Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 17, 1865, Image 2

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r.ottAr Mtgelf, BDITON AND rrtyPtii 'Tuft
F.410%Y MORNING, NOVEM'R. 17, 1885
Tv.RATia.--112 ite,r•your whoa paid in advance
$2,0 ashen n t raid in advance, and $3,00 when
114 plid boNro tie expiratito or the pow
fio our Re*dors and . Patrons
in order' to ere an an opportunity , to square
Op our Menke, and c.w.o. a few of the nanny out
'tending atronnts now duo tun we have given
our 14per into the hands ofJoit W. Ftlter, esti
under Whosecontrll itovill be until further no.
tic, is given
F. MIA"' 118161
A Word
By special request of Alr. Meek, and
in order to give him au opportunity to
collect his outstanding acebunts, many
of which have been running for. four
yehrs, we have agreed to ,assume the
editorial control — of the WATCRNIAN for
n few weeks, beginning our dniies with.
this number. In making this iirrange
moot. we have reserved to 'ourself the
tight to edit the paper as nitwit or 114
little As He IlleAst . , and artier a iiltoiner
to suit unroll, indepefideut of all the
world, and 'qr. 're-t. of mankiml." , It,
therefore., we,sliall sometime* `• a.toni,h
the inhalitottlts — by an unusual display
of editorittl—ga4, we shall at other
times hope' to be exen4ed for having
nothing at all to say. During the short
period for which wn contemplate assu
ming all the miseries of au editor's life,
we fondly anticipate !hal we_shs,ll_not.
tramp upon anybody's toes, andowst
sincerely desire that that same "tny
body" will not tramp upon ours. Thusly,
We come forth ; and, being well ourself,
and " hoping these few lines may find
you all in the same state Of health," we
JOE W. Vt.lika:-
The Death of Captain Wirt
On Friday last, Captain Runty Win,
the superintendent of the Andersonvillc
prison, in Chorgia, was hanged at Wash
ington, by order of the PresitiMits of the
united States, In another coliptin We
print I% fall ageount of iiiseiht.tion,
with accompanying incidents, from which
it wilt be seen that he died with fortitude,
mid with a heroism that would have
done honor to a martyr of the olden
Whether Captain Wirz was guilty of
the enormities that have been laid to
his charge, and which would seem to Le
smdained by the immense mass of evi
dence'adduced on his trial, is a question=
that must Le determined by the devel
°patents of the future. It is certain
that the feeling of the great majority of
the'people of this country was very bit
ter against him,,• and this prejudice
eventually grew so strong that nothing
that was said in his favor could obtain
creelcuicil. It was a dead set against him
from the first to the last, and the doom
ed mau felt, from,the time that he was
arrested until sentence of death was
pronounced against him, that there was
no hope for him; that, in the excited'
state of the public mind, he could not
expect to,obtain a fair trial. Having,
therefore, made np his mind to die, he I
looked, with composure, on the farce of
a trial enacting around him; and, while
his name was being bawled about all
over the country as the most infamous
in all the category of crime, in the bit
terness of his heart he could well ex
claim, with one of old:
"0. Justice ! thou art fled to brutish heasta,
And isle have lust their reason
It i not tor us to say that Captaip
Wirz was guiltless of the crimes that
were preferred against hint. I , llir will
we aver that he merited the punishment
Wilich he received. His soul is now in
the presence of his Maker—his body, be
yond.the reach of earthly hurt. With
the Almighty' now rests the question of
lima Attilt, or innocence. We liar only
to do with the flirt of his trial and con
demnation to death by an illegally-con
stituted tribunal, composed of men who
showed, by theiraqtions on his trial,
that they ahtici h 4 guilt, and 'were
only there to p mrsuricet sentence alter
the forms of a tri tl bbd been gone
through with.
, The laws of the land, in time of peace
especially, guarantee to every criminal,
no matter how great his guilt, an hn
9partial trial by an impartial jury of his
countrymen. This, Captn:n Wirz (lid
not receive. On the contrary, he was
dragged before a commission, composed
of military men, unknown to the law,
and haring tio authority under the Con
stitution, created for just aueh
purpose as this, under the false plea of
"military necessity," by the present in
famous head of the War Department,
and there tried for that most inestimable
of all ao,f,,a Wessings to human kind—
bis Mufarerithiallxx/y , of irrospon-
ad& andeprefitdiced lietp—to the shame
of the Republic be it spoken—Capitaita
Wire Wu condolned ; "Condeinned, toth
on a mass of evidence-two-thirds of
which was utterly unworthy of belief,
tuns byludgen whose conduct was char
acterised by the' utmost unfairness tow
ard the prisoner, whose witnesses were
and whose counsel were
},rue -beaten afterthe style , of the iufa
mous Jeffries of the time of James. I,
'until even the mast prejudiced became
conitinecil that the man was being sacri
ficed to the ire o f a corrupt and malig
nsat trilmual, which, so Chat it convicted
hi:novas uniatvimialous as to how that
cuueictinn were uhtailted.
Captain Win at yi have l j eca dowry.
ing of the death byl which he died.
doubt it, however. His letteeto the
President, and hit copveroortrmil - wit 4
Mr. Shade just before he entetdd upon
his journey thronkh, the' bark l
shim in A hare lkei a . okoci of finer
feelings-and more acute sensibilities tlmn
he hag bunt given eredi4 fot‘ Itis re-
mark.i in Ngard to de trerson'Davis' s con
nection with the Andersonvine atrocities
also show him to have been a man of
honor. At least, he was such ostensibly.
And how a man, standing, as it- were;
with one foot in the grave, nud in tinily
expectation of mooting—his Mahar - face
to face, could thus wilk to death with a
lie in his heart, it is impossible for us to
,eoneeive. We are obliged, therefore, to
take it ,as evidence that Win was, at
! Worst, not so bid a Man it's has. VOen
said, and that he Was less guilty than
hasiocen supposed.'
. One 311411, amid the storm of pop
ular fury that hurled itself against the
breast of the devotqd Wins, had the
manliness and the courage to stand up
his defense. That man was Mr.
'Made, his counsel. To his honor
be it. said that he was not afraid to speak
for justice and, individual right in spite
of all the tempest of b..,
that sun oundbd Linn. He- ,rcoyd up. no
bly, boldly, mil did his duty to Clod and
mug , awl to-day he towers uli a head
and shoulders above all the pigmies who
sat in judement upon the trial, a brave,
hune.t, eme+eientions man—the moble- z t
work of t:o , l' All honor, then, to Mr.
Sande, and may his example be imita
ted by all those ruby )(au truth and ju.-
tice, Or aspire to defend the right.
Well, the gren tragedy is over, and
the curtain has fallen upon the scene.
It was a fearful um!, and nio t fearfully
'as it performed. _ The _principal char
acter its WI his grays—a corse, dishonored
by the rope' of the hangman. We do
not acquiesce in the justice of his pun
ishment, nor do we undertake to defend
his deeds. We simply cuter our protest
against the wanuer of his trial, and pro
nouucc it an, unjust and---an infamous
rears after this, when our grand
children shall ask why tbbilinan was ex
ecuted, history will probably tell them
that men new in high .plaecs deniamlcd
a victim to appease the popular indigna
tion over their own cr urinal negligence
toward our soldiers at, Andersonville.
That the blood of these poor fellows
cried out against. theta from the ground„
and to cover their 9 orn criminality from
the too-searching gaze of the people,
they • selected Henry Wirz to expiate
their sin.
"Loose Him and Let Him Go."
Daily and hourly we hear that "ar
rangements have been made for the
speedy trial or Jeff. Davis." Yet, weeks
and months pass away, aml. apparently,
no further approach to that result is
attained. • 'fhe Adwini,tiation seems
determined to inflict as much punish_
count, corporeally areLmentally, upon its
ditingui , hed viola), as he call bear,
prior to its final dispositiortof his case,
whatever that play be. nib, to say the
least of it, is vet y far flout being• mag
nanimous toward a fallen foe, and re
flects no credit upon the powers that be.
It is a most singular spectacle thus to
see this one man, as it were,lcaring
upon his shoulders the punishnfitt in
tended fbr a whole nation. What has
he dune so much worse than others that
he should thus be singled out as an ob-
ject of hatred and vengeance? To be
sure, he was the leader in the "great re
bellion," but it was a position which.he
did not seek. Ile did not aspire to Le
conte the chosen chief of the mighty
confederaey wtich sprang up almost in
a day. lie was called to it by the voice
of the people; and, holding the opin
ions and ideas that he did, he could not,
do otherwise than accept it. All his
life, in public and in private, Ile had
been the representative ot a `(Sisal idea
—and when the tiMe came, as the peg
ple thought, for the embodiment of twat
idea into an active, living principle, they
argued, nith truth, that there was no
one so fit as he to control the va , t ma
chinery necessary to the formation of
the new ,goNernment -that was to have
its foundation upon the principle of
which he had so long been the exponent,
and which both he and they had sworn
to support Thus they forced upon hint
the chief magistracy of a great repub
lic and the 'eldership of tnighty'arinies,
and bade him gn and build up a nation.
The result of this atfanpt atrevolu
tion by a brave and chivalrous people is
known to the whole world. Their arm
ies were finally dispersed, and many of
their leaders captured. Their visions
of an independent government have
vanished' into thin air, and nothing of a
public nature now remains to link them
to the past but the fate of their distin
guished chieftain, who alone of all his
compeers is now held a prisoner of the
Federal Government—a shining mark
for aH the arrows of ptejudice and ma
lignity—an atonement, in his own per
sob, for all the so-Called sins of a nation.
It is time this, thing were ended. We
me in favor of the ltrgolt degree of,
clenteaey and urf u nanimity. We would
tile to See Jeffetion Davis se( Nee, and
allowed to go back to his home in Mis
sissippi, acid live there, like others of
his countrymen who have been released
\from durance vfle. The United states
Government-eau afford to do -this, and
it is but iight that it should do it., It
has beew said that Jefferson Davis in
prison , can do no Darin, but Jefferson
Pavis released will be abletwdo much
good,. We believe this sincerely, and
hence we say -"Loose Lint uud let him
Vhe Labor Questioth
All over the country cominunitiers are
now agitated as to Lor
many hours shall hereafter constitute
.aa'y'a work. Ifunienso meeting% ail('
processions of workingmen have been
held iu Wa,hington, Yliilath:lol . oe, New
,York, and oilier taro Cities of the lin
•on, for the purpose of ascertaining the
setninieuts of the laboring masses, and
to take steps to secure the passage of A
law by eu_ygress, sligkt-hillirs a
legal day'a work for ovary man who is
coin yelled to earn his bread by the sweat
'of his tact
In this fast country, l and in this That
age, it is eminently: proper that some
check should be put,ppon the tendency
which American men and women Ehve
to work themselves to death. No peo
ple in 'the world devote so many- hours
tolabor, both thodily and Mental, and so
few to recreation, as do we ; and proba,
bly no people accomplish so much, or die
off so early. The Yinkie characteristic
of gain is our besetting sin, and for the
sake of a little more of the "fllthylu
cre, we are willing to risk "health and
eyesight, atomach and heels," This is
all wrong. ' Better work a little less and
live a little longer, than work a little
luortiand go'soun to the bone-yard.
Employer 4, too, whether intention
ally or not. are in a great measure the
cause of the body and soul destroying
sy.tem of labor thAt now exists among
the poorer cli4kses. As a general thingy
wages are in such va...t dkproportion to
the Kiev of living that a pour man is
obliged to labor early and late to supply
the neees , ary and imperative demands
of his family, This constant strain of
muscle tells tearfully upon his Physical
and mental energies. 'He is left no time
his intellectual• faculties, and in the
great majority of eases, especially in our
lariecities, his children are allowed to
run almost wild fur lack of the time to
instruct them himself, or fur the means
to send them io school. Heim, he be
comes wearied and disheartened, and
is coniTtant anxiety of mina wlitelrhe
thus experiences often hurries him into
an early grave.
Emplyer:. al,o are very ofteb too
exacting of the time of their employees,
and. compel 'them' lul work to the
extreme through fear of losing their
situations. This is heartless to the last
degree, and should be heartily con
demned by every lover of justice and
Therefore, we are in favor of the,
eight-hour system. The state of things
set rirth above cries loudly for a rem
edy. The eight-hour system is rust
what is needed. \ Eight hours a day of
steady work is as much as the physical
frantic of any man is capable of bearing
without injury, and we hope Congress
will constitute this period of time a legal
day's work. Poor laboring men will
then have time fur rest, recreation and
study. and will be better fitted to fulfil,
with alacrity and cheerfulness, their
obligations to themselves awl others.
New Publications
l'irrnitsoN's LUPCS MI(IAZINF: rm•
I)ccei -
her. ,k.tdr e ss, Charleg J. Peterbult, :;Ni
Chestnut :inset, Philulelph in
We are in the receipt (If (his popular La
dy's. Magazine for December. It is a splen
did number. The principal engraving",
"Papa, Papa," is one of great beauty. In
18(111 it will be greatly improved: the read
ing matter will be increased, and each num
ber will contain a double-size steel fashion
plate, elegantly colored, with from four to
six figures—making "reterson" the cheap
est in the world. The terms will remain
two dollars a year to single subscribers.—
To clubs it is cheaper still, viz: five copies
for $B.OO, eight copies for $12.00, or four
teen copies for $20.00. To every person
getting up a club, (at these rates,)t he pub
lisher will send an extra copy gratis.—
Specimens sent (if written for) to those
wishing to get up clubs.
THE Lsny's FniE D; for December. Ad
dress, Denson and Peterson, 819 ‘Valuut.
street, Philadelphia.
The December number of this favorite
magazine is a superb one. The leading
steel engraving, in illustration of the tort,
elutilern nee the erowit of old men,
And the glory of children are their fathers; "
is one that will go home to many hearts.
The engraved title page is beautiful—it is a
gem of art. It represents the past and the
future—while, around,.
"The little birds sung East, and the little birds
sing Wert,"
to user' well known line from Mrs. Brown
ing's beautiful "Rhyme of the Duchess
May." The double colored steel fashion
plate for this number is "superb." Then
there are engravings of the new fashions in
jatkets, cloaks, bonnets, Ite. The literat 7
matter is excellent as usual :—Only a child,
(Illustrated) by Miss Frost; "Over sea,"
by Florence Percy ; "My Courtship ;" My
o lleautiful Sister," by Loiuse Chandler
Moulton 'Wrecked,' by Miss A. L. Murry;
..Changes in the Household of .Cecelia Bird,
lipinster," by Mrs. Margaret liosmer ; New
Publications, Receipts, the Fashions, Bw.
making altogether a splendid number„
Price $2.50 a year; .2 copies s4.k/ ; 8
copies (and one -gratis) $l6. Now is
. the
time to get up clubs for 18118. Specimen
numbers for ,this purpose will be rent for
16 cents. Wheeler end Wilser's delebrat44
Beiing *chines are furnished nu premium"
in certain gases.
Execution of Winz.
`Later 10 President ,JoAnson—Reported At
tempt at Sukide—lnterssieni Incidents.
The following litter, without date or sig
nature, was written by Wires own hand to
President Johnson four days before his
execution; but his counsel, Mr. &dude,
deemed it 'inadvisable to present it:—
With a trembling boat!, with a heart fill
ed with the most conflating emotions, and
with .a spirt hopeful one' moment and de
opairpg the next, 7 have Wien the liberty of
-addreiteing,ycya. When I considite your ex
alted position ;when I thibk for a moment
that itt your baud rests the weal or Woe or
millions—yea, the Peab'e of .thst
may I pause to del to my aid courage
enough to'-lay before you enylumble pea.
lion. I have tiebrd you spokes of lull noon
willing and read silt insets and under all
eiaellootattees to thiltistiee, and that no,
nem however humble he'unty be, need fear
to approach you, and therefore I have come
to the conclusion that you Will allow me the,.
'earns privilege as extended to hundreds and
thousand of others. It II dot toy desire nor
intention to enter in to an argument as to Oa
tner: _OOEI34IM. ln_your bands, if l'ems
righttblly informed are eft the records and
evidences bearifig 'upon this pbint, and it'
Would belprestwiapt ion upon my part to say
one word slouch. Tneed Is Only one thittg
that I wok, and it i I expressed in a Ten
wards : piss your sentende: For six weary
mouths I Lave Leen a prisoner;
for six.
months my name has been its thetnouth of
every one-; byAbotteatitial am - abliilliikern
monster of cruelty ; ;a...wretch that dtigut
not to pollute the earth any Jeerer! Truly,
when I pass in my mind over the toetituouy
I sometimes almost doubt my own eaistenCi.
I doubrthee am the Captain Wire spoken
of. 1 doubt that such a mdu ever lived
Rue!' as he is said to he, and I torn inclined
to call on the mountains Co fall upon and
bury me and wry shame. But oh ! sir,
while I wring my hands' in.mute and hope
less despair,. 'there speaks • small but un
mistakable voice within me that says, 41;6a
sole thyself. Thou knowest thy innocence.
Fear r i ot. If men hold thee guilty, (hid
docannt, and a now life will pervade your
being " Such has been the state of my
mind for weeks and months : and 110 punish
ment that hum toinAenuity 04n inflict could
ininease my dishes , ..' 'flic pangs 4.leatli
are short' and therefore 1 humbly pray that
you will pass your men ICllot Wllllollt delay.
tilve to , : death or liberty, The one 1 donut
fear, the other I crate If you believe me
guilty of the terrible charges that have been
heaped upon me. deliver me to the exeeti
twisty. If not gnilty 111 your estimation,
motile we to litany and Into. lite such
as I Out now living to no life I breath,
Sleep, ,eat ; but it is only the niechauical
functions I p rfernt and in WI tog more.
Whatever you decide I shall nocopt. If
condemned to death I shalt Miller without
nittrmUri If restored to liberty, I will
-tlawk-itivni-hiese-yourirrritr. ---
I would not,,couvey the ides to-your mind
Mr. President, HIM I court death. Life is
sweet, flowerer lowly or Amiable man's
station may be he clings to life.° His soul
is filled with awe when he contemplates the
fur e, that unknown land where the judg
ment is, before which he will have to give
an necount of his words, thoughts and deeds.
Well may 'I retnembcr, too, that I have er
red like all oilier human beings, but of
trtntirtliings for Wttitt I may perhaps
(er a violent death I NM not guilty, MO
God j wigs llle. 1 have said nll that t wished
to say. Excuse lily boldness in addressing
pia. but f cou'd not help its T Cannot bear
this suspense [Midi longer. May fled bless
you and be with you. In life or death
shall pray for you, and for the prosperity
of the country. in which 1 have passed illy
happiest and darke s t days.
A short Hole botore his execution, Wirz
was led to the door or the oell occupied by
.1(..13. Winder. The condemned nun gren'ted
his old a,ouctate with conoiderable wartnih,
and spoke to Ilion rapidly and earnestly, no
ON who was out at loss fur 'dons or expres•
"Dick," lie said, "I ant going, you know
These stories they hieve circulated about UM
are false. l'ou will pkilitibly Lir made to
nutter for a portion of these crimes they lay
to me; but you are no mote guilty than I,
though jean as much, Iligunise me if you
live, to do all in your power to wipe our
this awful stain upon my char. reter.
my name and character stand as bright
before the world as it did when yon first
knew Tue. Promise inr you will do some
thing to aids' my wife. ' •
Tears an ti 1 . 1 . ' 8
face as he turn
ed away,. and chokingly said, "Captain,
%Virz then pvise.l tut do*u the st:z;r:+, out
between the tile , ' anion facing OM lilll,l, 11[1
to the se:01.11.1, sh9wing-, something, in
nee And step which in tz better nr.tu might
hove palzel for
StIVI (ice '5l dioil-Aly L•cju
Ihlh• tocet frot3.. the I( erittle ot•ctaele of
their old cochleae's cicittli.
11F;1'ottTKI) ATTEMI'T AT SUlCillx
The ,Now York papers have a statement
to i the (Alert that some weeks ago, doting
Ike visit of 1111'1 . 8 wit,: to Waslntigtou, an
att.:timid was made by her to forestall the
goilence of the court in her Inabantl's case
Ly poisoning him. When kissing him at
parting in the cell aftdr one of their inter
views she int.inaged to convey frOm her own
mouth into his a little ball of strychnine,
covered with coatings oil silk and licorice.
Colonel poker, who wan present and noticed
the suspicious proceeding, sprang forward,
and, by seizing Witz by the throat, cour..
polled him, to spit out the article. An cx•
amination showed its poisonous character
and the objecrit lints designed to am ain .
plish Mrs Wars was not again allowed
to visit her husband in his cell,
Mr. Sella.le says ho was called npon by
several persons, as was also Father Boyle,
who communicated information purporting
to come front a member of the Cabinet, to
the effect that if Wirz would acknowledge
that JOE Davis was connected' with the
atrocities at Andersonville his sentence
shoidd lie commuted. Although Mr. 'Munk
did not place full confidence in the reports
be considered it his duty to relate it to the
prisoner at HA last conference with him.
Copt Wirt, In reply said, "Mr. t;cltade,
yon know r save always told you 'that I
(hill not know anything alma Jett Davis.
lie litt,l no commotion with um AR if. Willa
wail dune ni Anlcrsouvillo, and if I knew ho
had, I would not become a baiter against
Ina, or any one else to save my lire.'
In Captain Walbridge's room, in the pris
on, wait found a journal of .Wires prison
life, enclosed in an envelope and addressed
in ,Fires own band to Mr Louis Schade.
his counsel during the trial. Though the
supereeiption had been made among the
of the condemned before leaving
his cell, there was no trace of agitation in
the chirography, and not one of the char
acteristic flourishes were omitted. Ile had
also left the following kooks that Led been
allowed Lim, with directions that they
should be sent to hie children ; among the
volumes wore : A ..Froubh Missal," 'Asir
,ltual Coiferenees," two volumes of Bul
wer's "eartons,"• "The Jew of Verona,"
And several books on religion and meta
physics. • •
Among the spectators present at the ex ,
°cotton was at men from Vermont, wile'
alleged that be bed travelled post haste
from Isle hOmaln that State for the express
pulses° of witaessitig the death struggle of
Wire. lie attraoteti considerable Aoboe
*tire the former 'hung suspended broffer
ing itnprempta and not eery reverent
/petition' to Heaton that "To this end may
all tip Southern leaders come."
orturopurion or wine's sent,
The body of Vfirt bee been interred 'laths
penitentiary yard, 44 direeted by the Presi
dent in a nottuntudoatien from the War De
partment. Yrsvoit Marshal Mimi on Sat
urday morning instruoted L. H Clitendler,
chief clerk Provost itilietiars Mike, to carry
eat the ordiie of the War llepartalut and
Mr. C. proceeded to the OLi Capital . I•eil
took charge of the body and had .oniised
to be removed to the Arlitesal grounds where
it was depoiltedlia a grave dug immediately
adjoining that Wire's grave
ie therefore the southern ono of o row of
five in the following order:—Mrs.
Pque, Herold, Atzerodt end Wits.
Nl~~r £DVEft
The subscriber takes this inethod of ann un
ring to Ids kiends that he hits just returned
from the Hay nn4now offers a fine assortinenvof
Which heoffers 'inch._ terms that purchasers
will tlnd it to their Interest to buy of him. lira
oisk consists of
SHEETINOS, srnwrnfas, AND
Call and (Attain° our stock. The half, Is not
ktR A N \ B Y'S lY
Mats, Caps, txts said Shoos. —
QueensWarie be. &c.,
all of which will We disposed of as low rd Hey
can be purchased out side of Philadelphia.
All kinds of country produce taken In of
change for gowls.
nor. 17 188.5-1 y: W. R. ALEXANDER.--
In pursuance) of an Art of Assembly pnio , ell nu
the 21 1 th day of March, A I). 1824, the otmnto
!lnncrn of Centro County will Noll at public emir.
aE the court house, in.tho borough of 11.11r:bulk,
on Tuesday, the 26th Joy of December A. 1)
` , 65, tho described Inlets and parts
of truHs of nusenteol lambi, purchased by tho
comity at freaquror's sale. and 461(11 but e cc
malmsl utomluounal for the space 01 the, years
alit! Into al.':
Arras. re relios TP. st
'•s eS • Walker
110 00 Walker
200 00 Burma&
.1111 Hurtos
150 00 Wes '
HO 011 ' do
Benjlutsin Ua ragas
Charles Rohrer
John Palmer
Jesse Brooks
Abram Sr. , tt.
Samuel Seott
Polly I‘l4:wen 216 1511 Taylor
Jughun lfilbuwu 433 153 do
dahohnair AR_ 1.53 __P A /A
- 433 153 do
Daniel Buckley 43:1 A 53 do
John Cunuinghnuf 4:13 n 153 do
dolts L. ililAY,
Co, ' , Court togooty
Attest JOHN MoteAN, -
nov 17-1 a Cf. rk.
TO SELL KETTkpla_o.3_
The only work, every pago of which luut been
PrTared for the pree4 clove the elntel of 1110 war.
The 'popularity of this work has" no parallel.
Ouo General Agent for the wont return,
OVER 700
Fatharriptivas ear da on the average through
the week. 'f he cum use inn but just begun, yet
We here
OVER 50000 Kuusc'Riti Kits
t the rate we are new our lust will he
OVEIt 200,000
he first year. tie nattering is.the prospect, we
sacred lower for
.17,000. VOL If NI ES
IN is the work poo
before a book 'vas bound,
pie want.
Fi LL, Cones.nrE, hill ItriLLlßLth Palen, $1.50,
only about half the pi ieo or other II stories. in
proloirtion to the aininidE ul rtiadmg. Our
Agents report a very general 1101ro hi ,the
lie to exchange the Two %ul. work her the,
luArlitione lire unineieuil and InointililL frien
stool plater. The Weil. it new ready ter deli%
ery. /Others
L. sr b;Bill
nor. l'i '45 3t
O 1t1 , 14 A NS' Cu I la SA 1.14:
By 1. irt to , ot an order of the ondom.
4 4 Of rent, diritilly, will I.e esposPel to pub
• ale it the court house w tho bototigh 0r
ollefulite, ou
THUR.:4IM 1"; NOVENI Ell :1(Ith ,
al S u (tut I. V. 1.4 , Jim 111 , Inorribeil real
ratM A lot a 1.11.1 Iva in ;gyring
11.•.‘1 lanitt r 00111.11111114 11111. ILI ft! 1111,1
halt. lucre or Irro, t.lotaft luillo II Ito ,reeled
Se: J. o (i %1,11 . 111:1t-1: 4 1AIIDEV
atd pla,totod, a from° ntaide, rwp,
tmd WILL.IIItItII4.-4, ,11+u Yr LA ul ltleuttel ) o ti t tig
ft oil t rt• , ', and a good ei,trin upon the plover
ly. Term, ndl he made knoun on day ul pada.
J ON.VI I Itl; Ibl F; it,
Athituliot. ~for of ./.,,,,relovn eon., de • eemd.
nog. 17 'fie 2t. W. BROWN. As' lien.. r.
- • - -
pi crtrttEs.
Now is just the time you should here
your picture taken, as there is inithiog inure
vititaldc for a Cliri4totini Fremont for your :wrest
'Wart, brother, ewter, son, daughter, fat he; ur
mother. than a line card Photograph of,*nur
self. lon may procure then, in ail the Inanity
of the most Unproved city sty Ire by-calling at
ivixt dour to Burnside's, un lligh street, Belle
We pay particular attootion to copying from
Daguetreotypei, Amitrut3opes, Molowneurypes
and all old pictures, either in, cards or large
sized Photographs. Wo have on hand a nice
assortment of Rosewood and ti tit thumes,
also a splendid assortment of the finest. Allende
ever brought to Dellefonte, call and ace damn.
non. 17-30. MOOKI CItYDEIt.
The eubseribers to the capital stook of
the Lewisburg, °antra and Spruce Creek Rail
road, are hereby notified that an election for a
President and twelve 1/Ireetors to coniluot and
manage the affairs and business of maid compa
ny until the second Monday of JUIlb next, en
rotng and until others ore chosen, will ho hold
at the public. Bongo of 11. B. Musania, in An
rouslitirg, Centro c,,unts, oh W 041101141
.1“, 13th lily ill fleet:tither, ',chicon the hours of
10 II lit. and 3 o'clock, p. m. of en hi day, •
By order of the commissioners, Cinitre Hall.
nov. 17 -3t. Seel ',hug.
Letters of administration on the estate
of dailies Graham, deceased, late of Philipsburg
borough Centro county Pa., having been gran.
lad to pie undersigned, all persons' knowing
theinselves, indebted to said estate are • hereby
requested to make immediate payment, apil
then having claims against the Came to present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
novi7 '6s—fit. Atlonlmietratorl
A Ant date , aooper, to make tlAr
barrel., to whom good Stages steady e n.
pioyment will be given. ror further partlenlate
inquire of Jacob Kling Jails° Farnacis, Ye,
On the 10th, Instant,, between klyere
saloon and rho Pima: mill, * pocket book con
taining from forty to arty donate. The Wet
will be liberally rewarded by leering II at tbia
nor. 17-It.
mARM - 014 BALE.
,The subscriber offers to Oil his faro.'
eshed one and a half Mhos (tore Bellefonte,
'on thetoon4lke Binding Lerdstown, contain.
of the beat quality of limestone land A good
large Frame Homo, Smirk Barn, and all other
outbuildings. A goo&bearing orchard of choice
fruit, good spring waiter, also • running stress,
convenient.- Bar further patienlars ingot of
the subscriber In Bellefonte.
dot net.
d l o
pocket boll* containing tome twenty
.f. ~,,,. stollen from Mrs. ()serge B. Row.
boner, at the store of Isaao May on Thursday
last. The above reward will be paid for the
I retain of It to tels °Moo or to Wagner's, or May's_
CO T 1:11.0CL .1 .11.1,T 10Y. •
Where've, Lhe Namable :humid Lion,
plethlent junk of thelourt of eemtnim plisse
in the 25th Judicial district, coludiitinig of khe
vounties of tfichitre, Clearllehl and Clinton, and
the llonorrthleci/ohn B. ProuJfoot and Samuel
Btroheeker, rege., nxiiiielige judge,' iu Centre i ro.,
hotting leaved their precept, to me •dirceted, lot
holding n court vlJeer and tertniner 013 gen
oral jail delivery nerellefunte, fur the county of
Centre, and to cotinfilenee on the fourth MotithLT
of No% etnher. being the 27 day of the
thonth, and to eont hole one week .
Notiee is therefepAuunity evert to the Cor
oner, Justices or the Pool., And Constables of
the 'mid county of Centre, that they thee lea
there in their ntoper per.otie at 2 trdlock In the
A ft er noon of said day, a ith their record* ' introi
sitionerexamlnatinitin and other ramerobraneeia.
te.tlo those things which to thriA offireA apper
tain to be dune, and those whit are hound la re.
cognisance to prosecute against the penrebnelhed
senor shall be in the Jail of Centre eonntytbe
then and there fo proseehte ligaisrat thew a. shall
be jest.
en under nay hind at Bellefonte the ltl i
day of November A. D. ono thofterndeleft tun
dra" 0111 slaty-fire, and the eighty-ninth year
of the Independence of the Unitedlitatie.
Sheriff's ()thee, Illell.lltD CONLEY,
Bellefonte. I'a. SheNT.
has now opened
of hii importation;
Brorattlie tortaitin,
Daunt* Curtaithr,
Wool Ilop Codalntl.
Tat l.anieitaina,
Nolliogliatis Corti.lrld,
P.llO in Col-11016'.
C 1.4.11, Tabltt and Piano Cyrerd.
Constantly I reel ring Nut riling In
"I? T.l I N 1.11, X,
embracing CelrPra(oil Smyrna cloth ) old
AlllUli ORA r I ES.
Sir WINDOW liHADES . 150 1
in cm cry Desiral.fe Color or Price.
I. H. Wet I.HAVEN,
Nu. i lY Cikostnut st.
Nor. 10, 'GS-3m, PhlLrdelpllia.
I (wren --
2 , 1,4..0 is beroby given to litti heks and
legal reprocniatives of J o wl is a iikhy Nth hp
Penn township ip Cidltfd mildly deceased,
that the undersigned hating been appoilftedsliy
the court of common pleas of Csontre county, al
commissioner to 4ake testimony to prom the
contract made liyil decedent in bis lifetime
with John iticharil!for Mu sale of certain real
istate in said county, rill attend to the duties
of his appointment at the Registers Aire la the
lite-busssuiplasse-Emturday the 7511-
Jay of NM umber, A. D. 1665, wbere all parties
inlorestoil are notified to attend if they see
Letters Teateanentary on the eis Into of
Cat harine Ronk Iri,ofecrn•iell, lato of Potter town
ship, ha% ing 1,l it 01%0.41 to the sol.seriker ho
requests all TetitoMe knowing themselves in
debted to satil cotton to ninke Initnetllnto pay
ment and those ha% ink %lamp% to present, them
duly antliettfloated be love for setttement.
Nor. to- -AL
VIT A 1.1". t. E ftL FA KM SALK.
's n v The rabreriber Aura fur sale tW4
limn ing! twenty right acres of villintble
farm land, rilmated in Hownr.l Tnwnhhip, ern
Int county, on. the hnnkq of the Dahl Newt*,
Creek, within a mile and n quarter of 1110 flepot
of it,, NH Engle Valley Anil 11,1,1,1, being one
of lite tiesirniar oitiffetiune in the fOlfrltY
It hni t.t.rili.l Ilium it n l)AItilR NRW
Flt¢ ME DWELI,I:44I II (we E. A N /41V
BARN, iyhtv ty
s li• e feet, And rat the
neeep.are for n well rygnlnft.l (firm :
slur n well al pure. fresh water :it the
n Inrge Ibrn lug and bearing on:lmM growo nenr
the lemse ; and
within n row linnet re., viii. I . .pranining lib
nhutelain e of bielon.v. while link and rink link
liu'L,•t.'fine Innel r. well wnter.•d Aunt ei.inie,h
eti too:41y of 44,1011 o! olopo.t, nnnhniug hen arch
the ',lh•:uno V. 111,41 wnul I lettotgli it, zottLotg .it
our of the Itt,t *took loroll to tho Flute
Thoc ',p.m tt a g. 0.1 log ten-
Mil 1101,1. mild efilo.l.touill 11100 e .tuble, with
good garden n noon or ex.... Hunt water. ft
ern• lonnerlr to 1. fllllllo,ohieh hare ht•enudard
awl gt• ally uuproird by tho xub•erlber aunt
/I re lioll , n II• I oilfin nuln ut 1 low figurt , For
(tniber isitortnat ion 01:1111) in ',mom or )1 let
her to Jelin P. M itchel I 01 this of On in h.
Alexander nut Bulletont - e or to
Nov. :I IS6I, tOn
Au"nnict: cnrfrL
The undersigned an auditor, appoin
ted by the orphans court of Come comity, to
Make distribution of the money remaining in
the 'Loots of the administrat hire of Isaac Il h e'.
lot, iteseased, Will attend to the dillies id' hi.
appointment on Wednesday. the 2211 day of
November, NAB, at his Mika, in liellelotite,
when and ',there till permits int eres t o d are no_
tilled to attend avail present their elsitex or ho
41.1)arred Crum coming in for a share of said
Nov. 3-41
011P1IAN44 COURT ti.eibllL
By virtue of an railer of the orphan's
court of Centre county, the will lie exposed
to public sale, on
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th, 186 fr,
at Old town of Roalsburg, certain real estate,
the propdtty of Margaret Johnston sod James
Johnston,minor children of Alexander Johnston
and Lllen Johnston, now deceased . ;
I. All that rattan tract or parcel of land sit
uated in Harris towttship, M the foot of Tunas
mountain, adjoining lands of Daniel Riley, J.
11, Mitchell, Dal ill Striart and others, contain
ineninety acres and htenty-six perches (1/11
acres and 213 perches.) with a frame house, log
barn, and oilier buildings ore. tell thereon.
2. A lot or parcel of ground in the town pf
Lletilsburg, situated on the south solo of the
street, bounded on the went by lot of Da
vid lioung, and on the' cast by lot of Jacob
Burst, cyntaining one-fourth of an sere, more
or less, having a lug house and other buildings
thdreou ercelad.
Wilds Or SALE Otte-half the poreingsti
money on the confirmation, of the said, ditch
deed will be math,; Lb° balance In one yoar,.,
with interest, secured by bond-and mortgage on
the premise!,
Guardian V afar: wet and Jame. JuAnaton,
Oct. 13, '415-4t.
HB*lll' '
520 Allot iliteet,
lerle nrosultly
fad surriur Silver Plated Wargo
Out 13, 63-31 u.
J. Z. I,nN(l.
A *di lor
Br • nee or inn+ ri writ of,
Amine it Von Lao it 1.7 I 'NAPO) , Gh oil uut of
the mind of o finis on plena Or Centre ' ,u nity,
and to nto directed, will be expose! to
/tato. at the inaurt house, in lb. borough of
'Bellofonneron MonditY. the nth day of !tyre*.
b e y, It. D. 1165, the fullowibg described prom
ty to wit . All th it unsettles ibillinent ur trick
of land, situate I 111 tOf el: township, estate
county, and describe I Fns foliate's: Boginniug
at a chestnut o,k, thin t). 11
Yetsney south,3ls &Tram, mat 1.2 ponbes to
et nes ; lbbuou aLitgLet Is of John Ned etlrtli
555 degrees, cast 73 pairbes ti stones t thenei
s'oug'lon Is o: Henry oa.ber moan 315 ii,g ree „,
west fill perehos to r ones ; th•tne s'ong Nit
M 'obtains Onto Ai degrter, Cost 12 patch
of. to thepince of beginning : containing 2d aret
and 131 porches, net Measure. Omen) erected a
framoilwelling house. mad lank ham pith
Primements and appurtenen. el. takt l tl
in elecutisn. and t. be sold u thu property ed."
Loris& Itresda.
A 1.80, a °,air two story plank frame O'er
ling house, eitnato I In Ilalf Moon township, mai
odpoiniug lauds tlf Samosa Downing and timid
Spencer, fronting on public read lending !u,
Ifelf MO in to PehnsylraniOurnacis, and opp o .
rite to'liissipb M. Ways land, the dimensions of
said building being. •11: Maio indliling 21 g
18 feet and kitchen 12 s IS fiet, and tho lot or
of land and purtliage thereto, tegithe
with the hnreditaroents and appurtony o ye}
Seised, tal• en in Nee. ration, au Ito b sail its fhe
proprrty of Baldwin Button.
ALSO, acertain, meanings. tenement or trails
of land. sitantod in linden towelship, 'Coneys •
county, POIIIKV Ivan's, beim& d end described to
to On tile north by lends of
Orals. no the exit by lands of Martin A denier
on the south by lanibrAdeeeph ao
on the wort by lands o tunnel tlingerick, con
taining one hundrp I orrer more or inks. thcrinu
ererreda house :mil Insrn and other out
bald n. , ,5. si th-llielimprogenients and appurto
min. a. S..itvtl, taken in exiscntium add to bd
Add As file propel ty ol luau of 1V illiatns.
AL.10,-alt the right, and 'Merest of Jo
seph it.,lnTion, on I Ile, id Mel I name in n o d t.
three certain traria oi boot eitua.c I in Tighe
ton h ty. Pennsylvania, um.
therein Jo the warrantee mime Mitt. , on Bakst,
euntvinhys 431 rime , and I:i3 troches. Anoth
er thereof in the warrant Sono vl' I. J. Wok`
lore, rrintaining 431 so reilleind 153 perches,
And the other there , f in the Warrantee name of
Joseph J. Miller, containing 443 arrow and - 1.5.1
perehos. Seised, taken is rixecomion. and to he
sold we the property of Joseph Robinson mid
Biire - Veliumende at - I - Onlock P. M. of altil
Shdrirs 0111.4,.
Bellerote. nor. 8-3 e:
The' fallowing accounla. Sire been
examined and peastal by me alma remain filed of
record the inapeet.o—ef-iteirsr
'gateau, creditor' and all Where In any way ill •
Mutated and Will be presented to the Orphigrs
Uinta ul (Matte comity to he held as Drlleluale,
for allowance sad cuMGrtnation, un Wedumiday.
the 29111 of November A. It. 1P65.
I. T. e ..rimes vi bridal Wolf, atheinicerati r
of relate ,dJulyari Wolf, lett, of Baines Woo •
ship deceased.
2. Thp account of George W , gum - Jinn
of !thew - it II rpar, rohrhr child of Coorge
hue of Mlle* town.hir heeen.. o .l.
J. no nrrunnt of Peter 'totter. giinehhut of
;levy, lieorxe sand John Storer, minor olihdresi
of Joel Stover, )4e or Potter Jeep. decta•vtl
4. The neetuAt of .14ern yAn ereionur of
he., of Jolly lloolonn, Ist• of NMI (OM
5, The oreoulti or rr.m.i• Todvu,
of Peter So 1.10. 1 , emit, rhild of IforthoNcluoleti
late of Cool re enmity deersocol. '
6, Tho aroount of Nathan .1. .111telieH,oclodo
lotrotor.of lee., of Fre..!vela liestlorodo, Iwo of
LiboKty towgkrliip doceaowl.
7. rim woootOt of Natlio• J. .1111. bell and
Daniel ICoonilll. est...wore of tile .loot will owl
troitonitoit of Jolilt N. I.lqm", Grin yr cui
1. Th. ,0,‘,0..,t fkwiturt,
Irotor of le of rooratl Deukort, late of
(011.1, All ip iveinood.
.1/ Tlio n4'eotiot of I,loni R. Slam, whoini , tot
tor of tr , of R11101.4/.1 States, ludo ul rulku
In. '('lles 111111614, Kew'
~h.w..flitlliohr ft, Merle. bee, ndbuir 0611.1
El ~ I,eth Ilerlurtior, lot, of iftloo towoollq, de
li, The aroonfit of Nathan Nvlr. - tramiulafra
for of Ae., of Itol4st Ilea, lata of Siariuu 1.% 11-2111116.1.44.-44.....1
12: The a..t.uout of Thomas Wilmot, mimic...
trntor of R e , of Jeremiah 1 14, 1 • 1 . of 11.4 r
0 ,, ..t1 0.1%111111p 41e, ass.,l.
(3. Tbs filial acebtinf of 341. hael libalfar sr,
ituanilan 4.f John )dyes, minor 4.12i1.1 of "Ars-
Lni'. litt.frar, late of 11T1.0.0 sh.k. tfoLaare.l.
N. Thu ar. nun tof Hobs 11. 1.4“.....u.a.1.ad0.
iatratot otf A e., of John Ron inter late at 'f , r444.;
township devalued., ,
.15,4 l'lle areviaril tlt'l/uunce Iraulgart *WI
Jerellll/11/ Ilnine... elesotors ut the last will awl
trstatnent of Jacob ihnuigast, late of Mils...tar:
Ili. The account of ])arid Knipe, Pllroinlotra
for or do of Jelin J. 13lorer, lato of Ylainol
townihfu decency!.
1 7. The account or Robert 11-I,lmeo. gusrilen
of ITleitta R., All.l Jared 8. Ilardiux
minor children of 111",linr.1stwol "tab
ker township tletesre4.
18. Tho account of hfirlinAl harp r, gnu-Jinn
of Anlblis atid ilosteranitn. minor 'Ail
treri of John llostorman, late ol Harris town
ship ilticetued.
J. P. (11/PIIA
Nova 3.-4 t.
Ity rirtneut nu triter of the erphasrii
court Of Centre county there will be sapped to
pliblin gale nt the public linul , e of Jaye' Furey,
iu the borough of Howard,
p. m., the firetrrtials described rile-,
real e,txte, t. sit:
The undivided one-eighth part of a tract of
land situate in Howard township, Contra county,
bounded on the north by bald Ha to creek. on
the east by lauds elf N. J. Mitchell, J. 1. Long
nee James Whitman, on the south by lauds of
F. ranker and Jnmes Ilererk, and on the
went by lauds of Job W. tacker 411 , 1 others/
containing FORTY acres, morn or less.
ALSO, the. umlividmi.onb-lourili part of a
certain tract of lan I militate in ilowara town
ship, Centre county, bounded and desCribed as
follows,-to wit: On the east by lands 01 J. I'.
Parker and Montgomery's heirs, on the POntli
by lands of Jacob flatter, on thu wool by land*
of Samuel antler and others, and on the north
by lands of Janice 'Beverly, oonteissistg SIXTY
notes, more or lees.
TZIIIOI or I One-half the perrimea
motley to be paid on confirmation of the ealel
Mild the motility in one year thereafter. with in
terest, to 6r secured 6, bond and mortgage en
the prerniyea. W. ALLISON..JR.
qf No. of Rebeecal Gutionallws,
Oet. 13, 'tl3-4t.
Letters of adsainlatnition on the prop
erty of ieEtt Koller, Jr. dummied, late of Norris
township, booing been granted to the under ,
signed, persona knowing thawed deetei
to er estate , are relocated to make irmowlists
pay eat, and those haring claims agoimst the
Woe to present theta duly sutthentleated fee
00 g f.i-st.
A 131111008.8 2i °TICS.
The nrideratorned artandilaw appolote*
Optaas Court of Centre county, Jo Mr
tribute Ai *noway id tb benefit of Vona&
Coition, trustee for the male of the reel estate of
Jeremiah Downhill denistaid, to stk.! among
tined legaly wetNie thereto, will attend re
ditties st 1 141 PPPASsignie on Friday the Fiat
day of Noyember, A. P. 1865, at Il o'cleek h.
et Ills blew In litallefente, Pa
t. .,
: Tel4tlT.
oel 22 44 44110.
A s sonmo A,. ..jolstinloat on the of
tattotJohlk, lan ,of • lowsgb i til
deed, 811.161 l boll' Verona. to the indonlgnon
all pergola loolebtod to said estate an booby
requested maks Itoutildratt inmost, sad tans
barb% olaion, to present nom, they nine,-
Wadi l, sOliloott.
- - JAVNIf uremoluivew -----
I 01A.13.41t.