— - \ 0d T 3 4 { Harmisbura, July 30.— Considerable ex-| ~NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS. t at himan | citement has bevn created here by the dis- Hime et Ce Gy | SE ee ee i ad a=” 4 ory snes Sd | J *# [covery of euormous frauds upon the goveri- STERNBERG HALL. LATEST ARRIVAL H A R D WwW A R BE i2ENNSYLVANIA HOUSE. isp SAAS LE ! ment during the recent army i bs —— » ° BELLEFONTE, Pa. == __p | this region, consequent upon the rebel raid, BY PUMP SUNKINS, RSQ. JOMN COFENIAYRR, Proprietor. 2 | The amounts are stated at mill.ons ae dob : oF BAXTRESSER & CRIST, RESPECTFULLY noouncec to. po pubife {lars. A number of State politicians bave Some time ago, I told the folks, AF mo 'o that he hus leased, refurnished and sopttos i { been placed under arrest, and the subject wliiatamin in tows, ies, vid J)EALER IX FORBIY AND DOMES: é 1 above Hours where hie wiil be happy to wait upon will reccive the most searching investiga- | 0 kept 4 elothing he's | co + ' Y TIC HARDWARE, 3 3 : those who fivor him w ith their company- TT pe | | Asdiedmgwuestes JORG AND SONER Come A oom ass | VE Goan, Tuten the nied | haan gilprens ot for corrupt practices have prevailed in horse Now, this s2me man has moved his store, ire 30% M473 ; ACE rR bs : with & lntge number of well aire and comforts contracts, and in clothing and subsistence From Diamoud down the street sis CUTLERY Corner Penn BYES Coors Strests, Duttalurgh. ie are haired i aia supplies. They throw the ¢shoddy” opera- And now, next door to SOoudd House, AT THE The L Ch Best lors with or without chambers attached, ant —— | tions +t Harrisburg, in the summer of 1861, He’s got things mighty neat sirs. SAWS . € Largest, eapest and Best. (Dersins Tne Delite on business ofr toe i i ing | @atirely“in the shade. Many of the same ‘ do, where ali : $35 pays for a fall commercial course, plonsure. may reat aseurod that every exertion The following ig the schedule of time of closing he vay] h At Reynold’s Arcade, where al : 13 No extra charges for Mauufacturers, Steam | will used to render their stay at the * Pennsylva- the mails on the different routesleaving this place: | pariies are implicated, and the gangs who Lhe folks do congregate sirs, + R 0 N F R 0 N T or RIFLES boat, Raiiroad and Bank Book-Keeping, - | nia Hotel’ pleasint and ugreeable, Norrr.—Via Snow Shoe and Moshanon, closes at | have infested the State Capital in the winter You'l find our Sternberg’s Clothing Hall, L . > Ministers’ sone at half price. Scadonts enter | HIS TABLE wiss pu UNDER THE DIRECTION 9 o'clock P. M. : { have reaped a rich summer harvest. It isa With every thing first-rate sirs. shiretio at ang time. ont ip , a of iperianem Cah sn =p fe i Li id + x : i i 3 i titut on is conducte experience est the market affords, an 3 BAR wid tn —Via Pine Grove Mills and Spruce | sad commentary that, while thousands of ; _ PISTOLS is Ins s p bt 1 nd Rov Creek, closes at 9 P. M. P brave men rushed to arms to defend the There, oben) Bante, and Jals and saps RRER BRE Fon Prgical Avsoununtd, wit pregere a Wines aud wther liquors —oharges reascu- Hast.—Via Yiablerchisg and Lock Haven clos- | State from invasion, 304 i Sheorureve Are piled up so Sudifondy, : & A) SHOT GUNS i ey shortest time, for the most lnorative | The Pexxsyrvasia Horer * UssEsRos gib te esat] - M. was tickling them with honeyed words, his You scarce know what to choose, sirs ! and responsible situations. Diprowas granted er advantages in point of locatian than any other . Basr.—~Via Centre Hall, Milroy, and Lewistown, | minions and followers were permitted, like 425 wiivht A Have just received the finest assirtment of for merit only. Hence the universal preference fmiar Staniishtent in the horough, beiug situ- closes at 9 i*. M. harpies to deprive them of food, and to com- I my iamig RE : Spring aad Same yonds Tm » iy 4X5 Rye ar ig Fan * Suffoiont hh Dr od and tras- Vi % 3 : Sirs, i i competi- 4A. SY, e » 4 vided. an 4 a a mln) SSL Sn a EDGE TooLs 7s Somme tine Raph Ros | er sm nat © Swed re vf n . 1 J a 3 0048, nice as any top, . and over all competitors, teaches Ra: a Business entive, acoommoda ng an mest survants Wana Port Matilda and Tyronecloses at | 7 | pork, It is a matter of record while CONSISTING DARITO Writing. P ? have Log employed, und nothing left undone that in t ceiving enormous And then Sternberg, he scrapes around, For specimens of Penmanship, and Catalogue | will add to the comfort and accommodation of hig Waar Tia Jar Moon and Tyrone, closes at {hese uy Luin, wom are a Joes and acts polite, he . 3 G d SADDLERS HARDWARE containing full information. Tasioge tuoniy-Sre guests, April 17, 1863—tf. BM aay el nd asks you if you ever four Co . cents to JENKINS & TH Br ToT ——— ee RAILROAD ROUTS. placed on an allowance of a cracker a d8y Goods half so strong and bright, sirs Ladies Dres; 00us. Principals (CONRAD HOUSE Bellefonte and Snow Shoe, leave Bellefonte at | for Sven) days et i oe de re Hound t . Bi i q Carriage Makers’ Trimmiugs and Carpenter's ny fed whore Se Movi aod Clerks of BELLEFONTE, PA, AM. 2 | neg.ect an corruption 0 e I . pe n faen you're boun 0 praige 18 goods, Suc AS Tools, aukers an usiness Men graduate, J mn ror v8, roy + svivania, Because, to tell the truth. sirs, heey a go ig 5 y prietor, ’ ed oe Valley Branch Railroad, leave at | partment of the State of Pennsyly TY ena. Titre 3 7 i 7 ; woh snows goalies has oeen enure- rl 4 ee In towa, by age or outh, sirs, y STEEL SPRINGS. foe) a4 yre-fitting aud re-farnistod throu, ut, and is no STAGE ROU?S, SPECIAL NOTICES. Bo Lo) CASHMERES, PHING 7 e , 2 ) | second to none in centeral in in the Btages for Tyrone, Via Half Moon, leave on | Besides, they're all so mighty cheap, DELANES, @) 2 30 | comforts and convenionee it affrdy to Fen ha t64 4. M | 3 2p Doors 2 : ; 0 ray Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, a og Epiror Watcmyax, And good. and clean and now, girs : CAL0DS PAINTS, eopte from the country during their sojours at Stages for Lock Haven Via of Hublersburg, DEAR Sir: —With your permission I wish to For, should you turn aud loave his store, AND SUMMER , : s i : Beller ute ducing waeks of Court. will find tite leave dailyat 1 P. M. bs ro | E3¥ to the readers of your paper that I will send You certainly wou'd rve, sirs, 2 DRESS GOODS . 2 | NATIONAL COMMERCE AL COLLEGES Coumg “0820 un agreeable and plensant resting Stages for Lock Haven \ in of Howard leave by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, x OILS, { RCRLED | plac £05 ; Mondays Wednesday, aud Fridays at 7 A. M. with full directions for making and using a sim That Yori not a hoje suit buy ! : | Wine Yting Sop sug are always i Lewistown Via Centre Hall, leave 1 table balm, that will effectually rem From this great clothin man, sirs, s i . : ) / 7 > vena ney to ocupply the WALLS wid art M oy Lira a tins, ee rs rs Who'd sell fy clothing cheaper, far, Als, # large assortment of Indies ard geitle GLASS, PHILADELL Hi A. | iit ute to the comfort and satisfantion of the Stages for one Creek Via of Farm school, and i oy Srp of he Sain Jorving the same soft, Than any one else can, sirs. f | S.E. cor. 7th and Chestnut Strests. Ci Ta BLE ison plied with all the subs uniting i v ys | clear smooth a eautiful. > | rial Sd 7 hy biti bide Mien Mati leave Mondays, Wednesdays | hr Shot) + i es tinge Avie. Auta 835000 Herr voratrias he. five BOOIY 8 AND SHOES. NAILS, Roy Br B i CORLYN oI BANY provisions sities ded deieugies which A produc- a, leads or Bare Faces, simple directions and in- Forever and a day, sirs, } 0 LEAVELA ND * ny : HRN, or dundustry. vigitiues eS { formation that will enable hem to stare » fall And when he dies. we hope he'll find GREAT DETROIT CHICAGO & ST. Yous [tye ap pranee, LOCAL AND OTHER MATTERS. | growthof Los ioiant Mol, Whiskers, or a Mous. A soft place for to lay, sira. &c, &c,. &c. &o. Bonar tra 8 rr ati rr 3 Se: tuche, in less than 30 days A applications an- ] i] a LX an. rental ti eat liquors, 1} ¢ na f am ti = ee en | swered by return mail without charge. And on his grave, mid flowers bright, i : TS Baw, Poqes, Cropesrox ter A de ddinpted to suit themost oap ricieus And all other kinds of morchandise usual] p y 8 | tustea ; Respectfully yours Beneath which he shall sleep. sirs y " A) Ar the Garman House is the place to poli) 5 ar De Sr kept in a well regulated hardware store. L These Colleges being under the rame general | THE S74 will hs attended bre pire. = THOS. ¥. CHAPMAN. We'll p aco astone, wher eon we'll write, oll reg: and local management, and uniting In oncy ire | 1 : 4 theiworth of your money. Chemist. * “He suld goods migh ty cheap,” sirs. D EME NTS he stock is entirely new, and are eonbled to DS ny ih men + and uniting in each the tive. & # hogtlars. well qualified to dia. ge y Tv 24. 3m No. 831 Broadway, N.Y ~ i ~ sell lower than any other establishment in the | A yantages of ail, offer greater facilities ‘tor im | chugs pre aining to this important da- Or July 24, 3m. . 83 y, N. : country Their establishmer t will be found on parting instruction than any other similar insti partment of a pnhlic og ablishinent 3 Maz. P. B. WiLson, eof the army of | , SL Pu LES ! : E CHANGE OF ADMINISTRATION the Northwest corner of the Diamond, Bellefonte, | tutions in the country. From the attention and time, the ropreitor has 2 FEMALES! FEMALES! FEMALES AND A Scholarship 1ssued by any one is god fin al' | dovot d to this hranc? hui prop the Potomac, who has been spending a few | Use that sufe iy Hi . ESTABLISITERED L760 | for an unlimited time. : i 5 oa ihe ii 3 bichuet Le Fimiin 3 days at home, left for his regim:ut on yes-. DE i Incident ha sox. HO! YE LOVERS OF SPI ENDID BARGAINS nats Ph tuielyhle Callage has been recently er Sis he ean Tay rates : : —————— BC refurnishe¢ n a supsrior manner, and | ee TT rr rr et rei = . - terday morning. No family os . i Yorn JL © PETER LORIL LARD is zon the largest Sed most Reg Counner | f; AR AN'SHOT EL 1 5 titution in the State. i Oe And none will when once o OFFERED TO PUKCHASERS FOR A ell = oh 1n Layl, Staf | UH BEI FPaNTe vA 4 ] 2 ol Yant & Stratton’s se ius of Text books em- AL.EFONTE, PA. (7 A fine horse belonging to the Rev. 3 Tried by them. 3 3 | bracing Buok-Keeping. Commercial Aritametio, DARILE. GAaRwan, p,, Fret r. : Itis used b Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturor J prste: Mr. Switzer, was stolen from the stable of isu Youn AND OLD CAL AND SHER Cash or Country Produce 2 | Comomnergisl Law, for es.o and and sent by i: Tuie fa ng established any wolf . White near Mechanicsville on Tuesday i Change of Life, « ' { ual. : | huown Hotel, situate on the Southenst earner of Wit ee a : . 1ane Doslinels Change ah ering Ww. § M'FEETERS a may8 : 16 & 18 CHAMBRES ST., | 83 For full partrenlors send 5 » crrenlar ! the Dinmoud. opposite the Court one Bering nig ’ ? During and after Confin.ment, «Ne » ! Oct. 17. 1862—1y beea puronagad by the undersigned. he announe. ° ; 8 - : (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) aA BE aa ®t th e former patrons of this establish ry ” 1" This part of the county was visited To Jueny ns Chanel nm 2 RE WARE ROOMS Would call the attention of Dealers tothe articles | - or h @ former fis ns hs hn day night last by quite a heavy fros’, invigorate the broken-down Constitution, wi of hig manufacture, viz: i mighly, and ie prepared to pen:jer OR Boney IL 2% inj the From whatever Carse Driinating, Y BROWN SNUFF, { i ; ny pecoinam dation to all why not severe enough, hovers) re i ver Jo MORE WORTHLESS PILLS! has purchased, refitted, and fixed up the Macaboy, Demigros, my giver bie oF Sh ae ou, po wom, 2100, Erosuin Ch w EMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. North side of the Diamond. ae di Ly Rion wil Gagert of his gues a. Atlwho. stop wisk countree ! vat a Perples . . ann Edvestiismens in anothe. column. Loony OYSTER AND BILLIARD SALOON, Americal Gentleman, “Copenhagen, i hint will Bid XCXS NADLER ir yet hema : y YELLOW SNUFF bundantly Sup, 1 with The MOBE Rit pus fare {7 Good fresh oysters can be had at the . ; ay Sun ‘ hie i 3 wo: fe ly kept by George Downing under the - Scotch, . S | the market will afford, done up du style, bo ihe i Cummings Houee, at all ‘hours. “Bob” js SAAR lept by Genp 2 BELLEFQNTE, PA. “High Tonst Seoteh, Hipey Dew Sonteh. Spotch, tost experienced eoaks ; while HI3 BAR will pi. | a rain anh le “IRON FRONT.’ of Dunia Ero Sos. "Ths Chooast of Liquor | ie ia : . or Lundyfoot, x en \ cast + uy 3, serves the palronage the public §3 now so & Lay Attention is called to the large reduction in nl : ’ His Uiiblung is han [ow Th! Wud De liberally bastowing upon him. @ Op > WHERE prices of Fine-cut chewing upd suoWig Tobarsor. | Tid Hate, Mice. Ruashes, Ants, Bed Bugs, Wehle PY the miost tra orthy and attentive iia f dniomsranenn ! x . 3 ® i ty aLoths in Furs. Woollens, ~&e., >i Borns of rr ) 2 § f taki 1 <4 L$ F R £ S H L 4 G E R, which will be found of a superior quality | Plants not outers or Binns clon Give hin neni’ one ar all, and he feels con- 327 Ws Lad the pleasure o AK ng 5 by “> Fourth & Arch Sts. v TOBACCO. {| Patupin 250. b0c. and &1 00 Boxes, Bitles & | fident that all w Le aa ified with their acai the hand on Wednesday last our friend, Col. XXX ALE . : | Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for l1ctels, Public [nerl. | modation. re . et Keller of Centre Fill. Ie is the right BUREAUS, SMURING. Fim cur cEwING. SMOKING. | tutions, &e. : AN EXCEI ENT LIVERY 2 lopjps enire IL Io Li lrninap ELPHIA, PENNA, inks of all kinds together with eatables of Long P. A. L. or plain, 8 Jago, | ‘Only infullible remedies known.’ isattached to this ost ulishment, Which stangary ‘ : n 11 and drinks of kinds togethe : 3 2 | } o C § broad will find 4 Te stripe of a man, a jolly-hearted fellow, and at every description No. I, Cavendish, or Swoet, Spawish, t ** Free frm Poisons ' rom abrowd will fiud greatly to their advantage. with all, one of the soundest, ablest, and ARE: OPENING No. 2 Seet Sconted Oronoco, Canastor, po dangerous to the Human Farily Tel : grR ANIEL GARMAN ns ' OE : ts ds FOR THE FALL TRADE, The only SOFAS. | Nos IE 2 Tin Foil Cavendish, = Turkish, i ne ont of their holes to die." Jicliefunte Fan. 10, ay . ged El Motion th BILLIARD T4nLE Lo |S I ae [TH COMUNE HOUSE, i SN. 5 ” - eo v - B , vols Sk AN. B.-A circular of prices will be sent where. BELIEPoSTE po. Erie ois Good Black Silks, N-b-4 J age His I ; : 5 : Si a! : AD: 2! BEWARE! of all worthless imitations R. D. CUMMINGS, Prop-istor, {7 Eyrie & Landell, Dry Goods Dealers. | Darl Figured S Iks. In town, is in this saloon. Call end wnyy your LOUNGFS, apn | i= See that * Couran’s’ name To noms a == 5 > Ci 4th & Arch Sts. Philad’s. — from their long New Plaid 8 iks, f July 30th, 1863 —1y Re — Box, bottle and Flask. before you buy. ; li Siegant now Hotel, sitgated un Lishon : esl pre well posted New Fancy k annels, Be A CHANCE FOR i IF Address HENRY R. COSTAR. Des, tan 8 it] lie Catto smal, in ¢xperience mm business, re w 3 3 g z = |b” Principal Depot 452 Broadway, N. Y. at last complote in a te arrangemse i, and ia i a ra TE a ow « | T'- ROOT AND HERE DOCTOR, "HAT RACKS BARGANS! Pa mama, ARRIS'S RUG STORE | vena. It rs nin fuente os Emme of eg : es Spment of i Sept. 1st, 1863 3m FROM i Ten Ten 1 Th RE Belicfonte,. Pa. Tl es pg hi Sr uitire an sheet sods, of baest siyles—monto | E00 0 2, —- . vd wd Jed wd wh @ | March 27, 1803-6. the best conducted hote! in Bellefonte ! be surpassed in quality or cheapness by any | urnamental Iron Works, PHILADELPHI1 A, WHAT NOTS and prem ame re 247 Ta blz will alwags be wud eroaning a oi iY: : { 4 2 E i 3.0 i urder the wight of the best provisons the market othe! house in their line. Read Buy, initine Snr Whogpas had thirty-five years constant practice, = A WN %G3d = = | affords attended by neat intelligent and atientive mane | WOODS PEROT, 1131 Ridge Ave, | can Boned whe ; eo SIGS lf <0 15) 85) | an VAR wat sens be euppled whi np 7 Quit or watoy | CONRAD HOUSE, BELLEFONTE EXTENSION TABLES - MANUFAC .ORY | Shoot aunt Best of Tiguors nor n sehonoeg mn al aile 8 number of oar eo ry | PHILAD FILPHIA PA., ve be on ch » 1 2 2 ABLAS, The subscriber begs leave to form the world. | ture of drugs—but iynor in there purest snd ; a in th oon of | and the people of Centre County in pa ticular. | best stato . friends ] ame to own in t 1e aftern : Offer for sale upt _ the Most Favorable Torms, On the that he still continues to. carry 41 or Suddlery | | TUE STABLE is Inrge warm. eommadions and 20d inst: to sttend the cirens, every thing NEW and BEAY (FUL DESIGNS in great /a EIGHTH DAY OF business in all its various branches, at his sho loan. ad obliging aud attentive hustlers, avs passed off pleasantly no fighting, and but | riety of TRON ¥ AILINGS for CEMETARIES, u STANDS. “nthe Nortr East corner of ALLEGHANY a. | Lx. ~LNAL always ih waiting. 1441s dr anor as es a every ha RESIDENCES fa, o Sf ronght aud Cust Aim JULY, AUGUS?, AND SEPTEMBER. Bisiop Simi) where can be found at all times | T 2 nw Unk s oys penne fron of hase. to . 2 * | and GALV 12K N an, S8 - + a fll supply of f / rein the ears, after the arrival an d de partog dy seemed satisfied ie every body BING. 1RO VERANDAHS, BALCONIES, He cures all diseases that Saddles, y CARR\GE FANUFACTORY ot the train: I STAIRS, COUNTERS, FOUNTAINS, GATES, “FLESH IS HEIR TO.” CHAIRS Waggon Harness, | 3 es | ANUMMINGS HOR Bava" olse. { COLUMNS. HITCHING POSTS, LAMD. STETHESCOPIO EXAMINATION : Bridles, Mr. S 4. MoQuistion wold respeottully iu | ((JUMMINGS HCUSE SAL00 | : 2 hel - | BIANDS, VACES, TABLES FLOWER| A STETHESCOPIC E3 Carrisge Il | PF pesifelly in 4 This new aod wplendion Facing Hee We couldn't help but olserve the num { STANDS, ¢ BLE HLL | rriage Harness form the citizens of Centre oounty, that ho has ; . : 1 J : STANDS, SOFAS, CHAIRS, STATURY, ANT Of the Lungs d Collars, opened » new Carriage Marufactory, in the rear | tablishinent ix naw oon for the cutertaivmant of ber of men, who a few yeurs since, carried MALS, asd si id ya a Mente FREE. STOOLS Trucks Wagon Whips, | Ee Livery Stable, whore he is prepared | the public. cre z | character. Ens jsclection. 2 . VIN » ’ , * { 4 Fres stors, F Oysters. Stowed Oysters lamps, snd caps, aud espes, and hushed | ons applying for same, will please state the kind | jel2 1y W- LEVINGSTON, M. D. . Driving Whips: { i* makufisiure Fre Lia Frias is 3 At Sh Oysters. for Lincoln and Curtin, that arenow cheering | op, sping fo A TE wr BT re Valises, | CARRIAGES, De rs Si i ER heartily tor $oodward, Lowrie, and liber- ee I M. Singers & Co. s Nets Halters' i BUGGIES, Ham and Eggs. Pig's Fost aud Tiipe, Bac. OALS.URG ACADEMY. 3 s { 3 5 ty. B ‘Vhis instituti ill be opened &e, &e., \ &ai, de. Ay i SULKIES dines, Fresh Fish, Fried Chickens, 0 ot h§ mstitaion will be op Of every dese iption, quality and Drie fe sale ofthe vory best material, und WARRANTED | PHAYELON Sevsy Ouichens, oto: wily August 8d. CHEAPER than at any other establishment of the to be pat t)-gather in th rid i PHAYE10NS. { ean be had at all times 277A meeting of the citizens of Bellefonte | = Terms r quarter of eleven weeks, kind in Central Pennsyls ania, : trgather in the most &.bstantial man- ; 7 ou . times. Ap gE y mp ii Tl $400 Fo ret Toon y HENRY P HARRIS | "°r Prices tosuit the times, SPRING WAGONS, DRINKS. and vicinity was held in the Court House on Mathematics! ood Philosophical studies, 50 SEWING M ACHINE S, ye Call.and examine yourselves gentlemen, and if SLEIGHS ! Cognac Brandy. ; . os ido 5 00 z you are not satisfied, you need not purchase . e { Old Liye Whiskey, Saturday evening last, to take in to consid- | Latin and Greek language, 6 3 ” Dire ruse. | \ : Ln Cantingnt fog | w. w MoNTGomER ¥ More Goods for Less Money en SLEDS. &C.. &0 Bourbon Wisk: “laat - Tg > ny for the The Deunty i sen the Sn * 2 oo iatonts Sept. Jon ib Y.y tran =i SL prices to suit the time.s. } a du We y. Hp ail Roa epot. W, I. tynolds Isy. was | vill age, and the rincipal will take special inter- BELLEFONTE PA PASEKION EMPOR, XC Ny i epairing done on ghort notice. | b nd iy, tue, Straw. : ! : : 4 = : i . ’ | ta } erry Wine, Cham 2 gh sprinted President and W. P. Wilson, | 2 rihing thst heater iach CAN BE HAD AT BELLEXONTE, pi. ye | wantin Shem” gue fo shuns Esq. Sect.—a committe consisting of Hon. | $2 00 por vous. D. M. WOLF. AGENTFOR CFNTRE COUNTY. W. W. MONTGOMERY, Prop, wm MARRIAGE—ITS LOVES AND To italy Hye pi Snack — mn 2 incipal. ' ro i . 5 3 ; ers, 118 unel sand » » t inka. James 1. Hale, Ed. Blanchard, W. P, Wy1 | July 17 6t ise TSR R. KELLERS, CENTRE HILL, $a8 peosived Alurguiavoleet rom sf wets, topey aud | Torn Welrhy Frnt on is Phtludoiphin “Ale & son, Jno I. Hoover and ¢. I: Alexander, IME! LIME! qLoTHS, SIMERES { how lost, how restored, the nature treatment and Porter, Cider. Fancy Lemanados, was appointed to ascertain a suitavle loca. L * The undersigned having purchas- NO HUMBUG, Than at any cther Establishment in | iki radical cure of spermatorraes or teminal wenp | i War S 8, | , ete, eto, eie. 100 fora depot nd ‘upon what terms a | ©d the “Bellefonte Lime Quarry,’ located gnthe ness ; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and " ‘ AAT aa Tree Collars Neck Ties, old age. is fully explained ; every particle cf B 00T AND SHOE ST 0 RE ’ BOOTS AND SHOES, Suspenders Hosiery, knowledge that Do be Trina ia re given. BELLERONTE, PA. The proceedings may be all right enough BACK OF HUMES STORE, Lut where the Town council will get its au THOMAS DORAS, Proprietor 3 x Six fine Bay Horses, all good travelers—and thority to raise any such an amount we do splendid Buggie:, Carriages LE Sleighs,—and not know. A depot is sertainly needed | fitted with fancy Harness and warm lobes, to PETER McMAHON, Proprietor. SUMMER TRADE, C LINTORK MOUSE. Handkerchiefs, sto, It is full of engravings. Tn fuct, it digcloses sc LOCK MAVEN, Pa. / ! ’ Wl it i : H PS Exactly suited tothi itv i crets that every one should know, still it is a A WAND, Propriceor. ATS & 04 3 Racty suited tothislocality andinteudes for the book that raust be locked up and not lis about the The pumrletor having ad he bore house. It will be sent to any one on tho recsiyt | ® Rip i i i i i ; ete, ote. | yy nediments to marriage veusrally, nervousness. HOT MALS to be had at all he t lot of ground could be obtained—a resolu- sph Ying: bly Tarnow Having used one of them for CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. Which will be manufactured in the consumption, fits, meutal and physical incapaci- | day or night. $ PISO tn tion was passed recommending the Town | lime of a superior quality at short notice in quan SE VE N YE AR S LATEST STYLES, Soran walk A maguificont BILLIARD ROOJM with fins > P § 8 tities to suit purchasers. Peisons desirous of RD, He “kee Yishd noi and in a manner that cannot il to prove satis. Sos Ing bi eg le AL 1a y Fiala Fes Tabies. is connected with the estab council fo subgcribz one half the amount procuring a first class article for building pur. e keeps constantly = hand a ¢ oice factory, Jooy a Re Foy ae tiene - J 8.7 3 : ¥ . nvite oy, I aall, necessary, to purchase a suitablo place, and poses Roan do well to call $F is ine alien or } can warraut them to do all that is claimed stock o A large actortmont of contemplatiug wairiage, and every’ man or wo think we gan Tse thes AYR ema the remaining one half to be raised by indi- ET Tren Call and examine and procure a circular. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, man who Sogires toliais the i of ely of i tern TM VINGS & FISHER. Vachs : oe V xei gpring to their cir oumstances. ivery pain, dis e'lefunte, M h 27, 5 Promrict.r: - vidual subscription, N EW LIVERY STABLE . june26 ty, | STAPLE & FANCY GOODS, Consisting of nents pl maturity Be stnte, March 27, 18841y 2 yaprisgere | | ; t " | ed ljotel in the borough of Lock Haven, Clip. hire cheaper than any other establishment iu v : His shelves Present a gre iter variety of plai d | of 25 cente, in pete or postage stamps. Address oh en i Lere, and there should be one let i cost | town. Call around, gentlemen, Would respectfully inform the oitizens of Belle Ready Made Clothing, fancy goods than oe found rr ao DR Wm, YOUNG, No. TE Bor strect, above Dh Barry toon a oath of iforuing the what st may. The property owners, are | January 23, 1863-Ty. fonte and vicinity that he has opened up a shop on otions, tral Pennsylvania. | Fourth, Philadelphia. Sb to i straugers and Vrararry the persons interested more than any others ! eo = = za RIS ¥ Queensware, {Cull andre that Ariiprpash us uy > Ritter Foal | the best possible manaer, ‘ ALLEGUENY STREET y Hardware, | Mn tgomery is the man that can make may be your disease, before you place yourse | His table will always =o tain the chsicest tux- d they shoul : , S f y ’ | under the care of £ the nat 0 ) ef ke in oui, Wel AREY [ATRLUSINGE CT TE he ant Wooden We | tn he kiwi, | Sy oh | BITTY te ohn know plenty of pocr persons whose State, | gence of, or from their friends or poltiins in the | A few doors below Hoffer’s Store, here he . | ALT isv sre: rok ig Ton try, got a copy ofr Young's book. ana reads FORT RR Ly) Wai dearest by 3 i i = 1 § ? : ° = ally c e beat. : 3 ai . 1 ¢ ale ch. County, and Borough taxes are higher now sue butamuyer. ation by ene army hoe- | is prepared to sell atthe And in fact a complete assortment of all the | 2 june 28 15 | re fn a ha Any i ved ar chutcest liquors that oar than they are really able to pay, t» whose ny addressing W.J KEALSH, LOWEST PRICES articles usually found in a first class | Ee AITE | yum yo : a be Tow tthe hy nae i tnsthntig bs s . . 1 3 : Iii : ! ttentive Ostlers will a wealt a depot will not add a single farth- Washington, D c Country Store. MRS. M. §. HUGH Eg, | DR. Young san Be sunsulted or i of 4 oi ae ar ed 1 thar Lies thing in a year, and it would be unjust to LEGAL NOTICES Egy ! Qsoascs desoribed in bis publication, at li ofoe { are properly attended to tsk or expect them to pay of their s0anty § of ed Mo. J i « ! No. 416, Spruce Sti , ak y. Phi 3 : : BOOTS AND SHOES PRODUCE MIT LX IN EF ER, Dd 550 Soe above Pour, Taita” | wig prey ution pL ESiYed Poet of the I ? = mayl 1863 1y: ’ Oct. 2ud, [882-1y patronage of the uehiug Fashiies he hopes by earnings, to procure a depot. when there DMINISTRATORS NOTICE i ATlogh | Ed illo Rhine! Ridin TT mse | lose attention to be ables 9 rende gensralsatin. : ee etter ee a. . tn gheny Street, one door north of - 1 ton. are wen here whose property alone will be A Letters of Adminiztration, on the THE OLD GUARD, Dx chanis for pode, and He : WwW HISKERS!! “ut 6, 0 th enfunced in value double the amount ye | estate of Jonn Vanpool, dew'd late of Taylor AMONTHLY JOURNA L, BLANCHARDS LAW OFFICE, township, having been granted to { { LER the undersigned PELAVYRELG i UNITED ST 8 HOTEL. quired to purchase a lot. If the Council | 1 persons knowing themselves indebtay in DEVOTED TO Tig C SET A I- STIMU. = oh i D STATI subscribe half the smount Jet. the tax to 3nd those havi eins ke Immediate Rayment | PRINCIPLES OF 1776 AND 1787 IE ’ Hae justoponied a ne assortmentof the latest | oe roa THIRD STREET, toa t : d n recent them duly au- : i | tise it, be levied on owners of real estate. thenticated by [aww for settlement. DESIGNED To UNMASK THR P i FRENCH CREAM | T, PENN wi AID F ZZ... - i s UA MM. ! WILLIAMSPORT, 'EXN A. July 8lst, 1885.61, CATHNINE VANPOOL USURPATION DESFOTISM & CRIMES OR NZ Sheng ane’ Semmes Head, | FOR BALD LEADS AND BARE FACES! Y v BLER Tis he “Inquirer” ndy Curtin. { OF THIS his ; the iw re | . 8. DOEBLER, Proprie‘or fhe “Inquirer ou Audy Outtin: | xX EOUTORS NOTICE Shon ADMINISTRATION: GRAINS OF ALL KINDS, UPMRIRH CORA gl i § SO [7 prea ow ri 5 : % Letters testamentary to the estate And to defend the doctrine of State rights, and of | Which she is prepared to make up and trim in the | ring out a full set o iiskeis on the 2 The Philadelphia Inguirer, ap Abolition of Georgo Warbrich, | B ituti i gals, | | smoothest face, or a five growth of hairon a Bald TTT r—— 8! ch, late of Benner township hay | Constitutional Liberty, as hold by our Revolu~ Ey : | : : : { paper and an unconditional supporter of the | ing been granted to the undersigned, ali persons | tionary Fathers CALL ANC SEF. | latest fashion and at | Head. iv lees than six weeks. and will “in no way | FALLON HOUSE, Sninnt f I 1 a ndebted to the said are requested to muke pay Price. —single numbers, 15 cents Forwarded Aug. 7 1863. | | injure the : kin. The French Cream is manufac. | iniquities of Abraham and his apostles, un- { ments and those having claims against said estate | by mail or express to all parts of the United 00 STO EE I 0 Ww P Ri 0 EB S | tored by Dr. M. Peuatresvs. of Paris, Bus tis | LOCK HAVEN, Po der date July 31st, thus ventilates the patri- will make known the same without delay to States at $1 a year in advance, Any person send~ B ’ | 4 : Rie { the only Jeliable arisls of the _ kind. “Use hex¢ : ie : + . in 5 Julyl7 6¢ BENJ. CORL, Exeouior. ing ten subscribers will receive an additional BeLieronte, Pa, | other.” “Warranted in every case.’ One box will | = otism of Andy Curtin—the soldier's friend ! copy for one ; ear. GEORGE LIVINGSON, Propristor. | BONNETS AND H ATs | othe ok lee 81 1 Imported and for | E W. BIGONY, Prpeictor, ittle a 3 ue be s Th aire . } Ny . AL i | sals Wholesale and Rewil 1b Little did that aslute Journal suppose that | XECUTORS NOTICE wsLettors “iosty. > Te TTT rr * Brok The Undersigned having removed | Bais Sacien THOS F. CHAPMAN Umpibus running to and from the De nt. 118 support would be required so soon in be- E tir be estate of 5 NEW PLOUGHS. Hs Ns Saw Bray pPhosite the | Ajways on Land aud trimmed at the shortest | Chemistand Urnggiet “| Aug. s8ih, 63. mentary on the estate of Simon Segner, The subscribers have secured the sey use, still continues to keep on hand a | i 831 Brodway N.Y | hall of the cluef of “tle gangs, who have in- | jate of Ferguson township, dee'd, having been large assortment of Theological, Classical, Day- | 9 . est i Tight of Centre County to manufacture and sell | h i . " rd { notice, | P. 8. A Box of the Onguent sent to any addres = DS ——— 61te e Sato ' : t : y School, Miscell! 1 tl 2 ) ress . foiled the Siat Capital” who “tickled the fons Knowing “themees Sued, be requests ail por. the J.C. Bidwell no." 7 Contre Leaver Left Hand a rida A pr sacous edie | by return mail, on receipt of price, and 13 oont | Pr EASANT GAP HOTEL, soldiers with honeyed words,” while “his | to make tnmoediare payment, and those having Sloegatuis oo Soutiderud te Lew metal Blank Boks and Satlonny, + Botographs and | SLBATHING i or Hi 03,1 { Hae SANT BAN, a4, ind . : : i ni id est: i nna. : oto; 1 ; al 1 Julyl © ,—1m. i a. nm asi eie minions and followers weye permitted like init alana said estate 10 proven thew duly au. | ¥'glE} 18000 oxAmine it by calling at the Belle. ran Oe po. Daily and “Weekly fs 1H MoRKISON, tetas S$ J t Newspapers. Subscriptions taken for an aper | } Tr Ts TT +} This well k fone Foundry. Cast Steel shares will be fur. jodie yh [pri 3 recutor. fished with the Plough if quien S fun: |. gr periodical J August 14, 1862, Jando. 1945 ff . ’ nown Hotel is now kept by the pre tHe Wepre wait an ths hinrpies Lo deprive them of food.” Hore is CONRAD IL. STRUBLE FB thie record by one of his own phity : in the United States, New publica | Ione in thi most complete mann: r knawp to tha : - prioter, wh | ric Ju ra Vein | 's Cathuartse Pills lows RE rrr ing oe wi 4 BYES Cathartg Pills, {ian xd