Be A Lt si. Whetchman. The following is the schadale of tims of closing the mails on the different routesleaving this pleaer NorrE.—Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at 9 o'clock P. M. Bevrn.—Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce Creek, closes at 9 P. M. Bast. ~Via Hublersburg and Lock Haven clos . esatl2t P.M. Mast. Via Centre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, eloses at 9 1. M. Masr.—Via Howard and I.ock Haven, closes a OP. M. War ¥ is Port Matilde and Tyrone closes at 9P. M. Waser —Yi Half Moon and Tyrone, closes at RAILRCAD ROUTS. Bellefonte and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at 760A M. Bald Eagle Valley Branch Railroad, leave at 3PM STAGE ROUTS. Btages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on Mondays, W ednesdays, Fridays, at 64 4. M. Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublersbhurg, leave dailyat 1 P. M. Btages for Lock Haven Via of Howard leave Mondays Wednesday, and Fridays at 7 A. M. Stages for Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave daily at 6 AM Btages for Spruce Creek Via of Farm school, and Pine re HE leave Mondays, Wodnesdays and Fridaysat 7A. M. LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. Bargains to bs had—for particulars see new Advertisements in to=Cays paper, Tus soldiers that were furlovghed home £0 this place to vote have nearly all return- ed to the army. 0 IN OprrATION—the new Water Works, — fires, we suppose, wili be known here, no snore forever. So be it. 0 Qa band fresh and interesting as ever— Arthers ilome magazine. Two dollars per year will insure it reguraly. No lady should be without it. er man We notice that Mr, Brockerhoof 1s having a new pavement laid in front of the Penn- sylvania Hotel, this is an improvement long needed, and will add much to the comfort and safty of pedestrains in that lo- ality, tr ee () re ren. . IF Tou want a good watch, a flue ring, a splendid clock or anything in that line, just | PHILADELPHIA, ARE OPENING | | | | 1 | Fourth & Arch Sts. PENNA | | FOR THE FALL TRADE, French Merinoes, Good Black Siiks, Dark Figured Silks, | New Piad Silks, | New Fancy bannels, Bilmoral Petticoats, i Red, Whit: and Blue Fiannels, ete. | Sept, 1st, 1863. 3m G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN Tobacco € Cigars Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, LRWISTOWN PA Has received alarge invoice of STOOLS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ete., oto. | &e, &c., Of every deco iption, quality ard prioa, fc CHEAPER than at any other establishment of the kind in Central Peansyls ania, June 1st1863—1y SOLE LEATHER MILI.XIN ER, 'BLANCHARD'S LAW OFFICE. More Gouds for Less Money CAN BE HAD AT RB. KELLERS, CENTRE HILL, Than at any cther Establishment in CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. He keeps constantly on hand a choice * stock of STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS § CAPS, Ready Made Clothing, Notions, Queensware, Hardware, Willow and Wooden Ware And in fact a complete assortment of a'l the articles usually found in a first class Country Store. PRODUCE Taken in Exchange for goods, and the Highest Market Prices in CA SET, PAID FOR GRAINS OF ALL KINDS CALI, ANC SFF. FURMITORE WARE ROOMS E ROOMS Norih side of the Diamond. BELLEFONTE, PA. WHER BUREAUS, SOFAS, OUNGES, HAT RACKS, WHAT NOTS EXTENSION TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS tale HENRY P HARRIS Leather! Leather! SPANISH KIP FHFNCH CALF BKINS COUNTKY CALF SKINS. MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C Shoemakers’ Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to bohad at STUSSNMANS CHEAP. ’ thanat any other establishment in Central Penn vivania. Bellefonte, De. mber 19, 1362—tf. MRS. M. §S. HUGHES, Allegheny Street, one door north of Has justopened a fine assortment of the latest Fy Sfsiing and Femme Good, Which she is prepared to make upand trim in the latest fashion and at LOW PRICES. BONNETS AND HATS! | Always on hand and trimmed at the shortest notice. BLEACNING Done in the most complete manncr known to the trade. Mavl tf fn MISCELLANECUS. LATEST ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTER GOOD ! AT THE “IR0X FRONT” ROTI BRS. Have just received the finest assyrtment of Fall and Winter Goods ever brought to this place, and selling at prices that Jefy vompeti- tion, CONSISTING OF Ladies’ Dress Goods, SUCH AS MERINOS, CASHMERES, DELANES, CALIO2S AND WINTER . DRESS GOODS Also, a large assortment of Isdies and gentle mens’ BOOYS AND SHOES, GREAT ’ \DUCEMENTS AND SPLENDID BARGAINS OFFERED TO PULCHASERS FOR Casi or Country Produce. HARDWARE. BAXTRESSER & CRIST, PE LER IN FOREIGN AND DOMES. TIC HARDWARE, WINDOW EHADRS, DOOR MATS CUTLERY SAWS RIFLES PISTOLS SHOT GUNS AXES EDGE TOOLS | SADDLERS HARDWARE Carriage Makers’ Trimmings and Carpenter's Tools, STEEL SPRINGS. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, &e., &o,. &o. &e. And all other kinds of merchandise usually kept in a well regulated hardware stare. The stock is entirely new, and are enabled to gell lower than any other establishment in the country Their establishment will be found on tho Northwest corner of the Diawoud, Bellefonte FP ST HORIISETEID L780 PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tebacco Mannfacturor 16 & 18 CHAMBRES 5T., (Formerly 42 Chatham Strect. New York.) Would call the attention of Dealers tothe articles of his manufacture, viz: BROWN SNUFF. Demigros, Pure Virginia. Nachitoches. Copenhagen. Macaboy, Fine Rappea, Coarse Rappee. American Gentleman. YELLOW SNUFF, Honey Dew Scotch Fresh Honey Dus Scotch, Fresh Scotoh. Scotch. High Toast Scoteh, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfoot, : Attention is called to the large reduction in prices of Fine-out chewing and smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a superior quality. TOBACCO. SMOKING. FINE CUT CHEWING. SMOKING. Long. P, 4. L. or plain, 8. Jago, No. I, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spawish, No.2 Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster, Nos! & 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, mixed, Granulated. N. B.-A circular of prices will be sent or appiication, x A CHANCE FOR vy oh Wo 3 oi =, BARGANS ! s v and coer Bh 0 58 (3&2 S&L DINB BES The subscriber begs 'e: ve to inform the world pi 7 {yew pA Pn TEN iT A YE SADDLE DDIBAR and the people of Centre County in particular, i business in all its various branches, at his shop n the Nort East corner of ALLEGHANY and a fuli supply of Saddles, » Waggon Harness, Bridles, Carriage Harnoss _ Collars, i > Wagon Whips, Driving Whips Halters’ Trunks, Valises, Notts, Ae 4h os e., &o., &o. IVE-TWENTY U. 8. LOAN Wm KF Reynoids & Co., of Belle- fonte, are subscription agents to dispose of the Five-Twenty years’ United States Loan Amounts can be had to suit the means of different individu sle; the interest iw payable and will be paid half a Yr rarshls sd on ISR Bee] yey made of tho very best material, and WARRANTED | to be pat t)-gather in the most s tbstantial man- | nar. Prices to suit the times. | Call and examine yourselves gentlemen, and if you are not satisfied, you need not purchase. JERRY TOLEN & Co. Bellefonte, Sept, 10th 62. 1.3. § ¢ Rats coma that he still continues to carry on the Saddlery | BISHOP Streets; where can be found at ail times | MISCELLANEOUS. 7) - Hox. WiLsox M'Cannusss Judge ot the United States Circuit Court, President. Corre Preven and St. Clatr Streets, Littaluergh. Ponnsulosiia The Lorgest, Cheapest and Best. £35 pays for a full commercial course. £257 Noextracharges for Maunfudturer, Steam bout, Raiirosd and Bank Book-Keeping, Ministers’ sons at half price. Seudents emter and review at any time. This Institut on is condusted by experienced Teachers and Practical Accountants, who prepare Frung men for aeiive business, at the least ex- ponso and shortest time, for the most lucrative and reeponeible situations. Diprowas granted for merit suly. Hence tho universal preference for vraduates of this College, hy business men. . Prov. A. Cowrsy, the best Penman of the Un« lon, who holds the largest No. of 1587 PreMIDNS. 45 over all competiturs, teaches Kapid Business riting. For specimons of Penmanship, and Catalogue containing full information. inclose twenty-five cents to JENKINS & SMITH Principal £37 dltend where the Sons and ry of Bunkers und Business Men graduate, tee etic th emesis es dr wehbe t ad ors ae & Gills yond HES NATIONAL COMES CIAL COLLEGES LOCATLD 1 PHILADELPHIA, S.E. cor. 7thand Chestnut Sfreaty, N.Y. CITY, BROOKLYN «LBANY TROY, BUFFALO, LHAVELS ND, DETROIT, CHICAGO & ST. LOS. Book KKEPING. PENMANSHIP, COMMER 15C AR- ITHNETIC. COMMERCIAL LAW, PorNs Cr. REBPON. DENCE, &c \ practivally taught. i These Colieges botig under the gatas genera! and loeal management. and uniting in ensh the advantages of ail, offer greatar facilitios tor im» parting instruction than any other similar insti {aliens in the sou 16d by aay oue is good in al a ! lelphia College hagbeen recently on larged and refarnished in a superior Erna anh 13 now tha lirgest and mos: prosperous Commer . : om cail Institution in the State. Bryant & Stratton’s se ies of Text books. em. bracing Book-Keeping, Limmercial Aritametie, Dommartin} Law, forea.c and and sent by ail. IZ For full portsenls»s sepa » » dreislsr Of 8 te A He \ INSEE a Po pe Lor Rats. Mics, Roaches, Zii‘s, Bed Bags. Moths in Furs. Woollens, A g : } &e., Ingeets or tants, Fow!ls, Animals, &e. Pat up in 20°. 50c. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles & Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Liotels, Pablie Justi: tutions, &o. “Only infallible remedies known." “Pree from Poisone “ Not dangerous io the Human Family. ut of their holes to die.’ L% Sold wholesale in all large eitfes. 0. Sold bv ull Lruggiste 2nd Rotailersevery where. "Beware! of all worthless imitations. f= See that ‘ Costan's'’ name is om eaeh Box, bottle and Flask. befors yon bay. 5 Address HENRY R. COSTAR. iz Prineipal Depot 482 Broadway, N. ¥. ig™ Seld a HARRIS'S RUG STORE Bellefonte,. Ps. March 27, 1563-0m. OARNIGE WANCRAOTOH ¥ Mr. S. A. MeQuistion would respectfully fa form the citizens of Centre county, that hé has opened a new Carriage Marufaotory, in the rear of Caizmings’ Livery Stable, where he is prepared 10 manufacture CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SULKIES, PHAYETONS. SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS, SLEDS, &C.. &C at prices to suit the time.s. Repairing done on short notice. Rellefonte, Feb. 8, 1863, 1y. FANCY FURS! FANUY FURS!! JOHY FAREIRA, 718 ARCH Street, below 8% sou.h s:de PUILADELPHIA. Tinporter, Manufacturer of and Dealer in all kinds of FARKOY FURS? for Ladies’ and Children’s Wear. Y wish to return my thuuks to my friends of Centra and surrounding coantics, for their very hiberal patronaga extendad to me during the laet few years, and Iwould soy to them that I now have in gore, of my owa importation and Manu- facture a very extensive assortment of all the dif- ! ferent kinds ‘and qualities of Faney Furs, for | Ladies and Children, that wiil be worn durioge ! the Fall and Winter seas ns, | Being the direat Importer of afl my Fars from | Europe, wid having them all Manufactored unde, | my own supervision—enables mo to offer my ous- | tomers and the publio a much handromer Sot of | Furs for the sume woney. Ladies plese glve ! me a call before purchasing, Pleame remember | the name, number and street. JOHN FARDIRA i Oct. 2d ’63—4m, No. 718 Arch Seeet. Phils | FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE COMPANY. | OFFICE--YORK, PENNA. | Accumulated Capital over ~~ $280 000 THIS COMPANY coutinues to issue Polivies 67 | Insurance against loss or damage by Gre on the i safer kinds of town and country property, at rates | a8 low as consisteut with the safety of au Compe- bren appointed an sve name! Umnpany, will attend ing applications for insurance Bellefoute, Pa. } 1.'0. H4UPT. Bopt. 11, 1863. { iy. | SQTOVES ! STOVES !! ¢ Tue undersigned at the Bellefonte, Foundary keeps conetantly on hand a variety or cook stoves for con! or wood. We have an excel- ! lent cook stove espociaily constructed for burning | softeonl ; four seizas, price from $15, upwards al. | 80 nine~plate parlor stoves for coal and wood, at | riges to suit the limos. | pet. 2d, 1568. A. HAUPE, & 00. I EE & WALKER Importers and Pub. 4 Gighers of MUSIC and MUSICALL IN STRUMENTS. No 722 Chestnut Street, below Eighth Street, Phliadeiphia. Constantly on band {a largs assortmeniol Svpervar Prawns Fortes | Rept. i8, 1983 Im.