==ml 0 s. inns. via iqua TB.! . i30N71 111 133 Fr 1- TIM Thaisosigaad wcathi iafona the Anna' Nod public generally of Centro, and ,sAobsiag .anti.. that *b m hays waked Da • r P • • i? .7"-- . • SON' ♦SJIOCL- IMP Z- • . ,egi floweret start new the Preshytorlan Church, where thisiliace ou hand, at all times, at great ly sedated prices, every description of fanning implements of the LATEST IMPROVED STYLER, Mai IS GAIN DRILLS, WI,XD HILLS, HAY RAKES & HAY ELEVATORS doß2v sanLva, CULTIVATOR R, KIDDIE'S!, AND ISTR.AV , CUTTNItS, faprift HOLLERS, LIGHTNING RODS WHEEL-BARROWS, FARM BELLS: CIDER PRESSES, CORN PLANTERS, 'Plover, /Arrows', Forks and Shovels, of all kinds. . PRUNING TOOLS,, sad in feet everything Quit is required 'to work a far* monontivelly. Fanners would.do Well to call and AsiN r—sus. A MAJCHINEE at their LARGE 4- SPACiorS ROOMS. As if SAO/11.01We to witness the operatii‘n of Mamma's Celebrated ltopro.ed Straw audlodder Cutter and Masti cator, and dab Stat. Camittrethqr. *- These are articles that every fanner ought to hare during the winter SOSSWEI. The undersign ed would also announce that they are agents fir the hest • • . diLEROVED REAPER AND MOWER. Dow extant: Bering had twelve yearn experi ence in the busineas, they claim to have a knowl . es of im.lemenU, and wish- ing to sustain their lima ion, .ey - i."7 -7 ".7 fer anything to the public but reliable imple ments. Separate parte of machinery furnished on Abort se,tice. STONE 2 MYBAS: • Bellefonte, Jan. S. Bittl.-btn. & • Hoe. Wlr.so'e M'Cientzes Judge of the United Stites Circuit Court, President. Greer- P.no nod St. Clair Street', eittabur2 Peotayloania. till' LARGEST, CHBAPRST, AND BEST SAS pays for stun commercial ovum. Air Igo extra abuses for Manufacturers, Etakm boat, Rail bead and Bank Zook, Keep- Walston sons at ball price. Students eater and review at any time. This Institution is conducted by emperieaced Teacher, and Practical Accountants, who pre pare young men for active business at the Meet 'rpm.' and shortest time, firt-the most lucre tire and responsible situations. Steinman granted for merit only. 'fence the unhereal pretenses for graduates of this College, by bu siness men. Paor. A. Courts", the beetPentnan of the Un ion• who holds the large,t No of Ist Paton:its, and over all competitors, teaches rapid Sourness Writing. Yor sped-see of Penmanship, and Catalogue "bontaining roll information, inclose twenty-fire cents to JENKINS & SMITH ' Pr incrpa la AST -Attend where the Sons and Clerks of Bankers and Business Men praduate. c _ I crgitike77 , 6*fri f NATIONAL C 0 lIIIEBCIAL RUMS, 1112111133 PHILAI)EL PH IA BE. cot. 7th •XD CISEVTXLT 3 YYYYY 5 N. Y. City, Brooklyn 'litany, Troy, Buffalo, Clew,land, lictrott, Citicoyo and &gams Lou- Boon• Ritarlitn, PEINAMINIr, COMIdERCIAL 111111`1111,1111COMWGRCCILL LAW.. Foam's CUR amerommors dm., practically taught. Thesecolleges being under the name general and local management, and uniting in each the advantages of all, offer greater facilities for im parting instruction than any other similar ins titutions in the country. A dcholarship ironed by any one Is goo 1 in all for an unlimited time. , The Philadelphia College bas been recently Sta-larged and refurnished in a superior man ner, and is now the largest and most prosper ous Commercial institution the State. B>rant d Stratton's series of text book: em bra.ing Book-Keeping, Commercial Arithmetic Commercial law, for sale and and sent free by $ For full parheular..endfor!ireu/arilik Oa. MI, 1362,-Iy. SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. The subscriber begs leave to inform the world sad the people of Centre county in particalar t that be still continues to carry on the Saddlery business in all its Valiollll branches, at hie shop on the North-east rumor of A I,LEGHAN Y and BISHOP Streets ; where can be found at all times a full supply of • Wagon Harness. =1 Parma" Borneo, Collars, 'Wagon . Whips, ET= Dth4ug Whip.• Na. EMI sods oldie Tory best material, and w to be put together in tits-moat eubstatitial men ses: Prices to suit the tisoci:-- Call sad examine for youroolimn, gentlemen, sad if you aro pot 'stifled, you need net pur- , obsess. • JERRY TOLEN & Co Belledreate, Sept., 10th 1862--tf. CAINIACIILUIVEACTOUY ! Ur. IL A. NoQulrtion would respeatfelly theeldserre of Centro County, that Lour apse&n serrearrhow Illesufartory, Is the rear oilunp= se Lkileylkairee, !Wu he io pew- I ° Conipimr. . . ' jii pilimmots nit tbe lbws. . dids• es Assn alibi% _ Soltisfrite Ap4l4, 1414-17. eIIE:MMI Is A Thle *MO see! Rotel r situated e• Ebdtep etreet, • tole ilOore nortb - of the Canon. Antall; is at last complete in all its arrangement., and is ne open for tite reception and entertainment of guests, It has been furnished in the cm, .dolt style,- with handsome and comfortable furniture, and le altogether the best gotten up, sad will be the best conducted hotel in, Xelle• tante. IMET: 0 TIIE TABLE will alwayi be found groaning under the weight of the best provisions the mar ket Oen:* attended by neat intelligent and at tentive waiters. MEET .-:- /ARM . - ;THE BAR will always be supplied with the choicest and but of liquoye—not I sickening mixture of drugs—but' liquors in their purest and best state. Store TAB BTABLB is large, warm, commodious and is clean, yea obliging said attentive hostler are always in waiting. A Hack eonseys,passengers free of eAorge, to 'and from the ears, after the antival and depar-, tore of the trains. March 27th, 1863—tf. • GAILDIAIra HOTEL, °rectum cotrar notatt, aaLLaFoata, rA GARMAIV, Prop'r This long established and well - known Note% situated on the soothed corner of the Diamond, opposite the Court Nouse, haring"been purchas ed by the usdersigued:fie announces to the for mer patrons of this establishment and to the traveling public generally, that be intends'refft ling it thoroughly, and is prrpd to redder the most satisfactory ncoomselotUtion to all who may favor him with tfistr patronage. No pains will be spared on his pert to add to the eonveni once or coniftut to his guests. All whO atop with him Will Wad hie lire Testa abundantly supplied with the most sumprows fare the market will afford, done up in style, by the most experienced cokes. fits flea rill always contain the choicest of hquont lies STAIIIL7O.IO ie beet in time, and will always be attended by the most trust worth and Wen tentive hostler*. • - WV. him a call, ohe and all, and he (mob con fidant that all will be safisfied with their accom modation. AN EXCELLENT LIVERY is attached to this establishment, which straa gers from abroad will and greatly to their 'ad vantage. Bellefonte, Jan. 9th, 1863—tf— Mi MAIN /TRW, lIII.LtIfOM/I, PA J. B. BUTTS, Proprietor. This Well known establishment has been en tirely netted and refurnished throughout, and is now second to none la central Pennsylvania in the-comforts and coarresience it sftbrds to travelers. People from the country during their sojourn at Bellefonte during weeks of Court will bind the Conrad nous, an agreeable and pleas ant resting place. Accommodating servants are always in atten dance ready to supply the wants and contribute to the comfort and satisfaction of the guests. Tea Tuts is supplied with all the substanr Lid provisions, luxuries and delicacies which a Productive country can furnish, or industry, vig ilance and exertion can procure. Tan BAR, will sawsys sontain a general as sortment et the very bout liquors that the mar ket affords aaapted to suit the most capricions tastes. Tat STAILZ will be attended by attentive sad obliging boitlers, well nemildied to discharge the duties pertaining to this Important depart meat of a public establishment. • From the attention azia time, the proprietor has devoted to this branch of business he hopes to reoeieve a liberal portion of tLe patronage -heretofore bestowed upon him. •- Mey 1, 1862—tf. NOVSZ SALOON. This new mid, splendid !lacing X,tab liebment is now open for the entertainment o die public, where Fresh Oysters, Fried Oysters, 'Stewed Oysters, Spited Oystart, Clare' Soup, Turtle Soup, Chicken Soup, Elm and Itgsa. Ft -et and Trim Sar dwell, Fresh Fhb. Filed Chickens, Steeed Chickens, etc., etc., can be had at all times. DRINKS. Cognise Brandy, Old Bye Whiskey, Bourbon Whiskey, Wheat Whiskey, Irish Whiskey, H - land Gin, Currant Wine, Straw berry Wine, Champaiirrie, Gooseberry Wine, Sherry Wine, Port Wine, etc., etc., Gin Cocktails, Brandy Smashes ' Sherry Cob blers, \Vhisimy . punches, and all fancy drinks Masaui4 Collin'a XXX Philadelphia Ale k PorterWCider, Fancy Lemonades, Barsaparille, Mineral Water,, etc., etc., etc. HOT MEALS to be bad at al hours of the day or night. ~t A magnificent BILLIARII ROOM, with fine marble-faced Tables, is connected with the es tabliehment. We invite our friends to give us • ma, aed thir( we cm insure them tha utmost satisine non. R. Tr. - CUMMINDS, Marsh 27, '63-Iy. Proprietor. HIINIXBIBITICG HOTEL. • BUSLETODURO,PA J. H. MORRISON, Proprietor This well known Hotel is now kept by the Proprietor, where be will be happy to wait upon tha traveling public generally. FALLON ROUSE E. W. DIGONY, Proprietor. Omnibus runoiog sad from the Depot. Aug. 23-'B3. UNIT= BTATIII HOTZL. TIBIRD STREST, WICLIMIIIPOIIT,, Pk. V. S. DOEBLER, Proprietor. Aog. 28-'63. READY IN A FEW. DA-YS. THE MOST TRRILLING WORK or THE WAR 1 RAIDS AND ROMANCE OF MORGAN AND 51111 1511 .. ; BY MRS. SALLY ROCHETERFORD. Amtbor of ' Grace Tiaras,' Blary Bunyan,' 'Romance of Xtwo litasontY; La., EXACT REPRINT OF MOBILE EDITION,A - LEmo., Cloth: SU Dalris4 DWI lIPLADIDID PORTRAIT 03 ATZZL ISOINTLT Mst,bero of the above work is well known as one Abe boldest and most ineemaisfil Geserahl l the South. The operations of "Morgue and his men" for a long thine kept the Southwest in a constant state of excitement, which ended in his late invaafon of Ohio, where he was captur ed. This volume gives • thrilling picture of his dying campaign', and an telecasting account of his escape, The work is written by one of the most accomplished au th ors in the South, from the °Moist reports of the General and his oil jiliff-Tbe trade ye req . r. RIC I AURDBON j. Publisher, SPI Broadway, N.Y. H-Copia met bir pat - paid upon r•- *pipe of price. Feb. 26. 1864.—.110, Le. *a., ke =VAL PLEZ IMIIII3III COMMIT. • Y ORICID-TORE, Paile . ACCUMULATED CAPITAL OVER 1101300. TIIIIMPICPANY mahout to.issa• Pollan et Issasasee evaluates" or homage by Ire on the Jahr klub enema sea eoustrz Marty, et real WI low oe ousdatellkift 14_:41.0t.e• Oriifilliot •••-' us balm bees apvelphlil sa *PIK the mewl Ceelloall7; Wald to viatelvtleotkee ter lassatoo". • Ike- 11, 11118-17. C. aa:~ , SIE =I 'LOCI( lIIATIN, PA , ImduwB*""W- eoee nue rot`ryis h eturnirilrilatitlibtPluess' .A. SVIIMIKAL Just mstusissi hos New Tork,.wiat s basilsosse ssleeted assusisaust of ssundisumlius, au , slul m and sew fiw oak elmisper tloa lay body sls• in this ljulaa. The Goods lump kis bought cheap Ihr cub, and will le DOM cheap or ihr Cloth, C Bath el i ar .Chfurli= i nla r lb.4 les V other Under !blab and Drawers, Black and Pan , „ og ,Dilks at old prices, • All color - Flannels, all wool and dom- • , mastic S ack dad Shits a l Mahal*, Bleached, Unbleach, ad and Colored Can4a . Flannel., Prima - dad dy mastic Gin hams, Ticking. and Checks, Dlesphad and Un bleached Sheeting., Pillow Case and Fib Whig Morelia, Cambria and Drills: Rosaries and Gloves. lins . panders and laniterohlefs; Neckties, Collar and Damns, Parasols and Bon Umbrellas—Bilk, Gingham and Muslin:— Balmoral BiartseLadie.'sand Mum , rah Skirts of various sizes and paw.' filmieton 'loop Skirts, Ladirm's and Misses Eikalyton Hoop Skirts of every deamiption. —Baring and Bummer Capes, both Cloth an. - • Silk, unsurpassed in style, quality, and prices, nortb of Mason and Dixon's Line. Shawls, in endless variety, both single and doable. Carpets; a fall asaortment of all Mods of Carpels, such SS Brasiels, 3 Ply Ingrains, tag and Straw Carpets. Od Cloth, all width of Floor and Table Oilcloth and Oil Madam.— SALT, • FISH, GROCERIES SOLE LEATHER, SPANISH KIP, -- FRENCH CA - L - F SK NS -- COUNTRY CALF SKINS. , MORROCO LININGS. &C. &C. &C. Shoemakers' Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds to be had at A. SIIIIIIIMULTVIII • CHEAPER than at any other establishment to • BellefonteAtteoember 19th 1963,—tf. SPRING AND iiIIMMER TRADE. More goods eau be had forks' money at the cheap store of ZILTAILILR, at Centre Hill, Centre County, Pennsylvania, than at any other establishment in the Stet.. lle keeps constantly on hand s choice stock of STAPLE AND FANCY.GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, Notions, Qweesownra, Hardwart, Willow and • Wooden Ware, And in fact • complete asiortment of all the ar tides usually found in a first class country store. • . MESS GOODS. French Merinos, all wool, Plaids, Coburg, Asps., Ali:womb, Black Silks, 1., &a. HOSIERY—WooI and Cotton Shirta and Drawers,-Fine Shirts, Silk, Cotton. and Linen Handkenrcbiere, Hoop Ilktrte, best makes. ' CLOTHS AND CA SIM MERES--Freneh Brinal cloths, Satinets, Melton's, Sto., for winter near SHAWLS—A NI line, ,11 wooL BOOTS AND. SIIOES. V. will keep at all times a fall assortment of eubtool made good.. PROD UCE PARRY In Exchange fee Goodah r and the Eff=l:l PAID IN CASII FOR GRAIN OF PIA, '4ll CALL, BEUOLD & BELIEVE. Aug. 7th, 18153-tf. A. KELLER. PATZATED OCTOBER 13, 1863. Black r4sr 01 0 Light Green . Dark Blue, 44' Al 11 ' a• agento, 0 , on 2 Mitise, L le n , croon, i 0 oe, • ..- 4 Pink, • , • • '' , se P.OrPin' R•it/ Purple, 0 ' **o . 1 ~ daton, Seariat, , ‘NtNn.... 11 . , State, k N...'`.- 77.- , sqt.rino. _. . Bek fur Silk, Dark Bins French Blul Livia Blue, Caret Brown Dark Brown, Light Brown, Snuff Brown, Marry, Cruarion, Dark Drab, Light Drab, Mat-Feathera, Kid Glovesi Children. Ware. Fawn Drab—Violet, Light Yawn Drab —Yellow for Dying, 131114 Woolen „ Aad Mixed *Dods, Shawl., 13birfa, Dresses, Ribbons, Clibbons,Oloris,Bon nets, and all kinds of Wearing Viand ,Yar:4l SAVING OF 80 PEE bENT For twenty five centsgou can oolor no many goods se would otberwianao*lnt,times that sum. Various shiastaiiilie pKeimid from that sante dye. The proem, is shop)* lad any oni ran ate the dye . with perfsit Vireo & in Ilytigpsli. aniteiinion WWI of • • For is to • isral g g ibaln Perfil4knowl•de die]b aro boss U ;pled to lb* weir others twit : tViip Akr ,o 4-4 0011104. on and 4 401 0 ft priiiii-10 omits; nowirrinrENsi slit Pkidion For sale by druggists and dealers' generally. Nov. 20th, 1863-Iy. PDALPIIIA AND as TAIL AD. • Thil great line traverses the northern and northwest counties 14 Pennsylvania to the city of Erie on Übe Win It has been leased by the Palinglvanis Rail road Company, and under their subplots Is being rapidly opened throughout its snare length. It is now in in. for Passenger and Freight bu sineu from Hossisbiwg *limporinin (IP6 miles en the Nwiebtssi Divisimn 'mist honk BbeNeld to Erie (lb miles) on the Western Division. ?I or PASSIISOI* mass or Loft wrzo Larssi toetward. Express, 7:0, Y. IL. Mail Train, &45 A. at Leave Wesbeard. Express Train, 10:40, AL 10. Cue ran throne' without chimp both two oa ewe Isaias Woes* PlkEadidplda mad Leek Mara a sad Imetwesaßidthaore ilsadLosk Harm Mime Scrams Caw Oicirapreee Trains both weye Wyse* Mr= Ealtimele, and W and Per bifiolll4o4oo naMetbks 116.1141 4 3 )Pr Ali** Amp eipply ea IL A i 9‘nser .Itioreath end Ilibettet elateno' And for /*ht. hardness of the Coognays '• -niftetel B. quite% It, comer tifili 1101 i askdelpiday .1 W. Aria**, I . Aso* W. is - - 0 r • • Gal riedet AIN 111001. Joe. P. PO'l'l afoomopo., wagmumeer STRINO,MID 81:11*11*-(i.00DEI MN lIZONIT" NITILD32O ON MAIN sraszr, azzzawrs, PA tan sorrisß BROTIMS Ilivolittalosotoyd ela but iiestimout of @plug and mama (GOO um brought to this Otos, whiohthoiit Flow that do* earn poitioe, oonidstbe o( Seat Quality Midi ft Weis Goods, MERINOS, CASHMERES, DELANES, CALICOES AND swum. DRESS GOODS ALSO, A 009D.AEI8ORTMENT OIT (-) Wooden and What Watt. Plow wag Pesti, Carom &gars, Teat, i I *Meow, IT, Viagar, /Mad frail, Rat its, Soap avid Cairidia, Fisk, To bacco; Sub, C. &F. Roks,RiosoSolerants,Sodoolte. a large asirostraent of balite and gentlemen's BOOTS, SBOBS k VAITSRS. (TREAT INDUCEMENTS, OVIIIIITOO TO FUROR/ MRS ►OR Gish or Country Produce! Bellefonte, Pa. May Stb, 1863 }p.B.DWARE AND CUTLIgilk, I TORE/GI AID DONOISTIO BARDWAYA2 For the people generally we have coal hods, *oaf scoops, coal shovels, cold sifters, lanterns, lamps, chimneys, wicks table cutlery, pocket cutlery, plated spoons, plated forks, table cotton, • , tea and toffee pots, butter. knives : mill saws, cross-a d t saws, circular saws, gang saws, tiles, wrenches, rivets hammers, hatchets, mat- ' • Looks, picks, rocks, grub hoes, shovel', spa de s,, spading forks,',, boos, rakes, bed pins.hair,twine, • • . sofa springs, coil oil lamps, . whips, sleds, skates, willow chairs, double-seated wi4l o w - chairs for children; corn shelters, feed cutters, plows, coffin triadhings, •' emery, borax, resin, pitch, red chalk, white chalk, wire, horse nail. meat cut - ters, scales, wash-boards, rocking.herses, boric buckets, wooden pails, mop sticks,chems, clothes pins, potato-mashers butter ladles, but ter prints, rolling pins, poreirrnats, door mats, parlor mats, paint brushes, duet brushes, shoe brushes, horse brushes, stove brushes, coun ter brushes, corn poppers,. whips, sleigh bells, skates, heel-talks, glue, enamelled kettles ' brae, kettles, copper kettles, glue kettles, stew kettles, sauce pane, sledges, broad,axce, thim bles, similes sad boxes, axis grease, paints in oil, paints dry, linseed oil, jubric oil, beazine,*rurtain fixtures - pump chain, grind- - stones, wooden pump tubes, mIPI 4 . Pool fixtures. HATS & CAPS ALSO, Rifles Pistols, Shot-guns, Staid Springs, 01w, ' Pdged Toole, Saddler's Hard ware, and all other kiwis of merchandise usual ly kept in a well regulated hardware stole. The stock a entirely new, and we ansenabled to sell lower ti en any other establiabineint in the country. Out place of business will be found on the Northwest •forner of the Diamond. " BAXSTRBSSER A CRIST. Bellefonte, Pa. May let, 1862.-tf. FIIIMMIZE Ma= BOOKS. North side of the Diamond, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, WHERS DURIOUS, STOOLS. of every Aqueriptios, quality and prtes, for sale ailper than it any other es t of the kind In Central Pepturylvenia. June I, 1863.-Iy. HENRY P. HARRIS. MAZZLUM OVID/. YOUNG'S SRSAY PHYSIOLOGICAL Or ever one his own Doctor—beimg a privet, Instructor fir married parson, or those about to marry, both male and females In everything conoeraing the physiology and relation, of our sexual eystem, and the production or prevention of °Morin& including all the new disooyaries never Wore given in the Ingli# language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This fi reali7 a voloakki and haereethig Work. It is 'MOMin plain land page for this genwol readier, end is illustrate. _With upernisdis Ut oar handrod siting**. All young monied wimple or those , contemplatin i r ri vi i n ie wsd having or haat impediment to phonid read tate book. It thislooed stattotw i et wary out should. It, ampatimlon with. M bWO.4 at nowt ba looked up and Wit übotit 'dotlMO te anY este ;it goat* itt tWonty-lve Adtowm Dt. No Ml_ !brim Bt. Witotos tith. Otit:2l,lM-47 MEI =1 1113C3 4LBO, 4; 4 I N 4 & UZZST, =IEI PENNSYLVANIA SOFAS, LOUNGES, BAT RACKS, VILA rt.. yors, EXTENSION TABLES, STANII6 CHAIRS, ae., to., •e.. WORN: ~~T~,: NE D6cralt. 11040,FAADI _ plutrAup. DOCTOR-Al. I.A-C4118071, Phikideipkia, Penlv/Dania, is gist a bat-room think, at a stabatitata flit rimy or gut Into!ieftlag bavaraga, bat a kighly oar " Ili t li t s, IirDOSTADLN Arliwt CT, a Para Scala, fro" trosa alit t 2;aitsaidaat aria, judos' dings, arid will of am LIVER comptAmr, DYSNITSIA AND JAFINDIVE. Zooflimil'illieriaan Slitters will mireevery ease of Obiotdo or flames De. bility, Disease of *a irides" awl Disarm orbits film • Disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING STRIPTOI4%, Rawkincfrous dipyrdars ?fa. ,Digsetio• Ovum Constipation, Inward riles, Ful nem or Blood to the Head, Aciditroir the Stout , sob, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Feed, ?slum or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Brateratitou Sinking or Fluttering at the Mot the Sto mach, ',trimming of the Head, Hurried end Ditault Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Olpaing or aufoosting senssaolis whentin a lying posture. Dimnesa of Vision, Dote or Wahl before the algitt,Fe ear and dull pain in the of Perspiration, v • nese of-the skirt and Eyes, Yalu in A tie side, back, 'chest, limbs, An., Sudden flush- . ea of Heat, Imaginings of xvir,..)...d Grist Depression of llgeollaaidil Germs& 1111110irm, ,WILL smo:rov' ' A GOOD APPETITE, — WRUNG N pfLVErs • EALTHY NERVES, ADY NERVES, ISK FEELINGS, ENERGETIC FEELINGS, ' . HEALTHY FEELINGS, A GOOD CONSTFPURION, A STRONG dONEITITUTION, L A SOGNIKQNSTI,TUTION. RILL MACS Till STRGNQ, WEAK II DELICATE I= • MIN WILL MAWR TUN DEPREN•Eh' WILL MALI THU SALLOW CIO MPLEX lON CLEAR, WILL MAKI TRU DULL E-YE CLEAR AND BRIGHT, Weil prove a blessing in EVERY FAMILY. Can be used with perfect safety by MALE OLD 01 OR FEMALE, YOUNG 4 4 4 1 1 4 PALILTICIVZIAJIL groirion! There are many preparations sold under the name of Bitters, put up in quart Bottles, Com pounded of the cheapest whiskey or common ruin, costing from 20 to 40 eints per - gallon, the taste disguised by Anise or Coriander Seed ec. This class of bitters has caused and will con tinue to cause, as long as they can be sold, hun dreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their rise the system is kept eontinualry under the in fluence ,of Alcoholic , Stimulants of the wont kind, the desire for Liquor is created and kept up, and the result is all /he humors idiendant upon a drunkard's life and death. Beware of them. For those Who desire and will have a Liquor Bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One bottle of Ifootiand'e Berman attars and mix with throe quarts of good Brandy or Whisky, and the result will_be a preparation that will FAA excel in medical virtues and true lyseellence any of the numerous Liquor Bitters in iheniarket, and will cost aura tam. You will have all the virtues ofHoort.ten's Birrans in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior prepara tions will cost you. DELICATE tIIILDREN, Those mdfering from manAMIES, wasting away. with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cur ed in a very abort time; one bottle iq much eases, will have moat surplising effect. DEBILITY, Resulting from fevers of any kind—Time. Bit ter, will renew your strength in a very short FEYER AND.AGUE The chills will not return if these ,Ditipm are used. No person in • fever and ague District should he without them. Frew eA Rev. J. Newton Browns, D7E; Edi tor of the fingydopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recom mend Patent Medicines in general, through dis tnist of their ingredients and effects; I yet know of no sufficient reason, why a man may not testify to the benefits be believes himself to have received from say simple preparations, in ths - hope that be may thus contribute to the ben• alit of others. I do this more readily in regard to Hoofiand's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jack son, or this city, because I Wes prejudiced *gaunt them for many y awn, under the impres sion that they were chiefly an alcoholic,., mix ture. lam indebted to ray friend Robert Shoe zu•ker, Esq. for the removal of this praludiee by mopes testa, and for encouragement to try them when suffering from great and long debility.— The me of three bottles of these-Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and Maturation to a degree of bo dily and ntentalvigoi which I had not felt for six month' before, and bad alabook diespetria of regaining. I therefore Meek God and my friend for directing me to the use of than J. NEWTON DROWN, Vinod's, June 23, 1362. ATTENTION SOLDIERS? •NDTAZIPILISMDII OF SOLDIIIIIII • We cell the attention of all having reintkure or friends In the army to t h e net that HOOP LA-NEVE Germanßittarr will sure nine-tenths of the &Hams induced by eaposaros end pri vations &trident to camp Ills. In the lists,. published almost daily in the newspapers, on the arrival of the sick, It will be notbred that a very large proportion ere suffering from debili ty. Every cue of that kind can be readily our ed by Raritan& thlll4lllll Bitters- Ws, had no hesitatkmin stating task if them Bitters Were freely steed among our soldiers, hundreds 'of &el might - be eared that otherwise would be lost The provision ere daily receiving thankful litters from sefferele In the may and hospitals who have been tutored to imam b the use of these Illtiere, sent to theta by their !Honda. BEWARE CMCOUNTERPEIT&A Bee. that. "e. L Jscksde ti oa ime Inane , CT @Mb bottle., MIXED Line Shoo $l,OO per bottbs, or Nair Dos. 0,00 Madinat Size 10 a or Ball Dos. tfdr , The largo Shte, on aiteottht of the quantity the bottle* hold, are mush the ohespet. Should Your nearest drones not hen the article, do not he put et by say of the intozi. eating preparations that Imp oared la its place, bat aseA to un sot we, still *award, is "nal 14004 b 7 tthlrleas; mow- LUMINST. =I 'd 4ll o l i - ‘ita T titliniftlhhgN i . SOUTERRIt - 1113TORY'CFPRAlt.`, itaszt ACCOUNT of rum BALTTLIS tor Bia. . Rust rojibirrripuito. icy 'mai 13100111) YR4.11 .07 TRX IT IL a. rl4l4ltaD, AND 411111101 Olt "TLItST TWA Or TER *AL" 1 lioL 8 'o; 400 pages , Cloth, AOC. With portraits on stool, rally taken of H. STEPHENS; GENE. LONGSTKEET, STUART, and JOHNSON. • PLANS OP: BATTLICEI This volume brings the Mateo of the per, from a Southern view, down to the deo* of tie late invasion, in July, of Pennsylvanki. •Written wit* dames; independenee sad ability, and as the only connected account of ell the civil, military 'slid naval operations in the South, it is of great Importance and in terest. It gives a thrilling narrative of cam paigns, which were fillet with Integrating inch dente and brilliant &Mime. The first oditioscof 6000 copies has be e% en tirely taken up in advance. Therefore the pub lisber.would request the trade to order early. "FIRST YEAA OF THE WAY.' BY R. A. POLLARD, Editor Richmond Examismr, ♦ND , B. IL DZSCI'IT,, , Editor Richmo¢ddEuquirer• Oue Volume, 8vo; 600 pp. eloils, Authentic Portraits, finely assented' ion steel, from late' Photographs of DAVIS, LEE, BFALTREGARD, JACKSOK - ITSZ - -'-''--- PLANS OF HAMM. „ This is an exact reprint of the only History • ofthe War published io the South. 'The value and Importance of this conned.d ellatement of all Civil; -Military and Naval operations, as pic tured to Soathorn readers cannot be overrated. It is well written, fall of details, with many narratives and ins nts of personal adventure alba. amatestjnteres It contains theta so o tspdawn - tlMoare, the Constitution of the Confederate States, and a Chrononological List of Battles end Events. HEARTY, STOUT, LIVELY, "OFFICIAL REPORTS OF BATTIAS," rtsuainiorr must or conouss, nrcatromar, Cosaipasioirto Poparirs " First Year of the War." One Vol. Bro. 600 p. Cloth, $2,50. AUTHENTIC PORTRAIT OF GEN. REAHREGARD. Finely Pseetteed on Steel. An exist reprint of the official Confederate reports of battles, raids and sieges, which are of the greatest interest and importance. The. will command the attention of multitudes if' readers in alliflitts, who are desirous of knots= lug the Southern history of the war. The New York Times, says: "This is a Volume of extraordinary Interest, being nothing lees than the Rehel.official state ments of battles, for the aciseunt of which we have heretofore bed to rely upon the reports ot our own officers td descriptions of newspaper correspondents. " The whole collection will be found exceed ingly valuable as a companion volume of our own reports on the conduct of the war; and Mr. Richardson deserves great credit for getting' it out in this very -.convenient and handsome shape." The above Works, bound Mindsomeiy in half Morocco, gilt edges, uniform, will beeupplied at #l2 per sett. A THRItLINU BIOGRAPHY (MEAT GEICIITIAL OF viz 'count AN AUTILENTIC LIFE OF STONEWALL JACKS9N. LIM IRlrliOltsl, LAD tAIIPAIONII STONKW4tIL JACKSON. Pito*, DIMICIALJPA PEES, COIIIIIIIOOIIARY iwtawrivss AND PLASONAL AOQVAINTAXOg; A Virginian (Poe Vol. 121n0., 325 pp. 81,25 Authentic pot traits of Jackson and We eneoeseor, Ewell, on Steel. STOPIRWALL JAOLI6OII his made too Profound an impression for de public not to devour with avidity au satisentio life.. Poor compilations may be gotten up by author 'without memo to authentic doedinents' but this Is • life written by arConfederate officer, (Ron. John M. Dan iels,) who knew him well, served under him in his brilliant career, was assisted by Mrs. Jack son, and had booms to all his papers. It gives minutely all the details of his campaigns, tilled with thrilling incidents and interesting nano, tires, sad is written with great ability, forming • volume of intense and absorbing interest, un equalled by any other yet offered to the pub ic,. It °obtains the only authentic Portrait of Jackson, taken from life, shortly before the battle of ChanoeUorerUle, for Mn. Jackson. rearaeir or rroxwa l L JACKSON; wrra , AN ALITOOKAPIIy Nagrared on steel, by one of the but artiste In the country. It I. copied from a Photograph taken Jost before the battle of Chancellors forlitie. Jack son, and Is the only authentic plotnie. 'The work has beest done In the Angst style of the art. Theatre of the eagnsvingisl3xlo. PllOlll, WITOUt ft/3M Plain Proof., 43,00 'lndia do 0,00 Artist's Proof before letter, of whieli very limited =labor have 00 10 been piinted' , They can banal by tapas& • Rename delirium this opiendid portrait of Jackson, tweloqueeted to forward their names to the publisher. • s e e The impostures end lamosting chants ter of the above works num be inferred from the fat that the publisher, is obliged to usi every facility to amply the a s tad. demand. AOSINTS 1f4141111D IN IVIIILT TOWS AXD 0111 T C. 4jt ; ICIARDSON, Nistatieal Boakesilai and Publisher Nes. Maid 696 Broadway, New York. Copies °Ube 'km works seat by mail post paid upon i . 6oelpi d pries& Beildbate.l74. 110 b. 1866. Sas. B oa: 112'03117L Biwoom, Iti, OM$Q$ 11610P111€111110N, Prop, The reoprietor kerbs "removed ec " Broker hors Zak,- directly graft *6 1 3=1 gtpas• Ail costiklies to k ok kialr snot of 06w1004 por 04 tko onto* otOlOot 1 _sow in & • "elr ~, '"4--- Stkt NO FALSE CALLS TO THp. 'WEB CLOSET. 1171 A B32SZ AND "MOILDUCIII gvACUATICR 3.0 M ; .r.L3 IS ALWAYS 1031:1 ED. Nenly Disaoterod rrineples In Purgatives. rh nadier'gyins ate the bettt Negative PIII. to wont bend the Hgy Vegetab'e Stittittom t it r.i:omet on throw attwe disc VIA esi. They Ac. Aoral.Af a r.:GETADLU EXTRACTi PIMA, IZOOTS,• ur.r.Bst, TS. U 33-1, sEr.w. FLowims. I.IAP.R . S, FiriiTS AND WEEID% PP..774. PAREI> I I V.V.1.70. 0,, vg, ; , r the china( of Ito mv.fictenf pita. n• W tY . ‘ Ittt•••••et • itre.gter curet°, true, it r tit," thou • t • t eruct, att4 Itte t m.aeri .1, shot sotto 1t,.. •il other pm. i n use Th..,, tale COMPMII.Ita frit .f 'itto acute outdo lent Mt, rthn tm•ruu.i., 'Rowers. Gib., he f tatarlt:thry A A Clusg.iosAL—Usig tatil-petort-Mcdt ouporioroy I tit other pills, The 7 • PCIREi, CLEANSE, PURIFY. HEAL, SOOTHE, CAUL, STSENGTIICN, INVIGORATE, And REGULATB'TIIE SYSTEM. Their areal Pombinailogis. They are Aperlsoll,Tusile, laxAtlir,,, • wriove,Ftsiro -1....-0446•4evisMors ) A.d —S.. Th-y are Mere certain .ur•l tinr.w. h torn the Clank. , rilk . f Aloes, er lop or 11A km OA. •.r Wart= ; m•I mare .nothing banana than berma,ur nee. barb, af Tamarinds, or 1 . .4”; tat IN SIIPDK'N ATTACKS OF taa.mm at ion of I',e &wok or Pionsacr Mloa Sal or KOttair , Wants Chalk or 11111ou. Fever, Ki.ipe ■. or Cuageklvo Faver,Saaall Pox, Itcsalas, or .1. rig , ' /ever, Ti)SIX EIGHT OF DR. RADWAT , S REGU LATING FIELs WILL PURuEI-.THR-FROIA. HT CAUSE OF THE 44 FRolf THE STET= One ski, • of Or. Itadway's Pills will tamale Leal 001. I. .Eitl putts tram this laiwsli all coMusdisii an I rtUtur.l humors, as lborouglily as lobelia as She sporwral °meats WI I altralle the stomata, with. out prmiu.l4 lannallinalsoct,frrUktlea, wyonkqesg, STRAINI246. 051 asant Yyrn,uom•. Tao •an fiber twrlsirre law to Sae world that Wlll muss Ws dun iltratura. Thr y exercise a more powerful Infamotid mut Ow Hoer oral It recrerlona than calomel, no retury, blue pill, Itcpciftews In moor of 1.17 M allbpl4ll.lll and flPlemarMlMlMlM r ikundloo,DyraproMarallher ,lloadache Lc, In the Wouttnetat of Ihnuili,ultMac br lour, Yallow, Typhoid, and tither Waning reams, the . % e'e • ruierro. In condom Their hathietWo Wend. the out en aindem, controilhm-ibmr~rsowmt; bra roe II • the miaxed and daralnertmarglou, and ergo hum. • 1 i rho accretion. to Oro natural pedbronsom of their. dude. , .:.*mini and pudfylng tha blood, and. fore ^R frn,n tiro organ all r,laemod &posit. rind Ice pm e humors. • 0N1:S Coativenems. Cole,t 'nation, Cungn`tion, Heart Dieeme Diku.. of .K ney tr. Itlmitier Theefon of Li II ver, Iyi)I Fere', Ship Fever, Muligusuat Fe ca, Last of Appe tat, Indigostion, Intlatutnatitm Palpitations, Scarlet Fever, Billow Fever, latve lakes dam" of Ratlines,Pills, of three ON each, di LK day. ; they corollas of *modesties, Indigestlua, and tyspepda I Imre taken 13.—kb'., A awl many o th er npr yaws, add coul d oolY obtdn UHSPOrSri relie f .lf I Eloping the woe of them OW far • week my all complaint would appear.. &A ogees of &Moray , * 1114 aural me. 8t 'BCY SlGNltlar, D. & 11V' "I WWI guars! irl.b Doman aid User .al• plant fur .seen years—bens wad ill worts or pdh... Wiry would gni m. temsponuy roundel, but was nein. polled to tam Onto all the Caw 1 have said mks bon pl Dr. Itnlwars PIIL ;1 am cured. 1 bass soot taboo, a polkas ef mallow I n months. 1 , • . C. It MIMI, Dozbary, PILO, STRADILNU AND TENII3OIB, IYILAS,STRAINI 11 AN TWASISIItbf, Aro tbs mutts of Inansematlon Sr Iseltstioa alr OW sma sous tosestrane of On bowels, Unused by draw ide—ebses kuperfeti Pals. Maim! or betas 44 . 04 " by the alas, aro nulled to the lower bowels, sad In duce • perboatto movement or wrsonalne by Omar Irritation —Amos Os strands,. cramp, pass, prln sued tenenssus, and ibejnyturd7= io thrrieente • ..d, dust plans l indsrly. sidle abs alai iiiporford pals. If you would smog Mae amornoss, wbeainer parpslve 111011CIIM rlnsind, bun • doso ot ILADWAVd RIDOULATOW PIJJL THEY WILL PUREE THOODUCIELT'END , LUATE THE BOWELS EVJOLAIL Period alifould 'PIM, mar n:r es a pa*, OPANl t tr i lH a litni COATED WhEl GM." ammo - win! aux.. * Dr. Dadwart riW w obpally *alma! of& Gm, . aro kat a Com tuts at &wall on be Won at Doha aad Go ll OCCOS/0011. daiaorr Malt Dom ao l blo, If toper' to wet 4 . 4 iimop yeah& OW Sabo &ea P". • r •1F,311t RAWLY& nulh klaai 4 iimalli• a ilia&os isaammtba, la saves Noe of billiamsoaalt of tbarrkswals, Panltals, &0., oflar Olatoo Marina NI, lajoalaao aoMobot l i gast g.i g o td. • Mai of nadwart Pala wal mom all aid &sive a Deo pampa proguoas lb, oam ars &ado soda box. Prioo put baclionta 101 l by Dtion&O, )11 Plains. and Illoro kaapirs. D. A. Agadlalas ent baa,beoa auraltll44 &Mtb a Mast ga frs& aad ttZ a = mob box la oadato• watt jiMlal• LAW, lake aloe O&M JUDWAT & OD. .17 SAW. loai, New Yak • Q now A. IVELDNAL 1,..7 • Labouring a Waoiacialt Da4Lai /31 w inr B 4r , RANIES, D WIN & GINS, MI 1 9 1.94/0M110)1" 'Harr wO. eel Nem warm wnuesr a (Below Spies Gerdes.) PIII.I4,DgLPIII4, FENN' 4. &pt. Ippl. , era IbblOVE AOADBMIt AND. liiiillNA -3,Y.—Thie Inetitatkin 1111 open on Weebeeiday April 17th 1664. Wiry Wert Will M genie I. ^dna* Abe and Imr ait iot Ay pi tvac igaisp— vocal . 4 11 4 miiht V b, 4,,,..ritmatin.a.". , - re .400 a. . • - , 1.4. 2 11= 44;11 16Ih 46. • M_O4IC•TOVA 141081 • Alai,. Raft 17 Mobs Midst 44 asp A lOW ' BADW AY'S HAMEL ART. THC X1:37 PITAATIVE MLR. ARC TIM DE r 1170GATIVR VILLA ARC WIN 13:2T ItItUATIVE PILL& so.steu~asa. No oturma NO i'LIiMIRT.O EKE] AS EVACUAN IN SEC 110Uft3 mr! w wc. 4:4_R kto rut LA I 0.1: TINYoa oLux ALTEU'AVIVEII DR. •ItADWAY'S PILLS X DO.XES WTL'L C'Ult* Jabwilco, Conget . vo Fe ver, Slw•ptueto, Urn 1 Debtlit7. Dianneon of b t Fits, Lowu'oof Sptr its, Quincy, pylipepaa, measles, Melancholy, Hysterics, Amenorrhoea, Fainting, Dissiness, Retention of Urine, I AM CURED. RI Rush of I3lOod to the Bead,. Obstruction, Dropsy. Acute &pipe. Headache, • Ball Bradh, Intiametkas of thh Intestines,. Apoplexy. Enlargement of the Spleens, Scurvy. • Whoolehal Cough, I Worms, • Bad Dreams.. Pisurlay.