Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, July 29, 1864, Image 2

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v. e*mr anait.
BELLmrorcrE, PA.
- TER.103.-4S' psr 7.r whoa paid in advise',
et,bo whoa not put Is stwbesi, "lad $3,00 whoa
sot paid befoti ties ospltatioo of the year.
The Woe.
, There le no war news of importaUce to
publish this week. It Ss reported that the
Confederates have made another. raid, *sp
earing inchister Va.; and boinpelt r t ry he
Pa demi %ruts to fallback to limps 4
Col. Mulligan, and Gen It elle,. are reported
among the killed. trp to this writing
(Thursday evening) we have no news of
their *rooting the Potomac. There is noth
ing trem Grant's Army. •
wiry do we . nOt hay, Pesos?
It ire well known adage, set
, oFlirlat ed l "tll4 exper
- tesehee—s — tlear — lesson - :" For)
f long, Months have sacrifices in
b7ll, enormous tendon, and suffering
and rant, mei misery been teaching the
masses of tile people of the North, what
history, a proper idea of our cern gov
ernmental theories and common sense
should have im'pressed upontbeitunder
semding. For forty menthe have they
been furnishing the means to Ferry on
a war, meptralelled in eitravaganoe, at
trocity and wickedness, for the simple
purpose of finding meat last that Aboli
tionism is not patriotism, that puritan
fanatics are not fit to administer_
fain of a Republic, and thavniggers are
not white men slid the people of the
t4outhem States a pack of cowardly brag
ging. Had they of listened, four years
since to the-dictates of reason, had they
heeded- the- warnings. of patriots and
Statestuen,had they looked hut fora mo
ment at the danger ufghe hour and cast
aside the bigotry and prejudice that urg
ed them on, Abraham Liqcoln. would
nut have been elected, prosidenC Aboli
tionism would not have succeeded in the - Amerteati
war with its blood, its horrors and crimes
would never have been felt by us as a
But it was not so. Taxes and trouble
were left to teach what truth and intel-
Igence should have taught., and now, af
ter a war of three years, after murder,
ins millions of our, citizens and fastening
debt upon its which never, never can
be paid, after desolating the Republic
that was built upon the boner of our
own sires, after bringingsorrow and db.-
tress to every fireside and death and de-
atruction to every part of our country,
vvhatv but learned that which common
sense told us at the beginning; that war
lino way topre.gerrea nionof the States,
or to wide Afficu,lda Between members of a
',common family. -
Is not. this the 19sson that the ex
perience of the last, four years "has
taught? Why then are we kept in
the same ruinous path ? Why is not
the war brought to 6 close and peace re
stored to our bleeding, broken country?
It cannot be bemuse the people of the
North are not willing to, settle our diffi
culties peaceably, for 'from every quar
ter comes the same cif, "give us 'issue,
peace upon any terms rather than this
brutal, barbarous butchery of men shall
be continued. It cannot be because the
people of the South are not willing for
they have offered time and again to
compromise on terms that would be
alike hOnorable to both sections—they
were anxious to accept the Crittenden
tOroposition—they asketfor a genejal
Convekion ofall the Statea and it was
refused them; they called the peace
convention of Virginia, and life long die
unionists, like Davy Wilmont of Penn
eylvania, were sent to spit and sgurn up
on their propositions; they sent com
missioner to Washington to effect a set-,
Bement, and Abraham Lincoln refused
to receive them ; they - made proPosi
tiona of peace officially 'through their
vice President, Alexander Stelens
and ho war-not-innisitted - to come
through the lines of the Federal Army ;
their Congress passed resolutions declar
ing that they were willing to maks
peace f ul. say time, that the Washing
ton authorities desired to do so, and
they were answerect with • sneer; they
sent via known politicians to Niagara
Falls, only two weeks since, to effect a
settlement and they_were answered, that
the war must 'go on until "slavery is
wiped out;" and at all times, and un
der all circumstances have they shown
the smug desire to slop this carnage—to
allay the mad spirit that is driving both
sections of our country to irretrievable
ruin; their offers have been thrown
back into their Aces and their appeals
like those farm the masses of the people
at. the North, have been spurned, by th e
infamous wretches at Washington who'
say therephall be no peace—no compro
mise, until Altai ends are accomplished.
• This why the *ar has not ceased, this
is why this llendish work is continued.
It is NOT bemoan, an hlonorable settle
trout sweet heigunie, his NOT because
the South will not scalds to terms, that
would be honorable to both parties—
* because Pwrillorttniticixin bait not
wombed its revenge—auuture °entrus
t..., 'have• not grown weakly enough at
.the-expense or Otspriddefiiimple—be.
conic Abolitionism ban not pomaded
In hinting locie to pillage and . plunder,
ihrt ueiroor of the Arta, and bemuse
Abraham Lincoln has at* heap .110nied
upon ihe peopiesse their Kin or LUPO.
Kr. ;Pater: Tim Ittsrpooratio county Con
venial aria soak wawa lsdi tOalthstg: can
didates for tbiAlittedsur esispagite.-: mad
important siondepitissild ba alidelhardat.
is that for Conerem, as in have been obis
sided out of aTor= fpr several yours.
Now I think) le time that the Dmo
cratio party will to and wriest goettand
reliable man for this importa nt °S ea.
appears by all amounts, dottier Convent
halls hail become very corrupt, and isms
become little better than ntsrezb li nd
hells,. where all kinds .of oormt ono, In
tripe, and are laity
practiced, in sonsequence of the: careless
nets of the people in selecting their IlePro
- - Miter.
I would therefore only say 'bat
McManus, Esq., of Bellefonte. weald . j . :
very suitable sad reliable eandidebafor the
°Mee of Cowes., and as moved a Democrat
is yod sea scare up la Centre conaty ; the
officio of • Congresmass Ss um impertaat one,
which we all Would leek to ; let ds have no
more Hales or Childs am candidates for Con
gress—away with them,.they are not to be
treated, ore have bed the trial of such and
found they wanting ; give us li• cub that
is true to Deployed° 'principles sad
doctrines. There is „ao doubt that Mr.
McManus would be as good a member as
we bare bed from our district for • number
Of years. I also hope that there .will be
Iso cliqueing going en this year in Belle
g „, e , t h e . A Nvweretie refer 47
mwi - U
endorse it, which we can heartily, with
the exception of the ungentlemanly at
tack upon the inditiesdcharaotet of Mr.
bolds. If the writer of the shown feels
badly over the vote be cast for James
T. lisle, it is no reason that he should
abuse and denounce a Imo who had the
courage to ;tend up for principle, , when
"a democratic voter" himself, had for
saken the landmarks of our party and
was supporting a foolish and suicidal
"policy." only for the purpose of glory
ing over the regular nominee of the Alt—Aktr. N. • . .
fully for Democracy whew a large mi
jority of our party, "a Democratic voter
of Oentre County," no doubt among the
rest, was Tanning wild after Jas. T. Hale
a known and avowed abolitidnist, pod
why he should nowite denounced foi so
doing, when time has proven him right
we do not, know? le Centre county's
claim in,the next Congressional wafer
ence should be ignored, and our Candi
date fail toreeeive the ' , nomination, we
should then be sled's.° see et.
chases as theopominea and could support
him with a good grace and a clear con -
—Lincoln seems very careless wheth
er men enlist for one, two, or three years
under his present call. In fact it makes
no different*, for Grant will destroy, an
entire army in one year ; and when a
man is murdered it matters not wheth
erlis term of services had all but ex
pired or just been entered upon. Those
who enlist under the present prograil►me
might as well have the honor of going fin
three years, for before the ead of the firet
their bodies will no doubt furnish food
for Virginia buzzards.
—For announcing that it was neces
sary. to saerifioe the lives of 200,000
awry Frenchmen to successfully estab
lish the &volition, the tyrant MARAr
had the poniard of that heroic girl,
ettait.crrra CORDAY sheathed in his
heart. The monster at Washington ad
mils his intention of destroyingftve hun
dred thousand more of our citizens in
carrying out his horrible purposes.—
Have we an American Ciatturrrz Cos;
—On the legal principles of "se/j
-dsfevice" has not any man about being
driven to the slaughter pen by Lincoln's
conscription, a right to take the life
of the old tyrant, to sate his own ?
Parson Broamlow on Andy Johnson.
All Parson Brownie* is the leading sup
porter of the Administration in Tennessee,
it may amuse and interest some colour read
ers to see what he though,. of the Republican
candidate for the Vice Presidency • 'few
years Igo. The redoubtable Parson held
forth thus:
He (Johnson) is s member ot. a =mor
ons ilemlly of Johnsons, is North Carolina,
who are, generally thieves and liars, and
though be is the best of the family I have ev
er senPwith, I unhesitatingly =brm to-night
that there are better men th an Andrew John
son In our penitentiary relatives in
the Old North Btate have *toad in the stocks
for crimes they have committed. And hie
own born omen, Madison Joirson, mak
hung at Raleigh for murdey pia robbery l
* • * .Is be not the last 'lmo living to
talk about respeotability on the pert of any
one? Certainly he h."
We don't think that,anything could induce
tee to write thus about the family of any
candidate for Aloe, whatever we might
thi n k p r op e r to say ahout himself. And
though weiope we are a praying man, we
don't belleta that, while praying to God, we
could pray at any poor mortal as -the good
Person prayed at Andy Johneon, In his
church at Knoxville, in the latter part of
November, 106. This was bii ejaculation.
‘• To tby watalthd providence, GI most
merciful God, we are indebted for all our
maivies, and not any work or merit *fours ;
for many of us entered the mamba to - ele
vate to the executive chair of the State the
present insumbent (Andrew Jehnson).tei
6 parfait& knewledge that he had abused 'thy
Son, leans Christ our land„ on the door of
the Stale Senate, as eirehnu e r, w h„, tw r a
unlawhil interest. ' Wel:nevi that/
in Congregate/Ain't offering prayers to Thee.
Wt knew that be had opposed the temper
ance which is. the cause of God and at all
ntaiudad. We knew that ke had ruled the
Protestant reli en. ** * *Yet sae; were-the party 01 mod mighty God,
that we went tato e support of our lidded
Goiernor blind."
Mercy *a os I We eaanot help demise
that ems passim wee -pry dons thin
Where orma sane. It the pious elsePbwrii
Wait; prow now saki Aridy * bell
wether aka* leek, he ma met Is ids *exp
payer that he Wig ellitliket is /AA sal
bee the Lent sot te eea4lA dashed yj
whet, i* 446 holy 8114 . _ Sense Ai
soul, he rested M. WNW . that - The.
will wake le *SIM ib aext reiter. Wt
- Oar
Centre Coma,.
the above from our'ootemoo-
and copy it, to
11411 thcatury Vote?
I This it the Spestion a bit Mitidtted to the
peopis it Strasylemia, lAshisp• of a pro-
Pasedunief the Stab constitafta
on the 4 = i r st t war'
IA this wrestles lit should be
bone in mind lseot, as the AbON
tieniets put it, "Matt was sozorsse RAYS
A use= ro mat" Due it is "shall,. UlO
mom to be extended bayondthe Jeri&
,dietion of the fitate ?"
Tl. right of the soldier to eliteiree never
questioned. Lf he is a oitisen,, ht the eye"'
of thelaw, and residing within the State,
and for the this within his proper eleotiOn
district, his' being a soldier, if eny thing,
Maki strengthen fins right ea the elective
trenchise. lint the proposition here is to
extend the polls hundreds, and perhaps
thousands of dila ti vend the limits and
jarbillotion of our laws made for profaning
the of of the tellot-box, and ler the
emit of frauds conmdtted thereen•—
Lis the proposition/
,and one fraught,
with aterederger to s IMPS people was Wey
er admitted, WHY is t,dons nowt MA
pi, to prolong the present Linooln dynes.
ty. u haunt other object. Suppose the
situation of pithiest parties wore reversed,
and the Democrats rs and the Abolitionists
our of power ; and suppose that such a
proposition was rode by the Democrats,
hoe many of the Abolitionists, who now af
fect frienclhohip for it, would give it their
support I' Not a single man of them. They
would denounce It as an au - withal. •
As it Is therefore but a base scheme 9f An
- ,ta - Tor-fsiiritstiobe its pewee, in
ditintsee of the thirty exprejaed popular wiU
no man, not eves the soldier himself--wba
does not want to prolong the present Jait6-
bin reign, glee it his eup p ert.
naiad the enetadmast tee larried,and the
force of fielding an election be extended, tp
the different camps, none willthave wester
mow fo complain than the bawd and oon
ecientious soldier, who properly values his
eight ofeeffrage. Such men, we repeat,
would be the greatest 'uterus; and no
mauer 3 how great the wrong practiced upon
them, being beyond the reach of law, they
Would have no mimic
By virtue of sundry writs of Veisdi.
tioai Ilaposai. and Leseri Faefw issued out of
the Court of Common Phu of Centre County,
and to me direeted, will be exposed to public ,
sale, at C-s, Court House In the Borough 4t . Belle
- foste r ers Monday the Bfinii day of Au 7 g=t,' 1804,
the following described property, to wit. A
certain messuag• tenement and tract of land sit
uate in Snow shoe Township, Centre County,
boundd and described as follows : Begining at
Stones, thence by land of William Laird. South
one deg., West, 319 perches to Stones, thence
by land of Win. A. Thomas & - North 89 deg.
West 40 perches to a poet, thence North one
deg.,East 40 perches to the lithos of
lieginllllll,l9 - - Seererfrperebes not
insecure, with the improvemeits and appur
tenances. Seised, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Elise Watson.
ALSO, A certain meeimage, tenement add lot
of ground, situate in the town of Stormstown,
Centre County, in the South-western end of said
town, on the South aide of the Main Bu-eM of
mad town, and fronting thereon,, feet and
adjoining the Lot on which the kliethbdists•Epiii
eopnlXtturch stands and extending back
feet along the road leading from Stonnstown to
Gatesburg, thereon erected is one and a half
story dweling House, with the imgrovementa
and aNnutenazioes. Seised, taken in execution
and to be sold as the property of William Gill.
ALSO, A certain Lot of ground situate in
Jean:ursine, Marion Township, Centre County,
bounded on the North by land. of William Lung.
on the Emit by Lick Run Graveyard and laud of
S. Aby, on the South, by the nubile Road and
on the West, by lands of Ertly and George lloy,
containing about three acres, thereon erected
• large house known as Fairview Seminary, with
the isurivemente and appurtenances. Seised,
taken in execution and to be sold as the proper
ty of J. 8. Weis.
ALSO, All the right, title, and -interest of
John Sheets, in and to the real estate situate in
Union Township, Centre County, bounded on
the North by lands of Henry Gatos and Andrew
Thompson, on the West by lands of Casper
Peters, on the Southgby lands of George L.
Peters, and on the East by lands of Jesse Par
sons and editors, contailignne hundred and fifty
acres, intorenr lees, thereon erected a- house with
the improvements and appiirtenances. Seised,
taken in execution, and to be sold es the proper
ty otlubn Sheets.
ALSO, A lot of Ground, situate in Rush
Township, Centre County, known as lot No. 0S
in the Town Plot of Phillipsburg, bounded on
the North by lot of Wm. Bremen, on the South
by lot of Dr. Thomas Potter,
on the Hut by
street, and on the West by street, thereon MC
ted a large frame lions* and other outbuildings,
with the improrements and appurtenances.—
Seized, token in execution and to be sold as the
property of John Morgan.
ALSO, AS those certain mess:lases, nine ,
meats and tracts of land situate, lying, and be
ing in Hach Township, Centre County, bounded
md described as follows, tw•-witt One thereof
Arrayed on a warrant In the name of John Hand,
adjoining surveys in the warrantee, mans, Jo
seph Hopkins John Stonerand Christian Shank
containing four handrail. and thirty-three acres,
or thereabouts.
Another thereof, surveyed on a warrant In the
name of Christian Shack, adjoining the tract
above mentioned. contain ingfour hundred and
thirty-three acres, or thereabouts.
Another thennet, surveyed on a warrant In the
name of Michael Shank, adjoining the tract last
above mentioned, containing four himdred and
thirty-three aorta, or thereabouts.
Another thereof, surveyed on a warrant In the
name of Alexander Beott, adjoining the treat
•last above mentioned, containing two hundred
and nineteen acres, or thereabouts.
Another thereof,. 'surveyed on a warri*t in the
name of David Hare, adjoining the last two
tracts above mentioned, containing four hen:
deed and thirty-three Mies, or thereeboula
Another thereof, surveyed on a 'warrant in
name of Andrew Shank, rAjohting the tract
last above mentioned, °ordaining fotOrandred
and thirty-three acres, or therealontn r
Another therm , surveyed on a warrant in the
name ofJaeob Stake, adjoining the tract last
above mentioned, °entraining two hundred and
forty-seren sores, or thereabouts.
Another thereof, sarreyed on a ugarrent in the
111/41111 of Christian Nan, Jr., adjoining the trees,
last above MO llama, tiontaining hur bniiint
• '
and twenty-six aeon, or thereabouts.
Another thong. surveyed on a trirtaill In the
"a" 44lart• Slough, atoning tie tract het
above mentioned, eontalning one bandrui and
sisty-seven awes, or thereabouts:
Another thereof, wineyed on a warrant In the
name Of Chrigthn Ham adjoining the hat two
haste, abovetillentiontd, eastaining four hun
dred pedninekr-teto woe, or thewbbouts.
Another thweel, ouneyed on a warned in the
name of John Wittier, the teen last
shore neetiesod, threolnitoind and
sighty-thne awl* or
Another tbened, sarrerhod on a warrant in the
, , :
thirty-sone nem, eta
Another Unroof, Zrrejad on a wanint in the
nude of Zola Brachial, adjoining the traot, lan
above mentioned, eastehehe four bandied and
111ty-sis ewes, or thereabouts, on whisk an
emend a story s dwellft& amid other Wilding&
And the other thereof, larnpred in the nano of
NW Itesaer sac
i a ii t known m o t Clara
°W U
I se i t li Zre ' =NIA oppht taste 4
fottr l ir
dud. aUd thirty later or •_ .ttorijadtailli, , w 4 ;
ins tweeted a Moo Saw niu, tenant sown, a
Ad*, andutiter *OW
All thr hid shun la= Whighlbasent
VI the Baum KUL grew% with the Woven
wish and appartenasees, &WA:taken in ow
onion WS. Women as tho proputy of William
2. Aka tbe tatuandeibbed bilinear of all thilt
or glen t i t allitnisk,k , epilog
=sk thil i Zt ib ellol4 " s ili g
AIM 0111011 it v o t.
i y i : I
to 1 -1 " asi g,w.
... omes e t i, ;t o t s ;
- • stese,thette&Sorth di ' . flax
ober to shiess,, thence Swath 44 dg, set Per
ohm to •tram gmaigNorth 20 di, West 32 per-.
elms to a post Sian South 471 dg, Walt Pt
pashas to • deists* theses Smith TT dg,
27, 64
lad Irekm* 40 9aPsthimio NOM,
6 hal Pre" ihmeee
6idg, Wei3l7ll" - to • pest, thence r i ng
40 dg, to part, thanes North
60. dig,52 5 1 3 1 tbstose t theism Sou*
40dg, $OO/1404140 Wit it
eheetrut mar thews
NorA 50dg, East di moire to a pine, there.
South 37 dg, Rain It perches to a gam, thanes
North 30 dg, East 140 pareht• terervar of tire of
Robert Peradsigitim meastiliesee North 37 - 11g,
Went 120 peed* to i pine. shoe by Muds sold
by llama Goading to Robert Y North
wavily short 80 peeler to throes
North 311 dg, Nast by bird of said l'ounington 300
parhee to • white pine, theme by Mime, South
30 dg, Mast 341_ petelme to S.=lsle, themes by
same, Naithdo dg, HS pirates to u yeßow
pine, thence Nath3o dg, Wed 260' perches to a
posy thrum Soo& el lip West 208 perishes to the
plate of baiting, anppossid to oontair ,shoat
2,000 amiss, ear* sitmetufelbe hundred sores,
end one kr& emd thrty-leo pmehmilltsii• at
the Weetatsiester Midgard, 041 mid ed.
3ylamee (Writs to Ahas. Floy). it Whig T he
tams uadirtied half uhMh James Gordon
and mille enervated to Moses Thompson by deed
dated Januarylittli 1882, and recorded in Contra
County, in dead book If. pap 313, , and by the
eaidl Moms Thompson sold to the said James
. ,
1. A tract of land Meade in. Patton Township,
011111,0 County, bounded 'and described as tot
lo yra to wit: - •
Ben - inflicts at stone,. thenta by land of Darid
Noel, North eBdg, &aside perches to stones and
plite-toot; thence by landof Linn k MaCoy,
Nbrth AOdg, West 179 3.loths, perches to stones,
'West • 1140 this paeobas to mall black
Abiaoebrltindefilatias Thonlison. lion* 86 d&
Maitll7l - re place ilfUltilining, tilsZ
containing 50 401relland 133 penises.
3. A tract of landaituato in Patton TownddPi
aforesaid, bounded and deaoribed as follows; to
wit :
Beglnnbig at stones, thence North 55 ° , Mot by
land of David Noel, 40 panties to stones, and
pine knot, thence by •landa of Linn 8 McCoy,
North 36°. West 187 7-10 the porches to stones,
thence by Centre Furnace lands,South 57 1-14th°
West 86 perches to stones thence by land of
Philip Csuver, Beath 55°, West 5 perches to pine,
thence ;Eolith_ 36°, Bost-180 1140 At porches to
the plum of boghtult* ootttoloing 44 sores and
112 pram,
4. A traot °Mad aikido k Patton Township
aforesaid, bounded and dosatibod as follows, to
Beginning at stone and pine knot, theme by
land of - David Boat, North 68°. Eruit 10 perches
tia_do a. thee.. I , 7.landsof-Jdosea--12wa ae
North 38°, West 189 2-10th, ruche' to stones,
thanes by Centre Putnam lands, South b 7 1-14 0 ,
West 40 perches to pine stump, theme by lands
of Linn 1 MeCoy, South 38., East 1881 webs"
to the plane of beginning, owitaining 47 sores and
16 perohea,
b. A Una of land situate in Patton Township,
aforesaid, .baund nut described-as follows, to
Beginning at stones, thenee by lends of W. R.
Mille, North 56*°. Bast 89 perches to stones,
thence by lands of Linn .9 McCoy, North 36°,
West 134; perches to pine-knot, thence by Cen
tre Furnace lands, South 57j°, West 39' perches
to small chestnut, thence by lands of William
Thompson, South 36° ' East 135 perches to lb
place of beginning, and contenting 32 mares 1 , and
6. The The undivided ten twenty-fourths part of
all that certain messuage, tenement and tract of
land situated in Gregg Townetlip, Centre County,
&forestall, containing about 10 hundred acres,
and alloWinne be the same, more or less, inclu
ding the 4 tracts in the warrantee 11110101 of Dan
iel Musser. William Mansett, Robert Baker and
John Baker Jr., also including parts of tbo five
triune in the warrantee names of John Mercer
Robert, Jab Packer, James Fackei Jr., and
Daniel Johnson ; the Southern line of the said
tracts of land being the summit of the second.
ride, from the Brush Valley farm, and thp (erne
being bounded on the other three sides by the
_lands of Mt. Heckle Furnace Company, maid
(met of land being six intunired perches, by four
hundred and forty perches.
ALSO, The undivided 1044 the part of the
following nuessuagee and tracts of land :situate in
Centre County, afoFeensid
One situate in Walker Township, containing
UV acres with a Furnace, Rolling Mill oth
erected and known as Mt.
Heckle Furnace traet.
Another thereof, situate in Walker Township,
containing fifty acres, with al iron ore bank,
and sundry builds therhoulpeeted, bounded
by leads of Henry Dunkin, lands late of Jew
McKinney, and others, known as the ore bank
Another thereof, situate in Walker Township,
containing fifty-eight acres, bounded by lends
of Ja.n oe Gordon, and others, and known as the
Gordon tract.
Another thereof, situate in WalkerlulirrHehip,
containing fi ve •thousand and six handle Acres,
bounded by lands of James Gordon on the AVest
lands haat& John G. Lowrey, on the Bast, by
lands of David 'McKinney and others, on the
North, and on the South by Brush Valley.
Another thereof, situate in Walker sad Gregg
Townships, containing 2,600 acres, bounded by
lands late iifJohn G. - Lowrie ' -on the West, by
Brush Valley, on the South by lands of John
and Adam Shafer, on the Bast =dim the North
by binds late of W. W. Houston.
Another thereof, situate in Walker Township,
contabaing eight acres more or less, bounded by
lands ofJohn Zimmerman, lands late of Isaac
McKinney end others.
ALSO, The andivided 10 20-4ths part of the
oue undileided half part of 1.1 sores el ore land,
situate in Walker Township, aforesaid bounded
by lands of the Howard Fumes Company, and
lands late of W. W. Boasted.
ALSO, The undivided 16-24ths part of the
orb privilege belonging to the present owners of
Heckle Furnace, on eight hundred sores of land
of McKinney, the whole of the above descfibed
premises (tinder Np. 6) belonging ty or appur
tenant to the Real& Furnace property.
Ith. ALSO, theiken twenty-fourths part of two
treats of land situate in the township of Bow,
Centre county aforesaid, one thereof containing
scree, being part of the same tract of land
which was survived for Christopher Reigart on
application No rllO6, dated the 3ci day or Avg,
The other thereof containing 96 aorae,being
the WWI tract of •land which was gran ted to
Matthew Dili, by patent dated the Let day of
Nov. Ira&
ALSO, the undivided, kii tweets-fourths put
of a tract or land Utak, la Sow township
aforesaid oontainink 160 urea and adlowanis for
rude, Ao„ being. the sable tract of lind terinyed
for Geo Hoover.
. . .
ALAO, the undivided ten twenty-iburths part
of Arta contain treat, of lend situate in Bogie
township aforesaid, one thersa in the
name of /hag Nth% eoa taip sad
the anal allollanas.
Anotissrtluceof adjohangitft a ng trial
• . surveyed in the name of Dirisp,
Olt IMMO end allowantm.
other Wawa SdJoing the bet above
tart and an in the name of
r and crottaining Olt soma and
And the other thereof situate on Bald' We
creek and north side of Manor Mountain sad
oarnoyad in the name of Zahn /floe, oontahting
Weems end the mai allowenaw
ALSO, ass suuileidall.o4ldtbs part of 7 toots
of had sitosSola Boggs township aforesaid.
Onarloriaof sari In Qks am* of Samuel
Milo sad lying on the maim pf Wallops's EMI
and containing CS and amino&
Anotbar thereof Ilirs foregoing au-
Veyed the none of Wm or and con
saWdg 4011 sere, and amino&
Another themef adjoining the 'foregoing and
Let deaeribed met 'armed he the • alone of
dhanson Davis end oontaining 4011 and tihrte
Another thereof adjoining Wm Chancellor.
aurvejed in the AIM of (George futon sad ova
-1 tainlog 401eoree and allowance. 'c -
'Andhor &prior adiolhing the
treat and atuerayedin the mane ogle=
land and containing three hundred went!
dine sereetiad'allorranee.
Another thereof being all that... , . of a tart
towered le thenaate of John IL"' ', • dote
dot interim with a surrey .. • 'r • ' e •
Rinelta opeditheing hi aorta end •• . • with
the sisal allowanoa
tsatt L .
All 4 Ma atker *Ms( ItP WE 4•oogii
Pbo 4 / 1 10 Ma hi, gr tr Alabart
Am, which dote anit
Lig ohm Wine 4. ' 0 4 11 4 . 111
'ma Alarm
heditine ilie =ll4atiteleit' of at
mod isur other Led.,tioamisto sill iterellia-
Seek IteksWyger : • , . agpeetseeig ha itscgtepertg
latanV .. xeos W ;t4sid....
or trains elli
= 14 -- i -- ' 1 "- =nt norm* tone-
AIM Centre empty afeneVlSt
tracts 'contained within a .- .
Matto Ihumme emapiny in b/
G W , noir • ' Ali
1 . 7
of ref' to
or lime
' ti‘treetilin the t* En 1114 the
BMW Pprbie ,* kl kiwi . ma end
en:revived to ogee Thompson, the whole con
taining about 4,178 term and aliment*. The
amuses anddistaaose of the extetior line of Met
ro of said lamb as shorts by the draft afore
slid heing do Miami, to wit e,
Beginning at atones at the toner of lands of
Eißarper; theme N 174 deg, B 812 perches to m
mallpine, theses N 41 deg, 812 8-10 petebes to
Si" th en ce 836 dim 8 138 9-10 parches to can-
In** change theme 8 4114 44, 2 2161 pftehe
ti, tail pine, theme. N 40 deg, W 21 perches to
stones, theses N 884 deg, 8118 perches to stones
theses 8404 8 181 voteless to obierp, times
8 67 deg; 11 178 1-10perthes to stoats, thence N
SS 44%11 200 perches to shines, themes,N 47 deg
W t 67 perches to atoms, thence N 376 dug, BIM
perches to stones, theme N 444 deg, 8 1 • 50 :Pau
to Mmes. theiee N 1116 466 W 122 Woke;
thanes 8 bil deg, W !Upsilons to Gomm, themes
N 37Ldog, W 166 perches to stones, theneedi 541
de& W 73 parches to .tote,th aw b/873
350 perches to stoner, thews 8 704 deg, dl 4 ll4 llji
pendia to stooss, - thenoe EMI° W 534 perches Co
Isomer of 48. Cementer themes 8 GP W by 0
Creamer to Andre* Ilimterle lbeeitheares re aBol°
8 by land of Andrew Bunter shoat 70 si to
stones, thence by lands of same 869 0 ; W9O
1-10 perches to stones, thence by land of mine N
303°, W 160 perches to Maple, thence 8 IP, W
69 perches to White the, thence 8 411°W 714:10
perches to donee, thence 8 861°, 8 m • robes
0,06,4 2 theme Vll4l ° , W 172 perches to White
Oak -thane, g 46°W 16/ perches to White Oak
comer of ThoThseichoheh, thenoilirThniiiiia —
Niohohea 8 80°, B 12 perches to stones, thence
8 69°,W 10 perches by T. Nicholson, thecae N
35° W same 10 perches , thence 45°, West
294-10 perches to pine, thence 8 484°, West ,17
'perches to white oak, thence N 854 ', W. 26/
perches to stories, thence 174°, B 79 2.19 perches
to eioneer thence 66/ ° '
W 36 2-10 perohes to
stones,.thence N 46/°,W 77 perches to stones,
thence 8 66/?, W 34 perches to stoner., thence
44/°, B 219 perches to stones, thence 8 sei.oir
1 0 1 perches to atones , thence 8 34 °, B 88 perch
to stones,
thence 8 45 deg, W 107 perches to
atones, th anes N 441% W 112 perches to stones,
thanes 8 454°, W 33 percher to donee comer of
Abram Hicks, thence by land of Abram Hicks -
8 33°, 8 96 9-10 perches to atones, thence 8 694°,
W by lands of Mine 99 perches to atones, thence
8 324°, 8 perches to stones, thence N 59°, It
153 perches to stone, thence N 38° , W 884
_penheatnliOnlirr. alli4X-5549,15-3.11-prelkar-le
stone', thence 8 38°, 848 3-10 perches to stories,
thence N 694°, B 112 2-10 perches to stones,
tholes N 361 0 ,M 45. perches to stones, thence N
53/°, 8168 poodles to small white oak, thence
262°, B 175 perches to small pine the place of be
atoning. Of the lands included within the above
described limitarof the tract marked and desig
nated-In saiddraft as Thomas West thirty acres
or thereabouts have been sold by, articles of
agreement to 8. Stevens; of the tract marked end
and designate(' as James Newport, about 126
acres bare been sold to Mika Gray by articles of
agreement. Of the tract adjoining John Biddle
heirs of Miles Green and Andrew Hunter, on
which a school house is erected, about Ely
wee have been Joni to Miles Green by articles of
slireemeek the lot en which the said school
limps 1s oretifiS Tor se 14-I—)purpoaces
5,Y the owners thereof in the lifetime of the said
Jas. Irvin, decd.
A LSO the undivided one third part of the ore
privileged' which the Centre Furnace Company
has liaise several tracts of land 'lnuits in Patton
township aforesaid, the one containing 6 sores
and 227 perches, and the other containing 12
&around 97 perches, plotted and marked ks res
ervation of ore Mudd draft. „__ -
ALSO the undivided one third part of a body
of land situate in Harris township,Centre county
containing about 1400 tors mid allowance in
cluding parts of eve adjoining tracts surveyed
in the names of Jeremiah Sinitey, John Smith.
Samuel Edmiston, Wm. McCandless and Robert
Steel, of which body of lands about 200 sores
including parts of Wm. McCandless and Robert
Steel tracts were sold in the lifetimeof said James
Irvin, decd.
Also the one undivided third part of a treed of
land situate in Harris township, surveyed in the
name of John Patton end containing 220 sores
and allowance.
ALSO the triiiiirfded one third - part or about
acres of land situate in Ferguson township coun-
ty aforesaid being part of t. tract of land survey
ed in the name of Samuel Miles and
ALSO the undivided one third part of a traet
of land situate in Harris township aforesaid
containing about 250 sores on which are erected
a large Charcoal furnace, a large grist mill and
a large brick dwelling house, a small
brick dwelling bones ' two good frame
dwelling house sod seven or eight
small tenant houses; the whole of the above de
scribed lands, under number 8, being known as
the Centre Furniee property.
Together also of the undivided one third part
of all and other lands, tenements or beredita
meets belonging to orappurtenant to the Centre
Furnace property. From the above described as
the Centre Furnace Property Must be deducted
about thirty seven acres of the Wm. Ellie tract
sold k pad conveyedto Samlt Gray about 80 scree
(Cho Thomas Wait tract sold and conveyed to
°Omer and Bebrs. -
oth. All the right, title and interest or the said
Aimee Irvin, at and before the time of his decease
itLand to a certain right to dig and carry away
iron ore in, off and frou tract Of land eituate in
Potter township, Centre county, known ea lire,
Gregg'. Val being the runs ore right put
into the Fume, end killeaburg Iron
Works pro yby the mid James Irvin, by ar
ticles of agreement dated Deo. Seth, 1856, and
now constituting a past and parcel recorded in
Centre county in kliseellauseas B, p 'M.
10th. A trust of land Maga in
township, county aforesaid, eonteining about 25
acre. be the mine more or leas, now in the occu
pancy of Nicholas Straw to whom thasame wa.
sold by articles of agreement in 1855, bat nodeed
has been made, nor the • purchase money paid,
with the improvements end appurtenances.
Seised, taken in caseation and to be sold as the
of Mary Ann Irvin, Executor of Jeme
Irvin, dee"d. Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock of
said day. jy29-ilt B. CONLEY, Sheriff.
By virtue of • writ of /lei loam
issued out of the Court of Coamon Rem of Cen
tre County and to me directed, wilt be exposed to
public sale, at the Court. House, 111 the borough
of Belleftinte, on Satorday the 26th day of Air
out, 1864, the following desodbed property, to
wit: All that certain tenemellt end
triad of land situate lying and being In Fitton
township, Cenizsootinty, bounded and thisoribed
as follows: Begianlag at stones thence X 42P
W b lamb of Cagle Eurnam Company $1
• to black oak, thence by land of Samuel
, 621°, Wllliperehei to aPoet, thence
other ludo of Win. B. Henderson,
12, 10 1 .481* to a Pod, thanes 8 644°01 10
.** Minos 8 67°, W 20 18-400
to aposf r 1Q416° 776!? porch.. to
oe of begtanolB,o4ataliling I acres slue s6perehes neat
ALSO one atlacimitiond wham:Sof leaded
joining the shove l timoillied hut, and bounded
and desoribiel **ollow, Biteniiing at a post,
Chum by Harlin lumens El 0111-100
prat:MS*4o pea, theme by leads of kfrs. Heed
1 410°, Ealparobs* to the road to Centre Farr
usee,thance by the mid r 04144010 several sours,,
thereof to a post tho line of S. Stephenson's
land,.theami 8 EDP, W 26 0-10 paellas to the
plass of bsghudng, eoutabilug 11 semi sad .62
perches, neat towitere, with *he impooventoots
and appaiitweattose,
8454 bats la esecinows, Goa to bed _ ao
au proy of James F. liendeneumle
tester "dobeau min" of Wm. E.
dated. Bale to eoameenee at 1 otioek of soil
4•F• J'Aft4l R. COELIIF,EbseIir.
L.A. YiekeJ, J MM Trifolo} To du; Coot of
.id A. G. JIIN 7 °""'" P a r t
Irvin and Andsow Grogg. 0 3 7 1 3 . a lai.
•:.*" new Alto If, 11184, on petition sod MI6
dwridlof Siddk. Pam* and Co. Coailtalmk
V e rover osit ia(ko Lem eV
k 3 =4.. or ht ,
ick ", ' i ' i ' Ammo T or ilit
a 31 =1, , : 41 :. : • " Vt
o . _ gi rl= " ` 4 ""
4 , .
woo *Ms la . .•:0n..,-
~..A . .x...
_ .
• IIK• 07 4 , 41 ... _
Jyif-110 • • . trivial".
• -• •
By ' eit,eoettaea
tassed est
` •
of • • -; "
X . Oin .
Omit* ;to .nms ; I be oz
Mat •of :baguet
138 h, J ANtatufM e trseta et
lead Nitwit* in Baden tocrashiltr aunty,
bounded and described as follows
One tract of land situate in towsunrip wa d
county aforesaid; beginning at • hickory oa
the margin of Bail lasts emelt, on the north
olds, thence by other bads of Josopla Iddlags,
ii. 33 deg., .116 70 pueblo to • stun thane•l3.
761 dog., W. 1201 perches to a hides% thence
by leads of Jas. sodsi• 8. 321 deg. B. dil
puttee to a Rapp es-the mairgiel of said Bald
Bogle creek, thence down the tures the wend
muss thereof to the plus of beginsing, su
ndaes dl sena, td7 persbea, and ammo of
Ida_ jou out forroads, go.
Moo alto dam laoiliOnfro of aro* of land ad
joining the above desoribed but on the But,
bounded and described as lbilowo: •
Oa the W. by land. Of the aforesaid Joseph
Iddbp, being the bast obeys debribed, on'
the •N. by bad of John Bootee, now Jeeeph
Hoover, on the E. by hinds of John Iddlnp,
I arced, on the & bl the Bahl Ingle meet atom.-
add, containing IS tern r end dlowened of AI
per amt., being pa' of a urger trait of land
'arrayed In the MUM of John ,Worthligton In
postman°. of en "palliation dated 'the - 3d day
of April, 1760.
Ab1)0130 other trait of land &note in Union
township, bounded and daearibed ae &lbws:
Adjoining lands of Wm. Way on the. N and
„Band by lan. of J • der on die
tar„ .• ) •
npike, and the .22 latiottni—a • _ •
• house and (air out halldinprntainhat 9
• .
dlso one otter pima of land ooniaintag
sores; sitasis ln Union township, bouridid as
follows : By Bald Eagle ono* oa,,
and on the 8 and B by lauds of livis °
and Co., with th• improvements and spparta
Sated, taken In exeoutton, and to be mild as
the property of Joreph Iddinp. 10111.1 to com
mence itd cerdook.ot amid day, on the prenaea
jy29.4t, RICHARD CONLEY, Sheriff.
The following aecounts hare bitenozaut.
'Dell and poised by me. and remains filed of record
n this odic° tin the inspection of heirs, legatees,
creditors and others Interested, and will be pre
sented to the Orphan's Court of Centre County to
be held at Bellefonte, on Wednesday, the 22nd
of August next, for confirmation and allow,
1. The Account of A. C. Geary, Admlnlitretor
of the estate of Jacob Stager late of Walker Town
ship, dee'd.
Y. ' The Account of Ephraim Glenn, Adminis:
inter of John idenitt, late of Howard Township,
deo'd. •
--- -.
3. Tha Jocoopt of ;ittant_W—Caaapball. and-
Gin. W. Camilla% Executors of John Campbell,
late of Ferguson Townibir. doted.
4. The Account of Christian Shank, Admll
trator of Frederlok Shank, late of Howard Town
ship., deed.
5. The Account of Christian Deohtlal, Guar,
dies of Mary Quigley (late Mary Shaw) miaor
child of Ltugh Shaw, late of Liberty Townslap.
dined. •
• -Tha.dtwount-or - II
for of William bicElwayno, late of Bellefooro,
7. no final Account of Daniel Roush, Exec
utor of Henry Rains, lato of !Kilos Township,
8. The Amount of P. W. Barnhart and John
Holier, Executors of William Shawley, late of
Boggs Townahlp,Aeo'd.
, 9. I%e Account of Christina Melchor , and
Stephan ElfilLanigal, Administrators of John
Moicherdate of Worth fownihip, deo'd.
in. The Account of James M. Packer, Admits=
iatrator of Basel P. Lucas, latiof Curtin lbwn
ship, deo'd.
11. The Account of Flassinel M'Williarus, Ad
ministrator oflienry late of Fergu
son Township, deo'd.
12. The Account of Jacob G. Moyerand John
Moyor, Executors of George Moyer, Br., late of
Haines Township. deo'd.
13. The final Account of George B: dray, and
John W. Gray, Administrators ofiall&C Gray, late
of Ralfmoon Township, dared.
14. The Account of GeorgsfW. Johnston and
Alexander Johnston, Administrators of Benja
min Everhart, late of Hale Township, deo'd.
11. The Aceount of Borah Gunsiulles and
Cline Quigley, Executors of James Gunsaulles,
late of Liberty Township, deo'd.
In. The Account of B. O. Delningei, Adminia
trator of_Jacob I. Penick, late of Penn Township
17. The Account of Henry Teats, Adtnintetra•
for of Henry Markle, late of Walker Township,
18. The Account of Edwin I, Deshler, Admin.
istrator of Daniel Maier, late of Haines Town
ship, deo'd.
19. The account of Joho Hasson, Administra
tor of John Wasson, late of Fitton Township,
dead. •
20. The Amoun4 of H. H. M'Alliater, Ad
ministrator, of the Hon. James Burnside, late of
Bellefonte, deo'd.
21. The Final Account of Joseph-Baker and
John Dale, Executors of George-Coble, late of
Harris Township' dee'd.
22. The Amount of P. T. Bluster, John Blab
eland Samuel Moser, Administrators of David
Musser, late of Gregg Township, deo'd.
23. The Account of William A. Thomas, Ad
minhtrutor of William T. Harris, late of Belle
&ate, deo'd.
24. ThiPAGeount ofßobertValentine, Admln
litratotlof Bond Valentine, Esq., late of Belle
fonte, dso'd
26. The Account pf Moses ' and Ferdinand
Loeb, Guardians of Roes Dukes, Minor child of
Mare Dukes, decetl.
26. The Amount of Moses and Ferdinsmd
Loth, Guardians of Lenk Dukes, minor child of
Mato Dukes, &it'd.
27. The Amount of Moses and Ferdinand
Loeb, Guardians of Josephine Dukes, Wino: child
of Marx Dukes,deo'd.
28. The Account of Moses and Ferdinand
Loeb. guardians of Max Nate, minor child of
Marx Dukes, deo'd
29, The Account of ileuntel M. Irwin, Ad
minktretor of John I. Irwin, Late of Benner
Township, deo'd. •
80. The Account of Robert Holmes, Guar
dian of Blest* R. Milan L. end hued S. Hard.
ing, minor oblicium of William Harding, late of
Marion Township, deed
31. The amount of N. A. Fora man and D. G.
Itumgardner, Administrator of Joseph Bum
gardner, late at Liberty township, deed.
32. The trustee account of Thomas MelLesp, ap
pointed by the Orphans Court, to make sale of
the real entato of Wm. MoKisaa, late of Walker
township, deed.
33. The Anal admittiAration account of Daniel
Grove, sdmhtistretor of the estate of John
Grove, late of Gregg towluihtp, deed.
34. The immonat of Ihisel MoWlWarxis,
ministtator on estate of David Dridln, late of
Potter towt fillip, deed.
Register'a ogles, Belle- J. P. GEPHART,
Conte, J dly 10,1864. I Rigiater
The Contlqoawealth of Penns
to filninel W. Gardner Mid John W.
Adnsirderstors of do., of Samuel Gardner deo%
aphrabn G. Gardner, Wm. Gordwarolane Canso
*, Mary B. Oosuiolli and John P. atater Guns ,
ash' of jolin Constils, heirs of Elbe Gardner
late i inftatnartied with John Ootindir deed. _ .141-
'an Gardner late intannaried with John G. Wats
John M. Gardner, James J. Gardner, Johnston
thrdnerdianinel Gqdr Letta •Jasserliard
me and Windeld S. Gardner Isier,
idro of mid 'Glee
Ifon=ted s"*". and ootunanded to be and
appear at its Drphans Capri to.lis held. at
ronts on the Itsd day ea 4 1
there to answer the Mot petition of mom
P. Gardner, sad show awns why proof of s ear
tate eontrintbersa dua ie rei
td tlbmonel Gardner
deed and Ow saM . Gardner should
not be sande and nmentitedot de
WhamsMMus tie Mon. Sonnet Linn .President of
acid Court at Adleibrde this 21Ith day of
dint d. D. Ifiati.
• J. P. auPHART.
jut, lath ,11:17-0
nos 124 . 1 440 elb“
Mosta Diejlow Ow* hit lbw
2 • 161111 ** / 11 .0. Iml4-1 1 4. 1
Vis 410.
Tit? lbely 414.
C a" Tr "' . till• 1 : 1 4•10 of
Bement - bribe . tem
-14 4
Fl l 3= es;tlas
*kg Ost tie lath dared' A. 41.114.
Jolts Lord Br, AM John Lord Tri of the towa..
eldp ofieldllersirke throei:Sllhnstrez-.
en to Dsild.lionslibo
laido, Oat* o . llool9bA rge ladneter.
er *WM*, btAls ihrat of • OS* to 1 ••
eortod fry "Mr Alb he of leak de.„
tbr the Oniateeto66olo,la Xt. BOW L.
p•se 1* 90., air sensidas the mama of the
prinelpel aim et thine leadied dollars. eineat
money of Pesarylvembe, rpm idl.thet meniajo
or tenement, tad tempt 0104 situate la Welker
tok in tnatre 00.. to nit,
alas et • Liten Wood, then ,. by lot et
B. A motor' sad hal of 8, Nifiree, N. • doss.
West, 11 peahen to a White Oih; N. 31 ago.
Z. 16, 1 perches to • Whito . Oakßtam Pt 112
dap.. W. 8 pandas to a post at the - them»
by the. same N. 46 dep. IL 114 to
Etonibress meta& theme try lud of B. Penal
Booth 2 , i doss., West 104-10 perches to a
scene, "GO 11. 20, 7 Want 6o•
Beath In W BB 3 Ter ~ Parboil* • 88 8 87
tree sea* 00 doss. W. 9 ower to a poet and
Borth dolts West 10 pushes to Um plus of
bosbuthis c eontsinlng four eons and . one hun
dred and Writ, perches be the mate more or
less. Heist the WIN pr4palsed, which Alio
*did Dara Lyle aid bradl4 kdo oar, by their
Woodman beathosdate the Oth day or Ootober,
1861.,tbr the cortaldiration therein man-
Lordthenedi granted end emnirmed ante the said
Br. and John Lord Jr. la fdl, as in and
at Lye taM Il•rld 1,7 b,• g the legal hol
der of th• said Mortga l im am died witinnitenter -
log satisfaction arm t s Record of the same and
that Peitted, has been lamb of all the stoner. or
onnt . dwicthem, and hes 00- ccuitcred for
ore then two years, arid that the Said petition
fo the owner of the Boa li gn a L rd 4 =s" 4 *
Therefore praying the said the
sheriff of the Centre Wormaid, to 'serve a notice
stating the Nets In the said petition mat forth la
the legal representatives of the said David kyle
who are to b• roaad in the said sanely, repair
ingthe µld parti es to appear at the nest term
and answer t • said petition : extd, that the seal
Court will dame and direct tiled illrattflotiort
shall be entered upon the record of the ntd
Mortgage by the Recorder of Centre County op
payment of the emits dee relative to the catty of
the said Mortgage or any proeeetlngs, and that '
said satisfaction so entered shall forever defeat,
reiesse and discharge the same, agreeably to the
provisions of an act of Assembi relative thereto
. . .
. . .
Aerators do appoint tbs. 22nd day of Aaiun
next, 1864 to bear and decide upon the several
premises aforesaid, and direct notice to be Ono.
to the Lain or others legally oprenatatives of
the said David Lyle, ac directed by the act of
Assembly, governing such proceeding' and
dared to in the prayers of their amid peti
In testimony whereof I Imes hereunto set my
hand and eased the met of the add Court at
Bellifonte the MA day of May, Anao Dose M,
"STTLT;I NTH E rnarDl -
BMW? 81111111 , ..4311.74100111114 PA
Takes this method of inflaming al/ thepeople
of Centre away, and whorerar elm pleases to
amid, that him stook of
is not to be surpassed by and deafer In mattal
Pennsylvatda, and that Ids manufactared soil
ales, snob as
are oT the but quality, the beet make, and for
sale cheaper then at any establiaLment of the
kind in the State.
_He hu also a spleddkl lot of
• STOVES OF ALL ltpfllof
and description, which will biredidl at .weed•
ingly low rates.
and other work„ done on the anertest wake end
most reasonable terms.
Farmers, Mechanics, Mercbasda„ arid every•
body else are iasitad Co call sad examine kL
N. 11.—aspedring of all kkeole neaUy and *a •
peditiously done, and on the moat medeeneble
dome 24, 'o4—t.f.
Mats ST., Lacs Lvov
Hu the 'argent and cheapest shook of
• Queenswere,
• Wtnoe,
Salk •
• Seigara,•
• obacco.
ever *fend In this market. -
WitWW'l.= of Hotel andAtor•-keopors la
to the large stook of the following goods
on hand, which are Ofihrod at wholesale prices
200 ban* of Irish,
50 boxes of chewing Telbaaeo, 100,000 Sips,
and a large lot of Salt.
Also, Moor and' Food alwiys citi 'hand sd
July 1 , '64-tf. SIMONS'
By virtue of a Odor of the Orplkinit
Court of Centro Cattily, there will be expand to
outhorankooo on &twiny the
14th OP AUGUST 1884 •
the following real estate, Amite in Union twp.,
DentreOsfenim sweenlaionesesige retreat of I.
and allowance, about bait of which la elected
coal under a high Mate of cultivation, UN bal
ance ia &Owe&allil A good BOUM and barn, with
VZeat blng ate meeted-thereost.
lEL--Onit halt the maims menu io
ha paid at the oonerinallon of the sate, ad the
»Mae to ode year thereafter to be 4seemledj • by
bond sad mortgage on the pratalme.
Admbi's. on 70state of Thos. birth ANAL
. •
5T41411 GOODS. •
The tellowleg
_4esoliterl wit
paled to hie* been atelear baths tee& Wits
the tubseriber tn Baum 0..,, liy
ham. *loohr,
Ddeia ust te q y illli aa Sl C t rloo l , g 4s 7-416 , 1 4 11 ::
net shirt, I lath vett, 10,14eitif 10.00%4 or
*lisoors,•l bleat 04h •04 - 1, Ow et -,lteet
lafariViteo.. tbs. pekeon, et "to,
, 9114(06 mill oboes fatl44 Proi
P=mily obanteacZte theta swag, oth •
wilt be
_el Wade or el-
raotiC , ' It. le P
FIR*. i. P.
JAY 1, U. . „
Dissourikies n. - , - j• al?„
t MEW iii Utter • • low park
satihip .
atilled ht1ar .... , , ,. •L . k . ii "
inmost eosasivis - r• • '7 .. 16:: r 7
books sodlimiabb essigtes ' . ' • .
11 1 .404 40 7 4 41111,100 1 1 1 4 ' ' ..: - ' 1 4
.2 '
Shy. it:
JrlfT7lllB, ths.
D. Dill.