Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 25, 1863, Image 2

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    Democratic State Ticket,
€. T. Alexander, Esq.
he Leniral. Press of last werk, whose
rodustions of two or three mongrel,
jettifogging lawyers aid demagogue po liti-
gts } cut A from their woth"
ers’ apron ringers they had learned
either good sense’or good manners, attempt-
ed to assail the character of Mr. Alexander,
our candidate for Assembly, by vague and
unsupported charges to the effect that he
‘was not a Union man.
The record of Mr, Alexander proves the"
authors of this calumny the most unmitiga-
ted of liars. oie .
In 1861, alter the declaration by Con-
gress that the war wag to be conducted for
the supremacy of the Constitution, the pres-
ervation of the Union and the enforcement
of the laws, and not for the abolition of sla
very or the destruction of the rights of the
States, Mr. Alexander went actively to
work to raise a company for the three years
service, which was nearly filled to the full
quota, when he was calied from home to fol-
low to the grave the body of his brother
who had becn mortally wounded at Drains-
ville, Daring his absence, the Central Press
the Tory organ in this town, came out with
an editorial denouncing Alexander and thos®
engaged with him in raising the company,
and succeeded, by its infamous lies, in hay-
iug the whole organization disbanded,—
Who was discouraging enlis'men's then ?
The next charge made by Sankey, Furst
& Co.,—we mean the Press,—is that Mr. Al-
exander refused to act as Vice President of
a “Union War Meeting.” The facts con-
cerning this alleged war meeting are famil-
iar to the people of this county. It was
not called as a War meeting, bat ss a Un-
ion meeting, for no other purpose than that
of giving 1 N. M’Allister an opportunity
£0 abuse Democrats, and to build up the po-
litical for'unes of the Union League. Mr.
Alexander was not at the meeting and knew
‘] nothing of 1b until he saw a leng Secretary's
report very laudatory of Li, N. M’Allistey
as a loyal man, published in the Press, over
hia signature. The same thing had heen
practiced for some time in this county, by
the same men, and Mr, Alexander promptly
informed the peopie that he was not at the
meeting, that he did not write the report
which was published over his signature,
and denounced them for the palitical impo-
sition they were attempting to practice up-
on the people under the cry of ¢Uuion,”
when itis well xnown that the very men
who were heading the Union League in 1860
were in favor of letting the Union slide.
Pretty patriots, truly, to denounce men
es traitors, who have always. under all cir-
cumstances, upheld the Union.
Friday Morning, Sept, 25, 1863
yd :
County Ticket.
of Bellefonte,
+6. Ts
of Mileshurg, °
of Millbeim.
ef Centra Hall.
: of Gregg Township,
of Sncw Shoes.
of Ferguson Townehip, that of the presentment, by a bare majority
of a packed Grand Jury, in the sommer of
1861, for publishing the truth. The public
viens. hands, It is well known that there wero |
but two Demoerats upon that jury, and that
but thiricen men signed the presentment, —
Since then, five of these men have admitted |
that they had never seen the Watchnan, or |
read whet it contained, and tAree of them
are now working, heart and soul, for the
election of Mr. Alexander. The articles
that caused the chivalric M’ Allister to rant
and rave, and the nigger-worshiping ignora-
muses that signed the presentment to de.
clare that the Walchman was giving ‘‘aid
and comfort to the rebels,” were written by
‘Democratic HMectings !
Mestings of the Domoeracy will boheid at tho
wllowing times and places:
PLEASANT GAP, Friday, (2 o'clock,) Sept 23.
Pine Grove, Satarday, (2 o'clock,) Sept. 26.
John H Orvis, W. J. Kealsh, Wm. ¥ Reynolds
P. Gray Meek, Joe W. Furey, C. T. Alexander,
John P. Mitchell, Col. Reuben Keller and other
apeakers, will meet and address the people at the
above naned loealities. Fi 2 .
The last charge against Mr. Alexander is |
| are too well acquainted with that infumous |
-{ affair to need any explanation now at our |
A GRAND MEETING of the citizens of Cen.
tre, Clinton and the adjoining counties, who are
ia favor of the supremacy of the Constitution and
the enforcement of the laws, and opposed to all
arbitrary arrests ard evory other feature of ty~
ly to ask, if Mr. Alexander and ourself were
guilty of giving “aid and encouragement {o
ourself and publisted without the con-
gent of Mr. Alexander.
To close this, for the present, we have on.
renoy and despotism, will be held at,
tre County, Pa., on F RID AY September
So 1863, at 3 o'clock, P. M
H. Orvis and C. T. Arrxaspsr Esqs
ot Ne speakers. will be present to
address the Democracy. (By order of the
" Mass Meeting.
Te SA Se
Grand Demoerati
A grand Democratic
To ratify the nominaticn of
will be ‘held in
Bellefonte, Centre, County,
Let the Democracy turn out,
en masse, from every portion of
the country, and show the tyrant
at Warten that the people
are yet jealous of their liberties
and are determined to mamtain
Come with banners and
with flags, with shouts and with
songs, and let there be such a glo-
rious outpouring of the people as
shall make the mountains and
“| from all parts of this county, but from all
| don, Blair and Clearfield do we hear of prep
Le wb
the rebels,” as that presentment said, why
were we not ‘tried and punished ? Tow
comes it toat as soon as the election was
over, nothing more was heard of it ?
emocrats Rally!
The Democratic Mass Meeting to be held
in this place on the 3d of October, promises
to be onc of the largest gatherings ever held
in the central part of the State. Not only
sections of Clinton, Urion. Mifflin, Hunting-
arations being made by fhe people to come
in all the greatness of their numbers to par-
take of this ‘feast of reason and flow of
soul,” and to rebuke by their presence the
mad spirit of abolition fanaticism ‘that has
wrecked our old ship of State upon the
shoals and breakers of disunion.
We are glad to see this spirit manifested
by the Democracy, and will promise them
that they shall not be disappointed. Ex.
© Gipt. Foister.
‘It is not yebasoertained for gertain that
torial oolumng are now weekly filled with | Forster, the man who is seeking promotion
at the hands of the abolitionists, will ac-
cept the nomirfation tendered kim by the
¢Royal League} of this place. But even if
he should, what claim can his friends pre-
sent for him when asking the support of the
people? Certainly not that he has the abil
ity to represent “old Centre in the Legisla-
tive Halls.” Why, he has not the first
gualification—knows not even the first prin-
ciples of law or government, nor has he the
least idea of the wants and necessities of
those he would represent, and never, we
suppose, made a speech in his life, unless 1t
was to repeat .
*0n Linden when the sun was Tow,”
or something of that kind at some country
school exhibition, It is certainly not on ac-
count of patriotism, for he would not have
gone to the army at all had he not been sure
believe he would be appointed Lieutenant
Colonel, It was the love of ‘‘greenbacks”
and Not country that mmdaced Aim to volun-
teer. If not, why did he not go at the out-
break of the war, as a private, for thirteen
dollars per month 2 Why did he lie around
home for more than a year aiter the fall of
Sumpter, until he could induce enough of
his neighbors’ sons to volunteer, to form a
company, and give him the command? - Is
that the kind of patriotism that deserves
promotion and ‘commands respect ? We
think hardly,
All the claim we can see, is that he has
sold himself, body and breeches, to ihe ab-
olitionists, and 1s willing to endorse all the
infamous acts of the Administration for a
few dollars or the sake of office. And if our
Democratic friends wish to cast. their votes
for a man without talert, experience or abil-
ity, for a man who joined the army because
he was promised an office, for a man that
will protect treasury plunderers and shoddy
contractors, for a man who is in favor of
carrying on the war until every negro in the
South is freed, for a man who believesin the
equalization of the races, and would enslave
the white laborer with taxes to purchase
the negroes of the South, for a man who en-
dorses Abraham Lincoln and Andy Curtin,
then, we would say, vote for Heary Forster
Bat if you would vote for a man of sense,
of alility, of influence and principle, a man
who 18 favor of Jow taxes, peace and Union,
vote for Cyrus T. Alexander. 2
Capt. Blair—His Treachery.
Capt. W. H. Blair, of the <M’ Allister
Rifles,” has unconditionally surrendered to
the abolitionists, coat, straps, boots and all,
He has gone back again to his first love, and
[ thank the Lord for his departure. True, he
was picked up by the Democrats, clothed,
fed and slipped into the Legislature; true,
he asked tha Democrats to make him coun.
ty Troasnrer, and when he failed to obtain
that, begged of them to send him to the
State Senate, but the faithful of both par-
ties said No, and he was elected to tay at
home, This was too much for the worthy
Capuain, for he was thus left to the dire ne-
cessity of ‘work or die. “Die,” says he, and
the Captain found himself on both sides of
the fence, On Saturday last he wended bis
way to Howard in company with Weaver
Furst and Johnson (nice company that, for
a Democrat) and in his ‘travail, delivered
himself of a speech in favor of the election
of Andy Curtin. Nevertheless Benedict Ar-
nold proclaimed not his “loyalty” in louder
tones than did Billy Blair his Democracy. —
But 7
“Trust not the cunning waters of his eye,
For villainy is not without such rheum ;
And Ze, long traded in it, makes itJseem
Like rivers of remorse and innocgney.”
The negro-worshipers have engaged him
to demolish the Democracy. What a havoc
he’ will make, barring the secret fund of the
Royal League. They are all delighted with
him, and we are delighted too, that our par-
ty is rid of him, No doubt the servant will
prove worthy of his master, for Billy has
already began to sing:
Alexander and Cmsar and Nebuchadnezzar
Never found out that this was true,
That I'll be the tool to drink at the pool,
For pay and for office for you.”
All we have to say is ‘ Go, Billy, go, and
‘Joy be with the flittin’.” Its “an ill wina
that blows nobody good,” and we have
gained by your. desertion. Honest Martin
Stone, who spoke in the Club Room on
Monday evening last, will more than make
up for your loss, and we'll bet our hat he
told more truth than you have done in all
the speeches you have mada for the Royal
Eegue. To prove our assertion, we will
pit honest'Martin against the Captain of the
President Prerog is con dently expected to |
be present to address the meeting. Hon. |
the “Bucktails,’’ with the noble !
will be here without fail. The services gif
the Lock Haven Brass Band have been se-
cured for the occasion, and everything pre-
pared for one grand, patriotic demonstration )
that will strike terror to the hearts of the |
enemies of Democracy and our country. |
Come, then, in wagons, in carriages, [in |
baggies, on horse-back, with brilliant flags |
and flaunting banners, marching to the spir- |
it-stirring music of the fife and drum ; and
high above the din, let your voices be heard
shouting for our glorious principles and can- |
didates, for the Union and the Constitution, |
“M’Allister Rifles,’ in a public discussion.
to be held in front of the Court House, on
W, H. Wirre and the gallant Col. Kane, of | any evening Before the election ihat may be
fixed upon by the Captain, or a committee
of Royal Leaguers. Do you accept, Capt.
a0 eee
Democrats, Are You Assessed?
If not, attend to it immediately. Go
at once and see if your names are on the
list. iemember that Friday, October 2,
is the last day on which you can be as-
sessed, in oracr to entitle yom tu a vote
at the coming erection,
np Pad
[7 Let the soldiers vove.—dAbalition pa-
Thats the talk. That's just
what we
of a Captaincy, and had conceit enough to |’
Tax Payers of Contre County, Read.
p—mmie n” wn o
Who "dpproved’s bill ‘that tack from the |
tax payers of Pennsylvaia. eightteen mil-
lion of dollars, and gave it to the Penn:
sylvania Rail Road Company ¥ A, G. Cu,
TN, = bof ” Wy
Who transferred the State and its Legis-
lature into the hands of this plundering
corporation A, G, CumRmN.. &
Who made an agreement with this same
Company, by which it was to pay the State
$75,000 per annum —concealed that agree-
ment and afterwards surrendered it to the
company, without even preserving a copy
or memorandum of it ? A. G. CurtIN.
Who permitted the soil of our State to
be invaded ‘by the Confederate, -and then
said he had no power to defend the State
when thousands upon thousands of our
citizens were on hand ready to repel an
invasion and protect our homes ? A. G,
Who crawled to Washington, like a poor
miserable beggar, and there on bended
knees, implored Father Abraham to allow
him to protect our State Capital 2 A. G.
Curtin. :
Who through imbecility and carelessness
failed to have proper credit given our coun-
ty for volunteers furnished and permitted
hundreds of our citizens to be dragged from
their homes and compelled to redeem them-
selves by three hundred dollars blood
money ¢ A. G. CurmN,
Who . took . from the citizens of Centre
county over .one hundred and ten thousand
dollars, by his neglect to properly credit
them with the amount of men furniched to
the army ? A. G, CURTIN.
Who took an oath before high heaven,
swearing that he would not vote, nor give
his influence for any maa for any office in
the gift of the peonle, unless he be an
American born citizen, nor if h2 b2 a Ro-
man Catholic? A. G. Curtin,
Who took an oath before high heaven,
swearing that if ever elected for appointed
to any official station conferring on him the
power to do so, he would remove all FOR-
LICS from office or place, and that in no
ease would he appoint such to any office in
his gift? A. G. Cartin.’ Bn
Who swore to keep the nbove, infamous
03ths SACRED AND'INVIOLATE, through life,
A 2G Curtin.
Who was the first secretary of Sta‘e unde
a "Know Nothing Governor? A. G. Cur:
tin. .
Who traveled over this “State in. 1854.
organizing know Nothing Ledges A. G.
Who took au oATH to proscribe you on
acconnt of your birth place and Religion ?
A. G, Curtin. 8
Who boasted in this town on .the Night
of the olection in 1863, that he. had his heel
keep it there for three years?- A. G. Cur-
Who permitted the minions of Federal
authority, tu enter the Capitol of our State
and drag from their homes, honest, patriot-
ic citizens, and 1ncarcerate them in the
loathsome, cclls of military prisons, with-
out warrant orcause? A. G. Curtin.
Who pardoned the Abolition miscreants,
at Bloomsburg, after they had been found
guilty of rioting, by Judge and Jury ?—A,
G. Curtin, hii oi
Who gave a respite to a negro murderer
in Philadelphia, and at the same time re-
fused to grant a few days to an Irishman
convicted of the same offence ? A. @, Cur-
in. :
¥ Who appointed contractors that clothed
the three wonths men in shoddy. gave
them blankets thin as air—furaished them
shoes with pine shaving soles—and fed
them on rotten Herring and Stinking Beef ?
A. G. Curtin,
Who rode over the terrible battle field at
Ge.tsbuig, and on hearing a wounded . offi-
cer: exclaim, ‘this is an awful slaughter of
Pennsylvanians,” remarked it mattered
little, there were plenty more to take their
places ?” A. G. Curtin. 3
Who attempted to force the State militia
into. the service of the United States for
six months or longer 2 Andrew G. Cur
tin. :
Who keeps that miserable pack of shod-
dy contractors, horse thieves, and public
robbers, that furnished the three months
men, with rotten blankets and worth-
les clothes, still in employ? A. G. Cur-
tin. or
The above charges are not alone ours but
are preferred against the shoddy candidate
by men of 'his own party, and we dareor
defy the pittifoggers that edit the Press,
H, N. McAlister, Billy Blair, or any of the
rest of the contemptible ‘pack of political
demagogues, that are now belching forth
their abolition’ doctrine in’ this. county to
deny them, i
Wz désite to call the attention of our
readers to “an important letter” in the Cen-
tral Press of the 18th of September, over
the signature of ‘Capt. Harry Foster,”
Ifarrys conversion to republicanism is not
based upon any good reason that he can
give for leaving the Democratic party, on ac-
count of its doctrines, principles or faith,—
Nor does he pretend to point ont why his
‘‘esteem” for Judge Woodward has been
changed. since is patrtotism and former
principles came in contact with each other,
Justice and Liberty. Bring with you your | democrats want. Buf we want them to vote
wives aad little ones—let thew presence 00Mstitutionally, Send them home by com.
shame the *‘shoddy contractors” and blab. ' Panies and regiments, Republican and Dem-
! i hall be perfectly ‘con-
cowards who denounce you as ‘cop- 0¢rat elike, and we s P! y.
boring ¥ P But to send home Republicans to
erheads and traitors.” | tent. :
4 Don't put off making your arrangements Vole for Andrew G. Curtin, while demo-
to come to this “grand rally” till the last °rata are kept 1n the field, that is what we
| object to. »
valleys of old Centre ring again,
Hon. Geo. W. Woodward
has expressed his intention to be
with his ‘Centre county friends
on this occasion. :
Hon. W. H. Wirtg, Col. Kane
and 8. H. Revworps; Esq., will
positively be present to address
the people, and other able speak-
erg are expected. : :
The Lock Haven and Boals-
burg Brass Bands will hein at-
tendanee. win
day, but prepare at once, and let us show
that even at the home of “‘Shoddy Andy.”
thousands of his fellow-citizens contemn
and scorn him. Catholic, who would vote for Curtin, afrer
EE what he said the might of the election; that
B&y~ Owing to the absence of the editor he did not thank any Irishman, or German,
and lack of sufficient forgs in the office, we for their votes, for he did not need them,
are compelled to issue our paper with less Does he need them now? Well, we think
than the usual amount of reading matter | he might need a tew to help keep hig cred-
this week. it from going underall at once.
(= Where is the Irishman. German, or,
resulting in his sound conversion to. at lgast.
the emoluments of office vr the promise of
prowotion But with all the care and pru-
dence which the “Royal League of this
Borough could bestow, to raft, revise, cor-
rect and iniprove the “important letter,”
and in their hurry to give it position in the
columns of their emit machine, lest Harry
might, 1 the meantime, fail to be promoted,
and thus thwart their designs, they, unfor-
tunately for their cause, forgot fo erase from
the manuscript Harry's opinion ‘of Judge
Weodward, Here it js:
‘Bold, able avd independent, a8 he undoubt.
edly is, how long do you suppose he would occu-
py the Executive Department of the State with:
out an open rupture with the Administration?”
Preemen of Centre county, this needs ne
comment. Harry admits that no able states-
Washington. Why 2 Need we draw. the
conclusion and answer this mpotsant fnqui-
ry? 3
We give the answer: Because the ad-
ministration has no ability, no wisdom, no
principles, and, therefore, they feel alarmed
to sce so bold, fearless and able a man as
Judge Woodward clevated to the Exeentive |
Department for fear of a rupture, Harry
says so.
‘wan could possibly administer the Govern- |
ment of the Keystone State without ruptu- §
ving with the imbecile Administration at |g
One of the most dangerous enemieg e
Constitution, and to the system of e
wenbaiader which we live, is now. busily
engaged. and will either work out the overs
throw of the | American Republic, or will
itself be oyerthrown. Ly its inveterate foo,
the Democratic party.—There b23 been a
this government seeking to enlarge its’
powers, and to lesson the powers of States |
in the same proportion. After having been
overthrown in the convention which framed
the Constitution, one wouid think the |
scheme for a strong central government |
ing was hold in the Club Room, in this
place on Monday evening last. Messrs.
Deise and = Atwood of Lock Hoven, and
Martin Stone; Flsq, of this place, addressed
the club. = The occasion was one of much
interest, and passed off’ gloriously.
rarer it Ey
Deteat of Gen. Rosecrans.
Late news from Gen. Rosezrans’s army,
and driven back to Chattanooga. Whether
this news can be relied on, is bard to tell,
but the accounts are not at all encouraging.
Thaddeus Stevens’ Platform,
The following is an extract from a speech
delivered by Thaddeus Stevins, at Christian
Lancaster County on the 17th of september
1863. This infernal old villian here gives ut-
terance to’ a doctrine that would sink a
devil to deeper damnation and shame of the
vilest wretch on God's footstool. Ie here
avows his hostility to the Union and the
Constitution, and prays God to forbid that
they should ever be restored as they were
before the war broke out. * Can Republican
conservatives ‘endorse , such infamous doc-
trines 2 We hope not.
“Upon the issue of the Pennsylvania and
Ohio election depends more than on the vic-
tories in the field.” !
«The rebels at Richmond, you will goon
learn, are less infamous traitors than those
Democrals assembled to-day al Lancaster.”
“The only way to conquer the South was
such as I stated while in Congress, vis: fo
Liberate the slaves, and. put arms in their
hands.” .
“We must conquer the Southern States,
and hold them as Conquered Provinces.”
“The Union as it was, and the Constitu-
tion as tt i3~God forbid 4t I"
Juige Woodward’s Decision On The
8o.diers’. Voting,
In 1861, John Thomson, Abolitiogist, re-
cetved a majority of the votes of tie citizens
of Philadelpbia, at home, for the office of
chert. Mr. Ewing. Demosraf, his oppo-
nent, with the vote of the citizens at home
and in the army, had a majority over
Thomson, and received the certificats of
election and entered upon’ the duties of the
office. Thompson contested the right of
Ewing to hold the pogidon in the Common
Pleas of thar city, on the ground of the
unconstituticnality of the Soldiers’ Vole!
The matter was carried up to the Suprems
Court, and Judges Woodward, «Strong and
aftirmed ihe decision of the court below.
Judge Woodward, then must have been
governed wholly by le:al considerations in
his decision and nit by party motives, for
if the. latter bad had any controlling
influence with him, he would not have
Democrat, would have retained the office of
Sheriff’ the emoluments of which are nearly
equal, if nct altogether. to the salary of the
President of tue United States, It was. the
cupidity of an Abolitionist that forced sncn
a decision, and hence cast aside the soldiers
vote anc thus disfranchised them. Will
the Abolition journals in ravings tell us
whether legal and Constitutional = motives
governed Judge Woodward and a majori-
y of the Bench, in the ‘matter ‘of Thomp-
son vs Ewing, or political considerations
and pr-judices ? Which ?
That Andrew G. Curtin, the shoddy can-
didate for Governor, signed the bill for the
repeal of the Tonnage Tax on th2 Pennsyl-
vania Railroad Company, against the re
monstrances of Hon. 8. A. Pursiance, tis
Attorny General, nnd Eli Skifer, his Secre-
tary of state— Pittsburg Gazette, July 92:
That he signed it “upon a private agree
ment in writing. made made by. Thomas
sum of $75.000 per annum into
Treasury, which agreement he concealed
from the people and afterwards surrendered
to the company, without even preservinga
copy of it.”
That he signed three acts of a Repub-
lican Legislature, “ Stripping the Sinking
Fund of atleast EIGHTEBN MIL 1,10NS
I POSSIBLE !"—Pattsburg Gazette, August
5th. : : :
It is only necessary to remind the readér
that the journal making these bold and mon-
strous charges is the ablest and most widely
circulated Republican print west of the
Allegheny mountains,
ni L104
When a soldier returns to his election dis-
trict, he resumes all the civil rights of citi»
zenship, and his residence being unimpairel
by his temporary absence, he has a right to
vote on election day, but under the Cogsti-
tution to which bis fealty is due, he can nc-
quire no right to vote elsewhere, except by
a change of residence from one district to
another. * * *. The learned judge
deprecates a construction that shall pis-
FRANCHISE our volunteer soldiers. It strikes
us that this id an inaccurate use of language.
The Constitution would disfranchise no qual-
ified voter, But, to secure purity of elec-
tion, it would have its yoters in. the place
where they are best known on election. day.
I a voter voluntarily stays at home, or
goes on a journey, or joins the army of his
country, can it be said the Constitution
has disfranchised him ? . Four of the: judges
of this eourt, tiving in other parts of the
State, find themselves, on the day of every
Presidential elec ipn, in the city of Pitts-
burg, where their official duties take them
and where they are not permitted to vote, —
Have they a right to charge the Constitution
with dis{ranchising them ? Such is our
case anda such is the case of the volunteers
in the army. ~The right of suffrage is care-
fully. preserved for both them and us, to be
enjoyed when we réfurnito the places which
the Constitution has aprointed for its exer
cise. — Gro. W. WoopwARD. |
Setter] if lft eese—, {
[7 The New York Leader discovers a |
new Madison Square perfume —Balm of a |
Thousaud Bayouets, i
A most enthusiastic Demoeratic meet. | advocates. But they have ever singe
seems to indicate that he has been defeated |
Lowrie, Democrats, and Read, Abolitionist:
sugtained the inferior court, and Ewing, |
A. Scott, for the company, to pay the:
would have been lain forever aside by its
: favor of Am
| rant either of the American Republic, or of
) the: the pity now so shamefully misguiding
18 ine Ad
at, aver wielded sword or per in
ican liberty, the death war-
5 3 5
“+ His sentiments are most strongly ex
hpresseq in fuvor of State Sovereignty, 1n it
| sphere, J whenever occasion called them
. forth In his first message t5 Congress, in
“ es fi i “7
sping at work ever since the fos jdation of omg ons iene
“affairs, was intended to ba left where the
| “federal Convention found .t--in
“Government, * * #*
v'strongly or too earnestly warn you against
- Bute
* 3 I, cannot too
‘‘all encroachments upon the legitimate
| “sphere of State sovereignty" Wastin
i. | 2 its healthiul and invigerating in-
| bored in the effort - to seize violently, what | oo the federal system” can ‘never
| was peaceably. but firmly refused by the
| people. For the first time in our history |
| that party is completely iu power, and we |
| have geen the rights of States seized either |
violently and at ence, or gradually encroach- |
ed upon until the situation is now most |
alarming. The sovereign states of this Un- |
ion granted whatever powers were. neces- |
| sary for the purpose of maintaining a Na- |
tional government, being most particular to |
reserve to themselves, all others. Any en- |
croachments apon the rights thus reserved, |
| on the part of the general government, as
quite as treasonable, quite ag mach variance
with our system as would, be an attempt |
by a State to’ re-take the powers “once |
granted. ‘he attempt of the Southern |
States to separate themselves: from the |
ieague in which they are bound, is. mot |
‘more dangerous to American liberty than |
the attempt being made at the North to wipe |
out the line, distinctly drawn between |
Federal and Local authority. And they |
claim ihe right of seccession as a!
| revoiutionary one, they defy the Constitution |
{and the laws,” and boldly proclaim their |
| purpose to subvert both and to withdraw |
| from the Union. The Democratic party
| has always been cppoged to this, and sent
| forth its members by tens of thousands to |
| asssist the Constitutional authorities in the
hexecution of the resisted laws. Assured of |
| the purpose for which the war’ was being |
waged, by a Resolation of Congress declaring |
that purpose to be, “to defend and mawntain i
the suprémacy of the Uonstitution and to |
preserve the Union with” all the dignity,
equality. and rights «of ‘the seveval States |
ummpared,” ihe whole population’ of the
country, with all its treason, was placed
at the disposal of those in power for the |
suppression of the rebellion, and preservation |
of the Union. Our fellow-ciiizens * rushed |
by thousands (o do bat l= against the foes of |
the Republic, and now their, bones bleach |
upon the battle fields of the South, and
wives find ‘children mourn for hu-banis and |
fathers, they have struggled and died 3 and
yei the: prospeet grows darker every hour. |
dheir blood erieth from the ground; urging |
us to maintain for their childrén the , old |
government for which they died. We find |
that government's molt dangerous foo
pretending to . administer its laws. ‘and |
leacing it in rapid strides to destruction. — |
While they draw around them the shield o
power to'protect them from the punishment |
of law, lest ‘men torn from their homes, by |
a ruthless conseription, should appeal to the |
fame power for justice; the writ of Habeas |
Corpus 1s suspended and all hope cat oft. —
In direet opposition to the Resolution pass-
ec at the extra session of Congress, m Ju-
ly 1861,.thcy have reper t diy and ccnstant-
ly interfered with the most sacred rights of
States, and in effet, have overthrown the
very Oomstitution they are’ pretending to
protecc and’ defend. The Sates ara the
foundation ot the Republic, and any attempt
to weaken their powers, orto interiers with
their rights is a direct blow at the govera-
ment of the United Sates, and is therefore
treason. — But tt is treason for a modern
Democerst to declare in favor of the great
rights for which our fathers struggled “and
{ died. One who holds the doctrines: of Jef-
| ferson ‘o-day.and edvocates them is a “Cop-
perhead,”’—and not wishing t5' be classed
in the order serpeates, we prefer rather to
let one speak who stood precisely where the
Demoeratic party stands now, and who was
one of he brightest luminaries which ever
sppeared in onr political horizon. We take
it for granted that all who are possessed of
common sense, and of, the means of ascer-
taming the truth, Kkpow that violence of
the most dangerous kind has been commit.
ted upon the State Goyernming, and tiat
an authority is now assumed, by those who
administer the Gen rul Government, hich
never belonged to them, and whith never
can, Constitutionally. If any have doubts
upon the question they can be set foréver
at rest by a reference to an act of Congress
passed last Winter, to protect the: Presi.
dent in his usurped authority, and to a
speech of Thaddeus Stévens, the Republi-
can chairman of the Committe of Ways and
Means in the last Congress. ‘in which « he
said that no one but a fool would pretend
to say that the Constitution had not heen
violated. There is no question but that
the Constitution has “been repeatedly set
aside, and measures taken in direct opposi-
tion to it, ;
We propose to show the opinion enter-
tained by a Democrat in the past, on (hat
subject, and which is the sentiment of the
Democratic party now.—No one has stood
higher in the history of our Nation than
Andrew Jackson. [lis menory is venerat-
ed by every Tover of his country,” and his
sentiments respected and believed by all
men of all parties. We purpose to make a
few extracts from. his public papers. In
‘1863 when {jibe South Carolina Nullifica-
tion threatened the dissolution of the Union
and the boldest minds shrank back from the
dark and dangerous question; he, while de-
termined to execute the laws of the United
States to the last letter, was mest. particu-
lar'in his ‘respect to the laws of States, and
after he: hadi passed safely ‘and triumphant.
ly though that dark: period we find him de-
claring for State rights, in the strongest
terms. La his inaugural address in 1833
we find the’ following passage, “My ex-
“““perience m public concerns, and the bbser-
| ‘‘vations ot a hfe somewhat advanced, con-.|
“firm the opinion long since imbibed by we
“that the dustruction of our State govern-
‘ments or the annihilation bf their annihi- |
‘lution of their control over the local con- |
‘‘cerns of the people, would lead direotly to
“Revolution and anarchy, and fiually to
| same position to-day,
| was never before the people.
The Demoeratic party occupies the very
0 and yet, for their ef-
forts to resist “every effort to claim any-
thing beyond the Constitution,” its mem-
bers are called traitors, and many of thom
have passed weary months in prisons for
that offence. What is said of those who
advocate such sentiments as the following
extracted from Jacksons Farewell address |
“If such a struggle is once began and the
“citizens of one section of the Country are
| “arrayed in arms against those of another
| “tin doubtful conflict, let the battle result
“as it may there will be an end to the Un-
“ion, and with it an end to ‘the hopes of
“freedom. The victory of the injured, would
“not secure to them the blessings of liberty
“it would avenge their wrongs, bat they
‘would themselves share in the common ru.
jn. ¢
Such are the sentiments of one 1 whose
footsteps they tell us Abraham Lincoin is
treading. Jeft Davis might claim. the same
with equal propriety.
Can any hope that we are not in danger
ot destruction from the eauses hes so wisely
pointed out? One fact should answer that
question. We are going into a State eles
tion Weare to chose a Governor, a Judge
of the Supreme Court, members of the leg-
isiature; a more important Stale election
But not a
single candidate for Federal office is before
the. Yet inthe Republican State Cor.
vention which met at Pittsburg and nomin-
{ ated A. G. Curtin for Goverror not a gin-
gle resolution was passed in regard to
State affairs, just as comple'ely are we
merged in the General government, in the
opinion of the Republican “party, just so
far has centralization already gone.
The most important era in the history of
our State 15 upon us. ‘The citizens of Penns-
ylvania will tuis fall decide her destiny and
theirs, not only for Padus but for all
time, May the God of Nations guide them
Howard Pa, }
Sep. 22, 1863. §
We are creditably informed, says the
Danville futelligancer, that a tow daysago,
a gentleman (?) in shoulder straps, weariag
Un'ted States Uniform, and thereby indi
ating that he was Tne of the dervants af
the “Government” in one of the Hotels of
this e, expressed a wish that negrass of
the South would come up Notvth and drive
vvery IRWSHMAN and DutcnMax out of the
'I'his 18 the sentiment, the wish of ali of
the Agents of the Administraetion.—*Trish-
men and Dutchmen,” © what think ye of
being dviven out of the - country ‘by ne-
groes ? ®
Saat tN
{7 Those who desire to elect office seek-
ers, and renegade Democrats . should bo
sure and work for Oapt. ‘Foster ‘and Saml..
Hagpt, &
Tear ee sep
American Tea Company,
Sinee its organization, has created a new‘eta in
the history of
Wholesaling Teas in this Country,
They Bavo introduced their selections of TEAS,
and are seiling them at not over
Two Cents (.02 Cents) per poun
above cost;
Never deviating frovthe ONE PRICE aster.
Another pecuharity oi the Company is tht
their Vea TASTER Dot only devotes Lis time to
the selestion of their THAS as to quality, value,
and partienlarstyles for particular localitivs of
country, but he helps the Tea buyer to choose out
of thetr enormous stock Ha as aye bose
adapted. to iis particular wants, and not only
this, but points out to him the best bargains.
It is easy to see the incalculable advantage a
PEL Dovey has in this establishment over all -
others. WET
If heis no judge of Tea or the Market, if his
time is valuable, he has all tho benefits of a well
organized System of doing business, of an im-
menso capital, of the judgment of a protessionat
Tea TasTER, and the kuowledge of superior sales-
This enables all Tea huyers—no matter if they
are thousands of miles from this market—to pur- *
chase on as good terms here as the New Fox
Parties can order Tess and will be served by us"
as well aa, though they came themselves, bein;
sure to get original packages, true weights an
tazes; and the Teasare warranted as reprosonted.
We istue a price list of the Company’s Teas,
which will be sent to all who order it; compri-
sing ;
Hysen, Young Hyson., Imperial. Gun-
powder, Wwankay and Skin.
: ¥ SON PEKOE, .
J APAN'TEA, of every description, colored and ~
¢ . uncolored. $a r
This list has each kind of Tea divided into four ¥
classes, namely : CARGO, 4igh CARGO, FINE. 3
FINEST, that every cue may understand from
description and the prices annexed, that the Com- 4
pany are determined to undersell the whols TRA £
We suarantee to soll. ALL owr TEAS af mot
aver TWO CENTS (.02 Cents) per pound above
cost, believing thia to be attractive to the man
‘proportion, therefore, as the General Gov- |
“ernment encroaches upon the rights of the |
“States, in the same proportion does 1t jm- |
tion.” And again in his farewell “uddress
to the people of the United States he says —
“The legitimate authority of the “Constitu-
‘tion is amply sufficient forall the purpos-
‘‘es for which it was created ; and its pow-
“ters being ‘expressly enumerated, there cen
‘be no justification for claiming anything
“beyond them. | Every attempt tof claim
| “anything beyond these limits should be
“promptly and firmly opposed. For: one
“evil example will lead to other mea-
sures till more miscliivous; and
tif the principle of © the constructive
‘‘powers, or supported advantages, or tem. |’
“porary circumstances. shall ever. be per |
“mitted to justify the assumption of a pow-
“or not given by the Constitution, the gen-
‘<gral government will ‘before Tong absorb
all the powers of legislation and vou: will
“‘have in effect but one consolidated govern- |
“ment.” Here ig written, by the might.
“ability to fuilill the porposes of its i
“parr its own powe- and. deyracs from, its | 1
and the host make of Silver Plate
articln is warranted to be as rapresentedd,
and satisfaction guaranteed.
who have heretofore been paying enormous profits
Great American Toa Company,
Nu ‘51. Veto Streot, Naw Terk.
Bopt. 18, 18635. Y
The undersigned would respectfully in-
VEE WARE. ;. 0
‘vite your attention to his well "selecte
i stock of Pine Gold and Silver Aa
Fine Gold Jewelry of every kind and variety lof
styles—comprising all of the newest and most
beangifid designs.
Also, SOLID SIL VER WARE. equal to coin—,
Ware Bach;
1%" Walches and Jewelry carefully repaired;
(Successor to Stauflor & Harley.) |
No. 622 MARKET Street, PHILAD'A,
Bept=18, 1863— dm.
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,