Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 18, 1863, Image 2

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Friday Morning, Dee, 18, 1863.
The Proclamation.
At first glance, the Proclamation of the
President, appended to his third annual
message, ‘would seem almost fair; and no
don't many will be misled into sapporting
it. Lct us examine one or two of 1ts main
features, and see if any man can tustsin
such a project without an utter disregard
for the very first principles of republican
In the first place, Mr. Lincoln appears to
te particuiarly partial to the word ¢‘loyal,”
which he uses repeatedly, applying it as
well to States as to individuals, The fact
of his u:ing such a word proves that he is
either ignorant of the laws of his langnage,
or believes our institutions to be subverted.
No American citizen can be loyal; for loy-
alty implies the existence of some superior,
t» whom allegiance is due, and we acknowl"
edge no superior save only the God of flea-
ven. The people in this country are sover-
eigns. and cannot; thercfore, be subjects.—
They k:iow nothing of the meaning of the
term loyal,” and never, in the whole histo
ry of our Givenment, has it been used un-
til the present administration came into
power. According to the construction of
our language, there must be some superior
before there can he loyalty ; we acknowl
edge zo superior, and cannot, therefore, be
loyai. But we should enterupon an inter-
minable tas
allt e blunders Mr. Lincoln wakes in the
nse of langunge. We Lave only mentionel
this because we do not believe it to be a
hunder—we believe that the leaders of Ab-
olitionism use (he term designidly, and
with the purpose of in pressing upon the
minds of the people the fact that henceforth
they are fo have a self-con:tituted superior,
to whom loyalty is due and for whom it will
be exacted. The phrase loyal State gov-
ernments’’ is used in almost every clause of
the proclamation, and yet such a thing was
never in existence, under the Constitution
of the Unlted States, as a “loyai State gov-
erranent,”” In (he name of [leaven, what
enperior have the Stites of this Union to
whom they can be loyal 2 It certainly can-
not be Mr. Lincoln himsdf, for if justice
were co-e and the wishes ef the people
carried out, the Stutrs, by thar Senators,
would lorg simce have impeached him, and
confined lin 10 prison, for disloyalty to the
only sovercignty Americans kinow—the peo-
ple— whose servant he is. The State pov-
ernmants have 2#cl been overthrown, exeept
in Maryland, Virginia, #nl other States
where tie peepic have fallen unde? the iron
heel of despotism. In the South, the sov-
ereign ‘tates have broken the compact which
tound them to their cquals of the North,
and for three years a sirife has been raging,
the most bitter and terrible the world ever
knew, for the purpose of forcing the Soutl-
ern people to love us, for without love there
ean be no Union. But who ever dreamed
of a State having a superior 'o whom loy-
alty was due? We do not deny that the
Southern people have violated the laws and
heen guilty of treason; tat that they have
been disloyal, we uttarly deny.
And if the Proclamation were not so dia-
belieally wicked. it weuld be suprewely ri-
dieulons. The President mekes the mild
request that the | iates in rebellion give up
rights far more deer and sacred than those
for the maintenance of which they original
ly took up srs. He asks a brave and chiv.
alrous people to give into his hands the men
who have led them so nobly and well, and
cov red the Southern name w th glory 3 and
what does he offir as a compensation 2 He
promises that they shall be his serfs; that
their property shall be t.ken from them;
t at a horde of semi-barberiins shall be
turned loose among them and pliced upon
an eqnrlity with them. and that the yoke of
a puritan, fanatical aristocracy shall be put
upon their necks forever, Under this Proc-
Inmation a brave people can'die but never
gu! mit : nor was it the intention cf the ab-
olitionists that they should. It was issued
for the purpose of protracting the war and
re-electing Mr. Lincoln to the presidency.
Tt is provided that in ten States mertioned |-
by name, whenever one-tenth of the num-
ber of persons who voted in the presiZential
election of 1860, shall subscribe to the oath
preseribed by Mr. Lincoln, they shall have
power to re-establish a State government;
‘whic 1 means that the abolition candidate
for President "in 18G4, shall receive heir
electoral voe axd that they shall each send
two abolition Senators to Congress.
And this is why 1t wasissued. It is but
enother instrument for the destruction of
oar government, another prop to the despo-
tiem which is being so rapidly reared.
And, by his own admission, what is it he
requires ie States in rebelhon to do? In
the message he says, ¢“ According to our po-
¢litical system, as a watter of civil admin-
‘istration, the (ieneral Government had no
“lawful power ta effect emancipation in any
«State.” He then requires that those in re-
heilion shall take an oath to support the
Constitution and the Emancipation procla-
mation, How id it possible to do both when
he says himself that the latter 18 unconsti-
tutional ? It is just ag impossible to sup-
port both as to gerve God and Satan. We
cannot believe’ Mr. Lincoln so’ignorant as to
have overlooked this fact, and he must have
k if we attempfed a criticism of’
counted largely on his powers of deception |
and the gullibility of the people, when he
issued this document.
The footing upon which this last official
act of the President puts the war, is appal-
ling, Tt makes it a war of extermination
on the one hand, and of desperation on the
part of those who are contending for every
right which freemen hold dear. If it is to |
be carried on until the people of the South
subscribe to Mr. Lincoln’s oath, the whole
no honorablz man can ever submit to such |
a poiicy until the last one capable of wield-
ing a weapon of defence, has fallen. Tt can- |
not be possible that the Administration at
Washingion imagines that the people of the |
«so called Confederacy” are cowards.— |
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and scores |
of other sangninary battle-fields forbid such
a supposition. They know they are not and
they know that this Proclamation will but
exasperate them to a greater degree and
make the strife more bitter and desperate, |
It is but another link in the chain of des- |
potism, another step in the programme
marked ont years ago, when the fanaticel |
abolition party first began to exist.
There has been no paper issued since the
commencement of the rebellion in which
the intentions of the Administration are
more glaringly apparent, People may pus. |
zle their brains over the precious docament,
but time will show that the Philadelphia
Age has come to the correct conclusion, |
viz: that the Proclamation means ‘MORE
re A OE Arne
ga Our present Administration is a |
horrible monster which has grown fat upon
the flesh of human beings. Tt has not brain |
sufficient for its own existence, but lives a
horrible soit of life made up of all the |
death it has produced. When 1t lan-|
guishes, the word goes forth, and upon |
the banks of some southern river, twen-
ty or thirty thousand brave men are |
slaughtered, and the waters are turned into |
biood. This scems to give it vitality. Sew- |
ard’s magic bell rings incessantly and |
military prisons groan with victims, In the
frightful reverie into which thoughts of such
deeds cast the mind, a thousand phantoms
and spectres rise from bloody graves and |
throng around us, and far beyond we see
hell yawn'ng to receive the Administration
it has used as an instrument when it can |
no longer use them.
te Lg
X75. Ttis easier to pay a larze sum than a |
larger sun. —A. LixcoLx.
A maxim which ought to be irscribed up- |
on all of Mr, Chase’s shinplasters, to re.
mind the people, when groaning under the!
weightof billions of dollars of debt, that
the science of Mathematics has no limits. — |
And doubtless when the French numeration
table is exhausted, the mighty genius which
discovered the wonderful truth above quo-
ted, will not be at a loss for 2 way to desig-
nate the aniount of debt his sins have heap-
ed upon the people, Let all loyal men re- |
member that, however heavy our taxes may
become, ‘it is easier to pay a large sum
ther a larger sum.” ~
[=F When Pope Adrian VI dicd, the Ro-
man people were so well pleased with the
event that the night following his d:cease,
they decorated the doorofhis chief physica s
house with garlands, adding this inscription
“To Tue DELIVEKER oF miIs CouNTRY ” It
might be regarded as a rather doubtful com-
pliment to the Doctor : but such a one as
the American people would like to pay to
the chief physician of Mr. Lincoln, if it!
might please the Lord to take “his excellen— |
cy” to himse.f, making the doctor his hum- |
ble instrument. ~ |
ee —e——
Z=~0ur Party 1s an immovab’e rock.
—Abolition Paper |
“Yes, and the Democratic party warned the
people to steer the ship of state clear of yous
which they refused to do, and the result is
that your party will Le pointed to through
all time as the roez on which we split.
Death of Irs. Ex President Pierce.
¢ Boson, Dec. 2 —Mrs. Jana N. Pierce,
wife of cx President Pierce, died this morn- |
ing at Andover, Mass She has been in
feeble health for several years.”
How much of bereavement is implied in
this brief arnouncement they only can
know who enjoyel the pleasure of a persun-
al acquaintance with Mrs. Picree, and know
how close and strong were the ties of mu-
tual affection which in this case bound the
husband and wife in the bonds of an imp:r-
ishable love. She was a gentle and loving
soul, a woman of rare social virtues, great-
ly beloved by an extensive’ circle of cher-
ished friends, and held by them in a most !
affectionate regard. She had been a fragile
and delicate person—Iittlc else, indeed, than '
a valetudinarian—ever since the death of
het little son by a railroad accident, thir-'
tean years ago.
From ihe effects of that bereavement she |
never recovered, It transformed, to her, the |
glittering display, and _honcr and power
connected with the elevation of her honor- |
ed kustand to what was then the most au- |
gust office in the world, into the most hol-
l.w and empty of fleeting mockeries. All!
that assiduous caré, prompted by anxious |
affection, could do to restore her shattered |
health was done by Gen. Pierce ; but the |
lovely May climate of Madeira, among the |
vine-cled steeps of that most beautiful of
the islands of the summer sea, failed to re-
store the bloom and enjoyment of life to |
her whose heart was already in that Better |
Land where her lost treasure was, and whith.
er she herself has now gone 5 mect again
her darling boy. The sympathies of thou-
sands of friends will go out to the bereaved
husband who, in this hour of affliction, ig
made to realize the hollowness of all world-
| of
The Presidents Message.
The President's plan for reconstructio n
ot restoration seems t» be less a plan of pa-
cification than a device to perpetuate
effect of the aboliien measures in
Southern States.
proclamation which Mr. Lincoln proposes to
issue sounds very much like a ukase from
| the chambers of an autocrat, instead of the
| véice of an orcinary man, temporarily res-
nation will be one scene of desolation, fo: | pecting the constitutiopal government of the
The plan embodied in th
United States,
In our view the grand question is now
“Can we restore peace and Union, without
reference to slavery or the negro at all?” If
the proclamations and acts of the adminis-
tration are law, they will stand as law till
repealed, The past ig past. But the Pres-
1dent seems to think the great question,how
to perpetuate the laws and proclamations
relating to slavery ; and the question of
peace and Union he makes wholly seconda-
ry to that. The negro is the prominent ob-
ject of his care ; the legislation relating to
the negro is that which alone he labors to
make effective ; the negro is the condition
on which he rests the possibility of peace.
This prominence given to the negro is a
melancholy indication of the failure of Mr.
Lincoln to see the future as men of saga-
city, true statesmen here and elsewhere
see it, If rhe slave is free, he is free ; and
why then waste so many words in making
the peace of our nation dependenton his
freedom ? :
A wise man would trust the prcclama-
tions and the acts of Congress to the future
action of the courts and the people, not
thrust them forward now asche special con-
ditions of pacification. As we readfthe
message Mr, Linco'n means to say that there
is no peace except on the condition of abol-
ition, Wisdom would have looked for peace
without any such condition, leaving the law
to their own effect.
The serious question is whether thisplan
of the President is calculated to bring about
peace—whether it is a proclamation that is
likely to be well received by any consider-
| ab'e portion of the people engaged in the
insurrection, and to hasten the close of the
It is plain that what Mr. Lincoin wants
is peace and abolition. He does not take
into consideration at all the question of
peace without abolition. In this respect
he lends himself entirely to the radical
Abolitionists, and evidently expects to con-
tinuz the war until slavery is actually
abolished where his old proclamation has
theoretically abolished it. I'he President's
idea of closing the war is by a sort of indi-
vidual and personal contract with each and
every wan, woman and child, to the effect
that 1f the person will sustain all the policy
of the Administration and all its acts and
proclamations, he or she will be pardoned.
‘Lhe offer is doubtless one which the Presi—
dent has the right to make. If the people
| will a~cept it, it 1s a very neat and pretty
way of doing vp the war. But it certainly
does not hold out very brilliant prospects of
success as a pacificatory measure. Neither
is the President's haiting and hesitating
method of defending his position and plan
at all encouraging or inspiring. He do's
not seem to have faith in it, he introduces
it with an argument in its favor, which is of
cource an admission that needs defence, and
this is a very bad feature in any pubic
measure of so great importance as this, —
There is nothing statesmanlike in the plan
or the paper defending it. It indicates a
narrow view of the grand questions of gov-
| ernment involved in the future pacification
the country, and failure to rise to
the solemn importance of the events crow”
ding into the close of his administration. —
Without preception of the real condition of
the country, and without ability to wmas-
ter the grand problem before him, we
have here from Mr. Lincoln a procla-
mation which is, as compared with the vast
throes of the nation which have seem-
ed to produce it, a very small and puny
Was it not enough. to require an oath to
support the Constitution of the United
Ltates, and t11 laws made and acts done in
pursuance of it 2 Why force the negro in
ths very nostrils of the Southern man whose
"submission to law you zeek 2 It is said
the oath requires no more than that? With
all due respect to Mr Lincoln it requires a
great deal more. It requires a support of
a proclamation which one-half of the people
ple of the North do not support. It ve-
quires the support of the laws one half of
the people of the North repudiate as null
and void, because unconstitutional. The
doctrine is not yet forced on Americans thac
they must obey a law until it 1s declared
unconstitutional, On the contrary, the
American is compelled to judge and take
responsibilities on himself, which in no
other country are imposed on the citizen
and, if, in obedience to a law, an Ameri
can citizen injures a neighbor, and the law
is declared unconstitutional, he is compell-
ed to pay the demages. It is no defence to
plead, “Iobeyedalaw on thestatute books,’
This proclamation requires the taking of an
oath, as a condition of pardon, which half
the citizens of the Northern States would
refuse to take.
It is true the President may proffer par-
don on conditions, But. the question is
whether his conditions are wise, practical,
likely to do good. We are very much
afraid that the Administration knows no
more how to make peace than it has here-
tofore scemed to know about making war,
We see no prospect of peace or good togthe
country in the President’s plan. On the
contrary, we fear he has thrown away a gol-
den opportunity for the country, for the sake
| of winning a support among Northern radi-
| icals for himself.
There is one part of the proclamation
i : s
ly honors, in the crushing experience of a which presents a curious subject for reflec
loss Tike that he is called upon to sufer.— | tion—that in which the President talks about
Hariford Temes. | temporary arrangements for the slaves, to
BO i be made by State authority, when new
A®RascArLy old bachelor says the most State governments are organized. Ilere is
) gan
difficult surgical;operation in the world is to a most singular muddle of State rights and
take thej aw out of a woman. executive abohitionism, We must take more
than a day to sce our way through it.—
What has the pardoning power to do with
the re-organization of State governments and
the laws they may passrelating to their .do-
mestic affairs 2 Ha
It looks as if he means to do this, or at
least to apply not only that persons who are
pai doned must sustain his pet schemes, but
also legislatures that are organized must
pass suchlaws as he likes, How would this
work if the next President should happen to
be of different politics and different views
about the negro.
The general scope of the President's
plan may be said to be of the extreme rad-
ical sort. He almost but not quite, recog-
nizes Mr, Sumner’s State suicide theory.—
He ignores the present existence of State
governments, regards them as defunct, and
anticipales a sort of territorial re-orgamza-
tion. Tn this view hes neither sound nor
consistent. But what are soundness and
consistency worth in our days ? —Journal of
The end of the War.
We submit thal Judge Kelley, of Phila-
delphia, who spoke at the war moeting on
the 3d inst., discouraged enlistments. He
said that there was no move fighting to be
done now than such as might occur at a
New York election.” If such is the fact,
then the soldiers in the field are abun—
dantly able to do it, and no more are need-
ed, But really, if these people are sincere,
what a delusion they are laboring under ever
gince the war commenced.
They do not apreciate the terrible alterna-
tive they have presented to the people of the
South. Will eight millisns of people give
up all their rights, _all their liberties, all
their property without the most desperate
struggle ever known in all history ? Will
the grand old colonial States of Virginia,
North Carolina and Georgia, whose title
deeds to indepandence were won in the no—
blest straggle of the present age, ever yield
their birthrights and be governed by north-
ern bayonets, while thereis a hand to wield
a sword ? The whole talk of tho present
war is ore of subjugation and conquest.—
The abolition papers now speak as cooly of
‘conquering’ the South, as if our govern-
ment were already announced to be at an
end, and an Empire substituted in its place.
We are yct to learp how a Republican gov-
ernment ean conquer any country, and hold
it as subjngated territory. When it does, it
ceases to be a Republican government, ag
any one with a medium amount of brains
must see at a glance.
Recently, the abolition party, for some
reason are crying aloud more vigorously
then ever that the war is over, and yet they
are, in the same breath, elamering for more
soldiers. Nom, the simple truth is, that
the war, so long 2s Mr. Lincoln’s policy is
continued at ary rate, will zo on. There
is no peace under it, nor possible peace. 1f
he could subdue the South, of which thers
does not seem to be any reasonable proba-
bility, the var would break out in the North
for the destruction of State Rights st the
South would pave the way for the same at-
tempt here, and the people would not cer-
tainly submit to it. The South, so far as
we can see and learn, are by no means des-
The inability of General Grant to pursue
his late advantage is admitted. The cam-
paign i3 8 1d to be clesed. pon “he Poto-
mac it is cqually so. Genera] Meade falls
back without a battle, and the i7ar goes
over until another year. In the meantime,
the South will bave a chance to raily every
available man for a desperate struggle, and
anything that now happens toGeneral Grant
so far away from his base of supplies, and
so far into the eneiny’s country, must prove
fatal > him. People, therefore, who talk
of the end of the wer, talk nonsense. It is
the old game of deception. Itis the tory
of “sixty” and -‘ninety™ days, with which
our ears were greeted when the war first
broke out, The South is neither subdued
nor starved out, and all such stories are
palpable and not unfrequently wilful false-
hoods. The war will end when Mr. Lin-
coln is willing to stand by the Union,
as it was—the Union of our fathers,
that is, the Umen with the Rights of
the States unimpaired'—New York Day
Message of President Davis.
Fortress MONROE, Dec. 11.—Jeff. Davis’s
message to the rebel Congress, dated Dec.
7th, is despondent over the losses of the
strongholds of Vicksburg, Port Hudson,and
many other points. He says there is no
improvement in the relations with foreign
countries since his message of last Janua-
ry; on the contrary there is greater diver-
gence in the conduct of European nations,
assuming a character positively unfriendly,
aud a markea partiality by Great Britain in
favor of our enemies is strongly evinced in
their decisions regarding the blockade, as
well as their marked difference of conduct
on the subject of the purchase of supplies
by the two belligerents. This difference
has been conspicucus since the commence-
ment of the war. The public finances de-
mand the strictest and most earnest atten-
tion. A prompt and efficacious remedy for
the present condi'ion ot the currency is ne-
cessary to a successful performance of the
administration of the government. He rec-
ommends taxation instead of further sales
of bonds, or issues of treasury notes. The
holders of the currency now outstanding
can only be protzeted by substituting for
them some other security. The currercy
must be promptly reduced to prevent the
rresent inflated prices reaching rates still
more extravagant. He calls upon the peo-
ple to come to their rescue; he recommends
putting an end to substitution, and modifi-
cation to the exemption law, and fo add
forces tc the army largely and as promptly
as possible, [He regrets the suspension of
the exchange of prisoners, and that the com-
munication with the trans-Mississippi is co
obstructed as to render it difficult to com-
ply with the legislation vesting the author-
ity over it in the Executive of the govern-
ment, The enemy retuse the proposals for
the only peace thats possible between us,
and the only hope for peace now is in the
vigor of our resistance.
Mr. Nogas, speaking of a “blind wood-
sawer, says : “While none ever saw him see,
thousands have seen him saw.”
Politeness Run Mad.
New York, Boston, Washington, Phila—
delphia and other places East are running
mad over a party of Russian grandees on a
visit to this country. In New York snob-
bery and shoddy are having a high old fes-
tival over the Lords with unpronounceable
names. There are suffers, parties, races,
dissipation and obsequiousness till ore 1s
disgusted. How it looks to see Americans
thus feting the fur wrapt and cold-hearted
Rass! They are drinking our wine, waltz-
ing with American wives and daughters,
hugged, beast-like, in their embrace. No-
ble guests from a land where women are
knouted till the quivering flesh falls to the
ground from their bleeding backs ! Prince-
ly guests from a land where wives and
sweethearts are stripped, tied to racks and
whipped till death, more generous than hu-
manity, takes the victim to its own heart
for shelter! Aristocratic guests from the
nation that has sent weeping and biiterness
to bleeding and unhappy Poland— that has
filled the eyes of Pulish mothers with tears
—the hearts of Polish maidens with death
—that bas given the fair maids of Lithua-
nia to the unbrideled lusts of brutal and
beastly Cossacks ! Dance and drink !—
Hob nod and guzzle with the illustrions
foreigners! When America was in the
bloody day of its national drawing, brave
sons of Poland drew their swords and spilt
their bloed in our behalf. Poland 18 now
oppressed—— Russia is wresting the life —
blood from the persecuted people——the
snobs, nabobs and codfish of America kiss
and hug the illustrious tyrants.——For
shame! Yet suchis snobbery—Out here
m the west—on the broad prairies, beyond
the reach of shoddy and fawning—we call
things by their right names—and we call
the drunken attention to the Russian novel
ty hunters now so fashionable in New York
a disgrace to America. Lacrosse Democrat.
Letters Tetamentary on the Es-
tate of Elizabeth Harter, deceased, late of
Marion Township, having been granted to
the undersigned. all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to said Estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those hav-
ing claims to present them, duly au:hentica-
ted, for settlement.
Dec. 18, 1863.
The undersigned, an Auditor ap-
pointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
tre county, to make distribution of the money
arising from the sale of the Real Estate of Thom-
as Wilson, in the hands of George Alexander,
Sheriff, will attend to the duties of his appoint-
ment on Friday, the 8th day of January, i864, at
his offi :e in Bellefonte, when and where all per-
sons interested may attend if they see proper.
Dec. 18—4t
Notice is hereby given to the
Stockholders of the Moshaunon Railroad Compa-
ny that a meeting will be held at the office of the
Pre-ident— I. Blanchard—in Bellefonte, on Mon-
day the 11th day of January next, for the pur-
pose of electing five managers to conduct the af-
faira of said road the ensuing year.
By order of the Board,
Bellefonte, Dec 18th, 1863—3t Secretary.
Came to the residence of the sub-
scriber, In Walker township, on the 3d of De-
cember. a bay horse, cunposed to be three years
old. IIe has a white spot ou his head and a little
white on his heel
‘The owner is requested to come foward, prove
property, pay charges and take him away, other-
wise ho will be disposed of as the law directs,
Dec. 18—3t, CHARLES ROMIG.
By order of a writof ¢Levari Fa-
cias,” issued out of the Conrt of Common Pleas
of Centre county, and to me directed, will be ex-
posed to public saloat the Court House, in the
Borough of Bellefonte, on Saturday, the 26th
day of December 1863, the following described
lauds and tenements, which were of Joshua
Armstrong, to wit. All that messuage tenement,
and tractof land sitnate in the township of spring’
County of Ceatra, and Stats of Peunsyleania’
hounded and described as follows: Beginniug at
at etone on the east side of a tract of land now in
the occuparey of Hugh Laurimore, thence south
32 degrees. east by lands.of Jacob Steel 111 per-
ches to stone, thence south 75 degress, west to
stone 20 perches, thence north 32 degrees, west by
lands of Hugh Laurimore 20 perches to place of
beginning, containing 30 acres and 34 perches,
being a lot of ground surveyed of lands of James
Laurimore, deceased.
ALSO, alot of ground adjoining the above, de-
scribed as follows, viz : Beginning at stone on the
north corner of the above named lot, thence
south 32 degrees, east by the above lot 26 perches
to stones, thence by land of Jacob Steel. north 62
degrees, east 6 9-10th perches to stone, thence by
land of said Steel north 32 dagrees, west 26 per-
ches to stone, thence south 62 degrees. west 6 9-10
perches co place of beginning. containing one acre
out of a tract of land belonging to Jacob Steel
and conveyed to John Cockell by said Steel, and
from said Cockell to the above named Samuel
Baird, together with the hereditaments and ap-
to be sold as tha property of Joshua Armstrong.
Sale to commence at two o'clock of said day.
Sheriff’s Office, RICHARD CONLEY,
Bellefonte, Dec. 11. Sheriff.
In pursuance of an Act of A-sembly, passed
on the 29th day of March, A. D. 1824, the Com-
missioners of Centre County will,sell at Public
Sale, at the Cour t House, in the Borough of Belle-
fonte, on TUESDAY, the 12th day of January,
A. D. 1864, the following described tracts and
parts of tracts of Unseatod Lands, purchased by
the County at Treasurer’s Sale, and which have
remained unredeemed for the space of five years
and upwards :
53 do
Commissioners of Centre County.
Attest :
‘I he subscriber will offer at pub-
lic sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of
Bellefonte, on TUESDAY, January 25th 1864,
the large and commodious Hotel situatéd at Port
Matilda, Centre county, Pa. The building is al-
most new, in excelient repair, and has attached
one of the finest stables in the country, with out-
buildings of every description, and a well of
water in the back yard. A splendid store-reom
connected “with the House. Also, A good frame
dwelling houss' black-smith shop, frame stable,
and a splendid out-lot attached to this property,
situated in Port Matilda, Centre county. Per-
#ous desirous of purchasing should call” +n the
puscriber at Bellefonte, or Wm. Black, on the
sremises- R. D. CUMMINGS, |
Boallefonte, Dee. 11, 1863 —6t
and 20 perches, being a lot of ground surveyed |
Seized and taken in execution and
Warrantees. Acres. Perches. Tp.
Michael Sampson ~~ 100 00 Kush
Richard Morris 433 163 do
James Ramsey 433 153 do
B. Jordon 433 153 do
Jesse Richards 200 00 do
Wm. P. Brady 268 00 Howard
Robert Irvin 415 00 do
William Banks 325 00 Snow-S
Alexander Murtin 400 00 do
Lewis Lewis 300 00 do
John Brough 421 142 Half-M’n
Frederick Moyer 157 oe Ferguson
William Vanpool 90 00 do
David Williams 400 00 Snow-8
Daniel Williams 425 00 Miles
Samuel Norton 425 00 do
Henry Toland 425 00 do |
Thomas Hamilton 400 00 Bald BE. |
John Housel 406 33 Miles |
Paul Trip 401 30 do
James Smith 400 00 Spring
Alexander Spear 400 00 do
Wm. Godfrey 461 40 do
Thomas Wistar 433 1
and every thiig else of the kind to be had at
Bellefonte, Dec., 11th 1863—2t,
Take notice that an inquest will
be held at the late dwelling house ot Robert
Beck deceased, in the township of Ma rion, in the
county of Centre. on Friday, the 22d day of Jan
unary. at 10 o'clock in the morning of said day,
for the purpose of making partition of the Real
Estate of the said deceased, to and among his
children and representatives, if the same can be
done without prejudice to or spoiling of the whole.
Otherwise, to value and appraise the same accor-
ding to law, at which time and place ,y ou are re-
quested to attend if you think proper.
Sheriff's Office, RICHARD CONLEY,
Bellefonte, | Sheriff,
Dec’ 7th, 1863.
Miflin Co: Pa., Dec. 11, 1863—4t.
William Rose, versus
Joseph Cherry.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre County,
No. 51. Nov. Term, 1863. Al Subpoena In
* _ Divoree.
seph Cherry, defendant akove named, are requir-
ed to be and appear before our Judges of the
Court of Common Pleas of Centre County, at
| Bellefonte, on the fourth Monday of January
next then and there to answer the Libellant in
this case. RICHARD CONLY,
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte. Sheriff.
December, 4th, 1863—4t
Lydia Cherry by her next ii
vs ot Centre County.
| Cline Quigley. No. 77. November Term 1863.
| Alias Writ of Ejectment for the undiviled
» fourth part of a tract of land in Snowshoe town
ship in the warrantee name of Joseph Parker,
containing 433 acres and 163 perches: Returned
“Nihil*” And now to wit. November 28, I863,
on motion of Orvis & Alexander, Atty’s for plain-
tiff, rule granted on defendant to appear and
plead to the above entitled suit on or .before the
first day of next term or judgment, which said
rule is co be publizhed in one newspaper in Cen-
tre County for sixty days before the return day
thereof By fhe Court,
Certified from the Record this 2d day of De-
cember, A D 1863
> Prothonotary,
| Janes J. Gardner } In the Court of Common Pleas
December 4th—60d
Black, %C Dark Green,
Black for Silk & Light Green,
Dark Blue, [4] Magenta,
Light Blue, |* Maize,
French Blue, Maroon,
Claret Brown, Orange,
Dark Brown, pe Pink,
| Light Brown, i Purple,
Snuff Brown, . Royal Purple.
| Cherry, "i Salmon,
| Crimson, gy Scarlet,
Dark Drab, 2 Slate,
Light Drab, — Solferino.
Fawn Drab—Violet; Light Fawn Drab—Yellow
For Dyeing, Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods,
Shawls, ~carfs, Dresses, Ribbons,Gloves,
Bonners, Hats, Feathers, Kid Gloves,
Childrens’ Clothing and all
kinds of Wearing Apparel.
[57> A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. 2&1
For 25 cents you can color as many goods as
would otherwise cost five times that sum. Vari-
ous shades can be produced from the same dye
The process is simple and any one ean use the
dye with perfect success. Directions in English,
French and German inside of each package,
For furcher information in dyeing, and giving
a a perfect knowledge of what colors are best ad-
apted to dye over others. (with many valnable
recipes) purchase Howe & Stevens’ Treatsse on
Dyeing and Coloring. Sent by mail on receipt of
price—10 cents. Manufactured by
260 Broadway Beston.
For sale by druggists and dealers Genera ly.
Nov. 20, 1983—1y.
on the premises,
—— TTT — - = — ~ r——
Magic Time Obzerves.
Being a Huntlng or Open Face or Lad 's or,
ttentlemans’s atch combined, with Patent-
Self<Winding Itaprovement, a most Pleasing
One of the prettiest. mest convenient, and
decidedly the best and cheapest time-pisce fo
general and reliabl use ever offered. It ha’
within it and conected with its machirvery, itss
ewn windiqg attachment rendering a key entire
ly unnecessary. ‘Ihe cases of this Watch are
composed of two meta s, tle outer one
16 carat gold. It has the improved ruby action
lever movement. and is warranted an accurate
time-piece Price, superbly engraved, per case of
half dozen. $204 Sample Watches, in neat moroc-
co boxes, $35.
First Class Hur ting Time-pieces for acuracy
of movement, beauty of material, and, above all,
universal approbation.
An imitation so faultless that it can hardly be
detected by the most experienced judges. * The
material being of two metals, the outer ome firse
qusily Sterling Silver, while the inner one is
erman Silver, it cannot be recognized by cutting
or heavy engraving, making it, not only in appear~
The sale of these watches in the army is souree
of enormous profit retailing, as they vor readily
do, $25 and upwards. Many hundred 2 Hi ean
be wade in a single pay day by any one of ordi-
nary business tact
hunting cases, butifully engraved, white enamel
dial, and fancy eut hands, in good running order.
by the half dozen, $66. Sold only by the case of
Upon receipt of two dollars, as guarantee of d
faith. We will send watches 1h express to oy
part of the loyal States collecting balance of bill
on delivery. "This ensures buyers against fraud,
giving them their watches before payment is re-
quired. Send orders to the sole importer.
No. 12 Jewelers’ Excange,
Cor. Cortlandt St. and Broadway, N. Y¥
1863. 1863.
ROAD. —1 his great line traverses the
Northern ana Northwest counties of Penneylvania
to the city of Erie on Lake Erie. 3
It has heen leased by the Pennsylvania Rail
Road Cympany. and under their auspices is be-
ing rapidly opened throughout its entire length.
It is now in use for Passenger and Freight bus-
iness from Harrisburg to Emporium (195 miles)
on the Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to
Erie, (75 mlles) on the Western Division.
Leave Eastward.
Mail Train 6,40, A. M. Express train 8,10P. M
Leave Westward.
Express Train 1017 A. £.
Cars run through witThour cmANGe both ways
on these trains between Philadelphia and Look
Haven, and between Baltimore and Lock Ha-
ven. X
ELecaxT SLEEPING CARs on Ezpress trains both
ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and
Williamsport and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger businoss
apply at the 8. E. Cor. 11th and Markets Sts.
And for Freight business of the Company’s
Agents :
8S. B. Kingston, Jr,, Cor. 13th, Market Sis
J. W. Reynolds Erie
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R. Baltimore.
H. II. Houston,
Gent’l Freight Agt. Phii’a.
Lewis L. Houpt,
Genr’l Ticket Agt. Phil’a.
Jos, P. Potts, «
Gen’l Manager Williamsport
The teachers of Centre County
are hereby notified that a County Institute will
be held in the borough of Milesburg, commene-
ing on TUESDAY the 20th, of December,—to
continue four days. A full attendance of all the
teachers in the county is expected,
Directors will very materially aid us in tho
good work, if they will order their schools closed
d uring the session. and allow the teachers more
or less compensation for the timein actual atter-
dance at the Institute
A special examination of applicants for the
Professional Certificate will be held in the Aca-
demy, in the borough of Bellefonte, on SATUR-
DAY DECEMBER the 19th. Each applicant is
to produce an original thesis or essay on some
educational topic, wich, if approved, will be read
by its author before the Institute.
Several distinguished educationists are expeat-
ed to be present
Arrangements for accommodations are being
made at reduced rates. *
Boalsburg Nov, 23d ’63-—3t. County Supt.
Has received alarge invoice of
ete, ote.
Which will be manufactured in the
and in a manner that cannot fail to prove satis-
A large assortment of
. Consisting of
Collars Neck Ties;
Suspenders Hosiery,
Handkerchiefs, ete.;
Exactly suited tothislocality andintended for the
His shelves present a greater variety of plain and
fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in Cen
trai Pennsylvania.
Call and see that
Mntgomery is the man that can make
Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap;
All that have ever tried him yet,
Say that he really can’t be beat.
june 26 1y
I. M. Singers § Co. s
Thes machines are
Having used one of them for
I can warrant them to do all that is claimed
for them.
Call and examine and procure a circular,
jue 26 1y}
A GENTLEMAN, cured of nervous debility
Incompetency, Premature Decay and Youthful
Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will
be happy to furnish to ail who need it (free of
charge) the recipe and directiens for making tie
simple remedy used in his case Those wishi z
to profit by his experience—and possess a valua-
ble remedy—will receive the same, by return
mail, (carefully sealed), by addressing
No. 60 Nassau Street, New York.
Sept. 18, 3m.
Came to the residence of the sub-
soriber, in Potter township, about the last of Oe-
tober, a light brown steer, with a small slip off
the right ear, supposed to be three vears old. The
owner is requested to come forward, prove prop-
erty, pay charges and take him away, otherwise
he will be disposed of as the law directs.
Dec. 4th, 1863,—3t.
For SALE. :
A Farm of over 100 acres, with
good buildings. well watered and suitable for gra-
zing. Also, fifty acres of timber-land, both situa-
ted within two miles of Howard The .Bald,Ea-
gle Valley Railroad and Canal pa t
the A : wal pass through
Terms reasonable, Lnguire of the subseriber
bing fire
cheapness in price, thees watches must insure
ance . but in durability. the best resemblance of