Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 14, 1865, Image 3
El . " 4 r 'T., * ~ Poinrti" 12 BXLitPO3I7/I.—The tritaptit Kgimnianu i morning of the " Fourth" W 45 izii.el , i !ti by . 1 - 'Abe booming of CIIXIDQD, the batting ; - ,f the 1 rer.ille, the firing of thriving, pistols. 4 crackers, At.; laths lattliai-eiispley of the 1 national sweigoi-in "Mims parts of- the I town. Oar Citizens Ward aeily astir, anti' verything betaketead the near approash of the Bread oehdin!tion. -. I Early' as our chisels were up, however. thy wers . stot looser,* for the trudtera, - who began to pour Into town directly after break lcat in cockcrow& that it von &mama err dent' Bellefonte would searoely suffice to hold them. Very soon thelretela were all jammed, and about tea o'clock Allegheny, ataftßishop Weins were one dense rwaSh of people, through which it wsa exceedingly I fitificult for a passer-by to make ille wey. lciriiiiiiiiii r d MI aboutV four or _five thou sand people were congregited in those• two streets st thattune,anillhe crowd still coo tinned to increase The moot ducarc-Js or der prevailed. Bhei-la cuacy was et the head CI a pollee force of fifty men, and Gen, 'Beavec, who le also one Chief Burgess:bad largely fociLeased his municipal force. Bo tween the General and the Sheriff a perfcet underitauding exiated, and tine result, was 'a meet excellent preyerratio: of the peace. This state of,affaire continued all ,day, and, not a solitary tight °cleared to 'mar the kir merry of Abe proceedings. ~. Soon denerat Bearer, surrounded bylis , -- I.IMIIB--s2par year Ivlo s 10;11 1 in rd►aaia $2,50 when not paid in &drum, and 53,39. when n ot 21.1 d, before tl. oxidaslo2l2if the yea2s ANSWERS TO CORRESPONOINTR. • J ug s •..—Tbebos was AAR by Oiditeml,Ol IL O. 6.2.--6404 tt atm I we wadi Nkpoy sow wog et tie kfN Ad arm Ixtrtecte. , MS be aft4i to try that tow Woo ll* pawls at the snsabog year. 101theateo Oa *bolo mat_ bar of lantiage••anilhttiti_ upon the - - gleir - 11,41.01211i - .11011141 - slope there ere elionkd thlak the gentlemanly --..maititar.4•4olllllhmt - have -- e• • . fleeted thPillahives duce theft return-thin:to, would even 'int, to I.4l:tae they are. not the mobocrats and roadie' you llitvo all - along attempted to make the poopie believe they waddle& elltikag Biatrassw—Nre do roepoot rcinhotors of the %impel, tirlt your "blood hound, of Zion," pickets of perdition, anci• hypoortti ell pretondere, who have di abbled their tutudaterial robes to lit and the filthy 'pool wo deep ,u ahould every ' one else. Thay sot a °else to tte&ohareit, a disgrace to bantaniiy, sad s•libe! upon Christianity. No I'Arsit woe lasuetl from Oils office last reek, as announced in our lazt :irlresaion I=l A SAD ACCIDM --A OLIN, of Aoguetuti !''ontgotnery,nged /amid eix yogirs, was drowned on rriday lent in ogre of the rats be:,,igiag to (lie Montgomery tannery, near liowerd, Ps. Deowerstr.--*little fon of Loran-418 hearer, egad about three years, was drowned at Beech-Creek, Clinton Cooaty on the 7th inst. Ha mother missed Lim from thiqattee, and ea roatebiog for him, Lie body eu found is the czllei; arhtcla contained porno two or throe feet of water. 1•1110.% y 3ktoT —31r..11 • .n of Linden Mu:, 06te catiey, recmilly OA a wild turkey out of a loch. that La. Il4hicti near that place. ice shooting of slid turkey in this port of the country is rubor en - unusual occurrence, and will itorotoro bo an Item of Interest to Our +pOrfollian. A Burt --On Bat urday seeming last a'dia .mhauce occurred it pecig's on - Bishop Nt yeti, in which Waal parties participated. ,?!. a or them war pretty severely handled, as u.liestitna, by a man rimed Sturgis. very serious injuries were inflicted, re ver. We boilers some arrests bare tto been made. 71 Lin obt.telrb to daelins to publi proceedings of the oalebrition_at- this p _ate, on the litlt Instant, as Arrvnged by 1..4 Secretaries, OD - Re9pirtii of their ex- Irma length. VVa-vrbittii like to publish whole thjoe including spreobes, ao., can do it without *tofu:ling otbor t,striii equally as valuable, and to some, hi Iy, mos iottresting. I= °mg.—Some rich *canes might have been , lcerved in the court-home yard on the vvening of the "fourth" during the setting ,Ar of the• fire-works, by any one on the I.dt out for -the ridiculous. It Mimed to Lave been turned into one grand court-house in reality, and amorous swains might bate been seen with their arms wound lovingly arnuud the waists of their duloineas.' Here tad there etert_more leader_ _than the others. Could be seen apart by them selves, indulging, perhaps in the love that poly they eould-appreeiate. We have beard or some funny things that occurred, but forbear to repeat them here. COMM= PERSONAL—We had the pleasure of a e4ll, on Tuesday morning last, from John Cunningham, tog., rureman and general euperintendent of the Government Printing Office, at Washington city, 1). C. Mr. run• oingham. is said to be one of the most 110• eomplished printers in the United Stales, end Mut for sonoolltime Biled the very respon sible position be now occupies with much Credit to himself and advantage to the gov ernment,—the public work, as issued under his supervision, being a moclei of nosiness. end taste. The position of foreman in , the Oovernment Office is a highly important one, and requires to man of ability, discre lion, firmness end ,judgment. These quali ties Mr. Cunningham hi p esid to possess in an eminent degree, and no more appropriate selection for the position could possibly have been made. ' MC. Conntirghani was here spending a few days with Mr. Bhoemtker, end enjoying himself In trout fishing.. Re is a very 'cour teous apd companionable man, and we iron hsleft Bellefonte favorably Impressed with our town and peopled .3 EC= As ELIIGAVIT Pauseuelr.,—On the f , 4th" laeteet i ewere rods ale reoipient of no flattering and 'legend a present that we art almost too modest to mention IL at the risk of befog considered vain, we will tell about it: It wast-In the form of s mag nificent luxe cake, belted with the most ex quisite skill, and frosted and decorated with elegant tote. On the top it bore aft Mserip tie; ht raised bitters of sow, so flatter ing to our hiambl• Mikes in behalf of Wu= Annuli* Low, that _lf• i ftni ?OW to PObligt It , simply odourptlair our thanks for the coca pllmeat, implied. far so vs here been ib) l 4 we him, dorm what we could to Fa- Tent the ffhlp of Ettatv from being fleshed P hs oo uPoh the brsehori of filvenistiM, "n 4 If we isare been mode to Maier for our devotion to the salsa, it is only la amori sts:a with' the rubs that /WM rest brinei- Plemnst ba olsi thenXpenss of the eeny the imprisonment, or, poky, the destine mice more of its adherents. Mi le will all ems right after while, however. tiM isits&thttoors shall con tinue AIM .'What We eoppolve to be the lion cot Iraeling list "nth will, 0,014041.4 handsouttil sidles for 1 'the geserone anon hi their wLile they 'have °dr but o . t ayar , lent. Col. Jac.ko,Captaina Runkle, Wilson, John enri,Rtruer, end others, and assisted by tiro Assistant Mondial, Gen. George Un chance, 2oneediiii procession. the soldiers on Dullop streaV and the citizens on Alio gl, ray. and, In gallant array, the march be inn, the soldiers leading, about four hun dred in ranks.: Rriii.iTcjiiiiTioul bees them to see How the Awn bums forth apoweaseuralm" as they moved down Allegheny to Lamb, down Lamb to Spring, up Spring to High, up High to Allegheny again, down ,h leg., sadont Linn, with bands play ing and colors dying to*ths grove. Much fr.thointem Ivo, manifested nit along the reutt,, and everybody appeared to be in_the hest po:;‘rble At tha ve, immense tables literally grcardit the weight of the substan tial*it and i ol.cacies prepared for the coca ' sioo, and ladies silted about every where, ready and willing to use their white bands in waiting upon the tired and hungry I . soldiers and citizens. The procession con tinued its" oh around the tables l?Otiltlic lonely* as they were, they ware completely Called, although the hale bad not obtained places. Zhe tables had been arntnged-iro !Loco:rimed/to' about two thiaistwisd-'*ple at one standing, and were filled three times. Although immense quantities of provisions wereoorthe ground from att parte' of the pa y; from one thousand to fifteen bundalid persons took their dinners at the • idols. This will serve to give an idea of the immense crowd of people in town ott that day. After the dinner wee over the crowd sr rappic itself in a compact mesa I n front of too spe &kers' ic and, where, cf..; alt organi zation had beau etfected, gee. Dr. Linn, amide a few mrdarkr, closing with a aolcmn and linpreet,:e prl7er. The appearance of this veuerabla aad good men, with his sarn est supplications to the Host High, had the effect of settling a serious calm over the crowd, and of preparing their' minds for what wee to follow. Frederick Kurt:, Eeq , editor of the Be.' richier, then read the Dttolgnition of Inde pendence in a clear and distinct voice, en chaining the attention of all by the pleasing manner in which lie performed the duty. (lre itafthelleribis pass without noticing the efforts of a few abolitionists of Forgo son and Harris townships, who seemed de termined to create a disturbance while AIL . Kurt: was reading the Declaration of Inde pendence. Among thilt unenviable crew we noticed ono of the vice-firesid nts, John Batley, and one other individual front that eecticti i f (7.e-county who is now under ar rest for a •iolation a •.lie impel—John RCM. Thebe tT o individuals we heard de clare their intention tolinterrupt the reader if they were prosecuted for it, not an hour before the reading sommenced. Lint, they Neither did the poor insignificant creature, from Harris township, who seemed to be acting Loll-wether to a lot of men too cowardly to spebk for themselves, and who, to have his name mentioned in the papers, cried so lustily. "..1 1, Preala'eht."' until the rretrients of the sheriff, anti the frowns of the respectable member!, of his: own party, closed his mouth ) After the reeding of the Declaration, the Bands discoursed come sweet music. ' Rev. Mr. Demerit then delivered the Ora tion of the day, which is generally spoken of as rather a floe in-Marital display, but lacking in pottits of statesmanship and po litical knosileigv. To his credit be it said, that, as is minister of the Clospel, he devotee mere time to the study of theology, the woridy prefteifoo" of polities, and to this commendab4a_trait may be attributed of-bittpolitimillegit..... Ate.stai4- be a very. excellent minister; we beiieve him to be a good man; but, judging from his speech on this maiden, he would make but a sorry statesman. Noverthelees, we regret that we have been obliged to omit, for want of spasm, the putilleaticn of his ad dress in full. At its elm, one of Bellefonte's fairest deughters,,_Mbes biass'Nowter, pre sented Lim, on belialf.of the ladles, with ast elegant boqldet. General Bearer, on behalf of the soldiers, fasponded happily and eloquentle i but we are olio compelled to omit his remarks. At its close he was mach applitoded, and re ceived, from the hands of Mrs. Wm. P. Vll son, on behalf of the ladles, as a testimo nial to himself sad the soldiers, st very itsautifol hottest. Mrs. Wihron sonompa *WA, presentation with appropriate re alists, to 'Which. the pliant general, who tours apoa his body the sad marks of hard ,aryiss,larisigleft a leg is Virginia, asap- Mir* rarpeaded. Jett l ere, Beriertil'a l ipeeeh oonoluded the axereiees 'at toe - allead, gad,ehe crowd dis paned' themselves through the wood to =nee themielves as aeight hest suit them. The chroming stapinipeared to attract the most. Otention, 41 quite a number diksarted Ciemeetree to Ce nbehormin enioymente. Atter the day was *MC spent and tha t de eliablkeen began to 'w e teetlye crowd that *timing was yproitalng, the people wands(' their**-kaOk to town, whit% the triattli aeon again presented tlne tlAsged lad /nip appears°e of the morning. At night tha tows war brilliantly Illnml nated by mama of red-white-and-blue trans parsneies„ and altogether tlkte effect was very one. The pyrotecnical display was somewhat of A failure. Ily an unfortunate accident! the stand caught fire, exploding and bUrning up, before they ckuld'Ava _rat,. 'cued, the finest portio n , of the exhibition. linougb was shown, howev'or. to satiety the spectators, aqd wo believe there Wax no Thus ended tho "I+turtli" In Itellefoute. oethatited Lltat•thero were frOin six to aeven'lhousand people in attendance, and it. 1 was the Most orderly and la* abiding crowd that wee ever in this town The arrange. menu' Were perfect, and wo Venture the as sertion that no town in the State oelebrated 'the eighty-niiti anniversary of American Independence more harmoniously or pleas antly than did the citizen*" of Centre ornty assetabled at the!, toure town. - ,: 1 Tae ..rounirn" iX ba4Leenueo.--146 derstand that the celebration at ,Milesburg was a splendid affair 'and great eclat. About I,4soo'people Were pres ent, and the arratfgetnente were superb. As they have eord us no aooount whatever of the proceedings, we are, of course, unable to give any of the details. I=l flocrasev.—John Clinger, son of Jesse Clinger, eaq., of this plsoe, and an employee of the Snowshoe Railroad Coati inettranitanttetritir on that road, by which his bead were severely Jejured - by .heinr between two oars. still in being tiOo mush injured to be ri present. `Tag smoblnery of the Bald _ Coal, and Mate Company has arrived at. Port hjatilda, where the Cemiany oontem— Oats eommeneing operations for oil as soon AS the arrangements can be perfeoted. Two Dan Curs or PlLis CußßD..—Byllp. Strickland? Pile Remaly. Mr. Cliw-61Jeass title, Wisconsin. writes for the -benefit of all who suffer with the Plies, thMb.e bee bean troub led fey eight years * an aggraveted ease of Pilaf. and his b r *ea discharged from the army as' e _ ing quite parslyted with tMrP distressing caw were eu ith one b eof Dr. Stria'eland's Pile ~ .edy. The recommendation of these gentle men. beside the daily testimonials received by Dr. Strickland ought to eonvince those suffer. inr, , tilat the most aggravated chronic cues o Piles are cared by DrB tricklaad's Pile remedy it is sold by Druggists everywhere. • *Lis Ign Bona Brza.—Dr. (Strickland's Eye Lotion is warranted Lobe the test remedy in the world for weak and core eyes. Price 25 omits. Sold by D•uggista. 20—ly • - !MARRIED,. Id Baltimore city, Md., en the 26th ultimo, by Bev. L. hi. Ciardner, Sidney T. Mildly, late Ad jutant 184th Penn'a You. , Mien Mary 8., daughter pl . Dr. Wm. Brewer, of Anaapolia, Niattland. The alms happy couple hare our boat wishes- The Adjutant was formerly an attache or this °Mee, and has always boons"' " good fellow." We hope his Southern bride may beento at tached to her Northern home, and hue. that gen erous hearts beat bore as well as in Les own sunny clime. The Bellefonte Market. White Whet, per bushel, Ned, dd do, Rye. Corn Shelled, Oats, Barley., Buckwheat,... Clore Seed... P0tat0e5,....... Lunt, ' Purl: Butter 1 do -psi irye. P.aittir, ground per rhu,..!. per pound' 4' 4.! - LGiA,L NOTItIS A 1100 fMkiTra...IAN Cured of Nersoa., Premature tiray, and the effects of youthful indiser, thin, we!h bb happy to furnish others with the thetas of cure, (free of chorgr ) This remedy le simple, cafe, aridreortain. For full i4rrieulart, by return mail, plonso nd dreea JOHN B, DUBBN, BO Nassau Str,eet, New ,York. . June 9-Sm. 111Sli2itS! NV 111 , KEItS Bo you wnotlikers or Moustaches t Our Grecian Compound will fore*, them to grow on he sznootbest face or ehin, or hair on bald heads, in 'i weeks. Prue $l,OO. Sent by mail anywhere, closoly sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WARNE% St CO., Box 13b, Brooklyn, N. Y. fob 1,7 fy Tlfg .111111/AL CIIA3fILF.R, an essay o Warning and Inetruntion for young mop—pub- Panto; by the Howard Asocial on, Roil want free of 'charge in sealed envelopes Address Pr. J. 8K11.1.11i HOUGHTON, If s and Assoniation, Phibtdelphla, Pa. feb 17 ly HAPPINESS UR MISERY? THAT IS ThR QUESTIOW All ,wervoun stafferers afflicted with sperms torrhcce., seminal emissions. lore of power, im potence Lc. mused by self abuse. 'canal excel sasand Impure connections, can' thrvoldro - nreaus of self cure furnishedlhem, by addressing,-Kith stamp. JOHN D. WILLIAMS, P. O. Box 285$ AirDISAPPIeSS, DLLYDNCSS Alib CATAlling— treated with the utmost success by Dr. 3. ISAACS; Oculist and Armlet, formerly of Ley den, Holland No. 619 Pine street, Philadelphia. Testimotnalfrom th e moat reliable gunmen in the city an country may be seen at his office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as be bee no Secrets in his prise 'tics. ARTIFICIAL RYES inserted without piths. No °Large made for examination. fob. 24, Iy. AILITItIagTIC OF CONSUMPTION,Two thin shoes make one cold;; two coidsione ettsaii of bronchitis; two attack' of bronehitisit, one vain. All of the above diseases em be itornwrii by the timely use of Sellers' Imperial Cough' Syrup—a sure and spientli remedy tor Constar Colds, Intluansa Husnieness, Whooping-Cough La. Sold everywhere. Suns 33, 18436—.1.y. lIREUMATTIffbi AND NEURALGIA.--Nu mesons remedies for A these eoal4l2iS bare' been IMMO% befoM tY6 publish sad with varyingatffeemt, as they generally ci this some esumtire qualities. Put unfortunately for tie affileted, they arc of little Mffeieney. For often they only modify diseases, and do little towards palliating kradieal cam But the GNU Inter nal Remedy, Johmon'e R. Compound, effectual ly banishes the diocese. from the system. It is beyond a &slit the asthma and most speedy monody for Rbmamtitiem, Neuralgia, Goat, se., ever need, It boo githied the patronage add favor of poniard unitary rank, and the demand la steadily inereastag. Ibis a t i:V iii f ,tg as remedy to them sigeted. kield'by every -when. . jun* SS, 866,-11. NEW ADVERZCIA.btENT. LINDSEV'S BLOOD SEARCHER. LLNDHRY'S IMPROV ; D BLOOD SEARCHER IN LARGE BOTAF% pairtioulady rectostatehdeel fort,. du*, ihe Spring mod 8611111141 t. when the blood Is thick and electllstion retarded Anksalthy. sooretmne, Tbls perfectly sehs though Po.vverfkil rdeanses.ruid-renews every poi lion of the ayatinn. It to the only gen , LIMO and original Blooti.dearober; .which tar yours has perforit.od tho - matt won Ireful, ye 4 y.trina.oat eo o , in confirmed cum of gerunds, -ribt-irerrv, totter; tam tra; be h vt' lt'lifndj of quoitulous cruptiorin. It le ale." a reliable remedy for. salt- rheum, Ling-wove, scald bead, and kindred diseases. As' a general tonic its effsita are Irma benig nant, and sonnet fail to benelit where used so cording to direetiona. WO make no claim to basing discovered II "Patmeam" or "Ildiversil itentedy" for iii the Siltiteets to widelallesh is heir; but we do olefin What countless fads have fairly and folly setab liahed, that id the DLOOD 814 A tiCHER eiti *elated will dud • ”scandird mediclito." She upon which' they nun rely as a mire visa° for ell diseases for which it it recommended. 1 . have this diy, October tth. 180(i'dieposed of nir entire nteresi in J. M.Lintleers im .rtiv ed ; . together with the right to one my name in Its preparation. The only genuine article Will here after be prepaie4l by them exclusively. J. I‘..LINDSEY. bakFitign by R. E. SELLERS (II CO., Sole Proprietori, PITIPSURA, PA. COTTGO, Cj)L - 15S, HOARSENESS, , _,--- - 11LUENZA, ' t iff - CIMINO SENSATION OP THE TtIROAT, Whooping Cough, Croup, &0., ho. ESTABLISITSD IN lan. rt is an old and well tried remedy, mad has stood eat, teat of thirty roan . Bead_the following: One Trial &nano! 11 BALTIMORE, FAIRETILD CO., Orno, January !9, 1859 Mr. R. E. Sellars—Dear Sir: I am entirely out of your .'lmperial Cough Syrup." Will you send me, nay six dozen ? Ido not want to be but of it, as it Is the only medicine that will oome so near raising the dead. It will cure the worstoough immediately. I, have recommended It to person and given them one bottle on trial, and in every case they have given deli. testi mony that it gave immediate relief. I hare.used it In my, own family, and and it a sure cure for coughs and colds la all cares. One trial will convince anZ person that it is a sure cure for the worst bi coughs and colds. I am yours moat numecifuLly. A. L. SUPIONS The tatere ie strong testimony, and offered •witho;lt solicitation, In behalf of tho bent cough medicine DI the day. The (}neat Curative! it E. &Et, I have been troubled with a cough far the last ten years, by lesson of which I have frequently been unable to sleep more than half the night. T tried many retnedics,but all in vain. I heard of your Cough syrup, and resolved to try it, and now state that the USs of • few betties has cured me entirely. I cheerful ly recommend it as a eafo, speedy, and pleasant cure fur coughs end soles. Yours respectfully, 3 1,30 1,20 WM. WOODS. This to strong testimony, and given Manta rlly. pnrilair. 117 R. E: SELLERS & CO, PITTSBURG, PA • JOHNSON'S •RNEUMATIC COMPOUND . AND BLOOD. PURIFIER) 18 A. THIS GREAT I'N'YERNAL REMEDY ie the best medicine ever Offered to the public, For the effectual cure of rheumatism, gopt, neu ralgia, dyspepsia, and as a blood purified., it has no equal; for all diseases arising from %A pure Ante tf the blood, such• to scrofula or king~,'if'64il, scald heatc, fetter, timg.worm, fe malo complaint, and sal..break.outa on the taco and body. The vast number of rub-on wadi, sines which formerly hive been used for those diseases were merely temporary he their effects, and.of doubtful virtue, 'lut the RHEUAIATIpI COMPOUND reaches the source of al trouble, and actually banishes the disease from, the Video its ism mediate action on the blood. We advise one and all to give it a trial, dot become saddled of its wontlerfut power. Prepared awitoki R. E. BgLLEPA & CO. rirtstune, PA TIM 0/tit DIAL, ONLY nitxtra•lizarunta. For te4ty-five years a staple remedy for Liver Co 1111 Coakiveuess, • Bic& Headache, Disorders, Read, and judge fbr yourself: su,vsa ORSIN, Oazo CO., v.. Mr. li. E. So newt—Dear Sir: Ithink ita duty 1 owe to foh gnd the publio ion/rally, to state ' that I %sea been afflicted with Liver Complaint fora long tide, arid so badly, thee an abscess formed mad b';eke, Which left tuella • SeVy Sate. Having heard of your *Nested Liver Alia be/rig for able by A. B. Sharp, Walt Lib" , ty, andnaresnesended to me by my Pliyileimt, nit I. frills, oonohaded to give thbm a fair trial. Pnrehasett one WI lag toned , lsem Just what they ate recommended—the teat et Fills ever used, sad, sifter taking four bogey r Ind the dhow ha. eatissiy loft la% and am now perfectly well. _itiapaditally,Toars, D. Xt. 00,144021.,, iwas TWzrirr-,IVI mars. - The above artieleslor sale lry 7. P. DUI*, Druggist, Deliefonte, Pa- Julie "?‘" PMSZIER6, April 19, ISSB .. t.'• ~ 1!El!IIIE=1:11= N A I,oloovit empurnmenrevinFaarsosT.., Ghat: sale ert ihninliph Wads* Mak" DE. blood Mike, illitillar-Ware, Amman a Pram* 71 ' 61 17, 89., ra r er 0ver41800,060 —ell to be it'd without reesere. -Rvarione to lure son* thing valuable. LIST OP TER ARTICLE& Cleats' Gold Ganda* Cam Watobeo 889,00 to 3161,00 Ladles' Gold Rassneled Glee Watebee Goats' Hunting Ciar Maar weaptkeo-", Dents' Gold Watabee, - time. ....... , te 1120,00 Gold Plated Watches in Yag is Cases. • „ •Gold Plated R'ltelme Rama -Ai- -1111,tiq - -Km mond 4 60,00 200.00 Gold Vort and Reek Obaina, 10,00 10,00- Gold Oval Rand Bravaleta.. • 4.00 8,00 Chased Gold Briondeta - 100 10,00 Chatelaine %Mao and G laird Obabra....l .' . . ....... 11.00 20,09 Solitaire lad Gold Brooohait , 4,0 b • 10,10 Lava & Plbrentbia Broodier; 400 400 Octal, (.pat, and Roaerald Brooches Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Eler- Ingibla Bar Drops 9,09 8,00 Coral, Opal and litnorild Bar Drops 4 , 00 e,OO Califol'nia Diamond Bread. Plea 2,80 'lO,OO Gold Rob stud Vest Watt& Rey, 1,110 „ r,OO 'll.l, and Vest Ribbon Slides, ,2,00 6,00 Solitaire!, SIOO ocroi; etc 1,00 10:00 Gold Thimbles, Pencils, ate., 4,90 21,00 Miniature Lockets 4,00 13,00 Al iniature Lockets—Ma& Spring „ ' JO 10 Gold Tooth Pick., Crosse'. ate ..... . . - ... . 3,00 * 10,00 Plain Gold Rings, Chased - Gold Rings 4,00 L4OO Stone Set and Signet Rings, 3,00 „ - 10,00 California Diamond Rings, 8,00 10.00 Ladies' eriki in sett, -,ipt ,--- ' Elf 3.00 IL,DD AM-- 113=t1 Id litount ia‘iiita," rinidag 20,00 500 Fruit and Cake Baskets Silver Tea sad Table 811 , 00141 sad Forks, per doson Silver Plated Tea Pots and Conte liras Silver Plated lce Pitchers and biolaases Cups 116,110 . 60,00 See what the most popular sod widely simu lated periodicals say of our Establishment. From the f :Dirpotch " oj - February 15, 1866. We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the announcement of Maws. Devaugh & Co's. Great Bale of, Jewelry, Silver Ward, and Fanoy Goods, in our Silvertiattg Dol mans. We are.personally seqnsinted with the members of this Ann and know show to be Pen tletoen od o sterling worth end integrity. Their stock of goods, ?or variety anti extent, we bare scarcely seen paralleled, Prima the ",tfirvor of Fashion," Kura 1,11165. Messrs. Devaugh k C/.. Great 91le of Jew. °fry, eta., opened on the 16th ult., and we van-, tore to sex that no hoer display of goods was over exhibited by any establishment In this city. The ladles thronged their bashes almost to suffocation, although the street. were ren dered Dosa:y impaisible by the melted snow and slush. We predia, fvr them a wonderful Site- COM. From " Ledger," Fsbrstary 28,1886. Our lady friends should visit the extetislee establishment of Messrs. Devaugh (t Co., No. 15 Maiden Lane, if they wish to indulge them -1011410 with a sight which they Rill long remem ber, Sued a profusion of elegant Watches, ebeine, Rings, Earrings and, in short, of Jew elry of every name, kind and description, we never before witnesfd Their silver and pla ted ware is superb and almost casts lato the shade the oilier splendid establishments which ttgfe long been the boast of our city. It is ea th‘ted ths.t. their stock is worth not less than one tnillion4l dolldrs.• From the Tribune" of April 21, 1885. An acquaintance of over 19 years wittrUesere. Girard W. Devaugh A Co. warrants us in speak ing in tho highest term of them. They are among otr elflost 'Maiden Lane Jewelers, and have long enjoyed a wide and enviable reputa tion. 'From the " Sinai. Ziefung," April 24, 1865. Many of the fiends in our oftice have specu lated in the Enterprise of Messrs. Dovaugh Co., and though, none of them have itrt realised 'a tot Lome all express themselves well pleated With their venture. Two of them 14 working alter hours Lava maderver $2OO each within six weeks. HOW YOll CAN GkT A PRIZE. Fond nese ty-Ftee C'ems to no, and as cooties we twelve it we will snail you a Certificate showing what you are entitled to. If the article UT Mi eles please you, send book the Certificate ant! dos Doitonand we will forward you theeirtiele, ho matter hod costly it may be. If the article is not what you wistk state. Whin you send the Certificate and dollar, what ether mild% of the same value you prefer and we will send it. If you with snore than one Certiteite sends Intl and we will send five; for $2, eleven; for $ 6 , thirty ; for $lO, sixty ; for $l6, one hundred. Agents we 'vented to the Army sad is every past* We have an immense stook of goods to dispdsre of, and need a large mambos of Agents. rut terms to Agents aro very liberal and some Oen of our Lady Agents are making troth th to $2O a day. 'We giro Agents 60 per Gent. on all Certificates they sell provided they remit not Jew than $1 tot eight. Alf Write your name and address cii•tinoely, and Nay only what is neretanry. GIRARD W. DEVAUGII A CO., id Maiden Lane, New York. Stay 26-2 mo R. TA L 401" T'S Patfr, Anti pproptlo., Courifbsedd of highly oonotititrated Eitraoti from ROOTS AND PERE'S, °Abe griereat medicinal value, prepared tngm the original prescription of the celebrated Dr. Talbott, atid need by bum with remarkable me ow for twenty years. Aa Inhllible all Diseases of the Liver, or any derange ment of the Digestive Organ; they cure Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, ticortitli; Jaundice, Billow nese, Lite botetilaing. • • The well known Dr. Mott says of these Pillpi "I have used the formula from whichiettr VII are made, in my practice for over 17 tears; they have the finest effect epee the Liver an t Digs'. ties Organ* of any medicine in the wdrld, the as the moot perfect ?ergative which km. , ever yea:been made by anybody . They are safe and. pleasant to take, but powerful to cart Theft penetrating preperthte stimulate the Vital Lady ides of the body, manors tbscobstructiont of its orgaiiiirpurUY the blood, and expel duilteadt- - Vtay ptipse oat the foul !tumors which breed Mut Idtawdllinemper, stimulate , slaglib or dim imt g tidered organs into, dude oral action, and impart a healthy tone *lll. s stifle the whole system. Not only do they o the every day eomplaints at everybody, Jut a l formidable sad dangerous diseases, and phrely' !eget,' able Aveiro* bow any ril fitliarre. No peridn who kimonos. need ewes Pills will hat be with— al' them." They ofoattolottlii Shod aismof• rifles from the mama, bent* Alt 41fisitilu eUr• "for prittioortre, Hetroimbe, PUS*, Kitoutibt Dts.• mom, mot Horodttabt litiattrro.-14, • . Ddb'.—Far MAIM Swift for eltilaton miller $ yobsi4.lmtflf3ltl. 01-Yrie• per bat Trade gippliett. or mint by ;ftil i k4 s pand i 4 itr BMWs or cm riedpl M ik U r cu adrrio . darrifihma • Labs Willatilida. • r r i'llll ;e.4 l* ast fee obi wbolinabb ass reti4 at Jfiveli Lxitiby. 322 xvitztAt fur N . 1)./k %0:10. , ?Arno- itrititut, bolums Nem No *lit slims. LOO •WA 'lilt P A TAKIIS PLZABUM to aostounolog to the oltioom d 4hi{t►Anelir Qua WO mato store b onto • 10,00 - 15,00 10,04- xT 8400111Slittirl t 'Ol6l7LATiii:24, Bed that he k Pl*Porot to tlintiolt thaw W$ itooleal rootromoota $5.00 10.00 OP aysar DASCUPTION es the ereetfastrrebbibbraltr take" tarr pleasure in Wittig th e euet tie pq. ple to the impeder quilt/es of tie oebetereited CIitCKERING'B PLLNOt3,- 't These Plasm hate oeivereally taller the &it patialeat over all atiwie wherever they have been brought in ootopetition. They km aalf to be seen and beard to be admired, Ai their manallictatere have pomaded so folly ,is mote- Males it them those indtspeaaable qualitiea or read per, brilliairty, rms., aiWy sad the 4,00 0.00 ORGAN *XII EICZNIrSir 01 TO. *bleb Is alisobstai else celebrated ter STAIt4IING tit 21/bll. always desisuble, bat It lo to to persons ileier in the easstry, nhete at is net °uneasier's to got prefeetional tuners bat seldom. is,go 10,00 of otter Piano*: lrbre lea %Arras A. people that he keeps tbovelebrstact 4,00 12100 4,00 10,00 ITALN'ES BROTHER'S PIANOS., 10,00 6,00 16,00 It fa asoecanary to of • word La aentaeads. Ilan of them, es the reputation at the Ms Is alone sufilteetit. 25,00 50.00 RYNbER RESPECTFULLY ANNol72tbiB 20,00 40,00 that ha has neolvad the 35,00 60,00 ROLE AGENCY for &arid ua Westarn Pansaylviaiii 'at tlis Paint fudged Iran Rim aad Pram* i3OARDSIAN & ORLY PIANOS 'rhos Pianos vat 7 to Frit* trent &He bud drod and seventy-Ere dollar' to woven hundred dopars, and aro war:ooW to giro pottoot tatillsotion. PAELOI ORGA Pr s • novotog received the COOL AGRIMY foi the Oeatral Portion of Penosylvealt of the S I JX.BAT • DAVIR' *Am& mans AIM DIPROVICIP MELODBOIOI, I am enabled to offer them to tha pnblle at rr• duos.' rata. The Parlor Organs ore ;Woo tip In the moot durable sad mitikni etYie. warranted to give , PERFECT BATISSACTION, 4 ' and are sold tan to fifteen per eent. abeam time those of soy other Bret-clais manufacturer. 'doe mite a comparison of them with those of any other maker with reforenoo to all the essential qualities of a good idstruinetit, via., Quality 'o TOW., Power of Tope, Promptness of Action, Cepocity for Variety of lixpression. end but not Wart, stolidity and durability of nonlitruo- UGC. me.. Orgasm ars fluishied m differed ity/st to suit the Wan sod pockets of pkteksisissn Wing lb Plain Black Walnut Canal Carved Black 'Walnut Cases Flain thestuut. Oasts Fancy Chestnut Cagiest Plain Rosewood Cases, and Attbkit ItEtPB o a largo smoky of ato oolobritod MONITOR osolANs, cAtnizr OIGANS i 4 • CIIZ7NEY'I3 Siqhmtrit . • sr4 , ifindttw ;CM UritiDioNS. EMI itießnicit rs *inthitzb 40 *Amish PIANOS YZON ANY MANISA in th. Vatted Statoo, *should , :oetomers preter otbits than thoio ho Imps on head. arrirma VILL ALWAYS be etippUed with an asserta2eat at &AMU Eno's. PIANOS csiersltrAras pLiAd.t; itculDmmief - 1514,rs pz4h.q.7, 30107iLlfirtr AM& Gritt•Ail for 1 1881;%.,1848p8W 8114 481 7 stored tip!." Ica. 841118348 to seB-vo 841 06 *Mort& thoy laity 11801:88 Ali ilasvof good 18880nrotorto. he box madlispooll4 .rmigosioate 84128 - 41804 kfloWing 8 • 1 0 1 •110 f gotelonl lola WWII ford* Piati6ooB4B4loB, At WV V5OBB. %Sy failnitnEt IMAM- MN* . , *WM :410:rit* te66os OM 414,.. MOM = Plain Oak Caseal Ponaked Oak Canes! tam ) , Rosewood Cues! Inik!olattsxes L . * is-is asW 1 -woo noir *myna P . lfirelllfBTilfr s .fAr ' Rase Put teedinii tM ttlM goods. NARDN4 • aisairsisg_ GifLAXNE, . A 04.1.1C0 liffta -6*o-01L2 Al 1 4i001:1* ASI9IITICIPT Ot ••d , i n %U ., . la w ih tFW I limos Iridig Calik hr.* reatimit. it lassie as& Mil's 800,4 111fOil ♦ fAITXXIY: diltAt ii(1)II0S1131124# ilaso.ffltlcia'r .04a44t4ffi unnx, 044 astautn. truism imalenwh", 34106-06.-1,141. - - - asurrior SEW* WAMPUM/it 46 J.1140,t.0 ima ltrbb, Spat% "6 " Would tilip Width the port ft m 66 bag pan i tit . :glr4 s 4 . sa os tw..: spat at obatlk PP:Stern* 46 JEW itja 12 t>r 1-- t 47 1 4 sad the sass sboosibib. tams. — "All wurlidsso by No *tabs lasessabwir Wind Ea orttb tab lot triad Ise yak ' dad *As loslVAst& , had to t Tbo Woo rtoin l* MPS data — O r from loose essess, eirsios Ss okapi - WU VS Itss•booSso Voso bike No quick to Sissoa's Aso And ha itin stt• puni4t. i9-dm male MARIE BANIAlftv MILLIITSJA. Nom toot to *AIM" bit, dim 114 st Groot it aasookooot of duo Utast ISPltntli AID itrillUlNt titlpielk, oltiok Alb k WOO . / 111 4 ,61 . 1 .1 0 %) thor ktOot W, OA ktw paw- - t BONNETS slits,* ioo Mod, and gimbaled Ca Otokt siotkos 131,10A011ING • toads. dos* la Ow soot octopi* koklist At AL om kaki * Ll ti ►~ ra~ata wyLnckßY • Ita. sUlfu , A-ihusa ws- wurrith /Au, In Just moss •II i.lld aoksulla. aim* mat of bat; baulks, fit i l ‘ oweib, Me OP e OW, dam goods, of every d aad ALIO *a_ mow aleibl Mkt VII Ipd lammed le Oaf* time irlio law fete/ dawn* •e ip They me alp pupated folios" bate sad - ei mat or Mil bid le LIM bps 'eeel yM maim Mfg 11-Bft P I ' ttTI TT Re- 111W I A l ga l ta' r jtr=nl AT MUSICAL INSTRMMTI3. GROVBEITEIEN & CO.. I PLANd POITZ Oiiiitll2.o3FUliWß 499 lIBOADWAT, fl To* Tltestatatioa of tbe pall* gad Invited to oar IMMIM Simko &IMP* It3oritiood now Stem, wt ibt ti riff parity of tone sie nitrivaiml U, Mos 11114140rie offered to tide' 1101011. Tat WIWI at the milli= improvement* MOOR, fiMAND ACtgOlt„ SARI itM l 4. IRO inAlus, bvzsvratlrb lids% it, sad ittoL itiattameni bEkiNg MAI tender tbo meal aulomileion of Mr. J. M. Mroometnoli, - a proMinalimpentenoe of In Web lailel4ll4Vr% IS FULLY WASAANTILD b ivory pgriieular: •' • azoimar raa litflimer twerp Or flnidril• - °vas cot. srsuEsr At'' tax afigaillosia wcomo's sou. 'VW* more osioitolto4 hos%lpo. makers of loidorlle. Ws; BoltioofV - • rofic3. • _ p•Iso eft flimflam 11611ouNhe'lf. ~ow- • gat yosomvlSO Sol* sot Illfodids how both 'of wtd•l4 fookhilfS l iotoodooklas et oar; em. • di g u fogiwo,Orelfi ii )10All .Puite romp sad by sot r oot to oar Who - sipilf•ol•-• , whim li ttirk* "ft:, • • ' y••• 14 austfiljO‘o• )7•• 1.••414.11 • " 114.a raeo, , 10 0. Ev. • . • disites r s -ts• Axa. -*: En 11,53