~ ANOTHER OUTAAGE. We received information on Monday afternoen of a transac- tion in which the provost guard has been guilty of another out- rage, growing out of the follow- ing circumstances: —Ilias, son of Robert Ramsey, of Donegal township, was drafted and duly reported himselt with papers properly drawn up, sizred and witnessed to secure his exemp- tion—he being under twenty years of age. This was all sat- isfactory to the marshal and the board, whe ordered his discharge papers made out, which was ac- cordingly done, when the young man returned home with the dis- charge papers in his pocket.— On Monday last, just as he was dismounting from his team, he was seized by two armed juen— members of the provost guard— and ordered lo come along with them, He remonstrated with them, prcduced his discharge and informed them that he was under the a_e required by law to come within the limits of the draft. They rudely and violently refus- ed to heed his remonstrances. rle was instantly and cruelly handcuffed and dragged to Stahls- town, there bound to another man, and the two brought to Greenshurg. On being confiont- ed by the Provost Marshal, he again produced his papers of ex- emption. He was informed that! through neglect of the clerks, the record of his discharge and the reasons therefor, were not enter- ed cn the books, and for this he was so ruthlessly dragged from his home—-a sulject of Abolition tyranny and abuse. Under the late proclamation of the President this respectable young white man I Bates Buvhep, HOMAS “ M‘ALLIBTER. A. BBA IX ALLIATER & BRAVER, ALTORNEYS AT LAV, RLLEFONTE, PENN"A. ! LAW, BELLEFONTE, PENN Offce in the Court Honse, with the Treasurer. ATTORNEY AT JANES Ii. RANKIN, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, i BELLEFONTE, PENN A Oftoe, on the Diamond, one door west of the! 1 cet Office. MARTIN STONE, LICENSED AUCT!ONKER, BELLEFONTE, PA, Will attend to all business entrusted to his charge. Rept. 11, 1863. | IWELLIAY A WALLATE, i ATIORM EY AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PENNA. Will visit Bellefonte professionally when speci: ally .etained in connection with resident Counsel. ay J. J. AENGLRE, BELLEFONTE. CENTRE CO., PA. enow prepare d to wait upon all who may desire his professional services. Rooms nthis DR, W DENTIST. Offfece and Residence directly North wi the Court Louse portico, At his office except two weeks in ‘each month, beginning with the first Monday of the month Jellefoute, M.—{y. —- H ORVIS. ©. T. ALEXANDER . VREVIZ & ALEXANDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAV, BELLEFO! Oflce one door below Reynold's Bank Nov. 21.—1882 BPA. QBVIS & CORSE, ATTORNEY'S Al LAW. Lock Haves Pa. of Centre and trusted to their Will practice in the se Clinton counted. care will be | Aug. 29, 1862. BR.3.I2 PHYSIC1IAR & SURGEON, EELLEFONTE, CENTRECO., PA. etfully offers his services to his friends and blie. Office next door to tho residencs of July 25, 1862—1y. BANKING HOUSE, WM. F. REYNOLDS & CO, BELLEFONTZ, CENTRE €0., PA. Bills of exchange lections made and proeceds prompt Interest paid o al deposits, Eastern cities coastantly onhand its receivea a 0 FURST, was without legal redress for an outrage, half of which done to a runaway negro would make the whole Abolition pack howl with horror — Greensburg Republican. G_VIRNOR CURTIN 'S HEALTH. Iu his special message to the Legislature, declining a reuomi- nation for the Gubernatorial chair Curtin declared that: «The la- hors whieh I have necessarily un- dergone have already impaired my health. [I should have seri- ous cause to avprehend that a much longer continuance of them might so break it down as to ren- der me unable to fulfil the duties of my position.” Now, the Governor should not he permitted to goon at this recls- less rate, The State has no right to claim any man’s services at such a price as this; and if the Governor's friends have no re- gard for his health, the people should have, and see to it that he is not burdened with the crush- ing weight of the HExeeutive chair for another three years.— Governor C'nrtin must not be per- mitted to destroy himself by - reckless patriotism; and a mer- ciful people should allow him to retire to the shades of private life and place the labors of the Ixecutive office upon a pair of good broad shoulders, such as Judge Woodward carries about with him. a ‘FROOPS AT ELLCTIONS. By the 95th section of the act of Assembly of the State of Penn- sylvania of 2d July,1839, it is enacted that «No body of troops in the ar; my of the United States, or of this Commonwealth, shall be present, either armed or unarmed, at any place of lection within this Com- menwcealth, during the time of such election. ; B= “Judge Woodward is a citizen of unimpeachable charac ter, an able Jurist, and a patriotic gentleman.” — Fhiladelphia Ingui- rer, (Republican,) June181h 1863. This is a good >ndorsement of the Democratic candidate for gov- ernor, coming, as it does, from one of the most influential Re- publican journals of the State. fe « All public functiona- ries in this land are under the law, and none, from the highest to the lowest, are above it.”’— Warter H. LoWwRrik. #=a= «I hold that this Gov- ernment was made on the White Basis, ‘by White men, for the benefit of white men, and their posterity forever,”—S. A. Dou- A2.:0PNEY AT LAV, BELLEFONTE, PA. 3X7 ILL practice in the several Courts «{ Y } Centre and Clinton counties. All 1 1 isiness entrusted to his care will receive pro a: tention. OF FICE—Cn the North-west vorner of the Di- amend. < PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MILESBURG, CENTRE CO., PA, ly offors his services to his Life. Offices on Mill al Hotel. *Drs. J. M. McCoy, S. Taoxpsox, 1. C. THoWAS, ly 14 March 20, 18 MISCELLANEOUS. TIE FOUR ACTS OF DESPOTISH BY A. D. MAHONEY, OF [0W4, Au.hor of the “Puisoner of State.” This work contains full and officiel copics of hs Four Great Acts of Despotism by which the constitutional government of W ngton was sub. verted, and the irresponsible Lincoln dynasty in- stalled in its place. 1. Tne Tax Birr, by which all the property and resources of the people are mortgaged to the resent administration. 2. Tue Co¥scriprioNy BiLn. by which all the bodies of poor men not worth 8300 are placed in the hands of the Administration, 3. Tur FINANCE BiLw, which destroys State Danks and places the entire currency of the coun- try in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury. 4. Tue INpEMNITY ACT. (fitting climax,) which presumes to indemnify the President for all the wrongs ho has committed in the past or may com- mit in the future. Theso four acts ars eech preceded by a care ul analysis, by Mr, Mahoney, and their unjust, oppressive, unconstitutional and odious features pointed out. As a book for reference, it will be | invaluable to the farmer, the mechanic, the poli | tieian, the laborer—in fact, to every person, for these monstrous acts reach from the loftiest man- | sion to the hymblest cabin in the land. | Thege four acts are not published together in | any other form. They will make a large octavo pamphlet ot nearly 200 pages, in good sized type and wlil be sold at the low price of Fry CNTs | in paper, and SeveNry-Five CENTS in muslin binding. Send on the orders at once. All orders will be filled ncoording to the date of receipt. First | ome first served. The cash must accompany the orders. | Address | VAN EVRIE, HORICN & CO, 1 No. 162 Nassau Street, New York. | FEE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN M SFRY | Just Published in a sealed Envelope. Price 6 cts. | A jecturaby Dr. Culverwell, on the cause and cure of >permator:hoea, Consumption, Mental and Physical DebMity, Nervousness, Epilepsy, Impaired Nutrition of the , body, Lassitude, Weakness of the limbs and back, Iudisposition and Incapacity fcr study and Labor, Dullness of Apprehension, Loss of Memory, Aversion to So- ciety, Love of solitude, Timidity, Self-Distrust, | Dizziness, Headache, Affectiois of the Eyes, | Pimples on the Face, Involuntary Emissions and Sexuai Incapacity, the consequences of Youthful Indiscretion, &ec. ig This admirable Lecture Slextly roves | that” the above enumerated, often gel Y \iicted evils, may bo removed without medicine and! without dangerous surgical operations, and should be road by every youth and every man in the land. ’ | Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain, | sealed envelope, on the regeipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by addressing. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & Co, 127 Bowery, Now York, Post Office Box, 4588 | | G. L. TOVELL, DEALER IN Tobacco & Cigars | aLAS. LES ESNGS INT 2.0, / - mr PR I CT RE TE RA RT BE . lors with or without chuniabers SURGEON DENTIST, | | sional calls as heretofore, ho | and Notes discounted. Coi- | s | abundantly s ANEW AND TMPORTANT WORK. © ! named Hotel in the boro HOTELS. [PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE PA. iE, Proprietor. LLEFONTE to the publio, d the abeve louse where he will be happy © those who favor him with their company - : Tae House is large and convenient and fur- | nished in the best modein style: It is provided . with a large number of weil aired and comforta ble sleeping apartments, Rooms and Private Par. attachad. Persons visiting Bellefinto on business or for | pleasure, maj rest assured that every exertion | will nsed to render their stey at the * Peansylva- nin Hotel” pleasant and agreeable, HIS TABLE WILL BE UNDER II DIRECTION of an experienced Cook and supplied with the very best the market affor 1 HIS BAR wid cest wines and eiber liguors—oharges reason 2 PaNNSYLVANIA HOTEL,” possess er advaniages in potut of location than similar establishment in the borough, being situ- "ated in the business part of the town, Sufficient stabling provided, and good and trus- ty hostlers always in attendance. + Attentive, accommodating and honest servants have been employed, and nothing left undone that | will add to the comfort and accommodation of his guests, April 17, 1863—tf. ((ONRAD HOUSE > BELLEFONTE, PA, J.B. BUTTE, Proprietor. | This well known establishruent has oeen enure- i ly re-fltting and re-furnished througout, and is no | second to none in centeral Pennsylvania in the comforts and convenionce it affords to travelers.— People from the country during their sojourn at Bellefonte during weeks of Court, will find the Conrad House gn agreeable and pleasant resting lace. | 4ecommedating | attenda | contri | servants are always in e rexdy to supply the wants and ¢ to the comfort and satisfaction of the serene | SU [ARLE is suj plied with all the substantisl ¢, uxuried and deiieacies which a produe- antry can turnigh, or industry, vigilance ana e lon can procure. THE BAR, will always contain a gererala 4 sortment of the very best liquors, that the mar at affords addapted to suit thomoust oupricious 4 : 3. /BSTARLE will be attended by atten- alified to dis- important da- | partment of a public establishwent, From the attention and time, the propreitor has devoted 10 this branch of business he hopes to re- ceive a liberal portion of the patronage hereto- 8 fore be wed uvon him. May 1,1 {AR AN'S HOTEL, | BELLEFONTE, PA, { DANIEL GARMAN, Proprietor. This long established and well known Hotel, situated on the Southenst corner of the Diamond, epposte the Court House, having | beca puretased by the undersigned, he announc- i es.tothe former patrans of this establishment and o the traveling puplic generally, that he intends d is prepared to render he m mn dation to all who may favor him with their patronags. No paige will be spared on his part to add to the conveni- ! ence or comfort of his guests, All who stop with him will find x XABYRE I with the most sumptuous fare ket wil} afford, done up in style, by the cd cooks ; while HIS BAR will al- The Chocest of Liquors. s Liufg is best in tow and will always be attended by the most trur ,orthy and attentive 5s a the m iva him acall one ar all, and he feels con- i fident that all w 1 be sa 1sfied with their accom- modation. | AN EXCEI ENTLIVERY ached to this est vhshwent, which strangers from abroad will find greatly to their advantage, DANIEL GARMAN. Bellefonte, Jan. 9, 1862 "JE CUMMINGS HOU: BELLEFONTH uated Bishop ’atholic chureh, is 1 its arrangements, and is tion ard entertainment of been furnished in the very latest il eembortable furniture, ltogether the best gotten up, and will be ducted hotel in Bellefonte. BLE wil! a found groaning i 3 the market at and attentive 3 WwW TY attended by neat intelli {0 BAR will always be supplied with the i choicest and best of liquors —-not a sickning mix- ture of drugs—but liquor: in there purest and | best state { THE STABLE is Is i and obliging in waiting atteutive hostlers, are ree of charge, to iyal an d departor | of the train od oS tinticrin COAL INGS HOUSE SALGO /. ‘This new and splendid Eating Es- tublishment is now open for the entertainment of the public, where Fresh Oysters, Fried Oysters, Stowed Oystors, Spiced Oysters, Clam Soup, Turtle Soup, Chicken Soup, Ham and Eggs, Pig’s Feet and Tripe, Sar- dines, Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, i Stewed Chickens, ete.. ote., ean be had at all times. DRIRKS. Cognac Brandy, 01d Rye Whiskey, Bourbon Whisky, ¥* Loat Whisky, Trish Whi y, Hol. land Gin, Currant ine, Straw- berry Wine, Cham gne, Go seberry Wine, Sherry Wine port Wine, ete., ote. Gin Cocktails, Bra uy Smashes, Sherry Coh- lars, Whisky. Punch cs, and ail other fancy drinks. Massui & Collins's XXX Philadelphia "Ale & Porter, Cider, Fancy Lemonades, Sarsaparilla,, Mineral Wa- ter, efe., etc., ele. FOT MEALS to be had at all hours of th t i day or 1 % A magnificent BILLIARD ROOD. with fina { Mars d Tables, is connected with the estab Lnshm | 3 : | We invite our friends to give us un eall, and | i think we can insure them the utmost satisfaction. ] CUMMINGS & FISHER. Bellefonte, Mareh 27, 1863.1y Proprietors C LINTON MOUSE LOCK HAVEN, PA. A. ANN, Proprietor. The proprietor leased the above gh of Loek Haven, Clin- ton county, Pa., takes this method of informing the pu'lic generally that he has madeevery necessary preparation to entertain strangers and travelersin the best possible manner. His table will always co tain the cheicest lux- uries that the country wi’ afford, and he is deter- mined not to be surpassed in this department by any other Hotel along the West Branch. His Bar will contain the choicest liquors that cau be purchased in the cfty market. Careful and attentive Ostiersaill constantly be on hand to take charge of horsesand see thatthey are properly attended to. Trusting that he may receive a portion of the patronage of the traveling public, he hopes by close attention to be ablet o rende generalsatis action. June 6, ’61.~tf. [/NITED STATES HOTEL. THIRD STREET, WILLIAMSPORT, PENN’A., V. 8. DOEBLER, Proprietor, Aug 28th. ’63. JFALLON HOUSE, LOCK HAVEN, PA. E,W. BIGON'Y, Proprie tor, Omnibus running to and from the De jot. Aug. 28th, 63. having —tf. | ers ge, warm, eommodious and | MISCELLANEOUS. Good News! The War Ended; - AND EVERY THING GOING RIGHT HWE & 310000 STORE BISHOP STREET, directly opposite the building formerly known as the TEMPERANCE HOTEL. A BAUM, Agent. All kinds of FOREIGN and DOMESTIC LI- QUORS, at wholesale, to be had at the very lowest prices, and warranted to be of the Bans quality. Iis stock consists 0 WHISKIES, 0id Monongahela Rye Whisky, : Pure Bourbon Whisky, Cabinet Whisky, Apple Jack Whisky, and cheap Whiskies of all kinds. RUM. Jamaica Rum, New EnglandRum. GINS, Pure Holland Gin, Domestic Gin. - BRANDIESS Dark and Pale Cognae, Domestio, (all prices,) Guger, Lavender, Cherry, Blackberry, WINES, Pure Port, Domestic, Caraway, &e. Madeira, Sherry, Raspberry. CCRDIALS. Aunniseed. STOMACH BITTERS. The very best in the market. The above liquors, with others not named, will all be warranted as represented, and sold at prie- es that cannot fail to made it 0 t for deal 3 of him, instead ing Farmers, Hotel-keepers and oth- 'S pe ed to call and examine his stock, before pu Iz, © All the Liquors which he offers for sale, have been purchase! at the United States Custom louse, and consequently must be pure and good. Physicians are particularly requested to give his liquors a trial. He has the only artele of Pure Port Wine Juice and Pure Brandies in this Brough. +> 100 barrels of Jersey Cider- Vinegar just 1 wad for sale low. lefonte, Ang. 29, 1862—1y. Rose, Another R quisition I 600, 600 MEN WANTED!!! To purchase their Wines and Liuors at the TW XCOX XS AL WINE & LIQUOR STURE NEFF & BTTLE. BISHOP STREET, BELLEFONTE, TWO LOOKS WEST OF LOLB'S MEAT MAR KET Foreign and Domestic Liquors Such as OLD NECTAR, OLD RYE, & MONON GAHALA WHISKEY, COGNAC AND COMMON BRANDIES, PORT AND MADERIA WINES,SCOTCH AND HOLLAND GIN, NEW ~ENG- LAND RUM, Ci ies, sold as low as in Philadelphia and New York. All Liquors warranted to give Satisfaction. Confident they can please purchasers, they re specifully solicit a share of public patrenage. | Sold by the quart barrel or tierce. Also a arge lot of BOTTLED LIQUORS, Ofthe finest grade on hand. July 19, 1862. Leather ! Leather! { SOLE LEATHER SPANISH KIP FRENCH CALF SKINS COUNTRY CALF SKINS. a MOROCCO LININGS, &C., &C . Shoemalkers' Thread and Shoemakers Tools, of all kinds, to be had at BUSSNMANS CHEAP. .’ thanat any other establishment in Central Penn vlvania. Bellefonte, De. ‘mber 19, 1362—tf. NFW BAKERY! MATHIAS SCHMUCK, Would respectfully inform the people of Bellefonte and vicinity, that he has opened a na= and complete Bakery on SPRING street, in is3 premises of W. I. Reynolds, where he will kacs congtantly on hand all kinds of BREAD, RUSK, POUND CAKE, SUGAR AND GINGER CAKES, CRACKERS, &e., &ec., &ec, which he sellsat a reasonable and satisfactory rice. Dai Cakes and Pies baked to order on the shortest notice. Families will find it to their ad- vantage to get their baking done at this estib- lishment as they can always get pure, wholesome bread and cakes just when they need them Sept. 12th, 1862—1y. SIMON A. FELDMAY, IMPORTER & WHOLESALE DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Wheat, Rye, & Bourbon Whisky’ BELOW SPRING GARDEN, PETILADBILEELITA. PLE ASANT GAP HOTEL, PLEASANT GAP, PA, J. EX. PMIORR ISON, Proprietor. This well known Hotel is now kept by the pro- priotor, where he will be happy to wait cn the traveling publie generally. yr JIVE-TWENTY U. 8. LOAN Wm. F. Reynolds & Co., of Belle- fonte, are subscription agents to dispose of the. Five-Twonty years’ United States Loan Amounts can be had to suit the means of different individu als; tho interest is payable and will bo paid half yearly in gol. april 10, 18E3 LR OD LiR vd Anu all grades of Liquors found in the Eastern | = Baten... XC RUM DRIRK! A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED VYVEGATABLE EXTRACT. A PURE IONIC, THAT WILL RELIEVE AFFLICTED AND WILL NOT MAKE DRUNKARDS. AAA AAAANA AAA AANA DR. HOOFLAN’S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR.C. M JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AND MOSTJZ R TAINLY L CURE ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A Disordered liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citizens are suffering from Dyspepsia a nd Liver Diseases, and to whom the following question. apply—we guarantee HOOFLAND 8 GERMAN BITTERS, WILL CURE EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kid- neys, and diseases arising from a Disordered Stomach. Ql THE | A | WEEKLY PAPR, PUBLISHED AT | BLLLEFONTE CENTRE COUNTY, PA., EVERY FEL DAY MOIRNING | IN POLITICS, iT IS STRICTLY DEMOCRATIC OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation of Inward Piles, Fuluess or Blood to the head. Acidity of the Stomacn, Nauseau, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Ilead, Hurried and Difficult breathing, Choking oc Suffocating Sensations when in a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever aud Dull Pain in the Head, De~ ficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin ard Byes, Painin the Side, Back, Chest. Limbs, &e., Burning in the Fiesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great Depressions of Spirits. Particular Notice. There are many preparations sold und r the name of Bitters, put up in quart Bottles. com- sounded of the cheapest whisky or common rum ing from twénty to forty cents per gallon, the to disgusted by Anise or Coriander Seed. "his class of Bitters has caused and will con- | tinue to cause, as lpng as they can be eld, hun- dreds to die the death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kept continually under the influence of A ol Stimulants of the worst kind, the desire for liquor is created and kept up, and the result isall the horrors attendant upon a drankard’s life and death, For those who desire and wil! have a liquor bitters, we publish the following receipt. Get One Bottle Hoofland’s German Bitters and mix with three quarts of good brandy or whisky, and the result will be a preparation that will far ex- cel in medicinal virtues and true exiellence any of the Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have all the virines of Hoef- land’s Bitters in connection with a good article of lianor, at 2 much less price than these inferior preparations will cost you. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD APPETITE, WILL GIVE YoU STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, WILL GIVE YOU BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEELINGS, WILL ENABLE YOU TO SLEEP WELL, AND WILL POSITIVELY PREVENT YELLOW ¥FEVER, BILIOUS FEVER, &c. Those suffering from Broken down anit Delicate Constitutions, From whatever cause, either in - MALE OR FEMALE, Will findin HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY 2 That will restcre them to their usual health. Such has been the case in thousands of instances and a fair trial is bnt requested to prove the as- sertion. A APA AAAS SAA PANNA REMEMBER, THAT THESE ARE NOT ALCOHOLIC And not intended as a BEV ER AG IE. srs have thousands of Letters from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians and Citi- zens, Testifying of iheir own personal knowledge to the ben ficial effects hind medical virtues of these Bitters. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the Eneyelopedia of Religious Knowledge. Although not disposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distsust of their ingredients and effects. I yet know of no sufficient reas,us why a man may not “testify to the benelits he bolisveeto have reeeived fiom any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the moro readily in regard to ’iloof- land’s German Bitters, - prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impres- sion that they were chiefly an aleoholic mixture. I am indebted tomy friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq. , for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try them, when suffering {rom great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these bitters, at tho beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, a to a degroe of bod- ily and mental vigor which I bad not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of re- for directing me to the use of thew. Philad’a, June 22,1863, J.NEWTON BROWN a DISEASES OF KIDNEY AND BLADDER ln young or Aged. Male o Female, Are speedily removed, and the patient restored to health. DELICATE CHILDRREN, Those suffering froma Marasmus, wasting away, with scarcely any flesh on their bones, are cured in a very short time, one bottle in such cases will have a most surprising effe of. BAREIS Having suffering children as above, and wishing ro raise them. will mever regret the day when they commenced with these Bitters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS. And those working hard with the ir brains, should always keep a bottle of Hoofland’s Bitters near them as they will find much benefit from its use, to both mind and body, invigorating and not de- pressing. IT ISNOT A LIQUOR STIMULANT, And leaves no prostration. Amn ATTENTION, SOLDIERS! AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIERS. We cali the attention of allhaving friends or relatives in the army, to the fact that Hoofland’s German Bitters will cure nine-teuths of the dis- eases induced by exposures and privations inei dent to camp life. In the lists, pu'lished al- most daily in the newspapers. on the arrival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large pro- portion are suffering from debility. very case of thet kind can be readily oured by Hoofland’s German Bitters, We have no hesitation in say- ing that, if these Bitters were freely used amon our soldiers hundreds of lives might be Ts that otherwise would be lost. The proprietors are daily receiving thankful letters from sufferers in the army and hospitals, who have been restored to health by the use of these Bitters, sent to them by their friends. BEWARE OF COUNTERFELTS! See that the Signature of ¢C. M. Jack- son” is on the wrapper on each Battle. Price per Bottle 75 cents, Or Half Dozen for $4 00. Should your nearest druggist not have the arii- clo, donot be put otf by any of the intoxicating preparations hat may be offered in its place, but send fo us, ad we will send, securely packed by express, Principal office and Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STREET. JONES & EVANS, (Successors to C. M. Jackson & Co,,), Proprietors FOR SALE by Druggests and Dealers in every lown in the United States. jeld 1y gaining I, therefore thank God and my friend FREE AND INPEPENDENT, Unmoved by the Hopes of Unrighteous Gat Unshaken by the Frowns of Unprincipled Demagogues, Unintimidated by the Clamors of the Rabble and the threats of Insolent Mobs, and Fearing nci- ther the Unhallowed Precincts of Presidential Dungeons and Tyrants’ Vaults, nor the Rock-bound Fortresses of any Modern Caligula. IT 1S IN FAVOR OF EE PRESS, 73 . * ND THE EQUAL RIGHTS OF ALL WHITE MEN. IT IS DEVOTED TO Local and Gene- 1al News, Art, Science and Litera- ture, Morality, Politics, kducation, Civil and Reli- gious Freedom, the Union, the Constitution and the Laws, the best Interests of the whole Country, and Cen- tre county in particular, and opposed to Abolitionism. Disunionism, and all kinds of Fanaticism,be it Moral, Political, or Re- ligious. and an un- compromising advocate Or TRUTH, AND JUSTICE MERCY, TEER IVES. Per annum, (striotly in advance.) 31,50 When paid within 3 months, 2,00 If left run over 3 wonths, $2.50, will be invari- ably charged. No paper discontinued until all back subserip- tions are paid, and a failare to notify a discontin- uance at the end of the tiie subssribed for, will be considered a new engagement. These terns will be rigidly adheard to under all circumstances. ADVERTISING, The following terms of Advertiseing have been agreed upon by the publishers «f the Central Press the Berichter and the Demoeratic Watch- man and will be strictly alne red to 10 lines [or less] constitute a square. One Square three insertions =-= - - - -§ 100 Foreach subsequent insertion legs than three months. - - - = = == +. «= - - . 9 One square, 3 months, - - - - - - - 3 60 ? th 6 Betws 5m ¢ # onoyear.---.--. 800 Quarler-column, one year, two changes, 15 00 Half 3 “ ‘“ “ a 25 Onecolunm, & « tt oes 4) 00 Auditors Notices - - - - - - ato LL ian Administrators and Executors notices, - 2 25 Notice of application for license « - - - 50 Notice for strays, each animal, - - -150 Advertisements displayed in fancy lctte so to attract attention, 50 per cent, more than the above rates. Advertisement not marked with the number of insertions desired, will be continued till forbidden and charged according to these terms. Editorial or local notices for the bonefit of indi- viduals, + 20 rents per line Religious or educational notices, 5 * “ Obituary notices, over 5 lines, 8 « LU Deaths and marriages announced free. Communications recomending persons fice, inserted at ten cents a line; and must accompany the communteation, All legal and transient advertisements must be laid befo:e they are inserted. JOB WORE OF ALL KINDS, SUCH AS — for of- the pay Legal Blanks, Shipments, Manifest. Receipts, Receipt Books, Order Books, Check Rolls, Toll Orders, Car Books, Way Bills, Advice Sheets, Specifications, &e., POSTERS, SHOW BILLS, CARDS, BLANKS, PAMPULETS, ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, In fact, any kind of work done in a printing office, executed in a superior manneg and the most REASONABLE TERMS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF Cannot be beat, and all our jobbing will | be executed in the neatest and most im-' proved character. Address, | P.GRAY MEEK. Editor and Publisher Democratic Watchman, Bellefoste, Centre Co. Pa. 1 i | by which tha Watery or Calcerous de i FREE SPEECH, TIE ALL SUFFICIENT ‘THREE, Hnown us * Xelmbold’s" i ol oy od 3 A * BR a S 0 g Tt U | THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Grenuine Preparations, Vig IDENOCRATIC WATCHNAY,| wouseosesteice sveyye “ IMPROVED ROSE WAL. EX ILIV BOILIYS GENUINE PREPARATION, “HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU A Positive aud Specific Remedy for Dizeases ? OF THE BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. ? The medicine increases the or of digesti and excites the Abs bouts To heap gation, sitions, oed, as for «id all unnatural Enlargements are reda well as pain and inflamation, and is . Men, Women or Children. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu, FOR WEAKNESS ¥ aati Arising from -Excesses, Habity of ipai Early Indiscretion, or ior Diesipaion { ATTENDED with the FOLLOWING 5YMTOMS: | inflepsitiort to Exertion, Jun o Power | Loss of Memory, ifffoult : | Weak Nerves, ! Trembliy SY renting | Dimnees of Vision, Pain in the Back ! Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body | Musas System, Erupts on the Fueo { Hot Hands, allid Count ! Dryness of the skin. RIRU40, These symptoms if, a ed to go on, which this i medizine invariably rem os , soon follows. , MPOTENCY, YFATUITY, EPILEPTIC, FITS, | In one of which the pationt may expire. | can say that they sre not often lowed by a + “direful diseases,” | INSANITY AND CONSUMATION, | Hany are aware of the cause or t | but none will confess The records of the insane | Asylums and the melancholly deaths by Consump tion, bear ample witness to the truth of this as sertion. , heir suffering {| THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED | ORGANIC WEAKNESS, By | Requiresthe aid of medicine to strengthen and | invigorate the system, which HEerusoLp’s Ex ! tract Bucnv invariably does. 4 trial will gon viuee the most seoptical, FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, | ou or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage, | In many affections peculiar to Females the Bx- | tract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, | 3 in Chlorosis or Ketention, Irregularity, Pains fullness, or Tippession of the customary Evaocual tions, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Utern Leuchorrhen, or Whites, Sterrility, and for complaints incidemt the sex, whether arrisine from Indiseretion, Habits ¢f Dissipation, or in thg DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. BEE SYMTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Murcury or Unpleasant Medi cine for unpleasan and dangerous diseases. Helmbold’s Extract Buel « CURES SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; at litle expense ; little or no change in diet : no inconvenience, nd No Exposure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strongih to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, prevent - ing and curing Striotures of the Urethra, allaying pain and infisiwmation, so frequent in this olass of diseases, and expelling poisonous, disessed and worn-out matter. . Thousands upon Thousands WHO [AVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF QUACKS, =n and who have paid heavy. fees to be cured in short time, have found that they were decieved i and thav the poison has, by the use of “Powerful | astringents” been dried ‘up in tho system, to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps at- ter marriage, USE Helmbold’s Extract Buchu For all affections end Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from what. over cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONGSTANDING. Diseases of these i require the aid eof a iuretic. Helmbold’s Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, And itis certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases for which it is recommended. ‘BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD | Helmbold’s Highly Concentrated Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA | SYPHILIS, | This is an affection of the blood and sttacks the ~ Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat | Windpipe and other mucus Surfaces, making its | appearance mm the form of Ulcers, Helmbold’s | Extract Sarsnparilla purifies the blood and -re- { moves all Sealy Eruptions of the skin, giving to | the Complexion, a clear and healthy color. It | boing prepared expressly for this class of com - | plaints, its Blood- Purifying Properties are pre- | served to a greater extent than any other prepa- ration of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold’s Rose Wash. An excellent lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Uxiuary Organs arising ffony habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu aud Sarsaparilla, insuch diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES known to Science and Fame. For medical properties oy Buchu, see Dispenss tory of the United States. See Proff. Dewees’ valuable works on the Pras - tice of Physie. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr Physick, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Pphraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and publish- | ed in the Transactions of the King and Queen's | Journal. y i See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benjamin Travers, fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. _ See most of the late standard Workson Medi- cine. Extract Buehu, 100 per Bottle, or Six tor 5 00: ¢ Saraparilla, 1 00 #* “a. 500 Improved Rose Wash, 50 6k 46 2,60 { Or half a dozen of each for $12 60 which will be. sufficient to cure the most obstinate cases, if direc- tions aro adhered to Delivered to auy address, securely packed from observation Describe symtomsin all communications. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. & ens & AFFIDAVIT. . Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, II. T. Helmbbld, who being duly sworn, doth say, his preparations con- tain no narcotio, no merenty, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. . H,T. REL.MBOLD. | Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23rd da; | of November 1854 WM. P HIBBARD. Aldermau, Ninth-street, above Race Phila | | | Address Letters for information in csnfidence | H.T. HELMBOLD. Cnemist, Dopot 104 South Tenth-st, below Chestnut Phi. BEWARE OF COUNTEFEITS | AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS. | Who endeavor to dispose ‘Of Their Own’ and Up iy @ 1 | ¢“ other’ articles on the reputation attained b WW ® B ® ¥ P HB 9 Helmbold's Genuin Preparations y Extract Buchu, & “ « « “ Sarsaparilla, Improved Rose wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ABK FOR HELMBOLD'S—FBKE NO OTHER. Cut out the advertisemant, and gond, for it awd aveid imposition andexposnse. : March, 21,631 yr ssn SE From eight or twenty years standing, with name