Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 06, 1864, Image 3

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Iyheat, 00 .
El, T. 8....-Tho lrnickorbotkio' kid ale • Old
o.ood, are the only Domooratio magazineo
no kneel Of in the North; either one of
thew Ls Irogh double the price of rubserip- '
, tte.
Writtu —From the way yen talk. we have no
douLt you belong to teat ease of beans
your-cif. Phu* believe the war ill. wrong,
yet thliA toe Adosihistration should bo
sustained in enriying it on : We halters It
lenrong, suid believe, that dt is Wrong 'to
give It any ivpart or evicartesands, whales , ftr.
It .Court is but slimly atteutle4 this
ge.lifr. Stone, is selling at auction, at
'Our Ilouser"quite a large lot of dry goods,
listsaind caps, &0.. Sties every evening.
Wir Our thanks nio due to the flon W.
Itepreaentetive in congress, from
the Dauphin district, for copies of the Con
gressional Globe..
fek. If any of (;or rFaders. devil e
dplomdil leo Cream, wo would advitte them
to go to Alm Baigx.lay by the depot. We
tk but what n wo know nod what every
h Lnl in !..kis Ico tciil I , vify to, when we
say that hot Ice cream connul Lc brat.
THE CONTIMINTAL Mos Tut T. 4-Thin large
and ably conducted Ilagizine for May, has
just rest:bed us. To those of our friends
wi dobiro the best, Abolition Magazine of
the day we would
_ . conintend it. .tddreps
John Trew QO, Orecn St: N. Y. IlraiasB,
per f/11111.1.111-•- • --
160" - Tbe etnergene,y men wbo Pt , ved un
-der Capt. Wilion, will be paid off ..t !Sonia
haw, ou friday, May 111th, those 'oat mar
led undue Capt. Burchfield, at Ptu.i Grove,
Saturday, May, Isth,•and those that served
under Copt. SlcAllioter, at Bellefonte on
Tuesday May, litb. Be on band ln.ym if
you want your wages.
fikir We would c4ll the attention of our
to the. Adv. of the
Milroy. Mr. D. C. Kona*, formerly of Ci.i
tre ilall this county, has taken charge of
that well known Maud, and 'fitted it up in a
styio;vvot Empty:aid lay - -iturcountry liOtel.
lie loft clever, obliging, host, and those who
favor Lim wi.h tileit patronage, will find la
A:111.40 fur complaint.
T 1511.1131.2 Arrstit.--,We learn from the
Blair county papers that a young man nato
ed of Tacky Los vanes . . a pain
ter b: trade, who, many of our readers *di
remember as hav;r4 wok d in the uppi.r
end of the county for a coneuleralde time,
autL ett4twerrils f Mr. - liraoklmil in this
place, Aat. his fathar and Itlateelf en Thurs.
rite 21th ult. while laborinz under an
at /et of Manna ruitua.
Ds.crtt of pa I'vott..—lt is with feelings
of tiorrow that we announce tile death of I,r.
EIAU Pllghy Princ,ple of the Agriouitnral
31 4 Penn4ylvouin, which °mu eed
1 , ;:;..; night i 5.31., at the residsoce of M,4.
Ye-otitis, itsi.r_ this place. lie had been
a in but a short time, and hie death Was
quite unexiecttil.
Di. Pugh -.vas a native of Chester county,
and in early life set out its pursuit of scien
tific knowledge, attend* lectures its Eng
land, Fringe and oc,•renty, on scienee ill it s
OpE r negibtlity to scricultifflp, attaining to Lis
•coirse the position of priniple at &thin ham
farm in Yorkshire, ono or the most (list in
- guiehed honors in the 'field of agricultural
purtwitit: Hewes soon aft er called to preside -
, ""over an t i organise the Agricultural College --- ----
of Penuislvania, and had attained a Start- I JIL ' I.ANDS.—Notice is hereby given that
• lag pain. fur great future usefullness, when , iL.,, , c00 My to an Act of Assembly parted the 13th
his 11 - nir's were brought to a sudden terrain- i iluy of Month, ono thousand eight hundred and
fifteen, entitled "an Ail to amend an Art dna ,
alien. Ilia remains were inset rod in the
tine the ;node is, telling unseated lands for tax-
Cemetery at this place on Sunday afternoon CP, etc." The following 'tracts of unseated
in the presence 9f &east concourse of friends
lands in Centre runty, will be exposed to pub
_ _ Ile one 4. out-cry, for arrears of Taxes' at the
.end admirers. . Court llonse in the Donnigh of Bellefond, on the
The following is a copy of the resolutions 2nd Mondpy of June, leo4, (being the 13th dvy)
~ t sdopasii by the students of the Agrimiltural unless soonetrald,
College on learning of the death of their late I ACRE*. PER. WARRANTIES. TOWESRIP TAVES.
1 388 92..„1Valter Stewart...,..Durnside...2o,79
President Dr. Evan Pugh. 1420 68.-Paul Cox do. ..... ....755
WurmeAs:—lt has pleased Almilltty Ciod 1 1,2,„3 .John Vau g hn'.. do 1125
to remove trout our midst our late President, 4„•',”„0 Wm. Wontgomory Penn ;120
,Dr, tleata,Pugh, while in the prizite of life, . 13'1,1' Danl. M0ntg0mery.....d0..... 3 .....130
and the ripe mid vigorous exerohie of his ._'.f .`••-•••i",1).!- Lynn ..-...,. do. ....... ...119
*232 ...... ..... mile! ,Lyon
rare powurs—be it therefore; ;352 '- Benj. Lyon' .ado 120
Ricokid, That we 1110 el udents of the 4355-- .......John 'Cathy dol2*
Agricultural College of l'enna. deeply. de- 4325 Win. Caney-- ..... -do .. ' 119
plot* the lose which we have sustained in ;124 John ennady 45
,Ow i iiesil,b of oar late l'rusident. Gilled with I ;128 -Jai, Itennady do 15
&aund of iinuilial vigor, end clearness, en- /131... ....... -Tam. Hopbrvn de 45
•rielteil by 'rive echolaitship and vari-d 6 deul- 41,3.1 -John C0nden....... ..... do 46
ilir.•,,Tiemilted, to`these a tempo.. so gonna, 41127 Jas. Armstrong do 29
Johd M. Hale.. ..... ..Benner 110
59 1' trX•ias and stijUst&and a 'judgment so . 60.1.
; ... Richard Milei Boggs 907
mature.. as to combine to rare moss re, the 439 163.. Jonathan Hervey do _lll5
talentorfelieltouis inetruotion witikbat of 190 Packer & Lucas - • do 1070
snatuandbli administretion. To his unrest= i 412 44... D. Corskadden...Bnowshoe.....lo32
' ryed and cordial 'devotion to our intefents, 313...... 8 engin ^ Curtin..........810
' end hisitinick and cleat t i perception of our 1287 80...D.' Corekaddeu do 50
!mole, is Itiiiety due. the success which 430 92... D. Corskadden........Boggs 1102
hes thus far .atleodial . us—and whatever 200...,-120..D. Corskadden Curtin 105
412.....44...D. C0r5kadden...........d0 1032
ruelieres of nsefullness may in future attend
au ,' 113 4 D. Cortkadden ~do.. ..... -.129
our etrcce we &op thel
t that upon all 27.... D Corskadaen do 199
future will be Impressed the stamp of his, 3442903 Moses Hood Boni-4.-075
chancier and hie labor. ' ~ . . ir.o ... . /11,220. Groan H0ward...12,15
Prsolrra, 'That in the dint'h of Dr. Evan I, 4,8,s ' tzl)..Deniel itivese Bogge.-......395
- Pugh, ;we have been deprived elan able I 190 80.-Jealie" Evans H0ward15....332
instruesdr, kind guardian and a genial 208 J W Gothfloy do 2'l 56
friend. i , I 355......112...1 - W Godfrey do 21.52
Resolved, That to his bereaved widow and . 154 Joseph Green do. ..... _024
relatives we tender the heartfelt 'tribute of 200„- ofJesseEvans 1...d0.,.... 15,16
our_spnpathy under their heavy a ffli ct i on. 1 142...-.23...N01and Curtin. ...... 674
Resolved, That we attend the funeral in aI 1: Paul Castle d 0..., us
Joseph Taylor
body. 112 Joseph Ke150..„.. do as
• Ram/red, That a copy of these resolutions 8133 James Curtin...........teurMs .t..„810
be given to the bereaved widow anti relit- 412 , ,......187..Martha Godfrey do 28.79
lives, and that they be published in the. no ,t. •. tind0.......,144.
4.4. 0 -.830
r', Aillattle-Ree-daineDhaTff-804-.'Weat Owls- , 'JOS .. i"..:182'..111 ' inil de ."
ter Itepublicen." "Phila. ' Press" ' ”Ger ,, "398 lOB-.7 h Kele° do .24,78
tuantown Telegraph." "New York Tri- 150 Pett (Titian do 182
trune'"'New York Herald," t•Pittaburg 150 $ "rithrCurths.........Llberty...l4,2(i
180. , Jnin,lit lit : g ' T0tter......468
— or . ' ening Chronicle" "PaLtaburg .. , Post," and
20 - 11 4:114 1 60 4, s
~1 Nrrnll ' 1- 68
the Centre Co., papers: ,„ ~ , 433 2' • . illloists ‘ sugunde...3l - 79
----.... ~ . '..--, - -L 11V564, - :•ii :.. . . ............
Couutilatee. ' L 1,,„ ~.,B• 111(44AIt ''''. 2 "., t r 1 v' , . 3 tg, " ••• rf-Xtit'' la t er -
t-er . .. .10......irm c • :.,..,. 0 .....1_,7.,...,,i,,,,, -
otz.segt 4 April 110411F1 - , .0 1
'V.I. iv ~,. • - 1 ... -;--,...:." . .
tt i =le the
• dor
Ra l chWi lfrffitt"O r iVp ki lig w , 4 ._ 67%
broken *lse 0 , i mumit"Overy
thing that-- could Dit OtiMetti r tiny ItmidAy-,
On eaturdny,night the barbershop of Mesh-
toil Graham ' wfur nistended- - to - (r. 2 thit !am
manner, and on snidat night the Tailerla
establishment of Mr. John Montgomery,
met the stuns fate., TAkwords of a thousand
dollars worth of goodi was parried from the
later place, brit as Ilia would:baton, the,
the theirs feared to !Mtn ' them home, and
hid them ItodeiJUO - -4iepty:tit the- 80,11001-
house. where they mere discoirered, and re
turned the nest.diat. thutpistiottiwe are told
rests on a,itoirple of men belbngfhg to the
borough who were seen flit night In t'he
iteighborho)d-whsat the godds Were toned.
if so, we do hol. knot* why:they aro not
'arrested. and made to suffer If guilty. -This
business has 'become too common in Belli-
on e an. tin ess so. , e . Is one pu
an end to it, ‘!e nut) , elpoot more fires, moro
robberies. and perhaps some cold blooded
murders. - Men that will break opea a
house to steal, woull, burn it down to steal
and men that would barn it down to steal,
would murder its inmates to steal. Let the
people be on the alert. •
The Ballpfonte Market.
C.rseiod Trcelds fur Tax WAirtlyAlt by !Toter
Whiter Wheet ..... "per"
liAi .14flkent
I vet Feed
T. tatorn .....................d0....
LAM, ..... ..... [no ',mind
Neon de.,..
Teill , ,r " j " ilti..-.
B : :tt z ..414....
per down,
Planer. ground per t0n....
PN•01.ISII spEciric FILLS core, in loss
than 3b days, the worst reties of Nerroueness
linputtnry, Premature 31eray, Seminal Weak
ness. Insanity, i.n.l all Urinary, sexual, and ner
vous Affections, no matter from what causepro—
dneed Price, One Dollar per box. Sent post
paid, by mall on receipt. of ado order. Address,
D, Bible 14ouso
March 18th, 18841.—:4n. • • New York.
sHALLiqv two or three eg-;l,7iT Pitgibu•
en Wel e," "Sarsaparrila," "Ner
, ous Antidotes," le., Act, and after you are "sat
isfied with the re.elt, then try era , hag of °Lb
PI I.l.B—und be restorern health and vigor In
lees than thirty days. They are palely vogint.
Lir, pleasant to lake, prompt and salutary in
their effete, on the broken down and shattered
con•Ututlon. Old and young run take them
with ad, antsge. Imported aculeeld in the mni
todeStstes only by.
Station' IL, Bible House, •
New York,
General Agent.
P. F.—A lei:went to onroildress_nn receipt
a price—which is One Dottise—post fine.„,
Merck 18,
• PIC PILLS are the only' !fellable
Remedy for all diocases of rue Sentinel, .Urinary
and herveuit system. • Try one rne box, awl
be cthed. One dollar a box. fhte4gio.olll per
feet a core, or toets4 refunded. Sent by mail
en receipt - of price.
Stet Val U, illbte
New York
General Agent,.
The Pttinainii maple preparation for the hair,
irorraiirra in all ease. to rester, faded and gray
I air, and whnikers, to their original eider. It
.1,01. not claim to make the hair grow iu where
it Inn, Opeo Milan out: nothing ail! do that
wlmtnter may be advertised to the contrary,
Lot It lag' if fr, make it
r itt and •dLi, eltadou it and the scalp from Im
mo itu,i mid Minium, and entirely oyerentou
:r.ei 15 loas ute of repur.illOtio Contain
in • kolplior, augur of Inc.!, &a. It l'Utilnre. ro
sonpoig and bourn n.r it appllo ot•or,
nor ORM the 81.111, r`,l It It ea.oly applied
and w pad than the ckin m Sly hair a, coring.—
it fet:ores the 'littoral skiwintig of .41. , • ilT(tr " tlt
4110ther. wised, (live, it it 110 rim
atoad of the dull iialformlitaok old)r3.
1101' • 1 • '5 IMPERIAL Col.opaNn CREAM.
Siiiorrlor to any hair •/rowlug in one. Chia
and cn tors the 16'4 ot, the semi, tome i Lange!
light and red halt t a Lcaun.i.t Liaek. Sold
beer where*
NI, TO Univarlity Pix.r, Non York
%let. I I. '64-Iy.
= -_ -_ _ _
. . . .
~. . .
, 'AI • orgy. • • .a.1:4".1101,:a4a
'US" lall...Mas Greatas. : . ...... .240 ...A;
411 . 6
..I lilliair t att.p ..... 1 4 ,1 0 . 46 74 , .
43$ I: tact.''
Pa7L.....4.:40 1.0.24
Or ,14.1tabagoa. IV* ... d0....,.,31,14
633 - .1:: - ..1 03.316* - .. ...._.10,35
433 Wharton ...... 10,24
438 163.. A b Valentine d6...„....16,25
433 153-T M.Milliken do 10,35
300 00...11 ..1 Aliteholl ' do 4.75
73,..... Ilenry Wheeler......Burnaide;-.5,39
190 John Malt.-- .... , .... d0...4 ..... 14.09
388 •115.,..hatm MaU.'. ..... ....... fin- -.... ‘ ,27,87
488 - 161..Chaa Will fo • /1 4 53
4A3 120:.81ata1en.,......—,4nit1ik ... .... ..17•546
433 120.. Char Hall % 17.54
415 ~..Char A110n....,. do 34,45
100, I W:dfi L C 12.45
2073 ' 9 lawns.. d0... T .,...-.5,56
2074 ' ' ' ' .`Loouraitraib '..136:' '. 3 4 )8,56
383,... 'Jag Hale ellsowaluxe...., 9,06
433 , Jim ohlanue d0... v .... 10.25
483 sand Linn dtr 10,25
431 183.. P Whaaton... ._.Curtio 4''o9
106 J W A L. C P; 12,45
416 Peter Hahn.— ...... ell rti0.....341.41
35 pt. - * miry Do'nnel do 149
20 Arcblbold Hamilton—do— ..... _B3
415 Joseph Themes do "140
415 Jacob Wald ' ' do 9 146
415 Netted - Nil Levy • ilii 1 719
415 Thos. Ihuttpkins ..... 5165
415 4 ..1i0bt. eriy - - do '1726
415 • VirtnA (lily - do 1720
461 Wm. Yiiidley • do 478
370 Sand. Baird.. do 2473
415 Sat& Wborton Snowshoe....9oll
482 * 1178.Pheobe Wain do 1025
433 183a8intell. W. Pi5her„..,...10 ....JOYS
433 10R-Sime. M. F0x..., di0 4 ,......1 u 25
415 Smith M Tallman ..., 1025
423 163-Jma C. !fiber- do. 1025
$BB4. ... . . .. Jos. Kelete.., .... '.
--Collin 4355
337 Lindlesy Coates ',.do 2032
415 Win. ()Sheik do 35119
2074 Cabal Latin's do ...... .....874
2Q74 Lassa Longstrish do 878
431 163-James White do 3596
425 henry Toland Miles JOO
425 ' Sane! Norton— ....... .do ^ll4
425 Don't. Williams
452. ~... ..... Wm. Brady do, 305
324. .... ..... Richard Parker do 3110
331 ... Jeremiah Parker • do 300
433.... .163_13ura Willson Snowshoe. 102:1
425 Saud. Dariolonah-Vitalker 584
300 David Seed-- do 444
42 . ... of Sam% Hall Coriin„..
433 163..glijah Davis do .' .179 t
433 ..... 163_,T05. Higbee or Bigliree-do 454
290 RutleElliet ' do 1203
. 1,20
147 Jesse Haft do 1049
262 ,116.0 (to. Kol hmycf....;,.. Versa 50n..2652
135...A37-Jos. Batmen.: ......... _do 836
123 John Anderson do 1981
116 103..1i00. Nice do 1004
122 114.• oh Lila. do - 1832
130 Peter Crispiit do 806
58" Stull Duncan do - 3548
36 47.. Thos McCullough do 218
70 . reliant Hawthorn do 2190
10 amie Worrell do . 310
388....'..49 .Alphred 11 2099
404. :..19.-Thornas Ferguson. lip
-411t .23... An ron Very do, 1294
404 ...... 115.. J tunes Moore do 1250
382 Ilannah Turner do 11S1
398 122.Danlel Tumes...... ..... do 1281
151 ~.t. Lydia Fowler ...... .. 936
ill Jacob' Way do t... 841
16............ If ch ry Mead le r...... 21 1 i
150 ...... .. - Richard G 111,
inter 6l
293 Richard Mosley do -„18,1
225 Henry Manley do ..... ....13,92
145 Boni Horner ' 'lt sq.
40 John Mc Kean ..... I, ... 24V
500 ' - Itobt Rankin 50........10,60
400.5 . 4.120-Isala Rin5k1e5.t........d0ttit.....24,80
' 400.ft...120-James Baker d 0... ..... .24.80
400 120..Jn0 Patherbrage Jr....d0 - 24,80
400......120. Josiah Lusby.-- ..... do 24,80
135 Cabal Nall 49 —.227
03 -- Jno Pet hertriage do -.779
110 1 ant Baker do 93
88............. Wm King .Half 14 00n.11119
05 ...... .... —Samos] Bryan.. do ...,,,11,2,04
2270 e.t.......-Joto McCissick.... ....... do ff,o
417 10....11en try F10y4... d0........26,24
308. -80....Ri0 bard W hit acad...,... ..:19,67
210....... _Wen Lambertm do 37,80,
180 Jacob Underwood • dn... —.II 41
134 Jacob Pylt do 533
-4011 110 . It tchard .10119 do- ..... .20,20
,400......120..H0uj 'lon:tor Jr Pat ton 24,76
300. ........ ...Jacob Balser t o ., ...d0........36,02
91 53.45c0h K ones Worth.. 411
180 40,-Joreph K hone Worth 735
119 88.- A bruin llf hune ....... ..... -.491
247 150..Ge0 cgs K banes. ..... 10,12
220......71-51 i ehn el Khuues do 927
300-o...4o—Mathis,. K hones ..... .., 12,25
200 John Hanna h ......littlf.Mottn..22,oo
1" Barnette h. Shorb do 226
301 Joseph Botching... Taylor 9231
300— . ...... Abner Webb 40 49,35
GU . ....... .Clumuel Fergustin.....62o
26 Moses Thompson --AO 321
50... ... John Patton do.. ......620
1310 1116Canalish .Ilarri6 9 16
264 f:111111tip it h do 2321
152 ...... 911 Eno kby do 133
'27`7" • ' ;int Edmiston do 9 50
328 Robert Burton.. .....Pattn.....19.29
400 120. N ieholits Deihl do 22,52
100 120../Cdetin Deihl do.. 17,99,
460.....5:120.,Niera1is Deihl Jr do IL sr
Oil John Ohrien ......... ,22,81
110 ...... .....John White do 70184
154 ..... . ....T 'tomes West . —du 16.29
,65..... 10....10mes Newport do ..... ...521
52 Roberts Oroi c do . 1198
do 821
182 Wm Ellie Patton 13,68
200 Robt McClain do 20,88
372 31... Wm Hepburn Gregg " 540
882 129-John Cowaer • do 557
408 127.. And few Canton do 585
1180-,... Bernard Hubly do ...... ....665
406 80... Mich Oratr Haines - 241
485 .--141..8im0n Graz do 241'
486. Jana Simpson do.. "42
359 ...... --Alen ry Antes "do 480
110 ...... ~ . ....11epturn g 11arrie..,.... do.- ..... ..185
4227.....116..J0hn Mackey do 018
156......89.-Benj Youn.r - do 159
379 Peter framer do 859
228 159.. Wm Mackey" 271
277 .88... Peter Somefos do 159
185_3.. . ..... of Jolla Kiwi 4o 149
139 ' il23..Sjmon (I ratz...........M ilea 480
123 47...811n0n Glatt ' do ...... __CO
145 01.-Simon Gratz do 480
195 42...51i10h Gratz do ....... _3BO
136....:.144..81 mon Gres .-- ....,Ao 541
810 1 udwick Karraeker.„llnoon —.27,72
81 ..............8 k D Pyle 4Moon 511
200...... Rebt Gray._ ......... ..G regg 364
200 Jobb Carson do 3314
200 Carnelian Diaboll d° "92
232 Jacob ,Mackey do 585
244 - Duni Roes° dm "92
235 Isaac Richardson do 292
229 Id ichl Zeigler do ..292
160 !leery Vanchßslice...Potter .80
100 Alex Hunter do. 64
100...... Samuel Scott ' do ....... .....64
100 ..... z . ......Abraharn Scott' do 60
YBl.. James Lauriniore.....oregg—.:.:42o
239 Josiah Lamborn 3 M00n.,.22,56
83 John Th0mp50n.........d0 ..... ....780
25 R Curtin /a Sons do 214
254 • 64... James Famber Potter 364
400 60.-Jobg Bolindki Haines 194
400. ....60-11aory Bolinder do 194
400-....60.-Preak Bolinder do 194
400,.....60.4 George Elimefine Penn 264
3400 Sand Wilson Harris..... .271
3400. .100 Mitchell .do 211
3400...., 3 0....Ja0 Reynolds do 9 41
3400 - 8 Henry ' do 181
3400 .Thos Sankey - do 173
3400 " John Steele do 341
4400 -Robt Sample db - 301
3400......,...Adam Connelly do 301
3400 David Wilson do 301
3400 Jos Work do 3.301
140 ....-...-Barld {Turk .301
3400 -Nathan Ellingsondo
. 301
4400-- ...... .Win Wilson do- 157
3400 Allen 81431 - Aa ' 301
3400..„.. 3 . ..03dwittd Wjlson db '." 301
400 1 James Steel do ' 301
1400 Andrew Duff ' Potter 120
440 0 ..... ~..41toilliregiri t - ' 'diii...i ..... sip
John' 3400 Jn' 31 &land .... :AO ' • 11710
4400 . torpid' sit , ' do 370
3404...,.....-Itiotaile ((Olen '"" So' v . 370
3400 tabu IP' Br u, • .do • '. 370
W, ....;,.„..0 i ff ah1a.....::: !. .. x ... , ..a . 270-
Pi -el ..... .dolerNe ..f .:::-.ltAid ,, -- • ' 370
, /4 0 4h.4 0 .„14........, 3 *
' t 32i% ,114.:i.1410.4111111*•370'
-, -- —a tr.:. c. A 1 . ,: r 1 II 1 ...
1414 , ~
it k eitme• Pl AtV 432
.4 400 ' /m.... 482
'llOO nth . 'Perteir.i.. ..... ...".d 39
112......1214..Thes Parke% 'do ~.....38
400. ... 4 ..,Win lIN., ri00n..0.... ..da - - 90
123 151..J0hn Hayes l.
Mel 82
199 15-0 B Nabob ..... ....110w5rd.....16,10
299 100.. W C Welch do 14,08
199.....94.1:A D illmlo .., • "4 19
2911......51...)1. D Morrie do 775 1
186 12. , ,AcD iiirris,...;.. - do-. 2 2 401
242 99...Joseph11er;to ..
db 10,08
35 110.19 m A Tb0t0e5,.,...,1,.d0 461
4u6 40... Peter Leetzel Libmiy....19.24
413 - - - AlO-.r3otm Jackson -•"- ' - da:...14.3191 -
T 49 Chris Smith do 20,82
429 103../lobt I.nrin do 929
190 ' 10...J0hn Potter , do 114
433 120...10bri Buyers Iroward 868
433 129:10eof Xtßmg 6.. . ' d 0....... . %. $6B
416. .. :: ... "-See - We1deer;...t..i.r....-do-rrar.r.o74-
434 - John Miller ' Raab 792
433 103.,84841 Pameotat.e....noward 874
Roo 41... J 8 Furst •dv ...., 78$
65 ' ‘ - „..,110bt MIMI AIS .1 Huston 690
100 11,,bt 118 11 nos ...J ' ' 13.55
" I , 04-,,,-.,,,,,,,Def0i-K -bibe ey 87 14
Z9O ' .
A'd tuSfileihdelBr..—Libetfy '959
350 ...... —...."....."...Jn0Liggel do. 707
200 Robt Young --Atomism ...:.800
120 Ilenj 5h0emaker..,...,1.d0...—..34,09
119' Aldzander Schott. do ..... _32,10
199 • Paul Likatzlngor du ' ' 64,01
60 ..............John Shynk • 'do 18,19
70 Chriat Bihrer do 19,30
189 Ilej Shottnak s er'.B-1.Wa1ker.....60,08
100 .„..S : Alex iledtko ' do 49,80 -
239 u.,. Abram Bingar.,.• do 71,08
41 „Adill Dunwoody d0.......12,28
218 Paul Zantaingerz..— 64.28
192 Jar Warder • ~., du. 286
94.......4,.....fer Parker do 273
91 Richard Parker ' do - 278
2:176 Thoa Grant —.4.......311144 • 19,1
469 • ' Ale* Mater . d 0.,.. 332
31.10........:,...x1er•Ja0i5en do 222
125 ' • Wm Stead Tsui ' do 92
1:10. ',. Rohl. Tsiggeit...s t do, 95
200 Thun Smith . ,„. de...—....148
.100 Alamo Berry ' do 219
4111 ITatmalt Brady . Al 612
129 Buhl Gray..............._du l l '3
2:17 The'•l Grant du 26U
184 Robt Br n dy). du.. 641
110 ...... .... Wm P Brady .. do 146
4411 John Reese do 609
300 Wm Parker d 0.... ...309
125........,....Jehn Dorsey d0..., 42,
125 \foam Wbartim....: ...... do 46i
405 Peter lluusel .do 4..3.15
58 Wm Parker.— ......... de 75
'''s Wm Mfles 12,05
- '' -.Mtn 1"2,84
".41 =EME
42...- .... --Jamas Moore Potter 431
200 B Jahniniro.'... , do slioo
200 W Uarrigua ' do 300
257........,... Cat brine Bobbin Spring -716
300 Rebecca Robison do
.160....-.5-..ll.4chardjlobisen lO6.
161 John Knox Wa1ker.....484
1 . 8 2. i. ...... ...Richard Purdun
175 Robert Rublauts...-....d0 ~.541
106 ....... --Win Cook Pena 100
4:"I 153..J0bn - Allison Rush 2069
75 Win Wilson do 799
2119 Janice Allison do 1989
433 163..J0s Hopkins do 708
431 163.. J no ilugkins do .....798
133 .. - ....163-Jno auk'. do 1508
4:ti I 53-Jno Lowden do 798
438. ....153-Thos Praia do 798
4.13 153.. Renj • Rush_ ' do 15,98
4:13.....153„C Riihrv il do .15,98
j 413 151„Jaceb ere do 1.6,00
100 153„ Ro be rt king do 616
$33. ..... I 63„Roberc Irvin do ,28,12
4:1........ 153,,J0hu Musser do 28,48
431 153„Rieisard Peters du 28,49
431 1 4 3 ,..P a atil Bush du 798
133 I 63„I'aul Black - do 798
433 163„Paul Such do 798
433 183,,J0bn Borekand de 7 98
133 I.o3„John Kelly ....... 709
433 - --Ulu/ lAA 8a5k.......dh.d0u1 - . - 798 - - - =7. 213
433 164„John Such - do 798
100 John Black' do 788
312 Joseph Wolin do 759
4:13 Juno Miller do 886
431 163„D Turner do 1582
433 153,,Ju1in flaiab right do 1600
131 131,..1au1e4 0 illilan d ......Snowshue...29.2
162 Richard Jones do 'lBl
4.11. ..i...153„ Mary M Wli erten do. ....„1021
4 Ad. 153 Ji.S.TII P. Mcirrie,,,...... do ...... „ I 025
414- .... .
. . Snail Debicin 1025
.(1.1... . ...... Samuel Phipps Uni0u,...1922
260 Jacob Vappuol... -Tay10r...„40,60
240 Chrlstain Vanpool do 1150
100 ...... .. -Michael Weidner do 675
100 Michael Weidner do 675
100 D RalBtort.....i . ' do 1150
117 Bore Darin do ,22,35
170 (ieuorgo Hoover I.' ni0u...241.18
150 John Mendenhall d 428
150 Rob) Hall do 0155
40 Jra Wicker do • 227
281..,5.120.,!? no Aston 80gg5...J(577
309.. .... . ...1 itenland lo 1633
;108 .- t ' l O S. ~It 1 390
334.... ~ .Win Wirtar do 991
44 82,..Th0s Burnside Union 9 88
50... ..... ....11 Pyle &c Walker 72
400 Teroni lab Parker do 100
400.. . ... . Itiulterd Parker do 449
.426 131„.latnes Butler do 637
436 Mary Corr ;can to 632
431 ~ ... 14... W ... Aukert A,. 012
13f.41.. -Captain • Osman do 652
/ 44 '.'-;
42, „..,,,„jllargaret Daugherty _ll. 658
43: 2 .53:. - 11nrguret 'James du. 615
445 711— Eflunt il J . :l4m, du 0113
141- 03...50tn'l Richerson du 9450
4011. ...45.. Elisabeth Doug erty.. do 650
427.... .119 .Jesse Rs ans do 639
4311 .... 72 .Peter 114.1,0 do 039
124-- .127. A 111106 Wickersham do 644
430 56,- Wig (Mime ,In 652
13 107. John 514 , reer• Walker 131
811 107-Robert Ask in do I'll
88._ ..... 107...10b Packer do 111
SA 107.elaum Packer J r.........,10 131
88 107-11 as is Jiibeittai do 131
127 PliO-W Maw% a(,. 479
323 160.. timid Men - or do 191
218 107..1tobert Baker '' do. 1 , 3
218 107-Jultn &Icor do 123
131 120..Samucl Milos ' do : p4,42
50 Benjamin Pyles & C0,,..10
50. ....... ....., Assl to J Walker.. Itu nisi& ...188-1
405 147...Tae0b Rush Itusli 14,95
42 9 14....1ti1in ;Weidman do 15,29
402 116..Jactrb Weidman do ' "9,74
433 12..Jacob' Gentler ....... .. _do 16,00
433....,.1 3 .Daniel .Bren tier 796
4"3 I 3-Ed war-a Bryan
' So o-
' 408
190 11 Vandyke Suva e h0e,...451
250 ...0 liockwitb Taylor 3148
i i ti ..of It Annesley Curtin 3445
12... „..'. -Rob t' ty Cart n ey..... Fe rguren ....292
^l5 W Ramsey.- i - II oward —.2852
' 25 00-of J Dreysbul-g do 242
25 00;;'J ti reysbusg do 242
208 . Jiunes SartiuTla......Liberty„.....4B9
250., 9 imon Lingle do 383
84 00.11 ugh 'Shaw do 105'
100 C Nest/clued. Liberty, „...486 I
100 of A Scott • Miles, 67
50 of Samuel Scott ' do 17
104 Joseph Bowman.... Rush 104
MI al to 0 Beiohal Liberty 712
30 ed 445 S Baohdel do,, ~...,429
433 A Reighart Rush 7913 ,
190. J MeOldre - D0gg5,........180
MI 46... J D Barrie .do. 226
164 18.-Jatties Alkali, Ru56,......1214
160 • of Jahn Carr Taylor; 405
2110 i.....0f - Jtunes Carr,. d 675
106 22... W Lowry. ... - 1140, 436 1
216 1613.40e1 Parker Buraeid...492
40.- i....10.-Richd Atherton.: de— ...331
433 153.11 Malone do 798 1
433.,....163..J0hn Gandager... ...... do Moo i
4:11...0.163-George &lough - d0.......1688
433 133 o Isaae'Butehea dos-, 798
433 162,,Mi0h0ul Oundaker de.--” 16110
177 84...Hardman Pai1ip5..,...„d0.,....,,1340
217 166„Thosnita Grant.... ..... „d 0.....-1.2911
020..„,1412„hine10s West ~do ,„612
1433..„253„J0hn West . „do - „frit
4433..0 83„W A - West ' do 619
4433...,,153„V H etteetegham do 1612
43911...„71 -.Jelin 1 9' Ifeeht., ,do 242
' Also at the ea no dale and pleae the hdlosrlhg
described seMed OA tintaked propeity upon
tehkh suillelsont bids amnia tei Avid ti, pay
the taxes astonsod thrlbohr, lir -it:
pale andet . thifacf ot itil .29 1 .
10 mares of land Ig. Mandel Ter's ailsesl4.l to '
Oliver Watson tot 'Shoal tax 41800,01, 811 09 0.- 1
House and lot to ,11sktioA ~,k sowed to '
John Zook for iqbool thi' itriWitil la Wh, 0.
llitihoo hod lot, tied' lit bob in lkiertiort
• Twisaasaasad-toW st ' ..-1111400 . 1 tax
elfllloo,-111 lt 4,06 ' . • "'. ) • ~ -
nr'' • Sinreit6ApOtt • '
~U•'lh~~ty~r~t ~~~
11. AAA L , I
x is)r
1/011115 AND4IIOB6
.. • •
OUNIMOM *Mr" , ir
irootteint, NOT MASON
FOR 1: , ti AT mot.
• LARDS STOCK QV 14/11111SIL ,01/ ALL lane
....aaoczanz: 411:1010PkitiLlt or Nair .
Tors •PID cosriciunikauts.
Act. :trw•liD OATS
LADIES rrrtsAisw. STYLES, vicToß,
I' 0N 8 .
Ladies Stocking., flood Oloies, Nubisi, .1 4 fo
tons of all kinds.
North West Corner' of the Diamtpact.
• •
WARRANTED to he ;just what we represent
them. We have the very held which' wet
• warrant, and lower grades in all their '
Any 011: vow YOURSRLV SR.
•8 H 0 E . F I N 12WIAL •
and ovary article made and kept by saddlers,
Water-Proof Boleti, double soled warranted
A large intiorfroent of Buffalo Robes, Horse
Slegh Belle, Fox Traps, de.
The highest market prices mild for Hides Skin,
and all kinds of fors.
00010 and crenate., our stook which will be
shown with pleasure, and satisfy you
that it is the place to get good
Boots and Shoes and such sr.
Ochs ,in our line of
fl A RjJ P
F 0 li
Wben you ean Lava , all you desire to eat it
ocry luw rate.
has just received a large and well salosetad stock
of goods witich he intends to sell at a very rea
sonable rates—so low as not Gibe excelled by
any other establishment of tho kind in the
country. You will find it greatly to your ad
vantage to
If you vient Sugar-cured ind Canvassed 'lsms,
Shoulders and Dried Beef, go to.
Buydried Peaches Apples, Cherliei, Prunos,
Cermuhrsi ' d
TamsFlo4s from
If you want Primw Clunia,Ba7t, Itjcc , CavAlliab
Congreas, Fine out, Natural Leaf, or ti
Tobseco of etiporinr quality, go to -
Buy rem Itegalias, Principal's, Opera, 'Havan
na and Berman Sixes of the best brands, from
Ladies will find it to their ad% antage to buy
Morocco Boots, French calf and Kip shoes Slip
pers sad tlaiters with and without beets, of all
sizes and colors, from.
Buy ithoeljor men. womrn or children of all
kande Prow inplendid onortmoui with
Buy !karst eicily Oranges, Fresh Leknons, Figs,
Duteg, itsislual, Candies and Nuts hum
If you want Gum Dram Moss Jujube and Fig
Paste. Jelly Cakes, Cocoa, Linesmen', newels
and English Secrote, Sugar Plums, or any other
kinds of Confertionarles, go to
'oy Hair 'frustum, Portmenias, Penn e, Pocket,
end Dreissing Combs, itium pair and Englieh
Bat head and Mourning Pine, Gloves, Hosiery
Pocket Knives, Trout dine, Fish Hooka and
Tackle, Stationery, Gents Linen and Silk
Hankereblefe, Linen and Marseilles Col•
larr, and many other Farley Articles and No
tions of
It you want Fancy Swaim, Candice, Corn and
Pearl Starch, Shot, Powder, Coffee Fieeence,
Brown, and Engli.h MtiQtard, Boil and Black
Peppers, Cringer, !dace, Nutmegs and a general
calmly ofletie, gate
Buy Curu and Mao* Brooma, itiipi, flair
Lusters, Clothes, ElitON agifi l Store su s d Scour
ing Bruslter, from
It you Kant Oin Button Sugar
ti finger or pods Brisahers s io'f,tl
If yott hare Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Wheat,
Itesret or Other Country Produre,. itscau he tir
dinned for goods at yeah prices at the cheap
cash variety Store of
Plra•r ,preept our thanks far pad far
vorp dud pinco uo under obligatiens for many
new ones.
-Salerenta January fiat, 1864-2 tr.
Mods, iu lore, Woolens, 4.., fussers,esi
Fowls, Anielats,
Put up in 25c. and $l,OO Boxes, Bottles, ea
irleske. $3 and $ , elms for lisktels, public In..
titutlond hr.
"Only infallible remedies liMown. 4
- "Free from Poisons."
"Not dangerous io the huniisit family."
"Rats come out of their holds to die."
.PlP'l3Ol4 wholesale in large aide'.
flgir-Sold by all Drnggists and Retailers every
where, • ,
Aar. 1! ! Beware 1 11 of all worthless\ imitations.
jar - see that "Coarse's" mumsti od each Bon,
Bottle and Mask, before you buy. ,
Sold by—
FRANK P. ORgßil.
Wholesale and Retail Ages". pell•Lonk c ,
March 11 - 4 1884-Bin. Tema
, The Board of Basal Directors, isev..
ing-ttretishgethti tastiterttessmeold give „nett*
sheen is-now open• end centinite so f tie
July next when there will be a vseetinn Med:
sseMok Instruetlinesegigivint In the memos
sod higher beatehes M the' English 'edneetkill,
tegitser w.lit all li)or be vets* Wallin In
Aendeiniee., •
Deseeing eon be'biholliee - W. , Amami/
buUdipjon reesesnalit tem& 'v"
rstpl7 z ,4" Jeer - N.- Beath
4 • JOHN 110117Eill
• .
April 29,14—M. &Wt. School Boar&
- - , 4 :
-1- •
Won of the •ligestleo orgies * the
the debilitate) rystam, the 14%14-
enPieltiournt must expel from the
orruptico which scrofula broods
,s effected by the powerrol altanis
s litre (obangiug train ilfeeess to health-) pryer
br Pine tree tar Cordial - it ties of the Tar Cordial its healing sad renovs
the only safe and reliable remedywhich hei ttrir PA° of tepee intiabed
sarraces of the lungs and threat, penNnting to
ever been prepared from the juoios of the each, diseased part relieving pale, subduing ler•
pine tree. ' liamatioc, mid roatoring a healthful tatidency,—
• • Let this two-fold' power. tim..bnaling 44-4 the
• strengthening, continue to sot' In conjueotioe
** * * .; Pr. wi share , rimi l with lfsture e e oenataat tereparative tandelsey.,
and the Wiese is saireititf helms sot to ling
Tree Tar Cordial has given evidence in I delayed a resort to Metazoans Moen. ,-,
thdusauds of cues of its power to cure in
Consumption of the Lunge, Erysipelas Salt -Thl oa k
e !di! to reed lb * r° l /"Ialc. eigthk"'" 6 .
sect 41.
Rheum, and eruption& on any part of the IbbL ore f rom
reputation. "a"111
, dreselful cough . sued sore throat fbt mut yier s nidd
• *. * * • "Those who are' trouh- !my whole system was fast giving war Nita
bled with throat and lung dissent% cannot 1 -Vii prostrated on lei bed with het l4lll .=
. sr nieoverlog. gy -Pease baffled the p
do bolter than to get a bottle of Dr. Wish- °foal medicines, and m a abort tithe I =me
srt's Tine Lee Tar Cordial, and tiso have gone to my ,rave, bat thank (tod. MY
tording to directions:" daughter - in-L« would not rest until she west
to your store, No. it, H, Second etreet, and mt.
i laced lay case to y.n, purchased, one Iseseertaf
spur Zoe Tree Tar Qordial and I comisented So
use it, and in ode week, I nes much better; and
after lasing three bottles I am -la , bettf wen.
and a wonder to all my reloads, for they all pro
nounced me post cure. Publish my case if yea
think proper.
No. 132.1- Wylie street Phile.
* * • * :•We 'believe that one
dollar spent for tr. Wishart's Pine Tree
Tar Cordial will do more to purify the blood
and cure scrofulous aorta than tea dollars
on any other remedy."
..The week stomach is
rapidly invigorated and the appetite restor
ed by Pr. Wishart's Me Tree Tar Cordi
. TO Wish/tree Pin; Trce
Tar Cordial does its work on ones,' and the
patient is immediately relieved and cured."
taittO real the nett &Wren
. .~~.. .rM Ji.M ~ r
• •(~Rlk- ~
• -•
G • 1 •
' •
• pir . - • -
11-1 1 : 0, "
re tin tifft. Meteor/ iv 111t1HeelleatiW
Obtaiito4 by %Olio*" iviewoi t *d
the or the tar, b arllioNfisillatedkaat
pectin arm • • ,- '
0 ,1 tD' • •
*vsyottoeity, • • ) •
tbaemaakja4,4l , ..
.„; 04 ,
• • ;,„.
Thos" wt hr.
tone destine': 1. • Imo
too lata. From WON ist:
other, arioca the
wii k "r" vies sod fatiatz 4
demotes whiao to-tberportistekkielt, Nu,
sLyttt" ordeath's v time.
Cooseetptioa hat deetrojed movenr the he,
man flintily .then any other dieselta Jade* Lei
phyeiciaor for teeny years hare despairs* Of e
mire, or a remedy that womb' heal the lump, test
(or ewe than two handied years the bl.ob
medield world bat laitm.iteproMled that their
was s tarnationo power Died ettatoopey •in Ums
;lee Tree? Tar to heal .the lungs, therbfors than
Lary reo?mmended the eu or Tar iirsier;*whlA•
tummy cues had a food 'elide bah. berrr he
homilies the awned protiorties sou to heal tts
leap, bee seer beau a otypekli elm lis
tweeted by' Dr L. Q. C. wisnAivz,
la., the roprieter '''Wielharee. Pips
Tani Tas ,rtliol.'
Von In , . RA, "U Chew s rare far
ci.n.ption Am be.,, (led eel be eared by the
ale 01 My TAR CORDIAL. even In apperniily
bgelen cases, Tbirmisenifte I make
ability ti present the moat 0041plei••Vvirielle• stir
the put.. , Spare will not admit of sny Riving
the eoutente of the many Mounds of testament
!fall to valoo, width I bare been and am VII-
I oenlng from men and women qf unqueitiowstde
worth and reputation. I have bad J. nelliber tf
rthese certificates printed inoireular form whirl'
I will loud you free on applkation. *blether
you now determine to try the
h* d mediei f e or not.
Iseed fortenier. After jean o study sad
exponent, I offortints modicine ' believing it te
the bast remedy for all pabnonary pwd brow
olio/ thanes. If yam, ct not be beneilltted by
the use of the Tar Cordial, I believe yea an
beyond all earthly aid. Yet if there are Vetter
Miran spats, T earnestly advise Address. The
4. rained*, the Wit dim pre needed
ned tbi ,
disease. ...
tkli to be the best, I ask you to try it.
not 441 y. of the pone% WI 'physicians
ot every school sad praoticos up dilly
ma, "What is the principle or owed year Imo
. etas in the treatment of Pshreosswry tiossorip
elver is this :
Dr. ISlshart's Pins Trce Tar Cordial I* ip in
! fallialde ears fur Bronchitis, Blandish of boats
oze Throat sad Breast, indatortsua of Um
Dfn. WARD sari
Dr. Wathart--Sic:.—T had Bronchitis, etas
motion of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, mid
Palpitation of the heart ha their motet forms; I
bad been treated by several of tire Mold eminent
physicians In Philadelphia, but they, could ant
stop thn rapid course of my disease. sada do.
pared o: ever InAng restored to health. I Vie
truly on the verse of the mare, Ye/If Pine
Tree Tor Corded was highly rec o mmended--o
me by a friend I I tried Lit, and anuthanjaul to
I say. that aftow ming four large and. OM soon
bottle, 1 was restored to perfect
esn give reference ee my housee.No.lltiSß: Foe
d'ud Street, or at my offtereof liegeiver of Taus.
'hem II A. n. to 3e. a. came of Chestnut shad
Stitt? . streets.
Read the following front Mies ' .
Mr WISUART--Mirt , Sfr":--1 take pleatuir, la
I informing you through this enures 'Diu-}eh}
I past TrFe Tar Canned which was recontmeted
for my daughter by Dr, J. A. Hall, ofthla,n4ty,
rims cured her of rough roorirthen Wire
tupnths standing. I had th..nght bee !my used
coin, sod had employe.] the beet medieell
wethwt any benefit. I eau jelmerfanDefoodto-
Mond f those-oh:antis' allNclm.l as I, know of
ninn y other ease, Loeidis that A.r my daughter
; That ib hal entirety currd "et long etradtng
to te gAtnee - T o lOge'll i tit n A lSiA c t,"
11, ,R,
126 Genamea arsret,iitiaaN. Y.
* * • • :."1 haQa . used Dr. irkeitait's
i Pine Tree Tor Cordial i o my ism
cordially remeereead it as a valuable ii. 44 fade
atedieiao for adds. troughs atha Om" ,iptetito
poood to eenaumptiep. ,
1 ,Dr. 0. A. FOoTEllt.let! notiosoo t t Iktroet.
The abohlitalllhrgilicas• tkoniamd *blob
I.thie greet reme4,Y red. *ma as _ tuition!,
ilrit 14Tik Usousaa.lo of letters a
... fr?a3
sad' druthaoilip bit* ii!iver
, cod ttia ISlhßtt - • We MOIR that 1 1 1071140villr
used or volt( a 'Ails. wkloptigniOnaoit iffir•
re*.! c, . in
The. Pelf N.:4h ,Len taken hi .oilin ee n
with Dr. Whikeunt Dyipepekk
WM, ease for Jirspopida.
...,74;;A. . .
• i
rt.. P. ;:.i.- ' Ter C-• - ' - ;.c ••''',` L. .
'• • • -•• - ,,• 41• 0 , - - 0rkr ,1 4.•• ...."-••
' 1- • akel,". "" ''' . '''''' l :• ' -., :-. '- . '-' • sr.
-. .
,- , - ...Mr , .... A ..t
• 'e.e.r-N V al • :'• or
r vt,
i .., .
- —i,.. , i g i itelisedielath'irlira,t+rkior
e .--, 'l4 '! - , r , • • . tree blairit.lti the
toriteitimpu :, ` 11437- k *.le
It '' " - " -`' •A 'Nat ,-.
:.. r'. ,N••: ,s, "...
' •
VC. / 171.11011k9 1 ,t by ll*'
_ , ..)4
. ( 1 D.TVL. 4. 0. Sr ~.i . . ti - '
, 1 •
.... - • , - , ,
W° ie, x'l ~.. • • : 4..i:...i.... , , 4 . •
; '4 4l ll{le.
',.. 4 T ' . firre Talk
~ . •- . •.-tato I.4..taar
.4miorea *its
, 4 rl t 4 e,r,!•.11111.4 ••••
JOZN , WA/10.
Utica. N. y