ETE ER VOL. 8. ~ @he Democratic Watchman, BELLEFONTE, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25, 1863. Bhs Blom. [Witten for the Watohman.| GOD IN NATURE. BY JOAN P. MITCHELL. How many wonders tell the power Of Heaven’s Eternal King ; The giandest works of Nature tower, The tend’rest flowerets spring; Vesuvius casts forth its flame And mortals, filled with awe, Bow down before the mighty Name— The Cause of Nature's law. The thundering cataracts proclaim The might rn] Nature’s hand ; We trace the same Immortal Navn In every grain of sand ; The lightning’s swift, resistless thrust, 1s made by Nature's power ; The self-same hand which sifts the dust Upon the tremb’ling flower. Fhe law which bids the Ocean roll, Heaped high above the land, Btill, serves its waters to control And bid ite billows stand ; The power which bids the earth to sway Upon its ceaseless track And bring recurrent night and day, Bill drives old Ocean back. The self-same law that gives the might Which tells the tempest’s power, Dintils the soft ana gende light Of twilight’s peaceful hour Tne law which heaves the mignty deep, When discord’s voice is loud, @radles thedying 3a to sleep And softly weaves his shroud. ¥rom Earth's poor speck of dying clay, To Heaven's remotest bound, The same eternal laws have rway, 1he same great Minn is found ,— The laws which guide the shining spheres That sweep around the sun, Held sway a thousand million years Before Yime's march begun, Fhe flaming comet, as it sweeps The utmost verge of space, Is guided through the awful deeps By laws which kere have place ; The power by which each crb is whirled, And all of Nature's laws, Bach sbeaks, in thunder, to the world, Ot the ALMignry CAUSE! Phe Grear JEHOVAE made them all, His edict binds them still ; And thouga each orb from Heaven fall, They’ resubj ect to his will ; And man though but an atom, small Aa floating dust in space, May seo his Maker through it all And meet Him face to face. AH point us upward to the Throne Ot Heaven's Eternal King, Aud tell us it 18 God, alcne, Plumes Nature's tireless wing. $3 adoration, let us bend Before Ilis Awful Face, That we, when Death’s dark shades descend, 3 In Heaven may take our place. Bowarr Pa, Sept 20, 1863. Miscellaneous. B@= We have been permitted to publish the following extract from a letter written by a soldier in the Army of the Potomac, to a friend in this county. It will be seen that Ae does not consider ‘poor Andy’’ the +‘eoldiers friend.” — Ep. WATCHMAN. | “1 see that the political campaign has commenced in old Centre. Well, I say let the Democracy go ahead—the democrats here feel anxious for the defeat at home of the advocates of Negro Equality —I mean we of the thirteen-dollar-per-month brigade. The guilded-strap gentlemen are generally m favor of complying with the requests of their superiors, who are getting the “big pay” and splendid times; for they know hat if the negro’s friends are defeated, sheir ‘‘occupation’s gone’ and the big dol- lar stopped, when they will have to return to their several avocations, where many of them should ever have remained. We now snd then get a sight of the I atchman ; it is a great treat to us, for it has truth and Justice for its base. But the greatest sport that we have have had was realing the Harrisburg Telegraph of the 7th of Au- gust which contained a speech of Gov. Cur- tin toa ratification meeting on the evening before. In that speech he bestowed a bap- sismal title on President Lincoln. He calls him the * visible head of the Government I’ This sounded strangely to us American sol- diera and we squalled right out. We had heard and read of the “ visible head of the Church militant,” but this is the first time in the history of our country that we have seen this appellation bestowed upen a mere servant of the people; and as one good turn deserves another, Father Abraham should recognize the Governor as Cardinal CURTIN. This certainly would look well on paper.— ‘For new made bonors doth forget men’s names,” and as an act of gratitude the ‘visible head’ in his robes, and the Governor in nis Cardi- nals hat, should exhibit themselves 1n the first place to the Lamp-lighters in livery, the redoubtable Wide Awakes, and then at his ‘headquarters in the army,” and the Guver- nor in his Ciceronian voice, call unto us :— “‘Fellow-soldiers, behold your visible head, and his */oyal liege’ Cardinal and Chief Bu- gler of the Proviaco of the Pennsylvania!’ It wold be a rich treat and worthy of the occasion, and would establish a loyal prece- dent to be hereafter foliowed by all loyal officials. Peor Andy! he has let Lincoln shear him of all official power and dignity, and reduce himito mere supervisor of roads and bridges, a self-constituted member of eanatory committees and B&F visitor to Religious Aid Societies. Let him have a foreign mesion—get clear of him. If the vank and file were at home they would help. We would sooner have an game-cock at the bead of the old Keystone than a blabbering orow. ® n © ® a E27 The recent cool weather is tho first A GLANCE AT THE POSITION. ening their lines of defence, in consequence of the reverses of July, and are now stan- ding on the defensive. That they are abun. dently able tv maintain a position in this way 15 proved by the fact that Gen. Meade makes no demonstration towards attacking Gen. Lee. Cities may bejtaken, and disticts of country may be ravaged, but the ‘rebels’ are as far from subjugation as they were one year, or iwo years ago. As far, we say, for war and battles will never subju- gate the South. Charleston may be taken. but it is not taken yet, Richmond may be taken but we see no signs of it—but, if all these be taken, so long as an armed force of one hundred thousand, or fifty thousand, or if twenty thousand men are kept on foot in the name of the Southern Confederacy, the South will not be subjugated. This is well understood in tbe cold and heartdless diplomacy of Europe. Had Eng- land, in her grim and inhospitable sea girt fastnesses, ever doubted of the complete ab- ility of the Confederacy to have sustained itself, she would, on the very moment, have felt the impulse of “British philan- thropy” for a people struggling for liberty, and have intervened. France, in the in- tervention of Napoleon in Mexico, and the establishment of a French protectorate there looked on the severance of the old Ubion, as un fait accompls, and as Louis Napoleon feels bound by his destiny never to take one step backward, haying planted his foot in Mexico, he will extend his right hand, by firm alliance to the Southern Con- federacy. Rather in the adversity than in the pros- perity of the Confederacy would he reach out hi# hand,and that is the meaning of the fact brought to light by the latest dis- patches from Euroye, that—disdaining the tortuous and indirect methods of the British Government—he has openly admitted o Confederate privateer to refit in the Imper. ial Docks of Brest. The question of the full recognitioz by France of the New Con- federacy, and of her firm alliance with it, i8 one, not of consideration, but only of time, It is a question, of weeks or months, And what wiil the imbecile Negro Ad- ministration do then ? Why, what the: have already done! Uunseemly bombastic vaporing, while thedanger is in the distance —-abject and shamefu! submission, waen the sharp issue of the ultima ratio is thrust in their faces ! Does any one doubt it ?2— Let him reaa the only igneminious passage in the whole foreign diplomacy of the coun- try, since it had an existence. Our natioaal character had, always before been that the blow was 1eady to follow the word. But read the Trent case, from the beginning to the end, and learn how dis- tinct and opposite the Lincoln-Seward Ad- ministration, abroad as at home, is from anthing else in our political history. Cra- ven Seward, after the most disgusting va. poring of what he would do, went down on his knees, and apologized, when the fist of John Bull was rubbed close under his nose, But Lincoln, Seward, and their cabal will have their revenge! Against England !'— Never! Against France 2 Not 2 bit of it ! But like a drunken negro, who, when whip- ped mn the street, goes home and whips his children, this Abolition Administration when when France orders it to withdraw its troops from the Confederacy, will try to turn them upon the States of the North! Will the volunteers—those who, in good faith, were coaxed to *‘go into it,’ on the idea of sav- ing the country—will they, fight against the States of the North at the bidding of the Abolitionists 2 No they will not It was a very gracious act to hurry off the Federal coldiery from new York city, after having them here to try and overawe the Stase.— Very gracious, no doubt, but accomplished not soon enough ever to make those soldiers consent to be the tools of despotism in the subjugation of the people of New York. — We could wish that all the armies of the Federal Government might be brought here by divisions, in turn, and encamped among the people of this city. The effect wonld be the same ! Oh! Bat the Administration have the negro *‘coldiers’’ to fall buck on. And then they have “‘conscripts” and “‘substitutes,’” who are kept in jail, and marched in irons, “very much as a butcher drives bullocks in- to his slaughter pen,” Well, when the hand- cuffs are off, and weapons put in their hands these will be dangerous men—to somebody c« else it is a curious fluid that runs in their veins ! What is to come ofall this 2 Will some one who believee still in a «*vigorous prose- cution of the war’ tell us? it ————u B&@™ The following certificate of warriage was found among an eld lady's writings: *¢ This is to satisfy all whom it may con- cern, that Arthur Waters and Amy Yurily were lawfully married by me, John Higgin- 80m, on the 1st day of August, Anny Dom- ini, 1703. I, Arthur, on Monday, Take thee, Amy, till Tuesday, To have and to hold till Wednesday, For better or worse till Thursday, I'll kiss thee on Friday, If we don’t agree on Saturday, DPereid of The appronetring winter. The Confederate forces have been short_ A DISGRACEFUL BARGAIN. When Andrew G. Curtin announced in a special message to the last Legislature of Pennsylvania that he wouid not be a candi. date for re-election, it is weli known that he did so upon the promise of the National ad- ministration to give him a foreign mission at the close of his official term, In consid- eration of this douceur he agraed to aban- don tke contest for the Gubernatorial nomi- nation, and leave the field to John Covode or ‘any other man” who might be accepta- ble to the central despotisin at Washing on, For some cause or other not yet made pub- lic, the disgraceful bargain was not con- summated ; and in opposi‘ion to the earnest of hundred of abolition leaders. Andrew i+ Curtin was a second time favored with the nomination of his party. —Age. One of the causes, at least. for the change of the Executive mind, is this, When Caur- tin's ‘high official position” arrangement was made with the powers at Washington, a part of the programme was that Gen. Moorhead, of Pittsburg, should be Andy’s successor as the Republican candidate for Governor. To carry this out, it was agreed that Senator Johnson from this district should be elected Speaker of the Senate by the Republicans, so as not to havea man in that place who would become a formidable competitor for the Republican nomination for Governor. But Sen=tor Penney, of Pitts- burg, succeeded in the Republican caucus and was elected Speaker. He would be a formidable candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor! Moorhead became indignant, and assistant Goveruor M’Clure would not be ruled out of his share of loaves and fishes in that way. Stanton swors that Curtin should not have the promised ‘high official position at any rate.” Lest all be lost, Curtin & Co. resolved to stick to the Gubernatorial pony. The tirm labored per- sistently, with all their unscrupulous tena city and energy, but all the time blinding Cameron, Stanton & Co. by denying that the head of the establishment desired a re- nomination, Theygpointed triumphantly to his official message, wherein he declared that his failing heaith would prevent him from serving another term, as well as that patriotic reasons demanded that he should not become the centre of political attraction. Finally, smarter ‘than the rest, Forney discovered the trick, and raised the cry of alarm. He declared that the interest of the party demanded that Curtin should be “postponed,” as his nomination would te disastrous to the abolition cause. Came- ron’s Harrisburg Telegraph wailfully took up the cry, which was speedily thundered in stronger and louder tone by Moorhead’s Pittsburg Gazeite and Dispatch, But, too late—all in vain. Even ‘Covode’'s tears would not save the ¢ clan Cameron”—M’- Clure’s strategy had outwitted them all, and Curtin was renominated. That's the history of the case, Mr. AaB.— Lock Haven Democrat, DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. A large and enthusiestic meeting of the Democracy of Howard township convened in the School-house in Howardville, on Thursday evening the 10th anst, Mr. A. J. Gardener wad appointed President, George Hoy, Sr., and, Wm. Allison Jr., were ap- pointed Vice Presidents, and Balser Weber Esq . Secretary. A large delegation from Marion township accompanied vy martial music. were in at- tendance and added much to the interest of the occasion. On motion of Dr. Knorr, J. S. Barnhart, Esq,, former editor of the Democratic Watchman, was called upon to address the meeting, which he did in an able and effec- tive manner. CO. T. Alexander, Esq., was next called apon, Hoe responded in a speeeh of an hour 1a length, during which he was {requently and enthusiastically applauded, Calls were then made for J, H. Orvis. Esq. This gen leman made his appearance, and confined his remaks to the State policy of Pennsylvania, He referred, with telling effect, to the course pursued by Gov. Cur- tin, in reference to the Pennsylvania Rail: road bill, which course induced Attorney General Purviance, through motives of self respect, to withdraw from his administra- tion. At the conclusion of his remarks three cheers were given for the speakers, and hree more for Woodward, Lowrie and Lib- erty, when the meeting adjourned. * B@™ The Democrats of Patton twp held + meeting at Waddle's shool house on Tuesday night last. I. was well atterded and the best of feeling prevailed. Wm. Cross of Half moon was elected president. Jos. MoDivit and C. Cambridge Vice Presi- dents and W E Meek of Furguson secratary. C. T. Alexander E Sr —— A A nina B@™ An order has been issued for the removal ot Charleston, as its presence is considered dangerous during s bombard mert. . — ire B& Tho first full negro regiment from Penusylvania, lett Philidelphin on the 14th, to reinforce General Gillmore ms Charleston. The Abolitionists had sixty negroes in their procession at Bellefontaine, Ohio, — White men of the Republican party just think of that. ———————ees A Northern traitor on a mission ef dis- uvion to England. Who is he?! Conway wditor of the Commonvéalih, 7 The more ladies practice walking, lS BG Gai 0 BLA a... Lo smn iawn ~IN