Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 30, 1864, Image 3

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    femurs* Irattitot
TIMMS-42 por year when paid in advance,
$2,60 when not paid In advance, and 3,00 when
sot paid before the expiratiphpt tie year.
-To CorTeopendents
J. 11. . AL We Very much regret that we
canal* iind• room for your communica
tion this week, it shill appear however in
our nest issue.
/ sr We notion that the bricklaysra have
began work at Mr. Win. P. Wilson's now
building in High Street. tt will be a neat
rsaidanae whanludahed.
id; A 2.l4Clellan and Pendleton 'pole
wtlt be raisedmat %de's Hotel in Snpw
Shoe tomorrow at . " Ten o'clock. Speakers
Will be prelent and wo oxpehJo Coo a goo
turn out of the Dentocraoy
The large and beautiful McClellan
and Pendleton Flag. flung ft the breeze on
Tuesday last, aoross Allegany Street in
wont of Reynolds' new building, is a terri
ble eye-lore to the shocblies that have to
pia under it daily. ' ' *
Der Peterson's Magazine for October is
en hand, fresh, fair and entertaining
over. Peterson bay always been :a favor
ite wilt us and we would advise. every 14 , 1 y
that onn afford it, to become a subse , iber
Terms $2OO per year Address Charles J.
Peterson, Phila.
AR/11We' Bona MActaztier, for Noiem•
Der is upon our table. Like everything that
comes from Arthpr it is chaste, elegant sod
entertaining. No family should be without
It. Terms $2 per year, Address 8. T Ar
thur, nil. •
isES. Brown's Bronchial Troches clear
and give strength to' the voice ofsingers,
♦nd are indispensable to publio speakers.
. y immit — ►eapscritr,
Mem from :Ae !fret, 'excepting ro think ye!
T began Mimi
NARROW ERCAPS.—Yesterday morning no
Adam Wagner was pang along the
Lewistown Pilt'e;betiseen ilia and Valen
tines WArka, it being before day-break Nadi
quite dark, be accidently drove over th e
bank. The buggy was broken tb pieces.
but fiimeolf and lady escaped uninjured
bar. A body of five hundred soldiers,
tinderetownnawd -- ar - rotrliniTe e e
passed through this ootinty yesterday after
noon, on their way to Clearfield, fdr the
purpose, as we suppose, of enforcing the
draft. What the result will be God only
Star Ou r friend Stone, formerely of the
'firm of Stone7and slyers, has purchased tire
bar, fixtures and Billiard cable belonging to
the Logan Saloon, sit oiled under the Iron
Front. Ile is having it cis wed and fdtci
up, gild intends making it A fieSt doss cit
ing and drinking risle•m. Whatever Stone
does, he does right, BO ihnt those nho call
to see him will n.. 1 c d.sappo.nt 01.
TUC DaArr —Secretary Seward told ti.c
stountry in his speech made at Aaron' the
other dsy, that Tolunteerinj was going on
briskly and 'there world be:do draft. As
soon as the election had tat,nn pine, in
'Maine and Vermont, then comes the order
for an immediate draft, not withstanding
the representation of Li neoln'w Secretary of
Eltatc. Can any ronfidenee ho reposed i n
so administration, the loaders of which
thug trifle with the people
• THU LADY A FRIEND, Yap 0111 . 00611,
!Peep," a beautiful executed steel engrav
ing ors mother and her little girl, opens
this number of the Lady's Frien I Th.
music for this number is it new song called,
"I love thee, dearly love thee"—a popular
sentiment as all still admit Among the
literary contributions we note, "scatter
Blessing," "Two years lost," "Life is Cloud'
"The Imported lien," a turn in K7tunc'e,
Wheel," Why I didn't Marry Grant Hen
son," "Castles in the Air," "Missionary
Work," Work Table, Receipts and „Edito
rials. Price $2llO a year—Address Beatbn
A Peterson, 819, Walnut Street Philadel
Gonwr's Lunt's' BOOK.—At last Godey
ban been compelled to advance the price of
the Lady's Book. In the October number,
now before us, and a perfect jem
way, he gives notice that he cannot receive
club sdbscribere at ithe old price. lie will
give the terms In the November number.—
Me do not wonder at this notion on his pelt.
Our wonder has been bar ,hc could stand
it so long at the original ptioe, considering
his enormous expenses and the cost of la
bor and materials. We hope„none will drop
the Book on account of 019 increase in
the price.
110,.We have not been able to obtain a
list of the drafted men of this county that
were drawn on Tuesday and Wednesday
last. It seems that those who were present
kept no account of the drawing, and there
fore tto spreet lists for publication can tie
secured, probaby for some days. Rumor
says that. thsrmen ate to'report in fifteen days
which will run the time three or four days
after the eleotion. ' The following aro the
townships drawn. Spring,. Walker, Mar
rian, and all lying along the Bald•Engle
Valley. As moon as we can scours a liat,we
will publish atrektra.
EOM STOLEN.--qhe latter part of last
week"; valuable horse, tlte property of Sam
'us' Gloomier was atolen from the farm sta
ble of J. Z. liting of Howard. The theft
Was committed In the early part of the
night, and in the mornings saddle and bri
dle belonging to James Beverly, together
with a suspicious individual were missing..
Mr. Glower went in pursuit immediately ;
but up toMondey morning no trace of the
thief bad been found. The thief is doubt.
less an adept in the busineer; and probakl;
belong to an extensive gang_ of burggal
and hone thieves who have been operating
in this seatiop of the State for some time--
The manner in wiloh his franks were cover
ed up showa that he is not a pew band.
• A Splendid Letter
The - following le Item our noble Candi
date, Irhicaor.wri l oit accepting the Bohai
-natio for Congress. It has the trnn ring in
it and although brief :etpreseqe volumes.
Mr. Wright de we have said before wee no
political aspirant, no office seeker. The
nomination came to him unexpected and -un
sought, it. was the free will offering of the
people who desired an honest, open compe
lento:en to represent them, nodes a gentle
man, a etateaman and a Democrat hts,_ac
cepte it. No have not the lonst doubt if
the !tonal voters of the 18th Congresdienal
district do their daty but he will be elec
ted. •
LOUISVILLE Ky., Sept. 19, '6l.
GICSTLEXIIN : per letter, informing me
of qty nomination A - the Deroocratie condi
dale for Congrels, Was entirely iinexpectri.
1 never sought such a distinction, nor de
served stitch a peculiar mark of favor,but the
unanimity of your 'proceedings leaves me no
alternative 'tut a frank acceptance, and
hereby tender it.
Heretofore; I have !Ayala labored for tri'd
Maintenance of Democratic dectrines,believ -
ing their ascendancy assent ial to the pildlic
-welfare. I now think the solemn re 'affirm
ation of Democratic principles by the !maple
and the re-establiehment hf Democratic rub
the only salvation of the country.
An earnest .. suppott 'of these views 14 my
only warrant for asking the !tuffrogcs df the
people. •
. Very respet folly,
Yaur obedient servant,
To Messrs. Somas and.etlmrg, Conferees.
was the cry ofthe Abolition party
throughout this enfire State lastifall. They
promised that if (urtin Was re-elected that
there would be no more drafts, and that the
war would end inside of three months
Since thaltime there has becit a half dor
see.of drafts in this county, one the war is
nn qetmer ended by fighting than it' was
then. Ilow a many poor men in Centro
county that are driven from their homes and
families by the present-draft, or forced to
enter the army against their will or inter
ildTWitTlire-CTiFd Tiil7ll - iti - support of Elie
Abolition party last fish by the grata
That there would be no more drafts? Will
their friends and those who are lett ut home
bo deceived again in the4ame way this fall?
Let thttu elect the Abolition ticket,' and
draft after draft will take place, until every
able bodied man in' the country is taken out
of it and'humdereti. Already the prepara
tions aro being made ;to draft . again. Gov.
Seymour of New York has received instrue
tions, that districts over filling their quo
tas, will .be credited on Nzxr 1/11.4FT
Fireil - 11910 - "Filiiiiiii:TVllfTC - 7179851411711111)-
lionn9, Laboring melt,' Farmers, end ate.-
chanicsdo you want another draft to take
place? If you do, vote the Abolition ticket
and you will get it. If you do not, cotnd
out in favor of Peace, of Union, of low tax
es, and no wire conscriptions and vot d a the
Democratic ticket.
rte' Von amburgh's celebrated Mena
gerie and Thayer & Noye's circus:will exhi
bit in tin , place oh Weilliesdaineat. Front
the manner in whinh one colon - Torn ieq
other parts of the State speak of it. we can
eit Inn Link all that i 9 claimed, far
it is the greatedt "show" of the times. To
see the collection of bids and bents that are
exhibited. will lin doulnly worth the Klee
ofedminxion, to say nothing about the cir
cus that is in connection with it
Ittga. If there is any one whose duty it is
to ace that the streets, and pavements of
our town are kept in passilde order, we can
not imagine why he does not attend to it
At half the crossings are great mud holes
--some of the streets are filthy en I um
tit to be traveled over—the pavements •in
Kline parts of the town are in a miserable
condition, and along by ittr. Itrokerhools
burnt buil•ling all the cellar ways arc left
open, bricks piled on the outside of the
sind with boxes, Ned atones and dirt,
,strtille , l up , that it is diffidult to pass along
lu daytimes, Anj exceediingly dangerous af
ter nightfall
tei., According to prevtous notice a
largo and enthusiastic m eating of the Dem
`ncraey of Ferguson Township assembled in
Academy Mil on thn evening of the 24th
Inst., and organized by selecting the follow
ing officers for the meeting .
Viet Tretidents—Georgo W. Meek, Jacob
Neidigh, and Rudolph Kryder
Seeretarita—Jobn B. Mitchell and Henry
lion. Wm. Ttnrchficld then introduced
►tarry V. Si itzer Esq , who addressed the
meeting in a clear and forcible style on the
io pes of the present political campaign
lie was followed by John H. Orais Esq.,
of Bellefonte in his wield able manner,show
ing that the Democratic party is the ,
Union Party in existent,o, and. the only par
ty contending for the Constitution all it is,
with the rights of the States guaranteed,
you may expect. a good account of Old
Ferguson in the miming contest. •
le—thu• Lino°lnite friends are in a per
fect rage over the defeat which stares them
in the face.—They say McClellan is a trai
tor, the Democrats are all Irish and Dutch,
that they are ignorant, drunken vagabonds,
that their own party is composed of all the
decency, all the ntorality and virtue; dud
that any one who opposes Abrahalit the Let
is a traitor. The poor fellows are really: to
be pitied. After the November election ad
mission in the insane Asylums will be very
numerous. The Christian-Commission will
find need of limiting their exertions to their
own neighborhood. We know ofa number
of candidates already. They are the class
of men who are•direolly or indirectly Inter
ested in fat jobs or lucrative offices—the
men whose ability to steal has no precedent
They are the LOYAL men, and according to
shoddy rule , all else are traitors.
Row many more will it take to finish it
upon the buts of'the aban donment of slav
ery." which the President says is now the
ONLY oondition of peace
—Thope who are moat brutally abtutive
of M'Clellyt and Pendleton are either of
fine holders or oleo* hunters. The people ,
tindessfead sueb,strrodsw
Abolition Pow-wow. •
On Irlday afternoon last, word wee elr
oulatili secretly among thefaithful in town,
thsit Stephen F. Wilson of Tioga county, in
dependent Abolition Candidate for Congress
in thia district, would address theM at the
Court House in the evening.' To make the
thing look like a suulrise, Democrats were
told. nothing about it, until the incessant
ringing, of the Court noose bell, drew quite
a number of them to-gather to sea 'what ism;
king on. Thero we■ the big shoddier, the
II le shoddies and a flw Indies. All told
counting half the-crowd. Democrats, which
was certainly the ease, the Court House was
ab, ut. half filled. The 'meeting organised,
and the "suspender tugger" Introduced the
would be Congressman, who spoke Ls fol.
101r5 r
Indus and Oentlemen'f—l never felt eo
strong as I do to-night,' I ten yen that I
feelotrange before you. But' I must any
something fo you, and if they call the Re
publican or Union party the Abolition par
ty, it is u lie, (applause by one big sh‘cylily . l
and two little'Ones.) I was born a Democrat,
my father was an Irishman, and so was my
mother, and you know its natural ,for an
Imslinian to be a Democrat as fora Alueld to
be in water' (faint applause) I live in Tie
ga county, and when I concluded to run fbr
Congress, lily friends up there told me I
niii go down to l'ennsylvaniafitul see how '
many of you would support me, in th b is part
of the district, and here I am a stranger an&
'your' candidate, (nu applause) a n d now
first and maybe I shouldn't do it, hut I have
I said it in other places. In 1131 en ordin
anoe was passed to nrohibil slavery in the
Territories and George Whshington who,
Was president of the Convent Mon that, made
the Constitution, signed it and so did An
-I.drew Jackson, then you remember the Mis
sion quettion of lA:2o—the Congress—the
Stoles—the rpiop,--the wholo'crorll and the
I Demmer:its 4.l.24grugato. that compr
well e' , it he. But in Rh",l they repealed
the compromise, when Davy Wilmot the
pettiest and best man that ever lived offer;
ed his —Proviso.” It was opposed by Frank
Pierce up in Ifampshiro, the meanest DMA
an God's earth, 'veld .aim. Buchanan (op
plausc. slightly). But the great fin eel I.)n
since this cursed war commenced who is
loyal and who is disloyal, the same question
' -freftervinul - tottertrta upon iToVs
of the Revolution. It was then as it 18 HOW
. . . . .
Avreen - loymitattrtrrtd — distoyatigta and Will
result in the some manner. This you may
depends upon my Irelieg, gentlemen and
brethren lam getting ttred.and in eon
elusion I tell you that Tioga will
_giro ME
and Lin , oltt'and Johnson TM. Thanking
you Ildies and gentleman far your attention
and pre....onec —I never saw anything like it
—your conduct lots been an nice, particu
hilly the ladies, I bring my discotyrso to a
close by introducing Professor I/bar. ,
Al. this' time, “Congressman Ni son'
dodged, to the great delight of McCall' ter.,
• .1 okosn,n, and _the._ raiti-af-th.c
faithful, s and up jumped "Professor Dun
bar." This individual is dm traveling
companion of Wilson. and las cloned the
title. Of "Professor" selling peanuts and
lemonade in traveling circuses, his speeches
are carefully- ommitted from the cornitl Al
tmann. Rudirt fPu • not so on, m i xe d
blare and there with n smattering of the dis
union doctrine Ilse( Wilson and his follow
ers preneh up in Tina county. Ile began by
rolliuq up his sleeves, and clown like plac
ing himself in attitude, and then like Ilan
lams Ass, lot go his nether jaw and belched
forth •
Ct: ?Z.?) nil ant going to talk
in a different manner—l use strong lit
gnage,-I have bean on the water, the "rag
ing canals I" and other places where re talk
plain It ina.yent suit some of you at first,
hnt will before I bite off the other end, that
the fact Ino as full of fun as a skunk is
of perfumery and smell strong and loud
for Lineoln and Johnson. But lady's I
must give you a littlte ,, hit of a song sungvby
your sex in the old Buy State; here it is
There erne n yankee's dnaghter
Longed fur ft baby 0
Her brother pi tile n contraband
She rocked it in the eradle 0.
She rocked it and hushed it and iungby 0 baby 0
I woo - Wilt hare a white brat,
I love mix nig-notion 0,
I told you I would talk plain and BO I
will We hare hail many Presidents, some
good, come bad, but the '•bitch Buchanan"
was the worst of all. (Tremendous applause
by all the sboddies ) As fill" •little
the Copperhead Candidate he is a small tisk.
in the pot, Lincoln will lick him and his
dirty crow out of their boots, that's a fact.
But my brethren and sisters yOll MOM begin
now and 'lea Mr. Wilson. and I ant glad I
come with Mr. Wilson to are athl talk to
you,„you learn something you didn't know
before and I tell you that It is a kind of
pleasure to it speaker to know and see that
his talk is understood and approved of by
spell a meeting es this We doCt want
the old Union, we don't want the old 'cons
titution, we will put them and the enemies
of the, government down together, and make
the Union as it should he nod the 6:institu
tion as it ought to be, and ve wall have it,
and we will have the nigger free as the
white man, with all his civil, social and po
litical rights: Therefore let us ping:
We're rnming father Abrahatn, ono hundred
,and mnre.
Ten hundie , l presses printing from morn till
night 1+ n'er,
oke map is you n ill see us start, and Mt e you
all the nin
We have the power to do it with our glorious
black brigade.
How are you Copperheads, do you like theplan
Sanibo'r your equal you sa.+sy white man
It to getting late brethren and sinters so
1 must close, so be sure that you into fur
Wilson and Lincoln, nnll remember the ev
ening you spent in hearing the talk of your
brother Profession Dunbar.
After listening to these eloquent (?) ad
dresses, which are given almost verbatim, the
meeting adjourned. The honest portion of
the Abolition party completely disgusted,
with the independent Candidate for Con
gress, and his friend and companion Pro
teaser Dunbar.
Keep it befou,Oe people, that Abra
ham Lincoln, Proaident of the United States
of Ml:writs, REFUSES, in the FOURTH
YEAR of n bloody war, to open negotia
tions with the Southern Commissioners for
Peace, unless the total and absolute abolish-
ment of Slarety uttle main condition.
Keep it before the people, that neither the
Constitution, his oath of office, or hey
other power could authorize him to exact
such terms, as it involves the overthrow of
State Constitutions, established for a cen
tury; and is therefore revolutionary and
Keep it before the people, that McClellan is
for THE GOVERNMEMT Wording to the
Constitution, and for Peace on tba buds of
the Union.
Chose whom will ye serve. .
—Why should the Demoorocy be in
favor of the Southern independence—as the
iincolnitne untruthfully says they are—
when the independenoe of the South would
leave the Democracy in the minority and a
prey to the tyranny of the Abolition shod-,
dyites 1 It is perfectly ridiculous to sup.
pose or to say that the Demosratiortrty are
for disunion ootild only 'result in their awn
political destreellos. •
TRe !Won!: *Airlift.
White Wheat, per bushel, • $ 226
lied, do do.„, • .2,9
-Rye, do ...a. 6.4 0
Corn aliened ' 'h4
Oats, do 76
Barley ' - i do ' ' I'4o ' ,
Buckwheat do
Clove. Seed ....... ..... —do 1465 '
Potatoes do - 62
Lard,- per pound, 24
Baron,, ... do 0,-,
Tallow, do ~151
Beater, ..a..... .... do ,40
Eggs 'p.: dozen 2C
Piaster, ground, per t0n,........:,....., —.12,60
Sier" E rr AND EAR.—Prof. J. Dolan, M. Do
Oi:tilist and Aurlet, formerlyof .toy den,
located at No 511 Pinn
where persone afflicted with illseahrs of
the Eye or Ear will be scientifically treated and
cured, if curable. - 7¢61` , : Arrifieeol ,Ny•• inserted
without pain. NO oli•rges made for imanaina-
Den. Tho ffludivel famP invited, lo lie has
no merely in Ma mode of trcatmeoL
July 1, 411-Iy. •,
Dr. fluchan'a Brutish Svclfie
Pitls. cure, In Lege than 30 dove, the worst eases
of Neryonanowy Impute'My, Premature Decay.
Seminal %Miner.. Initinits, and all Urinary,
Sa - Xual and Nerviiiin Allsetionii, no matter Cron,
what CRIPM produced. Price, Ono Dollar per
box. Sent, post-psi I. by mail, on receipt or
an order. One Box will perfect the cum in most
cow e. Address
JAP S rx-rr,r.R,
General Agent, 427 Broad Way, Noll York
ougs 3m
ED. Den. WATCYIItAV —Per Sir •--With your
permisslon I wish to say to the render• of, your
paper that f will send, by return mail, to all
who wish it, free, a recipe, with full direolisins
for wishing and trine n simple regi4stitte balm,
that will elfeetually remove, in ten days. Pim
ples, Blotches, Tan, Free,ltlet, and all impuri
ties of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear,
smooth awl beitutilul.
I wil' also mad Iron 'to those florin; Bald
110n.14, or Barn rae."l, dsrert ion and in
fnrnintlon that rill on owl° thorn to mitt a. full
growth or to yurof-it• or Ikrous
tact', Co
All applientivn answered by retnrntikailxelth
out ellarze. •
Respeelfelly yours,
breaths:iv New York.
A CARD TO Tlll3 til:k l'ElllNtl.
11141 W 174T - TriTiginiilll7.o9 - brnlitiehu,"
"Tonle Bitters," “Sarsaparilla," "Nervous All
lidntCP." and afler you aro satis
fied with the result, thcri tty ono box of Old
Doctor Buchan's Eugh,la Specific Pine—and he
restored to health awl vigor in boa than thirty
days. They are purely yexetalde, pleasant to
take, prompt and sidatary-in their effects on the
braken-down and ellattrred constitution. ,Old
and young can take them with advintage. Im
perboPtind sold in the United States only by
JAS. S. fit Thli.P.;
427 Broadway . . New York,
"ls:u...Agent for the United
13 Static'
P. .—A box of Pills, securely packed ill
bo mailed to any addrogst on receipt of rice,
which is One Dollar. pnat paid—money refund
grd by the Agent it entire Sat! • •.
eyposed to nubile sale, at
tier Court Home in the Borough of Bellefonte,
on Saturday the 22nd day oT October next, the
following real ellate
One hundred and fifty acres of land, more or
sit unto in Benner tow neh if,. adjoin in glands
ot"f. K.. Knox. It Brokerlicff and others, the
greater part of which is cleared, and in a good
arnie of en iti s t aio n , en which are erected a
stone house, barn. saw mill and other buildings.
A MO, One lot in the Borough of Belle.mte,
eighty feet front vn rola t.treut. extending_ Wo n t_
one hundred and fifteen Piet to Deciliter alloy,
and bounded on the South by Pike alley, and on
the North by Into oceupiml by B. Onliiraith, W.
Colt mail It. Bollinger, on phich is erected a
free,' earriage
ALSO. One other lot, bounded en the South
yy Bishop Street, I y 1.4 of Som . !, Items on the
East, en the West by lot of J. D. Tdrner, and
on the North by high Street, containing two
acre, and one hundred and tarty-one porches.
TERMS.—One half of the porehase, money
to be paid at the eonfirmatien of the sale. amt
the residue on one year therellief, with interest
to be secured by Loud and .rnertenge,
E nf Normah Vet ndyko
sept..3o ts
E - Tlx.r."uTon.s I.E.
1111 be pubiio sale on
Sntnnley the 22nd flay of 00tober next, r.t the
Coott Iron -0 in the Borough kit" ItclleCuuta , ti e
follooing rent e 1.1(e •
Ninety -one acre; of land in Spring Township.
ationt cue-half mile from the Borotgh of !toile
fonte, adjoin.i,g lands of N. Ilithblab, .1. D.
Valentine rind others, en win, h nru erected
go o d dwelling 1110Ple rind horn, Vie principle
part in r:enrcti laid m agond state of cult nation.
ALSO. Fifty acre. , of Into! in Benner Tow n
lotjmnin, !midi of Valentlne's heir-,
yeenntler Me K lime) and other..., IM wtti , h are
erected a ,11101 t i i,se and barn, and other
ALT). nne hundred acres of land in Snow
Flee Township. adrouting lands of Hoover and
Illanehard. doo. 11.41., (now Jot, .11... y,) Judge
Llll/1 and others, algont -*sty acres of - Which are
et"' ued and a go , al hot/strand hank barn thereo'n
A LSO, SI tctS. nerel.of land in the sane Town
ship, adjoinN I.tudi of the Aliedianan Milk Co.,
about twetity acre+ 01 a bleb are cleated, ana`wr
hou.e and horn creek d thereon.
TIER half of purehn,e money
Im`nni.l on the e.4t.thrntatlon of the iatlo and
he residue in .one year thereafter, to be severed
by bond end murtgdge.
F,O LIVINik:ToN,- , •
serf 30-0. Li. of !ferry I•,inry;e.
A_ IV O. C. Itlnek ,ersits T.avinia
the Court of Common Pleas of Centre Co
No. 37'Nov. T. IFtll
The Comm, ntrenitl of pelour)lvania In Iho
nrriff of eelitre county greeting.
Where v., Wm. C (thick, Bilk on the 2nd day
of May leaf, prefer hin petition to our and
Judges of our C. urt of Common Piens fir th e
County of Centre, praying for the minxes therein
vet torth thnt ho ought he d.toreed from the
bonds of matrimony entered into with yen La
vinia Prier.
Wo do thereforAommand you, the said La
vinia Frier, that stifling aside all other business
and excuses whafisooror, you be and appear in
y our proper person before our judges at Belle
fonte, at a Court of Common Pleas there to be
held for the County of Centre en the fourt ti
Monday of November next, in answer the peti
tion or libel of the said Wili., C. Black,, and to
show cause if any you hire, trlty.thif said Wm.
C. Mark your husband should not bo divorced
from the bonds of matrimony, agreeably to the
net of Oenesal ssombly in such ease made and
,provided. An hereby fail not.
Witness Sous of fryin_Esq., Preslilent Judge
of our said , Co rt at BoWefiii9o — thtr 11th day of
Sept. A. D. 1804.
. • , JAS. 11. LIPTON. Prothy.
Sept3o-ts. ILICIIARD CONLEY. Sheriff.
-- Notice is hereby given that the
co-partnership heretofore existing between J. C.
Stone and J. H. Myers has this day been dis
solved by mutual- consent of both parties. The
business will hefeafter be conducted by- J. H.
Myers, ho having assumed the payment of all
liabilities and the eolteohon of all outstanding
f. C. STONE,
sep3o-3t. J:H. Myers.
Letters testamentary on the estate
of John Roy (Miller) late of Bellefonte deceas
ed, having been Issued to the undertigned, he re
quests all persons knoering thelpselves to be in—
debted to said estate will make immediath pay—
ment, and those having elenns to present them
duly sathenthatod for
0rp60411. iffousl4r.
To Polly Stover, latwriuurlod w
Job* Kepler, Catherine Stover hawnaliiimi
'KA Joi) I. 81. over.
1, J. P, Bephettrt, Claris .of the Qrphan's
Court of said county of Centre, do hereby certify,
that at an Orphan's Court herd at Bellefonte,
rho 221 day of August, -A. D. 1844, beforb the
Honnrable the Judges Dino' Conti_ On motion
a rule was granted upon the Lairs and legal
representatives of John 19.'Stuvey deceased. t
come into tho Court on the fourth Monday of
Novmmber,nest, and accept, or refuse to accept,
or shoe eause why the real estate of said deceas
ed should ant be sold.
In testimony 'thereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and atssed the seal of said Court, at
Bellefonte, the 22d der. of August A. IX 1884.
C. O. C.
Sep. 28,'84.—eft. - Sheriff
• To Thomas Parsons, Margaret,
intermarried with John Twiner, Jonathan 1).
Parsons„ David Pareont,lames Parsunp, John
P,arzonis, James Parsons and Elizabeth
Take notice that an inquest will be heft on the
premises which were late orJarnes Parsons,
doe'd, on Temidaj , `ho lath day of, October, A.
D, 1804, at 2 o'clock M. of 4.4 p raid day, for,
the purpose of making partition of real es-'
tate of the said deeca•-ed to and amlaig hi*
heirs and rcprmentatives if tLo same can he
done without pi ~ J ,l,llce to or •
epoili ng the allele,
otherwise to value mot appraise OM same accent
ing to law, at ,11.11.11 LIMO hod plit.e y,u can ell
tend if am thalll, proper.
R. COSI. tY,
tient'. 21), 1864 I Sheriff.
Al 7 ra Tow s NOTICE. „.
In the Court or Common Pleas
of ()entre county in the matter of the sale of
the reel 'estate of Andrew Gregg, who survived
JaQ. In in. lately trailing under the firm of
Oreig t ic 'lulu. The undersigned an Auditor
appointed by ,aid court to iiisti ibute t he Mercy
in the hands of ti rd" Conley, r.q, High
ri'lerifr of Cultic couht..y, arming from the sale
of the real estate of eat I Andrew Gregg. to and
aniehg those entitled to the same, will at I , nd to
Ore duties of l.r ri.pulatment.
ire .oionte, Gli TtsdrFaay, the 11 , 11 day of Octo
*Shy A. D. 24161, at 2 o'clock, I'. 11, nt said day,
wt. n and where all, persons interested may at
tend if they !Co proper.
GEO, M. roctm.
Sip, 2,-4t.
— ltr-thn - OTTrtrame - ennid of Centiw
county in the mallet of the mtatc of Benjamin
I . ..erhart. dee'd. The upder , agued nn .I.adit
appointed by.tai4-Coutt to Lotk and adjuet the
account of tillw - ge JOiltiNl. II -
Join:0104 ist rat , ra ul t.Le caul decedent,
will attend to Jut,ms of hat appointment at
hie °thee in Iktletont., on Welt. 'day. the 12th
Jay of 6 toher, A./1)•, 14, 1 1, at 2 o'cloe.k, P. If,
of tutu da l , when and a here an T er/on:. inter
ested' may attend if they2er propel
In the Orphans; Cptert or fentrt
e,n .er7t — frg — S - MitTierTii — risr
ucra t nt of t 11,,e Qaildey and Sarah Goosahr,
Ece Own, Jannis Ounsariv. deed. The
utigher.igned an auditni appointed by glint Court
t hear report on the Except...DJ t., nail ac,
vit attend to the dude+ of bin appoint
ment at MI 4.llice in * Bellefonte, on Friday. the
lA th deff of October, A. D.. 11114. nt to,/ •J ' l I d le
I'. M.. of said duy. when and where all rerSurig
inteiested way attend tf they eon pi , :per.
In the Orj bans' Court or Centre
county in the relater of the estate of John
, Emerak. deo'd. The undersioied an initiator
appointed'br will Court to distribute the inotio,
in the hand: of the administrators, to and among
the persOlt, lezaily entitled to the nunie. will at
t, nti to the dettas of said appointment at his of
hee in Bellefonte, on Saturday': the I:,th day of
October, A. D,'1136 I, .at 2 o'clock, P: M., ashen
and where all porcine ,Interested may attend if
they see proper,
A utl.tor.
A upiTo, s NorirE.
The underio4n.rd. rib A aditar ar.
pointed by the Court ricto.t, %Iwo
tribute the 11,140 y in the 11.111,k 1.1 the Sheriff
Ceritie inuntp, arising fr of the
dial taint.. of William 1 iiilerwioio, wall attend
U. the duliei 01 bid [111(,.111611al.III, at. the Court
II in =c. in bel,fonto. ouli..taroay, i :2111 Guy
of Noleintier next. alien and a litre
irdoregted may attend if fle?, think proper.
S. T. sutaicivr,
Avil ti INT
A uDiTuivs NOTICE.
in the Court of Cowmen Plei
01 t entre eenuty in the Clatter of the estate of
d an Auditor appointod hr
sa , rl ii`diirt to d 111 the hands
id It.. hard Conley,l' L n_
trr rount-y, nri4in4 from the Fate of the real
state or .I.emple lleelttol to 'had amona . tho•n
Ireally entitled to the snmc , WIN attend to the
(ball, of bin apnointthent at Ills office In 11l Ile.
fonte on Thor:dal tho 6th day' el October, A.•
L. 1186 I. at 2 o'clock P. M., when and where all
persons intere , ted may attend If they soy p; ,, i , er.
Se'p' 111. '44
A. O. Filkt:iT,
In ,tho Orphan.' Court of Centre
eounty in tile mailer of tho cmato of Geosgo
Coble, doe'd.
rho undersigned an Auditor appointed by
tan( Court to insist tholphotirrn of the 'money
in the hands of Joseph Baker and John Dale,
Executors of said decedent. to and am , ng Cho,
Icuully entitled to the baille 1,, ILr
of lit+ appointment at Ills otlit e otf tCrd
ne•dnv the tali day doltor, A. U. 1:461, at
11 o.d.ek , A Ad, of said tin . ) wL t u nil
all pet...init. Interested md3 at trod if they ceo
proper A 0. Itti:lttsr,
S If rd
The un , iersigned'pn Auditor.
appointed by the I,rphan r Coin rt of Centro enmity
to make dkir;Littion of the I,innee ripna t inihz
in thin hands ofl IC my Teats administrate; of the
1, into • f Ilenry Marl. le deceased, will attend
to the doliet of his app„urtatent at his Aire an
lirlla fun,t, on Satin day September the 24th, • G 4,
at 2 ,tolock P M. n hen arid a,hue all persons'
Inlet - ruled rosy attend if they scr prop'•!.
1,X.1N BLANC/11RD,
Foptember 2nd,
Letters of adruini.trution on the
estate of Thomas It. Lucas, dee'd, Into of Snow
Shoe township, having been granted to thu un
dersigned, ho requebts a all persona loosing
thentselvia indebted to make immediate payment
and those hat ing claims to present them, duly
authenticated for settlement
6006 6t THOS. 11OLT, Administrator.
Letters of administraticn on the
°ante of Elizeheth Fibber, dee'd, date of Putter
tow.aship,baring been granted to the undersigned
he requests all persona knowing tlAmeelves In
debted to make immediate payment., and those
having claims to prgent thein,duly authenticated
for settlement... septlti- IL R. SMITH, Admin.
Letters testamentary on the estate
of John Vidhefer, late of Burnside township,
deceased having been granted to the subscriber
ho rqeuests all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate to make imandainte payment
and Uwe., hating claims to 'present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
Letttire of administration otf the
estate of Wm. Runkle, dined, late of the bor
ough of Milesburg, having bean tented to the
undersigned, he requests all p moue !Sorting.
themselves indebted to said orate to make im
mediate payment, and those hiiiing elaims to
present them, duly satbenfieated, Sr settlement
awl* DLR'L RORR..,‘,/ldentuietrittat•
THAYER & P10Y7.3' -
Figyptictoa ar.graVCrty
Cemblaei for the 1.01, v:ltt Uu. l'nuvpf I
The Wonders of Ani . akat r.l :N. a t
tonsolidaL•J in.
rrer Oriontrncl—',lonAl:••l. a,.... a
Pre-entlneat Eqeestrttns, cretat., G • "Insets, .7selory.
Cowes, Centort,ottlet., F /Avert co • e r:•
r.l 4 et
ihrm•re—Splendvl , ILI I ref rn • •co I i',est• •
TRICK Mv‘eat—Mumikeent • r I • e•e•
?tease, Leeraans, Ilr•et II V 1,.1
AArnollanotts. Blaine( all ltAn , ..a . at .1 . ,
arei by the
Great Van Amburgh ;
The lArgest i Cz:lln the s nzldair;:iltlilu 'HANN IBAL,
1111 3 1'01'07'.41•MUSi i
Of the flew World, the noly One on flatabltlon.
Prom the Arctic }tenon*, the thlly One an Amu. ..a
Paroi Feet High. .A Pair of
A rele, of
The fire ever Imported in A merle, Desi lee •ri Imam.
variety altars and IN. iuts:ol Our., Hume
end Le
The rloaVent an! Selo - Aar:) . Closes and Comedian
The unrivaled florae Tamer. wile 'rill Introduce hie
Parfort3og hone, •• tartar I •one, Jr."
Charles Reed, the etlemPlen Equestrian.
George IL LlatehslYor. the Greatdp4 Lea/.
Tr In the world
umernon Carpi of Ana aliarlee and Attendants.
PROrES'ill/N o etopentioov Consolitialao•
•1111 be pro:. 'r eplendol rt. anal marae:a of unat.
tuticonce 2 b. 4
'00 1 " Wiligo ;"
, "
C CaT of the Muses,
Ed. Perm Ales famed Brass Band
rot h,miteven ho /2 bosun Cul Arlhlan Weeds, rentenots
ty I partrorted with cloth (// %( richly studded
t .
•Itr• I ( ,Md raver The
Stlfs 4 h Den, Q.unomr-. ..1.11,1 and °the,
Nyttinse6 totanufa•tors h 3 It V
>lt n..,.. /110 I'lo4 elegant and scool•
desont os, an!.l in. oosp •r• ‘I. le and firo‘k.
the Inch. nuaole cr.‘tot•ur i t tIIVG W",llPrftil Clvalcade.
copo.enttng, a• It r :1;”‘ I Nlo I . A \ Oft.tiq A of
over it M. r Id s, vs at trit It. "protnttnrals
us! attlihnni,rl. • u snort ption , eacatlng
nit tha • ,1t..• to the I.dt •tunstoenie
wlu ga•r• t,itth ~r ) snl d easosntro.
The It/ AN il.,11• - •0 de,tra I • 11111,1•• u don the Puldtc
n.. 1 that ot t ory fest of this I. rand Coinbl.
nation 11110.' e r.) • rid •s o' r a htsh toned
and note I ell t, I lin undow
r: - • denrp nod en.
ponorit V Or the. e•tAhlt hoor of is a , Jed tact
at the spec , at act or• ,f id,s and Cl.tdean. Mt
C. W MP, Es ' Will ,nibtt 1.10 are,
performing Monkcy• VICTOR. -
nu. best traorTed ornmsl of tfie Itlnd to the world.
The only .4 4 rn I t: Grolt Irikn Ambatsf
t. of 1 r-! . . 1.1 .r. Ttgera aoratila
At eark Ino e ..xto... ,r til be I roahmod the Parton...ME
Ponies lta a , 4
DR. THAYER'S Educated
Ti,, lido.. ono Poor:rm.'. Mt, t Fan at or armour
JON:clock in the pranging
DAY. Out. 6th.
Doors open at 1 an,144 o'clock. P. M.
Admission b 0 contd—Chil drew undertS, 25 etc
Anmu'lSTll.4. TOR'S NOFICE.
Letters of administration' on the
estate of Hugh Brown, hating been granted to
the undersigned. he reoneets all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate, and theme
basin& Idaho's against said estate, to present
them, aulY authenticated, for settlement.
EDWARD BROWN S Administrator
0 oiltberiptu,Oklifet sateiliWlStit
We print below a column of Democratie
county and
I district tickets, in order. bit
our readers can Dirmish their friends in the
,ermy With the same. Cut out.,the column.
enclose it in an etTiteleps„ tokether with a
receipt : for the payment of lilt tax. (salmi.
is tan caltsyrand forward it to him Dome
die.toly., There is no . tame trktie lost. Th. , '
enemy are at ;wort_ they lure their seeru
leagues through which they operate. al ad
we would- succeed, we, too, - must I*bor
Thousehd, of bre•e men in lb. army wilt
rote our ticket if Ire but giro therdi °hence
Do•noelitollibitlhon from doing to, thrAug'6
your negl:genee ,?a Se*That
11:17 ire solietepeCl„their Isizer raid, dad
that they get thilr tlokots and rogeip . to
I' Olt CON [111.11411.
Tf 1 EOFORE IV It 10111'
ron savers
rOB. commissionsa,
FOIL CO N G R 1535
11, .1. WAITERS.
C. - T. :A LEXANDRit
.1011 N I. Gli:6".
.ioliii itiSilNL
ron rnm miss !ONT.!:
FUR Af.:stmr.t
- , s ,