gem xgerme — oh WN NN AW A 4 AAAI AAT AAA AAA AAA A AS TAA ¥@e following Is the schedule of time of closing ho mails on the different routes leaving this pleae: Norra. — Via Bnow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at 9 o’cloex P. .—Via Pine Grove is ate P.M Fast.—Via Hublersburg and Lock Haven clos es nt 12 P. M. Baev.— Via Centre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, ‘eloses at 9 I’. M. i Howard and I.sck Haven, closes & P.M. Mills and Spruce { Wear.—Via Port Matilda and Tyrone closes at 9P. MN. Woeer.—Via Half Moon and Tyrone, closes at 9.P. M. RAILROAD ROUTS. vie and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at M Bald Eagle Valley Branch Railroad, leave at $3P.M . * STAGE ROUTS. for Tyrone, Via, Half Moon, leave on- Mondays, W ednesdays, Fridays, at 64 4. M. Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublershurg, Beave dailyat 1 P. M. Stages for Lock Haven Via of Howard leave Mondays Wednesday, and Eridays at 7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave daily at 6 A M Btages for Spruce Creek Via of Farm school, and Pine Grove Mills, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaysat 7A. M. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. «Eternal Vigilance is the price of Lib- erty. — Old addage. It may be so for some, but the price we were compelled to pay was §300: oa BE A fellow out west gets off the follow. ing definition of “widow:" «“One who knows what’s what, and is desirous of further in- formation upon the subject” if you really want to know what's what, just try Cum- mings Oysters.” Qin {>= We are gratified to learn that the water has been turned back into the old res- ervoir, where it will remain until Spring, or ac least until the new Water Works can be put into operation without the fear of fail- ure. The town is again well supplied with water, and all apprehensions of our citizens in regard te its scarcity this winter, may be 1aid aside. IMLAY & BickNeLn’s Bank Note Report. ER.—In these days of *‘rag currency” a re: liale Bank Note Reporter is indispensable to every man who handles money. We can recommend Imlay & Bicknell’s to be such, It is corrected by the old reiinbie Banking tim of Work, McCouch & Co., Philadel- phia, and published the first and fifteenth of each month. The monthly is mailed to subscribers at §1 00 per year ; semi-monthly $2 00. Address Imlay & Bicknell, No. 45 South Third Street, Philadelphia. ——O ga Some unknown cholera revorter states that a lady who had died of cholera, anfpwas laid ont by her friends, was found the night followiuyg standing at the cupboard eating cucumber pickles; or; in other words: They left her a laying in’ white, ., Prepared for the grave’s quist slumber; But they found her the very sume night ! “A laing in’ pickled cucumbers! If you want to ‘lay in" some suparir Oysters go to our friend Jerry Tolen. 0 MiLessurG, Oct, 21, Mg. MEEx :—Dardon! But below is an extract fro an old newspaper that 1 tho’t would hit preity well now. Don't you ¢ OFFICE SeegERs :— Would not any Amer- scan deen it a dishonor to have it under. stood that he was fed and clothed by the State ; that he was a species of burthen begged or crowded upon a public hving ; that being tooidle or shiftless to subsist himself otherwise, he had been permit ed 10 do chores in the offices of the Govern- went, for which lie was to receive at best, no more than the average of men can earn at almost any honest trade ? Ot course, every American with a spark of true manliness in his soul, would fee} dishonored and indignant at such imputa- tions. Yet such is the precise position in which a great majority of office beggars voluntarily place themselves, Is it wct a brand of shame upon their manhood--are they not the worst paupers in the land ? L.imoxa-. ——C Are en Lapiss’ Aw Socisty.-—-According to pre- viyus notice, a meeling of the “Ladies Aid Society,” was held at the Armory, on Tues- day cvening last, for the purpose of reorgan- ization and of again getting the Society ful- ly under way in the bencvolent objects for * which it was first instituted, An election was held for officers for the ensuing year, the following ladies being unanimously chosen : President—Mrs. Wm. Wilson. Vice Presigent— Mrs. Dr- Mitchell. Treasurer—Mrs. Lieut. Piefer. Secretary—Mrs. James Ward. = Managers— Mre, James Linn, Mrs, Mary Valentine, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Hillibish, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs, Rhodes, Mrs, Reed, Ii is in contemplation to make this Society a branch of the United States Sanitory Commission, as by that means it is hoped ita sphere of usefulness may be increased. Ladies from the country are respectfully invited to become members of this Society, and to contribute whatever may be in their power to farther its benevolent objects. Signed, Mas. MarcArer WiLsoN, Pres't. Mas. BR. A. Warn. Sec'ty. tt a ———— $&5~ Lage Superior wines have furnished 1565.900,700 tons of copper ore this year, and have plenty more on hand. ——— g&= Five million and a half dollars have already been received as commutation uuder the Enrollment Act. eee LB mm g@y~ The effort of the President to col-- omze 500 persons of color on the south- west coast of Hayti has proved a failure. Though unusual precaution was taken to contract With responsible parties to convey these people to their destination, many of them died of disease, while others fled to wore desirable logalitjes. . ! A GENTLEMAN, cured of nervons debi LANOUS. Tn Incompeteney, Premature Decay aud Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be bappy to furnish to ail who need it (free of charge) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in his case Those wishing to profit by his experience—and possess a valuu- | ble remedy— will receive the same. by return mail, (carefully sealed). by addressing JOHN B. O4DEN, No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. Sept. 18, 3m. BOC. TOBIAS VENETAN LINIMENT Fas GIVEN UNIVERSAL BATIS- FACTION durin the fourteen years it has been introduced into the United States. After being tried by millions, it has been p.oclaimed the pain destroyer of the world. — Pain e:nnot be iors thig liniment is applied. If used as directed it cannot and never has failed in a single instance. For colds. coughs and ! influens za, it can’t be beat: One 25 cent bottle will cure a!l the above, besides being useful in every fami- ly for sudden acidents, such as burns, cuts, scalds, inseet stings &e. Itis perfectly innocent to take internally. and can be given to the oldest person or youngest child. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle Office, 26 Cgrtlandt Street, New York. Sold by ail Druggests. BE WISE BY TIMES! Do not trifle with your Health, Constitution and Character. . i If you are suffering with any Diseases for which HEMBOLD’'S EXTRACT BUCHU is recommended. TRY IT! TRY IT! TRY IT} Tt will Cure you, save Long Suffering. allaying Pain and Inflammation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PURITY, At Little Expense, And No Expcsure. Cut our the Adyertisement in another column and call or send for it. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask tor Hembold’s. Take No Other. CURES GUARANTEED. Sept. 18, 2 n. Ornamental Iron Works, 10} WOODS PEROT, 1131 Rldge Ave, PHILADFLPHIA PA, Offer for sale upen the Most Favorable Terms, NEW and BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS in great va- riety of IRON P3ILINGS for CEMETARIES RESIDENCES, &c., of Wrought and Cast fron and GALVAN ZED IRON and BRASS TUR BING, 1RON VERANDAIS, BALCONIES STAIRS. COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES COLUMNS. HITCHING POSTS, LAMP STANDS, VACES, TABLES FLOWER STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STATURY, ANL MALS, and all other Iron Work ef a Decrotive character. Deo igns forwarded for selection. Per- ons applying for same, will please state the kind of work needeced. 5 2mo __ LEGAL NOTICES. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned, an Auditor, ap- pointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre coun- ty to make distribution of the money in the hands of Christopher Gates, Admintstrator of the Estate of Joseph McEihatten. dee’d, will at tend to the duties of his appointment on Wedues- day, the [8th day of November. 1863, at his of- fice in Beliefonte, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when and wheae all persons interested may attend C. T. ALEXANDER, Auditor. AUDITOR 8 NOTICE. In the matter of the sale of the Real Estate of W. W. Kreamer. The uunder- i having been appointed by the Ceurt of Pleas of Centre county. an Auditor to make distribution of the monies ariging from said sale,in the hands of George Alexander. Sheriff, will meet the parties interested at his office on Saturday, the 14th lay of Nc vember next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. JAMES H. RANKIN, Oct. 23—A4t Auditor. AUDI TOR'S NOTICE. The Undersigned, an Auditor, ap- pointed by the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, to make distribution of the balance remaining in the bands of the Administrator of the Estate ot James Harrison. deceased, will attend to the du- ties of his appointmert on Friday, the 13th day of Noyvember. 1863, at his office, in Bellefonte, at 2 o'clock, P. M, when and where all persous in- terested may attend. EVAN M. BLANCHARD Oct. 23, 1883. —4t Auditor ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letturs of Administratin on the estate of Capt R. M. Forster, decd. late of Har- ris towuship, having been an ted to the sub. seriber, he requests all persons having claims against said estate to present them duly aut en. ticated for settlement, and those indebted to make immediate payment, WILLTAM FOSTER, MALK HALFPENNY, mrs. Oct. 39, 1863 —4t Sep. 25, Gt, ADMINISTRATORS NOTIEE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Rush A. Johnston, decd. having been granted to the subscriber. he notifies all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims against the said estate, to present them duly authenticated for settlement, Sept, 25th, 1863—06t M. B. Poorman Administrator. — NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m— MARRIAGE GUIDE.— Fw YOUNG'S GREAT PHYSIOLOG- ICAL WORK. Or every oue his own Doctor—being a private Instructor for married persons or those about to marry. both male and female. In everything concerning the physiology and relations of our sexual system, and the production or prevention of offspring, including all the new discoveries never before given in the English language, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. This is really a valuable and interesting work. It is written in plain lan. guage for tke general reader, and is illustrated with upwards of ene hundred engravings. All young married people or thoss contemplating rarriage, and having the least impediment to married life, should read tris book, 1t discloses scerets that every one shoud be acquainted with! Still it is a book that must be locked up. 2ud not lie about the house. on the receipt of twenty-five cents. WM. YOUNG. No. 416 SPRUCE St. above 4th Philadelphia: October 23. 1863—1y B 00K STORE. BELLEFONTE, PA. GEORGE LIVINGSON, Proprietor. The Undersigned having removed to“ Brokerhoff’'s Row,” directly opposite the Conrad House, still continues to keep on hand a large assortment of Theological. Classical, Day- School, Miscellaneous, and all the various school Books now in use; also, a large assortment of | Blank Books and Stationary, Photographs and Photograph Albums; also Daily and Weekly | Newspapers. Subscriptions taken for any paper or periodical in the United States. New ypublica fons at publeshers prices. mayls tf GEORGE LIVINGSTON. BOALSBURG ACADEMY. The Winter Session of this Tnsti- tution will commence on Monday, November 2d, TUITION PER QUARTER. Common Engiish Studies. $4.00 Mathematics and Natural Sciences, 5,00 Latin and Greek Languages, 6,00 Contingent Fee. 4 0.40 Instruction in Instrumental and Voeal Musie on reasonable terms. Board and furnished rooms, per week $2,00 DANIEL M. WOLF, A.B. Oct, 50, 1863. Principal PINE GROVE ACADEMY AND SEMINARY. The Winter session will open on WEDNESDAY the 4th day of November, 1863. Terys:—Board and , Tuidion and English branches $55 per term of five months Instrumental Musie will be taught by a eem- petent teacher. J.B THOMAS, A. N, Prinevpad. Qet. 23-3 Se MISCELLANEOUS. MISCEL | aletchman, SS SPECIAL NOTICES. | | It will be sent to any one | Address Dr. | ! PASI OD X DEG RD BELLFPON 0. a, WW, W, MONTGOH RY, Prep, | Hasreccived a i £ ! CLOTHS, | CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ete. ofc. Which will be manufactured in the LATE=T STYLE=, and in a manner that cannot fail to prove satis- factory. A large as:ortment of GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Consisting of Collars Neck Ties, Suspenders Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, ete. Bxactly suited tothislocality andintended for the : SUMMER TRADE, His shelves present a greater variety of plain and fancy goods than can be found elsewhere in Cen trai Pennsylvania. Jall and see that Mntgom ery is the man that can make Clothes in the fashion, strong and cheap; All that have ever tried 1im yet, Say that he really can’t be beat. june 26 1y I. M. Singers § Co. s PAWBIG SEWING MACHINES, W. W, MONTGOMERY, BELLEFONTE PA AGENT FOR CFNTRE COUNTY These machines are NO HUMBUG, Having used one of them for SEVEN YEARS, I can warrant them to do all that is claimed for thew. Call and examine and procute a circular. } june 26 1y & Lane, <2 7 > £& 2 Fourth & Arch Sts. PHILADELPHIA, ARE OPENING FOR THE FALL TRADE, French Merinoes, Good Black Siiks PENNA Nw Plaid Silks, New Fancy Fannels, Bilmoral Petticoats, Red, White and Blue Flannels, etc. Sept. 1st, 1863 3m Boot AND SHOE STORE, BELLEEONTE, PA. PETER McMAHON, Proprietor. Would respectfully inform the citizens of Delle fonte ard vicinity that he bas opened up a shop on ALLEGUENY STR ET, A few doors below Hoffer’s Store, here he is prepared to sell at the - LOWEST PRICES BOOTS AND SHOES wayl 1863 1y BUSINESS CARDS. a. M ALLISTER. x . ET PM ALLISTFR & BEAVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. J.D. SHUGFR ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN JAMES I. RANKIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLFFONTE, PENN'A Oft.ce, on the Diamond, one door west of the lost Ofiice. MARTIN sSTON®R, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, BELLEFONTE, PA. Will attend to all business entrusted to his charge. Jie Tept, 11,1865 WILLYAM A WALLACE, ATTORMEY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PENN’A. Will visit Bellefonte professionally when speci ally .etained in connection with resident Counsel. 3. J. LINGLE, SURGEON DENTIST, BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. snow prepared to wait upon all who may desire his professional services. Rooms athis residence on Spring street. DE, WINGATE, DENTIST. Office and Residence directly North vi the Court Louse portico, At his office except two weeks in each month, beginning with the first Monday of the month Bellefonte, M.—[y. HORVIS. C.T ALEXANDER. OVIS & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BELLEFONTE PA. Ottce 2° dou: below Reynold’s Bank Nov. 21.—1 2 DRVIS & CORSE, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Lock Haven Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Ceutre and Clinton counties. All business entrusted to their care will be promptly attended to. Aug. 29, 1862. DR. J.B. MITCHELL. PHYSIC1AR & SURGEON, BELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. Will attend to professional calls as heretofore, he | espeotfully offers his services to his friends and the public. Office next door to the residence of Thomas Burnside, on Allegheny street. ~Suly 25; 1563-13. BANKING HOUSE, oo OF fe WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO., BELLEFONTE, CENTRE C0., PA. Bills of exchange and Notes discounted.Col- lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. Interest paid onspecial deposits. Exghange in the E astorn gities constantly on hand for sala, Depos- ts receivea 4 a © FURST, A: OPNRY AT LAW, BELLEFOYTE, PA. ! ILL practice in the several Courts of | Centre ard Clinton counties. All legai | 1 usiness entrusted ty his car® will receive prompt | attention - | OFFICE—On the North-west corner of the Di. , amond. Job Printing. Dark Figured Silks, t | bodies of poor wen not worth $360 are placed in J oars MISCELLANEOUR. STERNBERG AALL BY PUMP SUNKINS, E-Q The times, they say, are mighty hard, And men can’t find a dollar To spend on pants or ¢oat or vest, Or eyen on a colar Republicans blame Democrats, vrall this mighty bother, And Democrats Republicate— 80 each oue blames the oth ~ Some swear that Lincoln's jus To core thie mighty evis, While ot uy nes trying hard ‘Lo send us to the Devil, And so it goes—and polities, Makes frst friends fight each other, And kindles bitter feelings, which They try in vain to smother, Now, thisis all a silly thing, Ard comes of human blindness, Far all men should be brothers, and Should live in peace and kindness. If you're a “pub” and I'm a ‘“-Dem,” hat need not cause a trouble, Nor make us call exch otver names, Nor beat each other double, Forwhere’s the use in you and I. To go to pullin’ triggers, Just for a nasty greasy lot. Of woolly-pated niggers. Just none at ail—and so say I, ‘We've made a mighty nlunder, For politics is just the thing To send us all co thunder. So let us stop it—and we'll try "Lo pull once nore together, And buy from Sternburg all cur clothes For this cold winter weather. He's got a large and handsome stock, Just brought here from the city, And that is what I wanted to say, When I commenced my dity So roll in. folks—SternberZ s a man The honest truth revealing) Who only tries to make ‘pile,’ Py fair and upright dealing. A. Sternburg & Co., Reynolds Arcade, next door above the “Conrad House,” have just re- ceived a splendid lot of fail ard winter clothing which they offer for sale at as'onishingly low prices. Oct. 16, "63 —tf. A 81ERNBURG, & Co. THEGRFAT AmericanTeaCompany, 51 VES.-Y STREET, N. Y, Since its organization, has created a new era in J the history of Wholesaling Teasin this Country. They have introduced their gelestiong of TEAS, and are selling them at not over Two Cents (.02 Cents) per poun above cost, Never deviating fromthe ONE PRICE usked Another peculiarity o the Company is that their Tea TASTER not only devotes his time to the selestion of their TEAS as to quality, value, and partienlarstyles for particular localit of } country, but ke helps the Tea buyer to chovse ont of their enormous stock such Teas as are best adapted to his particular wants, and not only this. but points out to him the best bargains. It is easy to see the tnecaleulable advantage n Tea Buyer has in this establishment over all others. Parties ean order Teas and will be served by us as well as though they came themselves, being gare to get original a and, and the Teas are warranted as represented. If he is no judge of Tea or the Market, if his time is valuable, he has all the benefits of a we- organized system of doing business, of an iml mense capital, of the judgment of a protessiona- Tea TAsTER, and the kuowledge of superior sales | men. This enables all Tea buyers—no matter if they are thousands of miles from this market—to pur- chase on as good terms here as the New York merchants: We issue a price list of the Company’s Teas, which will be sent to all who order it; compri- sing Hyson, Yourg Hyson. Imperial. Guao- powder, Twarkay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCIONG. ORANGE & HY- SON PEKOE, JAPAN TEA, of every description, colored and uncolored. This list has each kind of Tea divided into four classes. namely : CARGO, high CARGO, FINE, FINEST. that every cue may understand from description and the prices annexed, that the Com- pany are determined to undersell the whole Tea trade We guarantee to sell ALL our Teas at not over TWO CENTS (.02 Cents) per pound above cost, believing this to'be attractive to the many who have heretoiore been paying enormous profits Great American lea Company, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS, No 51 Vesey Street, New York Sept. 18, 1863—3m. ANEW AND TMPORTANT WORK. THE FOUR ACTS OF DESPOTISH, BY A. D. MAHONEY, OF I0W A, Author of the ¢Prisoner of State.’ This work contains full and official copies of he Four Great Acts of Despotism by which the constituti-nal government of Washington was sub- verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dynasty in- stalled in its place, 1. Tre Tax Bir, by which all the property and resources of the people are mortgaged to the resent administration. 2. Tue CoNscriprioN BiLu. by which all the the hands of the Administration, 3. Tae FINANCE BiLy, which destroys State Banks and places the entire currency of the coun- try in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury. 4. Tue INpEMNITY Act. (fitting climax.) which presumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs he has committed in the past or may com- mit in the future. These four acts are each preceded by a care ul analysis, by Mr Mahoney, and their unjust, oppressive, unconstitutional and odious features pointed out. As a book for reference, it will be invaluable to the farmer, the mechanic, the poli tician, the laborer—in fact, to every person, for these monstrous acts reach from the loftiest man- sion to the humblest cabin in the land. These four acts are not published together in any other form. They will make a large octave pamphlet ot nearly 200 pages, in good sized type and wlll be sold at the low price of Firry CENTS in paper, and SEvENTY-Five CENTS in muslin binding. t Send on the orders at once. All orders will be filled according to the date of receipt. First ome first served, The cash must sgcompany the orders, Address VAN EVRIE, HOR ION & CO., Neo. 162. Nassau Street, New York. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, | ITE YE w= More to. ds fir Less Money CAN BE HAD AT R. KELLERS, CENTRE HILL, Than at any cther Establishment in CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. le keeps constantly on hand a choice stock of STAPLE §& FANCY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & GAPS, Ready Made Clothing, Notions, Queensware, Hardware, Willow and Wooden Ware And in fact a complete assortment of all the articles usually found in a first class Country Store. PRODUCE Taken in Exchange for goods, and the Highest Market Prices in CASEI, PAID FOR GRAINE OF ALL KINDS CALL ARC SKF. ee an TD FURNITURE WARE ROOMS North side of the Diamond. BELLEFONTE, PA. WHERR BUREAUS, SOFAS, UUNGRFR, HAT RACKS, WHAT NOTS EXTENSION TABLES, SUANDS. CHAIRS STOOLS, &ea, &e., Of every desc iption, quality amd price, fc cale cuneAreRr than at any other establishment of the kiud in Central Pennsyl\ ania. June 1st1863—1y. HENRY P HARRIS Leather! Leather I SOLE LEATHER SPANISH KIP TPENCH CALF SKINS COUNTKY CALF SKINS. MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C Shoemakers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tsuls, of all kinds, to be had at SUSSMAN S CHEAP.” than at any other establishment in Central Penn vivania. Bellefonte, De:rmber 19, 1852—tf. MRS. M. S. HUGHES, MILI.IIN ER, Allegheny Street, one door north of BLANCHARD’S LAW OFFICE. Has justopened a fine assortment of the latest Joy 2 Geng and Sova Good, Which she is prepared to make up and trim in the latest fashion and at LOW PRICES. BONNETS AND HATS Always on hand and trimmed at the shortest notice. ELEATRINE Done in the most complete manner known to the trade. Mavyl tf JIVE TWENTY U. 8. LOAN Wm F Reynolds & Co., of Belle- fonte, are subscription agents to dispo¥e of the Five-Twenty years’ United States Loan Amounts can be had to suit the means of different individu als; the interpst is payable and will be paid half yearly im a api 10, hes MISCELLA NEC US. LATEST 4RRIVAT OF FALL AND WINTER GOOD ! AT THR » “IRON queRTR BRAS, Have just received the finest Fall and Winter Goods place, and selling at prices that Jefy compeli- tion, assortment of CONSISTING OF Ladies’ Dress Goods. SUCH AS MERINOS, CASHMERES, DELANES, CALICOS AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Also, a large assortment of ladies and gentlo- wens’ BOGAS AND SIKOES, ° GREAT INDUCEMENTS ’ AND SPLENDID BARGAINS OFFERED TO PUACITASERS FOR Cash or Country Produce, HARDW ARE. BAXTRESSER & CRIST, Pes IN FOREIGN AND DOMES. © MC HARDWARE, WINDOW SHADES, DOOR MATS CUTLERY SAWS RIFLES P1STOLS SHOT GUNS AXES EDGE TOOLS SADDLERS HARD W ARE Carriage Makers’ Trimmings and Carpenter's lool, STEEL SPRINGS, paint OILS, GLASS, NAILS, &e., &e,, &e. &c. And all other kinds of merchandise usually kept in a well regulated hardware store. The stock is entirely new, and are enabled to sell lower than any other establishment in the country Their establishmert will be found on the Northwest corner of the Diawond, Bellefonte SBTADLISELFNID I760 PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturor 16 & 18 CHAMBRES ST, (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the attention of Dealers tothe articles of his manufacture, viz: BROWN SNUFF, Magubod) . Demigros, Fine Rappee, Pore Virginia. Coarse Rappeo, Nachitochea. American Gentleman, Copenhagen, YELLOW SNUFF. Honey Dew Scotch. Fresh Honey Due Sentech, E'resh Scotsh, Scotch, High Toast Seotch, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfoot, Attention is called to the farge reduction in prices of Fine-cut chewing and smoking ‘Lobaccos, which will be found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING. | Long, P, 4. L. or plain, S.J No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Sj No. 2 Sweet Seented Oronoco, Can ry Nos1 & 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, wixed, . Granulated. . B,—A circular of or application. April 17 1 year i A CHANCE FOR TY : BARGANS! C Ei SADDLE BMIBLL. and HARI EES MANUFAC: OIRRY prices will be sent The subscriber begs leave to inform the world. | and the people of Centre County in particular, that he still continues to carry on the Saddlery business in all its various branches, at his shop a fnli supply of Saddles, Waggon Harness, Bridles, Carriage Harness Collars, Wagon Whips, % Trunks, Driving Wlips’ Valises, Halters’ | Netts, &c., &eo., &o. made of the very best material, and WARRANTED | to be pat ty-gather in the most sibstantial man- nar. Prices to suit the times. Call and examine yourselves gentlemen, and if you are not satisfied, you need not purchase. JERRY TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Sept., 10th 82. 1-3. ¥ ever brought to this | n the Nortn-EAst corner of ALLEGHANY and | ceiving BISHOP Streets; where can be found at all times | | QTUVES ! STOVES 1! | pat. 2d, 1863—tf. CELLANEOUS. 4 Sore i vo ment & Air SDLES: Jidee of the Utited a siden. Corner Pen and St. Clary Sirdets, Plinkmrgh | Ponnsgleania val The Lorgest, Cheapest and Best. st £35 or A full dommeraiad oc for Mau | boi d an 1k Book-b A half price. time. ' Tox Wiens ov] ucted by experienced countawts. who prepare vss, at the Joast ex- the most luerative Pirrowas granted universal preference 30. by husiuess mien. Penman of the Un- i ; gest No. of Ist Previons. | and over all competitors, teaches Lapid Business { Writing. i For peeimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue i containing full information. inelosa twenty-five | cents to JENKINS & SMITH i . Prineipale £7 Attend where the Sons sud Clerke of ers und Business Men graduate, Gallo unt HE NATIONAL COMHELEISE COLLEGES LOCAT.D 1 PHILADELPHIA. 5.2, cox. Tthand Chestnut Stroets, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN ! TRGY. BUFFALO Lain VES ayy DET HICAGO & ST. LOUIS. "ENMANSHIP, Con 2 LAL AR- is Cc. ResSPON- b. ler the same genorst ud uniting in each the greater tacilitios tor im- than any other similar ines ry : ued by any one is good in ap fu Jullege hus been reacntly en din u superior manner, and V most prosperous Lommer te. ea Br br. Comomtaes { mail. | am Aritnmetie, aud sent by L&> For full partientare sends 1 aiveestar Oct. 17. 1862—1y. Coaches, Arts Bed Bags, Woutl &e., Tnsvsts om luimals &: 506. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles & Moths in Llasits, Fowl Pat up in Tlasks. $4 aud §) sizes for Liotels, /“ublie Insri- tutions, &o. Only infallible remedies known.’ Fre 1 Poisons © Not dungerous to the Muman Family. i ¢ Rats come out of their holes to die.’ | iz Sold wholetal n all large civies. & ~ Sold'hy all Druggists and Retailers every’ | where. [7 I! Buware'!! of all worthless imitations. [9 Se that + CosTAR'S™ nawe is on each Box, bottle and F before you bay Address HENRY R. COSTAR. Lu” Principal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. iz Bold a HARRIS'S RUG STORR Bellefonte,. Pa. CABRAGE ANCFACTOR Mr. S. A. McQuistion would réepectfully” T- form the citjgeus of Centre county, that he has opened a new Garriage Marufactory, in the resr of Cummings’ Livery Stable, where he is prepared to manufacture CALRIAGES. BUGGIES, SULKIES, PHAYETORS, 2 SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS, SLEDS, &C.. &C at prices to suit the time.s. Repairing done on short notice. Bellefonte, Feh. 6, 1863, 1y. FANCY FURS! FANCY FURS! JOHN FARE RA, 718 ARCH Sureet, below 81h sou ho side PUILADELPHIA. 1 Juipoiter, Manufacturer of and Dealer in i all kinds of | FANCY FURS! for Ladies’ aud Children’s Wear. I wish to return my thavks to my friends of Centre and surrounding counties, for their very liberal patronage extended to me during the last i fow years, aud Lwoald say to them that I now ave in store, of my own portation” and Manu- ! facture a very extensive assortment of ail the dif- | ferent kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for i Children, that will be worn during d Winter seasons, ct Importer of all my Fars from } n all Manufactored undey | my own supervision bles wo to offer my cus- | tomers and the public 4 much | Furs for the samc woney. Ladies please give me a call before purchasing, Please remember the vame, number and street. JOHN FAREIRA. Oct. 2d ’63-—4m, No. 718 Avoh Srect. Phila. handsomer Sot of FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. OLFFICH--YORK, PENNA. | Accumulzted Capital over £280 000 | THIS COM 5 to issue Polisies of | Insurane unage by fire en the | safer kinas property, at rates 4 ha eatery of a Compn- ing been appointed an 3 i Company. will attend plications fur insurance : Ballefonte, Pa . | 1. C. HATPT. Bept. 11, 1S63. 1y. I'te undersigned at the Bell®fonte, | Foundary keeps constantly on hand a variety of 1 cook stoves for coal or wood. 3 X | lent cook stuvd edpeci Wo have an excel- { ly constructed for burning softeoal ; four seizes, price from $id, upwards al. | 80 ninesplate parlor stoves for coal and wood, ax rices to suit tho tinies. A. HAUPT, & on, I EE & WALKER Importers and Pub. 4 lishers of MUSIC and MUSICALL IN. , STRUMENTS, Nou. 722. Chestnut St | Eighth Street, Phliadelphia. ey Reiow | a \31ge assortmentof Suypertor Piano Forser. Sept. 18, 1883 1m.