Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1863, Image 1
+ ~ @he Democratic BELLEFONTE, FRIDAY MORNING, / 7 Lr £7 EMBER 6, 1863, atchman, og a“ i. LH agg NO 4i. he Fuse. WELCOME TO RUSSIA. BY W. T. URQUART. “Our great ally, the Emperor of Russia, the on- ly fereign Power that sympathizes with the naticn —3ou have a rebellion in your own country.’’— RaxpaLL’s Ispand. Shout ye people, sheut your welcome To the Russian tyrant’s slaves, See, your flag, once borne by freemen, With the despot’s banner waves. Feast them, fote them, cheer them onward In their path of blood and shame ; Bhow them that ye spurn the record Left by brave Kosciusko’s name. Tell the foe o Sows teed Poland ignore the grand decree, CR our father’s life-blood, “4 Man’s best gift is to be free.” What is freedom, what is honor, ‘What the memory of the brave? What are all the tears of freemen, Shed above Pulaski’s grave ? ‘Weep no more for Poland’s sorrows, fcorn her hapless children’s cry ; as not Russia ‘‘ a rebellion,’ Is not Russia your *“ ally 2" Miscellaneous, THE DEBT, THE TAXES AND THE RUIN. AN INSTRUCTIVE ARTICLE. The Secretary of tho Treasury coolly an- -neunced, on the 1st of July, that the na- tional debt is only ‘one thousand one hun- dred millions,”’ and that it increases at the rate of two million five hundred thousand dollars per day, or one hundred and four thousand dollars per hour! without any prospect whatever of a cessation to that in- crease or indeed of any other result than an increased ratio of growth in the debt, The official returns of debt have been as follows for two years: Debt. July, 1861 8 60,180,408 Jan'y, 1862, 267,540,035 Increase Increase. per day. $207 350,620 $1,330,000 July, 1862, 514.211,371 216,674.336 1,580,000 un 1863 810,407,831 305,195,814 1,956,000 July, 1663 1,197,274,365 377,867,180 2,422,225 For the last six months of 1862, the in- crease was $1,330,000 per day, and the ra- tio had nearly doubled, Every successive month the increase is greater, for the rea- ®n that more men and more supplies are needed at constantly rising prices. Those prices, as our readers have too much reason to know, are raised by the use of Govern- ment paper money, which depreciates in the double ratio of the quantity paid out and the decrease in the stocks of the goods re- quired by the Government. The increase of debt in the last six months of 1863 will be $3,000,000 per day. It isto be borne in mind that these figures do not represent the whole expenditure of the Government, but simply what it borrows over and above the proceeds of the customs and taxzs. The appropriations, or the amount authorized to be experded for the fiscal year 1864,is $1,- 000,000, even if the next Congress should not add a dollar to the amount. We are now to remember that these'debts are (0 be paid by the twenty millions of people of the Northern States, for the rea- son that—even in the event. of the Union being restored—the commercial capital of the South and of the Border States has been 80 thoroughly desolated tbat they cannot pay, even if the whole S:uthern war debt is repudiated, We shall not now allude to the $2,000,000,000 of claims upon the Gov- ernment already being made out, for dama- ges in the Border States, but confine our- selves simply to the actual existing debt for which paper has been issued, and irrespect- ive of the $300,000,000 of debt due the contractors and others, not yet adjusted, We have stated that the prices of all arti- cles purchased by the Government have ris- en in proportion to the depreciation of the paper, and the average is 40 per cent.— Hence of $700,000,000 expended for goods, ships, supplies, &c., $200,000,000 has been extra price caused by the depreciated paper and which would mot have been paid had the money been regularly borrowed. Thus, if $500,000,000 hud been borrowed at 6 per cent., it would have brought as much supplies as $700,000.000 of paper money, a pretty dear way of borrowing. The debt stands then as follows, July 1: . Int’st. Per cent: Funded debt $800 554.309 $48,278.000 6 Paper 399,721,957 200,000,000 50 Total $1,197,274,366 248,278,000 22 If the paper money is ever withdrawn it wiil be by funding. If this can be done at 6 per cent., the interest on the debt now outstanding will be, with sinking funded, $83,790,000 per anpum. We will compare this with the debts of England and France : oF. * * ES * Thus Ale actual debt now exceeds that of France $1,15 per head and nearly equals that of great Britain. At the close of the present fiscal year, the debt, if the official estimates are not exceeded, will. be $2,000,- 000,000, or $140,000,000, or $7 per head per annum! or $35 for every family of five persons. It will be borne in mind that these aro. the lowest actual figures, without taking into account threatened foreign wars, or possible new disaster to the army, This immense debt is now in process of creation. The Government is paying out paper that is yet in good credit for labor and property. The pecple are giving their goods for the paper and’ investing it in bonds. Who is to pay that paper and bonds ? The laborers of the country—pre- cisely the people who are now in the grasp of the Proyost Marshal, torn from their em- ployments and families to go and destroy and devastate the property and meens of industry whieh were once the source of cur national wealth. It is not the property of the country that will bear the burden—it is the farmer and laborer. The present intol- erable and vexatious income and interest tax yields very little in proportion to what was expected from it, anl if ever the debt is paid at all it must be quadrupled: and what means’ will there be of paymg 2 It will be difficult to show that there will be any. Before the war the eight millions of peo- ple in the Southern and Border States bo’t of the North, in round numbers, $700,000,- 000 per annum in food, clothing, manufac- tures, &c. They paid ‘for these in an equal value of cotton, tobacco, naval stores, &c. The industry of the South produced equiva- lents for the industry of the North, and mutual interchange produced national pros- perity. With the war, that ceased. The trade was cutoff. Neither side could make its accustomed sales and purchases and on the first our trade was paralyzed. Gradu- ally the expenditures of the Government have grown up to 8900,000,CZ3 per annum, thus affording a substitute for the Southern trade. The Government, however, does not pay—it only promises to pay. It does not give cotton, &e,, for the goods, it only gives pieces of paper. These, it is said, answer the purpose of money; and pass from hand to hand. They do so, no doubt; but the real wealth of the country is thereby con. sumed. The wool, the clothes, the food, the ironware of the country, are consumed by the Government, and the owners hold paper in return, for which they can find no use, and they lend 1t back to the Govern ment, which therewith buys more goods at higher prices. As long as this process lasts 1,000,000 men in uniform goon to destroy. The time must come when the process will cease. 1,000,000 men will be turned out of employ. The Government expenditure will cease. War business will be at an end — The blood-drenchea fields and desolate homes of the South will offer no trade. The crippled troops, the idle manufacturers, the impoverished farmers and destitute laborers will be called upon to pay $2,000,000,000 held by a few New England States that have driven on the war for their own henefit. It will be born in mind that the six New England States with their twelve Senators, have been the oligarchy which has driven on this war. Thus: POPULATION. Six New England States 3,135,232 12 Senators ; Six Middle and W States 13,370,734 12 Senators ; The Government of the country under our system, it is well known, exists in the Con- gressional committees, which govern in each department. These committees are controll ed as follows— Charles Sumner Mass Foreign Relations. Henry Wilson Mass Military affairs. James P Hale NH. Naval aftairs. Clark NH. Claims. W. Fessenden Maine Finances. Thus the New England Senators gevern the Finances, the Navy, the Army, and the Foreign Relation. Under their government, the debt is rolled up $2,500,000 per day and men are dragged from their families to feed armies, whose mission is to desolate the best customer of the North. While the West is groaning with distress, under this expendi- ture of blood and treasure, how does New England fare —the home of the olligarchs who are driving en the Juggernaut of blood and rapme ? Let the official report of the Massachusetts Bank Commission for 1863 reply : **Seldom, if ever, has the business of Mas- achusetts been more active or profitable than during the past year. The war has brought into activity many mechanical em- Pployments, for which there is little occasion in time of peace. * * The necessity of transportinggreat bodies of troops from point to point along our seaboard, and of furnish- ing them subsistence, has called into the ser- vice of the Government a vast fleet of trans- ports, for the hire of which owners have re- ceived rates of comprehension greatly ex- ceeding the ordinary profits of commerce. Every steam vessel, capable of navagating either the ocean or harbor and rivers, has been thus employed, and many more, rre- viously regarded as worn out and no longer sea worthy, having been flimsily repaired, and made to pass through a hasty or cor- rugt inspection, have gone out, laden with valuable property, or invaluable lives, to be wrecked or rescued, asthe changes of the weather, or ag skillfal seamanship might determine. The ship-yards, both public and private, have been worked to their ut- most capacity, in the construction of iron- clad gun boats and other vessels of war ; while machine shops, rolling-mills and foun- deries have been equally busy in building their engines, rolling their armoz-plates,and casting guns. “The wants of the army have come in to make good the lose cf the Southern market. [for shoes.]and the government has been a liberal and sure, if not a ready, paymaster. Labor has been in great demand ; wages have risen, and the trade is again in a high state of prosperity. ‘‘Wea!th has flowed into the State in no stinted measure, despite of war and heavy taxes. Inevery department of labor the Government has been, directly or indirect- ly, the chief employer and paymaster.— Vast contracts have been undertaken and executed, with the use of no other credit than as such as is based on Government vouchers and certificates of in- debtedness.”’ Thus the $2,500,000 per day that the Gevernment borrows is poured into the lap of Masachusetts and the other New England States. Whole generations of Western far- mers must toil kopelestly to pay that money since there is no possibility of paymg the principle, Year after year $140,000,000 “mostly earned by the Western and Middle States, to pamper New England wealth. The interest on the debt in ten years will amount to $1,400,000,000 which must be earned by the many to pay the few. The average amount of farm produce exported from the United States was, in ten years, to 1862 $63 814,379. This represents the surplug agricultural productions of the Northern and Western States. Under the existing debt more than double that whole amount of sur- plus will be required to pay the interest of the public debt, held mostly by moneyed autocrats, created by the extravagance and corruption of war expenditures. Very lit- tle of the debt is held by the agricultural sections, but it is those sections which must toil year by year, and hand over to the Eas- tern sections the vast sums we have men- tioned. A very little reflection on the part of an intelligent man will convince him how utterly impossible it will be for our institu- tions to exist under double influence of that -debt, and the intolerable burden of tribute imposed by the tariff on produces for the benefit of Eastern capitol. The opera- tion of the two in a very few years will pro- duce two classes —paupers and money aris. tocrats. The amount of the present debt is as fol- lows in Indiana and Illinois, compared with New England : III. and Ind. N. Eng. U. States debt $171 208.101 $171,392,101 State debts 26,101,201 13.100,000 $197,300.02 $184,402 101 Total - - - - Population 3,062,379 3,136 283 Productions peryr. $100.000:000 $404.075.103 Assesessed prop. 221,100,360 643,801,917 The burden of the debt upon the two States of Indiana and Illinois, which have about the same population as the New Erg- land States, is $66 per head ; in New Eng- land $6: per head. The sum of the debts nearly equals the whole of the assessed per- sonal property under the census in the two Western States, and is less than thirty per cent of that of the New England’ States.— The annual production ot the latter, protec- ted by tariff, is $165 per head, In TFadiana and Illinois it is $33 per head. The goods made in New England are sold to the West, and are charged with all the taxes paid on them to the government, and with the pro- tective tariff tax. Thus the whole of the outlay extogted from Western consumers comes back to New England laden with the interests of debts keld and paid by Western farmers, This State of things is perpetua- ted by the fact that Indiana and Illinois, with the same population as the six New England States, have four votes in the Sen- ate, while the latter have twelve. It is ob. vious to the most obtuse that sach a state of affairs can not be perpetuated because under it, the impoverishment of the agri- cultural States will be complete and exhaus- tive. There is but one mode in which the terrible ruin evoked by this war can be al- layed, It is by an entire abolition of the customs, duties and an assessment of the debt upon the country. This Jat-er is mot constitutional. since all taxes must be le- vied according to population. alter- native 1s entire repudiation.—0ld Guard NY A jolly fellow had an office next door to a dlocters shop. Oue day an elderly gentlemen of the old fogy school blundered into the wrong shop. “Is the docter in 2’ ‘Don’t live here,” said the lawyer who was in full scribble over some docu- ments. “Oh! I thought that this was his of- fice. Next door. Pray sir can you tell me has the doctor many patients ? Not living. The old gentleman fold the etory in the vicinity, and the docter threatened the law- yer with a hbel suit. SHREWD.—Said an Irishman to the fele- graph operator : ‘Do you ever charge anybody for the ad- dresd in a message ?' ‘No,’ replied the operator. ‘And do ye charge for signing his name, sir © ‘Well, then, will ye please send thig? I just want my brother to know I am here,’ handing the following : at New York. “Lo John M’Flinn (signed) Patrick M'Flinn.’ It was sent as a tribute to. Pagick’s’ shrewdness, eg nen Recipe. —Josh. Billings, in the pokeepsian gives the following ‘‘resipee’’ for making ‘“Berlony sarsage :”’ ‘Take an eelskin and stuff it with a ground cat, sesin it+with scoch snuft and persimin ile ; lay 1t on to a hog pen to dri, and then hang it up by the tail in a grocery for eight months for the flies to give it the traid marks. Then it is ready for use, and can be cut into, rite lengths and sold for police klubs.” CHANGED AT NURSE. A ROMANTIC STORY. A Par’s letter to the London Times has the following : “A singularly romantic case of two chil- dren claiming one mother has just come before the Imperial Court of Agen. In Oc- tober, 1333, a widow named Francoise Beau- soleil Dufour, gave birth to a female child, her husband having died on the Gth of Feb- ruary, in the same year. This child she put in the turning box of the Foundling Hospi- tal of Marmande, having reasons which are not explained for concealing the birth. By the French law, the legitimacy of a child born within three hundred days of the hus- band’s death, cannot be disputed, In the present instance the birth took place consic- erably with that period ; but it is conjec- tured that, the mother feared the opinion of the neighbors might not be in accordance with the legal presumption. However this may be, she presentcd herself at the Found- ling Hospital a few days after the infant had been deposited there, satisfied the di- rectors that she had means to support the child, and told them she intended to take it out very soon. In order to establish the identity of her infant, she mentioned that: among its linen was a piece of printed mus- lin of a remarkable pattern, and this mus- lin the Lady Superior of the hospital admit- tea having noticed She succeeded, (con- trary, as I rather think, to the rules of foun- dling hospitals) in inducing the directors to tell her where the child was. They said it was with a wet-nurse named Gaillard, in a village which they mentioned. To this vil- lage Madame Beausoliel (Neuve Dufour) re- paired, inquired for Madame Gaillard, ever- whelmed the infant which she found in her cottage with maternal caresses, and delight- ed the whole household by the assurance that she would augment the meagre pittance allowed by Government for bringing up a chance child, These promises were more than kept. Her visits to little Denise Achet -~-that was the name officially given to the child in the hospital, who was registered, as the custom is in such establishments, “born of unknown parents” —were frequent and every time she brought with her delica- cies and comforts for the child and presents for the nurse. At the end of four years, she reimbursed the hospital the expenses it had incurred, and took the child to her own home, where she so managed that it was re- ceived without question as a sister by the four children who were oorr before her hus- band’s death. Denise, brought vp with unvarying affection, and well educated for a country girl of modest pretensions, was, at the’ age of five and twenty, respectably married to MI. Caussade, and upon that oe- casion the register of birth at the Foundling Hospital of Marmande was corrected in her favor, pursuant to a judicial decree, and instead of being described az “born of un- Known parents,” she was stated to be the legitimate child cf M. and Madame Dufour, Thus we find the herome of this little story married and settled, and happy in the affec- tions of a respectable family, of which she is a legal as well 4s an accepted and cher- ished member. But five years alter her mar- riage and in 1862, a domestic servant at Agen, named Denise Achet, brings an ac- tion against M. and Madame Caussade and Widow Dufour, alleging that she, the plain- tiff, 1s really the child deposited by Madame Dufour in the turning box of Marmande, and enveloped in the remarkable printed muslin; that the defendant, Madame Caus- sade, was never baptized or registered by the name of Denise Achet, and that she was |. an unknown child thrown into the box about the same time, and registered in the books of the hospital by the name of Isabelle To!- land. Extraordinary as this claim appears it was most conclusively made out by evi- dence. The explanation is that in the above mentioned village there were two women named Madame Gaillard, who had simulta- neously received a child to nurse from the Foundling Hospital. Madame Dufour went to the wrong one, The consequence is that the register is again corrected, and the true Denise Achet, the maid-servant of Agen, is declared to be the legitimate child of M, and Madame Dufour, while poor Madame Caus- sade, the darling and pride of the family for the last thirty years, 1s judicially ascer- tained to be ‘‘the child of nobody,” Mad- ame Dufour says she cannot transfer affec- tions in accordance with the law's decree, and that she will neither abandon Madame Caussade nor (otherwise than legally) rec- ognize Denise Achet of Agen. The first use she has made of her parental authority is to refuse her consent to a marriage which Md’lle Denise has contracted. This refusal is, however, not meant to prevent the mar- riage, about which Madame Dufour is totally indifferent, but only because she desires to have nothing to do with her. Denise may marry all the same, being of full age, by serving her mother with the legal summons called actes respectuex, ——— Brn U7 The soul of a young moman 15a ripe rose, as soon as one leaf 1s plucked, all its males easily fall after. And a kiss may sometimes break off the first leaf. IZ= Each day brings its own duties and carries them along with it, and they are as waves broken"on shore, many like them coming after, but none ever the same, 07 Time does’nt fight fair in his con- flict with us. .He pulls hair. THE KISSING DEACON. In one of our New Eugland towns lived ‘| Deacon Brown, a staid, dignified sort of a Christian, a model of propriety. Deacon Brown had the misfortune to Iase his wife, and at tiro#ge of forty found Eimself with a family of four small children, without a mistress to his farmhouse. As he could not immediately take another wife without ex- citing scandal, and could not get along without some one to take: charge of the kitchen and nursery, he had recourse to em- ploying a young woman as housemaid.— Nancy Stearns was a laughing, romping beauty, who delighted in experimenting up- on the Deacon by way of testing the strength of human nature, For a long time the Dea- con was invulnerable, but at last, in a mo- ment of unguarded weakness, he was led into temptation and into committing a “slight indiscretion” with his beautiful housemaid. When in his wonted coolness and presence of mind he was horrified at the enormity of his sin. In vain he repent- ed and grieved over lost virtue. Finally, as a last effort for easing his con- science, at the couclusion of the services on the following Sabbath morning, he arose and requested the forbearance of the breth- ren and sisters a few moments, when he elec- trified them by making the following con- fession: : “My Christian friends, you all know that I lost my dear wife some months ago, (sobs and tears) and that Nancy Stearns’has been keeping house forme ; know that I have a little child not a year old. Well, that littie child would ery in the night, and it would bea long time before I could quiet it; and last Tuesday night—God forgive we! —Nancy arose and cawe into the room, and leaned over the bed to hush the child — and, brothers and sisters, her leaning over me, made me forget Christ 1”? Here the worthy deacon broke down en. tirely, and stood weeping, wailing and blow- ing his nose. : “What did you do?” sternly demanded the minister, “I—I—T ki—ssed her !”” stammered out the Deacon between his sobs, ‘but I have been very sorry about it and prayed to be forgiven—and I want you to forgive me and pray for me, brothers end sisters.” As the deacon bowed himself upon his his seat like the mighty oak before the tor- nado, Deacon Goodfellow arose and aston- ished the audience still more, by saying : “Brothers and sisters, you have heard what Brother Brown has said, and now he wants our forgiveness. For my part, I think Brother Brown is truly penitent, and I am willing to forgive him with my whole heart. And, brothers and sisters, 1 will still add further, that if had I no wife and a pretty girl like Nancy Stearns should come to my room and lean over my bed and lean over we, I’d kiss her and abide the consequen- ces.” R&¥~ There's no humbug about these sar dines,’ said Brown, as he helpad himseif te a third plateful from a newly opened box; “they are the genuine article and came all the way from the Mediterranezn.” “Yes,” replied his economical wife, ‘and if you will only control your appetite they will go a great deal farther. rt Jee I= Rather unexpected was the reply of the urchin who, on being arraigned for play- ing marbles on Sunday, and sternly asked, “Do you know where those little boys go who play marbles on Sunday 2’ replied in- nocently : “Yes; some of “ein goes down by the side of the river.” £5 The other day a father remonstrating with his boy upon his lying in bed, said that the sun had been up these three hours. ¢ That's no great wonder, father,” replied the son. ¢If I had as many miles to tray- as soon as he.” a a EN fey There is an Irishman employed as a bridge hand down East who brags of having a time-piece that keeps correct time, ile was heard to remark a few mornings since, upon pulling out his watch: “If the sun ain’t over that hill in a min- ute and a half, he will be late.” tem AnoLITiON LoGic.—Why is the nigger the equal of the white man ? Because God created them both. On that principle a jackass is equal to a Brigadier General. Of course, emer eerie menee—— B&™ A bachelor editor, sensitive in rela tion to his rights, objects to taking a wile through fear that if she should have a baby his cotemporaries, who habitually copy without credit, would refuse to give him credit for it. reesei Madam, a good many persons were dis- turbed last night at the concert by the cry- ing of your baby.” “Well, I do wonder that such people will g0 to concerts.” — me Bay There gocs a man, sad a friend to another, who is worth his hundred thou- sand dollars, Yes, quietly said the othez, looking after the rich man, and that’s all he is worth. EE ges 0 In the souls of all good men there is a great crusade—for the spirit not the tomb of Jesus. el to-day as the sun has, I would have risen, CASE IN CONSCIENCE, ‘Friend Broadrim,’ said Zepaniah Strait- lace to his master, a rich Quaker, ‘thon can’st not eat of that leg of mutton at thy noontide meal to-day.” “Wherefore not,” asked the good Qua: ker. “Because the dog that appertaineth: to that son of Belial, whom the world calls Lawyer Foxcraft, hath come into thy pantry and stolen it! yea, and he hath eaten it.” » ‘Beware, friend Zepamah, of bearing false witness against thy neighbors Art thon sure it was friend Foxcraft's domestic animal?’ ‘Yea, verily, Isaw it with my eyes and it was lawyer Foxcraft’s dog—even Pinc- hem.” Upon what evil times have we fallen ? sighed the harmless Quaker as he wended his way to his neighbors office. ‘Friend Foxeraft,”” said he “1 want to ask thy opin- ion. I am all attention replied the scribe, lay- ing down his pen. ‘Supposing my dog has gone into my acighbors pantry and stolen therefrom a leg of mutton, and I see him and could cal) him by name, what ought I to do there by 2” ‘Pay forthe mutton, nothing ean be clear er. ‘Know then, Friend Foxcraft, thy dog, even the best denominated Pinchem hath stolen from my pantry a leg of matton of the just value of four shillings and sixpence which I paid for it in the market this morning.’ 0, well, then it is my opinion that T must pay forit. And he having dene 0, the friene turned to depart. ‘Tarry yet awhile, friend Broadbrim cried the Lawyer. Of a verily I have yet further to say unto thee, Thou owest me ten shil- lings for advice,’ ‘Then verily 1 must pay thee, and it is my opinion that I have touched pitch and been defiled.’ aa Tur Concord Patriot reports that Chief Justice Bell of the Supreme Court of New- Hamshire, has decided in the case of John II, George vs, The City of Concord, that United States ¢ ‘greenbacks’’ are not legal tender. The plaintiff held the City’s notes for $2,000, for which United States notes were tendered and refused, and a suit bronght for the debt, which action has been, for the present, decided as above. The case goes to the full bench. i gat [CL The mother of a little boy who was about taking a ride in the Hartford horse cars, asked him as he crambled in, “Why arn’t you going to kiss your ma, before you go?” The little rogue was in such a hurry that he could’t stop and hastily called out Mr. Condueter won’t you please kiss mother for me ¥’ IZ A stockbroker whose mind was al- ways full of quotations, was asked a few days since how old his father was 2? “Well, said he, abstractedly, “he is quoted at eigh- ty, bat there is every prospect that he will reach par, and possibly be at a premium.” Fa “My turtle dove, J adore you!’ said a gay young feliow to his lady love, ¢ That's all very well,” said she, “but I'm tired of this sort, of billing and cooing. If you love me so much, why don’t you take me to church and make me your ring-dove 2° - —eo— [T= Old people are not frequently like ships, moving slower the longer they have been going, and on similar grounds—the adhesion of weeds and barnacles. [7= Mercenary match seekers set up the tlowers of love for sale as hay, there are no other trees in their paradise than boundary trees. [7 Bread is the staff of life, and liquor. the stilts—tne former standing a man and the latter elevating him for a fall. I= Ft is the pale passions that are the ‘ifercest. it is the violence of the chill that gives the measures of the fever. [== Mo man ought to enjoy what is too good for him, he shouid make himself wop- thy of it and rise to its level. gay No support, when we are right, can be derived from those who are very ready to yield to us when we are wrong. B&s™ A person of ‘“genius” should marry a person of © character.” Genius does. not herd with genius. f= Tt is in seasons of sorrow that love more especially roots itself, as trees are best grafted mn cloudy days. 77 Theatres and balls are often the mere embroidery on the tattered cloaths of civilized life, pas The readiest and best way to find out what future duty will beis to present duty. 077 In earthly governments ‘‘divine rights,” so called, are generally the bitter- terest of human wrongs. : 177 We respect him who can more easily make a hymn than a joke, a grace at meat than a dinner-specch. g&s There is no monarch’s signet ring that is typical of as much duty asthe wed- ding ring is, pay Cherish bounteously young shoots, for thorns and briers are but non-encourag- ed buds. pa With faint hands we hold the drain- ed cap of joy, which, when empty, weighs heaviest. Lovers care not for places. ters little to them where they love. Ba Winter, cold winter, will soon be here, It mat- - HOW THE LATE ELECTIONS MAY SAVE THE COUNTRY. Two great Democratic States having yeld- to the illegit mate influence controlled by the Admimstration. and permitted a false record of their peoples’ sentiment} in favor of mesures which the masses, with fair op- portunity, would condemn, the radicals will now claim the popular confirmation of their policy. It must, therefore be expected that the projects of centralization will be pushéd with renewed vigor, and that not only a war of Aboiitisn and extermingtion will be prosecut:d to the bitter end, but that also the despotism: which has seemingly been accepted by theipeople, willjseek new and broader channals in which to exercise its sway. Tlic unlimi‘ed is-ue of paper money, the infranchisement of slaves, the syztem or ar- bitary arrests, the Conscription, the Suspen- sion of Habeas Corpus, may now be consid. ered parts of the machinery By which this Goyernment is to be conducted and we wait to hear of further assumptions of absolute power, designed to transform the Republic into a Dictatorship, It isnot in the nature of men who have tasted with impunity of forbidden fruit, to deny their appetites the luxury of satiation. Whatever usurpations a people will permit, their rulers will not hesitate to practice, and successful ambition has the peculiar instinct to avail itse!f of all the stepping stones to authority, and while it never voluntarily recedes from a point attained, aspires always to ascend. Two wonderful examples have been chronicled in universal history of men who turned from the allurments inviting them to power. and their abnegation lends a lustre to their names that makes fouler by the contrast the selfishness of general humanity, But where is the Cincinnatus of our day, and where the Washington ? Let circumstances: bring a crown within the reach of Mr. Lin- coln, and thongh, like’ Cwsar, he may thrice refuse it, be sure_that like Casar, hig, eye will fasten on it, as if he longed to wear . it, and only the dread of the retributiye: Ideas of Marck would hold it from hig brows. The people have been ruled with an iron rod, and they have bowed before it and per- mitted their own voices to be used as the conformation of their vassalaze: On Tues- day last they lost an opportunity of disen- thrallment, and allowed intrigue, power and’ patronage of an Administration to affix the stamp of black Republicanism to two great Democratic States. Look henceforth not on- ly for the desolation of a cruel war, but for the destruction of State rights, the centrali- zation ot power, the violation of law and liberty that have alrcady been perpetrated and not rebuked, and that, claiming ther justification ina popular verdict wi'l be re- peated till the masses either become familiar with their enslavement or stung at least to phrenzy, appeal from the mockery of a bal- lot box to revolution; We are destined to wade on thro” Blood toward the Abolition goal. It is determineq that the war proceed until the spirit of hate eternalized by the memory of iunumerable battle fields, shall build its impenetrable home within the Southern heart, and forbid for ever, not only the Union of the Sections bat their good will as independent powers. It is fixed that contractors shall grow rich and the country shall grow poor ; that dem- agogues shall bask in political sunshine, and: the people cower under the frown of author- ity, and crouch before military despots, — Well be it so. Perhaps an all-seeing Providence has go ordained as the surest and swiftest means of vational redemption. Perhaps: the sway of ervor will be shortened by its own excess. es, Perhaps the free rein that will now be given to fanaticism will hurry it to the pre- cipice and launch it to anaihilation. The time must come—it 13 inevitable—when the national’ delirium, now at its acme,shall decline: The judgement of the people will then prevail over the madness of the hour and the soul at least, of the Republic be res cued from the ruins of its material great- ness. Let the goad be driven deep, let us- urpations muitiply, let passion violence and fanaticism hold their carnival. Let rapine, bloodshed, and incindarism desolate the homes of the South. and the Iron of tyranny be welded about the prostrate form of North- ern liberty. If we must pass the ordeal, ! better endure to the worst at once, and perish in the trial or pass on to salvation, Should the Administration, inflamed by the result of the elections, dare that pitch of outrage that would quicken the popular ap- prehension and arouse the instinct of self. preservation among the masses, the defeats in Pennsylvan a and Ohio will have proven the sweet uses of adversity ; and out of the cloud will have fallen the blessed rain that brings forth wholesome fruit. —- New York News. ———— A Sap PicTurg.— the abolitionists of Ohio and Pennsyivania are rejoicing that the theives and Government plunderers have been sustained in their infamy by a majority of the people, that violations of the Constitution, suppression of personal lib- erty, infringem nt upon the freedom of speech and liberty of the press have been sustained, that the peorle have voteds for more drafts, more taxation, mora Provost Marshal’s and a continuation of the war unt l slavery is abolished. This is a sad pieture, bu it is a true cne.— Holmes Coun- ty Farmer. Bey To him who has tears. in his eyes, the earth andi the heavens tremble. et amir