestive Organs, they cure Diarrhoea, fryspepsia, Bcorfula, Jamnfloe, Bilious ness, Live! Oosodlit. The well known Dr. Mott Idye of these PIN "I have used the fornale from which your they are made, in my pracribe for over 12 years have the finest offset OVA the I t iver and' Diges tive °rpm' of anymothichte he the world, and are the most period. rorgative which has ever yet been made by sagiody. Aft, ore safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to core. Yhelf penetrating properties stimulate the Thal active Mee of the body, retool the Obstructimis of its organs, purify the bled i and expel They purge purge out the far humors yiffsieh breed and grow distemper, stimulate siugish or dis ordered organs lido their natural action, and impart a healthy torte withstredgth to the whole system. Not onlf do they sure the every day complaints . of eleerybody, • but alb formidable and dangerous diseaset and being wirer ymat able are ftee from (did risk or harm. ' NIS Pe*orr wreaks' once awed three Pills will weer be sf out thews , ' - They create pure blood aid remove all i Titles from the syetetft, ranee are a peaty:* for yor - Fevers, Headache, Piles, Mecurial Dis eases, anVeriiditio Humots..l Dries.— or Adults, one Pill In the morMag; for oblYdtbs akar 8 years, half a Mut Price $1 per box. Trull* supplied, qr sat by mail, pm paid, to any pal or the 1 . stows or Canada@ on receipt. 0f .0 11./06. None pawns without the fee sludieref . Moat Tali. , bott, M. It. 11011 TAMMIL/l t Ca. 10 Q . 84 huo*lffrdity Yorks Jane .1„1860. - m AND ISBERT IRON WARR; broskal T tared and fer Nils, wholesale sad Man. at Rsapt's hißesbarg F.tairy, rEINTLING NEATLY EXECUTES , ' A THE WATCHMAN OFFICE. ;15ijiLt ;40v kJ Ns* Mut AIM Wine ft ODD HIV .410.zentri HlOll AlShip Xl** pit" GOODS IT OLD SASHIOSSD SiDICISSt HOFFER & KELLER, • (Formerly Hoffer Bro's,} • Would respectfully inform the world and the rest of mankind, that they havejust opened out, and are daily receiving a large STOOK-OF 4300 - 6 ff Olf -AIX( HINDS, which that a e oftering.atils very lowest mar. ket prior. DILY GOODS! Colsistlag of tlio latest stylus of , IMMO AND PLAIN ALPACAS, ►IDCIID AND PLAUI ALL WOOL DI 11.4FICS, 911111711113 D I'LMDS, • , DUCK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Coenterpenea, Linen and Cotton Shootings, Cheeks, • Gingham, Bodtinitn. "Flannels, &a., 13hepher*d Balmorale; Bin Jolet‘ Coasitiadid, . ' , Coratirol, Kentuckey • Ladies Cloaking, Plain Colors, ' Middlesex Cloths, Repellants,and PLAIDS OW VARIOUS COLORS. GEHTLIIIMEg'S WE R. A full line of Cloths: Caasiniares, Satinettes and Vesting, all-kinds and prices, which will be sold sheep. We have constantly on hand. • large and well Selected stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, ' • SALT, Ao Which we will dispose of at-the fiery • leant. cash prices. All kinds of oongtry produce taken in exchange for goods, and thiAigkest market prim aliweed. FRIENDS AWAKE TO lota INTEREST, ' at Ito lieleatlalledlitalateasnanit-poitriasse4- se well u your retie*. Hellen:tete, dept. B,'ds-Iy. 628H00P SHIRTS. 628.—HOPRINS "OWN MAKE" OF HOOP SHIRTS; are gotten tip expressly tri'meet the wants of rum cLAsS They einistace a complete aiuMrtmelit of ALL the kaw and DVIIIRAILSIIBII, dives, and Length, for Ladies - lltiatid are superior to all others suns In point of flytil meiry, Finish, and Xhiraidlity; being made of the finest tempethd ilfiglish steel springs—with Linen finished novefing, and having all the me tallic fastenings Immovably secured, by Improv ed Machinery,. they retain their shape and elasticity to the led, and di% nifratitad to glen entire .satisfsotion. Also. constantly In receip of full lines of good Nsltern Made SKIRTS, at very low Priced. Skirts made tb order, altered and re paired. Wholesale and retail, at Manufactory &ad Siang Room. Arch Street, above 6th, Philadelphia. emu cash. One.trice only! atm 7 'll5-4moe. E - S - IPANCY FURS:I AT FARHIRA'S )Id Eltablished R MANUFAC TORY, . 718 ARCH St., Ibove Seventh, lILADELPHIA. have now In store iy own Isparta and Manatee s, one of the tar t and mast beset'. selection of RB, For Ladies and Children's wear. in the 'ally Also a line assortment of Gent'S Far ©lured and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of toY goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Cpntre county and vi cinity. Remember the name, nun:ibex and street. ' JOHN FAHHIHA, 118 Arch St., above 7th, south 'Side, Philadelphia. 12.22 P. M 12.15 A. M r.OO A 111 Vitt. I have no partner, nor connection With any other store iu Philadelphia. 7.00 A. M 5.27 P. M 0 et.. 13 '6 6-4tp 7.50 P. M. MUOICAL INSTR MENTS GROVESTEEN & CO., .. 7.0 G P. M 3.40 A. M .. 2.05 P. M ..12.00 31 PIANO FORTE MANUFACTUB,ERS, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK The attention of the public and the trade la invited to oar NEW SCALE, BEITEIf ettArli Rom itood nano Foetal, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivaled by any hitherto offered in Maim market. They contain all the modern improvements. FRENCH, GRAND ACTION, HARP PEDAL, IRON FRAME, OVARSTRUNOySIii, apd each initrument,being made under the per sonal supervision of Mr, J. H. Groreeteen, Who has a practical experience of OVER Tatar/ YEARS in theit menufsotare Is FM ICNRo.4fristr In evoty• partiotat,,, THE "011,0VESTIA PIAI O FOATN" RECEIVED Tlt6 RIGURST AWARD OW ISSIL ' IT MIS /Mt OTHERS AT Till OILMBRATIO WORLD'S /AIL Where were exhibited Instruments (rani WI best makers of Lunde% Paris i llirgany Philadel phld Begot New York and also at the •Amerlcat firs tote for 1f to succes sive yearn, the Gold teMi Silver Medals frodt boa of which can be men at our *Meta:ens: By the introduotioa of turprovemeate, we make a still MORE PERFECT 1 ( 142011 TORIE, and by manufseturMg.htrgatt, wiR6 STRICTIrY CASH SITTEMi 11$ taibted to offer these, instrument!!! at a pace ECLErtdi Jai gOIIPICTITION. PAIGEB: t..-+Sonan Octal*, roim'd oottat, Nome wood Plan Cao, $276. No. 2.—Soy Clotsaly, mini octants, Rona wood Ilftliouldbrg, VIM No. No. 3. - tat Oolaane round novitiate Now wood Loots IV. a1i0:025, Tenna.-110 coat is antroeft tent Daeoriptive ettonigun pent fro*. • M USICAt iNSTILIIMENTB The undersigned s i ej ove respeettlia.# ['Annul thi h i public', sod efeistly _Oa of nun* that her- Lig o funs ' ' fasausaansfer the sole agency for e van of. ,_ STRINiIfA A scare I.lll.fol3,.ltAfiflN & ilLitliblitll outilk 001FANII AKA - - CAMAlM.Nilipliabla a COT bIatODICONS, He is lagged to doltref to wins *haring ott instruments the above at Madelphis and New Teri ietail plena Clan sent prompt dint a tlloillod, *Ulf abiz ad itiould ipia on N. .—Ereil ' ' irrnatradtod - fol. ) 1 " Pei-' • • B. N. filialaNit, MeV lanelingdse, Pesungrivaatai A lm eat fin neay x zbriglbuir 4 4 , •zoput•d at tideollm II 4 L Id ii Ot co , s • • .LIIID k XT,RACT Itt CII U Inor fitift-itetilitlon,or Inoootintrice of tir:r.., itation, Inflammation dr Illorration of th.. ladder orAidneys, Dicey& of the Prostret, eland, Rotfe la the Bladder, Calculus, °risco! of Mick DOA Deposit, and ell Diseasos of the Bladder, Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings. `HELMB . 9LO'S FLUID EXT , BACT Btrellti FOR WEAKNESSES ARISING Fit Oil EX The Constitution owe affected with Orguntd Weak i r requires the aid of medial*. to Wen ed and invigorate the system, which Helm le's Blitoot Beebe invariably does. It no treatment be oublisitted to, Consumption or Insanity ensues. VL•UID EXTRACT R-I;CIII; in affections peculiar to Ipmitlos. is unequaled by any other preparatkel i sr Chlorosls or Ile tentloo, Irregularities, p fulness uor suppres sion of coatoinary brae Como. Vicetated or Behirrou 'tato of the Uterus, Leucorrhosa, and all complaints incident to' the sem eliether aris ing from habits of dissipation, imptudenciba, or in the Deallne qr Change is FLUID EXTRACT E UCH U IMPROVED ROSt if.A.311 Will issileally tixtermltiato from the 'lntent dis eases of Urinary Organs arising from Habitb elf Dissipation at /info expense, little or no change in diet, and no asp:wars; completely •aperso ding those anploannit and dongeroue reined,.., ttopaira and Mercury In ouriag sal these uuploaa• ant and antler:nu diseases. - ti; In all oases of the fr Amity Chicane, Whether ex isting in male or female, from what're? manse oliginating, and no matter of how long standing: It to pleasant In taste and odor, immediate ill in Its anti , and More strengthening than any of the preparatidna of Bark or Iron. 't Lone stlfrerial !TOM : •• • . I obstlf.utions t pkocare thn mined) , at once The reader tenet be oral that ho*ever slight may be the attack of the Aped diseases, it !: certain to effect the bodily health, mental pow eri4 and happiness, and [hat of his posterity. Mir flak end blood Stilt sepported !too soureda. PHYSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE. We make no secret of:tips Ingredients. HELM BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT RUCH U Is com posed of Bustin, Cnbebs and Juniper Berries, se lected with great rare, and prepared in ♦ecuo by tr. T. HELMBOLD, Druggist and Chemist; of sixteen years' eeperienee in the city of PlSS dielphla, And whisk Is now prescribed by the toost eminentpftysiclans, has been admitted to use in the United States Army, and is also in Tory moral use in State Hospitals and public Sanitary Instittitions throughout the land. (From Di pessary of do Voila' Static) DIOBMA CRYATA. BUCIIII LEAVES PrOpertlef.—Their odor is strong, ditfu sive, and somewhat stomatie; their tastes bit terish, and analogous to mint. Medias" Properlles wild ()Scots— 'ldaho leaves ate gentlAatimtflaal, with a ppeti litr tendency to the (Meaty, Organs, producing dieresis, sad like other similar medicines, espi ting diapkoreaie, *hen cirelnaetances favor this mode of Lotion. They tre giveif oaniplaints of the Urinary O'rgans, Such ads ()ravel, Chrenio Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation or tate Bladder and Urethria, Blieeasa or the Prostrate, and Bemen t WEI oY Initotlnenele of Urine, from a foss of tone in the parte unearned in its eradiation. The remedy has oleo been reccaninended In Dyspep sia, Ularettle Rheuiltattral, Cutaneous Anetiolls, antl Bropat. r lielmbald's Extract Ruche is used by persons froiin thongs. of 18 to 26, and from 3 to 55, or ltr the decline or change of life; after Confine thent or.Laber Paine; Bedwetting In children. Aar Dr. Keyser Is a IPhyalelaat of over thirty years' expellent* and a gradnaisf of the - lefferson Medical Cortege tied of the VA versity of Medicine ant Bufgiity of Pliilvd6l - T. HILLMBOLD Door Sir.—ln regard to the question asked me sa to my opinion about Ruche, I would say that I have deed and sold the article in raliONl forms for the past thirty years. Ido not think there is any form or preparation of it I "Mei not used or known to be used, in !ho *Arlene diseases where such medicate agent *mild be indicated. You ate altar', as Well is mired?) that It ham been entedeistily employed hi the via ; rtous diseases of the bladder and kidneys, And_ the reputation it has ac§nitod in my judgeinent le Stafratitol2 bj the AMU. hafe seen and nand,sit before stated, every ?pm of Pee/ie—the powdery' leaves, the simple decoction, tinoidry, fluid entracts,—and I am not cognizant of tkny preparation of that plant at all equal to Ours. Twelve Inane expirience ought, I think, to give me the tight to judge of its merit*, and without prejddice or partiality, I give yours precedence over all others. Ido not 'value a thing sepording to fis balk, if I did, other Bevies *Mild out-do yours, but I bold to the doctrine that bulk and quantity do notmake by +aldo—if they did, a copper cent world be lath more limn a gold dollar, I vane your Hoehn fogy IRw effect on patlontri. I have cured with it. add have seed curt With it,ttioie &same of the bladder and 14 difiln i t t han I we have ever n cured with any Other echo, th er any otter proprietory compound of w ever name: in WOOD 13TSZIT, PITTSEZIon, Pa Atlilag, 11, .1,868. LAC VON ifftlitiALei FLUID EXTRACT' Doesni) fie' Direct }otters to HBLIEBOI,4D", IYDI7a AND CHNMIcAtr itAfttIIOUSE, tittith6LlPS MEDICAL DEPOT, - Pte, tot Seadi Tooth' Street, Below Chestnut, • tiliad4phie• Awl by tiragalots BEWARE q.F couivrimmis. *; ASS Pair Atta,BoLlka- Irmo; iii ossza*, thetivegiy,r . • • MI mgmentAt. CUBES OR INDISCRETION H ELMOOLO ,s' lIIELMBOL,D'S ,' 'IliD tSIC MrLMI6O L o'B dUciiV, yotirs. 030. H. KEysmi, M. D., No. DIM Broadway, Nevi Y.rk, ----- s: liitlBlC,AL iserniTmEltre I1,1'•I: r. is C AEI]; k, 14A IN D H7J:'k7ht,• • 1. 0 C 11 AV t 11. re T. P. It YNDER TAKES PLEASEIRFI in announairt fn the citimo of Nati, County tint bin inu!gi , firr& fa liCrO IA succEsircL opETtAtIoNi ttrut ant, hie it prrparod fo, furnish them wit* Malice:l Lietrammatif • 6P EVERY _APSCitIPTION, on teen most &ratable forint. Ile takes parti ,az lar Orients in oanhels the attelitinn of the peo ple to the stYpetiur qualities' of tho colehrstad CHICKEIILSTS PIA N'4:s There Pianos hare unirorsally trrf. premiumtrerall4otilerswbert .iongiainoompttitinl to be Wen and tearl to be a irod air their pienufrintiiters hacn nuorroded so fully . ..lull/00i Militia in th ew thopo indirpensablo arlalliiie o tbea good piano, via, brilliancy, power, dbpliltand OROAII' LINE RlCldEfii OP TOT] which le abenlatell lndisPhheelle la 'Aen went for liecothpanying the rake. They ars also celebrated for STANDInI IN TUNE. This quality 11 alititto desirable. bill it id especially to to persons litrlng in the oonntry i - where It It not contettisnl to get professional inhere but raldoin. RYNDEA KEEPS A SCPPLY Of other, Plano/. When ho Informs (Ire peepter that he keeps the eelebrated IttlNES_M=filurg4'lA-N(4S i ---- It is nnnecessary to bey a word in commenda tion of them, u the reputation of the !Inn if alone Ittlicitht. RyNiAR RESpECTktalt AKSOtattnid that ho has received th TM 801 k eak9OV ter Cottle.] and itedetti Pehosyiramia of OM Patent. Inflated Irou Rim sad Frame ROARDMAt &, GRAY PIAN93 These Pianos vary lu prim, from three hun dred and soreuty-flvo dollars to smith hundrnd dollars, and aro all wary tad to eve pnrfoot satisfaction, rARLdit 0 GAN 9 having remind the SOLE AGP:l;ref for Ili Central Portion of Petpaylegal of the TREAT & DAV TST PARLOR ORGAYS STD IMPROvKD SIELObEONS,, I am enabled to Alai thorn to the pebllo at re tinned rotas. The Pittor Orphs are h.tttua up In tho Most durable and Atm4lvs styM, sti warranted lo gite PERFECT BATIliabTlO.2l, and are Bold ton to fifteen per ceuL cheaper tha theme of any other first-class manufacturer. 1% - d hirtto a coutpariaun of them 'with atomic of shy other maker with reference to all the essontial oullitie's of a good instrument, yla., Quality of Tone, Vow& of Tone, Promptness of Action, Capacity for Variety of lirpreanilutt, and hot, but not least, aolfdtty and durability of construe- Vies° Organs are finished in slif:erent styles to suit the tastes and pockets of puncisitserso being in Plain Black Walnut Came I Cdrted Mot ththiat tam,' (• Phan Oak Cases Polished Oak Plain ChetAnut Omen I Fancy Chestnut 'Cases! Plain Roteigobd 6i.eses, an 4 Paricy Rosewood Clews f RINSE'S KEEPS also a large.aupply of the oelebrated MONITOR °ROANS: oAsiNtrf 010 :1s f thEYNEk'S tXtELSIOR Oaaixd AND enintsVii lENREII3D REED MELODEON:I itiNDSit IS . FRSP,tigEfr - Co Furnish PrkNOS FROM ANY MASSA the United States, should easterners othe4 than thosii hiS keeps an hard. • RIIDER . *ILL. itticra•YS .a be supplial,wilb air iisuritietti of HALAS BROA -fag, "tlircrtitiNofs PLIXOS. Rdia.O.VAN A. GRA rS ptaxos 4/0A lin 1 S PIANOS. :'"....!,, i... . .. beekteful fekt e large pm/mass alret "ge. *torrid apair los, and anziolui to aorre tit/ people. with !waver - they...pat define h 304. lia6 of good stremente. ben'llan made imolai to "with the folriottag celebrated 4 7 factor. All orders for the? Pieties at sank rand at the • vb., IV 31. 11,fl+1117Xt. • ' 5ni.5.444,4,80.V8; ‘ • • '''„, 1 :t. ~..‘ tREVAGE BTECK A. ecf. l , icint*ra,• sag W 3). of boltancirk;.l:, Rl 7 lDltit FLERI!fi 0 t tiAlts; fLt2l§9. • • TuicitottgU, . . _ Cell rtlo-Varit, tir in . viste Moro Call tad te Pio. des 1110 1 Ihtt trim. 76. Aith,l El # ■ 21 Ito,