P. GRAY MEEX, § Editor. EIT BELLEFONTE, PA. Friday Morning, Dee, 25, 1363 “erm LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. I As we intend to present the WarcH MAN to our readers on the 7th of January in an entire new dress, we are compelled (o give them bat a half sheet this weex, in order that we can get our new material ar- ranged, acd up. The last issue closed vol um 8, and we shall beg vel. 9, with the new year. This paper is not charged ‘o any one but published extra for the benefit of advertisers, go our subscribers will not When we ge! started grumble, we hope. up afresh we expect to give our reader one of th neatest as well as one of the best county papers in the State, 0 g@ We suppose our young friends will have a “gay and festive” time, to-night at the cotillion party, at Mr. Reesman’s Hctel in Centre ail. Well, Juy be with them ¢ 17 I he pavementsin some parts of the town are covered with a perfect ght of ice, muking it both aifiicuit and aangercus for pedestrians to get along. Why ashes or something else are not sprink'ed over the Worst places we do not know, unless 1Lis the carclessncss or uncoucern of persons living in the vices. | of) enero ga We have received our old fricod Peterson, fur Jauuary. get along without it we do not know, one thing is certain those that do take iL are! never behind the times, or fashions and are not at want for excelfent-readirg. Terms only $2 per year. Address Charles 8. Pes terson & Co. Philadelphia. () mms ee 07> We had the pleasure of taking hy the hand on Monday last our young friend Capt, Bruce Barger of the Army of the Po- tomac. Bruce left Bellefonte a typo and a private, and has risen to the position le now occupies, through merit alone. My the fates that have protected him thus far, be with him to the end. Or 17 The assistant Provost Marshal and bis man Fridiy seem to be driving a flur- ishing business these times. On “Tucsday last they left this place for Williamsport, with a wounded nigger, a discharged Abcl- tionist aid two whie men, all said to be deserters, {rom the ‘glorious cause,” that is to ‘‘disentirall, regenerate, enlarge, and perpetuate” this ‘‘bicssed governmcen:.” Or p& For once, we take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to an adveriise- ment, —that of Howe & Stevens’ «Family Dye Coilors,” in this dys paper. these Dyes have become a household necessity, and so general in their use that many a well dressed Indy finds that many an article once 1¢jected as out of date, is, by the aid of these Dyes, made os good as new. 0 pe Oar esteemed friend and fellow “‘cop- perhead”’ Col Ruben Keller of Centre Hill, will please except our thanks and consider us under many obligations, for the splendid turkey sent us on wedn:sday last, The Col. knows;bow to get along in this “'itile world,” and has a right good idea who can properly appriciate a present. May his shadow never grow less, and may his tar keys’ ever be pler ty. 0 BE We are in receipt of the {irst number of the new magazine, published by Deacon® & Peterson Philadelphia, entitled the “La. ores FRIEND,” It contr'nsaimost as much reading as any df the $3 publications, and pumbers ameng its eaitributers, some of the very best American writers. Its Stecl plate engravings are not excelled by any montily, and its fashion plates are equal if not sujer- ior to ary of its competitors, Allin all it 1s one of thebest magazines of the day, and costs but $2 per annum. Address as above, () eee BE An establishment long needed in this section of the state has just been openeed on Howard Street, a short distance from the Presbyterian church, by Mr- Stone of Lewis- town and our enterprising friend J. fi. My- ers of this place, where they have every kind of farming impliment, from a reaper to a mouse ‘trap. We know that the far- mers throughout the country will give them a call, and feel assured that they will not «go away disappointed. All articles are #warrented and sold at manafactures prices “slay success attend the enterprise. (rm B&~ on Saturday night last as Mr. John Leidy. of Salona, was passing through the «narrows in the mountains, neer Mill Hall, he was attacked by a man who de- wmandcd ¢ his money or his life.” It seems that he was not disposed to yield up either very readily, when the J. DP. GEPHART. Reg & Ree. | (BRFHANS COURT SALE. By virwe-of an order of th ! 3 e Or Dl Sours us county, will be exposed to i public sale at the Courc House, in (| Bellefonte. on yin he Berber SATURDAY, JANUARY 9th, 1864. | at 2 o'clock P. J. all of that valued farm or trae of land situate four miles cast of the arial i al College in Centro county conizining 223 acres i strict eusare, bounded by lands of Charies | Stam Michuel Wheeling and others. About one { hundred and ninety acres of the truct are cleared | and under the bigest slate of cultivation, The | laud 1s ot the best quality of limest ne, easy to | till, and produces equal, if not superior to any in } A never failing stream of water ‘the county. | Tuns through the premises uear the buildings. A large brick house, bank barn and out hui dings, in good repair, are or Ci ot sail: TERMS, one half the mone. of the sale, the balance in two | meuts with interest. y on confirmation equal annual pay— : JOHN HOFFER. Guardian of Enoch and Geo a Aad ia the greatest oil which ean be lel ! ——— Te tc AA SR ” ne . . . 2 a EE RR RE TRI TTR NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OM MISBICNERS SALE OF UNSEA- TED Lz NDS. Tu pe nee of an Act of A sambly, passed on the 2 ay of Vareh, A. T missivners of Contra £ Your tHe ESDAY the fellow paris of trastsof U a the County at Treasurer's Sale, nud which hav remained unredeemed for the space of five years and upwards: | Wirrantees. Acres. Perches. Tp. Michael Srmpanon 100 0n Lush Richard Morr 433 183 do James Ramsey 435 153 do B Jordon 433 153 do Jesse Richards 200 00 do Wm P. Brady 2638 0) Howard Ro i 415 00 do 3 $25 0n Snow.S 400 00 do 300 on do 421 142 Half-M'n 157 Ferguron fo 90 7 do m Vanpool David W 400 on Snow-3. Daniel © 425 60 Miles Samuel Norton 425 [i] do Henry Toland 425 ta do Thomas 400 00 Dad B John | 408 n Miles Pau! Trip 401 30 do James Smith 400 00 Spring Alexander Spear 409 09 do Wm Godfrey 461 Thomas Wistar 423 2 { : JAMES FORSMAN, Commissioners of Ceatre County. Attest: SoRN MoRaAxN, Clerk. William Rose, versus Joseph Cherry. In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County. Lydia Cherry by ber next friend | No. 3 Nov. Term, 1883. Al Subpoena In Divorce. NOTICE IS HEREGLY GIVEN that you, Jo- seph Cherry, defendant above named, are requir- ed to be and appear before our Judges ot the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, at Bellefonte, on tho fonrth Monday of January next then and thereto answer the Libeliant in this ease. RICHARD CONLY, Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte. ! Sherif. December, 4th, 1863 —4t Janes J. Gardner 1 Io the Court of Common Plens = ; of Centre Cot . § No. 77. November Term 1863. ww the undiviled n Snowghee town 7”s Cline Quigley. Alina Writ of Ejee fourth part of a tract of ship in the warrantes name of Joseph Parker, | containing 433 acres and 183 perche Returned | “Nii? Aad now to wit, November 28, 1863, | on motion of §0rvis & Alexarder, Atty’s tor plain- tiff, rule granted on defendant to appear and plead to ths above entitled suit ov or before the flest day of next term or judgment, which said rule is to be publi-hed in one newspaper lin Cen- tre County for sixty days before the return day thereof By the Court., Certified from the Kecord this 2d day of De- cember, A 1 1363 JAMES II LIPTON, Prothonotary, December 4th—60d | 770 DAVID M BECK. | Take notice that an ingnest will l ne held at tlie late dwoliing houses ot Robert | Beck deceased, in the township of Marion, in the | county of Centre, on Friday, ths 224 duy of Jan | nary. at 10 o'clock in ¢ morning of said day, for the purpose of waking partition of the Ren! Rstate of the said deceased. to and among his ehildr n and repr senta ives, if the sare can be done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whola. to value and apuraise the sams ac - at which time and place yon ara re- ttend if you think proper. RICHARD CONVLEY. | Otherwise | ding to I queste | quest I Yi 8 Office, ; 3 Bell Pa., Sheriff, Dec’ 7th, 18 Bt. STRAY. } Ad {ame to the residence of the ann. geriber. in Potter townshin, about ths last tober, a light brown steer, with a small of the ht ear, supposed to be three years old. The | ownar is requested to come forward, prove prop- erly, pay charges and take him away, otherwis he will bo 2 of us tha law directs Dee. 4th, 1383,—35t. JAMES RUNKLE. YOR SATE. Ir * Farm of over 100 acres, , witha ga. well watered and suitable for iifty ? ber-land. both i The B puss Bross ER TNA TR ACY AL NOTICES. tH 3 ( he bands of Gorge tend to ihe dutie: day of inte, when and v may attend if they opar. XK. 3. BLANCUARD, * Dee. 18—4t Auditor | ea, 3 TOEECUTOR S HOTICR. - ® Letters vestaen ary on the He. tate of Plilip Moyer, iats of Farris township, AS t : tha judebted deceased, h- bers, they r said Est aka i those having claims ‘uv present them, thenticated, for settlement. Dee. 11, 1863—8t. x heen gra t nll pen ‘aly aa- {IENRY M EYER. DANIEL HESS, UDITOR'S NOTICE The undersigned aa Auditor ap- pointed by tho Court of (‘ommon Pleas of Centre County, to maka distributio. to an among those entitled thereto, of tho niovey in the hands of George Alexander, Sheriff, arising trom tho of the Real Estate of Jacch Shrom, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his oflice in Bellefonte, on Saturday, the 18th day of January, A. D. 1864, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day A. 0. FURST, Dec. 11—4t, Auditor. A UDITeR 3 BOTICH. The undersigned, an Avditor an- | peinted by the Court ¢ Common Pleas of Centre | County, fo distribute the money in the hands of | George A Sherif, arising from the sale of the Rea! Ex! of John Glenn, will attend wo id appointment at the office of the duties of his A. O. Fuist, Kaq., in Bellefonte. on Monday the 18th day of January next, when and where all | persons interested may attead if they think prop- J.D. SHUGERT, Auditor, or. | Dec. 11—4t. ! ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. | Letters of Administration on the i Estate cf John Like, of B towaship. dee'd, | having been granted to the reigned, he here. by notifies all persona indebiad to said Karate to make immedizta payment, and those having claims against it to presant thera, duly authen- December 18th, 1863—at. ticated, for settlement, T. M HALL, Nov. 27. 1863.—6t, Administrator. In the Court of Common Please of Centre county, Nu. 109, Nov. Term 1863. Al Sup- Joseph To v8. | Susan Fisher. | 0ena In Divo ree. | NOTICETS HEREBY GIVEN that you Su- san Fisher the above namrd defendant, ‘are re- quired to be and appeac before our Judes of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, at Bellefonte on the tourth Morday of January next then and there to answer. (he Libellant in this case RICAARD CONLLY, Saersfi’s Offlee, Bellefonte sheriff Doo. 4th '63—4¢ } Pt A FPLICATIONS FOE LICENSE. : Notice 1s hereby oiven that the following xamed persons, have filed their peti tions in the Court of Quarter sessions of Centre county and will make ap) lication at the January term of said court to sell liquers R. C. MULHOLLAND, Burnside, twp. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of Admimstration or the Estate of Wa, M: Kelley, lata of Worth town: ship, deceased, having been granted to the un- dersigned, he hereby notifios nil persons indshted « to said Estate to make immediate payment, aud those having cinims st 4% to present them, | duly authenticated, for sett'oment. | E. RECORDS, Nov. 27, 1863.—6t. Adm’r, | . | JOXECUTOR S$ NOTICE. Letters Testamentary on the Fs- tate of Elizabeth Harter, 1 ! rion Township, havirg been granted to the under- signed, wil persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate, payment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated, fir settlement | Ly) an { AM HARTER Deo. 18th, '43 Exeoutors. of Oc- | 10 ths } ediate payment, snd | deceased, late of Mar- | a 3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THEGRFAT American TeaCompany, 51 VES: ¥ 8TREET, X.Y. tion, hes oraated a new era in Wholesaling TeasIn this Country. oO of TEAS, or They have introduced their selen! and are soiling them at not Two Cents (.02 Cents) per poun ahove cost, Never deviating fromthe ONE PRICE asked Another peculiarity 0: the Cempany is that their TasTER vot only devotes his time to the gele tion of their TEAS as to quality, value, and purticaiarstyles for particular country, but he helps the Tra buyer to chose out of their enormous stock such Teas as g. best adapted to his particular wants, and not only this, but points out to him the dest bargains. It is easy to see the inealenladle advantage a Tsa Buyer hus in this establishment over ail others. Parties ean order Teas and will be served by us as well as though they came themselves, being sure to get original packages, true weights and ta es; and the Teasare warranted 88 represented. If be is no judge of Tea or the Market, if his time is valuable, he has sll the benefits of a we- orgnnizod system of doing business, of an im] wense capital. of the judgment of a protessiona- Tra Taste, and the knowledge of superior sales | men. This enables all Tea buyers—no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market to pur- chaso on 8s good terms here as the New York merchants, : Wo istue a price list of the Company's Teas, which will be sent to all who order it; compri- sing Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial. Gun- powder, Twarkay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCUON(G, ORANGE & BY SON PEKOE, JAPAN TEA, of every deseription, eolored and uncolored. This list hag each kind of T info four el namely: CARGO, 44 0, FINE, | FID ¢ id from } dese it the Com- pany aro determined to widersell the whole Tea trade. We guarantee to sell ALL our TrAS at not over TWO CENTS 1.02 Cents) per pound above cost, believing this to be attractive ww the many who have hereto'ore been paying enormous profits Great American Tea Ccmpany, MPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No 51 Vesey Street, New York 3m. SQHERIFY SSALE. . By order of a writ of ¢Levari Fa- cing,” issned out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, aud to me directed, will be ex- posed to public eile at the Court Mouse, inthe Borough of Beliefonte, on Saturd the 26th day of December 1883, the follo described Iands ond tenements, which were of Jos Armstrong, to wi All that messuage ten and tract of land situate in the townshipof spring County of Centre, and ite of Penn-yleanin, bounded and deseribed as follows : ning at at stone on the east side of a tract of !and now in the nccuparcy of Hugh Laurimore, thence south 32 dagrees. east’by lands of Jacob Steel 111 per. chea to stona, thenss south 75 degress, west to me 20 perches, thence north 32 degrees, west by nds of Huagh rimore 20 perches to 0 ginning. eontnining 30 acres and 34 perches, being a lot of nes Lari de- seribed as follows, viz: the north corner of the } sonth 334d gs, east by the above lot 26 perches to slopes, 1 of Jacoh Steel. uuith 62 hes to stone, thence by !2 dagrses, west 25 per- west 6 9-10 ng. containing one acre t of ground surveyed nging to Jacch Steel 1 by said Steel, hove named S . editaments and ap zed and taken in execution and property of Joshua matrong, at two o'clock of said d perches op and 39 1 i purtenances i to be sold as th FAMILY DYE COLORS. er 13, 1863. = | 1 | | 1 { | | | | { { | | | | | Qn me i Crimson, S Fawn Drab—Vinlet; Light Fawn Dra or Dyeing, Silk, Woolen and Mixed 0 B = earfs, i'resses, Ribbons Gloves, Bonnets, Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves, Childrens’ Clothing and ali kinds of Wearing Apparel. 1% A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. 7% For 25 cents you ean color a8 many goods as would of 7ise cost five times that sum. Vari- 1 02 produced from the awe dye is simple and any ona can wee the t success. Directions in Engiish, nd German inside of each package. richer information in dyeing, and giving a a perfect knowledge of what colors are best ad- apted to dya over others. (with many vainable recipes) purchase Howe & Stevens’ Treatsse on Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of price—10 cents. Manufactured by HOWE & TEVENS, 260 Broadway Boston For sale hy druggists and dealers Genera ly. Nov. 20, 1363—1y. BABYLON BRELLEF( IW, W, MONTHO Has received ala CLOTHS, | CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, LMI EPOLT ia MERY, Prop, inveice of ge ete, ols. Which will be manufactured in the LATEST STYLER, | and in a mannor that cannot fail to prova satis fuciory. A large nusortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING Consisting of Collars Nock Ties, Suspenders Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, eto. Exactly suited tothisloeality and intended for th SUMMER TRADE, ifis shelves present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in Con. teal Pennsylvania, Zall and «es that Muntg is the man that ean make the fashion, strong and cheap; ever tried him ; Say that he really can’t be beat. june 26% 1y GOODS, FROTEL FOR SALE. - the sutlseriber will offir at pub- | lie sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on TUESDAY, January 25th 1864, the large and commodious Hotel situated at Port Matilda, Centre county, Pa. The building is al- most new. in exceliert repair, and has attached one of the finest stables in the country, with out- buildings of every description, and a well of water in the back yard. A splendid store-room connected “with the Houss. Also, A good frame dwelling housa: black ith shop, frame sable, and a splendid out lot attached to this property eitunted in Port Matilc Centre county. Por. sous desirous of purchasing should call” n the pussoriber at Bellofonte, or Wm. Black, on the localities of G 8's 3 Novelty deeic sl and rl UNNeCessAry, ut gold ement f German or heavy en, gray anea. butin The sate of the: of enorm do, § £33 the dind, aud by the half doxen six. faith. part of the loyal giving them their Des., 114 HOLIDAY PRES 7 Tlngic Fine Observes. Being a Hunilng or Open Tac divg Daprovemant, a dly the bes Silver, while the SOLID STERLING ~ILVER me daa l WHOLESALE ONLY! 9. butifally engraved, white onsmel good ruvning order. Bold only by the case of cy sul hands, ia We will sor on delivery. “This quired. Send orders to ihe sole 1 Cor. Cortlandt St ET IAT RAT NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BCLIDAY GIFTS! CHRISTMAS PREISENTS!! CONFECTION ARIES ROCRERIES, and every thing elsoof ths kind ta be hed at BURNSIDE’S, h 186325, atch combine Oue of the prettiest, moet convenient, and time-pisce fu use ever offered. {and conceted with its machivery, iw a windiqg attachment renuering a key entire- ‘The cases of thia Watch are puged of two meta 8, the outer one bing fine It has ihe improved ruby action and chen iuhl and iB warisnied un s Price, superbly en sraved, per case of 04 mample Watches, in neat morce. 0 Laultless that it ean hardly he most experienced Lwo metals, the vnnnot be rocogn Z. making it, not lity. the best 3e wat the arn y t » $6. Upon receipt of two dollars, asguarantee of good d watelies hy express to any ing balauco of bili 3 nsningt payment is re- nporter. WHE No 12 Jewolers’ Exeange and Broadway, N.Y 0 States collec! ures buy wa'ches before G1IUS LNT, , or Lady's or , with mort, area, ey very readily y hundred dollars ean asngle pay day by any one of ordi Tn heavy Paten Pleasin It har aecurate is sonree fraud ATCN, fn 1363. TIME OF PASSE nL Express Train 10 Cs on ven. ™ Agents : Philadel’a H. Ji. THE HIGHEST 0 fae sremises. B.D. CUMMINGS, Bolle ute 11,1388 —m : : Mifiin Co, Pa., ‘rie, (75 m'les) on the Western Divisi Mail Train 6.40, A. M. 3 run through witout cxnavae 3¢ tgaing between Philadelphia Haven, ald betweon Bal Por information respent apply at the 8, E. Aud for Freig B. Kingston, Lowis L. PHILADELPHIA AND RRI PEiinm a 2 great line t uverses ih i threughont vision, and from ward, cave Westward. IT A. 77, EveaaNt Susreixg Carson Erprese traina hoth ways between Williamsport and Williamsport and Philadelphia. cht business of the J. W. Regnclls Rife Jd. M. Dsill, Ageut N.C. BR. Baltimore. ifouston, oupt, Genr’l Ticket Awt. Phil’ Jos, P. Potts, Pui Gen'l Manager Willinms CORN RYT AND Hogs WANTED? CASI PRICE Z LOCKE Dee. 11, 130341. s entire length, for Passenger and Freight bus burg to Emporiam (195 miles) Sheflield to or, AT LOCK HAVEN. Express train 8,10 P. M both ways ; and Linck timors and Teck Ha Saltimore, and ing Mnsvonger businoss Jor. Lith and Markets Sts. Company's Jr, Cor. 13th, Market Sts Geni’l Freight Agt. Phis'a. PAID CORN, RYE, and t0GS, ON DELIVERY AT LOCKE'S MILLS! LOCK E'S MILLS! 1863. RAIL FOR Juve 1841363 —1y. Shoemakers’ Thread and wll kinde, to behad at STE SOTA NS BON TMUVE i IVE a Siaseriptivn agents to dispose of the MISCELLANEOUS. More Gonads Dor Less Mone: CAN BE HAD AT R. EFLLYRA, CENTRE EIfEL, Than at any cther Bmtablichment in = CEN{RAL PENNSYLVANIX. He koeps constantly on hand a choie: stock of FANCY GOODS STAPLE & BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & OAFS, Ress Mada Qlathing, Noiinas, Q ie nsware, Haid ware, Willow snd Woodan Wars And in fact a complete escoriment of all thy articles usmiily fonnd in a first clas. Conutry Store. PRODUCE Taken in FEvehanza for gnods, and the Highest Market Prices in CASSEL, PAID FOR GRAINS OF ALL EKIFDS CaLl, ANUISTE: 4d > AGT 1863. PURVITIRD WARE ROCKS Worth xide of the D* BUREAUS, 307AR, OUNGTS, HAT RACKS, WHAT NOTS EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS. CHAIR STOOLS, &e, &e., if every dese iption, quality a2d pricey fc sale BEAPER than at any other establishment of the kind in Central Poangyly ania. HENRY P HARRIS Leather! ILisathor! S0LE LEATHER SPANISR EIP "YENCH CALF SKINS COUNTKY CALF SXINS. LININAS, &C., &C Shoewakers Tools, of EAP. thanat any other establishment in trai Penn ¢lyania. ellefoute, De. :mher 19, 1382—1f. @ MRS. X. 5. HUGHES, ~ MI LLIN X88, Allegheny Street, one door north of ' BLANCIIARD'S LAW OFFICB. Ing juet opened a fine assortment of the Intest 77 Po 87 ox Firing and. A Goce, Which she iz prepared ta mak? upand trim in the Iatost fashion and at LOW PRCES. NT AND HAT Always on hand and trimmed at the shortest notice, TLBATRING Done in the most complete manner known to the \ trade. Mayl tf TWENTY U. 8. LOAN Win. I. Reynolds & Co., of Bello- va-T wen ean years’ United States Loan Amounts an doe hy { fait the moans of diffrent iudividn & CO, als; ihe wire 1, is payable snd will be paid Lak “@. yearly ia tg nd a "- ON A a ASI ff a 3g i s wrt